Analysing The Diffusion and Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa The Functions of Innovation Systems Perspective

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Analysing the diffusion and adoption of renewable

energy technologies in Africa: The functions of
innovation systems perspective

Aschalew Demeke Tigabu

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of renewable energy technologies in Africa: The functions of innovation systems perspective,
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 10:5, 615-624, DOI:

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African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2018
Vol. 10, No. 5, 615–624,
© 2017 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

Analysing the diffusion and adoption of renewable energy technologies in Africa: The functions
of innovation systems perspective
Aschalew Demeke Tigabu*

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi, Kenya

*Email: [email protected]

Renewable energy technologies have increasingly been promoted to address energy poverty and environmental
sustainability challenges in Africa. Yet, their diffusion and uptake remain marginal. The focus of renewable energy
technology diffusion research in Africa has largely been on identifying technological, economical and social factors,
which determine adoption decision of end-users. In this paper, I argue that there is a need to systematically understand
the enabling institutional context of renewable energy technologies as well. I argue that the Technological Innovation
System (TIS) is a useful approach in this regard. In terms of policy, I argue that strengthening the functional build-up of
TISs is crucial to increase the diffusion of renewable energy technologies in Africa. This requires gaining insights into
the functioning of TISs. To this end, I provide a simplified framework for evaluating the functional performance of
renewable energy TISs in Africa.

Keywords: diffusion of renewable energy technologies, technological innovation systems, functions approach, Africa

Introduction example). Despite the efforts and notable social and econ-
Lack of access to modern energy services is among the omic advantages of renewable energy technologies, there
daunting development challenges affecting a significant are few examples of fully functioning, competitive and
proportion of the world’s population. Recent figures mature renewable energy technology markets self-sus-
show that 40% of the global population lack affordable tained by local entrepreneurs and public agencies.
and reliable modern energy services (Kumar, Chalise, Indeed, the penetration rate of innovative small-scale
and Yadama 2016). Over 1.6 billion people do not have renewable energy technologies, such as domestic bio-
access to electricity; and 2.4 billion people exclusively digesters, across the sub-Saharan African region is extre-
depend on traditional biomass energy sources (e.g. mely low (Mshandete and Parawira 2009). This low rate
animal dung and firewood) for cooking and lighting pur- is contrary to a large potential for bio-digestion present
poses (Kaygusuz 2012). Across the sub-Saharan African in the region (Brown 2006). For instance, whereas there
region, in particular, at least 585 million people do not is a technical potential for 1.2 million units of domestic
have access to electricity as of 2010 (OECD/IEA 2010). bio-digesters in Kenya (Heegde and Sonder 2007),
Pertinent to estimated population growth and projected Mshandete and Parawira (2009) reported that as of 2007
rate of electrification from 2009 to 2030, the number of there were only about 500 functional units, representing
people in sub-Saharan Africa without access to electricity a little over 0.04% of the country’s technical potential.
is expected to grow to 652 million (OECD/IEA 2010). Insights from Ghana suggest that this is likely because
The cost of energy production and provision through of, inter alia, the high initial cost of bio-digesters com-
conventional energy systems (e.g. grid-based rural electri- pared with the income of most rural households, a lack
fication) is continuously increasing, and it remains costly of awareness about the benefits of biogas technology,
for many poor countries. Subsidizing fossil fuel, for limited technical capacity leading to poor design and con-
example, has often led to government budget deficit in struction, and a lack of supportive policy (see Bensah and
key public services, such as education, healthcare and Brew-Hammond 2010).
water supply (REN21 2010). This indicates that it is chal- Due to increasing recognition of the potential role that
lenging to address the modern energy demands of the poor renewable energy technologies can play in meeting the
through conventional energy systems alone. In this regard, energy needs of the poor, and ensuring environmental sus-
technologies, which (efficiently) convert renewable, tainability, there is a reviving interest, growing optimism
locally available and easily accessible resources to and increasing effort by many international agencies and
thermal, mechanical and electrical energy, also called local governments to support the broader diffusion and
renewable energy technologies, have widely been adoption of these technologies. A typical effort of this
regarded as potential solutions. Indeed, the role of renew- kind is the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiat-
able energy technologies as a source of decentralized ive, which aims to achieve universal access to electricity
energy to the poor has historically won the approval and and clean cooking solutions and double the share of the
support of many international development agencies world’s energy supplied by renewable sources from 18%
(Flavin and Aeck 2010). in 2010 to 36% by 2030.1 For these and future efforts to
Considerable effort has been made on promoting succeed, it is crucial to understand the underlying mechan-
renewable energy technologies in the sub-Saharan isms influencing the diffusion and adoption of renewable
African region (see Africa–EU Energy Partnership 2016 energy technologies and design appropriate intervention
for a list of energy initiatives and programmes as strategies.

