International Journal of Multiphase Flow: S.A. Hashemi, A. Sadighian, S.I.A. Shah, R.S. Sanders
International Journal of Multiphase Flow: S.A. Hashemi, A. Sadighian, S.I.A. Shah, R.S. Sanders
International Journal of Multiphase Flow: S.A. Hashemi, A. Sadighian, S.I.A. Shah, R.S. Sanders
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Solid velocity and concentration fluctuations were measured for concentrated sand-water mixtures
Received 13 January 2013 (20–35% solid by volume) in horizontal pipe flow using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). Narrowly
Received in revised form 11 May 2014 sized sand (d50 = 100 lm) was used to prepare each slurry tested in a 52 mm (i.d.) horizontal pipe loop at
Accepted 26 June 2014
mixture velocities (2–5 m/s) that were significantly above the deposition velocity. The EIT measurements
Available online 10 July 2014
were used to obtain solid velocity and concentration fluctuation maps. Results show that the magnitude
of the local solid concentration fluctuations is greater near the pipe wall and increases as the mixture
velocity increases. Additionally, the concentration fluctuations are greater near the pipe invert, particu-
Solid–liquid flow
Electrical impedance tomography
larly at lower mixture velocities and/or concentrations where the solid concentration profiles are asym-
Concentration fluctuations metric. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method was employed to study the power spectral density of
these fluctuations. This analysis indicates that concentration fluctuations are produced almost entirely
by particle–fluid turbulence interactions, rather than through particle–particle or particle–wall interac-
tions. Comparison of the particle diameter with the characteristic turbulent length scales shows that
the particles interact with turbulent eddies in the dissipative range, which is in accordance with the
power spectral density analysis. The findings presented here are consistent with previous studies of
fluidized beds and gravity-driven flows.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0301-9322/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61 47
the magnitude of the fluctuations increasing with increasing for slurry flow applications (Dyakowski et al., 2000; Graham et al.,
Stokes number. This was in accord with their previous findings; 2002; Pachowko et al., 2003). Numerous studies have been con-
that is, high frequency fluctuations are mainly due to direct ducted where electrical tomography techniques are used on
collisions and the power of an immersed collision increased as fluid-particle systems, such as pneumatic conveying of granular
the Stokes number increased (Zenit and Hunt, 1999). They con- solids (Zhu et al., 2003; Azzopardi et al., 2008), flow distribution
cluded that the Buyevich and Kapbasov (1994) model relates to and velocity measurement in a fixed bed reactor (Bolton et al.,
the condition where Stokes number tends to infinity. 2004), hydraulic conveying of materials (Fangary et al., 1998),
Picciotto et al. (2005) studied the interactions between a dis- and fluidization (Azzi et al., 2010). However, only a very limited
persed solid and fluid turbulence in a turbulent channel flow. They number of studies directly related to electrical tomography and
noted that interaction between particles and coherent turbulent slurry pipe flow measurements have been published (Dyakowski
structures near the wall results in streamwise velocity fluctuations et al., 2000; Norman and Bonnecaze, 2005; Xu et al., 2009).
in solid velocity. Their results show that solid streamwise velocity Applications of electrical tomography to slurry pipeline flow
fluctuations are higher near the wall and decrease with increasing measurements have thus far been restricted to time- and spatial-
distance from the wall. They also show that the magnitude of these averaged values of concentration.
fluctuations increases with increasing particle Stokes number. The goal of this paper is to investigate the mechanisms that are
Kechroud et al. (2010) studied the dynamic behaviour of the responsible for the production of high frequency-low amplitude
continuous phase in a solid–liquid fluidized bed. They compared solid concentration and velocity fluctuations in highly concen-
their measurements of liquid velocity fluctuations with solid con- trated slurry flows. Novel high-frequency Electrical Impedance
centration fluctuations from Didwania and Homsy (1981) and Tomography (EIT) measurements for highly concentrated pipeline
Zenit and Hunt (2000). They found a high degree of similarity flows of solid–liquid mixtures are used to evaluate the validity and
between liquid velocity fluctuations and solid concentration limitations of the analysis. Specifically, solid turbulent intensity
fluctuations. and concentration fluctuation and time-averaged solid concentra-
Varaksin and Polyakov (2000) studied particle velocity fluctua- tion profiles for slurry flow in a horizontal pipe were measured
tions in an air- solid turbulent pipe flow. They classified the mech- using Electrical Impedance Tomography. The results were also
anisms for solid velocity fluctuations into four main categories: (1) compared to the models available in the literature to evaluate their
solid–fluid turbulence interaction, (2) presence of particles with capabilities and limitations. Measurements of this type are needed
different sizes, i.e. not truly monosized particles, (3) particle–parti- to develop and/or validate numerical simulations of slurry flows.
