The Product of A Lindelof Space With The Space of Irrationals Under Martin's Axiom - K. Alster
The Product of A Lindelof Space With The Space of Irrationals Under Martin's Axiom - K. Alster
The Product of A Lindelof Space With The Space of Irrationals Under Martin's Axiom - K. Alster
w < cf(Wg), we can assume without loss of generality that there are y'x < a
and an open subset 77 of (Y, d) so that U = H n (LKC,: 7X< 7 < a}) .
Suppose that a = w„. Because Y is compact, we infer that K = Y\H is a
compact subset of P. Hence, there is y in P so that y < y for y e K.
Since (x ) is unbounded, we conclude that there is y'x < y2 < w„ so that
x„ <„ y . Observe that if y, < y and x e C„, then x„ < x so that x < y .
From this observation, it follows that U{C : y2 < y < wß} c H; therefore, by
the definition of U, \J{C : y2 < y < wß} c U .
Let us assume that a < wß . Observe that \J{C : y < a} c XQ and that
An = Xa(n)\H is compact with respect to the topology of P. If Tn = {y <
a: C \~xAn^ 0} is not empty, then (S) implies that supTn = yn < a. Suppose
that this is not the case, and choose x e X n An for y e Tn . Observe that
{x': y e Tn} is a strictly increasing sequence in An of uncountable cofinality.
By (S) there is x e An so that x <„ x for y € Tn. Since supT = a and
x < x , we infer that x eC cU, contradiction. We conclude that:
Corollary 1 (MA and wx < c). If X is Lindelöf, then the product X x P does
not contain an uncountable discrete subset.
Corollary 2 (MA and wx < c). If X is a regular space, the following conditions
are equivalent :
(a) X x P is Lindelöf,
(b) X x P is meta-Lindelöf.
If wn < c also holds for zz6 TV, (a) and (b) are equivalent to:
(c) for every open cover %, there is a natural number n and a refinement
W so that every point of X xP belongs to at most wn elements of 7^.
Corollary 3 (MA and ww < c). If X is a Lindelöf space of weight less than ww,
then the product X x P is Lindelöf.
We shall finish with the following problems:
Problem 1. Does (S) hold in ZFC?
Problem 2. Does (S1) hold in ZFC?
Problem 3. Let us assume that X is a Lindelöf space and that MA holds. Does
every open cover of XxP with cardinality less than c have a countable subcover ?
Observe that a positive answer to the first problem implies a positive answer
to the second, but that (S1) is sufficient to construct a real example of a Lindelöf
space whose product with the space of irrationals is not Lindelöf.
Added in proof. Recently D. H. Fremlin has proved that (S) does not hold
provided that b = c.
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