Comanche Manual

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The document discusses a flight simulation of the RAH-66 Comanche helicopter developed by NovaLogic. It aims to recreate the combat experience of flying the helicopter while taking into account the limitations of general purpose PCs.

The goal of the simulation is to create a sense of suspension of disbelief in order to make the user break out in a sweat, rather than burdening the player with all the trivialities of managing a complex machine.

Key features of the simulation include improved terrain representation, visual awareness that allows using terrain masking like real combat helicopters, and an easy to learn and fly interface similar to the actual Comanche helicopter.

Note: For easier navigation, this on-line
electronic manual has hypertext links.
Clicking on red-colored text will take you to
a page with a related subject or section.

Clicking on . ....on the menu bar will return
you to the previous page viewed. The red
T.O.C. icon, at the lower left corner of most
pages, brings up the first page of the 3-page
Table of Contents . Each topic in the Table of
Contents and the Index is hypertext linked.


Simulating the RAH-66 Comanche
When it comes to any of today’s computer flight simulations, one must realize that they
are approximations of reality. General purpose PCs cannot provide the kinesthetic
cues, tactile feedback or the contiguous view that you get in a real combat situation. It
is our belief at NovaLogic™ that we must accept the limitations of the emulating
hardware and adapt the design to take advantage of the computer’s interactive
strengths. A properly executed simulation can create the level of suspension of disbelief
which can make you break out in a sweat. This has been our goal in bringing you
Rather than burdening the player with all the trivialities of managing a complex
machine, we have concentrated on re-creating the “combat envelope” of the RAH-66.
For example, the simulator’s flight ceiling is set at about 500 ft. On today’s battlefield,
if you are flying above 150 ft., you are flying too high. We eliminated missions that
require auto-deployment. Anyone who has taken a long flight in a helicopter for the
sole purpose of getting from point A to B knows that this is one of the most
uncomfortable modes of modern transportation.

T.O.C. 2
What we have added is a quantum leap in terrain representation and visual awareness.
For the first time, you are able to use terrain masking in the same way combat helicopters
do. This is the essence of modern helicopter warfare.
This simulation is designed to have a very fast learning curve and be easy to fly. Like the
Comanche RAH-66 with its fly-by-wire controls and management by exception approach,
both systems are optimized to lessen the work load. Pilots ready the Comanche by
plugging in an optical disk–containing mission information and maps–and fly away on
image intensifiers in just 3 minutes. You do the same with our combat simulator.
The fact that Comanche is easy to fly is only one of the reasons that it’s a great
simulation. Colonel Marvin Leibstone, Editor of Military Training & Simulation, said
“NovaLogic’s Comanche rivals dedicated multi-million dollar military simulators — on your
We are very excited about the product we have created. We hope that you’d enjoy it as
much as we do.


John A. Garcia
President, NovaLogic, Inc.

T.O.C. 3
C O M A N C H E™
M A X I M U M O V E R K I L L™
Helicopter Combat Simulator
NovaLogic™ is committed to bringing you software
that is on the cutting edge of design and techno-
logy. As with our entire line of innovative products,
Comanche aims to provide you the finest in soft-
ware entertainment while pushing the technolo-
gical envelope of computer hardware to the limit.
If you have any questions or comments about this
program or any of our other exciting products, feel
free to contact us at our Technical Support Line by
calling (818) 878-0325 between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M.
Pacific Coast Time. You may also call the 24-hour
NovaLogic BBS – which contains answers to many
technical questions as well the latest program up-
dates – by calling (818) 880-3444.
Comanche, Maximum Overkill, Voxel Space,
NovaLogic and the NovaLogic logo are trademarks
T.O.C. 4
of NovaLogic, Inc.
IBM, Intel, ADLiB, 386MAX, Roland, Microsoft and Microsoft Windows are registered
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, Intel Corporation, ADLiB
Inc., Qualitas®, Roland Corporation and Microsoft Corporation, respectively. Sound
Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.
All Comanche photographs are "Compliments of Boeing Sikorsky."
All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks have been appropri-
ately capitalized. NovaLogic cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a
term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or
service mark.

All Rights Reserved.

© 1992 NovaLogic, Inc.

T.O.C. 5
System Design Art Photography
Kyle Freeman Kyle Freeman David Seeholzer
Brummbaer John Garcia
Game Design Paul Drzewiecki
Kyle Freeman Rod Parong Music
John Garcia Keith Rust Jeff Marsh
Lou Gerrard Stewart Perkins
Programmed by Joby Otero Gary Wilen
Kyle Freeman
Mission Design Sound Producer
Executive Producer & Testing Patric McMenamin
John Garcia Kyle Freeman
Gavin James Sound Effects
Technical James Kaspert Kyle Freeman
Consultants Paul Robinson
Frank Colucci Keith Rust Voices
CW3 Llewellyn S. Buck Chris Wilkerson Kathleen Clancy
CW3 Geraldine A. Siegel Jerod Bennett David R. Holmes
Leroy Badenoff Nic Neidenbach
Troy Sheets
T.O.C. 6
Manual Written Electronic Manual
and Edited Layout
John Garcia Shyam Reyes
David R. Holmes
Sheldon Craig Manufacturing
Anne Craig Management Service
Lee Milligan Michael Allaire
Michael Allaire Victory Bridge
Shyam Reyes
Special Thanks to
About the David Seeholzer
Comanche Michael Allair
Frank Colucci Hock Yeo
John Butrovich
Package and Manual Jay C. Boone
Layout Design Jason Chein
The Design Office of Steven Chein
Wong & Yeo Philip A. Haddox
Christian Theyer

T.O.C. 7
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ( T. O. C. )
INTRODUCTION ................................ 2 Operation Clean Sweep ........................ 26
Operation Silver Dove ........................... 27
INSIDE THE COMANCHE ............. 11 Operation Whirlwind .............................. 27
Operation Over the Edge ...................... 28
HOW TO FLY THE COMANCHE ... 15 Operation Terminal Velocity .................. 28
Basic Flight Training .............................. 16 Operation Zephyr .................................. 28
Collective Control .................................. 16
Cyclic Control ........................................ 17 COMANCHE’S COCKPIT .............. 29
Ground Effect ........................................ 18 Main Display Screens ........................... 30
ThrustMaster Flight Control Stick .......... 19 The Window Display Screen ................. 30
ThrustMaster Weapons Control System . 20 Forward Cockpit View “1” ..................... 31
ThrustMaster Rudder Control System ... 21 Left Cockpit View “2” ............................ 31
The CH FlightStick ................................ 22 Right Cockpit View “3”.......................... 31
Night Missions ....................................... 22 Rear Cockpit View “4” .......................... 31
Panoramic Front View “5” .................... 32
CHOOSING YOUR MISSION ....... 23 Chase View “6”..................................... 32
Comanche Training Missions ................ 23 Drop Camera - Remote Ground
Operation Maximum Overkill ................. 24 View “7” ........................................... 32
Operation Overload ............................... 25 Reactivate Last Drop Camera -
Operation Restore Peace ...................... 26 Ground View “8” ............................... 33
Click on a section title for hypertext access to its corresponding page.
Keyboard or Keypad Commands .......... 34 Comanche Armament & Weapons ........ 48
Note to ThrustMaster Joystick Users .... 34 20mm Gatling Vulcan II Cannon ........... 48
70mm Rockets ...................................... 49
HELMET INTEGRATED DISPLAY Hellfire Laser-Guided Missiles .............. 49
Artificial Horizon .................................... 35 AIM-92 Stinger Missiles ........................ 50
Radar Altimeter Display ........................ 36 Hand-off Weapons ................................ 50
Rate of Climb Indicator .......................... 36 Artillery Fire 155mm & MLRS................ 50
Heading Velocity Display ...................... 36 Wingman/Hellfire Missile Support ......... 51
Digital Speed Indicator Display ............. 37 Weapon Select Display Summary ......... 53
Compass Display .................................. 37
TACTICAL DISPLAY Collective Control & Throttle Gauges .... 54
MONITOR SCREENS ...................... 38 Radar and IR Sensors ........................... 55
Digital Map Display ............................... 38 Chaff and Flare Release Display .......... 55
Threat Indicator ..................................... 41 Fuel Gauge ........................................... 56
TAS Camera Display/Target Display .... 41 Damage................................................. 57
Mission Status Display .......................... 42
Damage Status Display ......................... 43 MENU SCREENS
TAC Monitors Help Display ................... 44 Pilot Select Screen ................................ 59
TAC Keyboard Command Summary ..... 45 Main Operation Menu............................ 60
Dedicated Threat Indicator .................... 46

Click on a section title for hypertext access to its corresponding page.

Menu Bar ............................................. 62 TECHNICAL SPECS
Game Menu ........................................ 63 RAH-66 Comanche ........................... 109
Detail Menu ......................................... 64 KA-50 Kamov Hokum Werewolf ....... 112
Control Menu ....................................... 66 MI-24 HIND-E Gunship ..................... 115
Options Menu ...................................... 70 Hughes 500MD ................................. 117
Land-Based Friendlies
ABOUT THE COMANCHE M1A1 ABRAMS Main Battle Tank... 118
The Origins of the Comanche Land-Based Hostiles
Born To Fly - and Fight ....................... 75 T-80 Main Battle Tank ..................... 119
Shaping The LHX ................................ 76 SCUD-B (SS-1) Missile Launcher ... 120
LHX Realities ...................................... 79 SA-8 GECKO ................................. 121
Different Kind of Helicopter ................. 81 BRDM-3 Armored Wheeled Vehicle 122
Thinking Machine ................................ 84 Water-Based Hostiles
Stealthy and Lethal ............................. 85 OSA II Missile Patrol Boat ............... 123
LEBED Air-Cushion Landing Craft .. 124
The Comanche in Battle ...................... 92 GLOSSARY ................................... 125
Cockpit Consciousness ....................... 93
Stealthy and Dangerous ...................... 96 INDEX ............................................ 129
Survive to Shoot ................................ 101
Comanche Battle Strategies ............. 105

Click on a section title for hypertext access to its corresponding page.

Comanche CD for IBM 386, 486 or Pentium™ compatible PC systems


by David R. Holmes

s you ease into the cockpit seat of anything can stop this deadly tactical war
your RAH-66 Comanche, you realize between Pakistan and India from develop-
you’re sweating. You crank up the air ing into a nuclear holocaust, it’s you and the
conditioning but it doesn't help. You can Boeing Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche.
still feel the heat rising off the instrument Your thoughts return to the present as
panel from the beating it’s taken from the the hatch seals beside you. The onboard
late afternoon sun here in the Far East. computer activates. Its multiple processors
You’d think with an advanced bird like start the massive systems check the
the Comanche, they’d be able to beat Comanche demands before you leave the
small problems like that, but some things ground. In seconds, green lights begin to
never change. Like war. For centuries, it’s appear on your digital instrument panel.
brought out the best and the worst in As the sun finally starts to disappear
people. Especially now, in 1999. Man still behind the Pakistani horizon, you switch
seems determined to find some way to de- on your Night Vision Pilotage Subsystem.
stroy himself. But, that’s why you’re here. If Immediately, your helmet’s visor lights up

T.O.C. 11
with data from the passive sensors that whirls beneath you in a blaze of light. You
encircle the light attack helicopter. It’s a look through your “Wide Eyes” visor dis-
dizzying amount of information — but you’ll play and turn for a nearby gorge that will
need it to survive the coming mission. provide protective cover for your troop.
You signal your co-pilot. He signals The rubble-strewn sides of the canyon
immediately back. His onboard Target close in on your airship like the hands of a
Acquisition System is ready to go. As the gigantic ghost, but you’re in no real dan-
Comanche rises into the night, your troop ger. The Comanche’s night vision capabili-
levels off at 150 feet. Within your sound- ties are second to none. The RAH-66 was
proofed cabin, you can barely hear the developed to handle high-speed maneu-
main rotor as it strains to unleash the vers just like this. To test your timing, you
power of the twin T-800 turbine engines. accelerate your Comanche even faster. As
You shift in your seat and with a twist of the walls become a blur, your smile gets
your hand, your Comanche is suddenly even wider.
hurtling forward at over 190 miles per
As the dry, arid hilltops below you turn
into mountains, you keep right on course
Even though you’ve flown this bird and out of enemy sensor range. This is only
hundreds of times, its speed and maneu- a reconnaissance mission, you remind
verability still give you an adrenaline yourself. All you have to do is avoid any
rush! A smile breaks over your face as detection gear the enemy might have set
the artificially illuminated landscape up. You glance at the Radar Altimeter. Still
T.O.C. 12
150 feet. Even flying at these speeds, the Werewolf's two contra-rotating main ro-
Comanche hugs the ground as if it were tors make it fast, maneuverable and just
attached to it by a string. plain nasty.
An alarm sounds -- there’s an incoming But so is the Comanche! Your co-pilot
FM micro-burst message from TAC-OPS. signals. There’s not much left to say. You
That’s unusual. The message is anything issue a few final commands and wish
but reassuring. Your orders have been your men luck. You take a long breath and
changed. with a twist of your wrist the Comanche
turns its nose east and heads at top cruis-
A terrorist base has been located ing speed for the Nagar-Parkar gorge.
somewhere within the Nagar-Parkar
Within minutes you are hovering at 75
gorge. Positioned right on the cusp of the
feet above a ravine leading to the access
India-Pakistani border, this base has been
wreaking havoc throughout the territory route to the base. Your co-pilot signals to
with its mobile and stationary SAM launch- you. Your chopper is at maximum sensor
standoff distance from the base. Data
ers and its troop of Werewolf airships.
streams into your onboard CPUs. You acti-
You’re about to go up against one of the
vate your visor’s VCASS system. The en-
most deadly fighting machines the enemy
has in its arsenal - the Kamov KA-50 tire gorge is synthetically generated
Werewolf, formerly code-named “HOKUM.” within your field of view on your “Wide
Eyes” visors.
Developed in the early years of the Com-
monwealth of Independent States, the Every stationary or moving hostile that
T.O.C. 13
your sensors detect is highlighted in a avenging angel. The die is cast. The out-
brilliant luminescence. In micro-seconds, come of the battle is now in your hands.
graphic symbology designates the “bo-
geys.” Those moving targets are definitely
Werewolves. This is it. You tighten your
flight restraints for the high G-force maneu-
vers you know are coming.
As you knead your hands to work out
the tension, one of the other pilots sig-
nals, “Any last orders, sir?” There’s a cold-
ness in your voice that surprises you as
you recall the unprovoked attacks against
defenseless villages. Their massacre of
hundreds of innocent victims. “Yeah. Don’t
leave anything standing.” “Sir?” queries
the other pilot.
Your voice is as cold as an Arctic blast.
“Maximum overkill, kid. Let’s press it!”
At a touch of your cyclic control stick,
the Comanche leaps forward like an

T.O.C. 14
H O W TO F LY T H E R A H - 6 6 C O M A N C H E
Traditionally, all helicopters have been complicated flying machines. It takes a special kind
of pilot to handle such a complicated aircraft that depends on flawless integration of so
many different controls and functions just to get it off the ground, much less to use it in

The designers who have worked on the RAH-66 have recognized these stress factors and
have devised a user-friendly flight environment for future pilots to use when they fly the
Comanche. The Comanche systems are designed for management by exception. If
things are working properly, the aircraft keeps it to itself and lets you get on with the flying
and the fighting.

Our efforts in achieving a state-of-the-art helicopter flight simulator were motivated by the
functional architecture of the Comanche. Since the real aircraft is so highly integrated with the
various computer systems, it easily adapts itself to an electronic representation of both its
capabilities and characteristics. This combat simulator is both realistic and easy to fly.

Even so, there are some basic flying tips to go over before you take the RAH-66 out on your
first mission.

T.O.C. 15
When you choose a mission, you should read the on-screen mission
description to determine your goals and possible strategies. Once you
have accepted the mission, your Comanche is checked out by the
on-board diagnostics. If your PC is set up for speech you will get a
corresponding audio message. Your chopper is now fully powered and
all systems are on-line and ready to be accessed. Check your
weapons and fuel load, since these may change from mission to
To actually fly the Comanche, you must become proficient in operat-
ing two separate controls.