cle and particle–wall collisions and (4) migration of particles to
regions with different velocities (streaming mechanism). These
four phenomena could also be considered as the main mechanisms 2. Experimental detail and analysis
producing solid concentration fluctuations.
One of the difficulties associated with experiments involving 2.1. Experiments
concentrated multiphase flows is the lack of viable measurement
techniques. Common single phase and dilute multiphase flow mea- A 52 mm (i.d.) horizontal pipeline loop located at the Saskatch-
suring techniques, such as LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry), PIV ewan Research Council (SRC) Pipe Flow Technology Centre, SK,
(Particle Image Velocimetry), and PTV (Particle Tracking Velocime- Canada, was used to perform the experiments. The schematic lay-
try) are widely used for transparent flows where the solid concen- out of the loop is shown in Fig. 1. The loop includes a centrifugal
tration is low. However, their capabilities in highly concentrated pump to circulate the slurry at different velocities. Operating volu-
and opaque flows, such as dense slurry flows, are debatable metric flow rates were measured using a Foxboro 2802-SABA-TS
(Graham et al., 2002). magnetic flow meter. Two heat exchangers were used to keep
Advances in measurement techniques in recent years, the operating temperature constant during experiments. Pressure
especially electrical tomography methods, have opened a new drop along a test section was measured using a Valydyne DP15 dif-
window in the experimental study of multiphase flows. The most ferential pressure transducer. The transparent observation section
important advantage of these methods is their ability to perform was used to ensure that air, which sometimes enters loop during
measurements in concentrated and opaque systems. It also the preparation of the slurries, was completely removed before
appears that these methods are sufficiently fast and robust enough measurements were taken. The slurries were prepared using
Fig. 4. Single phase flow measurements at 2 m/s: (a) measured conductivity map; (b) reconstructed concentration fluctuation map, i.e. signal noise.
Fig. 5. Comparison between raw concentration fluctuations (including noise) for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at C s = 25% and measurement noise for single
phase water flow: (a) V = 2 m/s; (b) V = 5 m/s.
Fig. 6. Solid concentration fluctuation before (a, c, e, g) and after (b, d, f, h) applying digital filter for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at C s = 20%: (a) and (b)
V = 2 m/s; (c) and (d) V = 3 m/s; (e) and (f) V = 4 m/s; (g) and (h) V = 5 m/s.
S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61 51
obtained for pixel m, in planes 1 and 2, the cross-correlation fluctuation signals before and after the digital filter was applied.
coefficient is obtained by: The magnitude of RMS solid concentration fluctuations decreased
slightly in all cases after filtering due to the removal of higher
R¼ C p1m ½kC p2m ½k þ s ð4Þ amplitude, lower frequency phenomena. Longer measurement
k¼0 times are required to accurately capture the low frequency fluctu-
ations that are mainly due to the bulk motion of the flow (Zenit and
where s is the time delay, k is the image number and N is the num- Hunt, 2000).