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development is co-published by NISC Pty (Ltd) and Informa Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis Group)
616 Tigabu

The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, I will developing countries determine success or failure of adop-
argue that renewable energy promotion interventions in tion of new technologies (Kaplinsky 2011). Based on this,
Africa should follow a systematic approach that takes appropriate technologies were assumed to have character-
into account not only technological factors and beneficiary istics of labor-intensiveness, simple to use and cheap to
characteristics but also the institutional context in which buy, among others (Akubue 2000). The appropriate tech-
technologies, technology suppliers and adopters are nology movement influenced donors and non-governmen-
embedded. Second, I briefly review four case studies in tal organizations, leading them to adopt technology-
the East African context and show that institutional func- focused project planning and implementation approaches
tioning around new renewable energy technologies since the 1970s (Kaplinsky 2011). However, the move-
explains the low level of diffusion of such technologies. ment failed to attain its desired goals; and it has recently
Finally, I will provide a simplified framework for evaluat- been declared ‘dead’2 by some technology activists (see
ing the institutional context of renewable energy technol- e.g. Polak 2010).
ogies Africa. Contrary to the neo-classical and technology-focused
perspectives and the high degree of emphasis put on
Analytical approaches for innovation and diffusion R&D by the Sussex Manifesto, modern innovation
Many previous studies on the diffusion and adoption of theory advocates a holistic and an evolutionary approach.3
small-scale renewable energy technologies, such as This approach puts the importance of absorption capacity,
improved cookstoves, in sub-Saharan African countries role of various interactive organizations, institutions and
have emphasized user or community characteristics and socioeconomic, historical and political contexts and path
technical attributes that determine adoption decisions. dependency among central determinants of the develop-
The major focus has been on the adopter’s socioeconomic ment, diffusion and use of new technologies (see e.g.
and demographic profile, such as income, age, gender and Freeman 1987; Lundvall 1992; Edquist and Johnson
education, as well as on the failure of the technology to 1997). It claims that the diffusion and adoption of technol-
meet the specific needs of households, cost aspects and ogies need to be seen as part of the innovation process, and
technical problems (see e.g. El Tayeb Muneer and involve both individual and collective efforts (Jacobsson
Mukhtar Mohamed 2003; Walekhwa, Mugisha, and and Johnson 2000; Jacobsson and Bergek 2004). This
Drake 2009; Gebreegziabher et al. 2012). These studies implies that the diffusion process is not exclusively deter-
generally tend to explain low level of diffusion and adop- mined by firm or consumer level factors and/or techno-
tion of innovations focusing on market factors, i.e. price/ logical attributes. It is also determined by the wider
performance ratio of a new technology. However, due to socioeconomic and institutional environment in which
its inability to take into account all the key factors that firms and consumers are embedded (Jacobsson and
influence technology development, diffusion and utiliz- Bergek 2004; Negro 2007). This includes the quality of
ation, the neo-classical ‘market failure’ approach, having interaction and interactive learning among several knowl-
a tendency of making policy prescriptions to individual edge creating, diffusing, using and supporting agencies,
‘market failures’, has been criticized as insufficient or such as research institutes, government ministries, univer-
too narrow for policy interventions (Carlsson and Jacobs- sities, industries and investment banks (Jacobsson and
son 1994; Bergek 2002; Bergek et al. 2008). Johnson 2000). Hence, introduction, diffusion and utiliz-
Historically, there were two major policy-oriented ation of a new technology or production process occurs
reactions, which challenged the market failure approach in a context of several interacting actors and institutions,
to the promotion of technologies in the context of develop- which can be best depicted as a ‘system’4 – the so-called
ing countries (Kaplinsky 2011). The first was the Sussex an ‘innovation system’ (Negro 2007). If we want to under-
Manifesto (Singer et al. 1970) – a policy draft by a stand the factors that induce or hamper the diffusion of
group of social researchers at the Science Policy Research new technologies, ‘ … it is the character of this system
Unit (SPRU) and the Institute of Development Studies at that we need to comprehend’ (Bergek 2002, 19). Policy
Sussex University. This manifesto underscored the impor- interventions to improve development and diffusion of
tance of ‘science and technology’ for innovation and long- technologies, therefore, need to aim at addressing
term economic development. It stressed the need for insti- ‘system failures’ as opposed to addressing only ‘market
tutional changes while simultaneously enhancing research imperfections’ (Woolthuis, Lankhuizen, and Gilsing
and (experimental) development (R&D) capacity of devel- 2005).
oping countries. In this regard, it called for developing Freeman (1987, 1) defined an innovation system as ‘
countries to allocate about 0.5% of their GDP for R&D … network of institutions in the public and private
and developed countries to direct their aid and some part sector whose activities and interactions initiate, import
of their own research to the needs of developing countries and diffuse new technologies.’ The innovation systems
(Clark et al. 2009; Kaplinsky 2011). However, its increas- framework (having roots in evolutionary, institutional
ing influence led to emphasis on R&D without much focus economic and interactive learning theories) recognizes
on building the requisite competence of users to apply that a technology development, diffusion and adoption
innovations and harness technological benefits (Clark process is determined by the nature of actors, their activi-
et al. 2009; Kaplinsky 2011). ties and interactions, as well as institutions (Jacobsson and
The second was the ‘Appropriate Technology’ – a Johnson 2000; Negro, Hekkert, and Smits 2008). If one is
movement, which argued that the characteristics and interested in designing an intervention instrument that can
appropriateness of a technology to the contexts of accelerate the diffusion and adoption of a renewable
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 617

