Alternating Current - Ex # 1 - 4

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Questions Q.8 If the value of Erms is 5 volt, then the

based on Alternating signal
tolerance of the component in volt is -
Q.1 An alternating current changes from a complete 1
cycle in 1s, then the frequency in Hz will be – (A) 1 (B)
(A) 10-6 (B) 50 (C) (D) 5 2
(C) 100 (D) 106
Q.9 A mixer of 1000 resistance is connected
Q.2 An alternating voltage voltage source is to an A.C. source of 200V and 50 cycle
connected, in an A.C. circuit whose maximum
see the value of average potential
value is 170 volt. The value of potential at a
difference across the mixer will be -
phase angle of 45º will be –
(A) 120.56 Volt (B) 110.12 Volt (A) 308 V (B) 264 V
(C) 240 Volt (D) Zero (C) 220 V (D) 0

Q.3 In an ac circuit, the current is given by Q.10 If instantaneous value of current is

i = 4 sin (100t + 30º) ampere. The current  = 10 sin (314 t) A,
becomes maximum first time (after t = 0) at then the average current for the half cycle
t equal to – will be –
(A) (1/200) sec (B) (1/300) sec (A) 10 A (B) 7.07 A
(C) (1/50) sec (D) None of the above (C) 6.37 A (D) 3.53 A

Q.4 The instantaneous value of current in an ac Q.11 The r.m.s. value of alternating current is 10 Amp
circuit is  = 2 sin (100t + /3) A. The having frequency of 50Hz. The time taken by
current at the beginning (t = 0) will be – the current to increase from zero to maximum
(A) 2 3 A (B) and the maximum value of current will be –
(A) 2 × 10–2 sec. and 14.14 Amp
3 (B) 1 × 10–2 sec. and 7.07 amp.
(C) A (D) Zero
2 (C) 5 × 10–3 sec. and 7.07 amp
(D) 5 × 10–3 sec. and 14.14 Amp.
Q.5 In A.C. circuit the average value per cycle
of e.m.f. or current is – Q.12 n a circuit an a.c. current and a d, c. current
(A) peak value / 2 (B) 0 are supplied together. The expression of the
(C) peak value (D) None of the above instantaneous current is given as
i = 3 + 6 sin t
Q.6 The form factor for sinusoidal potential is – Then the rms value of the current is –
(A) 3 (B) 6
(A)  2 (B) 2 2 
(C) 3 2 (D) 3 3
 
(C) (D)
2 2 2
Q.13 The emf and the current in a circuit are –
E = 12 sin (100t) ; = 4 sin (100t + / 3)
Q.7 The r.m.s. value of potential due to superposition
then –
of given two alternating potentials E1 = E0
sin t and E2 = E0 cos t will be – (A) The current leads the emf by 60º
(A) E0 (B) 2E0 (B) The current lags the emf by 60º
(C) E0 2 (D) 0 (C) The emf leads the current by 60º
(D) The phase difference between the current
and the emf is zero
Q.14 The direction of alternating currenting current Q.22 If the frequency of ac is 60 Hz the time
get changed in one cycle – difference corresponding to a phase difference
(A) two times (B) one time of 60º is –
(C) 50 times (D) 60 times (A) 60 s (B) 1 s
(C) 1/60 s (D) 1/360 s

Q.15 If the frequency of alternating potential is

Q.23 The domestic power supply is at 220 volt.
50Hz then the direction of potential, changes
The amplitude of emf will be –
in one second by –
(A) 220 V (B) 110 V
(A) 50 times (B) 100 times (C) 311 V (D) None of this
(C) 200 times (D) 500 times
Q.24 The phase difference between the current
Q.16 The time period of of alternating current with and the electromotive force in an ac circuit is
frequency of one KHz one second will be – /4 radian. If the frequency is 50 Hz, then
(A) 0.10 (B) 0.01 the time difference corresponding to this
–3 phase difference, will be –
(C) 1 × 10 (D) 1 × 10–2
(A) 0.25 s (B) 0.02 s
(C) 2.5 ms (D) 25 ms
Q.17 The value of alternating e.m.f. is e = 500 sin
100t , then the frequency of this potential in Q.25 In A.C. circuit the ratio of virtual current and
Hz is – the r.m.s. current is –
(A) 25 (B) 50 (A) 0 (B) 0.5
(C) 75 (D) 100
(C) 1 (D) 2

Q.18 The frequency of an alternating current is

Q.26 If the r.m.s. value of A.C. is Irms then peak
50Hz, then the time to complete one cycle
to peak value is –
for current vector will be–
(A) 20 ms (B) 50 ms (A) 2 I rms./2 (B) Irms./ 2
(C) 100 ms (D) 1 s (C) 2 2 I rms. (D) 2 Irms.