ber of images. The time delay at maximum R; smax , can be used to The power spectral density of the solid concentration and veloc-
obtain the local solid velocity in each pixel. ity fluctuation signals was also obtained so that energy distribution
Instantaneous solid velocities can be obtained by using shorter at different frequencies could be studied. The Welch method,
time windows i.e. shorter T values. The windows were used to which is a technique for estimating averaged power spectra with
select shorter time sequences and the cross-correlation between data windowing (Oppenheim et al., 1999), was used to estimate
these sections used to determine the solid-phase instantaneous power spectrums. In the Welch method, the original signal is
velocity in each pixel. The time resolution of instantaneous veloc- divided into a number of sections each of length L and the averaged
ities was set to be 0.01s. The instantaneous velocities were then power spectrum is calculated using:
used to calculate RMS solid velocity fluctuations and solid turbu-
lent intensities. The RMS velocity concentration fluctuation was 1XK 1
Fig. 7. Solid axial turbulent intensity profiles for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different solid concentrations: (a) V = 2 m/s; (b) V = 3 m/s; (c) V = 4 m/s;
(d) V = 5 m/s.
the system of interest in this study. Another approach that has Models describing the effect of the dispersed solid phase on
been used in the past to account for the presence of the solid fluid turbulence have been developed (and validated) for very
particles is to use a mixture viscosity model, such as that proposed dilute flows only and thus are unlikely to accurately describe
by Thomas (1965), to account for the effect of fluid-particle inter- the modulating effects that occur at high solid concentrations.
actions. Although the application of mixture viscosity models
might be reasonable for homogenous mixtures of spherical As a consequence, it seemed logical to ignore the effect that the
particles at low solid concentrations, their ability to accurately particles may have on the fluid turbulence and compare instead
describe fluid-particle interactions or any other flow characteris- the well-known single phase fluid turbulence characteristics with
tics deteriorates badly as the solid concentration and particle size our solid-phase fluctuating measurements. The result is a clearly
and/or angularity increase (Schaan, 2001). Hence, mixture viscos- qualitative analysis, but one that is unfettered by questions that
ity models are not applicable to the slurries of interest here, where would naturally arise if, for example, turbulence modulation mod-
solid concentrations are high and particles are angular. els meant for dilute mixtures were applied here. Additionally,
In the present study, we choose to compare qualitatively the when the comparisons with single phase flow are taken in concert
dispersed solid phase velocity fluctuation measurements with sin- with the results obtained by other researchers (e.g. Zenit and Hunt,
gle phase flow fluid turbulence characteristics. The motivation for 2000), a clear picture of the relative importance of fluid-particle
this choice can be stated as: interactions (over particle–particle collisions) in the production
of solid phase fluctuations emerges.
Relatively simple approaches, such as mixture viscosity models, The energy spectrum of single phase turbulent motion can be
do not properly or accurately describe energy dissipation mech- divided into 3 main ranges: ð1Þ energy containing range, ð2Þ
anisms for concentrated slurry flows of the type studied here. inertial sub-range and ð3Þ dissipation range. Fig. 9 shows these
Models describing single phase fluid turbulence characteristics three ranges and the relevant length scale associated with each
are well known and accepted. (Pope, 2008).
Measurements of time-averaged solid concentration profiles in The energy containing range includes large scale turbulent
dense slurry pipeline flows were accurately predicted using a eddies whose motion is roughly independent of viscosity. These
solid-phase turbulent diffusion coefficient equivalent to the large-scale structures contain the bulk of the turbulent energy. In
eddy kinematic viscosity calculated for turbulent, single phase the Inertial sub-range, the turbulent energy transfer from larger
flow (Gillies and Shook, 1994). length scales to smaller length scales occurs through a cascading
S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61 53
Fig. 8. Solid turbulent intensity maps for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different solid concentrations and mixture velocities: (a) V = 2 m/s and C s = 20%;
(b) V = 3 m/s and C s = 35%; (c) V = 4 m/s and C s = 30%; (d) V = 5 m/s and C s = 25%.
4u2 V
e¼ ð12Þ
where u ; V and D are the shear velocity, mixture velocity and pipe
Fig. 9. Turbulent length scales and the turbulent energy spectrum (Pope, 2008).
diameter, respectively. Shear velocity is defined as:
process. The turbulent energy dissipates in the dissipation range u ¼ V ð13Þ
due to the viscosity of the fluid. The dissipation range includes
lengths larger than the Kolmogorov length scale and smaller than where fw is the Moody friction factor at the mixture velocity. Any
lDI . The Kolmogorov length scale ðgÞ is defined as: turbulent length scale that falls between g and lDI is in the
dissipation range.