energy technology, it is important that the innovation processes are labelled as ‘functions of innovation
system associated with it is analyzed and an insight into systems’ (Hekkert et al. 2007; Bergek et al. 2008; Jacobs-
its performance is generated (Bergek 2002; Hekkert son 2008). Different scholars have proposed somewhat
et al. 2007). varying types of system functions since the emergence
The innovation system framework has emerged into of the concept. Hekkert et al. (2007), for example, pro-
different branches that share a common ideological root vided a detailed review on seven system functions that a
(i.e. the view of innovation having ‘systemic character- well-functioning TIS is likely to fulfil. This list includes
istics’; Lundvall et al. 2002, 215) but take different entrepreneurial activities, knowledge development, knowl-
analytical units. A widely known model of innovation edge diffusion, guidance of search, resource mobilization,
system is a system delineated over a nation’s boundary market formation and creation of legitimacy.
called national innovation system (NIS) (see e.g. Lund- Existing literature also shows that these functions tend
vall 1992). Another related approach, with a territorial to reinforce one another; i.e. fulfilment of one function
delineation, is regional innovation system framework causes the fulfilment of other function/s, leading to ‘virtu-
(RIS) (see Cooke, Gomez, and Etxebarria 1997; ous cycles’ (Bergek 2002; Jacobsson and Bergek 2004;
Maskell and Malmberg 1999). A different framework Hekkert et al., 2007). The interaction can also be negative.
that does not take geographical delineation, but is In this case, a negative function influences other functions
bounded around an industrial or economic sector, the negatively, leading to a downward spiral of causations,
so-called sectoral innovation system (SIS), has been also called ‘vicious cycles’ (Negro 2007).
added (see Breschi and Malerba 1997; Malerba 2005). Researchers indicate that by mapping the functions
Finally, a rather narrow system delineation that is not and their interactions over time, insights into the strengths
necessarily limited to a boundary of a particular and weaknesses of TISs can be gleaned, and determinants
country, region or sector, also called a technological of technological change can be identified. This has created
innovation system (TIS) has also been introduced (see a unique perspective to analyzing and describing TISs
Negro 2007; Hekkert et al. 2007; Bergek et al. 2008; through their achieved functional patterns, labelled as
Jacobsson 2008; Suurs and Hekkert 2009). the ‘functions of innovation systems’ approach (Hekkert
A TIS is a system built around a particular technology. et al. 2007; Bergek et al. 2008).
Being a technology-specific innovation system implies The ‘functions of innovation systems’ approach has
that it is less complex than national, regional or sectoral extensively been applied for analyzing the dynamics of
innovation systems in terms of diversity of actors and TISs of sustainable energy technologies in European
density of networks or institutions (Hekkert and Negro countries5 (e.g. Hekkert, Harmsen, and De Jong 2007;
2009). This is particularly true for an innovation system Negro and Hekkert 2008; Negro, Hekkert, and Smits
corresponding to a specific technology being newly intro- 2008; Negro, Suurs, and Hekkert 2008b; Hekkert and
duced to a new setting (Negro 2007). This makes it prac- Negro 2009; Suurs and Hekkert 2009; Suurs, Hekkert,
tical and appropriate to examine characteristics, and Smits 2009; Van Alphen, Hekkert, and Turkenburg
performance and evolutionary transformation of a 2009). The key insights from these studies are related to
system in detail (Jacobsson and Johnson 2000; Bergek the claim that seven functions and virtuous cycle of inter-
2002; Hekkert et al. 2007). actions among them are important for the buildup of a
The TIS framework also puts an emphasis on systemic system as well as for a successful development and diffu-
determinants of a new technology diffusion (as opposed to sion of (sustainable) technologies.
a new technology generation) arguing that ‘ … new tech-
nologies are significant only in so far as they carry econ- Functioning of innovation systems and diffusion of
omic weight, i.e. they diffuse extensively and, in this renewable energy technologies in developing
process, displace inferior technologies’ (Carlsson and countries – a brief review of cases from Kenya and
Jacobsson 1994, 236). Carlsson et al. (2002, 237) have Rwanda
also strengthened this view stating that Recently, some case studies have been conducted in devel-
oping countries that mapped the emergence and evolution
… the main focus [in applying the TIS approach] is on of TISs. In the following, I will briefly introduce the his-
how well the system can identify, absorb, and exploit torical case studies and subsequently highlight major
global technological opportunities. This means, e.g. that
it may be more important to raise absorptive capacity insights from the functional analyses of biogas and
than to create new technology. improved cookstove TIS in Rwanda and Kenya (reported
in Tigabu, Berkhout, and van Beukering 2015a, 2015b,
The emphasis on the role of TIS on competence build- 2015c, 2017 for the details).
ing, i.e. enabling firms and other actors to successfully Biogas TIS in Rwanda emerged in the late 1990s when
acquire and assimilate technologies, has been coupled bio-digestion was introduced to alleviate the human waste
with a major theoretical development in which TISs are challenge in Rwandan prisons. The early niche appli-
related to ‘general systems theory’ (Hekkert and Negro cations in prisons triggered feasibility assessments in
2009, 585). This is the claim that innovation systems other sectors in mid-2000s.Positive feasibility assessments
perform key activities and processes that contribute to triggered the emergence of diversified activities in 2008
the overall performance of an innovation system, i.e. the that continued up to 2011.
development, diffusion and adoption of a technology Biogas TIS in Kenya emerged in late 1950s through
(Jacobsson and Johnson 2000). These activities and isolated experimentations of few entrepreneurs. The
618 Tigabu

