Janusz Pawlikowski - The Diamond Principle
Janusz Pawlikowski - The Diamond Principle
Janusz Pawlikowski - The Diamond Principle
The Covering Property Axiom, which attempts to capture some of the combinatorics of the Sacks model, the
model obtained from V CH by countable support iteration of length ω2 of the Sacks forcing, seems to miss
a Suslin tree. We add a diamond polish to the axiom to remedy this.
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∗ e-mail: [email protected]
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408 J. Pawlikowski: The diamond covering property axiom
(1) If = 0, then Eve plays anything legal and puts T0 = [0, ω).
(2) If is a successor ordinal, then Eve plays anything legal and builds T by just splitting every node of T−1
into infinitely many successor nodes.
(3) If is a limit ordinal such that = ω, then Eve plays anything legal and builds T from the initial segment
T< = σ < Tσ as follows. She notes that the set [T< ] of all b ⊆ T< that are maximal branches in T< ,
with the topology generated by the basis {b ∈ [T<] : η ∈ b} (for η ∈ T< , is homeomorphic to the Baire
space ωω . Then she picks any sequence s̄ ∈ [T< ] with ran s̄ dense in [T< ], and puts η <T ω + n if
and only if η ∈ s̄ (n) (for n < ω).
(4) If is a limit ordinal such that = ω, and if Adam has just played a : A → 2 , then Eve de-
notes by A the a preimage of the set of all χ ∈ 2 = 2ω that are characteristic functions of maximal
antichains of T< . Next she notes that A is Gδ , since its source is Gδ in 2 and a is continuous.
Case a. If A is meager, then Eve uses Lemma 1 to find her E ⊆ C ω \A , picks any s̄ ∈ [T< ] with ran s̄
dense in [T< ], and buids T as in (3).
Case b. If A is nonmeager, then Eve notes that the set H = {(x, s̄) ∈ A × [T< ] : ∀n(a (x)s̄(n) ≡ 0)}
is Gδ , and that all its vertical section (H )x , x ∈ A , are dense in [T< ] . (The condition ∀n(a (x)s̄(n) ≡ 0)
above says that every branch pases through one of the elements ω of the maximal antichain coded by a (x).)
Using the Kuratowski-Ulam theorem Eve finds s̄ ∈ [T< ] with ran s̄ dense in [T< ] and such that the s̄ th
horizontal section
(H )s̄ = {x ∈ C ω : (x, s̄ ) ∈ H }
is nonmeager.1 Eve uses this s̄ to build T as in (3), and she uses Lemma 1 to find her E ⊆ (H )s̄ .
Suppose that Adam defeats the above strategy with a counter-play a <ω1 , so that for any a ⊆ ω1 , denoting
by χa the characteristic function of a, we have that { < ω1 : χa ∈ a [E ]} is stationary. Our wanted Suslin
tree is the tree Eve builds during the play in which Adam uses a <ω1 .
We just need to check that maximal antichains are countable. Given any maximal antichain a of T , by the usual
closure argument, { < ω1 : a ∩ ω is a maximal antichain in T< } is a club. So, we can find = ω > 0 such
that χa ∈ a [E ] and a ∩ is a maximal antichain in T< . Then for all n, we have that χa s̄ (n) ≡ 0. Indeed,
pick x ∈ E with χa = a (x), and note that (x, s̄ ) ∈ H .
Now, density of ran s̄ entails that a ∩ is a maximal antichain in T<+1 , and it follows that a ∩ is a maximal
antichain in T . Hence a = a ∩ , and thus a is countable.
Next we show that CPAcube holds in the Sacks model. To do this we consider a more general version of
the axiom.
For α < ω1 , let
α be the family of all continuous injections π : C α → C α that preserve projections, i.e., for
all x, x ∈ C α and all β < α we have that xβ = x β if equivalent to π (x)β = π (x )β. Sets of the form ran π
will be calledα-prisms.
= α<ω1
α . If π ∈
, let |π | be the α for which π ∈
α .
The axiom CPAgame prism of [1] says that Eve has no winning strategy in the following game:
ω ω
1 Note that the set of s̄ ∈ ωω with ran s̄ dense in ωω is dense Gδ in ωω .
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Let ♦CPAgame
prism say that Eve has no winning strategy in the following game:
It is not hard to see that since = { < ω1 : = ω} is a club, we get an equivalent axiom if in ♦CPAgame
the players move only when ∈ , so that in particular we can identify 2 and C = (2ω ) . Henceforth we shall
assume that ∈ .