Q.19 In the above question, time taken by current Q.27 The average value or alternating current for
to rise from zero to maximum is – half cycle in terms of I0 is
1 1
(A) sec (B) sec 2 I0 I0
200 100 (A) (B)
 
1 1
(C) sec (D) sec I0
50 400
(C) (D) 0
Q.20 In the equation fo A.C.  = 0 sin t, the
current amplitude and f requency will Q.28 Sinusoidal peak potential is 200 volt with
respectively be – frequency 50Hz. It is represented by the
equation –
 I0 
(A) 0 , (B) , (A) E = 200 sin 50t (B) E = 200 sin 314t
2 2 2
 (C) E = 200 2 sin 50t (D) E =200 2 sin 314t
(C) rms, (D) 0, 

Q.21 The sinusoidal voltage wave changes from 0 Q.29 If the instantaneous value of currents is
to maximum value of 100 volt. The voltage I = 100 sin 314t Amp. then the average of
current n Ampere for half cycle is –
when the phase angle is 30º will be –
(A) 100 (B) 70.7
(A) 70.7 volt (B) 50 volt
(C) 63.7 (D) 35.3
(C) 109 volt (D) – 100 volt
Q.30 The equation of current in an ac circuit is
 = 4 sin (100t + /6) ampere. The current
at the beginning (t = 0) will be –
(A) 1 A (B) 2 A
(C) 3 A (D) 4 A

Q.31 RMS value of ac i = i1 cos t + i2 sin t will (A) 190 (B) 70

be – (C) 50 (D) 40
1 1
(A) (i1 + i2) (B) (i1 + i2)2 Q.37 n an L.C.R series circuit R = 1, XL =
2 2 1000 and XC = 1000. A source of 100
1 1 m.volt is connected in the circuit the current
(C) (i12 + i 22)½ (D) (i 2 + i 22)½ in the circuit is –
2 2 1
(A) 100 m.Amp (B) 1 .Amp
Q.32 The phase difference between the alternating (C) 0.1 .Amp (D) 10 .Amp
current and voltage represented by the
following equation  = 0 sin t, E = E0 cos Q.38 Which of the following figure showing the
(t +  / 3), will be – phase relationship is correct phase diagram
for an R–C circuit-
 4
(A) (B) I
3 3
 5
(C) (D)
2 6 (A) V (B)

based on AC circuits
(C) (D)
Q.33 The inductance of a resistance less coil is
0.5 henry. In the coil the value of A.C. is 0.2
Amp whose f requency is 50Hz. The
reactance of circuit is - Q.39 A coil of inductance 0.1 H is connected to
an alternating voltage generator of voltage
(A) 15.7  (B) 157 E = 100 sin (100t) volt. The current flowing
(C) 1.57 (D) 757 through the coil will be –
(A)  = 10 2 sin (100t) A
Q.34 The inductive reactance of a coil is 1000. If
its self inductance and frequency both are (B)  = 10 2 cos (100t) A
increased two times then inductive reactance (C)  = – 10 sin (100t) A
will be – (D)  = – 10 cos (100t) A
(A) 1000 (B) 2000
(C) 4000 (D) 16000 Q.40 The vector diagram of the current and voltage
in a given circuit is shown in the figure. The
components of the circuit will be –
Q.35 n an L-C-R series circuit R = 10, XL = 8
and XC = 6the total impedance of the circuit
is –
(A) 10.2 (B) 17.2
(C) 10 (D) None of the above

Q.36 n the given figure, the potential difference is

shown on R, L and C. The e.m.f. of source (A) L–C–R (B) L–R
in volt is – (C) L–C–R or L–R (D) C–R
Q.41 Figure shows the variation of voltage with time
Q.46 The reactance of a capacitor is X1 for
for an ac  = 0 sin t flowing through a
circuit – frequency n1 and X2 for frequency n2 then
X1 : X2 is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) n1 : n2
(C) n2 : n1 (D) n12 : n22

Q.47 A coil has reactance of 100 when frequency

is 50Hz. If the frequency becomes 150Hz,
then the reactance will be –
(A) Curve P is for R–L and Q for R–C circuit
(B) Curve P is for R–C and Q for R–L circuit (A) 100 (B) 300
(C) Both are for R–C circuit (C) 450 (D) 600
(D) Both are for R–L circuit
Q.48 n pure inductive circuit, the curves between
Q.42 The power factor of the following circuit will frequency f and inductive reactance 1/XL is –
be –

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.6 (D) 0.8

Q.43 In a circuit, the reactance of a coil is 20 .

