Thermal Conductivity of Polymer Nanocomposites Made With Carbon Nanofibers
Thermal Conductivity of Polymer Nanocomposites Made With Carbon Nanofibers
Thermal Conductivity of Polymer Nanocomposites Made With Carbon Nanofibers
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton,
Qld-4702, Australia
An internal mixer was used to prepare polycarbonate in the aerospace, electronics, and energy storage industries
(PC)-based nanocomposites containing carbon fibers, [2]. They can be used as thermal interface materials or
carbon nanofibers (CNF), and mixtures of the two fill- heat sinks to dissipate heat from electronic devices such
ers. The influence of the filler volume fraction, the rela-
tive amounts of the two fillers, and the filler orientation as computers, flat panel displays, and cell phones [3]; in
relative to the direction of heat flow on the thermal some cases, it is the in-plane thermal conductivity that is
conductivity was examined. Filler orientation was important, while, in others, high values of the out-of-
obtained by the extrusion of strands of the nanocom- plane thermal conductivity are required. In principle,
posite. The thermal conductivity was measured using a proper alignment of the nanofillers can give the desired
steady-state heat conduction technique. The CNF were
fragile, and their aspect ratio could be decreased dur- directional properties, but it is not always easy to obtain
ing processing. In general, the composite thermal con- such alignment with the normal polymer processing meth-
ductivity increased with increasing filler content. Fiber ods of extrusion and injection molding.
alignment in the heat flux direction resulted in a sig- CNF are a form of multiwall carbon nanotubes
nificant increase in thermal conductivity. Mixing of (MWCNTs) which are synthesized by the catalytic
nanofibers with microfibers resulted contacts between
the microfibers. This, together with fiber alignment decomposition of aliphatic hydrocarbons. They differ
provided large increases in the thermal conductivity. from CNT in their diameter (dia. 100 nm) which is
POLYM. ENG. SCI., 48:2474–2481, 2008. ª 2008 Society of much larger than that of either single-wall nanotubes (dia.
Plastics Engineers 1 nm) or MWCNT (dia. 10 nm). In recent years, due
to advances in technology, CNFs have become readily
available in large quantities and at a price that is signifi-
INTRODUCTION cantly lower than that of CNTs. As a result, it is now pos-
sible to look for applications of polymer nanocomposites
Nanomaterials are increasingly being used as additives
made with CNFs. The thermal conductivity value of the
to polymers to simultaneously enhance a variety of pro-
CNFs is not precisely known, but it is thought to be very
perties without sacrificing any qualities of the base
high; its value should be bracketed by the thermal con-
polymer. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanofibers
ductivity of graphite (600 W/m K) and the corresponding
(CNF), for example, have very high stiffness values as
value of MWCNTs (3000 W/m K) [4]. Nonetheless, it is
well as very high thermal and electrical conductivities. As
expected that, by adding even a small amount of CNF to
a consequence, these nanofillers can be used to convert
polymers, a considerable enhancement in the thermal con-
thermally and electrically insulating plastics into conduc-
ductivity can be achieved. Thus, CNFs have been used to
tive materials [1] and to increase their mechanical proper-
make thermally-conducting nanocomposites with poly-
ties at the same time. This article is concerned with the
mers such as polypropylene, epoxy, polyimide, and ny-
thermal conductivity of polymer nanocomposites. Ther-
lon-11 [5–8]. However, it has been found that the thermal
mally conductive thermoplastics have many applications
conductivity of such nanocomposites is much lower than
what would be expected from the use of a mixture rule.
Correspondence to: Sushant Agarwal; e-mail: sushant.agarwal@mail. This mismatch is not surprising, and it results from the very high interfacial resistance to heat transfer between
Contract grant sponsors: West Virginia EPSCoR Research Challenge the polymer matrix and the nanofibers [9]. It is for this
Grant Program, George and Carolyn Berry endowment.
