Economic Activity in Context
Economic Activity in Context
Economic Activity in Context
Chapter Overview
This chapter introduces you to the basic concepts that underlie the study of economics.
The four essential economic activities are resource management, the production of goods
and services, the distribution of goods and services, and the consumption of goods and
services. As you work through this book, you will learn in detail about how economists
analyze each of these areas of activity.
After reading and reviewing this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Define the difference between normative and positive questions.
2. Differentiate between intermediate and final goals.
3. Discuss the relationship between economics and well being.
4. Define the four essential economic activities.
5. Illustrate tradeoffs using a production possibilities frontier.
6. Explain the concept of opportunity costs.
7. Summarize the differences between the three spheres of economic activity.
8. Understand what is meant by “economics in context.”
Key Terms
economics well-being
positive questions normative questions
intermediate goal final goal
gross domestic product (GDP) economic efficiency
economic actor (agent) negative externalities
positive externalities resource management
production distribution
exchange transfer
consumption scarcity
production possibilities frontier (PPF) opportunity cost
technological progress microeconomics
macroeconomics model
circular flow diagram factor markets
product markets core sphere
business sphere public purpose sphere
1. You buy a new book. If you didn’t buy the book, you would have purchased a
pizza instead. Economists would call the pizza your __________________ of
buying the book instead.
2. A new factory begins discharging pollutants into a previously pristine river. Fish
in the river begin to die, and people who make their living through fishing have
trouble maintaining their catch. This factory is generating a ________________.
4. Your grandmother sends you a check for $100. This form of resource distribution
is referred to as a ____________________.
5. A diagram that shows the tradeoffs between production of two goods is called
a(n) ____________________________________________________________.
120 B C
0 50 100
Quantity of Butter
7. In the graph shown above, at point B, society is producing the maximum possible
amount of butter.
8. To move from point A to point B, society would have to cut down on its gun
production and increase butter production.
10. Cooking a family dinner at home is an activity of the core sphere of economics.
Short answer
14. “Children should learn to clean up after themselves by the age of six.” Is this a
positive or a normative statement? ____________________________________
15. “The business sphere contributed 64% of production in the US in 2016.” Is this a
positive or a normative statement? ____________________________________
17. What are the two main forms of economic distribution? What is the difference
between them?
18. A family enjoys a three-week vacation. In order to afford this vacation, the
family saved money over the course of a year. Was earning this money a final
goal or an intermediate goal?
Self Test
a. Production
b. Consumption
c. Exchange
d. Transfer
e. Resource management
a. cooking dinner
b. operating a factory
c. providing worker education
d. drilling for oil
e. buying a bicycle
An economy produces two goods: pencils and erasers. The graph shown below depicts
two possible production possibilities frontiers (PPFs) for this economy.
a. Moving from point C to point B requires shifting resources away from eraser
production and into pencil production.
b. Point B represents a less efficient resource mix than point C.
c. Depletion of nonrenewable resources could lead the economy to shift from
point C to point D.
d. Utility is maximized at point A.
e. At point A, society is producing all the pencils it can.
14. The nation of Anyplace produces two goods, chairs and tables. Anyplace can produce
the chairs and tables using either sustainable methods or resource-depleting methods.
If Anyplace chooses resource-depleting methods, which of the following statements
is true?
a. Eventually the PPF of Anyplace will shift outward (away from the origin).
b. Eventually the PPF of Anyplace will shift inward (toward the origin).
c. Eventually the PPF of Anyplace will pivot, causing a change in the slope of the
d. Eventually Anyplace will have to choose between producing only chairs or
producing only tables.
e. None of the above.
a. Point A is inefficient.
b. Point B is inefficient.
c. Point A is preferred to point B.
d. Point B is preferred to point A.
e. Point C cannot be attained with current technology.
16. Suppose there is a production possibilities frontier (PPF) for wine and cheese. Which
of the following situations would shift the PPF inward (toward the origin)?
a. The PPF bows inwards (that is, looks like a slide or a valley)
b. The PPF bows outwards (that is, looks like a hillside).
c. The PPF shifts in response to technological change.
d. The PPF shows production of one good at a time.
e. The PPF becomes flatter as resource availability increases.
1. opportunity cost
2. negative externality
3. resource maintenance
4. transfer
5. production possibilities frontier
6. positive externality
7. False. Society could produce more butter by producing fewer guns.
8. False. To move from A to B, society would have to decrease butter production and
increase gun production.
9. True. At point B, society is already employing many of its resources to produce guns.
Increasing gun production further will present high opportunity costs.
10. True.
11. False. Microeconomics focuses on activities that take place within and among the
major economic organizations of a society. Macroeconomics is the study of broader
patterns in the national and international economy.
12. True. An experience can be “consumed” without using up material resources.
13. production, distribution, consumption, and resource management
14. normative
15. positive
16. What should be produced and maintained? How? For whom?
17. Exchange and transfer. Exchange occurs when one actor provides a good or service,
or money, in return for something else. Transfer is a one-way transaction, when one
actor gives something to another.
18. intermediate
19. A technological innovation can expand the production possibilities frontier (move it
“out,” away from the origin).
20. The distinguishing characteristic of institutions in the public purpose sphere is that
they exist for a purpose related to the public good (e.g. national defense, poverty
alleviation, healthcare, education, environmental protection, etc.).