What Every Business Student
Needs to Know
Efrem G. Mallach
What Every Business Student
Needs to Know
Series Editors
This series covers traditional areas of computing, as well as related technical areas, such as
software engineering, artificial intelligence, computer engineering, information systems, and
information technology. The series will accommodate textbooks for undergraduate and gradu-
ate students, generally adhering to worldwide curriculum standards from professional societ-
ies. The editors wish to encourage new and imaginative ideas and proposals, and are keen to
help and encourage new authors. The editors welcome proposals that: provide groundbreaking
and imaginative perspectives on aspects of computing; present topics in a new and exciting
context; open up opportunities for emerging areas, such as multi-media, security, and mobile
systems; capture new developments and applications in emerging fields of computing; and
address topics that provide support for computing, such as mathematics, statistics, life and
physical sciences, and business.
Published Titles
What Every Business Student
Needs to Know
Efrem G. Mallach
Rhode Island College, Providence, USA
Kea Company, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Timeliness 16
Usability 16
Consistency 17
Conformity to Expectations 18
Completeness 19
Accessibility 19
Cost 19
In a Nutshell 20
Using a Computer, or Information, as a Tool to Commit a Crime 20
Using a Computer, or Information, as the Object of a Crime 21
Using Information Unethically 21
Medical Homes 27
SMMA Background 28
SMMA’s Information Systems 29
Questions 30
Questions 30
Questions 32
Primary Storage 74
Secondary Storage 78
Rotating Magnetic Disks 78
Optical Disks 80
Solid-State Storage 81
Magnetic Tape Storage 81
Enterprise Storage Subsystems 83
Cloud Storage 85
Input Devices 87
Output Devices 88
Displays (Monitors) 88
Printers 90
Other 92
Questions 103
Questions 105
Questions 106
Normalization 154
Entity-Relationship Diagramming 155
Distributed Databases 159
Dimensional Databases 162
“Big Data” 163
Hadoop 164
Questions 178
Questions 180
Questions 182
S tudents often ask “Why bother learning about information systems?” Since you’re
about to spend a good deal of time doing that, you deserve an answer.
You don’t need to be convinced that information systems matter to businesses. You
know that. You register for classes online. You may have bought this book from Amazon
or downloaded an electronic version, or perhaps you’re reading it on a website. You prob-
ably buy music online and listen to it on an MP3 player (which may also be your phone,
your camera, or both.) Your fancier camera probably didn’t come with a full manual, but
you can download one. When you fly to Mexico over winter break, you buy plane tickets at
aa.com and get an e-mail or a text message if the flight schedule changes. These revolution-
ize how old types of organizations work and make new types of businesses possible. None
of that is news.
You’ve also used personal computers for years. Word processing beats a typewriter for
term papers. Without spreadsheets, you could never have survived introductory accounting.
You keep up with your friends on Facebook or Google+, get the news from cnn.com and the
weather from weather.com, laugh and cry with YouTube, and check rottentomato.com if
you’re unsure about a new movie. You know how to download or install apps, and you know
how to use them. Isn’t that what you’ll do on the job? Why do you need a course for that?
Saying “I just have to use the apps my employer gives me” may let you survive at work,
barely, but you’ll soon be outclassed by people who can go further and deeper into infor-
mation systems. You’d be like a boxer entering the ring with one hand behind his back.
He might prevail if he’s sufficiently larger, stronger, or more skilled than his opponent, but
that hardly ever happens. Boxers don’t take that risk. You shouldn’t either. The people you
compete with for raises and promotions, and the companies your employer competes with
for business, won’t be stupid or incompetent. You need every edge you can get.
Having the right information systems is vital to business success. Only people with the
vision and insight to know what the right systems are will have those systems. Only people
who understand how databases work can imagine new uses for the data in them. Only
people who understand how information systems are developed can work effectively with
their developers to ensure that new systems meet their needs. Only people who understand
how organizations use information systems can take the lead in jobs that are beyond the
xxii ◾ Introduction: Why This Book Matters
capabilities of their organization’s technical staff, or even understand what those jobs are
and why the technical staff can’t do them. Only people who… You get the idea.
The course you’re taking now, and this book, can help you become one of these people:
one of the people who understand how information systems make companies successful
and are able to lead their companies to success through their effective use. That may be the
most important professional skill a businessperson can have in the twenty-first century.
Chapter 1
• Value of Information
• Systems and Information Systems
• What Is Information, Really?
• Legal and Ethical Information Use
4 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
Consider these three business scenarios.
Scenario 1
A toy manufacturer gets an order for 5,000 coaster wagons. To produce 5,000 wagons, it needs
20,000 wheels. It has only 4,000 wheels in stock. It must order at least 16,000 more wheels.
Possible Outcome A
The production control manager phones the purchasing agent who handles wheels. She’s out
for the rest of the day, so the production control manager leaves a voice mail. When the pur-
chasing agent returns the call the next morning, the production control manager is on the
factory floor, so she leaves a voice mail. They talk the day after that. The purchasing agent
then calls three suppliers from whom the toy manufacturer has bought wheels in the past.
A is no longer in business. B’s sales representative has just left on a three-week vacation. She
leaves a voice mail for C’s salesperson. C’s salesperson senses desperation in the purchasing
agent’s voice and therefore prices the wheels 25% higher than usual. He gets the order anyhow.
Possible Outcome B
The toy company’s production planning system calculates the need and sends an electronic
message to the purchasing department. Workflow software in the purchasing department
routes the request to the purchasing agent, but will reroute it to her manager if she doesn’t pro-
cess it within 24 hours. She processes it the next morning, sending electronic request-for-bid
messages to three firms that have supplied wheels in the past. She gets bids back from the two
that are still in business. C quotes standard prices. B, whose sales rep is eager to close some busi-
ness before leaving on a three-week vacation, offers a 20% discount. This time, B gets the order.
Scenario 2
A college professor enjoys solving puzzles and often buys puzzle books online. Two online
bookstores get a new puzzle book edited by Will Shortz, who is known for high-quality
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 5
Possible Outcome A
Seller A prices the books at a discount to attract business. It then puts them on the shelf
and waits for people to walk in and buy them or to order them from the store’s website.
Some do, but the professor doesn’t happen to visit the store or the site, so she doesn’t see it.
Possible Outcome B
Seller B keeps a list of people who have ordered books online in the past, indexed by cat-
egory. It sends people who bought puzzle books an e-mail message to inform them of
the new book. The professor orders the book from the store that sent her the e-mail. She
doesn’t feel like taking time to check other sources, so she doesn’t know that the other store
would have sold it for $2 less.
Scenario 3
An athletic equipment store sells lightweight, impact-absorbing running socks for $10 per
pair, of which $3.50 is the store’s profit. The store manager figures that most people who
buy running shoes could also use a pair of those socks, so he plans a sock promotion to tie
in with shoe sales.
Possible Outcome A
The store offers running shoe buyers a coupon for $3 off a pair of these socks. Sock sales go up a
lot. The manager decides to include a $3 sock coupon with every pair of running shoes they sell.
Possible Outcome B
The store tries three one-week experiments: coupons for $1, $2, and $3 off a pair of these
socks. They plot sock sales as in Figure 1.1a. They know that sales volume is not their objec-
tive: they sold more socks with higher coupon values, but they also made less profit per
pair. They graph profit on socks as in Figure 1.1b. Based on this information, the manager
decides to include a $2 discount coupon with every pair of running shoes.
Where you fit in: These trade-offs are business decisions. They shouldn’t be made on technical
grounds. Technical factors are involved, but the final decision must be made by businesspeople
such as you’ll be after you graduate.
Sales data
Other Ad program
inputs choices
* The term “open systems” also has other meanings in information technology. Context will tell you which is meant in a
specific situation.
8 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• The elements below the center exist physically. We can point to a person or to a com-
puter, and say “That part of the system carries out Activity X.”
• The elements above the center tell the lower elements on each side what to do. Those
two elements must be designed to work with each other.
• The element in the middle, data, holds the system together. The physical elements of
the system access the data. The instructions tell them what to do with it.
Software Procedures
Hardware People
The term “information technology” (IT) refers to parts of the system on the left and in the
middle. It is important not to confuse information system with IT. Information systems
include people, but IT doesn’t.
Where you fit in: People with a technical background and orientation tend to focus on the left
side of the diagram. Businesspeople must sometimes remind them that the elements on the
right side are just as important to the overall system and more important to the organization’s
satisfaction with what the system does.
There are several types of what we informally call “information.” Knowing the difference is
important for avoiding misunderstandings in discussing information systems: what might
appear to be a difference of opinion can result from using a word to mean different things.
Here’s how we’ll use these terms:
Data* is raw facts in isolation from other facts. The name of this book’s publisher is data.
Information is data that has been organized and processed to be meaningful to a person
(or other information system) who (or which) will use it. A list of publishers who offer text-
books for this course could be information. An instructor selecting a book for it would find
such a list useful.
Another definition of information is anything that reduces uncertainty. This definition
lets us assess the amount of information we have: “The temperature is 85°F” (30°C) conveys
more information than “it’s in the 80s,” which in turn conveys more information than “it’s
warm.” “A new 2015 BMW 320i starts at $33,900 delivered” conveys more information
than “you can get a BMW for thirty-something.”
Knowledge is the ability to apply information in a business situation. Your instructor
may have an effective and efficient process for going through the list of publishers. That
knowledge could be shared with other instructors. Some of them might suggest improve-
ments to it, based on their own processes. Such knowledge sharing can benefit everyone.
Some people discuss wisdom above those three levels, but that’s seldom necessary in
discussing information systems.
* Strict grammarians consider data to be a plural noun that refers to many items of data. One data item is, in Latin and
traditionally in English, a datum. However, most people accept data as a singular noun in 2015.
10 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Data is processed into information via two types of activities: computation and
Computation creates information by carrying out a predefined process on two or more
data items. For example, by taking the start time of a movie and subtracting the time it
takes you to get to the theater (both data), you can learn how late you can leave for the the-
ater without missing the opening credits. That’s information.
Comparison selects processing steps on the basis of data in an information system.
Suppose dinner takes you 30 minutes. By subtracting 30 minutes from the time you must
leave for the movie, and comparing the result with the opening time of the campus dining
hall, you can tell if you have enough time to eat dinner there before the movie.
Comparison can be used to select what data to output (students with grades below 70,
accounts with balances over $10 that are more than sixty days old), organize data (sorting
into alphabetical order involves comparing two item to see which comes before the other),
format text (“if the end of this letter is beyond the line length, move the word it is in to a
new line”), control a computer (“if the coordinates of the mouse pointer are within this
rectangle, highlight this item”), and more.
Information Quality
The degree to which information can contribute to a value-adding business process, and
hence the value of that information, depends on its quality.
Differences in information value matter when information is used for management
decisions. High-quality information enables managers to make good decisions quickly.
Lower quality information leads to poor decisions and wastes decision makers’ time.
Information can also link members of an organization or an organization with its cus-
tomers. Low-quality information cannot perform these tasks effectively. If the manufac-
turing department gets a low-quality sales forecast, it might produce the wrong items, or
the right items in the wrong quantities.
Over time, poor-information quality can damage a good relationship. When informa-
tion is used for record keeping, low-quality information impairs the records’ value. In
extreme cases, low-quality information can lead to financial or legal difficulties.
You understand this informally. Your next step is to use these concepts in working with
business information. Whenever you use computer output, you should be aware of the fac-
tors that affect its quality and what that quality is likely to be. The key information quality
factors are:
Information is relevant if it applies to the task being performed. Its relevance depends on
how much of the information is related, how much is not related, to that task.
Information must be relevant if it is to be of value. The relevance of information—that
is, the quality of information in terms of this factor—varies from one situation to another.
The price of AT&T stock on the New York Stock Exchange as of yesterday’s close could be
relevant for an investment decision. It is not relevant to choosing an advertising program
for cat food or optimizing the production plans of a sawmill.
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 11
Relevance is not all or nothing. There are many data items on an audio amplifier spec
sheet. Some people care if it can drive 8-ohm speakers. Others don’t. The relevance of the
package as a whole, to most readers, is lower than a custom-tailored list containing only
what that reader wants to know, but it’s generally acceptable. Most people can screen out
unnecessary items, but doing so takes time and effort. An optimal information system
design doesn’t provide unnecessary, potentially distracting, information (Figure 1.5).
Knowing what information is relevant in a business situation requires understanding
the business. Are customer discounts relevant to setting the list price of a new product?
Only the marketing staff knows. Where information might be relevant but we’re not sure,
it’s best to err on the side of gathering and storing too much supporting data as long as cost
isn’t prohibitive. Needs change over time. So does the relevance of data. Someone may need
this item in the future. At that point, it will be good if the item can be derived from data
in the system.
Displaying extra information is a separate question. Too much information on a screen
creates clutter, making it harder to focus on what matters. A good information system dis-
plays only relevant information, perhaps offering more detail with a mouse click.
Where you fit in: Presenting relevant information is harder than displaying everything, leaving
it to users to sort out what’s important from the clutter. But it’s necessary if information is to
be of the highest quality, hence of the highest value to the organization. Since the people who
develop information systems can’t know what information is relevant, they depend on people
in business functions to tell them. That’s you.
FIGURE 1.5 Information bombarding person who sorts it mentally into “I care” and “I don’t care”
12 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Information is correct if it is derived from the proper data values through the proper pro-
cessing steps.
Some correctness situations are absolute. An e-mail address is correct, or it isn’t. A
stock number either refers to Size 10 black Adidas Energy Boost men’s running shoes, or
it doesn’t.
Other data elements are still correct—they refer to the right real-world item—even
if they’re a bit off from its actual value. Approximate values are good enough for much
numerical data. In fact, the question is often not whether numeric data are exact, because
they can’t be, but whether they are close enough. Stating π = 3.14159 is correct. Approximate
data are not incorrect, though we must take their possible error into account when we use
them. Whether approximate data are of sufficiently high quality is the subject of the next
quality factor, accuracy.
Nonnumeric data can also be nearly correct. My name is often misspelled. Most mis-
spellings do not prevent the postal service from delivering my mail. Informally, one might
say that the spelling “Efram Mallack” is incorrect. As we use the terms here, it is correct—it
does, after all, refer to me—but inaccurate. U.S. airport security screeners accept board-
ing passes that differ from the name on an identification document in up to three letters,
since the Transportation Security Administration knows the difference: correct data can
be inaccurate.
Most incorrect input data is due to human input errors. An information system can
reduce human data entry errors through source data automation, in which data is entered
automatically. Bar code readers are source data automation devices. A system can also
use data validation to minimize incorrect data. Checks can never completely eliminate
input errors, and they do not address the possibility of an error arising from incorrect
processing after the input stage.
Case 1 at the end of this chapter discusses an example of incorrect information.
Where you fit in: You will often depend on information from computers in situations where you
have no direct knowledge of where the raw data came from or how it was processed. You must
still make an effort to confirm that the information is based on correct data.
Information is accurate if its value is acceptably close to the value that a perfect calcula-
tion using complete and correct inputs would produce. The meaning of acceptably close
depends on the use to which the information will be put. It can vary from one business
situation to another. In the example near the end of the previous section, the TSA considers
acceptably close on a boarding pass to mean “differs from the name on the ID by no more
than three letters.”
A data item may be inaccurate because it is inherently an estimate. Nobody knows
what interest rates will be in two years, though many economists will gladly exchange
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 13
their guesses for your money. You may be able to improve inaccurate data by taking more
time, spending more money, or both. It’s a business decision as to whether the increased
accuracy is worth it.
Sensitivity analysis is one way to gauge the need for accuracy. Suppose the cost of devel-
oping a new product is estimated at $15,000,000 and its sales are estimated at $100,000,000
over five years. On that basis, the product is predicted to be profitable. But what if the
estimates are off?
To carry out a sensitivity analysis, we ask if the product would be profitable if develop-
ment costs and sales estimates were off by, say, 20%. We repeat our calculations for a devel-
opment cost of $18,000,000 and see that it still would be profitable. We then check for sales
of $80,000,000 and see, to our dismay, that it would not be. This doesn’t necessarily mean
we shouldn’t develop the product. It does mean that we could try to improve the accuracy
of our sales forecast, perhaps by using focus groups, but we don’t need a more accurate
development cost estimate. The sensitivity analysis enables us to focus on areas where more
accuracy might affect our decision.
Many people use the terms correctness and accuracy interchangeably, especially infor-
mally. This is understandable, since errors in either lead to information that isn’t what it
should be. However, the reasons for it are different. Correctness is a fundamental con-
cern. Correctness problems can lead to errors that escape notice, as in case 1 at the end
of this chapter, or to large ones that are immediately obvious. Accuracy problems tend
to be small and are often missed. The important thing is to be aware of potential sources
of error, so you can look out for them. Using different names for different error sources
helps do that.
The precision of a data element is the maximum accuracy that can be represented by the
way a data element is stored in a computer or presented to its users.
We can visualize precision as a series of steps, either in an information storage sys-
tem (computer, paper, calculator, or abacus) or when data are presented to their users.
Figure 1.6 shows precision in this sense. Pairs of data elements can be shown at any point
where two lines intersect, such as point A, but not at any other points. Data at other points,
such as B and C, must be approximated. For example, 7% sales tax on a $1.45 item should
be 13.15¢, but sales transactions in the United States are handled to the nearest penny, so
this tax is rounded to 13¢.
Excess precision raises two problems. It may not reflect the underlying data properly,
and it may make the data hard to use.
The precision of data presentation sends a message about its accuracy. Precision beyond
accuracy can be misleading. If we are told that one advertising plan has a predicted brand
awareness increase of 36.717% and a second 35.941%, we may be tempted to choose the
first. If we know that both figures are accurate to within 5% or so, we should consider the
plans equivalent on this score. Showing the figures as 37% and 36% would be less mislead-
ing. Giving them as 32%–42% and 31%–41%, or as 37% ± 5% and 36% ± 5%, would make
the situation crystal clear.
Since computers make it easy to calculate with high precision, it is tempting to print
results with a large number of digits. Printouts with six digits after the decimal point
look impressive—but examine the data first. Never give more precision than the accuracy
justifies. If you plan to buy a car for about $15,000 and a burger tomorrow, it would be
misleading to budget $15,001.59 for tomorrow’s expenses. It would be more appropriate to
say “about fifteen thousand dollars.” Creating the appearance of accuracy that isn’t there
can be unethical, if done to obtain an advantage that the quality of the information does
not justify.
Issues of excess precision tend not to arise in school. If you see $10,229 in accounting
homework, you know it’s $10,229: not a penny more, not a penny less. You don’t have to
worry about where that figure came from or its possible inaccuracy. If you round it to
$10,230, let alone $10,000, you’ll get the wrong answer and a poor grade. Business situa-
tions are seldom like that.
It may be appropriate to provide less precision than the accuracy of the data could
1. Corporate earnings per share are usually stated to the nearest cent. Cents are precise
enough to evaluate profitability trends and to compare different firms’ stock, and
are easier to deal with. More precision, which can be obtained from data in annual
reports, would be pointless.
2. Graphs are often the best way to convey data relationships, but are seldom precise.
The graph in Figure 1.7 conveys the history of Disney’s earnings per share more
quickly than the table, with sufficient precision for most purposes. Where high
precision must be combined with the convenience of graphs, graphs can be sup-
ported by tables.
3. Color coding classifies data into ranges such as green for “OK,” yellow for “marginal,”
and red for “problem.” Like graphs, color can be backed up by numeric data or used
to highlight specific numbers that a user can then read.
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 15
Fiscal year
Computers can increase apparent precision by providing more output digits than
accuracy justifies. For instance, suppose we read that the area of the United States is
3,618,770 square miles, presumably accurate to at least four or five significant digits, and
know its population is about 300 million. A computer can divide one of these figures
by the other to compute its population density as 82.90109623 people per square mile.
However, our population figure was a rough guess. This guess is accurate to one sig-
nificant digit (the U.S. population is between 250 and 350 million in 2015) but not two
(it isn’t between 295 and 305 million). All we really know about the population density is
that it’s about 80 people per square mile. A computer can’t tell that one of the inputs was
a rough approximation, but an information-literate user must.
When you provide information, you’re responsible for presenting it to reflect its accu-
racy. Don’t provide more significant digits than the data justify. If a number with six-digit
accuracy happens to be exactly 80, showing it as 80.0000 will convey that message. What
about a number like 20,000? Is it accurate to one significant digit, five, or in between? In
science and engineering, its accuracy could be conveyed by writing 2 × 104 if it has one
significant digit of accuracy, 2.00 × 104 if it has three. In business, where people may not
be familiar with scientific notation, it’s hard to convey accuracy when a number happens
to end with several zeros. If the number appears with other numbers, readers can infer its
accuracy from the others as in Figure 1.8.
Sig. digits: 1 3 5
20,000 20,000 20,000
30,000 36,100 36,122
+40,000 +42,700 +42,749
90,000 98,800 98,871
Where you fit in: Precise-looking computer output may not be as accurate as it looks. You must
always ask “Where did this number come from, and how accurate were its inputs?”
The timeliness of an information element refers to the relationships among when informa-
tion is needed, when it becomes available, and when its underlying data was obtained.
Information timeliness has two characteristics.
• Information must be available in time for its intended use. This reflects the relationship
between the time information is needed and when it becomes available. A 48-hour
weather forecast that takes 49 hours to produce can only confirm what we saw an
hour earlier. Information value often deteriorates with time. Many business decisions
are worth more if made earlier. As General Patton is reported to have said, “a good
plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.”
• Information must reflect up-to-date data. This reflects the relationship between the time
information is made available and when its underlying data was obtained. A chart of
stock prices that ends a month ago will be of little use to day traders who work with
short-term price changes. An ATM that dispenses cash on the basis of week-old account
balances is useless. Inventory data must be current if it is used to promise delivery.
Where you fit in: Instant delivery of information may not mean that the information is up to
date. Information can only be up to date if the entire process, starting with gathering source
data, is fast enough. You must be aware of the entire business process, including human steps,
to evaluate the timeliness of an IS’s output.
The usability of information is how quickly and easily its intended users can figure out
what they need to know from what they see. Information presented so that they can com-
plete tasks without extra effort is usable. Information that forces them to extra effort is
not as usable.
High-quality information is presented in a usable format. Format includes good table
design, presenting related items so that relationships are immediately apparent. It includes
appropriate use of color and of graphs, choosing appropriate graphs for each purpose. It
also includes fonts, letter sizes, italics, boldface, shading, and borders.
The best format for presenting information depends on how information will be used
and by whom. It can help to present information in more than one way or to give its users
a choice of formats. When knowledge workers can load business data into a spreadsheet
program, they can organize and format it to their own needs.
International organizations must consider language differences. Information in a
language that a person does not understand is not usable. If it’s just labels on a graph,
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 17
Where you fit in: Computers can improve information usability by graphing, highlighting,
and more. Don’t go overboard! Too much fussing with fonts and formats detracts from usabil-
ity as well as wasting time. Unless you’re a graphic design pro, go for simplicity and clarity.
Consistency means that all data elements that contribute to an information item, or to
a set of related items, are based on the same assumptions, definitions, time periods, etc.
Consistency applies to information or processed data—not to individual data elements.
Suppose a sales manager wants to calculate the productivity of a firm’s sales force. That
manager might ask the computer to divide last year’s sales by the size of the sales force—
and be severely disappointed because the productivity is far below the industry average.
What’s going on here?
Chances are that the inputs were inconsistent. When asked for the size of the sales force, the
typical information retrieval system would give its size when the request is made. If a firm is
growing, its sales force is larger now than it was last year. Meaningful productivity informa-
tion must use the size of the sales force during a period that is consistent with the sales data.
Globalization increases opportunities for information inconsistency. Terms have differ-
ent meanings in different countries due to differences in culture, business practices, leg-
islation, or regulations. The definition of a depreciable asset, for example, may differ from
one country to another. The sum of financial figures from different countries might not be
meaningful in terms of any one country’s practice. Small differences are an accuracy issue.
Some inaccuracy may be acceptable for purposes such as long-range planning. Large dif-
ferences may make figures useless.
Where you fit in: The sales manager in the earlier example was sufficiently computer-literate to
put the question directly to a computer, but not sufficiently information-literate to understand
the pitfalls. Nobody can prevent people from misusing computers in this and similar ways.
You must protect yourself from this type of error by being aware of consistency issues. Later
in your career, as a manager or senior professional, you’ll need to make sure that everyone in
your organization is aware of these issues and give them any training they need to achieve this.
18 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Conformity to Expectations
Information must conform to the expectations of the person who will use it. Conformity
to expectations is how well its processing, timeliness, etc., match what this person expects.
Consider a request to provide last year’s dollar volume:
• Does dollar volume mean what customers ordered, what was shipped, what custom-
ers accepted, or what they paid for?
• Is last year the most recently ended calendar year, the most recent calendar year for which
we have complete data, the most recent fiscal year, or the most recent twelve months?
• Should this figure count items shipped during that year but returned after it? Shipped
before that year, returned during it? Ordered in it, canceled after? Ordered before,
canceled during?
• Should it include the full value of multiple-year agreements (such as subscriptions) sold
during the year, that of the fraction of their term within the year, or something else?
These questions may have different answers for taxation, managerial accounting, commis-
sion payment, and customer preference analysis.
Information systems must provide answers that match the needs and expectations of their users.
Computers make this problem worse. Before computers, this request would have gone to
an assistant. The assistant would ask questions such as these. More questions would come
up in talking to the people who have the data. Computers, by contrast, display whatever a
programmer thought last year’s dollar volume ought to mean. To make matters worse, by
the time anyone raises these questions, that programmer has probably left the company.
Conformity to expectations is only meaningful in the context of a specific user or the
type of user. If several people will use the information, it must be provided in different
ways unless their expectations are consistent.
International issues arise here as they did with consistency. Users expect computers to
conform to their country’s concepts. In a multinational organization, it may be impossible
to satisfy everyone in this respect. If that happens, it may be necessary to modify expecta-
tions via training, meetings, or explanations in computer output.
Where you fit in: Computer-based information systems are developed by systems analysts, pro-
grammers, database designers, and more. This affects conformity to expectations in two ways:
• The more people involved in anything, the more misunderstandings can happen. Computer
systems are full of details. Misunderstandings about any of them can impact the result.
• People who go into programming differ from those who gravitate toward business posi-
tions. When a pre-computer executive asked an assistant to collect data, the assistant’s
educational background and business perspective resembled the executive’s. A program-
mer may not have the same grasp of business concepts.
Awareness of potential problems in this area can go a long way toward avoiding them. If you’re
not certain that your understanding of what computer output means matches the understanding
of the people who generated it, ask—and don’t stop asking until you get to the bottom.
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 19
Information is complete when it is based on all the relevant factors, omitting none. Like
some previous information quality items, completeness does not apply to individual
data items.
If a company has 12 sales offices and needs to calculate overall sales, it must include
sales data from all 12. If one is missing, the data will be incomplete. As with conformity
to expectations, this would have been obvious decades ago when a person collected the
information by phoning the sales offices—but a computer will include zero for Chicago
sales if that’s what’s in the database, not knowing that it just means Chicago hasn’t
reported yet.
Where you fit in: Computers can be programmed to check for unlikely conditions and flag them
as areas of concern, but they often aren’t. It’s up to businesspeople such as yourself to be aware
of potentially incomplete information and do your own checking. If you trust computer output
when you shouldn’t, telling your boss “that’s what the computer said” won’t get you off the hook.
Information of high quality is accessible. This means that authorized people can obtain
it quickly, with acceptable effort, from the places in which they are expected to be when
they need it.
Access to computer-based information requires investment in equipment and networks.
If these are underpowered, data will arrive at users’ screens slowly, and accessibility, as
they perceive it, will be poor. Accessibility requires authorization tools that provide suffi-
cient security without creating an undue barrier. And it may require programs to translate
among different data formats.
Accessibility also requires information to be usable by people with impaired sight, dex-
terity, or other abilities. This may be motivated by law, by conscience, or simply by know-
ing that limited vision, etc., does not imply limited intelligence. Organizations that want
people with disabilities as customers, or want to use their ability to contribute as employ-
ees, must make their information systems accessible to them.
The cost of anything is a measure of the resources that an organization expends to obtain
it, translated into financial terms. This definition applies to information as well.
Ideally, information should be free or nearly so. The ideal is hardly ever realized. Even
when an organization doesn’t pay for its data, there are costs for collecting it, storing it,
processing it, and sending results to their destinations. These costs can and should be
The cost of obtaining information is important because we must often justify an
information systems by analyzing its cost and benefits. Costs are comparatively easy to
estimate. Benefits are more difficult. In some business situations, it is not necessary to cal-
culate benefits precisely, but even then, cost is always a consideration.
20 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
There are often trade-offs between cost and other factors. Input accuracy can be improved,
for example, by source data automation. Is that worthwhile? That can be answered only by
considering the costs and benefits involved. Increasingly, such investments are deemed
desirable. The need for up-to-date accurate information is increasing as the pace of compe-
tition quickens. The costs of obtaining it drop every year.
There are also often cost trade-offs that must be made in the course of planning and devel-
oping an information system. It may be possible to trade off a higher initial cost for lower
operating costs or a higher initial payment for software for a lower cost per user after that.
Where you fit in: These trade-offs are business decisions, not technical decisions, but the busi-
nesspeople who make them must understand their technical implications.
In a Nutshell
Where you fit in: The biggest problem you’ll face with information processing on the job is not
computer literacy. Knowing how to use a computer is a given for a college junior.
The real problem is information literacy. That includes understanding what information
is, where it comes from, what affects its quality, and how computer storage and processing
influence those factors. These issues have far-reaching impact on organizations and their profit-
ability. These are the issues that the twenty-first century managers must understand and be able
to deal with.
code says that people should not be penalized for their ethnicity, applying that moral code
to the bank’s behavior would prevent it from developing this information system.
A complete discussion of ethical behavior is beyond the scope of this book. What is
important is that you have a moral code, that you apply it to your behavior, and that this
behavior includes your use of information systems.
Where you fit in: As a working professional, you will have access to information and infor-
mation systems. Your use of that information, and of those information systems, must con-
form to ethical principles. You don’t have to deal with the technical aspects of protecting
your employer’s information. Specialists can, and should, do that. You should be aware of
the need for such protection, though, and support it.
There may be situations in which you are pressured to act unethically. Your future managers
may not all be ethical. You may be asked to access information that you are not supposed to
access, to give others information you are not supposed to pass on, to modify data you are not
authorized to modify, to withhold information that could lead to a lost sale if disclosed, or to
alter financial records. Try to resist those pressures. Actions that seem expedient in the short run
tend to work out poorly in the long run. You can’t afford that.
Computers are basic to using information intelligently. A company can’t use infor-
mation intelligently without using computer-based information systems intelligently.
As a businessperson, you will have no choice about using computer-based information
systems. Your only choice will be whether you use them by rote, following instructions
without thinking about them, or intelligently. You and your company will benefit if you
use them intelligently.
You will benefit personally in your career if you understand information systems.
As a businessperson, the value you get from information systems at work will add to the
value you provide to your employer. Providing value to your employer leads to raises and
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 23
Where you fit in: This section of each chapter will list key terms that were defined in the chap-
ter, with their definitions (perhaps in slightly different words). These terms were italicized the
first time they were used. As a businessperson, you should be able to understand these terms
in context and use them in a way that reflects this understanding.
Open system: System that communicates with its environment across its boundary.
Precision (measure of information quality): The maximum accuracy with which a data
element is stored or presented.
Relevance (measure of information quality): The extent to which information applies to
a task being performed.
System: A group of components that interact to achieve a stated purpose.
Timeliness (measure of information quality): The relationships between the time that
information is available to users and (a) the time it is needed and (b) the period to
which its underlying data refers.
Usability (measure of information quality): The ease with which the intended users of
information can put it to its intended use.
1. Describe the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Can information make an organization more effective? What makes you think so?
3. Informally, what is the connection between uncertainty and information?
4. Define data and information, giving an example of the difference between them.
5. What are the two fundamental operations involved in turning data into information?
6. What are the three general ways in which information systems provide the greatest
value to organizations?
7. List the eleven factors that define information quality.
8. What are the two ways in which information can have poor timeliness?
9. Give an example, not used in the book, of illegal use of information.
10. Give an example, not used in the book, of unethical use of information.
11. What is a system? An information system?
12. Define feedback in a system. What are the two types of feedback?
13. What are the five types of activities that take place in an information system?
1. Think of a real situation in which having information helped a business by reducing
its costs, increasing sales, or in some other way that increased its profits. Identify the
business (by type if you don’t want to give its name), state what the information was,
describe what happened, and then describe what would have happened if the business
had not had that information.
2. Consider the shoe store giving customers discount coupons for socks in the section
“Value of Information.” With no coupon, 10% of shoe purchasers bought socks. With
a $3 coupon, 65% bought socks. Which outcome is better for the store?
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 25
3. Assume that running burns about as many calories per mile as walking, but a runner
covers twice the distance that a walker covers in a given amount of time.
a. Which is more efficient for weight loss, if time is the input unit?
b. Suppose a person can’t run more than two miles but can walk four miles. If that
person must choose between running 2 miles or walking 4 miles per day, assum-
ing he or she has time for either, which would be more effective?
c. If the objective were maximum weight loss for 20 minutes of activity per day,
which would be more effective?
d. How would the possibility that a runner needs to shower, but a walker does not,
affect this decision? Make and state any necessary assumptions.
4. You work as a supermarket cashier. What type of errors would each of the following
actions on your part introduce into the store’s inventory or sales databases, if any?
a. You see six yogurt containers on the belt. You scan one of them and press the key
6 for the quantity. You do not notice, or do not care, that three are peach yogurt
and three are strawberry. (The price of both flavors is the same.)
b. You see a bag of apples with product code 4664. You key in 6446 by mistake. That
is the product code for garlic, which is more expensive per pound.
c. The customer is your best friend. You bag some of his purchases without scanning
5. The value of information depends on its quality. For each of the following deci-
sions, (i) give an example of low information quality in terms of each information
quality factor, (ii) state how that low information quality could affect the decision,
and (iii) state how you would avoid that type of low information quality. Example:
incorrect information (the second-quality factor) on the first decision could be an
overstated GPA. That could lead the firm to choose a less qualified applicant over
another who did not overstate his or her GPA. This could be avoided by checking
the applicant’s college transcript. (Some quality factors may have no impact on
some decisions.)
You will have to choose a specific information item to use with each information qual-
ity factor. In the example, the information item chosen was the applicant’s GPA. You will
therefore need eleven information items for each of parts 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c). You can use
the same item eleven times, use eleven different items once each, or anywhere in between.
a. Choosing a financial analyst from six new college graduate applicants.
b. Deciding how to allocate a $250,000 advertising budget among various media.
c. Selecting a warehouse location to serve the western United States. Assume that
all customers have been served until now from its Vermont headquarters and that
business in the West has grown enough to justify a second distribution center.
26 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
6. Four students from New Bedford, MA, want to see a show in Providence, RI. Each gets
into his or her own SUV, which gets 10 miles per gallon (23.5 liters (L) per 100 km).
They drive west on I-195, arriving half an hour later, and get good seats. A second
group piles into one Toyota Prius, which gets 50 mpg (4.7 L per 100 km), or 200
passenger-miles per gallon with four passengers. They head north on routes 140 and
24, then west, and finally back south on I-95. They arrive over an hour later, missing
the start of the show and standing for the rest of it.
a. Which group was more effective? Why?
b. Which group was more efficient? Why?
c. Describe the ideal combination of efficiency and effectiveness for this situation.
7. To see the effect of data representation on precision, open a spreadsheet program. Then,
a. In cell B2, enter the formula = 1000000/3. Display the result to four decimal places.
b. In cell C2, enter 333333.3333. Both cells should look the same.
c. In cell D2, enter the formula = B2 – C2 for their difference. You will see a small
number. Depending on your computer, software, and settings, you may see several
leading zeros or E-05 at the end, indicating that the decimal point should be five
places to the left of where you see it. The significant digits will probably all be 3s.
d. In cell E2, enter the formula = D2*10000000 to multiply the content of cell D2 by
10 million. The result will no longer consist of all 3s. Explain why.
8. A July 2013 NASA (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2013) press release described Comet ISON
as having “a tail about 186,400 miles (300,000 km) long.” A comet’s tail is fuzzy. Its length
cannot be estimated accurately. Assuming the writer of this press release was given the
length in metric units (km), what can you say about the conversion to miles here?
9. There are laws in the United States against insider trading: buying or selling stocks on
the basis of information that is not publicly known. (Style guru Martha Stewart was
imprisoned for six months for selling stock the day before an announcement reduced
the value of that stock considerably, after being tipped off to a probable drop by her
broker.) In terms of ethical use of information, do you agree with the concept behind
those laws? Explain your position.
10. Consider the five fundamental activities of an information system (Figure 1.3). Give
an example of each activity as it applies to each of the following information systems:
a. A restaurant system in which servers enter orders in the dining area, cooks pre-
pare dishes in the kitchen, servers print checks in the dining room, and managers
use a variety of reports in their offices.
b. A student information system in which students register for courses, instructors
assign grades, students can check their grades, and transcripts can be prepared.
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 27
c. A social networking system in which photographers can post their photos, others can
comment on those photos, and all participants can discuss cameras and photography.
d. A cruise line information system in which the line can post information about cruises,
travelers can book cabins and optional extras such as shore excursions, and manage-
ment can get reports that enable them to optimize pricing according to demand.
11. For each of the four information systems a–d in Question 10, give examples of how
five different information quality problems could arise. State the business impact of
each problem.
12. In 1984, James A. Cummings Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, FL, sued Lotus Development
Corporation, claiming that a defect in its Symphony spreadsheet program caused
Cummings to underbid a construction contract by $254,000. Cummings dropped its
suit when it found that one of its employees had failed to include a new cost item in
a sum, but only after wasted time, expense, and aggravation by both parties. Explain
the information quality issues here. If you had worked for Cummings at the time,
could you have avoided this error? How?
Medical Homes
A medical home isn’t a place to live. It isn’t even a physical place.
A medical home or patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is a team of health-care
professionals that provides comprehensive coordinated care with the goal of achieving the
best possible overall outcome. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians,
medical homes offer:
• An ongoing relationship with a personal physician who leads a medical care team
• A whole-person orientation to providing patient care
• Expanded access, such as availability of care outside traditional office hours
• Integrated and coordinated care
• Focus on quality and safety
• Payment based on quality measures in addition to, or instead of, specific services
28 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
The U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) charged the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Innovation with testing innovative health-care delivery models such
as medical homes (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). By April 2013, 43
of the 50 U.S. states had policies promoting the medical home model for certain patients,
especially but not only those enrolled in public assistance programs such as Medicaid.
Information systems can facilitate the development, implementation, and operation of
medical homes, helping them achieve their quality and efficiency goals. It enables pro-
viders to collect, manage, and share patient information, thus facilitating communication
among health-care teams and patients. Increased use of technology, by enhancing com-
munication among providers and patients, also promotes patient engagement.
SMMA Background
Glenn Trimble, MD, began practicing in the city of Springfield in 1987 after graduat-
ing from medical school, completing a residency in internal medicine, and four years of
active duty with the U.S. Army. He first joined the practice of Dr. Julian Oliviera. He took
over the practice on Oliviera’s retirement in 1998 and hired Dr. Carolyn Wolff to help
handle the patient load. In addition to the two physicians, the practice then employed an
administrator/bookkeeper, three registered nurses, and a front desk clerk.
In 2003, the practice, then named Drs. Trimble and Wolff, was approached by
Springfield Metro Hospital (SMH) with a suggestion that they affiliate their practice
with the hospital. By then, many medical practices had affiliated with hospitals, with
benefits to both. The arrangement they negotiated left Dr. Trimble in charge of oper-
ating the medical practice, but centralized billing and in some cases allowed higher
billing rates than the practice would get on its own. It also allowed the practice to
obtain administrative help from the hospital. This included access to a professional
information systems staff. The affiliation was completed in mid-2004. The practice was
renamed SMMA.
In 2008, Dr. Wolff heard a conference speaker from the American Academy of Family
Physicians discuss the medical home concept. The idea was first floated in 1967, but didn’t
attract attention right away. In 2007, the AAFP, with the American College of Physicians,
the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Osteopathic Association, devel-
oped principles for the PCMH model. They expected it to become popular because of
advantages to both patients and doctors, such as its ability to improve health outcomes
while reducing costs.
Drs. Wolff and Trimble discussed the PCMH concept the following week. (She e-mailed
him about it from the conference, so he was able to read up on it over the weekend.) With
the support of SMH, SMMA decided to move in that direction in 2009. SMH was glad to
see an affiliated medical practice trying out the PCMH model, since it seemed that it could
become increasingly important in the U.S. health-care picture.
Becoming a medical home would require adding new specialists, such as nutritionists,
to provide complete health care. These wouldn’t have to be SMMA employees, but would
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 29
work with it as part of a health-care team. Over the next few years, SMMA hired additional
staff, including two physician’s assistants* and a nurse practitioner, and developed working
relationships with other health-care providers and social workers in the Springfield area.
In 2013, they were recognized by the city council for their innovative approach to health
care. By all accounts, the 2009 experiment was a success.
* A physician assistant (PA) is licensed to practice medicine, within limits, on a team with a physician. The PA education
consists of two to three years in graduate school (an MD degree takes four) and does not require a residency (MD resi-
dency lasts at least three years). PAs may diagnose and treat illnesses, and prescribe medications.
† Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand all of the technical terms here. They’ll be covered later.
‡ The author is grateful for the cooperation and support of HealthFusion, Inc. (www.HealthFusion.com) in developing
this case.
30 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Consider the overview page of Mary Elliot’s medical record as shown in Figure 2.9 (see
the next chapter). For each information quality measure in this chapter, do either:
a. Give an example of an item on that page that might be deficient in terms of that factor.
b. Say that nothing on that page could be deficient in terms of this factor, and
explain why.
2. Should SMMA keep its patient portal, even though few of its patients use it? Explain why.
1. Your English instructor uses a spreadsheet to calculate class grades. Its formulas con-
sider the weight of each item, policies such as dropping the lowest homework grade,
and adjustments to create a desired grade distribution. You are concerned that this
instructor, who is not a spreadsheet expert, is at least as likely to make errors as were
Drs. Reinhart and Rogoff. You do not want such an error to impact your grade. How
do you proceed?
2. Suppose Herndon had released his findings in October 2012, just before the U.S. pres-
idential election, rather than after that election had been decided. How do you think
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 31
that would have affected Reinhart and Rogoff’s response to those findings? What
does this suggest to you about the response to finding errors in a spreadsheet that a
business uses? Would this affect what you do if you suspect errors in a spreadsheet
you are given to use at work?
Swissquote is the leading Swiss provider of online financial services. Founded in 1997, as
2015 opened, they serviced over 220,000 accounts from five locations in Europe and Asia.
About three quarters of its clients trade securities, with the rest split approximately equally
between savers and foreign currency traders. Their investment clients are not day trad-
ers who carry out many transactions every day; their average client makes about a dozen
trades per year. Foreign currency traders trade much more frequently. All their clients are
financially sophisticated and demanding.
Online investment services are not unusual in 2015, but online investment services
with the range of tools that Swissquote provides its clients are rare. For example, the
screen in Figure 1.9 provides real-time information to foreign exchange traders. The six
sections in the upper left provide the current prices for buying and selling user-selected
pairs of currencies. The top left section shows U.S. dollars (USD) and Swiss francs (CHF),
with both currencies also indicated by small flags. The display focuses on the digits most
likely to be of interest to the trader: the actual rate at which U.S. dollars are sold for Swiss
francs is 0.92175, but the 0.92 part doesn’t usually change from one minute to the next so
it’s shown in much smaller digits at the upper left. The final 5 is less likely to be important,
so it’s also shown smaller. A user can click on any of the twelve squares to buy or sell any
of those six currency pairs against the other.
Swissquote’s SQORE portal, introduced in 2014, provides market information and anal-
ysis to investors. It uses quantitative models developed by Swissquote’s Quantitative Asset
Management Department. The models cover techniques such as advanced interest rate
differential, technical analysis, and commodities and index breakout strategies. SQORE
applies these models to market activity to generate trade ideas.
Ryan Nettles, director, head of Foreign Exchange at Swissquote, explains “We have
developed and launched multiple quantitative automated trading models so traders can
create portfolios, track performance and follow the trade ideas. The trading models pro-
vide ideas across foreign exchange, commodities and stock indices” (Siddiqui, 2014).
Peter Rosenstreich, head of Market Strategy, adds “We developed Swissquote SQORE to
empower the retail trader to make educated decisions based on the same depth and quality
of analysis and insight available to institutional investors. The gap between institutional
and retail has never been narrower. It is a level playing field now” (Fox, 2014).
One of SQORE’s features is its ability to generate trading ideas based on models devel-
oped by Swissquote’s quantitative analysts. For example, if it determines that there is a
difference in the interest rates that are typically charged for loans in different currencies,
it can suggest a strategy that will borrow a low-interest currency while loaning a high-
interest currency. What’s more, since a higher interest rate often reflects higher anticipated
inflation in that currency, it can analyze the potential impact of inflation to avoid exposure
to excessive risk due to this factor.
Another Swissquote product is CVaR, “Conditional Value at Risk,” a tool for private
banking clients that seeks out an investment strategy constructing a portfolio of securi-
ties with a lower overall risk than any particular share. CVaR tests the portfolio weekly to
ensure that it remains within the client’s risk level. It can then reallocate the portfolio as
conditions change. Weekly testing avoids the risk of a reallocation being wrongly triggered
by the intraday “Flash Crash” on Wall Street some months ago.
“The client can immediately see what his preferred portfolio, based on his choices, looks
like, as his strategy is simulated and then back tested for the longest possible period based
on what data is available,” explains Dr. Serge Kassibrakis, head of the team that developed
CVaR (Schweizer, 2010).
1. Foreign exchange traders often buy and sell currencies on the basis of small price dif-
ferences. Speed in carrying out a transaction is essential in order for such differences
not to disappear between the time a trader decides to buy or sell and the time the
order is executed.
2. Do you agree with Rosenstreich that a retail trader—that is, an individual operating
on his or her own, without a large company’s resources to draw on—is, with SQORE,
on a level playing field with those who work for large organizations? Why or why not?
3. How much would an information system such as Swissquote’s be worth to an indi-
vidual investor? Obviously, that depends on how much money this person has in his
or her investments and on several other factors. Make all the assumptions you need
to make here and state them.
4. What do you think of the information quality of what the Swissquote systems dis-
play? Consider at least five of the quality factors discussed in this chapter. What can
go wrong?
Why Information Systems Matter in Business ◾ 33
American Academy of Family Physicians, The patient-centered medical home, June 13, 2013. www.
aafp.org/practice-management/pcmh/overview.html, accessed July 23, 2013.
Associated Press, Agreement reached in lotus suit, December 10, 1986. news.google.com/newspapers?id=
TFlWAAAAIBAJ&sjid=bu8DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4089,6387832, accessed June 24, 2013.
Fitzgerald, J., Uncovering flaws in an influential study, The Boston Globe, June 23, 2013, p. G1.
Fox, M., Swissquote launches portal to bring quality trade ideas to semi-professional traders &
investors, Leaprate, October 17, 2014. leaprate.com/2014/10/swissquote-launches-portal-to-
bring-quality-trade-ideas-to-semi-professional-traders-investors, accessed November 25,
HealthFusion Web site. www.healthfusion.com, accessed July 26, 2013.
Herndon, T., M. Ash, and R. Pollin, Does high public debt consistently stifle economic growth?
A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Political
Economy Research Institute, Amherst, MA, April 15, 2013. www.peri.umass.edu/236/
hash/31e2ff374b6377b2ddec04deaa6388b1/publication/566/, accessed June 23, 2013.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, NASA’s Spitzer Observes
Gas Emission from Comet ISON, July 23, 2013. www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?
release=2013-231, accessed July 25, 2013.
Meyers, D., M. Quinn, and C. Clancy, Health information technology: Turning the patient-centered
medical home from concept to reality, Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare, March/April
2010. www.ahrq.gov/news/newsroom/commentaries/pcmh-concept-to-reality.html, accessed
July 23, 2013.
Rao, A., Influence of the patient protection and affordable care act on the development of the patient
centered medical home, Wright State University Master of Public Health Program, January 1,
2012. corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/mph/38, accessed July 24, 2013.
Reinhart, C. and K. Rogoff, Growth in a time of debt, American Economic Review 100(2), May 2010, 573.
Reinhart, C. and K. Rogoff, Errata: Growth in a time of debt, May 5, 2013. www.carmenreinhart.
com/user_uploads/data/36_data.pdf, accessed June 23, 2013.
Schweizer, R., Here’s the web based investing solution that cuts out the middle man, Business
Insider, October 25, 2010, www.businessinsider.com/heres-the-web-based-solution-that-
cuts-out-the-investing-middle-man-2010-10, accessed May 12, 2015.
Siddiqui, A., Traders aim to ‘Sqore’ wins under news & analysis service launched by Swissquote,
Forex Magnates, October 8, 2014. forexmagnates.com/traders-aim-sqore-wins-news-analysis-
service-launched-swissquote, accessed November 25, 2014.
SwissQuote Web site. en.swissquote.com, accessed November 24, 2014.
Temenos, Swissquote Bank, 2013. www.temenos.com/documents/mi/cs/cs-131121_temenos_
swissquote.pdf, accessed November 24, 2014.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. About the Law, www.hhs.gov/healthcare/
rights/index.html, accessed June 11, 2015.
Chapter 2
Role of Information
Systems in Business
• A Perspective on Information Systems
• Competitive Strategies
• Five Basic Competitive Forces
• Value Chain
36 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
• The industry that a company is in determines, to a high degree, its value chain: the
sequence of activities through which it produces an output that is worth more than the
total cost of its inputs. Most organizations of a given type have similar value chains.
Industry Strategy
Value chain
There are other factors in success. Product design and advertising must be executed well.
Timing is important: it can take years to bring a product from concept to market, and one that
seemed like a good idea when its development began may be totally unsuitable three years
later. These factors will still make a firm more successful than it would be otherwise.
There are three fundamental ways in which information systems can make a big differ-
ence to a company’s success. Those are:
Figure 2.2 shows them overlapping. An information system that helps choose a marketing
plan has an aspect of making better decisions and an aspect of connecting with customers.
An information system that decides when and how many parts to order links purchasing
and production, and also connects the organization as a whole with suppliers. New types
of systems, such as those in Box 2.1, will become part of this picture during your career.
As you read about these systems, think about which of these three factors in information
systems value applies to each of them.
To put these together to make an organization more successful, we look for opportuni-
ties to apply information systems to the stages of the value chain and to the competitive
forces, focusing on making a difference in one of these three ways. In any given situation,
Linking the
Making with
better customers,
decisions suppliers
• The classroom will learn you. No more needing half the semester for a new teacher to
figure out who you are.
• Innovations in physical stores will enable it to beat online shopping.
• Doctors will use your DNA to keep you well. Your treatment won’t be the same as your
buddy’s, even if you both have the same condition.
• A digital guardian will protect you online. Crooks will get smarter, but technology will
keep them from winning.
• The city will help you live in it. It will respond to needs faster than people could.
What do you think? Will these innovations happen? If they do, will they affect our lives? Visit
venturebeat.com/2013/12/16/ibm-reveals-its-top-five-predictions-for-the-next-five-years to see!
the combinations won’t all apply, but some of them almost certainly will. That can guide
new system development.
Where you fit in: Understanding this perspective means thinking like a manager, not like an
employee who is concerned only with his or her personal job. Businesses value and reward
those who think like managers.
Many information systems do not do these things. Using computers for payroll doesn’t
improve competitive position much, but that doesn’t mean an organization should do pay-
roll by hand. It should go for the savings that automating payroll provides, but we have to
keep the benefits of personal applications (like word processing) and data processing appli-
cations (like payroll) in perspective. To make a big difference, we have to look elsewhere.
To be successful, an organization must be able to answer the question “Why should a cus-
tomer choose to do business with us, rather than with someone else?” (You may have heard
the answer to that question called that organization’s unique selling proposition in market-
ing courses.) This applies to different organizations in different ways:
• University: Why should a student apply to our university, not the other one across
town, and accept our offer of admission, not theirs?
• Hotel: Why should a visitor stay with us, not at the Sheraton two blocks away?
• Local hardware store: Why should a customer buy from us, not Home Depot?
• Car manufacturer: Why should someone buy our sedan, not a Toyota Camry?
• Dentist: Why should someone want me to fill their cavities, not Dr. Atkins?
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 39
These questions should have answers. The answers won’t apply to every possible customer. A
university that accepts most of its applicants, and prides itself on being able to bring poorly
prepared students up to a good educational level in four years, won’t steal a valedictorian with
2350 SATs from Princeton. In knowing what it offers and to whom, though, it can plan a strat-
egy to do as well as possible in its target market. Information systems can help with that strategy.
Where you fit in: As you think of reasons why a potential customer should do business with
your employer, ask yourself how information systems can help make that happen.
Low-cost strategy. The organization wants to offer its customers the lowest cost for a
product that is fundamentally about the same as most other suppliers’. Example: Kia,
when it first sold cars in the United States.
Quality: “Our products have higher quality than the rest.” Information systems
can support this strategy by monitoring and analyzing quality control testing.
Innovation: “We’re first with the latest ideas.” Information systems can support
this strategy by reducing communication delays in the design process.
Customer service: “We take better care of you than our competitors do.”
Information systems can support this strategy by giving customer support staff
information about this customer, what products he or she has, and the history of
interactions with him or her.
Broad Narrow
In airlines: “Our planes have more legroom in economy than other airlines’
planes.” Information systems can justify this strategy by analyzing whether this
airline’s target market will pay enough for more legroom to offset the revenue lost
by carrying fewer passengers per plane.
In dentistry: “Our implants take less time than other types of implants.”
Information systems can support this strategy by customizing each patient’s
implant, enabling it to be placed more quickly and accurately.
In roofing materials: “Our roof shingles have a longer warranty than others.”
Information systems can support this strategy by determining the added costs
associated with a longer warranty and evaluating whether the target market will
support these costs via increased sales volume and/or accepting a higher price.
These apply to every customer. Everyone wants high-quality products, innovative
products, and good service. Every economy-class air traveler wants more legroom.
Everyone who gets a dental implant wants it done quickly. Everyone who gets a new
roof wants it to last a long time. These strategies are aimed at all customers in those
markets, not just some of them.
Niche strategy. The organization wants to offer products for the unique needs of a specific
segment of the market. Example: Land Rover. Their cars are differentiated from most
other cars by their ability to be driven away from paved roads. If you don’t want to drive
off paved roads, or at least to know that you could, they may not be for you.
Which of these is best? There is no single right answer. No product or service is right for
all customers all the time, but (almost) every product or service is right for some custom-
ers some of the time. A firm should have a clear idea of its strategy and focus its efforts on
making that strategy succeed. Information systems can help make the strategy succeed.
Using them effectively requires understanding the strategy itself.
An organization’s strategy is the most important determinant of how it responds to
competitive pressures. An organization with a low-cost strategy, faced with a competitor
that undercuts its prices or with a new approach to its market whose main advantage is
lower cost, will respond in one way—and will need certain information systems capabili-
ties to support that response. An organization with a niche strategy, faced with the same
less expensive competition, will respond differently—and will require different informa-
tion systems capabilities to support that response. Therefore, we’ll look at the five basic
competitive forces next.
Where you fit in: Whatever your job, at whatever level, try to understand your employer’s basic
competitive strategy. Whenever you have a choice among alternative courses of action, see if one
is more consistent with that strategy than the others. If one is, it’s almost always the best choice.
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 41
Threat of new
Threat of
Impact of the Internet and the Web on Rivalry among Existing Competitors
The web creates new ways for companies to compete. Customers may choose a supplier for an
online capability such as customer support via the web. Restaurants with good reviews on Trip
Advisor, Urban Spoon, and yelp.com have an advantage over competitors that don’t. If you Like
a restaurant on Facebook, your friends are more likely to go there than to one across the street.
Companies must watch competitors to avoid being left behind. If BMW lets cus-
tomers search dealer inventory online for a certified used car that meets their needs,
Audi must do the same or lose sales. Does Honda, which does not compete directly
with BMW, also need this capability? Perhaps not, but they may see it as a way to get
an edge in their segment of the auto market.
Suppose BMW develops this capability first. Audi sees it and responds.* It will not be
able to respond immediately: there will be a lag until they notice it, more time will pass
as they decide what to do about it, it will take time to develop the same capability on
their website, and finally more time will go by as dealers upload cars to the new database.
During this time, certified used car buyers will tend to buy BMWs, not Audis. The playing
field has been tilted in BMW’s favor.
Once Audi has this capability, the playing field is again level, but at a new level. Buyers
have a new desirable capability. However, imagine a soccer (football in most of the world)
field with dozens of balls. If it is tilted, the balls will tend to roll toward one end. If it
becomes level again, the balls will tend to remain at that end until play eventually redis-
tributes them. When a company gains market share because of an innovative informa-
tion system, it tends to keep its share after the original reason for it has gone away. Here,
if someone buys a certified used BMW because, at the time, only BMW offers this search
capability on its website, that person will (if satisfied with the car) probably continue to
buy BMWs after that. The value of being first extends beyond immediate sales gains.
The web also enables companies to strengthen their competitive positions by creating
alliances. Alliances can be among companies in different businesses, such as the agree-
ment by which Shell fuel stations in parts of the United States give discounts to custom-
ers of certain supermarket chains. They can also be among companies in different parts
of the same business, such as airlines that serve different regions of the world or small
hardware stores in different cities.
* These firms are simply examples with familiar names. Feel free to reverse them or substitute others.
44 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
In any purchasing situation, though, there is at least some power on both sides.
If you think bananas are worth 59¢ a pound and a store’s price is 69¢, you’ll probably
buy them anyhow. At 99¢, you’ll buy fewer bananas, perhaps none at all, or look else-
where. Even in the lopsided retail situation, there are limits to a seller’s power over its
Reducing customer power can overcome a moderate competitive advantage, but not a
strong one. Suppose Stardollars Coffee gives its customers a loyalty card that entitles them
to a free cup after purchasing nine cups. If a cup of coffee costs $2, this discount effectively
reduces the price for regular customers to $1.80. If McDougall’s Coffee down the street
also charges $2 per cup, regular buyers will prefer Stardollars. The card will be effective
as long as McDougall’s charges at least $1.80. Some customers will stay with Stardollars
if McDougall’s cuts its price to $1.75 or $1.69, from force of habit or because they prefer
its coffee. If McDougall’s charges $1, though, the card won’t keep customers from leaving.
Sellers can reduce customer bargaining power, but they can’t take it away. If a competitor’s
offer is a lot better, customers will take it.
Free products are of limited value in increasing customer loyalty, because they can
be countered by a lower competitive price. That is why airlines, masters of customer
loyalty programs, offer more than flights to their best customers. They offer upgrades
to first class, which cost the airline little (if the seat would otherwise be empty) but are
expensive to purchase. They offer elite status with special ID cards (Figure 2.6), access to
phone lines with shorter waits, and early boarding. These benefits cost the airline little
or nothing—ID cards cost pennies, phone calls have to be handled sooner or later, and
all passengers will eventually board—but they make a big difference to the flyers who
get them. Information systems are essential to managing these programs. (There’s more
about such loyalty programs in Chapter 8, Connecting with Customers and Suppliers.)
Changing the price, quality, or some other aspect of the attractiveness of the basic offer-
ing is not using this competitive force. If a company cuts its prices, it changes the pic-
ture of its competition with its existing competitors. It will probably get more customers,
but as soon as its competitors match its lower prices, or it returns them to their previous
level, most of those new price-sensitive customers will disappear. Reducing the bargaining
power of customers allows a company to keep its customers even though a competitor’s
offering is, for the moment, better.
Impact of the Internet and the Web on the Bargaining Power of Customers
The web increases the bargaining power of customers by making it easier to find suppliers.
Want a hotel in Vancouver, Canada? Hotels.com shows 216 of them. One is sure to meet
your needs.
Without the web, travelers would choose a hotel that their travel agent knows of, that
advertises in their local newspapers, or that’s in their guidebooks. In theory, they could
check a Vancouver phone book or a complete hotel directory, but few travelers would.
Companies can reduce customer bargaining power by increasing switching costs.
Consider shipping packages. If you register as a FedEx customer and ship a package to a
client, her name is now in the FedEx database as a person you ship to. Next time you send
her something, you select her name from your address list on the FedEx site—or start to
type it, and FedEx will show a list of the previous addressees whose names match what
you’ve typed so far. A company may have thousands of names in its FedEx address list. It
will be reluctant to change shippers since that would mean re-entering those names and
addresses. This company may stay with FedEx for this reason even if another shipper is less
expensive. The cost of using a more expensive supplier, over time, can exceed the switching
cost, but few companies make that calculation. Had the company in this example moved to
that less expensive shipping firm as soon as it noticed the cost difference, entering addresses
as it used them, it could probably have saved the data entry cost many times over—but the
desire to avoid switching costs is strong.
Loyalty programs such as the Stardollars card don’t require information systems, but
information systems and the web make sophisticated programs practical. Airlines’ fre-
quent-flyer programs are more effective in motivating travelers than simpler programs
would be. Information systems also keep program cost under control, since careful demand
monitoring and analysis mean that seats given as awards would seldom have been sold to
paying passengers.
Information systems can link a customer to its suppliers, creating what is in effect a
partnership in many respects. They can automate the ordering process, saving time and
money on both sides and reducing errors. You’ll read more about this area, supply chain
management, in Chapter 8.
Impact of the Internet and the Web on the Bargaining Power of Suppliers
The web reduces the bargaining power of suppliers by making it easier for purchasers to
find new ones. This is the other side of the statement in the previous section, that the web
increases customer bargaining power.
In the other direction, it can strengthen suppliers’ hand by integrating the supplier’s
supply chain with the customer’s. It is harder for a company to change suppliers when its
operations are linked with those of its existing suppliers.
Impact of the Internet and the Web on the Threat of New Entrants
The web has reduced geographic barriers to market entry. Unless location is a factor in provid-
ing a product or a service, the web has opened worldwide markets to businesses of any size.
The web, by enabling online sales, has also reduced some financial barriers to market
entry. A one-person business can have the web presence of a global corporation.
At the same time, the web has increased technological barriers to entry. Effective compe-
tition requires a well-designed website, regularly updated. It requires a presence on social
networks such as Facebook and Google+, and effective use of social media such as Twitter
and YouTube. It may require back-end databases with real-time product inventory infor-
mation. Today, the web is the primary vehicle for creating technological entry barriers.
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 47
Impact of the Internet and the Web on the Threat of Substitute Products and Services
Technology enables digital substitutes for information-based products. MP3 downloads
replacing music CDs, mentioned earlier, are one example. Many people today get news
from the web rather than a newspaper, download software rather than buying a CD-ROM,
48 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
check maps.google.com rather than a road map, and visit dating sites instead of singles
bars. The common feature is that the original product had physical form for lack of an
alternative, not because it was inherently necessary.
