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Four Corners 2 - Unit 9

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9 People


Expressing Personality Reading:"A Different
Was/ were born; certainty adjectives Kind of Banker"
past of be
Expressing Simple past; ago Writing: A
uncertainty biography

A Match the people and the things they

Which ofthe people in Part

A would you like to

are famous for. Check

your answers on page 94.

Where was he born?

1 Vocabulary Careers
A Match the words and the pictures. Then listen and check your answers.

a astronaut e director g politician

b athlete d designer fexplorer h scientist

5 6 7 8

B PAIRWORK Give an example of a famous person for each category.

Guillermo del Toro is a famous director"

2 Language in context Famous firsts

A Read about these famous firsts. Which famous first happened first?

Emilio Palma was born at The first person on Junko Tabei was the Venus and Serena
Argentina's Esperanza Base the moon in 1969 was first woman to climb Williams are great
in Antarctica in 1978. He American astronaut Neil Mt. Everestin 1975. She athletes. They were
was the first person born Armstrong. He was on the was also the first woman the first sisters to win
on the continent. moon for only two anda toclimb the highest Wimbledon in 2000.
half hours. mountains on all severn

B Which people from Part A would you like to meet? What question would you ask themn?


3 Grammar 0 Was/ were born, past of be

Where was Emilio Palma born?
How long was Neil Armstrong on the moon?
He was born in Antarctica.
He was there for two and a half hours.
He wasn't born in
Argentina. He wasn't there for very long.
Where were Venus and Serena born? Where were his parents from?
They were born in the U.S.
They were from Argentina.
They weren't born in Canada. They weren't from Antarctica.
Was he born in Antarctica?
Were they Wimbledon champions in 2000?
Yes, he was No, he wasn't. Yes, they were. No, they weren't.

A Complete the sentences with the correct past form of be. Then compare
with a partner.
1 Coco Chanel an amazing French designer.
2 Albert Einstein. . born in Germany.
3 Alfred Hitchcock a great director.
4 Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo born in Mexico.
5 Mozart and Beethoven. famous composers.

B Correct the false sentences. Then compare with a partner.

1 Ronald Reagan was a British politician. (American)

Hewasn'ta British politician.He was an American politician.

2 Zheng He was an early Chinese scientist. (explorer)

3 Artist Vincent van Gogh was born in the 20th century. (19th century)

4 Gianni Versace and Yves Saint Laurent were explorers. (designers)

5 Venus and Serena Williams were born in the late 1970s. (early 1980s)

4 Speaking Famous people

GROUP WORK person from the past. Your group asks
Choose a

questions and guesses the person's name. Take turns.

A: He was from Mexico. He was a politician.

B:1s it... ?
A: No, sorry. He was born in the 19th century.

C:I think I know. Is it Benito Juárez?

5 Keep talking!
Student Ago to page 141 and Student B go to page 145 for more practice.

I can ask and talk about people from the past. 87

unit 9 Lesson A

From the past

Student A

A PAIR WORK You and your partner have

information on six famous people from the past, but
some information is missing. Ask these
questions and complete the information.
Where was...born? When was...born?
What did...do? Why was...famous?

Name George Washington Frida Kahlo Charlie Chaplin

Place of birth the U.S. Mexico England
Date of birth February 22, 1732 July 6, 1907
What did painter actor and director

Why famous He was the first president She was very He was in a lot of funny

of the U.S. and her artwas. black-and-white movies.

Marie Curie Yuri Gagarin

Name Jesse Owens

Place of birth the U.S. Russia

September 12, 1913 November 7, 1867 March 9, 1934

Date of birth
scientist astronaut
What did athlete
She was the first person to He was the first person in
Why famous He was the first American

to win. gold win two Nobel prizes.

in track and

field in one Olympics.

What similarities can you find between these famous

BPAIR WORK Look at the information.
people and other famous people you

Keep talking!
unit 9 Lesson A

From the Past

Student B

A PAIR WORK You and your partner have information about six famous people from the past, but
some information is missing. Ask these questions and complete the information.
Where was...born? When was...born?
What did...do? Why was... famous?

Name George Washington Frida Kahlo Charlie Chaplin

Place of birth the U.S. England
Date of birth February 22, 1732 July 6, 1907 April 16, 1889

What did politician painter actor and director

He was the first . She was very creative, and her He was in a lot of .
Why famous
ofthe. art was very interesting. black-and-white

Marie Curie Yuri Gagarin

Name Jesse Owens
Poland Russia
Place of birth the U.S
November 7, 1867 March 9, 1934
Date of birth
What did athlete
She was the first person He was the first person
Why famous He was the first American to
in space.
win four gold medals in track
and field in one Olympics

can you find between

these famous
What similarities
BPAIR WORK Look at the information.
people and other famous people you

Keep talking!
BI'm not sure, but I think...
Interactions Certainty and uncertainty
A Look at the pictures. Where are the people? What are they doing?
L i s t e n to the conversation. Does Mike know the answer to both questions? Then practice the conversation.

