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GE2 Week 6

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1. What is globalization on global communication?

What are the elements of global

communication? What is the role of purposive communication to globalization?

Globalization sets an important role in global communication. Global communication analyzes how
information is traded over geological and social partitions, as well as how communication both impacts
and is affected by culture, legislative issues, media, economies, wellbeing, and connections within the
age of globalization. Globalization influences global communication by empowering businesses to seek
after modern and unexplored opportunities over the world. Additionally, social boundaries are broken
down with the utilize of web and mobile innovation, with distance and separation not being significant.
Global communication can take different forms, counting worldwide promotions, political discourses,
journalistic news stories, social media posts, press releases, books and conventional print distributions,
and more. Both globalization and international communication have changed the natural, social,
political and financial components of the world.

Communication has different roles in the concept of globalization. Indeed, when two individuals are
talking the same dialect, cultural differences can influence vocabulary, colloquial expressions, voice tone
and taboo subjects. Numerous individuals see culture to be the root of communication challenges.
When individuals from two distinctive societies attempt to trade data, the way they talk, their body
dialect or their quirks can be translated in an unexpected way by the other individual. The way
individuals approach issues and how they take part in communities is all impacted by culture.
Globalization has made it conceivable, for illustration, somebody in Korea get to understand how
somebody within the U.K. goes around their day. With tv and motion pictures, social boundaries are
becoming less predominant. Being able to communicate viably and as often as possible with colleagues
or companions over the planet makes a difference individuals get it each other’s societies a small way
better. Globalization has presented virtual communication and collaboration as a major portion of
working environment elements. For case this is how communication impacts globalization and vice
versa, communicating through mail to distant individuals requires a certain behavior and subtlety not
fundamentally required in face-to-face interactions. Holding virtual gatherings requires a comparable
change in approach, and individuals who are unaccustomed to communicating in groups through a
virtual setting can discover themselves misplaced, befuddled or incapable to share their input.
1. ELABORATE on your own Model of Global Communication Competence? enumerate the global
trends that could be fostered by academic institutions giving rise to “huge opportunities”.

The advancement of communication technologies over the past century has, in a general sense,
changed human society by connecting each portion of world into an interconnected network. The
advancement of communication and transportation innovation has driven to an unused scene of
financial world. As the capacity of people to adjust to and regulate the environment, “competence” has
been considered as an irreplaceable quality for human creatures to construct bridges and unions for
surviving, maintaining, and amplifying the life span of the society. As a person's characteristic,
competence alludes to an inside capacity that's not related to individual judgment skills or instruction.
To survive within the society which is more influenced by globalism having to depend a lot on
globalization, people are required to secure the capacity of global communication competence through
fostering a global mindset, unfolding the self, mapping the culture, and aligning the interaction. The
fostering a global mindset, we are able to eliminate prejudices and stereotypes against the difference
from one person to another. Unfolding the self also means that they are enabling themselves to open
heart to new learnings and individual in order for them to acquire knowledge in a sincere way. Mapping
the culture also means that we are determined to opening doors for new learning and awareness to
cultivate cultural appreciation. Lastly, aligning the interaction enables individuals to acquire enough skill
and prowess to have a good influence in the society without violating social norms and ethics.

Two major trends have been made for the rise of globalization in the society: technology
improvement and economic transformation. Specifically, in the scope of academic institutions, the
following branches are utilized to enable us have the ability to create better opportunities especially in
the education sector. Firstly, with the use of technologies, the academic institutions can make use of
advanced resources that are helpful in provide quality service and education to both staff and students.
Through this, it creates an avenue for learners and teachers to conveniently share information vice
versa. Next is expansion of technological gadgets, through this, individuals are able to expand their
equipment which functions as a help and material to the academic institutions as well as the society in a
wider perspective. Another trend is making use of evaluation from different districts of academic
institution. From smaller circle to a wider scope. This allows the education system to communicate to
everyone under them in way that they can gain information about the feedbacks, the things they need
to improve on, and the reminders that they need to maintain. Next, training our creative skills in
different approaches. The world is always open to new adjustments and is continually growing, with that
being said, teachers and students must think of a way in which they can be more creative and effective
when it comes to trading information successfully. Additionally, global approaches and mobility to
learning makes a great impact on an individual’s knowledge. It helps us acquire experience and
awareness outside of our region and enables us to learn from a different perspective. We can also get a
new and better idea through this which allows us to create huge opportunities.