Up Down
The first control you should learn is the COLLECTIVE PITCH CON-
TROL. This function simultaneously controls the degree of pitch for
each of the five main rotor blades. The higher the degree of pitch, the
more air the blades are able to “bite” into and the higher your -=
helicopter goes. The more collective you use, the higher you go. A
decrease in the collective pitch of your Comanche rotor blades will ED
decrease the altitude, ultimately landing the bird on the ground. Up Down

T.O.C. 16
The Collective can be controlled in several different ways depending on
your preference and the control system that you are using with your
From your keyboard or your numerical keypad, you can control the
Collective by pressing the “E” key for more Collective (higher
altitude) and the “D” for less Collective (lower altitude). Alternately the
“-” or keypad “-” and the “=” or keypad “+” can be used with the
same effect. These Collective Controls are active with the use of the
keyboard, normal joystick or the ThrustMaster FCS control stick.

NOTE: If you are using a joystick with an integrated throttle control (e.g.
CH FlightStick) the joystick's throttle is used to control the Collective
setting; the “E” and “D” keys will then be disabled.


To turn your Comanche, use the CYCLIC CONTROL. The direction
you point the stick to is the direction the Comanche will head. Pulling
back or pushing forward moves the nose up or down in pitch; pushing
left and right provides roll, and twisting left or right gives you yaw.
If, in mid-flight, you wish to set your bird to a hover at a low altitude,

T.O.C. 17
press the “✱” key on your numerical keypad. Your Auto
Comanche will respond to the command by stabi- Hover
lizing into a hover position at low altitude. (The
hover position sets you at an ideal height for NoE Collective
flying.) Lock
/ * Up

While hovering, the helicopter can quickly be Quick

7 8 9
turned by altering the setting of the Fantail Ref.
rotor. By pressing the “Insert” and “Delete” Down
Cyclic 4 5 6
keys, you will turn to the left and right while
Controls Fire
simultaneously pointing your craft in that di-
rection. (See section on Rudder Control System.) 1 2 3
To turn left or right while hovering or at low Select
speeds, press the “Insert” key to turn left or the . Target
“Delete” key to turn right. Ins Del Enter

NOTE: While the Cyclic control changes your direc-

tion, it will not change your altitude. Changing your
Tail Rotor Tail Rotor
airship’s altitude is done with the Collective control. Right Left

When flying close to the ground, the air forced down by your main
T.O.C. 18
rotor blades provides an additional cushion similar to that of a hover-
craft. This cushion is called “Ground Effect”. This effect combined with
the fly-by-wire system monitoring your distance to the ground, makes
flying low very easy. If you set your collective low or press the numeric
keypad “✱” you can then for the most part track the ground without any
further collective adjustment. A sudden upward change in the terrain,
such as a mountain or a cliff, will force you to make adjustments. If you
want to go over a steep hill you should increase the collective.
The ThrustMaster Flight Control Stick (FCS)
If you have an FCS connected to your system, Comanche TRIGGER
can be set-up to interface with this control system.
The ThrustMaster FCS becomes the Cyclic control stick for
your airship. The “Hat” switch located at the top controls the
first four (4) Cockpit viewing options.
The button directly to the left of the “Hat” switch activates
the Target Acquisition System’s laser controlled target lock. The
trigger on the front of the control stick fires your selected weapon. The ThrustMaster
The two other buttons rotate the Comanche when it is hovering or FCS becomes the
moving at slow speeds. The center button on the left side of the stick Cyclic control stick
for your airship.
T.O.C. 19
rotates your Comanche to the left. The button on the bottom of the
control stick will rotate your airship to the right.

The ThrustMaster Weapons Control System (WCS) DIP SWITCH SETTING

The correct Dip Switch Set-
If you use a ThrustMaster WCS with your CPU, Comanche also ting to enable the WCS for
utilizes its specific control functions for more realistic gameplay. Comanche is "Dip Switch
Position 1 as per the WCS
You must use the default Dip Switch setting for the Comanche Owner's Manual." This set-
combat simulator. This Setting means your WCS's Dip Switch ting is the Default Dip
Position 1 is ON (towards the numbers or towards the top of the Switch Setting that is set
box) with all of the other Dip Switches OFF. Refer to your WCS on the WCS when you take
it out of the box.
manual for more information on dip switch configuration.
4 The WCS handle acts as your Collective NOTE: The ThrustMaster
3 Control for the Comanche. Pushing the Weapons Control System
6 is a programmable key-
1 control stick forward decreases the collec- board device. Because it
5 tive pitch to lower the airship. Pulling the generates keyboard char-
2 acters, your keyboard
stick back, increases the collective pitch
weapon selection buttons
to raise your Comanche’s altitude. are not active when you
use the ThrustMaster
The three (3) position rocker switch, Weapon Control System.
#7, controls the magnification of your However, they are active if
Dip Switch you are using only the
To Keyboard Digital Map Display. This switch allows ThrustMaster joystick.
T.O.C. 20
you “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” from the closest maximum magnifi-
cation to a medium setting to the farthest allowable view of the
Digital Map. Weapon Control buttons #1 through #6 control
access to your six (6) different weapon choices.
4 When using the Thrust-
Button #6: Selects 20MM CANNON 7 3 Master Mark II WCS, you
Button #5: Selects 70MM ROCKETS should not select WCS or
the FCS from the menu. In-
Button #4: Selects HELLFIRE MISSILES 6 1 stead, you should select
FlightStick with Throttle. To
Button #3: Selects STINGER MISSILES 2 program the Mark II for
Button #2: Selects ARTILLERY SUPPORT Comanche, type MARK II
from the \COMANCHE di-
Button #1: Selects WINGMAN rectory and select FlightStick
from the menu.

The ThrustMaster Rudder Control System (RCS)

Comanche also has full rudder capability if you are using

the ThrustMaster Rudder Control System (RCS) with your
computer system. Simply follow the instructions in your RCS
manual and use this Rudder Control Device to rotate your
airship during hover and low speed flight.

T.O.C. 21
The CH FlightStick

Comanche has also been designed to work with the CH Flight-

Stick and its built-in throttle control.
Use the FlightStick joystick as your Cyclic Control. Its Button #2 can
be used to activate your TAS laser sight and its Trigger Button (#1)
can be used to fire your weapons. On the base of the control, you will
find the Throttle Control which you can use as your Collective Control.

NIGHT MISSIONS Collective Control

The Army likes to brag, “We Own The Night.” That’s not far from the
truth. With the help of your Image Intensifiers that amplify moon and
starlight over 30,000 times and Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) that looks
for temperature differences, your Comanche was built to embrace the
darkness in many of its missions.
During all of your night missions on-board the Comanche, the Cockpit Main
Screen Display will appear in tones of green and black. This means that
your Image Intensifiers and Thermal Imagers are on-line and operating for
nighttime duty. Your two Tactical Monitor Displays will also be operating in
this mode while used during night missions.

T.O.C. 22
Comanche is a finely detailed combat simulator representing the next genera-
tion of the military light-attack helicopter – the Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66
Comanche. Every effort has been made to maximize your experience as a pilot
in one of the most advanced military systems ever designed for combat duty.

In each one of your missions, you and your RAH-66 Comanche will be tested
in a series of possible, even probable, military scenarios around a world-wide
theater of operations.

To begin, move the Highlight Bar with your Cursor Keys to the Begin Mission
Option. Press the “Enter” Key. You will be presented with another screen where
you will be asked to Select a Campaign. This screen lets you choose from the
following campaigns:


These missions are designed to let you enjoy and get familiar with the Comanche.
If you play them in order, they will work as a tutorial, familiarizing you with the
control and weapons systems in a sequence that will build in a progressive
manner. All navigational and sensor systems will be fully active during these

T.O.C. 23
training missions; however, armament loads will differ so that you can concentrate
on learning the proper use of the individual weapons. Your objectives in each
training mission will vary depending upon the assignment you actually choose.
These Mission Objectives will be described on a secondary screen once you have
made your choice. You will then have the choice to either “Accept The Mission”
or “Reject The Mission.” If you decide to “Reject The Mission,” you will then be
given the choice of selecting a new one.

You should take the opportunity at this Training Level to try to gather experience
and enjoy flying your Comanche . Completing these simpler missions will allow
you to move to the next level with confidence and skill.


This is the big one. Operation Maximum Overkill is a theater-wide campaign that
will span the globe. Each mission will have specific objectives and goals that you
must complete in order to move onto the more difficult levels.

Unlike the training level, your Comanche may not be operating at peak efficiency
for every mission. Like a real military operation, weapon loads will vary or your fuel
may be low. Each of these missions holds a different danger for you and your
Comanche. The missions in this campaign are staged according to difficulty. You
will not be able to access some missions until you have completed earlier ones.
T.O.C. 24

Operation "OVERLOAD" consists of generally easy missions. Damage and

weapon characteristics are heavily biased in favor of your Comanche. Play these
missions to familiarize yourself with flying, or when you just want to relax and enjoy
the program.

In this campaign, you and your Comanche airship are on general assignment for
military duty throughout the world. The divergent sorties that you will be sent out
on will be as far-ranging as a simple Antarctic search-and-destroy mission on an
abandoned base to a deadly hunt for a new stealth device that’s being tested for
use by your enemies either on land or in the air.

Many times within these scenarios your Comanche will be packed to the limit with
defensive and offensive weapons for maximum overkill. This will allow you to
experiment with new strategies and battle tactics in many of the adverse battle-
grounds that will await you in the other campaigns.

All of these missions will be accessible to you to fly if you select this campaign. You
do not have to successfully complete other missions to switch to any of the other
scenarios that are included in this campaign.

T.O.C. 25

This series of campaigns brings you and your Comanche into conflict with
smaller, but very lethal, military opponents across the globe. Your Comanche
will battle drug lords in South America, Middle East anarchists who want to
launch a bloody Jihad with SCUD missiles and even terrorists who have stolen
Comanche airships for their own treacherous deeds. As the title of the operation
indicates, you will be assigned to take on the terrorist enemies of the free world
to restore order in deadly scenarios ripped from the headlines of today’s

Each mission will have very specific goals and objectives that you must
accomplish before you can claim victory at the end of your sorties. As in real
military operations, your offensive and defensive capabilities will vary. It is
imperative that you utilize the resources that are available to you to complete
each mission. All but the most difficult missions in this campaign are available
to you at any level when you select this campaign. The advanced scenarios are
not accessible until you have successfully completed some earlier ones.


Similar to the original "MAXIMUM OVERKILL" campaign. The action is fast and
furious and you better be an ace pilot to survive this one.
T.O.C. 26
Every other mission has led to this theater-wide campaign. Here, you must take
on sometimes nearly impossible odds to successfully complete your assigned
objective. One minor miscalculation at the beginning of a sortie can mean disaster
in the last few moments of your mission.
In these difficult scenarios, the planning and execution of your battle strategy is
going to be just as important as your firepower. In many of these missions, you will
have to overcome an enemy’s superior position and firepower before you can go
on the offensive and accomplish your mission objective. Some of the missions
on this level are accessible only if you have successfully completed previous
missions in this campaign. All of these missions demand the utmost utilization of
your skills and talent.


Operation "SILVER DOVE" is designed to be the least challenging of the four new
campaigns. It is an excellent starting point to familiarize yourself with the new
enemies, terrains, and Comanche capabilities.

Operation "WHIRLWIND" provides a well-rounded and varied group of 10
missions that require both speed and skill. A little caution and strategy will help
you survive.
T.O.C. 27

Operation "OVER THE EDGE" is collection of wild, fast-paced missions.

You’ll need to shoot first and ask questions later if you are going to make it
through all 10 missions. Take a deep breath, and always check six.


Operation "TERMINAL VELOCITY" is the most difficult set of missions yet

devised for Comanche pilots. Only the best and most experienced flight
veterans need enter this battle arena. You’ll need to use nearly every bullet,
every drop of fuel, and every last bit of nerve to succeed. But you can make it
through if you have what it takes.


Operation "ZEPHYR" makes use of all the skills you have developed as
a Comanche pilot. This globe-spanning campaign uses every feature and
terrain introduced in previous missions. Let’s see what you’ve learned, hot
shot. Happy hunting!

T.O.C. 28

T.O.C. 29

Comanche’s pilot seat, you will notice LASER

three display screens in your cockpit that LOCK
will help guide you through the difficult
missions ahead. SPEED
Like the advanced tactical and display sys- FUEL
tems onboard the real Comanche, your COLLEC-

simulator allows you to select which vi- THRUST

sual, navigational and control displays will CHAFF
be shown on the cockpit display screens at DISPLAY

any time through simple keyboard com- WEAPONS LCD TACTICAL DISPLAY THREAT

Comanche Cockpit Main Display Screen


Comanche’s simulator offers a number of different views while
flying. You can access these views by selecting the appropriate key to change your view
directly above the QWERTY layout on your keyboard. in the cockpit.

T.O.C. 30
This is the normal pilot's view from the cockpit of the RAH-66 through In the midst of battle, this
your front cockpit window. When you first enter the cockpit, this is forward view is the most
advantageous viewing
what you will see. In this viewing mode, you will be able to see all of mode to be in to maintain
the Heads Down Gauges and the Tactical Display Monitors on the complete control of your
instrument panel below you and the Helmet Integrated Display navigational, targeting,
weapon and flight control
information projected on the lenses of your helmet directly in front of systems.
your eyes.


This allows you to see out of the Left side of your cockpit window.


This lets you to see out of the Right side of the cockpit window.


By choosing this selection, you can look behind your seat towards the
rear of your aircraft to see your co-pilot/gunner and any hostile
aircraft attacking from behind your Comanche airship. Pilots like to
call this the “Check Six” position.

T.O.C. 31
This is a full front display without any of the cockpit struts or your
Heads Down Gauges and Displays to distract your attention. ALL
navigational, weapon and control systems are active in this mode.
All the HID displays are still active in this mode for use in targeting
or navigation.
Duri ng each mission,
CHASE VIEW – “6” you need to stay aware of
your fuel, weapon and
This viewing mode places you a short distance directly behind damage status. Since not
your chopper while the Comanche remains under your control. all navigational, weapon
and control systems are
This view will rotate and pan with your copter to keep the active in this mode, you
Comanche in view. should make it a point to
return to the MAIN
This Chase View has a cinematic perspective and can let you COCKPIT VIEW “1” so
analyze your different fighting techniques and their effectiveness. you can check the status
of each system through
NONE of your HID displays will be visible. However, this view the Heads Down gauges
affords the player an interesting view of your Comanche firing and displays.
weapons, chaff and flares.

DROP CAMERA - Remote Ground View – “7”

This viewing mode monitors your Comanche's progress from the
T.O.C. 32
ground level as if you have dropped off a remote camera pod onto
the terrain below you. When you reach an area where you wish
to drop the camera, press the “7” button and the viewing pod
will drop to the surface at that designated location. Once on the
ground, the camera will automatically rotate to follow your
Comanche's progress from this lower visual perspective.
Repeat this as many times as you want during your mission.
Only the most recently activated camera can be accessed by
you and your monitor screens. To activate a new drop camera
on a different location, simply move your Comanche to that
new location and press “7.” The new camera will start, inter-
rupting the former view of your flight and continue to follow
your movements until you drop a new camera.


This viewing mode allows you to reactivate the last Drop Camera
you released. You can use this function to re-access the broadcast
signal from this ground viewing device while in any of the viewing
options without having to drop a new camera.

T.O.C. 33
Move the "hat" in these
directions to change the
Keyboard or Keypad Commands cockpit view:

“1” – Forward Cockpit View

Forward Cockpit View
“2” – Left Cockpit View
“3” – Right Cockpit View
“4” – Rear Cockpit View Left Cockpit View
“5” – Panoramic Front View (with HID & Targeting)
“6” – Chase View Right Cockpit View
“7” – Drop Camera and Activate - Remote Ground View
“8” – Reactivate Last Camera Drop - Remote Ground View Rear Cockpit View

Note to ThrustMaster Joystick Users

The first four of these viewing options are accessible to the
ThrustMaster Flight Control Stick through the keyboard controls
as well as the Hat switch on the top of your flight stick. While in
flight, simply push the Hat switch towards the direction you want
to view. Experiment with this option during the training missions
until you get the feel of how to change your Main Cockpit Viewing
Display at the touch of this button.

