IND E 549 Research in Human Factors Grad Project (University of Washington)
IND E 549 Research in Human Factors Grad Project (University of Washington)
IND E 549 Research in Human Factors Grad Project (University of Washington)
Group Project
Autumn 2021
You are tasked with developing an online learning system that refers to the use of networked computing and
communications technologies to support learning (e.g., Smartphone application, social media, digital learning, Google
glass, and virtual reality).
Some examples:
• GRE preparation applications for non-native English speakers.
• Virtual reality environment for the elderly.
• Redesigning ALEKS for persons with disabilities.
The actual design needs to be based on research and justified using scientific literature (e.g., journal articles). Consider
what is needed for successful implementation. For this project, you will conduct a cognitive task analysis and use the
findings to generate input for an actual system design. You will then develop a rapid prototype of the system and identify
how you would do usability testing to assess the feasibility of the system (e.g., Will the display be too distracting? Are the
alerting cues at a reasonable level to be heard, but not too loud that they will startle?).
The following assignments are to be uploaded to canvas on the due date noted.
1. Cognitive Task Analysis: 11/7 midnight
2. Design Requirements: 11/21 midnight
3. Construct Prototype: 12/2 midnight
4. Final Presentation: 12/7, 12/9 in class
5. Final Paper: 12/12 midnight
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3. Define the detailed activities and information flow. This information should be described in an information flow
diagram, where the ellipses represent activities and arrows linking activities that represent the information flow.
Be sure to include every activity the user performs, every activity performed by the system and any data
requirements (e.g., user input, real time data, web-based information, or database).
Think through these steps and select a function that is simple enough to represent with no more than 10-15 activities. You
should keep your prototype simple.
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4.1.2 Aesthetic layout (10 points)
The paper is organized as described and includes appropriate use of section headings. Tables and graphs professionally
crafted, labeled, and cited appropriately in the text. References used are properly cited in the manuscript.
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