Making of Imsi Catcher
Making of Imsi Catcher
Making of Imsi Catcher
Research Article
LTE Phone Number Catcher: A Practical Attack against
Mobile Privacy
Copyright © 2019 Chuan Yu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Phone number is a unique identity code of a mobile subscriber, which plays a more important role in the mobile social network life
than another identification number IMSI. Unlike the IMSI, a mobile device never transmits its own phone number to the network
side in the radio. However, the mobile network may send a user’s phone number to another mobile terminal when this user
initiating a call or SMS service. Based on the above facts, with the help of an IMSI catcher and 2G man-in-the-middle attack, this
paper implemented a practicable and effective phone number catcher prototype targeting at LTE mobile phones. We caught the
LTE user’s phone number within a few seconds after the device camped on our rogue station. This paper intends to verify that
mobile privacy is also quite vulnerable even in LTE networks as long as the legacy GSM still exists. Moreover, we demonstrated
that anyone with basic programming skills and the knowledge of GSM/LTE specifications can easily build a phone number catcher
using SDR tools and commercial off-the-shelf devices. Hence, we hope the operators worldwide can completely disable the GSM
mobile networks in the areas covered by 3G and 4G networks as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of attacks on higher-
generation cellular networks. Several potential countermeasures are also discussed to temporarily or permanently defend
the attack.
1. Introduction and the MS always camps on the cell with the strongest
radio signal power. Malicious people can easily set up fake
5G/NR (New Radio), which has driven many new tech- base stations, known as IMSI (International Mobile
nologies like edge computing [1], now has been designed to Subscriber Identity) catchers, to spoof IMSIs and IMEIs
gradually replace current mobile networks, such as 4G/LTE (International Mobile Equipment Identity) of users, track
(Long Term Evolution), 3G/UMTS (Universal Mobile their locations, and even intercept their calls and short
Telecommunications System), and 2G/GSM (Global System messages by using the man-in-the-middle (MITM) at-
for Mobile Communications), but these remainders will still tacks. 3G/UMTS and 4G/LTE were designed to suffi-
be used widely for a pretty long time due to the existing ciently ensure the security and confidentiality, which
enormous mobile network infrastructures and terminals of motivating both to use much stronger cipher mechanism
2G/3G/4G currently, just like 2G and 3G have coexisted with and mutual authentication. Even so, with the help of the
4G networks for many years by far. Thus, it is still a required accessible open source radio software tools, wireless se-
and significant work to study and fix the security and privacy curity workers have disclosed more and more security and
problems in low-generation (compared to 5G) cellular privacy vulnerabilities in LTE mobile networks such as
networks. protocol flaws and implementation flaws. One of the
The 2G mobile communication system has many se- potential protocol flaws in LTE is that, the UE (User
curity and privacy problems due to its inherent flaws in Equipment) may accept and process some signalling
technical specifications, e.g., lack of mutual authentica- messages before the security context is established,
tion between MSs (Mobile Stations) and the networks, according to 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Proj-
difficulty to upgrade the weak cryptographic algorithms, ect) specification [2], which can be exploited by the
2 Security and Communication Networks
stakeholders to attack both the UEs and the networks. For generation (1G) to the latest 5G. 4G/LTE and 2G/GSM are
instance, the Identity Request NAS (Non-Access Stratum) two important and widely used modern wireless commu-
message is an enabler for IMSI catchers, and the Attach nication systems among them. In this paper, our LTE phone
Reject and Tracking Area Update (TAU) Reject messages number catcher model is also based on the two mobile
are used to execute DoS (Denial of Service) attacks on the systems. So now we briefly describe their network structures
mobile terminals. In this paper, we utilized the unen- and basic concepts which are helpful for understanding the
crypted and none-integrity protected RRCConnection- paper next.
Release message to redirect LTE mobile phones to start up
the phone number catching process.
