Aibea: Indian Banks' Association Indian Banks' Association
Aibea: Indian Banks' Association Indian Banks' Association
Aibea: Indian Banks' Association Indian Banks' Association
Dated Dated
between between
Management of Certain Banks
(represented by Indian Banks' Association) (represented by Indian Banks' Association)
and and
their workmen their workmen
(represented by AIBEA, NCBE and INBEF) (represented by AIBEA, NCBE and INBEF)
Encashment of Privilege Leave 9 7 Classification of Areas 7 20
Applicability of Settlement - Special Area Allowance 8 21-22
to The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. 10 7 ‘B’ Class Banks 9 22
Special Leave 11 8 General 10 22
Date of Effect and Operation 12 8 Date of Effect 11 22-23
Interpretation 13 9 Interpretation 12 23
Schedule I : List of Parties Schedule 25
Schedule : List of Parlies 11
Schedule II : Special Area Allowance 26-31
Memorandum of Settlement Memorandum of Settlement dated 29th June. 1990 between
(dated 29th October, 1993) the Managements of 54 'A' Class Banks as represented by
CONTENTS the Indian Banks’ Association and their workmen as
Item Clause/s Page/s represented by the All
Short Recital of the Case 34 India Bank Employees Association.
Terms of Settlement I -II 36-37 (Under Section 2(p) and Section 18(1) of the Industrial
Branch Level Computerisation/ Disputes
Act, 1947 read with Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes
Mechanisation III 37-39
Administrative Offices IV 39
Rules 1957).
Communication and Networking V 39 Name of the Parties : 54 Banks which are on date ‘A’ Class
Automated Teller Machines VI 40 Banks and listed in Schedule to this
Note Counting Machines VII 40 Memorandum of Settlement
Signature Verification Equipment/ and
Pass Book Printers/Demand Draft Printers VIII 41 their workmen.
In-house Computer facilities IX 41 Representing the 1) Shri R Srinivasan
Work load for each operator X 41 Employers 2) Shri K Manmohan Shenoi
Single Window ‘concept XI 41 (Member Banks) 3) Shri N D Prabhu
ALPM/AEAM Operators XII 42 4) Shri M Gopalakrishnan
5) Shri M K Venkateswaran
Terminals at Customer Locations and
6) Shri C R Vaitheeswaran
Enquiry Terminals XIII 43
7) Shri J N Tandon
Increment/Fixed Personal Allowance XIV 43-44 8) Shri S A farooqi
Hosphalisation charges XV 45 9) Shri A V Rajagopalan
Special Allowance XVI 45 10) Dr. Surinder Mohan
Selection process for Computer Operators XVII 46 11) Shri R R Kothare
Other routine duties of Computer Operators XVIII 46 12) Shri Ramesh Mishra
Special provision for female Computer 13) Shri J S Bhatnagar
Operators XIX 46 14) Shri G Chandran
Selection of branches for Computerisation/ 15) Shri C Krishnamurthi
Mechanisation XX 47 16) Shri A K Bakhshy
17) Shri S D Kulkarni
Deployment of staff XXI 47
Unions to extend full Co-operation XXII 47
Duly authorised on behalf of the
Standing Committee to monitor and } Indian Banks’ Association
oversee the operations of the }
Computerisation/Mechanisation } XXIII 48 Representing the : 1. Shri D P Chadha
Operation of the Settlement XXIV-XXVI 48-49 Workmen 2. Shri P S Sundaresan
Schedule I : List of Banks 4. Shri P N Tewari
5. Shri L N Bhayal parties hereto that the provisions of the Fifth Bipartite
6. Shri Tarakeswar Chakraborti Settlement and earlier Settlements and Awards relating to
7. Shri N Sampath the subject matter of this Settlement shall stand modified to
8. Shri Sushil Ghosh the extent and in the manner set out hereinbelow.
9. Shri Rajinder Sayal (1) Scales of Pay
10. Shri R D Trivedi In partial modification of Clause 4 (A) of the Fifth Bipartite
11. Shri Sudesh Kumar Settlement dated 10th April, 1989, with effect from 1st
12. Shri S D Dhopeshwarkar January, 1990, the scales of pay shall be as under :-
13. Shri R V Panchayati (i) Subordinate Staff
14. Shri K Shreenivasan 815 - 20 - 835 - 25 - 860 - 30 - 980 - 35 - 1120 - 40
15. Shri T B Rai 1 1 4 4 4
All India Bank Employees Association 1280 - 45 - 1370 - 50 - 1520
2 3 (20 Years)
900 - 50 - 1000 - 75 - 1300 - 100 - 1700 - 110 -
WHEREAS 2 4 4 3
2030 - 120 - 2510 - 230 - 2740 - 120 - 2860
(a) A Settlement hereinafter referred to as Fifth Bipartite 4 1 1 (20 years)
Settlement was signed on 10th April,1989 between the Indian Note (a) Fitment in the modified scales of pay shall be on a
Banks’ Association (IBA) on behalf of its member banks stage to stage basis.
named in the Schedule thereto, on one hand and All India (b) There shall be no change in the dates of annual
Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) and National increments because of the fitment.
Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE) representing (2) Dearness Allowance
workmen employees of the banks on the other. In partial modification of Clause 5(ii) of the Fifth Bipartite
(b) The Fifth Bipartite Settlement which was effective from 1st Settlement dated 10th April, 1989, the dearness allowance,
November,1987 was for a period of 5 years. with effect from 1st November,1987 shall be payable to
(c) Soon after the signing of the Fifth Bipartite Settlement the Clerical Staff at the following rates :
All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) sought’ further (a) 0.67% of ‘pay’ up to Rs.2500/- plus
improvements in the settled terms on the grounds of relativity (b) 0.55% of ‘pay’ above Rs.2500/-
affected by certain subsequent developments. Note: All other existing provisions relating to Dearness Allowance
(d) The IBA was not agreeable for any modifications in the terms Scheme shall remain unchanged.
of the Fifth Bipartite Settlement before the expiry of 5 year (3) House Rent Allowance :
period. In partial modification of Clause 7 of the Fifth Bipartite
(e) In the negotiations that was finally agreed to make Settlement dated 10th April, 1989, with effect from 1st
some improvements under certain heads of the Fifth January, 1990 the minimum and the maximum house rent
Bipartite Settlement and to resolve some other issues. allowance payable shall be as under:
(f) Conclusions thus reached were initialed on 6th June, .1990 Rate as Minimum Maximum
and it was agreed by the parties to sign a formal settlement Percen- Rs. Rs.
in this regard subsequently. tage of per per
(g) Now it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the Area Pay month month
2 3
(ii) For workmen who have
(i) Special Places and Semi 12 120 350 completed 5 years service
Special Places and above : Rs.700/- p.a.