Where you fit in: If you understand the five fundamental competitive forces and how informa-
tion systems can influence them, you’re in an excellent position to suggest ways to use informa-
tion systems strategically. Organizations value people who can do this. Their contributions are
visible to top management. Their career prospects are bright.
Just as competitive forces have existed for ages, but weren’t analyzed until recent decades,
so has the value chain. The value chain is the series of steps a company goes through to
transform its raw materials into something of greater value. It was first formalized by the
same Michael Porter who first analyzed the competitive forces.
Figure 2.8 shows the value chain for a typical manufacturing company. It is divided into
primary activities, the foundation on which every organization rests, and support activities,
which span the primary activities. Primary activities differ from one industry to another.
Their structure and effectiveness can create a difference between one organization and
another in the same industry. Support activities are usually similar in concept, especially if
two organizations are in the same industry, but can also be carried out better by one firm
or another.
Value chains exist in every organization. A hospital transforms its inputs (ill and
injured people, medicines, facilities, and the efforts of medical professionals) into
healthy people. Since people or their insurers are willing to pay for this transforma-
tion, the output must be worth more than the total cost of the inputs. The right end of
the value chain diagram, labeled “margin,” reflects this increase in value. The primary
Firm infrastructure
Technology development
Operations Service
activities logistics logistics and sales
activities in the value chain of a hospital are admission, diagnosis, treatment, surgery,
postoperative care, therapy, and discharge.
A hospital can do things such as these to apply information systems to its value chain:
Most hospitals do some or all of these things today. The first to do them obtained a competi-
tive advantage. Today they are a competitive necessity, benefiting both hospitals and patients.
When you try to understand the value chain of any organization, such as one you might
work for in the future, start with inputs and outputs. What are the elements that the orga-
nization uses in its work? What does it transform them into? Then, define what activities
perform the transformation and work from there to the other activities of the organization.
• In a school, the inputs are people who need education and the efforts of educators;
the outputs are educated people; and the basic operations are teaching and learning.
• In shipping, the inputs are goods at point A and a means of transportation, the out-
puts are goods at point B, and the basic operation is moving them from A to B.
Where you fit in: The elements of the value chain show where an organization can apply infor-
mation systems. Think about each of them in turn, asking questions such as:
• How can the cost of this element be reduced without reducing its value?
• How can the value of this element be increased without increasing its cost, or increasing
its cost by less than its increase in value?
• How can communication between elements be improved to increase their joint value or
reduce their joint cost?
Then ask: How can information systems help make this happen?
50 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Bargaining power of customers (competitive force): The ability of an organization’s cus-
tomers to influence its success by their actions.
Bargaining power of suppliers (competitive force): The ability of an organization’s sup-
pliers to influence its success by their actions.
Competitive forces: The five forces that influence a company’s competitive position.
Competitive strategy: The overall approach an organization takes to succeed in its indus-
try in the face of other organizations that also want to succeed and the fact that
they cannot all succeed as well as they might wish.
Differentiation strategy: A decision on the part of a business that it will try to succeed by
offering a product or service that differs from others in ways that apply to many
potential buyers.
Low-cost strategy: A decision on the part of a business that it will try to succeed by offering
its customers the lowest possible prices.
Niche strategy: A decision on the part of a business that it will try to succeed by offering a
product or service that is tailored to the unique needs of a specific market segment.
Primary activities (in the value chain): Activities that contribute directly to making, sell-
ing, and supporting the organization’s product or service.
Rivalry among competitors (competitive force): The ability of an organization’s existing
competitors to influence its success by their actions.
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 51
Secondary activities (in the value chain): Activities that contribute indirectly to making,
selling, and supporting the organization’s product or service.
Switching costs: The cost to a customer of changing from one supplier to another.
Threat of new entrants (competitive force): The degree to which an organization’s success
can be reduced by new organizations going into the same type of business.
Threat of substitute products or services (competitive force): The degree to which an
organization’s success can be reduced by different products or services that meet
the same need.
Value chain: The sequence of activities through which an organization produces a product
or service that is worth more than the total cost of producing it.
1. What is the ultimate purpose of using information systems in organizations?
2. Identify the three ways in which information systems can make a big difference to
3. What are the three basic types of business strategies?
4. What are the five competitive forces that Michael Porter identified?
5. Describe, briefly, the competitive force of rivalry.
6. Describe, briefly, the competitive force of customer power.
7. Describe, briefly, the competitive force of supplier power.
8. Describe, briefly, the competitive force of threat of new entrants.
9. Describe, briefly, the competitive force of threat of substitute products.
10. What does value chain mean?
11. In the context of the value chain, what is the difference between primary activities
and support activities?
12. How are the value chain and the five competitive forces related to each other?
1. Explain why the three ways that information systems can make a major difference
to an organization’s success, listed in the section “A Perspective on Information
Systems,” are more important in that regard than knowing how to use all the fea-
tures of Microsoft Office or a similar set of applications.
2. Visit the link in Box 2.1 and answer the questions posed just before the link. Give
reasons for your answers.
3. Give examples of restaurants in your area that employ the three basic competitive strat-
egies (one restaurant for each strategy). Explain why you think each fits its category.
52 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
4. When Japanese auto manufacturers began selling luxury cars in the United States
after being known for inexpensive cars, they started new divisions with separate
identities and dealerships: Acura (Honda), Lexus (Toyota), and Infiniti (Nissan). They
did this even though it cost more than extending their existing lines with the same
cars. Using competitive strategy concepts, explain why they thought this was worth
the cost.
5. A city apartment cleaning service employs about 10 people and cleans about 100
apartments: some weekly, some every other week. Its rivalry with competitors is about
how it compares with other apartment cleaning services in the same city. Describe, in
a few sentences each, what the other four competitive forces mean to it.
6. Justin Thyme wants to start importing Chinese cars to the United States, where they
are not sold or well known. Explain how his venture would be affected by the five
competitive forces. (Some might not matter.)
7. Identify a well-known brand of consumer products, such as Fisher-Price toys. Is its
position weak or strong with respect to each of the five competitive forces? Justify
your answers. If you said it is strong with respect to a force, give an example of
another firm that is weaker, or of a hypothetical firm that would be weaker. If you
said it is weak with respect to a force, say what could make it stronger with respect to
that force.
8. Visit tgifridays.com and read about their Give Me More Stripes loyalty program.
Which competitive force does it leverage? Do you think it is effective in motivating
people to eat there more often than they would otherwise? Why or why not? What
changes to it would you recommend and why? If you answered “none,” explain why
you think it can’t be improved.
9. Draw the value chain for your college or university. Start by defining its raw materi-
als, or inputs, and its outputs. There is no single right answer to this question, so your
answers will differ from your classmates’.
10. Draw the value chain for an airline. Start by defining its raw materials, or inputs, and
its outputs. There is no single right answer to this question, so your answers will differ
from your classmates’.
A user begins by signing in with a user name and a password. He or she then sees a daily
schedule page like this (Figure 2.9).
Since Dr. Trimble will see Mary Elliot right after lunch, he wants to review her
health record before he has lunch with Miguel and Elizabeth. At 11:30, after Richard
Thompson leaves, he clicks on her name, and the main page of her health record appears
(Figure 2.10).
Dr. Trimble makes a mental note to see how well the clonidine, which he prescribed dur-
ing her previous visit, is controlling her blood pressure, and whether the metformin dosage
is keeping her blood sugar at the right level or should be adjusted. If he had been reviewing
the record of a patient that he wasn’t going to see until further into the future, he could
open the Chart Notes tab and write himself a reminder note.
As he was completing his review of Mary Eliot’s chart, Miguel and Elizabeth came in
the main entrance to the offices and went over to the receptionist’s desk. Since it was just
before the lunch hour and no appointments were scheduled for that time, they were able
to walk right up to Kelly Sousa, the receptionist, and tell her that they had an appoint-
ment with Dr. Trimble. She showed them the way to his office. He was expecting them, so
his door was open. He greeted the two students warmly as they approached. “Good to see
you,” he said. “We’re having some Chinese food brought in. Interested?”
Of course they were. Fifteen minutes later, after the three did full justice to scallion pan-
cakes, sesame chicken, and vegetarian fried rice, Dr. Trimble said “Following up on our
discussion at Standish last week, you’re doing a project on information systems and you’d
like to look at ours. We’d like to help you, partly because we have a really good relationship
with your School of Nursing and partly because we hope you’ll come up with some ideas
we can use. How do you think we should start? Perhaps a general description of what we
do with computers here?”
“That sounds great,” Miguel replied. “Perhaps you could tell us a bit about how you oper-
ate here, and how those systems fit into the business picture?”
Dr. Trimble began by going over some of the background information you read in Chapter 1.
We can skip that part, picking up as he began to describe their information systems.
“We’ve progressed a good deal since we began to use computers for billing and that
sort of thing. Today, that’s a given. It improves efficiency, but that’s not a big deal. The
key to what we do with information is trying to be more effective. You do know the dif-
ference, right?”
“Yes, we do,” replied Elizabeth. “That’s been drummed into us at school from Day One.”
“Good. In terms of being more effective, a huge problem in health care has been getting
all the people involved in treating a patient onto the same page. That’s hard enough when
it’s one physician referring a patient to one specialist for one specific issue. It gets incredibly
more complicated when you have more than one person involved. For example, I have one
patient now with a brain tumor. No names, of course—”
“We know that,” interrupted Miguel. “Aside from HIPAA,* that’s just common sense.
You can’t know who we know, and most people wouldn’t want us to know their medical
“I figured you did,” Dr. Trimble agreed, “but it never hurts to make sure. Anyhow,
aside from me, she has an oncologist, who deals with possible chemotherapy; a neurolo-
gist, who worries about how it affects her brain; a surgeon, who is scheduled to take out
the tumor next week; a radiologist, who will figure out what kind of radiation might kill
off any cancer cells that the chemo and the surgery don’t get; radiation techs who will
administer the radiation over the course of two weeks; nurses who will administer the
chemo; the hospital docs who will see her while she’s recovering from the surgery—did
I leave anyone out?”
“I don’t know, but that list is long enough even if you did,” Elizabeth said. “I’ve
been fortunate not to have had a situation like that in my family, but I think we get the
* The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It establishes rules for the privacy of medical information.
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 55
picture. Today’s medical practice isn’t the family doctor my grandfather said came to
their house when he was a kid.”
“Right, Elizabeth. Those days are gone. We’ve gained a lot in terms of what we can do,
but we’ve lost some of the personal touch. One of the things we hope to accomplish with
technology is to get some of that personal touch back. There’s a lot more to remember now
than there used to be, but maybe technology can help us remember it. The hard part isn’t
getting the data into the computer. The hard part is getting it back out again when and
where it’s needed, without people needing to do a lot of extra work. Extra work discourages
people from using anything.
“Anyhow, back to my patient. Most of her treatment is at Springfield Metro, but not all
of it. So we have to share information, first, within our own practice, which includes sev-
eral specialties that may be involved in caring for the same patient; second, with the rest of
Springfield Metro; and finally, with other healthcare providers in the region and beyond.
We hope MediTouch will let us do that. It works pretty well within SMMA, and most of
Springfield Metro is up to speed with standardized electronic health records, but exchang-
ing information with people in the outside world is still chancy. Our patients have to stay
on top of all their treatments a lot more than we’d like them to have to. That works out OK
when they’re fully functional from the neck up or a family member can coordinate their
treatments, but it’s not ideal.
“So, that’s our big challenge. Beyond that, keeping health records electronically saves
paper and makes it harder to lose things, but the really big improvement is that databases
can be shared a whole lot more easily than paper. The transition can be difficult, and we’re
having to learn how to keep focused on the patient while we’re entering information on a
screen, but once the world gets there the benefits should be huge.
“Other than that, most of what we do is what the hospital does. We use their human
resources system and their other administrative systems. I could tell you a bit about them,
but if you really want to look into them, you should talk to the people two blocks down the
street. Would you like me to put you in touch with someone there?”
“That would be incredibly helpful, Dr. Trimble,” Miguel responded immediately. “How
would you like to proceed?”
“I’ll tell you what. I think you’ll be interested in some new hardware we’re trying out
with MediTouch, so why don’t you come back here next week to see that and talk to
Dr. Wolff about it? By then I’ll have a name for you downtown. I’ll leave it with Kelly.”
“Thanks so much,” the two replied in one voice. “We really appreciate it!”
1. What are the major competitive forces SMMA has to deal with in terms of keeping
existing patients and getting new ones? How can information systems help it leverage
those forces? Consider both their present applications, as described in this case, and
potential new ones.
2. Draw the value chain for SMMA. Start by stating exactly what its inputs and outputs
are. Use your general knowledge, not specific information from this case.
56 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
product releases, events we’re hosting, announce news, and as a thought leadership tool. It
has also been a strong customer service tool; our customers often use Twitter to ask ques-
tions and offer feedback.” Crafting a purpose for each network gives focus to both profiles.
1. Explain how each of the earlier use of social media affects, or why it does not affect,
each of the five competitive forces. (Your instructor may assign specific examples to
write about.)
2. Weetabix used six-second videos. Dollar Shave Club used a 90-second video. VW
India didn’t use videos at all. Do you feel that videos engage customers on social
media? Why or why not? If it’s not just yes or no, when and when not?
3. Are some of the competitive strategies described in the section “Competitive
Strategies” better adapted to social media than others? Which, why, and how?
* Fax is older than that. The first fax machine was patented in 1843. Commercial fax service between Paris and Lyon was
offered in 1865, 11 years before the invention of the telephone.
58 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
and converted to an image of the page. Most text-based information can be converted to
digital form via optical character recognition.
One such company is OpenText Corp.* of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Its RightFax
product can use the content of a fax to access databases, can route them intelligently based
on business rules, and can confirm that a certain person has seen a fax. By displaying faxes
on computer screens, the cost of supplies is eliminated, and the likelihood of mechanical
failure greatly reduced. In case the software can’t figure out what to do with a fax, its origi-
nal form is available to people to see.
One U.S. pharmacy chain used computer-integrated fax messaging to replace man-
ual prescription entry into its central pharmacy system. Previously, a pharmacist would
approve a prescription, add data to it, scan it, and send it to the chain’s home office for
manual entry. The home office separated faxes into new prescriptions, renewals, and other
(such as insurance confirmations) before entering data. With a document capture and
management system, approved prescriptions have the data added automatically—which is
possible because the fax is inside a computer, not on a sheet of paper—and are then added,
again automatically, to the central pharmacy database.
With this system, the lag in filling a prescription went from hours to minutes. Customers
benefit, because pharmacists spend less time scanning and routing fax forms. And the phar-
macists can focus on what they prefer to do: serving customers and working with medications.
Another example of the benefits of computer-managed fax messaging: the central phar-
macy of Denver Health Medical Center fills 700 prescriptions per day. They found that
30% of their requests were duplicates. The computer was able to flag potential duplicates
by comparing the sending fax number and medical record number of an incoming pre-
scription with those of prescriptions that arrived earlier. People who are alerted to possible
duplication between two messages can check them easily, but people who wonder if an
incoming message repeats one of the hundreds that came in earlier can’t.
1. Draw the value chain for a pharmacy. Does approving a prescription and entering it
into a database add value to the pharmacy’s product, or not?
2. Discuss the competitive force of substitute products in the context of digital messag-
ing competing with fax. How can fax, the existing service, retain its market? (It may
not be able to retain all of it, but it can influence how much it retains and for how
long.) How can digital messaging succeed in replacing it?
3. Marketing myopia is a term coined by Theodore Levitt to describe how providers of
a product or service may see themselves as providing that specific product or service,
not as meeting a customer need that can also be met in other (perhaps better) ways.
For example, a music publisher suffering from marketing myopia could see itself as
selling CDs and miss the shift to digital downloads. What is the customer need that
fax meets? How can providers of fax equipment avoid marketing myopia?
* The use of OpenText as an example here is not an endorsement. Other firms provide similar products.
Role of Information Systems in Business ◾ 59
Horton, G., Get Rid of Fax Machines: Increasing the speed of health information exchange,
OpenText Information Exchange, January 15, 2014. www.slideshare.net/faxsolutions/get-
rid-of-fax-machines-increasing-the-speed-of-health-information-exchange, accessed May 4,
Larsen, J., Viral video case study of dollar shave club: What we can learn, iMedia Connection,
August 27, 2013. blogs.imediaconnection.com/blog/2012/08/27/viral-video-case-study-of-
dollar-shave-club-what-we-can-learn/, accessed August 27, 2012.
LinkedIn Europe, LinkedIn Volkswagen Case Study, February 13, 2013. www.slideshare.net/
MacLeod, I., Weetabix finds out morning routine of public through series of Vines, The Drum,
May 20, 2013. www.thedrum.com/news/2013/05/20/weetabix- finds-out-morning-routine-
Moth, D., Seven useful social media case studies from 2013, Econsultancy, July 11, 2013. e consultancy.
OpenText Corp. www.opentext.com, accessed December 3, 2014.
Ostrower, J., American Airlines orders up to 100 787 Dreamliners, Flightglobal, October 15, 2008.
Porter, M., How competitive forces shape strategy, Harvard Business Review, 57(2), March–April
1979, 137; updated in The five competitive forces that shape strategy, Harvard Business Review,
86(1), January 2008, 78.
Syscom Services, Automating and securing healthcare information with cloud-based fax mes-
saging, July 8, 2014. www.syscomservices.com/Resources/Automating_and_Securing_
Healthcare_Information.pdf, accessed May 4, 2015.
Washenko, A., How braintree uses social for a digital business, Sprout Insights, May 16, 2013.
Technology Fundamentals
Chapter 3
Information Systems
• Computer Structure
• Switches: The Basic Hardware Building Blocks
• Computer System Components
• Computer Categories
64 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. Hardware exists only to run software. Software (Chapter 4) should drive hardware
2. Hardware evolves quickly. You must distinguish between basic principles and how
today’s products happen to work.
3. Effective management of hardware requires an enterprise hardware architecture, to
which individual hardware purchases should conform.
4. Selecting the right hardware requires understanding what that hardware will be
used for.
As you read in Chapter 1, computer hardware is one component of an information system.
This term refers to the physical parts of a computer: those you interact with, such as mouse,
keyboard, and display; its electronic and mechanical components, and the enclosures that
house them.
As you also read in Chapter 1, a system is a collection of components that interact with a
purpose. Hardware is one component of an information system, and the hardware is itself
also a system. We can break down the hardware of a computer as shown in Figure 3.1.
The elements of Figure 3.1 are themselves systems. A mechanical keyboard* consists
of an enclosure, a few dozen plastic keys, springs and electrical contacts under each, and
a way to send switch closing signals to a computer. Many of those can be broken down
unit (CPU)
RAM (main
* Many keyboards use touchscreens today, of course, including those on just about every phone and tablet.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 65
Data enters computers via input devices. Keyboards are in this category. However, com-
puters may actually get more data from a pointing device such as a trackpad or mouse. We
don’t think of sending data when we move a mouse, but that’s what happens. Every time
it moves, a mouse sends a message to the computer. That data doesn’t end up in word pro-
cessing documents, but without it, we couldn’t process words as easily as we do. Network
connections, as you’ll see in Chapter 6, can also be input devices.
Output devices present data to whomever, or whatever, needs it. Displays, printers, and
speakers are familiar computer output devices, but many information systems send output
to other devices. The bill dispenser in an ATM is an output device. So are the gate that
rises to let you leave a parking lot after you pay, and the fuel injection system in your car’s
engine. In a modern car, your foot doesn’t control fuel flow to the engine. It sends an input
to the engine computer. That computer calculates when to send fuel to the cylinders, and
how much.
Output can be sent via telecommunication links. When you ask about a book on ama-
zon.com or about an album on the iTunes Store, that’s how you get your reply. Many
enterprise-level computer systems send output to other computer systems, such as a payroll
computer that sends tax data to a computer at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. When we
describe what an information system does, data sent over communications links is a form
of system output.
Where you fit in: The characteristics of a system’s hardware can affect how that system works.
If a proposal can’t be read on a tablet because the file is too big, or if a web page won’t all fit on
a tablet screen at once with text large enough to read, something has to change. Businesspeople
must understand an entire system to make good decisions about its components.
Long-term storage is also part of most information systems. Your university’s registra-
tion system stores your grades, to use later in producing your transcript.
Input, output, and storage components are called peripheral devices collectively because
they surround a computer—that is, they are on its periphery. They are called that even
when a computer houses them in its main enclosure. The central electronics of the com-
puter, in the middle of Figure 3.1, coordinates their activity. It contains circuits to process
the data it’s working with and short-term storage for the data it’s using at the moment.
bit are represented by the digits 0 and 1. The implementation of those states in a physical
device—does a pit on a CD-ROM represent 0 or a 1?—only matters to computer engineers.
Computers represent complex data by using several switches. Suppose we want to rep-
resent the letter H. We start with one bit: if it’s 0, the letter is in the range A–P; if it’s 1, in
the range Q–Z. Since H is in the range A–P, its first bit is 0. A second bit narrows the letter
down to A–H or I–P. H is in the range A–H, so the second bit is also 0. Each time we add
one bit, the number of possible letters is cut in half. With five bits, as in Figure 3.2, we can
zero in on any letter of the alphabet. The figure shows the bit combinations that represent
the letters E through H in this scheme, where 0 means “choose the left path” and 1 means
“choose the right path.”
Five bits can represent any of 32 choices. We can use 26 of them for letters and have six
left over. In general, n bits have 2n combinations:
• Four bits have 16 combinations, enough for 10 digits plus a few other characters.
Some calculators use four bits to represent each decimal digit internally.
• Five bits, 32 combinations, let us represent letters of the alphabet (as in Figure 3.2) but
not much more. That’s not good enough for a useful computer.
• Six bits allow 64 combinations. These can represent 26 letters, all 10 digits, and a use-
ful set of punctuation marks and symbols. Early computers used six bits to represent
each character, but they didn’t use lowercase letters. That wouldn’t be viable today.
• Seven bits allow 128 combinations: enough for uppercase and lowercase letters, dig-
its, and common symbols. However, engineers find seven-bit storage units awkward.
Powers of 2, such as 8, work better. Seven-bit characters were tried, but never caught on.
• Eight bits allow 256 combinations. These can handle all the characters in Latin-based
languages. Characters are almost always stored in eight bits today. A storage unit of
eight bits is called a byte.
• Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese have many more than 256 characters.
Computers use double-byte characters for these languages. Two bytes, 16 bits, allow
216 = 65,536 combinations: enough for all written human languages combined.
The 96 positions of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
character set, which contain the most common printed characters, are shown in Figure 3.3.
This, plus 32 bit combinations that are used to control printers and communication links,
was the original seven-bit ASCII character set. Another 128 characters were added when
computer designers realized that seven-bit storage units wouldn’t catch on. Non-Latin
alphabets, such as Greek, Cyrillic (Russian, etc.), Hebrew, and Arabic, use the second
group of 128 characters. Computers can alternate between those languages and the Latin
alphabet. Those 128 places also provide for accented Latin letters.
The eight-bit byte is today’s basic unit of computer data. Besides characters, its 256 com-
binations can represent a number, from 0 to 255 or from −128 to 127 according to what’s
needed, or part of a longer number. Such a number can, in turn, mean many things: the
month in which someone was born, the intensity of a color component at a specific point
on a display, part of a sound wave in a song. Its interpretation is up to the program that
will process it.
Just as we use several bits to represent characters that we cannot represent in a single
bit, we use several bytes to represent data that we cannot represent in a single byte. Two
bytes can store the Postal Service code for a U.S. state. Three bytes can store color infor-
mation for a point on a display: red, green, and blue color components, with the intensity
of each as a number from 0 to 255. Short word processing documents take up 20,000 or
so bytes. Typical digital photographs use a few million. A full-length HD movie occupies
a few billion bytes.
Because many types of data occupy large numbers of bytes, people use metric sys-
tem prefixes to refer to large amounts of storage—just as metric distances between cities
are given in kilometers, not meters. The prefixes used to describe data sizes are given in
Table 3.1 (Box 3.1).
Table 3.2 gives examples of how much space some types of data typically require.
A 2015 personal computer can typically store from half a TB up to a few TB of data. A large
company’s database might approach 1 PB in size. In 2011, YouTube was estimated to have
about 9 PB of video, half of it added during that year alone; it’s much larger now. The larg-
est commercial database in the world, in all likelihood, is used by Google’s search engine.
Its size is a closely guarded secret, but it is surely larger than YouTube’s. Some govern-
ment security agencies may have larger databases, but those are even more closely guarded
Where you fit in: It’s important to know the terminology that people use when they discuss
information system storage requirements and capacities. You must be comfortable with these
concepts and terms to participate in those discussions intelligently. Besides, computing special-
ists often base their first opinion of a person’s knowledge on how well that person uses comput-
ing “jargon.” If you’re comfortable with it, they’ll think you understand the concepts. If you use
it awkwardly, they’ll think you don’t, even if you really understand a great deal.
set, with CPUs from several manufacturers. A program written for your PC (which uses
the Intel instruction set) won’t run on your phone (which uses the ARM instruction set),
and vice versa. Large computers and specialized processors may use other instruction sets.
The importance of this to businesspeople is understanding that software is tied to an
instruction set, so the software you need to run will constrain the type of computer that
you can use. (When a program runs on more than one instruction set, it is really two sepa-
rate programs designed to work as much alike as possible. The match isn’t always perfect.)
Putting instructions together to carry out a complex job is not easy. Each instruction
performs a tiny part of a task. It is necessary to combine thousands, even millions, of them
to do something useful such as processing word, making a game character jump, or send-
ing an e-mail message.
Hardware Evolution
Electronics components get smaller every year, making devices smaller, faster, and more
capable. Intel cofounder Gordon Moore noticed a trend in the 1960s: the number of elec-
tronic components on a chip tends to double every 18–24 months. This has become known
as Moore’s Law. It’s more an observation than a law, but the name is too entrenched to
As Figure 3.4 shows, technology has more or less followed Moore’s Law for about half
a century. Experts have predicted an end to this growth rate for decades, but every time
one way to shrink electronics reaches its limit, engineers find another. Its end is now fore-
seen for about 2022, but history suggests that it would be dangerous to bet on that. It has
also been suggested that, before then, the historical three-way combination of cheaper,
smaller, faster will become choose any two. The reason is that making chips smaller and
faster requires increasingly more expensive design and production, offsetting much of the
savings from smaller components.
Why are smaller transistors good? Smaller transistors can be closer together. That
reduces the time for electronic signals to travel from one transistor to another, allowing
a device to be faster. Smaller transistors also consume less power and generate less heat.
With more transistors on a chip, that chip can perform more activities in parallel, thus
completing an overall job faster. Putting more transistors on one chip also allows one chip
to replace several earlier chips, making devices even smaller and less expensive.
Because computing circuits are becoming smaller and cheaper for a level of capabil-
ity, they are showing up in more and more places as cost-effective replacements for
earlier devices. Today’s aircraft have glass cockpits: computer screens instead of sepa-
rate instruments. (The displays are often designed to look like traditional instruments.)
Computer-driven instrument panels are found in automobiles and motorcycles. Even an
ordinary-looking pen can have a computer built into it to record everything you write for
later display on a computer screen (Figure 3.5). No more lost class notes!
16-Core SPARC T3
Six-Core Core i7
Six-Core Xeon 7400
2,600,000,000 10-Core Xeon Westmere-EX
Dual-Core Itanium 2 8-core POWER7
AMD K10 Quad-core z196
1,000,000,000 POWER6
Quad-Core Itanium Tukwila
8-Core Xeon Nehalem-EX
Itanium 2 with 9MB cache Six-core opteron 2400
AMD K10 Core i7 (Quad)
Core 2 Duo
Itanium 2 Cell
100,000,000 AMD K8
Pentium 4 Atom
Curve shows transistor AMD K6
10,000,000 Pentium III
Transistor count
8086 8088
10,000 6800 6809
8080 Z80
8008 MOS 6502
2,300 4004 RCA 1802
Chip designers want this clock to run as fast as possible, so the chip will work faster, but
if it ticks too fast, data may arrive at a component before that component is ready to for it,
and the chip may overheat.
The rate at which a processor’s clock runs is one factor in its performance. This rate
is measured in hertz (Hz). A speed of one hertz means the clock ticks once per second.
Modern electronic devices run much faster. The clock speed of early computers was mea-
sured in thousands of hertz: kilohertz, using the standard prefix system, or KHz. The clock
speed of today’s computers is measured in gigahertz (GHz, billions of clock ticks per sec-
ond). In 2015, most personal computer clocks run at about 3 GHz. Most smartphones have
clock speeds around 1–1.5 GHz.
Processors with faster clocks generate more heat. That heat must be removed, lest the
system overheat and fail. Some processors can run faster than their rated speed for a short
time, or while other parts of the system are idle and do not generate heat.
All other things being equal, a processor with a clock speed of 3.6 GHz, such as the one
above the sample shelf tag in Figure 3.6,* ought to be faster than one with a 3 GHz clock.
However, all other things are seldom equal:
• Faster components elsewhere in the system can compensate for a slower processor.
A cost-effective system needs balance among all its components. Money spent on a
faster processor will be wasted if the limiting factor of the system is something else.
• A processor with a slower clock speed but more cores (see the next section) may out-
perform one with a higher clock speed but fewer cores. The workload determines if
this is true or not.
• Different processor designs perform different amounts of work in a clock tick.
Comparing only clock speeds is like comparing the speeds of horses and mice by
counting steps per minute while ignoring stride length. This difference is especially
pronounced across different instruction sets, but can also appear between different
chip designs for the same instruction set. If Intel and AMD both design processors
with 3.3 GHz clocks for the same instruction set, one may be faster than the other, but
we can’t tell which without extensive testing.
* This isn’t a real shelf tag, but its content is based on a real high-end desktop computer of early 2015.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 73
Specialized Processors
Central processors such as the Intel Core series are jacks of all trades: they do most tasks
well, but are not optimized to perform any one task outstandingly. That’s fine for the main
processor of a computer. One never knows exactly what it will be asked to do. It may edit
photos one day, compute molecule interactions the next, and forecast sales the day after
that—while checking e-mail, displaying websites, and playing background music.
When the task is known in advance, it is possible to design a specialized processor for
it. This is only worth doing when the specialized processor will be used in large numbers.
The reason: economies of scale. When a product is sold in large volume, its design effort
is spread over more units, reducing the design cost on a per-unit basis. Also, production
costs decrease as production volume increases: a manufacturer can justify specialized pro-
duction equipment, and there is a learning curve effect. Thus, a general-purpose processor
manufactured in large numbers can be more cost-effective than a specialized processor
with smaller production volume.
A few tasks are so common that specialized processors are routinely used for them.
Displaying graphics is one such task. All but the slowest and least expensive systems aug-
ment their central processors with graphics processing units (GPUs) to allow the CPU to
focus on its other work. The computer of Figure 3.6 uses a graphics processor from AMD.
GPUs excel at performing the same operation on many data elements, one after the
other, very quickly. This enables them to carry out functions such as shading an area of
the screen, moving a window or an icon from one part of the screen to another, or decod-
ing compressed video frames very quickly. This ability is also useful outside the realm of
graphics. Scientific computers have been built using large numbers of GPUs, with a few
CPUs used to control them. The Titan computer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in
Tennessee, the fastest computer in the world in early 2013, uses about 19,000 Tesla K20
graphics processors from chip maker Nvidia.
GPU and CPU functions can be integrated on a single chip. These integrated graphics do
not offer the same graphics performance as separate (or discrete) graphics processors, but
are a good trade-off in overall system design when the highest graphics performance isn’t
required. Figure 3.7 shows the graphics processors integrated into Apple’s A6 chip as used
in its iPhone 5.
Where you fit in: Whenever you buy a computer, for your personal use or for a business, it’s
important to be able to see past the buzzwords. Should your computer have more cores or a
faster clock cycle? Is a better GPU worth the added cost? You must understand both how the
computer will be used and what these terms mean to make an informed decision.
Primary Storage
Computers need to store instruction sequences to accomplish specific tasks (programs) and
data for those programs to work with. These programs range from games and video players
through inventory management and production planning. Each program has its own data,
which it may share with related programs. All programs and data share the same storage.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 75
GPU core
ARM cores
Storage is of two major types: primary storage, also called main memory, random-access
memory or RAM; and secondary storage. The difference corresponds to the difference
between a desk and a file cabinet or bookcase. You can’t use a document in a file cabinet.
You must put it on your desk. However, desk space is limited, while your file cabinet is much
larger. You can get more file space if you need it, but the useful size of your desk is limited by
the length of your arms and the distance at which you can read small print. If your desk is
overloaded, your work will suffer even if your file cabinets have ample free space (Figure 3.8).
Primary storage must be immediately accessible, since the CPU uses it at every step of
its work. It is built from fast components and is placed near the CPU to minimize delays
in sending signals from one to the other. Figure 3.9 shows them next to each other on a
computer’s circuit board.
The capacity of a computer’s primary storage is measured in the units of Table 3.1.
Today’s personal computers typically require at least 2 GB RAM. They may be able
to run in less, but that is like asking an office worker to work on an airline tray table.
Unfortunately, computers often come with minimal RAM to keep prices low. Adding
RAM to a bare-bones computer is the first step in improving its performance. The ability
to process data quickly is wasted if a processor has to wait for data.
76 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
FIGURE 3.8 Office worker with full desk. (From public domain from http://www.clipartpal.com/
CPU fan
Integrated audio
CPU fan and
codec chip
heatsink mount
Integrated gigabit
ethernet chip
1. The design of its central processor. This is not usually a limit in practice.
2. The number of memory slots in the computer. This is a design compromise between
cost and space (slots occupy space, cost money, and require power) versus expand-
ability. Desktop computers usually have more slots than laptop computers, because
space there is less scarce. Enterprise computers, which need more RAM than per-
sonal computers, have still more. That increases their cost even when those slots are
empty. Figure 3.9 shows four slots.
3. The capacity of each memory card. This increases as technology advances. Higher-
capacity cards permit more RAM in a given number of slots.
4. The maximum card capacity that each slot was designed to accommodate. High-
capacity cards require more signal lines to each slot. Signal lines cost money.
5. The amount of RAM that the computer’s software (see the next chapter) can use. This
doesn’t limit the RAM that one can put into a computer, but it limits the RAM that it
makes sense to put into a computer.
Where you fit in: These issues involve business trade-offs, either on the part of the manufac-
turer of a computer (which may offer several models at different points on this spectrum) or the
user who buys it. It’s important to approach them with a business mind-set.
There are many types of RAM cards, with names like SIMM (Single In-line Memory
Module), DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module), and different speed ratings. The com-
puter whose shelf tag is shown in Figure 3.6 uses a type called DDR3 and is equipped with
RAM chips that operate at 1.6 GHz. Each computer is designed to use a specific type of
card. Most will work with cards of the right type but a higher speed, though their extra
speed and cost will be wasted. RAM rated for a lower speed will slow the computer down
or won’t work at all.
When you buy a computer, try to get one that can accommodate at least twice as much
RAM as you expect to need. That, in turn, will probably be more than the computer comes
with. Limited expansion capacity may make it necessary to replace a computer sooner than
you otherwise would. An expandable computer may cost more, but its cost will probably
pay off over time.
Small computers, such as smartphones and tablets, have a fixed amount of RAM built
in. It is always sufficient for standard personal applications. If you expect to run demand-
ing business applications on a smartphone or tablet, make sure you get one with as much
RAM as possible.
78 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
The trend is for computers to require, and have, more RAM. This trend is driven by the
demands of increasingly complex software and users’ desire to have more programs run-
ning at a time and is supported by steadily decreasing RAM prices. A RAM capacity of
2 GB, marginal for personal computers in 2015, would have been ample five years ago. It
may be impractically small in 2020.
You may hear that RAM is volatile: when you remove its electrical power, its contents
are lost. Most RAM technologies today are volatile, but that’s not a basic principle. Using
volatile RAM is a technology choice that computer designers make at a particular time.
There were times when nonvolatile RAM was popular. With new technologies, it may be
popular again in the future.
If an office worker’s desk is too small, the worker can pile papers on top of each other,
shuffling piles around to reach what is needed at any time. Computers can do the same,
moving data temporarily to secondary storage (see the next section) to free up RAM for
other data. This is called paging. Using paging, a computer with 2 GB RAM can behave as
if it had 4 GB or even more. However, there are limits to how much virtual memory can
be added this way. If a computer with 2 GB RAM tries to act as if it had 16 GB, the delays
of moving data between RAM and secondary storage will be unacceptable. It will per-
form slowly or not at all—like the office worker in Figure 3.8, who has to spend so much
time rearranging papers that he can’t do much useful work. This effect is called thrashing.
Thrashing is a sign that you need more RAM.
Secondary Storage
Secondary storage provides long-term storage for data that may be needed minutes,
months, or years later. A secondary storage device should combine high storage capacity,
speedy access, low cost, and long-term reliability. No device is ideal in all these respects.
Secondary storage technologies offer different trade-offs among these factors. The choice
among them depends on:
the surface in one direction or the other to record a bit as 0 or 1. To write data, the
device goes through these steps:
1. It moves the head over the disk surface to the correct circular track. The head is at the
upper right end of the arm in Figure 3.10. It is moved by a positioning motor at the
other end of the arm. The arm rotates about a pivot to move the head in and out over
the recording surfaces.
2. It waits until the appropriate section of the track, or sector, rotates under the head.
3. It sends electromagnetic pulses to set the magnetization of the bits in that sector.
The first two steps are the same when a disk reads data. Step 3 is different: the head detects
the magnetic field that is generated as it passes over the surface and interprets that field as
a 0 or a 1.
Most magnetic disk drives are installed permanently in their enclosures, inside the
main computer structure (internal drives) or attached to it by a cable (external drives). This
protects them from airborne contaminants. High-capacity drives require very close toler-
ances. Even a small dust particle can destroy them if it comes between the head and the
recording surface. Most external drives need to be connected to a power supply as well as
to a computer. External drives that are powered through their computer connections are
called portable drives.
FIGURE 3.10 Magnetic disk. (From public domain illustration from www.clipartsfree.net/
80 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Removable magnetic disks were used in the past but are seldom seen today. Older com-
puters may use removable diskette storage. Diskettes, or floppy disks, use flexible plastic
platters instead of rigid metal or glass platters, but operate on the same principles as hard
disks. Diskettes have lower storage capacity than rigid (hard) disks, so they need not be
made to the same tolerances and can be exposed to airborne dust with little risk.
The speed at which an external disk drive can transfer data to or from a com-
puter depends on the type of connection. (The computer whose specifications are in
Figure 3.6 uses a connection called SATA to connect its internal disk to the processor.)
The specifications of a computer tell you what types of interfaces it has connections,
or ports, for and how many of each. Later, if you buy a peripheral device such as an
external disk drive, you must get one that can connect to one of those ports. One can
add ports to some desktop computers by inserting an expansion card into the main
electronics enclosure. Laptop and smaller computers rarely have this capability, but it
is often possible to get external port expanders for them to increase the number of their
ports (Figure 3.11).
The cost of disk storage has gone down rapidly over the years. In 1990, the cost of 1 MB
magnetic disk storage was about $10. In 2000, it was about 1¢. In 2015, it is about 0.01¢.
Most of this decrease is due to increased capacity per drive. The cost of a single drive has
dropped, but slowly.
Optical Disks
Optical disks resemble audio CDs or video DVDs. To record data, pits are burned into
a reflective surface. The pits reflect less light than the unpitted surface. To read data,
a low-powered laser is aimed at the surface. A photocell interprets the reflection as a
1 or a 0.
Optical disks are removable storage devices. A drive may be built into a computer, but
the storage medium is not. One can store an unlimited amount of data on a shelf of CDs
or DVDs, but the amount available to the computer at any moment is less than a magnetic
disk can store. The time to access data on an optical disk is measured in tenths of a second,
or minutes if a disk must be mounted, rather than thousandths of a second.
There are several types of optical media. Some require special equipment for writ-
ing. Personal software is sold on these when it’s not downloaded. Writable optical disks
can be written, or burned, with almost any computer. Such disks are useful for backing
up and sharing data. Rewritable optical disks can be written, erased, and written again.
Rewriting is slow, as it usually requires an extra step to erase previous data before new
data can be written.
The speed of an optical storage device is often given as “8x,” “16x,” or some other mul-
tiple. This relates a device’s rotational speed to that of a device playing audio or video.
Solid-State Storage
Magnetic and optical disks are slow compared to electronic components. Glass, metal, and
plastic can’t move as fast as electrons. Storage devices that don’t depend on mechanical
motion are much faster than magnetic or optical disks.
Such solid-state drives are used in performance-critical applications. They use nonvol-
atile technologies to retain data even in the absence of electrical power. They are more
expensive than magnetic disks for a given capacity, but, thanks to Moore’s Law, their cost
is dropping rapidly.
Small, fast laptop computers, often called ultrabooks, often use solid-state storage
instead of magnetic disks to save weight. So do smartphones and tablets, whose lim-
ited storage capacity—typically less than that of even a small laptop computer—reduces
the cost penalty of an expensive storage medium. Their lack of moving parts also ren-
ders them less subject to damage from vibration or dropping than a magnetic disk drive
would be.
At the enterprise level, solid-state storage can be used for frequently accessed files.
Usually, most of any computer’s accesses are to a small set of files. Using solid-state storage
for those provides most of the performance of solid-state storage, at a cost slightly little
than that of magnetic disks.
Some disk drive vendors sell hybrid drives that take advantage of this concept. Drive
electronics monitor what data is used most and put that data in solid-state storage for more
rapid access. This process is based on usage statistics, not on the knowledge of file usage, so
it can’t be planned as carefully as assigning files to different device types, but it is effective
Because solid-state storage devices are light, and their lack of moving parts means
they don’t need sealed enclosures, they make excellent removable storage. The com-
mon thumb drive is an example of that use. So are your phone’s SIM card and the
SD cards used in cameras. The capacity of these devices increases rapidly each year, as
their cost drops.
Tape cartridges are removable media. That adds access time if a cartridge must be
mounted. Jukebox devices can reduce this time from minutes to seconds, but that is still
long to a computer. Once the tape is in position and up to speed, data transfer proceeds
quickly (Figure 3.13).
Tape is used today for applications that read or write large amounts of data at a
time: data backup, transferring large files from one computer to another, or loading
applications into a computer. For these applications, the combination of low cost and
high transfer speed make it attractive, and the delay in initiating a data transfer is
less important.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 83
RAID RAID stands for redundant array of independent (originally inexpensive) disks.
RAID systems use two or more disk drives plus electronics to mimic the behavior of a
single drive:
• The capacity of a RAID subsystem can exceed the capacity of one drive, while still
looking like a single drive to software.
• By moving data to or from several disks in parallel, a RAID subsystem can transfer
data faster than a single disk drive could. This improves performance.
• By using more drives than storing the data requires, a RAID subsystem can protect
against data loss even if one of the drives fails.
How does this last feature work? In the simplest case, a RAID subsystem can use two disk
drives, each with a copy of the data. If one fails, the system uses the other until the failed
unit is replaced.
This would, however, not be economical. A corporation with storage costs in six figures
would rather not double that cost. To an enterprise, twice as many drives mean twice as much
floor space, twice as much power, and twice as much heat to remove by using twice as much
air-conditioning (and twice as much power for that). Fortunately, there is a better way.
Suppose we use four drives where three could hold the data, as in Figure 3.14. Drives
1, 2, and 3 each store a third of the data. The drive labeled P stores the sum of the data
To the computer
RAID electronics
1 2 3 P
on the other three, treating data as numbers. (That’s not exactly how it works, but it’s the
concept.) If drive P fails, it is replaced, and its data re-created by summing the data on the
other three drives. If one of the other three fails, its data can be re-created by subtracting
the data on the two remaining data drives from the sum on the P drive. RAID electronics
do this on the fly. It’s slower than accessing data directly, but better than losing data. The
added storage needed to use this method is 33.3%. It can be reduced further by using more
drives, but a one-third capacity penalty may be acceptable where a method that required
twice the space would not be.
Different types of RAID offer different features. Using an extra drive as in Figure 3.14
is called Level 5 RAID. It protects against data loss at reasonable cost. It provides good
performance and acts like a single drive with three times the capacity of the drives it is
built from.
NAS NAS, network-attached storage, solves the problem of disk drives being designed
to attach to a single computer. Disk drives in a NAS attach to a specialized computer
inside the NAS. That computer also connects to one or more networks. The computers
that use data from the NAS also connect to those networks. Those computers send
requests to the NAS over the network rather than to their own drives. The NAS responds
to the request like a locally attached storage device, reading or writing data as needed
(Figure 3.15).
A NAS subsystem can use RAID instead of individual drives, providing the advantages
of both.
SAN A storage-area network (SAN) is a self-contained system that includes storage plus
one or more specialized computers to control that storage. Those computers access the
storage devices over a high-speed network inside the SAN.
A SAN makes storage available to computers that are connected to it. Those computers
treat that storage as if it were their own. The SAN handles much of the work of manag-
ing it: monitoring their use of storage, optimizing the amount of storage assigned to each
computer, migrating data to higher-speed or lower-speed devices as needed, and managing
backup and recovery.
SANs connect to computers much as disk drives do. In keeping with the high capaci-
ties of SANs and the correspondingly high demands of the computers that use them, their
connections usually use fiber-optic cables rather than copper connections. Fiber-optic
links can cover distances of several miles, so a SAN can support a large data center or
several data centers.
SANs can have very high capacity. An EMC Symmetrix SAN, for example, can have
as many as 2400 drives with a total capacity of over 3 PB. While many SAN systems are
smaller, SANs tend to be used with large-scale information systems (Figure 3.16).
Where you fit in: It takes a while to install any storage subsystem and move the organization to
it. A simple RAID system doesn’t take long; a complex SAN could take months. It’s important to
stay on top of changing business needs for storage so that system enhancements such as these
can be planned in advance.
Cloud Storage
You’ve probably heard about cloud storage. You may use a cloud storage service such as
Drop Box, Apple’s iCloud, Google Drive, or Microsoft’s SkyDrive. You know that, for some
purposes, cloud storage works the same way as your computer’s secondary storage. But
what is it, really?
Cloud storage isn’t a hardware technology. Data in the cloud resides on a device, usually
a magnetic disk, somewhere. Cloud storage is a way to access that data.
The cloud is an informal term for the Internet. It comes from picturing the Internet
as a cloud that connects whatever is around it. Anything described by the word cloud is
accessed over the Internet. When you use cloud storage, you send your data somewhere
via the Internet, often to another company. That company stores it for you, on its storage
devices. When you need it, your computer brings it back—again over the Internet.
Compared to local storage, cloud storage from such a vendor has these advantages:
• The vendor enjoys economies of scale in buying many large storage devices. A cloud
storage provider has lower cost per unit of storage than a person or a small company
• The vendor has a mix of devices and can migrate files to low-cost devices when appro-
priate. A small installation will not have as many device types and will not have as
much flexibility.
• The vendor can provide professional administration, regular backups, redundant
power supplies, and industrial-strength security. An individual or a small business
can’t afford those capabilities. If it had them, it would not be able to spread their cost
over as much storage.
• Because cloud storage is remote from the user, disasters such as fires or earthquakes
are unlikely to affect both. Cloud storage providers store copies of data in several
locations to minimize the impact of a disaster at one site.
• Because storage is not attached to a single computer, files in the cloud can be accessed
from anywhere and shared among multiple devices belonging to one or several
• There are potential loss of control and security problems in handing data to a third
• The provider has overhead and profit margin, offsetting some of the inherent
• Access may be slow, since communication lines are often slower than storage
Large companies can use private clouds. These offer the benefits of cloud storage with-
out control or profit margin concerns. Private clouds are not cost-effective for small- or
medium-sized organizations, though the practical lower limit for a private cloud is drop-
ping. A company with a private cloud can use a public cloud to handle less critical data or
overflow needs, thus creating a hybrid cloud. This is called cloud bursting.
Where you fit in: Is cloud storage for you? That is a business decision. Fortunately, it’s not all-
or-nothing. Most cloud storage users also have local storage. They keep frequently used files
locally, using the cloud for sharing, backup, and archival storage of infrequently accessed data.
Properly used, cloud storage is a valuable part of today’s computing picture.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 87
Input Devices
We’re used to keyboards and pointing devices. The latter come in several varieties: mouse,
still used in desktop computers; trackpad, in most laptops and increasingly common in
desktops because it can sense multiple-finger gestures; and touch screen. As you’ve seen
on smartphones and tablets, a touch screen can replace a physical keyboard, though many
people like the feel of physical keys that move when touched. Figure 3.17 shows an ergo-
nomic keyboard. It permits the hands to take a more natural position than keys arranged
in straight lines.
A number of devices exist for entering graphics into computers. Still cameras, video
cameras, and scanners can transfer images to computers via cables or wireless links. In
a computer, images become grids of thousands or millions of dots, each having a color.
Artists use pen tablets (also known as graphics tablets) on which they draw with a pressure-
sensitive pen, with their strokes transferred to drawings in the computer. Pen tablets can
also function as pointing devices (Figure 3.18).
Motion sensors send input to many personal applications. Game controllers use them.
Astronomy applications on tablets rely on them to show the right portion of the sky.
Smartphone health monitoring applications count how many stairs you climb. In business,
a truck computer can monitor how smoothly a driver operates his or her vehicle.
Specialized systems have input devices designed for specific tasks. Store checkout com-
puters have bar code readers to identify what was purchased and magnetic stripe readers
for debit and credit cards, two examples of source data automation. Bar codes can also
track merchandise in a warehouse or an automobile as it moves along an assembly line. As
the cost of electronics continues to drop, bar codes are being replaced with radio frequency
identification (RFID) tags that convey more information than a bar code and do not require
a product to be positioned for scanning. RFID identifies cars that enter and leave a high-
way, opens parking garage gates to authorized drivers, transfers office telephone calls to
the room a person is in, tracks runners in road races, and enables utility workers to read
meters without leaving their cars. Other types of short-range communication let you use
your phone to pay for coffee or cruise tickets.
Finally, both wired and wireless telecommunications links can provide input to com-
puters. GPS input comes in wireless form—as does the RFID data that, as just mentioned,
is replacing bar codes. You’ll read more about communication links in Chapter 6.
Where you fit in: Today, the cost of enabling an electronic device to communicate with a com-
puter is small. Just about anything can become an input device. Home thermostats, athletic shoes,
and more are all used as input devices. Be open to new devices that might provide input at work.
Output Devices
As with input devices, you’re familiar with the most common output devices found on
personal computers. Displays, from the size of a wristwatch to projectors that fill a movie
theater screen, and printers are the major ones.
Displays (Monitors)
Most displays today use liquid crystal diode (LCD) technology, where a backlight shines
through a panel that lets different amounts of light through. These displays are flat, thin,
and, thanks to high-volume manufacturing, reasonably priced. The screen built into any
laptop you get is likely to use an LCD display. Smaller devices such as smartphones may
use light-emitting diode screens instead: these use less current, but age more quickly and
are more expensive than LCDs.
The key parameters involved in choosing a display are:
• Size: This is usually expressed as a diagonal measurement in inches. For some pur-
poses, the aspect ratio (relationship of height to width) may be important.
• Resolution: This is the number of distinct dots, or pixels (short for “picture elements”),
that a device can display. In 2015, the most popular resolution is 1366 × 768 pixels, a
16:9 aspect ratio. Software can usually display information at a lower resolution than is
built into a display. That enlarges items on the screen, but may make them less sharp.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 89
• Dot pitch: How many dots per inch a device can display. A dot pitch under about 70 is
unacceptable for close work. Dot pitches over about 300 appear to be continuous images.
• Color gamut: The colors that a device can show accurately. For most business appli-
cations, including viewing photographs and video and videoconferencing, any dis-
play is good enough. Applications such as photo editing may require special display
• Coating: Glossy or antiglare. Glossy coatings look better in low light, but antiglare
coatings are better for offices with fluorescent or other bright lighting.
• Response time: A display with slow response will show ghosting when an image
changes rapidly. This is seldom important in business, but if a user expects to watch
videos more than occasionally, it is important to check this.
• Cost: Improvements in these parameters are not free.
Where you fit in: As a businessperson, when you buy things for your company, you must walk
a line between scrimping to the point where it impacts employees’ work and overspending for
no benefit. Buying computer displays is an example. The technologies you’ll look at in 10 years
will differ from those we use today, but the trade-offs in that decision will be similar.
Beyond that, your business career will be full of trade-offs among desirable factors that can-
not be achieved simultaneously. The factors will vary, but the concept of trade-offs will not
change. You must look at all the factors together, whatever they are, to select the best overall
There is no reason a display must look like a computer display. The Oculus Rift headset
creates an impression of virtual reality by showing different pictures to its wearer’s two eyes
(Figure 3.19).
Some displays are intended for viewing by a group. These use a variety of different tech-
nologies, including projectors that can be mounted on the ceiling of a room or placed on a
table. These technologies will all evolve during your career.
Some applications call for specialized display devices. A point-of-sale station may have a
small display facing the customer and a larger one facing the checkout clerk. A surgical assis-
tance program may display the location of a tumor overlaid on the patient’s body on special-
ized glasses. Such glasses can provide any type of information that a computer display could
provide, such as the history of a building at which the wearer is looking or reminders of where
the wearer met a person with whom he or she is speaking. They may be of value in overcom-
ing one obstacle to using smartphones as general-purpose computing devices, their small
screen size. Google Glass is an early example of a general-purpose eyeglass-mounted output
device. Figure 3.20 shows a man operating Google Glass via the touchpad built into its side.
Most printers use one of two basic technologies: toner or ink.
In a toner-based printer, light source passes over a drum and is turned on to magnetize
the drum where toner is desired. (A popular term for these printers, laser printers, comes
from using a laser as this light source.) Toner is attracted to magnetized areas, deposited
on the paper, and fused to the paper by heat. This must be done for each color component
of the image, making alignment critical in color printing. Figure 3.21 shows a high-volume
black-and-white laser printer suitable for a business with demanding requirements. A
printer such as this can print over 100,000 pages per month, compared with a few thou-
sand for a personal or small office printer.
In an ink-based printer, print heads spray ink onto the page. Multiple print heads, held
in a single carrier to maintain alignment, provide color. The most common design uses
current pulses to heat liquid ink and propel it onto the paper.
Specialized printers may use other technologies. Store receipts are often on thermal
paper. It darkens when electric current heats the paper. Thermal printers don’t use ink
or toner, so there is nothing to replace except a roll of paper—which cashiers can easily
replace with little training.
Considerations in choosing a printer include:
• Resolution: Printer resolution is measured in dots per inch. Some printers claim reso-
lution of several thousand dpi. However, ink-based printers cannot print distinct dots
at their claimed resolution. Ink spreads. The amount depends on the ink and paper,
but it always does. An ink printer that claims resolution of, say, 5000 dpi can probably
print a few hundred distinct dpi.
• Speed: Printer speed is usually measured in pages per minute or seconds per page.
It can take a while to print a long document. Office printers offer higher speeds.
• Features: At the personal level, added features on a printer include the ability to scan
images and make copies. Businesses that do much of these use dedicated devices.
Printer features to consider in business are automatic collating and stapling, double-
sided printing to save paper, user identification for cost accounting, and others that
individuals may not need.
• Cost: The cost of supplies over a printer’s lifetime can exceed initial cost. Toner usu-
ally costs less than ink, and toner-based printers can print more pages before supplies
need replacing.
Three-dimensional printing, creating physical objects as output, is practical for small busi-
nesses in both cost and ease of use. One approach is to deposit thin layers of powder or
liquid plastic on top of each other, via a nozzle that moves in two dimensions over the
printer bed and rises for the vertical dimension. The plastic hardens to create the finished
92 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
object. Three-dimensional printing can build objects that will not be subject to much stress
or prototypes of objects to be produced in final form later (Figure 3.22).
While those discussed earlier are the most common output devices, there are others. Speakers
provide voice output—a necessity for visually impaired users, for telephony and for voice
conferencing, a practical requirement for videos or music, and convenient in other uses.
Haptic or tactile output applies force, vibration, or motion to something a user can feel.
A series of raised pins can provide Braille output to visually impaired users. Aircraft have
stick shakers to warn pilots of impending stalls. Some cars vibrate the steering wheel or seat
if the car departs from its lane without a signal, or if driver inactivity suggests that he or
she might have dozed off.
Automobiles speedometers and gauges are, today, computer output devices. When a
mechanic plugs a cable into a car’s diagnostic port, an On-Board Diagnostics II scanner at
the other end of that cable becomes a computer output device as well. Almost anything that
can be driven by electricity—motors in a prosthetic ankle joint, paint spraying equipment
in a factory, a radio telescope in an astronomical observatory—can be an output device.
Where you come in: The only limit to the variety of output devices is the imagination of the
person who comes up with an idea. That person can be you.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 93
Computers, like insects, are grouped into categories. As individuals, we use the smaller
categories: smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops. These are used in business as well.
However, enterprise-level tasks require larger computers. You are less likely to have seen
Larger computers are categorized as servers, mainframes, and supercomputers.
Servers are computers that serve something—data, web pages, or the use of an application—
to other computers. The other computers are called clients.
In theory, any computer can be a server. By analogy, any car can be a police car if it’s
painted blue and white, equipped with siren and light bar, and registered to a police depart-
ment. Still, if one knows in advance that a car will be used as a police car, one can design it
for that use. It’s the same with servers.
Computers meant to be used as servers have features that personal computers don’t
need. They can be equipped with multiple processors, since serving many users creates
tasks that can be carried out in parallel. They may have auxiliary processors to handle
communications, freeing the central processor(s) for other work. They may have parallel
paths for data between secondary storage and RAM, improving speed with multiple disk
drives. RAM usually has a higher size limit. They often have multiple power supplies so
that a failure won’t disable them.
Where you fit in: Features cost money. A higher RAM limit requires more slots, a beefed-up
power supply to handle memory cards in those slots, and a larger enclosure to make room for
them. Those cost money even if the higher limit isn’t used—yet. Space and connections for mul-
tiple power supplies cost money even if only one is present. However, those features don’t make
the server look better in a comparison of speed and storage capacity. An uninformed person
might ask “Why does this server cost $2000, if I can get a PC with the same specs for $600?”
If you look carefully at a computer built as a server, the reasons for its cost will become clear.
Another difference is that servers, in large organizations, are used in multiples while
personal computers are used one at a time. Even when a room holds many personal com-
puters, each is used by one person. The space they require depends on people and their
work, not the computers.
A large organization, by contrast, may have hundreds—or tens of thousands—of servers.
One 2012 estimate suggested that Google has about two million servers. Even an organiza-
tion with 200 can’t just spread them out on desks. They must be arranged more efficiently.
A room housing many servers is called a data center or, informally, a server farm.
Many server farms house servers in racks. A standard rack is 19″ (48.3 cm) wide. Rack-
mounted components are multiples of 1.75″ (44.5 mm), a rack unit (RU), high. A standard
rack is 73.5″ (1.87 m), 42 RU, tall. A rack can hold at least thirty 1 RU servers with power
supplies and cables.
Blade servers increase the number of servers that can fit in a rack. A blade server is
a modular server that can be inserted into a blade enclosure. The enclosure provides
94 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
power, network, and storage connections to several blade servers at the same time.
A rack can hold two to three times as many blade servers as it could hold individual
1 RU high servers. Figure 3.23 shows blade servers in a rack. Note the cooling vents in
the floor.
Thousands of rack-mounted blade servers can fit in a large room. Power and cooling
are then major concerns. Companies must consider climate and power availability in
choosing the location of a large server farm. Google located a data center in The Dalles,
Oregon, because of its cool climate and proximity to hydroelectric power. Apple chose
Maiden, North Carolina, because it had the space and climate for a 20 MW solar power
Much computer power use is avoidable. The New York Times (Glanz, 2012) found that as
much as 90% of the power used by large data centers is wasted. One reason is that facilities
are designed to handle peak loads and run at full capacity all the time, though peak loads
exist only for short times. Since worldwide data centers use the power output of 30 nuclear
power plants, this waste is significant on a global scale.
It may not take much effort to save power. Researchers from the University of Toronto
found that running a data center only 1°C (1.8°F) above the usual 20°C–22°C (68°F–72°F)
can reduce power use by 2%–5% with no impact on equipment reliability or longevity.
Worldwide, that is about the output of one nuclear power plant.
Where you fit in: Be sensitive to how much power your employer’s computers use, including
power to cool the rooms they are in. Saving energy is good for business and good for the planet.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 95
Mainframes are the largest commercial computers. Early mainframe computers filled a
room. Today, the difference between mainframes and servers is largely in their software.
Mainframes run (mostly) applications that are descended from those old room-sized sys-
tems. They are used mostly by companies that still have such older applications, called
legacy applications. Servers run (mostly) software from the web era. The hardware of main-
frames and servers looks much the same today, though the two categories use different
processors with different instruction sets.
The last step is to supercomputers. Supercomputers are the fastest computers, in the sense
that Indy race cars are the fastest cars. Indy cars reach speeds of over 230 mph (370 km/h)
but are not practical for normal use. Supercomputers use thousands of processors to carry
out a computation. They are used in molecular modeling, developing pharmaceuticals,
weather forecasting, oil and gas exploration, and analyzing data from subatomic particle
experiments. They aren’t equipped with communications and data transfer capabilities for
airline reservations or running a network of ATMs. Figure 3.24 shows the Blue Gene/P
supercomputer, made by IBM and installed at the Argonne National Laboratory west of
Chicago, IL. Note the floor vents for cooled air.
A new breed of supercomputer is being developed for data-intensive applications. The
first of these to gain attention was IBM’s Watson, which beat human champions on the
Jeopardy! quiz show in February 2011. A system such as Watson consists of specialized
parallel hardware coupled with software to take advantage of what this hardware can do.
IBM continued to enhance Watson after its Jeopardy! win and adapt it to uses besides
answering trivia questions. In January 2014, IBM announced a new division that will bring
this supercomputer to an even broader range of applications (Finley, 2014). That division
now offers access to Watson via the web.
Such supercomputers still can’t handle the types of data access that companies need to
manage their daily operations, but that is not their purpose. The ability of supercomputers
to handle very large databases is growing. While you probably won’t find a supercomputer
in your office, unless you go to work for a research lab, your company may use supercom-
puting capabilities from a company such as IBM.
Aspect ratio: The ratio between the height and width of an object such as a display screen.
Bit (short for binary digit): The data represented by a single switch, often written as 0 or 1.
Blade enclosure: Electronic housing for blade servers with power supply, communications
connections, and often shared secondary storage.
Blade server: Small server designed so that several can be housed in a single blade enclosure.
Burning: The process of recording data on an optical disk.
Byte: Storage unit consisting of eight bits and allowing 256 combinations, often containing
a single character.