3 14
g¼ ð11Þ Table 2
e Kolmogorov length scale for the flow of water in a 52 mm pipe at different mixture
where m and e, respectively, are the kinematic viscosity of the fluid
and the rate of energy dissipation. The Kolmogorov length scale is Velocity (m/s) g (lm) lDI (lm)
the smallest turbulence length scale. For many turbulent flows, 2 28 1690
lDI 60g (Pope, 2008). 3 21 1270
4 17 1040
To analyse the power spectrum of solid velocity fluctuations,
5 15 890
turbulence length scales for single phase flow of the carrier fluid
54 S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61
Fig. 10. Power spectrum for cross sectional averaged solid velocity fluctuations of 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at C s = 30%: (a) V = 2 m/s; (b) V = 3 m/s;
(c) V = 4 m/s; (d) V = 5 m/s. Dotted lines are the model spectrum (Eq. (14)) decay rates.
S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61 55
Fig. 11. Axial velocity profiles for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different mixture velocities: (a) C s = 20%; (b) C s = 25%; (c) C s = 30%; (d) C s = 35%.
are greater than 5=3 which is the energy spectrum slope for the solid phase is mainly affected by fluid turbulence, the solid velocity
inertial sub-range and in accordance with the dissipation range defect should be comparable to that of the fluid.
where the slope is greater than for the inertial sub-range. The cal- The velocity defect ðumax uÞ for a single phase turbulent flow is
culated slopes decrease with increasing mixture velocity which is (Longwell, 1966):
also in accordance with the single phase turbulent energy decay
ðumax uÞ ymax
law. The results indicate that solid-turbulent interactions are pri- ¼ 2:71 ln ð18Þ
u y
marily responsible for the production of solid velocity fluctuations,
particularly in the central core of the flow. Similar trends were
observed for other mixture velocities and solid concentrations.
Experimental values of fluid velocity fluctuations in highly concen-
trated mixtures are required for further validation as the effect of
solid particles on fluid turbulent in neglected in this analysis.
Fig. 11 shows solid velocity profiles at different mixture veloc-
ities and average in situ solid concentrations. The velocity values
plotted here are chord-averaged values. The velocity profiles are
nearly axisymmetric for the flow conditions tested here. In
Fig. 12, we compare velocity profiles obtained here using cross-cor-
related EIT measurements with those obtained with a resistivity
probe for nearly identical slurries (100 lm Lane Mountain sand
in water, 30% solid by volume) at SRC in the same test loop
(Unpublished results from SRC). The velocity profiles are in good
Time averaged solid velocity profiles in horizontal slurry flows
are usually asymmetric. The location at which the maximum solid
velocity occurs varies depending on particle properties and flow
conditions. Shook et al. (2002) point out that the velocity defect
ðumax uÞ can be used to evaluate the solid velocity profiles and Fig. 12. Comparison of velocity profiles measured in the present study with
the effect of fluid turbulence on solid particles. When the dispersed unpublished SRC results for 100 lm sand at C s = 30%.
56 S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61
Fig. 13. Velocity defect for solid velocity profiles of 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different concentrations: (a) V = 2 m/s; (b) V = 5 m/s.
Fig. 14. Concentration fluctuation profiles for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different mixture velocities: (a) C s = 20%; (b) C s = 25%; (c) C s = 30%; (d)
C s = 35%.
Fig. 15. Concentration profiles for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at different concentrations: (a) V = 2 m/s; (b) V = 3 m/s.
Fig. 16. Sample solid concentration fluctuations maps for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop: (a) V = 5 m/s and C s = 25%; (b) V = 5 m/s and C s = 35%.
agreement with the single phase turbulent flow velocity defect. As Sellgren, 2003). Wilson and Sellgren (2003) showed that at certain
y ! 0, the solid velocity defect starts to deviate from that calculated conditions, near-wall lift plays an important role in promoting par-
for single phase turbulent flow. This is probably due to particle–wall ticle suspension. The near-wall lift force is important when the
interactions (Shook et al., 2002), but a more detailed study is particles are partially enclosed in the boundary layer. Wilson
required to address this issue more precisely. Fig. 13 illustrates that et al. (2010) showed that near-wall lift is important when d is
the dispersed solid phase is primarily affected by fluid turbulence, between 9 and 27 where d is defined as:
particularly at the pipe axis.
