Sustainability Specifics: Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide

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Sustainability in Practice 102

Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide

Sustainability Specifics
This publication is provided by the Members of the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), who
are the nation’s leading asphalt producer/contractor firms and those furnishing equipment and services
for the construction of quality asphalt pavements.

NAPA Members are dedicated to providing the highest quality asphalt paving materials and pavements,
and to increasing the knowledge of quality asphalt pavement design, construction, maintenance, and
rehabilitation. NAPA also strongly supports the development and dissemination of research, engineering
and educational information that meets America’s needs in transportation, recreational, and environ-
mental pavements.

NAPA Building  5100 Forbes Blvd.  Lanham, MD 20706-4407

Tel: 301-731-4748  Fax: 301-731-4621  Toll free 1-888-468-6499  [email protected]
Audrey Copeland, Ph.D., P.E.
President & CEO
J. Richard Willis, Ph.D.
Vice President for Engineering, Research, & Technology
Joseph Shacat
Director of Sustainable Pavements

This publication is designed to provide information of interest to NAPA Members and is not to be
considered a publication of standards or regulations. The views of the authors expressed herein
do not necessarily reflect the decision making process of NAPA with regard to advice or opinions
on the merits of certain processes, procedures, or equipment.

Publications produced and published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) are copyrighted
by the Association and may not be republished or copied (including mechanical reproductions) without
written consent. To obtain this consent contact the Association at the address above.
© 2019 National Asphalt Pavement Association
Sustainability in Practice Series 102

Printed 05/19
Sustainability in Practice 102
Sustainable Asphalt
A Practical Guide
Sustainability Specifics

Stephen T. Muench, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Washington

Adam J.T. Hand, Ph.D., P.E.

University of Nevada, Reno


NAPA Building  5100 Forbes Blvd.  Lanham, MD 20706-4407

Tel: 301-731-4748  Fax: 301-731-4621  Toll free 1-888-468-6499  [email protected]

IS 141 • NATIONAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSOCIATION Thinlays for Pavement Preservation 1

Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide
This is the second of four publications in the NAPA Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A
Practical Guide series meant to provide a practical guide to sustainability. That means a
focus on what a NAPA member business or asphalt project can do now to address
sustainability within the confines of good business practice. The four publications in this
series are meant to work together and are organized as follows:

1. SIP 101: Sustainability Overview. A practical definition of sustainability and the

elements of and reasons for a business approach to sustainability.
2. SIP 102: Sustainability Specifics. Specific sustainability actions that can be taken
in corporate/organizational strategy, project delivery, mix design, materials
production, construction activities, and pavement design.
3. SIP 103: Procuring & Evaluating Sustainability. How sustainability is included in
public project procurement, and how sustainability efforts are evaluated within the
4. SIP 104: How to Develop a Sustainability Program. Important components of a
company sustainability program including goals, best practices, implementation, and

This material is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of

Transportation in the interest of information exchange under FHWA Cooperative Agreement
DTFH61-13-H-00027 “Deployment of Innovative Asphalt Technologies.” The U.S.
Government assumes no liability for the use of this information.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or

manufacturer’s names appear in this material only because they are considered essential to
the objective of the material. They are included for informational purposes only and are not
intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.

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SIP 102: Sustainability Specifics
“Sustainability” refers to the idea of meeting human needs while maintaining a healthy
planet over the long term. A simple way to think of this is to: (1) go above and beyond the
standard/minimum or (2) show innovation in meeting standards/minimums. If you believe
there is business value in sustainability (the first document in this series, SIP 101:
Sustainability Overview, addresses why we think there is), then the next step is to put belief
into action.

This document describes specific sustainable practices at the corporate/organizational, project

delivery, and project levels that can be implemented using today’s technology and know-how.
Put another way, this document is a catalogue of sustainable practices. Think of it like an “idea
book” for home remodeling, or, if you’re into it, a Pinterest page for sustainability. Use it as a
source of inspiration to guide you in identifying sustainable practices you want to put into
action or to help you recognize ones you may already be doing. Each sustainable practice is
detailed with enough information to define it, reasons it might be a good idea to consider, and
a key resource or two that more fully explains the concept.

As with any idea book, not all these sustainable practices will be appropriate for every
company or every project. We are relying on your expertise and knowledge to determine
which ideas work best for your situation and how they might best be practiced.

This document organizes sustainable practices into the following main categories:

1. Corporate/Organizational. Sustainable practices at the corporate or organization

2. Project Delivery. Sustainable practices that can be required, incentivized, or
included in project procurement and contracting.
3. Materials Production. Sustainability ideas that can be accomplished in materials
production. These are often ideas that are not required by a project, but make good
business sense to do anyway, so long as they are allowed.
4. Construction. Sustainability ideas for pavement construction. Many are ideas for
project requirements that improve quality or provide greater flexibility to the
contractor to be efficient. Many are also items not covered by contractor
requirements that make good business sense to do.
5. Pavement Design. Pavement designs with sustainability implications. Design
methods are not addressed in detail.

For each sustainable practice in this document you will see:

• Summary. A brief overview of the idea and why it might be worthwhile to pursue.
• Motivation. The potential motivations for using the sustainable practice. This is
limited to three categories:
o Goodwill. Friendly, helpful, or cooperative practices generally done by
organizations as part of their community involvement efforts.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-3

o Project requirement. Practices required by a project that likely represent an
expense for the contractor that must be reimbursed by the owner. These are
generally sustainable practices where the contractor incurs expense (for
example, building an open-graded friction course), but does not directly get the
benefits (reduced splash and spray, better friction, lower tire–pavement noise).
o Business opportunity. Practices that can result in increased revenue or market
share, reduced expenses, increased employee productivity, or reduced risks.
Often, these items are not required by contract, but may be done by contractors
so long as they are allowed.

• Reference. One or more key references that best describes the practice and its

“Cost” is often not addressed because it is highly dependent upon a project or company’s
context, it can be difficult to directly quantify, it has never been quantified, or the associated
benefits are poorly quantified.

1. Corporate/Organizational
Sustainability starts at the corporate and management level. As with most things in a
business, strong support from management is essential to success. In other words, a
company or organization must really want to do it and support it through its values, beliefs,
principles, and actions. This section addresses organizational actions in support of
sustainability, but does not address general values, beliefs, and principles, which are
covered in a lot of general writing on sustainability. Specifically, this section overviews
corporate/organizational sustainability in two broad categories: general goodwill and
management, policies, and programs.

1.1 General Goodwill

As goodwill (or charity), sustainability is essentially a donation for the greater good. Much
corporate goodwill in the asphalt industry focuses on community involvement: being a
generous, caring, and contributing member of the community. NAPA’s Community
Involvement Award annually recognizes outstanding programs in community relations.
Integral to this award and company goodwill in general are (1) help to multiple groups and/or
focus areas and (2) employee participation. In general, goodwill often involves:

• Charitable donations, fundraising, volunteering, and leadership. For example,

matching employee donations with equal company donations, providing staffing and
financial support to charitable events, purchasing school supplies for those in need,
veteran support, scholarship programs, blood drives, serving on non-profit boards.
• Local community events. For example, running open houses, sponsoring
community events (barbeques, celebrations, carnivals).

2-4 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Materials/expertise for community projects. For example, donating materials and
construction expertise for a community pathway or sport court, fixing/upgrading non-
profit equipment and space, and assisting Habitat for Humanity with materials and
• Education/mentoring programs. For example, participating in school career days,
internship programs, donating hours for elementary school tutoring, donating hours
to local Boys & Girls Clubs.

Goodwill is integral to community relations both personally and professionally. The choice of
how to express this goodwill is up to each individual and the company for which they work.
While goodwill may create a positive image for the company and can increase employee
morale, it seems that the choice of engaging in goodwill is genuine: the main reason for
doing it is the positive impact it has on the community.

Impacts on Sustainability:
• Workers
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Pollution
• Local Ecosystem & Habitat
• Economic Development/Employment

1.2 Management, Policies, and Programs

Meaningful management, policies, and programs are what give definition to an
organization’s commitment to sustainability. By themselves, they do little to ensure
successful sustainability efforts; however, they provide the high-level direction and
commitment needed to focus an organization’s efforts.

Impacts on Sustainability:
• Workers
• Pollution
• Local Ecosystem & Habitat
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget
• Maintenance & Operations
• Economic Development/Employment

1.2.1 Include Sustainability in Organizational Mission

At the highest level, sustainability ought to be included in an organization’s mission if it is to
be taken seriously by the organization. Many organizations have aspects of sustainability
mentioned in their mission, vision, and values, but have not yet incorporated “sustainability”
as a specific term.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-5

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

The following pages include examples of how sustainability shows up in organizational vision,
mission, and value statements on the websites, annual reports, and other materials of four
organizations associated with the asphalt pavement industry: Washington State Department
of Transportation, construction and building materials company CRH PLC, construction and
construction materials company Granite Construction Inc., and civil infrastructure project
company Salini Impregilo S.p.A.

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

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Granite Construction Inc.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-7

Salini Impregilo S.p.A.

1.2.2 Corporate Sustainability Reporting

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) describes a sustainability report (a.k.a. a Corporate
Social Responsibility — CSR — report) as “… a report published by a company or
organization about the economic, environmental, and social impacts caused by its everyday

2-8 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

activities. A sustainability report also presents the organization’s values and governance
model and demonstrates the link between its strategy and its commitment to a sustainable
global economy.” This sort of report also serves as a focal point in the management of
sustainability efforts and a tool for communicating sustainability performance and impacts.
The Governance & Accountability Institute reports that in 2017 82% of S&P 500 companies
did some form of sustainability reporting; however, the GRI (2008) states that sustainability
reporting is not as well established in the construction sector.

The most popular standards for sustainability reporting are from the GRI, the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the International Integrated Reporting Council
(IIRC). GRI, at about 80% of the market, is the dominant sustainability standards resource
across all industries and continents.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

GRI (2008). A Snapshot of Sustainability Reporting in the Construction and Real Estate
Sector. Global Reporting Initiative, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Global Reporting Initiative.
International Integrated Reporting Council.
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.

1.2.3 Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Independent of CSR reporting, tracking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be a
proactive way of managing environmental risk and energy use. GHG reporting should be
done to a commonly accepted standard, such as that described by The Climate Registry or
CDP (the Carbon Disclosure Project). These organizations offer toolkits and step-by-step
processes for GHG reporting. NAPA also offers a free GHG calculator for asphalt plants that
uses emission factors from The Climate Registry.

• Goodwill
• Business Opportunity

CDP Worldwide.
NAPA GHG Calculator.
The Climate Registry.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-9

1.2.4 Management Systems
Actively manage efforts that affect sustainability. Quality, safety, and environmental-
management systems have been in existence for decades and provide a systematic way to
define, measure, improve, and document these important considerations. The International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides standards for these types of management
systems and a certification process. Sustainability management systems are a new concept
with little formal guidance.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series

1.2.5 Employee Assistance and Rewards

Employee assistance and reward programs contribute to their well-being. Some practices

• Employee development, retention, and education programs.

• Targeted hiring for minority contractor employees near a job.
• Hiring low-risk formerly incarcerated people and supporting pre-training.
• Healthy living programs (exercise, produce buying, etc.).
• Employee assistance programs, such as suicide prevention programs.
• Share bonuses.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention.

1.2.6 Recycling Program

Recycling of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), lead–acid batteries, used oil, and spent
solvents is very common in the asphalt industry. But some companies overlook more
common office materials, such as cardboard, paper, bottles & cans, food waste
(composting), and common dry-cell batteries. An office recycling program can help reduce
waste disposal costs, reduce GHG emissions, and establish sustainability as a core part of
corporate culture.

