Efficiency Improvement of Flat Plate Solar Collector Using Reflector

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Bhowmik, Himangshu; Amin, Ruhul

Efficiency improvement of flat plate solar collector
using reflector

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Suggested Citation: Bhowmik, Himangshu; Amin, Ruhul (2017) : Efficiency improvement of flat
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Vol. 3, pp. 119-123,

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Energy Reports 3 (2017) 119–123

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Efficiency improvement of flat plate solar collector using reflector

Himangshu Bhowmik a, *, Ruhul Amin b
Dhofar University, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, College of Engineering, Salalah, Oman
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gazipur, Bangladesh

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Solar collectors are the main components of a solar heating system. The collectors collect the sun’s energy,
Received 20 December 2016 transform this radiation into heat, and then transfer this heat into a fluid, water or air, which has many
Received in revised form 17 July 2017 household or industrial applications. This paper introduces a new technology to improve the performance
Accepted 16 August 2017
of the solar thermal collectors. The solar reflector used here with the solar collector to increase the reflec-
Available online 1 September 2017
tivity of the collector. Thus, the reflector concentrates both direct and diffuse radiation of the sun toward
the collector. To maximize the intensity of incident radiation, the reflector was allowed to change its
Solar energy angle with daytime. The radiations coming from the sun’s energy were converted into heat, and then this
Solar water heating system heat was transferred to the collector fluid, water. A prototype of a solar water heating system was con-
Flat plate collector structed and obtained the improvement of the collector efficiency around 10% by using the reflector. Thus,
Reflector the present solar water heating systems having the best thermal performance compared to the available
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction little maintenance and can collect both direct and diffuse radiation.
Sivakumar et al. (2012) and Vijay et al. (2013) were reviewed var-
In order to develop a poverty free world, energy security for all ious types of flat plate solar collectors with various applications.
sectors must be ensured. As the conventional sources of energy They also discussed the design parameters, construction, arrange-
are limited and cannot meet the increasing need of the common ment, and sizing of various solar collectors and their performances.
people, wide dissemination of renewable energy technologies is Prasad et al. (2010) classified solar collectors into two types:
the only way out. The solar energy which is coming from the sun in water-type (hydronic), used water as the heat transfer fluid, and
the form of solar radiation can be an alternative source of energy. air-type used air as the heat transfer fluid. It was noted that air-type
When this radiation falls on an absorbing surface, the surface having the low heat transfer coefficient and low thermal efficiency
was employed water-type collector for high thermal performance.
absorbs heat and this heat is used as a source of heating water. This
A combined system of solar water heater with circulating water
heated water is used for many purposes; sometimes for producing
through the aluminum tube was designed and tested by Mon-
steam that used in domestic and industrial applications. Again, this
gre and Gupta (2013). The efficiency was increased by 55% by
water can be used in water pipelines or tanks to protect them
increasing the glazing area. Weitbrecht et al. (2002) performed
from freezing in winter. Due to increasing demand for energy
an experimental study in a water solar flat plate collector with
and rising cost of fossil type fuels (i.e., gas or oil) solar energy is laminar flow conditions and observed the distribution of flow
becoming an important source of renewable energy. Solar water through the collector. The higher collector efficiency factor was
heating systems are the cheapest and consume about 20% of the observed at a higher rate of water flow. Duffie and Beckman (1991)
total energy consumption of a family (Shelke et al. 2015). observed the thermal performance of a direct solar domestic hot
Considering the heating requirements and environmental con- water system operated under several controlled strategies. Wang
ditions three types of solar thermal collectors are employed, such and Wu (1990) investigated with several collectors connected in
as flat plate collector, evacuated tube solar collector and concen- parallel to interpret a single collector. The efficiency was calculated
trated solar collector. Due to the simplicity of design, the flat plate using the simulation program SOLEFF, for flat plate solar collectors
collectors are extensively used for water heating. It requires very (Rasmussen and Svendsen, 1996). To obtain the highest solar in-
tensity on the collector, in summer, the inclination angle of the
reflector was maintained at 45◦ with respect to the horizontal axis
*Correspondence to: Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
College of Engineering, Dhofar University, PO Box: 2509, PC: 211, Salalah, Oman. (Tabaei and Ameri, 2015).
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] It is observed from the literature review that various studies
(H. Bhowmik). were available for the improvement of the performance of solar