If the inductance of the coil is 50mH then Q.49 n pure capacitive circuit if the frequency of
A.C. is doubled, then the value of capacitive
angular frequency of the current will be –
reactance will become –
(A) 400 rad/sec. (B) 1 rad/sec
(C) 2.5 rad/sec (D) 0.2 rad/sec (A) Two times (B) times
Q.44 If a capacitor is connected to two different (C) No change (D) times
A.C. generatiors then the value of capacitive
reactance is – Q.50 n an A.C. circuit, a capacitor of 1F value
(A) directly proportion to frequency is connected to a source of frequency 1000
(B) inversely proportional to frequency rad/sec. The value of capacitive reactance
will be –
(C) independent of frequency
(A) 10 (B) 100
(D) inversely proportional to the square of
(C) 1000 (D) 10,000
Q.51 n an A.C. circuit capacitance of 5F has a
Q.45 Alternating current lead the applied e.m.f. by
/2 when the circuit consists of – 1
reactance as . The frequency of A.C.
(A) only resistance
(B) only capacitor in MHz will be –
(C) only an inductance coil (A) 1000/ (B) 100/
(C) 200 (D) 5000
(D) capacitor and resistance both

Q.52 n an A.C. circuit XL = 300, XC = 200and Q.59 The percentage increase in the impedance of
R = 100 the impedance of circuit is – an ac circuit, when its power factor changes
(A) 600 (B) 200 form 0.866 to 0.5 is (Resistance constant) –
(C) 141 (D) None of the above (A) 73.2% (B) 86.6%
(C) 90.8% (D) 66.6%
Q.53 A resistance of 50, an inductance of 20/
henry and a capacitor of 5/ F are Q.60 The impedance of the given circuit will be –
connected in series with an A.C. source of
230 volt and 50Hz. The impedance of circuit
is –
(A) 5 (B) 50
(C) 5K (D) 500

Q.54 n an L–C–R series circuit R = 5 , XL = 9

and XC = 7. If applied voltage in the circuit (A) 50 ohm (B) 150 ohm
is 50 volt then impedance of the circuit in (C) 200 ohm (D) 250 ohm
ohm then impedance of the circuit in ohm
will be – Q.61 The impedance of the given circuit will be –
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 2 5 (D) 3 5

Q.55 The potential difference between the ends of

a resistance R is VR between the ends of
capacitor is VC = 2VR and between the ends
of inductance is VL = 3VR, then the alternating
potential of the source in terms of VR will be – (A) Zero (B) Infinite
(A) 2 VR (B) VR (C) 55 ohm (D) 2500 ohm

(C) VR/ 2 (D) 5VR Q.62 If E0 = 200 volt, R = 25 ohm. L = 0.1 H and
C = 10–5 F and the frequency is variable,
Q.56 n an A.C. circuit the impedance is then the current at f = 0 and f =  will be
Z = 100 30º, then the resistance of the respecitvely –
circuit in ohm will be –
(A) 50 (B) 100
(C) 50 3 (D) 100 3

Q.57 n an LCR circuit, the voltages across the

components are VL, VC and VR respectively.
The voltage of source will be –
(A) [VR + VL + VC] (A) 0 A, 8 A (B) 8 A, 0 A
(B) [VR2 + VL2 + VC2]1/2 (C) 8 A, 8 A (D) 0 A. 0 A
(C) [VR2 + (VL + VC)2]1/2 Q.63 The impedance of the circuit given will be –
(D) [VR2 + (VL – VC)2]1/2

Q.58 n an electric circuit the applied alternating

emf is given by E = 100 sin (314 t) volt, and
current flowing  = sin (314t +  / 3). Then
the impedance of the circuit is (in ohm) –
(A) 100 / 2 (B) 100
(C) 100 2 (D) None of the above (A) Zero (B) Infinite
(C) 110 ohm (D) 90 ohm
Q.64 A coil of resistance R and inductance L is Q.69 n a series resonant L–C–R circuit, if L is
connected to a cell of emf E volt. The current increased by 25% and C is decreased by
flowing through the coil will be – 20%, then the resonant frequency will –
(A) E/R (B) E/L (A) Increase by 10% (B) Decrease by 10%
(C) Remain unchanged (D) Increase by 2.5%
(C) 2 2 (D)
L R L2  R 2 Q.70 If R = 100  then the value of X and  in the
given circuit will be –
Q.65 n a certain circuit E = 200 cos (314t) and
 = sin (314t + /4). Thei r v ector
representation is –


(A) 800 V, 2A (B) 300 V. 2A

(C) 220 V. 2.2A (D) 100 V, 2A

Q.71 n question (70) the value of inductance will

be –
(C) (A) 0.12 H (B) 0.24 H
(C) 0.31 H (D) 0.43 H

Q.72 n an LCR. series circuit the resonating

frequency can be decreased by –
(A) Decreasing the value of C.
(B) Decreasing the value of L
(C) Decreasing both the values of L and C
(D) (D) Increasing the value of C

