Quantitative Methods or Quantitative All Quiz
Quantitative Methods or Quantitative All Quiz
Quantitative Methods or Quantitative All Quiz
Which among the data is a sample? One section out of all IT students
What type of relationships does a Pearson’s It can only assess a linear relationship
product-moment assess?
What is your interpretation of the chart? As the price go up, the volume goes
The error sum of squares can be obtained SSE = SST – SSR - SSC
from the equation in two-way ANOVA.
If all points cluster in an ascending line this There would be a strong positive
would suggest what?
If the MSE of an ANOVA for six treatment The pooled standard deviation
groups is known, you can compute
You obtained a significant test statistic when At least two treatments are different
comparing three treatments in one-way from each other in terms of their
ANOVA. In words, how would you interpret
effect on the mean response
the alternative hypothesis HA?
You carried out an ANOVA on a preliminary
sample of data. You then collected additional
data from the same groups; the difference
The degrees of freedom associated
being that the sample sizes for each group
were increased by a factor of 10, and the with the treatment has increased
within-group variability has decreased
substantially. Which of the following
statements is NOT correct.
If the sample means for each of k treatment
groups were identical (yes, this is extremely 0.0
unlikely), what would be the observed value
of the ANOVA test statistic?
If FDATA follows an F distribution with df1=4
and df2=5, what is the boundary value of F 5.1922
where P(FDATA < F)=0.95?
Suppose the critical region for a certain test The significance level is given by the
of the null hypothesis is of the form F > area to the right of 9.48773 under the
9.49773 and the computed value of F form
appropriate F distribution
the data is 1.86.Then:
Assuming that the null hypothesis being
tested by ANOVA is false, the probability of Less than .05.
obtaining a F ration exceeds the value
reported in the F table as the 95th percentile
Assuming no bias, the total variation in a
response variable is due to error
(unexplained variation) plus differences due
There is evidence for a difference in
to treatments (known variation). If known
variation is large compared to unexplained response due to treatments
variation, which of the following conclusions
is the best?
What would happen if instead of using an Making multiple comparisons with a t-
ANOVA to compare 10 groups, you test increases the probability of
performed multiple tests?
making a Type I error