Activity Sheets in Music: Fourth Quarter
Activity Sheets in Music: Fourth Quarter
Activity Sheets in Music: Fourth Quarter
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Table of Contents
Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Week 1- 8
Activity 1 : Identification ……………………………………………….. 3
Activity 2 : Romantic’s Scrapbook …………………………………... 4
Activity 3 : Musical Poem ……………………………………………… 5
Name: Date: .
Grade/ Section: Score: .
Opera became increasingly popular during the Romantic period. It is musical
composition having all or most of its text set to music with arias, recitative,
choruses, duets, trios, etc. sung to orchestral accompaniment. The opera is usually
characterized by elaborate costumes, scenery, and choreography.
In the Philippines, the sarsuwela, also known as the drama simbolico was a
traditional theatre genre that dominated the Philippines theatre scene over one
hundred years. It was first introduced by Dario Cespedes. Like the opera of the
Romantic period its story line was commonly based on domestic issues that often
exemplified a strong sense of Filipino nationalism and anguish against the
country’s foreign imperialists.
Famous writers of sarsuwela include Benigno Zamora, Severino Reyes, and
Clodualdo del Mundo. “Dalagang Bukid” (“Country Maiden”, 1919) is arguably the
most popular sarsuwela in Tagalog.
Today, singers like Maria Callas and Kirsten Chenoweth are famous
because of their performances of different operas and musical plays abroad. In the
Philippines artists like Isay Alvarez, Robert Seña, Monique Wilson, Jaime Rivera,
and Lea Salonga also became famous not only in the local scene but abroad as
well for their roles in musical plays like the “Miss Saigon”. In fact, Lea Salonga won
various international awards like the Olivier, Tony, Drama Desk, and Theatre World
awards. She also received the Order of Lakandula Award from Philippine President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in recognition of her excellence in her craft and for using
her talents to benefit Philippine Society.
Components of an Opera
Libreto – the text of an opera. Librettist and the composer work closely together
to tell the story.
Score – the book that the composer and librettist put together. The score has all
the musical notes, words, and ideas to help the performers tell the story. Often,
there are operas with overtures, preludes, prologues, several acts, finales, and
Recitative – Declamatory singing, used in the prose parts and dialogue of
opera. Different roles of operas are created taking into account different types of
voices. Each role requires a different type of singer, not only able to sing a given
vocal range but also with certain voice characteristics, color, and power.
Aria – an air or solo singing part sung by a principal character. This song is what
the public will remember best when leaving the opera. Properly and well sung, a
beautiful aria can bring an audience to its feet and decide the fate of an entire
It is also important to know the types of voice of singers. This will serve as a
guide for singers on their choice of songs and vocal quality expected of a singer or
opera character.
For the Male Voice:
Tenor – highest male voice
Baritone – middle male voice, lies between Bass and Tenor voices. It is the
common male voice.
Bass – lowest male voice
Cantabile – in a singing style
Capo – head, the beginning
Coda – closing section appended to a movement or song
Dolce – sweetly
Falsetto – a weaker and more airy voice usually in the higher pith ranges
Glissando – sliding quickly between 2 notes
Passagio – parts of a singing voice where register transitions occur
Rubato – slight speeding up or slowing down of the tempo of a piece at the
discretion of the soloist
Tessitura – the most comfortable singing range of a singer
Vibrato – rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note, to give
a richer and more varied sound.
Activity 1: Identification
Direction: Look for famous opera and popular singers today and try to
identify their voice classification. Do not limit your research on foreign artist
but also our local singers today.
Activity 2: Romantic’s Scrapbook
Direction: Make a collection of famous Romantic opera synopsis and
musical pieces from the internet and other music books. Compile the
example according to the composer and their style.
5 4 3 2
Advanced Proficient Basic Minimal
Content Complete information, Main points Some main Main points are not
accurate, and are covered points and complete and details
appropriate details. but lack some details are are greatly lacking.
detail. missing.
Pictures, photographs, Number and More and Very little pictorial
and drawings or other types of better visuals representation is
similar devices add to visuals are could be used; present; captions are
the overall adequate as captions only incomplete.
effectiveness. captions. identify and
Captions are relevant label rather
and explanatory. than explain.
Space, shapes, and Design Shows No consideration of
colors add to the overall elements and evidence of use design elements and
effectiveness of the principles are of some design principles.
scrapbook. adequate. elements and
Sources are properly Minimum Sufficient List of sources are
and thoroughly cited. sources are number/ types inadequate.
present and of sources are
are cited lacking.
Total Points:
Activity 3: Musical Poem
Directions: Each family members will create a 6-stanza poem (4 lines per
stanza) based on the Romantic composition. After making the poem, each
family will create a melody or adapt a melody from any OPM song using an
improvise appropriate sounds, gestures, and costumes.
Category 4 3 2 1
Over all The composition The composition The composition The composition
Performance was creative, was somewhat was very basic was nit
clean/ easy to creative and and somewhat complete, and
read, and legible. Most of legible to read. very difficult to
included are the required At least half of read. Under half
required elements were the required of the required
elements. The included. The elements were elements were
melody fit well lyrics were included. No included. Project
with the lyrics. rhythmically fluidity in melody will need to be
awkward in a and lyrics. revised.
few places.
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