Recall that the Sacks poset is the set P ordered by inclusion. Recall also that the poset of the ξ th stage of
countable support iteration of P is equivalent to the poset Pξ consisting of ordered by inclusion subcylinders of
C ω2 of the form
[ι̊P] := {z̄ ∈ C ω2 : z̄ ◦ ι ∈ P},
where α < ω1 , ι : α → ξ is increasing, and P is an α-prism; note here that if P ⊆ P is another α-prism, then
[ι̊P ] [ι̊P].
Finally, let G ξ and r ξ , ξ < ω2 , be the canonical Pξ term for the generic filter on Pξ and the canonical Pξ +1
term for the ξ th generic real, respectively.
Theorem 3 ♦CPAgame
prism holds in the Sacks model.
P r o o f . We identify a strategy of Eve with a function that maps sequences of moves of Adam—his partial
plays—to answers of Eve. Let ε̇ be a Pω2-name for such a function.
We may assume that in V we have a sequence d ∈ that serves in V as a ♦-sequence predicting subsets of
ω1 × ω1 , i.e., for all ∈ , we have d ⊆ × and, in V , for any d ⊆ ω1 × ω1 , { ∈ : d ∩ ( × ) = d } is
stationary. We may also assume that there is a function εV ∈ V such that Pω2 ε̇V = εV .2 We may make the
above assumptions because:
1. the set ξ < ω2 : Pω2 ε̇V [G ξ ] ∈ V [G ξ ] is ω1 -closed and unbounded in ω2 ;
2. for each ξ < ω2 , Pξ forces that Pω2 /Pξ is equivalent to the countable support iteration of length ω2 of
the Sacks forcing;
3. for each limit ξ < ω2 of cofinality ω1 , Pξ ♦.
(a) = ω1 ∩ N ,
(b) n (0) = ( p , t˙ (ξ )ξ <ω1 ), where p ∈ Pω2 , and t˙ (ξ )ξ <ω1 is a sequence of Pω2-names for bits (i.e.,
Pω2 t˙ (ξ ) ∈ 2).
ω2 is a Pω2-generic over V and ε := ε̇/G ω2 , then in V [G ω2 ] the ε output to any coded in V input
2 We mean here that whenever G
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410 J. Pawlikowski: The diamond covering property axiom
Then, letting α be the order type of ω2 ∩ N , and ν : α → ω2 ∩ N the order isomorphism, using fusion
(Axiom A and continuous reading of names argument), Adam finds and plays an α -prism A and a continuous
function a : A → 2 such that [ν̊ A ] is (N , Pω2 )-generic p that forces that t˙ (σ )σ < = a (r ν (β) β<α ).
Note that if n† : (, d ) → (Hκ , ∈) is any other elementary embedding, then, writing N† = ran n† , we have
(a† ) = ω1 ∩ N† ,
(b† ) n† (0) = ( p† , t˙† (ξ )ξ <ω1 ), where p† ∈ Pω2 , and t˙† (ξ )ξ <ω1 is a sequence of Pω2-names for bits such that
t˙† (σ )σ < = (n† ◦ n−1 )(t˙ (σ ))σ < .
Also, α is the order type of ω2 ∩ N† , and letting ν† : α → ω2 ∩ N† be the order isomorphism, we have that
[ν̊† A ] is (N† , Pω2 )-generic p† that forces that t˙† (σ )σ < = a (r ν† (β) β<α ).
To see that using the above counterplay Adam is forced to win pick any condition p ∈ Pω2 , a Pω2-name Ċ
for a club in ω1 , and a sequence t˙(ξ )ξ <ω1 of Pω2-names for bits. Expand ω1 ∪ {( p, t˙(ξ )ξ <ω1 ), Ċ} to M ≺ Hκ
of size ω1 , and fix a bijection m : ω1 → M with m(0) = ( p, t˙(ξ )ξ <ω1 ). Let be the club of those ∈ that
M ∩ ω1 = and Ċ ∈ M ≺ Hκ , where M = m[].
By ♦ applied to d = {(β, γ ) : m(β) ∈ m(γ )}, get ∈ with d = d ∩ ( × ). Then m := m witnesses
that at round Adam was able to find n (possibly = m ). In particular, letting μ : α → ω2 ∩ M be the or-
der isomorphism, [μ̊ A ] is (M , Pω2 )-generic p, so it forces that ∈ Ċ by Ċ ∈ N† and = N† ∩ ω1 . So
[μ̊ E ], being [μ̊ A ], also forces that ∈ Ċ. It moreover forces that t˙(σ )σ < ∈ a [E ] because it forces that
t˙(σ )σ < = a (r μ (β) β<α ) and r μ (β) β<α ∈ E .