(ii) Places with population 10 105 300 and
of 2 . lakhs and over
reimbursement of hospitalisation
(other than Special and
Semi-Special Places) and
charges to the extent of 90% for
State Capitals and self and 60% for dependents
Capitals of Union Territories. or
(iii) Places with population 8 90 250 (2) (i) For workmen with service upto
of 10,000 and over but 5 years till the completion of the
below 2 lakhs 5th year : Rs.380/- p. a.
(iv) Places with population 6 1/2 80/- 200/ (ii) For workmen who have
of less than 10,000 completed 5 years service
Note: All other existing provisions relating to House Rent Allowance and above : Rs.530/- p.a.
shall remain unchanged. and
(4) Graduation Increments reimbursement of hospitalisation
On and from 1st July, 1990 Clause 10 of the Fifth Bipartite charges to the extent of 100%
Settlement shall stand deleted and employees who are in for self and 75% for dependents
receipt of graduation allowance in terms of this clause shall Note : The option (2) will be available to employees in those banks
be granted two additional increments in lieu of the allowance alone where a scheme for reimbursement of hospitalisation
without affecting their future date of annual increment. charges better than as stated in option (1) already exists.
Graduate employees recruited or promoted to clerical cadre (6) Leave Fre Concession
or non-graduates who acquire such qualifications on or after From 1st July, 1990 a member of subordinate staff may
1st July,1990 shall also be granted two additional increments, travel by First Class Rail, while availing of the Leave Fare
as per the provision existing prior to the Fifth Bipartite Concession; reimbursement for the same however, shall
Settlement. be restricted to the overall entitlement calculated on the basis
Consequently, with effect from 1st July, 1990 Note(a) to of second class fare for the eligible distance.
Schedule II(A) of the Fifth Bipartite Settlement on “Special (7) Payment of Overtime
Allowances for Clerical Staff, shall stand deleted. While the The overtime allowance, if any, paid to the employees for
provisions under Note(b) shall remain operative, the serial the overtime work performed uptil 30th June, 1990, shall
number thereof (i.e. (b) ) shall stand deleted. not be recalculated on account of modifications made in
5. Medical Aid this Settlement.
With effect from 1st January, 1990 the reimbursement of (8) Accumulatlon of Privilege Leave
.expenses under medical aid scheme and reimbursement In partial modification to Clause 21 of the Settlement dated
of: hospitalisation expenses shall be restricted to either (1) 31st October, 1979, privilege leave accruing to an employee
or on or after 1st January,1990 shall be allowed to be
(2) below: accumulated beyond 180 days upto a maximum of 240
(1) (i) For workmen with service upto days.
5 years till the completion of the (9) Encashment of Privilege Leave
5th year : Rs.500/- p. a. It is clarified that with effect from 1st January,1990, in terms
4 5
of Clause 15 of the Settlement dated 31st October, 1979, a of any of the provision of this Settlement the matter will be
workman at the time of his retirement, or his heirs, in the taken up only at the level of the Indian Banks’ Association
event of his death would be entitled to encash the and the All India Bank Employees Association for discussion
accumulated privilege leave upto the maximum of 240 days. and settlement.
(10) Applicability of Settlement
to The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. For Indian Banks’ Association
It is agreed that the Fifth Bipartite Settlement dated 10th (S/Shri)
April, 1989, shall be binding on the Management and the R Srinivasan
workmen employees of The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd., and S A Farooqi
its various provisions will be implemented from the dates C R Vaitheeswaran
specified therein. A V Rajagopalan
(11) Special Leave R R Kothare
It is clarified that the facility of special leave as provided for G Chandran
in Clause 13.39 of the First Bipartite Settlement dated 19th A K Bakhshy
October 1966 shall be available to the AIBEA, NCBE and
INBEF. For All India Bank Employees Association
(12) Date of Effect and Operation (S/Shri)
(i) The provisions of this settlement which are to be read in D P Chadha
conjunction with and are co-terminous with the said Fifth P S Sundaresan
Bipartite Settlement dated 10th April,1989, shall come into P N Tewari
effect from the date specified against each clause. The Tarakeswar Chakraborti
arrears, if any, payable under this Settlement shall be N Sampath
disbursed within a period of sixty days from the date of this R D Trivedi
(ii) The terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern Witness : (S/Shri)
and bind the parties even thereafter,until the Settlement is S D Kulkarni Sushil Ghosh
terminated by either party giving to the other a statutory notice V S VASAN K Shreenivasan
as prescribed in law for the time being in force.
(iii) The AIBEA on behalf-of the workmen agrees that during the c c to : (1) Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central)
operation of this Settlement the workmen will not raise any (2) Regional Labour Commissioner (Central)
demand of any nature whatsoever on any of the banks in (3) Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) New Delhi
respect of matters covered by this Memorandum of (4) The Secretary to the Government of India. Ministry of
Settlement. Labour, New Delhi.
(iv) Copies of the Memorandum of Settlement shall be jointly
forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed in Rule 58 LIST OF BANKS SCHEDULE
of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 so that terms 1. Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.
and conditions thereof are binding on the parties as provided 2. Allahabad Bank
in law. 3. American Express Bank Ltd.,
(13) Interpretation 4. Andhra Bank
If there is any difference of opinion regarding interpretation 5. Bank of America NT & SA
6 7
6. Bank of Baroda 46. State Bank of Patiala
7. Bank of India 47. State Bank of Saurashtra
8. Bank of Maharashtra 48. State Bank of Travancore
9. The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd., 49. Syndicate Bank
10. The Bank of Tokyo Ltd., 50. UCO Bank
11. Banque Nationale De Paris 51. Union Bank of India
12. Bareilly Corporation Bank Ltd., 52. United Bank of India
13. The Benares State bank Ltd., 53. Vijaya Bank
14. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd., 54. The Vysya Bank Ltd.,
15. The British Bank of the Middle East The National Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE) and The
16. Canara Bank Indian National Bank Employees Federation (INBEF) signed
17. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd., Settlements with the Indian Banks’ Association separately on 29th