Central processing unit (abbreviated CPU, also central processor): The part of a com-
puter system that carries out computational processes.
Client: A computer that receives information or processing services from a server.
Clock speed (of a central processor): The rate at which it carries out internal computation
Cloud bursting: Using a public cloud to handle overflow requirements from a private
Cloud storage: Accessing remote storage devices via the Internet.
Computer hardware: The physical components of a computer or information system.
Core: Processing element with all the functions of a central processing unit that shares a
semiconductor chip with other, usually similar, processing elements.
Data center: Large room housing many servers with communication links, power, climate
control, and their other supporting services.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 97
Direct access device: Secondary storage device on which two data items can be accessed
without passing over all intervening data items between them. See also sequential
access device.
Discrete graphics: Processing elements for displaying graphics on a screen that are sepa-
rate from a computer’s CPU chip. See also integrated graphics.
Diskette: Removable magnetic disk that uses a flexible, not a rigid, recording surface.
Double-byte character: Character represented by two bytes, as required by some Asian
languages that have thousands of written characters.
Ergonomic keyboard: Keyboard designed to minimize fatigue and repetitive strain inju-
ries during long-term use.
Expansion card: Electronics component installed in a computer to increase its capabilities.
External drive: Secondary storage device housed separately from the main electronics
enclosure of a computer. See also internal drive, portable drive.
Gigabyte (abbreviated GB): Approximately one billion bytes.
Graphics processing unit (GPU): Processing unit whose instruction set is designed for the
computations needed to display graphical elements on a screen.
Graphics tablet: See pen tablet.
Haptic output: Computer output that works with users’ sense of touch.
Hertz: In a central processor, a unit of speed corresponding to one activity step per second.
The prefixes kilo, mega, and giga (see Table 3.1) are frequently applied to this unit.
Hybrid drive: Secondary storage system containing both magnetic and solid-state storage
devices, with electronics to optimize the use of each element.
Input device: Any device, such as a keyboard, that sends data to a computer.
Instruction set: The way in which specific combinations of bits tell a CPU how to process
Integrated graphics: Processing elements for displaying graphics on a screen that are built
into a CPU chip. See also discrete graphics.
Intel instruction set: The instruction set used by the CPUs of most personal computers,
originally defined by Intel Corporation for CPUs it produced.
Internal drive: Secondary storage device housed inside the main electronics enclosure of
a computer. See also external drive.
Jukebox: Mechanical device to mount and dismount removable storage media.
Kilobyte (abbreviated kB): Approximately 1000 bytes.
Light-emitting diode (LED): A display technology using circuit components that emit
Liquid crystal diode (LCD): A display technology using circuit components that pass,
color, or obstruct light from another source.
Magnetic disk: Secondary storage device using a rotating magnetizable surface that passes
under an electromagnet to detect or change the orientation of small areas.
Magnetic tape: Secondary storage device that records data on a long, flexible plastic strip
coated with a magnetizable substance. Magnetic tape is a sequential access device.
Mainframe (or mainframe computer): A large, fast computer, often running older
98 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. What are the main types of components in a computer system?
2. Define the term bit in terms of the states of a physical device.
3. Why are eight bits usually used to represent a character in computers?
4. List the first five prefixes for multiples of bytes, starting with 1000.
5. Define the term instruction set.
6. What is “Moore’s Law?”
7. Why can adding RAM to a computer make it perform faster?
8. Describe how a magnetic disk works.
9. Other than magnetic disks, what are three secondary storage media?
10. Define RAID, NAS, and SAN.
11. Why would anyone store data in the cloud, rather than on their own disk drives?
12. What is the aspect ratio of a computer display?
13. List several types of output devices other than displays and printers.
14. What is a server? Does a server have to be a special computer?
100 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
15. Give three ways in which the physical arrangement of servers in an installation
with hundreds of them differs from the way a few dozen computers are arranged in
your lab.
16. What are supercomputers? Give one typical application for them.
1. Sir Noten Downing is making a rare visit to London. Instead of being driven in his
Rolls, he is with his granddaughter Kate. Like any young Londoner, she is thor-
oughly familiar with the Underground (U.S. subway) and often prefers it to the
slow, congested streets. The last time Sir Noten used the “tube” was in the 1970s.
Things have changed! First, Kate buys his ticket from a machine along the wall,
using her debit card. He inserts it into a turnstile slot, after Kate shows him how to
position its magnetic stripe. The ticket pops out to be used again when they leave,
to confirm that he went no further than his fare allows. Instead of buying a ticket
for herself, Kate taps a blue Oyster Card on a pad by the turnstile. It unlocks to let
her in. She’ll tap her card again as they leave. Her fare will be deducted from the
card balance.
a. Identify all input and output devices in this scenario.
b. The Underground system has about 280 stations. An average station has ten gates,
three ticket machines, and a booth with two attendants. (Quiet stations in the
outskirts have fewer. Busy downtown stations have more.) How many people or
devices might use its ticketing system at the same time? What sort of computers
does this suggest it might use?
c. A smartphone with short-range wireless could replace Oyster Cards in this
system. Discuss that change. Give at least two advantages and at least two
d. Adding funds to an Oyster Card at a ticket vending machine adds to congestion
and can delay other travelers. Discuss three ways to reduce or avoid this problem.
Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage for each of those ideas.
2. Visit a local store that sells computers. Examine four desktop systems it has for sale,
choosing high-end models if more than four are on display. Draw up a comparison
table with the information on the shelf tag of Figure 3.6. Discuss what you found.
3. The electronic capabilities of a smartphone track those of laptop computers with a lag
of about 6–7 years. A 2015 smartphone has about the same processing power, RAM,
and so on as a laptop of 2008–2009. Such a laptop is still a useful computing device
and can, with enough RAM, run today’s software. What keeps people from using
phones to replace computers? What can be done about that? (You may want to do
some research to answer the last part.)
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 101
4. Research the Dvorak keyboard layout. Its proponents claim that it permits faster typ-
ing with less fatigue and fewer errors than the standard layout. Are you tempted
to learn to use this keyboard and to switch your phone and computer to its layout?
Explain why or why not.
5. As of early 2015, you could buy a 24″ computer monitor for well under $150. You could
also pay over $1000 for one like the Hewlett-Packard HP DreamColor LP2480zx.
Explain how there can be such a wide price difference among comparable devices.
If you were a manager and a subordinate asked to get a monitor such as HP’s, how
would you reply?
6. Discuss possible business applications of headsets such as the Oculus Rift (Figure 3.19).
A web search for videos about it might be a source of inspiration.
7. Find out how many disk drives your school has in its main data center and their total
storage capacity. (You may want to ask your school’s information systems department
once on behalf of the entire class.) How much storage is this per student? Evaluate
this amount in terms of information it has to store, keeping in mind that some stored
information isn’t about students.
8. The U.S. Library of Congress has about 20,000 disk drives. The mean time between fail-
ures (MTBF) of a typical disk drive has been estimated at about 50 years. If that figure is
correct, LoC will have about 400 drive failures every year, an average of over one a day.
How should they plan to handle device failures when they occur? How is that different
from the way a small business with 5–10 drives should plan to handle device failures?
9. Suggest a type of computer to use for each of the following. Be as specific as you can
with the limited information provided here. Explain your reasons.
a. An accountant in an individual practice.
b. A car dealership with about ten salespeople and about ten service bays.
c. The membership service center of a professional organization with 100,000 members.
d. A jet engine research department investigating how hot air flows through a tur-
bine and where blades get hottest (and might become weak).
e. A video sharing service such as YouTube with about five million members, each
of whom watches an average of one 15-minute video per day and a library of two
million videos.
f. A professional baseball team managing and tracking its ticket sales. The team plays
81 games per season in its home stadium, with attendance averaging 40,000 fans.
10. For each scenario in the previous question, suggest a storage device, devices, or sys-
tems that would make sense. Explain your reasons.
102 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
compare notes. Ultimately, if we go with tablets, we’ll standardize so we can share them
more easily and keep a spare or two in the supply room in case one fails. By the way, would
the two of you like to sit in on our meeting when we review our experience? It should be a
bit before your course ends. You may even have some ideas to contribute, since you’ve been
using tablets longer than we have.”
“We sure would!” Miguel and Elizabeth replied in unison. “Thanks!”
“Meanwhile,” Miguel continued, “can you tell us a bit more about the tablets you’re try-
ing out? Like, what would you say to anyone else who’s thinking about getting one?”
“I’d be glad to,” Dr. Wolff replied. “The hard decision is what family of tablet to get.
Once you pick iPads, Android tablets, or something else, you may change your hardware
in a year or two. If it’s not an iPad, you may change the company that made it. Still, you’ll
probably stick with that family because you know how it works and you have a bunch of
apps for it. Unfortunately, in terms of giving anyone advice, we’re putting that decision off
for a couple of months.
“Once you pick a family, your basic decisions are the vendor, unless it’s an iPad, and the
screen size. Screen size determines how easy it will be to read, how easy it will be to use the
keyboard, and how easy it will be to carry around. The only way to know what works is to
try different sizes with the apps you’ll spend most of your time with. We’re doing that now:
my iPad is the 9.7 inch model, but Sophie has the 7.9 inch mini version.
“Then it comes down to storage and connectivity. We went for the smallest available
storage on our tablets, because all our data is stored in the cloud—you do know what that
is, right?—so we don’t need a lot of storage on computers, tablets or anything else. In terms
of connectivity, those of us who work in the office got Wi-Fi models, but people who make
home visits or go on the road for any reason also got cellular connections. With Wi-Fi in
more and more places you don’t need cellular as much as you would have five years ago, but
it hasn’t gone away completely.”
“I think we have a really good picture now,” said Elizabeth when Dr. Wolff paused for
breath. “We’ll see you again soon, and we look forward to that decision meeting!”
The follow-up meeting will be described in the SMMA episode in Chapter 12.
1. Obtain information on current models of Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Google
Nexus, and Microsoft Surface (RT, not Pro) tablets. Create a comparison table for
price and four-to-six other factors of your choice. Assign a percentage weight to each
factor (must total 100), score each tablet from 1 to 10 (best) on each factor, multiply
each score by that factor’s weight to get a tablet’s points on that factor, and total the
points for each tablet. (A tablet that scores 10 on all your factors will have 1000 total
points.) Discuss the results. Which would you buy?
2. Suppose SMMA used an evaluation process such as that in Question 1. (You don’t
have to do it to answer this question, but be sure you understand it.) The Samsung
Galaxy received the highest score. However, Apple iPad users had strong feelings that
it was best by far, whereas Galaxy users had only a slight preference for it.
104 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
a. If the two scores were 781 and 775, how would you recommend that SMMA pro-
ceed? Discuss your reasons. Does your answer depend on who used each tablet?
b. If the two scores were 842 and 697, how would you recommend that SMMA
proceed? Discuss your reasons. Does your answer depend on who used each
1. Aside from benefits in conserving the resources of our planet and to eBay’s public
image, what specific business benefits might eBay obtain from Project Mercury?
2. TGG’s Data Center Maturity Model (DCMM) covers power, cooling, computing,
storage, and networks. Each is at one of five effectiveness levels, providing an over-
all data center energy efficiency maturity level. As president of a company, write a
memo to your CIO saying why you want your company to use the DCMM. (You
can learn more about the DCMM at www.thegreengrid.org/Global/Content/Tools/
3. Server power consumption at idle can affect vendor selection. Dean Nelson, VP
of Global Foundation Services at eBay, says “if eBay had considered only the
hardware procurement costs of the servers it used for Project Mercury, it would
have chosen a different vendor” (Clancy, 2012). You must choose between two
desktop computers. One uses 100 W when idle. The other, which costs $100 less,
uses 150 W. They will be on 14 h per day, in active use for four of those hours.
They use the same amount of power in active use and will be shut down at night.
At your electricity rate (use 20¢ per kWh if you don’t know it), what is the cost
difference for a year? If you plan to keep this computer for three years, which
should you buy? (Ignore the time value of money, unless your instructor tells you
to consider it.)
a total capacity of 576 TB per array. Some of the 192 disk drives can be solid-state drives
of up to 400 GB capacity, for improved performance without a significant reduction in
the maximum capacity of the entire disk array.
After selecting the hardware, Meltin’Pot decided to work with a local system develop-
ment firm, H.S. Systems, to put together their complete system. H.S. Systems works with
several hardware and software vendors, combining their products with custom software to
develop a total system for each of its clients. On the hardware side, they generally use com-
puters from Dell or IBM. They are an authorized business partner of both, with experience
in projects such as Meltin’Pot’s.
Reliability is important in systems that businesses depend on for daily operations.
According to Roberto Felline, manager of Meltin’Pot’s IT department, “The IBM infra-
structure is extremely available and resilient, and we have been able to prove this through
several quality tests. In one occasion, for instance, we tried to take one blade out of the
BladeCenter server while the machine was switched on: we were absolutely amazed by the
fact that operations continued smoothly… If one blade fails, the workload is automatically
shifted to the remaining blades, allowing the processes—and, therefore, our business and
services—to continue working” (IBM, 2012).
Compared to Meltin’Pot’s previous system, its new blade servers provide a 300%
increase in processing power while occupying 50% less floor space. This enabled Meltin’Pot
to achieve the business objectives that it set out to get. They are now positioned, at least as
regards their information technology infrastructure, to continue their growth for several
more years.
1. IBM is not the only vendor to offer blade servers. The comparison with Meltin’Pot’s
earlier system, four times the processing power in half the floor space, reflects pri-
marily improved technology since that earlier system was designed. Most competitive
servers that might have replaced Meltin’Pot’s earlier servers would also have provided
several times the processing power in a fraction of the floor space. That being the
case, is it fair for IBM’s case study to claim this improvement as a benefit of the IBM
system? Justify your answer.
2. Meltin’Pot chose IBM blade servers on its own. With IBM’s assistance, it then chose
H.S. Systems to develop the system. Alternatively, it could have chosen a development
partner on its own first, then worked with that firm to select the hardware. Give two
advantages of each sequence.
3. There are two aspects to selecting a system such as Meltin’Pot’s. A company selects
both the specific items that it buys and a product family that it expects to stay with
when that initial equipment is replaced. That makes growth potential an important
factor in its choice. Give examples of two things it might make sense for a company
to pay more for initially, to get a capability that it does not then need, in order to
achieve this.
Information Systems Hardware ◾ 107
Clancy, H., 5 green data center tips from eBay’s Project Mercury, ZDnet, May 11, 2012. www.zdnet.
com/blog/green/5-green-data-center-tips-from-ebays-project-mercury/21188, accessed May 4,
Collins, S., The public eye?, University of Cambridge, February 6, 2014. www.cam.ac.uk/research/
features/the-public-eye, accessed May 4, 2015.
El-Sayed, N., I. Stefanovici, G. Amvrosiadis, A. Hwang, and B. Schroeder, Temperature manage-
ment in data centers: Why some (might) like it hot, Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGMETRICS/
PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer
Systems (SIGMETRICS 2012), London, U.K., June 2012.
Finley, K., IBM bets $1B that its Jeopardy machine can rule the business world, Wired, January 9,
2014. www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2014/01/watson-cloud, accessed May 4, 2015.
Glanz, J., Google details, and defends, its use of electricity, New York Times, September 29, 2011.
html, accessed May 4, 2015.
Glanz, J., Power, pollution and the Internet, New York Times, September 22, 2012. www.nytimes.
image.html, accessed May 4, 2015.
Grameen Foundation, Mobile technology for community health in Ghana, March 2011. www.cs.
washington.edu/education/courses/cse490d/12sp/docs/MOTECH.pdf, accessed May 4, 2015.
The Green Grid, Breaking new ground on data center efficiency, February 2012. www.thegreengrid.
pdf, accessed May 4, 2015.
H.S. Systems Web site, www.hssystems.it (in Italian), accessed September 5, 2013.
IBM, Meltin’Pot powers its business-growth strategy with IBM, September 17, 2012. www-03.ibm.com/
software/businesscasestudies/us/en/corp?synkey=T572324J49723N42, accessed May 4, 2015.
Kelion, L., Nvidia chip aims to power fastest supercomputer, BBC News (Technology), May 15, 2012.
www.bbc.co.uk/news/18033970, accessed May 4, 2015.
Lawson, S., Moore’s Law isn’t making chips cheaper anymore, Computerworld, December 5, 2013.
Livescribe Web site, www.livescribe.com/en-us/smartpen/wifi-smartpen, accessed May 4, 2015.
Meltin’Pot Web site, meltinpot.com, accessed September 5, 2013.
Merritt, R., Moore’s Law Dead by 2022, Expert Says, EE Times, August 27, 2013. www.eetimes.com/
document.asp?doc_id=1319330, accessed May 4, 2015.
MoTeCH Web site, healthmarketinnovations.org/program/mobile-technology-community-health-
motech, accessed August 15, 2013.
Pearn, J., How many servers does Google have?, January 25, 2012. plus.google.com/
114250946512808775436/posts/VaQu9sNxJuY, accessed May 4, 2015.
Pratt, M., Computerworld Honors 2013: Measuring the sustainability of data centers
worldwide, Computerworld, June 3, 2013b. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9239143/
Talbot, D., Electric therapy for medical-device malware, Technology Review, August 9, 2013.
accessed May 4, 2015.
Uptime Institute, uptimeinstitute.com, accessed August 14, 2013.
Walsh, B., The surprisingly large energy footprint of the digital economy, Time, August 14, 2013.
you-think, accessed May 4, 2015.
Chapter 4
• Software Concepts
• System Software
• Application Software
• Software Licensing
• Embedded Software
110 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. Hardware is useless without software, since software tells hardware what to do.
2. Software can be divided into categories: system/application, proprietary/open
source, and (for applications) horizontal/vertical. Knowing these categories
gives you a head start on understanding a piece of software and where it might
be useful.
3. The most important piece of system software is the operating system (OS). Its three
functions are managing shared resources, defining the user interface, and providing
shared services.
4. Software is complex, detail-ridden, and error-prone.
Imagine your first day on the job after graduation. You’re given a desk, paper, pen-
cils, a computer. That’s it. Nobody tells you what your job is, what to do, or anything
like that.
Chances are you’d take initiative, such as asking a manager what you should do. Maybe
you’d hear “The orientation and training program will begin this afternoon. Until then,
read up on the company on our Web site.” Maybe you’d get specific instructions: “Oh, I
didn’t know you were here yet. Analyze these sales figures to see if there’s a problem in the
Midwest region.”
A computer is like that new graduate, but with no initiative. It can carry out instructions
that can be combined in millions of ways to carry out useful processes. It has no idea of
which instructions to carry out or how to combine them.
The computer that hosts a shopping website was not built knowing that it should use
two letters in a box labeled STATE, in a U.S. shipping address, to access a table named
TAX_RATES to find the state sales tax rate for a bill. And it certainly has no idea that, if
the state is MA, there’s no tax on the first $175 of an item of clothing—or how to tell if item
N-376A-9 is clothing at all. Something has to tell that computer what to do, down to the
tiniest detail. That thing is software (Box 4.1).
Software is a collective term for the instructions that tell a computer what to do.
Where you fit in: As in other areas of technology, people will base their opinions of you in part on
how well you use terms. If you say softwares, they’ll think you don’t know much—and may try to
“pull the wool over your eyes.” If you use terms like this correctly, they won’t draw that conclusion.
Writing Software
Instructions that tell a computer what to do come in the form of programs (computer pro-
grams, if context does not make the type of program clear). A program is a series of instruc-
tions that, when executed by a computer, performs a useful task. Programs are written by
people called programmers. Writing programs is programming.
In 2015, computers cannot be programmed in English or any other human language.
They can respond to questions posed in natural languages within limits, but they must
have previously been given instructions about how to respond to those questions. Those
instructions are a program, too.
A computer sees a program as a lot of ones and zeroes, because computers see every-
thing as ones and zeroes. It is hard for people to write long sequences of ones and zeroes,
so they developed programming languages with which to describe a computation to a com-
puter. While not as easy as telling a computer what to do in plain English (or French, or
Hindi), they’re a big improvement over ones and zeroes. Programming languages combine
words and symbols according to precise rules to specify a computation. Figure 4.1 shows a
short program in one such language.
This program counts a variable called i through the values 1, 2, 3, … up to 10. After
every change to i, the program displays the word “Line” followed by its then current
value. It displays “Line 1,” “Line 2,” through “Line 10.” This form of a program is called
a source program.
A source program such as Figure 4.1 must be converted into ones and zeroes before
a computer can run it. When you buy software, you get this object program. You usually
don’t get the source program, but most people don’t care. You can’t run it, and only a pro-
grammer can understand it.
Unfortunately, most programs aren’t as simple as the one in Figure 4.1. Business pro-
grams can consist of several million lines of computer instructions. Instead of one vari-
able (i), they have thousands, with arcane names that are gibberish to nonprogrammers,
which can interact in unexpected ways. The commands in them, rather than being ordi-
nary English words used in a not-so-ordinary context, are likely to be incomprehensible
without a good deal of study.
These millions of lines of computed code aren’t all written as a unit. Just as a book
is divided into chapters, paragraphs, and sentences, programs are divided into modules.
program LineNumbers(output);
for i := 1 to 10 do
WriteLn ('Line ',i)
Dividing an application into modules that can be written separately and combined is part
of planning its development, as you’ll read in Chapter 11. Figure 4.2 shows a payroll appli-
cation divided into modules, showing how data flow from one module to another. Modules
are typically a few hundred lines long. If it turns out that a module can’t be written in that
many lines, it is usually subdivided further.
A computer’s ability to carry out billions of operations in a second, which you read
about in Chapter 3, is offset by needing millions of operations to do things we find simple.
Consider word wrapping in word processors. We’re all familiar with it: a word doesn’t fit
near the end of a line, so the word processor puts it onto a new line. We don’t give this a
second thought. It just works.
To a programmer who writes this part of a word processor, though, word wrap is
far from trivial. It involves the following steps (and even this description is drastically
• Calculate, from page size, orientation, margins, and paragraph indents, how long the
line is.
• Keep track of where the next letter on the line is to start.
• When that next letter is entered, calculate its width from its font, style (bold letters
are wider than regular letters), size, and spacing (regular, expanded, condensed).
• Calculate where the letter will end. If that’s before the end of the line, update where
the next letter will go and wait for the user to key in that letter.
Validated Payroll
Validated check data Payroll
record check data
End of record
Calculate Calculate
tax SS
witheld witheld
• If the letter ends past the end of the line, work back from it to find a place where the
line can break: a space, a hyphen, or one of a few other characters.
• Collect the characters from that point on and move them to a new line.
• If that new line is past the bottom of the page (based on the height of the largest char-
acter on the line, the line spacing, the page size, and the top/bottom margins), start
a new page.
• If the current paragraph has “keep lines together” checked, move it all onto the new
• If the current paragraph has “widow/orphan control” checked, so one line of the
paragraph should never be on a page by itself, move two lines to the new page.
• If that leaves just one line on the previous page, move that line too.
• If the whole paragraph is now on the new page and the previous paragraph has “keep
with next” checked, move the last two lines of that paragraph onto the new page.
Work back until you reach a paragraph that does not have “keep with next” checked
or the page is full.
There’s more, but you get the idea. Programming is detail-ridden. It is easy to make mis-
takes and can be hard to find them. It’s no wonder that programs have errors (bugs). It may
be more of a wonder that they don’t have more (Box 4.2).
To make things worse, software is not constrained by the physical world. Architects and
aircraft designers are constrained by what they know can be built. They can push those
limits, but these constraints are always in their minds. The mind of a software devel-
oper knows no constraints, so software designs may be more ambitious than anyone can
There was an extra “goto fail” in the middle. A programmer can spot this easily when
someone says “there’s a problem in the circled lines.” It’s not nearly as easy in a 2,000-
line program, itself a tiny part of a much larger system, with no reason to focus on this
piece of it.
114 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
program within the available time and resources. “Just one more little feature” turns out to
affect many features, and the list of “more little features” never stops at one.
Where you fit in: You need to know what programmers do in order to make informed deci-
sions about what they should do. Chapter 11 describes the process of writing software and puts
it into its business perspective, focusing on how you’ll be involved in it as a businessperson.
Open-Source Software
Much of the software you use is written by companies whose business is selling it. Microsoft,
for example, makes money by selling Windows, Office, and other programs.
Other software is written by organizations for their own use. Amazon has a program
that chooses books customers might want to buy by comparing what they’ve bought before
with what other customers bought and recommending books that customers with similar
tastes bought. You can’t buy this program, even if you sell books and want it. Amazon
won’t sell it because it gives them an advantage over other booksellers. They make money
by using it themselves.
Both of these are proprietary software: software that belongs to whoever paid to have it
written. This organization or person hopes to benefit economically by selling it or using it.
Alternatively, people can band together to produce software for anyone to use. If you
need office software but don’t want to buy Microsoft Office, go to www.openoffice.org/
download/index.html to download OpenOffice. It’s not a copy of Office (copying Office
would infringe on Microsoft’s intellectual property), but it includes programs for word
processing, spreadsheets, presentation, and database management (see Chapter 5) with all
the features that most people need (Figure 4.3).
OpenOffice is open-source software, developed by volunteers, and is free to anyone. You
can download it and use it. You can download its source programs and modify them as
you wish. You can examine its programming methods and use them in a new program of
your own. As long as you don’t try to pass it off as your own work or charge for it, you can
use it largely as you wish.
Technically, the term open source means that anyone can see the software’s source code.
It need not mean that the software is free. Companies can make source code public while
retaining the right to charge people to use it. This has been done, but not often. As a practi-
cal matter, open-source software is almost always also free software. The reverse is not true,
though: free software is often not open-source software. The Internet Explorer web browser
is free, but it is not open source. Microsoft will not show you the IE source code. It’s their
intellectual property.
Why do people spend time and effort producing software that won’t bring them tangible
benefits? For the technical challenge, a sense of contributing, the feeling of participating in
a community, to get the best possible software for their own use, and more. Open-source
software projects involve thousands of programmers from around the world. Most major
companies rely on open-source software to run at least some of their business. You may
have heard of Linux as a free alternative to Microsoft Windows or Apple’s Mac OS. The
open-source Apache program for web servers is the most popular software for sending web
pages over the Internet.
Using open-source software poses risks. Since nobody benefits from it economically,
nobody feels compelled to deal with your problems unless they have the same ones. That
doesn’t mean you won’t get help, but it means the people who help you won’t be told by their
bosses “it’s your job to help that person.” Open-source software users can attest that things
usually work out well, and software company bankruptcies prove that buying proprietary
software doesn’t guarantee support either, but this is still a concern to risk-averse managers.
On the other side of the ledger, savings in license fees can pay for a good deal of support.
It has been said that “system software is software that doesn’t do anything useful.”
That’s not literally true. It would, though, be correct to say that “system software doesn’t
produce an end result of direct value.” Not as good a sound bite, but closer to the truth.
System software has indirect value: it makes it easier to create and use the software that
does provide business benefits. It supports tasks that application software carries out or
supports people who use application software. You can visualize the place of system soft-
ware, and of other types of software we’ll discuss soon, as shown in Figure 4.4.
The most important type of system software is the operating system (OS). In Figure 4.4,
it sits just above the hardware, below the rest of the software and the user.
Application software
Operating System
You’ve used at least one OS: Windows, Mac OS, or Linux. Your smartphone or tablet
has Android, iOS, or Windows RT. You use it to start programs, delete files, and set the
background image on your screen. You know what an OS does for a user. Here, we’ll
look at what an OS does inside and at differences between OSs you’re used to and OSs
for business.
An OS is a control program that manages what other programs in the system do. It
accepts requests from computer users to perform tasks such as starting an application or
copying a file. It also accepts requests from programs to perform tasks on their behalf,
such as recording game scores in a disk file. You can think of it as a “traffic cop” that keeps
things running smoothly in a computer. The work of an OS falls into three main areas.
subdirectories and files in that drive or folder. The parameter “w*” after the command tells
it that the user wants a listing only of files and folders whose names begin with the letter w.
Those folders, WIN32APP, WINNT, and WUTemp, are listed below the summary infor-
mation. At the next prompt, the user types the command “cd” for change directory, fol-
lowed by the name of a drive or folder to switch to: in this case, the first one it finds whose
118 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
name starts with WIN3. There is only one such directory, WIN32APP. The last line shows
that the OS is now working with this folder.
Command-line interfaces provide closer control over a computer than GUIs or touch
interfaces, because keyboards can provide more information than clicks or taps. They are
faster to use once one knows them, because typing is quicker than pointing. However, they
are less intuitive: it is harder to remember a command or file name than to recognize it.
They are used by computing professionals, especially in enterprise systems, but seldom by
those in other jobs.
Where you fit in: As an knowledgeable user of information systems, you should be aware of
command-line interfaces. Personal computers may have them as a behind-the-scenes option
for experts. And should you ever see a professional use a server or other large system, typing a
lot but never touching a mouse, you’ll know why!
RAM is an important shared resource. Few computers have enough RAM for all the pro-
grams you want to run at a time to fit in their entirety. OSs move data between RAM and disk
to make room for programs or data that are needed right away. This creates the illusion that
the computer has more RAM than it does. You read about this virtual memory in Chapter 3.
Coordinating the use of hardware resources is complex enough in personal computers,
where all programs operate on behalf of the same user, and that user is in direct control of
the computer. It is far more complex in an enterprise computer. It supports many users, they
can be anywhere, and their control of the computer is indirect. That’s one reason enterprise
OSs are more complex, and more difficult to use, than those for personal computers.
Where you fit in: Being aware of the different types of resources that a computer system con-
sists of, and of the conceptual complexities of managing all of them on behalf of multiple users,
will help you understand the issues your company faces with its large computer systems.
• Applications do them the same way. If we can print in one application, we can print
in any.
• Applications are easier to create. Instead of knowing the details of how to draw a win-
dow on the screen, minimize it, resize it, and the rest, a programmer need only say
to the OS “I need a window, this big, with scroll bars …” The OS does the rest. Also,
since the OS is now aware of that window, it can manage screen space more effectively
than it could otherwise. (Shared services overlap shared resources.)
• Tasks are handled better. People who program a shared service know that many appli-
cations will use their work. They do as complete a job as possible and test their pro-
grams more thoroughly than they would be tested as minor parts of a large application.
Multi-user OSs are more complex than single-user OSs. The OS of your personal computer,
tablet, or smartphone is designed for use by one person at a time. It can’t handle a multi-user
system, but businesses depend on multi-user systems in the twenty-first century. The most
popular multi-user software is Unix or the closely related Linux. Unix or Linux are used by
about two-thirds of all websites, with Windows used in most of the rest. Linux also runs about
95% of the fastest 500 supercomputers in the world, including all of the top 43, and IBM’s
Watson system that you read about in the last chapter. Unix runs most of the rest (Box 4.3).
Where you fit in: You don’t have to be an expert on multiple-user OSs or know how to use
them, but you must be aware that they are vital to many of the information systems that orga-
nizations rely on.
Trends in Computing
Advances in computing technology, including hardware, OSs, and the worldwide commu-
nications network known as the Internet, are leading to changes in how we use computers.
To understand what virtualization does, consider what an OS does. It creates an environ-
ment in which application programs can run. The environment an OS creates doesn’t work
exactly like a computer. For example, telling the OS to print a page isn’t exactly like telling
the printer to print a page. The application, instead of seeing the actual printer, communi-
cates with a virtual printer that the OS defines.
This software-created environment can be made to work exactly like an actual computer.
Under such an OS, a program would send the virtual printer the same commands that it
would send to a real printer. The OS would still handle the actual printing. Such an OS would
fool programs that run under it into thinking that they are running on a real computer.
Why would anyone do this? Because some programs were written to run on real hard-
ware and would be difficult, or impossible, to modify to run under a standard OS such as
Windows or Mac OS. An important set of such programs is the OSs themselves.
An OS that mimics the behavior of a real computer is called a hypervisor or virtual
machine monitor (VMM), because it creates imitations of real machines called virtual
machines. A VMM can run several OSs (called guest OSs) at the same time, just as an OS
can run several applications at the same time (Figure 4.8). This offers several benefits.
Information Systems Software ◾ 121
• Applications are isolated from each other. You’ve seen programs crash a system.
It stops working, along with whatever it’s running. This isn’t a disaster with a personal
computer. We deal with it and get on with our work. On a server, this is unacceptable.
To prevent a problem application from bringing others down, organizations put appli-
cations on their own servers. Most applications don’t need a whole server, so computers
are underutilized. Research firm Gartner Inc. estimates that typical corporate server
utilization rates are under 10%.
With virtualization, each application runs in its own virtual machine under its own copy of
the OS. A crash affects only that virtual machine. New applications are added by creating
new virtual machines: faster, simpler, and less expensive than purchasing new computers.
Using virtualization, Northrop Grumman was able to eliminate 3,000 servers, about 80% of
its total. That is a big part of how they will be able to consolidate 100 data centers and server
rooms into three, ultimately reducing CO2 emissions by over 13,000 tons/year.
• A computer can run different OSs at the same time. An organization may want users to
move to Internet Explorer 11, which requires Windows Vista or later, but may also use
applications that were written for Windows XP and can’t run under a more recent release.
With virtualization, users can run Windows XP and 8.1 on one computer, at the same time.
• An organization can test a new version of an OS while continuing to run the old one
without buying extra computers. Or, it can test new versions of applications in isola-
tion from today’s versions, again without buying extra computers.
• Creating new virtual servers under a VMM is faster and less expensive than buy-
ing and installing physical servers. As an organization sees computers reaching
their capacity to handle more virtual machines, it can buy and install new ones in a
planned fashion rather than reacting to each request as an urgent, unplanned need.
• The license cost of enterprise software often depends on the hardware it runs on.
Licensing an application for one computer with several virtual servers may be less
expensive than licensing it for many physical servers.
122 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
A VMM resembles an OS in that it controls the activities of the virtual machine or machines
that it supervises (Box 4.4). Regarding the three basic functions of any OS:
• The VMM gives each virtual machine the impression that it controls its own resources.
For example, it may give each virtual machine a section of the computer’s hard drive
to treat as its own.
• The user interface of the VMM is simple, since users interact with the guest OS that
runs under the VMM. That user interface need only suffice to control the VMM itself.
• Since the VMM lets guest OSs believe they control a computer, it doesn’t provide
anything that looks like shared services. However, some functions that guest OSs
think are hardware commands are, in fact, shared services. When a guest OS sends
a command to what it thinks is a printer, it really sends that command to the VMM.
If another guest OS is printing at that moment, printing will be delayed, though the
guest OS won’t know why.
Using virtual machines raises issues of backup and recovery in case of failure. It is easiest
to treat each virtual machine as a separate computer and use backup and recovery methods
that suit that type of computer. However, approaches that recognize that a single computer
underlies several virtual machines can be more efficient. Those who sell products that sup-
port one approach to virtual machine backup will be quick to point out the advantages of
their approach, but slow to concede that other approaches have advantages as well. It can
be difficult to sort out the claims.
Where you fit in: This seemingly technical decision has a business aspect: pay once for unified
backup and recovery tools, or pay over time for less efficient methods? The choice depends on
business as well as technical factors. Decisions that seem technical often raise business ques-
tions. A businessperson making the final decision in such situations must not accept what a
vendor says without question, either in favor of that vendor’s product or in favor of the general
approach they use. You must always ask “What is this person not telling me? What would a
competitor say?”
Client/Server Computing
Computing tasks involve the steps you read about in Chapter 2: accepting input, accessing
data, processing data, producing results, and sending them on. That applies to spreadsheet
programs, ATMs dispensing cash, or payroll programs processing salary changes.
Information Systems Software ◾ 123
Some of these activities focus on the user. Others take place behind the scenes. With fast
communication links, those two aspects don’t have to use the same computer.
This allows an organization to use one computer to handle the back end of its applica-
tions, with a database that all users share, while the user interface is managed at the user’s
desk (or lap, living room sofa, or coffee shop table). This is called client/server computing
(Box 4.5).
Where you fit in: As with other terms, information technology professionals will form an opin-
ion of you based in part on whether or not you use (here, write) terms like this correctly.
Figure 4.9 shows client/server computing with all the clients connected directly to the server.
The concept is general, though. It applies no matter how the computers communicate.
Some applications use both a web server and a database server. The database server
obtains data from a database. The web server uses that data to create a web page, which
it sends to a client. The client then displays the data. Three-tier computing (Figure 4.10) is
common in large-scale systems. There can be four tiers: the database at the back end, an
application, a web server that puts application output onto a web page, and finally the client
on the user’s desk, lap, or hand.
Dividing an application into tiers requires planning. As clients grow more capable, the
trend is to push more of the task out to them. This reduces the number of servers needed,
which saves cost and makes it simpler to coordinate their activities. In an information sys-
tem that was designed a few years ago, a client might have displayed a chart that was sent
as a graphic. In a new system, the client may create that chart itself after the server sends
the data for it.
A force working in the opposite direction is the desire to use thin clients. A thin client
is a client computer with just enough hardware to connect to a network and run a web
browser. Everything else is done by servers. Thin clients are less expensive than full com-
puters. They are easier to administer in a corporate environment because their users can’t
customize them, add applications, or ignore security controls. Users, however, may resent
the restrictions that thin clients impose on their freedom. Today’s best-known thin client
is Chromebook, which runs Google’s Chrome OS. (When a distinction is necessary, a stan-
dard computer used as a client is called a fat client.)
Client/server computing is a software concept. Clients and servers use standard hard-
ware, though high-end servers have, as you read in Chapter 3, added features. Client (per-
sonal) OSs keep applications out of each other’s way, but server OSs keep users out of each
other’s way. This complicates a server OS, but today’s online world would not exist without
multi-user applications.
Cloud Computing
In the last chapter, you read about cloud storage, accessing data over the Internet.
Applications can also be accessed over the Internet. Results reach users as web pages or
data for the client to process. That is cloud computing (Figure 4.11).
Google Docs (part of the business-oriented Google Apps) and Microsoft Web Apps
(part of the business-oriented Office 365) provide personal productivity applications
such as spreadsheets, word processing, and presentations, as cloud computing services.
Any platform that runs a web browser can use these applications. Because they store
data in the cloud, any authorized user can access their documents. That facilitates team
Cloud computing is a form of client/server computing where servers are located on the
Internet rather than locally. The two potential benefits are: cloud servers may be operated
by a company that specializes in providing computing services, and that company often
Information Systems Software ◾ 125
as needed
has enough extra capacity to provide more at peak loads because different customers have
peak loads at different times. There are several variations on cloud computing:
A cloud (the environment of cloud computing) may be a public cloud or a private cloud. A large
organization may have enough use for cloud computing to justify its own private cloud,
though it will sometimes contract with a third party to set it up and run it. Smaller firms can
use a public cloud computing facility such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or IBM
SmartCloud. An organization that operates a private cloud can supplement it with a public
cloud, creating a hybrid cloud. In SaaS, the application provider operates a private cloud.
Cloud computing has implications for OSs. PaaS and IaaS extend the OS to provide
users with access to cloud computing services. These interfaces make it easier to develop
an application for cloud services, but tend to lock a user into one provider because these
interfaces are not standardized. The choice of a cloud computing provider must therefore
be made carefully. It will be expensive and time consuming to change later.
Where you fit in: These trends will affect how your employer uses computers. You won’t just
have a computer on a desk connected to a database and the web. To participate in the business
world of 2020 and beyond, to make the business decisions involved in selecting which of these
concepts to use, you have to know about these trends and what they mean.
126 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
* Adding features to an operating system is not the same as using operating system market share to promote the use of
other programs. That has been held to violate U.S. and European Union antitrust laws.
Information Systems Software ◾ 127
Where you fit in: Using add-on software to augment a firm’s existing OS can be an alternative
to upgrading to a new version. Technical professionals might prefer to upgrade, since moving
to the latest version helps them keep their skills current, but business considerations may argue
the other way. As a manager, you must make sure both options get fair consideration.
Application software produces results that are of direct value to the organization that uses
it. This covers everything from tiny programs that monitor Twitter feeds for your favorite
hashtags up to huge ones that coordinate the production schedules of General Motors.
The third part of this book, Chapters 7 through 9, is about application software that
provides the benefits listed in Chapter 1: linking parts of the organization, connecting
organizations to their customers and suppliers, and making better decisions. Chapters 10
and 11 discuss how companies get their applications. Here, we’ll cover a few general topics
that transcend those focus areas.
applications Word processing
Health care
Vertical applications
Open-Source Applications
Like open-source system software, open-source application software exists as well. It tends
to be horizontal, as most vertical segments can’t support an open-source community.
Open-source productivity applications such as spreadsheet programs, word processors
(such as OpenOffice, mentioned earlier), and graphics editors are popular and are consid-
ered off-the-shelf packages. At the enterprise level, Apache web server software is used by
about 65% of all websites, including those of many large corporations. A web server appli-
cation is a customized package.
The opposite of open source in this context is proprietary. A proprietary application
belongs to someone who controls who can use it and how much they have to pay for the
privilege. The cost can be zero, as it is today for the Chrome browser, but Google owns that
software. Google could charge for Chrome if it wanted to.
Where you fit in: These terms and concepts are often used in business discussions about soft-
ware. Knowing what they mean will enable you to contribute to these discussions.
Information Systems Software ◾ 129
The copy of Microsoft Office you buy at your campus store comes with a license that states
what you may do with it. For example:
Microsoft can limit your rights because you don’t buy the software. You buy the box it’s in,
you buy the plastic disk it’s on, you buy a license to use it—but Microsoft owns the software
itself. You buy the right to use Office as permitted by its license. Most software is licensed,
not sold.
The license terms that were first announced with Office 2013 didn’t let you move the
software to another computer you own unless yours failed under warranty or transfer your
license to another person. Microsoft, to its credit, responded to complaints by modifying
those terms. Its new terms are still “take it or leave it,” though. This is typical of personal
software. Purchasers can’t negotiate. If they don’t like the terms of a license, they can look
for a package with better terms.
Enterprise systems have a wider range of licensing options, and enterprise customers
generally have more leverage than individual consumers in persuading vendors to modify
their standard terms. An example of pricing—simpler than many!—is in the box that fol-
lows. This topic is discussed further in Chapter 10.
Oracle’s database software is available in three versions: Standard Edition One (the smallest),
Standard Edition, and Enterprise Edition. Each edition has a per-user price, a minimum num-
ber of users, and a per-processor-unit price given in the following table:
Edition Price per User Min. No. of Users Price per Proc. Unit Max. No. of Processors
Standard One $180 5 $5,800 2
Standard $350 5 $17,500 4
Enterprise $950 25 per proc. unit $47,500 No limit
(Enterprise Edition processor units are calculated by counting the number of processor cores in
all systems that the license covers, multiplying by a speed factor for each core, and rounding up
any fraction to the next whole number. For other editions, processor chips are counted directly.)
Customers may pay per user, using the higher of the actual number of users or the
minimum in the earlier table, or per processor. Customers pay per processor where users
cannot be identified, as in an Internet environment, or where there are so many indi-
vidual users that a per-processor license is more economical. Customers who upgrade
their hardware beyond the processor limits of their current edition must license a higher
edition and pay the corresponding fee.
130 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Software vendors, understandably, want those who use their software to pay for it. BSA:
The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) was founded to defend the copyrights of members’
software. It finds unlicensed software and brings legal action against infringers. It has
recovered large sums of money for its members, in penalties for illegal use and license pay-
ments going forward.
BSA estimates that software firms lost $62.7 billion in 2013 due to software piracy.
Their figures have been criticized for assuming that every unlicensed copy would,
absent piracy, have been purchased at full price. Since many users of unlicensed soft-
ware would find alternatives or do without a program if they had to pay for it, and
since discounts are widely available, BSA estimates are widely felt to overstate real
industry losses.
Even free software has licenses. The Apache license reads in part, edited for brevity:
You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof, with
or without modification, in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following
1. You give other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License.
2. You cause modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files.
3. You retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright,
patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding
those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works.
4. If the Work includes a “NOTICE” text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative
Works that You distribute includes a readable copy of the attribution notices con-
tained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part
of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places. The contents of the
NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You
may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute,
provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying
the License.
These and similar terms in the licenses of most open-source packages prevent commercial
entities from using free software in their products without informing their customers that
they did so.
Where you fit in: As a manager, you will be involved in decisions and negotiations about soft-
ware licenses for your firm. You have to know what your options are.
Everything is getting smarter. Your microwave oven has settings to cook frozen food and
reheat cold food; you just have to tell it how much the food weighs or how many serv-
ings it consists of. In a few years, your freezer will know what you take out and send this
Information Systems Software ◾ 131
information wirelessly to the microwave. The microwave will display “Cook the frozen
peas?” when you open its door and will know what to do if you press “Yes.”
Embedded software makes products smarter. It is, informally, “software in anything that
doesn’t look or act like a computer.” Embedded software will affect you in your career:
• If you work for a company that makes products, many types of products will increas-
ingly contain embedded software.
• If you work for a company that uses almost any type of equipment, chances are that
much of that equipment—from time clocks to pizza ovens—will contain embedded
• Many of the devices you use in your personal life already contain embedded soft-
ware: TV sets, telephones, cameras, cars, watches, running shoes. More will in
the future.
Embedded computer applications are designed to do one thing well. Consumers don’t want
stoves that show television programs, even if their screens and electronics are up to the job.
Confusing controls can be dangerous: confusing automobile interfaces cause accidents,
confusing medical device interfaces harm patients.
Embedded computers use OSs for the reasons in the section “Operating System.” Their
user interface is specialized, but it’s there nonetheless. Touch screens like those of tablets
control stoves and audio systems. Medical and manufacturing devices have screens and
keyboards. If your car doesn’t, your next one will. Managing shared resources and provid-
ing shared services are as vital to an embedded computer as they are to one on a desk. Just
the resources and the services are different.
Some embedded systems evolve into true computers. Mobile phones, originally single-
purpose devices, can now do just about anything that computers can. Android, iOS, and
other smartphone OSs are full operating systems in every sense of the word. This trend
will continue where it does not conflict with users’ preference for single-function devices.
Embedded systems are often connected to networks, becoming part of enterprise
information systems. Supermarket checkout stations connect to store databases to look
up prices and track inventory. Medical equipment connects to hospital-wide information
systems. Robotic spraying systems in automobile factories access production schedules
to find out what kind of car is to be painted, to spray only where that model needs paint.
Beyond enterprise networks, embedded systems can increasingly connect to the Internet.
Your refrigerator doesn’t have to be wired to your microwave in the frozen-peas scenario that
led off this section, or even connected directly via wireless. If both are on the Internet, they
can talk to each other. This leads to what is sometimes called the “Internet of Things,” or IoT.
This connectivity of embedded systems raises security concerns. The data breach at
Target, in which information on more than 40 million credit cards was stolen, was accom-
plished via the store’s point-of-sale systems. Those systems were not well protected against
criminal activity, and had complete access to Target’s main database. That provided an
entry point to data thieves.
132 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Embedded systems are often more vulnerable than systems that look like computers.
Their software is difficult or impossible to update, so vulnerabilities may remain even
when identified. Responsibility for fixing a security hole may lie with chip vendor, software
supplier, or device manufacturer, none of whom is motivated to fix older products. Some
embedded software was developed before security became a concern and is more vulner-
able than modern software. Embedded systems may not be under a company’s IS depart-
ment, so it may not know what’s in them or how they work. And who keeps current on
security patches for TV sets or SUVs?
Where you fit in: The importance of embedded systems will grow throughout your career. You
must be aware of their potential to improve your employer’ operations and of security concerns
in using them. Target’s data breach may have stemmed from a technology problem, but people
throughout the company suffered. It will be your job to make sure all embedded systems in
your area of responsibility are adequately protected.
Application program interface: A standardized way through which application programs
request shared services from the operating system or from other system software.
Application software: Collective term for computer programs that carry out tasks that
computer users find directly useful.
Bug: An error in a computer program.
Client: A computer that receives information or processing services from a server. (From
Chapter 3.)
Client/server computing: A method of carrying out a computing process in which one
computer, the server, provides resources such as data or web pages to another, the
Cloud computing: Accessing computing resources over the Internet.
Command-line interface: Controlling a computer by entering text commands via a
Computer program: A series of instructions that, when executed by a computer, perform
a useful function.
Custom software: Programs that are written to meet the specific needs of one organiza-
tion. Compare customized package, off-the-shelf software.
Customized package: An application program that is publicly available but requires mod-
ification before use. Compare custom software, off-the-shelf software.
Database management system: System software that organizes and manages data.
Database server: Server that accesses a database on behalf of clients.
Data de-duplication: Saving storage space by identifying and removing multiple copies of a file.
Embedded software: Software built into a device to control its operation, which has no
purpose other than operating that device.
Fat client: Client computer with sufficient resources to function independently when not
attached to a supporting network. Compare thin client.
Graphical user interface: Controlling a computer by using a pointing device to access on-
screen menus and images.
Guest operating system: The operating system of a virtual machine.
Horizontal application: An application program that is broadly useful in many segments
of the economy. Compare vertical application.
Hybrid cloud: Cloud computing environment that consists partly of a private cloud, partly
of a public cloud.
Hypervisor: See virtual machine monitor.
Icon: A small on-screen symbol that indicates a file, a program, or a command to a computer.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A form of cloud computing in which users access basic
computing resources over the Internet and can create their own platform on it.
Object program: A computer program that has been translated into the form of ones and
zeroes for execution by a computer. Compare source program.
Off-the-shelf software: Programs that are publicly available and require little or no modi-
fication for use. Compare custom software, customized package.
134 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Open-source software: (a) Software that is produced communally and is available for any-
one to use free of charge. Contrast with proprietary software; (b) Software whose
source program is open to public view.
Operating system: A program that manages activities and resource usage in a computer.
Outsourcing: One company is engaging another company to carry out activities on its
behalf that it would otherwise do itself.
Performance monitor: System software that measures the load on a computer with a view
to optimizing its performance.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): A form of cloud computing in which users access a platform
over the Internet and can run their own applications on it.
Private cloud: Cloud computing environment operated for the benefit of one organization
and not generally available to others. Compare public cloud, hybrid cloud.
Program (noun): See computer program.
Program (verb): To write computer programs.
Programmer: Person who earns a living by writing computer programs.
Programming language: Set of key words and rules defining a way to write computer
Proprietary software: Software that is legally owned by and controlled by a single com-
pany. Contrast with open-source software (sense (a)).
Public cloud: Cloud computing environment that is available, often at a price, to anyone.
Compare private cloud, hybrid cloud.
Server: A computer that provides a service, such as web pages or database access, to other
computers. (From Chapter 3)
Software: A collective term for computer programs. This noun has no plural form.
Software as a Service (SaaS): A form of cloud computing in which users access an applica-
tion over the Internet.
Software license: Agreement between a buyer and a seller of a computer program regard-
ing the terms under which the buyer may use that program.
Source program: A computer program in the form that it was written by a programmer,
prior to its translation into ones and zeroes for execution by a computer. Compare
object program.
System software: Collective term for computer programs that carry out tasks that are not
directly useful, but that facilitate the development or use of other software.
Thrashing: A condition in which a computer spends most of its time moving data between
secondary storage and its insufficient RAM, and is thus unable to accomplish
much useful work.
Thin client: Client computer with minimal resources, designed to be used only when
attached to a supporting network. Compare fat client.
Three-tier computing: An information processing environment that includes a database
server, a web server, and a client.
Touch-based interface: Controlling a computer by pressing on its screen or another
User interface: The way users interact with software.
Information Systems Software ◾ 135
1. What is software?
2. Explain the difference between a source program and an object program.
3. What is the difference between proprietary and open-source software?
4. Describe the three fundamental functions of an OS.
5. How does a virtual machine monitor differ from an OS? Resemble one?
6. Give an example of client/server computing from your own experience.
7. What are three types of cloud computing?
8. Give three examples of system software other than OSs.
9. What is a vertical application? How does it differ from a horizontal application?
10. Define off-the-shelf, custom, and customized software.
11. Can you usually negotiate the license terms of personal computer software?
12. Give two examples of embedded software that were not used in this chapter.
1. Choose any two versions of Windows, Mac OS, or Linux that are intended for gen-
eral use on laptop and desktop computers. (Don’t choose a smartphone/tablet OS
such as iOS, Android, or Windows RT.) By searching the web for reviews or by
any other method, identify three differences between those two versions of the
same OS. Discuss to whom these differences would matter to, how much you think
they would matter, and how typical this person is of computer users overall. Also,
describe how and where you found your information.
2. Resource allocation isn’t just for OSs. Consider the resources of your college or uni-
versity. Identify one resource that is allocated in each of the following ways:
a. To one user for an extended period of time, during some of which it may not be
actively used, like file space on a disk.
b. To one user for a specific activity and then to another, like a printer.
136 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
d. If you didn’t think it would be to your employer’s advantage, when do you think
it would be, in terms of types of employers and the types of jobs that new profes-
sionals do?
6. Your employer gives you a thin client. Write a memo to your boss explaining why you
need an exception to the company’s thin client policy and should get a full computer.
Make any assumptions you wish about your work, but be sure to state them in your
7. Your university is considering a new student information system. Its present system
runs on its own servers, in an on-campus data center that also houses most of its
other multi-user computers. It is considering obtaining its new system via the SaaS
model. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of SaaS in this specific context. General
advantages and disadvantages are an answer to this question only if you relate them
to this specific situation.
8. Your job is to select a program that will prepare the U.S. income tax returns. Proceed
as follows:
a. Develop a list of six to eight factors that are important in evaluating such a
b. Assign an importance weight to each of these factors. Weights should add up to 100.
c. Identify three such programs as potential candidates.
d. Evaluate each of the programs on each factor. The best program on each factor
should get 10 points. The others should be scored relative to that program. (In
case of a tie, more than one program may get 10 points.)
e. Multiply each program’s score on each factor by the importance weight of
that factor to get the number of points that program earns for that factor. The
importance weight of a factor is the same for all three programs, but their
scores differ, so the number of points each program earns on each factor will
also differ.
f. Add each program’s points for all factors to get its total score.
g. Discuss: Do you think this is a reasonable selection process? If you were choosing
such a program for your own use, would you use this process or a similar one?
Why or why not?
9. Every country’s tax laws are different, so every country needs different software to
prepare its income tax forms. The United States supports several different software
packages for this purpose. Some other countries do also, but some have fewer or
none. Discuss the factors that make a country attractive as a market for such pack-
ages. If you wanted to develop personal tax return software, and you needed to pick a
country, what characteristics would you look for in your initial market? Keep in mind
138 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
that the obvious markets for such packages already have one or more, and that people
who already use one such package may want to stay with it.
10. A software company is widely considered to have complex and inflexible contract
policies. That doesn’t stop people from using its software, since that software is
very good, but it has been the subject of industry analyst reports and of customer
a. You work in that company’s marketing department. What, if anything, would
you do about this situation? If there isn’t enough information here to answer that
question, how would you decide?
b. You work in the marketing department of a competitor. Your company’s contract
terms are much simpler than those of the other company. Industry analysts don’t
point them out as bad examples. Your customers don’t complain about them.
How can you take advantage of this situation?
group that will test one small piece of it, but I’d rather talk about PeopleSoft in a month or
so when I can show you something closer to the final version.
“However, today doesn’t have to be a total waste of time. Did anyone explain to you how
MediTouch works?”
“Actually, no,” Miguel admitted. “We saw some screens in the doctors’ offices, but
they didn’t say anything about what’s behind the screens. I’m guessing there’s a server
someplace? Maybe one of the ones we passed on the way in, off the corridor behind the
“Yes and no,” Jared laughed. “Yes, there’s a server. But no, it’s not one of the servers you
passed on the way in. It’s not even within a hundred miles of here. HealthFusion runs the
servers for all MediTouch users out of data centers in Arizona and southern California.
Our people connect to them anywhere they go.”
“How does that work?” asked Elizabeth.
“Very much like a browser, like Chrome or Firefox on your computer. When you go to
eBay, it tells you about something that someone is selling. That information isn’t on your
computer, or at least it wasn’t until that second. It’s on eBay’s computers. It sends you the
information, you look at it and perhaps do something about it. You click somewhere on
the page and something happens on your screen, but it really happens back at eBay so
everyone else can see it too. If you bid on a pair of skis and nobody else saw your bid it
wouldn’t be much use, would it?”
“I guess not,” she nodded.
“It’s the same here. If Dr. Trimble accesses his daily schedule and sees that he’s going to
see one of you, he can click on your name to get your medical record. That record isn’t in
his computer or in any other computer here in Springfield. It’s in HealthFusion’s computer,
just like information about things for sale on eBay is in eBay’s computers. If someone else
looks at your record at the same time, they see the same information. Nobody cares where
the data is. We trust HealthFusion to store it, to make back-ups, to keep it secure and all
that stuff. We could do that ourselves, of course. The hospital is big enough to have an
information systems staff with people who know how. It’s more efficient if HealthFusion
does it, though. If a small medical practice wanted to store its data on its own, they wouldn’t
be able to do it at all.
“Anyhow, their computers take the data, put it into a template for a web page so all the
medical records come out formatted the same way, and send out that page. They have some
programs that go along with the page and do the heavy lifting, but those programs run
inside the web browser too. They use a programming language called JavaScript for this.
You can do a lot with a web page if you know what you’re doing!
“This is what they call cloud computing, by the way. Have you heard that term?” Jared
paused to catch his breath and take a sip of his coffee.
“We have,” said Miguel. “But we didn’t see an example of it, and we didn’t know it was
behind what we saw in the SMMA offices when we were there.”
“If it’s done well, it’s invisible. You can’t tell. It also means that everyone always has the
latest version of the application all the time. Nobody has to install new versions on their
computers. That makes things way easier for us folks down here!”
140 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
“Thanks, and thanks for the coffee,” said Miguel since the two had no more questions. “We’ll
see you again in a few weeks when the PeopleSoft system is working well enough to look at.”
That visit is described in the SMMA episode of Chapter 7.
1. Are electronic medical records a horizontal or vertical application?
2. Is MediTouch off-the-shelf, customized, or custom software?
3. Which cloud computing category (see the section “Cloud Computing”) is MediTouch
in? Why do you think so?
Nexor provides information technology and e-mail services to defense, intelligence, and
other government organizations in the United Kingdom and around the world, includ-
ing organizations such as NATO. Nexor Sentinel is a secure e-mail service that protects
user organizations by validating inbound and outbound electronic messages to conform
to a user’s security policies. Its IT platform protects sensitive information on the web. In
addition to high availability and security, both the e-mail service and IT platform have to
comply with international standards for computer security.
Nexor found it increasingly difficult to deliver the services that its customers expected in
the second decade of the twenty-first century using an older OS on older hardware, neither of
which was still supported by its original supplier. Staying with that system was not an option.
Recognizing the limitations and ongoing costs associated with staying with that plat-
form, Nexor decided to move to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This is the open-source Linux
OS, packaged with additional support software and documentation by Red Hat Inc. of
Raleigh, NC. While Red Hat cannot charge for the Linux software itself, it can charge for
combining it with other compatible software into an easy-to-use package, documenting
the installation and use of that package, and providing customer support. It has built a
$1.3 billion business with 5,700 employees on that foundation.
“The main benefit for us [of the move to Linux] is that we have been able to move off a spe-
cialized, proprietary platform,” says Colin Robbins, technical director at Nexor. However,
Nexor could have done the same by going to a proprietary OS such as Windows. Why choose
Linux? Primarily because, after evaluating it, they found that Linux met the tight security
requirements of their environment better than the other two alternatives it considered. Once
they settled on Linux, they picked Red Hat Enterprise Linux because it had been formally
evaluated at Level 4 (EAL4) of the international Common Criteria security specifications.
Information Systems Software ◾ 141
• Efficiency. Their e-mail product runs faster. Internally, the time it took to build an
application (to combine all its software components so it would operate as a unit)
decreased from three days to a few hours.
• Cost savings. Training customers, for example, is much less expensive on a modern
OS with familiar concepts than it was on the older system.
• Customer satisfaction. One example is that security updates can now be passed
to customers automatically, rather than waiting for them to be delivered. “The
result is a simple, smooth and convenient model for product update delivery,” says
With its Linux platform, Nexor feels ready to continue its mission of providing informa-
tion systems and information transfer to security-conscious customers worldwide.
1. Why shouldn’t Nexor use an old OS? Focus on reasons that apply to Nexor’s situation.
Many reasons that individual users upgrade, such as running current versions of off-
the-shelf applications, do not apply to Nexor since it writes its own software.
2. You are a senior manager at a company such as Nexor and must make the final deci-
sion about the OS that it will use going forward. Three of your subordinates have
evaluated different OSs and recommend different choices. How would you approach
the problem of resolving their opinions?
3. Most information systems don’t raise the same security concerns that defense
organizations have. Should that be the case? Or should organizations that have
any type of information system heed the lessons of how carefully Nexor addresses
security concerns?
The goal of Community Plates is to end food insecurity in the United States. This isn’t an
easy task, but Mullins isn’t trying to do it himself. He has the assistance of hundreds of vol-
unteers who sign up for food runs. They drive to a supermarket, grocer, or restaurant with
surplus food and bring it to an agency that helps feed the hungry. This eliminates most
costs associated with conventional food redistribution, using a fleet of trucks with drivers
to move the food and warehouses to store it in.
142 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
That’s a fine concept, but implementing it is not trivial. Mullins and the food aren’t nec-
essarily in the same place. Mullins is in Norwalk, Connecticut. In addition to Connecticut’s
Fairfield and New Haven Counties, Community Plates also operates in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, and Columbus, Ohio. One person, or an office full of people, couldn’t hope to
coordinate all the food runs for those locations, let alone the added locations to which
Community Plates hopes to expand in the future.
Enter Go Rescue, a web application that Community Plates’s partner WhenToManage
developed for them. WhenToManage develops software for restaurants. It knows how
many restaurants have food left over at the end of the day and would rather see it eaten
than go into landfills or compost.
“We built Go Rescue on WhenToManage’s Peach platform, which allows us to quickly
develop and update applications to meet the specific needs of the industries we serve,” said
Jeff Schacher, CEO and founder of WhenToManage (Community Plates Web site). “This
environment also enables us to easily continue modifying Go Rescue to further enhance
the food rescue process, and over time, meet other nonprofits’ needs.”
Peach is a data management system that enables users to access data in customized ways
from any device over the web. Thus, volunteers can tell Community Plates where they
are—on a regular basis, in advance for one run, or at the last minute—using smartphones.
Go Rescue matches them to a place with food and another that needs it.
Bruce Winters, volunteer community liaison for Community Plates in Danbury,
Connecticut, estimates that more than half of the 4 billion tons of food produced world-
wide annually goes to waste one way or another (Tensa, 2013). Community Plates rescued
the equivalent of 800,000 meals in 2012 and the first half of 2013. As they expand, the totals
will surely grow. Go Rescue will help that happen.
1. In terms of the software categories discussed in this chapter, is Go Rescue a horizon-
tal or a vertical application? Off the shelf or custom? Open source or proprietary?
