Introduction To Feasib Study Script: Slide 2
Introduction To Feasib Study Script: Slide 2
Introduction To Feasib Study Script: Slide 2
Before we start to the lesson proper, let’s first have an application about the topic. In
2019, Elon Musk announce plans for Tesla’s new Cybertruck. According to NICOLAS
MORPUS, a project management expert, it looks like an awful presentation of a child’s
crayon drawing of what a vehicle would look like. Furthermore, the truck’s specifications
are quite impressive. Imagine? It has an 800 horsepower and a thousand pound-feet of
torque, magnificent, right? On the other hand, there are a few glaring issues that Musk
seems to ignore that makes me wonder about the feasibility of Tesla’s future production
model. Such as the questionable window durability, parking issues, and its ugly design.
So the question is? Is it worth it? The expense, the time, and the effort it requires to
build and market? What do you think? Because for us, we believe that he would really
benefit from a large, in-depth feasibility study into the Cybertruck and whether or not it’s
ready for the mainstream truck market.
a) The first question would be… “does the company have the required resources or
technologies on their product?” If not, it would be difficult for them to make it
b) And the second one would be… “does the proposal offer a reasonable return vs.
risk from the investment?” Determining early that a business idea will not work
can save time, money, and maybe a heartache later.
SLIDE 7: If you are planning to conduct a feasibility study you will need the follow the
1. First, we have the PROJECT SCOPE it is used to clearly define the business
problem or opportunity that has to be addressed within the study, meaning it is
something that the project should covers. It also defines who is affected by your
study whether they are directly or indirectly affected. This includes the project
participants and the end-users. The project scope also defines clearly what are
the things that need to be considered for the participants. The scope also or
should be definitive & to the point, this means that the scope of the project or the
purpose of the project is clear for the participants and the one who's making the
3. For the third one the REQUIREMENTS it is defined depends on the object of the
project attention. The requirements focus on the task that determines the needs
or condition delete the new or altered product or project, taking account of the
possibly conflicting requirements of the various folder analyzing, documenting,
and managing so where are system requirements. Requirements are critical to
the success or failure of the feasibility study. The requirements should be
documented testable traceable related to identified the business needs or
6. For the last part, the REVIEW- after all the preceding elements were assembled
into a feasibility study of formal review is being done or conducted with all the
parties involved in the study. The review serves two purposes first is to
substantiate the thoroughness and accuracy of the feasibility study. Meaning all
the parties involved will review if all the preceding elements we're done
accurately and thoroughly.
Number two is to make the project decision. Here all the parties will decide
whether a project or the feasibility study will be approved or reject or to ask that it
would be revised or not before making the final decision. This is why it is
important to follow all the previous parts or elements so that you have the chance
your study or project will be approved.
If the project or the study will be approved all the parties team to sign the document
which expresses their acceptance and commitment to it bird that the teachers carry a lot
of weight even though it may be a seemingly small gesture. If the possibility study is
rejected of course there would be a reason for its rejection and it should be explained
and attached to the document.
-For you to understand more, I will briefly discuss what economic, technical, legal, and
scheduling we need to consider if we are going to conduct a feasibility study. Under
ECONOMIC, it demonstrates the net benefit of a proposed project; Next is the
TECHNICAL, where in they need to determine the potential economic viability of a
process to know which technologies have the greatest likelihood of economic success;
Then, LEGAL is about the assessment to investigate whether any aspect of the
proposed project with legal requirements; And lastly, the SCHEDULING where
consideration is the degree to which a deadline for a strategy plan, project or process is
either realistic and achievable to achieve the project successfully. In addition, the
project managers considered the pros and cons of undertaking a project before they
invest a lot of time, money, and effort.
- It means that a feasibility study is objectively and rationally uncovers the strengths and
weaknesses of an existing business or proposes a venture, opportunities, and threats
that are presented by the environment to prevent the company from entering carelessly
into risky business. In short, you need to know the SWOT Analysis of the business that
you want to conduct a feasibility study.
- These are the things that we should keep in mind when we heard the word
“feasibility study”:
A feasibility study is a proposed plan or project.
It is also about launching a new business or adopting a new product line.
A new product line is a product that is not new to the market but is usually
new to the company.