2352-4847/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
120 H. Bhowmik, R. Amin / Energy Reports 3 (2017) 119–123

5◦ in 10 min. To supply water to the collector, a water reservoir of

Nomenclature 25 l capacity was placed 5 ft above the collector. The photography
of the combined system is shown in Fig. 1(b). The experiments
Ac Collector Area, m2 were performed, with or without using reflectors to analyze the
cp Specific heat capacity, kJ/kg K change of efficiency for the two conditions.
I Radiation intensity of collector, W/m2
m Mass flow rate, kg/s 2.2. Experimental procedure
Tiw Inlet water temperature, ◦ C
Tow Outlet water temperature, ◦ C The experiments were conducted at Dhaka University of En-
Qw Heat absorbed by water, W gineering and Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh campus (Coordi-
∆T Temperature Different, (Tow − Tiw ), K nates: 24◦ 00′ N 90◦ 26′ E/24.00◦ N 90.43◦ E) on January 2015. The col-
lector was faced toward the sun and changed its position with time
Greek symbols or the position of sun. However, the system was tested in several
η Efficiency times in a day and the collector was changed its position with the
ρ Density of water, 1000 kg/m3 position of the sun in a day. It was assumed that the heat transfers
λ Wavelength and fluid flow rates were in steady-state condition and the uniform
solar heat gains throughout the collector. The experiments were
Subscripts conducted to study the performance of the solar thermal collector
with the reflector and without the reflector. A solar energy collec-
iw Inlet water tor is used to collect direct radiant energy having parallel paths and
ow Outlet water diffused radiant energy from the sun. The maximum concentration
w Water of solar energy collector collects diffuse and direct solar radiation.
A reflector focuses direct radiation onto a first or movable collector,
as in Fig. 1(a) and reflects a substantial portion of the diffused
radiation onto the flat plate collector positioned near the focus of
collectors. No studies were found based on the improvement of
the reflector.
collector efficiency by using the rectangular solar reflector. In fact,
The flat plate collector was oriented in such a way that it re-
this type of thermal collector suffers from the heat losses due to
ceived both direct and diffuse radiation during the daytime. When
conduction, convection, and radiation, and these losses increase
the sun was at angle 30◦ S to the collector, the tilt angle of the left
with the temperature of the working fluid (Vishal et al., 2015).
reflector was set at an angle 60◦ , and the right reflector was set at
Again, the efficiency of the collector is directly proportional to
an angle 30◦ , so that the incident and reflection of sunlight was at
the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the
30◦ , shown in Fig. 1(a). The author does not want to claim that this
collector. However, realizing the potentiality of this issue, to im-
angle is the best choice for the whole year, but results show that at
prove the performance of the flat plate collector, a prototype solar
this incline angle maximum reflected light can fall on the collector
heating system (collector) is designed and constructed to improve
that leads to increasing the transfer of heat to the water that flows
the performance of the system. The reflector is introduced here