18. Central Bank of India June, 1990. The terms of the Settlements are the same as printed
19. Citibank N.A. here.
20. Corporation Bank
21. Dena Bank
22. The Federal Bank Ltd..
23. ANZ Grindlays Bank p.l.c
24. The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
25. Indian Bank
26. Indian Overseas Bank
27. The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd.,
28. Karnataka Bank Ltd.,
29. The Karur Vysysa Bank Ltd.,
30. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.,
31. Mitsui Taiyo Kobe Bank Ltd.,
32. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd.,
33. New Bank of India
34. Oriental Bank of Commerce
35. Punjab National Bank
36. Punjab and Sind Bank
37. The Sangli Bank Ltd..
38. Sonali Bank
39. The South Indian Bank Ltd.,
40. Standard Chartered Bank
41. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
42. State Bank of Hyderabad
43. State Bank of India
44. State Bank of Indore
45. State Bank of Mysore
8 9
MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT dated 16th July, 1991 6) Shri Tarakeswar Chakraborti
between the Managements of 57 Banks as represented by 7) Shri N Sampath
the Indian Banks’ Association and their workmen as 8) Shri Sushil Ghosh
represented by the All India Bank Employees Association. 9) Shri Rajinder Sayal
Under Section 2(p) and Section 18(1) of The Industrial Disputes 10) Shri R D Trivedi
Act, 1947, read with Rule 58 of The Industrial Disputes (Central) 11) Shri Sudesh Kumar
Rules 1957) 12) Shri S D Dhopeshwarkar
Name of the Parties: 54 Banks which are on date ‘A’ Class 13) Shri R V Panchayati
Banks and 3 Banks which are on date 14) Shri K Shreenivasan
‘B’ Class Banks which are listed in 15 Shri T B Rai
Schedule-I to this Memorandum of All India Bank Employees Association
their workmen WHEREAS
Representing the 1) Shri P S Gopalakrishnan (a) The Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) on behalf of the member
Employer 2) Shri M N Goiporia bank named in the Schedule to the respective Memorandum
(Member Banks) 3) Shri N D Prabhu of Settlements signed with the All India Bank Employees
4) Shri K R Nayak Association (AIBEA) representing the workmen employees
5) Shri R L Wadhwa of the banks on l0th April, 1989, 3rd February, 1990, 29th
6) Shri C R Vaitheeswaran June, 1990 and 13th October, 1990 regarding various terms
7) Shri M K Venkateswaran and conditions of their service.
8) Shri M Ram Mohan Rao (b) In the Memorandum of Settlement dated 10th April, 1989,
9) Shri Surinder Mohan the parties had agreed that the issues/demands not covered
10) Shri A V Rajagopalan by the above mentioned Settlement - hereinafter called
11) Shri R R Kothare residual issues shall be mutually discussed with a view to
12) Shri K Ruknuddin arriving at a negotiated settlement.
13) Shri Ramesh Mishra (c) The parties accordingly negotiated the said demands on
14) Shri K Thanu Pillai residual issues on serveral occasions and reached an
15) Shri JS Bhatnagar agreement in respect of the said residual issues.
16) Shri G Chandran (d) The parties agree that the residual issues in respect of which
17) Shri C Krishnamurthy agreement has been reached be recorded in the settlement
18) Shri A K Bakhshy so as to be binding on them in terms of Section 18(1) of The
Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
Duly authorised on behalf of the NOW, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED by and
Indian Banks’ Association between the parties hereto as under:-
Representing the 1) Shri D P Chadha TERMS OF SETTLEMENT
Workmen 2) Shri P S Sundaresan 1. Halting Allowance
3) Shri P L Syal In supersession of Clause 3 of the Memorandum of
4) Shri P N Tewari Settlement dated 5th January, 1987, with effect from 1st
5) Shri L N Bhayal June, 1991, halting allowance shall be payable at the following
10 11
rates for the days spent on duty outside the headquarters :- the maximum as under -
Higher Lower Non (i) By public taxi Rs.2.10 per km.
CCA CCA CCA (ii) By autorickshaw Rs.0.80 per km.
Centres Centres Centres Note :
(a) Normally services of ambulance should te availed of.
Non Sub-Staff Rs.75/- Rs. 60/- Rs.55/-
Where ambulance is not available or the facility of
per diem per diem per diem
ambulance is not established, public mode of
Sub-Staff Rs.60/- Rs.45/- Rs.40/- transport i.e. taxi/autorickshaw could be used. The
per diem per diem per diem management shall consider such claims on merits
2. Cycle Allowance and facts.
In supersession of Clause 1O of the Memorandum of (b) Reimbursement of expenses on ambulance or public
Settlement dated 31st October, 1979, with effect from 1st taxi/autorickshaw are admissible within the municipal
January,’ 1990, cycle allowance shall be payable to limits/urban agglomeration/nearest hospital.
members of the subordinate staff who are required to use a (c) Abuse of the facility will be dealt with treating such
cycle on regular assignment for outdoor duties at the
claims as acts of gross misconduct.
following rates:— (II) In partial modification of item 13, reimbursement of medical
Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta, Madras Rs.30.00 p.m. expenses towards treatment under the recognised system
All other places Rs.25.00 p.m. of medicine such as Ayurvedic, Homeopathy and Naturopaty
3. Split Duty Allowance shall be considered cnly if such treatment is taken in a clinic/
In partial modification of Clause 13 of the Memorandum of hospital recognised by , the Central/State Government.
Settlement dated 31st October, 1979, with effect from 1st Further such reimbursement shall be limited to such
January, 1990, split duty allowance shall be payable as expenses within the prescribed ceilings as would have been
under:- reimbursable in case the treatment was taken in a
At CCA Centres - Rs.30.00 p.m. Government/Municipal hospital, subject to the overall limits
At Non-CCA Centres - Rs.25.00 p.m. under the scheme i.e. 90% of approved expenses for self
4. Reimbursement of Road Travel and 60% in case of family. The above provisions shall come
In supersession of Clause 11 of Memorandum of Settlement into force from 1st June, 1991.
dated 5th January, 1987, with effect from 1st June, 1991, 6. Leave Fare Concession
where an employee has to travel on duty/leave fare (i) In partial modification of Clause 8(i) and (ii) of the
concession between two places not connected or partly Memorandum of Settlement dated 5th January, 1987,
connected by rail or steamer he shall be reimbursed actual (a) For availment of LFC under 2 year block for visit to
road mileage costs or @ 50 paise per km., whichever is any place within India, the maximum permissible
lower. distance shall be 1500 kms.
5. Hospitalisation Scheme (b) For availment of LFC under 4 year block, the maximum
(I) Ambulance Charges permissible distance shall be 3000 kms.
