Unit-2.PDF Cloud Computing
Unit-2.PDF Cloud Computing
Unit-2.PDF Cloud Computing
the cloud a very good place to run business software like customer relationship management
(CRM) applications – software that users need to access reliably at any time, wherever they are, and on
any device.
Cloud is a model of computing where servers, networks, storage, development tools, and even
applications (apps) are enabled through the internet. Instead of organizations having to make major
investments to buy equipment, train staff, and provide ongoing maintenance, some or all of these needs
are handled by a cloud service provider.
The term “Cloud” came from a network design that was used by network engineers to represent
the location of various network devices and there inter-connection. The shape of this network
design was like a cloud.
Whenever you travel through a bus or train, you take a ticket for your destination and hold back to your
seat till you reach your destination. Likewise other passengers also takes ticket and travel in the same bus
with you and it hardly bothers you where they go. When your stop comes you get off the bus thanking the
driver. Cloud computing is just like that bus, carrying data and information for different users and allows
to use its service with minimal cost.
Cloud computing decreases the hardware and software demand from the user’s side. The only thing that
user must be able to run is the cloud computing systems interface software, which can be as simple as
Web browser, and the Cloud network takes care of the rest. We all have experienced cloud computing at
some instant of time, some of the popular cloud services we have used or we are still using are mail
services like gmail, hotmail or yahoo etc.
While accessing e-mail service our data is stored on cloud server and not on our computer. The
technology and infrastructure behind the cloud is invisible. It is less important whether cloud services are
based on HTTP, XML, Ruby, PHP or other specific technologies as far as it is user friendly and
functional. An individual user can connect to cloud system from his/her own devices like desktop, laptop
or mobile.
Cloud computing harnesses small business effectively having limited resources, it gives small businesses
access to the technologies that previously were out of their reach. Cloud computing helps small
businesses to convert their maintenance cost into profit. Let’s see how?
In an in-house IT server, you have to pay a lot of attention and ensure that there are no flaws into the
system so that it runs smoothly. And in case of any technical glitch you are completely responsible; it will
seek a lot of attention, time and money for repair. Whereas, in cloud computing, the service provider
takes the complete responsibility of the complication and the technical faults.
Now in this Cloud Computing tutorial, we will learn the benefits of Cloud Computing. Following are the
benefits of cloud computing:
Types of Clouds
There are four different cloud models that you can subscribe according to business needs. Following are
the different Types of Clouds:
Types of Clouds
1. Private Cloud: Here, computing resources are deployed for one particular organization. This
method is more used for intra-business interactions. Where the computing resources can be
governed, owned and operated by the same organization.
2. Community Cloud: Here, computing resources are provided for a community and
3. Public Cloud: This type of cloud is used usually for B2C (Business to Consumer) type
interactions. Here the computing resource is owned, governed and operated by government, an
academic or business organization.
4. Hybrid Cloud: This type of cloud can be used for both type of interactions - B2B (Business to
Business) or B2C ( Business to Consumer). This deployment method is called hybrid cloud as the
computing resources are bound together by different clouds.
Different business use some or all of these components according to their requirement .
Traditionaly, software application needed to be purchased upfront &then installed it onto your
computer. SaaS users on the other hand, instead of purchasing the software subscribes to it,
usually on monthly basis via internet.
Anyone who needs an access to a particular piece of software can be subscribe as a user, whether
it is one or two people or every thousands of employees in a corporation. SaaS is compatible
with all internet enabled devices.
Many important tasks like accounting, sales, invoicing and planning all can be performed using
PaaS services are constantly updated & new features added. Software developers, web
developers and business can benefit from PaaS. It provides platform to support application
development. It includes software support and management services, storage, networking,
deploying, testing, collaborating, hosting and maintaining applications.
IaaS(Infrastructure as a service) is a complete package for computing. For small scale businesses who
are looking for cutting cost on IT infrastructure, IaaS is one of the solutions. Annually a lot of money is
spent in maintenance and buying new components like hard-drives, network connections, external storage
device etc. which a business owner could have saved for other expenses by using IaaS.