through the collector. In fact, the inclination angles affect strongly
to concentrate both the direct and diffuse radiation of the sun
on the heat transfer rate of flat plate solar collectors (Sarkar, 2013),
on the collector, which will increase the temperature difference
and Tabaei and Ameri (2015) also noted the maximum collector
between the inlet and outlet water flow through the collector. To
efficiency at an inclination angle of 45◦ from the horizontal surface.
observe the improvement of performance, the collector efficiency
The water flows due to gravity from the reservoir; the volume
for two conditions, with or without using reflector is obtained
flow rate of water was measured by rotometer, and was selected
in this analysis. The results are also compared with the results
as 0.1 l/min and 0.2 l/min, with the accuracy of 0.005 litters.
available in the literature.
The mass flow rate of water was calculated by multiplying the
volume flow rate and the density of water. The collector inlet and
2. Experimental set-up and procedures outlet water temperatures were measured by a thermometer with
a precision of 0.5 ◦ C. The ambient temperature was recorded as
2.1. Experimental set-up 23 ◦ C. The collector and reflector surface area were selected as
1.05 m2 and 1.85 m2 , respectively. The solar intensity was taken as
To carry out the experimental analysis, the flat plate solar 430 W/m2 (Bhuiyan, 2013), for global solar radiation for Gazipur,
thermal collector was made of an iron plate, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Bangladesh. The reflectivity of mirror glass was taken as 0.9 and
The collector was designed in such a way that fluid can flows assumes that the incident radiation on the collector surface was
from inlet to outlet at constant flow rate, and with a parallel flow around 70%, and the total intensity factor for the reflector surface
pattern. The collector was designed in such a way that fluid can was calculated as 0.63 or 0.9×0.7 (Bhuiyan, 2013). The total heat
flows from inlet to outlet at constant flow rate, and with a parallel absorbed by collector and the collector efficiency were calculated
flow pattern, shown in Fig. 1(a). The absorber plate of the collec- by, Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively.
tor was painted black and was covered with a transparent glass
of thickness 4 mm to absorb the maximum amount of incident 2.3. Handling of experimental data
radiation. To decrease the heat loss by conduction through the
absorber plate, glass wool of thickness 5 cm was used to insulate The heat absorbed by water in the collector, and the efficiency
the underneath of the collector. The rectangular flat plate solar of the collector can be calculated from the equations suggested
reflector generally consists of two pieces of mirror or mercury by Sivakumar et al. (2012), Rai (2005) and Sukhatme and Nayak
glass that were mounted on both sides of the collector, as shown (2008).
in Fig. 1(a). The reflector was mounted in such a way that it can The heat energy from sun is converted into thermal energy of
change its position with the position of the sun. In fact, the earth water in the collector as
moves one revolution about its axis in every 24 h, gives a rotation
of about 15◦ in 1 h, that means the solar ray deviates around 2. Qw = mcp (∆T ) = mcp (Tow − Tiw ) (1)
H. Bhowmik, R. Amin / Energy Reports 3 (2017) 119–123 121