range of actors and their activities increased in the late function playing a dominant role. In the same country,
1970s triggered by decreasing biomass resources in the improved cookstove innovation system’s functional
Kenya. In the early 2000s, supportive policy directions evolution is slow and fragmented, with knowledge diffu-
began to emerge with a corresponding increase in the sion function relatively well attended. In the Kenyan
entry of diversified actors and provision of biogas activi- cases, knowledge diffusion function is dominant.
ties up to 2010. However, the rate and specific patterns of functional devel-
The Kenyan improved cookstove TIS emerged in the opments are dissimilar. Although the observed patterns are
late 1970s, following the recognition that wood biomass unique for each technological innovation system, detailed
supplies were associated with environmental concerns. examination of the functional evolution of the four techno-
Up to 1983, major improved cookstove actors in Kenya logical innovation systems shows that contextual factors
focused their activities on development and introduction (i.e. other actors and institutions which are not part of
of charcoal burning stoves in urban areas. The subsequent the local TIS, such as development partners) are more
focus was on diversifying the introduction of improved important drivers of functional accumulation than techno-
cookstoves to rural areas in which development of wood logical factors and internal dynamics (interaction of func-
burning stove models and training of rural stove producers tions). Indeed, the role of international development
were emphasized. Finally, since the early 1990s to 2010, assistance in the functioning of the four innovation
the focus of actors shifted to strengthening the penetration systems is evident. However, the relative importance of
of improved rural cookstoves. the external context seems to decline over time as the tech-
The Rwandan improved cookstove TIS emerged in the nological innovation systems mature, balanced accumu-
early 1980s, following the looming household energy lation of functions materializes and clear interactions
crisis due to the rapid depletion of biomass resources in among increasingly institutionalized system functions
the countryside. Emergent actors around improved cook- emerge. In such cases, local institutional arrangements
stoves and conducted stove promotion and field-testing and actors increasingly provide key functions, increasing
activities and training of stove producers. However, insti- the sustained diffusion and uptake of the renewable
tutional activities around improved cookstoves completely energy technologies.
collapsed and remained halted for the next several years In general, the four case studies offer insights into the
due to the political and economic discontinuity created applicability of the functions approach to innovation
by the ethnicity-led genocide and civil war in 1994. systems to examine TISs in the African context. The
Stove activities re-emerged in the mid-2000s and contin- studies reveal that balanced accumulation of innovation
ued to 2010 triggered by the rising fuelwood and charcoal systems is key for sustained uptake and adoption of renew-
price in Rwanda. able energy technologies in developing countries. The fact
A detailed functional analysis of the biogas innovation that TISs are unique in their functional evolution means
system in Rwanda reveals that a range of actors, networks that ‘one-size fits all’ policy approach is unlikely to
and institutions have fulfilled a large number of activities work for interventions aiming to influence such systems.
and processes that can be ascribed to existing system func- Additionally, the observation that the early functional
tions proposed by Hekkert et al. (2007). The historical development of TISs is susceptible to contextual factors
evolution of Rwandan biogas events also shows a func- means that targeted external policy measures are important
tional pattern in which the guidance of search function in shaping the evolutionary growth of TISs. Therefore,
was relatively well fulfilled. Assessment of the perceived evaluation of TIS functionality and developing system-
functioning of the Rwandan biogas innovation system specific intervention strategies are decisive to influence
through expert interviews confirms the event-based evalu- the diffusion and adoption of renewable energy technol-
ation, in which the guidance of search function is viewed ogies in Africa.
as well fulfilled. Observed weaknesses in the other func-
tions are explained by blockages found within the struc- Simplified TIS-functional diagnostic framework for
tural and contextual setting of the Rwandan biogas renewable energy technologies in Africa
innovation system. The study also showed that imbal- I have suggested that facilitating the diffusion and uptake
anced and weak accumulation of system functions is of renewable energy technologies in developing countries
associated with a failure to meet diffusion targets, creating necessitates the buildup of TISs; and policy measures
a preliminary insight into the link between the functioning should play this role. The relevant question is how?
of technological innovation systems and achieved diffu- A first step towards strengthening the functional
sion levels in developing countries. Furthermore, a com- buildup of TISs is identifying the weaknesses of a TIS
parative analysis of the Rwandan and Kenyan biogas by evaluating the extent to which a TIS has achieved func-
and improved cookstove innovation systems further con- tional accumulation. However, there are no readily avail-
firmed that as more functions accumulate and positive able and straightforward evaluation guidelines for
interaction among them materializes, a higher diffusion policymakers to help them assess the functional strengths
rate of technologies is observed. and weaknesses of TISs in Africa. Following the experi-
Comparison of the observed functional patterns among ences of mapping and analyzing the Rwandan and
the four TISs shows no similarity with functional patterns Kenyan biogas and improved cookstove TISs, I will
along technological or institutional dimensions. The suggest a highly simplified framework that analysts may
Rwandan biogas innovation system shows relatively use to evaluate the functioning of TISs built around
rapid functional buildup, with the guidance of search specific renewable energy technologies in Africa.6
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 619

