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Nycy Cycy F

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Cablu de energie din cupru cu izolatie si manta de Copper power cable with PVC insulation and jacket
PVC si conductor concentric de cupru and concentric copper conductor

Standard de referinta: SR HD 603 S1/3G-2;VDE Standard: SR HD 603 S1/3G-2; VDE 0276/603

0276/603 Rated voltage U0/U: 0.6/1 kV
Tensiune nominala U0/U: 0.6/1 kV Test voltage: 4 kV ac or 12 kV dc, 5 min
Tensiune de incercare: 4 kV ca sau 12 kV cc, 5 min
Domeniul de utilizare Applicability
Cablurile sunt utilizate pentru transportul energiei electrice Power supply to power stations.
la statii de putere. The cables can be installed in open or confined areas,
Cablurile pot fi pozate in spatii inchise si deschise, in underground, in sewers, in concrete.
pamant, in canale, in beton.
Temperatura max in functionarea de durata: +70°C Max.permissible operating temperature: +70ºC
Temperatura maxima de scurt-circuit: +160ºC Max. short-circuit temperature: +160ºC
Temperatura de utilizare normala: -30°C÷+60°C Normal operational temperature range: -30°C÷+60°C
Temperatura minima de montaj: -5°C Minimum temperature during installation : -5°C

* Cablurile sunt cu rezistenta la UV * UV resistant cables

Conductor de cupru Copper conductor

Conductor unifilar (re) cl.1 sau conductor multifilar (rm), Solid conductor (re) cl.1 or concentrically stranded
cl.2, conf. SR EN 60228. conductor (rm) cl.2, according to SR EN 60228.
Izolatia Insulation
Invelis intern Inner sheath
PVC, negru sau gri PVC, black or grey
Conductor concentric + contraspira Concentric conductor + conterhelix
Sarma de cupru + contraspira din banda de Cu Copper wire + copper tape counterhelix
Strat separator Separating layer
Banda poliesterica Polyester tape
Manta Sheath
PVC negru sau gri. PVC, black or grey.
Cablurile CYCY, NYCY sunt cu rezistenta la propagarea CYCY, NYCY are flame retardant cables, test according to
flacarii, incercare conf. SR EN 60332-1-2. SR EN 60332-1-2
Iar CYCY-F, sunt cu rezistenta marita la propagarea CYCY-F, are extra flame retardant cables, test according to
flacarii, incercare conf. SR EN 60332-3-24/ cat.C SR EN 60332-3-24/ C category

Marcaj pe manta Sheath marking

SC ELECTROPLAST SA, simbol cablu, tensiune de lucru, SC ELECTROPLAST SA, cable symbol, operational
an de fabricatie voltage, manufacturing year.

Raza minima de curbura la instalare Min. bending radius at installation

15 x diametrul cablului- cablu monofilar 15 x cable diameter – single-core cable
12 x diametrul cablului- cablu multifilar 12 x cable diameter – multicore cable
Forta maxima de tractiune la pozare Max. tensile strain during installation
15 N/mm2 15 N/mm2
Cod de culori Color coding
 1 conductor: negru  1 conductor: black
 2 conductoare: albastru, maro  2 conductors: blue, brown
 3 conductoare: maro, negru, gri  3 conductors: brown, black, grey
 4 conductoare: albastru, maro, negru, gri  4 conductors: blue, brown, black, grey
 5 conductoare: albastru, maro, negru, gri, negru  5 conductors: blue, brown, black, grey, black
* Mai mult de 5 conductoare: More than 5 conductors:
 conductoare negre numerotate  numbered black conductors
 g/v, conductoare negre numerotate  y/g, others are numbered black conductors

Cablu de energie din cupru cu izolatie si manta de Copper power cable with PVC insulation and jacket
PVC si conductor concentric de cupru and concentric copper conductor