Mike Let's go over more questions before our test Jenny Correct! This one's more difficult. Who was
tomorrow. Plato's teacher?
Jenny 0K. What was the original of New York
name City? Mike I'm not sure, but I think it was Aristotle.
Mike It was New Amsterdam.
Jenny Actually, Aristotle was Plato's student. Socrates
Are you sure? was his teacher.
Mike I'm positive. Mike Oh, right.
COListen to the expressions. The practice the conversation again with the new expressions.
Expressing certainty
I'm positive. T'm certain. (P'm sure.

Expressing uncertainty
I'm not sure, but I think... 'm not certain, but I think...
'm not positive, but Ithink.. .

D Circle the answer you think is correct. Practice with a partner and use
expressions from Part C. Then check your
answers on page 94.

1 Barack Obama was president of the U.S. / U.K.

2 Mozart was born in the 16th /17th/18th century.
3 Neymar da Silva Santos, Jr's first soccer team was Barcelona/ Paris Saint-Germain/ Santos.
4 Che Guevara was born in Bolivia / Argentina /Cuba.
5 The 2016
Olympics were in Sochi/Rio /Sydney.
A: Barack Obama was the president of the U.S.
B: Are you sure?
A: I'm p0sitive.

2 Listening Sorry, that's not right.

A Do you know the answers to these
questions? Write your guesses in the first column.
Your guess Player's guess
1 Where were the 2016
Who wasthe winner of the 2014 World
3 In what century was Pablo
Picasso born?
4 Who was the author of the play Hamlet?
5 How long was Barack Obama president of the U.S.?

B Listen to
four friends play a board game. Write the players' guesses in the second column.

COListen again. Check() the players' guesses

that are correct.
3 Speaking Do you know?
A PAIRWORK Look at the pictures and the categories. Add another category. Then write two
questions for each category. Be sure you know the answers!

Actors and actresses Athletes

Singers and musicians

B GROUPwORK Ask your questions. Use expressions of certainty or uncertainty in the answers.

A: Where was Brad Pitt born?

born in.
B:Tm not sure, but Ithink he was
A: How old is he?


express certainty and uncertainty. 89

C People I admire
1 Vocabulary Personality adjectives
A M a t c h the words in the paragraphs and the definitions. Then listen and check your answers.

I admire U.S. President Abraham Nobel Prize in Literature winner Bono is atalented musician, but
Lincoln. He was honest' as a lawyer Kazuo Ishiguro is very passionate he's also a caring' person. I admire
and often worked for free. He about his writing. He's very him for his fight against world
brave? andkept poverty. He's very determined,
was the
country intelligent, and I really admire
together during war. He was a very his novels. and he's helping a lot of poor
inspiring person. people.
Jin Ju -Celia -Mark

very good at something making other people want to do something

1 open, telling the truth able to understand things quickly and easily
not afraid of anything trying everything possible to do something
nice to other people showing a strong feeling about something

B PAIRWORK What other personality adjectives can you think of? Discuss your ideas.

2 Conversation I really admire him.

A OListen and practice.
Paul Did you finish your report, Emma?
Emma Yeah, Idid. I finished it two days ago.
Paul Good for you! So who did you write about?
Emma Jacques Cousteau. I really admire him.
Paul I don't think I know him. What did he do?
Emma A lot! He was a French scientist and explorer.
He loved nature and studied the sea. He made
documentaries and wrote books about the world's
oceans. He won a lot of prizes for his work.

Paul Wow! He sounds like an inspiring guy.

Emma He was. He was really passionate about his work.

B Listen to the rest ofthe conversation. When did

Jacques Cousteau die?

unit 9

3 Grammar O Simple past, ago

Who did you write about? Period of time + ago
I wrote about Jacques Cousteau. Ifinished the report two days ago.
I didn't write about his son. Iresearched it a week ago.
What did he do? saw a documentary four years ago.
He made documentaries. He died a long time ago.

Did you finish your report?

Yes,Idid. No,I didn't.

A Complete the conversation with the simple past form of the verbs.
Then practice with a partner.
A Why you- (decide) to write about
Serena Williams for your report?
BWell, (want) to write about an athlete. And Ithink she's
very inspiring. In 2008, she (start) the Serena Williams
Foundation. It builds schools. Then in 2010, she (write)
the book My Life: Queen of the Court.
What else did she do?
B Well, in 2016, she . (dance) in her friend Beyoncé's video.
In September 2017, she- (have) a baby girl!

B PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about when Serena Williams did these
things. Use ago in the answers.

have a baby dance in a video start a foundation write a b0ok

4 Pronunciation Simple past -ed endings

Listen and repeat. Notice the different ways the past simple endings are pronounced.

