NIST-2831.1 New Road Rail Vehicles Rev 4

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Document Number: NIST-2831.

STANDARD Date of Issue: 01/03/2016

Revision Number: 4

New Road Rail Vehicles

To specify general requirements for purchasing new Road Rail Vehicles (RRV’s) to
ensure safe and efficient operation.

This document should not be considered a comprehensive specification. It has been
written as a general specification so the proposed use of any new vehicle should also be
considered. This document should also be read conjunction with other existing vehicle
specifications, the V/Line RRV standard and other standards referenced.
Requirements may differ for two different operating contexts:
On the running line: Traversing the running line using light or heavy rigid
vehicles for tasks such as track inspections, light work
and weed spraying. Safeworking under Road/rail
permission or Track Warrant.
Within a defined worksite: A controlled worksite using various vehicles which may
also include excavators, cranes, elevated work platforms.
The adjacent line may be open to rail traffic. Safeworking
under absolute occupation or track force protection.


EWP – Elevating Work Platform
Road Rail Vehicle (RRV): (Also known as a hi-rail vehicle) Any type of vehicle, which
can travel on either the road, or rail and which can easily be transferred from one mode
of operation to the other. It may include excavators, cranes, and elevated work
platforms. It includes any trailers or trolleys attached to the vehicle. Also known as a hi-
rail vehicle.

Plant: Covers items such as lifts, cranes, pressure equipment, machinery, hoists,
powered mobile plant, amusement structures, lasers, turbines, explosive powered tools,
scaffolding and temporary access equipment.
It also includes;
 any machinery, equipment, appliance, container, implement and tool;
 any component of any of those things;
 anything fitted or connect to any of those things
Rolling Stock: (as defined in RSA 2006) a vehicle or a part of a vehicle that operates on
or uses a railway track, and includes road/rail vehicle and trolley/trailer. It is not
considered rolling stock when it is not operating on a railway track.
Track Vehicle: Rolling stock used for inspections and maintenance that is not a train.
This includes road rail vehicles as well as rail-bound plant and trolleys and trailers.

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Document Number: NIST-2831.1

STANDARD Date of Issue: 01/03/2016

Revision Number: 4

New Road Rail Vehicles

1. NIST-2831 Road Rail Vehicle Standard
2. NIST-2831.2 Road Rail Vehicle Acceptance Checklist (Joint V/Line – MTM form)
3. NIPR-2828 Operation of Road Rail Vehicles
4. RISSB Reference Vehicle 1 from VRIOGS 001, Structure Gauge Envelopes – Minimum Clearances
for Infrastructure Adjacent to the Railway (Plate A)
5. Specification - Manufacture And Installation Of Rail Guidance Equipment For Light Vehicles
6. Specification - Manufacture And Installation Of Rail Guidance Equipment For Heavy Vehicles
7. Specification - Manufacture And Installation Of Rail Guidance Equipment For Hydraulic
Excavators (Undated)
8. RailCorp Standards: ESR 0001-700 – Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock –
Infrastructure Maintenance Vehicle Specific Requirement
 ESR 0002 - Road/Rail Vehicle Certification & Recertification
 ESR0002 FM001 Road/Rail Vehicle Re-certification Checklist v1.0
 ESR0002 FM002 Road/Rail Vehicle Pre Work Inspection Checklist
 ESR 0002 FM003 version 1.1 Approved Compliance Testing Companies
 ESR 0003 – Trolley, Trailers & Quadricycle Certification and Recertification
 ESR 0004 – Engineering Certification of Road/Rail Vehicles, Trolleys, Trailers and
 EPR 0006 – Brake Performance Measurement
 EPR 0008 – Static Vehicle Twist Test for Road/Rail Vehicle
 EPR 0016 – Brake Performance Measurement (stopping distance)
 EPR 0017 – Rolling Stock outline Testing for Road/Rail vehicles
 EPR 0022 – Alignment and Adjustment of Road/Rail Equipment
9. V/Line Unrestricted Maximum Rolling Stock Static Outline Plate A – Passenger and Freight
10. AS 7505.4 Railway Rolling Stock Signalling Detection Interface – Part 4: Infrastructure
Maintenance Rolling Stock
11. AS 7531.4 Railway Rolling Stock - Lighting & Rolling Stock Visibility - Part 4 - Infrastructure
12. AS7507.4_AS 7507.4 Railway Rolling Stock - Rolling Stock Outlines - Part 4 - Infrastructure
13. AS7514.4_AS 7514.4 Railway rolling stock - Wheels - Part 4 - Infrastructure
14. AS7518.4_AS 7518.4 Railway Rolling Stock - Suspension - Part 4 – Infrastructure
15. AS 1657 – 1992 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders — Design, construction and


5.1.1 RRV’s must comply with the V/Line RRV standard (NIST-2831), relevant aspects of
Australian Standards and RailCorp Standards:
 ESR 0001-700 – Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock – Infrastructure
Maintenance Vehicle Specific Requirement, and

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Document Number: NIST-2831.1

STANDARD Date of Issue: 01/03/2016

Revision Number: 4

New Road Rail Vehicles

 ESR 0002 - Road/Rail Vehicle Certification & Recertification.

5.1.2 Where there are conflicting requirements the V/Line standard takes precedence, this
is particularly the case for rolling stock static outline and back to back measurements.
Note that the maximum tyre width allowed for unrestricted operations under the
RailCorp Standards is not compatible with the Plate A static outline and may strike
train stop trip arms on the Melbourne metropolitan network.