Tipodi- Tip Grosime Grosime Rezistenta Diametru Masa

mensiune conductor radiala radiala electrica exterior inf
cablu izolatie manta max, inf
la 20°C
Cable size Type of Insulation radial Sheath Max. resistance Outer diameter Mass
conductor thickness radial at 20°C inf inf
mm mm Ω/km mm kg/km
1x6/6 re 1.0 1.8 3.08 11.3 225
1x10/10 re 1.0 1.8 1.83 12 312
1x16/16 re 1.0 1.8 1.15 13 430
1x25/25 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727 15.8 630
1x35/35 rm 1.2 1.8 0.524 17.0 815
1x50/50 rm 1.4 1.8 0.387 19.4 1110
1x50/25 rm 1.4 1.8 0.387/0.727 17.1 830
1x70/70 rm 1.4 1.8 0.268 22.2 1550
1x70/35 rm 1.4 1.8 0.268/0.524 19.1 1140
1x95/95 rm 1.6 1.8 0.193 24.8 2040
1x95/50 rm 1.6 1.8 0.193/0.387 22.0 1550
1x120/50 rm 1.6 1.8 0.153/0.387 23.5 1771
1x120/120 rm 1.6 1.8 0.153 26.4 2521
1x150/70 rm 1.8 1.8 0.153/0.268 24.5 2220
1x185/95 rm 2.0 1.9 0.0991/0.193 30.4 2954
1x240/25 rm 2.2 1.9 0.0754/0.727 29.0 2850
1x300/150 rm 2.4 2.0 0.0601/0.124 33.7 4495
2x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 13.5 260
2x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 14.3 315
2x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 16.1 400
2x6/6 re 1.0 1.8 3.08 17.0 470
2x10/10 re 1.0 1.8 1.83 18.7 635
2x16/16 re 1.0 1.8 1.15 20.2 803
2x16/16 rm 1.0 1.8 1.15 21.0 833
2x25/25 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727 26.2 1330
3x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 12.6 232
3x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/7.41 12.8 247
3x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 13.0 347
3x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 13.4 340
3x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 13.8 391
3x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 15.4 450
3x4/16 re 1.0 1.8 4.61/1.15 15.6 483
3x6/6 re 1.0 1.8 3.08 18 550
3x10/10 re 1.0 1.8 1.83 20 740
3x16/16 re 1.0 1.8 1.15 22 1030

Cablu de energie din cupru cu izolatie si manta de Copper power cable with PVC insulation and jacket
PVC si conductor concentric de cupru and concentric copper conductor

Tipodi- Tip Grosime Grosime Rezistenta Diametru Masa

mensiune conductor radiala radiala electrica exterior inf
cablu izolatie manta max, inf
la 20°C
Cable size Type of Insulation radial Sheath Max. resistance Outer diameter Mass
conductor thickness radial at 20°C inf inf
mm mm Ω/km mm kg/km
3x25/25 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727 28 1585
3x25/16 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727/1.15 27 1508
3x35/35 rm 1.2 1.8 0.524 29 2050
3x35/16 rm 1.2 1.8 0.524/1.15 28 1930
3x50/50 sm 1.4 1.9 0.387 30 2100
3x50/25 sm 1.4 1.9 0.387/0.727 29 1877
3x70/70 sm 1.4 1.9 0.268 36 3190
3x70/35 sm 1.4 2.0 0.268/0.524 35 2850
3x95/95 sm 1.6 2.2 0.193 39 4300
3x95/50 sm 1.6 2.2 0.193/0.387 38 3900
3x120/70 sm 1.6 2.2 0.153/0.268 39.4 4674
3x150/70 sm 1.8 2.4 0.124/0.268 43.6 5594
4x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 13.5 318
4x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 13.9 385
4x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 14.6 390
4x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 14.9 457
4x2.5/35 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/0.524 16.8 650
4x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 17.6 520
4x6/6 re 1.0 1.8 3.08 19.0 640
4x10/10 re 1.0 1.8 1.83 21 875
4x16/16 re 1.0 1.8 1.15 25.0 1230
4x25/25 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727 30.0 1910
4x25/16 rm 1.2 1.8 0.727/1.15 29.7 1830
4x35/35 rm 1.2 1.8 0.524 33.2 2500
4x35/16 rm 1.2 1.8 0.524/1.15 32.7 2350
4x50/50 sm 1.4 2.0 0.387 32.6 2890
4x50/25 sm 1.4 2.0 0.387/0.727 31.2 2640
4x70/70 sm 1.4 2.1 0.268 37.0 4985
4x70/35 sm 1.4 2.1 0.268/0.524 35.6 3630
4x95/95 sm 1.6 2.3 0.193 42.0 5400
4x95/50 sm 1.6 2.3 0.193/0.387 40.4 4950
4x120/70 sm 1.6 2.4 0.153/0.268 44.9 5985
5x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 14.4 321
5x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 14.6 338
5x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 14.7 423
5x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 15.4 396