2.1.1. Global System for Mobile Communications. Global
The phone number, aka MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber
System for Mobile Communications (GSMs) is the first
ISDN Number) in terminology, is an important individual
mobile communication system that uses digital communi-
privacy of a mobile subscriber which is designed to identify
cation technology instead of the analog which greatly re-
the users in our real life, especially in the mobile social
duced the body size of the mobile terminals. The general
network life. According to the specifications, the mobile
structure of GSM network is shown in Figure 1. There are
device does not send its own phone number to the network
several different components in a typical GSM network,
side in the radio. Thus, traditional IMSI catchers can only
which are MS, BTS (Base Transceiver Station), BSC (Base
get the IMSI/IMEI from the user’s mobile equipment by
Station Controllers), MSC (Mobile Switching Center), and
sending the signalling message Identity Request and hardly
the databases (HLR/VLR/AuC/EIR) [4]. The MS can be a cell
spoof the phone number. There is a unique mapping rule
phone or other mobile terminal with a SIM card inserted in.
that nobody knows between the IMSI and the MSISDN,
The SIM card stores the subscriber’s IMSI and MSISDN
because all the subscriber’s identity information as well as
information which we aim to catch. The same identity in-
the mapping relations are only stored in the USIM (Uni-
formation and their mapping relation also exist in the op-
versal Subscriber Identity Module) cards and the operator’s
erator’s database.
database where both places are publicly acknowledged to be
strongly secure. The operator’s networks will translate the
IMSI to the MSISDN in the core network when providing 2.1.2. Long Term Evolution. Long Term Evolution (LTE)
the users with call services or SMS (Short Message Service), systems are the most popular mobile communication
which fact was exploited to implement our LTE phone systems around the world for not only the higher access
number catcher. rate and lower latency but also the enhanced security and
In this paper, we came up with a phone number catcher privacy scheme for users. The IP-based LTE mobile
model aiming for collecting the MSISDNs of LTE users. We network has a flat and much simpler structure comparing
also demonstrated that the phone number catcher can be to the GSM. Figure 2 shows the interface protocols among
easily set up by using available SDR (Software-Defined the network units as well as two main sections of LTE
Radio) tools and commercial off-the-shelf devices only network structure: the EUTRAN (Evolved Universal
requiring basic coding skills and the knowledge of GSM/ Terrestrial Radio Access Network) and the EPC (Evolved
LTE specifications. We are the first phone number catcher Packet Core), and each of which comprises several
that targeting at LTE mobile phones and fully implemented subdivisions.
by SDR. The experimental results showed that we could The LTE UE containing a USIM card is the target of our
catch an LTE device’s phone number within a few seconds experiment. The eNodeB (Evolved Node B) refers to the base
once the victim device camped on our fake station. The station that communicates with UEs using radio links and
purpose of our work is to confirm that the LTE security and relays the NAS messages to the MME (Mobility Manage-
privacy can be also quite vulnerable as long as the legacy ment Entity) who is responsible for authentication and
GSM still exists. Thus, this article hopes that the operators resources allocation to UEs. HSS (Home Subscriber Server)
across the world can completely discard the 2G/GSM is the operator’s database which stores the authentication
mobile network in the areas covered by 3G and 4G as soon information and other important subscription data of
as possible to guarantee the security and privacy for sub- subscribers.
scribers in higher-generation mobile networks, which is
also considered to be the final solution to against this kind
2.1.3. Identity Codes. Identity Codes are widely used in
of phone number catcher.
mobile networks between UE and Network sides, such as
IMSI, MSISDN, TAC, and PLMN number which appeared
2. Background in our later experiment:
2.1. Mobile Communication Networks. Mobile communi- (i) IMSI. International Mobile Subscriber Identity is a
cation networks play an important role in many scenarios of global unique identification for subscriber’s USIM
our lives; for example, they can be quite useful in the disaster card inserted in UE. It has been widely used in
rescue process when cooperated with other advanced cellular communication systems since the birth of
technologies [3]. In the last decades, mobile communication the early generation mobile network. It is trans-
network system has varied really a lot, and there appear mitted to the Network in plain text when UE first
many illustrious communication systems from the first initiates an attach procedure after the mobile
Security and Communication Networks 3
can precisely locate an LTE device by using an LTE rogue phone number displayer to finally catch the victim UE’s
station [17]. Jover exploited the unencrypted and none- phone number.
integrity protected LTE protocols, e.g., Attach Reject and
TAU Reject messages, and uncovered the vulnerabilities of
denying service to an LTE device and downgrading it to the 3.3. Signalling Process of the Model. An entire signalling
more insecure GSM network [14]. Both Shaik and Jover process of the phone number catcher model can be sim-
showed that IMSI catcher can also be effective by building an plified in Figure 4. Since our catcher model involves many
LTE rogue eNodeB in LTE mobile network besides in 2G complex procedures of the 4G/LTE and 2G/GSM network
and 3G networks. Mjølsnes and Olimid verified that LTE protocols, we just list the main signalling in each procedure.
