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Abong, Shane Kyla P., Dayte, Christine M., Neñiza, Gwen Aisle M. ,Ongue, Rosielyn O., Zalsos, MarizAnthonette F

ABSTRACT To support and include in the educational sense, the new standard
should be taken into account in terms of lockdown and neighborhood
Covid-19 pandemic has struck several countries around the world. quarantine, quality education. In the preparation and execution of
Due to these many countries around the world have agreed to the“new normal educational policy".
temporarily close educational institutions to minimize the spread of
COVID-19. However, learning has not stopped but, is now fully online Keywords:
as schools and universities provide remote learning understanding of
how the COVID-19 crisis can affect the learning of students (JT COVID-19 - is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO'
Report, Ed., 2020). The current COVID-19 pandemic has created stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this
extraordinary challenges and has impacted the education sectors, and disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'
nobody knows when it's going to stop.
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INTRODUCTION survey to which the researchers will only conduct the survey to those
students who have access to internet.
The fight against the threats to COVID-19 pandemic suffered
profound effects and impacts on almost all sectors in the human The rapid, unexpected and ‘forced’ transition from face-to-face to
race.These have resulted in the widespread disruption such as travel remote teaching has entailed a number of challenges and constraints
restrictions (Chinazzi et al., 2020). One of the most affected is the but also opportunities that need to be examined. Existing literature
educational sectors.For almost two pandemic months, most countries points to an ‘emergency remote teaching’ (Bozkurt and Sharma 2020,
around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions to i) "The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into major
contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce infections aspects of national and global society, including for
(UNESCO, 2020).This closure has affected more than 1.2 billion schools......Without data on how the virus impacts student learning,
learners worldwide withmore than 28 million learners in the making informed decisions about whether and when to return to in-
Philippines (UNESCO, 2020).Responses like community lockdown person instruction remains difficult. Even now, education leaders must
and community quarantine of several countries have led students and grapple with seemingly impossible choices that balance health risks
teachers to study and work from home which led to the delivery of associated with in-person learning against the educational needs of
online learning platforms (Crawfordet al., 2020). children, which may be better served when kids are in their physical
schools." (M. Kuhfeld et al., 2020) There are students who can't keep
The goal of this research is to understand the negative and positive up learning online and prefer to study face to face because it is
effect of covid-19 towards the grade 12 ABM students. This research different to receive instructions online and personally. Also, going to
also aims to increase awareness of students' activities with this new school boosts the student's mood that helps them to feel exited to
educational norm. According to the study " Due to the suspension of study. And one of the reasons why learning face to face is better
classroom teaching in many colleges and universities, a switch to the because you can actually ask your classmates when something is
online teaching for undergraduate and graduate students becomes bothering you or you didn't understand. "With online learning, it’s a
effective.This form of learning provides an alternative way to great option, but it does wonders to incorporate some of the strengths
minimize either the contact between students themselves or between offered by face-to-face learning into the online environment. Doing so
the students and lecturers.However, many students have no access to transforms the online learning experience from a child simply sitting in
the online teaching due to lack of either the means or the instruments front of a computer reading prompts to one where they still have the
due to economical and digital divide (A. Mandy, 2020). Thus, drive freedom to learn from home and on their schedule, but are also taught
the researcher in conducting this study. and led by a live, in-person expert." (Ryan, 2019)
This study aims to gain information about the impact of COVID-19 Face-to-face learning has been the standard way of instruction for
towards the learning of Grade 12 ABM students in Iligan City centuries. While online instruction is becoming increasingly popular,
National School. There will be 35 random selections of students each in-person study may still be the best option for some people. With
section. The collection of data will be conducted through an online face-to-face learning, teachers are better able to gauge understanding
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and interest of students, and it is easier to generate group excitement MATERIALS AND METHODS
about a subject. It is also easier to hold students accountable. Due to
the suspension of classroom teaching in many colleges and This study aims to know what are the negative and positive effects of
universities, a switch to the online teaching for undergraduate and COVID-19 on grade 12 ABM students. This research also aims to
graduate students becomes effective.... This form of learning provides increase awareness of students’ activities with this new educational
an alternative way to minimize either the contact between students norm.This study will also aim the following: To use online survey
themselves or between the students and lecturers... However, many forms as a tool to gain information about the effect of COVID-19 to
students have no access to the online teaching due to lack of either the the respondents. To know what are the activities of students with this
means or the instruments due to economical and digital divide...(A. new educational norm. To understand the positive and negative impact
Mandy, 2020) The COVID-19 pandemic has affected education, and of COVID-19 to the learners.
teacher education in particular, in various ways. As a result of the This study aims to gain information about the impact of COVID-19
closure of universities and schools, teachers and students had to towards the learning of Grade 12 ABM students in Iligan City
rapidly adapt to remote teaching. Teacher education is no exception. National School. There will be 35 random selections of students each
The need to create learning environments for student teachers doing section. The collection of data will be conducted through an online
their teacher education preparation implied decisions, choices and survey to which the researchers will only conduct the survey to those
adaptations in order to meet not only the expectations of students but students who have access to internet.
also the requirements of teacher education as well as the conditions in
which both universities and schools had to operate (Flores and Gago "The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into major
2020). In addition, lack of mentoring and support (Judd et al. 2020) aspects of national and global society, including for
and issues related to teachers’ competencies in the use of digital schools......Without data on how the virus impacts student learning,
instructional formats (Huber and Helm 2020) have also been making informed decisions about whether and when to return to in-
identified. For informed and productive online teaching and learning it person instruction remains difficult. Even now, education leaders must
is important to learn more about its potential and use. As such, it is grapple with seemingly impossible choices that balance health risks
essential to go beyond emergency online practices and develop quality associated with in-person learning against the educational needs of
online teaching and learning that result from careful instructional children, which may be better served when kids are in their physical
design and planning (Hodges et al. 2020). schools." (M. Kuhfeld et al., 2020) There are students who can't keep
up learning online and prefer to study face to face because it is
different to receive instructions online and personally. Also, going
Page 4 of 8