Q.66 n question (65) reactance X will be – Q.73 Which of the following statements is correct
for L–C–R series combination in the condition
(A) 70.7 ohm (B) 0.707 ohm of resonance –
(C) 100 ohm (D) 141 ohm
(A) Resistance is zero
(B) Impedance is zero
Q.67 n question (65) the power factor is –
(C) Reactance is zero
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.707
(D) Resistance, impedance and reactance
(C) 0.85 (D) 1.0 all are zero

Q.74 n an LCR circuit, the resonating frequency
based on Resonance is 500 k.Hz. If the value of L is increased two
Q.68 The electric resonance is sharp in L-C-R times and value of C is decreased times,
circuit if in the circuit – 8
(A) R is greater then the new resonating frequency in kHz
(B) R is smaller will be –
(C) R = XL or XC (A) 250 (B) 500
(D) Does not depend on R (C) 1000 (D) 2000

Q.75 n resonating circuit value of inductance and Q.80 n an ac circuit emf and current are E = 5
capacitance is 0.1H and 200 F. For same cos t volt and  = 2 sin t ampere
resonating frequency if value of inductance is respectively. The average power dissipated
in this circuit will be –
100H then necessary value of capacitance in
F will be – (A) 10 W (B) 2.5 W
(C) 5 W (D) Zero
(A) 4 (B) 0.2
(C) 2 (D) 0.3
Q.81 The equations of alternating e.m.f. and current
in an A.C. circuit are E = 5 cos t volt and
Q.76 The inductance of the motor of a fan is 1.0 H. = 2 sin t ampere respectively. The average
To run the fan at 50 Hz the capacitance of power loss in this circuit will be –
the capacitor that will cancel its inductive (A) 1 watt (B) 2.5 watt
reactance, will be –
(C) 3 watt (D) Zero
(A) 10 F (B) 40 F
(C) 0.4 F (D) 0.04 F
Q.82 The series combination of resistance R and
inductance L is connected to an alternating
Q.77 n ac circuit at resonance : source of e.m.f. e = 311 sin (100 t). If the
(A) Impedance = R value of wattless current is 0.5A and the
impedance of the circuit is 311, the power
 1  factor will be –
(B) Impedance =  L  
 C  1 1
(A) (B)
(C) The voltages across L and C are in the 2 2
same phase 1 1
(C) (D)
(D) The phase difference of current in C 3 5
relative to source voltage is 
Q.83 n an L–C–R series circuit the loss of power
is in –
Q.78 An ac circuit resonates at a frequency of 10 (A) Only R (B) Only L
kHz. If its frequency is increased to 11 kHz, (C) Only C (D) both L and C
then :
(A) Impedance will increase by 1.1 times Q.84 n an ac circuit the readings of an ammeter
(B) Impedance will remain remain unchanged and a voltmeter are 10 A and 25 volt
respectively, the power in the circuit will be –
(C) Impedance will increase and become
(A) More than 250 W
inductive (B) Always less than 250 W
(D) Impedance will increase and become (C) 250 W
capacitive (D) Less than 250 W or 250 W

Q.85 A choke coil of 100 ohm and 1 H is

based on Power connected to a generator of E = 200 sin
(100t) volt. The average power dissipated will
Q.79 n an ac circuit 6 ohm resistor, an inductor be –
of 4 ohm and a capacitor of 12 ohm are (A) Zero (B) 200 W
connected n series with an ac source of 100 (C) 141 W (D) 100 W
volt (rms). The average power dissipated in
the circuit will be – Q.86 A choke coil of negligible resistance carries
5 mA current when it is operated at 220 V.
(A) 600 W (B) 500 W The loss of power in the choke coil is –
(C) 400 W (D) 200 W (A) Zero (B) 11 W
(C) 44 × 103 W (D) 1.1 W

Q.87 The ratio of apparent power and average Q.93 If a bulb and a coil are connected in series
power in an A.C. circuit is equal to – with D.C. source and a iron core put in the
(A) Reciprocal of power factor coil then the glowing of bulb –
(B) Efficiency (A) Decreases (B) Increases
(C) No change (D) Zero
(C) Power factor
(D) Form factor
Q.94 Three bulbs of 40, 60 and 100 watt are
connected in series with the source of 200
Q.88 n an A.C. circuit, a resistance of 3, an volt. Then which of the bult will be glowing
inductance coil of 4and a condenser of 8 the most –
are connected in series with an A.C. source (A) 100 watt
of 50 volt (R.M.S.). The average power loss (B) 60 watt
in the circuit will be (C) 40 watt
(A) 600 watt (B) 500 watt (D) All are glowing equally
(C) 400 watt (D) 300 watt