IMSI catcher can be implemented by low-cost software- When the phone number catcher system is turned on,
defined radio without any programming [15]. Hussain et al. the RLN will continuously broadcast the fake cell’s system
proposed a systematic approach to uncover 10 new attacks information at a given EARFCN [21]. Once a LTE UE
against LTE security, privacy, and availability and validated around our fake station receives these important in-
most of them [12]. formation, including MCC, MNC, and TAC, via Master-
The first phone number catcher was implemented in InformationBlock (MIB) and SystemInformationBlock (SIB)
pure GSM network by Song et al. using a customized messages, and our fake cell meets the cell reselection criteria
hardware board [18], which did not work in LTE. Unlike the in LTE [22], then, the UE would initiate a Tracking Area
attacks above, our experiments showed that the LTE sub- Update to our RLN. When the fake EPC receives TAU
scriber’s phone number can also be caught based on the request, it can either spoof the victim UE’s IMSI by sending
existing operator’s mobile network systems. it the Identity Request message before redirecting the UE to
the GSM fake station or directly redirect the victim UE to
our GSM network by designing the redirectedCarrierInfo
3. LTE Phone Number Catcher Model component in the RRCConnectionRelease message. The
The architecture of the LTE phone number catcher model redirectedCarrierInfo indicates a carrier frequency and is
consists of two main submodules, the LTE Redirector, and used to redirect the UEs to another RAN (Radio Access
the GSM Middle-Man module, as illustrated in Figure 3. Network), e.g., GSM [23].
After the victim UE accessed to our GSM network and
initiated a LUR procedure, we send the Identity Request
3.1. LTE Redirector. The LTE Redirector is actually a Rogue message to the victim UE, and get the victim’s IMSI in the
LTE Network (RLN) implemented by running open source Identity Response message. Then, the malicious MS will be
codes, srsENB and srsEPC, on a single laptop computer with informed of the victim UE’s IMSI and initiate an IMSI-type
a USRP B210 connected via USB 3.0. The most important LUR to the operator’s GSM network using the victim’s IMSI.
goal of this part is to redirect the victim UE that tries to camp The malicious MS will expectedly receive an Authentication
on the RLN to our GSM Middle-Man network. Additionally, Request message containing the authentication parameter
we can also use this module as a LTE IMSI catcher to collect (Rand) from the commercial GSM network, and delivery it
IMSIs in the area of the LTE Redirector. We made some to the RGN. The RGN then authenticates the victim UE
changes to the source codes of srsENB and srsEPC to achieve using the receiving Rand and gets the SRES from the victim
the above goals successfully. UE in the Authentication Response message. Finally, the
malicious MS uses this SRES to respond to the operator’s
authentication and completes the LUR procedure after re-
3.2. GSM Middle-Man. The GSM Middle-Man module is a ceiving the Location Update Accept message containing the
typical 2G/GSM MITM attack which is also implemented by TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity) that the
SDR in our work. It is composed of a Rogue GSM Network operator’s GSM network allocated to it. At this moment, the
(RGN), a malicious MS, and a phone number displayer. The malicious MS can either make a call or send an SMS to the
RGN runs OpenBSC on a desktop computer also with a MSISDN displayer using commercial GSM network. The
USRP B210, and the malicious MS is carried out by running displayer receives the call or SMS and gets the phone number
the designed OsmocomBB codes on the same desktop of the victim UE.
computer as well as a MotorolaC118. The RGN commu-
nicates with the malicious MS by network socket [19]. The 4. Experimental Setup
phone number displayer is, in essence, a general mobile
phone for receiving a call or SMS from the victim LTE phone In this section, we present the experimental setup of our
and displaying the victim’s phone number. phone number catcher model including both the hardware
Once an LTE phone is redirected to the RGN at a specific part and software. Traditional communication system de-
ARFCN (Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number) [20], vices and equipment usually had huge bodies and were also
the RGN then will catch the UE’s IMSI/IMEI and inform the extremely expensive. However, the more annoying thing for
malicious MS to masquerade as this victim UE to initiate an a radio communication system researcher or an amateur is
IMSI-type Location Update Request (LUR) to the operator’s that they could hardly know the source codes running on the
GSM network, and after the authentication and LUR pro- devices. Fortunately, the SDR technology and the low-cost
cedure, the malicious MS makes a call or sends an SMS to the off-the-shelf hardware module have lighted up these people.