T.O.C. 34
H E L M E T I N T E G R AT E D D I S P L AY ( H I D )
The RAH-66 Comanche utilizes a Helmet Integrated Display
(HID) system for the pilot to manage the navigation and weapon
systems. These displays are projected onto the optics of his
helmet display so that the pilot can watch them without having to
avert his eyes from guiding the airship. This can account for the
targeting box sometimes traveling over the interior of the
cockpit. Unlike traditional Heads Up Displays (HUD), the HID is
not limited to the view directly in front of the windshield. In fact,
you can target some weapons out the side and rear views.


This Artificial Horizontal Line shows you where the true hori-
zon is even if it is obscured by darkness or objects such as
mountains. It displays the present “pitch” (whether your bird's
nose is up or down) and your copter's “roll” (left or right). This
horizontal line shifts and changes when you adjust your Cyclic
or Collective controls to direct your aircraft across the field of
battle. Artificial Horizon

T.O.C. 35
RADAR ALTIMETER DISPLAY (Right Side of Screen) NOTE: Keep an eye on
this Radar Altimeter
This display tells you the Comanche’s actual distance from the ground display in mountainous
sensed by radar. This is very different from a standard altimeter that terrain. It could save
tells your airship’s altitude above sea level, but does not tell you how your Comanche.
far you are from the actual terrain below.
In this simulation the Comanche’s ceiling is limited to about 500 ft.
above sea level. For this reason, even when flying at maximum altitude,
if you go over a mountain, your altimeter may register only a few feet
above the ground.
Rate of Climb
RATE OF CLIMB INDICATOR (Right of Screen) Indicator

Placed to the right of the Radar Altimeter, this HID indicator gives you
an indication on the rate of speed at which you are climbing or descend- Radar Altimeter
ing relative to sea level.


This HID uses an onboard computer system to calculate your Coman-
che's speed and direction and displays them in an easy to read gauge.
Imagine that you were looking at an overhead map, not at the front of
the windshield. Your Comanche's present position is shown by the
T.O.C. 36
cross in the middle of your view. The position that your helicopter will be NOTE: This is your
at one second from now is marked by the center of the circle connected copter’s current and fu-
to the cross by the vector line. ture position as though
you were looking down
When you change direction, the line shifts towards that direction. As at it from straight above
you pick up speed, the line increases in length since you are now the aircraft.
traveling further on your map. This indicator changes with every adjust- Position 1 Second
ment of your Cyclic control. The angle of the line tells you in what From Now
direction you are heading and the length of the line indicates your speed.
Relax! It sounds complicated but after a while you’ll instinctively know
how to read and use it.


(lower left of screen) Current Position

This digital display tells you the true airspeed of your

Comanche in knots. Top speed for a Comanche is
about 177 kts. or about 200 m.p.h. (1 kt. = 1.15 m.p.h.).

COMPASS DISPLAY (top center of screen)

This HID shows the aircraft’s heading via a projected
compass displayed at the top of your field of view.

T.O.C. 37
Directly below the Main Cockpit Display are
two very important sources of information for
the pilot. They are your two identical and
redundant Tactical (TAC) Display Monitors.
Both of these monitors have direct access
to the Digital Map, TAS, Threat Indicator,
Damage Display and Help Function . Access
to these TAC Displays is INDEPENDENTLY AVAILABLE on Liquid Crystal Display Moni-
either Tactical Monitor. Each TAC Display is controlled by the tors can be switched to dis-
play a number of TACTI-
Function Keys on the keyboard. CAL DISPLAYS. Each
monitor can independently
DIGITAL MAP DISPLAY (Left TAC – F1; Right TAC – F7) summon ANY of the TAC
displays at ANY time. In
case either of the monitors
This Digital Map Display contains a wealth of is damaged, you can always
information for any pilot on a dangerous mis- use the other monitor dis-
sion. It combines a downward-looking con- play for back-up. (The sixth
display for each monitor is
toured Terrain Map loaded in from your reserved for future expan-
Optical Mission Disk, while superimposing sion.)
ground threats and mission targets acquired through AWACS,
surveillance satellites and other information gathering resources.
T.O.C. 38
Downloaded into your computers from the Optical Mission Disk,
F1 through F6 keys
this precise Geologically-Contoured Terrain Map will show the control the Left TAC.
terrain that you are overflying and the location of all vehicles and
F7 through F12 keys
structures that have been detected by the above listed means. control the Right TAC.
You can also magnify your view of these maps. To “Zoom In” and
“Zoom Out” within the Digital Map display on either the Right or Zoom Out
Left TAC Monitor, press the “<” key to Zoom Out and the “>” key to
Zoom In on the ride hand side of your keyboard. Zoom In
If you are using a ThrustMaster Weapon Control Stick, you
may also “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” by using the 3 position #7
switch on the control. By clicking the switch all the way down in its
lowest position you will be at maximum magnification. The middle
position puts you at a medium magnification. The top setting shows
you the widest view of the Digital Map.
If both of your TAC monitors are set to show this display, then
pressing these two keys will affect both monitors at the same time.
Combining a Ring Laser Gyro-based Inertial Navigation System
with the Global Positioning Satellite System, this TAC view
selection shows your Comanche’s precise location in this map
within a few meters at all times during your mission. This naviga-
T.O.C. 39
tional position information is overlaid with an overhead view of the MAP MARKERS:
terrain and information obtained from your mission disc as well as
RED – Air Threats
friendly and enemy vehicles detected by surveillance satellites,
YELLOW – Ground
AWACS airplanes and other means. Threats
WHITE – Neutral
This enhanced Digital Map display is one of the best resources GREEN – Friendly
you can utilize to complete your missions. But be careful! Not all Aircraft
of your threats can be picked up by your automated systems. BLUE – Friendly
Your direct view through the HID will be the only way to see Ground Vehicles
some hidden ones. Remember, keep your “Wide Eyes” open.
NOTE: Mission completion
goals are designated by
When accessed through either monitor, the Digital Map display markers with FLASHING
relays its sensor information by assigning known threats and BORDERS.
targets to the monitor as color coded blips or markers superim-
posed on the currently visible map.
Red “markers” refer to air threats. Yellow “markers” refer to
ground hostiles such as Soviet T-80 tanks or SAM Mobile Missile
Platforms (Geckos). White “markers” represent neutral objects
such as fuel tanks. Green “markers” refer to friendly aircraft and
Blue “markers” designate friendly ground vehicles.

T.O.C. 40
Your Comanche is equipped with several
sensors to let you know if you are being tar-
geted by an incoming missile or rocket. This
display is so important that it is duplicated as a
full-time display on the right side of your instru-
ment panel and is connected to a voice warning system.
In general, you will get advance warning of missiles and rockets that
have been targeted towards you. The display is very effective in
spotting radar-guided missiles and somewhat less effective in spotting
laser- and IR-guided threats. Rockets also produce an IR signature, so
you may also get a warning if one is fired. Flying low and always
Should you get an incoming threat, you should perform an immediate keeping a safe terrain
formation nearby to
evasive maneuver. Dropping behind an outcropping might be hide behind is one of
effective. Making abrupt attitude changes, such as dropping and your best defenses
turning (jinking ) will also reduce your chances of being hit. against enemy fire.


(Left TAC – F3; Right TAC – F9)
When you lock on a target, an image derived from your Target Acqui-

T.O.C. 41
sition System (TAS) is shown in this display.
In this mode, it displays a forward-looking gyro- The TAS displays a
stabilized image of whatever item has been view of the targeted
locked on by your TAS. object once you have
obtained weapons
When you lock onto a land or air target via your lock.
TAS, this sensor display will then visually lock into a stabilized Close-
Up Shot of your intended target until you either destroy the target,
lose lock, manually re-target or manually change to a different TAC


By opting for this TAC display, you will be able
to get an update on your progress for your
assigned mission.
As specified by the parameters given to you NOTE: Each mission
before you accepted this mission, this status has different goals and
targets. Not all enemies
screen will show you how close you are to accomplishing your task. are mission goals. Only
those with flashing
On the screen display, you will see two indicators. One is the number markers count towards
of assigned goals you need to destroy in order to complete your mission completion.

T.O.C. 42
mission. The second is the actual count remaining to be destroyed
verified by your onboard computer.


(Left TAC – F5; Right TAC – F11)
Using an icon representing your RAH-
66 Comanche, this display will keep an
active status report for you of all major
operational systems onboard your airship
during a mission.
If you are unable to avoid an attack by hostiles, and your ship is
behaving peculiarly, refer to this Damage Status Display to ana- See DAMAGE section
lyze which systems may have been damaged or destroyed by on page 57 for details.
your enemies.


These key functions are reserved for future sensor expansion on

additional Comanche mission disks.

T.O.C. 43
Pressing the “?” key on your keyboard
temporarily throws a Help Screen up on
both of your TAC monitors that lists the
Six TAC Display Options that you have to
choose from.
By using this screen, you don't have to interrupt your game by
constantly referring to the manual for the correct key to pick the 12

Tactical Display you want on each monitor.

T.O.C. 44


F1 Digital Map Q Last TAC left (w/o ThrustMaster WCS)
F2 Threat Indicator W Next TAC left (w/o ThrustMaster WCS)
F3 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
F4 Mission Status Display A Last TAC right (w/o ThrustMaster WCS)
F5 Damage Status Display S Next TAC right (w/o ThrustMaster WCS)
F6 Future Expansion
< Zoom Out (DIGITAL MAP)


F7 Digital Map
F8 Threat Indicator
F9 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
F10 Mission Status Display
F11 Damage Status Display
F12 Future Expansion

T.O.C. 45

Because of the importance of this display, it has

been allocated as a dedicated full-time output
screen to give you information on incoming
threats. Similar to the TAC Threat Indicator, the
display uses several sensors to let you know if
you are being targeted by a hostile weapons system.

In general, you will get advance warning of missiles and rockets that
have been targeted towards you. The display is very effective in
spotting radar-guided missiles and somewhat less effective in
spotting laser- and IR-guided threats.

Rockets will also produce an IR signature so you may get a warning

if one is fired.

T.O.C. 46
W E A P O N S E L E C T D I S P L AY The Keyboard Weapon
Keys are on the lower
Another important display in the Comanche’s cockpit is the left side of the key row
directly above the space
Weapon Select Display Screen located at the far left of your bar.
Heads Down Instrument Panel. As the name suggests, this will tell
you which weapon system is selected for you to use with your “Z” CANNON
Fire Control buttons. “X” ROCKETS
These selection screens are easy to access. To choose your
weapon, you must press the appropriate key on the keyboard to “V” STINGERS
activate that selection. It will then appear on the Weapon Select “B” ARTILLERY
Display Screen with the remaining number of units left in your “N” WINGMAN
armament to fire.

Remember: Your Comanche has a limited amount of arms that There is also a keyboard
shortcut to access the
it is able to carry into battle. Therefore, you will not be carrying weapons. To access the
an unlimited amount of rockets and missiles on your sorties. In Previous Weapon on the
each mission, you will be carrying a different weapons payload Weapon Select Display,
press the “[“ button. The
comprised of varying amounts of Hellfires, Stingers, 70mm rock- Next Weapon in your arse-
ets and 20mm cannon rounds. Make sure that you are aware of nal can be called up by
these limitations BEFORE you go into battle so you don’t use the Pressing the “]” button.
weapons inappropriately.

T.O.C. 47
The weapon systems below can be selected by using the direct access
keys noted (or the WCS). Once selected, the weapon should be locked on
to the target with your TAS. To do this, either press the ENTER key on
the keyboard or button #2 on your joystick. Once the weapon is locked,
a green rectangle will mark your target and, if a TAC is in the TAS mode,
a close-up of the target will appear. You can then fire the weapon by
pressing the Spacebar or button #1 on your joystick.

20mm Gatling Vulcan II Cannon (“Z” key)

(unless using ThrustMaster WCS)
The three-barreled 20 mm cannon hides in a LO fairing to
minimize Comanche's radar signature, but swings out to
engage ground or air targets. The 20 mm Vulcan II cannon
is tied to your helmet sight and can go to its full 1,500 rounds-per-minute
rate of fire. (At this continuous rate of fire, your ammunition will last less than
1 minute.) The cannon will fire as long as your firing button is held down and
there is still ammunition left.
The Vulcan Cannon is auto-aimed by your Target Acquisition System if a
target is selected in your sight. It is accurate at short and medium ranges.

T.O.C. 48
70mm Rockets (“X” key)
(unless using ThrustMaster WCS) NOTE: Your “M” key is
always a “Live” firing
Your Comanche fires these powerful weapons in spreads control to your 70mm
of 1 or 2 rockets. Small but lethal up to 2 km, their Flechette rockets. Even if you are
set in another Weapon
warheads can fill the sky with nails out to 1 km vaporizing Select mode, you can
any nearby airborne hostile from the sky. press the “M” button to
Fire a 2 rocket salvo in
Your TAS can only aim at their azimuth (up/down). Once fired, they do an emergency if you still
not have guidance systems to seek the target. The rockets only fire in the have any rockets left in
your mounts.
direction that the Comanche is headed.

AGM 114 Hellfire Laser-guided Missiles (“C” key)

(unless using ThrustMaster WCS)
Guided to its target by your TAS laser sight, the supersonic Don’t waste Hellfires on
Hellfire has a standoff range greater than 8 km. Heavier minor targets. Never
forget the Hellfire mis-
than the Stingers, the Hellfire also carries a larger warhead. sile is also a devastat-
It is your most powerful weapon against armored ground targets. ing weapon against a
flying target.
Unlike Stingers, you must maintain TAS lock on your target until the
Hellfire strikes. Conversely, if the Hellfire is still in flight, you can
sometimes re-target and hit a different target than the one you first
locked onto.
T.O.C. 49
AIM-92 Stinger Missiles (“V” key)
The Stinger is a superb
(unless using ThrustMaster WCS) fire-and-forget weapon
The RAH-66 ordinarily carries Stinger air-to-air mis- that enables you to go
on with your fighting
siles. The IR-seeking Stinger should be used at short and f lying while it
ranges from 1–2 km. Once it has been locked onto a seeks its target.
target by your Target Acquisition System it will try to keep its lock
on the target even if you lock on a different target. While less
powerful than your Hellfire missiles, it is a deadly “fire-and-forget”
weapon against air targets.

The following are two other weapon selection options for you to
choose from. These weapons are not carried aboard the Com-
anche airship, but can be designated and fired as if they were.

Artillery Fire 155mm & MLRS (“B” key)

(unless using ThrustMaster WCS)
The Comanche’s computers know at all times its
precise location. By locking on to a target with its TAS,
the computers can derive the precise coordinates of

T.O.C. 50
the target and transmit them to the Command and Control net-
work. This will call up fire from conventional artillery or ground- NOTE: The amount of
Artillery Support varies
based Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS), sometimes called with each mission’s pa-
“Steel Rain.” rameters.
If available in a mission, this is the most destructive weapon at your
disposal. This is a fire-and-forget system. The main disadvantage is
that since it takes time for the shells to reach their destination, they
are less effective against fast moving targets.

Wingman/Hellfire Missile Support (“N” key)

(unless using ThrustMaster WCS)
In some missions your Comanche will have another If you can’t see your
Comanche flying with you as your wingman. If he is Wingman, try shifting
there, you can usually see him on your Digital Map, as your Cockpit Main Dis-
play View off to one of
a GREEN marker flying close to you. the Side Views where
In general, your wingman will fly conservatively and stay in ground your WINGMAN may
be flying along with
cover. However, when you select the WINGMAN Weapon Option, you on the mission.
your wingman will assume a targeting position so that he/she can
effectively fire a Hellfire missile that will seek on the enemy you
currently have targeted with your TAS laser sights. When heavily

T.O.C. 51
outnumbered, careful coordination with your wingman may be the
only way to win a mission.

Be careful not to keep your wingman in a precarious position for too

long. The enemy could concentrate their fire on him and destroy his
ship. If this happens, this weapon option will become deactivated
as will he.