Q.95 If two bulbs each of 220V, 30 watt are
Q.89 In an A.C. circuit, i = 5 sin (100t– ) connected in series, then we get electric
ampere an A,V, V = 200 sin (100 t) volt. The power as –
power loss in the circuit will be – (A) 60 watt (B) 15 watt
(C) 6 watt (D) 30 watt
(A) 20 volt (B) 40 volt
(C) 1000 watt (D) 0 watt
Q.96 Two electric bulbs of 100 watt (220 volt) are
connected in series and these are connected
based on Bulbs & AC meter with other bulb of 100W (220V) in parallel
then total power in watt will be –
Q.90 When N identical bulbs are connected in
parallel, total power consuption is P, what
would be the power consuption when they
connected in series-
(A) P (B) PN
(C) P/N (D) P/N2

Q.91 Two bulbs of 500 watt and 300 watt work on

200 volt r.m.s. the ratio of their resistances
will be –
(A) 25 : 9 (B) 3 : 5
(C) 9 : 25 (D) 5 : 9
(A) 300 watt (B) 50 watt
(C) 150 watt (D) 25 watt
Q.92 An air core coil and an electric bulb are
connected in series with an A.C. source. If
Q.97 The A.C. meters are based on the principle
an iron rod is put in the coil, then the of –
intensity of bulb’s will – (A) Heating effect
(A) Be same (B) magnetic effect
(B) Increase (C) Chemical effect
(C) Decrease (D) Electromagnetic effect
(D) Decrease, increase

Q.98 The correctly marked ammeter for A.C. current Q.100 The A.C. meters measure its –
is shown in -
(A) root mean square value
(A) (B) peak value
(C) square mean value
(D) None of the above
0 1 2 3


(D) None of these

Q.99 Alternating current can not be measured by

direct current meters, because –
(A) alternating current can not pass through
an ammeter
(B) the average value of current for complete
cycle is zero
(C) some amount of alternating current is
destroyed in the ammeter.
(D) None of these

Q.1 The self inductance of a choke coil is 10mH.
When it is connected with a 10V D.C. source,
then the loss of power is 20 watt. When it is
connected with 10 vott A.C. source loss of
power is 10 watt. The frequency of A.C.
source will be –
(A) 50Hz (B) 60Hz
(C) 80Hz (D) 100Hz
(A) Same in both
Q.2 We have two cables of copper of same
(B) More in B1
length. In one, only one wire of corss–section
(C) Depending on the frequency of the source
area A and in second ten wires each of cross– (D) More in B2
section area A/10 are present. When A.C.
and D.C. flow in it. Choose the correct cable Q.6 An L–C–R series circuit with a resistance of
for better efficiency – 100 ohm is connected to an ac source of
(A) Only one wire for D.C. and the other for 200 V (rms) and angular frequecncy 300 rad/s.
A.C When only the capacitor is removed. the
current lags behind the voltage by 60º. When
(B) Only one wire for A.C. and the other for only the inductor is removed , the current
D.C. leads with the voltage by 60º. The average
(C) Any wire for D.C. but only multy–wire power dissipated is –
cable for A.C. (A) 50W (B) 100 W
(D) Only one wire for D.C. and only multy–wire (C) 200 W (D) 400 W
packet for A.C.
Q.7 A coil when connected to a dc source of
Q.3 n a series LCR circuit L = 1H, C = 6.25 F 12 V, carries a current of 4 A. If this coil is
and R = 1 ohm. Its quality factor is – connected to an ac source of 12 V and
50 rad/s, then it carries a current of 2.4 A.
(A) 400 (B) 200 The inductance of the coil is –
(C) 125 (D) 25 (A) 48 H (B) 4 H
Q.4 A bulb of rated values 60 V and 10 W is (C) 12.5 H (D) 8 × 10–2 H
connected in series with a source of 100 V
and 50 Hz. The coeficient of self induction of Q.8 Waves of wavelength 300 m are transmitted
from a broadcasting station. If a capacitor f
a coil to be connected in series for its
2.4 F is used in a resonant circuit for these
operation will be – waves, then the inductance of coil used will
(A) 1.53 H be –
(B) 2.15 H (A) 10–6 H (B) 1.056 × 10–8 H
(C) 10.56 × 10 H (D) 105.6 × 10–8 H
(C) 3.27 H
(D) 3.89 H Q.9 A generator of 100 V (rms) is connected in
an ac circuit and 1 A (rms) current is flowing
Q.5 Two identical bulbs B1 and B2 are connected in the circuit. If the phase difference between
to an ac source. B is connected in series the voltage and the current is /3. then the
average power consumption and the power
with a coil of 100 mH and B2 with a capacitor
factor of the circuit will be –
of 10 F as shown in the figure. The
(A) 50 W, 0.86 (B) 100 W, 0.86
brightness of B1 and B2 will be– (C) 100 W, 0.5 (D) 50 W, 0.5