Security and Communication Networks 5
Malicious GSM MS
Victim UE
Rogue LTE network Victim UE Rogue GSM network Malicious GSM MS Commercial network MSISDN displayer
(mcc, mnc, TAC)
Tracking area
Update request
(redirectedCarrierInfo) Location update request
Identity request
Identity response
(IMSI) Socket
(IMSI) Location update request
Socket Request (rand)
Authentication request (Rand)
Authentication response
(SRES) Socket
(SRES) Authentication response
Location update accept
(TMSI) Make a Call
4.1. Hardware. All the hardware devices used for our ex- 4.1.1. Computers. One desktop computer (Gigabyte
periment can be easily accessed from the commercial B85M-D3H i5-4430 [email protected] GHz × 4) and one laptop
market. Figure 5 depicts the hardware experimental setup in computer (Dell Latitude E5470, i7-6600U CPU@
our work (excluding USB data cables). 2.60 GHz × 2) were used in the experiment. The operating
6 Security and Communication Networks
systems of both computers are 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS which were necessary for the experiment. We accessed the
[24] with kernel version 4.32.0-61-low latency. Both M5’s Testing Mode by dialing ∗#∗#4636#∗#∗, which was the
computers were connected to the transceivers via USB same way as described in [15]. Once we successfully got the
3.0. The desktop computer was also equipped with EARFCN, MCC, MNC, and TAC of the commercial LTE
standard peripherals including monitor, mouse, and network and the ARFCNs of the GSM networks (see Fig-
keyboard. ure 6) around our lab, we configured our rogue eNodeB as
4.1.2. Radio Transceiver. Two USRP B210 devices and a (a) The rogue eNodeB used the same MCC, MNC, and
MotorolaC118 GSM phone constituted the radio transceiver EARFCN as the commercial one
hardware. We can program the B210 to transmit and receive (b) The TAC of the rogue eNodeB was configured to a
any radio signal we want over a wide radio frequency range, value that closed to but not equalled to the com-
from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, covering all the LTE frequency mercial one
bands. The C118 can be used to perform the same function at (c) The ARFCN that the victim UE was redirected to was
GSM Band 900/1800 MHz [25]. set to a value different from those ARFCNs that we
had collected
4.1.3. Test Phones. Two commercial LTE mobile phones We made some required changes in the srsENB source
were used to accomplish different tasks. One Apple iPhone6s codes to let the rogue eNodeB send back a redi-
plus (A1699) supporting all the LTE and GSM frequency rectedCarrierInfo encapsulated in the RRCConnectionRe-
bands in China, worked as the victim UE; meanwhile, the lease message after the eNodeB received a TAU request
Meizu M5 Note was used as the phone number displayer. from the victim UE. Furthermore, we also modify the
We also used the M5 Note to gather the operator’s LTE and srsEPC source codes to use the rogue eNodeB as an IMSI
GSM network information such as the (E)ARFCN, the catcher.
PLMN number, and the TAC to configure our RLN and
RGN. The 6sp and the M5 Note used two different USIM
cards from a same operator in China. 5.1.2. Middle-Man Network. We ran OpenBSC and
OsmocomBB on the desktop to build the middle-man
4.2. Software. Three different sets of open source software, network. The MCC and MNC of the fake Base Station
srsLTE, OpenBSC, and OsmocomBB, were used in our (BS) were set to the same values as the rogue eNodeB.
implementation of the phone number catcher. We have Notably, setting the value of the ARFCN to be the exactly
already made an introduction to them in the background one contained in the redirectedCarrierInfo was the most
section. We just downloaded, built, and tested the source important step. We merely modified necessary source
codes of srsLTE on the laptop computer as well as the codes of both OpenBSC and OsmocomBB to implement
OpenBSC and OsmocomBB codes on the desktop computer the signalling process as shown in Figure 4. We also
for experimental software setup. More detailed and specific powered on the M5 Note waiting for the call from the
steps can be found in [7–9]. Then, we could modify and victim UE.
rebuilt the source codes to achieve the functions we want.