to school boosts the student's mood that helps them to feel exited to both universities and schools had to operate (Flores and Gago 2020).
study. And one of the reasons why learning face to face is better In addition, lack of mentoring and support (Judd et al. 2020) and issues
related to teachers’ competencies in the use of digital instructional
because you can actually ask your classmates when something is formats (Huber and Helm 2020) have also been identified. For
bothering you or you didn't understand. "With online learning, it’s a informed and productive online teaching and learning it is important to
great option, but it does wonders to incorporate some of the strengths learn more about its potential and use. As such, it is essential to go
offered by face-to-face learning into the online environment. Doing so beyond emergency online practices and develop quality online
transforms the online learning experience from a child simply sitting in teaching and learning that result from careful instructional design and
front of a computer reading prompts to one where they still have the planning (Hodges et al. 2020).
freedom to learn from home and on their schedule, but are also taught
and led by a live, in-person expert." (Ryan, 2019).Face-to-face Research Design and Sampling
learning has been the standard way of instruction for centuries. While
online instruction is becoming increasingly popular, in-person study The researchers will use Non-Experimental Descriptive Research
may still be the best option for some people. With face-to-face Design because it is best suited to answer the research questions and
learning, teachers are better able to gauge understanding and interest objectives of the study.
of students, and it is easier to generate group excitement about a Non-experimental descriptive research is usually descriptive or
subject. It is also easier to hold students accountable. Due to the correlational, means that you are either describing a situation or
suspension of classroom teaching in many colleges and universities, a phenomenon simply as it stands, or you are describing a relationship
switch to the online teaching for undergraduate and graduate students between two or more variables, all without any interference from the
becomes effective.... This form of learning provides an alternative way researcher. This means that you do not manipulate any variables or
to minimize either the contact between students themselves or between randomly assign participants to a control or treatment group. Without
the students and lecturers... However, many students have no access to this level of control, you cannot determine any causal effects. The
the online teaching due to lack of either the means or the instruments concerns are more about the validity of the measurements, rather than
due to economical and digital divide...(A. Mandy, 2020) The COVID- the validity of the effects. (“Research Design”, 2020)
19 pandemic has affected education, and teacher education in
particular, in various ways. As a result of the closure of universities The researchers chose this type of research design because we the
and schools, teachers and students had to rapidly adapt to remote researchers will collect, and interpreting the information to gather on
teaching. Teacher education is no exception. The need to create what’s the impact of Covid-19 towards the learning of Grade 12 ABM
learning environments for student teachers doing their teacher students in Iligan City National High School.
education preparation implied decisions, choices and adaptations in
order to meet not only the expectations of students but also the
requirements of teacher education as well as the conditions in which
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Statistical Analysis:

In this study, the researchers will conduct an online survey to know VARIABLES CATEGORIES NO. %
the impact of covid-19 towards the learning of Grade 12 ABM
students in ICNHS. 50 students with an internet access are the ABM EMERALD 25 62.86
respondents for the researchers’ study to answer the online survey.
And the statistical that we need to use is the following:
SAPPHIRE 25 37.14
Frequency it is a tabular representation of a survey data set used to
organize and summarize the data. (Lavrakas, 2008) TOTAL: 100 100
Percentage a display of data that specifies the percentage of
observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points.
(Lavrakas, 2008)
The researcher provides a questionnaire in order to gather data through
Mean implies average and it is the sum of a set of data divided by the online survey. The data will be checked and validate by the research
number of data. Mean can prove to be an effective tool when adviser. The questionnaire is divided into these parts: The hindrance
comparing different sets of data (Dudovskiy, 2011). why students are procrastinating and the Effectiveness of the learning
on the students, and the stressful effect during this pandemic. Ensuring
that the answers given by the respondents would remain confidential.
Result and Discussion When the survey was done, the researchers then tallied the results
enabling to analyze and interpret the data.
Table 1 shown the different percentage of the Grade 12 ABM
students based on the different section: Emerald and Sapphire. Data Prior to Data Gathering, the researchers first seek approval from their
were collected to 50 respondents that consist of 25 (62.86%) Emerald Practical Research teacher to allow them to have a survey.
and 13 (37.14%) Sapphire. This study investigates the impact of
The researchers discovered that during this pandemic, there are many
Covid-19 towards the learning of grade -12 ABM students on Iligan
students Involve Anxiety, stress and depression while there is no face
City National High School-Main Campus .This study focuses only on
to face classes’ .The researchers found out those learners have a wide
the impact of Covid-19 towards learning .The data obtained from the
and wide variety of social media uses and have a positive and negative
grade 12 ABM students respondents. This study utilizes, Pre-test and
effect on them during covid-19.
Post-test design as the matter of fact that the respondents are only
Grade 12 ABM students of ICNHS selected.
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Findings to encourage students to participate largely in the prevention efforts

against of the impact in learning during this pandemic.
The findings of this study indicate about the impact of covid-19
learning to the Grade 12-ABM students of ICNHS.

Whether covid-19 is the main hindrance why students are REFERENCES

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