Among these communication and information technologies, web makes the foremost noteworthy
contribution to the global interconnectivity. With the broad utilization of organized computers, web has
obscured the line between mass and interpersonal communication and empowers both individual and
open messages to stream over national boundaries faster and more effectively by giving an opportunity
for familiar and unacquainted people to communicate from diverse social orders on a regular premise.
This inner capacity is normally improved and luminated through the promotion of compassion within
the process of socialization.
1. According to the writer, what is the difference between “conversation and connection”? What
does face-to-face conversation teach us? How?

Conversation and Connection may be closely related to each but differs in a bigger substance. Through
connection, we are able to access new information and learning about something but it always ends
there; nothing more. Basically, we just connect to someone temporarily and there is always a door for
disconnecting. However, conversation amplifies trading of thought and builds relationship with one
another. This is more under the personal side where people do not just connect but we also understand.
Face-to-face conversation on the other hand teaches us how to be patient. It also teaches us how to
listen and when to speak. Conversing in person also trains our skills in communicating. Our thoughts and
ideas are challenged more when we talk to somebody face to face compared to talking through a digital
medium which allows us time to think and slows down our interpersonal skills and ability.

2. What does “being alone together” mean? Cite the paragraphs in the text that supports your

Alone together means that you are physically lonely and isolated however you are connected with
somebody digitally. It basically means that even if you don’t have anyone with you at the moment, you
are still accompanied by people who are even far from you and are only accessible through media
platforms. The context told us about the goldilocks effect which states that “In the silence of connection,
people are comforted by being in touch with a lot of people – carefully kept at bay.” It is also applicable
to when we want to escape something, we tend to open our devices thinking we are could run from the
reality. It sets as a medium for escape and distraction from the world we don’t want to entertain.

3. What does “fight from conversation” do to us?

Flight from conversation made us less skillful in self-reflection and lowers the weight of having a good
communication from others. Paragraph 15 clearly stated how individuals’ these days prefer to be more
open on something inside the digital platform than acknowledge who are physically present. This results
to disconnecting from the reality because we are so connected to the digital world that we would rather
allot our time into it than enjoying what surrounds you. We become so independent inside the internet
that when we are faced by reality, all we could do is look up something from google or other browsers
rather than searching our knowledge and hearts.

4. Explain the following lines:

4.1 We expect more from technology and less from one another.

I understand this line by seeing it through an illustration; people this day are more reliant to technology.
When we need answers, we google it or search it up on the internet. When we need to go somewhere
far, we search it through digital maps. When we acquired something valuable, we immediately share
them to everyone on the internet. We are very dependent on technology which somehow makes things
more convenient. However, the more we depend on it, the less we connect to others outside of it. It is
good that we get the things we need in less time however it also teaches us to be lazy and less
productive. It can also challenge our physical and mental ability, not to mention the amount of radiation
from it. The tells us that because we live in inside the technology world, we forget our needs from
outside of it which still brings a great factor on making us whole as a person.

4.2 I share; therefore, I am.

This line tells us how much important it is to validate out own feelings alone. Easily we want to share our
thought thinking it’s going to lessen the burden we hold. We share our thought, feelings, and hurts on
the internet as a way to express ourselves and gain attention and help from others. We think of it as
something enough. However, the barrier between you and the internet is really tall that will always stop
you from releasing your emotions completely. It is still better to express them personally where you can
converse with someone more sincerely. The context also told us that “When we don’t teach our children
to be alone, they will only know how to be lonely” it is because we become dependent of technology
and less of ourselves.

5. What does Sherry Turkle suggest we do so we can make room for conversation?

Sherry Turkle has studied and has seen the impact of conversation. She sees its worth when it comes to
building yourself, and your relationships. She encourages us to build a room for conversation because
she acknowledges the help it could give to us. Through conversations, we get to experience heart to
heart talk with others and allows us to be touched as well as touch the lives of other which builds
stronger foundation on our relationship with them. We could never take back the time we wasted by
being so focused with our device but we can make a fresh start by making a room for conversation.

1. BrE

2. BrE

3. AmE

4. BrE

5. BrE

6. BrE

7. AmE

8. BrE

9. BrE

10. BrE

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