We remark the following: Suppose that V ⊆ V are transitive models of a large enough finite fragment of ZFC
such that ω1V = ω1V . Consider the modification of ♦CPAcube which says that for any strategy ε ∈ V of Eve such
that εV ∈ V Adam has a defeating counter-play that is coded in V . (Cf. Footnote 2.)
It is not hard to adapt the proof of Theorem 1 to get from the modified axiom a tree in V that is Suslin in V
and to adapt the proof of Theorem 2 to establish the modified axiom in V provided V ♦ and V is a generic
extension via countable support product of any length of the Sacks poset.
A similar remark applies to ♦CPAgame prism and to countable support iteration of any length of the Sacks poset.
The unmodified axiom ♦CPAcube fails if V = V [rξ ξ <ω2 ] is obtained from V via countable support product
of length ω2 of the Sacks posets (here, rξ is the ξ th generic real). In fact (cf. [1]), even a weak version of CPAcube
implies that for any set S ⊆ C of size ω2 there is a continuous function f : C → C with f [S] = C. Now just note
that any continuous function f ∈ V is coded in V [rξ ξ ∈ f ] for some countable f ∈ V . So, if ζ ∈ ω1 \ f , then
rζ , being generic over V [rξ ξ ∈ω2 \{ζ } ], cannot be in { f (rξ )}ξ ∈ω2 \{ζ } . It follows that no continuous function f ∈ V
can map {rξ }ξ ∈ω2 \ω1 onto C.
In a second remark, consider now (cf. [1, Chapter 6]) a modification of ♦CPAgame prism which says that Eve has
no winning strategy even if Adam wins only when there exists s̄ ∈ C ω1 such that for all t ∈ 2ω1 , we have that
{ ∈ : t ∈ a [E (s̄)]} is stationary, where E (s̄) = {z̄ ∈ E : z̄ = s̄}.
To see that this modified axiom holds in the Sacks model just note that in the closing lines of the proof of
Theorem 2 we have μ (β) = β for β < , so that [μ̊ E ] r μ (β) β<α ∈ E (r β β< ).
Finally, let us make a third remark: Sacks forcing serves as a parameter in CPA, analogous axioms can be
formulated for various other forcings (cf. [1], Overview]). Also, CPA can be expressed in terms of Borel functions
and σ -ideals (cf. [5]). Naturally, this applies to the ♦ versions as well. For instance, let I be the σ -ideal of
countable subsets of C. For α < ω1 , let Iα be the αth Fubini power3 of I, and let Bα be the σ -algebra of Borel
3 Writing I ∗ for the dual filter of I, put X ⊆ C α into I iff X ∩ [T ] = ∅ for some I ∗-splitting continuous tree T ⊂ C <α . Here, a tree T
is I ∗-splitting if each node splits into I ∗-many immediate successors, it is continuous if for limit λ < α, τ ∈ T iff τ ∈ C λ and all proper initial
segments of τ are in T , and [T ] is the set of all τ ∈ C α such that all proper initial segments of τ are in T . E.g., I0 = {∅}, since C 0 = {∅},
C <0 = ∅, B0 = {∅, {∅}}, and T = ∅ is the unique tree contained in C <0 , this tree happens to be I ∗-splitting and continuous, and [T ] = {∅}.
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That the idealized game is equivalent to the original one follows from the Suslin theorem for Iα (cf. [5]), which
claims that for X ∈ Bα we have X ∈ / Iα iff there exists an α-prism P such that P ⊆ X .
When we change in the idealized game the Cantor space to the Baire space ωω , and let I be the σ -ideal
generated by compact subsets ωω , we get an axiom that holds in the Miller model—the model obtained from
V CH by countable support iteration of length ω2 of the Miller forcing. This version also implies that there
exists a Suslin tree. The proof is virtually the same, except the Kuratowski-Ulam theorem is replaced by its analog
for the Fubini product of the relevant αth Fubini power Iα and the σ -ideal of meager subsets of C.
Acknowledgements The author was partially supported by MNiSW grant N N201 418939.
[1] K. Ciesielski and J. Pawlikowski, The Covering Property Axiom CPA, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Vol. 164
(Cambridge University Press, 2004).
[2] A. S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol. 156 (Springer-Verlag, 1995).
[3] K. Kunen, Set Theory, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics Vol. 102 (North Holland, 1983).
[4] J. T. Moore, M. Hrušák, and M. Džamonja, Parametrized ♦ principles, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 356, 2281–2306 (2004).
[5] J. Zapletal, Forcing Idealized, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Vol. 174 (Cambridge University Press, 2008).
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