2-10 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Business Opportunity

EPA (2018). Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

1 .2.7 Establish a Wildlife Conservation Area

Commercial and industrial facilities can designate a portion of their property to benefit wildlife.
This can be as extensive as a woodland reserve, which can also help screen the facility from
neighboring properties, or as small as pollinator gardens outside an office. Programs
managed by the Wildlife Habitat Council, the National Wildlife Federation, the Audubon
Society, and similar organizations can certify wildlife conservation areas. For example,
Preferred Materials Inc.’s Winter Springs, Florida, Asphalt Plant earned a 2013 Wildlife at
Work certification (re-certified in 2015) from the Wildlife Habitat Council for its 8-acre wildlife
habitat site, where they restored approximately 2.5 acres of the property to a wildflower
meadow and pollinator gardens.

• Goodwill

National Audubon Society.
National Wildlife Federation.
North American Butterfly Association.
Wildlife Habitat Council.

1.2.8 Recognize Sustainability Efforts

Recognition for sustainability efforts can range from individual appreciation for a single act to
certification of an organization or project by an independent third party. Several
sustainability rating systems offer independent third-party certification for projects, and the
NAPA awards program specifically honors key sustainability values: quality, safety,
community involvement, and ecology. NAPA’s Diamond Achievement Sustainable self-
certification provides a framework for assessing and documenting sustainable activities at
asphalt plants.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Envision v3.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-11

Green Globes v1.5.
Greenroads Rating System v2.
INVEST v1.3.
LEED v4.
NAPA Diamond Commendation Program.
NAPA Operational Excellence Awards Program.

2. Project Delivery
“Project delivery” refers to procurement, contracting, and delivery methods used for a
project. For the purposes of this document, project delivery is limited to practices directly
related to paving projects and contractors. More general project delivery sustainable
practices, such as public private partnerships (PPPs or P3s) used for project financing and
the use of alternative contracting, are not addressed.

2.1 Procurement
“Procurement” is the purchasing process for projects. Sustainability can be a project
component that is directly assessed during procurement, or provisions can be made to
accept alternate designs to improve performance and save money. Document three in this
series, SIP 103: Procuring & Evaluating Sustainability, goes into greater detail about
sustainability and the project procurement process.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Users
• Pollution
• Local Ecosystem & Habitat
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget
• Maintenance & Operations

2.1.1 Include Sustainability in Best-Value Procurement

Best-value procurement is a procurement process where factors beyond initial price are
considered in contractor selection. These factors can include schedule, financial
requirements, contractor past experience/performance, safety record, key personnel, small
business participation, subcontractors, management plan, quality management, design
alternates, technical proposal, and environmental considerations. They rarely include
sustainability as a defined evaluation criterion. While “environmental considerations” is
close, it usually refers to methods of meeting environmental regulatory requirements only. If

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defined well (see work in NCHRP Project 10-91A), sustainability could be included as a
separate evaluation category in a best-value procurement process and, therefore, become
part of the project selection criteria.

• Project Requirement

Molenaar, K.R., N. Sobin, & E.I. Antillón (2010). A Synthesis of Best-Value Procurement
Practices for Sustainable Design-Build Projects in the Public Sector. Journal of Green
Building, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 148–157. doi:10.3992/jgb.5.4.148
Scott III, S., K.R. Molenaar, D.D. Gransberg, & N.C. Smith (2006). NCHRP Report 561:
Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction Projects. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

2.1.2 Alternative Technical Concepts (ATCs)

A request by a project proposer (contractor, design–build team, etc.) to modify a contract
requirement. Typically, an ATC must be of equal or better value than the original contract
requirement, and it is often done to reduce project price or complexity to the benefit of the
proposer (competitive advantage during bidding or money savings during construction) and
owner (money savings). ATCs are most frequently used in design–build project delivery, but
have also been successfully used in design–bid–build project delivery. Key ATC issues are:
(1) confidentiality of the proposed ATCs (protecting them from public disclosure), (2) design
liability arising from ATCs, (3) minimizing protest risk from a non-traditional procurement
feature, and (4) who owns ATCs submitted by non-winning bidders. The key sustainability
feature in ATCs is getting contractor involvement in a project’s design.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Gransberg, D.D., M.C. Loulakis, & G.M. Gad (2014). NCHRP Synthesis 455: Alternative
Technical Concepts for Contract Delivery Methods. Transportation Research Board of
the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

2.1.3 Alternate Design/Alternate Bid (AD /AB)

AD/AB is a method where alternative pavement designs (nearly always asphalt and
concrete) can be bid for the same project. Sometimes, a life-cycle adjustment factor is
applied to the bid based on predicted future maintenance and rehabilitation costs. A
construction schedule bidding component (for example, A+B bidding) is also sometimes
considered to account for different construction times. The general sentiment is that AD/AB
may increase competition and provide cost savings (Gransberg et al., 2017). However, to
ensure best value, it is critical that alternative pavement designs be functionally equivalent

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-13

and that inputs for a life-cycle adjustment factor (if used) be based on high-quality,
performance-based data.

• Project Requirement

Epps, J.A., & D.E. Newcomb (2015). Considerations and Case Studies in Rapid Highway
Construction Using Asphalt Pavements. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Texas
A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Gransberg, D.D., A. Buss, I. Karaca, & M.C. Loulakis (2017). NCHRP Synthesis 499:
Alternate Design/Alternate Bid Process for Pavement-Type Selection. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

2.2 Contracting
“Contracting” refers to the written agreement to design/build a project. Certain provisions
can be made in the contract that improve a contractor’s flexibility in employing resources,
increase productivity and safety on the job, elevate sustainability to a managed element of
the contract, reduce work zone user delays, and make environmental impacts more

Impacts on Sustainability
• Workers
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Users
• Pollution
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget
• Maintenance & Operations
• Economic Development/Employment

2.2.1 Productivity
Practices that improve productivity can have a significant effect on project sustainability,
particularly in terms of reducing the length and timing of road closures, which helps minimize
user delay and other traffic impacts. Flexible Start Time

A contract provision that allow the contractor to choose the construction start date within
given limits. For instance, the Florida DOT normally requires a contractor to begin work
within 15 days of receiving notice to proceed (NTP), but with a flexible start that date may be
extended (usually up to 100 days). A flexible start date can allow the contractor to more

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efficiently use workforce, equipment, and subcontractors across a variety of projects. Owner
requirements to coordinate multiple projects and other factors may limit flexible start options.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Caltrans (2018). Section 3-803B. Construction Manual. California Department of
Transportation, Sacramento, California.
WSDOT (2018). Flexible Start Date. Washington State Department of Transportation,
Olympia, Washington. Full-Road Closure

Using full-road closures for roadway work zones can result in positive public sentiment,
better productivity, improved safety, reduced project duration and, in some cases, cost
savings (FHWA, 2003). Longer individual closures (either partial or full), but fewer overall
closures may achieve similar results in some circumstances. The Rapid Road Rehabilitation
(R3) suite of scoping tools (formerly CA4PRS) can be used to quickly estimate productivity
and traffic impacts for multiple closure scenarios.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Caltrans (2018). Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies: Caltrans
“Rapid Rehab” Software. California Department of Transportation, Sacramento,
FHWA (2003). Full Road Closure for Work Zone Operations: A Cross-Cutting Study (FHWA-
OP-04-009). Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.

2.2.2 Sustainability Measurement and Tracking

Most state DOTs have language that refers (either directly or indirectly) to sustainability as a
value. Sustainability becomes a manageable practice once it is consistently measured.
Absent formal tracking or accountability, sustainability for a project or organization becomes
something between (1) a low-priority task and (2) a series of carefully selected, unverifiable
stories. Document three in this series, SIP 103: Procuring & Evaluating Sustainability, goes
into greater detail about measuring sustainability efforts. Rating Systems

Sustainability rating systems can (1) identify appropriate sustainable practices, (2) provide
independent third-party verification of sustainability efforts, (3) measure and manage
sustainability efforts, and (4) communicate sustainability efforts to project stakeholders.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-15

Usually, it is beneficial to have staff trained and accredited by a rating system before using
it. Often this can be worth points within the rating system. Rating systems typically used in
the U.S. are: Envision, Greenroads, and INVEST, as well as LEED and Green Globes (both
building rating systems). The following table lists prominent U.S. rating systems, and how
they address asphalt pavements.

Envision Greenroads Green Globes INVEST v1.3 LEED v4

v2 v2 v1.5 for NC PD only BD+C NC
Type of Rating System Infrastructure Road Building Road Building
Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Certification Available

Total Points Available 809 130 1,000 171 110

Total Pavement-
247 63 31 61 19
Related Points
Fraction of Points
31% 48% 3% 36% 17%
for Pavements

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Envision v3.
Green Globes v1.5 for NC.
Greenroads v2.
INVEST v1.3.
NAPA (2018). Asphalt Pavements and LEED v4: Credits and Opportunities (SIP 001).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Sustainability Management Plan

A written plan to manage quality. As of this publication, sustainability management plans are
uncommon in the road industry, but may emerge as a reasonable way to consolidate and
document contractor sustainability requirements, efforts, and results. Essential elements of a
sustainability management plan are:

1. Designated contractor representative responsibility for sustainability.

2. Statement of major sustainability goals of the project (in terms of aspects of
sustainability that are a priority).
3. Description of project sustainability features. These should address the goals in #2
and should be clearly identified to the project team.

2-16 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

4. Procedure to follow when a sustainability feature (identified in #3) is changed or
eliminated. This may include permission from project management, written
documentation, or something simpler, such as an information-only process.
5. Short set of metrics by which the project can be judged for sustainability efforts.
These should be directly related to #2 and #3.
6. Monthly reports/submittals from the contractor that report metrics from #4, any
sustainable practices addressed in the previous month (for example, 2,500 tons of
open-graded friction course placed) and provide explanations for any sustainable
practices removed via change order or not accomplished.
7. Final report/submittal that summarizes the contractor’s sustainability performance on
the project and provides final results from the #4 metrics.

• Project Requirement

2.2.3 Reduce User Delay

User delay can be a major contributor to overall project financial impact, especially in
congested urban areas where the cost of work zone user delays can easily exceed the
contract price of the work. Reducing user delay by accelerating construction can be
incentivized in contracting. The major impacts of doing this are (topics from Fick et al.,

• Cost. Accelerated construction generally costs more. Contractors typically spend

more to achieve an incentive. Therefore, achieving the incentive is important to
the profitability of the project.
• Contract time measurement. If payment is linked to faster completion, contract
time measurement and adjustments for excusable delays have added
• Staffing. Accelerated construction generally requires more working hours per
day/week which contributes to mental and physical fatigue.
• Quality. Incentives for construction speed may compromise quality if time must
be sacrificed for quality.
• Safety. While safety standards are not compromised for construction speed,
fatigued staff could be compromised.

LaMondia et al. (2018) highlights ways to calculate a total work zone impact cost, which
includes user delay costs, crash mitigation costs, and local business impact costs.
Quantification of these kinds of impacts can be used as supporting evidence for accelerated
construction or A+B bidding or incentives/disincentives to reduce construction time.