DOI 10.1002/pen.21205
reason that the thermal conductivity of particulate compo-
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( sites is not sensitive to the thermal conductivity value of
C 2008 Society of Plastics Engineers
V the filler, provided that the ratio of the filler to matrix
Structure Characterization
Both transmission and scanning electron microscopy
were used to observe the morphology of the nano- and
microcomposites and to verify the expected fiber align-
ment. To prepare the samples for transmission electron
microscopy, a cryo-ultramicrotome with a diamond knife
was used to obtain 60–100 nm thick sections from the
compression molded sheets. These were then scanned at
100 kV accelerating voltage in a JEOL 100 CX transmis-
sion electron microscope (TEM). For scanning electron
microscopy, a Hitachi model S-4700 field emission scan-
ning electron microscope was used.
FIG. 2. Electron micrographs of polycarbonate-based nanocomposites: (a) SEM of top view of sample hav-
ing vertically aligned fibers. The sample has 30 vol% CF and 10 vol% CNF, (b) Same as (a), but sample has
horizontally aligned fibers, (c) TEM showing dispersion of CNFs in an isotropic sample containing 13.3
vol% CNF.
Model Predictions
Many theoretical models are available to predict the
thermal conductivity of nanocomposites. The simplest of
these are mixture rules such as series, parallel, and geo-
metric models, which are given by [15]:
FIG. 4. Thermal conductivity of polycarbonate-based microcomposites
and nanocomposites as a function of CF and CNF volume% for isotropi- Series model
cally and vertically aligned fibers.
kc ¼ ð1 fÞkm þ fkf ; (1)
parallel model
increasing concentration of both CF and CNF. Although a
very significant increase in the thermal conductivity of 1 1f f
¼ þ (2)
the PC can be achieved by adding 40 vol% of carbon kc km kf
fibers, the magnitude of the increase is similar to that
attained with the use of high thermal conductivity particu- and geometric mean model
lates [10]. It can also be seen that, at the lower concentra-
1f f
tion levels, isotropic nanocomposites have a higher ther- kc ¼ km kf : (3)
mal conductivity than isotropic microcomposites. At the
30 vol% filler level, however, the thermal conductivity of where, kc is the thermal conductivity of the composite
the nanocomposite began to decrease. A decrease in ther- and km and kf are thermal conductivities of the polymer
mal conductivity of nanocomposites with nanofiller con- matrix and filler material, respectively. However, the se-
centration has also been observed in other studies [12– ries model typically over predicts the thermal conductiv-
14]. We speculate that this was due to fiber breakage. ity, whereas the parallel model tends to under predict the
Figure 4 also shows thermal conductivity values for thermal conductivity of the nanocomposites. This is
microcomposites having fibers (vertically) aligned in the because these models are based on the amount of filler
direction of heat flow. It can be seen that these thermal loading and do not take into account the true geometry
conductivities are much higher than those for isotropic and the size of the filler particles. Other models such as
samples and fiber alignment resulted in a doubling of the the Hamilton-Crosser model [16] and the Lewis-Nielsen
thermal conductivity at each loading level. We also men- [17] model are based on particle size, geometry, and the
tion that Fig. 4 does not display data for nanocomposites
having vertically aligned fibers. Results did not seem to
be very sensitive to fiber orientation (see datum point at
30 vol% loading in Fig. 5), and it is suspected that with
CNF a high degree of alignment is difficult to achieve
due to irregular and entangled nature of the nanofibers as
evidenced by electron micrographs.
Thermal conductivities of the nanocomposites contain-
ing a mixture of microscale and nanoscale carbon fibers
are shown in Fig. 5. The relative amounts of CFs and
CNFs was varied, but the total filler concentration was
maintained at either 30 or 40 vol%. Results are presented
for isotropic and vertical alignments in each case, and for
horizontal alignment in some cases. In the case of vertical
fiber alignment, at both the 30 and 40 vol% total filler
levels, there was a dramatic increase in the nanocompo-
site thermal conductivity (relative to either the horizontal FIG. 5. Thermal conductivity as a function of filler concentration for
nanocomposites containing isotropic, horizontal, and vertically-aligned
or isotropic alignment) upon mixing the two kinds of fibers. X-axis shows percent volume fractions of CF and CNF in the
fibers. Also, the relative increase was greater at the higher nanocomposite (aCFbCNF represents a %v carbon fibers and b %v
loading level. We suspect that this is the consequence of carbon nanofibers).
km 1
B¼ and (6)
km þ A
1 fm
c¼1þ f: (7)
TABLE 1. Thermal conductivities of hybrid samples and comparison with theoretical predictions.