Let’s have a look into Cloud Computing and see what Cloud Computing is made of.
Cloud computing comprises of two
components front end and back end. Front end consist client part of cloud computing system. It comprise
of interfaces and applications that are required to access the Cloud Computing or Cloud Programming
while back end refers to the cloud itself, it comprises of the resources that are required for cloud computing services. It consists
of virtual machines, servers, data storage, security mechanism etc. It is under providers control.
Cloud computing distributes the file system that spreads over multiple hard disks and machines. Data is
never stored in one place only and in case one unit fails the other will take over automatically. The user
disk space is allocated on the distributed file system, while another important component is algorithm for
resource allocation. Cloud computing is a strong distributed environment and it heavily depends upon
strong algorithm.
Strategic edge
Cloud computing offers a competitive edge over your competitors. It helps you to access the latest and
applications any time without spending your time and money on installations.
High Speed
Cloud computing allows you to deploy your service quickly in fewer clicks. This faster deployment
allows you to get the resources required for your system within fewer minutes.
Reliability is one of the biggest pluses of cloud computing. You can always get instantly updated about
the changes.
Employees who are working on the premises or at the remote locations can easily access all the could
services. All they need is an Internet connectivity.
The cloud computing platform helps employees who are located in different geographies to collaborate in
a highly convenient and secure manner.
Quick Deployment
Last but not least, cloud computing gives you the advantage of rapid deployment. So, when you decide to
use the cloud, your entire system can be fully functional in very few minutes. Although, the amount of
time taken depends on what kind of technologies are used in your business.
On-Demand Self-service
Offers Resilient Computing
Fast and effective virtualization
Provide you low-cost software
Offers advanced online security
Location and Device Independence
Always available, and scales automatically to adjust to the increase in demand
Allows pay-per-use
Web-based control & interfaces
API Access available.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
When you are working in a cloud environment, your application is running on the server which simultaneously provides
resources to other businesses. Any greedy behavior or DDOS attack on your tenant could affect the performance of your shared
Technical Issues
Cloud technology is always prone to an outage and other technical issues. Even, the best cloud service provider companies may
face this type of trouble despite maintaining high standards of maintenance.
Another drawback while working with cloud computing services is security risk. Before adopting cloud technology, you should
be well aware of the fact that you will be sharing all your company's sensitive information to a third-party cloud computing
service provider. Hackers might access this information.
Downtime should also be considered while working with cloud computing. That's because your cloud provider may face power
loss, low internet connectivity, service maintenance, etc.
Internet Connectivity
Good Internet connectivity is a must in cloud computing. You can't access cloud without an internet connection. Moreover, you
don't have any other way to gather data from the cloud.
Lower Bandwidth
Many cloud storage service providers limit bandwidth usage of their users. So, in case if your organization surpasses the given
allowance, the additional charges could be significantly costly
Lacks of Support
Cloud Computing companies fail to provide proper support to the customers. Moreover, they want their user to depend on FAQs
or online help, which can be a tedious job for non-technical persons.
Unit-2 Part-2
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS is Amazon's cloud web hosting platform which offers fast, flexible, reliable and cost-
effective solutions. It is one of the top cloud service providers which offers a service in the form
of building block which can be used to create and deploy any kind of application in the cloud. It
is the most popular as it was the first to enter the cloud computing space.
History of AWS
AWS platform was launched in 2002. The company wanted to sell its unused infrastructure as a
service, or as an offering to customers.
The idea was met with enthusiasm. Amazon launched its first AWS product in 2006. Four years
later, in 2012, Amazon hosted a huge event focused on collecting customer input about AWS.
The company still holds similar events, such as Reinvent, which allows customers to share
feedback about AWS.