/d/ /id/
played admired wanted created

5 Speaking What did they do?

know. What did the people do?
GROUP WORK Use the adjectives to describe people you
honest intelligent talented
brave caring
brave. She traveled alone in Canada and
"My sister Megumi is very

6 Keep Talking
Go to page 146 for more practice

Ican describe people I admire.
un9esson C
What an inspiring person!
A Think of three people you admire. Use the categories below or think of your own.
Then complete the chart.

an athlete a musician a writer an artist a scientist

a politician an actor/actress a business leader a family member a teacher

Name Why Notes


B GROUP WORK Share your ideas. Ask and answer questions for more information.
A:I really admire Sergey Brin and Larry Page. They started Google
B:Why do you admire them?
A: Well, I think they're both talented and intelligent
C: Doyou think theyre also..?
C Is there a famous person who you don't admire? Why not?

Keep talking!
Making a difference
1 Reading o
A Read the biography. How did Dr. Muhammad Yunus make a difference?
a He won the Nobel Peace Prize. b He helped the poor. c He studied economics.



his studies. He returned home to Bangladesh in 1972
and started teaching again.
One day in 1976, Yunus visited a poor village in
his home country. There he met some women who
wanted to make furniture, but they didn't have enough
money. He decided to help them and gave them $27
of his own money.
They made and sold the furniture, made a profit,
and then returned the money to Dr. Yunus. At that
point, he saw how very little money could help a lot.
He decided to help poor people. A bank loaned him
the money. In 1983, Yunus started Grameen Bank.
This bank loans money to poor people. Dr. Yunus and
Grameen Bank received the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize
for their work with the poor.
in 2009, the bank had 7.95 milion customers, and
97% of these customers were women. The success
Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a banker and economist, was of the bank inspired other people in many different
born in Bangladesh in 1940. He studied economics at countries to start similar banks. Yunus once said,
Dhaka University in Bangladesh. He taught for a few "Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the
years and then went to the United States to continue absolutely poor."

B Number these events from Dr. Yunus's life from 1 to 8.

He returned to Bangladesh. He studied at Dhaka University.
He was born in 1940. He gave money to some women in 1976.
He started the Grameen Bank. He won the Nobel Peace Prize.
He inspired other people.
Hestudied in the United States.
C Read the biography again. Find the words in bold, and check ( ) the correct meaning.

1 Avillage is:
J a very small town a big place where a lot of people live
2 If you made a profit, you:

lost money made money

3 If someone loaned you money, you:
gave back the money kept the money

4 A conventional bank is:

usual unusual
D PAIRWORK How would you describe Dr. Yunus? Tell your partner.

2 Writing A
A PAIRWORK Discuss famous
people who made a big difference in people's lives. Answer the questio
What are their names?
What did they do?
What do you know about their
lives? How did they make a difference?
BWrite a short biography about a famous person who made a difference.
Part A to help you. Use the model and the answers in

José Antonio Abreu

José Antonio Abreu is a Venezuelan economist. He is als0 a
talented musician. In 1975, he started a music school for
poor children. He wated to help these children and Nas
determined to change their lives with musie. Today, children
all over Venezuela are playjng in orchestras.

C GROUP WORK Share your writing. Who do you think made the biggest difference?

3 Listening Life lessons

A Listen to three people describe the peoplewho made a difference in their lives. Check () the qualities
they use to describe those people.

Qualities What did the people teach them?

caringg intelligent a. how to sing

talented creative b. to be a musician

2 generous a. never to quit

honest determined b. how to play soccer

3 determined honest a. how to teach English

b. the qualities of a good teacher
caring inspiring
B Listen again. What did the peopleteach them? Circle the correct answers.

In my life
GROUP WORK Tell your group about a person who made a difference in your life. Use the questions below

and your own ideas.

What did he or she do?
How do you know this person?
What did he or she teach you? How would you describe him or her?

A: My aunt made a difference in my life

B:Oh, yeah? Why?

A: She taught me to think of other people

I can describe people who made a difference. 93

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Brainstorm
Make a list of careers. How many do you know? You have two minutes.

Lesson B Guess
Say the name of a famous person. Does your partner know where he or she was born?

Take turns. You have two minutes.

A: Albert Einstein. B:Oprah Winfrey.

B: He was born in Germany. A:I'm not sure, but I think she was born
A: Are you sure? in Mississippi.
B: Im positive.

Lesson C Testyourpartner!
Say six verbs. Can your partner write the simple past form of the verbs correctly?
Check his or her answers. Take turns. You and your partner have two minutes.

Lesson D Find out!

Who are two people both you and your partner think made a difference in the world?
What qualities do they have? Take turns. You and your partner have two minutes.

A: I think Nelson Mandela made a difference.

B: Me, too. He was determined and inspiring.
A: Yes, he was.

2 In the real world

Who do you admire? Go online and find five things that he or she did
that you think are interesting. Then write about this person.

Shery Sandberg
I admire Sheryl Sandberg. She is the Chief
Operating Officer of Facebook. She's a great
businessperson. She also helps a lot of women
and children . .

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