Q.10 When a current of 0.5 A (rms) is passed Q.16 The time required for a 50Hz alternating
through a coil, its reactance and power loss current to increase from zero to 70.7% of its
are found to be 25 ohm and 16 W. The peak value is –
impedance of the coil is – (A) 2.5 ms (B) 10 ms
(A) 50 ohm (B) 68.7 ohm (C) 20 ms (D) 14.14 ms
(C) 76.4 ohm (D) 92.3 ohm
Q.17 Figure 92 shows an AC generator connected
Q.11 n the adjoining A.C. circuit the voltmeter to a “block box” through a pair of terminals.
whose reading will be zero at resonance is – The box contains possible R,L, C or their
combination, whose elements and
arrangements are not known to us.
Measurements outside the box reveals that
e = 75 sin ( t) volt,
i = 1.5 sin (t + 45º) amp
then, the wrong statement is –

(A) V1 (B) V2
(A) There must be a capacitor in the box
(C) V3 (D) V4 (B) There must be an inductor in the box
Q.12 n the above problem, the two voltmeters (C) There must be a resistance in the box
whose readings are equal, will be – (D) The power factor is 0.707
(A) V4 and V1 (B) V1 and V3
(C) V4 and V5 (D) V1 and V2 Q.18 n ac circuit contains a pure capacitor,
across which an ac emf
Q.13 n Q.11, if L /R = 10 and V3 = 100 volt then e = 100 sin (1000t), volt
reading of V2 will be – is applied. If the peak value of the current is
(A) 10 volt (B) 100 volt 200 mA, then the value of the capacitor is –
(C) 1000 volt (D) uncertain (A) 2 F (B) 20 F
(C) 5 F (D) 500F
Q.14 2.5/ F capacitor and a 3000–ohm
resistance are joined in series to an a.c. Q.19 n a series LCR circuit C = 25 F, L = 0.1
source of 200 volt and 50 sec–1 frequency. H and R = 25. When an ac source of emf
The power factor of the circuit and the power e = 311 sin (314t) then the impedance is –
dissipated in it will respectively– (A) 99 ohm (B) 80 ohm
(C) 57 ohm (D) 25 ohm
(A) 0.6, 0.06W (B) 0.06, 0.6W
(C) 0.6, 4.8W (D) 4.8, 0.6W.
Q.20 Consider two cables A and B. n A, a single
Q.15 The current through 'a' wire changes with time
copper wire of cross–sectional area x is used,
according to the equation I = t . The while in B, a bunch of 15 wires each of cross–
correct value of the rms current within the sectional area x/15 is used. Then for the flow
of high frequency AC, the –
time interval t = 2 to t = 4s will be –
(A) Cable A is more suitable then B
(A) 3 A (B) Cable B is more suitable then A
(B) 3 A (C) Both cables are equally suitable
(D) Nothing specific can be predicted
(C) 3 3 A
(D) None of the above

Q.21 An ac circuit contains a resistance R and a Q.23 A d.c. voltage with appreciable riple expressed
reactance X. If the impedace of the circuit is as V = V1 + V2 cos t is applied to a resistor
given by R. The amount of heat generated per second
Z = 50  / 6 is given by -

Then the resistance and the reactance are, V12  V22 2 V12  V22
(A) (B)
respectively (in ohms) – 2R 2R
(A) Zero ; 50
V12  2V22
(B) 25 3 ; 25 (C) (D) None of these

(C) 25 ; 25 3

(D) 25 ; 25

Q.22 n a series LCR circuit with R = 11 ohm, the

instantaneous value of the current i in the
circuit and instantaneous value of the appled
ac emf e, are respecitvely –
i = 200 mA, e = 110 volt
If the phase difference between the current
and voltage is /3, then the instantaneous ac
power in the circuit is –
(A) 22W (B) 0.44W
(C) 0.22W (D) None of the above