Accelerated construction is typically measured against a baseline determined by the owner,

so faster contractor construction may be a result of an owner-offered incentive, or it may
reflect a conservative baseline set by the owner. This section addresses A+B bidding and
incentives/disincentives, but there are many other similar methods for the owner to

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-17

communicate to the contractor that they are willing to pay a premium for accelerated

Fick, G., E.T. Cackler, S. Trost, & L. Vanzler (2010). NCHRP Report 652: Time-Related
Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction Contracts.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
LaMondia, J., M. Fisher, R. Turochy, & W. Zech (2018). Calculating Road User, Crash
Mitigation and Local Business Impact Costs Generated by Pavement Rehabilitation,
Maintenance and Other Roadway Reconstruction Projects. Auburn University, Auburn,
Alabama. A+B Bidding

A bidding method that places a cost on the duration of a project or portion of a project. An
A+B bid contains the contract price (item A) as well as a time to complete the contract. This
time is converted to a monetary value (item B) and the overall bid is evaluated as the total
cost of the contract plus the time cost (A+B). This method places value on project duration
(which impacts roadway user costs) and often results in (1) shorter project durations than
estimated by the owner and (2) somewhat higher costs than those associated with a
standard schedule (Minchin Jr. & Chini, 2016). A+B bidding has a greater impact when user
delay is a major cost, such as in urban areas or major freight corridors, and works best with
an associated incentive/disincentive clause based on actual construction duration vs. the
contractor’s promised duration in the bid.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Anderson, S.D., & J.S. Russell (2001). NCHRP Report 451: Guidelines for Warranty, Multi-
Parameter, and Best Value Contracting. TRB, National Research Council, Washington,
Epps, J.A., & D.E. Newcomb (2015). Considerations and Case Studies in Rapid Highway
Construction Using Asphalt Pavements. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Texas
A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Minchin Jr., R.E., & A.R. Chini (2016). Alternative Contracting Research: Final Report
(FDOT Contract Number BDV31-977-40). Florida Department of Transportation,
Tallahassee, Florida.
WSDOT (2018). A+B Bidding. Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia,
Washington. Lane/Ramp Rentals or Charges

A bidding method where charges for closing a lane or ramp are established by the owner
and deducted from contractor revenues. Either the contractor is paid for an estimated lane

2-18 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

rental amount and then actual lane rental is deducted from revenues, or lane/ramp
rental/charges can be included as a contract pay item.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Anderson, S.D., & J.S. Russell (2001). NCHRP Report 451: Guidelines for Warranty, Multi-
Parameter, and Best Value Contracting. TRB, National Research Council, Washington,
Fick, G., E.T. Cackler, S. Trost, & L. Vanzler (2010). NCHRP Report 652: Time-Related
Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction Contracts.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
Minchin, R.E., & A.R. Chini (2016). Alternative Contracting Research. FDOT Contract
Number BDV31-977-40. FDOT, Tallahassee, Florida. Incentives and Disincentives to Reduce Construction Time

Contractual incentives and disincentives (I/D) are commonly used to encourage early project
completion and minimize user delay cost. Standard practice usually involves (1) incentives
to finish early and (2) disincentives (penalties or liquidated damages) for finishing late.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Fick, G., E.T. Cackler, S. Trost, & L. Vanzler. (2010). NCHRP Report 652: Time-Related
Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction Contracts.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
LaMondia, J., M. Fisher, R. Turochy, & W. Zech (2018). Calculating Road User, Crash
Mitigation and Local Business Impact Costs Generated by Pavement Rehabilitation,
Maintenance and Other Roadway Reconstruction Projects. Auburn University, Auburn,

2.2.4 Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

A concise, verified eco-label for a product (for example, an asphalt mixture) that quantifies its key
environmental impacts, an EPD is a declared life cycle assessment (LCA) that follows a standard
process, called a product category rule (PCR). The NAPA Emerald Eco-Label EPD tool provides
asphalt mixture producers a way to quantify their environmental impacts with a verified EPD.
While EPDs are relatively new to the paving industry, their use is likely to increase as rating
systems award points for their use and owners investigate ways to use them. As of 2019, the
industry is still working through EPD issues and best uses. Some have started to use the

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-19

Emerald Eco-Label Tool to evaluate and optimize the environmental impacts of raw material
supply chains and plant operations.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Harvey, J.T., J. Meijer, & A. Kendall (2014). TechBrief: Life Cycle Assessment of Pavements
(FHWA-HIF-15-001). Federal Highway Administration Washington, D.C.
Harvey, J.T., J. Meijer, H. Ozer, I.L. Al-Qadi, A. Saboori, & A. Kendall (2016). Pavement Life
Cycle Assessment Framework (FHWA-HIF-16-014). Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C.
NAPA Emerald Eco-Label EPD tool.

2.2.5 Anti-Idling Specifications and Policies

Many states have regulations that limit engine idling (a 2006 EPA accounting lists 30 states
and D.C.) and many construction contracts have similar limits; however, the federal
government does not. Typical maximum allowed idle times are 15 minutes or less.
Equipment idling uses fuel and emits pollution while the equipment is not engaged in
productive work. It also accelerates engine wear and shortens warranty coverage. In
operations involving queuing (for example, asphalt mix delivery trucks) short allowable idle
times can actually increase fuel use and emissions because of the delays and reduced
production associated with stopping and starting equipment (Abbasian-Hoseini et al., 2016).
In these cases, it is better to exempt queuing and similar tasks (for example, trucks waiting
to offload asphalt mix) from anti-idling specifications. Companies located in regions without
mandatory anti-idling regulations can develop and implement their own anti-idling policies.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Abbasian-Hosseini, S.A., M.L. Leming & M. Liu (2016). Effects of Idle Time Restrictions on
Excess Pollution from Construction Equipment. Journal of Management in Engineering,
Vol. 32, No. 2. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000408
EPA (2006). Compilation of State, County, and Local Anti-Idling Regulations (EPA420-B-06-
004). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
Jackson, T. (2014). Creating an Anti-Idling Policy. Equipment World, Vol. 26. No. 4, pp. 51–

2-20 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

3. Materials Production
“Materials Production” refers to raw materials, processes, and equipment associated with the
production of asphalt mixtures. For the purposes of this document, materials production is
limited to aggregates, recycled materials, and hot- and warm-mix asphalt, as these are the
materials most paving contractors produce. Similar to other construction materials, energy
consumption and emissions are important considerations in asphalt mixture production.
Asphalt pavements have been successfully recycled back into new asphalt pavements since
the 1970s. This requires careful mix design and quality control to assure good mix
performance. Both conventional and specialty asphalt mixtures can be produced to offer many
sustainable benefits. Several of the items described in this section reduce environmental
impacts as measured by EPDs.

3.1 Energy and Emissions

In the future, asphalt plants are expected to continue a long-term trajectory of becoming
more fuel-efficient while producing less emissions. Today energy and emissions are key
considerations in material production at asphalt plants. Using RAP, managing moisture in
aggregates and RAP, and plant management with a focus on energy consumption are all
important sustainability considerations.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Consumption
• Climate
• Budget
• Worker Safety
• Maintenance & Operations

3.1.1 Aggregate Moisture

Reducing the moisture content of the aggregates and RAP fed into a hot plant is an effective
means of reducing production costs and increasing the production rate for materials with
relatively high moisture, like washed fine aggregates and RAP. It takes about 24,000 Btus to
remove 1% moisture from 1 ton of aggregate. Methods available for reducing moisture
include grading and paving under stockpile areas, covering stockpiles, and taking material
from stockpiles 2 to 3 feet above the bottom of the pile where moisture collects. For every
1% reduction in moisture content, drying cost is reduced by slightly more than 10%, and the
plant production rate can be increased by over 10%. If aggregate/RAP blend moisture is
reduced by 2% at a plant with a drying cost of $2.50/ton, the cost savings is $50,000 per
100,000 tons of production. Also, increasing productivity at the plant can often increase
productivity at the jobsite during periods of peak production.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-21 Grading, Paving Under, and Covering Stockpiles
Grading with a slope of about 4% under a stockpile of aggregate or RAP will promote
drainage away from the face of the stockpile from which material is being fed to the plant.
Paving will accelerate the rate of drainage, reduce standing water, and prevent it from
wicking up into the stockpile. With graded and paved stockpile areas, maintenance and
equipment operating costs will be reduced also. Subgrade compaction before paving is
critical to success as any subsidence (due to the weight of stockpiles or otherwise) could
cause water pooling in localized low points beneath stockpiles. With a 2% reduction in
moisture at a typical asphalt plant producing 300,000 tons annually, the cost savings from
using drier aggregates could amount to about $150,000, depending on the fuel cost. If it
costs $50,000 to grade and pave a stockpile area, this cost would be recovered within a
fraction of a year.

Covering stockpiles is more costly; it takes about three years to recover the cost of the
investment. Therefore, covering is normally only done for RAP and fine aggregates that are
not free draining, especially in locations where rain is common. Examples of covers include
open metal or pole buildings, simple trusses, and fabric-roof structures. It is important for air
be able to move in the stockpile area. Covering stockpiles directly with plastic tarps is not
effective for this reason.

• Business Opportunity

Simmons Jr., G.H. (n.d.). Stockpiles (Technical Paper T-129). Astec Inc., Chattanooga,
Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Real-Time Aggregate Moisture Measurement

In most stockpiles and environments, aggregate moisture content is variable to some
degree. Asphalt plant controls compensate for moisture on aggregates when supplying
asphalt binder in the drum. This requires the plant operator to input a representative
moisture content for the material going over the weighbridge on the collector belt feeding the
dryer. For a mixture with a target asphalt content of 5%, if there is a difference of 0.5%
between the actual moisture content and the moisture content in the plant controls, then the
asphalt content of the produced mixture will be either 0.2% low or high. If too high, the mix
production cost is unnecessarily increased and if too low the durability of the mix could be
compromised. At the same time, variability in aggregate moisture content will result in
variability in asphalt content test results, potentially reducing the mix pay factor. A reliable
real-time aggregate moisture measurement system will allow for more frequent and timely
adjustments to asphalt plant control settings and reduced risk for both the asphalt producer
and mix customer. The equipment is relatively new, so information for determining the time
to recover the initial investment cost is not available.

2-22 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Dep, L., C. Thao, S. Glidden, & D. Porter (2019). A System for Real-Time Measurement of
Moisture in Aggregate Mixes During Asphalt Production. In Asphalt Paving Technology
2018: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 87, pp. 348–359.

3.1.2 Plant Management

There are several business opportunities associated with efficient plant management. It’s
important to recognize that many investments in plant management that reduce energy
consumption will be recovered in one to two years, after which annual savings continue at
no cost. Details of nine energy-reducing hot plant production alternatives with details on
investment and recovery can be found in NAPA publication QIP-126, Energy Conservation
in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production. Additional brief examples can be found in NAPA publication
QIP-127, 101 Ideas to Reduce Costs and Enhance Revenue. Maintain the Baghouse

Emissions of particulate matter (PM) from an asphalt plant are controlled primarily by the
baghouse. Baghouse efficiency can be monitored regularly using a black light leak test or
EPA Method 5 testing. Air permits typically require one or both of these tests on a periodic
basis, but increasing the frequency can help ensure the baghouse is performing as
designed, as well as prevent small problems from becoming enforcement issues.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Astec (2004). Baghouse Black Light Test (Service Information Letter #018). Astec Inc.,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Mansfield, C. (2016). How to Properly Maintain the Baghouse. Asphalt Contractor, Vol. 30,
No. 2, p. 62.
EPA (2017). Method 5 — Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary
Sources. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Insulate Plant Components

Insulation of plant components, such as tanks, dryer drums, silos, and piping, will reduce
heat loss to the environment and thereby reduce production cost. Something as simple as
putting 1½ inches of insulation on 3-inch asphalt pipe with typical flanges and hot-oil jumper
lines can reduce costs over $10,000 per 100 feet of pipe per year. Additional sustainable

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-23

benefits include reductions in energy needed for production, conservation of natural
resources, reduction of GHG emissions, and safer worker exposure conditions.