T.O.C. 52
“[“ Previous Weapon Selection NOTE: The only time your
“]” Next Weapon Selection Keyboard Weapon Com-
mands will not be available
“M” Fire Salvo (2 x 70mm Rockets) (w/o WCS) for your use is when you are
“Z” Select 20MM Cannon (w/o WCS) using a ThrustMaster Weap-
ons Control System. If you
“X” Select 70MM Rockets (w/o WCS) are using any other joystick
or control device, these Key-
“C” Select Hellfire Missiles (w/o WCS) board Commands will remain
“V” Select Stinger Missiles (w/o WCS) active for your use.
“B” Select Artillery Support (w/o WCS)
“N” Select Wingman (w/o WCS)


Button #6 - Select 20mm CANNON Button #3 - Select STINGER MISSILES
Button #5 - Select 70mm ROCKETS Button #2 - Select ARTILLERY SUPPORT
Button #4 - Select HELLFIRE MISSILES Button #1 - Select WINGMAN

T.O.C. 53


Simply stated, your collective control changes the pitch of all your
main rotor blades which in turn makes your Comanche go up or
down. In conventional helicopters changing your collective set-
ting also means that the pilot must adjust the throttle and the
tail rotor to compensate for the new input.

Since the Comanche is a fly-by-wire helicopter,

NOTE: Keeping the gauge
changing the setting of the collective control tells the marked “C” near the bot-
computer to automatically adjust all the other settings tom of its range will allow
so as to maintain stable flight. The two bar type for easy Nap-of-the-Earth
(NoE) flying.
gauges located in the top left side of your cockpit
indicate the settings that the on-board computer has chosen for
pitch and throttle to make the Comanche do what you want it to
do. Keeping the gauge marked “C” near the bottom of its range
will allow for easy Nap-of-the Earth (NoE) flying.

T.O.C. 54
Your Comanche depends on a If either of these sen-
low detection profile to get in and sors activate, it’s a sure
bet that a weapon has
out of tricky situations without alerting the enemy. Sometimes been targeted or is
this is impossible when your objective is in the middle of a net about to be launched to
of radar and laser detection gear. These two sensor lights will blast you from the sky.
Take evasive action
FLASH RED to warn you if your Comanche is being “painted” immediately!
by radar or the heat signature of a rocket being launched at
your helicopter is detected.
The Left Detection Light activates when your ship’s Infrared (IR)
sensors have picked up a tell-tale heat signature approaching
the Comanche. The Right Detection Light activates when your
RAH-66 passive sensor gear has picked up a nearby radar (very
similar to a radar detector in your car.)


If you are detected and locked onto by hostile forces,
don't lose hope. Your Comanche has two automatic Press for Chaff
defense mechanisms that will come to your aid.
If the onboard detection systems sense that your airship is being Press for Flares

T.O.C. 55
tracked by a missile or rocket with a detectable infrared-guided
signature, your Comanche will automatically release Magnesium NOTE: The Coman-
Flares to trick the heat-seeking missile into following the hotter che’s onboard defense
system has only a lim-
heat source away from your own engine exhaust. ited supply of Chaff and
Flares that it can either
If your onboard defense system senses that radar is being used automatically or manu-
to track you, it will automatically release a load of Reflective ally release. Once these
supplies are gone, you
Chaff to disperse the radar signal and confuse the tracking of have no defenses left
the on-coming missile. except your speed and
If you would like to activate these counter measures manually,
press the “ ; ” (semicolon) key to release the chaff and the “ ' ”
(apostrophe) key to release a flare. You can see either of these
being ejected if you choose the “6” Cockpit Viewing option.

Keep an eye on the Fuel
The Fuel Gauge indicates the amount of fuel remaining. Gauge to see how much
Since missions sometimes start with limited amounts of fuel, fuel remains in your
it is wise to keep your eye on this gauge. tanks.

T.O.C. 56
During your mission, your ship may start to DIFFERENT AREAS:
react abnormally if you are struck in a • TAIL ROTOR
crucial area. There are potentially grave • ENGINE
consequences to your Comanche’s in- • TAS
tegrity if you take a hit in an essential
system. The damage indicator lets you see which system (if any)
• 20mm CANNON
has been damaged.
Here's what can happen:

Tail Rotor Damage -- A damaged tail rotor will cause the NOTE: To avoid dam-
Comanche to want to spin, making the airship difficult to control. aging your tail rotor,
you should avoid fly-
ing backwards.
Engine -- Damaged engines will limit altitude and speed.

TAS Damage -- If the Target Acquisition System becomes dam-

aged, holding a target lock becomes difficult. This may eliminate
some of your weapon choices. For instance, the Hellfires require a
laser locked on the intended target until impact. Further damage
can keep it from working altogether.

T.O.C. 57
Weapon Mount Damage -- The external weapon mounts can be Fly carefully; your
damaged which prevents your long range weapons, such as the Comanche isn't built to
be a battering ram.
Hellfires, Stingers or rockets, from being fired.

20mm Cannon Damage -- If the cannon becomes damaged, no Slamming into objects
firing will occur. To prevent further damage to the copter by a nose first will usually
result in Cannon or TAS
misfire, the onboard computer will automatically disable the can- damage.

Tactical Monitor Display Damage -- Should one computer be

damaged, that monitor will no longer function. Luckily, the TAC
Displays have redundant systems and if one of them becomes
damaged, the other can still display all the TAC functions,
although now you can only monitor one at a time.

T.O.C. 58


During the title or demo sequences,

press any key. You’ll then find your- NOTE: Once the list is
self at the Pilot Select Screen. filled, you must delete
another pilot’s name
Here you’ll be able to choose from a and his records to in-
list of a few brave pilots who have sert a new name.
flown the Comanche on the several training missions in-
cluded with your program. Or, you can insert your own name
into one of the blank spaces which are included in the ranks of
Comanche pilots and volunteer for upcoming missions.

Number of Campaigns: Next to the names of the pilots, there NOTE: If your helicop-
ter is destroyed during
is a number that tells you how many missions that particular any campaign, you will
pilot has flown. As you complete campaigns, medals will be have to re-start the
added to your name. campaign from the first
available mission of
Each time a pilot goes out on a mission, his/her status and that campaign.

T.O.C. 59
consequently, his/her numerical rank increases. Advanced
missions will be denied to pilots who have not completed
earlier missions.
If all the pilot slots have been used up, you can add your name You can add your name
by selecting a pilot and pressing the “Delete” key. A box will by selecting an empty line
appear at the bottom of the screen. Fill in whatever pilot’s name or another pilot's “handle”
with the highlight bar, and
you feel is appropriate to your degree of aggression. Then press pressing the DELETE
“Enter”. Your name will be entered onto the list and ranked key.
against that of the other pilots.
Relax, everybody has to start somewhere and rookies always
start at the bottom of the heap. But don’t worry, as you start
accumulating missions as a Comanche pilot you’ll climb quickly
up the list of ace pilots.
After you enter your name into the active ranks of the
Comanche pilots, you’re ready to move on. Use the cursor keys
to make sure your name is highlighted and press the “Enter”


You’ll now find yourself at the Main Operations Menu of our
T.O.C. 60
Comanche combat simulator. From here you’ll
be able to:
Begin Mission - Enter the SELECT CAMPAIGN
menu and begin your next mission.
Your Stats - Examine your latest statistics and
cumulative score as you proceed through each
campaign and mission.
Choose Another Pilot - Choose another pilot
(in case you feel a little worn-out).
RAH-66 Overview - Scan a technical and arma-
ments overview of the Comanche as a quick review before your
next mission.
Demo - Let the computer run a demo of the Comanche program
showing the RAH-66 in action.
Credits - Check out the list of talented people that made this
game possible.
Exit to DOS - Exit the game and return to DOS.
Feel free to access any of the functions on this selection menu.
T.O.C. 61
If you feel that you have gone a little too prematurely into one
of the areas, press the “Esc” key. This will immediately return The “Esc” key is one of
you to the previous selection or menu level you were just the most powerful keys
working from. that controls the opera-
tion of the game.
In fact, the “Esc” key is one of the most powerful keys that
controls the operation of the game. Even in the midst of battle,
you can pause in mid-mission by using the “Esc” key, make
adjustments to the program’s operating parameters and re-
enter the simulation at another press of the “Esc” key. A
simple, yet very powerful control system - just like the RAH-66

M enu Bar (Esc)

Before you take off on your first mission, let’s make sure that
the combat simulator is precisely configured to your computer's
To access the Menu Bar from the Main Operation Menu press
the “Esc” key.
At the top of the screen, above the shot of the RAH-66 in flight,

T.O.C. 62
you will see the Menu Bar appear with four menu titles and
their respective options.

Next to some of these menu options are keyboard alternatives

that you may use without having to use the “Esc” key to You may use these Key-
access the Menu Bar. You may use these keyboard shortcuts board Shortcuts even
even while in the midst of your missions. From the Menu Bar while in the midst of your
use the cursor keys to move to the furthest left of the menu missions.
choices - “Game.”

Game Menu
About Comanche — Pressing this selection will display
the game credits and the serial number of the game
package you have purchased. Don’t forget to include
this serial number when you send in your registration
card or call in for customer support.
Return to Game — When you access this menu during
the middle of a mission, choosing this menu selection will return
you to the midst of battle.

Save Menu Settings — Choosing this option will allow you to

T.O.C. 63
save whatever configuration menu settings you have chosen,
including joystick centering. These same settings will be used
whenever you re-start the game or until you use this option again.

Abort Mission — This option allows you to pull out of your

present mission and go back to the Main Operations Selection
Screen for reassignment. You can access this option through the
Game Configuration Menu or at anytime during game play by
pressing the keyboard shortcut “Alt-A”. You can end the game
through the Game
Exit to DOS — Selecting this option takes you directly out of the Configuration Menu or
game and leaves you in DOS. You may access this option from at any time during
this menu, or in the midst of a game, via the keyboard shortcut game play by pressing
the keyboard shortcut
“Alt-Q”. Alt-A.

Detail Menu
These Menu selections allow you to configure the highest reso-
lution of our Voxel Space graphic technology that your CPU can
handle. The higher your CPU’s speed, the faster the game will
play, and the more detail it will be able to show per frame. As a
rule, the lower the detail you select, the faster the simulation will
T.O.C. 64
Experiment with all five Detail settings until Setting at Restart
you find the setting best suited to your When you save your
computer’s configuration. Use the cursor configuration settings,
keys to highlight your selection and press these same detail set-
tings will be used when-
“Enter” to activate that Detail Option. ever you re-start the
game or until you save
Detail High — This option allows the great- the settings again.
est 3-D detail within the flight mission areas.

Detail Medium — Choosing this option maintains high graphic Detail Versus Speed:
detail, with somewhat faster frame rates for your simulator. If your computer runs
slowly, you should se-
Detail Low — This detail selection uses lower graphic detail in lect the DETAIL LOW
the mission scenarios and allows the fastest simulator operation option and turn off the
of all three settings. CLOUDS and SMALL
PIXELS Detail options.
Clouds — This Detail Option allows you to turn the cloud For even more speed,
backgrounds on or off. On some computers this is the best way you might want to switch
to maintain a high frame rate with no loss in play quality. When off the Artificial Horizon,
HID Indicators and HID
this option is switched “on” (the Option Box on the left of the
Compass located under
setting is filled), the sky is filled with cloud cover for greater detail. the OPTIONS menu.
Small Pixels — This option chooses the pixel size for your 3-D
landscape rendering.
T.O.C. 65
When the Small Pixel function is turned off (Option Box is
empty), the larger pixels reduce the detail in the landscape SETTING CHANGE: To
change the setting, move
rendering, but the speed of the simulator will cause the greatest the highlight bar to the
speed increase of any of the options. The “Small Pixels Off” correct setting and press
setting is recommended for slower computers, particularly Enter.
386SX machines.
HAZE — This option shows haze in the distance. It takes time to The Option Box
compute the haze so use it only on faster computers. is ON

REFLECTIONS — Reflections over the water on some missions The Option Box
are turned on with this feature, but as above, this is best on fast is OFF

C ontrol Menu
This menu allows you to change and choose the Sound and
Voice Effects Volume , the Music Volume, and what Control
Device you will use to fly the RAH-66 simulator.
The Sound Loud , Sound Soft , and Sound Off options control
the volume of the Sound Effects and Voice within Comanche.
Use the cursor keys to choose the selection you want and press
“Enter” to activate. A small arrow will indicate your selection.
T.O.C. 66
The Music Loud , Music
Soft , and Music Off options
control the volume of the
Music in the Comanche pro-

As in the previous option, use

your cursor keys to choose
the selection you want and
press “Enter” to activate. A
small arrow will appear on Shortcuts Active Ex-
the left side of the selection cept for WCS: What-
you have made. ever Flight Control Op-
tion you use to fly the
These next menu options al- Comanche, the key-
low you to specify what con- board shortcuts will al-
ways remain active for
trol device you want to use to fly your RAH-66. Comanche will
your use UNLESS you
support either a keyboard with joystick or the keyboard alone for use the ThrustMaster
ALL of the combat simulator functions. Weapon Control Stick.
This particular unit dis-
Use the cursor keys to make a selection and press “Enter” to ables some shortcuts
activate. A small arrow will appear on the left side of the selection on the left hand side of
you have made. the keyboard.

T.O.C. 67
ThrustMaster FCS Joystick — Select this option to use the
ThrustMaster Flight Control System joystick to fly your bird.

CH Flightstick Pro — Activates the Flightstick Pro. IMPORTANT NOTE ON

Flightstick w/ Throttle — Choose this option if you are using a When using the Thrust-
FlightStick with an independent throttle control. This option will Master Mark II WCS you
work with some other joysticks that have built in throttle control. should not select WCS
or the FCS from the
Normal Joystick — Please choose this option if you are planning menu. Instead, you
on using a regular joystick as your flight controller. In this mode, the should select Flight-
Stick with Throttle. To
joystick will act as your Cyclic control, button #1 as your fire control, program the Mark II for
and button #2 as your TAS lock. Comanche, type MARK
II from the \COMANCHE
Keyboard — Select this option if you want to use the keyboard to directory.
control your copter. This control option is set by the program as the
default control. The keyboard can control all functions of the
ThrustMaster WCS Mark I (Weapons Control System) — Please
select this option if you are planning to use this Weapons Control
System with your ThrustMaster Control System (see WCS section.)
Rotor Control — This selection can be used if you have a device
that will use the X-axis of the second joystick port as a control for
T.O.C. 68
your tail rotor. This allows you to make more precise turns.
Choose this option if you have either ThrustMaster foot pedals
and other similar systems.

Calibrate Joystick “J” — If, while playing Comanche Maxi- To calibrate your joy-
mum Overkill , your joystick seems to be “drifting,” use this stick, press the “J” key.
menu option to re-center it. You may also press “J” while in the During game play, you
middle of playing a game to re-calibrate your joystick without can also re-calibrate
having to access this menu. your controls by center-
ing your joystick and
To calibrate your joystick from the menu, select “Calibrate foot pedals (if any) and
Joystick”. You will then be prompted to make sure that your pressing the “J” key.
control stick is at its center position along with your foot pedals
(if you have any) and press any key. Next, you will be prompted
to swirl your joystick in a circular motion around the outer
perimeter of the joystick’s furthest range of travel and push each
pedal to its limit. You're ready to go!

You can also, during game play, re-calibrate your controls by

centering your joystick and foot pedals (if any) and press the “J”
key. Immediately after pressing the “J” key, you should swirl your
joystick and push each pedal to its limit to finish calibrating the
T.O.C. 69
If you are using a ThrustMaster FCS control stick, the
procedure is a little bit different. When you activate the calibra-
tion program by pressing “J” or selecting the menu function Save Menu Setting:
and move the ThrustMaster joystick around in a circle to Use the “Save Menu
calibrate its maximum “X” and “Y” axis, you must also press Setting” Option to save
the joystick settings so
the “Hat” switch up (forward) for proper calibration of the that every time you play
pilot’s four possible views using this switch. Once this is done Comanche, you don’t
you’re ready to go. lose your calibration.

If you are using a combination throttle control/joystick like

the CH FlightStick, similar products or the ThrustMaster
Weapons Control System , you must also calibrate the throttle
by first setting your throttle control device to its maximum
position, then immediately moving the control to its minimum
setting. This will calibrate your throttle control.

Options Menu
This Menu sets the clutter control of the Helmet Integrated
Display (HID).
The RAH-66 Comanche utilizes a HID system for the pilot to
manage the navigation and weapon systems. These HID Dis-
T.O.C. 70
play Options control the amount of information visible through
your Helmet Integrated Display.