Due to the available low-cost hardware devices and the open
5.2. Experimental Results. We completely executed the ex-
source software, anyone with only basic coding skills and the
periment several times, and at each time, we always got the
knowledge of GSM/LTE specifications could carry out the
experimental results that we expected after we ran the LTE
phone number catcher system successfully.
In the traffic of the rogue eNodeB running as both an
5. SDR Implementation and Results IMSI catcher and a redirector, we saw the TAU request from
the victim UE, the RRCConnectionRelease message to the
In this section, we describe how we implemented the LTE
UE, and the IMSI of the victim UE in the Identity Response
phone number catcher using SDR and present the results
message as shown in Figure 7.
of our experiment. We carried out all the experiments in
We could probably infer from the redirectedCarrierInfo
our wireless network security laboratory to avoid af-
in Figure 7 that the victim UE had been redirected to our
fecting other normal UEs. We kept the victim UE close to
fake GSM BS, and what happened next in the BS also
the phone number catcher system in each experiment so
confirmed that. Figures 8 and 9 captured part of the
as to meet the radio signal power requirement of cell
OpenBSC and OsmocomBB logs, respectively, in one ex-
periment. What happened could be described as follow
procedures according to the results:
5.1. SDR Implementation
(i) The victim UE initiated a LUR to the RGN after
5.1.1. LTE Redirector. We ran srsENB and srsEPC on the camping in our cell
laptop to build a RLN. We first used the M5 Note to collect (ii) The RGN caught the IMSI and IMEI(SV) of the
the operator’s LTE and GSM network information nearby victim UE, and sent them to the malicious MS to
Security and Communication Networks 7
start an IMSI-type LUR to the commercial GSM (iv) The RGN used the Rand to authenticate the victim
network UE and passed the SRES to the malicious MS
(iii) The malicious MS relayed the authentication pa- (v) The malicious MS successfully completed the au-
rameter Rand received from the operator to the thentication procedure by sending back the SRES to
RGN the operator’s GSM network and also completed the
8 Security and Communication Networks
LUR procedure by receiving the Location Update The attack is mostly theoretical and in an actual scenario,
Accept message it would be hard for normal people to make any good use
of the phone numbers obtained. However, the law en-
After that, we used the OsmocomBB software to make a
forcement and intelligence agencies can use this system as
call to the displayer using the victim UE’s identity. As
a tool to track a criminal efficiently in real time, when only
expected, the M5 Note received a call after the malicious
knowing that criminal’s phone number. Meanwhile,
MS initiating a mobile originating call and displayed the
lawbreakers might utilize the system to eavesdrop user’s
phone number of the victim UE in Figure 10, which
privacy for illegal usages, e.g., advertising promotions,
confirmed the practicability of our LTE phone number
which seriously break the security and privacy in mobile
catcher model.
Hence, we now propose possible measures against the
6. Countermeasure and Discussion attack. The root cause of this attack is that the UEs accept
the unprotected redirectedCarrierInfo, so under a rea-
Experimental results showed that we caught the LTE test sonable trade-off, from the LTE specification aspect, the
cell phone’s MSISDN successfully when the victim phone simplest way to fix this is to transmit the redirect in-
was very close to the phone number catcher system. Due formation only after setting up the security context. Be-
to the radio signal power issue, the system could be ef- sides, since there is a perceptible change in the mobile
fective only in a small range when utilizing existing ex- network icon at the victim’s cell phone screen during the
periment devices and equipment. However, when attack, the LTE user can turn on the airplane mode im-
equipped with PAs (Power Amplifier), the LTE phone mediately when noticing being attacked to avoid privacy
number catcher system is able to affect a quite large area. leak, or directly disable the GSM network of the cell phone.
Security and Communication Networks 9
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
The work is supported by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China under Grant nos.
2018YFB180020, SQ2019ZD090149, and 2017YFB0802300.
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10 Security and Communication Networks
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