Guidelines for analyzing the functional dynamics of

TISs (suited to the western industrial context) have been
developed. For example, Bergek et al. (2008) have pro-
vided a scheme for analyzing TIS and Hekkert et al.
(2007) have expanded the theoretical basis of the ‘func-
tions approach’ to TIS, including a longitudinal method-
ology to analyze the dynamics of TIS called ‘process
analysis’. The tool of assessment I am proposing here
incorporates the key concepts and insights of Hekkert
et al. (2007), Bergek et al. (2008), Hekkert et al. (2011)
and van Alphen (2011). However, it is adapted and
(highly) simplified to meet the African small-scale renew-
able energy context based on empirical analyses of biogas
and improved cookstove TIS in Rwanda and Kenya (see
Tigabu, Berkhout, and van Beukering 2015a, 2015b,
2015c, 2017).
This framework is fundamentally based on the evi-
dence that higher functionality is associated with increased
diffusion of technologies (as stated in the previous Figure 1: Proposed steps in evaluating the functioning of TISs in
section). Thus, the starting point for evaluation is that all the sub-Saharan context (see also Hekkert et al. (2011).
the functions (or as many of them as possible) should be
sufficiently fulfilled to ensure the development of a TIS
and nurture the diffusion of sustainable technologies.7,8 rectify the functional failures and strengthen the functional
Based on this, the aim of the assessment tool is to demon- successes.
strate to what extent an emerging TIS has achieved func- I believe that functional evaluation is not necessarily a
tional accumulation (i.e. skills, awareness, interactions, one-time activity (Figure 1 shows that the steps are circu-
resources, legitimacy, power, incentives, expectations, lar). Functional assessments need to be done repeatedly
entrepreneurial experiences, and so on), taking into since the development and diffusion of renewable
account past and ongoing activities and processes.9,10 energy technologies (and, as such, building TISs) is essen-
However, it may be the case that some functions are tially a long-term endeavour. The assessment steps are
relatively more important than others, depending on the described in detail as follows.
level of maturity of the TIS (Tigabu, Berkhout, and van
Beukering 2015c). Tigabu, Berkhout, and van Beukering Step 1: Map system functions served by the TIS using
(2015c) labelled TISs based on observations in the East indicators
African context as weak, emerging and mature. Weak The first step in evaluating an existing TIS is mapping the
TISs are characterized by the presence of only few weak functional evolution of the emerging TIS, including func-
functions (majority missing), whereas emergent TISs are tions emerging from its context.12This involves retrieving
typified by the presence of many of the functions while major historical activities of actors and the influence of
only few are well addressed. On the other hand, mature institutions and interactions around the technology in
TISs are characterized by the presence of all seven func- focus. These activities and processes are manifested as
tions with sufficient intensity and interactions. The ‘events’. Data on the major events in the context of devel-
authors further suggest that for weak TISs, where the tech- oping countries can be collected through archival investi-
nology is in its early stage of development, knowledge gation and conducting interviews. Documents that can be
development and knowledge diffusion functions are rela- suitable are project reports, government policy documents,
tively more important while other functions play a suppor- newspapers, trade press, brochures, scientific articles, pub-
tive role. For emergent TISs in which locally relevant lished books, magazines, policy briefs and website infor-
technology is in place but its market is not developed, gui- mation. Potential sources of archival data can include
dance of search, market creation, resource mobilization government ministries, non-governmental organizations
and entrepreneurial activities functions are more important implementing projects, international organizations
than knowledge development and diffusion.11 funding projects, technology research institutes, think
The assessment has five steps (Figure 1). The firsts tanks and experts working in technology in focus and so
step is mapping the historical activities and processes on. For interviews, key informants who are knowledge-
around the specific technology using specific indicators. able about the historical aspects of the development and
The second step is weighing functional fulfilment diffusion of the technology can be identified by using a
through expert evaluations. The third step is gaining snowballing technique. These informants need to be repre-
insights into the functional strengths and weaknesses of sentative actors in the entire technology value chain who
the TIS by comparing results from the first and second are active around the technology. Experts and governmen-
steps. tal and non-governmental officials can also be potential
The fourth step is concerned with identifying func- sources of information.
tional failures and corresponding ‘blocking mechanisms’. While reviewing documents, emphasis should be
Finally, the fifth step proposes policy measures that may placed on the activities contributed by actors and the
620 Tigabu