Artificial Horizon (Center of

Screen) — This option controls
the display that shows your
present “pitch” (whether your
bird’s nose is up or down) and
your copter’s roll (left or right

HID Indicators — This option controls the Helmet Integrated

Displays that report your Comanche’s present physical position The HID Indicators Op-
tion turns these four (4)
and status. This setting will turn “On” or “Off” the following HID Helmet Integrated Dis-
indicators together: Radar Altimeter Display, Rate of Climb plays “On” or “Off” to-
Indicator, Velocity Display and Speed Indicator Display. gether:
• Radar Altimeter Display
Missile Cam — Changes your view while in TAS Camera Display. • Rate of Climb Indicator
When this tactical display monitor is engaged, your Stinger or
• Velocity Vector Display
Hellfire missiles will relay closing views of the target.
• Speed Indicator Display
Rotor Mixed with Cyclic — When disengaged, the rotor and cyclic
can now function independently via the joystick and the rudder
T.O.C. 71
pedals (or keyboard), providing for more precise and realistic
Altitude Stabilizer — When disengaged, the Comanche’s pitch
is no longer held stable by the computer, requir-ing greater
emphasis on altitude control.

Stealth Mode — Maintains all of the Comanche's stealth

systems. If turned off, enemies will be able to detect your presence
from much farther. Turn it off if you think the missions are too easy.

Auto Chaff — Lets the onboard computer dispense chaff as


Auto Flare — Lets the onboard computer dispense flares as


Radar Altimeter Display (on the right side of your screen) —

This bar graph and associated digital display will tell you the
Comanche’s actual distance (in feet) over the ground. The
instrument works by bouncing a very low-strength, pencil-thin
radar beam off the ground below you. Therefore, the relative
altitude can change either by changing your Collective setting or
T.O.C. 72
by flying over mountains or ground depressions.
Rate of Climb Indicator (to the right of your Radar Altimeter You may access the
Display ) — This instrument lets you know, relative to sea level, Menu Bar anytime dur-
whether you are going up or down. This instrument is very ing Comanche game-
important in setting your Collective control. play by pressing the
“Esc” key.
Heading Velocity Display (in the center of the screen) — A
‘Top-Down’ course projection of the Comanche’s movement
combining both your speed and direction. The length of the line
gives an indication of your speed, while the angle of the line
shows in what direction you are traveling. Imagine that the
direction pointer is superimposed on a map rather than on your
Speed Indicator Display (on the lower left hand side of screen)
— This digital display tells you the true airspeed of your 1 knot = 1.15 mile/hr
Comanche in knots.
HID Compass (center top of screen) — This analog compass
tells you what direction your airship is flying.
All of these HID displays are active within the program when it is
first run. To change this default status, move the highlight bar to
the appropriate selection and press the “Enter” key. When
T.O.C. 73
turned on, the box to the left is filled. When deactivated,
the box is blank.

Congratulations! You’ve finished the setup. Press the

“Esc” button and you’re back at the Main Operations
Menu again and ready to head out on your first mission.
Buckle in! You’re about to enter into the 21st century
aboard the ultimate helicopter combat simulator:
Comanche™ Maximum Overkill™ !

T.O.C. 74
by Frank Collucci


Born To Fly - and Fight
The world has changed a lot since a U.S.
Army the need for a new Light Attack Helicop-
ter two decades ago. The threat of a massive
Warsaw Pact armored assault on NATO is
gone, but whatever the conflict, the U.S. Army
still needs a survivable scout-attack helicopter
that flies and fights at night.

After years of research and testing, the

Comanche impressively combines advanced
technologies with an array of modern armament in a powerful fight- The Boeing-Sikorsky
ing machine for what the Army calls the nonlinear battlefield. RAH-66 Comanche will
achieve Initial Opera-
Instead of large armies massed behind discrete lines, the nonlinear tional Capability at Fort
Rucker in Dec. 1998.
battlefield disperses small forces for their own protection, then con-
centrates them for decisive action. It demands timely reconnaissance
T.O.C. 75
and accurate long-range firepower to strike deep and shape the
situation before the decisive battle. The Comanche flies armed
reconnaissance, light attack and air combat missions in a
fast-moving war.

Within U.S. Army Aviation, the Air Cavalry finds the enemy for a
combined arms team. Attack helicopter battalions strike fast and
deep. The RAH-66 is a stealthy Reconnaissance/Attack Helicop-
ter with the sensors, communications systems, and precision
navigation aids to be the perfect scout. It also flies and fights like
no other helicopter before.

Shaping The LHX

LHX -the Light Helicopter
How did the RAH-66 come about? Back in 1982, the Mission Area Experimental
Analysis listed shortcomings in U.S. Army Aviation, mostly tied to
the 7,000 Vietnam-vintage Cobras, Kiowas, Cayuses, and Hueys in
use at that time. A new development, LHX–the Light Helicopter Ex-
perimental, was originally two helicopters with about 70% common-
ality in dynamics and subsystems.
The armed scout-attack version (SCAT) would find the enemy with
advanced sensors and attack with missiles, rockets, and guns while

T.O.C. 76
the larger Utility LHX would haul a six-man tactical team or about
2,000 lb of cargo. At 8,000 lb gross weight, LHX SCAT or Utility was to do
small jobs more efficiently than the 14,000 lb Apache and 17,000 lb
Black Hawk.
The one other major consideration was speed. This airship had to fly at
least 185 knots per hour. A small, fast LHX would also be harder to see
and hit on the high-intensity European battlefield. Faced with modern
Soviet air defenses, the U.S. Army’s underpowered light helicopters
proved to be slow and vulnerable. They had no air combat capability to
fend off Hinds and later attack helicopters.
Whatever the shape of LHX was going to be, fiber-reinforced composite
materials promised lightweight, crashworthy structures free of metallic
corrosion and more tolerant of battle damage. Bell and Sikorsky built fly-
ing demonstrators for the Army’s Advanced Composite Airframe Pro-
gram in 1984 to verify the advantages and explore tooling and produc-
tion using composites instead of metal.
Low Observable technology could give combat aircraft reduced radar,
infrared and acoustic signatures. Passive or self- contained navigation
systems could reduce electronic emissions; and nap-of-the-earth (NoE)
flying at night negated most air defense threats. Army and industry

T.O.C. 77
planners briefly considered a single-engined LHX to cut weight
and cost, but two engines obviously enhanced wartime surviv- The Bell D292 and
ability and peacetime safety, particularly during long flights over Sikorsky S- 75 incorpo-
water. Strategic airlift is always scarce and Sealift is always slow, rated blow-out panels
and crushable floors,
so the U.S. Army wanted an air vehicle that could self-deploy over and the first hints of
1,260 nautical mile stages to reach Europe by southerly routes. Stealth shapes for heli-
Less clear was how many crew members would fly the LHX,
since a trained co-pilot was an expensive “processor” for a flood
of cockpit information. Bell, Boeing, Hughes, IBM and Sikorsky
all did simulation studies and flight tests in the Advanced Rotor- NoE: Nap-of-the-Earth
craft Technology Integration Effort in 1984. Their measures of flying
workload indicated a solo pilot in an automated cockpit might fly,
but probably couldn’t fight nap-of-the-earth at night. The scout
Battle Captain was even busier managing his own situation and
that of his team. It was calculated that a
second crewman added
As ambitious technologies and diverse requirements made LHX around 1,000 lb to the
light attack helicopter.
bigger, heavier and more expensive, the Army had to come to
terms with the U.S. budget crisis. In 1985, an LHX fleet of 4,545
aircraft was expected to replace a larger fleet of less reliable and
less available light helicopters. In August , 1990, the Secretary of
Defense reduced the LHX fleet to 1,292 new light attack helicop-
T.O.C. 78
ters, or 1,610 if the Army
Reserve and National
Guard units had to become
fully modernized.

LHX Realities
Today’s Comanche is a
compromise of capability,
cost and risk. The Army de-
clared its Light Helicopter
would be a conventional,
two-seat scout-attack heli-
copter that would weigh no
more than 7,500 pounds
empty and cost no more
than $7.5 million in 1988 dollars based on production of 2,096 air- Average Estimated
craft. When the Department of Defense cut the number to 1,292 Cost Per Airship:
$8.5 million each
helicopters, the average flyaway cost went up to $8.5 million
each. Half of the total program cost was tied to avionics. The First
Team, Superteam and their subcontractors approached the LHX
air vehicle and its mission equipment package with their different
technologies hanging from the same advanced engines.
T.O.C. 79
Allison Gas Turbine joined Garrett Turbine Engine Company to com-
pete against a team from Avco Lycoming and Pratt and Whitney. In
October 1988, the Allison-Garrett Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Com-
pany - LHTEC - was named supplier of the LHX power plant. The
T800-LHT-800 engine for the Light Helicopter had to generate 1,200
shp intermediate rated power and spool up from idle to IRP in just two
seconds for NoE agility and air-to-air combat. It was expected to burn
10 to 30% less fuel than older engines.
The original T800 requirement called for an engine that could grow
50% more powerful in the same physical envelope. And before the first
prototype flew, the picture of a Comanche loaded with mast-mounted
FADEC: Full Authority
radar, infrared jammers and other add-on equipment led the Army to Digital Electronic Con-
specify the T800-LHT-801 with 12% more power to preserve the trol for fast power re-
performance of a heavier helicopter. The T800 has a Full Authority sponse and to reduce
Digital Electronic Control for fast power response and to reduce pilot pilot workload.
workload. FADEC also provides important diagnostic functions that can
isolate faults down to the module.
From the outset, the Army wanted a reliable, durable engine that was
easy to maintain. LHTEC chose a dual-centrifugal compressor specifi-
cally for its resistance to sand and particle erosion and, unlike its
competition, avoided complex variable inlet guide vanes. The T800 in-
T.O.C. 80
corporates an integral inlet particle separator. A suction fuel pump The four engine mod-
reduces risk of fire from ruptured lines and a self-contained emer- ules are replaceable in
gency oil system keeps the engine running should external lubrica- the field, and the T800
tion be lost. The engine is effectively an on-condition maintenance tool kit consists of just
item without fixed overhaul intervals. six dedicated tools.

Without the funds heaped on the Advanced Tactical Fighter for

the U.S. Air Force, the Army’s Light Helicopter Demonstration- Vali-
dation had no flying prototypes, but a wealth of computer simula-
tions on the ground and systems demonstrations in laboratories
and on surrogate aircraft instead. In April, 1991, the Boeing-Sikorsky
First Team won the right to build DemVal prototypes and pursue a
full-scale development contract for the RAH-66 Comanche. The
first prototype is to fly in 1995.

Black Hawks, Apaches,

A DIFFERENT KIND OF HELICOPTER and most other helicop-
ters designed before
Point and Shoot
the 1980s have articu-
The Army wanted a fast, agile, stealthy scout with a protected lated rotor heads with
feathering, flapping,
anti-torque system in place of dangerous tail rotors. Bell and and lead-lag hinges to
McDonnell Douglas based their LH proposal on a four-bladed maintain.

T.O.C. 81
main rotor and the NOTAR no-tail rotor system. Boeing and Sikorsky
chose a five-bladed main rotor and a shrouded tail fan with eight
broad-chord blades.
The five-bladed Pentaflex main rotor pushed vibration into higher
frequencies more easily damped with less weight. It also increased
main rotor disk density to improve agility and reduce noise. The amount
of hinge offset is a good indicator of the aircraft’s roll agility, so impor-
tant in air-to-air-combat. The all-composite bearingless main rotor de-
signed for LH has elastomeric elements instead of hinges, and it is
tailored with 9.5% equivalent hinge offset for crisp, fighter-like control
Conventional tail rotors are readily damaged by trees or terrain and
too often mangle people on the ground. The Fantail shroud protects
the composite blades and enhances the performance of the fan. The
canted tail rotor gives the Comanche a measure of super-maneuver-
ability, enabling it to point its nose quickly and fire on a target off the
flight path.
The optoelectronic interfaces and actuators in fly-by-light controls
never proved reliable enough for the First Team’s Comanche pro-
posal. But fly-by-wire flight controls still save weight compared to old

T.O.C. 82
mechanical rods and cranks, and their redundant control paths
improve survivability. The Comanche flight control computer re- The clean RAH-66A
duces pilot workload and opens new firing possibilities. has a dash speed of
177 knots and a never-
With some allowances, the Comanche ultimately met the Army’s exceed speed of 190 kt.
7,500 lb empty weight requirement, but armed reconnaissance Rate of climb is 1,182
mission weight is 10,630 lb with four Hellfires, two Stingers, 320 feet per minute at 95%
rounds of 20 mm ammunition, and 2.5 hours of fuel. The clean maximum power, and a
RAH-66A has a dash speed of 177 knots and a never-exceed 180-degree hover turn
to target takes just 4.6
speed of 190 kt. Rate of climb is 1,182 feet per minute at 95% seconds.
maximum power, and a 180-degree hover turn to target takes just
4.6 seconds. A 90-degree constant altitude turn requires 5.5 sec-
onds. Negative G maneuvering is a distinct
possibility in air combat or evading air defenses,
and the Comanche flight envelope spans +3.5
to -1.0 G.
The Comanche is flown by two rated pilots in iden-
tical cockpits, both wearing helmet displays and
helmet-mounted image intensifiers. Multifunction
head-down displays show infrared and television
sensor imagery, systems data, and the three-
dimensional digital map. NoE tactics call for the
T.O.C. 83
Comanche to pop up from terrain mask, sweep the battlefield
with its target acquisition system, and return to cover so the crew
can review the stored imagery in safety.

Thinking Machine
The Comanche Mission Equipment Package is built around a
Core Computer Cluster with data and signal processor, memory,
and data bus control elements in SEM-E standard electronic mod-
ules. VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) processors are
tied to sensors and displays by an 800-megabit per second per
channel data network. Other communications are carried by a
MIL-STD 1553B data bus.
The power of the processors and the speed of the data buses The Comanche's TAS
open new possibilities for a scout-attack helicopter. The Target (Target Acquisition Sub-
Acquisition Subsystem combines a high resolution focal plane system) combines a
high resolution focal
array, infrared imager and digitized television. The combined pic- plane array, infrared
ture of the battlefield is processed with Assisted Target Detection/ imager and digitized
Classification algorithms, and hidden targets are exposed and television.
identified on cockpit and helmet displays.
Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Identification Avionics

T.O.C. 84
(ICNIA) include a radio and navigation package made of ATDC: Assisted Target
SEM-E modules that are able to assume the functions of Detection/Classification
burnt-out or battle-damaged components. The comm and navi-
gation systems reconfigure themselves automatically to pro- ICNIA: Integrated Com-
vide accurate position fixes or secure communications for the munication, Navigation,
scout on deep strikes. The automatic hand-over target function and Identification Avion-
within the ICNIA suite ties the battlefield scout into a combined ics. Helps send target
arms team, sending target positions to artillery or fixed-wing positions to artillery or
fixed-wing attack aircraft.
attack aircraft.

The two-level maintenance schedule for the Comanche has

only unit maintainers and distant depots, eliminating big inter-
mediate maintenance facilities in the theater. Built-in test func-
tions isolate faults down to the module and eliminate the enor-
mous electronic test facility trailers that still accompany Apache
The cockpit of the RAH-
battalions. Redundant, fault-tolerant avionics are housed in 66 Comanche is pres-
three bays, slightly pressurized like the cockpit for chemical surized for chemical
warfare protection with cool, filtered air from the environmen- warfare protection.
tal control system.

