Future Vision & Ministry

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My Future Vision for Ministry

Greetings to you in Jesus name. I am David Kumar

Ankam, from Guntur City of Andhra Pradesh. Thank you so
much giving me this opportunity to write about my future
vision and Ministry. After Completion of my studies, I want
to become Pastor and Bible teacher. After learning theology, I
want to become a part in constructing the Kingdom of God.
According to Matthew 28:20 I want to preach, teach, and win
many people for Christ. Many people are perishing without
Christ, so it is my utmost responsibility to reach unreached
people, broken people, and marginalized people. Nowadays
people are dying without Christ.
God has given me the burden for the people those who do not
know about God. As I have equipped from the Bible College I
want to become a leader to teach many young men and
women. I want to do the will of God in my life, not only that I
want to help my parents to develop the church. My purpose is
to live like the Apostle Paul. If I live, I live for Christ; as well,
as If I die I want to die for my Christ. Please remember me in
your valuable prayers.

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