direct or indirect influence of institutions around the capture major events/activities that have directly or
specific technology that are ‘reported at system level’ indirectly contributed to or influenced the development
(Hekkert et al. 2007, 427). Likewise, during interviews, and diffusion of the technology in question (Hekkert et al.
it is wise to require participants to recall major events 2007). Data collection should continue until the major
related to the development and diffusion of the specific event is exhausted and a complete picture of what has hap-
technology in the focal country retrospectively. In both pened around the technology emerges (Bergek et al. 2008).
strategies, acquiring details of events is important, by Once the longitudinal events are thoroughly collected,
tracing their sources, features and outcomes. Useful diag- they need to be organized, refined, coded and ascribed to
nostic questions may include: Who performed the the system functions. This can be done by using the
activity? Why was it performed? When? Up to what specific indicators provided in Table 1. These indicators
time? Where? With whom? Who funded it? What did it are developed deductively based on observations of TISs
result in? What activity followed it? and so on. emerging in East Africa (see Tigabu, Berkhout, and van
Detailed information may not be collected through inter- Beukering 2015a, 323).
views or document reviews alone, since interviewees’ mem- To illustrate how event data can be organized and
ories might be limited and biased, and past activities might coded to the functions, examples of activity data, corre-
not be sufficiently documented. It may be useful to use infor- sponding indicators and ascribed functions are provided
mation from interviews to locate other data from documen- in Table 2 by taking actual sample data from biogas diffu-
ted sources, and vice versa. Through such iterations, sion in Kenya.
information will be triangulated and factuality and reason- Additionally, with the collected event data a historical
able detail will be ensured. This does not mean that every description can be produced that shows the dynamics of
event that happened around the technology in the selected the system in terms of its functional evolution as well as
national context needs to be collected. That is practically the influences of internal and external factors. The histori-
impossible and perhaps unnecessary. It is rather useful to cal narrative13can then be grouped into periods of

Table 1: Functions and their indicators for small-scale renewable energy TISs in East Africa