Q.1 The electric current in a circuit is given by
(A) R, R 2 (B) 2R, R 2
i t
i  0 for some time. The rms current for
 (C) R, R (D) 2R, R 3
the period t = 0 to t =  will be-
Q.6 In a series LCR circuit the voltage across the
i0 i0 i0 i0
(A) (B) (C) (D) resistance, capacitance and inductance is
2 3 2 3
10 V each. If the capacitor is removed, the
voltage across the inductance will be-
Q.2 A series AC circuit has a resistance of 4 and
(A) 10 V (B) 10 2 V
an inductor of reactance 3. The impedance of
the circuit is z1. Now a capacitor of reactance 10
(C) V (D) 20 V
6 is connected in the series of above 2
combination, the impedance becomes z2 , Then
z1 Q.7 An alternating emf 100 cos 100 t volt is
will be-
z2 connected in series to a resistance of 10  and
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 5 : 4 (C) 4 : 5 (D) 2 : 1 inductance 100 mH, what is the phase difference
between the current in the circuit and the emf-
Q.3 An AC source is rated 220 V, 50 Hz. The
average voltage is calculated in a time 
(A) (B) zero
interval of 0.01 s, It -
(A) must be zero (B) may be zero

(C)  (D)
20 2
(C) is never zero (D) is volt .
2 1
Q.8 A coil having an inductance of henery is
Q.4 An AC ammeter is used to measure current 
connected in series with a resistance of 300 
in a circuit. When a given direct current
If 20 V from a 200 cycle/s source are impressed
passes through the circuit, the AC ammeter
across the combination. The power factor of the
reads 3A. When another alternating current
circuit will be-
passes through the circuit the AC ammeter
reads 4 A, then reading of this ammeter if 2 3 4 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
DC and AC f low through the circuit 5 5 5 3
simultaneously is-
(A) 3 A (B) 4 A Q.9 In an AC circuit, a resistance of R ohm is
(C) 7 A (D) 5 A. connected in series with an inductance L. If
Q.5 An inductor (L) and resistance (R) are phase angle between voltage and current be 45°,
connected in series with an AC source. The the value of inductive reactance will be-
phase difference between voltage (V) and (A) R/4
current (i) is 45°. Now a capacitor (C) is (B) R/2
connected in series with L-R, If the phase (C) R
difference between V and i remain same, then (D) Cannot be found with the given data
capacitive reactance and impedance of
L-C-R circuit will be-
Q.10 In LCR series AC circuit, the phase angle Q.16 In an AC circuit, the current lags behind the
between current and voltage is- voltage by /3. The components of the circuit
(A) any angle between 0 and ±/ 2 are-
(B) / 2 (A) R and L (B) L and C
(C)  (C) R and C (D) only R
(D) any angle between 0 and 
Q.17 A 10 ohm resistance, 5 mH coil and 10 F
Q.11 A coil has an inductance of 0.7 H and is joined capacitor are joined in series. When a suitable
in series with a resistance of 220 . When an
frequency alternating current source is joined
alternating e.m.f. of 220 V at 50 cps is applied
to it, then the wattless component of the current to the combination the circuit resonates.
in the circuit is- If the resistance is halved, the resonance
(A) 5 ampere (B) 0.5 ampere frequency-
(C) 0.7 ampere (D) 7 ampere (A) is halved
(B) is doubled
Q.12 A direct current of 2 A and an alternating current
having a maximum value of 2 A flow through two (C) remains unchanged
identical resistances. The ratio of heat produced
(D) is quadrupled
in the two resistances will be-
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 :2
Q.18 A conducting wire is stretched between the
(C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 1
poles of a magnet. There is a strong uniform
magnetic field in the region between the poles.
Q.13 An alternating voltage is connected in series
If an alternating current
with a resistance R and an inductance L. If the
potential drop across the resistance is 200 volt I = I0 sin t
and across the inductance is 150 volt, the is passed through the wire AB, the wire will-
applied voltage is- A
(A) 350 volt (B) 250 volt
(C) 500 volt (D) 300 volt
Q.14 An AC circuit using an inductor and a capacitor
in series has a maximum current. If L = 0.5 H
and C = 8 F, then the angular frequency of
(A) remain stationary
input AC voltage will be -
(B) be pulled towards north pole
(A) 500 (B) 5 × 105
(C) be pulled towards south pole
(C) 4000 (D) 5000
(D) vibrate with a frequency /2
Q.15 A resistor and an inductor are connected to an
Q.19 In an LR circuit, the inductive reactance is equal
AC supply of 120 volt and 50 Hz. The current in
the circuit is 3 ampere. If the power consumed to resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E = E0
in the circuit is 108 watt, then the resistance in cos t is applied to the circuit. The power
the circuit is- consumed in the circuit is-
(A) 12 ohm (B) 40 ohm (A) E 20 / R (B) E02 / 2R