5.1.3 The RailCorp standards have been included as a requirement as it is expected that a
national standard will be developed through RISSB in future based on the RailCorp
standard. It is also understood that many manufacturers have adopted RailCorp
standards in the absence of any other industry standard.
5.2 Risk Assessment

5.2.1 A risk assessment must be supplied with the vehicle which complies with
Occupational/Work Health and Safety legislative requirements.
5.3 Back to back measurement and rail wheel toe-in

5.3.1 Refer to the V/Line Road Rail Vehicle Standard (NIST-2831 for back to back
measurements. Rail wheel toe-in:
 Light vehicles front rail wheels (1 degree – Each wheel 5mm). No toe-in/toe-out on rear
 Heavy vehicles front rail wheels (0.5 degree – Each wheel 2.5mm). No toe-in/toe-out on rear

5.4 Storage/Manual handling

5.4.1 Design and layout of storage boxes on tray should consider the ease of access to box
doors and shelving, especially whilst vehicle is on the rails. The height of storage
boxes on the outside of the tray make them difficult to access, especially once the
vehicle is on the rails as this raises the vehicle even higher and the ground can be

5.4.2 Storage boxes on tray should not restrict vision from the driver’s seat though rear
cabin window on the left side. This is particularly important to allow vision when
approaching a level crossing on rail at an angle to the road crossing. Storage boxes
on the left side must be lower than the rear cab window.

5.4.3 Storage space is required for all safety equipment listed in procedure NIPR-2828 and
tools required for maintenance work.

5.4.4 Storage space is required in the cabin for the various books required.

5.4.5 Preferences have been indicated for dual cab or extended cabs to allow additional
storage space.
5.5 Lifting Jacks

5.5.1 Lifting jack for changing tyres must be rated to the gross loaded capacity of the
vehicle and suitable for changing lifting on off road tracks.

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Document Number: NIST-2831.1

STANDARD Date of Issue: 01/03/2016

Revision Number: 4

New Road Rail Vehicles

5.6 Weight loading capacity

5.6.1 Rail guidance should be designed to carry sufficient pay load capacity whilst
maintaining adequate forces on rail in tare condition. Braking performance must be
maintained in gross and tare conditions.

5.6.2 Loading capacity should be provided for both on-rail and on-road conditions.
5.7 Leg Space

Vehicles should be suited to accommodate a large person (e.g. 95th percentile)

5.8 Access/Egress

5.8.1 Steps or a ladder is preferred at the rear of the (4WD and truck) vehicle to access tray
from between the rails than unstable ballast outside the track.

5.8.2 Truck cabin access should minimise potential injury due to manual handling,
slips/falls or train movements on adjacent lines.

5.8.3 Recommended maximum step height is between 200 mm up to 500 mm above rail
level. The upper limit only applies to older vehicles and may be less suitable if the
step is used with high frequency. Optimum height is 250 to 350 mm above ground
level based on rung dimensions in AS 1657. Steps should be centrally located within
the door centreline so far as practicable.
5.9 Rail Guidance Lockout

5.9.1 The operation of the rail guidance gear shall able to be locked out using an electronic
or keyed lock.
5.10 Clearance

5.10.1 Refer to ground clearance requirements in RailCorp standard and the Australian
Design Rules for road vehicles. (Note: Rail guidance equipment can dig into uneven
ground and bog the vehicle off road).
5.11 Speed Governor/Limiter

5.11.1 The vehicle must not be capable of speeds in excess of 60 km/h whilst the rail
guidance gear is lowered.
5.12 VicRoads Approval

5.12.1 Vehicles capable of being driven on the road must be inspected and road registered
by VicRoads.
5.13 Data logger

5.13.1 RailCorp standards require data logger to be installed on some vehicles based on
mass and maximum operating speeds (e.g. >30 km/h). V/Line do not currently
require a data logger, however all V/Line rail guidance systems must be fitted with a
rail usage recorder to measure rail guidance usage (eg: km or hour metre).

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Document Number: NIST-2831.1

STANDARD Date of Issue: 01/03/2016

Revision Number: 4

New Road Rail Vehicles

5.14 Derail Anti-skid Plate

5.14.1 The rail guidance gear must be fitted with two derail anti-skid plates. These plates
contain the movement of the vehicle if it derails and minimizes the potential
consequence of a derailment.
5.15 Visibility

5.15.1 Lighting and visibility must be compliant with AS 7531.4 Railway Rolling Stock -
Lighting & Rolling Stock Visibility - Part 4 – Infrastructure to enable the vehicle to be
used at night.

5.15.2 In addition, the vehicle must have reflective markers on the side of the vehicle in
compliance with the RailCorp standard.
5.16 Engineering report

5.16.1 An engineering assessment and report attesting to its integrity of the rail guidance to
carry the nominated maximum load capacity is to be provided in accordance with
RailCorp standard ESR 0004.
5.17 Rail Guidance Documentation
 Operational Manual/Instructions (Incl. Vigilance Control system)
 Drawing Pack
 Risk Assessment
 Structural Engineering Report (attesting to the integrity of the rail guidance system to
carry the nominated maximum load capacity)
 Maintenance Regime (i.e. maintenance periodicity/frequencies and associated
checklists including daily pre-start inspection)
5.18 Testing Requirements

5.18.1 Results of the following tests must be provided:

 Twist test in accordance with RailCorp standard
 Brake performance test
 Static outline type test

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