In partial modification to item 11 of Schedule III to the (ii) In supersession of Clause X(i) of the Memorandum of
Memorandum of Settlement dated lOth April, 1989 detailing Settlement dated 17th September, 1984, workmen
“Guidelines for Reimbursement of Hospitalisation employees eligible -for leave fare concession shall be given
Expenses”, actual expenses incurred on conveyance by one more option to choose between 2 year or 4 year block
mode other than ambulance shall be reimbursed subject to for availment of leave fare concession. The employees shall
12 13
be allowed to exercise option within a period of 90 days The above provisions shall come into force from 1st June. 1991.
from the date of the Settlement. 7. Classification of Area
(iii) In partial modification of Clause 23(d) of the Memorandum In partial modification of Clause 3.1 of the Memorandum of
of Settlement dated 31st October, 1979, encashment of Settlement dated 19th October, 1966, with effect from 1st
privilege leave while proceeding on leave fare concession’ June, 1989, Delhi will also comprise of areas covered by
shall be permitted as under : — (a) for availment of LFC Gurgaon Urban Agglomeration.
under 2 year block-maximum 15 days either in each block Note
or 30 days in one block. (b) for availment of LFC under 4 For all administrative purposes including payment of halting
year block-maximum 30 days, allowance all places forming part of Delhi including Gurgaon
(iv) The following proviso be added to Clause X(2) of the (U.A.) shall be treated as one composite area.
Memorandum of Settlement dated 17th September,1984: 8. Special Area Allowance
Provided that travel by II Class AC be permitted to an In substitution of Clause 9 of Memorandum of Settlement
employee other than a member of the subordinate staff when dated 8th September 1983, Clause 1 of the Memorandum
availing leave fare concession if no train with I Class facility of Settlement dated 5th January, 1987 and Clause 16 of the
is available to the place of destination, within the eligible Memorandum of Settlement dated 10th April 1989, the
fare”. special area allowance shall with effect from 1st January,
(v) In partial modification of Clause IV(iii) of the Memorandum 1990 be payable at places specified in Column 1 of the
of Settlement dated 8th November, 1973, actual journey Schedule II hereto, as per the quantum indicated in column
expenses by bullock cart/pony/camel ferry boat for that part 2 thereof against each such place, subject to the following
of the journey which of necessity is to be covered by one of conditions :-
these means of transport in the absence of train/steamer 1. The allowance shall be payable as stipulated only till
or bus service shall be reimbursed, subject to production of such time as there is no direction to the contrary from
satisfactory evidence in respect of such journey to the the Government and thereafter subject to such
nearest railway station/steamer halt/bus link with a directions as applicable to officers in nationalised banks
maximum of Rs.1.50 per km.. from time to time. Such directions shall also apply to
(vi) Conveyance expenses within the prescribed rates, from workmen staff; the change in quantum of allowance/
residence to nearest railway station/bus stand/airport/docks rates however, shall be negotiated and settled between
and vice versa as also similar expenses at the place of the parties on the basis of the existing pattern.
destination shall be reimbursed under leave fare concession 2. If at any of the places mentioned in column 1 of the
facility within the overall entitlement of the employee. Schedule II hereto, hill and fuel allowance is payable in
(vii) In terms of Clause 5(A) (i) of the Memorandum of Settlement terms of Clause 15 of the Memorandum of Settlement
dated 5th January, 1987, it is clarified that the dependent dated 10th April 1989, then at such places only the
parents, inter alia, shall ordinarily reside with the employee higher of the two allowances shall be payable.
to be eligible for availment of LFC. An employee may, Where however on 31.12.1989 if any workman at the
however, claim LFC in respect of dependent parents not specified place was receiving a quantum of special area
ordinarily residing with the employee by giving a suitable allowance (called by any name whatever) or quantum
declaration and satisfactory evidence of such dependency. of aggregate of special area allowance and hill and fuel
(viii) The words “and b” be added after the words "paragraph(a)” allowance, higher than payable as per column 2 of
to Clause 23(e) of the Memorandum of Settlement dated Schedule II hereto the difference in such quantum shall
31st October, 1979. be protected and paid as an adjusting .allowance on
14 15
month to month basis. 1957, so that the terms and conditions hereof are
3. The adjusting allowance referred to above shall cease binding on the parties as provided in law.
to be payable to an employee when he ceases to draw 12. Interpretation
special area allowance and/or hill and fuel allowance If there is any difference of opinion regarding interpretation
consequent on his transfer or posting elsewhere or of any of the provisions of this Settlement, the matter will be
stoppage of payment of the said allowance/s at that taken up only at the level of the Indian Banks’ Association
place. and the All India Bank Employees Association.
9. ‘B’ Class Bank
The parties to this Settlement which are also parties to the FOR INDIAN BANKS’ ASSOCIATION
Memorandum of Settlements dated 3rd February, 1990 and Sd/-(S/Shri)
13th October, 1990 in respect of ‘B’ Class Banks, further P. S. Gopalakrishnan
agree that modifications as brought out in the paragraphs M.N. Goiporia
hereinabove shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to the R L Wadhwa
workmen employees of ‘B’ Class Banks, names of which M K Venkateswaran
are given in the enclosed Schedule. M Ram Mohan Rao
10. General H R Jani
The parties agree that the other terms and conditions of A V Rajagopalan
service of workmen employees as laid down in the • Awards/ R R Kothare
various Settlement, shall continue to be operative in the Ramesh Mishra
manner provided therein save and except to the extent and Noble Powar
the manner in which they are modified/amended/superceded G Chandran
by this Settlement. C Krishnamurthi
11. Date of Effect A K Bakhshy
(1) The provisions under this Memorandum of Settlement Dr. Surinder Mohan
shall come into effect from the date specified against
each clause and shall be co-terminous with the FOR ALL INDIA BANK EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION
Memorandum of Settlement dated 10th April, 1989.