Function Indicator activities

Entrepreneurial activities
. Technology manufacturing and/or installing
. Entry of firms/producers
Knowledge development
. Conducting market surveys/feasibility studies/pilots
. Performance testing; developing promotional materials
. Developing new designs/prototypes
. Adapting or modifying new models
. Developing complementary technologies
. Assessing energy use trends
. Assessing the presence of resources for fuel
. Assessing availability of raw materials for technology production
. Conducting impact assessments
Knowledge diffusion
. Training (of technicians or constructors)
. Conducting awareness campaigns
. Organizing conferences/workshops/seminars/meetings
. Demonstrations and exhibitions
Guidance of the search
. Setting targets
. Designing favourable regulations and policies
. Setting expectations
. Providing awards
. Providing directions/showing interest
. Publicizing research outcomes
Market formation
. Subsidization (sharing the cost of investment)
. Standardization
. Setting tax incentives
. Public procurement
. Regulatory reform
Resource mobilization
. Providing financial incentives, grants (funding)
. Providing loans (credit)
. Mobilizing human resources, such as hiring consultants and technical staff
. Providing improved tools (equipment)
Creation of legitimacy
. Conducting advocacy activities (lobbying)
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 621

Table 2: An example of systematically organized data coded into activity types and functions.

Activity type/
Year Event data Source indicator Function
1983 The German Technical Cooperation Gichohi, P. (2009). Training Knowledge
organization (GTZ) officially started Analysis of the Market Potential for technicians diffusion
promoting biogas in Kenya by launching a Domestic Biogas in Rural Kenya
training programme for technicians in Supported by GTZ-PSDA. Ministry of
collaboration with the then Ministry of Agriculture, EU-GTZ Biogas promotion,
Energy and Regional Development under the Nairobi, Kenya.
Special Energy Program (GTZ-SEP).

1984 The Special Energy Program (SEP) of the KENDBIP (Kenya National Domestic Conducting Knowledge
Ministry of Energy conducted a biogas Biogas Program), (2011). Socio-economic survey development
survey in 1984 and found that of the 160 and Gender Baseline Survey for the Kenya
plants installed in the country, only 25% were National Domestic Biogas Program
operational. (KENDBIP). Final Baseline Survey Report,
Nairobi, Kenya.

relatively different functional patterns or episodes based example, while the accumulated functions on the basis
on major changes in the functional dynamics over time. of events per year calculation may give the sense of what
The pattern and past accumulation of functions would has happened quasi-quantitatively, their actual strength
then be identified; however, this will require some creativ- may not be captured. This is because, in some cases, one
ity to develop the functional map of the TIS based on func- event may be stronger than several events; and too many
tions per year or per episode. In the analyses of the Kenyan events may not have sufficient significance and vice
and the Rwandan improved cookstove and biogas TISs, versa. This means that some augmenting insight into the
for example, circle diagrams were used to illustrate the perceived strength of the functional accumulation may be
accumulation of functions over time. To do so, the an additional asset. This can be done by evaluating the per-
authors considered that as the functions emerge they ceived intensity of functional accumulation. This assess-
develop capability, which can be accumulated. This ment involves undertaking structured interviews with
allowed the authors to make a simplified assumption that experts. For each system function, a generalized and simpli-
as an additional event corresponding to a particular func- fied measurement proxy is identified to easily communicate
tion emerges, it will add some capability. Subsequently, the functions to interviewees (Table 3). For example, to
circle diagrams of cumulative functional accumulation evaluate the intensity of the guidance of search function,
per episode are developed, in which the accumulated capa- experts can be asked to rate their expectation of business
bility in an episode is the sum of corresponding events per growth around the specified technology in the focal country.
year in each category of functions. The cumulative The collected data would then allow for calculating the
accumulation, at the last episode, provides insights into mean of the perceived functionality score. Based on the
the current functional strength and weaknesses of the TIS. mean figures, a spider diagram can be drawn (see also
Hekkert et al. 2011). Figure 2, for example, shows an
example of a TIS with the entrepreneurial activities,
Step 2: Measure functionality of the TIS through knowledge development, resource mobilization and
expert interviews market formation functions perceived as sufficiently ful-
Above, I described an event-based assessment technique. filled whereas the remaining functions are shown as
This conceptualization has several limitations. For weakly served.

Table 3: Simplified scheme for perceived functionality assessment (see also Tigabu, Berkhout, and van Beukering 2015a, 325).

System functions General measurement proxya Measurement scale

Guidance of search Expectations on the business growth (around the technology) 0 = None at all, … , 4 = Very
Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial intensity (around the technology) 0 = None at all, … , 4 = Very
activities good
Knowledge diffusion Intensity of promotion or general awareness of the society about the benefits 0 = None at all, … , 4 = Very
of the (new) technology good
Knowledge Intensity of research and development (around the technology) 0 = No growth at all, … , 4 =
development Very good growth
Creation of legitimacy/ Intensity of advocacy activities (around the technology) 0 = Not sufficient at all, … ,
Advocacy 4 = Sufficient
Resource mobilization Availability of resources needed for the (new) technology promotion or 0 = Not sufficient at all, … ,
sufficiency of resources mobilized for the development/diffusion of the 4 = Sufficient
Market formation Sufficiency of market forming incentives (around the technology) 0 = None at all, … , 4 = Very
These proxies are highly simplified and should not be considered as complete to provide a full measure of the fulfilment of each function. Nevertheless,
combined with the event-based assessment, they will provide insights into the perceived intensity of each function.
622 Tigabu

that can rectify the three identified obstacles. These

could include setting up a platform for biogas companies,
such as biogas associations, where they share information
and resources, strengthening communication facilities and
enhancing linkages and interactions among biogas