(C) (52  28 ) ohm (D) 360 ohm (C) E02 / 4R (D) E02 / 8R

Q.20 The voltage of an AC supply varies with time (t) Q.21 Statement I : In series LCR circuit , the
as V = 120 sin 100 t cos 100t. The maximum resonance occurs at one frequency only.
voltage and frequency respectively are - Statement II : At this frequency, inductive
reactance is equal to capacitative reactance.
(A) 60 volt, 100 Hz (B) volt, 100 Hz
Q.22 Statement I : A glowing bulb becomes dim
(C) 120 volt, 100 Hz (D) 60 volt, 200 Hz
when an iron bar is put in the inductor in the
a.c. circuit.
Statements type question :
Statement II : Resistance of the circuit
Each of the questions given below consist of increases.
Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the
following Key to choose the appropriate Q.23 Statement I : A capacitor blocks d.c.
Statement II : This is because capacitative
(A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are 1 1
true, and Statement - II is the correct reactance of condenser is XC = = and
C 2fC
explanation of Statement– I. for d.c. f = 0.
(B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II are
true but Statement - II is not the correct Q.24 Statement I : In 220 V ; 50 Hz a.c. wall plug
peak value of alternating emf is 220 V.
explanation of Statement – I.
Statement II : Only rms value is specified.
(C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is
false. Q.25 Statement I : Series RLC circuit behaves as
RC circuit for f < fr .
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II is
Statement II : Because for f < fr capacitative
reactance is more than inductive reactance.

( Question asked in previous AIEEE & IIT-JEE)
SECTION - A Q.6 In an LCR series a.c. circuit, the voltage across
Q.1 The power factor of an A.C. circuit having each of the components, L, C and R is 50 V.
resistance (R) and inductance (L) connected in The voltage across the LC combination will
series and an angular velocity  is – be – [AIEEE-2004]
[AIEEE-2002] (A) 50 V (B) 50 2

(C) 100 V (D) 0 V (zero)
(A) (B)
L (R 2   2 L2 )1/ 2 Q.7 In a LCR circuit capacitance is changed from C
to 2C. For the resonant frequency to remain
L R unchanged, the inductance should be changed
(C) (D) from L to – [AIEEE-2004]
R (R   2 L2 )1/ 2

(A) 4 L (B) 2 L
(C) L/2 (D) L/4
Q.2 In a transformer, number of turns in the primary
are 140 and that in the secondary are 280. If Q.8 A circuit has a resistance of 12 ohm and an
current in primary is 4 A, then that in the impedance of 15 ohm. The power factor of the
circuit will be – [AIEEE-2005]
secondary is – [AIEEE-2002]
(A) 0.8 (B) 0.4
(A) 4 A (B) 2 A
(C) 1.25 (D) 0.125
(C) 6 A (D) 10 A
Q.9 The phase difference between the alternating
Q.3 Power factor of the circuit is –[AIEEE-2003] current and emf is /2. Which of the following
cannot be the constituent of the circuit ?
(A) C alone (B) R L
(C) L C (D) L alone

R R Q.10 In a series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage

(A) (B) 2 2 2
L R  L across R is 100 volts and R = 1 k with C = 2 F.
R The resonant frequency  is 200 rad/s. At reso-
(C) (D) none of these nance the voltage across L is –
R2   2L2
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.4 The core of any transformer is laminated so as (A) 250 V (B) 4 × 10–3 V
to – [AIEEE-2003] (C) 2.5 × 10–2 V (D) 40 V
(A) Make it light weight Q.11 In an a.c. circuit the voltage applied is
(B) Make it robust and strong E = E0 sint. The resulting current in the
(C) Increase the secondary voltage
(D) Reduce the energy loss due to eddy current  
circuit is I = I 0 sin  t   . The power
 2
Q.5 Alternating current can not be measured by D.C. consumption in the circuit is given by -
ammeter because – [AIEEE-2004] [AIEEE 2007]
(A) A.C. can not pass through D.C. Ammeter E0I0
(B) A.C. changes direction (A) P = (B) P = zero
(C) Average value of current for complete cycle
E 0I0
is zero (C) P = (D) P = 2 E 0I 0
(D) D.C. Ammeter will get damaged

Q.1 In an AC circuit phase difference between
current and potential is /4. The variation of
I & E Vs t is represented in the graph. If
E = E0 cos (100 t) , then components of the
circuit are – [IIT 2003]

(A) R=100, C=1µF (B) R=1k, C=10µF

(C) R=100; L=1H (D) R=1k; L=10H


Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. D A B B B C A D D C D D A A B C B A A A
Q. No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. B D C C C C A B C B C D B C A C A D D C
Q. No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. A D A B B C B C B C B C B B A C D B A D
Q. No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans. B D B A A D B B C C D D C C B A A C A D
Q. No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans. D B A D D A A D D D B C C C B C A B B A

Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. C C A A C D D B D B D D C C A A B A A B
Q. No. 21 22 23
Ans. B A B

Que s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ans. B A B D B C A B C A B C B A A A C D C
Que s. 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. A A C A D A

Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ans. B B B D C D C A B A B

Q. No. 1
Ans. B

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