The atmosphere provides numerous benefits to life on Earth. It protects the surface from harmful UV rays and traps heat, maintaining temperatures suitable for life. The atmosphere also regulates Earth's water balance through evaporation and precipitation, and supplies oxygen for animals to breathe while carrying away carbon dioxide for plants. The balance of these gases is essential for supporting all living things.
The atmosphere provides numerous benefits to life on Earth. It protects the surface from harmful UV rays and traps heat, maintaining temperatures suitable for life. The atmosphere also regulates Earth's water balance through evaporation and precipitation, and supplies oxygen for animals to breathe while carrying away carbon dioxide for plants. The balance of these gases is essential for supporting all living things.
The atmosphere provides numerous benefits to life on Earth. It protects the surface from harmful UV rays and traps heat, maintaining temperatures suitable for life. The atmosphere also regulates Earth's water balance through evaporation and precipitation, and supplies oxygen for animals to breathe while carrying away carbon dioxide for plants. The balance of these gases is essential for supporting all living things.
The atmosphere provides numerous benefits to life on Earth. It protects the surface from harmful UV rays and traps heat, maintaining temperatures suitable for life. The atmosphere also regulates Earth's water balance through evaporation and precipitation, and supplies oxygen for animals to breathe while carrying away carbon dioxide for plants. The balance of these gases is essential for supporting all living things.
The presence of an atmosphere is one of Earth's most important characteristics. It contributes to
the existence of life and provides numerous benefits to us humans and other living things on this planet. The atmosphere protects us from the sun's UV rays by blocking them. Many hazardous forms of radiation are blocked by the ozone layer, which is found in the atmosphere. UV radiation would destroy most of life on Earth if the ozone layer did not exist. Aside from that, heat is trapped in the atmosphere by gases. Without enough heat-holding gases in the atmosphere, Earth's average temperatures would drop below the freezing point of water. Life is possible because of the balance between radiation that is blocked and radiation that is allowed to reach the Earth. The absence of a rocky environment is also due to the Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere contains water. As water evaporates or is emitted by living beings, it rises through the atmosphere and forms clouds. The wind causes the clouds to move about the planet's surface. As clouds condense into rain, snow, or other types of precipitation, water falls on the Earth's surface. In this way, the atmosphere regulates the water balance on Earth, sending precipitation to areas that would otherwise be dry. The atmosphere is also necessary for other living beings on Earth to breathe. Animals take in breathable oxygen from the air and use it to digest food and convert it to energy. Carbon dioxide is used by plants to grow and maintain life. The balance between these two gases is also important: animals and plants both require oxygen to breathe. As humans, we must be thankful that our planet has an atmosphere. Because without it, we wouldn't be able to live and Earth would be an uninhabitable planet.