2. Two OSs are involved in any use of Go Rescue: one on the user’s smartphone (or other
device) and one on the computer that runs Peach. Summarize what each of them does
when running Go Rescue, in terms of the three main OS functions.
3. Mullins was fortunate in finding a company like WhenToManage that was willing
to put its resources behind his idea. Had he not known of WhenToManage, how do
you think he might have proceeded? Suggest at least three possibilities, ranked in the
order that you think he should try them.
BSA: The Software Alliance, The Compliance Gap: BSA Global Software Survey, June 2014. globalstudy.
Community Plates Web site, communityplates.org/category/awards, accessed May 12, 2015.
Information Systems Software ◾ 143
Fark, J., Office 2013 now transferable, Office News (official Microsoft blog), March 6, 2013. blogs.
Kassner, M., Target data breach exposes serious threat of POS malware and botnets, TechRepublic,
January 9, 2014. www.techrepublic.com/blog/it-security/target-data-breach-exposes-serious-
Nexor Web site, www.nexor.com, accessed August 16, 2013.
Oracle Corporation, Oracle Technology Global Price List, January 2, 2014. www.oracle.com/us/
Oracle Corporation, Database licensing. www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/databaselicensing-
070584.pdf, accessed January 10, 2014.
Pratt, M., Northrop Grumman: Virtualizing or Retiring Approximately 3,000 Servers,
Computerworld, October 24, 2011. www.computerworld.com/s/article/359031/Northrop_
Pratt, M., Computerworld Honors 2013: Mobile app helps get fresh food to people in need,
Computerworld, June 3, 2013. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9239140/Computerworld_
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Web site, www.redhat.com/products/enterprise-linux, accessed August
16, 2013.
Schneier, B., The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—And Often Unpatchable, Wired, January 6,
2014. www.wired.com/opinion/2014/01/theres-no-good-way-to-patch-the-internet-of-things-
Tensa, K., Community Plates Expands Food Charity To Danbury, Danbury Daily Voice, June 7,
2013. danbury.dailyvoice.com/neighbors/community-plates-expands-food-charity-northern-
Vaughan-Nichols, S., Linux continues to rule supercomputers, ZDNet, June 18, 2013. www.zdnet.
Venkatraman, A., Case study: Nexor dumps ageing proprietary operating system for open
source OS, Computer Weekly, July 31, 2013. www.computerweekly.com/news/2240202849/
W3Techs Web Technology Surveys, Usage of operating systems for websites, w3techs.com/technologies/
overview/operating_system/all, accessed June 24, 2013.
W3Techs Web Technology Surveys, Usage statistics and market share of Apache for websites,
w3techs.com/technologies/details/ws-apache/all/all, accessed August 7, 2013.
WhenToManage Web site, www.whentomanage.com, accessed August 16, 2013.
Worstall, T., Business Software Alliance Gets It Wrong on Software Theft Again, Forbes, June 3,
2012. www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/06/03/business-software-a lliance-gets-it-
Chapter 5
• The Database Concept
• Operational Databases
• Databases for Decision Making
• Database Management Systems
• Database Security
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
146 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
3. Applications that involve data analysis and decision making may use other database
4. Using databases requires database management software to store and retrieve data on
behalf of users and applications.
Where you fit in: The best way to organize data into fields is not always obvious. Should a
person’s name be stored as a unit or as family name and given name* separately? In a shoe
database, should size 8C be stored as one field or as length (8) and width (C) in separate
fields? This decision should be made by people who know where the data will come from and
how it will be used. When that’s you, understanding database concepts will help you make
good choices.
A data field might not consist of characters. A digital photograph in a driver’s license
record is a field. So is a sound recording of a person’s voice or a scan of the pattern of
8 bits = 1 byte
FIGURE 5.1 Bits forming bytes forming a character string, a number and a pixel.
* It’s best to avoid using “first name” and “last name,” since name order varies from one culture to another.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 147
veins in a person’s retina, both of which can be used for identification. Most software
that manages databases can’t decode these fields, but it can retrieve them on behalf of
applications that can. Such database fields are often called blobs, for binary large objects.
Data fields are grouped into records. A record’s fields describe a concept or object the
database stores information on. That concept or object is an entity. For example, an airline
database has records for the entity flight. Each record has fields for departure and arrival
airports, scheduled and actual departure and arrival times, employee IDs of its crew, and
more. Each record has this data for one flight, such as Delta flight 2010 from Dallas/Fort
Worth to Atlanta on April 12, 2015.
When the distinction is important, a flight is an entity instance. Flights overall are an
entity class.
Where you fit in: Database designers don’t know what an organization needs to store. Is it
important to know both scheduled and actual departure times? A database designer doesn’t
know, but someone at the airline does. If the pilot is replaced at the last minute, is it important
to record both the originally scheduled pilot and the replacement? Again, only people who
know how the data will be used can answer those and hundreds of similar questions. That will
soon be you.
All the records of a specific type form a table. The flight table contains information about
Flight 2010 from Dallas/Forth Worth to Atlanta on April 12, Flight 12 from Boston to London
on July 13, and many more. A database table can look like a familiar spreadsheet table.
A table is sometimes called a file. However, the word file can also refer to anything
that the operating system treats as a named unit. Your computer probably has files with
homework, such as MIS 301 Project 1.docx; photographs, such as Ronnie.jpg; music, such as
Thriller.mp3; video; and so on. These files are not part of a database. Using the term table
is less confusing.
A database consists of multiple tables about an area, organized so data in them can be
used together. If your instructor calls in sick, a database can use a course table to find that
instructor’s classes on that day. It can then use an enrollment table to find the students in
those classes and finally use a student table to find those students’ cell phone numbers and
e-mail addresses. The application can then send text messages or e-mails that today’s class
is cancelled. The database can do this because it has tables for instructors, courses, course
registrations, and students, and can connect data in one table to data in another.
These concepts are shown in Figure 5.2. As concepts, they are universal. There are sev-
eral ways to realized them by computer software. The best way to do that depends on how
the data will be used. The two main uses are transaction processing (operational use) and
business intelligence (decision support use). These two areas use data differently:
1. Transaction processing applications access one record at a time. They must be able
to update that record. A system may have to process thousands of transactions a
minute. You’ll read more about transaction processing in Chapter 7.
148 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Can be anything:
data, photo, video,
Database sound, Word
document ...
Files (tables)
Records (rows)
Because the access patterns are different, different database structures work best in the two
Operational databases are called that because they support business operations. In a bank,
an operational database stores customer data. It is updated when a customer withdraws
money at an ATM. In a hotel chain, an operational database stores room data. It is updated
when a guest checks in. In a supermarket, an operational database stores inventory data.
It is updated when a register scans the barcode on a bottle of milk. Operational databases
are transaction processing databases.
Such databases serve multiple purposes. The bank database is also updated when a
customer deposits a paycheck, moves to a new address, or changes to a different type of
account. These actions affect only that customer. The same is true of hotel and supermarket
databases: business events affect only one record.
Where you fit in: No matter what job you have after graduation, you will almost certainly use
one or more operational databases. The better you understand how they work, the better you
will be able to use them effectively and suggest new ways they can help your employer.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 149
Consider the last bullet. Suppose students’ majors are in both the main student table and
in the volleyball team table. Now, Laura switches from English to History. The registrar’s
office will update her registration record. The team data will be wrong, perhaps for a long
Storing the same information more than once, such as having Laura’s major in two
tables, is called redundancy. Redundancy leads to errors. Good database design eliminates
Facebook, for example, is a giant database at heart with a “front end” program that
takes data from that database and arranges it on web pages. Think about the information
Facebook has. It can be broken down into several categories:
• Your profile, with information such as your real name, your date of birth, your user-
name and password, your privacy settings, your gender and relationship status, and
much more.
• Events in your timeline, with times and descriptions.
• Photos, which can be linked to events or to members.
• Friend connections, which link two members in a bidirectional fashion: if member
A is a friend of member B, member B is a friend of member A. Both members must
agree to this.
• Subscriptions (following), which also link two members but in one direction: mem-
ber A follows member B. Member B does not have to agree to be followed.
• Likes, which one member sends to a status update, comment, photo, or other content
of another member. The other member need not agree to be Liked.
Each of these, and many more, is a database table—or several. These tables are large, since
Facebook has over 1.4 billion members. If members average 10 friends each, which is lower
than many estimates, there are 14 billion friending relationships in Facebook’s database.
Where you fit in: Ten billion records are large for a single table. Still, you can see that databases
you’ll find on the job are much bigger than those you may see in school.
Let’s see how we might put together a database for a smaller social networking site.
MyVid’s Member table has information about each member: real name, e-mail address,
date of joining, and more. Jones joined MyVid on July 16, 2013; he’s a Bronze level member
who pays monthly, and his e-mail address is [email protected].
Since MyVid assigns member IDs, it can guarantee that every member has one, and that
there are no duplicates. MyVid can also guarantee that every uploaded video gets a unique
Video ID.
The Member table gives each member’s class of membership. Free basic membership
entitles a member to upload one video a week, up to 5 min in length, and to comment
on his or her own videos but not on other members’. Three premium membership levels,
Bronze, Silver, and Gold, have higher limits and allow comments on any video. Details of
each level are in the Level table.
Premium membership is billed monthly or annually (at ten times the monthly rate).
A member’s choice of billing term is in the Member table. A Bill table stores the date a
billing period starts, whether it is for a month or a year (the member’s choice may change
after a bill is issued), the amount of the bill (rates may change after a bill is issued), and for
a paid bill, when and how it was paid. (Only the last four digits of credit card numbers are
kept to reduce risk.) This table has Bill ID as its primary key. Member ID is a foreign key.
152 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
The Bill and Member tables are in a many-to-one relationship: a member may have many
bills, but a bill is for only one member.
Finally, the MyVid database has a table for comments on videos. Besides the text of the
comment and a timestamp, this table has two foreign keys: Video ID of the video that the com-
ment is on and Member ID of the member who posted it. It has a Comment ID as its primary
key. It needs this because none of the other fields or their combinations is necessarily unique.
When a comment is a reply to another comment, the new comment has the Comment
ID of the earlier one. This enables MyVid to show conversations as threads to make them
easier to follow.
Look at Figure 5.3 and trace all the foreign keys to their matching primary keys. Be sure
you understand what these connections mean.
Now, someone at MyVid has an idea: “Let’s let members rate videos.” MyVid employees
choose a 1–5 scale for ratings. For computing and updating averages, they decide to add
five columns to the Video table: one column per value, with the number of times the video
was given that rating.
Then someone asks “Should we let members rate a video more than once?” After dis-
cussing how unlimited ratings could abuse the system, the group decides to impose a one-
rating limit.
What does this mean for the database? It must record each time a member rates a video.
A rating is a new entity. We need a new table with a row for each time a member rates a
video. This table has Member ID as a foreign key, Video ID as a foreign key, and a time-
stamp for the rating (not necessary, but easy to add). This table doesn’t need a separate
primary key, since the combination (Member ID, Video ID) is unique. If a new rating
comes in that matches both, this member has already rated this video so the database
management system (DBMS) rejects the new rating. The Rating table is in many-to-one
relationships with the Video and Member tables.
Should the Rating table also store the rating or should MyVid only accumulate totals
in the Video table? That is a business decision. From a technical standpoint, either would
work. Database professionals do not have the business knowledge that this sort of decision
calls for.
In the interest of protecting member privacy, MyVid decides not to save individual
ratings, but only the fact that a member rated a video. The new Rating table is shown
in Figure 5.4. It shows that Stuart Jones rated Carla Hunter’s Disney video and Daniel
Rosenberg’s Trains video. It doesn’t show what he thought of either one. Be sure you under-
stand how it shows this and what the other two rows of the table mean.
Should members be allowed to rate their own videos? Again, this is a business deci-
sion. MyVid decides that they should not. That business rule, too, can be enforced
Where you fit in: Decisions such as whether or not to store individual ratings cannot be made
on technical grounds. Businesspeople must make them. Businesspeople who don’t participate
in this process may not end up with the databases they need for their jobs. They will have
nobody to blame but themselves. Throughout your career, you will have opportunities to make
sure new databases meet your needs. It’s easiest to change their design when they’re still on
Flat Files
A multiple-table database isn’t the only possible way to store information. For example, a
store could record sales data in a table, one row per sale. Some information would be dupli-
cated, but there is less chance of missing an error in a table with 50 rows, or even 500, than
in a table with 50 million. Figure 5.5 shows such a flat file for hardware store sales records.
There’s a lot of redundancy here. We’re told three times that Alvin made a purchase on
January 17 and lives in Santa Rosa. We are also told twice that hammers cost $15, a pair of
pliers costs $10, and that paint brushes sell for $5. Were we to look at more records, we’d
see more redundancy.
Flat files may be acceptable for applications of limited scope with small files. If you want
to track your car’s maintenance, recording what was done, when, by whom, and how much
it cost, a flat file is all you need—and you can probably use a spreadsheet program for it.
A fleet maintenance tracking application for thousands of vehicles, including information
about the technicians who did the work, the time they took to do it, and return visits to
correct problems, can’t. Flat files are rare in businesses today and are never used for impor-
tant systems. Databases are near universal. With a database, normalization—the subject of
the next section—becomes important.
Designing the MyVid database involved decisions that weren’t mentioned earlier. For
example, why not put each member’s e-mail address in the Video table for each video a
member uploads? It might be useful for contacting that member if there’s a problem with
the video. That approach, which has similarities to using a flat file, would result in a table
like the one in Figure 5.6.
We don’t, for the same reason we didn’t store volleyball player Laura’s major earlier.
Suppose Stuart Jones gets a new e-mail address. If e-mail addresses are only in one place,
only it must be updated. If it’s in many places, all must be updated. Here, it’s in the Member
table once plus the Video table twice. Updating all three takes longer, and is more likely
to lead to errors, than one update. Therefore, we should only put the e-mail address in the
Member table. When we need it, we can use the member ID from the Video table to find it
in the Member table.
It’s a good principle to define entities at the lowest possible level, then push information
up to the highest possible level so each data item is stored only once. This is called nor-
malization. There are rules for normalizing a database. A properly normalized database is
more likely to function correctly than one that is not.
As an example of normalization: Suppose your school allows students to have multiple
majors, so the attribute major in a student database can have multiple values. Multiple
values lead to difficulty in using a database. Instead, we add a new table that connects stu-
dents to majors. Figure 5.7 shows this, with Kayla Coleman majoring in both French and
History. (Go through the tables to be sure you understand how this information is stored.)
The Majors table translates major codes to text descriptions. That allows us to change the
title of the major, updating all applicable students’ records automatically, and to store addi-
tional information about the major if we wish.
Does this change complicate the database by adding a table? Yes. Does it slow down
retrieving information about majority of students who only have one major—here James,
Puri, and Wu? Yes. Is it worth it, in terms of reducing database errors? Almost always,
also yes.
You’ll learn more about normalization if you go on to study database management. For
now, it’s enough to understand that it means giving a database a clean, correct structure.
Where you fit in: Normalization can slow down a database. Database designers denormalize
tables when the risk of errors is small, database performance is important, and the potential
speed gains are large. A decision to bypass normalization requires knowing how that part of
the database will be used and what harm can come of an error. (Having the wrong major for a
volleyball player can’t do much damage. Sending a patient to the wrong operating room can.)
Only the users of a database know this. They must be involved in denormalization decisions.
Entity-Relationship Diagramming
In Figures 5.3 and 5.4, we illustrated the MyVid database by showing its tables with
sample data. Database designers use entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) to convey this
ERDs use symbols to show the following features of a database:
There are several variations on the ERD theme. They differ much as English differs between
New York and Sydney. Someone who speaks one will understand the other; it just sounds
a bit strange. The ERD dialect you use on the job may differ from the one here, but you
should understand it.
The ERD in Figure 5.8 shows the MyVid database as a database designer might sketch it.
(Even if a designer can easily create a neat ERD on a computer, a hand-drawn sketch can be
better. People are more willing to suggest changes to a sketch than to a computer-printed
diagram, because the sketch looks less finished.) It shows these ERD features:
• The relationship is described in words next to the connecting line. Here, the rela-
tionship is said to be that each comment is by a member. The relationship between
comments and comments means that a comment may be in response to another
comment. (Some versions of ERD notation don’t use this description.)
• There are two symbols at each end of a relationship line, as shown in Figure 5.9:
• The symbol nearer the entity gives the maximum cardinality of the relationship:
can there be one or many of it in the relationship? The members–comments rela-
tionship has a crow’s-foot at the comment end, to show that one member may
make multiple comments. (This means the database allows them to. A given
member might not.) The line at the member end shows that each comment is by
no more than one member.
• The further symbol from the entity gives the minimum cardinality of the relation-
ship: how many of that entity there must be as a minimum? If the minimum is one,
there must always be an entity of that type in this relationship; if the minimum
Maximum allowable
One Many
Entity 1 Entity 2
One Zero
is zero, having one is optional. Using the same relationship as an example, the
line across the relationship line at its member end means that there must be one
member associated with each comment: there are no anonymous comments. The
circle at the comment end means that a member may not have made any com-
ments; comments are optional. (You can think of the circle as being a zero for the
minimum cardinality or the letter “O” for “optional.”)
Putting the symbols together leads us to the three types of relationships shown in
Figure 5.10:
• Many-to-one relationships are the most common. The MyVid database has only this
• Many-to-many relationships are also common. Students and courses are an example.
Students can take more than one course; courses can have more than one student.
Databases build many-to-many relationships from two many-to-one relationships.
The student–course relationship has an entity in the middle, as shown in Figure 5.11.
The entity in the middle stores that student’s registration information, including his
or her grade. The grade can’t go in the student record, since a student can have several
courses with different grades. It can’t go in the course record, since a course can have
several students with different grades. It needs its own table.
Sometimes there are no data in the middle of a many-to-many relationship. A data-
base still needs a table there to link the tables on the two sides. That table is called an
associative entity. As a businessperson, you can trust professional database designers to
know when to use associative entities. They’ll be impressed that you know what they are.
One-to-one relationships are rare, since it is usually possible to combine both enti-
ties. They are usually used when both entities exist independently of the relationship.
For example, consider the restaurant pagers that tell waiting guests when their table
is ready. A database might have a property record for each pager with the date it was
purchased, from whom, for how much, and so on. When the pager is in use, it is in a
1:1 relationship with a waiting guest. At another time it might be in a 1:1 relationship
with a different guest or no guest at all.
At a university, a student’s parking permit number and vehicle information could
be in the student table. Those fields would be blank for students who don’t park on
campus. If parking permits were purchased for a year and could be transferred from
one student to another, it might be best to have them in their own table. They would
then be in a 1:1 relationship with the student to whom they are assigned.
In addition, a finished ERD shows two more information items about the database:
• The attributes of each entity are listed in its rectangle. If there isn’t enough room,
attributes can be listed elsewhere on the diagram or on a separate page.
• The primary key of each entity is underlined. If an entity has a composite primary
key (a combination of fields that might not be unique individually), all its compo-
nents are underlined. Foreign keys are starred. (Some ERD notations identify keys
Businesspeople review ERDs to make sure they reflect business needs. For example, should
comments on videos be by one member only? That would work, but suppose an instructor
used the same approach to record students visiting her office and the topics they discussed.
Is it reasonable for each office visit to be by only one student? What if students working in
a group come together? A many-to-many relationship between students and office visits
might be better.
Where you fit in: You’ll use ERDs on the job in two ways:
Understanding the structure of a database is a good basis for developing it. In develop-
ing personal databases for your own use, using a package such as Microsoft Access or
FileMaker Pro, you should always start with a design. If you can’t sketch an ERD for your
database, you don’t have a clear idea of that database. If you can sketch one, you’ve
thought it out. That doesn’t guarantee that your database will do what you need, but it
improves your odds.
Database designers use ERDs to communicate their ideas when they design databases for
business needs. When they plan a database for your use, you should have an opportunity
to review their design. They will use ERDs to show you what they came up with. They
will explain their ERD, but the more understanding you bring to that conversation, the
more productive that conversation will be—and the better the database you’ll get later.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 159
Distributed Databases
Databases aren’t always stored on a single computer. A distributed database stores data in
several places, while allowing users to access the data as a unit. This offers advantages:
decide what to do if some copies cannot be updated right away for any reason,
such as failure of the computers on which they reside or the network connections
to them.
• With asynchronous replication, copies may be updated later. If there is a
master database, all the locations will eventually match it. If not, a con-
f lict resolution process is necessary to deal with independent changes. For
example, a database might store a document that can be edited by several
people. If two people edit a paragraph at about the same time, the DBMS
must figure out how to handle the update. It may require human interven-
tion, so asynchronous replication is not a good way to store critical corpo-
rate data.
• A federated database consists of multiple autonomous databases, each of them acces-
sible independently of the others, that provide controlled access to all their data as a
whole. The component databases of a federated database may differ in their internal
structure or in other ways. Federated databases are most common when multiple
databases were combined.
Where you fit in: Decisions about database distribution must be based on how the database
will be used. This is a business matter, not a technical matter.
products, they ask broader questions: What is our customers’ distribution of checks per
month? How does it vary with balance, with whether or not a customer has a car loan
with us, with customer ZIP (postal) code, or with how recent the most recent address
change was?
Decision-making database access differs from transaction processing access in several
1. Each access retrieves many records, not just one. It is difficult to optimize a database
for both single-record and multiple-record access.
2. Analysis does not change the data.
3. Transaction processing requires up-to-the-second data. Decision making does not.
4. Transaction data should often be organized by application for speed. Decision-
making data should be organized by subject to provide users with an integrated view.
Decision-making application users do not access records by primary key. They use other
criteria, such as “supermarkets in Ohio.” They don’t know these criteria in advance, since
each analysis is different. Therefore, they need database structures that lend themselves to
ad hoc retrieval using data-related selection criteria. Such databases may not use the row–
column structure of relational databases, though it can be convenient to think of the data
they contain in those terms.
A relational database can answer these questions. It will be slower than a database
designed from the beginning for this type of information retrieval. This disadvantage can
be overcome by buying enough fast hardware. That’s costly, but setting up two databases
for the same information is too.
Another drawback of relational databases in decision support applications is that a long
query can tie them up for a considerable period of time, locking out transaction processing
users until it is complete. The reason is that changes to a database while a query is in pro-
cess can cause errors. Suppose, for example, that one is going through an employee table to
create an organization chart. Each row of the employee table gives the employee ID of that
person’s supervisor, as in Figure 5.14. Harry’s supervisor is Hattie, and so on. (The figure
shows only the first eight rows.)
To create the organization chart, the DBMS must find the supervisor of each employee.
When it reaches Harry, it finds that his supervisor is employee no. 6. To get her name, it
goes back into the table and looks for that employee ID. What happens if, in the instant
between the first step and the second, Hattie’s row is removed from the table? Not likely,
but possible. Over a period of time, unlikely things happen. To prevent such situations
from causing errors, the database must be locked until the query is complete. Since the
database cannot know what database changes might lead to problems, it must prevent any
changes at all.
Where you fit in: The choice to use an existing database for decision support or create a new
one is a business decision. Technical people can give you speeds and response times, the
cost of extra hardware to speed up a relational database for this type of application, the cost
of setting up a database for business analysis. Businesspeople (you) must take this information
and interpret it in light of business factors such as how many people will use the system, how
frequent transactions will be, and how frequent information retrieval accesses will be.
Dimensional Databases
Each transaction in a historical database can be described along several dimensions.
Consider men’s shirts. Every time a store such as Macy’s sells a man’s dress shirt, it creates
a transaction that can be broken down according to the dimensions in Figure 5.15, plus
more you can think of.
Sales data can be represented as a 20-dimensional cube. Humans can’t visualize more
than three dimensions, but computers can. Putting each sale into a cell leads to a database
that can be “sliced and diced” along any mix of dimensions. If we want to analyze color
preference trends, how method of payment varies with time of day, or if a shirt’s color is
related to the discount at which it was sold, we can find out by slicing this data cube.
Consider a pet store with four salespeople: Adams, Baker, Carstens, and Dorie. It sells
cats, dogs, fish, and gerbils. It stores how many pets of each type each salesperson sold each
week. Figure 5.16 shows part of its data cube. The face of the cube shows sales data for the
week of April 27.
This data cube lets the pet store owner see the fraction of pets of each type that each
salesperson sells. Carstens sells more gerbils than anyone else. Is that because gerbils are
easy to sell and he’s lazy? Is it because he’s an expert on small rodents and the others send
him those customers? The database can’t answer that question, but it can lead the store
owner to ask it.
Cats 3 4 1 5
Dogs 0 5 1 2
Fish 21 12 7 19
Gerbils 4 6 27 1 We
ek o
We pril
ek o 20
“Big Data”
IBM estimates that 90% of the data now stored in computers worldwide did not exist
two years ago. Collectively, we generate new data at the rate of 2.5 quintillion bytes per
day—enough to fill the disk drives of 20,000 new personal computers every week. Much
of this data can be of value, but earlier approaches to organizing and analyzing data don’t
work with big data.
“Big data” has three characteristics,* only one of which is about size:
• Volume: Big data means a lot of data. Every day sees 12 terabytes of tweets, a petabyte
every three months. How can any firm plow through it all to find out what people
say about it, and compare that with what they say about its competitors? Wal-Mart
records a billion customer transactions in under two months. How can it possibly
find useful nuggets there?
If size were the only issue, existing methods could be extended to deal with it, but big data
are also characterized by:
• Velocity: Data must be analyzed quickly. People who steal credit cards use them within
minutes, so fraud detection methods that take an hour or two are useless. If one inves-
tor detects a price mismatch between two securities in two seconds and another takes
ten seconds to see it, the first will make money and the second will be left out.
* Big data is sometimes described using “three Ss:” scale, speed, and scope.
164 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• Variety: Big data includes structured data, unstructured data, audio, video, and
more. The desired picture often emerges only when several data types are considered
These characteristics as a group make using big data conceptually different from using
traditional data, not just more of the same.
Big data raises two challenges: storage and analysis. You’ll read about analysis in
Chapter 9. Here, we’ll focus on storage.
Elephants, they say, never forget. When Doug Cutting needed to name the new file system
he co-invented, he named it after his son’s stuffed toy elephant. The name is apt, since
Hadoop can handle far larger amounts of data than earlier approaches to data storage.
Hadoop, to quote the Apache foundation (Apache Software Foundation, 2012) that is
responsible for it, is “a framework for running applications on large cluster built of com-
modity hardware.” That is a fancy way to say that it lets organizations run one application
on lots of ordinary computers.
With big data, the challenge is to get through all of it in a hurry. Putting it on many
computers helps that happen. The second part of what makes Hadoop work is that, instead
of giving each computer the entire database, it gives each computer a part of it. Each com-
puter looks only at its part of the data, analyzes that part, and returns the result. With
enough computers, the parts are small, and each computer finishes its task in a short time.
The third and final part of the Hadoop picture is an approach to computation called
MapReduce. The idea behind MapReduce is that each computer first analyzes its part of
the data. That’s the Map step. Then, the Map results are combined in a way that eliminates
duplication to produce the same result that a single computer would have reached. That’s
the Reduce part. This often allows analyses to be done in seconds rather than hours or
minutes rather than weeks.
The Hadoop/MapReduce approach does not impose structure on data. Different parts of
a data collection can have different structures. As long as all the data a computer gets has a
structure that computer can work with, it doesn’t have to be the same as the parts that go
to other computers.
The business implications of this are huge. Big data do not all have one structure. Tweets
have one structure, spreadsheets another, and customer purchase history data a third. With
this approach, one computer can run a program to analyze tweets while a second analyzes
purchase histories and a third handles spreadsheets. As long as the three programs pro-
duce results that can be reduced to the same thing, all three data sets can be analyzed as a
group. For example, a market planner can see if tweeting about a product tends to happen
before or after buying it.
In theory an organization could develop software to do this on its own, but few if any
companies have the resources. Hadoop began life as a search engine project supported by
Yahoo! Today, it is supported by the open-source community. Because it is widely used, its
users benefit from a support infrastructure of software, training, and expertise.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 165
Where you fit in: Businesses are finding more and more value in big data as new technologies
enable them to use it. Staying aware of opportunities means looking at all the data in the world
around a business, not just data that people have traditionally associated with computers.
The DBMS replies with the (name, e-mail) pairs that meet these criteria. SQL queries
can match foreign keys to primary keys in another table to find information that is stored
across more than one table. To get names and e-mail addresses of MIS301 students, where
the REGISTRATION table has only student IDs, one could write
Simple SQL as in these examples is not difficult to learn, but mastering it takes time and
Operating system
Operating system
Figure 5.18 shows a user accessing a database. Most users access databases via applica-
tions, as you do when you check your grades. The application creates SQL messages and
sends them to the database to retrieve your name, the list of your courses, and your grades
in them. To you, DBMS and application are one information system. You don’t need to
know SQL to use it.
DBMSs also provide tools by which a database administrator (DBA) can create a
database, modify its structure, manage its security settings, and tune it for optimum
performance. Large organizations have full-time DBAs who make sure that its data-
bases are up to the task of providing high-quality information when and where it’s
DBMSs that perform these tasks span a wide spectrum. Some are used by profession-
als. They access data from huge databases, with hundreds of tables having millions of
rows each, used by thousands of people at a time. Such packages underlie airline reserva-
tion systems, insurance databases, and national tax records. The largest suppliers of such
DBMS are Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and Teradata. Only an experienced professional
can select the right DBMS at this level. This expert needs input from users in order to select
it properly.
Other DBMS support one user on personal hardware. They make it easier to set up
and use a database. Personal DBMS let users enter data and query the database via simple
forms. Their application development languages are easier to learn and use than languages
designed for information processing professionals. The leading packages in this market
are Microsoft Access, part of Office for Windows; FileMaker Pro, which runs under both
Windows and Mac OS; and Base, part of the open-source LibreOffice suite, which supports
Windows, Mac, and Linux.
DBMS vendors offer query packages, report generation software, and ways to create
data entry forms as useful adjuncts to the basic database management capabilities. These
may be sold as separate modules with multiuser databases but are usually included in the
basic single-user DBMS. That blurs the distinction between database management soft-
ware and the applications that use it. Most personal database users think of them as part
of the DBMS, but in terms of how the software works, they are separate. The structure of
Figure 5.18 applies here also.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 167
Where you fit in: You will use data from databases during your career. To do this, you will use
DBMSs and will work with DBAs to make sure you can get the data you need. The better you
understand how DBMS work and how they fit into the information systems picture, the bet-
ter you will be able to take advantage of their capabilities to get your job done, and the better
you’ll be able to work with DBAs.
DBMSs must protect databases from unauthorized access or modification.
(Database security is an aspect of information system security. Another aspect of secu-
rity is making sure that a database remains available for authorized uses—for example,
by making backup copies so data aren’t lost if hardware fails. That, and other aspects of
information security, are covered in Chapter 12 because they are IS management issues
that transcend any one topic.)
Unauthorized access to data can violate both an organization’s privacy policies and
applicable laws. U.S. laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) for healthcare providers and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) for schools, apply primarily to organizations that handle sensitive information.
Legal protections are broader in the European Union: its Data Protection Directive requires
organizations to protect information that can be associated with an identifiable individual.
(A company can’t just move its data to a more lenient area. Transborder data flow regula-
tions close that loophole.)
Access to a database requires (1) that a person be authorized to use that database and
(2) that the information system authenticate that the person requesting access is who he or
she claims to be.
A person is authorized to use a database via an administrative process. Personnel actions
such as hiring or promotion trigger new authorizations and change existing ones. Other
changes must be initiated by an authorized manager. The DBMS keeps a list of authorized
users and their authorization roles or levels.
Once the database recognizes that a person has requested access as an authorized user,
it must determine that the request is in fact from that person. It can use several methods:
password generator that calculates a password for the time you log in. With such a
device, a password that a thief copies at 2:00 will be useless at 2:05.
• Something you are. Your retina, iris, and fingerprint patterns are unique, as is your car-
diac rhythm. With the September 2013 introduction of the iPhone 5s, with fingerprint
recognition capability, that method is expected to become more popular. These meth-
ods need a backup procedure, to deal with a cut on the finger used for your fingerprint.
• Something you do. This includes voice print recognition, signature pressure patterns,
and more. Again, backup procedures deal with a sore throat or a sprained wrist.
For any method, authorization information is entered into the user list. This list is nor-
mally encrypted to prevent people who obtain a copy from reading it.
Access authorization does not necessarily grant permission to do a user wants.
Authorized access can be narrowed down in three ways (Figure 5.19):
Column access control. Most users can access only part of a large database. A manu-
facturing company might give quality engineers access to most supplier informa-
tion, but not accounts receivable information for those suppliers. University advisors
can access students’ academic records but (usually) not their financial aid or medical
Row access control. You can access your own grades, but not your roommate’s. You
see full information about your LinkedIn connections, but less about other LinkedIn
Type of access. Most users of any database have read access. You and your advisor can
read your grades in your school’s database, but can’t change them.
Some users can create new database records. The admissions office creates student
records in the database, populating them with information it collects from their
admission applications.
Row access control
Other users can only modify existing records. Your course instructors can modify your
registration records by entering or changing grades, but can’t create or delete them.
A few users, typically DBAs, can change the structure of the database itself.
• Role-based access. Your role in your school’s database is student. All students have the
same access rights. Faculty members have different rights, as do staff in the registrar’s
office, admissions office, and so on. Department chairs may have broader access than
other faculty members. The registrar may have broader access than clerks in that
• User-based access. Each user has individually assigned access rights. User-based
access was used before role-based access came into use. It has drawbacks compared
to role-based access: rights must be set up for each individual, inconsistencies can
exist among people in the same job, and people may keep access rights they no longer
need after a job change. Today, when a person needs access that doesn’t match his or
her role, DBAs figure out what role the person has that requires that access, define
that role, and put the person in it even if nobody else is in that role now or is expected
to be in the future.
• Context-based access. Access rights can vary by time of day or by the activity in prog-
ress. A terminal on the factory floor may have access to parts inventory data during
production hours, but not at night when only the custodial staff is in the building.
Custodians are as honest as anyone, but their job doesn’t require inventory informa-
tion. If they had access to it, getting a job as a custodian could give a criminal unsu-
pervised access to inventory information.
Where you fit in: Access to information means ability to use it effectively. It also means security
risks. This is a business tradeoff issue, not a technical one. Database designers can provide any
control that an organization wants, but cannot decide what it should be. Only users and their
managers can compare the benefits of access with its risks. Once again, that means you.
Access control: Restricting access to a database, or to part of a database, to users who have
been authorized and authenticated.
Asynchronous replication: An approach to replicated databases in which updates made at
one location may be copied to other locations at a later time.
Attribute: A characteristics of a real-world concept or object about which a database stores
Authentication: Technical process by which a person requesting access to a database is
confirmed to be who he or she claims to be.
Authorization: Administrative process through which a person or application gets per-
mission to access a database.
Big Data: Data characterized by high volume, high velocity, and high variety.
Blob: Short for binary large object, a database field that contains unstructured data based
on multimedia such as sound, images, or video.
Cardinality: A statement of how many entities of one entity class must be associated with
each entity of a related entity class if the database is to have valid structure. See also
minimum cardinality and maximum cardinality.
Column: A field (sense [b]) in a relational database.
Column access control: Restricting a user’s database access to specific columns in that
Composite key: A primary key that is composed of more than one database field.
Context-based access: Database access based on the circumstances surrounding a request.
Compare user-based access and role-based access.
Database: An organized collection of data about related real-world concepts or objects; the
tables that describe a set of related entities.
Database administrator: A person responsible for the organization, security, and mainte-
nance of a database.
Database management system: Software to access databases on behalf of applications and
Data element: See field, sense (a).
Data warehouse: Database of historical data, used primarily for decision making.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 171
Normalization: The process of ensuring that the design of a relational database meets
the rules for correct database structure and modifying its design to meet them if
One-to-one relationship: A relationship between two entity classes where the maximum
cardinality of both entities is 1.
Operational database: A database designed to support the daily operations of an
Partitioned database: See fragmented database.
Passphrase: Series of several words that functions like a password.
Password: Sequence of characters known only to one person, used to confirm that a person
is who he or she claims to be.
Password management software: Application program that helps users manage multi-
ple passwords securely, making it unnecessary to memorize them or write them
Primary key: Unique identifier of a row (record) in a relational database.
Read access: Permission to read the content of a database, or part of a database, but not to
modify it.
Record: The group of fields that, together, describe a single real-world concept or object.
Redundancy: Storing the same information more than once in a database.
Relational database: A database in which data are stored in the form of tables, with records
in different tables connected by matching a foreign key in one table with the p rimary
key of another.
Relationship: A statement of how one entity is related to another. This can include a text
and definitions of the cardinality of the relationship. See cardinality, minimum
cardinality, maximum cardinality, one-to-one relationship, many-to-one relation-
ship, and many-to-many relationship.
Replicated database: A distributed database in which copies of the entire database are on
different computers.
Role-based access: Database access based on a person’s job. Compare user-based access
and context-based access.
Row: A record in a relational database.
Row access control: Restricting a user’s database access to specific rows in that database.
Structured Query Language (SQL): A language for manipulating relational databases.
Synchronous replication: An approach to replicated databases in which updates made at
one location are copied immediately to all other locations.
Table: A file (sense [a]) in a relational database.
Transborder data flow: Movement of data across international borders, for example, from
a division in one country to headquarters in another.
User-based access: Database access based on permissions associated with a user ID.
Compare role-based access and context-based access.
Vertical fragmentation: An approach to fragmented databases in which different table
columns are on different computers.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 173
1. What are the three levels of data organization between a byte and a database?
2. What is a primary key, and what two characteristics must a primary key have?
3. What is a foreign key, and how does it work with a primary key?
4. Who uses entity-relationship diagrams and when?
5. What does minimum cardinality mean? Maximum cardinality?
6. What three types of relationships can two entities have in a relational database?
7. What is an associative entity?
8. Differentiate among fragmented, replicated, and federated databases.
9. How do the database needs of decision makers differ from those of an operational
10. What are the characteristics of big data?
11. Explain, at the conceptual level without technical detail, how Hadoop works.
12. What is a database management system, and how is it related to databases?
13. What does a DBMS do with metadata?
14. Who might use SQL, and why?
15. What are the four categories of methods to authenticate a database user?
16. What are the three types of database access control?
1. The Rolling Stones first recorded “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”
in 1968. Discuss how that song’s title (not its content) relates to database
2. Susanna Clarke’s book Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is on the revival of English
magic in the early nineteenth century. (For this question, assume that happened.)
Its revival was slowed by lack of information about English magic in its heyday,
centuries earlier. Many books were written at the time describing spells, materi-
als needed, words to be said, timing, and effects. Most of those books had disap-
peared by 1800. The surviving copies of others were locked in private libraries, out
of public view.
a. Discuss the value that a central database could have had to an aspiring English
magician of 1810. (If we can assume English magic, we can assume databases
in 1810.)
174 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
b. Sketch a rough design for that database, identifying tables, the most important
columns of each, and the foreign keys that each one must have to connect with
other tables.
c. What distribution approach (see the section “Distributed Databases”) would you rec-
ommend for this database? Assume something like the Internet existed in 1810, too.
3. Refer to the Oracle database price list in the section “Software Licensing” in Chapter 4.
Your company uses Standard Edition and is experiencing slow response times. Upon
investigation, you find that the four-processor system that hosts the database is over-
loaded and must be upgraded to at least six processors. (Assume those will equal
six processor units.) This hardware upgrade will, in turn, require upgrading your
software license to Enterprise Edition at considerable expense.
One of your colleagues suggests partitioning the database for two parts of the com-
pany. Each partition would run Standard Edition on a four-processor system. Two
Standard Edition licenses, while more expensive than the single license you now have,
would be less expensive than a six-processor Enterprise Edition license. Calculate the
three prices (now and for each of the two alternatives, using per-processor licensing).
Discuss the pros and cons of this idea.
4. Consider the scenario of Chapter 3, Discussion Question 1 (Sir Noten and Kate use
the Tube).
a. Draw an ERD for the Oyster Card database. You must make some assumptions
about what data to store. For example, when value is added to a card, should
the database store the information about how much value was added, where,
and how, or should it only remember the new amount in the card? State all your
b. Draw sample database tables, with four rows of data in each, for this database.
c. Assume there are 10 million Oyster Card holders, and the average holder uses it
twice a week. (Regular commuters use it 10 times or more. Occasional visitors
to London use it a few times a month or less.) The system keeps data for a year.
Estimate the size of its database. Make any assumptions you need and state them.
(There is no one right answer to this question. Your approach is more important
than the number you end up with.)
d. Assume the system keeps data forever, the number of Oyster Card holders grows
at 10% per year, and the average usage per card holder remains stable. Estimate
the size of its database after each of its first five years. (Part [c] in the earlier text is
the answer for Year 1.)
5. Review the MyVid example in the section “Example: MyVid Video Site.” Using a
spreadsheet program, compute the average rating of a video with the ratings in the
table, and create a bar chart of those ratings.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 175
Rating Count
5 76
4 54
3 61
2 17
1 2
6. Answer the following questions for the sample data (Figure 5.3) in the MyVid
a. Who (name, not member number) uploaded the Disney World video, and when?
b. Who posted “Very Nice,” and what video was this comment about?
c. Who posted “Thank you,” and about what comment?
d. Which member paid for his or her membership with an American Express card?
e. Which members are allowed to post a 12 min video?
f. On what date does Melissa Ohanian’s Bronze membership expire, unless she
renews it?
7. Draw an ERD for an eyeglass store database. In this store, customers have prescrip-
tions from doctors, buy frames that come from manufacturers, and are helped by a
staff member. Think about the many-to-one relationships here.
8. You work in market planning for Toyota Motor Sales United States. This company
does not define the characteristics of new cars, but since the United States is a major
market for Toyota, it has a great deal of influence over them. It can choose which of
the available models are imported to the United States, which of the available options
will be offered, and how they will be packaged. It also sets its own prices, taking into
account costs and market conditions (including competition).
Your company has decided to create a data warehouse that will store information
about every Toyota car sold in the United States. You have been asked to help define it.
Come up with a list of data elements that you would like to store for each sale, similar
to Figure 5.15 for men’s shirts.
9. Consider the example at the end of the “Hadoop” section about a marketing planner
comparing Twitter activity with purchase activity for a product. What might this
planner do if
a. A spike in Twitter activity tends to precede a spike in purchases
b. A spike in Twitter activity tends to follow a spike in purchases
c. A spike in Twitter activity tends to follow an expensive TV commercial, but there
is no corresponding spike in purchases
176 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
10. Visit www.getnymi.com and at least one other site you find via a web search to find
out about the Nymi device for authenticating users via the voltage pattern of their
heartbeat. Do you think you would use such a device? How would you feel if your
employer required you to use one? Compare it with password authentication in terms
of security, acceptability, and two other factors of your choice.
HR Departments Locations
department_id location_id
department_name street_address
manager_id postal_code
location_id city
Job_History country_id
employee_id Employees
start_date employee_id
end_date first_name
job_id Countries
last_name country_id
department_id email country_name
phone_number region_id
Jobs job_id
job_id salary
job_title commission_pct
min_salary manager_id
max_salary department_id
1. Give two advantages of changing the database and two advantages of changing the
Springfield Metro department structure in the situation that Jared described.
2. Each many-to-one relationship can be described as having a “parent” record on the
“one” side and a “child” record on the “many” side. In this database, Country would be
a parent record to Location. If Springfield Metro opens a facility in Canada, it would
be necessary to create a Country record for Canada before any Location records can
be created there; the Location records must be created before any departments can
be placed at those locations; and the Department records must be created before any
employees can be placed in them. If this is not done, a well-designed database will not
allow the child records to be created. Do you think this concept can lead to difficul-
ties? Why or why not?
3. Suppose Springfield Metro Medical Associates (SMMA) has about 10,000 patients.
Each patient has a primary care physician and makes multiple visits. On each visit,
the patient sees one or more SMMA professionals and is given zero or more tests. The
patient has conditions, which may be temporary (such as a broken bone) or chronic
(such as diabetes). Each patient also has zero or more medications, each prescribed
by a specific staff member on a specific date. Sketch an ERD for a possible SMMA
patient information database. Augment this description as necessary with your gen-
eral knowledge of healthcare and/or additional research.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 179
(Curtis, 2013), cofounder and VP of Customer Solutions at DataStax, explained that this is
the first time that programming has been developed with the aid of big data analysis.
“Netflix has all these data points about movies getting watched, and they can look for
things like, do people like actions or drama who are our highest returning customers?
Who is the lead in most of those? What type of characteristics of films provide the most
engaged watching experience? And then they can use that to go figure out which series
they should potentially buy,” Pfeil said (Curtis, 2013).
“If you talk about this age as the data age, we’re still in the teenage years,” Pfeil contin-
ued. “The more data you have and the more you can do with it, the smarter [your] business
1. Much of the information from this case came from DataStax and Netflix. They can-
not be objective about Cassandra versus Oracle. Many organizations are well satisfied
with Oracle databases. Assuming Cassandra’s advantages in scalability and availabil-
ity are real, which may or may not be true, what advantages could Oracle have over
Cassandra? You don’t have to study those two DBMS. Just think of important factors
that were not mentioned here.
2. Describe the relationship between DataStax and Cassandra. Your description should
explain how DataStax can make money from free software.
3. “House of Cards” is a drama based on U.S. politics, starring Kevin Spacey as a repre-
sentative from South Carolina who becomes vice president and later president. It was
well received by critics, earned nine Emmy nominations for its first season, and was
renewed for a third season in 2015. Suppose it had, instead, flopped. What would this
mean for the use of data analysis in planning television series?
Interactive maps that allow a map user to define, for example, a “high” price for bread can-
not be static, either on paper or in a computer. They must be dynamic. This requires a database.
Geographic databases use the same concepts as other databases, but a great deal of plan-
ning goes into them before they are built. They must store data that describe points, lines,
and areas.
How can one represent a road in a database? Roads twist and turn. Their speed limits
change. They may be part one way, part not. They must be divided into segments short
enough to be approximated by straight lines. The database must have a row for each seg-
ment, with each segment linked to the next. A short street might be described by tens of
segments. A long road will have hundreds. Each segment also stores building numbers on
either side of the street at both ends. Interpolation usually locates addresses in the middle
with acceptable accuracy. If it doesn’t, or if there is a change such as speed limit within a
segment, that segment must be split.
Land areas are more complicated. Shapes can be described by polygons. Each side has
two end points with coordinates, links to the next side, and a link to the area whose bound-
ary it is part of. A rectangular plot of land has four sides. A complex shape such as a U.S.
state has hundreds: if its boundary follows a natural line such as a river, that line must be
broken into segments short enough to approximate by straight lines. Aleppo has 56 dis-
tricts, each with many sides.
Areas have other attributes. Aleppo neighborhoods have a neighborhood number
(primary key), name, area, religious makeup, socioeconomic level, dominant ethnic
group (Arab, Armenian, Kurdish, Turkish, other, or a combination), and description.
Neighborhood 5 is named Al-Ajam/al Tunbugha, covers 0.26 km2; is Sunni Moslem, lower
class, and Arab; and is described as “around the Aleppo citadel.” A map user can zero in
on this area to find checkpoints leading into it and out of it, which armed group operates
each, what weapons they have, and how hard they are to get through. This information is
as vital as it is dangerous to collect and keep current.
Geographic databases are also used in areas not torn by rebellion. When you get direc-
tions on your phone, you access a geographic database with a program that analyzes thou-
sands of roads to find good routes to your destination. Cities and towns use geographic
databases to keep track of who owns parcels of land, track population shifts to and from
areas, plan school assignments to keep up with these shifts, attract certain types of land use
to areas where they fit best, and more.
Standard database queries don’t handle geographic information well. Asking if a neigh-
borhood is adjacent to another is difficult if the user must describe “adjacent” in terms
of polygon edges. Therefore, geographic information systems (GISs) let users deal with
spatial relationships. Users can ask a GIS if an area touches, intersects, crosses, contains,
is contained by, or overlaps another, or select “all schools within 1 km of a river.” The GIS
software translates these user-oriented terms to operations on the data in the database.
It has been estimated that over 85% of entities in databases have location-related aspects,
even if information about it isn’t in that database. The ability to process and analyze geo-
graphic data will become increasingly important as location-based applications come to
the fore.
182 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Two questions that First Mile Geo asks and tracks on their maps are “How many
hours of utility electricity have you had in the past week?” and “How many hours of
generator electricity have you had in the past week?” You are looking at a map that
shows average responses by neighborhood. Evaluate this information in terms of the
information quality factors in Chapter 1. (You can skip cost.)
2. A student registration database that has three entities: students, faculty, and courses.
Give one geographic data item that could be associated with each entity. (Your school’s
registration system might not actually include them. That doesn’t matter. It could.)
3. You plan to start a business using 3D printing to create replacement taillight lenses
for cars and motorcycles, at lower cost than parts from the manufacturer and with
sufficiently high quality for most people. Describe three types of location-related
information that your database could store.
4. Geographic databases store information in layers: a base layer for the terrain, a layer
for man-made features such as roads, and additional layers for schools, movie the-
aters, etc. Layers can be shown or hidden to customize maps. The database has a table
for layers, with data to say if the layer is hidden or visible. Every entity on the map has
a foreign key identifying the layer it belongs to. How could you use this concept to
manage windows on a computer screen?
Apache Software Foundation, Apache Hadoop. wiki.apache.org/hadoop, accessed October 2, 2012.
Apache Software Foundation, Cassandra. cassandra.apache.org, accessed February 19, 2014.
Bowen, B., Weighing and making the right decisions, Sybase, Winter 1995.
Caerus, Mapping the conflict in Aleppo, Syria, February 2014. s3.amazonaws.com/fmg_static/
Cockcroft, A., Migrating Netflix from datacenter Oracle to global Cassandra, in Cassandra Summit
Conference, San Francisco, California, July 11, 2011. www.slideshare.net/adrianco/migrating-
Curtis, S., Netflix foretells ‘House of Cards’ success with Cassandra big data engine, Techworld,
March 28, 2013. news.techworld.com/applications/3437514/netflix-fore tells-house-of-cards-
DataStax Web site. www.datastax.com, accessed February 19, 2014.
First Mile Geo, Aleppo. www.firstmilegeo.com/case_studies/aleppo, accessed February 19, 2014.
http://www.orafaq.com/forum/t/181305, not copyrighted, accessed December 10, 2014.
IBM, What is big data? www-01.ibm.com/software/data/bigdata, accessed September 29, 2012.
King, R., Getting a handle on big data with Hadoop, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, September 7, 2011.
Lampitt, A., Big movies, big data: Netflix embraces NoSQL in the cloud, Javaworld, May 2, 2013.
www.javaworld.com/article/2078771/open-source-tools/big-movies–big-data–netf lix-
Miller, G., Hyperlocal neighborhood maps reveal the chaos in Aleppo, Wired Science, February 19,
2014. www.wired.com/wiredscience/2014/02/map-chaos-aleppo.
Data, Databases, and Database Management ◾ 183
Information Networks
• Communication Links and Networks
• Communication Links and Devices
• Local Area Networks
• Wide Area Networks and the Internet
• Internet Applications
• Network Security
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
186 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. A communication link is a means of transmitting data from a device at one end of the
link to a device at its other end.
2. A network is a collection of communication links with the ability to route messages
among devices attached to the network.
Communication links are the building blocks of networks. In addition to the links, a net-
work uses devices to examine messages and route them correctly. The concepts are analo-
gous to those of roads and a road network. A road network consists of roads, junctions
where vehicles can turn from one road to another, and control devices such as stop signs
and traffic signals.
Telephone lines were designed to carry analog signals: voltages that vary smoothly up
and down, representing sound waves. Computers use digital signals: 0 or 1. A sender turns
those into tones a phone line can carry: modulate them. A receiver demodulates these tones
(interprets them as 0 or 1). A device that does that is a modulator–demodulator, usually
shortened to modem. Devices that connect computers to communication links are still
called modems, though today’s links usually do not use analog signals (Figure 6.1).
Sound waves on telephone wires soon ran into speed limitations. Modems topped out at
about 50,000 bits per second. That is fine for short e-mails, but not for Web pages, photos,
music, or video. The use of fiber-optic links produced a big increase. A light is switched on
and off at one end of a glass cable, while a photocell at the other end detects that it is on or
off. Fiber-optic signals are inherently digital, suiting the nature of computers (Figure 6.2).
Today, fiber-optic cables connect switching centers to each other. Cables contain up to a
1000 individual fibers and can transmit, in total, trillions of bits per second. Communication
companies install cables with more capacity than they need, to avoid having to dig up the
ground again when they need more capacity. They then switch on fibers as needed.
Last mile technologies connectswitching centers to homes and businesses. They use
fiber-optic cables where a provider sees enough demand. Otherwise, copper wires are used,
but those are not your grandparents’ phone lines! Today’s copper digital subscriber line
(DSL) carries a few million bits per second, providing good response times for Web users.
Some DSL lines have similar speeds both to and from subscribers. Others, asymmetric DSL
(ADSL), are faster to the subscriber’s location than from it. ADSL is more common.
Phone lines
Analog signal
Cable television services are another last mile option. These networks were originally
designed to work primarily in one direction: from the central office to subscribers. Cable
TV connections are fast in that direction, but slow from subscribers to the central office (like
ADSL). This suits the typical home user, who receives large files such as Web pages, movies,
and other downloads, but sends very little in the other direction. It is less well suited to a busi-
ness that sends out Web pages, or to a software supplier that sends downloads to customers.
Where you fit in: You must understand your company’s data usage patterns to choose the right
technology, and hence the right supplier, for its Internet connection. This is a business issue.
Communications speeds keep rising. In early 2013, AT&T researchers sent a 400 gigabits per
second (400 billion bits per second) signal for 12,000 km (about 7,450 miles) over a single
fiber-optic cable. (Since optical signals deteriorate with distance, it is not enough to send a
signal fast; it has to cover a long distance too.) That is enough to send about 30 full-length
movies in one second. Slow transmission today would have been average five years ago, fast
five years before that. A speed we think of as fast now will be average in five years, slow in ten.
24 hours/orbit
24 hours/rotation
66 satellites. Calls switch from one satellite to another as they orbit over a caller,
much as cell calls switch from one tower to another. Iridium calls are costly, but they
work where nothing else can.
The mobile (cell) phone network can be used for data communications. Early mobile phone
data rates were too low for effective use, but today’s data rates are more than adequate and
today’s smartphones take advantage of this capability. Laptop computers can use cell net-
work adapters. Phones and computers with cell connections can share this network con-
nection by creating a hot spot.
Where cell towers are not available, cell phones can still be used if a subscriber to a wired
phone connection installs a femtocell. Named for the metric system prefix for 10−15 (a tiny
quantity indeed!), a femtocell is a small base station that can cover a home or small building.
Cell towers and communication satellites are not the only alternative to a physical con-
nection. In June 2013, Google announced Project Loon to provide Internet access to disas-
ter-stricken, poor, and rural areas of the globe. Loon uses helium balloons at 60–90,000 ft
(18–27 km), well above aircraft. Balloons navigate by moving to an altitude at which the
wind is in a desired direction, and can remain airborne for over 100 days. They provide
Internet access at several hundred thousand bits per second to anyone within a radius of
about 24 miles (40 km) (Figure 6.4).
There are other wireless technologies besides radio waves. Microwave signals were once
popular, though they require connected locations to be visible to each other and can be
disrupted by rain or snow. Infrared communication eliminates the need for wires within
offices, using a line-of-sight connection to a ceiling-mounted central point. Neither of
these is installed often today, though some older installations are still in use.
The Internet does not use all these communication technologies. The GPS network is
separate from the Internet. Mobile devices that send GPS data over the Internet obtain this
data via one network, then transmit it over a different one. Similarly, cell phone calls have
190 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• A simplex link can communicate in only one direction. Industrial and laboratory sen-
sors work this way. So do broadcast television, computer-projector cables, and garage
door openers.
• A full-duplex link can communicate in both directions simultaneously.
• A half-duplex link can communicate in either direction, but only one way at a time.
These links are common because equipment often operates faster in half-duplex mode
than in full-duplex. Half-duplex devices mimic full duplex by alternating between
sending and receiving.
Where you fit in: Individuals and businesses have many choices in the way they link devices on
their premises and with the outside world. Their choices involve tradeoffs in cost, installation ease,
speed, contract terms, security, and more. These are business tradeoffs. Businesspeople must
understand what these tradeoffs mean from a technical standpoint to make them intelligently.
Lon LANs?
Long, Fast,
cheap cheap
Low cost
Long distance, high speed: This is fine if one can accept high cost.
Long distance, low cost: This works if one can accept low speeds.
High speed, low cost: This is ideal if distance restrictions are acceptable. This choice
leads to LANs. Few homes or businesses use any other kind of internal network.
LANs, like long-distance communication links, are of two types: wired and wireless.
Wired LANs
The dominant wired LAN technology in 2015 is Ethernet. It uses cables and connectors shown
in Figure 6.6. Figure 6.7 shows an Ethernet network. Most computers today have Ethernet ports.
An Ethernet network has no central “traffic cop.” Devices coordinate themselves. When
one has a message to send, it listens to see if another transmission is in progress. If it is, the
device waits until that transmission ends. Then it starts to transmit.
What if another device was also waiting, and both send at the same time? When a device
sends, it also listens. If two devices send at the same time, they notice a collision. They stop,
wait a short random time, and try again. Soon one message goes through. When that one
is finished, the other device sends. This takes microseconds. Users do not usually notice.
Today’s state of the art is 10 Gbit Ethernet. It can move data at 10 billion bits per second
(over a billion bytes per second). The practical maximum is about a third of this figure.
When the load exceeds this level, collisions become so frequent that data transfer drops off.
Earlier Ethernet was slower: first 10 Mbit per second, then 100 Mbit, and 1 Gbit around the
year 2000. Ethernet is backward compatible: devices built for a slower version of the standard can
participate in a newer network. Devices communicate at the fastest speed that they all support.
192 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
To the Internet
Most wireless LANs today use a technology called Wi-Fi, a pun on the term “hi-fi” that
stands for wireless fidelity. Wi-Fi networks use routers which send and receive radio sig-
nals. Most routers use wired connections to connect to organizational networks and on to
the Internet. They also may have Ethernet ports to connect a few devices in their vicinity
(Figure 6.8).
Like Ethernet, Wi-Fi is backward compatible. If you have an old laptop that supports
802.11g, and you use it with your home 802.11n router, they will communicate at 802.11g
speeds. If you then replace your laptop with a brand-new one that supports 802.11ac, but
do not change your router, they will talk at 802.11n speeds. Earlier versions of the standard
Information Networks ◾ 193
Wi-Fi data rates
1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
were more than sufficient for Web surfing, but applications such as streaming television
programs require the speed of new ones. You can upgrade the parts of a network that need
speed while leaving other parts alone.
The full potential of 802.11ac is more than just moving bits faster. It can aim a beam to
a specific device and combine multiple transmission streams into a single data stream. Its
speed means that portable devices can finish transmissions sooner, reducing battery drain.
And its total speed can be split among several slower devices, so they won’t see the slow-
down that they would if they had to share a slower link. Still, the advantages of 802.11ac
over 802.11n are smaller than those of 802.11n over earlier versions. It will be passed by the
802.11ad standard, probably in 2015. For these reasons, widespread adoption of 802.11ac is
slower than that of earlier Wi-Fi updates.
Where you fit in: Always encrypt transmissions when sending confidential business information,
even if the router does not do that automatically. Most e-mail services offer this as an option.
How to do this varies from one system to another. Once you are on the job, find out, and do it.
Another risk of using Wi-Fi in public places: suppose your laptop detects your home
network automatically, as most do. When you start it up, it sends a signal to see if that
network is in range. Say you are in a coffee shop across town. A device such as the Wi-Fi
Pineapple in the same coffee shop, operated by someone who looks like any other cus-
tomer, can respond “Yes, I’m your home network.” From then on, your communications
go through that device. You would not notice anything wrong, but its user will be able to
collect your account numbers, passwords, and more.
You can avoid being victimized by this trick. When your computer connects to a net-
work automatically, check the network to which it has connected before using the con-
nection. If your computer thinks it is on your home network when you are miles away,
disconnect right away!
Typical range: 30 ft (10 m)
Typical speed: 3 Mbits per second
Bluetooth (Box 6.1) is an alternative to wires for devices in close proximity: cameras to
upload photos to computers, phones to headsets and car audio systems, and computers to
keyboards or printers. It is easy to connect Bluetooth devices, requiring only a simple and
quick pairing process.
Radio frequency ID
Typical range: 40 ft (12 m), shorter or longer for specific applications
Typical speed: Under 10,000 bits per second, but messages tend to be short
Radio frequency ID (RFID) transfers information from a tag (or transponder) to a reader.
Applications include product tracking for shipping and inventory management, identifying
people via passports and animals via implants, highway toll collection, and more. The low
cost of an RFID tag allows their use in library books, store merchandise and individual
medication doses. They can be small: one group of researchers puts RFID tags about 0.1 in.
(less than 3 mm) square on ants to study their behavior.
RFID tags can be active, passive, or battery-assisted passive. Active RFID tags contain
batteries and send out signals periodically whether or not there is a reader in their vicinity.
Passive tags are powered by radio waves from a reader. Battery-assisted passive tags have
batteries, but transmit only when interrogated by a reader.
Tags may be read-only, resembling an electronic bar code but with more informa-
tion, writeable once, or updateable. A bar code on a camera box can identify it as a Nikon
D5500, but an RFID tag can give its serial number. Passive read-only tags cost as little as a
few cents each in 2015.
Near-Field Communication
Typical range: 4 in. (10 cm)
Typical speed: 1, 2, or 400,000 bits per second
Near-field communication (NFC) is a variety of RFID that uses technologies that require
the transmitter and receiver to be very close to each other. That improves security, since an
eavesdropper is unlikely to get within a few inches of a device without being noticed, but
sophisticated antennas make it possible to pick up NFC signals from a few yards/meters
away. This is often far enough to escape notice.
Applications of NFC include contactless payment systems such as Apple Pay, social
networking uses such as “bumping” two phones to exchange contact information, spe-
cialized devices for rapid transit or parking garage use, automatic setup of Bluetooth
pairing, and many more. The common factor is that the two devices can get very close to
each other.
Typical range: 30–300 ft (10–100 m), depending on obstructions and communication
Typical speed: 250,000 bits per second
ZigBee is used for wireless control and monitoring applications: industrial control, home
entertainment, medical data collection, hazard monitoring, building automation, and
more. Each ZigBee network has a central coordinator and as many nodes as needed. Since
ZigBee might be used to control devices that could be the targets of sabotage, it includes
strong security features.
ZigBee supports mesh networks. In a mesh, nodes can communicate via other router
nodes between them. A ZigBee node can communicate with its coordinator indirectly,
via the nearest router node, as long as a path of router nodes exists to the desired
196 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Where you fit in: You do not need to memorize the technical details of wireless protocols.