The parties however, agree that the terms and Sd/-(S/Shri)
conditions hereof shall continue to govern and bind D P CHADHA
the parties even thereafter, until the Settlement is P S SUNDARESAN
terminated by either party giving to the other a statutory P N TEWARI
notice as prescribed in law for the time being in force. TARAKESWAR CHAKRABORTI
(2) The All India Bank Employees Association on behalf N SAMPATH
of the workmen agree that during the operation of this R D TRIVEDI
Settlement the workmen shall not raise any demand
of any nature whatsoever in respect of any of the Witness :
matters covered by this Memorandum of Settlement. (MRS.) H N SHROFF SHRI SUSHIL GHOSH
(3) Copies of the Memorandum of Settlement will be jointly
forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed in
Rule 58 of The Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules
16 17
D R BADE K SHREENIVASAN 32. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd.,
33. New Bank of India
c.c. 1. Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central) 34. Oriental Bank of Commerce
2. Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) 35. Punjab National Bank
3. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), New Delhi 36. Punjab and Sind Bank
4. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of 37. The Sangli Bank Ltd.,
Labour, New Delhi 38. Sonali Bank
SCHEDULE I 39. The South Indian Bank Ltd.,
LIST OF ‘A’ CLASS BANKS 40. Standard Chartered Bank
1. Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. 41. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
2. Allahabad Bank 42. State Bank of Hyderabad
3. American Express Bank Ltd., 43. State Bank of India
4. Andhra Bank 44. State Bank of Indore
5. Bank of America NT & SA 45. State Bank of Mysore
6. Bank of Baroda 46. State Bank of Patiala
7. Bank of India 47. State Bank of Saurashtra
8. Bank of Maharashtra 48. State Bank of Travancore
9. The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd., 49. Syndicate Bank
10. The Bank of Tokyo Ltd., 50. UCO Bank
11. Banque National De Paris 51. Union Bank of India
12. Bareilly Corporation Bank Ltd., 52. United Bank of India
13. The Benares State Bank Ltd., 53. Vijaya Bank
14. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd., 54. The Vysya Bank Ltd.,
15. The British Bank of the Middle East
16. Canara Bank LIST OF ‘B’ CLASS BANKS
17. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.,
18. Central Bank of India 1. Kashi Nath Seth Bank Ltd.,
19. Citibank N.A. 2. Lord Krishna Bank Ltd.,
20. Corporation Bank 3. Nainital Bank Ltd.,
21. Dena Bank
22. The Federal Bank Ltd.,
23. Grindlays Bank p.I.e.
24. The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
25. Indian Bank
26. Indian Overseas Bank
27. The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.,
28. Karnataka Bank Ltd.,
29. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.,
30. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.,
31. The Mitsui Taiyo Kobe Bank Ltd.,
18 19
SCHEDULE II 8. Tripura
(a) Difficult areas of
SPECIAL AREA ALLOWANCE Tripura 125 200 275 400 525
(b) Throughout Tripura 75 150 225 300 375
Column I Column II except Difficult Areas
9. Manipur 75 150 225 300 375
Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic 1O. Arunachal Pradesh
pay pay of pay of pay of pay of a. Difficult Areas of 150 250 350 500 650
below Rs. 950 Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 Rs. 3000 Arunachal Pradeah
RS.95O and and and and above b. Throughout Arunachal
above above above
Pradesh except
but but but
below below below
difficult areas 125 200 275 400 525
11. Jammu & Kashmir
Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 Rs. 3000
(i) Kathua District
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
a. Niabat Bani 150 250 350 500 650
1. Mizoram
b. Lohi
a) Chimptuipui District 150 250 350 500 650
c. Malhar
of Mizoram and areas
d. Machhodi
beyond 25 kms. from
(ii) Udhampur District 150 250 350 500 650
Lunoali Town in Lunglei
a. Dudu Basantgarh)
District of Mizoram
b. Lender Bhamag
b) Throughout Lunglei 125 200 275 400 525
District excluding areas
c. Thakrakote
beyond 25 kms. from
d. Nagote
Lunglei town of Mizoran
Tehsil Mahore
c) Throughout Aizawal 75 150 225 300 375
i. For Areas upto 125 200 275 400 525
District of Mizoram
Gool from Kanban
2. Nagaland 125 200 275 400 525
side and areas
3. Andaman & Nicobar Islands
upto Anas from
a. South Andaman 125 200 275 400 525
Keasi side
(including Port Blair)
ii. For the 150 250 350 500 650
b. North & Middle 150 250 350 500 650
rest of
the areas
Little Andaman,
(iii) Doda District 150 250 350 500 650
Nicobar &
a. Illaquas of )
Narcondum Islands
Padder in )
4. Sikkim 125 200 275 400 525
Kishtwar Tehsil
5. Lakshawdeep Islands 150 225 350 500 650
b. Niabat Nowgam in
6. Assam 20 40 60 80 100
Kishtwar Tehsil
7. Maghalaya 20 40 60 80 100
20 21
iv) Leh District Gram Panchayats
a) Zansiar, Noyama & Nobre 150 250 350 500 650 of Munish Darkali
b) All other places in the District 125 200 275 400 525 and Kashapat of
(v) Bamulla District Rampur Tehsil of
a) Entire Gurez- 150 250 350 500 650 Simla District
Niabat, Tangdar l.f Pargana of Pandrabis 150 250 350 500 650
Sub-Division of Kulu District
and Koran Ilaqua l.g Chhota Bhangal and 150 250 350 500 650
b) Matchill 125 200 275 400 525 Bara Bhangal
vi) Poonch and area of Palampur
Rajouri District 75 150 225 300 375 Sub-Division of
Areas in Poonch and Kangra District
Rajouri Districts l.h Jnandru Panchayat 150 250 350 500 650
excluding the towns area of Bhatiyat
of Poonch and Rajouri Tehsil of Chamba
and Sunderbani and District
other Urban areas l.i Mahog, Sarhan, 150 250 350 500 650
in the two Districts Gopalpur, Teban,
(vii) Areas not included 75 150 225 300 375 Pokhi, Nauj, Khanoj,
in (i) to (vi) above, Bagra, Sainj Mahudi
but which are within and Balidhar Panchayats
the distance of 8 kms. of Kersog Tehsil
from the line of Actual l.j Simla Town and 150 250 350 500 650
Control or at places which
may be declared as its suburbs (Mashobra,
cllasifying for border Dhalli,Taradevi,
allowance from time to Kasumbpti, Jatog
time by the State Government and Tutu)
for their own staff l.k Gram Panchayat 150 250 350 500 650
12. Himachal Pradesh Deothi (Taklech areas)
1.a Pangi Sub-Division 150 250 350 500 650 and Parganas of Naubis
of Chamba District Sarhan and Barabis of
1.b Bharmour Sub- 150 250 350 500 650 Rampur Tehsil of
division of Simla District
Chamba District 1.1 Chhuhar Valley of 150 250 350 500 650
1.c Lahaul & Spiti District 150 250 350 500 650 Jogindernagar Tehsil,
1 .d Kinaur District 150 250 350 500 650 Panchayats of Battoo,
l.e Dodra-Kawar Tehsil 150 250 350 500 650 Bagraa, Chatri, Thachadhar
and Parganas of Garagus Main, Kalhani,
Chhaibis, Pandrabis Thana Silibagi Chhetdhar,
22 23
Chanvar, Tachi, Johar quarters of
Kholanal, Somachan Loth Uttarkashi
Jaryar, Janjehli and 2. Other areas of
Kalwanr of Thunag Tensil Districts of
of Mandi District Pithoragarh and 75 150 225 300 375
l.m Mangal Panchayat 150 250 350 500 650 Uttarkashi (including
area of Solan District District teadquarters
1.n. Outer—Saraj and 150 250 350 500 650 of Uttarkashi)
Malana Panchayat area * includes stagnation increment
of Kulu District
l.o Trans-Giri Tract of 150 250 350 500 650 The National Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE) and The
Sirmour District Indian National Bank Employees Federation (INBEF) signed
2.a Janjehli Block 75 150 225 300 375 Settlements with the Indian Banks’ Association separately on 16th
(excluding arm July, 1991. The terms of the Settlements are the same as printed
covered in 1 (1) here.