Stealthy and Lethal

But all of this technology would be useless if the Comanche couldn’t
T.O.C. 85
protect itself. The designers were well aware
that advanced air defense weapons now pro-
tect the armies of many nations, and the classi-
fied annexes of the LH Request For Proposals
included specific signature reduction goals to
make the Comanche less vulnerable to those
threats. The RAH-66 has radar and infrared jam- Each weapons bay has
three hardpoints for a
mers, but Comanche design philosophy em- single Hellfire or two
phasized passive protection. Stingers, and the doors
swing up when the air-
Flat plate canopies are a common way to prevent telltale glint, craft is on the ground to
and the dull black-olive infrared-suppressing paint protects all speed re-loading. The
Army helicopters. Stealth styling however, gives the RAH-66 a doors can also double
faceted nose turret for its target acquisition and night vision pi- as work platforms.
lotage systems. Low Observable design rules flared the fuselage
sides, and put an inverted shelf under the tail to reflect radar re-
turns away from threat emitters. Radar-absorbing material is ap-
plied sparingly to “hot spots.” The radar flicker of main and tail
rotor systems has long been a dead giveaway for helicopters.
The composite rotor and fan blades on the Comanche are treated
to minimize return, and the main and tail rotor hubs are neatly

T.O.C. 86
The Comanche infrared suppression system mixes hot exhaust with
ambient air and ducts it down through two long slits under the tail
shelves. The swirling double mix effectively dissipates the exhaust
plume, and hot metal engine parts are buried within the airframe. An
infrared jammer is available for the latest, most sensitive IR threats.
The Comanche RFP also includes acoustic signature requirements, The flight control sys-
and the RAH-66 is quieted by both the five-bladed main rotor and tem gives the pilot a
shrouded tail fan. The flight control system gives the pilot a "whisper whisper mode that re-
mode" that reduces tail rotor speed 10% for stealthy surveillance duces tail rotor speed
10% for stealthy surveil-
situations. With weapons bays closed and gun retracted, the
lance situations.
Comanche is a very low-observable scout.
The Army did not want to tie development of its new helicopter to the
development of new weapons, and the internal weapons bays of the
Comanche are sized for proven Hellfire anti-tank and Stinger air-to-air
The three-barrelled
missiles. Each bay has three hardpoints for a single Hellfire or two General Electric Gatling
Stingers, and the doors swing up when the aircraft is on the ground Vulcan II 20 mm cannon
to speed re-loading. The doors can also double as work platforms. can swing in and out of
The three-barrelled General Electric Vulcan II 20 mm cannon fires its “Low Observable”
protective fairing in 2
750 rounds per minute at ground targets or 1,500 rounds per minute
in air-to-air combat, and swings in and out of its protective fairing in 2
T.O.C. 87
Outfitted with the External Fuel and Armament Management Sys- EFAMS: External Fuel
tem (EFAMS), the RAH-66 is the attack helicopter of the U.S. and Armament Man-
agement System.
Army’s Light Divisions. The non-lifting EFAMS "wings" are at-
tached or removed in 15 minutes and increase the Comanche
weapons load to 14 Hellfires, 62 70 mm rockets or 14 Stinger
mis siles. The EFAMS also carry two 430-gallon tanks for
long-range self-deployment or crashworthy 230 gal tanks for ex-
tended combat endurance. Maximum weapons load for an RAH-
66 would be 13 Hellfires, two Stingers, and 500 rounds of 20 mm

For all its firepower and intelligence, the Comanche is supposed to

be easy and inexpensive to operate. On-board automatic
boresighting functions keep gun, sensors, and EFAMS aligned. A
Portable Intelligence Maintenance Aid (PIMA) that diagnoses air-
craft system saves troubleshooting time and eliminates heavy,
expensive support equipment.

The RAH-66 is fielded with an Integrated Training System for pilots

and maintainers. Its Combat Mission Simulators are designed around
Fiber Optic Helmet Mounted Displays to eliminate big simulator
domes, and allow mobile Team/Combined Arms Trainers to enable
T.O.C. 88
Comanche crews to rehearse their missions in the field, before they fly.
The political landscape has indeed changed from Cold War days, but
today’s battlefields are no less dangerous for those in combat. The
Comanche is supposed to be the world’s most survivable and lethal com-
bat helicopter. Given its job, it had better be.


The first training helicopter you, another student, and an instructor pilot
suffered in at Fort Rucker had no automatic flight control system, and you
quickly learned why helicopters are harder to fly than fixed-wing airplanes.
Pulling the collective up with your left hand got you up in the air, but stay-
ing there called for many power changes and a lot of stick and pedal
The cyclic in your right hand worked like an airplane stick -- sort of. Push-
ing forward put the nose down and got you moving. Pulling back flared the
nose up and slowed you down. Pushing left or right put you in a bank. But
for every simple action, there were several collective and pedal reactions.
Eventually, the reactions became habit, but they could never be forgotten,
and they always kept you busy.
But now it's 1999 and the Comanche is smarter than earlier rotorcraft,
T.O.C. 89
and the fly- by-wire flight controls put every command through com-
puters that understand what you want to do and figure out how to do
it. Control laws within the computers provide a velocity stabilization
mode to simplify hovering; a normal automatic flight control stabiliza-
tion mode for routine handling; and an integrated fire and flight control
mode to help track targets. Which set of laws the Comanche obeys
depends on the flight environment, but the result is a responsive
weapons platform that is easy to point where you want to go or
where you want to shoot.

Most helicopters are controlled entirely by changing the pitch of rotor

blades cutting through the air. Coarse pitch or a higher blade leading
edge increases lift. Increase the pitch or angle of all the main rotor
blades at once and you go up. Increase the pitch on one side more
than the other, and you roll left and right or pitch the nose up or down.

The Comanche collective stick in your left hand works just like any
other helicopter collective, although it is connected to wires instead
of control rods. Pull the collective up and you increase pitch to go up in
the air. Push it down, and you decrease pitch to descend.

Normally, movements of the collective are matched by movements

of foot pedals. A tail rotor counteracts the torque of the big main
T.O.C. 90
rotor, and regular helicopter foot pedals vary the pitch of tail rotor
blades to push or pull the tail left or right.

The Comanche has a very powerful fantail with a protective

The Comanche has fixed
shroud that keeps the blades from being mangled by tree limbs, footrests instead of mov-
wires or buildings, and from mangling people on the ground. The ing tail rotor pedals.
flight control system, however, automates the routine tail rotor
control, so flying is much simpler. The Comanche has fixed foot-
rests instead of moving tail rotor pedals.

The cyclic stick between your knees on most helicopters has

been replaced by a sidearm longitudinal stick in your right hand
on the Comanche. Pulling back or pushing forward moves the
nose up or down in pitch; pushing left and right provides roll, and
twisting left or right gives you yaw. The sidestick has only limited
travel, but the flight control computers turn them into smooth air-
craft response and do away with the constant corrections needed
by earlier helicopters.
Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) takes care of the
engines. Once you hit the startup switch, power management is
automatic. You decide where you want to go and how fast with
cyclic and collective. Once you’re flying, if you put the nose down,
T.O.C. 91
you go forward. If you want to go faster, just pull more collective. The
engines will generate more power to apply more main rotor torque
automatically. The flight control computer will increase tail rotor pitch
to counter the extra torque.

The Comanche in Battle

The Big Picture
You fly and fight mostly at night to catch the enemy un-
aware and to enhance your own survivability. You stay
low and slow to get in under air defenses and pick your
shots. You thrive on an electronic battlefield rich with tar-
gets and threats, and you tie into a combined arms team
that puts enormous firepower right where you tell them to. You’re the
cutting edge of U.S. Army Aviation. You fly the RAH-66 Comanche.
Eight out of ten Comanches in the U.S. Army are allocated to the scout-
ing mission in either Cavalry squadrons or attack battalions. Cav
squadrons generally have two troops of eight Comanches apiece.
The attack battalions in light infantry divisions have up to 25 RAH-66s,
and their Comanches play scout with internal weapons alone or at-
tack with up to 14 Hellfire missiles. Attack battalions in “heavy” divi-
T.O.C. 92
sions use their 10 Comanches as scouts and escorts for their 15
AH-64 Apaches. Whatever the organization, the Comanche exists
to support the Army ground commander, and it has to survive, see
and shoot in a unique environment.
Compared to flashy tactical jets, helicopters are slow and short of
range. Main rotor aerodynamics make helicopter speeds greater
than 200 kt an expensive struggle. With a dash speed of 177 kt at
4,000 ft on a hot day, your Comanche is about 100 kt slower than
the propeller driven Mustang of World War II. The Mustang could
get up to 40,000 ft. The Comanche often fights less than 50 ft above
the battlefield. A half-century of helicopter experience has taught
the U.S. Army how to master that environment, and a thin slice of
that experience was passed along to you at the Army Aviation
Center at Fort Rucker, Alabama.

Cockpit Consciousness
In order to run all of its systems, the RAH-66 is powered by three An optical disk can hold
engines. The Secondary Power Unit that provides the electrical 640 megabytes of mis-
power to your systems on the ground and starts the engines, sion specific information
for the Comanche com-
keeps working in the air. The Startup Sequence starts the SPU, puter systems to access.
which enables you to do a systems checkout and allows you to
T.O.C. 93
load the optical disk with your mission plan.

The optical mission disk will carry your route, navigation waypoints,
communications frequencies and the location of known air defense
threats. The navigation information is superimposed on the color digi-
tal map display on your liquid crystal displays. An inertial navigation
system with ring laser gyro, and a receiver to take fixes from the Glo-
bal Positioning System satellites, gives you your precise location
within a few meters at all times.

Flying, navigating, communicating, and shooting generates a high

cockpit workload, and because of this, the Comanche needs two pi- Cobras and Apaches
lots to do its job. Cobras and Apaches put the pilot in back so the put the pilot in back so
co-pilot/gunner could have a sighting system with direct-view optics. the co-pilot/gunner
High-resolution television and thermal imagers did away with DVO, could have a sighting
system with direct-view
so the Comanche pilot sits up front with a better all-around view. Ev-
optics (DVO).
erything in the RAH-66, from the step up to your climate-controlled
cockpit, to your crewchief’s hand-held maintenance computer is de-
signed with MANPRINT -- Manpower Integration -- in mind.

The Comanche systems are designed for management by excep-

tion. If things are working properly, the aircraft keeps to itself and lets
you get on with flying and fighting. Malfunctions bring up systems
T.O.C. 94
warnings and menus on the head-down display. The Comanche
avionics and flight controls have built-in test capability, and can
reconfigure themselves to preserve functions should modules or data
buses burn out or be shot out. When your diagnostic routines are
completed, you’re ready to fly.

Rucker taught you how to fly and how to work the Comanche sys-
tems. Field units and experience will teach you how to use this mar-
velous fighting machine — and come back alive. Your primary access
to the aircraft and the outside world comes through the helmet-
mounted display.

At night, your helmet display shows you either image-intensified

scenes from the tubes on either side of your head, or thermal imag-
ery from the FLIR turret on the nose of the helicopter. In daytime,
you look through the display to see the real world. At any time, the
picture you see will be covered with symbology to help you find your
way and manage your aircraft. The Comanche’s Hel-
met Integrated Display
The Apache had a display over the pilot’s right eye that showed es- (HID) shows you air-
sential flight and targeting data. The Comanche’s Helmet Integrated speed, altitude, head-
ing, rate of climb, and
Display (HID) shows you airspeed, altitude, heading, rate of climb, and
much more.

T.O.C. 95
much more. It can show you where your sensors are in relation to the
aircraft; the time of flight of your missiles heading to their target; and
the number of rounds of ammunition you have left. The helmet display
can give you quick warnings of malfunctions and air defense threats
that you can identify by looking down in the cockpit.
The Comanche sensors and gun move with your helmet as followed
by a magnetic head tracker. The display has a field of view 52 degrees
wide by 35 degrees high, and the resulting scene is a virtual display,
moving through its field of regard as you turn your head. Most of the The display has a field
of view 52 degrees wide
controls you need to fly and fight are on the sidestick and collective,
by 35 degrees high.
and you can page through system menus without taking your hands
from the controls.

Stealthy and Dangerous

The Army likes to say “We Own The Night.” In fact, you lease it with
the help of Image Intensifiers (Night Vision Goggles - NVGs) and ther-
mal imagers (Forward Looking Infrared - FLIR). The Image Intensifi-
ers amplify moonlight, starlight, and cultural lighting like that from
towns and cities up to 30,000 times. FLIR looks for the temperature
differences between objects. The Comanche is designed to use them
T.O.C. 96
On a clear night with a full moon, the RAH-66’s third generation Im-
age Intensifiers are a miracle. But on an overcast night with no moon
they’re almost completely blind. In summer or winter, over desert or
ocean, second generation FLIRs detect subtle temperature contrast
and paint a picture in the darkest night and see through fog and
smoke. But after a couple of cold, rainy days or in a humid jungle
people, trees, and the air itself are all the same temperature. To sur-
vive, you need both the Image Intensifiers on your helmet and the
thermal imagers in the nose of the Comanche to fly and fight at night.
The Night Vision Pilotage Subsystem (NVPS) in the nose of your NVPS allows you to not
Comanche is a FLIR for you, the pilot. The Target Acquisition Sub- only see but automati-
system (TAS) below it shows your “backseater” the targets through cally track targets in
near total darkness.
magnified FLIR at night or TV by day, and it includes a laser to
guide Hellfire missiles and other “smart” munitions to targets. The
laser also gives you precise range information for your gun and The Comanche gets its
position from the net-
work of GPS satellites
You fly from your squadron or battalion base area with its Tactical and its laser gyro.
Operations Center (TOC) to forward arming and refueling points
(FARPS) to get fuel, weapons, and target and threat updates. The
digital map is a wealth of information with navigation waypoints, air
defense threats, targets, and other information. The Comanche
T.O.C. 97
navigation system benefits from the Global Positioning System
and can use the constellation of satellites to find its own position,
and pinpoint the location of targets within feet.
With ATHS, Comanche
If you know your own position within feet, the laser range data and can hand over the posi-
tion of targets to re-
turret azimuth from the TAS turret and the precision elevation data motely emplaced artil-
from the digital map also tell you the position of the enemy lery or rocket based
within feet. The Automatic Target Handover System (ATHS) used systems by merely add-
in the Apache and OH-58D has been refined on the Comanche ing its own position to
and interconnected to an advanced data modem that uses any of the range and position
information acquired
your radios. through its TAS.
Airborne with your wingman, and with all lights off, you stay at an
altitude of 100 ft or less, just hugging the hills and treetops to keep
under enemy radar. At night and at your speed, individual soldiers
can’t see you to aim guns much less IR sensors or laser-guided
missiles. Even if you are spotted by an enemy with night vision
goggles, the targeting opportunity is brief, and the chances of you
being identified and engaged are small. Of course, radio trans-
missions are kept to a minimum to keep from drawing attention
to yourself.
Jamming air defense radars, and shooting flares and chaff lets
T.O.C. 98
the enemy know you are around. The Comanche relies on stealth The Comanche relies on
to avoid detection and resorts to active countermeasures only stealth to avoid detection
when trapped. Your digital map display shows the detection area and resorts to active
countermeasures only
of known air defense sites. But mobile guns, SAMs, and radars are
when trapped.
surprises to be countered with tactics and countermeasures, in that
order. The objective is to avoid detection, and if detected, to hide in
terrain mask. Radar and IR jammers, chaff, and flares are auto-
mated and tied to your radar warning receiver and missile launch
As you approach the target area, you slow down to a near-hover at
treetop level. The navigation system shows the possible target area
on the digital map, and you close for a pop-up with weapons bays
still shut and gun covered to minimize your radar signature. The
Comanche tail rotor can slow down in Whisper Mode to reduce
noise and let you get even closer without being detected. ATD/C algorithms rec-
ognize stored target sig-
Pull the collective and climb over the terrain. Your targeting system
natures, and show you
automatically sweeps across its field of regard. You drop back to tanks, command-and-
terrain mask, and the stored image of the target area appears on the control vehicles, trucks,
heads-down display. The Comanche computer cluster contains aided and air defense ve-
target detection/classification (ATD/C) algorithms to recognize hicles hidden beneath
the trees.
stored target signatures, and it shows you tanks, command-and-
T.O.C. 99
control vehicles, trucks, and air de-
fense vehicles hidden beneath the
trees. Your wingman does his own
pop-up and scan off to the side, then
returns to safe cover.

As your helmet and cockpit displays

point out the targets, you and your
co-pilot/gunner decide what to do. A
secure data burst to your TOC
feeds the type of target and its lo-
cation to the Command and Control
network. The network enables Divi-
sion commanders to call up fire from conventional artillery or Mul-
tiple Launch Rocket Systems 30 km away to blanket entire map
grids with shear firepower, or bring in tactical jets with their own
cluster munitions. They can also bring in Apaches or Comanches
TOC: Tactical Operations
to strike with Hellfires. Center
The TOC decides you can have these few targets, and you pop
open the weapons bays to swing your Hellfires and rockets into
the night. An encrypted message to your wingman on FM radio
sends him further out to one side, and you shift your position lat-
T.O.C. 100
erally so you won’t emerge from cover in the same spot again. You
begin the pop-up, unmask, and your backseater laser designates the
air defense vehicle first.