þ qf dp u
3.2. Solid concentration fluctuations d ¼ ð19Þ
Fig. 14 shows solid concentration fluctuation profiles obtained Here dp and lf are particle diameter and fluid viscosity, respec-
at different mixture concentrations and velocities. At lower bulk tively. At d < 9, particles are fully enclosed in the boundary layer
concentration and velocities, concentration fluctuations in the and at d > 27 particles are fully unenclosed and they are not
lower section of the pipe are greater in magnitude than those mea- experiencing near-wall lift force (Wilson et al., 2010). Values of
sured in the upper section. This is due to asymmetrical concentra- d for the 100 lm sand used in the present study, at different
tion profiles at lower mixture velocities and concentrations. These velocities, are shown in Table 4. The results show that at 2 m/s,
asymmetrical fluctuation profiles become more symmetrical as these particles are fully enclosed in the boundary layer and parti-
solid concentration and mixture velocity increase. At higher mix- cles are not experiencing near-wall lift force. At higher velocities,
ture velocities, turbulent dispersion forces are much stronger and d > 9 and particles are experiencing lift force. Fig. 15 shows con-
promote particle suspension, which produces a more uniform solid centration profiles for sand particles at 2 and 3 m/s at different
concentration distribution. The more uniform concentration pro- concentrations. It is evident that the concentration profiles are
files will result in more uniform concentration fluctuation profiles. much more uniform at 3 m/s than at 2 m/s.
More uniform concentration profiles are also partially attributable The energy level of a high energy particle will decrease when it
to Saffman (Saffman, 1965) and near-wall lift forces (Wilson and collides with a particle of lower energy level due to energy transfer
58 S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61
Fig. 17. Time and frequency domain plots of cross sectional averaged solid concentration fluctuations for 100 lm sand flowing in a 52 mm pipeline loop at C s = 20%: (a) and
(b) V = 2 m/s; (c) and (d) V = 3 m/s; (e) and (f) V = 4 m/s; (g) and (h) V = 5 m/s. Dotted lines are the model spectrum (Eq. (14)) decay rates.
S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61 59
during collision. An increase in the solid concentration will shows nearly a flat portion at high frequencies (see, for example,
increase the frequency of particle collisions and consequently will Fig. 15(b) and (d)). This is a result of the low signal-to-noise ratio
increase the rate of momentum exchange between particles. This inherent in the measurements at low mixture velocities. As the
will result in an equalisation of the energy distribution among mixture velocity increases, the Kolmogrov length scale decreases
the particles and should therefore produce more uniform solid and extends the turbulent dissipation range to smaller length
concentration fluctuation profiles. scales (higher frequencies). This produces stronger signals at high
Fig. 16 shows typical solid concentration fluctuation maps. In all frequencies and increases the signal-to-noise ratio.