above Chactoit Teh
of Mandi District
2.b Trah Chapal Tehsil 75 150 225 300 375
of Simla District
2.c Churah Tehsil of 75 150 225 300 375
Chamba District
2.d Munr Panchayat and 75 150 225 300 375
Balaj Paryana of
Chamba District
2.e Dalnousie Town 75 150 225 300 375
2.f Rampur Tehsil 75 150 225 300 375
2.g Karsog Tehsil Minus 75 150 225 300 375
the Panchayat indicated
under (l.i) above
3. Manali-Ujhi areas, parvati 20 40 60 80 100
and Lagg Valley and
Banjar Block of Kulu District
13. Uttar Pradesh
l.a Chamoli Dist
l.b Dharchula
I.c Munsiyari 150 250 350 500 650
1.d Bhatwari
Blocks (except
District head
24 25
MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT dated the 29th October, 10. Shrl R D Trivedl
1993 between the management of 58 banks a represented 11. Shri Rajlnder Syal
by the Indian Banks' Association and their workmen as 12. Shri S D Dhopeshwarkar
represented by the All India Bank Employees Association 13. Shrt K Sreenivasan
(Under Section 2(p) and Section 18(1) of the Industrial 14. Shrl R V Panchaity
Dispute Act, 1947 read with Rule 58 of the Industrial 15. Shri T B Ral
Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957) All India Bank Employees’ Association
Names of the Parties : 58 banks listed In Schedule I to this
Memorandun of Settlement SHORT RECITAL OP THE CASE
and their workmen.
Representing the : 1. Shrt J V Shetty WHEREAS
Employers 2. Shrl S P Talwar (a) Indian Bank Association (IBA representing the employers
(Member Banks) 3. Shrl G S Dahotre (member banks) entered Into various settlements on
4. Shrl Rashld Jllanl computerisation and mechanisation as detailed below with
5. Shrt D Basu some of the unions representing workman in the banking
6. Shri Ramesh Mishra Industry -
7. Dr. Surinder Mohan Bipartite Settlement (Chapter VI) 19.10.1966
8. Shrl J N Tandon First Bipartite Settlement on 08.09.1983
9. Shrl S Dalblr Stngh Computerisation & Mechanisation
10. Shri C N Kulkarnl Second Bipartite Settlement on 29.03.1987
11. Shrl A V Rajagopalan Computerisation & Mechanisation
12. Shri B M Mlttal Third Bipartite Settlement on 10.04.1989
13. Shrl M N Dandekar Computerisation & Mechanisation
14. Shri G Laxminarayana (b) Vide clause 22 of the Second Bipartite Settlement on
15. Shri T S Ramakrishna Computerisation and Mechanisation dated 29th March, 1987,
16. Shri C Krishnamurthi It was agreed that further extension of Mechanisation/
17. Shri Noble Powar Computerisation In the Industry will be reviewed by the parties
18. Shrl A K Bakhshy after expiry of a period of three years from the 8th
19. Shri B D Sumltra September, 1986 and a fresh agreement entered into within
Duly authorised on behalf of a period of six months thereafter. . ‘
the Indian Banks’ Association c) During the wage negotiations for Fifth Bipartite Settlement,
Representing the 1. Shrl D P Chadha 1BA sought on an Interim basis, some enlargement in the
Workmen 2. Shrl P L Syal scope of computerisation and mechanisation in the banking
3. Shri P S Sundaresan industry.
4. Shrl P N Tiwarl Keeping in view the urgency of the matter as brought out by
5. Shri L N Bhayal the 1BA as well as the desirability to review the Settlement
6. Shrl Tarakeswar Chakrabortl at the appropriate time as contended by the Unions, it was
7. Shri N Sampath agreed that only an interim provision In this regard be made
8. Shrl Sudesh Kuaar for the year 1989 and accordingly an interim settlement dated
9. Shri Sushil Ghosh 10th April, 1989 (Third Bipartite Settlement on
26 27
Computerisation and MechanisatIon) was signed. notwithstanding anything contrary to It provided In the bank
d) In most of the’foreign banks and in a few public sector and level settlement.
private sector banks, bank level agreements/settlements/ (a) The revised operators allowance.
understanding have taken place providing for much higher (b) Advance increment to employees who did not receive any
form of computerisation than what is provided in industry such increment because of their joining the service after
level settlements as quoted in (a) above. the specified date or for any other reason.
e) The parties have since discussed the demands/issues on (c) Improvements in medical benefits where the bank level
several occasions and have come to an understanding in settlements do not provide for any such improvement or
the context of growing volume of bank transactions, the the package is less beneficial than what Is provided in this
growing needs of customer service and the need to maintain settlement.
competitive edge of banks operation in India In current global (d) Where part of advance Increment has been released, the
environment. balance may be released with effect from 1st November,
NOW THEREFORE, It is hereby agreed by and between Provided, however, that personal allowance wherever
the parties hereto as follow : payable inclusive of D.A. etc. as per bank level settlements
TERMS OF SETTLEMENT shall be frozen with D.A. as on 31st October, 1993 in respect
I. This Settlement in supersession of all previous industry level of all such employee who have not yet crossed the last stage
bipartite settlements on computerisation and mechanisation in the regular scale of pay.
referred to in Para (a) of the Preamble of this settlement but Ill Branch Level Computerisation/Mechanisation
will not affect any subsistent bank level agreements/ Banks may partly or fully computerise/mechanise some or
settlements/understandings entered on computerisation and all operations in branches specified below :-
mechanisation between the concerned banks and their bank (a) Branches located In Urban, Metrpolltan centre and those
level union unless specifically agreed between the concerned falling within urban agglomeration and peripheral territories
banks and bank level unions. which are treated on par with metropolitan and urban centre
II. The banks and the unions which have entered into bank for the purpose of payment of HRA/CCA with average daily
level agreements/settlements/understandings on number of vouchers of 750 or more per day calculated on
computerisation and mechanisation and are also party to an average of 52 preceding weeks.
this settlement may computerise/mechanise as per the (b) Branches not covered by (a) Above but categorised as
provision of this Settlement by terminating jointly the bank specialised branches carrying out ‘special functions’ such
level agreement/settlement/understanding. In such cases as, industrial Finance/Corporate Banking, Foreign
all the monetary benefits available under the bank level Exchange/Overseas Banking, Non-Resident Indian Banking,
settlements shall be substituted by the benefits available, Credit Card Transactions, Merchant Banking/Capital Market,
under this settlement with effect from 1st November, 1993. etc.