A Hellfire leaves the rail and follows its characteristic lob to the la-
ser spot more than 8 km away. The air defense threat disappears in a
bright blob. Another shot from your wingman still hiding behind the
hill hits the first tank you designate, and another kills the next. You
drop back into cover, and your wingman pops up to shoot. Another
lateral remask maneuver, and you shoot again. Rockets leave both
helicopters and climb high to rain submunitions on the armored per-
sonnel carriers.

You withdraw and go on to another possible target site. An air de-

fense vehicle with an unknown radar surprises you with a blast of
gunfire. You snap off a burst of cannon fire and break away from the
threat, noting the location in your navigation system. At the end of
your mission, you return to base. The recorded target imagery is
downloaded for further analysis, and the brief encounter with an uni-
dentified air defense threat adds a new signature to the threat library.

Survive to Shoot
Scout missions call for the RAH-66 to use its Low Observable design
T.O.C. 101
to get in close to the enemy undetected, and report enemy strength
and position to the ground commander. Comanche Scouts in Cav-
alry Squadrons or Heavy Division attack battalions are lightly
armed and operate in pairs; each helicopter with up to six Hellfire
anti-tank missiles or a mix of Hellfires, 70 mm rockets, and Stinger
air-to-air missiles neatly covered in internal bays. The three-barrelled
20 mm cannon hides in a LO fairing to minimize the Comanche’s
radar signature, but swings out to engage ground or air targets.

The Light Infantry Division fields battalions of 25 Comanches,

some playing stealthy scout with only internal weapons, others
fitted with the External Fuel and Munitions System (EFAMS)
which carry another four Hellfires on each side. EFAMS can also
take rockets, Stingers, or extra fuel, and the deep strike configura-
tion puts four Hellfires on one side and a 230 gallon drop tank on
the other. If your unit can’t wait for C-5s or C- 17s to carry its
Comanches to war, EFAMS are loaded with a big 430 gallon
ferry tank on each side for the long overwater legs.

How your Comanche is configured depends on your mission and

the air defense threat, and the threat has grown more complicated
since the end of the Cold War.

T.O.C. 102
The Soviet Union pressed on
with “double-digit” SAMs up
through the SA-19 with infrared
or laser guidance and a range
of 10 km. The Soviets pack-
aged 30 mm guns and SA-19s
on a fearsome helicopter killer,
the ZSU-30-4 anti-aircraft vehicle. They developed a single-seat The Ka-50 Werewolf
“fighter” helicopter, the Ka-50 Werewolf (NATO called the Ka-50
the Hokum, but there’s nothing phoney about an agile 190-kt. heli-
copter with laser-guided missiles, 80 mm rockets, and a 30 mm
cannon). The Soviets built and stole air defense technology, and
they developed integrated air defense tactics to protect their field
armies. The Soviet Union equipped and trained armies around the
world to protect themselves from helicopters. Then the Soviet
Union disappeared.

The sudden disintegration of the Warsaw Pact early in the last

decade made the High Intensity European battlefield unlikely.
Falling defense budgets generally made armies smaller every-
where. But the technology of the high intensity battlefield survived
and propagated. A hungry Russia without political stigma could

T.O.C. 103
sell its best weapons to former Soviet allies and countries who would
not deal with the old Moscow. Smaller domestic markets put added
pressures on U.S. and European arms manufacturers to find export
markets to survive. The Red threat of Soviet air defense technology
and the “Blue threat” of French, British, and even American technol-
ogy became a mixed “Purple threat”. Your mission and your life
depend on defeating the mixed air defense threat.

The U.S. Army stresses a mix of tactics, reduced signatures, and ac-
tive countermeasures to help helicopters survive on the modern
battlefield. NoE tactics hide helicopters behind terrain and foliage. It
takes them below the line of sight of radar and optically directed air
defense threats. Night flying hides helicopters from optically directed
weapons, including the heat-seeking SAMs initially aimed by unaided
eyes. Low Observable technology addresses radar, infrared, optical,
electronic, and audible signatures. Flares and IR jammers confuse
infrared threats, and chaff and radar jammers blind air defense emit-
ters. The Comanche is the first fighting machine designed to blend
all three survivability elements in an integrated package.

T.O.C. 104
Modern wars do not end at sun-
rise any more than they do at
sunset, and you can be called
upon to scout and attack by day
as well as at night. Daylight op-
erations add risk, and they in-
crease the chance of air-to-air
combat with enemy helicopters.
The Comanche is the first West-
ern helicopter designed for
air-to-air combat, but it is not your
job to seek out dogfights. Unlike jet
fighters, helicopters cannot run
The Comanche is the
from the fight. Once the fight is on, somebody is going to die; and the
first fighting machine
more close-in fights you join, the greater your chances of not coming designed to blend all
back. three survivability ele-
ments in one integrated
The Kamov Ka-50 Werewolf, with its contrarotating main rotors, has package.
extremely high yaw and roll rates. Likewise, the more conventional
Mil Mi-28 and Eurocopter Tiger or Gerfaut have high-agility rotor sys-
tems and ample power margins to be flung around the sky. Even
T.O.C. 105
the little MD500s spread all over the world are truly deadly oppo-
nents. The only way you can beat these challengers in the long run
is by fighting smart.

U.S. Army doctrine says helicopters will engage in air combat only
when air combat fits the ground commander’s scheme of battle or in
self defense. The RAH-66 can lay in ambush for enemy airmobile
forces, and it can be deployed as an escort for our own Apaches,
Black Hawks, and Chinooks. It can be used to protect friendly ar-
mored forces from air attack, or to feed data to ground-based air

Hidden in ground clutter, helicopters are difficult and deadly targets

The RAH-66 can lay in
for tactical jets. In the current air defense environment, the fighter or ambush for enemy air-
ground attack pilot who hangs around in blue sky trying to get a firing mobile forces, and it
solution on a helicopter in the weeds is likely to become an early can be deployed as an
casualty. Properly armed, helicopters are lethal in air combat. They escort for our own
Apaches, Black Hawks,
are extraordinarily agile at low speed, and they can use terrain to
and Chinooks.
their advantage. Unless you are deployed to strike from ambush as
part of the ground commander’s scheme, odds are your contest with
enemy helicopters will be a chance encounter.

The Comanche pilot chasing enemy helicopters to become an ace is

T.O.C. 106
not doing his job. But supporting the ground battle plan, the same
pilot surprised by an enemy helicopter had better be ready to hide
or fight. Compared to jet fighters, a dash speed of 177 kt, vertical
rate of climb of 1,200 fpm, and a maneuvering envelope from -1 to
+3.5 G seems puny, but in the low altitude world of helicopter
air-to-air combat, your Comanche is the most agile and powerful
fighter ever fielded.

The RAH-66 ordinarily carries two or four Stinger air-to-air mis-

siles. The IR-seeking Stinger is more or less effective at 1 to 2 km.
It is a fire-and-forget weapon. Flechette warheads on your 70 mm
rockets fill the sky with nails out to 1 km. They are a shotgun weapon The three-barrelled 20
good for surprise encounters. The 20 mm Vulcan II cannon is tied mm cannon hides in a
LO fairing and takes just
to your helmet sight and can go to its full 1,500 rounds-per- 2 seconds to swing out
minute rate of fire for the close-in shootout. It is accurate enough into firing position.
for air-to-air engagements out to perhaps 1,500 m. Never forget
the Hellfire missile is a devastating weapon at 8 km or more against
a hovering or slow- flying target.

Tactically, you try to avoid the close-in turning fight, especially if

facing multiple bogeys - the odds of winning are no better than
50-50. You try to engage targets from the safety of terrain at the full

T.O.C. 107
standoff range of your weapons. If caught in a surprise encounter,
turn into the attack, both to bring your own weapons to bear, and to
increase your closure rate and minimize the enemy’s aiming time.
In a maneuvering fight, the one who gets behind wins, and the
safest place for you to be is perched above and behind the enemy’s
rotor system. From there, his weapons are blocked and yours can
be aimed effectively.

Never forget you are a member of a combined arms team, and to

use the firepower behind you when appropriate. An enemy airmo-
bile advance can be decimated by MLRS submunitions or artillery
fire, or fast movers with cluster bombs. You can report oncoming
enemy aircraft to your own air defenders and let them engage with
SAMs and gunfire. Never forget you are a
member of a combined
The Comanche is what engineers like to call an integrated system. arms team, and to use
the firepower behind
Airframe, engines, avionics, and weapons were all taken into ac- you when appropriate.
count at each design step to achieve the greatest effect. Likewise,
the modern Army has to be an integrated system with aviation,
artillery, armor, and infantry tied together for maximum effect. The
Comanche is the best Army Aviation has to offer; it's up to you to
make the most of it.
T.O.C. 108

Boeing Sikorsky
RAH-66 Comanche

Engines FANTAlL anti-torque rotor system

Manufacturer: Allison - Garrett Blades: 8
Model: Two T800-LHT-801 Length, cm (in): 11.43 (4.50)
SHP: 925 Construction: Composite
Chord, cm (In): 17.0 (6.69)
Transmission Diameter, m (ft): 1.37 (4.50)
Max, shp: 2,054
Bearingless main rotor system Dash speed, km/h: above 328
Blades: 5 Vert. rate of climb-m/m (fpm): 360 (1182)
Construction: composite Load factor: +3 g
Diameter, m (ft): 11.90 (39.04) Range- self-deploy, km: 2,335

T.O.C. 109
Accommodation WEAPONS
Cockpit crew: 2
Missile armament
External Dimensions AGM-114 Hellfires
Length-fuselage, m (ft): 13.22 (43.37) AIM-92 Stingers
Length-rotors turn, m (ft): 14.28 (46.85)
Turreted 20-mm Gatling gun
Width-landing gear, m (ft): 2.31 (7.58)
Basic ammunition load: 500 rounds
Width-fuselage, m (ft): 2.29 (7.51)
Rates of fire: 1,500 rounds/min
Height, top of horiz.
stabilizer, m: 3.39 Targeting system
Focal-plane-array FLIR
Weights Low-light-level Image Intensified TV
Self-deploy-kg (lbs): 7,790 (17,174) Helmet-mounted sight & inst. displays
Primary mission- Laser range-finder/designator
gross, kg (lbs): 4,587 (10,112) Aided Target Detection System
Empty: 1,185 (7,500)
Night Vision/adverse-weather
pilotage system
Fuel capacity
2nd generation focal-plane-array FLIR
Internal-liters (gals): 984 (260)
Image intensifiers
Self-deploy-liters (gals): 4,542 (1,200)
Wide-field-of-view helmet-mounted display

T.O.C. 110
Low observable characteristics
Reduced radar cross-section
Integrated infrared suppression
Low acoustic/visual signatures

Possible Missions
Armed reconnaissance
Military Escort
Light attack
Air combat

T.O.C. 111

KA-50 Kamov “Hokum”


Developed by the Soviets in

the late 1980’s, the Werewolf (NATO code-named “Hokum”) is a single-seat “fighter” light
attack helicopter. The Kamov KA-50 Werewolf with its contra-rotating main rotors has
extremely high yaw and roll rates and is capable of speeds of over 190-kts. Armed with
laser-guided missiles, 80 mm rockets, and a 30 mm cannon with selective explosive or
anti-tank rounds, it was developed to protect their field armies from other helicopters.

Engines Co-axial, contrarotating blade rotor

Manufacturer Klimov Corporation Blades (2 axials); 3 blades per mount
Model (2) TV3-117K engines Construction Composite
SHP 2,220 Diameter, m (ft) 14.5 (47.5)
NO rear rotor system
Max, shp 5,500

T.O.C. 112
Performance Weights
Dash speed, km/h (kts): above 350 Self-deploy, kg (lbs): 10,800 (23,760)
(above 189) Primary mission-
Vert. rate of climb, gross, kg (lbs) : 9,800 (21,560)
m/m (fpm): 600 (1,968)
Load factor: +3 g Fuel capacity
Range, self-deploy, km (m): 2,335 Internal, liters (gals): 450 (1,710)
(1,260) Self-deploy, liters (gals):950 (3,610)

Accommodation WEAPONS
Cockpit crew: 1
Missile armament
Vikhr air to ground missiles
External Dimensions
or Spiral air to ground missiles
Length, fuselage, m (ft): 16 (52.8)
SA-19 air to air missile
Length, rotors turn, m (ft): 14 (47.85)
Width, stub wings Turreted 30-mm cannon (selective)
w/ landing gear, m (ft): 7.3 (24) Can fire either anti-armor or
Width, fuselage, m (ft): 1.47 (4.82) high explosive rounds.
Height, top of Basic ammunition load: 500 rounds
horiz. stabilizer, m (ft): 4.51 (14.8) Rates of fire: 1,000 rds./min

T.O.C. 113
Targeting system
Helmet mounted sight
Laser range-finder/designator
Target Detection System

Night vision/adverse-weather
pilotage system
Image intensifiers

Low observable characteristics

Reduced radar cross-section
Integrated infrared suppression
Low acoustic/visual signatures

Possible Missions
Armed reconnaissance
Military Escort
Light attack
Air combat

T.O.C. 114
A deadly example of Soviet
air technology at its best, the
U.S.S.R. regarded the de-
velopment of this helicopter
to be so important that it was
designed from the ground up.
It is based on a completely new design. No other helicopter in your
enemy’s arsenal combines the weapons, sensors, armor and flight performance of the
MI-24 Hind-E airship. It is generally considered to be one of the world's deadliest
helicopters - before the introduction of the Comanche.

Engines Performance
Manufacturer Mil Dash speed, km/h (kts) 320+ (199+)
Model (2) TV3-117 Cruising Speed
Turboshafts (full weapon load) 295 (183)
SHP 2,220 Vert. Rate of Climb,
m/m (fpm) 900 (2,935)
Main rotor blade system Load factor +3g
Diameter, m (ft) 17 (55.9) Range, self-deploy, km (m) 160 (99)

T.O.C. 115
Cockpit crew 2
Cabin up to 8

External Dimensions
Length, fuselage, m (ft) 21 (68.86)
Length, rotors turn, m (ft) 18.5 (60.66)
Height, top of horizontal
stabilizer, m (ft) 6.5 (14.8)

Loaded, kg (lbs) 11,000 (24,250)
Empty kg (lbs) 7,500 (16,534)

Fuel capacity
Internal, liters (gals) 350 (92.6)

T.O.C. 116
Hughes 500MD

The Hughes 500MD

helicopter is a high
performance advancement of the OH-
6 model, and is used by many coun-
tries throughout the world (including
potential enemies). The vast improve-
ments to the chopper’s power, ma-
neuverability and armaments make it
a weapon to be feared.

Engine Alison 250-C20B

Main Rotor
Diameter 8.05 m
Speed 226 km/h
Blades 5

Dimensions Armament
Fuselage length 9.3 m 2 Missiles
Height 2.7 m Machine Guns

T.O.C. 117
M1A1 Abrams
Developed out of necessity to counter
potential Nuclear Biological and Chemi-
cal attacks, the M1A1 has a full NBC air
filtration system. The A1 version also differs from the
original M1 by the incorporation of a smooth bore 120mm cannon.
0 to 20 mph 7 seconds
Length (gun forward) 9.82 m Engine
Width 3.65 m Avco-Lycoming 1500hp Gas Turbine
Turret Height 2.37 m
Ground Clearance .48 m Armament
Main Smooth bore
Performance 120mm M256
Speed 45 mph (max) Coaxial weapon 7.62mm
Cruising range 275 miles Commander’s weapon 50 Cal M2 MG
T.O.C. 118
The Soviet T-80
The Soviet T-80A entered active military
service in 1983. Similar to the T-64 and the
T-72, this amphibious MBT is considered to
be only an evolutionary design. Improve-
ments over the earlier model include a gas
turbine engine capable of speeds up to 46 mph,
laser sights and range finder and a modified turret capable of firing both shells and rockets.
Fires a very reliable long range anti-helicopter missile code named Songster.
Crew 3 Projectiles
Armor Heavy Armor AT Songster anti-tank missile
AT Songster anti-helicopter missile
Weight 42 tons HE-FRAG (FS); HEAT-FRAG
125 mm smooth bore – 42 rds Engine 985 hp gas turbine
7.62 mm machine gun
12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun Speed 75 kph (46 mph)

T.O.C. 119
The Scud-B (SS-1)
An operational tactical missile, the NATO-
designed SS-1 SCUD-B entered active
service in the mid-1960s as an improved
version of the SCUD-A. Doing away with
the earlier model's obsolete tank chas-
sis, the SCUD-B Launcher carries and
launches from an 8x8 chassis with good
cross-country mobility. Deployed by the Soviet
Army at their front lines in brigades of three, the SCUD-
B is also in service in all the former Warsaw Pact nations as well
as Egypt, Iran, Libya, North Korea, South Korea and of course, Iraq.