Concluding remarks
Introduction of renewable energy technologies has long
been considered as a desirable alternative to address
energy poverty and environmental non-sustainability in
Africa. Despite several decades of development efforts,
Figure 2: Spider diagram illustrating the functional fulfilment of diffusion of renewable energy technologies in Africa
an example TIS
remains marginal. Yet many international aid donors and
national governments have increasingly allocated funds
Step 3: Identify weaknesses by comparing results from to promote renewable energy in Africa. For these and
Step 1 and Step 2 other efforts to succeed, focused and efficient intervention
Once the data from longitudinal and structured question- strategies are critical. Existing literature on the diffusion of
naires are analyzed, the results from the two are compared renewable energy technologies in Africa provides insights
to identify weak functions. This will show current into the technical, socioeconomic and demographic factors
strengths and weaknesses of the TIS in terms of its func- that determine adoption decisions. However, it falls short
tional performance. At this stage, it is useful to get insights on the crucial role of the institutional context. As such,
into the maturity of the system, as not all weak or missing enabling policies related to the institutional context have
functions may be problematic. The subsequent step is to not been sufficiently articulated.
identify the mechanisms contributing to the observed In this paper, I have argued that the functions approach
weaknesses or blockages. to technological innovation systems is an important mechan-
ism to gain insights into the institutional context of the diffu-
Step 4: Capture the blockages for the weak and highly sion and adoption of renewable energy technologies in
needed functions Africa. Indeed, earlier empirical studies have shown a
While assessing the functional status quo of a TIS, it is relationship between the functioning of innovation systems
important to identify the mechanisms that block the develop- and rate of technology diffusion and adoption in developing
ment of weak functions. These blockages are either internal countries. It is therefore vital that emerging and ongoing
to the TIS (i.e. related to the actors, institutions, relationships initiatives, aiming at ensuring sustainable energy access
and markets specific to the technology) or external to the TIS for all, consider employing such approaches in their policy
(emerging from the context, such as other innovation interventions if they wish to achieve their far-reaching goals.
systems). Table 4 provides brief example blockages for
two functions in the Rwandan bio-digestion TIS. Notes
1. See for more on
Step 5: propose systemic policy instruments the SE4ALL initiative and its tracking framework.
2. According to Kaplinsky (2011, 200), the general reasons
Once the underlying mechanisms for the absence or weak-
attributable to the failure of Appropriate Technology are
ness of functions are identified, the analyst can turn to pro- … first, there was a shortage of entrepreneurship in
posing policy measures that may rectify the obstacles. For low-income countries. Second, the capabilities
example, in the case of the limited knowledge diffusion required to develop new ideas for innovation were
function of the Rwandan biogas TIS (provided in thinly spread globally, overwhelmingly concentrated
in high-income countries. [And], third, the absence
Table 4), the analyst can propose (practical) measures
of effective demand in low income countries in
general, and by poor consumers in particular.
3. Note that despite high attention to R&D, the ‘Sussex Mani-
Table 4: Example of blockages to selected TIS functions
festo’ is widely regarded as predecessor in highlighting
hindering bio-digestion diffusion in Rwanda (Tigabu, Berkhout, modern theory of innovation to policymakers in develop-
and van Beukering 2015a).
ing countries.
Functions Blockages: why is a function weak? 4. A system is a set of interrelated elements working toward a
common objective. The elements of an innovation system
Knowledge diffusion are actors, networks and institutions, whose actions and
. Lack of networking platforms interactions contribute to the system’s ultimate objective,
. Lack of communication and road i.e. the generation, dissemination and utilization of a new
infrastructure technology (Carlsson and Stankiewicz 1991).
. Weak interactions amomg biogas 5. It is worth noting that in the ‘functions of innovation
actors systems’ approach, the TIS theoretical framework is
Entrepreneurial often employed as an analytical construct for the purpose
activities . Underdeveloped entrepreneurial spirit of research. That is, innovation systems are viewed as enti-
. Lack of articulated demand for biogas ties that may not exist as objective realities, but are heuris-
. Presence of other profitable industries tic constructs that serve as a focusing device for research.
This has allowed creating insights into the dynamics and
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 623

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