They will change. You should know that there are different wireless protocols, each optimized
for a different application area, and choosing the right one can affect a system’s success. In a
business situation, be prepared to ask questions of those who propose a network type for a
new application.
Repeaters that amplify signals so that they can travel further. If a series of 7 links num-
bered 1–7 is connected by repeaters, and a device in link 1 sends a message to a device
in link 3, repeaters will pass the message to links 4–7 even though they have no inter-
est in it.
Bridges that connect one link to another and reject messages that are not addressed to
a device on their other side. In the same line of 7 links, bridges between links 1–2
and 2–3 will pass the message, but the 3–4 bridge will not. This reduces the load on
links 4–7.
Switches that connect several links at one point and behave like bridges between every
pair. If the 7 links were all connected to a switch, it would send the message only to
link 3.
Routers that look at the final destination of a message and select a link to use to route
that message to that destination, often choosing from several links that all eventually
lead there.
Gateways that access one network from another. One common type of gateway is
between an organizational network and the Internet. Your school has a gateway of
this type. Your future employer will as well. At home, your Internet service provider
functions as your gateway.
Information Networks ◾ 197
PC Mini-note
Remote server
Where you fit in: As with wireless protocols, it is not important to know the technical differences
between a bridge and a router. People who design and install networks know what devices to
use, where, and why. It is important to understand that having the right devices in a network is
as important as having the right computers on users’ desks or the right servers in a data center.
The major worldwide WAN today is the Internet (Figure 6.9). Since its origin as a U.S. mili-
tary research project in 1969, it has grown to encompass people and organizations in every
country, as well as a few places beyond the earth such as the International Space Station.
For most of us, the business and social life we know could not exist without it.
Internet users do not pay to use it. That has enabled it to grow rapidly. We all pay indi-
rectly, in the United States through taxes on Internet connections and the portion of the
National Science Foundation budget that goes to supporting it, but how much we pay does
not depend on how much we use it. This affects the economics of communication and has
led to the establishment and growth of new businesses.
The Internet backbone (all the high-speed links that connect major networks and met-
ropolitan areas) is operated by telecommunications firms. It uses a variety of technologies,
primarily fiber-optics. As a businessperson, you can safely assume that the Internet back-
bone will continue to evolve it as technology develops and as needs demand.
Where you fit in: When your employer needs to communicate for business, it will almost
always use the Internet. The better you understand how it works, the better you will be able to
use it to advantage. When Internet evolution requires changes in how your business connects
to or uses it, the more you stay current on its evolution, the more advance notice you will have
of those changes, and the better you will be able to handle them in a planned and cost-effective
198 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Packet Switching
A fundamental concept of the Internet, which explains some behavior that might other-
wise seem mysterious, is packet switching.
In packet switching, messages are broken up into packets of about 1,000–2,000 bytes
each. Packets are numbered and sent individually. When they arrive, they are reassembled
by number. When an entire message is available, it is delivered to its destination.
This is like copying Moby-Dick onto 10,000 postcards, numbering them, and mailing
them to a faraway friend. They take different routes. Some go by rail, others by air, with
different transfer points. If a postal worker sees that a truck is full, other cards go on a dif-
ferent truck or a train. The cards arrive out of order, yet the book can be assembled from
them after they arrive.
What if postcard 4783 does not show up after a reasonable time? Your friend writes
back, saying “Thanks for the book, but I never got card 4,783.” You make a new copy of
that card and send it.
Packet switching lets computers share a network efficiently. It lets the Internet bypass
broken links. It helps balance the load on different links. Perhaps its most important ben-
efit is that packet switching creates reliable connections from imperfect physical links.
No communication link is 100% reliable. Modern links come close, 99.99% followed by
several more 9s, but that is not 100. Even the best physical connection can be disrupted by
a stray electron or photon that turns a 1 into a 0 or vice versa.
Say you send a photograph to a friend. A typical photo is about 5 MB, or 40 million bits.
If the photo traverses 10 Internet links, 400 million bits move over a link. If every link is
99.999999% reliable, odds are still that one or more bits will change in transit. Software
cannot tell if a change is trivial or critical. All it knows is that there was an error. It asks the
sender to retransmit.
Sending the photo the second time still requires 400 million bit transfers. The probabil-
ity of success is no better. There is another random bit error (or two, or three). This repeats
until, in an hour or a week, fate smiles and the photo gets through. A ten-minute HD video
(a few hundred MB) would probably never arrive without error.
But what if your photo goes as 5000 thousand-byte packets? Nearly all arrive correctly.
Your friend’s computer asks for retransmission of packets 61, 904, and 3789. Your com-
puter does so. Those then arrive error-free. The photo is complete. Your friend does not
notice the added delay.
The Internet has, as you know, many uses. Here are the major ones. As a businessperson,
you should be generally familiar with how they work—those you have used and those you
have not.
• Uniform, universal access: Every page on the Web has a uniform resource locator
(URL). Figure 6.10 shows a sample URL.
• Hyperlinks: Wherever you go on the Web, you find clickable text or images. When
you point to one, the pointer turns into a pointing hand. Click and you are on a dif-
ferent page.
• Discovery: Web developers have always been concerned with finding useful content.
We use search engines such as Bing or Google for discovery.
www indicates the server at the site owner’s data center that this request should go to.
Using www, for World Wide Web, is common but not universal. Apple’s store is at store.
apple.com. If you have a blog at the popular blogging site blogspot.com, it is blogname.
blogspot.com. (These servers are conceptual, not physical. Blogs at blogspot.com do not use
a whole computer each. Apple’s store uses many computers.)
riccardis.com is the domain name of the site owner, a two-restaurant group in
southeastern Massachusetts. A domain name covers all its owner’s Internet activity, not
just its website. Someone at Riccardi’s might get e-mail at [email protected].
The last part of a domain name is its top-level domain (TLD). Originally there were
few TLDs, listed in Figure 6.11. As the Internet grew, this caused problems. Should Hippo
Airlines or Hippo Burgers be at hippo.com? The first to claim a domain name usually has
it, as long as that buyer has a valid interest in the name and is not just grabbing it to force
another business to pay for it. (That practice, common in the less-regulated early days of
the Internet, is called cybersquatting.)
To alleviate this problem, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN, the agency that manages all Internet domain names) has added new domain
names since 2000. Now an airline can be at hippo.com, while a burger chain is at hippo.
biz. That does not entirely solve the problem: many companies try to get their corporate
names in multiple TLDs to avoid customer confusion. If you visit amazon.biz, you will be
sent directly to amazon.com. Other new TLDs include .name, for individuals, and .pro for
professionals such as accountants and attorneys. The list continues to grow, with 22 TLDs
in existence in December 2013. Over 100 more came in 2014, including .music, .boston,
and .bmw, in what has been called the “dot anything expansion.”
Will these domain names be useful? Some people feel it will be easier to find sites of
interest within a small “neighborhood” than on the entire Web. Others feel they will just be
confusing. A third group believes that, with most searches done via either search engines
or focused lists of links, it does not matter much. In any case, these TLDs are here to stay.
More will come.
Countries have two-letter TLDs. Most are not hard for English speakers to figure out:
.fr is France, .uk is the United Kingdom, and .jp is Japan. A few reflect countries’ names
in their own languages: .de is Germany (Deutschland) and .es is Spain (España). Some are
based on other pairs of letters in the country’s name: .nl for Netherlands. Country TLDs
may lend themselves to particular uses: television stations obtain domain names from
Information Networks ◾ 201
Tuvalu so that their domain can be, for example, wabi.tv. Selling domain names provides
useful foreign currency to several small countries.
Pages in a website are specified after the domain name, separated by a slash. The part of
Figure 6.10 after the domain name, new-bedford-restaurant.htm, identifies a page
on Riccardi’s site. This can go as many levels deep as website designers wish.
The Internet does not use domain names internally. riccardis.com must become for devices to know where to send messages. Such an Internet Protocol
address or IP address consists of four eight-bit numbers, each 0–255. Those allow about
4.3 billion combinations. This was once felt to be ample, but the Internet’s address space
is running out of room. Organizations are moving to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
It uses 128 bits for addresses. That is about 3.4 followed by 38 zeroes. If a billion IPv6
addresses had been assigned every second since the earth was formed, we would have used
up less than one trillionth of them. The number of usable IPv6 addresses is not as large as
it seems, because addresses are often allocated in large blocks, but you won’t have to worry
about IPv6 addresses running out during your lifetime.
Be Careful with Domain Names! Be careful when you click on a link whose source you
are not sure of. Criminals use domain names that resemble real domain names. Suppose
you get an e-mail asking you to contact your bank and linking to we11sfargo.com. Did
you notice that the third and fourth characters are digits, not letters? Many people would
not. If someone buys the altered domain name and puts up a site that looks like the real
Wells Fargo Bank site, people might be fooled into entering account numbers and pass-
words. Most e-mail programs and Web browsers on computers show where a click will
take you before you click, but smartphones with small screens do not always do that.
You may have to take an extra step to check the target of a link. You should, even if it is
a hassle.
Where you fit in: Your employer will have a website. Websites are often designed by techni-
cal experts who do not have a user point of view. Experts can give a website any desired
appearance, content, and functionality, but what those should be depends on the site’s business
objectives. A site can meet many objectives, but not all at the same time. Business guidance—
yours—is vital.
The content of most traditional websites is controlled by the organizations that own them.
In newer sites it may not be. That is where Web 2.0 comes in.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0, the Social Web, differs from the original World Wide Web in that most content
comes from sites’ users, not their owners.
The main content of YouTube consists of user-submitted videos. Some show cats doing
funny things, but many have business value. If you want to learn to use data bars in
Microsoft Excel, entering “excel data bars” into YouTube’s search box will retrieve 20,000+
202 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
videos. Tutorials on data bars are first. Then come videos that cover data bars along with
other topics. You can also read what other users think of each video.
YouTube is not a free-for-all. It is curated, monitored to ensure that content conforms
to its rules, but its owner (Google) does not create its content. Craigslist and eBay do not
create products that people sell. Facebook does not decide who friends whom or what your
relationship status is. Twitter does not tweet—except occasionally, about itself. And so on.
Any site can add Web 2.0 features. Amazon.com carries user reviews of products that it
sells. Amazon and its partners still provide most site content, but user reviews enhance it.
Web 2.0 sites, including social networking sites, are good ways to connect with custom-
ers and build customer loyalty. To encourage this, companies provide benefits to their social
media friends, such as discount coupons, in return for Liking a company on Facebook.
Companies can learn from social media. Hotels and restaurants monitor what people
write about them on Yelp and TripAdvisor, responding when it seems appropriate. (Some
have been found to post fake reviews, and review sites have been faulted for not doing
all they can to remove fakes.) Companies can follow tweets that include their names.
Analyzing tweet activity following a TV commercial can yield insight into advertising
effectiveness, though more tweets do not necessarily mean more sales.
Where you fit in: Organizations of all types use social networking to their advantage. Companies
have Facebook pages, blog about their activities, recruit employees via LinkedIn, tweet the latest
corporate news, put training videos on YouTube, and monitor what customers say on TripAdvisor.
Doing these right is more than a technical task. It requires good business understanding.
Sending an e-mail, a photo, or a spreadsheet is not time-critical. Nothing happens if it is
delayed a second, or even fifteen. A computer can send it, knowing that it will arrive even-
tually. For other purposes, seconds matter. There, Internet streaming is crucial.
Internet Telephony
International phone calls can be costly. In the 1990s, people realized that they could be
• A phone call sends data from one point to another. The data may represent sound
waves, but a network does not care. As far as the network is concerned, it is data.
• Worldwide data transmission over the Internet is free.
• Local phone calls are free or inexpensive.
Overseas calls can cost less if we make local phone calls at each end to nearby switching
centers and send the data over the Internet between them. A provider must set up switch-
ing centers and get local lines in many cities, but once those are in place, it can offer cheap
international calling.
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This is Internet telephony. The technology is called Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP for
short. (Some people pronounce this as a word, “voyp.” Others say the letters “V-O-I-P.”)
A packet can carry 10–40 ms of voice data, so VoIP systems send 25–100 packets each
second. Packets may not arrive in order, but people need to hear sounds in order. VoIP
systems handle this by
• Delaying transmission by 100 or 200 ms so that all, or nearly all, the packets would
have arrived by the time the user hears what was said. We do not notice such short
• Reconstructing a missing packet using waveforms from the packets before and after
it. When only one packet is missing, this is usually undetectable.
• As a last resort, garbling the transmission. A listener can then say “Sorry, I missed
that.” We are used to this, so we do not mind if it happens once in a while.
VoIP is popular. Skype, a Microsoft subsidiary, handles 30 million concurrent calls at peak
times, with about 200 million users over a three-month period—and Skype is not the only
VoIP provider.
Companies that make many overseas phone calls can use their own phone systems
as switching centers. To call a U.K. customer from a U.S. office, one calls the company’s
London office (using the Internet) and keys in codes to place a domestic U.K. call from
Where you fit in: Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of VoIP can increase your value
to your employer, as well as potentially saving you money in your personal life.
Streaming Video
The Internet can transmit video in the same way that it can transmit voice. This lets you
start watching a video before it has all been downloaded, providing two advantages:
To the person or company that has the video: They do not have to send the video to
your computer. That maintains their control over it and reduces opportunities for
To the viewer: The video starts right away, not minutes (or hours) later.
Since video transmission is in one direction, streaming video can deal with out-of-order
packets by not starting until a buffer of video is in hand. Once your computer has data for
several seconds of video, the show starts. While the video is playing, your computer receives
more data, staying ahead of what is on the screen. If playback catches up with the end of the
buffer, it will stop for a while. You may see a “stand by” indicator or a Rebuffering—refilling
the buffer—message.
204 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Combining VoIP and streaming video creates a video phone call. This is an interactive
video, not a one-way viewing of a prerecorded movie, so it does not tolerate delays as well.
Still, with fast links and tolerance for an occasionally jerky picture, it can be the next-best
thing to being there. One does not even need a computer: most smartphones have front-
facing cameras (on the screen side) that allow video conversations using a cellular connec-
tion or Wi-Fi.
Video-enabled conference calls can connect several people. Each screen shows as
many of the other participants as a user wants to see at a time. (Users see thumbnails,
small pictures, of all participants.) In a videoconference facility, each remote participant
appears full-size on a monitor across the table. These can be augmented with shared
computer displays. Such a telepresence facility comes close to the feel of a face-to-face
Several suppliers offer facilities for videoconferencing, such as the Teliris installation
shown in Figure 6.12. Organizations that use them regularly can buy equipment for their
conference rooms. Others can rent fully equipped rooms as needed.
A high-quality telepresence conference requires high-speed, high-quality communica-
tion lines. Those can cost more than the equipment, so a decision to install such facilities—
at least two are needed for any conference—should not be undertaken lightly. Despite this
expense, telepresence is expected to be a $5 billion annual business in 2015.
The cost of teleconferencing is dropping. In 2014, Google announced a $999 system with
high-definition camera, audio equipment, and a Chromebox computer: everything except
a display. Service costs $250/device/year. Conferences may include up to 15 people using
laptops, phones, or tablets. This is economical enough to keep a project team connected all
day long.
Net Neutrality
Streaming applications are especially affected by the concept of net neutrality: the prin-
ciple that all Internet packets should be treated identically. This principle requires that
a packet from unsolicited e-mail be transmitted with the same priority as a packet in a
Proponents of net neutrality do not dispute that it can degrade performance for applica-
tions such as VoIP, but are concerned that abandoning this principle can lead to favoring
those who pay more and to invasion of privacy as carriers inspect packets to determine
their priority.
Net neutrality is an open issue in the United States. The Federal Communications
Commission has ruled in its favor, but in January 2014, the Circuit Court for the District
of Columbia ruled that the FCC does not have the authority to make such rules. Time will
tell how this issue is ultimately resolved.
E-mail existed before the Internet. Companies with large computers had applications
where users could leave text files for other users to read. It came into its own when the
Internet connected most of the people one would want to send a message to, not just those
inside one’s own firm.
E-mail goes from one server to another, and from your server to the mailbox on your
computer, via one of a few standard protocols. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) moves
messages from one server to another, say from the university server from which you send
a message to Google’s server for your friend on Google Gmail. Post Office Protocol (POP)
and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) send it from your computer to your school’s
server and from the Gmail server to your friend’s computer.
How does this jibe with accessing e-mail through a Web browser? When you access
e-mail in a browser, your computer does not receive those messages. The server builds a
Web page with the content of the message and sends that page, not the message itself, to
your browser. The net effect is the same—you see e-mail on your screen—but what happens
behind the scenes is different. When you download messages into Outlook, Apple Mail, or
Thunderbird, they are on your computer. You can read them when it is not connected to
the Internet. When you delete them, they are gone from your computer’s secondary stor-
age. When you access e-mail via a browser, though, you work in your e-mail provider’s
server. You can only read e-mail when you are online. Messages are not on your computer
unless you download them.
File Transfer
You go to the iTunes store. You find a song you like. You charge 99¢ to your account and
begin the download.
206 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
You do not get this song over the Web. You searched for it over the Web, you asked for it
over the Web, you paid for it over the Web—but the song itself never becomes a Web page
or an e-mail.
Instead, it uses File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is used to send large data files in one
direction. It is not just for music: if you download course slides, a Firefox update from
mozilla.org, an audio book from audible.com, or a timetable from aa.com, or upload a
video to YouTube, you use FTP.
Modern browsers can receive files via FTP. Some can also send them, though people
who upload a lot of files (such as Web developers) can use an FTP client program. Some
browsers even display common types of FTP files once they are downloaded. If you
download a PDF file in Firefox or Chrome, it will display when it is received. However,
it won’t look like a Web page, and it won’t stay on your computer unless you take action
to save it.
The Internet has more application layer protocols (to distinguish them from lower level
protocols that move data over the network). They include SSH to control one computer
from another, UDP to translate domain names such as toyota.com into Internet address
numbers, SNMP to manage network devices, and more. They work behind the scenes. You
should know that such protocols are part of the Internet picture, but you do not have to be
concerned with their details.
There are many reasons people try to access information systems without permission.
Organizations that use networks try to prevent their systems from unauthorized access
over them.
The access control concepts discussed in the section “Database Security” of Chapter 5
apply to networks. Your network identity determines what you can do via the network,
what applications or resources you can access. Your identity can be authenticated on the
basis of something you know, have, are, or do. Organizations are increasingly moving to a
single sign-on (SSO) approach, where a person signs on to access the network and is then
also signed on to all applications that he or she is authorized to use. While this simplifies
access from the user viewpoint, it puts a premium on the security of that sign-on.
Network security and database security differ in the methods people use to try to break
in and in the defenses that can be used against break-ins.
A key element in defending against unauthorized network penetration is the firewall.
Firewalls detect attempts at intrusion and keep them out of a network. A firewall can also
keep those inside a network from performing unauthorized activities outside it (such as
visiting entertainment sites). Firewalls for large networks are separate devices, positioned
to protect a network from damage (symbolically, fire) as shown in Figure 6.13. Firewall
software exists for all popular computers.
Some network attacks attempt to obtain unauthorized access for malicious purposes. Those
attacks use similar methods to those one would use to penetrate a database: impersonating
Information Networks ◾ 207
To the Internet
Where you fit in: Businesspeople need not understand the details of network attacks or how
to defend against them. (There are many types beyond those mentioned here.) They must be
aware of their variety and complexity. As a manager, you must make sure that your company’s
network security effort is adequately funded and supported. This can be difficult: security does
not increase revenue or profit, and if it works perfectly, nothing happens. Funding it is still
208 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
A phishing* attack is designed to fool a user, usually via e-mail, into visiting a website
where that user will be asked to provide confidential information.
A common type of phishing attack claims, in an e-mail message, that a person has
exceeded his or her e-mail quota and that e-mail access will be denied unless he or she vis-
its a particular page and provides information there. The requested information includes
the person’s name, e-mail address, and password. Many people, scared by the tone of this
message, will visit that page and provide the information—even if it is at an address where
the person has never had an e-mail account! Armed with this information, a thief can
access e-mail messages that may include log-in information to other sites. Also, since many
people use the same password on multiple sites, this information may be enough to obtain
access to the person’s bank accounts, credit cards, and more.
Other phishing attacks claim that a person must requalify for access to online banking
or perform some other banking-related activity. These e-mails typically use graphics from
the bank’s own website, increasing their apparent credibility. Again, the recipient is asked
to follow a Web link and enter information including bank account number and online
access password. Many people do not notice that the site they are sent to is not the bank’s
site at all. This attack takes advantage of large numbers: if it claims to come from Bank of
America and is sent to 10,000 people, most won’t have BofA accounts, but a few hundred
probably will.
In the corporate world, a phishing attack might go to people at a particular company.
Many names of employees at large companies are available in Internet discussion groups
and from other public sources. The format of corporate e-mail addresses is also easy to
learn. An e-mail asking “fellow employees” to renew their “internal network credentials”
will probably find takers—all of whom will expose the company network to criminals.
Your best protection against phishing is to be certain that any request is from who it
claims to be before you give out confidential information. Most legitimate sites, including
banks, credit card issuers, and e-mail service providers, never ask for confidential informa-
tion. Check the domain to which you are directed to confirm that it belongs to the organi-
zation that the e-mail claims to be from. Check the language of the e-mail: many phishing
e-mails are written in poor English with phrasing that a native speaker would not use. Do
not click on links in the message; they may be to criminal sites whose domain names were
chosen to resemble the real domain name to the eye. (Type the organization’s URL directly
into your browser’s address field.) Be especially wary of e-mails that are completely imper-
sonal, that do not contain information such as the last four digits of your bank account
* The term phishing comes from phreaks, which meant computer criminals early in the computer age. It changes fishing to
phishing to parallel the change from freaks to phreaks. It is unrelated to the band Phish.
Information Networks ◾ 209
number. Finally, you can confirm, by phone or by e-mail to the company in question (not
by reply e-mail), that it is real. The odds are at least 10,000 to 1 that it won’t be.
Copying e-mail lists is not the only damage that a trojan can do. A recent threat is trojans
such as Cryptolocker, which locks and encrypts Microsoft Office and a few other types of
files. The user is then presented with a ransom note: if the money is sent to a given address
within a certain time period, the files will be unlocked. Otherwise, the files will stay locked
Security experts recommend not paying the ransom: there is no guarantee that the
criminals will keep their promise, and each payment encourages them further. Instead,
they encourage people to keep regular backups and restore their files, after using anti-
malware software to remove the trojan from their system.
Where you fit in: As a manager, the three steps in defending against Cryptolocker and similar
malware will be under your control: training your colleagues to recognize phishing attacks and
not fall victim to them, using antimalware software to detect most such attacks and minimize
their damage if they get in, and making sure that files are backed up regularly.
* Named for the Trojan Horse, which (according to Homer’s Iliad) appeared to be a gift from the Greeks to the city of Troy.
The Trojans brought it inside the walls of their city. Greek soldiers then emerged from it and captured Troy.
210 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Pharming, from farming with the same change as fishing to phishing, is a broad-based
attack on many people who want to visit a website rather than one that targets specific
people. Pharming often relies on changing Internet domain name servers so that, instead of
converting the text string “citibank.com” into the correct digits for Citigroup’s U.S. bank-
ing operation, it will send people to the criminals’ website instead.
There is little individuals can do to protect against URLs being illegally redirected by a
pharming attack. We must rely on Internet service providers and the operators of the Internet
backbone to make domain name servers as secure as possible and to correct improper
changes as quickly as possible. Generally, they do this well. However, one should try to learn
the normal look and feel of websites one visits regularly, and be alert to any changes in them.
Also, be sure the prefix of the page’s URL changes from http:// to https://, indicating a secure
connection, before entering sensitive information such as a credit card number.
Some sites protect users against pharming attacks with a two-step sign-in process.*
First, users enters their user names—but not passwords. The site then displays a picture,
chosen by each user from among many, and any security phrase a user desires. Operators
of a bogus imitation site cannot know what a given user’s picture and phrase are. Only
after seeing them is the password entered. If the phrase and picture do not match what a
user expects to see, the user should not enter a password. This method relies on user aware-
ness, but most users get used to seeing (say) a picture of a spaniel and the phrase “My dog
Blinky,” so any deviation is immediately obvious.
There are variations on this process. Their common aspect: you do not enter confidential
information until you can confirm that the site you are accessing is the site you want to
Identity Theft
Identity theft is not a method of attack. It is something that can happen after another
attack. It is still important enough to deserve discussion.
Once a criminal obtains personal information, this information can be used in many ways.
For example, if criminals have access to your credit card, they can change its billing address
to theirs. They pay the first bill on time, so as not to arouse suspicion, and then ask for a
replacement card to be sent to “you” at their address. They sign this card with your name in
their handwriting. A printed bill to “you” at their address can be used to obtain other forms of
identification. Over time, they can build up a complete identity in your name. They can then
strip you of everything you own. This takes time, but can ultimately pay off (to criminals).
Once theft is discovered, it is usually possible to recover the financial harm. Credit card
holders in the United States, for example, are liable only for the first $50 of fraudulent
charges. Most card issuers cover that amount as well. However, recovery involves time,
* Not to be confused with two-step verification, also known as two-factor authentication and other names. That requires
two independent forms of verification, such as possession of an ATM card and knowing the PIN associated with that
card. Either is useless without the other. TFA can involve, for example, sending a code to your registered phone after
you log in, to be entered before you access any services. Your password is of no use to anyone who doesn’t also have your
Information Networks ◾ 211
effort, lost work or vacation time, and additional costs, to say nothing of emotional impact
and damage to business relationships before the fraud is detected.
There is little you can do to prevent someone who steals your information from trying
to use it in this way. You can reduce the likelihood of theft by following the guidelines in
earlier parts of the “Human Aspects of Network Security” section. That cannot reduce it to
zero; information has been stolen by rogue employees of credit reporting firms, for exam-
ple. No precautions you can take personally can prevent that. Your best defense is to moni-
tor your financial relationships regularly online. Identity theft takes time. If you catch early
signs of someone meddling in your affairs, you can stop a thief before any damage is done.
Privacy is not security—Chapter 12 discusses the relationship between them—but it can be
important in a Web context. Websites can find out who you are in three ways.
IP Address Your Internet Protocol address, the unique string of 32 or 128 bits that iden-
tify your computer’s Internet location, is available to websites that you visit. However,
many computers return IP address to their Internet service provider’s address pool when
they close their Internet connection. They get a new IP address from that pool when they
connect again. Meanwhile, the previous IP address may be reissued to anyone. This is
known as having a dynamic IP address. Since many IP addresses are dynamic, IP addresses
are seldom used to identify a user from one time to the next. (An IP address that does not
change is called a static IP address.)
MAC Address A computer’s MAC (Media Access Control, unrelated to Macintosh com-
puters) address identifies that computer uniquely. It is also available to websites that you
MAC addresses do not identify a person because they are associated with a computer,
not its user. However, they do enable sites to track repeated visits from the same computer,
regardless of who is using it. They are used, for example, by password-protected sites to
identify people using passwords that were reported stolen. Repeated attempts to use stolen
passwords from the same computer can be detected, though the ability of a site to do any-
thing about them is limited.
While the MAC address of a computer is encoded into the hardware, its transmission
over the Internet is done by software. Software can, in principle, send another number
instead of the real MAC address. That is called MAC address spoofing. It has legitimate uses
in protecting privacy, but it also has unethical or illegal uses.
Cookies Cookies are small data files that a website asks your browser to save on its behalf.
When you return to a site, it can check for any cookies it left previously. Cookies can
store information about when you visited a site, what pages you visited, what products you
looked at, or anything else that a website can figure out while you are there. If you click
“don’t show this message again” to a store’s offer to give you a credit card, a cookie will
make sure of that.
212 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
In contrast to IP and MAC addresses, you have control over cookies. You can tell your
browser to refuse them. Some sites will not operate properly if you do this, though, since
they use cookies to help navigate the site. In that case, you can tell your browser to refuse
cookies that are not sent by the site you have visited, that is, to refuse cookies from adver-
tisers on it or anyone else. You can also manage your browser’s cookies, deleting any you
do not want to keep—or all of them.
Cookies are stored in your browser. If you visit a site once using Firefox and return using
Internet Explorer, the site will not have access to any cookies it left during your first visit.
1. You must never relax your guard against penetration of your employer’s network.
2. You must still assume that its network will be penetrated—by the worst possible peo-
ple, at the worst possible time. You must ensure that further precautions, such as reg-
ular database backups and encryption, hinder criminals from doing more damage.
3. When you are a manager, you must make sure that the people you supervise know this.
Active RFID tag: RFID tag that contains a battery and broadcasts information about
Analog signal: Electrical signal that can take on any value between two limits, with an
infinite number of steps between them. Contrast with digital signal.
Application Layer Protocol: A standard way to treat data sent from one application to
another, as contrasted with a standard way to send the data itself over the Internet.
Asynchronous digital subscriber line (ADSL): DSL line in which transmission from
switching center to subscriber is faster than transmission from subscriber to
switching center.
Battery-assisted passive RFID tag: RFID tag that contains a battery for data transmission
but is active only when interrogated by a reader.
Bluetooth: Short-range communication technology, alternative to cabling nearby devices.
Body area network (BAN): PAN that monitors its wearer’s vital signs.
Bridge: Device that amplifies signals to extend the range of a communication link or net-
work element, and which passes only messages addressed to devices on the other
side of the bridge.
Browser: Computer program designed to display Web pages.
Buffer: An amount of streaming audio or video content that a computer receives before
starting to play that content, to be able to play continuously if transmission is
interrupted briefly.
Circuit switching: Network approach that provides a dedicated path for the duration of a
conversation. Contrast with message switching, packet switching.
Communication link: Means of transmitting data between its two endpoints.
Cookies: small data files that a website asks a browser to save on its behalf.
Cybersquatting: The (now illegal) practice of obtaining a domain name to force a business,
with which that name is generally associated, to purchase it.
Demodulation: (a) The process of converting an analog signal to digital data. (b) By exten-
sion, the process of converting any communication signal to digital data.
Denial of service (DoS) attack: Attempt to disable a network by overloading it with mul-
tiple near-simultaneous requests, with no attempt to use resources on that network
for any purpose.
Digital signal: Electrical signal that can take on only specific values. When it has two pos-
sible values, they are usually represented as 0 and 1. Contrast with analog signal.
Digital subscriber line (DSL): Communication technology that transmits data at a high
speed over copper telephone lines.
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack: Denial of service attack launched from more
than one computer simultaneously.
Domain: Internet name assigned to a specific organization.
Dynamic IP address: Internet Protocol address that changes from session to session.
Contrast with static IP address.
E-mail: Transmission of messages over communication networks.
214 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Ethernet: LAN technology that depends on connected devices to share a common wire by mon-
itoring for simultaneous attempts to transmit, backing off, and retrying if they occur.
Femtocell: Cellular telephone base station whose range typically covers a small building.
Fiber-optics: Communication link technology in which signals are transmitted by switch-
ing a light source on and off and guiding that light through a glass tube to its
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Method of sending large files in one direction over the
Firewall: Device intended to block unauthorized attempts to send data into or out of a
Full-duplex link: Communication link that is capable of transmitting in both directions
simultaneously. Contrast with simplex link, half-duplex link.
Gateway: Device that connects one network to another, typically an organizational net-
work to the Internet.
Geostationary satellite: Satellite whose orbit keeps it over the same point on earth.
Geosynchronous satellite: Satellite whose orbital period keeps it over the same longitude.
Half-duplex link: Communication link that is capable of transmitting in both directions,
but not simultaneously. Contrast with full-duplex link, simplex link.
Hot spot: Device that transmits Wi-Fi signals to other devices in its vicinity, passing their
messages to the Internet via another communication technology.
Hyperlink: Visible indication on a Web page that clicking on it will display a differ-
ent page.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Standardized means by which a computer can
request and receive Web pages.
Internet: Large network connecting all economically important areas on earth.
Internet backbone: High-speed links that connect major organizations, networks, and
metropolitan areas into the Internet.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): Standard for sending e-mail messages from a
server to a client.
Internet Protocol address (IP address): Binary address that the Internet uses internally
to identify domains.
Internet telephony: Telephone conversations that use the Internet.
Last mile: The communication links between carrier switching centers and subscribers.
Link: See communication link.
Local area network (LAN): Network covering a limited area, typically a building or a
Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite: Satellite orbiting below 1,250 miles (2,000 km), with a
typical orbital period of about 2 hours.
MAC address spoofing: Sending a false MAC (Media Access Control) address for a device.
Malware: Generic term for deliberately harmful software.
Medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite: Satellite orbiting between about 1,250 miles
(2,000 km) and 22,200 miles (35,800 km), with an orbital period of more than two
but less than 24 hours.
Information Networks ◾ 215
Message switching: Network approach that provides a dedicated path for each message in
a conversation, but may use different paths for different messages. Contrast with
circuit switching, packet switching.
Modem: A device that performs modulation and demodulation. (From the first letters of
Modulation: (a) The process of converting digital data to an analog signal. (b) By exten-
sion, the process of converting digital data to any type of communication signal.
Net neutrality: The principle that all Internet packets should be treated with equal priority.
Network: Group of communication links with additional devices offering the flexibility to
transmit data between two points on any of its communication links.
Packet: Part of a message to be transmitted, typically 1,000–2,000 bytes.
Packet switching: Transmitting packets independently of each other, reassembling them
at their destination to create a complete message. Contrast with circuit switching,
message switching.
Page: Document available on the World Wide Web.
Passive RFID tag: RFID tag that contains no battery but is powered by the signal from a
Personal area network (PAN): LAN connecting devices carried on or by one person.
Phishing: A network-based attack intended to lure users into providing confidential
Post Office Protocol (POP): Standard for sending e-mail messages from a server to a client.
Radio frequency ID (RFID): Short-range communication technology designed to share
small amounts of information between a tag and a central computer.
Repeater: Device that amplifies signals to extend the range of a communication link or
network element, but which does not analyze the messages it passes on.
Router: Network device that can select a path for a message based on its final destination.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): Method of sending e-mail messages from one
server to another.
Simplex link: Communication link that is only capable of transmitting in one direction.
Contrast with full-duplex link, half-duplex link.
Single Sign-On (SSO): An approach to information system security in which a person
signs to a network once and then has access to all the resources available through it.
Social engineering: The practice of attempting to penetrate an information system by per-
suading an authorized user that the penetrator’s request for access is legitimate.
Static IP address: Internet Protocol address that is the same each time a computer goes
online. Contrast with dynamic IP address.
Streaming: Sending data continuously for continuous display (video) or play (audio), with-
out waiting for all of it to arrive.
Switch: Device that connects several communication links or network elements and ana-
lyzes messages to pass them on to only the correct link.
Tag (RFID): Small device containing stored information that can be attached to an object,
then read (and perhaps written to) by an RFID reader.
Teleconference: Meeting that uses the Internet to transmit audio and video.
216 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Compare, at the concept level, a communication link and a network.
2. What are the two main, broad categories of communication links?
3. What are the two main types of long-distance physical communication links?
4. What are the four major types of communication satellites? Give one application for each.
5. Why do local area networks (that communicate only over limited distances) exist?
6. What is backward compatibility (in the context of Ethernet and Wi-Fi)? Why is it
7. Describe two wireless local networking technologies that cover shorter distances
than Wi-Fi.
8. What is the major wide-area network? Who pays for it in the United States, and how?
9. Give three advantages of packet switching.
10. What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
11. What are the parts of an Internet domain name?
12. What is a top-level domain?
13. What is the fundamental difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?
Information Networks ◾ 217
14. Can businesses benefit from social networking sites? If so, how?
15. Give two uses for Internet streaming. How does streaming differ from sending a
16. Describe two applications of the Internet other than the World Wide Web.
17. Why do organizations use firewalls?
18. Why can it be difficult to get sufficient funding for network security?
1. When might an individual user, at home, not want an asymmetric Internet connec-
tion such as ADSL or cable TV? Think of how people use the Internet.
2. In the United States, many people obtain television service through satellite links,
but few obtain their Internet service that way even if they already have the “dish” to
receive TV signals. Why do you think this is? You may want to do research beyond
this book to answer this.
3. Would you recommend a wired (Ethernet) or wireless (Wi-Fi) LAN in each of the
following situations? Explain your choice in a few sentences for each.
a. A fraternity house used by 60 students for meals and recreation, 30 of whom live
b. An accounting practice employing four CPAs and four support staff.
c. A classroom with 26 computers, one in the instructor podium and 25 for students.
d. A hotel with 200 rooms in which many guests want to use their own computers.
4. A few organizations, needing the utmost security, build their own wide-area net-
works. This requires devices such as those in the section “Wide Area Networks and
the Internet.” As a manager in such an organization, you have proposals from three
device vendors. Your technical staff finds all three acceptable. How would you select
one? Include factors you would consider and outside advice you might use.
5. The approximate location of anyone accessing the Internet can be determined (unless
they hide it, which is usually not worth the effort). A wired connection can be located
to the network point of entry to the Internet. A mobile connection can be located to
the nearest tower. GPS-enabled devices can often be located more accurately. Explain
how an airline and an automobile company could use such information about a user’s
location. State what they could do with this information that they could not do with-
out it. Be as specific as possible about the business benefits of doing this.
6. Visit the site www.nissan.com. Using what you read there and any other information
you find online, argue for either Nissan Computer’s or Nissan Motors’ claim to this
domain name.
218 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
7. Internet names and addresses are assigned, and new TLDs are approved, by ICANN
(see the section “Internet Applications”). What do you think would happen if there
were no central agency in charge of these?
8. You plan to open an event/studio photography business. Your customers will be pri-
marily individuals and small businesses in your area. How could you use Web 2.0
and social media to connect with potential customers and keep in touch with existing
9. Research and summarize the current state of net neutrality in your country. Are you
in favor of net neutrality, or against it? Justify your position.
10. Find out what free or inexpensive firewall software is available for your personal com-
puter. Do you use it, or do you plan to use it now? If so, why? If not, why not?
“Information exchange sounds like a good idea in principle,” Elizabeth said thought-
fully. “But what’s in it for either the hospital or your practice?”
“Part of it,” Dr. Trimble replied, “is that we’re not the only place someone goes.” Our
patients travel. People travel to here. When someone shows up in this office or in the hos-
pital with a condition that we need to treat, we have to find out as much as we can about
the patient before we do anything. We can’t always go by what they remember and say,
and sometimes they can’t say anything at all. It’s the same in reverse when our patients go
somewhere else.
“Another part of it is communicating within our community. As a medical home, it’s
part of our job to stay on top of everything that happens to our patients. Most of that
involves our own people, so HealthFusion takes care of it. Some of it involves people out-
side our normal network. We can’t force everyone to use HealthFusion, much as we and
the folks in San Diego might like that, so we need a way to communicate no matter what
another person has.”
“And does health information exchange make that possible?” Miguel asked.
“Kinda, sorta,” Dr. Trimble replied. “It’s a step in that direction. At its most basic level,
it’s basically e-mail with a security layer on top. Beyond that, though, it lets us—or will
let us—send out a query to see if the information we need is anywhere in the network, or
eventually anywhere at all. And it gives patients access to their health information, so they
can manage it in much the same way that they manage their Facebook pages.”
“Facebook pages, huh? Elizabeth laughed. “I hope it’s not exactly like Facebook—I don’t
want all my friends seeing my medical information!”
“Not to worry,” Dr. Trimble assured her. “I don’t think anyone wants that to happen.
Remember, all of our health information is on this system too. When it comes to protecting
data, we get what you get. We won’t take any chances!”
1. Instead of wiring the new examination rooms for Ethernet, SMMA could have
upgraded their Wi-Fi routers from 802.11n to 802.11ac. The effect, as regards ade-
quate speed for all devices, would have been about the same. Give two reasons why
they should have done what they did and two reasons why they should have upgraded
their Wi-Fi. Which would you have chosen?
2. Health care is not the first field to use information exchanges. Focused exchanges,
such as connecting buyers and sellers in a field such as plastics or automotive manu-
facturing, have existed for many years. Find another information exchange in a Web
search. Using at least three sources, write a report on what it does for its members,
and how successful it has been.
3. The phrase “health information exchange” has two meanings: the process of
exchanging health information and an organization whose purpose is to facilitate
this exchange. (The second sense is sometimes called a “health information exchange
community” to reduce confusion.) Which do you think is more important, and why?
220 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
* A community anchor institution provides public services to facilities such as a school, library, town hall, or fire station.
Many public services depend on fast, reliable Internet access.
Information Networks ◾ 221
1. Read the REACH-3MC project overview at www.merit.edu/documents/pdf/reach3mc/
REACH-3MC_Project_Overview.pdf. Examine the map on the lower half of the sec-
ond page. It shows several nodes outside Michigan: in Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and
Minnesota in the United States, and two in Canada. What is the function of these
connections? Is it necessary to have so many? Why or why not?
2. REACH-3MC is funded by a grant from the U.S. government. Do you agree that the
federal government should pay for this sort of project? If you do not, who do you
think should pay for it? Justify your answers, stating what you believe the proper role
of a national government in funding Internet access should be. Would your answer
be different for a country with fewer economic resources than the United States?
came to finding people to record these messages, testing found that educated-sounding
speakers were not accepted, as they were not seen as being able to relate to users’ daily
struggles. Users also disliked voices with “deep in the village” accents, as they were not
trusted as being knowledgeable.
Another challenge MoTeCH faced was identifying clients uniquely. MoTeCH assigned
nine-digit client numbers, but since clients may not remember these correctly, another
means of identifying them was necessary. Mobile phone numbers were not suitable: they
change and may be shared. Names and dates of birth were not usable: clients often go by
several names, are not concerned with their consistent spelling in English, and may not
know their date of birth. The solution was to triangulate from name, address, and date of
birth where possible; National Insurance number where the client has one; and relation-
ships with other family members in the database.
Software for MoTeCH was developed jointly by two groups. The server side was handled
by Columbia University and the University of Southern Maine, both in the United States.
Components that interfaced directly with mobile phones were done by software develop-
ment firm DreamOval in Ghana. Due to a lack of experienced senior staff at DreamOval,
some of its work had to be redone by USM for improved performance. A Grameen
Foundation program manager was located in Ghana and coordinated the two develop-
ment teams.
MoTeCH began in July 2010 in Ghana’s Upper East region. By March 2013, it had served
over 11,000 families and was put in the “Existing: Post-Pilot” category by the Center for
Health Market Innovations. It appears well on the way to making a difference.
1. Consider the challenges faced in implementing MoTeCH. (The challenges listed
in the case here are far from a complete list.) How many of those were technical;
how many were nontechnical? What, if anything, can you infer from this about the
challenges you would encounter in designing and implementing a customer-facing
mobile phone application in an industrialized country?
2. MoTeCH could have chosen to identify clients uniquely via fingerprint scans. What
are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
3. The decision to supply nurses with MoTeCH handsets was a business decision, though
technical factors played a part. Suppose your university health service implemented
a mobile application for nurses visiting ill students in their dorm rooms. Would the
same factors apply? Would it be appropriate to supply those nurses with official hand-
sets? Why or why not?
Awoonor-Williams, J. K., Lessons learned from scaling up a community-based health program in
the Upper East Region of northern Ghana, Global Health: Science and Practice, 1(1), 117–133
March 21, 2013. www.ghspjournal.org/content/1/1/117.full, accessed May 5, 2015.
Bray, H., Dot-specific domain names on way to the Web, The Boston Globe, January 28, 2014, A1.
Information Networks ◾ 223
Burt, J., Video conferencing spending to hit $5 billion in 2015: Infonetics, eWeek, March 29, 2011.
5-Billion-in-2015-Infonetics-828793, accessed May 5, 2015.
Checkoway, S. et al., Comprehensive experimental analyses of automotive attack surfaces, in
Proceedings of USENIX Security 2011, San Francisco, CA, D. Wagner, ed., USENIX, August
2011, pp. 77–92. www.autosec.org/pubs/cars-usenixsec2011.pdf, accessed August 2, 2013.
Chickowski, E., 10 Web-based attacks targeting your end users, Dark Reading, August 2013. twimgs.
com/darkreading/drdigital/080713s/DarkReading_SUP_2013_08.pdf, accessed May 5, 2015.
Gold, J., AT&T smashes distance record for 400Gbps data connection, Network World, March
12, 2013. www.networkworld.com/news/2013/031213-att-data-connection-267625.html,
accessed May 5, 2015.
Greenberg, A., Hackers reveal nasty new car attacks—With me behind the wheel, Forbes, August 12,
2013. www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/07/24/hackers-reveal-nasty-new-car-attacks-
with-me-behind-the-wheel-video/, accessed May 5, 2015.
HakShop, WiFi Pineapple Mark IV, 2015. hakshop.myshopify.com/products/wifi-pineapple,
accessed June 26, 2013.
Health Information Exchange, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.healthit.
gov/providers-professionals/health-information-exchange/what-hie, accessed May 5, 2015.
Kang, C., Google to use balloons to provide free Internet access to remote or poor areas, The
Washington Post, Technology Section, June 14, 2013. www.washingtonpost.com/business/
f9d78196-d507-11e2-a73e-826d299ff459_story.html, accessed May 5, 2015.
Metz, C., With its tiny PC, Google makes a play for your conference room, Wired, February 6, 2014.
www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2014/02/google-chromebox-meetings, accessed May 5, 2015.
Pratt, M., Computerworld Honors 2013: Remote areas in Michigan get connected with broadband,
Computerworld, June 3, 2013. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9239140/Computerworld_
Honors_2013_Remote_areas_in_Michigan_get_connected_with_broadband, accessed
May 5, 2015.
Raffensperger, L., Networked cars are coming, but their hacks are already here, Discover, July 30,
2013. blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/?p=2409, accessed May 5, 2015.
Reeves, S., Pros and cons of using femtocells, TechRepublic Data Center, November 11, 2013. www.
techrepublic.com/blog/data-center/pros-and-cons-of-using-femtocells, accessed May 5, 2015.
State of Michigan, Department of Technology, Management and Budget, Area and population
density of Michigan counties, cities, and townships: 2000 and 2010. www.michigan.gov/
documents/cgi/cgi_census_density_mcd10_380470_7.xls, accessed August 14, 2013.
Terdiman, D., Stuxnet delivered to Iranian nuclear plant on thumb drive, CNET, April 12, 2012.
www.cnet.com/news/stuxnet-delivered-to-iranian-nuclear-plant-on-thumb-drive, accessed
May 5, 2015.
University of Bristol, How house-hunting ants choose the best home, April 22, 2009. http://www.
bris.ac.uk/news/2009/6292.html, accessed May 5, 2015.
Information Systems at Work
Chapter 7
• History: Information Silos
• Functional Information Systems
• Transaction Processing
• Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
• Enterprise Application Integration
• Intranets
• Integrating Society
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. Enterprise information systems connect people and departments in an organization.
That is one of the key ways that information systems benefit organizations.
2. Functional information systems can perform the individual tasks of enterprise infor-
mation systems but work in isolation from each other.
228 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Functional systems laid the groundwork for today’s enterprise systems. They’re worth
looking at today for two reasons:
1. “Silos” haven’t gone away. Functional information systems are used today, by
a. Organizations that want to keep using those legacy systems as long as they do the
b. Small organizations that can’t justify the cost of enterprise information systems.
c. Organizations that don’t want to get involved in complex enterprise information
d. Organizations that have linked their existing information systems through EAI,
the subject of the section “Enterprise Application Integration.”
2. Some enterprise information system concepts are easier to understand if we encoun-
ter them first in the simpler context of a functional information system.
Functional information systems are, therefore, the topic of the next section.
Activities in all parts of an organization converge in its balance sheet and income state-
ment. When something is bought or sold, an asset is depreciated; an employee is hired,
paid, or gets a raise; taxes are paid; and the general ledger (GL), income statement, and
balance sheet are affected.
The calculations required for these tasks are repetitive. The size of a raise differs from
employee to employee, but the process for recording it stays the same. The amount by
which GL accounts change for a sale differs from sale to sale, but the process for entering
a sale stays the same. Early commercial information systems automated these repetitive
Today’s enterprise information system accounting modules get their inputs electroni-
cally from other modules that record sales, salary changes, and other activities. They obtain
other information from a database that they share with those modules. That database is set
up to alert the accounting module whenever certain fields change. When a production
worker takes a part out of inventory, the value of raw materials inventory is reduced, and
there is a corresponding increase in the value of work-in-process inventory. The chart of
accounts and balance sheet are always up to date.
Accounting records the impact of past activities. Finance makes decisions about the
future: how much to borrow and on what terms, how to budget for the following
year, the best way to repay a loan, whether to use profits to repurchase stock or pay
dividends. Finance professionals use computers to evaluate and compare the effects
of different choices in these and similar areas. The tools they use range from spread-
sheets to specialized packages with complex calculations built in. Some of these deci-
sions use accounting applications but with assumptions about the future rather than
historical data. Pro forma financial statements, which show the financial picture of
the firm as it would be if certain activities such as a merger take place, are an example
of this.
Most applications of computers in finance fit the “making better decisions” theme of
Chapter 9.
Sales information systems vary with the company and its sales process. Supermarkets use
them to improve the speed and accuracy of checkout while recording information about
customer purchases. Construction firms use information systems to calculate what it will
cost to complete a project, so they can submit a bid that is neither too high (in which case, a
competitor will win the job) or too low (in which case, they may win, but will lose money).
Sales forecasting is always important. Any firm can use information systems to keep track
of customers.
Using information systems in sales is a major part of the “connecting with custom-
ers and suppliers” theme of the next chapter. We’ll look at sales applications in more
detail there.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 231
The relationship between marketing and sales resembles the relationship between finance
and accounting. Marketing figures out what a company ought to sell, how it should sell it, to
whom, through what channels, and at what prices. Sales is where these plans are carried out.
Marketing professionals analyze market data to predict how well current products will
sell, what other products customers will want, how the company should set its prices, and
make every other decision that precedes selling. These include the “four Ps” from your
marketing courses: product (what to offer), price (how much to charge), place (where to sell,
which may not be a physical place), promotion (how to promote, via advertising and more),
and other marketing decisions.
Human Resources
Early uses of computers in human resources kept track of employee information: name and
address, pay, benefit choices. Pay information went to a payroll application. That applica-
tion saved summaries of pay, taxes, and other deductions for use by accounting systems.
Today, human resource managers use information systems for planning and decision
making as well. Analyzing future staffing needs in the context of today’s staffing and antic-
ipated turnover can give a company a head start in hiring. Information systems can keep
track of training, to know which employees are qualified for certain positions and to plan
future training needs; can help develop and then document succession plans, reducing
confusion when a key employee is promoted or leaves; coordinate salary administration, so
that competent employees are not penalized for having a stingy supervisor or for personal
characteristics that a manager doesn’t like; and more. These contribute to the smooth run-
ning of any organization, large or small.
Purchasing (or procurement) means buying what an organization needs. Purchasing profes-
sionals can do a better job than managers who buy one or two things a year. They ensure con-
sistency in a firm’s approach to vendors, reduce favoritism, enable a firm to take advantage
of better treatment (such as quantity discounts) based on purchases across the whole firm,
and apply their experience with a supplier to other purchases elsewhere in the organization.
These benefits require sharing information. Information systems with shared databases
facilitate that sharing. They pass information from a manager whose department needs
something to the purchasing agent responsible for buying it. They manage work flow: if a
purchasing agent doesn’t deal with a request in a timely fashion, it’s routed to an alternate.
Once a purchase order goes to a supplier, they check for responses and alert the agent if
there is none by a certain date. When a shipment is scheduled to arrive, they inform the
receiving facility of any special actions to take.
Information systems can automate more processes. When a production plan calls for
parts or materials that aren’t in inventory, it can generate the necessary purchase orders.
In a retail store, stock can be replenished automatically so there is a low probability of
a stockout, and warehouse space isn’t wasted on items that may spoil, go out of season,
or become obsolete before they’re sold. A store’s information system can communicate
232 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
electronically with suppliers’ information systems, further reducing delays and the oppor-
tunity for human error. Human checks may be applied to some of these steps, to prevent
actions from being taken automatically when a person knows that they shouldn’t be taken,
but these checks are designed not to delay the overall process.
Using computers in purchasing is part of supply chain management. It’s in the “connect-
ing with customers and suppliers” theme of the next chapter.
Manufacturing firms use information systems to support production. Bill of materials pro-
cessing (BOMP) applications calculate parts and materials needed to produce products.
Figure 7.3 shows a bill of materials for a gazebo. Material requirements planning (MRP)
software compares needs with inventory to determine what else is needed. Manufacturing
resource planning (MRP-II*) considers resources such as equipment and workers to fig-
ure out when products can be made and may tie production into accounting systems.
Production planning systems use this information to create a production schedule. These
evolved into today’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, the topic of the next sec-
tion. A shared database maximizes its benefits.
Suppose a toy producer gets orders for 500 toy trucks and 2,000 toy cars. Each truck uses
ten wheels, each car uses four. The total requirement is 5,000 wheels for trucks and 8,000
for cars, a total of 13,000 wheels. The firm has 10,000 wheels in inventory.
Item No. Qty. Units Description
1 84 Each Lumber, 2'' × 6'' × 96''
2 1 Each Lumber, 2'' × 6'' × 168''
3 8 Each Lumber, 4'' × 4'' × 144''
4 2 Each Kingpost, 6'' × 6''
5 24 Each Joist hangers
6 12 Each 4' × 8' plywood sheets, 1/2''
7 400 Sq. ft. Roofing shingles
8 400 Sq. ft. Roofing asphalt felt, thick
9 1 Roll Roof flashing
10 1 Each Roof center piece
11 6 Each 1'' × 4'' × 96'' decorative wood trim
12 28 Each 1'' × 6'' × 96'' decorative wood trim
13 40 Each Lumber, 2'' × 4'' × 96''
14 1 lb Deck screws, 2 1/2''
15 1 lb Deck screws, 3''
16 1 lb Deck screws, 4''
17 2 lb Nails, 16d
18 2 lb Nails, 10d
19 2 lb Nails, 8d
20 1 lb Roofing nails
21 2 lb Roofing staples
22 8 Each Adjustable post anchors
23 8 Each Anchor bolts
24 16 Each Roof bracing brackets
* The Roman number II indicates the second use of those initials in information systems, differentiating Manufacturing
Resource Planning from Material Requirements Planning.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 233
Basic BOMP software would conclude that the factory can make the cars and that it
can make the trucks, with the wheels on hand. Advanced BOMP software or MRP would
determine that it needs 3,000 more wheels to fill both orders. MRP-II would also “know”
that cars and trucks are painted in the same booth, so they must be painted one after the
other: if it takes two weeks to paint cars and one week to paint trucks, painting them both
requires three weeks rather than two. Production planning systems could take the lead
time for ordering wheels into account and defer either car or truck production until more
wheels arrive. ERP would draft a purchase order for 20,000 wheels (the economic order
quantity) from their usual supplier and submit it for approval.
drawing by hand the first time but is more accurate, reduces errors, and saves time when
changes are made—as they always are. CAD files can be used as input to programs that
calculate stresses to determine if a part is strong enough for its expected use, produce
perspective views of an item from drawings of its sides, and “print” 3D parts. Architects,
physicians producing hip implants and prostheses, landscape designers, museum exhibit
planners—those who have to design almost anything to be created in almost any mate-
rial—all use special CAD software.
After engineers complete a design, CAD software allows them to share it with others
who have to incorporate that part into a larger system. For example, the molded plastic lens
of an automobile taillight must match the hole in the body. Their size is less important, as
long as they’re the same. Once all parties agree, CAD software can create bills of materials
and often cost estimates.
Where you fit in: You will be in one (or more) of these functions after you graduate. You
will use information systems that your employer provides. Your value to your employer will
be greater if you appreciate what software can do for your job beyond those. Try to think of
creative uses of information technology that tie into and supplement the applications you’ve
been given.
You may have learned in accounting that a transaction is any business activity that affects
its chart of accounts. Information systems use a broader definition: a transaction is any
business activity that affects its database.
Suppose you switch from a Monday–Wednesday class to a Tuesday–Thursday class. Your
tuition, fees, and financial aid are unaffected. No money changes hands. Your school’s
accountants may not consider this a transaction, but to its information systems, it was.
Transactions involve the sequence of activities shown in Figure 7.5:
Read Store
Obtain Calculate
existing updated
inputs new data
record record
1. You are the external source. The input was your student ID number, perhaps a pass-
word to authorize your access, and data to identify the classes you want to move out
of and into.
2. The database provides information about your current registration, the capacity of
the class you want to move into, and the number of students now enrolled in it.
3. The information system confirms that the class you want isn’t full and that today is
not past the deadline for student-initiated registration changes. It may also check your
credit hours and tuition: they don’t change here, but other types of course changes
might affect them.
4. The information system stores your new enrollment information in the database. It
probably also creates an audit trail that records what was changed, when, and by whom.
In all but the smallest organizations, applications can be accessed by several people at the
same time. Those people may be in different locations. This creates two complications:
1. When multiple people update a record at the same time, there is a risk of losing
2. When a system element fails, there is a risk of not completing a transaction.
Consider what can happen if a bank customer withdraws $100 at an ATM at 10:00 am, and
a $200 electronic deposit comes in at 10:01. To start the withdrawal, the bank’s ATM soft-
ware reads the customer’s balance, $500. It then subtracts the withdrawal from this balance,
storing the new balance of $400. The deposit application also reads the customer’s balance,
but the ATM software hasn’t stored the new $400 balance yet, so it reads the original bal-
ance of $500. That software computes the new balance, $500 + $200 = $700, and stores that.
What will the balance be after both transactions? Either $400 or $700, depending on
which one finishes last. Neither is correct. It should be $600 (why?) but, because the trans-
actions overlap in time, it won’t be.
This error would be caught later when the bank’s books don’t balance, but could cause
other problems in the meantime. The bank could refuse to pay checks, embarrassing the
customer and charging overdraft fees that will have to be reversed. If the balance is too
high, the customer could close the account, keep the extra money, and ignore (for a while)
demands to repay it.
What are the chances of something like this happening to a specific customer on a spe-
cific day? Nearly zero. What are the chances of it happening once, in the tens of millions of
236 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
transactions that a bank processes in a month, to one of its millions of customers? Virtually
certain. When an activity is repeated millions of times, unlikely things happen.
Another problem arises because many hardware and communication components are
involved in processing this transaction. Any of them can fail at any time. An ATM can fail
after it dispenses cash, but before it informs the central computer that it has done so. If it
does these in the other order, it could tell the central computer that it has dispensed cash
but fail before the cash is dispensed. Neither outcome is desirable.
As with transactions overlapping in time, the chances of a failure in a given transaction
are minuscule. We use ATMs without concern. Still, the chances of it happening once in
the millions of transactions that a bank handles in a month approach certainty, so a bank
must be concerned.
Figure 7.6 shows a similar situation involving a cabin reservation on a cruise ship. Before
both John and Susan started to request Cabin 402, the cruise line’s database showed it as
available. It told both of them it was. On the basis of this information, they both requested
it. At 10:07, the system stored information that John has it; a minute later, it overwrote that
with information that Susan has it. John is in for a surprise when he arrives at the dock.
To avoid these problems and a host of other problems with large-scale transaction pro-
cessing, an information system must ensure that transactions have the four ACID properties:
Ensuring that transactions have the ACID properties requires complex software. It is
expensive to create and to purchase, and calls for extra hardware to achieve acceptable
performance. However, enterprise-level information system needs can’t be met without
it. Personal computers won’t do the job, no matter how many of them an organization is
willing to buy.
Where you fit in: When you hear how much an enterprise information system costs, you should
understand that high cost is often a necessary consequence of high complexity. That doesn’t
mean you should accept any price without question, but you should be aware that the price levels
you are used to with personal software don’t transfer to the enterprise domain and know why.
9/12/2014 $6.65
5/5/2014 $2.48
“Who bought an item that costs over $10 at a donut shop, when, what was it, and how much
did it cost?”) A manager can easily learn to create these in Access, which was used for these
figures, or any other user-oriented DBMS.
Data Validation
Transactions begin with input from an external source. Before a transaction can be pro-
cessed, its input must be validated to make sure it is correct.
It is impossible to validate all inputs. If a person checking the weather for Princeton,
New Jersey, enters the state code as NE rather than NJ, the computer will provide the
weather for Princeton, Nebraska. If southeastern Nebraska is having a blizzard, while
central New Jersey enjoys unseasonably warm winter weather, that person might take the
wrong clothes on a trip. If someone orders 20 boxes of cereal online, a computer can’t know
that it should have been 2.
Source data automation, which you read about in Chapter 3, reduces the need for data
validation. Supermarket cash register pricing is more accurate when bar codes are used to
look up prices in a database than when clerks key in prices by hand.
However, nearly all data starts with manual entry. The price in the bar code database
was entered by hand. The bar code may have been sent electronically from a food supplier’s
database, but at some point someone at that food supplier decided that a 15 oz. can of
tomato sauce should have a particular code and entered it. Information systems should do
what they can to reduce the chances of error here.
Information systems can incorporate checks to make sure data are of the right type
and length. A U.S. Social Security number should be nine digits long: not eight, not ten,
no punctuation marks or letters. Sometimes, this validation requires limiting the allow-
able format for data entry: restricting family names to letters makes it impossible to enter
St. James, Smythe-Gould, or O’Neill in the way that people with those names usually prefer.
Where you fit in: A system designer can program a system to accept telephone numbers in any
format or in a wide range of formats, perhaps checking to see if they have the right number of
digits. Is this worth it, though? That system designer doesn’t know. He or she must be guided
by the people for whom the system is being designed. That’s you.
Some data can be validated against a list. Student IDs can be validated against a list of
students. If a university with 10,000 students uses eight-digit ID numbers, a randomly
chosen number has about one chance in 10,000 of matching a current student. (A criminal
Integrating the Organization ◾ 239
can improve those odds by studying their pattern.) If a supermarket checkout system can’t
find a bar code in its database, it beeps and asks the clerk or customer to rescan the item
or rekey the code.
Where the list of valid codes is long, information systems use check digits. A check digit
is a digit that is calculated from the other digits of a number. When the entire number,
including the check digit, is entered, a computer repeats the calculation. If it comes up
with the same check digit, processing can proceed. If it doesn’t, it informs the user of a
data entry error.
One might think a random check digit will be correct one time in ten. However, human
errors aren’t random. Most errors involve pressing a key next to the correct one or trans-
posing adjacent digits. Check digits can protect against 100% of those. They accept more
than 10% of other errors, but since other errors are rare, check digits are effective overall.
Credit card numbers always include check digits. They enable a computer to catch almost
all entry errors before it begins to retrieve account information from its database.
Reasonableness checks can also help validate data. The interest rate on a loan can be
checked to make sure it’s between 0 and an upper limit for that type of loan. The birth
year of a kindergarten pupil can be checked to be 4–6 years before the current year, with
manual override to handle any exceptions.