Under no circumstances dual monetary benefit shall be (c) Non-business branches/offices carrying out ‘special
extended to the employee of such banks. functions’ such as clearing transactions, regional collections,
Note : drafts payable, central accounting, etc.
It is clarified that the following benefits available under this
settlement shall be available to employees in banks which Note :
terminate the bank level settlements and adopt the industry
level settlement with effect from 1st November, 1993 Nomenclature relating to special functions Mentioned in (b) and
28 29
(c) above may vary from bank to bank. at on the last day of the
preceding accounting year
(d) Offices which are established as a spin off or extension (ii) banks with total number of 0.5 - with a
counter of parent branches which are otherwise ‘eligible’ branches exceeding 500 as minimum of 5
branches. on the last day of the
(e) In addition to the above, each bank may partlyor fully preceding accounting year
computerise/machanise every year branches as under :- Banks which have, on the date of this settlement, already
(i) banks with total number 1% with a Installed and/or are In the process of Installing bankwlse
of branches not exceeding minimum of automated teller machines In excess of the norms given
500 as on the last day of 3 branches above may, however, continue with such automated teller
the preceding accounting every year machine.
year VII Note Counting Machine
(ii) banks with total 0.5% with a Automatic Note Counting Machines may also be used by
number of branches minimum of clerical cadre employees at all currency chests. In addition
exceeding 500 as on 5 branches Note Counting Machines may also be used by clerks/
the last day of the every year cashiers In one branch for every 100 branches of the bank
preceding accounting covering different zones.
year VIII Signature Verification Equipment/Pas Book Printers/
IV Administrative Offices Demand Draft Printers
Administrative offices other than branches specified in Signature Verification Equipment, Pass Book Printers and
Clause (iii) above may use as considered necessary by the Demand Draft Printers besides normal printers may be
management, computers and other office automation Installed at eligible branches as specified in Clause III above
equipments. at the discretion of the management
V Communication and Networking IX Banks shall use In-house computer facilities. Banks may,
Banks may optimally utilise the communication facilities however, utilise the services of outside agencies In case of
made available by BANKNET, I-NET,SWIFT, etc., including masterfile creation and In emergencies such as .
PSDN (Telephone lines), Satellite Communication Channel, breakdowns, unforseen circumstances for temporary
etc., for better communication between its branches/ offices periods.
and branches/offices of other banks for accounting, X Where terminals are used exclusively for savings bank
transaction details, exchange of Information, funds operations, the vouchers per operator shall be 300 to 400
management, message’ and data transfer, etc. by per day. In case of other operations on terminal, the work
installation of necessary equipments for such networking load for each operator shall be minimum 500 voucher per
of branches/offices. day.
VI Auotomated Teller Machines XI Total branch computerisation/mechanisation would Include
Banks may Instal without restriction on the number, ‘single window concept’, where the customer can transact
automated teller machines on sharing basis. all types of business transactions at any single counter
In addition to the above, bankwlse automated teller machines Including Payments and Receipts.
may also be installed as per following norms:- XII Branches where Advanced Ledger Posting Machines
(i) banks with total number of 1% - with a (ALPMs) and/or Advanced Electronic Accounting Machines
branches not exceeding 500 minimum of 3 (AEAMs) are Installed prior to this settlement and where
30 31
such branches do not meet the criteria of minimum 750 Rs.120/- for clerks and Rs. 50/- for subordinate staff plus
vouchers as provided in Clause (iii)a of this settlement such dearness allowance payable thereon as on 1st November,
branches may be fully or partly computerised as per the 1993 plus house rent allowance, at the rates and ceilings
discretion of the management under the provision of eligibility as applicable in terns of bipartite settlement dated 29th June.
In Clause III (e) of this settlement. If, however, In any bank 199O and 13th October, 1990 in case of ‘A’ class banks
there are branches In excess of the total number of eligible and ‘B’ class banks respectively. The increment shall also
branches. In terms of this settlement, such branches will rank for superannuation benefits.
be upgraded, but shall be set off against future entitlement An employee, who has earned this advance Increment in
of the concerned bank under Clause IIl(e) of this settlement. terms of this settlement shall draw the quantum of Fixed
Personal Allowance as mentioned above, one year after
Existing permanent ALPM/AEAM operators shall have earning all the three stagnation Increments.
preference to be computer operators on upgradatlon subject Note :
to the rules prescribed for selection and posting of computer An employee, who after earning this advance increment
operators. All existing permanent ALPM/AEAM operators shalI reaches the maximum and is , not given stagnation
continue to draw the present allowance. ALPM/AEAM increment on account of refusal of promotion after being
operators rendered surplus as a result of reduction/ offered and/or selected for promotion shall draw fixed
substitution of ALPMs/AEAMs may, however, be deployed personal allowance as mentioned above one year after
by the management at their discretion In the same city/town reaching the maximum.
as stipulated in Clause XXI with the continuance of present XV Hospitalisatlon Charges
allowance. In partial modification of Clause 13 (b) of the Bipartite
XIII Terminals at Customer Locations And Enquiry Settlement dated 10.4.1989 hospitalisation expenses will
Terminals be reimbursed to award staff to the extent of 100% in case
Banks may provide terminals for use of valued customers of self and 75% in case of members of family. The above
at their locations and enquiry terminals In the banking hall. provision will be effective from 1st November, 1993.