• Business Opportunity

Hansen, K.R., & R. Sandberg (2008). 101 Ideas to Reduce Costs and Enhance Revenue
(QIP-127). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
May, J., T. Wilkey, M. Swanson, J. Daub, G. Farrow, J. Clayton, D. Clum, M. Moon, B. Eley,
& F. Eley (2003). Heating and Storing Asphalt at HMA Plants (Technical Paper T-140).
Heatec Inc., an Astec Industries Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Use Alternative Fuels

Asphalt plants can efficiently operate on multiple fuel types. Traditionally, natural gas, fuel
oils, liquid propane (LP), and coal have been used. Key considerations when evaluating
alternative fuels are emissions, fuel cost, capital equipment cost, maintenance cost, and
availability. Emissions have to be considered first as federal, state, and local regulations will
define allowable levels. In urban areas, clean fuels (natural gas, LP) coupled with low-
emission burners may be required. However, some renewable energy sources, such as
biodiesel, biomass, wind energy, and solar energy are becoming available. In many
locations No. 4 to No. 6 fuel oils and recycled fuel oils are economically available. It is
possible to burn these fuels with most burners today via a manifold change and/or tuning.
Burning them may require additional equipment, such as a fuel tank, in-line heater, and
filter. Because the fuel cost is lower, recovery of the equipment investment can often be
realized in six to 12 months. Cost comparisons for burning different fuel sources need to be
done based on heating value of the fuels (Btu/gal, Btu/therm, etc.). NAPA publication QIP-
126, Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production, contains a simple table for making
these comparisons.

• Business Opportunity

Swansen, M.S. (2017). Traditional & Alternative Energy for Hot Mix and Warm Mix Asphalt
Plants (Technical Paper T-147). Astec Inc., Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Fix Air Leaks

Air leaks will negatively impact production rates at an asphalt plant, increasing required fuel
consumption to maintain the same production rate. They will commonly occur at the

2-24 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

breeching on the drum, recycle collar, and ductwork, especially where angles exist in the
ductwork. A dollar invested in air-leak repairs will return 2 to 3 dollars in savings. The repair
costs are typically low, so the return on investment is not huge, but the return on investment
accumulates with every ton produced.

• Business Opportunity

Hansen, K.R., & R. Sandberg (2008). 101 Ideas to Reduce Costs and Enhance Revenue
(QIP-127). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Conduct an Energy Audit

An energy audit allows you to assess the efficiency of fuel use and electricity. Energy audits
are typically conducted by a third party who specializes in industrial electrical and energy
efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Guide to Energy Audits provides detailed
information that can assist companies in developing contracts for third-party energy audits. A
directory of third-party energy professionals who hold credentials as Certified Energy Auditors
and Certified Energy Managers is available in the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
Certified Professionals Directory. Small- and medium-sized companies that meet certain
criteria can utilize Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs), which provide no-cost energy audits.

• Business Opportunity

AEE Certified Professionals Directory.
Baechler, M., C. Strecker, & J. Shafer (2011). A Guide to Energy Audits. Building
Technologies Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.
Energy Star.
U.S. Department of Energy Industrial Assessment Centers. Utilize Renewable Energy

Installation of solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy solutions can reduce
energy costs and your company’s greenhouse gas footprint. If this is not feasible for a
specific plant site, most electric utilities allow a customer to purchase renewable energy
through pre-defined programs. Facilities can also purchase renewable energy certificates
(RECs) regardless of who their electric supplier is.

• Business Opportunity
• Goodwill

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-25

U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership.
certificates-recs Tune the Burner

Efficient combustion of the burner requires an optimum air/fuel ratio, which can only be
achieved through routine tuning of the burner. Untuned burners can also increase gaseous
emissions, cause blue smoke in the stack, coat the baghouse with hydrocarbons, and even
create a fire hazard. Asphalt plant and burner manufacturers have tuning guides, and
specialists can be brought in to help as well.

• Business Opportunity

Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Monitor Fuel Consumption

Monitoring fuel consumption can help identify issues with aggregate moisture, burner tuning,
veiling efficiency, air leaks, and other production issues. The simplest method is to compare
your monthly fuel bill to the plant’s production to determine the average amount of energy it
takes to produce one ton of asphalt. Some producers have installed real-time fuel monitors
that integrate with the plant’s control system, allowing the plant operator to find the most
efficient plant configuration and production rate. Monitoring fuel consumption of other
equipment, such as hot oil heaters and on-site power generation equipment, can yield
similar results.

• Business Opportunity

Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). NAPA,
Lanham, MD. Optimize Veiling Efficiency

Efficient operation of a dryer depends on proper veiling of the aggregates. When the flights
wear down with age, or recycled content changes, veiling efficiency can be impacted.
Improper veiling is often identified by high stack exit gas temperatures in the dryer. Routine
maintenance of the flights and reconfiguring the flights can help optimize veiling efficiency
and reduce fuel consumption.

• Business Opportunity

2-26 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). NAPA,
Lanham, MD. Re-Use Waste Heat

The waste heat emitted though the stack of a hot oil heater can be captured using a heat
exchanger, reducing the amount of fuel and cost needed to keep asphalt tanks and piping

• Business Opportunity

Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Install Variable-Frequency Drives (VFDs) on Large Motors

Energy can be conserved by installing VFDs on large motors, like burner fans, exhaust fans,
and slat conveyor motors. A VFD simply changes a fixed-speed motor to a variable-speed
motor through a frequency change that reduces energy consumption. A classic example is
using a VFD to slow a baghouse motor instead of using a damper to reduce flow at constant
motor speed. The investment in a VFD will be recovered within about two years for a typical
asphalt plant, and even sooner with utility company rebates and reductions in demand
charges. Noise level is also reduced with the installation of the VFD and elimination of the
damper, too.

• Business Opportunity

Hansen, K.R., & R. Sandberg (2008). 101 Ideas to Reduce Costs and Enhance Revenue
(QIP-127). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production (QIP-126). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Produce Warm-Mix Asphalt (WMA)

Warm-mix asphalt technologies allow asphalt pavement mixtures to be produced at
significantly lower temperatures than HMA, offering several sustainable benefits, as well as
improved constructability and worker conditions. An NCHRP study (West et al. 2014) found
that the performance of WMA and HMA is virtually identical and indicated that little or no
rutting, no evidence of moisture damage, and very little indication of transverse or
longitudinal cracking was observed on a series of field projects. Energy consumption,
asphalt plant and paver emissions, and worker exposure to fumes were extensively
measured on three multiple WMA technology projects and found to be lower than with HMA

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-27

due to the reduced WMA production and paving temperatures. There are tools available,
such as the NAPA Greenhouse Gas Calculator, to determine reductions in energy
consumption and GHG when producing WMA.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

NAPA Greenhouse Gas Calculator.
Prowell, B.D., G. Hurley, & B. Frank (2012). Warm-Mix Asphalt: Best Practices, Third Edition
(QIP-125). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
West, R.C., C. Rodezno, G. Julian, B.D. Prowell, B. Frank, L.V. Osborn, & T. Kriech (2014).
NCHRP Report 779: Field Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Manage Trucking Operations

One of the most common complaints from neighbors is the impact of trucking operations
from a nearby asphalt plant. Sometimes, trucking can be avoided by siting an asphalt plant
in a location where raw materials can be delivered by rail or barge. If this is not possible,
other options are available, such as creating designated haul routes to avoid sensitive or
congested roads or neighborhoods, enforcing speed limits through the use of GPS systems
on fleet vehicles, establishing off-street areas for waiting/queuing of trucks, and establishing
policies that do not allow early arrival of trucks prior to the facility gates opening. Traffic
studies can evaluate potential impacts of truck traffic and offer recommended mitigation

• Goodwill

McRae, J., L. Bloomberg, & D. Muldoon (2006). Best Practices for Traffic Impact Studies.
Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, Oregon. Use Locally Available Aggregates

Many agencies have aggregate quality requirements that are the same for use in all asphalt
pavement mixtures, regardless of mix type, location in the pavement structure, and
anticipated traffic loading. However, for lower volume roads and for base and intermediate
courses good performance can be achieved using aggregates with less stringent quality
requirements that can sometimes be satisfied with local aggregate sources. Shorter
aggregate transport distances can save money, as well as reduce fuel use and associated
greenhouse gas emissions.

2-28 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Business Opportunity Minimize Light Pollution

Improperly designed outdoor lighting can impact wildlife, such as migratory birds, waste
energy, and obscure visibility of the natural night sky. Installation of dark sky-friendly lighting
can help reduce the impacts of outdoor lighting without compromising illumination of a
facility. This can reduce a plant’s potential impact on endangered species and help with
community relations.

• Goodwill

International Dark Sky Association. Reduce Noise

Noise associated with an asphalt plant can distract workers and contribute to hearing loss.
For plants located near residential or commercial areas, noise can be a major concern by
neighbors. Noise surveys conducted by a qualified acoustician can ensure regulatory
compliance with local noise ordinances and provide specific recommendations to reduce
noise pollution.

• Goodwill

Knauer, H., & S. Pedersen (2006). Construction Noise Handbook (FHWA-HEP-06-015).
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Acoustics Facility, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
NAPA (1977). Noise in and Around Asphalt Plants (IS-75). National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, Maryland. Minimize Odor

Asphalt plants are sometimes like airports. At the time they are built, they are located well
away from residential development, but over time changes in population and development
patterns occur and new residential developments become close neighbors. Asphalt plants
emit odors that some neighbors do not appreciate. In extreme cases, residents can get
frustrated with this and go to the local press with their complaints, tarnishing the asphalt
plant owner’s reputation, or even file legal action, which is costly to resolve. There are odor-
capture systems available for tanks, as well as natural odor neutralizing agents that do not
rely on harsh chemicals or masking fragrances. An odor-mitigation strategy using these

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-29

types of tools can improve worker conditions and relationships with residential neighbors to
preserve or rebuild goodwill and acceptance by the local community.

• Business Opportunity
• Goodwill

Haupert, L., & R. Mulford (2016). Laurel Asphalt Paves the Way for Reducing Odors and
Keeping Neighbors Happy. Asphalt Contractor, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 70–73.

3.2 Materials Quality

Good pavement performance is directly related to the quality of the asphalt mix. Asphalt
producers can impact mix quality through both mix design and production quality control

Impacts on Sustainability
• Consumption
• Climate
• Budget
• Maintenance & Operations

3.2.1 Mix Design

Getting good mix performance starts with the selection of raw materials and optimization of
recycled materials in the mix design process. The industry has been responsibly focusing on
mix durability since the Great Recession that started in the late-2000s. Increased asphalt
binder cost at that time sparked rapid increased use of recycled materials, which led to
some durability challenges. The outcomes have been material standards and laboratory
tests to help ensure good mix quality. Balanced Mix Design Process

The FHWA Expert Task Group on Mixtures and Construction defined balanced mix design
(BMD) as “asphalt mix design using performance tests on appropriately conditioned
specimens that address multiple modes of distress taking into consideration mix aging,
traffic, climate and location within the pavement structure.” The BMD process incorporates
mechanical tests to determine the rutting- and cracking-resistance of a mix so that the mix is
“balanced” to optimize both rutting and cracking performance. Most agencies are
successfully using the Hamburg Wheel Tracking test to evaluate rutting and moisture
sensitivity along with a cracking test(s) that is most appropriate for the geographic
conditions. BMD evaluates final mix properties rather than individual raw materials, allowing
for optimization of recycled materials and assurance of good mix performance for producers.

2-30 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

NCHRP Project 09-58 (2019). The Effects of Recycling Agents on Asphalt Mixtures with
High RAS and RAP Binder Ratios. Final report due for publication by third quarter 2019.
NCHRP Project 20-07/Task 406 (2018). Development of a Framework for Balanced Asphalt
Mixture Design. Report currently under review. Optimize Mix Design to Increase RAP and RAS

A 2013 NCHRP project evaluated the field performance of many high RAP mixtures in
comparison to low RAP or virgin mixes. It illustrated that equal performance can be achieved
with responsible use of RAP. The ongoing NCHRP Project 09-58 has evaluated both high
RAP and reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) mixtures, focusing on asphalt binder,
rejuvenators, and blended binder properties. This work is also indicating that with proper
virgin binder and rejuvenator selection, good mix performance can be achieved with high
RAP, though the required rejuvenator doses are up to 10%, as opposed to the 3%
commonly used. The project also illustrates that RAS can be used responsibly in low doses
when the mix design is engineered properly and produced and constructed with best

• Business Opportunity

West, R., J.R. Willis, & M. Marasteanu (2013). NCHRP Report 752: Improved Mix Design,
Evaluation, and Materials Management Practices for Hot Mix Asphalt with High
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Content. Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, Washington, D.C.