And take note that it is a good idea to have a contingency plan. It is a
course of action designed to help an organization to respond effectively to
a significant future event in case of unforeseeable circumstances if the
original project is not feasible in short you need to come up with a back
plan of your feasibility studies.
3. And lastly, is to determine if, after considering all significant factors, the project is
viable—that is, worth undertaking. As we mentioned, determining early that a
business idea will not work can save time, money, and maybe a heartache later.
SLIDE 12: So before I continue, I would like to put something out. and that is “A
FEASIBILITY STUDY IS NOT A BUSINESS PLAN”. While it may seem the feasibility
study is similar in many ways to the business plan, it is important to keep in mind that
the feasibility study is developed prior to the venture. The roles of these two have been
frequently misunderstood. But let me show you their main differences.
1. First, a feasibility study answers or addresses the question "is this a viable
business venture?", therefore it provides an investigative function. Because you
want to know if the business you are planning will do you good in the future. This
study is filled with calculations, analysis and estimated projections.
On the other hand, a business plan provides a planning function in generating or
handling that specific business. This is made up of mostly tactics and strategies
to be implemented in order to grow the business. So basically, feasibility studies
help determine whether to go ahead with the business or with another idea,
whereas business plans are designed after the decision to go ahead with the
plan that has already been made.
3. As what I've said earlier feasibility study helps in narrowing the scope of the
project in order for owners or entrepreneurs to easily identify two or three
scenarios or alternatives. This is needed since there is always uncertainty, we
should have assumptions about what might happen in the future and how will the
organization respond to that. If one conducts a feasibility study it will give them
the chance to ask and get answers to questions that could assess the business’
potential, and to predict the likelihood of success or failure, this helps determining
the risks associated with the ideas.
While business plans only deals with one alternative scenario. And I am
pertaining to the scenario that have been proposed by the feasibility study. Since
different scenarios have already been identified, business owners would be able
to make plans accordingly. These business plans will explain how management
will deal with the risks so that it will make a profit.
These business scenarios are not only to identify different things which could
impact their businesses, but also this could be of great help in developing
strategic responses.
*PWEDE SABIHIN PWEDE HINDI* This business plan can also be used by investment-
seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential investors. Also can be used by
firms that are trying to attract key employees, prospect for new business, deal with
suppliers or simply to understand how to manage their companies better. So when we
come to think of, feasibility studies and business plans are not the same, but they are
needed in order to make greater choices for business owners and entrepreneurs. It
makes them more mindful of the workability and profitability of a business venture.
SLIDE 14: Project leaders may find themselves under pressure to skip
the "FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS" step and go directly to building a business. Individuals
from within and outside of the project may push to skip this step. Reasons given for not
doing a feasibility analysis include:
1. The first reason given is they think that the business is feasible because there is
an existing business already.
2. Next, why do they need to do another feasibility study when one was done just a
few years ago?
3. They think that a feasibility study is just a way for consultants to make money.
4. Market analysis has already been done by the business that is going to sell us
the equipment.
5. Another reason is why not just hire a general manager who can do the study?
6. And lastly, they say that it is just a waste of time.
- These reasons given should not dissuade you from conducting a meaningful &
accurate feasibility study because... just because that "existing business" works or is
feasible, it doesn't mean that your proposed business will be feasible as well... And
hiring a general manager does not negate your responsibility for ensuring that the
feasibility study is conducted properly. You need to engage in the project and evaluation
process, understand the issues involved, and question the basic assumptions used in
the study // and YES, a feasibility study can be expensive, they are also time-
consuming. However, the results of the study could potentially save significantly more
time and money by calling to attention potential shortfalls or success. Remember that
behind every successful business, they go through examining all of the issues and
assessing the probability of business success first.
2. Next narrows business alternatives - It will help to narrow the scope of the project
to identify and define alternatives. The feasibility will help to identify the best
alternative for the situation.
3. Identifies new opportunities through the investigative process - It can open your
eyes to new possibilities, opportunities, and solutions you might never have while
conducting this study.
4. Identifies reasons not to proceed - It can gain knowledge about the project before
investing budget, time, or other resources into it, the information will help in
making the judgment regarding whether to proceed or not.
7. Since you have documentation as proof that the business was thoroughly
investigated, it will evaluate the project's potential for success, therefore it is an
important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and lending