In 2015, Amazon announced that its AWS revenue had reached $7.8 billion. Between then and
2016, AWS launched measures that helped customers migrate their services to AWS. Those
measures, along with the public's growing appreciation of AWS's features, induced further
economic growth. Amazon's revenue increased to $12.2 billion in 2016. Today, AWS offers
customers 160 products and services. That number will likely increase, given the rate at which
Amazon builds upon and tweaks AWS.
AWS Services
Since it came into existence, Amazon Web Services has become an essential cloud computing
technology. Here are some of AWS's essential offerings:
1. Amazon S3
This tool is used for internet back up, and it's the cheapest storage option in the object-storage
category. The best part: you can retrieve stored data from almost anywhere whenever you need
As the name suggests, these are migration, data collection, and data transfer products that help
you collect data seamlessly. They also enable you to monitor and analyze data in real-time.
3. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
This provides a secure and resizable computing capacity based on your needs. The service is
designed to make web-scale cloud computing more accessible.
This is a notification tool that delivers messages to a large number of subscribers through email
or SMS. You can send alarms, service notifications, and other messages intended to call attention
to important information.
This is a security tool that uses 256-bit encryption for your data. It also safeguards it from
hackers and cyber attacks.
6. Amazon Lambda
This service runs your code depending on specific events and manages the dependent resources.
You need neither managing nor provisioning servers, and how much you pay depends on how
long it takes to execute your code. It saves a lot of money compared with services that charge
hourly rates.
7. Route 53
This is a DNS service in the cloud that doesn't require you to maintain a separate DNS account.
It's designed to provide businesses with a reliable and cost-effective method to route users to
internet applications.
After having learned what is AWS, let us next find out the benefits of Amazon web services.
This is the basic structure of AWS EC2, where EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. EC2
allow users to use virtual machines of different configurations as per their requirement. It allows
various configuration options, mapping of individual server, various pricing options, etc. We will
discuss these in detail in AWS Products section. Following is the diagrammatic representation of
the architecture.
Disadvantages of AWS
While Amazon AWS contains seemingly countless positive attributes, there are some drawbacks.
You'll pay a fee for technical support, for one thing.
Another complicating factor is that cloud computing still experiences glitches and complications,
like files vanishing and servers not syncing properly. And, of course, if you're without internet
access, you're without access to your data.
Amazon also restricts resource usage, depending on the region. So if you're in an area that
severely restricts a specific resource, you don't have much recourse. There are also some security
limitations. For example, under EC2 VPC, you're constrained to 100 security groups.
AWS Advantages
Let's use the example of Unilever, a giant in the world of consumer goods.
Unilever had a problem: It needed a faster time-to-market and a standardized environment. The
company is spread across 190 countries, and it was relying on digital marketing for its products.
Its existing legacy local environment proved useless, unable to cater to changing IT demands.
Unilever moved a part of its business to AWS, and since then, rollouts have been smooth,
provisioning applications have become more reliable, and even provisioning infrastructure has
The company could also do everything in push-button scaling, and AWS's safe backups ensure
that all the company's data is secure and continuously accessible. Today, Unilever is growing
with AWS, thanks to features such as swift deployment rollouts, secure backups, and the ability
to generate real-time reports.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services provided by Google. It is a
public cloud computing platform consisting of a variety of services like compute, storage,
networking, application development, Big Data, and more, which run on the same cloud
infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search,
Photos, Gmail and YouTube, etc.
The services of GCP can be accessed by software developers, cloud administrators and IT
professionals over the Internet or through a dedicated network connection.
Google Cloud Platform is known as one of the leading cloud providers in the IT field. The
services and features can be easily accessed and used by the software developers and users with
little technical knowledge. Google has been on top amongst its competitors, offering the highly
scalable and most reliable platform for building, testing and deploying the applications in the
real-time environment.
Apart from this, GCP was announced as the leading cloud platform in the Gartner's IaaS Magic
Quadrant in 2018. Gartner is one of the leading research and advisory company. Gartner
organized a campaign where Google Cloud Platform was compared with other cloud providers,
and GCP was selected as one of the top three providers in the market.