Cablu de energie din cupru cu izolatie si manta de Copper power cable with PVC insulation and jacket
PVC si conductor concentric de cupru and concentric copper conductor

Tipodi- Tip Grosime Grosime Rezistenta Diametru Masa

mensiune conductor radiala radiala electrica exterior inf
cablu izolatie manta max, inf
la 20°C
Cable size Type of Insulation radial Sheath Max. resistance Outer diameter Mass
conductor thickness radial at 20°C inf inf
mm mm Ω/km mm kg/km
5x2.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/4.61 15.6 409
5x2.5/35 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/0.524 18.7 705
5x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 19.4 620
6x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 20.5 600
8x4/4 re 1.0 1.8 4.61 24.0 710
10x4/6 re 1.0 1.8 4.61/3.08 24.9 910
12x4/6 re 1.0 1.8 4.61/3.08 25.6 1025
5x6/6 re 1.0 1.8 3.08 20.5 735
5x10/10 re 1.0 1.8 1.83 22.5 1038
5x16/16 re 1.0 1.8 1.15 25.7 1450
5x25/25 rm 1.2 1.9 0.727 32.2 2190
6x1.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/7.41 16.5 400
6x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 17.7 510
7x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 15.4 328
7x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 15.4 341
7x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 15.7 448
7x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 16.9 460
7x2.5/35 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/0.524 18.8 736
8x2.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/4.61 20.2 560
8x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/7.41 18.7 494
9x1.5/1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 18.5 430
9x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 20.1 550
10x1.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/7.41 18.3 455
10x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 18.3 467
10x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 18.7 552
10x2.5/2.5 re 0.8 1.8 7.41 20.3 600
10x2.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/4.61 21.3 650
12x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 18.8 493
12x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 19.1 604
12x2.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/4.61 20.3 631
12x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 20.7 739
14x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 19.5 546
14x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 19.9 654
14x2.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/4.69 21.2 705
14x2.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/3.08 21.4 728
14x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 22.7 813

Cablu de energie din cupru cu izolatie si manta de Copper power cable with PVC insulation and jacket
PVC si conductor concentric de cupru and concentric copper conductor

Tipodi- Tip Grosime Grosime Rezistenta Diametru Masa

mensiune conductor radiala radiala electrica exterior inf
cablu izolatie manta max, inf
la 20°C
Cable size Type of Insulation radial Sheath Max. resistance Outer diameter Mass
conductor thickness radial at 20°C inf inf
mm mm Ω/km mm kg/km
14x2.5/35 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/0.524 23.5 998
16x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 20.4 600
16x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 20.8 712
16x2.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/3.08 23.7 895
19x1.5/4 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/4.61 21.3 676
19x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/1.15 21.7 784
19x2.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/3.08 23.4 909
19x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 23.5 994
21x1.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/3.08 22.4 754
21x1.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/3.08 22.6 839
21x2.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/3.08 26.7 1060
24x1.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 12.1/3.08 25.6 1040
24x2.5/6 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/3.08 26.5 1106
24x2.5/10 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.83 26.7 1145
24x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.8 7.41/1.15 26.8 1194
30x2.5/10 re 0.8 1.9 7.41/1.83 28.3 1364
30x2.5/16 re 0.8 1.9 7.41/1.15 28.4 1413

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