3.2.2 Materials Quality Control

Effective quality control (QC) processes in the production/processing of aggregates,
recycled materials, and asphalt mix are essential to good mix quality. RAP Materials QC

In addition to routine aggregate and mix quality control, RAP QC is of particular importance
today to manage risk and optimize consistency, quality, and payment bonus. Close
inspection of materials to be recycled is critical. Inbound RAP can be contaminated with
undesirable materials that can only be caught through rigorous inspection. Contaminants
can include glass (for example, from the allowance of recycled glass in previous mixtures),
porcelain tile, geotextiles from milling operations, and other construction materials like

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-31

aggregate base and PCC. In addition, undesirable materials — like mix made with highly
absorptive aggregates or sulfur-extended asphalt — need to be identified and managed.
Once inbound RAP is free of contaminants, RAP quality can be improved through blending,
crushing, fractionating, and QC testing. Some successful operations separate plant waste
(from mix changes on the fly), millings, and contaminated RAP for processing and
stockpiling to maximize RAP use and quality. There is cost associated with managing
multiple RAP stockpiles, but this cost can be recovered by improving the consistency of
RAP, which can allow for increased RAP use.

• Business Opportunity

West, R.C. (2015). Best Practices for RAP and RAS Management (QIP-129). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. QC Department Resources and Operations

Asphalt mixture design and production have become much more complex since the 1950s.
Today, highly qualified QC department staff are needed to understand the specifications,
design requirements, mechanical and conventional test methods, as well as to analyze the
related results for success. This means that engineers and well-trained technicians are
becoming the norm in successful QC operations. There are national, regional, and state
materials technician qualification or certification programs that assure competency and
consistency, similar to the professional engineer requirements for QC managers that allow
the asphalt producer to confidently rely on in-house QC. Similarly, the AASHTO
Accreditation Program (AAP) formally audits and recognizes the competency of testing
laboratories performing construction materials tests. AAP is the largest and most widely
accepted accrediting body in the construction materials industry. There are also relatively
inexpensive QC database software packages available that can help reduce testing time
and calculation errors. More importantly, such software can send real-time notifications of
results to operations staff immediately upon completion of tests, as well as automatically
generate and distribute specification test results and trend analyses. Engineering licensure,
technician certification, laboratory accreditation and use of database software provide for
confidence, credibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in QC. The investment is worth it.

• Business Opportunity

AASHTO Accreditation Program.

2-32 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

3.2.3 Recycle/Reuse
The asphalt industry is a proud leader in recycling with nearly all end-of-life asphalt being
diverted from landfills and back to beneficial use in new pavements. RAP and RAS in Asphalt Mixtures

Reductions of more than 20% in greenhouse gas production and over 45% in energy
consumption have been reported by using RAP and RAS in asphalt mixture production. Mix
quality can be maintained with proper design, especially when optimized for the layer where
the mix will be used in a pavement structure. Today most asphalt plants have the necessary
hardware to use RAP, although increasing the percentage used could lead to additional
costs for processing (fractionation); additional hardware, such as a second RAP cold-feed
bin; and/or using recycling agents or grade bumping to softer asphalt binders. Published
RAP cost savings range significantly because many variables impact the actual cost at a
given location and RAP percentage used. Cost savings estimates of 6% at 15% RAP, 10–
20% at 25% RAP, and 29–40% at 50% RAP have been published. Estimates of $2.50/ton at
15% RAP and $4–$5/ton at 25% RAP have also been published. Every situation is unique
and should be closely evaluated.

• Business Opportunity

Newcomb, D.E., E.R. Brown, & J.A. Epps (2007). Designing HMA Mixtures with High RAP
Content: A Practical Guide (QIP-124). National Asphalt Pavement Association,
Lanham, Maryland.
West, R.C. (2015). Best Practices for RAP and RAS Management (QIP-129). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. In-Place Recycling

In some cases, particularly in rural areas far from aggregate and asphalt production
facilities, in-place recycling can be a viable, sustainable use for end-of-life asphalt
pavements. Hot in-place, cold in-place, cold-central plant, and full-depth reclamation have
all been successfully employed to recycle asphalt mixture sustainably.

• Project Requirement

ARRA (2015). Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual, Second Edition (FHWA-HIF-14-001).
Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association, Annapolis, Maryland. Other Recycled Materials: The Three Es

Other waste materials and industrial byproducts, including recycled tire rubber, blast furnace
and steel slag, fly ash, and recycled cellulose fiber have also been successfully used in

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-33

asphalt pavement mixtures. However, to ensure true sustainability, it is important that any
new material added to an asphalt pavement mixture deliver engineering, environmental, and
economic benefits and performance. This is referred to as “The Three Es.” Although public
interest and policy goals may be served by adding new waste materials to pavements,
without proper evaluation, testing, and mix design, it is impossible to ensure that road
owners and the public will receive the same or improved performance and pavement life as
with virgin materials or proven technologies.

3.2.4 Specialty Mixes

Several types of asphalt mixtures can be produced and used to provide good performance
and unique benefits for specific applications and locations in a pavement structure. The
NAPA–FHWA publication IS-128, HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide, is an excellent
tool for identifying the best use of specialty mixes. Porous Asphalt

Porous asphalt pavements are unique in that they are used to construct pavements, but
they also serve as stormwater storage and infiltration systems. They are attractive to
planners and public works officials wanting storm water management systems that promote
infiltration, improve water quality, and ground water recharge while maintaining peak and
total water volume of flow at or below pre-development levels. Porous asphalt pavements
can be especially cost-effective in situations near water bodies (oceans, lakes, and
streams), where drainage structures and filtration systems can be eliminated with the use of
porous asphalt pavement.

• Project Requirement

Hansen, K.R. (2008). Porous Asphalt Pavements for Stormwater Management (IS-131).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Schwartz, C.W., & K.D. Hall (2018). Structural Design Guidelines for Porous Asphalt
Pavements (IS-141). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC)

OGFC is an open-graded mix that provides improved surface drainage during rainfall due to
its interconnecting air voids structure. Water can drain vertically through OGFC to the
underlying dense-graded mix where it drains laterally to a day-lighted edge. OGFC wet
weather advantages include reduced hydroplaning, increased surface friction, reduced
vehicle splash and spray, enhanced visibility of pavement markings, and reduced nighttime
surface glare in wet weather. OGFC also provides reduced tire–pavement noise in dry
weather conditions.

2-34 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Project Requirement

Kandhal, P.S. (2002). Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Open-Graded Asphalt
Friction Courses (IS-115). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland. Polymer-Modified Asphalt (PMA) in Surface Course Mixes

Polymer-modification of surface courses can improve surface course durability and longevity
at acceptable cost. Especially for high-traffic pavements, many DOTs either directly specify
polymer-modified mixes or have implemented testing that often requires polymer
modification to pass. Von Quintus et al. (2007) found that polymer-modified mixtures
significantly improve rutting, fatigue, and fracture performance of asphalt pavements.

• Project Requirement

Von Quintus, H.L., J. Mallela, & M.S. Buncher (2007). Quantification of Effect of Polymer-
Modified Asphalt on Flexible Pavement Performance. In Transportation Research
Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2001, pp. 141–154.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
doi:10.3141/2001-16 Rubberized Asphalt in Surface Course Mixes

Rubberized asphalt mixes have been used in warm climate states as a high-performance
surface course that is highly resistant to reflective cracking. The predominant rubberized
asphalt mix type is ½-inch nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) gap-graded with high
design asphalt binder content (7–8%) containing about 20% ground tire rubber. Recent
variations on this include ⅜-inch (9.5 mm) NMAS mixes and dense-graded mixes with about
10% terminal-blended fine tire rubber. The California Department of Transportation,
considered a leader in rubberized asphalt use, will place asphalt rubber mix at half the
thickness of conventional dense-graded mix due to its superior reflective-cracking
resistance. The high cost of the mix is offset by the reduced thickness required.

• Project Requirement

Way, G.B., K.E. Kaloush, & K.P. Biligiri (2011). Asphalt Rubber Standard Practice Guide,
First Edition. Rubber Pavements Association, Phoenix, Arizona. Stone-Matrix Asphalt (SMA) for Surface Course Mixes

SMA is a high-performance asphalt mix that provides excellent rutting resistance and
durability for surface courses in demanding situations. It is primarily used for high-volume

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-35

interstate and U.S. highway routes. It has also been used for special situations where
heavy, slow-moving traffic exists, such as industrial areas, and for studded-tire wear
resistance. These gap-graded mixes have a stable stone-on-stone skeleton with a rich
mastic composed of asphalt binder, filler, and fibers and/or asphalt modifiers. SMA is a
premium mix with higher initial cost that should be offset by improved performance life in
heavy-loading situations. Beyond improved durability and fatigue and rutting resistance,
SMA has been reported to be more resistant to reflective cracking and to improve wet-
weather friction compared to conventional asphalt surfaces.

• Project Requirement

Garcia, J., & K.R. Hansen (2001). HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide (IS-128).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Hughes, C.S., & P.S. Kandhal (2002). Designing and Constructing SMA Mixtures — State-
of-the-Practice (QIP-122). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4. Construction
“Construction” refers to all processes and equipment associated with the construction of
asphalt pavement systems. This includes the initial construction of new pavement systems,
as well as subsequent maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. For the purposes of this
document, construction activities are limited to actions and equipment within the project
limits and materials transported to and from the project site. Production of mixtures is
addressed in the Materials Production section.

4.1 Construction Quality

Construction quality influences pavement life, required rework, and the amount and
frequency of maintenance and rehabilitation. These items directly influence the use of non-
renewable natural resources and contribute to human health and happiness (think about
added traffic delay and safety risks due to rework and additional maintenance resulting from
poor quality). In many sustainability metrics, the quality of construction is largely ignored,
often because it is difficult to find a useful universal metric for quality.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Workers
• Users
• Consumption
• Climate
• Budget
• Maintenance & Operations

2-36 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

4.1.1 Density
Density can be considered the best singular indicator of asphalt pavement construction
quality. While many other efforts contribute to construction quality, none have more direct
and proven influence on pavement life. State DOTs and other large owners with adequate
resources pay close attention to density and often pay bonuses or assess penalties based
on density. Smaller owners with fewer resources tend to trust contractor practices with less
verification. Higher In-Place Density

A 2017 FHWA demonstration project examined the impact of higher density on asphalt
pavement durability. A survey of the literature found that in laboratory testing higher
densities (93–94% Rice density compared to typical specification values of 91–92% Rice
density) generally result in better fatigue life and less rutting. Field demonstrations in 10
states generally found densities in the 93–95% range are possible using a combination of
methods, including multiple rollers, WMA, and reduced gyration levels. The general claim is
that a 1% decrease in air voids is estimated to extend service life by 10% (an idea first put
forward in 1989 by Linden et al.). As of 2018, demonstration projects attempting to
determine the benefits of higher in-place density are ongoing in the U.S.