Most companies use data centers because of the availability of cost forecasting, hardware
certainty, and advanced control. However, they lack the necessary features to run and maintain
resources in the data center. GCP, on the other side, is a fully-featured cloud platform that
o Capacity: Sufficient resources for easy scaling whenever required. Also, effective
management of those resources for optimum performance.
o Security: Multi-level security options to protect resources, such as assets, network and
OS -components.
o Network Infrastructure: Number of physical, logistical, and human-resource-related
components, such as wiring, routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, etc.
o Support: Skilled professionals for installation, maintenance, and support.
o Bandwidth: Suitable amount of bandwidth for peak load.
o Facilities: Other infrastructure components, including physical equipment and power
Therefore, Google Cloud Platform is a viable option for businesses, especially when the
businesses require an extensive catalog of services with global recognition.
Benefits of Google Cloud Platform
Some of the main benefits of Google Cloud Platform are explained below:
Best Pricing: Google enables users to get Google Cloud hosting at the cheapest rates. The
hosting plans are not only cheaper than other hosting platforms but also offer better features than
others. GCP provides a pay-as-you-go option to the users where users can pay separately only for
the services and resources they want to use.
Work from Anywhere: Once the account is configured on GCP, it can be accessed from
anywhere. That means that the user can use GCP across different devices from different places.
It is possible because Google provides web-based applications that allow users to have complete
access to GCP.
Private Network: Google has its own network that enables users to have more control over GCP
functions. Due to this, users achieve smooth performance and increased efficiency over the
Scalable: Users are getting a more scalable platform over the private network. Because Google
uses fiber-optic cables to extend its network range, it is likely to have more scalability. Google is
always working to scale its network because there can be any amount of traffic at any time.
Security: There is a high number of security professionals working at Google. They always keep
trying to secure the network and protect the data stored on servers. Additionally, Google uses an
algorithm that encrypts all the data on the Cloud platform. This gives assurance to the users that
their data is completely safe and secure from unauthorized sources.
Redundant Backup: Google always keeps backup of user's data with built-in redundant backup
integration. In case a user has lost the stored data, it's not a big problem. Google always has a
copy of the users' data unless the data is deleted forcefully. This adds data integrity, reliability
and durability with GCP.
Google provides a considerable number of services with several unique features. That is the
reason why Google Cloud Platform is continually expanding across the globe. Some of the
significant services of GCP are:
o Compute Services
o Networking
o Storage Services
o Big Data
o Security and Identity Management
o Management Tools
o Cloud AI
o IoT (Internet of Things)
Azure is a cloud computing platform which was launched by Microsoft in February 2010.
It is an open and flexible cloud platform which helps in development, data storage, service
hosting, and service management. The Azure tool hosts web applications over the internet
with the help of Microsoft data centers.
Azure as IaaS
IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service) is the foundational cloud platform layer. This Azure service is
used by IT administrators for processing, storage, networks or any other fundamental computer
operations. It allows users to run arbitrary software.
Disadvantages of Iaas:
Azure as PaaS
As its name suggests, this platform is provided to the client to develop and deploy software. It
allows the client to focus on application development instead of worrying about hardware and
infrastructure. It also takes care of operating systems, networking and servers issues.
The total cost is low as the resources are allocated on demand and servers are
automatically added or subtracted.
Azure is less vulnerable because servers are automatically checked for all known security
The entire process is not visible to the developer, so it does not have a risk of a data
SaaS (Software as a Service) is software which is centrally hosted and managed. It is a single
version of the application is used for all customers. You can scale out to multiple instances. This
helps you to ensure the best performance in all locations. The software is licensed through a
monthly or annual subscription. MS Exchange, Office, Dynamics are offered as a SaaS
Applications of Azure
Infrastructure Services
Mobile Apps
Web Applications
Cloud Services
Storage, Backup, and Recovery
Data Management
Media Services
Advantages of Azure