Fig. 1(a). Schematic view of the flat plate collector with reflector.

in a day. As the solar rays always strike it perpendicularly, the

solar radiation losses or the reflection of energy from the collector
surface will be decreased, and the efficiency of a solar system will
be maximized. The collector was covered by a transparent, smooth
glass, which has a higher solar radiation transmissivity. However,
the radiation emitted by the absorber plate of the collector cannot
escape through the glass, thus increasing its temperature. The
reflector on the other hand made of a planar mirror/solar mirror,
used here to achieve a concentrated solar heat on the collector
surface. All these issues help to get highest solar heat on the
collector surface. This heat was absorbed by the water when flows
steadily over the collector surface. The maximum water temper-
ature was recorded at around 12:30 p.m. Fig. 2 shows the half-
hourly temperature variation in a sunny day of 16th January 2015.
The figure shows the variation of collector water temperature, with
or without the reflector. It is observed in Fig. 2, the maximum water
temperature at 12:00 p.m. and the steady variation of tempera-
ture during the morning time from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. In fact,
Fig. 1(b). Photography of the combined system.
at around 12:30 p.m. when there was a high solar intensity of
around 430 W/m2 , the maximum temperature of the outlet water
of the collector with reflector and without reflector was achieved
as 50 ◦ C, and 47 ◦ C, respectively. The results obtained by Sivakumar
et al. (2012) at Tiruchirappalli (longitude 78◦ 43′ , latitude 10◦ 46′ )
∑ are also plotted with the present data, in the same Fig. 2, showing
Total heat absorbed by the collector = Ac × I . (2)
favorable agreement with similar slopes. The higher temperature
The collector efficiency as value of around 10 ◦ C was achieved during 12:30–1400 p.m. The
∑ difference between the reference graph and the present experi-
η = Qw / Ac × I . (3) mental graph occur because of the different solar intensity and also
for the different collector surface area. Sivakumar et al. (2012) also
recorded the solar intensity, 950 W/m2 at 11:00 a.m. Thus, it is
2.4. Experimental uncertainty analyses ensured that the present experimental setup is good enough for
further analyses.
The uncertainty associated with temperature and water flow Fig. 3 also shows the half-hourly temperature variation of the
rate measurement technique was measured with the policy of collector on 18th January 2015. The similar variation as of Fig. 2,
uncertainty (Jong et al., 1993). Heat loss through the absorber plate is observed, but a slight variation of outlet water temperatures is
was minimized by the design of the equipment and assumed to be noticed, as 52 ◦ C for the collector with reflector and 48 ◦ C for col-
unaffected by the conduction and radiation. The uncertainty of the lector without the reflector. However, it is observed that collector
temperature measurements was calculated and found to be less with reflector always produces a higher water temperature than
than 1% that provides the uncertainties of Qw , η were about 2.0%, that of collector without the reflector.
and 3.5%, respectively. These values were based on the assumption To analyze the effect of flow rate, the experiments were con-
of negligible uncertainty in the relevant thermophysical proper- ducted at different flow rates of 0.1 lpm and 0.2 lpm and the
ties. variation of outlet temperature at different flow rates is shown in
Fig. 4. It is observed that at 0.1 lpm and at 0.2 lpm the maximum
3. Results and analyses temperatures of about 49 ◦ C and 38 ◦ C, respectively. It is also seen
in Fig. 4 that the outlet temperature decreases with increasing the
The system was tested in several times in a day and the po- volume flow rate of water. However, the recorded data can be used
sition of the collector was changed with the position of the sun for the calculation of collector efficiency according to Eq. (3).
122 H. Bhowmik, R. Amin / Energy Reports 3 (2017) 119–123

Fig. 2. The variation of outlet temperature with solar time on 16th January 2015.
Fig. 5. The variation of collector efficiency with solar time on 16th January 2015.

Fig. 3. The variation of outlet temperature with solar time on 18th January 2015.

Fig. 6. The variation of collector efficiency with solar time on 18th January 2015.

Fig. 4. The variation of outlet temperature with solar time on 18th January 2015. Fig. 7. The variation of collector efficiency at different flow rates on 18th January

Figs. 5 and 6, show the variation of collector efficiency with

hourly time, and Fig. 7 shows the variation of collector efficiency at flow rate, because at a high flow rate; the water does not get
different flow rates of water. It is seen, the collector efficiency on enough time to absorb heat from the collector.
16th and 18th January is maximum at around 12:00 p.m. to 13:00
p.m. Due to the similar reason, at this time the intensity of the light 4. Practical significance
was maximum and the collector absorbed more heat. The variation
of efficiency of Sivakumar et al. (2012) is also presented in the This analysis introduces a technique to use the solar energy
same Fig. 5, showing favorable agreement with 15% discrepancy technology effectively that can reduce the consumption of elec-
trical energy for water heating purpose. This system can be used
with that of the present results. The maximum collector efficiency
as a renewable energy source in regions where abundant sunlight
without reflector is obtained around 51% and with reflector is
is available. However, the uses of renewable energy sources (solar
around 61%. Thus, the presence of reflector increases the collector
energy) have a large potential to mitigate the climate change
efficiency of around 10%. The solar collector efficiency of around impacts by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from
55% to 60%, was also obtained by Hematian et al. (2012), Sarkar the combustion of fossil fuels.
(2013) and Sivakumar et al. (2012) by using different methods of
improving the collector efficiency. Finally, it can be concluded that 5. Conclusions
the present solar collector with the reflector is performed better
than that of solar collector without the reflector. From Fig. 7, it is A prototype of a flat plate collector with or without reflector
also noted that the collector efficiency decreases with increasing was constructed and tested at Gazipur, Bangladesh (Coordinates:
H. Bhowmik, R. Amin / Energy Reports 3 (2017) 119–123 123

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