• Project Requirement

Aschenbrener, T., E.R. Brown, N.H. Tran, & P.B. Blankenship (2017). Demonstration Project
for Enhanced Durability of Asphalt Pavements Through Increased In-Place Pavement
Density (NCAT Report 17-05). National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn
University, Auburn, Alabama.
Linden, R.N., J.P. Mahoney, & N.C. Jackson (1989). Effect of Compaction on Asphalt
Concrete Performance. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, No. 1217, p. 20–28. Transportation Research Board of
the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Intelligent Compaction (IC)

IC is usually presented as a way to monitor compaction effort in near real time. IC uses
accelerometers on rollers to measure compaction effort and material response to estimate
in-place density. GPS is used to locate data and systems often show maps of estimated
density in near real time. While the reliability and accuracy of IC asphalt pavement density
estimates still needs improvement, the GPS output showing roller location and roller passes
can be useful. Additionally, IC can be used in subgrade compaction to identify soft areas,
allowing project teams to proactively repair these areas to prevent future maintenance

• Project Requirement

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-37

FHWA Intelligent Compaction Website. Non-Nuclear Field Density Measurement

The standard for in-place density is a field core tested in the laboratory. However, for
quicker density results, the nuclear gauge has been used since the 1970s. While a properly
calibrated nuclear gauge can give density readings within minutes, its radioactive source
requires licensing, a radiation safety program, gauge safety certification training, gauge
security/control, calibration, and proper disposal procedures. Gauges without nuclear
sources (or sources small enough to be exempt from controls), usually electromagnetic
gauges, can be quicker to use and are subject to fewer rules; however, numerous studies
have shown these gauges to have poor correlation with core and nuclear densities, large
variability in measurements, and be quite dependent on calibrated and consistent dielectric
values. Work to improve and evaluate these gauges is ongoing.

• Business Opportunity

Sargand, S.M., S.-S. Kim, & S.P. Farrington (2005). A Working Review of Available Non-
Nuclear Equipment for Determining In-Place Density of Asphalt (FHWA/OH-2005/18).
Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment, Ohio University,
Athens, Ohio. Variable Density Standards Based on NMAS

Research from NCAT and elsewhere shows a relationship between NMAS, density, and
permeability. In general, as NMAS increases the density required to achieve an
impermeable asphalt pavement increases. For instance, ⅜ and ½-inch NMAS mixtures may
become permeable below about 92–93% Rice density, while ¾-inch NMAS mixtures
become permeable below about 94.5% Rice density. If an impermeable asphalt pavement is
wanted (and it usually is), the required density to achieve this should vary with NMAS.

• Project Requirement

Cooley Jr., L.A., E.R. Brown, & S. Maghsoodloo (2001). Development of Critical Field
Permeability and Pavement Density Values for Coarse-Graded Superpave Pavements
(NCAT Report 01-03). National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama.

4.1.2 Lift Thickness ≥ 4 × NMAS

NCHRP research from NCAT recommends the minimum paving depth be at least three
times NMAS for fine-graded mixes (including Thinlays) and at least four times NMAS for
coarse-graded and SMA mixes. This allows enough room for aggregate to rearrange in the

2-38 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

mixture from the weight and vibration of the screed and rollers. Thinner lifts cool rapidly
making roller placement close to the paver even more important (for instance: a 2-inch lift
cools twice as fast as a 2.5-inch lift). At mat thicknesses less than about 1.5 times NMAS,
the screed may be supported by the large aggregates in the mixture rather than floating on
the mixture as a whole.

• Project Requirement

Brown, E.R., M.R. Hainin, A. Cooley, & G. Hurley (2004). NCHRP Report 531: Relationship
of Air Voids, Lift Thickness, and Permeability in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
NAPA (2002). Paver Operations for Quality (IS-125). National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4.1.3 Longitudinal Joints

Longitudinal joints are a focal point for asphalt pavement quality because low compaction
and surface irregularities at the joint can be more common and lead to premature cracking
and raveling. Ideally, the joined area between two passes of asphalt mixture should be an
integral part of the pavement structure and as durable as any other part of the finished mat.
Work at NCAT, subsequently expanded by others, investigated and recommended several
best practices, including proper joint overlap, rolling from the hot side 6 inches away from
the joint, and using rubberized joint material and notched wedge joints. Other useful
techniques are cutting back the cold edge (often done in airfield work) and echelon paving to
create a hot joint.

• Project Requirement

Buncher, M.S., & C. Rosenberger (2012). Best Practices for Constructing and Specifying
HMA Longitudinal Joints. Asphalt Institute, Lexington, Kentucky.
Kandhal, P.S., T.L. Ramirez, & P.M. Ingram (2002). Evaluation of Eight Longitudinal Joint
Construction Techniques for Asphalt Pavements in Pennsylvania (NCAT Report 02-03).
National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
NAPA (2002). Paver Operations for Quality (IS-125). National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4.1.4 Eliminate Segregation

Segregation is a separation of coarse and fine aggregate particles during the production and
laydown process. The result is a non-uniform mat that, in places, will not conform to the
original job mix formula and will perform poorly. Eliminating segregation requires effort

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-39

throughout production and laydown, including stockpiling, plant operations, truck loading,
paver operations, and material-transfer vehicle use.

• Project Requirement

Brock, J.D., J.G. May, & G. Renegar (2003). Segregation: Causes and Cures (Technical
Paper T-117). Astec Inc., Chattanooga, Tennessee.

4.1.5 Smoothness
Smoothness is a defining quality characteristic for asphalt pavement. Smoother pavements
indicate higher construction quality and reduce vehicle operating costs and emissions, and
there is evidence that pavements built to a higher initial level of smoothness are more
durable. Construction Practices

Tactics for achieving smoothness include surface preparation (including leveling courses
and cold planing), reducing paver stops, uniform mix temperature, grade control for pavers,
compaction efforts, and joint construction.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Brock, J.D., & J. Hedderich (2007). Pavement Smoothness (Technical Paper T-123).
Roadtec, an Astec Industries Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Use a Smoothness Specification

About three-quarters of state DOT asphalt pavement specifications have smoothness
requirements based on International Roughness Index (IRI) measurements and about 90%
of those involve incentive/disincentive pay adjustments based on statistical analysis. About
half of smoothness is related to the roughness of the underlying layer, and improvements in
smoothness per lift are on the order of 40–65% at most. For states that base pay on
smoothness, the upper limit for full pay (higher IRI values would result in a penalty) ranges
from 43–100 inches/mile. Incentive/disincentive specifications for smoothness should also
allow for construction methods to improve smoothness, such as a leveling course and
milling of the existing surface.

• Project Requirement

2-40 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

Merritt, D.K., G.K. Chang, & J.L. Rutledge (2015). Best Practices for Achieving and
Measuring Pavement Smoothness, a Synthesis of State-of-Practice (FHWA/LA.14/550).
Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

4.1.6 Mat Temperature

Construction-related temperature differentials (sometimes called “thermal segregation”) are
isolated cooler areas of the mat that may not be adequately compacted using a rolling
pattern designed for the majority mat temperature. Thus, they can result in isolated areas of
low density that fail prematurely by raveling and cracking. Often, these areas are caused by
the top surface of the mix in the dump truck cooling during transit and then passing through
the paver and being placed in mat relatively intact. Infrared Monitoring of Mat Temperature

Infrared (IR) equipment can readily detect isolated areas of low temperature as they
happen. Infrared temperature measuring devices and thermal imaging cameras can both be
used, with more expensive options having better mat coverage, data retention and
processing, and visual displays.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Fernández Cerdas, S. (2012). Thermal Segregation: Causes and Effects on In-Place
Density and Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Mixtures (Master’s thesis). Auburn
University, Auburn, Alabama. Use a Density Differential Specification

Some state DOTs use a specification to identify and correct isolated areas of low density in
the mat, usually caused by construction-related temperature differentials that do not get
adequately compacted. These isolated spots of low density may not be captured by normal
random sampling but can still lead to early pavement failure. Specifications usually require a
“thermal profile” (temperature measurements taken along a short distance: 100–500 feet).
Areas significantly cooler than the surrounding mat require further investigation with density

• Project Requirement

TxDOT (2015). Tex-244-F: Test Procedure for Thermal Profile of Hot Mix Asphalt. Texas
Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-41

WSDOT (2017). WSDOT SOP 733: Determination of Pavement Density Differentials Using
the Nuclear Density Gauge. Materials Manual (M 46-01.30). Washington State
Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington.

4.1.7 Tack Coat

Although flexible asphalt pavements are built in layers, the structural strength of the
pavement system owes much to the bond between those layers. A variety of tack coat
products are available, and following best practices helps ensure they provide the bond
strength the pavement needs for good performance. Pay for Tack Coat Separately

Tack coat can be paid for as a separate item or included as incidental to the bid price of the
asphalt material. Tack coat as a separate pay item is done by 66% of U.S. DOTs (33 out of
50) as of 2017. Paying for tack as a separate item best aligns the goals of owner and
contractor: the owner can ask for more tack coat, and the contractor can be properly
compensated for providing the additional material. Tack coat represents a small job expense
(usually less than 0.5% of bid price) but incorrect application and potential failure due to de-
bonding is an extreme consequence.

• Project Requirement

Gierhart, D., & D.R. Johnson (2017). NCHRP Synthesis 516: Tack Coat Specifications,
Materials, and Construction Practices. Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, Washington, D.C. Control Tack Coat Dilution

Often, slow-setting (SS) tack coats are diluted with water to help the tack truck more evenly
apply the tack coat emulsion because it is better at metering the higher flow needed to obtain
the right residual rate. However, dilution must be closely controlled because an inaccurately
determined dilution rate will result in the incorrect residual asphalt application. As of 2017,
48% of state DOTs allow dilution. If dilution is allowed, only do so at the emulsion supplier’s
terminal, where it is better controlled. It is best to verify the dilution rate before applying tack
coat so that a proper residual asphalt rate will result. It may be easiest to disallow dilution,
thereby eliminating the issue.

• Project Requirement

Gierhart, D., & D.R. Johnson (2017). NCHRP Synthesis 516: Tack Coat Specifications,
Materials, and Construction Practices. Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, Washington, D.C.

2-42 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

Mohammad, L.N., M.A. Elseifi, A. Bae, N. Patel, J. Button, & J.A. Scherocman (2012).
NCHRP Report 712: Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA Placement. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Use Non-Tracking Tack Coat

Construction machinery that drives on tack coat may pick up the tack with their rubber tires
and remove the emulsion material from the intended pavement surface, which can reduce
bond strength in the wheel paths. Since the mid-2000s, non-tracking (or trackless) tack
coats have been available from some manufacturers. Not all owners allow non-tracking tack,
but when properly applied, it appears to largely prevent tracking.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Mohammad, L.N., M.A. Elseifi, A. Bae, N. Patel, J. Button, & J.A. Scherocman (2012).
NCHRP Report 712: Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA Placement. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Tack Coat Best Practices

NAPA publication QIP-128, Best Practices for Emulsion Tack Coats, provides best practice
guidance on emulsion tack coats, covering storage, handling, sampling, testing, distributors,
hand application, surface preparation, residual determination, application rate, break and
set, and tack tracking/pick up.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Decker, D.S. (2013). Best Practices for Emulsion Tack Coats (QIP-128). National Asphalt
Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4.1.8 WMA as a Compaction Aid

A variety of warm-mix asphalt (WMA) additives and processes have been found to aid
compaction at normal construction temperatures. In some instances, WMA additives have
been specified as compaction aids for particularly stiff mixes (for example, high PG 82
grades, asphalt rubber mixtures, open-graded mixtures requiring hand work).

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-43

Kristjánsdóttir, Ó. (2006). Warm Mix Asphalt for Cold Weather Paving (WA-RD 650.1).
Master’s thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Prowell, B.D., G. Hurley, & B. Frank (2012). Warm-Mix Asphalt: Best Practices, Third Edition
(QIP-125). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4.1.9 Pay for Asphalt Binder Separately

The asphalt binder in asphalt pavement can be paid for as a separate item or included as
incidental to the bid price of the asphalt pavement. Paying for asphalt binder as a separate
item best aligns the goals of owner and contractor: the owner can ask for more asphalt
binder and the contractor can provide it and be properly compensated for the additional

• Project Requirement

4.1.10 Use a Warranty

Some U.S. owners and many international ones have extensive experience with pavement
warranties. Stated reasons for their use are (1) improved quality and (2) reduced owner
oversight during construction. While either may happen, neither is a necessary result of a
pavement warranty. Essentially, a warranty is an added upfront expense (warranties are
priced and bid accordingly) to hedge against the risk of a costlier expense later. A warranty
price can be a differentiator for a contractor who builds a superior quality product that
reduces the risk of later repairs.