cases, solid concentration fluctuations in the near-wall region were Zenit and Hunt (2000) studied solid concentration fluctuations
greater than those measured in the core of the flow, mainly in fluidized beds and gravity driven flows. Based on their experi-
because of solid-wall collisions and the high shear zone near the mental results, they concluded that the most important parame-
wall. ters in determination of concentration fluctuations are solid
Cross-sectional averaged concentration fluctuations and the concentration and Stokes number. They suggested that solid con-
resulting power spectra are illustrated in Fig. 17. The dotted line centration fluctuations increased with increasing Stokes number
of Fig. 17 represents the fluid turbulence energy decay model spec- at a constant solid concentration. They calculated Stokes number
trum in the inertial subrange. The results show that the energy of based on the particle terminal settling velocity, defining it as
concentration fluctuations of 100 lm sand decays roughly with the (Zenit and Hunt, 2000):
same slope of solid velocity fluctuations energy, which suggests
that solid–fluid turbulence interaction is an important mechanism
qs Ret
Stt ¼ ð20Þ
for the production of concentration fluctuations. The energy qf 9
spectrum for concentration fluctuations at lower mixture velocities
where Ret is the particle Reynolds number based on the terminal
settling velocity. In multiphase flows, mean quantities such as con-
Table 5
Stokes number for sand particles at different mixture velocities. centration fluctuations, granular temperature and pressure gradient
could be expressed as a function of mean concentration and mix-
Mixture velocity (m/s) g (lm) St s
ture velocity. However, in a fluidized bed, these mean values could
2 28.2 1.8 be expressed as a function of either mean concentration or mean
3 21.2 3.3
velocity as these two parameters are related and are not indepen-
4 17.3 4.9
5 14.8 6.7
dent values, i.e. any given mean concentration corresponds to a spe-
cific fluidization velocity. In slurry pipe flow, the mean
concentration and level of turbulence are independent variables
and both affect any mean quantity. As a consequence, the Stokes
(a) number based on terminal settling velocity is not applicable to
slurry pipe flows. In order to investigate the applicability of Zenit
and Hunt’s (Zenit and Hunt, 2000) finding to slurry pipe flows, a
new definition for Stokes number for slurry pipe flows was
employed. The particle Stokes number is defined as (Collins and
Keswani, 2004):
1 qs dp
Sts ¼ ð21Þ
18 qf g
Here, the Kolmogrov length scale is used to account for the level
of fluid turbulence. Table 5 shows the calculated Stokes number for
sand particles at different mixture velocities. The results show that
Stokes numbers are relatively small for 100 lm sand particles,
meaning that the particle’s response time is relatively small com-
pared to the characteristic flow time scale.
Aguilar-Corona et al. (2011) mention that at Stokes numbers
(b) below the critical value of 10 5, collisions are dampened by the
interstitial fluid and direct particle–particle collisions are unlikely
to happen. At low Stokes numbers, fluctuations in particle motion
are caused by particle–fluid interactions, which is in accord with
the experimental results presented here.
Filtered cross-sectional averaged concentration fluctuations and
Stokes numbers calculated using Eq. (21) were compared with
Zenit and Hunt’s (Zenit and Hunt, 2000) experimental data and
the Buyevich and Kapbasov (1994) models for high frequency solid
concentration fluctuations. The results show increases in filtered
RMS concentration fluctuation with increasing concentration.
Due to experimental limitations, it was not possible to run the
experiments at concentrations beyond 35%. More experimental
results at higher solid concentrations are needed to comment on
the concentration at which the maximum RMS fluctuation occurs.
These results are shown in Fig. 18(a). Comparison of our RMS solid
Fig. 18. (a) Cross-sectional averaged concentration fluctuations at different con-
concentration fluctuations with those obtained by Zenit and Hunt
centrations and velocities: (b) Comparison of the results of the present study with is illustrated in Fig. 18(b). Note that the effect of fluid turbulence in
results reported by Zenit and Hunt (2000). pipe flows is implicitly accounted for in the Stokes number and is
60 S.A. Hashemi et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66 (2014) 46–61
not explicitly expressed in the figure. Concentration fluctuations Finally, the cross-sectional averaged concentration fluctuations
are generally smaller in our experiments, which is expected were compared to experimental data previously reported for fluid-
because Zenit and Hunt (2000) showed that the solid concentra- ized bed experiments and for gravity driven flows. The present
tion fluctuations decreased with decreasing Stokes number. results were consistent with the findings previously reported: that
Buyevich and Kapbasov (1994) obtained the following mathemat- is, that the magnitude of the concentration fluctuations increases
ical models for calculation of random small scale fluctuations with in situ concentration and should be expected to increase with
based on the Carnahan-Sterling and Enskog models. Their model increasing Stokes number. We have demonstrated that the solid
based on the Carnahan-Sterling model is concentration fluctuation results obtained for turbulent slurry flow
" #1 can be compared to those collected using fluidized beds if an
2 4 Cs appropriate Stokes number is defined.
C s ¼ 1 2C s ð22Þ
ð1 C s Þ4
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