XIV Increment XVI Spcial Allowance
All workmen employees who are In the banks’ permanent (a) The special allowance payable to Data Entry Operators
service and permanent part-time employees drawing scale shall be Rs.285/- p.m. of which an amount of Rs.257/-
wages as on 1st November, 1993 will get one advance shall rank as ‘pay’ for the purpose of superannuation
Increment In the scale of pay with all consequential benefits, benefits.
e.g. DA, HRA, CCA, PF, Gratuity, Pension, etc. in terns of (b) The special allowance payable to computer operators
the bipartite settlement/s. Employees who are on probation shall be Rs.410/- p.m. of which an amount of Rs.369/-
on 1st November, 1993 will get one advance Increment one shall rank as ‘pay’ for the purpose of superannuation
year after confirmation. benefits.
There shall be no change In the date of annual Increment Note :
because of the advance Increment. Annual increment will Special allowance specified above shall be payable only
fall due on the normal anniversary date of Increment. to such operators assigned actual data entry and
An employee who Is at the maximum of the scale or who is computing work at counters or otherwise but not to
in receipt of stagnation increment as on 1st November, 1993 those who are using machines for correspondence and
will draw a Fixed Personal Allowance from 1st November, other work unrelated to computing and data entry.
1993 which is equivalent to an amount of one Increment of XVII For computer related allowances carrying positions selection
32 33
will be made from amongst the clerical cadre staff as per XXIII A standing committee comprising representatives of the
the existing or future policy/settlements in different banks IBA and AIBEA which are party to the settlement will monitor
which shall Include passing of an aptitude test. The and oversee the operations of the computerisatlon/
Management will provide training facilities as deemed mechanisatIon so as to ensure strict adherence to the terms
necessary. and conditions of the settlement.
XVIII It is clarified that the Computer Operators may be assigned XXIV The Settlement unless provided otherwise shall come Into
any other routine duties of their cadre as already provided in force from the date of signing of the settlement and shall be
subsisting bipartite settlements. binding on the parties; for 3 years.
XIX Where a female operator who is In the family way desires XXV The terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern
to”discontinue working on Computer during the period of and bind the parties even thereafter until the Settlement Is
her pregnancy, she will be exempted at her written request terminated by either party giving to the other a statutory notice
from operating the Computer. The special allowance shall as prescribed in law for the time being in force.
not be paid to her for the period during which she is on duty XXVI The AIBEA on behalf of the workmen agree that during the
but exempted from operating the Computer, but shall be operation of this Settlement the workmen will not raise any
paid during the period of her leave of any kind subject to her demand of any nature whatsoever on any of the banks In
acceptance to perform duties as Computer Operator on respects of matters covered by this Memorandum of
resumption. Settlement.
XX Selection of branches for computerisation/ mechanisation, XXVII Copies of the Memorandum of Settlement will be jointly
or decision regarding not computerisation of an eligible forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed in Rule 58
branch falling under the criteria stipulated under Clause III of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 so that terms
of this settlement and the choice of application, level of and conditions thereof are, binding on the parties as provided
technology to be used, etc. (Including hardware, software, in law.
and networking of computers within the branch and XXVIII If there Is any difference of opinion regarding Interpretation
networking of branches, single window operation, etc.) shall of any of the provision of this Settlement the matter will be
be at the discretion of the bank management. taken up only at the level of the Indian Banks’ Association
XXI There will be no retrenchment on account of and the All India Bank Employees Association for discussion
computerisation. Displacement of staff, if any, as a result of and settlement.
computerisation/mechanisation in a branch shall be kept to
the barest minimum. The staff, so displaced, shall be FOR INDIAN BANKS’ ASSOCIATION
deployed in the same city or town subject to any bank level Sd/-
understanding about rotation/ transfer/ deployment of staff. (S/Shri)
XXII The AIBEA shall extend their fullest co-operation for J V Shetty
continuing Improvements in the fields of productivity, S P Talwar
customer service and operational efficiencies. The AIBEA G S Dahotre
Is confident that all employees of the banks shall contribute Ramesh Mishra
their full potential so that the banking service registers all Surinder Mohan
round growth in the above spheres. The AIBEA is committed S Dalblr Singh
to making banking service In India an effective instrument C N Kulkarni
for socio-economic growth with an emphasis on prompt A V Rajagopalan
and efficient customer service. B M Mittal
34 35
M N Dandekar 7. Central Bank of India
Noble Powar 8. Corporation Bank
A K Bakhshy 9. Dena Bank
B D Sumitra 10. Indian Bank
T S Ramakrishnan 11. Indian Overseas Bank
G Laxminarayana 12. Oriental Bank of Commerce
C Krishnamurthi 13. Punjab National Bank
14. Punjab & Sind Bank
on behalf of All India Bank Employees Association 15. Syndicate Bank
S/Shri 1C. UCO Bank
D P Chadha 17. Union Bank of India
P L Syal 18. United Bank of India
P S Sundaresan 19. Vljaya Bank
Tarakeswar Chakraborti 20. State Bank of India
N Sampath 21. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
Sushil Ghosh 22. State Bank of Hyderabad
23. State Bank of Indore
Witness 24. State Bank of Mysore
25. State Bank of Patiala
(D. R. Bade) (P. N. Tiwari) 26. State Bank of Saurashtra
(A. S. Khale) (S. D. Dhopeshwarkar) 27. State Bank of Travancore
26. Barellly Corporation Bank Ltd.
28. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd.
30. Karnataka Bank Ltd.
31. Kashi Nath Seth Bank Ltd.
cc to 1. Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central) 32. Lord Krishna Bank Ltd.
2. Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) 33. The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd.
3. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), New Delhi 34. The Benares State Bank Ltd.
4. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour, 35. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.
New Delhi 36. The Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd.
37. The Federal Bank Ltd.
SCHEDULE 38. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.
39. The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd.
LIST OF BANKS 40. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
1. AIlahabad Bank 41. The Nainital Bank Ltd.
2. Andhra Bank 42. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd.
3. Bank of Baroda 43. The Ratnakar Bank Ltd.
4. Bank of India 44. The Sangli Bank Ltd.
5. Bank of Maharashtra 45. The South Indian Bank Ltd.
6. Canara Bank 46. The Vysya Bank Ltd.
36 37
47. ABN-AMRO Bank N.V.
46. American Express Bank Ltd.
49. ANZ Grindlays Bank p.I.e.
50. Bank of America NT & SA
51. The Bank of Tokyo Ltd.
52. Banque Nationale De Paris
53. The British Bank of the Middle East
54. Citibank N.A.
55. The Honkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
56. The Sakura Bank Ltd.
57. Sonali Bank
56. Standard Chartered Bank
Indian National Bank Employees Federation (INBEF) signed
Settlements with the Indian Banks’ Association separately on 29th
October, 1993. The terms of the Settlements are the same as
printed her