• Project Requirement

Scott III, S., T. Farragut, M. Syrnick, & S. Anderson (2011). NCHRP Report 699: Guidelines
for the Use of Pavement Warranties on Highway Construction Projects. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

4.1.11 Use a Construction Quality Control Plan

A construction quality control plan is intended to document the structure, responsibilities,
and procedures to effectively manage construction quality. While plans do not ensure
actions, properly developed plans do provide a framework and guidance for good quality
control practice.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

2-44 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

FLH (1998). Contractor Quality Control Plans: Contractor Guidelines and Example Quality
Control Plan. Federal Lands Highway Office, Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C.
Molenaar, K.R., D.D. Gransberg, & D.N. Sillars (2015). NCHRP Report 808: Guidebook on
Alternative Quality Management Systems for Highway Construction. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
Rath, T. (2017). Trans Mountain Expansion Project: Quality Management Plan (Document
#01-13283-GG-0000-RPT-CM-0002). Kinder Morgan Canada Inc., Calgary, Alberta,

4.2 Equipment
Equipment operation influences productivity, fuel use, and the health of workers and neighbors.
These items directly influence pollution, resource consumption, and project cost, as well as
contribute to human health and happiness (think of the effects of construction noise on workers
— hearing loss prevention — as well as its effect on neighbors — annoyance and stress). This
section presents several sustainable practices that go beyond improving productivity.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Workers
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Pollution
• Consumption
• Climate
• Budget

4.2.1 Tier 4 Engines

By 2015, EPA Tier 4 diesel engines were phased in for non-road equipment. They reduce
diesel NOx and particulate exhaust emissions by 90% compared to engines manufactured
prior to implementation of the standard. Existing equipment may continue to operate, but
new equipment must meet Tier 4 engine standards. While not yet common in the paving
industry, some projects place requirements on the age and emissions performance of the
project’s equipment fleet. Starting in 2018, large equipment fleets are prohibited from adding
any more Tier 2 engine vehicles.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

EPA (2018). Regulations for Emissions from Heavy Equipment with Compression-Ignition
(Diesel) Engines. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-45

4.2.2 Alternatives Fuels
Diesel from fossil fuel is the overwhelmingly predominant fuel source for construction
equipment. However, price, environmental, and future supply risks may make alternative
fuels a viable option. Limited use of biofuel is already allowed, and research continues on
other alternative fuels. B20 (20% biodiesel) is usually the maximum recommended for
current diesel engines, but some specialty contractors do use B100 (100% biodiesel) even
though current costs and reduced power make it less competitive. Other alternative fuels
must address refueling logistics and the high energy-density fuel requirements of
construction equipment. For example, while natural gas has gained in overall U.S. market
share, it has an energy density that is two to five times less than diesel, which limits its use
in heavy construction equipment.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

David, J. (2015). Growing the Demand for Biofuels in Off-Highway Equipment Applications.
Equipment Today, Vol. 51, No. 4.
FPT Industrial. (2015). Fuel for Thought: Diesel Alternatives for the Non-Road Sector.
Sustainable Construction, Winter 2015.

4.2.3 Reduce Noise

Hearing loss is the top injury reported by highway construction workers. Additionally, noise is
a major complaint by construction site neighbors. Generally, construction site noise is
regulated by local ordinances, to which some variations may be allowed. Sustainability
generally represents innovation in meeting or exceeding existing regulations. The FHWA’s
Construction Noise Handbook (Knauer & Pedersen, 2006) contains some basic ideas for
mitigating construction noise during roadway construction.

• Project Requirement

Knauer, H.S., & S. Pedersen (2006). Construction Noise Handbook (FHWA-HEP-06-015).
U.S. Department of Transportation, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems
Center Acoustics Facility, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

2-46 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

4.2.4 Automated Grade Control
Hybrid laser-GPS systems are capable of tightly controlling paving and milling grades. This
is beneficial especially for projects with variable-depth paving and milling in that it (1) saves
the surveying step of marking variable depths on the pavement, and (2) eliminates manual
machine control required for variable elevation and cross-slope changes.

• Business Opportunity

Asphalt Contractor (2012). All in a Weekend’s Work. Vol. 26, No. 9,

4.3 Work Zone Traffic Delay and Impacts

Work zone traffic delays can have a major impact on the indirect costs of construction,
especially in urban areas where traffic volumes are generally higher. Road user costs in
work zones include vehicle operating costs, motorist/passenger/freight delay costs, and
crash costs. These are real, quantifiable costs, but are generally not tracked as part of the
construction cost beyond the cost of traffic management itself. However, for larger urban
roadway projects the economic impact can be several times larger than the cost of the
project. 23 CFR 630, Subpart J establishes baseline requirements for work zone safety and
mobility but stops short of requiring specific practices.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Workers
• Neighbors & Stakeholders
• Users
• Pollution
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget

4.3.1 Reduce/Mitigate Work Zone Traffic Delay

Much has been written about work zone traffic delay, its impacts, and practices for reducing
or mitigating those impacts. Anderson & Ullman (2000) categorize these practices into:

1. Programming and planning. For example: interagency coordination, traffic

management plans, road user cost considerations, safety, public perception
2. Design. For example: constructability reviews, materials, prefabrication
3. Contracting. For example: lane rental, cost + time (A+B), incentives/disincentives,
flexible start times
4. Construction. For example: preconstruction planning, construction
equipment/techniques, materials, partnering, value engineering

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-47

5. Maintenance. For example: work restrictions, traffic management and lane control,
methods and materials, work planning, public communications.

• Project Requirement

Anderson, S.D., & G.L. Ullman (2000). NCHRP Synthesis 293: Reducing and Mitigating
Impacts of Lane Occupancy During Construction and Maintenance. TRB, National
Research Council, Washington, D.C.
FHWA. (2017). Work Zone Traffic Management,

4.3.2 Use R3 to Model Construction Plan Productivity and Delay

Rapid Road Rehabilitation (R3, formerly CA4PRS) is an online set of software applications
to help quickly analyze schedule, traffic, and cost options for highway projects. It can
provide quick analysis using planning-level input values for productivity and closure

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Caltrans (2018). Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies: Caltrans
“Rapid Rehab” Software.

4.4 Waste Management

Construction produces waste from unsuitable, temporary, and short-use materials, as well
as clearing/grubbing, demolition, and packaging. The EPA estimates 534 million tons of
construction and demolition waste were generated in the United States in 2014, which is
more than the amount of municipal solid waste (a.k.a. garbage or trash) generated. Road
construction waste can be significant: the EPA estimates 14% of construction and
demolition waste is asphalt concrete, however nearly all of this is diverted from landfills.
Waste directly impacts pollution and the local ecosystem; not recycling/reusing this material
increases consumption of virgin materials.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Pollution
• Local Ecosystem & Habitat
• Consumption

4.4.1 Reduce/Eliminate Waste to Landfill and Document

The asphalt pavement industry does well recycling old asphalt pavement. The EPA notes
that more C&D debris is generated by roads and bridges (234 million tons) than buildings

2-48 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

(166 million tons), but nearly all (99%) of asphalt pavement C&D debris is diverted from
landfills with the intention of reusing it in new asphalt pavements or base layers. Thus,
making pavement construction a documented zero-waste activity is a realistic possibility.
From a consumer perspective, the “zero waste” idea (sometimes called “closed loop”) is that
manufacturers should take back their product in a free and convenient way when it reaches
the end of its useful life, and then recycle the material in a safe and responsible way. This is
asphalt pavement; only the documentation is missing.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

UL 2799: Zero Waste to Landfill standard.
Van Dam, T.J., J.T. Harvey, S.T. Muench, K.D. Smith, M.B. Snyder, I.L. Al-Qadi, H. Ozer, J.
Meijer, P.V. Ram, J.R. Roesler, & A. Kendal (2015). Towards Sustainable Pavement
Systems: A Reference Document (FHWA-HIF-15-002). Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C. (Chapter 8 covers zero waste/closed loop.)
Williams, B.A., A. Copeland, & T.C. Ross (2018). Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on
Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 2017, 8th Annual Survey (IS-138).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.

4.5 Project Management and Control

Project management and controls often determine the profitability of a project and the
owner’s satisfaction with the work. This section focuses on tools and equipment available to
assist in project management and control; it does not address general management science
(for example, what it takes to be a good manager). Tools and equipment are generally able
to provide more data from more sources (for example video, audio, QR codes) at a higher
quality and in a more timely manner. Such technology can be used to reduce project risk,
provide more insight into project issues, better track materials and metrics, and keep the
entire project team better informed. Project management and controls impact efficiency, risk
and awareness, all of which can result in better decisions and lower costs.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Project Budget

4.5.1 Enhanced Information Technology

Enhanced information technologies (IT) encompass mobile and wearable devices, cloud-
based technology, real-time information availability, and multimedia tools. The FHWA and
AASHTO promote e-Construction, which is “… the collection, review, approval, and
distribution of highway construction contract documents in a paperless environment.”

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-49

Importantly, the goal of “enhanced IT” is not just making existing processes paperless but
enabling better processes that create more value using available data and connectivity.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Shah, K., A. Mitchell, D. Lee, & J. Mallela (2017). Addressing Challenges and Return on
Investment (ROI) for Paperless Project Delivery (e-Construction) (FHWA-HIF-17-028).
Federal Highway Administration, McLean, Virginia.
Yamaura, J., G. White, S. Katara, K. Willoughby, R. Garcia, & M. Beer (2015). Project
Inspection Using Mobile Technology — Phase II (WA-RD 840.2). Washington State
Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington.

4.5.2 Geospatial Technologies

Geospatial technologies can be used to gather, store, process, and display geographic or
spatially referenced information. Systems that use the Global Positioning System (GPS),
geographic information systems (GIS), light detection and ranging (LIDAR), and even
barcoding and radio frequency identification (RFID) are considered geospatial technologies.
These technologies can all assist with locating and tracking pavement construction
materials, progress, and data. For example, LIDAR can be used for machine control (paver,
milling machine), as-built documentation, quality control, and materials quantity tracking.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Olsen, M.J., G.V. Roe, C. Glennie, F. Persi, M. Reedy, D. (2013). NCHRP Report 748:
Guidelines for the Use of Mobile LIDAR in Transportation Applications. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
Schwartz, C.W., J.S. Khan, G.H. Pfeiffer, & E. Mustafa (2014). Radio Frequency
Identification Applications in Pavements (FHWA-HRT-14-061). Federal Highway
Administration, McLean, Virginia.

4.6 Work Zone Health and Safety

Work zone health and safety has been a point of emphasis by the FHWA, state agencies,
and others for quite some time. In 2016 (most recent data at time of publication), there were
about 158,000 work zone crashes. Roadway construction worker fatalities have fluctuated
between 100 and 145 per year over the past 10 years. Work zone health and safety is highly
regulated, with most practices being mandatory rather than optional. This section only
addresses optional, non-standard items that may contribute to construction worker health
and safety within the work zone. Regulatory requirements (for example, OSHA and MUTCD

2-50 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

requirements) are not addressed. In general, work zone health and safety efforts are
intended to reduce/eliminate work zone injuries and crashes, which affect worker and user

Impacts on Sustainability
• Workers
• Users
• Project Budget

4.6.1 Health and Safety Management Plan

A proactive approach to managing workplace safety and health. OSHA provides general
guidance for starting and running a health and safety program (OSHA, 2016).
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety describes minimum standards for
occupational health and safety performance and offers certification. Like other standards
from ISO (for example ISO 9001 for quality management systems and ISO 14001 for
environmental management systems), there is effort and cost associated with certification.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems — Requirements
with Guidance for Use.
OSHA (2016). Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs (OSHA 3885).
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Washington, D.C.