Range 80 - 280 km Warhead Options:

Weight 860 kg Training
Missile Size Chemical
Length 11.4 meters Tactical Nuclear
Diameter 0.84 meters

T.O.C. 120
This short range, low altitude mobile Surface to
Air system entered Soviet service in 1974.
This stand alone system replaced many
Soviet towed AA guns because of its
greater mobility and reliability. Car-
rying its own Radar array, it can
engage a single target with a two
missile salvo operating on different fre-
quencies to overcome ECM and avoid
guidance problems.

Guidance Pulse-doppler radar

Warhead 88 lb contact/proximity fragment.

Range 1 to 9.4 miles

Altitude 32 to 42,000 ft

Missile Speed Mach 2

T.O.C. 121
The Soviet BRDM-3
The Soviet BRDM-3 was developed
in the early 1960’s. First seen in
1966, it is currently in operation in
over 45 countries world-wide.
Equipped with thermal sights, machine
guns and Spandrel guided missiles, this
is a small yet formidable opponent.

Crew 4

Engine GAZ-41 V-8
Light Armor 14mm (0.55 inches)
Water-cooled, 140 hp
14.5 mm KPVT machine gun Speed 100 kph (62 mph)
7.62 mm PKT co-axial machine gun
Range 750 km (465.8 miles)
5 Spandrel Anti-tank guided Missiles

T.O.C. 122
The Russian-made OSA II Missile Patrol Boat is a larger and more
sophisticated version of its predecessor the OSA I. It carries
a powerful assortment of guns, missiles, and anti-aircraft
armament. Sleek and deadly, the ship provides
more than adequate coastline defense against
would-be attackers.

Crew 25
Standard tons 168
Full load tons 203
Diesels 3
Dimensions Total BHP 13,000
Length: 128.7 ft Beam: 25.1 ft Shafts 3
Draught: 5.9 ft
Performance 30mm guns 4
Speed: 34 kts Range: 800 miles SSN 2-A missiles 4

T.O.C. 123
LEBED Air-Cushion

These huge Russian hovercraft are the

world’s largest air-cushion vehicles.
They can carry many tons of cargo,
troops, and even tanks. Typical
payload for the Lebed class in-
clude 2 light tanks or 40 tons of
cargo or 120 troops,They are quick
and agile for their size, and can
operate out of the stern well decks
of the "Ivan Hogov" class of LPD's.

Displacement 87 tons full load Performance

Speed 70 kts
Length 80 ft Complement 6
Beam 5.4 ft
Armament 2 - 14 mm MG's

T.O.C. 124
AA: Anti-aircraft. Guns designed to shoot CO: Commanding Officer.
down aircraft. COLLECTIVE CONTROL: Helicopter
AAM: Air-to-Air Missile. control used to “collectively” change
ADF: Automatic Direction Finding. A de- the pitch (angle of the main rotor
tection sensor used to home in on navi- blades). Controls the height of your
gational signals. airship.
AFCS: Automatic Flight Control System. COMM: Communications.
AGM: Air-to-Ground missile. CP/G: Co-Pilot/Gunner. Sits in the rear
AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle. of the Comanche. Handles sensor and
APU: Auxiliary Power Unit. targeting gear for team.
ATGM: Anti-Tank Guided Missile. TOW-2 CYCLIC: Helicopter flight control used to
and Hellfires are ATGMs. selectively change the pitch of the
CBU: Cluster Bomb Unit. main rotor blades, thereby changing
CHAFF: Radar decoy. Small metal film its direction.
strips that produce radar reflections to DITCH: A term for crash landing.
mask the real target. EFAMS: External Fuel and Armament
CM: Counter-Measures. Includes elec- Management System. Non-lifting
tronic jammers and decoys like chaff ‘wings’ attached to Comanche to hike
and flares. the RAH-66’s weapon or fuel load for
T.O.C. 125
extended combat sorties. bundle directly on to the pilot's and co-
FADEC: Full Authority Digital Electronic pilot's "Wide Eyes" goggles.
Control. ICS: Internal Communication System.
FARP: Forward Arming & Refueling Point. Used for communication within
FLARE: A cartridge-shaped heat source the Comanche cockpit.
of intense energy. Used as a defensive IFV: Infantry Fighting Vehicle. A tracked
weapon. Discharged from Comanche vehicle that transports an infantry
to draw IR missiles away from airship’s squad. Usually armed with small cali-
heat signature. ber cannons.
FLIR: Forward Looking InfraRed. An im- INS: Inertial navigation system. A device
aging system that can see in the dark, that tracks a helicopter’s current posi-
by detecting the differences in tempera- tion and desired destinations.
ture between different objects and sur- IR: Infrared. The low-frequency portion
faces. of the electromagnetic spectrum
GPS: Global Positioning System. Satellite where the intensity of the signal is
based navigation system connected to related to its heat signature. Used to
Comanche through high speed modem. guide missiles.
HID: Helmet Integrated Display. A display IITV: Image Intensified Television.
of your chopper's vital statistics along Placed in nose array of Comanche’s
with enhanced night sight systems. The passive sensors.
display is projected by a fiber optic JAMMER: A source of intense Infrared
T.O.C. 126
or radar energy used to confuse or lots are flying and fighting.
“fool’ weapon targeting systems. MASK: Large, naturally occurring ob-
KA-50: The HOKUM Werewolf. jects like mountains used as sensor
KLICK: Slang for kilometer. and visual cover for your Comanche.
KNOT: A measure of horizontal motion MBT: Main Battle Tank.
equal to 1.14 miles per hour. MEDEVAC: Medical evacuation of
LGB: Laser Glide Bomb. A bomb guided wounded troops.
by reflected laser energy. MFD: Multi-Function Display.
LHX: Light Helicopter Experimental. PASSAGE POINT: Safe area for friendly
LO: Low Observable. Term used to troops to travel through.
describe aircraft with reduced radar, PRIMARY: The most important objec-
infrared and acoustic signatures to tive or target of a sortie.
avoid detection. PULL PITCH: To quickly add collective
LONGBOW: Long range millimeter control for more altitude.
wave radar detection gear to be RAH-66: Military designation for the Boe-
mounted above the main rotors in ing-Sikorsky Comanche Reconnais-
next generation of Comanches. sance Attack Helicopter.
LZ: Landing Zone. RDF: Rapid Deployment Force. A
MANPRINT: Manpower Integration. Elec- strike force used for a fast military
tronic and software system that allows response around the world in trouble
Comanche to maintain itself while pi- spots.
T.O.C. 127
RETICULE: A small circular “glass win- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
dow” positioned over one of the eyes SORTIE: A single mission.
of the pilot. Combat and flight informa- SSM: Surface-to-Surface Missile.
tion is reflected off the reticule like a TADS: Target Acquisition and Designa-
HID for the pilot to use while flying. tion System. A device mounted on the
SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile. nose of the Comanche that's used to
SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air De- lock onto targets and to control the
fenses. A mission to destroy enemy air laser designator for your laser-guided
defense units. or laser-targeted missiles to track
SECONDARY TARGET: Targets of less with.
importance than the primary target in TF: Task Force.
your mission. TOC or TAC-OPS: Tactical Operations
SIGNATURE: Electronic identification of Center or Tactical Operations.
object detected by sensor arrays. VISIONICS: A collective term to de-
TAS: Target Acquisition Subsystem. scribe sighting and night vision sys-
THEATER OF OPERATIONS: Geo- tems devices.
graphic area that defines area of mili- VOR: VHF Omni-directional Range. A
tary interaction. radio beacon used for navigation.
T-80A: The Soviet’s Main Battle Tank WEAPONS FREE: A term to describe
with reactive armor. full freedom to fire weapons on tar-
T.O.C. 128
Symbols B
20mm cannon, 21 Basic flight training, 16
20mm cannon damage, 58 Begin Mission, 61
3-D rendering, 65 Boeing Sikorsky, 11, 77
386SX Pixel Setting, 66
70mm rockets, 21 C

A Calibrate joystick, 69
Calibrate Throttle/Joystick Combo, 70
Abort Mission, 64 Calibrate ThrustMaster FCS, 70
About Comanche, 63 CH FlightStick, 22
ABRAMS, 118 CH Flightstick Pro, 68
Armament and Weapons, 48 Chaff and flare release display, 55
Artificial horizon, 35, 71 Manual Release, 56
Artillery, 21 Change Configuration Settings, 66
Auto flare, 72 Chase view, 32
Automatic Defenses, 55 Choosing your mission, 16
AWACS, 38 Clean Sweep, 26

T.O.C. 129
Clouds, 65 Digital Map Display, 20, 38
Cockpit Main Display, 22 Colored Markers, 40
Collective and Throttle Gauges, 54 Magnification, 39
Collective control,
16, 17, 20, 22, 35, 54 E
Collucci, Frank, 75 Engine Damage, 57
Comanche, 11 Esc Key, 62
Combat Simulator, 4, 15, 23 Exit to DOS, 61, 64
Compass display, 37, 73
Configuration Menu Settings, 64 F
Control Devices, 66 Fantail, 18
Control Menu, 66–74 FCS. See ThrustMaster Joystick
CPU Speed, 64 “Fire and Forget” Weapons, 50, 51
Cyclic Control, 18, 19, 22, 35, 68 Flechette Warheads, 49
D Flightstick with Throttle, 22, 68
FLIR. See Forward Looking Infrared
Damage Status Display, 43, 57 Fly-By-Wire, 54
Decreasing Altitude, 16 Flying Tips, 15
Detail High, 65 Forward Cockpit View, 31
Detail Low, 65 Forward Looking Infrared, 22
Detail Medium, 65 Fuel Gauge, 56
Detail Menu, 64–74 Future expansion, 43
T.O.C. 130
G Hover Control, 17
Turning, 18
Game Menu, 63–64
How to fly the RAH-66 Comanche, 15–22
Game Serial Number, 63
Gatling Vulcan II Cannon, 48 I
Gecko Tech Specs, 121
Image Intensifiers, 22
Glossary, 125–128
Increasing Altitude, 16
Ground effect, 18–19
Inertial Navigation System, 39
H IR, 46, 50, 55, 56
IR Guided Threats, 41
Hand-Off Weapons, 50
Hardware specifications, 11 J
“Hat” Switch, 70
Jinking, 41
Haze, 66
Joystick, 67
Heading Velocity Display, 73
Heads Down Instrument Panel, 47 K
Hellfire missiles, 21, 49
Kamov KA-50 Werewolf, 13
Helmet Integrated Display, 70
Keyboard, 34, 68
Help Screen, 44
Keyboard Alternatives. See Keyboard
HID. See Helmet Integrated Display
HID Displays, 32
Keyboard Short-Cuts, 63
HIND, 115

T.O.C. 131
Keypad Commands, 34 Menu Bar, 63
Menu Options, 63
Menu Screens, 59–74
Land-based hostiles, 118, 119 Missile Cam, 71
Laser, 46 Mission Description, 16, 23
Left cockpit view, 31 Mission Objectives, 24, 42
Light Attack Helicopter, 75 MLRS, 50. See also Multiple Launch
Light Helicopter Experimental, 76 Rocket Systems
Low Detection Profile, 55 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, 51
Low Observable (LO), 77 Music Volume, 66
M1A1, 118 Nap-of-Earth, 54, 77
Magnesium Flares, 56 Night missions, 22–23
Main Display Screens, 30, 30–34 Cockpit Main Display, 22
ThrustMaster FCS, 34 Normal joystick, 68
Main Operations Menu
Keyboard Alternatives, 63
Management by Exception, 15 On-Board Diagnostics, 16
Maximum Overkill, 24 Optical Mission Disk, 38

T.O.C. 132
Option Box Off, 66 RAH-66 Overview, 61
Option Box On, 66 Rate of Climb Indicator, 36, 73
Options Menu, 70–74 RCS. See Rudder Control System
OSA II missile patrol boat, 123 Re-Calibrate Joystick, 69
Other Cockpit Displays, 54–58 Re-Start Campaign, 59
Over the Edge, 28 Reactivate Last Drop Camera, 33
P Rear Cockpit View, 31
Reflections, 66
Passive Sensors, 55 Reflective Chaff, 56
Pilot Select Screen, 59–64 Registration card, 63
Adding Name, 60 Remote GroundView, 32
Pitch, 16, 35 Restore Peace, 26
Point Of View, 32 Return to Game, 63
Potential Problems Right Cockpit View, 31
Slow Computer, 65 Rockets, 49
R Roll, 17, 35
Rotor control, 68
Radar, 41, 46, 55 Rotor mixed with Cyclic, 71
Radar Altimeter, 12, 36 Rudder Capability, 21
Radar Altimeter Display, 71

T.O.C. 133
S Tactical Monitor, 22
Tail Rotor Damage, 57
SAM, 13
Target Acquisition System,
Save Menu Settings, 63, 70
12, 41, 48, 50
SCUD, 120
TAS, 48, 49, 57, 68. See also Target
Silver Dove, 27
Acquisition System
Simulator Functions, 67
TAS/Target Display, 41–42
Sound/Voice Effects Volume, 66
Technical Specs, 109
Speed Indicator Display, 73
Technical Support Line, 4
Status Report, 43
Terminal Velocity, 28
Stealth mode, 72
Terrain Map, 38
Stinger missiles, 21, 50
System Integration, 15
Throttle, 54
T ThrustMaster FCS, 17, 19, 34
“Hat” Switch, 19
T-80 Tech Specs, 119, 122
Left Rotate, 20
TAC, 48. See also Tactical Display
Right Rotate, 20
TAS Laser Lock, 19
TAC Display Damage, 58
ThrustMaster Flight Control Stick
(FCS), 19–20

T.O.C. 134
ThrustMaster Mark II WCS, 21, 68 W
ThrustMaster Rudder Control System
WCS. See ThrustMaster WCS
(RCS), 21
Weapon Controls, 21
ThrustMaster WCS, 53, 68
Weapon Mount Damage, 58
ThrustMaster WCS, 67
Weapon Select Display, 47
As Collective Control, 20
Keyboard Short-Cuts, 53–54
Default Dip Switch Setting, 20
Werewolf. See Kamov KA-50 Werewolf
Keyboard ShortCuts Warning, 20
Werewolf Tech Specs, 112
Rocker Switch, 20
Whirlwind, 27
Weapon Control Buttons, 21
Wide Eyes, 12, 40
ThrustMaster WCS Mark I, 68
Wingman, 21
Training missions, 23
Yaw, 17
User-Friendly Environment, 15
Voxel Space, 64

T.O.C. 135
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T.O.C. 136
NovaLogic’s Limited Ninety-Day Warranty and License Provisions
IMPORTANT: By retaining this product or using it, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
If you do not wish to be bound, promptly return this product in its entirety to NovaLogic, Inc., 26010
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NovaLogic warrants for a period of ninety (90) days following the original retail purchase of this copy
of Comanche Maximum Overkill CD that the program is free from substantial errors or defects that
will materially interfere with the operation of the program as described in the enclosed user
documentation. This policy applies to the initial purchaser only.

If you believe you have found any such error or defect in the program during the warranty period,
call NovaLogic’s Technical Support Department at (818) 878-0325 between the hours of 8 a.m. and
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avoided, NovaLogic will inform you how to obtain a corrected program disk (or, at NovaLogic’s
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This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have rights which vary from state
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If any disk supplied with this product fails within ninety (90) days of purchase for any reason other
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NovaLogic will replace program disks damaged for any reason, whether during or after the ninety
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