Where you fit in: As with format checks, system designers can program any validation check that
one can dream up, but they seldom know what makes sense in a specific business situation. That
has to come from you and your colleagues. Understanding the value of such checks will help you
provide designers with useful guidance. The end result will be higher-quality data in your system.
• When a salesperson sells an item, that item must be manufactured (if it isn’t in inven-
tory) and shipped. This requires connecting sales, shipping, and perhaps production.
These activities must also be reflected in the chart of accounts.
• If that salesperson is paid on commission, information about the sale must go to pay-
roll. It may also be tracked versus a sales quota or other incentive goals.
• When a company doesn’t have materials to produce a product, they must be obtained.
That means connecting production to purchasing. After the order for materials is
sent, the receiving dock must be alerted to expect them. When the materials arrive,
the accounting department must create an accounts payable (AP) entry.
• Business and human resource planning affect every part of the organization. An
upturn in sales may require more production personnel. New technology may
require new types of engineers. Changes in the customer base may have implications
for product design.
Functional applications do not take this connectedness into account, but it is basic to how
organizations work. That is why enterprise resource planning (ERP) came into existence.
Production Payroll
Fin. goods
inventory Parts/
inventory Suppliers
ERP Software
ERP software connects parts of an organization by using a shared database. This database
reflects all aspects of the organization’s operations. It holds the data that each functional
application would need on its own. That includes the GL for accounting, order information
from sales, supplier data and purchase orders from purchasing, personnel lists and payroll
data from human resources, bills of materials from manufacturing, and so on. All parts of
the enterprise share the same data instead of having to pass it from one functional applica-
tion to another.
The first ERP software grew out of MRP-II, as shown in Figure 7.10, and was designed
for manufacturing organizations. Today, ERP packages are available for all major segments
of the economy (often referred to as verticals, as you read in Chapter 4).
ERP software depends on the two key enabling technologies for strategic information
systems: shared databases and networks. Its shared database is the focal point of organiza-
tional coordination. Networks make it possible for people in multiple locations to access
that database.
ERP systems have modules for all functional areas, doing what functional applications
would do. The difference is that they share information via the central database. Modules
of an ERP system are designed to have similar user interfaces, so people who work with
several modules will find their “look and feel” consistent.
Business Processes
Consider what happens when a factory receives an order to make 500 toy trucks. That order
puts several processes into motion, including (but not limited to) these:
Connects the
MRP-II company:
All resource financials,
requirements, purchasing,
MRP not just inventory,
Materials needed for materials sales ...
all production runs
Bill of materials for each
production run
• Inventory is checked to make sure the required materials for the trucks are on hand.
Parts that are not on hand are ordered.
• Production is scheduled, if necessary taking into account lead time for parts to arrive.
Organizations handle their processes differently. For example, what if a customer fails the
credit check? Should the manufacturer reject the order, require a deposit, require payment
in advance, ask for a bank reference, accept it anyhow, or something else? If it doesn’t reject
the order, should it wait until the credit situation has been cleared up before buying parts?
Every business process raises such issues. Many of these issues are not obvious until one
studies that process in detail.
Developers of enterprise-level ERP packages study processes in all types of businesses
to identify industry best practices. These practices are then programmed into their ERP
package. Figure 7.11 shows a typical hiring process.
Identify staffing
Send personnel
request from Suitable
to HR candidate?
classification Examine existing Arrange meeting
resumes on file with candidate
Temp hiring Develop interview Select candidate
process Develop questions
References offer
Gather resumes OK?
No Candidate
Yes Hire candidate
No No
Businesses are not forced to use the processes designed into their ERP packages. ERP
software can be customized. Most processes can be replaced if a user wants to program
new ones. This is not a trivial activity, so organizations considering ERP try to minimize it.
They look for ERP packages whose built-in processes are, by and large, acceptable.
• Traditionally, an organization licenses ERP software and uses it on its own computers.
• ERP can be used on demand as Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS offers easier instal-
lation, with new features added as they become available rather than via installing
an upgrade. It offers lower initial costs and perhaps lower ongoing costs as well.
However, it may offer less flexibility for customization or for “mixing and matching”
ERP modules with other software.
• A company can license ERP software to be operated by the ERP vendor or a third
In 2015, most organizations use the traditional approach, but many had no alternative
when they first adopted ERP. About a third of all small companies that use ERP use
SaaS: small firms are more likely to have adopted ERP recently. Under 5% of larger firms
do. Aberdeen Group found that willingness to consider cloud-based ERP solutions has
increased steadily since they began tracking it in 2009. They expect use of cloud-based
ERP to increase in the future (Castellina, 2012).
Where you fit in: Unless your employer is very small, it is likely to use ERP. In most cases, their
ERP system will run on their own computers. You should be aware that cloud-based options
may make more sense in the future and be prepared to participate in the firm’s transition to
the cloud.
Benefits of ERP
Companies go to the expense of acquiring, customizing, and installing ERP software
because it offers valuable benefits:
• The best practices reflected in an ERP system’s built-in processes tend to be better
than the processes that a business evolves on its own.
• Financial reporting is faster, closer in time to the events that drive it. Information is
available quickly to those who need it.
• Having all the data in one place can facilitate compliance with regulations such as
Title 21, Part 11 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. It specifies controls for com-
panies that deal with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Many industries have
comparable regulations.
• Inventory costs can be reduced with better forecasting and tracking of
• Eliminating delays in processes and due to duplicate data entry can lead to shorter
delivery times and thus improved customer satisfaction.
• ERP software can be expensive. Its initial cost for a large organization will probably
be well into six figures (in U.S. dollars) plus annual support and update costs in five
or six figures.
• Customizing an ERP package is complex. It may require skills that an organi-
zation doesn’t have and that must be engaged on a contract basis at additional
cost. Customization may take months or years. There is a risk that it won’t be
successful, leading to project failure, but without it, the ERP system may be
• Once customization is complete, implementation, including training, is also time-
consuming and expensive. The total cost of customization and implementation for a
large organization is usually over $1 million, often many times that.
• The business processes in an ERP package, even after customizing, may require
changing how an organization works. Those changes can be upsetting.
• Using ERP software may require expensive hardware upgrades.
• Technical staff, after being trained on an ERP system at their employer’s expense,
may use this knowledge to get higher-paying jobs elsewhere or demand exorbitant
raises in order to stay.
Despite these concerns, most large organizations and an increasing number of smaller
ones find ERP worthwhile. Once a company has made a successful transition to an ERP
way of life, it is unlikely to go back—or to want to.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 245
Where you fit in: Moving to ERP or changing ERP systems is a far-reaching business decision.
It has high potential benefits, cost, and risk. The usual inclination of IT specialists is to “just do it:”
programmers have innate optimism, and most of them would rather work on an advanced ERP
system than on a collection of older applications. Managers must temper this enthusiasm with real-
ity and make sure that a decision to use ERP considers negative factors as well as positive. It must
then support the project. Without visible management support no ERP project will succeed.
Human resource management must also work with information systems management to
consider the implications of the last risk mentioned earlier that the technical staff will take their
new skills to the highest bidder. The best time to deal with this concern is before a project starts.
The concept of process redesign isn’t new. Assembly lines redesigned manufacturing a
century ago. Before that, steamships made it possible to redesign port operations by remov-
ing the need to wait for the tide before sailing. Thousands of years earlier, the concept of
farming redesigned food supply by making it unnecessary to find wild plants. However,
pre-information technology advances that enabled process redesign were useful only in
one industry or a few related ones. Information systems are used throughout the economy.
BPR has had failures as well as successes. Failure results from several causes: misunder-
standing the strategy of an organization and therefore trying a redesign that misses essen-
tial aspects of a process; spending large amounts of money to redesign a process whose
impact on organizational success is small; starting a BPR project with the goal of cut-
ting staff, not improving a process; and ignoring human factors. It is estimated that over
half of all BPR projects fail to achieve their goals, though some of those achieve a smaller
Where you fit in: BPR, while not a cure for all an organization’s ills, offers tremendous potential
benefits when applied properly. As a manager who understands the benefits of information
technology, you should include BPR in your toolkit.
ERP system
Payroll module
program Payroll
Middleware ERP module
must be updated whenever data structures or formats change. Such changes usually coin-
cide with software upgrades, though a software upgrade does not necessarily change data
Middleware can be push or pull:
• With the push approach, on the left in Figure 7.13, changes to one database are pushed
out to other places as they happen. The drawback of pushing is wasted effort: new
data might never be used before being replaced by another update. However, when
the other application needs data, it’s right there and up to date.
• With the pull approach, data are moved when needed. This is more efficient. Many
updates may take place per transfer. However, when another application needs data,
there is a lag: it must be retrieved from its source, converted to the format of its desti-
nation, and entered into that database as an update before it can be used.
The choice between ERP and EAI is a business decision, though technical considerations
are important in making it. Advantages of ERP over EAI include:
• The system has a single source. Its vendor updates all of it at a time, not piece by piece
on different schedules. When there’s a problem, there is no question about where to
turn to fix it.
• The best practices in ERP packages are better than the processes most organizations have.
• The organization’s technical staff must deal with one system, not several plus
• Moving to a modern ERP system can push an organization to upgrade its technology,
with benefits to other areas as well.
• The common “look and feel” of all applications reduces training requirements.
• Since there is no middleware, there is no need to customize it.
• Sharing one database eliminates the drawbacks of both the push and the pull
approaches to middleware.
• It can be easier to provide security for a single modern database than for several data-
bases, some of which are old.
• Separate files and databases, none of which contain enough information to be worth
stealing, may be less attractive to thieves than a single database would be.
• Technical skills may be easier to find within the organization, especially if some
existing software is kept, and are less likely to cause people to depart for higher pay
Where you fit in: This, too, is a business decision even though technical issues affect it. Decision
makers must understand the technical issues and maintain a business perspective in consider-
ing them. Being able to do this increases your value to your employer.
Besides using shared databases to connect parts of an organization, often via ERP, organi-
zations need networks to enable their users to connect to that database—and, through it,
to each other.
Large organizations have local networks in most of their locations, linked to each other
through cabling within buildings and via the Internet beyond them. These provide connec-
tivity, but a network by itself doesn’t provide database access. That requires an application.
An internal network through which people in an organization can access its resources,
and which uses Internet protocols, is called an intranet. Figure 7.14 shows a corporate
Users access intranets through a web browser, just as they access web pages on the
Internet. Intranet servers respond with web pages that look exactly as if they had come
from a public site, except that they contain internal information. This familiar interface
makes it easier for people to adapt to new applications. An intranet can also be used for
e-mail, file transfer, or any other activity that involves moving information.
Access to an intranet can be controlled in two ways. One is by physical connections
on company premises. Computers in fixed locations such as offices often use wired con-
nections, so they are always on the intranet. Those using wireless connections, and those
accessing the intranet from other locations, must be authorized: usually by a user ID and
Once on the intranet, users have access to corporate databases and other information
resources. This is an example of single sign-on. The user identification that they provided
in logging onto the intranet determines their access privileges for those resources. Those
who are automatically on the intranet via physical connections may have to log in to access
controlled resources, since connections such as Ethernet jacks in conference rooms can be
used by anyone who is authorized to be in the building (and perhaps by someone who isn’t).
Most intranets, including the one shown in Figure 7.14, provide gateways to the Internet.
Once on the intranet, a user can reach the web and other Internet-based resources as well.
This access is often mediated by a firewall. It attempts to prevent harmful content from
entering the internal network and may also attempt to prevent authorized users of the
corporate network from using it for unauthorized activities.
Where you fit in: It may be annoying to have to log into an intranet before accessing company
resources, but you should accept it as a necessary security precaution.
Our largest organization, at least until we come into contact with intelligent life elsewhere
in the universe, is human society. Just as information systems can connect the smaller
organizations we call businesses, universities, and so on, they can also connect elements of
society at large. And, just as networks that connect the parts of an organization can help
that organization run more smoothly, networks that connect parts of society can help soci-
ety run more smoothly—as you have probably noticed in your own life.
We’re familiar with social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn that connect millions
of people. (Facebook reached one billion members in October 2012 and had 1.4 billion in
early 2015 [Statista, 2015].) There are tens of thousands of smaller social networks, many of
them focused on specific interests such as BMW cars, travel to Spain, or gluten-free cooking.
One problem in connecting society is that nobody has an economic interest in connect-
ing it. A company has an economic interest in streamlining its processes by connecting its
personnel. A university has an economic interest in becoming attractive to applicants by
showing them how they will benefit from connectedness once they become part of its com-
munity. But who benefits from connecting members of society to each other?
If they offer no direct economic benefit to anyone, how do social networks survive?
Some survive because an individual or group sponsors them as a public service. Some
survive because their sponsor hopes to reap indirect benefits from sponsorship. Some
exist as part of an organization’s total set of benefits for its members. Some charge for
membership—perhaps for any membership, perhaps only for higher levels. Some are sup-
ported by advertising; a focused social network is an attractive ad vehicle to companies
whose target markets match its focus. Thus, airlines advertise on flyertalk.com, camera
companies buy ads on dpreview.com. (The “dp” there stands for digital photography.) There
are hybrids, for example, a free site can be supported by ads, but those who pay an optional
membership fee get an ad-free version.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 251
The way a company hopes to earn a profit is its business model. One of the challenges in
starting an online business is coming up with a viable business model. This can be difficult
with social sites. The business model must be reviewed regularly: one that works when a
site is small may no longer work as it grows. A person who was willing to support a site
when that meant using an older, no-longer-needed computer as a small server may not be
willing to support it when it grows to require a rack of servers and a paid professional staff.
Social networks are subject to a phenomenon called network effects (Box 7.2). When a
network effect exists, the value of being in a group depends on how many other people are
in that group.
Network effects contributed to the growth of the telephone network. A single telephone
is useless. Two are nearly useless, unless their owners need to speak to each other fre-
quently. Five hundred telephone subscribers in a town would get value from their phones.
Others would soon realize that they also might want to talk to some of those 500 people
and businesses, and would also get phones. That would, in turn, bring some of their friends
and relations into the telephone age and so on until the whole town had them—as is the
case in industrialized countries today.
Network effects may not last. Latin was once the language of educated people through-
out Europe. Then England’s dominance of shipping, aided by the Royal Navy, and its role
in the Industrial Revolution made English the international language. The economic power
of the United States in the twentieth century strengthened that position, but few are sure
that English will stay on top. Facebook’s success finished MySpace as a general social net-
working site. We don’t know who will topple Facebook or when, but it would be foolish to
suggest that nobody ever will.
Network effects show positive feedback to reinforce the position of a dominant firm. If
you use Skype for VoIP telephone calls, you urge your friends to use Skype rather than
join another network. You do this for your benefit, but its effect is to help Skype and hurt
its competitors. Negative feedback works in the other direction: as a network grows, so do
forces that tend to limit or reduce its growth. This happens when a network becomes too
large to function effectively.
Where you fit in: Effective use of social networks benefits any business. Part of this benefit can
come from using existing social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Many businesses can
also benefit by creating their own social sites or by adding social networking features to their
existing sites. You should be alert to all these opportunities.
ACID properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
Atomicity: Property of a transaction that it is either entirely processed or not processed
at all.
Audit trail: Information as to how a database was changed, when, and by whom.
Batch processing: Accumulating a group of transactions to be processed together.
Best of breed: Approach to application selection in which the best application is chosen
for each function, with little attention paid to their ability to exchange data with
each other.
Best practices: The ideal way to carry out a business process, as determined by studying
how the most successful companies carry it out.
Bill of materials processing (BOMP): Information system that calculates the materials
required to build a group of identical products.
Business model: The way an organization hopes to earn money from its activities.
Business process re-engineering (BPR): Making radical changes to business processes, to
achieve technology-enabled improvements in efficiency and/or effectiveness. (Also
business process redesign, business transformation.)
Check digit: Digit appended to a number that enables a computer to confirm, via a calcula-
tion on that number, that it was (with high probability) entered correctly. See data
Computer-aided design (CAD): Information system that supports product design
Integrating the Organization ◾ 253
Consistency: Property of a transaction that maintains database validity after its processing.
Data validation: The process of ensuring, to the extent possible, that input data are correct.
Durability: Property of a transaction that it remains in the database indefinitely unless
Enterprise application integration (EAI): The process of sharing data across organiza-
tional functions by having software move data among them. See middleware.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): Information system that ties parts of an organiza-
tion together through a shared database, with its modules replacing functional
information systems.
Functional information system: Information system that supports one organizational
function and is not designed to exchange data with other functions (though it may
be able to do so).
Information silo: Informal term for a functional information system with little capability
to exchange data with other organizational functions.
Intranet: Internal organizational network that uses Internet protocols, especially those of
the World Wide Web, to bring information to users.
Isolation: Property of a transaction that its processing is isolated from that of other
Legacy system: An information system developed in an earlier era, using technologies that
would not be chosen today, but which still works and is still in use.
Material requirements planning (MRP): Information system that calculates the materials
required to build a set of products and determines what must be ordered.
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP-II): Information system that calculates the
materials, equipment, and labor required to build a set of products and determines
when they can be built.
Middleware: System software package that moves data among applications that were not
originally designed to exchange data. See enterprise application integration.
Negative feedback: Feedback that results in small firms becoming even smaller.
Network effects: The phenomenon of the value of a group increasing as more people join it.
Online transaction processing (OLTP): Processing each transaction immediately as it
Production planning: Information system that creates a feasible production schedule
based on the output of other systems, order priorities, minimizing setup times,
and other factors.
Pull EAI: Enterprise application integration in which data items are moved from one
application to another when the receiving application requires them.
Push EAI: Enterprise application integration in which data items are moved from one
application to another when the sending application changes them.
Reasonableness check: Ensuring that input data is within a reasonable range. See data
Supply chain management (SCM): Using information systems to coordinate with
Transaction: Any unit of business activity that affects the enterprise database.
254 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. What is a functional information system? What parts of the organization do func-
tional information systems serve?
2. Explain the initials BOMP, MRP, MRP-II, and ERP.
3. Give representative tasks that functional information systems perform in your major
4. What is a transaction? How does the meaning of that term in information systems
differ from its meaning in accounting?
5. List the activities that take place during a transaction, in the order in which they
6. What are the four properties that ensure proper processing of all transactions?
7. What is data validation and why is it useful?
8. Why are transactions usually processed online today, rather than in batches?
9. Explain how ERP differs from a group of functional applications.
10. Why must the processes built into an ERP system often be customized?
11. Give several advantages and disadvantages of ERP, compared to functional
12. What is business process re-engineering?
13. Contrast ERP with EAI, giving two advantages of each.
14. Describe the role of middleware in EAI.
15. What is an intranet? Who can use one?
16. What are the two ways of controlling access to an intranet?
17. List some ways that social networks can cover their expenses.
18. Give an example, other than telephones, of a phenomenon that is subject to network
1. You have four related functional information systems: AP, AR, payroll, and GL. The
first three create output files in a standard format that the GL system can read. At the
end of each day, the three files are input to the GL program, and an updated GL file is
produced. This file can be queried, or used for reporting, the following day.
Think of one business for which this mode of operation (where the GL may be a day
old) would be acceptable and another for which it would not. Explain why, for both.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 255
You must describe both businesses in enough detail for it to be clear why each expla-
nation applies to one business but not the other.
2. Describe three different types of transactions that could take place in a hotel infor-
mation system. For each, explain what could potentially go wrong if two transactions
of the same type take place at the same time and interact in an unlikely, but possible,
way. (The cruise ship example in Figure 7.6 won’t work, because hotel guests don’t
reserve specific rooms.)
3. Indicate what moves along each of the arrows in Figure 7.9.
4. A friend, who works at a manufacturing firm, has been asked to manage her employ-
er’s ERP project. Write her an e-mail warning her about possible concerns.
5. Look up cloud ERP offerings from Plex (www.plex.com), NetSuite (www.netsuite.
com), and Acumatica (www.acumatica.com). Summarize the advantages that these
firms claim over on-premise ERP software (which a company installs and runs on its
own computers). They can’t be objective on this point. Why not? If you were consider-
ing a cloud ERP solution, how would you deal with their potential lack of objectivity?
6. Research the hype cycle. This concept, which describes the stages of enthusiasm of a
new idea, was originated by technology advisory firm Gartner Group around 1995
and has been applied successfully to many innovations—though it does not fit all.
Don’t rely solely on Wikipedia: anyone can edit a Wikipedia entry to suit their bias
or self-interest, so you cannot be certain that it is objective. Describe the hype cycle
in a few paragraphs, citing your sources. Then, discuss how this concept applies to
business process re-engineering.
7. A process design expert noted that many members of an orchestra play the same
notes on the same instruments. This expert recommended that the first violin section
be replaced by one violinist plus an amplifier, and so on for all the sections. Is this is
a good idea or a bad one? Explain your reasons.
8. You are in a sales position at a company that sells middleware. One of your sales
prospects is a manufacturer of custom racing bicycles that employs about 100 people
and has revenue of about $25 million per year. They have a collection of functional
information systems that they developed or acquired over the years. They feel that
better integration would enable them to serve customers better and save money. You
face competition from ERP suppliers, but not from any other middleware suppliers,
so if you can sell them on the EAI approach, they will buy your software. You have an
opportunity to present your firm’s products to their top management. Put together a
presentation of 8–10 slides that explain, in nontechnical terms for a general manage-
ment audience, the benefits of the EAI approach to integration.
9. Athletic teams are often formed by choosing the best players available for each
position and then training them to work together. This is analogous to the EAI
256 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
* At the end of the SMMA episode in Chapter 4. Some additional background is in Chapter 5.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 257
“This over here,” Jared continued as he pointed to a printout he had brought into the
conference room, “is a bit of an SQR program. I’m not trying to turn you into program-
mers, though we have a few job openings for them. Just showing you what we work with.
This is part of a program we’ll use to find specialists in almost anything. Users go to a
screen where there’s a pull-down list of all our types of specialists, from addiction and
allergy to youth and adolescent medicine. When they pick one, this program finds them in
the database and lists them, with a flag in case we haven’t used that specialist in a year or
more (Figure 7.15).
“If you know SQL, this part in the middle, from begin-select to end-select, is basically a
SQL Select statement, but with some extra stuff in the middle that SQL wouldn’t let you do.”
“The point of this isn’t the SQR code, of course. That’s my job, but it’s not what you came
over here to talk about. The point is that this is just a little piece of the program, and we
have a whole lot of programs. We need them all if this system is going to do its job.”
“What is its job, really? Miguel asked. “I mean, how do you see that? Springfield Metro
seems to be going to a whole lot of effort for this. What do they hope to get out of it when
they’re done?”
“Good question, Miguel,” Jared said. “Fortunately, it has a good answer. The database
that this program looks at is a joint database that Springfield Metro and all its associated
parts, including Springfield Metro Medical Associates, share. Say Dr. Trimble over there
has a patient with a kidney problem. He doesn’t see a lot of those, so he needs a nephrol-
ogist. He’s probably worked with one before, so he might call that one—but maybe we
just hired a really good one away from Anderson and his office is right across the street.
Trimble wouldn’t know about him, but this database would. If he asks it about nephrolo-
gists, the new one would turn up.”
begin–procedure FindSpecialist
do Begin–Transaction
move 'Specialist Search' to $ReportID
display $ReportTitle
begin–select ON–ERROR=SQL–ERROR
if &Phone = ' '
let $phone _ display = 'No phone no.'
let $phone _ display = &Phone
let $LCD = $LastCallDate
if $LCD < Today – 365
let $Message 'No recent experience’
FROM SpecTable
WHERE SpecTable.Specialty = $Request
“Or, he’s got a nutritionist there, because they have enough work to keep a nutritionist
busy most of the time. The nutritionist has some spare time. Their nutritionist goes into the
database, and anyone in the Springfield Metro universe will know it.”
“And how are all those programs coming?” Elizabeth wanted to know.
“Not as quickly as we might like, not as quickly as we thought they would. There are
more of these things than we thought there would be, the database is more complicated
than we realized, and there are those openings for programmers that I just mentioned.
The good news is that we’re almost done, though. We’ll probably be late in terms of
the original schedule, but just by a few weeks. That’s not terribly late for a two-year
Jared and the rest of the team got a lot done over the following weeks and were soon ready
to plan system conversion. You’ll read about that in Chapter 11.
1. SQR is a good language for creating reports from a database. It is also a language that
few programmers know unless they’ve worked with PeopleSoft ERP software, and
that is not widely taught outside that environment. Discuss the last ERP factor in the
section “Concerns with ERP,” “Technical staff, after being trained on an ERP system
at their employer’s expense, may use this knowledge to get higher-paying jobs else-
where or demand exorbitant raises in order to stay,” as it might apply to SQR. Jared
knows SQR well now. What, if anything, should Springfield Metro do to keep him
from leaving or demanding a big raise?
2. Accessing organizational resources, as in the examples of the nephrologist and nutri-
tionist toward the end of this case, is one benefit of linking parts of an organization.
Give examples of the same benefit as it applies to (a) a college or university, and (b) a
large movie studio.
3. At the end of the case, Jared says that a slippage of a few weeks is not “terribly late”
for this project. Do you agree? If you agree here, in what situations (if any) would you
disagree? If you disagree here, in what situations (if any) would you accept such a
slippage? What key factors lead you to lean one way or the other? Are they primarily
business or technical?
Council’s 18,000 computers scattered over 120 offices and facilities. As many organizations
do in this situation, they turned to a specialist.
Back in 2001, Edinburgh partnered with BT (originally British Telecom, but now using
its initials everywhere but in legal documents) to create the “Smart City” to replace old sys-
tems that ran on mainframe computers. That partnership, originally for 10 years, has been
extended through at least 2016. Smart City’s accomplishments include:
• Antiquated functional applications have been modernized. The Council now uses
one payroll system instead of a hodgepodge of specialized ones. This new system is
accessed by more than 200 Council staff members from departments including pay-
roll, human resources, internal audit, and accounting, thus improving interdepart-
mental communication. A new city-wide finance system replaced earlier GL and AP
systems. Procurement systems now provide electronic procurement.
• Citizen service was improved through a public portal. Benefit claims processing time
has been reduced by two thirds, with fewer inquiries so the staff is able to handle the
remaining ones more quickly.
• New functional applications were added. A new geographic information system pro-
vides location-based information to planners. This system was used to analyze data from
the 2011 census, creating maps such as the one in Figure 7.16. Knowing how population
is shifting from one part of the city to another enables planners to anticipate needs for
increased or decreased services, rather than reacting to those needs after they arrive.
Shared databases are essential to the Smart City. The citizen portal could not function
without a central database from which it can pull information. A geographic information
system that does not also store nongeographic information is of limited usefulness.
The Smart City partnership won a Most Effective IT Partnership award from Information
Age magazine as well as other awards. Its real benefit, however, is not in the awards it
earned but in the improvements in efficiency and effectiveness that led to them.
1. Find a city or town near you that has a public portal: a website through which citi-
zens can find information and access municipal services. Using this portal, try to
find out:
a. What are the name and title of the head of city/town government? How is this
person chosen, and when does the term of the present one end?
b. What are the hours of the public library? (The main branch, if there is more than
c. How does one obtain permission to open a restaurant? What fees are there?
d. How does one appeal a parking ticket that one feels was issued incorrectly?
e. What facilities, if any, does the city or town offer for recycling paper, glass, and plastic?
Based on the ease or difficulty with which you found these items (or your inability to
find some of them at all), make suggestions for improving this portal.
2. The theme of this chapter is linking parts of an organization. Give three examples of
how a system such as this could link two parts of city government. (Your examples
need not involve Edinburgh and need not be real.) For each example, give two items
that would be in a shared database, which one of the linked departments would input
to the database and which the other of the two departments would use.
3. List three different departments in a typical city (not just Edinburgh) that need
geographic information (information that ties an entity in the database to a specific
geographic location or area, such as a street address). Describe two ways in which two
or all three of them could use the same information from this database. Be as specific
as possible about what information in the database would be useful to two or all three
of these departments.
When it comes to nonprofit organizations and charities, the major piece to be connected
to other parts is accounting. It connects to fund-raising on the inbound side and to awards
on the outbound side, what they do with the money they raise. A system that can handle
these, without getting bogged down in other features that other organizations need, may
be exactly what they need.
That is what Serenic set out to develop. Their system now includes an accounting base,
a grant management application, a budgeting application, and a human resources/payroll
application. Figure 7.17 shows a Serenic grant management screen. Note the use of two cur-
rencies: LCY (Local CurrencY), U.S. dollars, and ACY (Additional CurrencY), Canadian
Nonprofits must respect their donors’ intent. Donors may be passionate about an organi-
zation’s mission but may also have specific intentions about how their money will be spent.
If they find out that their money was spent in a way that is contrary to their expressed
intentions, future funding from that source would be in jeopardy, and there is a potential
public relations crisis.
On the award side, there are differences between managing a grant and managing a
project. For example, the critical success indicator for a project is whether it was completed
on time with the required level of quality. Project reports focus on activities and schedule.
The critical success indicator for a grant is whether funds were used in accordance with
their stated purpose, so grant reports focus on the flow of funds. Such differences mean
that software designed for commercial organizations, which tend to have a project orienta-
tion, may not suit nonprofits and charities.
Serenic’s products are built on a foundation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. It
includes a database server, an application server that controls its operation, and a client
application that runs on the user’s computer. Serenic designs database tables and applica-
tion programs that fit into this framework. Using an existing, proven framework such
as Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 cuts development effort and ensures that fundamen-
tal functions, such as keeping users out of each other’s way in updating the database, are
handled properly.
Morgridge Institute for Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison exists “to
address and answer fundamental biomedical questions.” It received a start-up donation of
$50 million from John and Tashia Morgridge in 2006 and is now also supported by exter-
nal funding such as research grants. The Morgridge Institute uses Serenic to keep track of
its funds and their uses (Morgridge Institute for Research).
James Lester, financial analyst at the Morgridge Institute, says “Sponsors require us to
track expenditures in great detail” (Serenic). Serenic software, he says, “helps us better
manage our stewardship of the money that has been entrusted to us.” Lester goes on: “an
integrated system helps us do our jobs more effectively.”
1. Find two other application packages that handle accounting for charities. Using
information from their three websites (www.serenic.com and those of the two pack-
ages you found), compare them. For each package, describe either a type of charity for
which is it especially well suited or a type of charity for which it would be a poor fit.
2. You work at a small college. Few faculty members get external research grants, so
they are managed manually with the help of a few spreadsheets. One of those faculty
members has pioneered advances in educating children on the autism spectrum. A
donor, who like John Morgridge became wealthy leading a successful high-tech com-
pany, knows of her because her methods helped his son. He has offered your college
$60 million (worth about the same as $50 million was in 2006) to fund a research
institute in her field. Discuss the pros and cons of three approaches to its information
a. Developing grant management modules for your existing academic ERP system
b. Using a program such as Serenic’s and interfacing it with the existing ERP system
c. Separating its information systems from those of the college, exchanging data as
3. The Morgridge Institute for Research has a few large donors but awards many small
grants (such as research grants for students). Some charities have many small donors
but award a few large grants. Discuss how this difference could affect their informa-
tion systems needs.
Integrating the Organization ◾ 263
BT, Long term partnership enables Scotland’s capital to transform service delivery, 2006. www.btplc.
final.pdf, accessed February 6, 2014.
Castellina, N., SaaS and cloud ERP observations, Analyst Insight, Aberdeen Group, December 2012.
City of Edinburgh Council Web site, www.edinburgh.gov.uk, accessed February 6, 2014.
Facebook, Inc., Facebook reports third quarter 2014 results, 2014. investor.fb.com/releasedetail.
cfm?ReleaseID = 878726, accessed December 18, 2014.
Hammer, M. and J. Champy, Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution
(updated edition), Collins, New York, 2006.
Morgridge Institute for Research Web site, morgridge.org/about, accessed December 19, 2014.
Serenic Web site, www.serenic.com/blog/2013/07/24/managing-cash-flow-and-the-stewardship-
of-funds/, accessed December 18, 2014.
Statista, Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 1st quarter 2015 (in millions),
accessed May 6, 2015.
Whitehouse, G., Gantt versus grant, 2014. www.serenic.com/resources/whitepapers/grant-
management-whitepaper.aspx, accessed December 19, 2014.
Ziff Davis B2B, Beginner’s Guide to ERP, 2013. b2b-hosteddocs.s3.amazonaws.com/Custom%20
Content/zd_wp_beginners_guide_to_erp_101113_V2_2.pdf, accessed December 18, 2014.
Chapter 8
• E-Business and E-Commerce
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Connecting through Social Networks
• Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Extranets
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. Information systems remove time and distance barriers to many types of sales.
2. Information systems enable a company to make its sales process more effective.
3. Information systems enable a company to treat its customers personally, even with-
out personal contact.
4. Information systems enable a company to manage its supply chain, making it more
efficient and more effective.
266 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Categories of E-Commerce
There are several different types of e-commerce. It’s important to understand them because
the way an organization approaches e-commerce depends on the type of e-commerce it is
involved in. If it’s involved in more than one type, it may need to use more than one approach.
Business to Consumer
Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce is the type you’re most familiar with: a business
(such as M&M) sells something (candies with a photo of your dog) to a consumer (you) via
a website such as Figure 8.3.
Global e-commerce sales
2009 2010E 2011E 2012E 2013E
B2C is the most common type of e-commerce by transaction count, though small trans-
action sizes keep it from dominating the e-commerce picture financially. Participants
range from large retailers, such as Macy’s and Staples, down to businesses operated by indi-
viduals on a part-time basis. When an e-commerce company also has physical stores, as
Macy’s and Staples do, the combination is known as bricks and clicks or clicks and mortar:
plays on the phrase “bricks and mortar” for a building. E-commerce sellers that don’t also
268 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
have physical outlets are pure play e-commerce firms. Amazon and the iTunes store are
pure play firms. If you want something from either, you must buy it online. You can’t walk
into their physical stores. They don’t have any.
Where you fit in: If your future employer sells anything to consumers, it must consider B2C
e-commerce as a sales channel.
Business to Business
In business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, both buyer and seller are organizations. It over-
laps B2C e-commerce because many small businesses buy similar products to individuals,
in similar ways: paper towels, desk chairs, inkjet printers. Some differences:
1. Some products, such as raw materials for manufacturing, are of little consumer interest.
2. Many organizations have procurement processes that sellers must follow. Consumers
3. Many organizations purchase in large quantities. Consumers buy in small quantities.
4. Organizations that buy in large quantities expect to negotiate prices. Consumers
expect to pay the posted price.
5. Large organizations, knowing how important their purchases are to a seller, expect
attention and product customization that consumers don’t expect.
Where you fit in: Businesses that buy anything—and what business doesn’t?—must be aware
of B2B e-commerce as a way to streamline their procurement processes. Businesses that sell
to other businesses must also think of B2B e-commerce as a way to broaden their sales efforts.
Consumer to Consumer
The central difference between consumer-to-consumer (C2C) and B2C sales is that con-
sumers can’t carry out online sales as a business. (If they can, they’re businesses.) They
need help with their sales. Many sites can help: craigslist.com, which publicizes products
and services but does not participate in the sale; ebay.com, originally an auction site but
now a direct selling site as well, which also handles payment and other aspects of sales
transactions; focused sites, such as etsy.com for crafts; and more. C2C sites make most of
their money from transaction fees. Some listings may be free, but free listings attract visi-
tors and thus increase what fee-paying sellers are willing to pay.
Where you fit in: As a consumer, you may use such a site to buy or to sell. As a business stu-
dent, you should be aware of the business opportunities in setting up and operating a C2C site.
Your site may not become as big as eBay, but even a more modest success can be worthwhile!
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 269
Government to Consumer
Government-to-consumer (or to citizen) (G2C) e-business, also known as e-government,
means conducting government business online. It involves mostly online systems to con-
duct what were previously paper-based processes: filing tax returns and other forms,
obtaining information that government agencies provide, paying parking fines and other
assessments, even checking the public library catalog. (This isn’t usually e-commerce,
since people don’t often buy from or sell to government agencies, but it’s here for
Government to Business
Government-to-business (G2B) e-business, also an aspect of e-government, includes online
activities that connect government agencies to businesses. Some of these parallel G2C
e-business, such as filing tax returns. Some G2B e-business is for regulatory compliance:
learning what has to be done, filing forms, obtaining determinations, and perhaps appeal-
ing them. Government agencies also buy from businesses. When they do this online, G2B
e-business has an e-commerce element.
A portal is a focused entry point to the web that provides access to pages in a field of
interest. At school, you may log into a portal that provides access to registration informa-
tion, course websites, announcements from clubs you belong to, and more. Some of this
information is on the public university site, but some isn’t, and that site is not as focused
on your interests.
Other portals are industry portals, such as the one in Figure 8.4 for the trucking indus-
try. It contains news of interest to truckers, several sections (via the tabs at the top) with
specialized information, and links to other sites of interest.
This portal, affiliated with Heavy Duty Trucking magazine, is supported by ads directed at
truck owners and operators. It has links to the online edition of the magazine, which carries
additional ads. Other portals, such as the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
regulation portal in Figure 8.5, are provided by organizations as part of their web presence
and need no other funding. Your school’s portal, if it has one, is of this type.
270 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
The connection between portals and finding an e-commerce site is that industry por-
tals such as truckinginfo.com can direct readers to e-commerce sites. Some portals have
product directories, some have articles that cover products of a given type, and nearly all
have relevant advertising.
Where you fit in: Any industry you work in will almost certainly have industry portals. Find one
or more. They can help you reach work-related sites quickly and easily.
The traditional auction, which goes back at least as far as 500 BCE, starts when someone
has something to sell. Others offer to buy it, each prospective buyer offering more than the
previous bid. The auction ends when no buyer is willing to top the existing high bid, at a
predetermined time, or at the discretion of the auctioneer.
A simple program using a shared database can automate this process. It accepts bid
amounts with names, displays the highest amount bid so far, and stops the auction at a pre-
determined time. (Real auction programs are more complicated because of other details,
security needs, and more.)
Reverse Auctions
A standard auction is run by or for a seller and seeks the highest price. A reverse auction
is run by or for a buyer and seeks the lowest price. Suppose a manufacturer needs
10,000 ft/3,000 m of steel tubing. It posts a reverse auction on its website. Suppliers bid,
giving prices for the tubing per the schedule and specifications. Potential sellers see the
lowest bid, though usually not who made it, and can bid lower. If one does, the original
bidder can bid still lower and so on down until the auction closes.
Exchanges, which typically serve one industry, serve as clearinghouses for buyers and sell-
ers. They update the concept of Amsterdam’s seventeenth-century tulip exchange, or the
even more ancient concept of having all clay pot sellers in the same town street, to today’s
Potential buyers post their requirements on an exchange so sellers can offer the needed
items. Requirements can take the form of a request for bids, a reverse auction, or anything
else the buyer chooses. Sellers can post information about what they have, so buyers can
contact them. Their offers can be in the form of an auction, an offer to make a bid, or again
anything else.
Exchanges are usually private. Firms register in order to participate. Because exchange
members must trust other members, the exchange must check the legitimacy of prospec-
tive registrants to prevent fraud. Even if a prospective member is well known, such as
General Motors (GM) in vehicles, the exchange must still confirm that a person claim-
ing to be the GM contact really represents GM and that his or her contact information
is valid.
272 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• At the lowest level, sites such as eBay and other online shopping malls—some
general purpose and some focused on specific types of products—can house
e-commerce activity. These sites charge fees for listing and/or selling items. Some
may also have a small monthly fixed cost. There may be little or no ability to cus-
tomize one’s site.
• Many web-hosting services enable customers with little or no technical expertise
to set up e-commerce sites. The site owner can choose from professionally designed
templates and customize them further. The cost is covered by a modest monthly web-
hosting fee. (You’ll also need a domain name for about $10/year.) Accepting credit
card payments or other services may carry additional fees.
• E-commerce packages are available from several sources, for all major platforms, for
firms to add e-commerce capabilities to their own sites. The web is full of videos on
how to use them.
• A company large enough to need features that no e-commerce package has is also
large enough to use professional website developers.
Where you fit in: The major issues here are business, not technical. You’ll work with
technical people to design and develop your firm’s e-commerce site, but businesspeople
must be in charge of the overall process. As a businessperson, you’ll have to make sure
that happens.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 273
The market for m-commerce is growing more slowly in the United States than in
Europe or Japan. The North American mobile phone market is fragmented among
incompatible suppliers. North Americans adopted credit and debit cards sooner than
European and Japanese consumers, so they already had a form of mobile payment.
And Japanese consumers, if one can generalize about them, are eager to try the latest
Mobile commerce offers many opportunities to customize the shopping experience.
While GPS is not useful in stores—signals are often not strong enough to be useful, and
it does not pinpoint locations closely enough to tell one aisle from the next reliably—
alternative approaches to do that have been developed. Apple’s iBeacon technology,
which relies on Bluetooth communication, is one such. The latest versions of Bluetooth
can tell the distance from a sensor to a device to within a few inches/cm. With multiple
sensors, a store can not only tell that a customer is in the cereal aisle or the television
section, but what brand of cereal or TV that person is looking at. If a competing brand
has a promotion, a coupon for that product can be sent directly to the customer’s phone.
This technology has many possible applications: customized tours of museums focus-
ing on an area of interest, homes that heat only the room you’re in, finding people with
common interests at a large convention, or an alert that your car just moved while you
were sleeping.
274 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Where you fit in: People who can come up with innovative applications for new technologies
such as this will be well rewarded by their employers!
Mobile Payments
Payment is an e-commerce necessity. Fortunately, payment need not involve the transfer of
coins and bills. Most payments today involve transferring information about who has money.
Some types of mobile commerce don’t require special payment methods. Devices from
vending machines to parking meters can be set up to accept credit and debit cards. In many
parts of the world, though, these cards are not as common as they are in the United States.
There, or in the United States if one would rather not carry credit cards, a mobile wallet in
your phone permits cashless transactions. Examples include Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Lemon
Wallet, Square Wallet, Isis, Dwolla, and more. Most are linked to a bank account or credit card,
though some store their own balance. Digital wallets require a merchant to have a device that
can communicate with your phone, and some only work at certain merchants. Some wallets
have added features, such as transferring money to another user of the same system or provid-
ing loyalty program information. Mobile payment will evolve rapidly during your career.
E-Commerce Issues
Getting the Word Out
It used to be easy to tell prospective customers about you. If they weren’t close enough
to pass your store regularly and to read your ads in the local paper, you didn’t care
about them.
National brands complicated this picture. Airlines and car companies need a nation-
wide clientele. Fortunately, their emergence paralleled the rise of national magazines and
broadcast networks.
Things are more complex online. There is no easy way to tell all your potential cus-
tomers about you. There are things a firm can do, but it is impossible—and, fortunately,
unnecessary—to do all of them. A businessperson must be aware of the range of possibilities
to make an informed choice based on a company’s size, target markets, competitive posi-
tion, and needs. Some options:
Portals: Portals such as Figure 8.4 exist in many markets. Find any that do and consider
advertising in them.
Links: If you know of sites that your prospective customers are likely to visit, you can ask
the owners of those sites to post links to yours. Such links are often exchanged by small
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 275
businesses that do not compete directly but can help each other. In addition to their value
in directing visitors to your site, links to your site from unrelated pages are also a factor in
its search engine ranking.
Search engines: E-commerce sites are often found via web searches. Make your site attrac-
tive to search engines by including key words that people search for and having links to
it. There are firms that are devoted to search engine optimization (SEO): enhancing sites to
improve their search rankings. Some SEO is useful, but some is based on outdated infor-
mation about search engines and some is an attempt to deceive. Search engine operators
know about these services and watch them carefully. When they find a site that has a rank-
ing it doesn’t deserve, they program their computers to detect the method it used and
penalize that site by lowering its ranking.
Advertising: Many websites that your potential customers visit accept paid advertising. The
most common arrangement is pay per click: each time a visitor to their site clicks on your
ad and is sent to your site, you owe the referring site a few cents. Other arrangements are
possible, such as a set fee or payment when a visitor buys.
Targeted search engine advertising: Search engines can show your site, as an ad or a spon-
sored link that resembles search results, when users search for terms you specify. A Google
search for “car rental paris” displayed (in early 2015) 11 advertisements from firms such as
Autoeurope and Sixt. Payment for such ads is due when they are shown, whether or not a
user clicks on them. The cost varies with search term popularity but is known in advance
and can be controlled by setting an upper limit. If too many firms buy the same search
terms, ads are shown in rotation.
The physical world: Don’t forget non-electronic media! Print and broadcast ads, conference
giveaways, trucks, and the products themselves should carry your site’s URL. (Joe Boxer
takes advantage of the trend to wear trousers low on the hips to display its URL on under-
wear waistbands.)
No list such as this can ever be complete. Next week, someone will think of a new way to
promote an e-commerce site. You must keep your eyes open to what other firms do, even
if they’re not in your business, and be ready to use good ideas regardless of their source.
Where you fit in: E-commerce has a technical component, but choices such as these are busi-
ness decisions that must be made by businesspeople.
An intermediary is an organization that performs a function between two other organiza-
tions. In commerce, a distributor is an intermediary: it comes between the manufacturer,
who doesn’t want to handle small orders from individual stores, and those stores, which
cannot place large enough orders to deal directly with manufacturers.
E-commerce can make it practical for a manufacturer to handle small stores directly.
E-commerce can even make it practical for manufacturers to deal directly with customers
276 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Channel Conflict
Channel conflict is one result of disintermediation. Channel conflict arises when a con-
sumer can buy an item through more than one channel: typically, online or through a
physical store.
Companies that sell through independent stores must be careful with channel conflict. If
they sell online too aggressively, their retail outlets will be upset. Those stores will promote
other firms’ products and discourage their sales staff from selling that company’s. Few manu-
facturers have enough brand strength to get away with alienating an important sales channel.
The concept of omnichannel helps deal with channel conflict. It means an integrated
approach to all the channels through which a business reaches its customers, going to
where the customers are by whatever means is best to reach them there.
For example, when you buy a sweatshirt through a company’s website and take it back
to a local mall, you don’t want to hear “I’m sorry, we don’t take online returns. You have
to ship it back.” That store may save a dollar or two in shipping costs, but will lose its best
opportunity to turn you into a loyal customer via customer service. With omnichannel
marketing, this wouldn’t happen.
It is not difficult to order a pizza online. It is not possible (in 2015) to receive that pizza
online. Until we have Star Trek transporters, most products must be delivered in the physi-
cal world. That is order fulfillment. Small vendors must maintain their professionalism
throughout the fulfillment process, through shipping and customer service.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 277
Many companies specialize in this sort of shipping, from household names such as FedEx
and United Parcel Service to small local firms. Since consumers are used to seeing parcels from
even the largest shippers delivered by such firms, using them does not label a store as “small fry.”
In the United States, taxation of Internet purchases has been contentious since B2C e-com-
merce became economically significant. Stores in states that collect sales taxes (45 out of 50,
plus the District of Columbia) feel that not taxing Internet purchases gives online vendors a
price advantage. Online vendors point out that Internet sales are interstate commerce, which
the U.S. Constitution puts under the control of the Federal government, so states cannot tax it.
In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that sellers do not have to charge sales tax in
states where they do not have a physical presence such as a store, office, or warehouse.
(Such a presence is called a nexus.) Its decision was in the context of mail order sales, but
applies to online sales as well. When Amazon decided to open a software development
facility in Massachusetts, they knew that would require them to collect sales tax on sales
to that state. They began to do so on November 1, 2013. They had previously not collected
Massachusetts sales tax. If the Boston area didn’t have a valuable pool of technical employ-
ees, they might have chosen differently.
In 2015, retailers are urging the U.S. Congress to pass laws to make online sales taxable based
on the shipping address. By the time you read this, such laws may have been passed, though
they will undoubtedly allow time for online retailers to prepare to collect taxes. (This might
create business opportunities in facilitating sales tax collection for small e-commerce firms.)
Operational CRM
Operational CRM is used in working with customers: contacting them, selling to them,
helping them use a product or service. These may be transaction processing systems, or
they may be used for information retrieval as in reviewing customer history before placing
a call. When operational CRM is used solely or primarily by the sales force, it may be called
sales force automation.
Operational systems can be viewed in three levels, with increasing capability as one
moves up.
278 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
closing it (subjectively, or based on passing defined milestones in the selling process such
as reaching the prospect’s short list), and expected contract date. It can be a tool for sales-
people to optimize the use of their time and for sales management to monitor the selling
process overall. It can also be used for demand forecasting: if a firm has 1000 opportuni-
ties to sell fences and most have a probability near 25%, the firm should prepare to install
about 250 fences. Knowing this allows it to plan staffing, material, and equipment needs
in advance.
• Website cookies (see Chapter 6) can provide a preliminary identification on the basis
of the computer and browser from which the site is accessed. There is often a button
labeled “Not Efrem Mallach? Click here” to inform the site that it guessed wrong.
• E-commerce sites can ask or require visitors to log in. This is usually required to
access one’s account even when a preliminary identification is made from cookies or
other information.
• Sellers can use loyalty programs to connect purchases to a person. In the physical
world, customers often don’t identify themselves early enough to customize their
experience. TGI Friday’s restaurants solve this problem by offering free salsa and
chips to “Give Me More Stripes” frequent diner program members who show their
ID card before their meal.
280 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Knowing about the shopper means knowing his or her previous purchases. Amazon pio-
neered in using purchase patterns for recommendations. If you buy a book there, the next
time you sign in, their site will recommend books that other purchasers of the same book
also bought. If you buy a children’s book, they will recommend books for that child’s new
age group as he or she grows.
Stores collect personal information when people sign up for loyalty programs. While
providing it is voluntary, many consumers want the seller to know about them. A photo
store that knows what camera one owns, or a hotel chain that knows what vacations one
likes, can match its offers to their profiles. It won’t promote Canon lenses to a Nikon owner
or ski lift discounts to a beach bum. Target gives an across-the-board 5% discount to hold-
ers of its REDcard credit card. The information they gain by tracking customer purchases,
and increased sales to cardholders who feel connected to the store and know they’re saving
money, more than make up for lost revenue on items that cardholders would otherwise
have paid full price for.
Analytical CRM
Analytical CRM is about customers as a group rather than any one customer, focusing on
overall information and patterns. It overlaps the decision support systems we’ll cover in
the next chapter.
Uses of analytical CRM include:
Where you fit in: The benefits that a firm hopes to obtain from analytical CRM, and therefore
what it should do, depend on the firm: what it sells, how it sells, the types of customers it has, its
sales channels, and what it wants to improve. On the job, be awake to what customer data your
employer has or could get, and how that data could make its sales processes more effective.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 281
Where you fit in: If you understand the examples in this section, you’ll have a good idea of
what analytical CRM can do and should be able to use any analytical CRM systems your
employer has.
RFM Method
Sellers want to maximize the profit obtained by selling to every customer. It is not practical
for businesses with many small customers to develop a strategy for each. They must assign
customers to a workable number of groups and develop a strategy for each group. That
strategy may then be customized for individuals, reflecting prior purchase patterns and
other customer information, but its overall outlines will not change.
One way to group customers is the RFM method (Figure 8.8). This method groups cus-
tomers on the basis of
Example: An office supply chain applies RFM analysis to its customers. Its planners use
five segments per parameter, placing 20% of customers in each segment. A customer in the
top recency group shopped there more recently than at least 80% of its customers, prob-
ably in the past few weeks. A customer in the top frequency group was there more often
in the past year than at least 80% of customers, probably at least six or eight times. One in
the top monetary value group spent more than at least 80% of customers, probably several
hundred dollars.
Suppose someone shops there often, because there’s a store en route from his home to his
office. He stopped there yesterday to get a yellow ink cartridge for his printer. However, he
never buys much: an ink cartridge or two, a memory card for his camera, a set of markers.
He scores 1-1-5 on the RFM scale. What should the store do?
They don’t have to do anything to get him into the store. He’s there often, he was there
recently. Their challenge is to get him to spend more. They might send him a coupon for a
discount on a purchase over a certain amount, say $75: more than he usually spends, but
not unrealistic. Some customers who use such coupons will get into the habit of spending
more at that store.
Is this the best strategy, how much should the coupon be worth, what size purchase
should the coupon require, and what about the other groups? Those are marketing
questions. Information systems can’t answer all of them. They can give marketing pro-
fessionals the information they need to design strategies that will improve customer
Where you fit in: Marketing professionals must be aware of this and other ways to use infor-
mation systems to improve their effectiveness. Information systems can give them useful
information, but using it still requires a business professional’s (your!) insight.
Low High
Piccoli and others who have studied this topic found that the best use of customer informa-
tion in the four resulting quadrants (see Figure 8.9) is as follows.
High Repurchase Frequency, High Customizability (Upper Right Quadrant) This quadrant is the
ideal place to acquire and use customer data. Returning customers provide a rich source of
data, and the need for customization provides a natural way to use it.
Customers in this quadrant have a choice of suppliers. The challenge to their existing
supplier is to use what it knows about their preferences to customize its offering in ways
that new suppliers can’t, or can’t as easily. This is a personalization strategy.
Consider a banquet facility that hosts business holiday parties. It can collect information
about its customers’ preferences: size of party, time of day, day of week, entertainment, food
and beverage needs, scheduling, and so on. It can use this information to create a prelimi-
nary schedule that will meet all its existing customers’ needs and customized proposals
to send to each customer well in advance of the actual event. This will increase customer
retention, compared to the usual approaches of waiting for customers to call or phoning to
ask “Gonna have a party again?”
High Repurchase Frequency, Low Customizability (Upper Left Quadrant) In this quadrant
there is typically little to differentiate suppliers in terms of product or service, yet high
repurchase frequency makes keeping customers important. Firms try to reduce cus-
tomer power, which you read about in Chapter 2. That is often done via a loyalty program.
Customers who participate in a firm’s loyalty program will choose it over competitors if
the offers are close.
284 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Airlines are masters at this. Frequent flyers get a variety of rewards: free flights, upgrades to
first or business class, use of airport lounges, and more. A prized benefit is elite status: recogni-
tion as one of an airline’s best customers. That entitles travelers to shorter lines at check-in and
security, shorter holds for telephone agents, free checked bags, early boarding, and more. Loyal
flyers will often pay a higher fare to obtain elite status or to take advantage of its benefits. After
they reach elite status, their target becomes a higher status level with even more benefits.
Two potential drawbacks of loyalty programs are:
1. Loyalty programs reward past purchases, but their goal is to motivate future pur-
chases. While expecting rewards can motivate customers, they are not the same. The
purpose of a program must be kept clearly in mind in designing it.
2. People who are motivated by rewards may be bargain hunters, not a firm’s most prof-
itable customers. Loyalty programs may not motivate their most important targets.
Loyalty programs must be designed and managed carefully to avoid such problems.
Where you fit in: It’s easy to dream up a loyalty program. It’s harder to plan one that meets its
objectives at minimum cost and deals with these two concerns. That requires business savvy.
Low Repurchase Frequency, High Customizability (Lower Right Quadrant) Big-ticket, once-
in-a-lifetime purchases are typically found in this quadrant: a college education, a cus-
tom home. These customers choose a supplier on the basis of how well its offering can be
customized for their specific needs. Since repurchase frequency is low, however, sellers can’t
use data to identify and meet needs of existing customers. They can use analytical tools
to identify the needs of typical customers in their target markets and meet those. A firm’s
ability to meet the needs of potential new customers becomes its basis for attracting them.
Information systems can be used to analyze customer needs for this purpose just as they
can be used to analyze the needs of existing customers so they will return. The purpose of
the analysis is different, but the data and the methods are similar.
Information systems can also be an important part of customizing a product or service.
Architects use computer-aided design tools to design any building larger than a doghouse.
Low Repurchase Frequency, Low Customizability (Lower Left Quadrant) One can’t make
much use of customer data in this quadrant. There usually isn’t much customer data, either.
These firms may be better off finding a different basis on which to compete.
However, before dismissing the idea of a customer data strategy, make sure a product or
service really is in this quadrant. Consider sports tickets. It seems these can’t be custom-
ized. Pick a seat and that’s it, right? Not necessarily! A team can offer packages including
a seat, coupons for food and beverages (at lower cost than if purchased during the game),
discounts on team jerseys, and more. The result: a customizable package that moves tickets
from left to right. Information systems make it practical to offer such packages online.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 285
The same applies to repurchase frequency: people don’t have many weddings, but they
may have other events that could use the same providers. They may just stay at a motel in
Hawai’i once, but at motels in general often. There are more opportunities to use customer
data than it first appears!
Where you fit in: Technical factors determine what you can do. The businessperson must ask:
what should you do? What customer data to collect, what to do with it, how to use it to improve
profitability—that’s where businesspeople such as yourself come in.
Tony Maws, chef and owner of the restaurant Craigie on Main in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
responded to a blizzard in early 2014 by tweeting “We’re open tonight. Walk, snowshoe, sled
or ski—come over and brave the storm with us!” (Arnett, 2014). Instead of missing out on
business because people didn’t want to go out, Tony’s restaurant was packed.
Where you fit in: Using click farms is tempting but can backfire. It’s seldom a good idea.
Rubber trees
Iron ore
s ,b
Iron ore
suppliers, their suppliers, those suppliers’ suppliers, and so on back. In the figure, the bicy-
cle manufacturer’s supply chain starts with rubber plantations and iron mines. It works
through rubber manufacturers and steel mills to the tire and tubing producers who supply
the bicycle producer directly.
Customers have choices. They may not care much about who they buy from. You need
to motivate them to buy from you, not from a competitor. Suppliers, on the other hand,
want all the customers they can get, not just one. You don’t need to make them want to sell
to you.
Suppliers have choices too, though. They can pick the terms under which they will do
business. As long as they don’t discriminate illegally, prices need not be the same for all
customers. When their product or service is in short supply, they can decide who gets it.
Since businesses depend on having the materials they need when they need them, and their
profits depend on getting them at the lowest possible cost, the way suppliers make these
choices is important.
SCM systems help a business become a desirable customer, so that suppliers will treat
it better than they treat other customers. In this way, they reduce supplier bargaining
power, one of the forces you read about in Chapter 2. This helps a company become more
The purpose of SCM, at the highest level of abstraction, is to match supply and demand.
When these are not matched,
• If supply exceeds demand, the excess must be sold at a loss, written down (document-
ing loss of value), or written off entirely.
• If demand exceeds supply, some customers will be unsatisfied. At a minimum, the
supplier loses the potential profit on a sale. Beyond that, customers may look else-
where for what they need, potentially costing future sales as well.
Left to themselves, firms in a supply chain will optimize their own operations. Without
information sharing, that’s all they can do. If they share information, they can optimize
288 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Firms in an industry
Divisions of one firm
collaborate to ensure
Horizontal coordinate orders to
continued supplies of
obtain quantity pricing
essential materials
Internal External
the entire chain. That might require one partner to accept increased costs that are offset
by greater savings elsewhere, perhaps by carrying more inventory than it otherwise would.
Since all members of the supply chain know this is happening, the net cost reductions can
be shared.
Supply chain members can collaborate in two dimensions:
• Horizontal collaboration is between two elements at the same level of a supply chain.
Vertical collaboration is between suppliers and consumers along a supply chain.
• Internal collaboration is between parts of the same enterprise. External collaboration
is across enterprises.
Electronic Ordering
A desirable customer is easy to sell to. Customers can achieve this by streamlining the
ordering process. If a supplier works with customer A via an automated ordering process,
but with B via more cumbersome methods, which will it want to keep? If keeping a cus-
tomer means offering discounts, is A or B more likely to get those discounts?
The first standard for electronic ordering was called electronic document interchange
(EDI). It defines messages to be understood by a computer, not a person. EDI standards
specify several hundred message types. Each type corresponds to a stage in commerce,
from asking for bids to sending an invoice. Figure 8.12 shows an EDI request for payment
from a health-care provider to an insurance company. It would be followed by other mes-
sages that break down the total payment of $220 into individual payments on behalf of
specific patients for specific conditions or care.
There are several international standards for EDI messages. The main U.S. standard for
EDI is American National Standards Institute ASC X12. Figure 8.12 is in that standard.
The UN/EDIFACT standard is used in most of the rest of the world. Specific industries in
specific areas, such as the German automotive industry, have their own local standards.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 289
Beginning of an 820 transaction set, Control number = 0001
Total Payment Amount is $220. The payee’s bank transit routing number is 199999999
and their bank account is 98765. The Check Issue or EFT effective date is June 4, 2014.
Reassociation Key provides a sender unique Check of EFT trace number “78905”.
The Exchanged assigned QHP Identifier is 123456.
The Issuer assigned QHP identifier is 12565496.
The payer’s name is Government Agency with an identifier of 123ABC.
FIGURE 8.12 EDI transaction. (From Data Interchange Standards Association, examples.x12.
Some companies are moving to newer e-commerce technologies, such as Extended Markup
Language, which is based on the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) used in web pages,
but EDI is still popular.
EDI message formats are unlikely to match the internal data formats of a company’s order-
ing or financial systems. EDI translation software can convert the data between formats.
Older EDI systems used expensive private networks. Now, most EDI messages go via
the Internet.
Providing Insight
You’re a supplier. Would you rather have a customer who keeps you informed of its plans
and what it expects to need in the future or one who just orders when it needs something?
One way in which SCM systems can make customers easier to deal with, hence more desir-
able, is by helping suppliers anticipate their needs.
This is done by sharing information along the supply chain. There are several ways to
do this. All are, or can be, facilitated by information systems. This section offers examples.
SCM Dashboard
Figure 8.13 shows a supply chain dashboard, annotated by a Johnson Controls executive
to show what each “instrument” means. Almost any company can use such a dashboard.
The items on it will vary from company to company, but the concept of giving managers
insight will be the same.
You’ll read more about dashboards in general in the next chapter.
Automatic Replenishment
Once people roamed stores with clipboards, noting which items were running low so they
could be reordered. Reorders may have been guided by intuition, or purchasing agents may
have used optimized reorder points and reorder quantities, but it was a human process.
290 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
FIGURE 8.13 Supply chain dashboard. (From Supply Chain Digest, www.scdigest.com/assets/
In modern stores, point-of-sale systems at checkout update the store’s inventory. Its
inventory management system informs a buyer when something needs to be reordered.
The reorder is usually approved, unless the buyer knows that it shouldn’t be. (Perhaps the
product is obsolete. Perhaps demand is seasonal.)
Even that approach introduces delay into what can often be automated. What if a
supplier could simply look at store inventory and schedule deliveries? Wal-Mart and
Procter & Gamble (P&G) were among the first firms to collaborate in this way, moving
from electronic ordering to external, vertical collaboration. Wal-Mart gives P&G con-
trolled access to store inventory data. When a store runs low on liquid Tide with bleach,
P&G adds it to the next delivery. After the detergent has been delivered, P&G sends Wal-
Mart an electronic invoice and Wal-Mart’s computers request its bank to transfer money
to P&G’s account. People need only move the detergent from truck to storage area. People
keep the list of products to be replenished up to date, and the system is audited from time
to time to make sure it’s working properly, but most of the time it functions by itself. The
result: faster inventory replenishment, fewer errors, and lower cost.