4.6.2 Job Hazard (Safety) Analysis

Job hazard analysis is a technique to analyze a job task and identify hazards to determine
the safest way to perform the task. OSHA provides basic guidance on how to perform a job
hazard analysis (OSHA, 2002). More detailed guidance also exists (for example, Roughton
& Crutchfield, 2015); however, job hazard analysis is generally not required by regulation.

• Business Opportunity

OSHA (2002). Job Hazard Analysis (OSHA 3071). Occupational Safety & Health
Administration, Washington, D.C.
Roughton, J., & N. Crutchfield (2015). Job Hazard Analysis: A Guide for Voluntary
Compliance and Beyond, Second Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, Waltham,

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-51

4.6.3 Work Zone Intrusion Alert Systems
Work zone intrusion alert systems refer to a variety of technologies used to notify workers
and drivers of unauthorized vehicles entering work zones. Intrusion alarms are most
beneficial for temporary work zones with minimal separation from moving traffic. Sensors
can range from pneumatic tubes, to impact sensors placed on traffic control devices, to
multiple sensors (video, radar, GPS) working in concert. Alarms are typically audible, with
some systems also using visual (flashing lights) and haptic methods (wearable units that
vibrate). Research and development of these systems is ongoing and progressing rapidly.
Current issues are: (1) quantifying the resulting risk reduction, (2) minimizing false alarms,
and (3) ensuring drivers and workers notice and react to warnings.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Fyhrie, P.B. (2016). Work Zone Intrusion Alarms for Highway Workers. California
Department of Transportation. Sacramento, California.
Gambatese, J.A., H.W. Lee, & C.A. Nnaji (2017). Work Zone Intrusion Alert Technologies:
Assessment and Practical Guidance (SPR 790). Oregon Department of Transportation,
Salem, Oregon.
Theiss, L., T. Lindheimer, & G.L. Ullman (2017). Closed-Course Performance Testing of a
Work Zone Intrusion Alarm System. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

4.6.4 Design for Construction Safety (DfCS)

Design for construction safety (DfCS), also known as prevention through design (PtD) or
construction hazard prevention through design (CHPtD), is a process to include worker
safety considerations in design and constructability review. Improved construction worker
safety is the obvious benefit, while designer liability is the major issue.

• Business Opportunity

Toole, M. (2017) Prevention through Design.
(Overview of DfCS/PtD and available resources)

2-52 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

5. Pavement Design

5.1 New Pavements

New or reconstructed pavements are those built with an entirely new pavement structure.
This document addresses selected new pavement design options, but does not address
design methods, processes, and other technical inputs for pavement design.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Users
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget
• Maintenance & Operations

5.1.1 Perpetual Pavement

Perpetual Pavement describes a long-lasting pavement structural design, materials
selection, construction, and maintenance concept. The Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA)
annually recognizes long-life pavements that meet the Perpetual Pavement ideal with its
Perpetual Pavement Award, the criteria for which includes pavements that are:

• Asphalt pavement
• Pavement age of at least 35 years
• No structural failure
• No rehabilitation that has increased total pavement thickness by more than 4
• Resurfacing intervals of no less than 13 years on average

Essentially, asphalt pavements constructed to a minimum structure are not likely to suffer
significant structural damage even when subjected to very high traffic over long periods of time.
Minimum structure varies with loading and other factors: high-volume highways may be about
12–15 inches of asphalt pavement constructed in specific layers; low-volume local roads may
be about 5–8 inches of asphalt pavement. Newcomb et al. (2010) discusses specifics.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Newcomb, D.E., J.R. Willis, & D.H. Timm (2010). Perpetual Asphalt Pavements: A Synthesis
(IM-40). Asphalt Pavement Alliance, Lanham, Maryland.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-53

5.1.2 Specialty Layers
Most asphalt pavements are designed for and built with dense-graded mixtures. However,
certain traffic and environmental situations may make alternative mixtures more appropriate
and offer sustainability advantages. Specifically:

• Porous asphalt pavements. Pavement structures intentionally designed to be

permeable so they can serve a stormwater management function. A porous asphalt
pavement system can be comparable in cost to an equivalent impermeable pavement
combined with the necessary traditional stormwater management system. Porous
asphalt pavement systems are generally efficient at removing pollutants (with
phosphorus being a notable exception). Most porous pavement systems are designed
for light automobile traffic in residential and, especially, parking lot applications.

• Open-graded friction course (OGFC). Pavement surfaces constructed of an open-

graded (15–25% air voids) asphalt mixture, and typically paved in a thin lift (often ¾–
2 inches thick). The main benefits are (1) improved safety due to reduced
splash/spray and reduced risk of hydroplaning, (2) improved skid resistance, and (3)
potential reduction in tire–pavement noise.

• Stone-matrix asphalt (SMA). Gap-graded mixture with strict aggregate

specifications, modified asphalt binder, and mineral fillers. SMAs generally cost more
than dense-graded mixtures and involve special construction considerations. There
is substantial evidence that properly constructed SMA pavements outperform dense-
graded equivalents. The Washington State DOT estimated that an SMA pavement
must last about 2.5 years longer than a dense-graded pavement to break even on
cost (Wen et al., 2016).

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Cooley Jr., L.A., J.W. Brumfield, R.B. Mallick, W.S. Mogawer, M. Partl, L. Poulikakos, & G.
Hicks (2009). NCHRP Report 640: Construction and Maintenance Practices for
Permeable Friction Courses. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D.C.
Hansen, K.R. (2008). Porous Asphalt Pavements for Stormwater Management (IS-131).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Hughes, C.S., & P.S. Kandhal (2002). Designing and Constructing SMA Mixtures — State-
of-the-Practice (QIP-122). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Kandhal, P.S. (2002). Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Open-Graded Asphalt
Friction Courses (IS-115). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Schwartz, C.W., & K.D. Hall (2018). Structural Design Guidelines for Porous Asphalt
Pavements (IS-140). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.

2-54 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

Wen, H., S.T. Muench, S. Chaney, K. Littleton, & T. Rydholm (2016). Recommendations for
Extending Asphalt Pavement Surface Life within Washington State (WA-RD 860.1).
Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington.

5.2 Rehabilitation
Pavement rehabilitation is the act of repairing portions or all of an existing pavement to reset
the deterioration process. This differs from maintenance (routine service and repairs done to
slow the rate of deterioration) and reconstruction (removing and replacing a pavement with
an entirely new structure). This document addresses selected non-traditional rehabilitation
guidance and methods but does not address design methods and processes or other
technical input for pavement design.

Impacts on Sustainability
• Users
• Consumption
• Climate
• Project Budget
• Maintenance & Operations

5.2.1 Use R23 Guidance

The SHRP 2 R23 project provides guidance on rehabilitating existing high volume (≥10
million ESALs) pavements for long life (at least 30 years). rePave
( is the associated online scoping tool that allows users to input
existing pavement information and provides viable long-term rehabilitation solutions. The
rePave scoping tool and its associated resources are based on an extensive review of in-
service pavement performance in the U.S. and internationally.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement


5.2.2 Crack, Seat, and Overlay

To restore ride quality and serviceability, existing deteriorated concrete pavement is often
cracked into smaller slabs then overlaid with asphalt pavement. The smaller slabs are less
likely to cause reflective cracking in the asphalt pavement overlay. This method is most
successful with thicker (greater than 7 inches) asphalt pavement overlays, no evidence of
pumping under existing slabs, good subgrade support, and existing drainage. While it is
most often done on unreinforced concrete pavement, it can be adapted to reinforced
concrete pavement by first sawing the pavement in the transverse direction every 4–5 feet,
deep enough to cut the reinforcing steel.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-55

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

rePave (2013). Flexible Best Practices: Recommendations for the Design and Construction
of Long-Life Flexible Pavement Alternatives Using Existing Pavements.

5.2.3 Rubblization
Existing deteriorated concrete pavement can be turned into rubble by a fracturing process
and then overlaid with asphalt pavement. The rubble is left in place and functions as a high-
quality base for the asphalt pavement overlay. Rubblization works best when the existing
subgrade provides adequate strength, support, and drainage, and there is no evidence of
pumping under existing slabs. Long-term performance of rubblized pavements depend on
the rubblization quality (all concrete broken, relatively uniform size distribution of rubblized
concrete, bottom half of slab size limit of 6–12 inches), subgrade strength (in combination
with overlay thickness), and existing moisture problems eliminated. If viable, crack-and-seat
is usually preferred to rubblization as it retains more of the existing pavement stiffness.

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Decker, D.S. (2006). Rubblization: Design and Construction Guidelines on Rubblizing and
Overlaying PCC Pavements with Hot-Mix Asphalt (IS-132). National Asphalt Pavement
Association, Lanham, Maryland.
rePave (2013). Flexible Best Practices: Recommendations for the Design and Construction
of Long-Life Flexible Pavement Alternatives Using Existing Pavements.

5.2.4 Thin Overlays

Thin overlays and Thinlays™ are thin surface mixes that are 1.5-inch thick or less and
placed on a well-prepared surface for use as part of a pavement preservation/management
program. Thin overlays are ideally suited for existing pavements with low to medium levels
of surface distress and can provide 10+ years of service on asphalt surfaces and 6–10 years
of service on concrete surfaces (Newcomb, 2009). Thin overlays can be used earlier in the
deterioration cycle of a pavement to preclude the onset of more severe distresses that might
make a thicker structural overlay necessary. By using Thinlays, agencies can extend the life
of pavements that are in good to fair condition, decreasing life-cycle costs, improving ride,
and decreasing roadway noise (Heitzman et al., 2018).

2-56 | SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics

• Business Opportunity
• Project Requirement

Heitzman, M.A., E.R. Brown, & J. Hickey (2018). Thinlays for Pavement Preservation (IS-
141). National Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Newcomb, D.E. (2009). Thin Asphalt Overlays for Pavement Preservation (IS-135). National
Asphalt Pavement Association, Lanham, Maryland.
Watson, D.E., & M.A. Heitzman (2014). NCHRP Synthesis 464: Thin Asphalt Concrete
Overlays. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

SIP 102 Sustainability Specifics | 2-57

Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol

in inches 25.4 millimeters mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
ft feet 0.305 meters m m meters 3.28 feet ft
yd yards 0.914 meters m m meters 1.09 yards yd
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km km kilometers 0.621 miles mi

square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm 2 mm2 square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in2
ft2 square feet 0.093 square meters m2 m 2 square meters 10.764 square feet ft2
yd2 square yards 0.836 square meters m2 m 2 square meters 1.196 square yards yd2
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
mi2 square miles 2.59 square kilometers km2 km2 square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi2

fl oz fluid ounces 645.2 milliliters mL mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
gal gallons 3.785 liters L L liters 0.264 gallons gal
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m3 m 3 cubic meters 35.315 cubic feet ft3
yd3 cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m3 m 3 cubic meters 1.308 cubic yards yd3
NOTE: Volumes greater than 1000 L should be shown in m3

oz ounces 28.35 grams g g grams 0.035 ounces oz
lbs pounds 0.454 kilograms kg kg kilograms 2.205 pounds lbs
T short tons 0.907 megagrams Mg Mg megagrams 1.102 short tons T
T short tons 0.907 metric tonnes t t metric tonnes 1.102 short tons T
NOTE: A short ton is equal to 2,000 lbs NOTE: A short ton is equal to 2,000 lbs


5(F−32) Celsius
°F Fahrenheit °C °C Celsius (1.8×C)+32 Fahrenheit °F

*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units


This publication is one of the many technical, informational, and promotional resources avail-
able from the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA). NAPA also produces training aids,
webinars, and other educational materials. For a full list of NAPA publications, training aids,
archived webinars, and promotional items, visit
National Asphalt Pavement Association
NAPA Building
5100 Forbes Blvd.
Lanham, Maryland 20706-4407
[email protected]
Tel: 301-731-4748
Fax: 301-731-4621
Toll Free: 1-888-468-6499

SIP 102

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