This cooperation affects the competitive forces you read about in Chapter 2. The link
between the two firms makes it harder for Wal-Mart to replace P&G as a supplier. This
increase in supplier power may be something to strive for (if one is a supplier) or to avoid
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 291
(if one is a buyer). If a burger chain receives automatic shipments of potatoes from one sup-
plier, it is harder to switch to another supplier whose potatoes are less expensive.
Manufacturing firms that use just-in-time production often have such arrangements
with their suppliers. An automobile manufacturer can let a tire company access its pro-
duction schedule to learn what types of tires it will need the following week and in what
quantities. The tire company can then deliver the right tires at the right time. In Japan,
where the just-in-time approach is popular, assembly plants are ringed by supplier factories
to facilitate frequent small deliveries.
These are examples of collaborative SCM. Collaboration means working toward mutual
objectives through sharing information, risks, and rewards. It’s not collaboration unless
everyone benefits in some way. Collaborative SCM differs from EDI in that it requires
advance planning to benefit everyone, while an EDI transaction is sent out when a cus-
tomer wants to place an order or a seller has something to say about one.
Da ic y
ta Codified Pol
A supply chain control tower can support horizontal and vertical, internal and external,
supply chain collaboration. It can show the benefits of such collaboration over doing without it.
The concept of a control tower overlaps the concept of a dashboard. It provides visibility
into critical factors that affect a person’s area of responsibility. The main conceptual differ-
ence is that a control tower provides tools to change things, whereas a dashboard provides
information that must be acted on outside the dashboard itself.
Bullwhip Effect
The bullwhip effect refers to the way small fluctuations in demand can, as a result of igno-
rance and random interactions, appear much larger when they’re seen further up the sup-
ply chain. The name comes from the behavior of a whip, where a small flick of the wrist is
amplified into a much larger movement of the whip’s tip.
To visualize the bullwhip effect, suppose a retailer runs low on TV sets. It decides to
restock and orders 10 sets. As a result, its distributor is low on one 40 in. model and orders
its standard reorder quantity: 100. The manufacturer sees this order and schedules its stan-
dard production run, 1000 sets. Its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system calculates
that the new run requires more 1000 µF capacitors than it has in stock. Since several mod-
els use the same capacitor, the manufacturer orders 100,000 of them. The capacitor manu-
facturer sees a huge spike in sales. It adds production for the next three months to handle
the anticipated demand. Most of those capacitors then gather dust on a shelf for years.
The reason for this effect, first described by Jay Forrester in 1961, is that companies carry
a safety stock to avoid stock-out situations due to random fluctuations in demand. Larger
fluctuations lead companies to carry a larger safety stock. If those companies know what
caused a fluctuation, they won’t do this. Changes with known causes do not lead firms to
expect large future fluctuations.
Here, if the original retailer had passed information about its order up its supply chain,
excess ordering and production wouldn’t have happened. A small TV store is unlikely to
manage its supply chain, but a distributor can. The TV manufacturer might still order
100,000 capacitors, because it might expect to use them somewhere and capacitors don’t
take up much space, but the entire supply chain would know that no shift in capacitor
demand took place and the capacitor manufacturer wouldn’t make more than necessary.
SCM can reduce or eliminate the bullwhip effect.
Where you fit in: It’s tempting, and often simplest, to order what one needs when one finds
that one needs it. Many businesses work that way and survive. However, most of them could be
more successful if they paid more attention to their supply chains. You can make that happen.
In the last chapter, you read about intranets: networks that use Internet protocols to give
internal users access to organizational resources. Supplier–customer connections can be
facilitated by similar access. For example, automatic replenishment requires access to a
customer’s inventory database.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 293
Where you fit in: Depending on your industry, there may be opportunities to ask suppliers and
customers if they have an extranet, or consider ways to extend your intranet to an extranet and
make it available to your customers and suppliers. Your management will appreciate these ideas.
As a businessperson, your employer’s customer relations affect you even if you’re not
in a sales or sales management position. The more you know about its CRM systems, the
better the position you’ll be in when you’re called in for sales support or another sales-
related task.
Sales information can be used in specific ways to benefit a company. This chapter dis-
cussed the RFM and customer data strategy approaches.
As a businessperson, your awareness of frameworks such as these, and others you can find,
will enable you to contribute to the effective use of information systems in your company.
Every organization has a supply chain, but many do not try to manage it. SCM sys-
tems enable a company to steal a jump on its competitors by being more effective in this area.
Most positions you might be in as a businessperson have some connection to the supply
chain. Your understanding of SCM concepts will enable you to perform more effectively
in them.
Analytical CRM: Category of customer relationship management systems that focuses on
using information about customers to plan how to sell to that customer or similar
groups of customers.
Automatic replenishment: The process through which a supplier monitors a customer’s
needs and ships products or materials as needed, without a specific request.
Bricks and clicks (also clicks and mortar): E-commerce seller who also sells through
physical outlets.
Bullwhip effect: The magnification of small changes in demand as they move back along
a supply chain.
Business to business (B2B): E-commerce in which both buyer and seller are businesses.
Business to consumer (B2C): E-commerce in which the seller is a business and the buyer
is an individual consumer.
Click farm: A business that provides, for a fee, clicks on online ads or affinity indications
in social networks.
Collaborative supply chain management: Supply chain management in which companies
work together to reduce total costs to all of them together.
Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): E-commerce in which both buyer and seller are individual
Customer data strategy: Approach to planning the use of customer information based on
how frequently a product or service is purchased and how much it can be custom-
ized to each buyer.
Customer relationship management (CRM): (1) Information system through which a
company manages information about its customers. (2) The process of using such
an information system to sell more effectively.
Disintermediation: The process of removing intermediaries between producer and consumer.
E-business: Carrying out any business activity online.
E-commerce: Online buying and selling.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 295
EDI translation: The process of converting information between the format of standard
EDI messages and that of a company’s internal systems.
Electronic document interchange (EDI): An international standard for electronic com-
munication of purchase and sale information among trading partners.
Extranet: An intranet extended to a company’s trading partners.
Government-to-business (G2B): E-business in which a government agency provides ser-
vices to businesses online.
Government-to-consumer (G2C, also government-to-citizen): E-business in which a gov-
ernment agency provides services to individuals online.
Intermediary: An organization that performs a function between two other organizations.
Loyalty program: Program through which a company provides benefits to repeat
Market basket analysis: Analyzing the items shoppers purchase together in order to
increase sales by facilitating purchase of related items in the future.
Mobile commerce (m-commerce): E-commerce that takes into account the buyer’s use of
a mobile device.
Nexus: Presence of a seller’s physical facilities within a taxing jurisdiction.
Omnichannel: Taking an integrated approach to dealing with multiple distribution
Online shopping mall: Website that houses e-commerce activities for multiple small firms.
Operational CRM: Category of CRM systems that provides information to use during
sales or other customer contact activities.
Order fulfillment: The process of delivering a product or service to its purchaser.
Pay per click: A method of paying for advertising, where an advertiser pays for each time
a user of another site clicks on its ad.
Personalization strategy: Competing by using customer information to personalize an
Portal: Web entry point that provides access to many related pages of potential interest.
Pure play: E-commerce seller who only does business online.
RFM (recency–frequency–money) method: Approach to segmenting customers based on
how recently they shopped at a store, how frequently they shop there, and how
much they spend.
Safety stock: Additional inventory carried to avoid stock-outs due to fluctuations in
Sales force automation: Operational CRM systems used primarily by salespeople.
Supply chain: An organization’s suppliers, their suppliers, and so on back to raw
Supply chain control tower: Information system that provides managers with information
about their supply chain.
Supply chain management (SCM): (1) Information system through which a company
manages information about its supply chain. (2) The process of using such an
information system to obtain supplies more effectively.
296 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Define e-business and e-commerce. What is the difference between them?
2. Describe five different types of e-commerce identified by three-character abbreviations.
3. What is a portal? Give an example of one.
4. What is the difference between a regular auction and a reverse auction?
5. What is the business function of an exchange?
6. What is the first step in setting up an e-commerce site?
7. Must a firm be large in order to sell via e-commerce?
8. What two characteristics that can define m-commerce?
9. Describe the e-commerce issues of disintermediation and channel conflict.
10. Define, briefly, the two major types of CRM. What is the basic difference between
11. What is an opportunity management system? How does it differ from sales manage-
ment and contact management systems?
12. Identify five ways a business can use analytical CRM.
13. In the RFM method, what do those three letters stand for?
14. Describe the three customer data strategies and the types of products that each
one fits.
15. Define an organization’s supply chain.
16. What competitive force do SCM systems leverage?
17. What are the benefits of EDI compared to non-electronic commerce?
18. Explain how automatic replenishment works.
19. How does SCM help companies avoid the bullwhip effect?
20. Compare an extranet and an intranet (Chapter 7).
1. Fonderia Pontificia Marinelli has cast bells the same way in the Italian hills since the
year 1040. Visit campanemarinelli.com. Then discuss: Does the Marinelli foundry
need an e-commerce strategy? Why or why not?
2. Pick a consumer product that starts with the same letter as your given name. If your
name is Susan or Steve, you can use stoves (not grills) or shoes (not boots). Pick some-
thing typical consumers buy, not something mostly for businesses. Visit three sites
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 297
that sell this type of product online. Pick an item and go through the ordering pro-
cess, stopping before you place an order. “Buy” the same product, or as close to it as
possible, on all three sites. Then answer the following:
a. Which site made it easiest for you to find the information you needed to select
what you wanted to buy?
b. Which site made the online shopping experience best overall? Why?
c. If you were going to buy this product online, which site would you buy it from?
Why? (Ignore differences that have nothing to do with their websites or the online
shopping experience, such as price, selection, reputation, or previous experience.)
d. If the other two firms hired you as a consultant to improve their customers’ online
shopping experience, what would you recommend? (Discuss only the sites and
the online shopping experience, not other aspects of their offering such as price
or selection.)
e. Inspect the privacy policies of all three sites. How do the sites compare in ease of
finding their privacy policy? Telling you what their policies are? In the policies
themselves? Which site do you feel safest with? Why? Are there any you would
prefer not to do business with because you don’t like their privacy policy? Which
and why?
3. (This is an exercise in making and using business assumptions.) Consider a hotel site
that pays an airline for referring ticket buyers to its site. Assume it pays the airline 3¢
for each user who clicks through to its site and 50¢ for each reservation such a user
makes. Estimate the airline’s annual revenue from this site. You’ll have to estimate
the following:
a. How many airline ticket purchases are there per day? (Find out or estimate how
many flights the airline has per day and the number of passengers on an average
flight; from that, estimate how many passengers it has each day; then estimate
how many purchases those reflect considering round trips, connecting flights,
and groups traveling together.)
b. What fraction of those purchases was made on the airline’s site, as opposed to
other sites or in other ways (such as telephone)?
c. How likely is someone who buys an airline ticket to click through to the hotel res-
ervation site? (Assume it has a range of hotels in all cities that the airline serves.)
d. How likely is a person who clicks through to the hotel site to make a reservation?
4. Consider a store that finds a customer looking at cereal brand A. Brand B paid the
store to offer coupons to customers who look at brand A for more than a few seconds.
The store sends a coupon for brand B to the customer’s phone. The customer moves
down the aisle and buys brand B. Should we have any ethical concerns about this
298 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
scenario? Why or why not? Would you feel differently if it involved a $300 television
set rather than a $3 box of cereal? Is this different from a manufacturer giving store
salespeople a bonus for selling its TV sets?
5. A chain of coffee shops is thinking of developing a smartphone app where customers who
sign up will receive special offers by text message when they are near one of its shops.
These offers will provide discounts on specific items if the customer purchases them
within half an hour after receiving the offer. Discuss the business benefits and drawbacks
of this application to the coffee shop chain. All things considered, is it a good idea?
6. You want a cup of coffee in a new city. You use your smartphone to search for coffee
shops. The search engine finds four within walking distance, checks to see which
pays the most for referrals, and moves it to the top of the list. In 2015, no search
engines are known to do this. However, there are no technical barriers, and it is legal
(in the United States) if disclosed. Discuss:
a. The potential business value of this process to coffee shops.
b. The potential business value of this process to search engine owners.
c. Any ethical concerns you have with this process. If you have none, explain why.
7. Members of the loyalty program at a chain of casual restaurants earn one point for
each dollar they spend. They can use points for awards: 50 points for a bowl of soup,
up to 200 points for any entrée. A customer, after waiting 90 min for a table on a
weekend evening, suggested that it offer a “skip the line” award: a member using this
award will be seated next, behind only other members who use the same award. Is
this a good idea? How could they test it? How could it decide how many points this
new award should require? Is it practical to have the number of points depend on
how long the wait is at that time? How about having people in line bid points, via a
smartphone app, for a shorter wait or the next available table?
8. You work for Finch Plumbing Supply. Your customers tend to be of two types: plumb-
ers and plumbing companies who buy in large quantities, know exactly what they
want, and insist on competitive prices or they’ll go elsewhere, and individuals who
buy less at a time and need help, but are less price sensitive and tend to be loyal if they
can get the help they need. About 80% of your $25 million annual revenue comes
from plumbers, but about 80% of your customers by count are individuals.
a. Describe an operational CRM system that this business could use. State its
b. Describe an analytical CRM system that this business could use. State its benefits.
9. Think about a manufactured product that you bought at a physical store (not online):
a. Where did you purchase that product?
b. Where was it made?
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 299
c. What manufacturing processes do you think were used to produce that product?
d. What raw materials/components do those processes use? Where were they made?
e. In how many different locations do you think it was stored before it reached you?
f. What transportation mode(s) do you think were used to deliver the product to
g. How many elements does this suggest are in the supply chain of the company in (a)?
h. How can the company that sold you this product manage its supply chain, other
than simply ordering more from its manufacturer or distributor when it runs
low? What would be the benefits of managing its supply chain in this way?
10. How could Finch Plumbing Supply (see Question 8) use an extranet?
who can’t stand it. If you have this information and use it, you stand a better chance of
keeping them both happy. Or, if you know that one patient likes to come in on her way to
work but another one wants afternoons, it can improve the odds of your scheduling people
picking a time that works for each one.
“You can also use CRM to attract new patients. We saw what you wrote about fitness
programs in your blog last week. What if you could send e-mails to people who click on the
link to read it? Doesn’t have to be a hard sell, just ‘here’s what we do, if you want someone
who does that.’
“There are quite a few programs out there that do this sort of thing. You can get one that
runs on your own computers if you want. If you want it to work the same as MediTouch,
with your data in the cloud, there are others. One of them, salesforce.com, pioneered the
software-as-a-service business in the first place, back in ’99. They probably have a version
for healthcare.”
“Come to think of it,” Dr. Wolff said, “back when the HealthFusion folks were first try-
ing to get us to use MediTouch, every so often they’d say something about putting data into
Salesforce. At the time I wasn’t sure what they meant. I never asked because it didn’t really
matter. Now I’m sure it means they use that application themselves.*”
“If you’d like us to look into some options for you, we’d be happy to,” Miguel volun-
teered on behalf of the pair.
“That would be really great,” enthused Dr. Wolff. “Neither Dr. Trimble nor I would
know what questions to ask or where to go for the answers. Can you get back to us
on that?”
1. Consider the CRM functions that Miguel and Elizabeth described. Are these opera-
tional or analytical CRM? Why?
2. Whichever way you answered Question 1, can SMMA use the other type? If so, how?
If not, why not?
3. Miguel and Elizabeth followed through on Dr. Wolff’s request at the end of this case
and wrote a report summarizing three CRM packages with a health-care focus.
Unfortunately, their report came too late to be included in this book. Write your ver-
sion of it.
* As it happens, they do. As with other product mentions in this book, this is not an endorsement.
Connecting with Customers and Suppliers ◾ 301
AliMed manufactures some of the medical equipment they sell, but most of it comes
from about 20 other firms. Over the years, they developed EDI relationships with most
of those firms, using the Delta data translation and Electronic Commerce Server (ECS)
packages from Liaison, a software firm in Atlanta, Georgia. AliMed replaced the Liaison
software when it moved to a new ERP system, Microsoft Dynamics AX, in 2009. Their new
EDI package was supposed to be more closely integrated with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out well from an EDI standpoint. Neither did a second new
EDI system.
Eventually Fred Fish, AliMed’s information systems manager, realized that only a small
handful of the trading partners’ documents were being sent/received via EDI, and a num-
ber of manual steps were needed to make that happen (Liaison Technologies, 2012). “We
tried two different EDI vendors,” Fish said. “Both approaches failed to meet our expecta-
tions … We were never able to get EDI working without many hours of manual effort every
day. We were never able to get all of our trading partners implemented after 18 months.
I wanted a solution that was easy to use and could run the transactions unattended.”
Fish’s solution was to recognize that Liaison Delta/ECS products were the best EDI solu-
tion for AliMed and to return to them. This, however, created a new problem: Liaison’s
software wasn’t designed to work with Microsoft Dynamics AX. That was what led AliMed
to change EDI software in the first place. A new interface was necessary. Fish contacted
Aurora Technologies of Harrisville, Rhode Island, and Green Beacon Solutions of Boston,
Massachusetts. Aurora brought Liaison Delta/ECS and general EDI experience to the proj-
ect, while Green Beacon has expertise in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Together, these two firms created an automated interface so that Liaison EDI software
would work seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics AX. Aurora defined the business object
models that specify the objects with which an activity works, so EDI transactions would be
transmitted with the correct information. Green Beacon then interfaced these objects with
Microsoft Dynamics AX so that EDI transactions could share the ERP database. Finally,
Aurora trained AliMed personnel in how to monitor EDI activity and set up new trading
The net effect was to give AliMed the EDI capability they needed, working with the ERP
system they needed. Their business is now well supported and can continue its growth.
Faith Lamprey (Personal communication, December 9, 2013) of Aurora Technologies,
thinking back over this project, says “we’re pleased that AliMed recognized the Return on
Investment that full data integration and automation of the process provides.”
1. AliMed’s use of external contractors (Aurora and Green Beacon) is an alternative
to hiring their own staff to carry out this work. This approach is often called out-
sourcing. Discuss why outsourcing was probably a good idea here.
2. AliMed’s network uses EDI. That gives EDI a great deal of inertia. Perhaps these firms
would all like to move to a new technology, but they will never all be ready to move
at the same time. Does this lock them into EDI forever? How might a group of firms
302 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
move forward from any old technology in a case like this? (This is a conceptual ques-
tion. EDI is just an example. In 2014, EDI is viable despite its age.)
In the final analysis, risk is unavoidable. Companies can, however, minimize both risk and
the potential disruption due to risk. Effective SCM systems help do that.
1. Discuss how being predictive, prescriptive, and proactive were involved in each of the
two Cisco examples or, if they weren’t, how they could have been.
2. Your small manufacturing firm has accepted a contract to provide a school with 100
tables for its dining hall. To manufacture these tables, you depend on suppliers of
molded plastic, metal tubing, hardware such as screws and casters for the ends of
the legs, and more. These companies, in turn, depend on their own suppliers (your
second-tier suppliers). How would you minimize supply chain risk in this contract?
How might you act differently if, instead of one contract, you expected to produce 100
or more such tables per week?
3. Using overseas suppliers increases supply chain risk compared to using suppliers
located in one’s home country. Identify three such risks. State how you could avoid or
minimize them.
AliMed Website, www.alimed.com, accessed December 5, 2013.
Arnett, A., Eats and tweets, The Boston Globe, December 26, 2014, p. B5.
Arthur, L., We’re ready for the omnichannel revolution—Are you? Forbes, May 8, 2012.
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Arthurs, T., How effective is twitter marketing? Department of Finance, December 22, 2014. depart-
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Atkinson, A., Playing the hand you’re dealt: Everything’s better with visibility, E2open, March 28,
2013, www.e2open.com/blog/article/playing-the-hand-youre-dealt-everythings-better-with-
visibility, accessed May 12, 2015.
Baldwin, H., Supply chain 2013: Stop playing whack-a-mole with security threats, Computerworld,
April 30, 2013. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9238686/Supply_chain_2013_Stop_playing_
Ben-Hamida, M., The new normal in global SCM: Dependency, variability, and risk mitigation,
E2Open, July 19, 2013. www.e2open.com/blog/article/the-new-normal-in-global-scm-
Busch, J., Supply chain and risk management: ‘3Ps’—Predictive, proactive, prescriptive, Spend
Matters, August 12, 2013. spendmatters.com/2013/08/12/supply-chain-and-risk-management-
Buy Plus Followers Website, www.buyplusfollowers.com, accessed January 8, 2014.
CRMforecast.com, Healthcare Industry CRM Software Solutions, www.crmforecast.com/health-
care.htm, accessed December 24, 2014.
DeAngelis, S., Have you heard about supply chain control towers? Enterra Insights, July 27, 2011.
E2open Supply Chain Control Tower Website, www.e2open.com/solutions/by-business-initiative/
supply-chain-control-tower, accessed September 23, 2013.
Erhun, F. and P. Keskinocak, Collaborative supply chain management, in Planning Production and
Inventories in the Extended Enterprise, K.G. Kempf et al., eds., International Series in Operations
Research and Management Science, Vol. 151, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2011, Chapter 11.
Forrester, J.W., Industrial Dynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961.
Hill, K., How target figured out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did, Forbes, February 16,
2012. www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-
pregnant-before-her-father-did, accessed July 17, 2013.
Ivey, J., Compare healthcare CRM software, Software Advice, December 2, 2014. www.softwaread-
Khalamayzer, A., Zurich: Supply chain management is 2013’s ‘Blind Spot’, Property
Casualty 360°, December 14, 2012. www.propertycasualty360.com/2012/12/14/
Knobloch, C., Know what’s around you wherever you are, Digitwirl, January 10, 2012.
Liaison Technologies, AliMed rediscovers the power of the Liaison Delta & ECS data transformation
products, 2012. liaison.com/docs/partners/liaison-partners-alimed-delta-ecs-case-study.pdf.
McFarland, M., How iBeacons could change the world forever, The Washington Post, January 7, 2014.
McNicholas, K., Nordstrom disses ‘omni-channel’ term, but Alexandra Mysoor says it’s real,
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Miklovic, D. and R.J. Witty, Case study: Cisco addresses supply chain risk management, Gartner
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Piccoli, G., The business value of customer data: Prioritizing decisions, Cutter Benchmark
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Practical Ecommerce, Cisco exec on growth of worldwide ecommerce, cultural differences, June 10,
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Chapter 9
• Decision-Making Concepts
• Model-Driven Decisions
• Data-Driven Decisions
• Group Decisions
• Dashboards
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
308 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Life is full of choices. That is as true in business as it is in your personal life.
Choices have consequences. That is even more true in business than it is in personal life.
Therefore, it is important to make business choices carefully. Since decisions should be based
on information, it stands to reason that information systems can help make good decisions.
A decision is a choice among two or more options. Before you make any business deci-
sion, you need a clear decision statement*: what do you want to decide? A decision state-
ment should define a decision as narrowly as possible, but no more narrowly than that.
“Where should we go for lunch?” is narrower than “what should we do for lunch?” but
should be used only if you want to rule out cooking, ordering take-out food, or skipping
the meal.
All parties involved in a decision must agree on the decision statement. If they don’t, dis-
agreements that seem be about the decision might actually be over what is being decided.
Before we can understand how information systems can help people make decisions, we
should see how decisions are made.
* This term has a different meaning in computer programming. Use context to know which is meant.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 309
Both sides of the system also have internal information. The electronic side might have a
database of purchase history by product and region. People might have opinions about the
importance of different decision factors, such as cost versus capacity or speed.
The decision is eventually made by a person. It will leave the system, by crossing its
boundary to the rest of the world, to be put into effect.
Decision Phases
The process of problem solving is generally broken down into the five phases shown in
Figure 9.2. (This concept was originally put forth by Herbert Simon in 1960.) The first three
phases constitute decision making. The last two happen after a decision has been made.
The first phase is intelligence. This word is used in the sense of military intelligence: col-
lecting information without necessarily knowing how it will be used. This stage consists
of whatever leads to the realization that a decision must be made and a clear decision
Example: It’s 5 p.m. You’re hungry. You realize that you must decide what to do about
Most experts recommend choosing evaluation criteria at this point before you know
the options. That reduces the likelihood of biasing the criteria, perhaps subconsciously, to
favor a pet option.
Example: You decide that the important factors are cost and time. You then decide that cost
will account for 70% of the decision; time, 30%.
In the second phase, design, alternative choices are formulated.
Example: You can cook dinner, bring in cooked food, drop in on a friend whom you know
will invite you to stay for dinner, or eat at a restaurant.
The third phase is called choice. In this phase, the decision maker or makers pick one of
the alternatives that were developed in the previous phase.
Example: You score the four alternatives on the basis of the criteria that you established
earlier and choose cooking dinner as being both fast and inexpensive. Since you chose the
decision criteria earlier, the attractions of seeing a friend or of having someone else do the
cooking don’t influence your decision.
The three decision phases are not as separate as this description implies. As Simon writes:
The cycle of phases is … far more complex than the sequence suggests. Each phase
in making a particular decision is itself a complex decision making process. The
decision phase, for example, may call for new intelligence activities; problems at
any given level generate subproblems that in turn have their intelligence, design
and choice phases, and so on. There are wheels within wheels.
Design Choice Implement Monitor
Decision making is an iterative process. We make a decision and try to put it into effect.
We may encounter an unanticipated difficulty: a shortage of parts for our product design,
a price tag of $60,000 on that “cute little sports car,” or no discount tickets on Flight 392
to Chicago. We return to an earlier phase and consider more alternatives in the light of
new information. We may even revise our criteria if we realize, having looked at choices in
more detail, that we left some out.
The last two phases of problem solving, implementation and monitoring, are not part
of decision making. Implementation must follow any decision if that decision is to matter.
Monitoring will, sooner or later, lead to realizing that a new decision is necessary: sooner if
the decision didn’t work out well, later if it worked out well but is no longer suitable.
Many decisions must be made regularly even if they work out well. Cafeteria managers
plan menus every week. Clothing store buyers plan purchases every season. Managers plan
salary changes annually. Prior decisions may guide them—if few diners chose baked had-
dock, maybe we shouldn’t serve it again for a while; if most of the T-shirts were still on the
shelf after two months, maybe our customers don’t buy T-shirts—but they don’t affect the
need to make them.
Where you fit in: Knowing the decision-making phase helps choose tools to help at that phase.
During the intelligence phase, for example, information systems that give a broad view of what’s
going on in your business may help recognize the need for a decision. In the choice phase, you
may need information systems that help meld group members’ views into an acceptable solution.
Decision Structure
Think over decisions you’ve made. Some were easier than others. The decision to take
FIN 301 at 11 a.m. Tues.–Thurs. was easy: it’s a required course; that was the only open
section that fit your schedule. Others, such as where to go to college or whether to go at all,
are not as simple.
This difference is decision structure. Structure refers to whether a computer could,
conceptually, be programmed to carry it out. This concept is applied to each of the three
decision phases separately. If all three are structured, a decision is said to be structured. If
none of the phases is structured, it is unstructured. If one or two phases are structured, the
decision is semistructured.
Many fully structured decisions are routinely carried out by computers. Consider, for
example, the decision “How much should we withhold from this paycheck for income taxes?”
• The intelligence phase is structured. This decision is required for every paycheck.
• The design phase is structured. Alternatives include any amount of money from zero
up to the amount of the check. The answer cannot be “November 6th,” “32 mega-
bytes,” or “Dallas.”
• The choice phase is structured. In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service
publishes rules for it. Other countries have similar procedures.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 311
Structured decisions are often reviewed. A decision to order table leg braces is an example.
A furniture factory has an order for 50 tables. At four legs per table, this order will use 200
braces. Inventory will drop below the reorder point of 500 braces. However, the firm will soon
stop making wooden tables, so it won’t need leg braces in the future. The computer doesn’t
know that, so it prepares a purchase order. The purchasing agent knows, so he cancels it.
Less structured decisions require human judgment. Information systems can augment
judgment by providing information to help make a decision, assessing likely consequences
of each choice and coordinating the activities of people involved in making it.
Decision Scope
Decisions can also be categorized by their scope: how much of an organization they affect,
for how long they affect it, and how much they constrain other decisions. From the top
down, they are:
Strategic Decisions
An organization’s strategy is its overall approach to reaching its goals. Choosing and imple-
menting a strategy require decisions. Strategic decisions are those that commit an entire
organization, or a large part of it, for a long time into the future. Such decisions are made
by an organization’s top management.
Examples: A Korean automobile firm decides to build a factory in the United States.
A university decides to change from a commuter school to a 50:50 mix of commuters and
residential students.
Operational Decisions
Operational decisions are made on a regular basis during normal operations. They affect a
small part of the company, do not constrain any other decisions, and have little long-term
impact. They are made by lower level managers or by nonmanagement employees.
Examples: The car firm orders 10,000 tires from Bridgestone in the right sizes for its pro-
duction plan. The university decides to equip its first dorm with water-saving toilets and
keycard access.
312 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Decision Scope
Operational Management Strategic
Decision Structure
Where you fit in: If you know something about a decision, you’re in a better position to know
what types of information and information systems will be helpful in making it. That can save
you and your employer time and money.
When a decision has structure, an information system can use that structure to predict the
outcome of various choices. You may have done this with a spreadsheet program such as
Excel in an accounting or finance course: what will be the effect, year by year, of different
depreciation schedules for an asset? For a given cost of capital, which schedule has the best
net present value?
Making Better Decisions ◾ 313
When you did this you created a model. The numbers on your spreadsheet behave,
under certain assumptions, as the real world will. Part of this model is accurate: tax laws
specify depreciation rules. However, in comparing the worth of a dollar saved today with
the worth of more dollars in the future, it uses a discount rate (as you probably learned in
finance courses). A model developer must assume discount rates for several years into the
future. These assumptions may be wrong.
In other cases, we can’t be certain how a system behaves. Market research data may
indicate that a 10% price cut will increase sales by 20%, but market research can be wrong.
Sales will probably go up, but perhaps by more or less, and a competitive announcement
could affect the increase. That model is based on our best understanding.
It is often a good idea to try out several values of critical variables. In the spreadsheet
model of depreciation, we could try discount rates higher and lower than our best esti-
mates. In the market research example, we might try several possible values for the sales
increase, perhaps ranging from 10% to 30% by steps of 2%, to estimate the effect of our
assumptions on profits.
We can make a model-driven decision when a decision has enough structure that we can
take data we have and infer something about the likely outcome of each choice. Consider
the design of a road intersection: number of lanes in each direction, their intended use
(left, right, straight ahead, multiple uses) and the signal cycles. We can get information
about the traffic at that intersection by observing it, counting how many cars choose each
direction in an hour. Statistics of driver behavior are well documented, for example, how
soon drivers enter an intersection after the light turns green. Using this information, one
can model different designs and optimize any desired measure: minimum waiting time,
minimum land use for an acceptable waiting time, etc.
Where you fit in: You can create a simple forecasting model in a spreadsheet. Look for
chances to use this knowledge on the job. It will improve the quality of your work and bring
you to the attention of your management as someone who understands using technology for
business results.
If a modeling situation is too complex for you, being able to explain the business side of
the problem to technical professionals will improve the odds of getting meaningful results.
Simulation Studies
The behavior of a complex system cannot be predicted by a mathematical formula that one
might put into a spreadsheet, even allowing for statistical variability in the input data.
Consider, for example, the problem of designing a production line within constraints of
available floor space and funds. This involves many decisions, such as:
• Should we have two stations for production step A and one for step B or one for step A
and two for step B? There isn’t room for two stations each.
• Should we get faster conveyor belts or robotic welding equipment? We can’t afford both.
314 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• How much room should we leave for partially completed products between steps? If
there’s too little, work will stall until space opens up. If there’s too much, it will waste
usable space.
• Should we get enough milling machines to leave one set up for each product or save cost
and space by having fewer machines and taking time to change the setup between runs?
Simulation Example
A barber shop owner is thinking of hiring a third barber. Customers arrive, on the aver-
age, 15 minutes apart with a known statistical distribution. Each haircut takes an average
of 30 minutes but can range from 15 to 45 minutes depending on the hair style. In the long
run, two barbers keep up with demand, but variations in arrival and haircut times may
force customers to wait. If a potential customer arrives and sees others waiting, he may get
a haircut somewhere else (Figure 9.4).
The simulation study begins by waiting for the first customer. A computer does this by
choosing a random number from the arrival time distribution and noting “Customer in
seat A at 9:05 a.m.” It then chooses a random number from the haircut time distribution
and calculates that his will be over at 9:32 a.m. It also calculates another arrival time from
the arrival time distribution, noting that the second customer—who will be in seat B—
arrives at 9:21. From 9:21 to 9:32, both seats are occupied. If the arrival distribution brings
a third customer before 9:32, he will have to wait.
This process continues through the day. As it models each step, the computer tracks
how many customers are served, how long customers have to wait, how many custom-
ers leave because they don’t want to wait (based on the barber’s opinions about customer
behavior or observing a few days’ traffic), and how much money the barbershop takes in.
After running this simulation several times with different random number sequences, the
shop owner has a picture of his current situation. If the output doesn’t match reality, he can
calibrate the model until it does.
The next step is to add a third barber to the model and watch what happens. There will
be less waiting, fewer lost customers, hence more income. Will the increased income cover
the cost of the third barber? That’s what the owner hopes to learn. Using simulation is more
practical than installing a third chair, hiring a third barber, and letting him or her go if
things don’t work out.
Where you fit in: If you encounter a business situation that you’d like to model, simulation is
probably not beyond your ability. Even if your preferences or your other responsibilities mean
you won’t model this situation yourself, knowing that it is possible can help you suggest it to
your management. And understanding how simulation works will help you describe the busi-
ness situation to a simulation professional who will model it.
We often have data even when a decision doesn’t have enough structure to build a model.
In that case, an information system can help by analyzing and presenting the data even if
it can’t predict what a particular choice will lead to.
You may hear the term business intelligence (BI) for interpreting business data in order
to make decisions. That’s another term for what we’re talking about here.
Data-driven decisions are often made with the help of data warehouses.* You read
in Chapter 5 that a data warehouse is “a historical database used for decision making.”
Information for a data warehouse comes from the organization’s transaction processing
databases, often augmented by other internal and external sources. This data goes through
the process shown in Figure 9.5.
Data sources
Data warehouse
Extract Load
Since data warehouses store an organization’s historical data over time, they get large.
Several terabytes is small for a data warehouse. eBay’s primary data warehouse is 9.2
petabytes in size: 9200 TB, thousands of times larger than the biggest disk drive you can
buy for a personal computer today. Its second, which stores detailed data such as website
clicks, is over 40 petabytes, big enough for 10 billion photos. One of its tables has over a tril-
lion rows. And eBay’s is far from the only data warehouse with several petabytes of storage.
Such support isn’t beyond the reach of small organizations, though. A 2013 study found
that organizations with 1–100 employees reported more success with BI than larger ones.
Its authors attribute this to greater management “ownership” of the BI initiative and the
ease and speed of deploying BI in a smaller company. They found that large companies use
data warehouses more than small ones do, but they are far from mandatory. Small enter-
prises may not have data warehouses, but they can still interpret and use business data!
Data warehouses are often organized by the dimensional model of Chapter 5 because
it facilitates the type of analysis for which they are often used. This is not a requirement.
The data warehouse concept is independent of how its content is organized. However, the
dimensional model lends itself to the slicing and dicing that managers often perform on the
content of a data warehouse.
A data mart is a small data warehouse focused on a specific part of the organization. A
data mart can be easier to set up and easier to use than a full corporate data warehouse.
Ease of setup and ease of use correspond to the two ways data marts come into being:
The concept of big data, which you read about in Chapter 5, is related to data warehouses.
Data warehouses are usually more structured than typical big data. After all, one of the
three Vs that make for big data is variety. Data warehouses are usually used for one or more
specific types of analysis, while big data tends to be used for information gathering (the
intelligence stage of decision making) and getting the “big picture.”
A data warehouse system includes tools through which users access the data it contains.
These tools include online analytical processing, data mining, and predictive analytics.
1. She realizes that the first decision is how many to make in each major product cat-
egory: upright and canister cleaners. She asks for a trend line of sales of these two
types over the past three years. Her computer responds by displaying Figure 9.6.
The figures for the past two years and for this year through October summarize thou-
sands of transactions. Each transaction is stored in the data warehouse, so they can be
analyzed in other ways as well. This year’s November and December figures include
firm orders and forecasted sales, with a higher fraction of firm orders for November
than for December.
0.1 Upright
Year n – 2 Year n – 1 Year n
2. She extrapolates the curves, keeping in mind that the approximate nature of any plan-
ning process does not justify several significant digits. She decides that 1.5 m
canister cleaners and 0.8 million upright cleaners are a good starting point.
3. Her second decision is the fraction of canister cleaners that will be equipped with
power brushes for better rug and carpet cleaning. (All but the two least expensive
canister models have power brushes.) She asks for a breakdown of canister sales with
and without power brushes and gets Figure 9.7.
4. She realizes that sales of canister cleaners without power brushes are steady, while
those with power brushes are increasing—perhaps explaining in part the flatten-
ing in upright cleaner sales. (People get upright cleaners primarily to clean carpets.
Canisters with power brushes also clean them well.) She’ll hold next year’s produc-
tion of canisters without power brushes at this year’s level, 200,000 units. The bal-
ance, 1.3 million, will have power brushes.
5. She now switches to uprights to plan the breakdown by model. The firm’s upright
cleaner models haven’t changed much in three years, so a trend analysis should be
meaningful. It is shown in Figure 9.8.
6. There is a slight trend toward more expensive models, which she will put into her plan
for next year. That creates a breakdown of 200,000, 250,000, and 350,000 from bot-
tom to top.
However, the planner knows the products will change. The most powerful motor,
only in the Model 300 today, will go into the Model 200 to respond to competitive
moves. Model 300 will remain the only self-propelled cleaner. Some customers
who chose it for its large motor, but don’t care about self-propulsion, will now
buy Model 200. In the absence of historical data, she decides to move 10% of the
Model 300 forecast to the 200. Her final figures are 200,000, 285,000, and 315,000.
Conister vacuum cleaner sales by type
Millions of units
0.2 Power brush
0.1 No power brush
Year n – 2 Year n – 1 Year n
FIGURE 9.7 Sales trends of canister cleaners with and without power brushes.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 319
7. Since she is working with the upright cleaners, she decides to select their color break-
down next. She obtains sales data for upright cleaners in the three available colors,
maroon, gray, and dark green, as shown in Figure 9.9.
8. On an educated hunch, she now asks the computer to show color preferences by
model for last year. This is where the capability of OLAP tools to group and correlate
data shines.
This format is called a pivot table. A spreadsheet program created the pivot table
of Figure 9.10 from the data in Figure 9.11. It’s easier with full-fledged data analysis
software, and spreadsheet programs can’t handle millions of rows of data, but the
concept is the same.
Upright vacuum cleaner sales by color
Millions of units
Dark green
Year n – 2 Year n – 1 Year n
FIGURE 9.10 Sales trend pivot table of upright cleaners by model and color.
9. She sees a relationship between color trends and models. Sales are largest, every year,
along the diagonals from lower left to upper right. Model 300 buyers prefer green.
Model 200 sells best in gray and Model 100 in maroon. To help her see if this is a fluke
or a real pattern, she asks for a graph of the data in the pivot table. Figure 9.12 shows
this graph for last year.
Similar graphs for the other two years, as well as comparable graphs for canis-
ter vacuums, confirm this aspect of customer preferences for color by price range.
While the charts don’t look exactly the same, the pattern is similar. More expensive
models sell better in green, less expensive cleaners in maroon. Gray is preferred in
the middle. She therefore decides to plan upright vacuum cleaner production as
10. She continues the process for the five models of canister cleaners: three with power
brushes, two without. While the plan will be fine-tuned as the year progresses, a plan
that is close to eventual orders can save a great deal of money. A process that can cre-
ate such plans enables a firm to save via volume purchasing and longer, more efficient
production runs.
Later, distribution planners will use the data warehouse to analyze shipments
from each regional distribution center. This will enable the firm to match each
center’s inventory to demand in its region. If people from the western part of the
country like maroon vacuum cleaners, based on orders coming into the west-
ern warehouse from retailers, it will receive more than a proportional share of
Making Better Decisions ◾ 321
that color. This, in turn, will reduce the frequency of stockouts and back orders,
thus reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.
An important aspect of OLAP is the ability to drill down through the data to increas-
ing levels of detail. Suppose the sales vice president of a chain of U.S. computer stores
sees that sales in its Midwest region lagged those of the other regions last week. Absent
drill-down capability, all this VP can do is ask the regional director “How come?”
With drill down, the VP can look at individual districts in the Midwest region and
322 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Model 200
0 Model 100
Dark green
learn that the problem is centered on Illinois. The next step pinpoints their Chicago
store. Breaking down Chicago sales by product category finds the issue to be in com-
puter systems, where a deeper looks shows that everything sold well except high-end
desktop systems. Armed with this information, the sales VP can place an informed
phone call to the Chicago store manager and learn that a competitor is test-marketing
a brand-new, officially unannounced system of that type prior to national rollout.
The chain can now develop a response to that competitive product before it is public
OLAP systems can set limits to prevent managers from drilling too many levels down.
The intent is to prevent executives from contacting people deep in the organization
directly. Instead, an executive must contact someone at an intermediate level. This per-
son, a senior manager in his or her own right, doesn’t find an e-mail from the president
f rightening—and the person at the end of the line doesn’t find an e-mail from the inter-
mediary frightening, either. Such restrictions can help people in an organization accept
a new information system.
Where you fit in: There’s a good chance that the company you work for will have something
like a data warehouse. You’ll probably be able to access it via OLAP tools. By being aware of
that possibility, you won’t miss opportunities to use OLAP. That will benefit your work directly.
It will also show your managers that you appreciate the value of technology, boosting your
Making Better Decisions ◾ 323
Data Mining
Data mining, in effect, shows an application program a database and says “Tell me what
you find there.” The request is usually more specific, such as “Find characteristics asso-
ciated with released convicts who are arrested again.” The software mines the data to
find the hidden nuggets. Here, if it can identify characteristics of those who tend to be
rearrested, public safety agencies can focus on them (within legal and ethical bounds)
rather than trying to watch every released convict. Such characteristics may not be
obvious or intuitive.
Figure 9.13 shows the results of a data mining classification study that separated
the subjects into three groups based on a variety of characteristics. When the groups
were plotted for having a fourth characteristic, which could not have been inferred
from the data originally used, they came out in three distinct—though not perfectly
Target used data mining to figure out which customers are likely to be pregnant based
on their purchase history, to send them focused offers—and take advantage of people’s
greater readiness to change shopping patterns when their lives change. (This was men-
tioned in Chapter 8.) They knew that new parents are bombarded with offers and wanted
to get a jump on competitors by reaching out before the birth. They identified a group
of 25 products, such as unscented lotion and calcium supplements, that as a group are
purchased primarily by pregnant women. They could even estimate the baby’s due date,
enabling them to time promotions to the week.
Credit card firms use data mining to identify usage patterns that often precede fraud.
Universities use it to identify people who are most likely to complete a program. One
university found that the best predictor of finishing its part-time MBA program was not
undergraduate GPA, work experience, GMAT score, or any other academic or professional
measure. It was the distance from the applicant’s home to campus. Those with shorter trips
were more likely to stay in the program.
An example will illustrate the difference between OLAP and data mining. In a story
that has been associated with both Wal-Mart and 7-Eleven, which may not be true, a data
mining market basket analysis showed high correlation between purchases of diapers and
beer. The store concluded that fathers went to the store to buy diapers and, while there,
picked up a six-pack. It moved the diaper display next to the beer (easier than moving a
refrigerated beer case) and beer sales spiked.
Assuming the story is true, what if they had used OLAP? An analyst could ask an OLAP
package to list all items purchased together with a specific product, sorted by frequency of
appearance in the same market basket. Suppose the analyst started with hot dogs. Most
purchasers of hot dogs also buy hot dog rolls; many buy mustard, and quite a few buy rel-
ish, sauerkraut, and baked beans. No surprises. The analyst would then move on to sugar
or suntan lotion. Again, no insights. Finding the beer–diaper connection would require a
lot of patience or a lot of luck.
Where you fit in: What patterns, if found, would be helpful in your job? You don’t know yet,
but when you have a specific job, you may be able to answer this question. The next question
should be “Can we figure out these patterns by analyzing historical data?” If the answer to that
question is “yes,” you have a candidate application for data mining.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics moves past OLAP and data mining to forecast what will happen in
the future if certain actions are taken. It combines the use of historical data with busi-
ness modeling. For example, historical data might establish a relationship between
price and sales volume, with its trend over time and how it depends on external fac-
tors. Knowing this relationship, a planner can forecast the sales volume that will
result if price is set at a certain level under certain assumptions and how profit will
be affected.
Figure 9.14 shows the impact of predictive analytics. Predictive analytics techniques
were used to predict the probability that a customer would respond to a sales campaign.
If all customers were contacted with this resource-intensive sales campaign, the company
would lose $565,000. Contacting a random subset would just reduce this loss. Ranking
customers by their likelihood of responding changes the picture. This campaign is
profitable when 1%–70% of customers are contacted. Profit is maximized by contacting
This analysis consists of several stages:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Percent of customers contacted
3. The probability of each group’s responding to the sales campaign is used to calculate
the profitability of contacting that group of customers with this campaign.
The ratio of this probability to the overall probability of responding is called the
lift of that group. If a group is twice as likely to respond as a randomly selected group,
it has a lift of 2.
4. The company then contacts groups whose lift is above the profitability threshold.
The PODS moving and self-storage company uses predictive analytics to decide when to
promote their service in each geographic area, rather than relying on the overall U.S. ten-
dency to move in spring or fall. A case at the end of this chapter describes Dannon’s use of
predictive analytics.
Data mining and predictive analytics complement each other. With diapers and beer,
there is unlikely to be enough data to predict the effect of moving the diapers. In other
cases, once data mining has found a relationship, predictive analytics can be used. Target
used predictive analytics to estimate the long-term benefit of giving discounts on products
that some customers would have bought anyhow. Customer priorities in Figure 9.14 were
probably determined by data mining (Boxes 9.1 and 9.2).
326 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
American League
Boston 78 55 .586 — 674 541 +133 95.2
Tampa Bay 74 56 .569 2.5 579 528 +51 71.6
Baltimore 70 60 .538 6.5 622 583 +39 18.9
NY Yankees 70 62 .530 7.5 527 528 –2 10.7
Toronto 59 74 .444 19 590 649 –49 0.1
This chart uses historical data up to its last column (POFF). POFF is the estimated probability
of each team reaching the American League playoffs. (Five teams reach the playoffs: three
division winners and the two remaining teams with the best records.) Where does POFF
come from?
To create POFF, an analyst simulates 1000 random scenarios for the remaining games of
the season. In 952 of those 1000 simulations, the Boston Red Sox either won their division
or were one of the two “wild card” teams. On that basis, the analyst said the Red Sox had
a 95.2% probability of being in the playoffs.
How does this work? On that date the Red Sox had three games left against the Detroit
Tigers, all in Boston. Suppose the analyst gives Boston a 55% chance of beating Detroit on
Boston’s home field. A computer then generates a pseudorandom number x where 0 ≤ x < 1,
as your spreadsheet program can do with its RAND function. If x <0 .55, Boston “won” that
game. If x ≥ 0.55, Detroit “won” it. It repeats this process for all games of all teams, using
the odds that apply to each. At the end of this “season,” it calculates which teams are in the
playoffs. It “plays” the season 999 more times with different pseudorandom numbers, gets
1000 sets of playoff teams, and counts how many sets each team is in. The Red Sox were in
952 of the 1000.
Different analysts have different estimates of Team A’s chances of defeating Team B.
(That’s the predictive part.) Their computers also use different sequences of pseudorandom
numbers. If the analysts are competent and their programs work properly, their POFFs will
be similar.
What is the decision here? The chart doesn’t say. Those who use it may have decisions in
mind. In business, analysis is usually focused on a known decision. In sports, teams need to
estimate how effective different strategies will be against certain opponents. Predictive ana-
lytics using simulation to forecast likely outcomes can help with this, too.
(The record shows that Boston won two of those three games against Detroit. Both teams
reached the playoffs. They met again in the American League championship series, which
Boston won. Boston then went on to defeat the National League’s St. Louis Cardinals in the
World Series.)
Where you fit in: Opportunities to use predictive analytics arise everywhere that past data are
relevant to predicting the future. (The relevance is not always obvious.) Keep your eyes open
for ways to use historical data to improve your company’s future results.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 327
Many business decisions are made by groups. This can improve decision quality via
information sharing, diverse strengths of different group members, and reduced per-
sonal bias; increase buy-in from those who have to implement the decision; train new
decision makers before they become responsible for their own decisions; and improve
consistency from one decision to the next by creating an “organizational memory” of
how decisions are reached.
The types of information systems previously described in this chapter can all be utilized
by groups, either together or separately with the results shared. However, a group can ben-
efit from additional types of information systems. Group support software focuses on the
process through which a group arrives at a joint decision. Other types of software are not
group support software even if a group uses them.
Group support software can focus on group communication or on the decision-making
Group support software can help in this process. It can ask group members to suggest
percentages and compute an average. It can support the Delphi method, in which those
whose suggestions are far from the average in either direction are asked to explain their
reasoning, after which the group votes again. Eventually, a consensus is reached. Then, the
software can ask members to rate the candidates on each of the decision factors. As before,
the Delphi method can be used to reach a consensus. A decision can be reached in less time
and with less shouting.
Another application of group support software in the decision-making process is in
brainstorming to come up with ideas. Face-to-face brainstorming sessions are constrained
by the need for only one person to talk at a time and being able to handle ideas no faster
than a person can record them. With group support software, each group member enters
ideas into a shared database. After a member enters an idea, the system displays some other
members’ ideas on his or her screen to accelerate the creative process, much like hearing
people’s ideas in a face-to-face session. Once a sufficient number of ideas have been gener-
ated or the flood of new ideas has slowed to a trickle, such software can help users group
and combine ideas for consideration and analysis.
• Group decisions can be slow because people have to meet, even if online, discuss
issues, and resolve possible differences of opinion. Faster implementation because of
buy-in may make up for some of the lost time, but doesn’t always.
• Groups can fall into the trap of groupthink, where disagreement is against the group’s
social norm. This can lead to a group decision that nobody likes because no member
wanted to be first to speak against it.
• Groups are subject to possible group polarization: a tendency to converge on extreme
solutions. For example, a group may make a riskier decision than any member would
have made individually, because group members may not feel as much responsibility
for the decision as each would if he or she were individually responsible for it.
Where you fit in: Group decision making is common in organizations. You will be in decision-
making groups throughout your career. The better you know what sorts of information system
support is available to such groups, the better position you will be in to get it (if your employer
doesn’t already have it) and to use it. This will reflect well on you.
A dashboard, according to a classic definition by Stephen Few (Few, 2004), is “a visual
display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives, con-
solidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.”
330 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
This definition does an excellent job of capturing the essential features of a dashboard
while avoiding being so general as to mean almost anything or getting bogged down in the
specific technologies that someone finds useful.
A dashboard, as Few continues, is an approach to presentation—not a type of informa-
tion or of technology. Managers in nearly every type of organization can use dashboards.
Dashboards, by presenting the same information to everyone, can align an organiza-
tion around metrics that it most needs to track. In a sales organization, those might be
the rate at which leads are being generated, how they progress through the sales cycle
and lead to revenue, win/loss ratios versus specific competitors, and how campaigns are
performing. A manufacturing division might measure production volumes, delays due to
various causes, defects found in final inspection, and scrap rates. Hotel managers care
about room occupancy, bookings in various rate categories, restaurant sales per guest, and
so on. Figure 9.17 shows a finance dashboard.
Metrics of this type are called key performance indicator (KPIs). The ideal set of KPIs is
such that succeeding on them all but ensures success, while failing at them makes success
impossible. For a dashboard to be effective, the organization must agree on the metrics it
shows. Just creating a dashboard can thus have a positive effect. As people use the dash-
board and refer to it in business discussions, it will build more momentum.
Most enterprise software (ERP, CRM, etc.) packages enable users to create dashboards
using their databases. A supply chain control tower is such a dashboard, using supply chain
management data. Where this capability is insufficient, BI software usually has good dash-
board capabilities. This stands to reason: BI is about presenting information, and dash-
boards do that. Since BI software can also read data from a variety of sources, it can provide
60 48 51 30 25 26
40 23
30 35
40 32 26 34 30 26 20
20 16 17 10
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Asia Euro Amer Ocea Asia Euro Amer Ocea Asia Euro Amer Ocea
40 50 60 40 50 60 40 50 60
30 70 30 70 30 70
20 80 20 80 20 80
10 90 10 90 10 90
0 100 0 100 0 100
Productivity 80 S/Person Ontime delivery 91 % Process capability 76 %
Bad Ok Good Bad Ok Good Bad Ok Good
dashboard capabilities to nearly any organization. Should you ever want a dashboard and
find that the capabilities of your employer’s existing software aren’t sufficient, BI software
will almost certainly do the trick—or specialized dashboard software, which will be less
expensive if additional BI capabilities aren’t needed. Homegrown dashboards are seldom
necessary or cost-effective.
Where you fit in: Dashboards are cost-effective for nearly every organization that is large
enough for its head not to be able to see everything that is going on personally. If you work for
such an organization, and it doesn’t have one, consider looking into how easy it would be to
create one by using inexpensive software to access its existing data.
Brainstorming: Method of generating ideas for the design phase of decision making by
free association and recording ideas without criticizing them.
Business intelligence (BI): The process of interpreting data to make business decisions.
Choice: Third phase of decision making, in which one alternative is chosen.
Dashboard: A visual display of key business information, arranged to be monitored at a glance.
Data mart: A small data warehouse focused on a specific business area.
332 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Data mining: Automated process by which a data warehouse system searches for answers
to specific questions by going through its content. Contrast with online analyti-
cal processing.
Data warehouse: A historical database intended to be used for decision making.
Data warehouse system: An information system that includes a data warehouse and tools
through which users can access it.
Decision: A choice among two or more options.
Decision room: Room designed and equipped for group decision making.
Decision scope: The breadth and time frame of a decision’s impact.
Decision statement: A clear, concise written expression of what must be chosen and the set
of options from which it must be chosen.
Decision structure: The degree to which the three decision phases can be carried out by a
fixed procedure, which can be programmed into a computer.
Decision: A choice among known options.
Delphi method: Approach to reaching a consensus by having group members state posi-
tions, explain them, and repeat until the process converges.
Design: Second phase of decision making, in which alternatives are formulated.
Drill down: In online analytical processing, a series of increasingly detailed queries.
Group support software: Information system designed to help a group reach a decision.
Implementation: Fourth phase of problem solving, in which the chosen alternative is put
into effect.
Intelligence: First phase of decision making, ending in recognizing a decision to be made.
Key performance indicator: A business metric used to evaluate factors that are crucial to
the success of an organization.
Lift: The ratio between a measure of interest in a group selected by data mining to the same
measure in the entire population.
Managerial control decision: Same as tactical decision.
Model: Representation of the real world used to predict how relevant aspects of it will
behave if certain decisions are made.
Monitoring: Fifth phase of decision making, in which results of implementation are
Online analytical processing (OLAP): Process by which a data warehouse system responds
to queries by a human user. Contrast with data mining.
Operational decision: Decision that affects one activity for a short time and does not con-
strain future decisions. Contrast with tactical decision, strategic decision.
Pivot table: Data summarization table in which categories are organized along the vertical
and horizontal axes and can be moved (pivoted) from one to the other.
Predictive analytics: Use of historical data and statistical methods to predict what will
happen in the future if certain decisions are made or certain conditions exist.
Pseudorandom number: Number generated by a computer from a formula, such that the
set of which numbers behaves statistically as if those numbers were generated by
a random process.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 333
Semistructured: Said of a decision if one or two of its three phases are structured. Contrast
with structured, unstructured.
Simulation: A model that follows what a real-world system would do through time, step
by step.
Slicing and dicing: Analyzing database content along some, but not all, of its data
State variable: A data item that describes what one part of a system being simulated is
doing at a given moment.
Strategic decision: Decision that affects an entire organization, or major parts of it, for a
long time. Contrast with tactical decision, operational decision.
Structured: Said of a decision if all three of its phases are structured. Contrast with
unstructured, semistructured.
System state: The set of all state variables.
Tactical decision: Decision that affects part of an organization for an intermediate time.
Contrast with strategic decision, operational decision.
Unstructured: Said of a decision if none of its three phases is structured. Contrast with
structured, semistructured.
1. What are the three phases of decision making? How do they correspond to the phases
of problem solving?
2. Define the three levels of decision structure.
3. What is decision scope? What are its three levels?
4. What is a model in decision making?
5. What is simulation? When is it useful?
6. Define the term business intelligence.
7. What is a data warehouse and how is it different from the database that an organiza-
tion uses to manage its operations?
8. How are data warehouses and data marts related to each other?
9. Describe the basic concepts of OLAP.
10. What is the role of a person in data mining?
11. What is predictive in predictive analytics? What is analytic about it?
12. What are some benefits of making decisions as a group?
13. What are some risks in making decisions as a group?
14. What sort of information should be on a dashboard?
334 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. A luxury boat builder is thinking of opening a sales office in the Middle East. Write a
clear decision statement and describe the three phases of its decision.
2. Consider the two examples in the section “Decision Scope” (overseas car firm
building a plant in the United States, commuter university preparing for residen-
tial students). Explain the relationship between each strategic or tactical decision
and the one below it. How does each higher level decision constrain the lower-
level ones?
3. Fill each cell in the grid of Figure 9.3 with a decision you make as a student. Be
sure that each cell reflects a decision, not a topic: “financial aid” is not a decision but
“should I apply for a student loan?” is.
4. Give two examples of the benefits of BI: one strategic and one operational.
5. How many cells are in the data cube of the vacuum cleaner planning example in the
section “Online Analytical Processing”?
6. Soon after Target began targeting promotions at women whose purchase patterns sug-
gested that they were pregnant, the father of a high school student stormed into one
of their stores to complain about a promotion his daughter had received. “What are
you trying to do,” he roared, “encourage her to get pregnant?” The manager assured
him that it would not happen again. When the manager called the father a few days
later to follow up, it turned out that the daughter was pregnant, but hadn’t told her
parents. Since no algorithm is perfect, though, she might not have been. Think of
another data mining application that is similarly sensitive, identify one consequence
of misidentifying a person as a member of a specific group, and describe a solution
that would work there.
7. Target gives holders of its REDcard a 5% discount on all purchases, though peo-
ple who apply for this card are almost always already Target customers and thus
buy things there without this discount. Some of this discount is offset by savings
on fees they would otherwise pay other credit card issuers, but those fees are typi-
cally 2%–3%, and the net savings are less because it costs Target money to operate
REDcard. How can this 5% discount be justified? What does this say about the value
of information?
8. Identify a local company whose business name begins with the same first letter as
your given name. Explain how it could use (a) data mining, (b) OLAP, and (c) a dash-
board. Your answer should reflect what each of these does, who typically uses it, what
information it provides to this user, and why this information is useful. If you answer
“they couldn’t use it” for one or more of the categories, explain why in a way that
reflects this same understanding.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 335
9. A university found that 20% of business majors who earn an A in English 101 and C
or below in Math 101 graduate in five years or less. However, 70% of English majors
with those grades graduate in that length of time.
a. Is this an example of predictive analytics? If so, what are the analysis and the
b. If you have those grades and plan to be a business major, would you want to
know this?
c. If you have those grades and plan to be a business major, would you want your
advisor to know it? If he or she does, what would you want him or her to do with
the information?
10. Watch the video “Why Watson Matters—A personal reflection on the significance
of IBM’s Watson” by Adrian Bowles at www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaBQ0AmlfJw.
Discuss in your own words the significance of Watson for helping companies make
better decisions. On the grid of Figure 9.3, what types of decisions do you think
Watson would be most helpful with, what types would it be least helpful with? Give
examples, not Bowles’s, of two real-world decisions with which Watson could help.
11. Sketch dashboards that some or each of the following groups (as your instruc-
tor assigns) could use. Show at least six KPIs on each dashboard. Represent each
KPI appropriately, using at least three different types of representations on each
a. The president and provost/vice presidents/deans/etc., of a university.
b. The owner of a professional sports team. (Bonus question: Which of the owner’s
KPIs are also KPIs of the team’s managers/coaches, and which are not?)
c. The chief of police and other top police officers in a large city.
d. The group of managers in charge of putting on the next summer Olympic Games.
* The author is grateful to Christine Grey, Chief Operating Officer of Blackstone Valley Community Health Care, Inc., for
her assistance in preparing this episode and providing Figures 9.18 and 9.19.
336 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
“A little,” Elizabeth answered. “We know they’re big databases with historical informa-
tion that might be useful for decisions, but that’s about it.”
“That’s correct, as far as it goes,” said Dr. Trimble. “And that’s more than I knew a few
weeks ago. However, I’ve learned a lot now that we have one.”
“You have one?” the two students exclaimed together. “And nobody mentioned it to us?”
The disappointment was evident on their faces.
“It’s not like that,” Dr. Trimble hastened to reassure them. “It was a hospital project that
we didn’t know about either. Then they loaded all our patient historical data into it and
sprung it on us. We were just as surprised as you are now. Come look at this, though,” he
said as he gestured toward his screen (Figure 9.18).
“This summarizes all our patients who have diabetes,” he continued when they had
taken a few seconds to examine the screen. “Each row summarizes all the patients of one
physician. See the red numbers? They mean that physician has at least one patient whose
most recent test is either out of the desirable range or is too old to trust. Either way, they
need to be seen. If we click on the little plus sign next to the physician’s name, that part of
the list expands and we can see data for each individual patient.”
“I think that’s what our professor called ‘drilling down,’” Elizabeth interrupted.
“Right,” said Dr. Trimble. “The trainer who showed us how to use this system used the
same word. It’s really easy to do, and lets us zero in on any group of patients we want to
focus on.”
“Is the database up to date enough to use this way?” she continued.
“Yes and no. Because it’s updated every couple of days from our patient information,
this report could be a day or two old. However, nothing we use it for goes anywhere
w ithout human review. If it says Smith needs a blood test, that information goes to Smith’s
doctor. The doctor can say ‘he had it yesterday’ or ‘he’s scheduled for that tomorrow,’ and
that’s that.”
“How hard is it to get this list from the computer?” Miguel asked.
“Not hard at all, actually,” replied Dr. Trimble. “A lot of queries, including this diabetes
report, are built into the system.” He moved his mouse to a menu, pulled down a list, and
selected “Diabetes report” from that list. A screen with about twenty fields appeared. Next
to most of the fields were arrows that led to drop-down menus. A few had calendar icons
that could be used to input a date: all patients that haven’t been seen in the past six months,
for example, or all patients with an appointment in the next two weeks so their status can
be reviewed (Figure 9.19).
“Can it do graphs and things too, or just those reports?” asked Elizabeth.
Dr. Trimble conceded “That’s a limitation of this system, as far as I understand it at this
point. If you want to do more with the data, you can get a report in a form that you can
dump into an Excel spreadsheet. From there you can sort it, slice it seventeen ways, and
graph anything you want—but you’re using Excel to do that, not the data warehouse soft-
ware. We’re not entirely happy with that, but we may have to learn to live with it if the rest
of the hospital likes this package.
“One other thing,” Dr. Trimble continued. “You said earlier that data warehouses are
used for decision making. That’s basically true. However, most of the examples you find in
books are about what you might call ‘decision making in the large:’ you put in your criteria,
get all the records that meet them, run a summary of a few thousand data points, and fig-
ure out what to do next in terms of some grand plan. What we do is more ‘decision making
in the small’: we put in the criteria, like you saw; get all the records that meet them, but
then we drill down and decide which patients we have to call in for a test, which insurance
companies we have to go after for prompter payment, or which doctors need some time off.
Same concept, different scale.”
1. The SMH data warehouse serves the entire hospital and its affiliates. Discuss the pros
and cons of creating a small data mart that would contain only SMMA patient data.
2. Dr. Trimble discussed using the SMH data warehouse for “decision making in the
small”: individual patient care decisions. How could it also be used for SMMA plan-
ning? Give at least two specific examples of things Drs. Trimble and Wolff need to
plan and how information in the data warehouse would help them do it.
338 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
3. Think of another type of business that could use a historical data warehouse for this
type of “decision making in the small.” Give two examples of how an organization in
that business could do that.
4. Place the decision to order a test for a patient in the appropriate cell of Figure 9.3.
Justify your answer in a few sentences; don’t just say “Strategic, unstructured” or
whatever your answer is.
* StockKeeping Unit.
Making Better Decisions ◾ 339
Forecast accuracy is more important with yogurt than with nonperishable goods.
“Anything in the dairy case has a very short shelf life, so predicting volume is really impor-
tant,” says Alison Chaltas, vice president of shopper and retail strategy at research firm GfK
(Waxer, 2013). “The shorter your shelf life, the more important it is to get [forecasts] right.”
Business analysis also requires examining how demand for one product can affect
demand for others. For example, when Dannon noticed an increase in sales of its Light &
Fit Greek yogurt, it explored how this increase affected the sales of its other Greek yogurt
products and those of its competitors. Dannon discovered that while the popularity of
Light & Fit led to some switching from other Dannon brands, it also ate into the sales of
competitors and thus yielded greater overall profitability.
Analysis is not a one-time activity. “We thought that we’d have to test and validate our
models twice a year,” Davis says (Waxer, 2013). “Because of the dynamic nature of the cat-
egory of yogurt, we’ve found that we need to test more often, on a quarterly basis.”
To calibrate its models Dannon takes small sets of data, such as actual sales of honey-
flavored Oikos yogurt in April, and runs those numbers through the model to see if sales
and inventory forecasts using data from preceding months match up with what actually
occurred. That enables Dannon to adjust and improve its models. As Gerhard Pilcher,
vice president and senior scientist at Elder Research, a predictive analytics consulting
company in Charlottesville, Va., says, “A model is not something you just put in place and
forget about” (Waxer, 2013).
This job opening (condensed here) was on dannon.com in February 2014 along with other
openings in the analytics field, at levels from intern on up.
Director of Analytics, Architecture, and Integration: responsible for supporting business
intelligence across all North American Danone subsidiaries. Working across functions (Sales,
Marketing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, R&D, Finance, etc.), this person will develop, imple-
ment, and operate business intelligence capabilities to grow and streamline the business.
• Define strategy to deliver analytics capabilities to North America Danone business units.
• Manage the overall systems architecture that integrates data across a portfolio of solu-
tions, ensuring that it remains cutting-edge and agile to allows rapid deployment of new
• Identify and implement innovative business intelligence, reporting, and analytics
• Focus the use of technology on immediate business priorities and initiatives while build-
ing a long-term strategy to utilize analytics across every functional area.
1. What characteristics of the market for Greek yogurt make it suited to the use of pre-
dictive analytics? Identify one other market that is also well suited to the use of pre-
dictive analytics and one that isn’t. For both, explain why you feel that way.
2. Your school wants to predict the effect of changes to its financial aid policy on deci-
sions by accepted applicants to attend. It can’t look at historical data: it has followed
the same policy for 15 years, so it has no other policy to compare it to. It can, however,
test new policies on small groups in the next entering class. As a member of your
school’s strategic planning department, write a memo to the director of admissions
suggesting what he or she should do to provide data to the predictive model. Be as
specific as possible.
3. Jobs such as the one Dannon posted (Danone is Dannon’s French parent company)
carry a great deal of responsibility, make a difference in the success of a company, and
pay well into six figures. Do you think you would be good at this work? Do you think
you would enjoy it?
hours now runs in 5 minutes. A report of diagnostic codes by model and year went from
two weeks to 15 minutes. Where the previous system could barely process one query per
hour, the new platform completed one a minute. This enabled Volvo to extend usage from
a handful of users to over 300.
What are some business results of this system?
• Volvo analysts can predict failure rates over time. Each month, they look at how
many cars have reached a certain service age and how many of those have experi-
enced specific failures. “This gives us a cumulative hazard function that tells us how
many cars in a given population have experienced a particular failure, and how many
are at risk,” explains senior engine diagnostic engineer Mikael Krizmanic (Big Data
Insight Group, 2012). “It … describes the failure rate over time, and that’s what we
use for predictive modeling. It helps us understand which faults will produce large
warranty impacts if not addressed systematically.”
• Cars in urban China experience different driving conditions and behaviors than in
rural Germany: different average vehicle speed, engine load, operating temperature,
environmental conditions, time at idle… “Because we have both error codes and
operational log data in the warehouse, we can understand the relationships between
geography, patterns of use and mechanical failure,” Krizmanic points out (Big Data
Insight Group, 2012). “A problem may be a high priority … in one geography but
not in another.”
“I would say that today we have only scratched the surface. I don’t think we understand yet,
from a business point of view, this tool’s true potential,” says Åke Bengtsson, vice president
of quality and customer satisfaction. “I believe that we can better use data to provide early
indications. … We must be able to act quickly, to reduce the number of steps to an accurate,
proactive response. Every car we produce with a fault costs the company money. And every
minute, hour, and day by which we can expedite a solution saves money for the company.
The earlier we can resolve an issue the better it is for the customer and the company. So I
think our direction is clear” (Big Data Insight Group, 2012).
The Teradata system has enthusiastic support from Volvo’s IT side. Jonas Rönnkvist,
head of enterprise architecture, helped orchestrate its acceptance in the corporate environ-
ment. “Every new development project at Volvo Cars now follows a standard governance
process, including reviews by my team. If the requirements include data consolidation and
integration, and the design doesn’t leverage the Volvo Data Warehouse platform, the proj-
ect will not be able to proceed without CIO approval” (Big Data Insight Group, 2012).
Volvo’s data warehouse may have had its greatest impact on decision-making processes.
“Our decision making has become more fact-based,” says senior business analyst Bertil
Angtorp (Big Data Insight Group, 2012). “Now, whenever a question arises, people ask
‘what is the data telling us?’ Once we’ve verified the existence of a problem we use the data
to … to prioritize and scale our response. It helps us … [focus] on the things that are most
likely to affect the customer experience.”
342 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Does Volvo have “big data” here? Why or why not?
2. Volvo Cars has gone through several changes of ownership. It was part of AB Volvo
until 1999, was owned by Ford Motor Company from then to 2010, and is now owned
by Geely Automotive of China. How do you think this might have affected the devel-
opment, use and acceptance of this data warehouse?
3. Volvo Cars uses dendrograms to analyze clusters of alarm data, finding relation-
ships among different signals. If you’re not familiar with dendrograms (most people
aren’t), research them to understand what they are and what they show. How could an
instructor teaching a course in Microsoft Office use dendrograms to analyze problem
areas for students?
Barnett, T., Group decision making, Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd edn, 2011. www.referencefor-
business.com/management/Gr-Int/Group-Decision-Making.html, accessed August 13, 2013.
Big Data Insight Group, Teradata case study: A car company powered by data, May 16, 2012. www.
CIO Executive Council, 3 CIOs reveal how they got started with predictive analytics, CIO,
November 18, 2013. www.cio.com/article/742867/3_CIOs_Reveal_How_They_Got_Started_
Dannon Web site, www.dannon.com, accessed August 17, 2013.
Dresner Advisory Services, Wisdom of crowds business intelligence market study, May 20, 2013. pages.
Duhigg, C., How companies learn your secrets, The New York Times, February 16, 2012.
Few, S., Dashboard confusion, Perceptual Edge, March 20, 2004. www.perceptualedge.com/articles/
Glanz, J., Is big data an economic big dud? The New York Times, August 17, 2013.
Harris, D., Why Apple, eBay, and Walmart have some of the biggest data warehouses you’ve ever seen,
GigaOm, March 27, 2013. gigaom.com/2013/03/27/why-apple-ebay-and-walmart-have-some-of-
Kanani, R., Target practice: The power of predictive analytics, Forbes, July 29, 2013. www.forbes.
Simon, H. A., The New Science of Decision Making, Harper & Row, New York, 1960.
Turner, N., The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall, DataIQ (DQM Group), Autumn 2012. www.
Waxer, C., Inside the Greek yogurt wars: Dannon taps predictive analytics, Computerworld,
August 12, 2013. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9241522/Inside_the_Greek_yogurt_
Managing Information Systems
Chapter 10
• The Information Systems Steering Committee
• Setting Priorities
• Make or Buy?
• Selecting Software
• After the Contract Is Signed
Sometimes more than one driver is present. Dissatisfaction can arise from what a competi-
tor does. A merger may create the critical mass to justify a new, but expensive, technology.
A software salesperson can explain what is possible with new technology and show how
other companies use it, thus creating dissatisfaction.
346 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Once an idea arises, proceeding is a business decision. Technical factors define what
is possible but cannot determine what is desirable. For that reason, organizations cannot
leave these decisions to their professional Information Systems staff. Businesspeople, such
as yourself in a few years, must make them. This chapter will show you how they’re made
and give you some tools to make them yourself.
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. Users must be involved in information systems planning to get the systems they need.
2. The organization’s existing infrastructure both enables and constrains this planning.
3. There are systematic ways to approach information systems planning.
When people have ideas for new information systems or changes to existing ones, they
submit their ideas to the IS steering committee by filling out a short form online or on
paper. They describe what the new system could do, why that is better than today’s method,
and give specific benefits of the change. Proposals may include rough cost estimates. They
mention factors that make a project important, such as new legislation with which the orga-
nization must comply or a competitor’s new system that leaves others at a disadvantage.
The steering committee considers suggestions as they arrive or on a schedule. It starts by
separating them into two groups: those that are not consistent with the resources, strate-
gies, or needs of the organization and those that are worth closer examination.
The committee then assigns a systems analyst to conduct a preliminary investigation
of proposals in the second group. This investigation, described in more detail in the next
chapter since it is the first step in developing an information system, yields a report called
a feasibility study. Proposals that do not get a preliminary investigation may be retained
for later consideration. Either way, the committee notifies the person who submitted the
suggestion of its decision.
When the committee receives the feasibility studies it requested, it meets to evaluate
them. Most suggestions that reach the preliminary investigation stage turn out to be feasible.
Where you fit in: As your career advances, you may find yourself on an IS steering committee.
This is a sign of confidence in your ability and gives you an opportunity to interact with manag-
ers from other parts of the organization at a strategic level.
Before then, you may be on a subcommittee that the steering committee appoints for a
project review or another purpose. This is an opportunity to contribute outside your direct
responsibilities and to show that you are capable of handling bigger jobs than you now have.
Whatever your job, try to understand how the IS steering committee works and know who
represents your department. When you have an IS idea, this representative can provide valu-
able guidance in taking it forward, helping you present suggestions in a way that is likely to
lead to their acceptance. If you obtain this person’s support ahead of time, he or she can also
champion your suggestion in committee meetings. It will still have to be evaluated, but com-
mittee member support makes a difference when suggestions compete.
There are usually more feasible proposals than there is money to pay for them. The steer-
ing committee must set priorities, and select the ones that will go forward and those that
will not.
Some information systems are mandatory. This includes systems required by new legis-
lation, or that customers insist on as a condition of doing business.
Next come information systems that will provide a measurable benefit. The costs and ben-
efits of some new systems can be estimated with acceptable accuracy—that is, as accurately as
other future cost and revenue figures are estimated for business planning. When this is done,
financial planning methods can be used to determine the expected internal rate of return
(IRR) of the new system. If this IRR is above the hurdle rate that the business uses to justify
new uses of capital, then the business will be willing to fund the new information system.
348 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Figure 10.2 shows a sample financial analysis for a new system. This system will cost
$400,000 in development expenses during Year 1. In Year 2, when hardware to roll it out
to users must also be purchased, it will cost $500,000. It will cost $50,000 per year for
support and maintenance as long as it is in use. An additional $50,000 for user training is
budgeted in Year 3.
The system’s benefits begin in Year 3. They are estimated to be $500,000 per year, less
in Year 3 because it will not be fully productive for the entire year. Its benefits continue
through Year 7, the organization’s planning horizon for assessing costs and benefits of new
information systems.
Adding up the costs and benefits shows total costs of $1,200,000 and total benefits of
$2,400,000. The net benefit of $1.2 million suggests that this system would be very profit-
able. However, as you know, if you have taken a finance course, this ignores the time value
of money. A dollar (or euro, yen, etc.) today is worth more than the expectation of a dollar
in the future for two reasons:
1. A dollar in hand now is a certainty. A dollar in the future is an expectation that may
or may not materialize. The further in the future we expect to receive it, the greater
the opportunity for something to happen to our expectation.
2. A dollar we have now can be invested for a financial return. We will have more than a
dollar in the future if we use it wisely. Looked at another way, it is one dollar that the firm
doesn’t have to raise by borrowing, issuing stock, or something else that costs money.
In business, these factors are taken into account by applying a discount rate to expected
future costs and benefits. Typical discount rates are 15%–25% per year. Applying a 20%
discount rate (cell B8 of the spreadsheet) reduces future net cost or benefit by that much for
each year that it is in the future. The expected cost of $500,000 in Year 2 is divided by 1.20,
yielding a present value of $416,667 for that year’s cost. The expected benefit of $450,000
in Year 7 is divided by 1.206, or 2.986, yielding $150,070—about a third of the unadjusted
dollar amount. That is what the expectation of receiving $450,000 in Year 7 is worth to this
company today.
The row headed “PV” below the raw data shows the present value of each year’s net cost
or benefit. Summing them shows that the project has a positive net present value (NPV)
of $200,650. That’s about one-sixth of the original difference of $1,200,000 in their undis-
counted costs and benefits. It shows what the project is really worth to the organization.
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 349
Experimenting with various discount rates, or using the IRR function of most spread-
sheet programs, shows that this project has an NPV of zero at a discount rate of 28.4%. That
is the project’s IRR. Any discount rate below 28.4% will yield a positive NPV. Any discount
rate above this figure will yield a negative NPV. If the organization changes its hurdle
rate—the rate a project must reach to be worth doing from a financial point of view—the
new hurdle rate can be compared with 28.4% to see if this project is still worth pursuing.
Where you fit in: Understanding net present value concepts is essential to managerial thinking.
Showing this sort of thinking in project proposals increases their chance of acceptance, even if
a preliminary investigation modifies your numbers. If you find yourself on a committee charged
with project evaluations, other committee members may look to you, as a business graduate, to
carry out this sort of analysis. Maybe you should keep your finance book!
If there are funds left over after approving mandatory systems and those that provide a
positive NPV, management judgment comes into play. Businesses, through their IS steering
committees, use several methods to choose among the remaining candidates for development.
Balanced Portfolio
The original concept of a balanced portfolio of development projects was to balance project risk
and expected benefit. The idea was to have a mix of short-term projects that provide an assured,
but limited, benefit, and riskier longer-term ones whose benefit will be immense if they succeed.
1. Transactional systems that reduce costs. These have the lowest risk. Better IS man-
agement can reduce that risk even further, but it is already low.
2. Informational systems used to support decision making. Their risk is that it can be
difficult to act on information to create business value. Better IS management can
provide a process to capitalize on improved information.
3. Infrastructure enhancements. The risk here is long-term technology uncertainty.
Better IS management can reduce this risk by selecting enhancements for maximum
4. Strategic information systems to gain competitive advantage. The risk is that such
systems may not achieve this objective. Better IS management can reduce this risk by
thinking through the business issues and competitive forces involved.
Investments should be balanced among these four categories. While exact balance can
never be achieved, organizations should make sure that categories are not ignored or
Informational: Strategic:
20% 13%
Transactional: 13%
Infrastructure: 54%
The percentages in Figure 10.3 are the percentages of investment in the four categories
that Weill found in a survey of large companies about a decade ago. There is no reason
to think they have changed much since then. He emphasizes that there is no single right
number. The right mix for a firm depends on the firm’s strategy. For example, a firm with
a low-cost strategy that uses information systems to reduce costs should spend more than
the average on transactional systems.
Organizations also try to balance new development with maintenance and enhance-
ment of older systems. This can be difficult, because enhancements to existing systems can
often consume the entire budget if they’re allowed to. By allocating a minimum percentage
of its budget to new development, an organization can ensure that it doesn’t get stuck later
with lots of old systems and no modern ones.
These are not the only types of balance that are possible. Some experts suggest balancing
the project portfolio along four dimensions, as illustrated in Figure 10.4. Saunders suggests
balancing these four factor aspects of projects:
Process Customer
efficiency satisfaction
He argues that none of these areas can be slighted without damaging the organization
Where you fit in: As with the other items in this chapter, these are largely business issues even
though some grasp of technology is required to understand them. A businessperson’s perspec-
tive on these issues is vital to making good decisions about them.
If an information system that you propose fits into an underserved category in any important
respect, pointing out its potential to balance the organization’s project portfolio can improve
its odds of acceptance.
Infrastructure Considerations
Any organization large enough to have a procedure for selecting new information sys-
tems has an existing technology infrastructure and architecture. New information systems
must take these into account. They fall into three categories.
Where you fit in: When you propose a new system, keep the steering committee’s priorities in
mind. Your system is more likely to be developed if you can explain why the organization must
develop it, if it is consistent with corporate strategy, and if you can make a case that it is in an
area that has been underfunded in the past.
You don’t have to write a computer program to benefit from it. You have a word processor,
a web browser, and other programs—and you didn’t write any of them. That’s true even if
you’re a programmer and could have if you had to. You made a decision: there are lots of
browsers; your needs in a browser are much the same as anyone else’s; and you value your
time; so you took advantage of what others have done.
In business, this is known as a make-or-buy decision. Such decisions appear often: should
we build electric motors for our vacuum cleaners or buy them from a company that makes
electric motors? Should we manage our cafeteria, or pay a food services company to run it
for us? The same concept applies to information system development.
The major options and two important selection factors are shown in Figure 10.5. The
factors are:
1. How unusual is the application? If it’s standard, like word processing, there’s a large
market for packages to handle it. A large market means there are choices. You can
probably find a package that meets your needs. If your application is unique, the mar-
ket is smaller, so it’s less likely that a software company has developed a package for it.
In addition, if an application is standard, again like word processing, your organiza-
tion will not get a competitive advantage by using it. The value of a word-processed
document is in its words, not in how they were processed. A company does not give
354 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Firm size
Manual methods
competitors an edge by using the same word processor that they use. When an appli-
cation is unique, though, its potential strategic value is large.
2. How big is your company? The benefits of any information system are roughly
proportional to company size, but the cost of developing it rises much more slowly
(Box 10.2).
Figure 10.6 illustrates this. The benefits of a new information system, or of improving an
existing one, are proportional to the size of the organization that uses it. It will always have
at least some minimum cost. This cost will increase with organizational size more slowly
than benefits increase. At some point the lines cross. Above this point a custom system is
Cost–benefit comparison
Cost or benefit
$100 Cost
Small Large
Organization size
justified. Below this point, it isn’t. That’s why large organizations develop custom software,
but small ones don’t.
When an organization chooses custom development, it has another choice: have its staff
develop it or hire a specialized software development firm to do the work? This is also a
make-or-buy decision. This decision is based on cost, availability of the required skills
within the organization, and, if they’re not available, how much the organization will need
them in the future. Hiring an outside firm to develop software (or do anything else) is
called outsourcing. If that firm is in a different country, it is called offshoring. Offshoring
offers savings when a system is developed in a part of the world with low labor costs, but
also increases the difficulty of managing a project.
Customized packages lie between custom software and standard packages. Your school
probably uses a customized package for registration. Course registration is a common need,
shared by most institutions of higher education and many secondary schools. It is a large
market, but not as large as that for word processors. The basic concepts are shared, but there is
enough variation to make a fully standard package impractical. Your school probably bought
a package designed to meet a wide range of needs, spent several months customizing it (at
far less cost than writing a registration system from scratch), and is satisfied with the results.
If customization calls for specialized skills, or for resources that the organization doesn’t
have, customization can be outsourced as well. Suppliers of software that is designed to be
customized often offer this service. Customers can use supplier resources to train their
own programmers, to work alongside them, or to take on the entire job. The choice is a
business decision based on cost, schedule, and how important an organization feels that it
is to be self-sufficient in this regard.
The lower right corner of Figure 10.5 is labeled manual methods. If a small company has
a rare need, using an information system to meet it may not be justified. Consider sales
forecasting for a baseball park pretzel vendor. One could develop a system that consid-
ers day of the week, time of the game, weather, holidays, quality of the visiting team, and
everything else that affects pretzel sales. The cost of that system would exceed the vendor’s
annual revenue. There are too few baseball park pretzel vendors for software companies to
356 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
offer a package to this market. Instead of hiring a programmer to develop a custom system,
this pretzel vendor makes a best guess based on years of experience. It may not be the best
possible forecast, but it’s good enough.
Where you fit in: Consider this framework when you propose a new system. If your organization
is small, you might do online research to see if there are packages to do what you need. The cost
savings from using a commercial package, versus needing to develop a new information system
from scratch, can make the difference between accepting or rejecting a suggestion.
When your organization’s IS steering committee considers a proposal, it determines if the
proposed system will use an off-the-shelf package as is, a customized package, or custom
software. This choice is based on information in the proposal, general knowledge of the
area, research by the IS department, and discussions with knowledgeable people. Cost
differences among approaches can affect whether or not developing a new information
system is justified. Most companies, most of the time, opt for either a standard or a cus-
tomized package.
If custom development will be used, the committee begins the process in Chapter 11.
Many organizations have a procedure for purchasing software. Its nature depends on
the size of the organization and type of system. A billion-dollar company selecting an ERP
system will use a longer, more formal process than a start-up picking a web design app.
This section describes the high end of the spectrum. Each step has a purpose, though, so
small organizations should think about how they will accomplish that purpose even if they
don’t go through the full process.
The IS steering committee is responsible for software procurement. For important sys-
tems, it may manage the procurement itself with support from the IS department. For
less critical systems, it will delegate the work to a subcommittee or another group, while
exercising general supervision. The group that handles the selection is referred to as the
selection committee.
Where you fit in: Being part of a selection committee is one way that potential members of the
IS steering committee are evaluated with little risk to the organization if they don’t work out.
Establish Requirements
The first step in obtaining software is to establish what it should do. A student registra-
tion system should enable students to register for courses—but a general statement such
as this is not enough. Every requirement, every desirable feature that is not a require-
ment, must be spelled out. This is important for software vendors who will respond
to the selection committee’s solicitation, and for the selection committee in evaluating
those responses.
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 357
Figure 10.7 shows a small piece of a requirements document, to suggest the level of
detail that is required, from a proposed curriculum information system for a university.
This section deals with changing the status of a course proposal. If it goes into this much
4.24.1 Description
Once approved, a proposal is kept permanently, but new versions can be undertaken that, when
approved, supplant the currently approved version. The exact set of status codes and allowed tran-
sitions is detailed in CISWorkflow.doc. Status changes are effected by user request and are subject
to authorization checks. The system displays only allowed status changes to the user.
The CIS tracks editorial changes not as status code changes as revision code changes (most of
which are automatically determined by comparing the current version with the prior approved
version)—see “Automatic Setting of Proposal Revision Codes.”
4.24.2 Functions
If not a valid status change, display an error message and do not change the status.
After changing a status code, the user’s authorizations, menus, etc. must be recalculated to
take into consideration the new proposal status.
4.24.3 Data
Retain the ID of the user who changed the status code and the date/time of the change. Also
retain any comments made at the time of the status code change.
detail about such a small part of the curriculum management process, imagine what the
entire document must look like!
It is important to establish requirements before considering possible suppliers.
Otherwise, there is danger of biasing the requirements based on appealing features that
are not really important.
1. If no packages meet the need, the system will require custom development. In that case its
cost will be higher, so the desirability of proceeding must be revisited. If the organization
is still interested, it proceeds with custom development as discussed in the next chapter.
2. If the selection committee remains convinced that suitable packages exist, it should
revisit its RFI to understand what scared off potential vendors. Perhaps requirements
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 359
were too specific to allow vendors to meet the business need in the best way. Perhaps
the schedule wasn’t realistic. Perhaps the terms were too far from how vendors do
business. Discussions with vendors can help figure this out. Once the reason for
lack of replies is understood, the organization can issue an RFI that is more likely to
obtain responses—or decide not to.
Functional Evaluation
The most important part of RFP evaluation is functional evaluation: how well does each
proposal meet our business goals for the new system? How close is each to what we want?
Do all proposed systems meet the absolute requirements (musts)? How many of the desir-
able features (wants) does each one have? If some factors are measured numerically rather
than just as “yes” or “no,” how does each proposed system rate on those factors, and what
is each one’s overall score?
Different groups use different decision-making methods to combine all these factors
into a ranking of alternatives. One common method starts by screening all the alterna-
tives for all the must factors. Any that fail to meet at least one of those factors are ruled
out. (If a system can be acceptable without meeting a must factor, that factor wasn’t truly
a must in the first place.)
Next, want factors are given weights that reflect how important each one is. This weight
can be a number on a scale such as 1–10, or a fraction of the total score such as a percentage.
These weights should be assigned before the alternatives are evaluated. (This is the process
that a decision-making group used in the section “Group Decisions” to select a corporate jet.)
Proposals are then evaluated on each factor. A 1–10 scale is one approach. Proposals that
meet a capability best, or completely, score 10 on it. The others score lower, based on the
committee’s perception of how close they are to the best proposal or to an ideal solution.
A system that is close to the best might receive a 9. One that doesn’t have that capability at
all will get a 0 for that item.
Finally, the scores of each alternative on each factor are multiplied by the factor weight,
and the products added up to give the overall score of each alternative.
Figure 10.9 shows part of a functional evaluation scoring grid for a customer relation-
ship management (CRM) package. (It is based on an example from Axia Consulting of the
United Kingdom. Their full grid has many more lines that are not shown.) This grid uses
two scales, which are not exactly the same as those discussed earlier:
This vendor scored 55 total weighted points (“WS” column) in these two areas. Other ven-
dors have their scores, and many areas aren’t shown in this part of the full evaluation form.
One could also score vendors in different columns on one sheet. That isn’t basic to the
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 361
Financial Evaluation
Vendors may propose different financial arrangements. The usual approach for personal
software, one-time payment, is rare with enterprise software. An initial cost plus a regular
maintenance fee is more common. There can be periodic fees with no initial payment,
often with a minimum term. The cost of enterprise software can also be based on actual or
potential usage.
Measures based on actual usage include:
• Number of people who use the software in a given period of time, such as a month
• Number of hours people are logged into the software, regardless of how much they
use it during this time—or whether they even use it at all
• Size of the application’s database, in GB or a quantity such as number of students
• Volume of data entering and/or leaving the system
• Number of transactions processed, such as the number of students registered
• Another usage measure, such as the number of queries made or reports produced
Such measures are often tiered: divided into ranges or tiers, where any quantity within
a tier pays the same price. For example, a software license (allowing it to be installed on
several computers belonging to one organization) might have one price for 2–9 computers,
a higher price for 10–99, a still higher one for 100–999, and one even higher with no limit.
(Your university probably has such a license for much of the software in its computer labs.)
A site with 15 computers pays the same price as one with 95. If two packages are compa-
rable, the site with 15 might do better to select a vendor that has a tier break at 25—unless
it expects to have 30 computers next year.
Comparing alternatives requires estimating how the system will be used. Suppose one
system is priced at $10 per month per authorized user and another at $100 per month per
concurrent user. If 1000 employees will be authorized to use the system, the break-even
point is 100 users on the system at a time. The choice requires knowing if users will stay
logged on all day, or if they’ll log on for a few minutes when they need to. With the first
pattern, paying per authorized user is the better approach. With the second, paying for
concurrent users is less expensive.
Figure 10.10 compares three different financial options: a one-time license fee with
annual maintenance fees that are assumed to rise at 5% per year, leasing at a cost that is
assumed to rise at the same rate, and a per-seat charge assuming the number of users will
increase by 10% per year. The calculations assume that the organization’s cost of capital is
15% per year and use a six-year planning horizon.
In this case, both leasing and paying per user are more economical than buying a license
and paying for maintenance. If the three options represent different ways to pay for the
same system, the organization can choose between B and C on the basis of confidence in
its growth estimates or by flipping a mental coin. If they represent the way three different
system vendors offer their systems, B and C would be more desirable on financial grounds.
Organizations differ in how they combine cost with other factors in the final selection.
Some treat cost as a want factor in scoring the alternatives. Thus, low cost can offset func-
tional advantages. Others evaluate the two separately, then look for the best combination
of capability and cost.
Check References
While most information system and software vendor representatives do not knowingly lie
about factual aspects of their products, they put things in the best possible light and are
not motivated to mention problems. Consulting firm Infor of Alpharetta (near Atlanta),
Ga., which has a great deal of experience advising clients on system selection, suggests
that organizations should get a list of references with contact information from each ven-
dor. While vendors do not deliberately offer customers with bad experiences as references,
comparing the “best case” customer experience across vendors can be instructive. Infor
recommends asking references questions such as these:
• What type of business is the reference? (Ask vendors for references in your industry.
Their inability or unwillingness to provide them, unless the vendor is very small or is
moving into your industry for the first time, is a negative point.)
• Explain the top three to five goals you are looking to achieve. Did the reference have
similar goals? Were they achieved? If not, was the software at fault, or was it an inter-
nal problem?
• What are the greatest benefits the reference saw after the software was implemented?
• Were there any surprises?
• How was the implementation support? Were the cost and timeframe in line with
what was discussed and quoted? If they weren’t, did the scope of the project change,
or did the reference feel that the vendor underestimated the work required?
• If the reference had to repeat the process, would they choose the same package?
Benchmark Test
A benchmark test is a controlled evaluation of a computer system as it performs realistic
tasks. Benchmark tests, or benchmarks for short, can be used to confirm that a system can
carry out its functions and will perform adequately under its expected load.
Personal computer magazines report benchmark test results for new computers. They
may find, for example, that adding radial blur to a test photograph in Photoshop takes
16.9 seconds on one computer, 19.3 seconds on another. Most users wouldn’t notice the dif-
ference, but those who require the highest possible performance rely on such information
to make informed choices. Benchmark tests can also show how this time changes if RAM
is upgraded from 4 to 8 GB, if a disk drive is replaced by solid-state storage, if the same task
is performed using a different package such as Gimp, or how Photoshop CC compares with
its predecessor Photoshop CS6 in this respect.
A benchmark test for an enterprise system is more complicated to run. It requires a
database: perhaps not the full database the system will eventually have, but large enough
to expose issues that may arise with the full one. It requires users, perhaps a lot of them,
or a computer to mimic the activity of many users. It may require software customization.
It requires instrumenting the software to measure how well it is performing. It requires
364 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
multiple runs, with precise changes from one to the next, to understand how workload
variations affect performance.
Benchmark tests are a lot of work! Customizing even part of a new system, installing it
on the organization’s servers or arranging to use the vendor’s servers, finding and training
enough users for a realistic workload, running the system, measuring its performance, and
analyzing the data require major investments of time, cost, and effort on the part of both
prospective user and hopeful vendor. As a result, benchmarks are rare. When they are
used, they are usually run only for the system that has been tentatively selected. The effort
of planning and carrying out a benchmark for more than one system is seldom worth-
while. The benchmark is used to confirm that a tentatively selected system will perform
adequately. Both parties understand that, if the system passes this test—the criteria for
passing having been agreed to in advance—contract negotiations will follow.
While a full benchmark may be impractical for all but one vendor, demonstrations are
not. Each vendor who submits a response to an RFP should demonstrate their system. This
demonstration usually takes place at their facilities, but a customer facility may be used
instead. The intent is to show how easy the system is to use and how it will help the poten-
tial new user meet its needs.
Buyers vary in their approaches to vendor demonstrations. Some prefer to provide the
data that the vendor should use and even a script that the vendor should follow. They do
this to make demos directly comparable. However, this limits vendors’ ability to showcase
what they feel makes their product outstanding. Instead, Infor recommends telling the
vendor the goals you would like to achieve and letting the vendor show how its product will
help you achieve them (Infor, 2014).
Personal computer software is offered on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. If we don’t like the con-
tract that we accept when we break the seal on a CD envelope, or when we check “accept”
on a website before a download, we’re free to get a different package with better license
terms—if we can find one. There’s no negotiation.
With enterprise systems there is almost always room for negotiation. The software and a
vendor’s general business policies won’t change, but beyond that the buyer will never have
more power. Discounts from list price or the original asking price are common. Extra sup-
port may be available for the asking now, but not later. Concessions you can ask for, and
may receive, include:
• A price reduction. Software and system prices are as negotiable as car prices: there are
levels below which a seller won’t go, but the initial asking price is higher than that.
Reductions can apply to any or all price elements. Advisors can often tell a prospec-
tive purchaser how much customers of major vendors actually paid. That is important
information, just as knowing how much dealers pay for a car is important informa-
tion for car buyers.
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 365
• A vendor may provide free or low-cost training on a new system. This can be a win-
win offer: the vendor has training staff and can provide it at little incremental cost to
itself, but the new user doesn’t have such people and would have to pay a great deal
to get them.
• A vendor may make experts available to help with customization or to answer ques-
tions that come up during that stage. This is another case of the vendor having
resources that the user needs and that are expensive to find elsewhere.
• A vendor may agree to waive upgrade fees if an upgrade is announced within, say,
6 months. This costs it nothing and can motivate a user to buy now rather than wait
for a new version that’s been rumored in the press—or buy a different system instead.
As with writing RFIs and RFPs, outside advisors can help in negotiations. A user organi-
zation is involved in information system negotiations perhaps once a year, perhaps once
every few years. Vendors negotiate with customers many times a week. Their sales reps
handle several contracts a year each. As with cars, the seller has the edge in experience.
Using a consultant who negotiates contracts regularly can offset that advantage, saving a
buyer far more than the consultant’s fee.
Where you fit in: If you’re on a selection committee, these steps will be part of your job. Be
sure your manager understands the time commitment that your committee assignment will
involve, in both duration and level of activity.
Organizations are regularly faced with a decision whether to buy an available soft-
ware package or have a program written specifically for them.
As a businessperson, you must make sure that these “make-or-buy” decisions are made
for good business reasons, not solely on technical grounds (though technical factors are
Almost every business need for which a software package exists can be met by more
than one package. It is necessary to choose one of the many on the market.
A structured approach to software selection is likely to lead to better results, in terms
of both the software itself and the satisfaction of your organization with it, than would be
obtained otherwise. As a businessperson, you will be in a position to propose and use such
a process.
Balanced portfolio: A set of development projects chosen as a group for balance in impor-
tant respects, such as risk and potential reward.
Benchmark test: Controlled measurement of an information system as it performs real-
istic tasks.
Chief information officer (CIO): Senior manager responsible for an organization’s infor-
mation systems.
Corporate strategy: Overall approach that an organization takes in order to succeed.
Custom software: Software written specifically for the needs of one organization. Compare
standard package, customized package.
Customized package: Software purchased from a supplier that must be modified in significant
ways before it can be placed into use. Compare standard package, custom software.
Discount rate: The annual rate at which an organization reduces expected future costs or
benefits to arrive at their present value.
Feasibility study: Preliminary study of an information system concept to determine if it is
feasible within organizational constraints.
Financial evaluation: Comparing proposed systems on the basis of expected cost.
Functional evaluation: Comparing proposed systems on the basis of what they do.
Hurdle rate: Minimum internal rate of return that justifies proceeding with a project.
Information systems steering committee (IS steering committee): Group of senior man-
agers charged with making decisions about information systems.
Internal rate of return (IRR): The rate of return that a financial investment would have
to offer in order to equal the profitability of a proposed project. (Negative if the
project will lose money.)
Long list: Initial list of potential suppliers.
Make-or-buy decision: A decision as to whether a need, such as a new information system,
should be met internally or via purchase from an outside supplier.
Must (decision factor): A characteristic that, if an alternative does not have it, renders that
alternative unacceptable. Compare want.
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 367
Net present value: The sum of the present values for a project in every period over its
expected life or until the planning horizon.
Offshoring: Outsourcing to a company located outside one’s home country, often to take
advantage of lower labor costs in another part of the world.
Outsourcing: The business process of obtaining a needed capability from another com-
pany. See also make-or-buy decision, offshoring.
Planning horizon: How far into the future an organization considers the costs and ben-
efits of a potential new information system.
Present value: The amount of money which, were it in hand today, an organization con-
siders financially equivalent to an expected cost or benefit at a specific time in the
Request for information (RFI): Screening questions used to reduce a long list to a short
Request for proposals (RFP): Document that allows vendors to make specific offers,
including cost and schedule, to meet a user organization’s needs.
Selection committee: Group of managers and senior professionals charged with selecting
a new information system or part of one.
Short list: A few (typically 3–5) vendors who are most likely to have a suitable product.
Standard package: Software purchased from a supplier and not modified in a significant
way before use. Compare custom software, customized package.
Want (decision factor): A characteristic that, if an alternative does not have it, makes that
alternative less desirable though still acceptable. Compare must.
1. What is an information systems steering committee?
2. Why should a company care about information systems steering committees if it’s
too small to have one?
3. What does a steering committee do with suggestions it receives for new information
4. What is a preliminary investigation? What sort of document does it produce?
5. Give an example of a mandatory new information system.
6. Why is having a dollar today worth more than the expectation of a dollar in five years?
7. Define hurdle rate.
8. Explain why an information system should be consistent with an organization’s cor-
porate strategy.
9. Suggest a few ways in which an organization’s information system development proj-
ect portfolio can be balanced.
368 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
10. What are two factors that affect whether an organization should make or buy a new
11. What is the category of new systems between custom development and standard
12. What is the difference between an RFI and an RFP?
13. Describe how an evaluation of several “want” requirements can be combined into a
single score for a proposed package.
14. Give a few measures on which the monthly cost of an information system might be
15. Define benchmark test.
16. Why are benchmark tests not widely used for enterprise-wide information systems?
1. Discuss when and why your school might consider replacing its current student
information system. In your discussion, suggest at least three reasons why it might
want to do this at some future time, and what approach it will probably take to its
new one.
2. Discuss who, by job title or area of responsibility, you think would comprise a
good IS steering committee for the following organizations. There is no single
right answer for any of them. Make any assumptions you need, but be sure to state
them. If one or more of these organizations don’t need an IS steering committee,
explain why.
a. Your school.
b. A hotel chain with 300+ hotels on four continents.
c. A corner barber shop.
d. The government of a large state/province of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
(If you’re not in North America, use the government of a small country in your
home continent.)
3. Real requirements documents do not always meet the eight requirements in the
section “Establish Requirements.” Which of them are the curriculum information
system requirements in Figure 10.7 c onsistent with? Which are they not consistent
with? For which is there insufficient information to tell?
4. Your employer is considering two vendors for a new system. Expected benefits and
costs for each vendor are shown in the following table for a seven-year planning hori-
zon. (All figures are in thousands of dollars.) Vendor A offers on-premises software
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 369
with an initial license fee, annual maintenance fees, and a major upgrade expected
in Year 4. Vendor B offers SaaS (software-as-a-service) for an annual fee. It will take
a year and a half to customize and implement either system; that cost is included in
the costs for each vendor. You have been asked to carry out the financial evaluation
on behalf of the IS steering committee. Write your report in the form of a memo.
5. See the discussion of university registration packages in the section “Make or Buy?”.
Interview one or more people from your school’s IS department to find out where
the registration system you use came from and how it was chosen. Compare your
findings about its selection process with the description of that process in the section
“Make or Buy?”.
It may not be practical for everyone to approach the school’s IS department individu-
ally with this question. Your instructor may assign this question to groups, ask some-
one from that department to visit the class and discuss what they did, or ask students
to interview people in several organizations.
6. Your company’s IS steering committee is considering proposals for three systems. All
sound good, but there are only enough funds for two of them. Write a memo to the
committee from the vice president in charge of each of the following areas, explaining
why that system should be chosen. Make any assumptions you want, but state them.
a. For the marketing department, a system that will track and analyze mentions on
social media, enabling the company to anticipate trends and create more effective
sales campaigns.
b. For the manufacturing department, a system that will tie your company more
closely to its suppliers, enabling them to supply its needs more accurately and
with less lead time.
c. For the engineering department, a computer-aided design system that will
shorten product development times and will result in lower production costs.
7. Toward the end of Chapter 9 it says “Homegrown dashboards are seldom necessary
or cost-effective.” Explain why, using concepts from this chapter.
8. An airline needs to track aircraft maintenance. (An airplane may not legally carry
passengers if it has not been maintained on schedule.) In addition to recording
what has been done, this system will plan what should be done, when, and where.
This is not simple: if maintenance is done earlier than necessary, money is wasted;
370 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
if later than necessary, the aircraft must be flown empty to a suitable facility. No
other airline has a system that plans maintenance effectively.
a. Would you expect to use custom programming or a customized package for
this? Why?
b. If this program works well, it can give the airline an edge over its competitors.
Explain why, using concepts in Chapter 1.
9. Apply the stages of the software selection process to selecting a word processor for
10. You are performing a financial evaluation of three competing software packages.
Package A has a fixed annual license fee of $10,000 with no usage limitations. Package
B has an annual license fee of $50 per authorized user regardless of how much they
use it. Package C has an annual license fee of $1000 plus $200 per concurrent user
allowed, with no limit on how many users are authorized. Draw a diagram that cov-
ers 0–100 concurrent users and 0–500 authorized users, showing the regions in which
each of the three is least expensive.
11. Jira team-oriented project management software (www.atlassian.com/jira) is priced
as follows for cloud usage:
Plot the cost per user at the tier breakpoints. As a businessperson, how do you explain
this pricing approach?
12. Consider the Oracle software prices described in the section “Software Licensing” of
Chapter 4. Its price list is 13 pages long, in small print, with 4–6 columns of num-
bers ranging from 44¢ (per-user annual support of a small add-on program) to
$300,000.00 (processor license for a business intelligence suite).
a. If you are on a selection committee that is considering Oracle software, how might
you approach the negotiations to minimize your cost?
b. If you are an Oracle competitor, how could you use this complexity to your
c. If you are an Oracle business planner, what are the advantages of this complexity?
“Thank you,” Miguel replied. “We’re pleased to meet you, and I think some of the ques-
tions we have today are really for you. To get some perspective on your decision, how
important was the dollar aspect in choosing HealthFusion?”
“That’s an interesting question,” Maryann mused. “Their price was in the ballpark, of
course, but so was pretty much everyone else’s. What makes it interesting is that their pric-
ing wasn’t directly comparable to their competition’s, so we had to make a lot of assump-
tions. Fortunately, things turned out pretty well in that regard.”
“How do you mean it wasn’t directly comparable? Isn’t a monthly cost a monthly
“Yes and no. Of course we send them money every month, but it’s not quite that simple.
The question is how we, and they, figure how much money to send.
“HealthFusion charges so much a month for each physician in our practice. Other
suppliers have different pricing methods: so much a month per authorized user, which
includes nurses and office staff, or so much a month per patient in the database. There may
be a small fee for each insurance claim an office files or something like that, but the main
cost is going to be one of those three.
“Take charging per physician or charging per user. When a vendor charges per user, the
charge for each will be less than for one that charges per physician. Say they charge a fifth
as much. If a practice has two physicians and eight support personnel, it’s a wash. Fewer
support staff, they come out ahead with a package that charges per user. More support staff,
it’s less expensive to pay per physician. Since we’ve moved to the PCMH model, we have a
higher support staff ratio than we did before, so HealthFusion pricing worked out well for
us—but we didn’t know it would at the time.
“There are downsides, of course. If we add another physician, we get a big percentage
increase in our monthly cost. If we paid per user, adding that physician would add just one
more user to a larger number, so the percentage increase would be a lot smaller.
“What it comes down to is, like they say, there’s no free lunch.”
“Unless you count this pizza,” Dr. Trimble interrupted, pointing across his desk at two
square boxes, “but then you have to put up with me.” He opened one of them, took out a
slice of veggie pizza dripping with cheese and tomato sauce, and gestured to the others to
do the same. The two students didn’t need much urging. Maryann took the smallest slice
she could find and chewed it slowly. Nobody spoke for a few minutes.
Finally, Elizabeth broke the silence by asking “Did you consider all this when you made
your choice back then?”
“Yes, but cost wasn’t our number one decision factor,” Dr. Trimble explained. “In medi-
cine, you have to decide which system you want and then live with its pricing unless it’s
outrageous. It probably won’t be, because a company with outrageous prices can’t stay in
business. No system is that far ahead of all the others to get people to pay an outrageous
price for it, especially with all of the cost pressures today.”
“When you did all this analysis, Maryann,” Miguel changed the subject a bit, “did you
do it all on your own, or did you work with anyone outside the practice?”
“We could have done it on our own,” she replied. “That’s why I went to business school
while Dr. Trimble and the others went to med school. We were fortunate, though, to have the
372 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
folks from Springfield Metro Hospital to talk to. When you do something yourself, there’s
always the chance of missing something, so another few pairs of eyes were good to have.
“Also, they had more experience than we had with things like running applications in
the cloud. We knew what it meant, but they had actually done it. That was reassuring when
we looked at systems like MediTouch that work that way.
“Finally, they’re big enough to subscribe to a couple of industry analyst services in our
field. They get Gartner’s Healthcare Providers reports and Forrester’s Healthcare and Life
Sciences reports. Those were really helpful in understanding some of the issues. We took
advantage of some of the inquiry hours they get with their subscriptions to talk to two of
their analysts on the phone and got answers to some really important questions—stuff
that vendors probably wouldn’t have told us, unless we knew exactly what to ask them.”
“Do software vendors deliberately hide things from you?” asked Miguel with a sur-
prised look.
“No more so than anyone else selling anything else,” Maryann smiled, “but you can’t
expect them to say ‘Look at this thing our system doesn’t do but everyone else does,’ can you?”
“I guess not,” Miguel agreed. “I wouldn’t tell someone I have bad teeth on a first date,
either. If I did, that is,” he hastened to add.
“Anyhow,” Elizabeth said, “I think we really understand these issues a lot better now.
Can we drop these pizza boxes anywhere on our way out?”
“Thanks, but I go right by the main building trash area on the way back to my office,”
Maryann said. “We don’t want to leave them in a wastebasket anywhere else because of the
smell, and we can’t recycle them because of the pizza.”
With that the two made an appointment for the following week, thanked Dr. Trimble
and Maryann again for their time, and headed to the bus stop to return to campus.
1. A medical practice has four physicians, twelve other staff members (administrative
and clinical), and 4,000 active patients in its database.
a. If a system priced like MediTouch cost $1,200 per month, how much would
another system have to charge per staff member to cost the same overall?
b. If a system priced like MediTouch cost $1,200 per month, how much would another
system have to charge per active patient in the database to cost the same overall?
c. If all three systems have those prices and therefore cost the same, how would you
recommend one on financial grounds? (Assume someone else evaluates what they
do, how easy they are to use, and all the other selection factors.)
2. You are the practice manager of the medical practice in the previous question.
You are not affiliated with a hospital or any other organization. You have no
professional contacts who can help advise you in selecting an electronic health
record system, but you know your practice needs one. (U.S. Government incen-
tives for using an EHR system are part of the reason, but not the only one.) What
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 373
problems do you foresee, including but not limited to those mentioned in the
case? How would you go about dealing with them?
3. Research the two industry analyst services mentioned in this case: Gartner’s
Healthcare Providers service (gartner.com/technology/research/content/healthcare-
providers.jsp) and Forrester’s Healthcare and Life Sciences service (forrester.com/
Healthcare-%26-Life-Sciences). Go beyond those home pages. Write a report sum-
marizing what they offer to their subscribers and to site visitors at large. If you had to
choose just one of them to subscribe to, which would it be? Why?
Evaluating several products against the must requirements led Ledcor to Mobile Workforce
Management software from ClickSoftware. This software was available in two versions: on-
premise, which Ledcor would operate, and cloud-based, SaaS. Using their two want require-
ments led them to the cloud-based version. Had it been significantly more expensive than
the on-premise solution, they might have gone the other way or chosen a different package.
Specific benefits that Ledcor has seen include these three:
1. What does it mean for spreadsheets, Word documents, and PDF files not to be “up to
the task”? Specifically, in what ways do you think they would not have been up to the
task? What business needs do you think they didn’t meet? What is the value of meet-
ing those needs?
2. Many companies besides ClickSoftware sell workforce scheduling and reporting
programs. Others might be better for other firms in other situations. Find two more
such packages on the web. What advantages do their suppliers claim? What types of
companies might value these advantages?
3. Jeanine Sterling, an analyst at Frost and Sullivan, says about a third of the compa-
nies that use mobile workforce-management suites choose cloud-based software; a
third, on-premise software; and a third, a combination of both. What factors, other
than the two that led Ledcor to choose the cloud, do you think might influence that
• It generated as much data in 2013–2014 as it had in the previous three and a half
• It produces about 1 TB of data, the equivalent of a full disk drive for a typical PC,
every day.
• A single patient’s genome (DNA) record occupies about 1.5 TB of storage.
Planning and Selecting Information Systems ◾ 375
Erasmus’s information systems are large in other ways as well. Its information technology
team supports almost 13,000 personal computers. It has over 70,000 active network points,
including clinical devices. It uses over 300 operational databases, spread over 1000 physical
and virtual servers, and supporting 500 distinct applications.
The big change that affected their storage needs, aside from steady and predictable
growth, was a change in the type of data being stored. “A long time ago we only had
text-based IT, so no multimedia was stored, but in the last ten years that has changed,”
explains IT director Nico Drost (Hewlett-Packard, 2014). Genome records, stored as
images, are just one example. Getting rid of old data isn’t an option: Dutch law requires
storing patient data for 115 years. Anything put into a database from 1986 on must be
accessible into the twenty-second century.
It is hardly a surprise, then, that their data storage was running out of capacity. Their
existing data storage approaches couldn’t support the growth they saw down the road.
A change was needed.
So, Erasmus issued a request for proposals to several storage vendors. After evaluat-
ing their responses, it signed an agreement with Hewlett-Packard (HP). The HP system
includes solid-state (flash) storage for the most active data, high-performance magnetic
disk drives next, slower and less expensive drives for relatively inactive (but still current)
data, and magnetic tape for data that the administrative software determines hasn’t been
used for a while and probably won’t be.
Erasmus used two additional strategies to control storage costs:
Will this storage system, even expanded within its overall design, still meet Erasmus MC’s
storage needs in 2130, when it will finally be able to dispose of information entered today?
Probably not. Will it, though, meet those needs for another decade or more? It certainly
1. Find two other vendors of SAN systems that could support what Erasmus MC needed,
considering nothing besides storage. Summarize their relevant offerings in a brief
2. Suppose you worked for an organization (not necessarily in healthcare) whose data
storage needs were growing rapidly, like those of Erasmus MC. You do not have the
in-house resources to evaluate storage proposals properly. Find two companies that
376 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
offer advisory services that could help you. Write a memo to your supervisor that
describes both and recommends which one you should use.
3. Erasmus MC skipped the stages of developing a long list and using an RFI to whittle it
down to a short list here. Their reasoning was that very few vendors had the capability
to offer them the type of system they needed, they knew who those vendors were, all
those vendors would be interested in their business, and there would be no benefit to
forcing them through an extra—and time-wasting—step.
a. Do you agree or disagree with this reasoning? Give your reasons.
b. Whichever way you answered the previous part, describe a hypothetical situa-
tion in which you would feel the other way. Explain why the two situations are
ClickSoftware Web site, www.clicksoftware.com, accessed February 7, 2014.
Crumrine, R., Curricular information system software requirements document, web.mit.edu/ssit/
cis/CISRequirements.html, accessed December 26, 2014.
Erasmus MC Web site (English), www.erasmusmc.nl/?lang = en, accessed December 26, 2014.
Hewlett-Packard, Erasmus MC finds the remedy for its data storage headache, August 2014. www8.
hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname = 4AA5-3434EEW.
Hewlett-Packard, HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage, www8.hp.com/us/en/products/data-storage/3parstoreserv.
html, accessed December 26, 2014.
Infor, Selecting an ERP solution: A guide, www.technologyevaluation.com/download/white-
paper/131548/Selecting-an-ERP-Solution-a-Guide.html, accessed February 7, 2014.
Karlsson, G., 8 Characteristics of good user requirements, January 18, 2009. www.slideshare.net/
Ledcor Technical Services Web sites, www.ledcor.com and www.ledcor.com/what-we-do/
communications, accessed February 7, 2014.
M.I.T. Center for Information Systems Management, IT portfolio management, cisr.mit.edu/
research/research-overview/classic-topics/it-portfolio-management, accessed January 3, 2014.
Oracle Corp., Oracle technology global price list, November 13, 2014. www.oracle.com/us/corpo-
Pratt, M. K., Construction company looks to the cloud for workforce scheduling, CIO, July 29, 2013.
Saunders, F., Tools to use for strategic planning, June 21, 2012. www.slideshare.net/FloydSaunders/
Weill, P. and S. Aral, Managing the IT portfolio: Returns from the different IT asset classes, M.I.T.
Center for Information Systems Research, Research Briefings, Vol. IV, No. 1A, March 2004.
Chapter 11
Developing Information
• Overview of Software Development
• The System Development Life Cycle Approach
• Other System Development Approaches
• Managing the Development Process
378 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
mBitmapIn = loadBitmap(R.drawable.data);
mBitmapsOut = new Bitmap[NUM_BITMAPS];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BITMAPS; ++i) {
mBitmapsOut[i] = Bitmap.createBitmap(mBitmapIn.getWidth(),
mBitmapIn.getHeight(), mBitmapIn.getConfig());
mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);
mCurrentBitmap += (mCurrentBitmap + 1)% NUM_BITMAPS;
SeekBarseekbar = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.seekBar1);
seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new OnSeekBarChangeListener() {
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBarseekBar, int progress,
booleanfromUser) {
float max = 2.0f;
float min = 0.0f;
float f = (float) ((max – min) * (progress/100.0) + min);
public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBarseekBar) { }
public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBarseekBar) {
private void createScript() {
mRS = RenderScript.create(this);
mInAllocation = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmapIn);
mOutAllocations = new Allocation[NUM_BITMAPS];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BITMAPS; ++i) {
mOutAllocations [i] = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmapsOut[i]);
mScript = new ScriptC_saturation(mRS);
private class RenderScriptTask extends AsyncTask<Float, Integer, Integer> {
Boolean issued = false;
protected Integer doInBackground(Float... values) {
int index = –1;
if (isCancelled() == false) {
issued = true;
index = mCurrentBitmap;
mScript.forEach_saturation(mInAllocation, mOutAllocations[index]);
mCurrentBitmap = (mCurrentBitmap + 1)% NUM_BITMAPS;
return index;
Do we
need it?
If it only
will we
could ... get it?
Buy it or
Use it
make it
8. Over time, changes to the system become desirable. Programmers modify the initial
source programs. The modified programs are tested, installed, and used.
9. Eventually, the system can no longer be modified enough to meet new requirements.
A new information system is needed. The process repeats from step 1.
There are choices in how each step will be carried out. The next section describes the tra-
ditional approach, called the system development life cycle (SDLC) (Figure 11.2). The SDLC
has drawbacks. Other methods have been developed to avoid them. The “Other System
Development Approaches” section discusses some of those other methods.
and test
general view of the system into technical details and up the other side to its use as a whole
and relating stages at the same height on opposite sides of the V to each other, but the con-
cepts are the same.)
Each SDLC stage produces a deliverable such as a document or a working program. No
stage is complete until its deliverable is ready. Once it is, management conducts a stage
review. This review results in one of the outcomes in Figure 11.4:
Outcomes 2 and 3 are the most common. It is rare to find that nothing needs fixing. It is
not common, though not quite that rare, to find a problem that must be fixed more than
one stage back. Project cancellations usually result from external circumstances or recog-
nizing that a project is more difficult than anyone anticipated.
382 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Stage n – 2
Stage n – 1
Stage n
2, 3
Stage n + 1
Where you fit in: Even if you’re not on a project team, you may be asked to join a review board.
You’ll spend time before the review learning about the system to be reviewed. You’ll then
spend from half a day to a week in review meetings, with the rest of the board and members of
the project team, going over what has been done and how well it meets the requirements. The
board will then write up its findings and meet with management to discuss them.
SDLC Stages
Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation
The first thing a steering committee (see Chapter 10) does in considering a software project
is to initiate a preliminary investigation. Its purpose is to give the steering committee infor-
mation to decide whether or not to fund this project. The systems analysts who are tasked
with carrying out a preliminary investigation determine if the proposed system is feasible
from three standpoints:
• Technical: Can this system be built with technology that we have or can get?
• Economic: Does this system make economic sense?
• Operational: Does this system fit our procedures and culture? Will our people accept it?
Developing a system is feasible only if it passes all three tests (Box 11.2).
Deliverable: The deliverable of the preliminary investigation stage is called a feasibility study.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 383
* The author is grateful to Heike Milhench, president of Milhench Supply Co., for this information and for
permission to identify her company.
Where you fit in: Analysts who carry out a preliminary investigation can’t answer these ques-
tions themselves. They need help from the user side of the organization. In a small company,
they may talk with everyone affected by the proposed system. In a larger one, they’ll ask people
they think will be able to help them. If you are called on to lend your time and expertise to a
preliminary investigation, your participation will contribute directly to the quality of the system
you use later. It can also increase your visibility to management.
Once it receives the feasibility study, the steering committee decides whether or not to
proceed with this project. A system may be feasible in every respect, but not of high enough
priority to justify developing it. For example, the return on investment (ROI) of a proposed
system may be above the organization’s hurdle rate but lower than the ROI of another pro-
posed system. If there are insufficient funds to develop both systems, all else being equal,
that with the higher ROI will be developed. Only a fraction of proposed development proj-
ects eventually become working systems, as shown in Figure 11.5.
While a project can be called off at any point, a change in mind-set takes place at the
dotted line across the figure. Until then, the organization is deciding if a new information
system should be built. After it, barring an unexpected event, that system will be built.
Where you fit in: Some lists of SDLC steps don’t include the preliminary investigation. The
logic is that system development doesn’t really start until it’s been decided to develop a system.
The point is not that one or the other is right, but that you should expect this sort of difference.
384 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• Reading: There is always material, on paper or online, for a systems analyst to start
with. It acquaints the systems analyst with the organization and how its existing sys-
tems work.
• Observation: Watching people use an existing system can help learn about some
types of systems. Here, a systems analyst might watch students (with their permis-
sion) select courses.
• Interviews: Asking questions helps learn how an existing system works and what its
users need in a new one. It is also time consuming. Systems analysts use interviews
after learning what they can from reading and watching. They use structured inter-
views, which follow a sequence of specific questions; unstructured interviews, which
range broadly over the area of the new system; or a combination.
• Questionnaires: In all but the smallest organizations, it isn’t practical to interview
everyone affected by a new system. Systems analysts interview a sample from each
relevant area. They then use questionnaires to give others a chance to weigh in on
what they want from a new IS.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 385
The dialogue continues, with the systems analyst asking “why?” until the underlying needs
are discovered. (The real need may not be drainage channels.)
These require user cooperation. If users don’t cooperate, analysis will be deficient. If analy-
sis is deficient, a system based on it will also be deficient. Users will suffer then, not systems
analysts (Box 11.3).
Around now, the development team may begin to use computer-aided software engineer-
ing (CASE) tools. These are computer applications whose purpose is to help people develop
computer programs more quickly, systematically, and reliably.
Different CASE tools are used in different aspects of software development. The tools
used in systems analysis help analysts understand the relationships among parts of an
information system and how it interacts with its users and help system designers transform
these relationships into software designs for the next SDLC stage. Such CASE tools, in a
pun on the term for capital letters, are called upper CASE. Figure 11.6 shows a data flow
diagram, a way to show how information moves through a system, as an upper CASE tool
might draw it.
Other CASE tools, called lower CASE, are used in later stages of developing a new system.
Defining a new system includes its functions and its user interface. Even if two systems do
the same thing, one can be easier to use than the other. This affects how well a new system
will be accepted, how much time users will need to carry out their tasks with it (time costs
money), and how often they will have to call for support (support costs money). A program-
mer might prefer the interface in Figure 11.7a, but most users would prefer Figure 11.7b.
Once information gathering is complete, the systems analyst documents it. He or she
then reviews the documentation with those who provided information prior to the stage
review. It is easy to make changes at this point. It will be more difficult later, so it’s best
to identify problems while the system is still a written description. Figure 11.8 shows one
expert’s opinion of the relative cost of making changes to a system at various times in its
life. The precise shape of the curve can be debated and varies from one system to another,
but the concept is universal.
386 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Customer Enquiry Process
D2 Customers
store D1 Item
Customer Order Process Customer
Order details
D3 Order
• The user wanted the F6 key to silence the alarm if it was sounding.
• The programmer had the F6 key disable the alarm, so it wouldn’t sound in the future.
Deliverable: The deliverable of the systems analysis stage is called a functional specifica-
tion (Box 11.4).
Where you fit in: As in the preliminary investigation, participation in systems analysis can be
a positive career move. It can improve your knowledge of the organization and enhance your
relationship with its information systems department.
When you tell a systems analyst what you need, be crystal clear about how important that
need is. Systems analysts are used to users who ask for features on a whim. It’s hard for a systems
analyst to tell the difference between “it would be nice to do X” and “we must be able to do X.”
If you really must do X, make sure the systems analyst understands that it’s not just nice to have.
computer. Doing it in this way ensures that all modules of the program have the same data
definitions, removing a common source of problems in the interactions among modules.
CASE tools can also define what the programs will do. If CASE tools are used in this
way, they may be able to create parts of the programs automatically, but there will still be
parts that must be coded by hand. In this case, the boundary between design and program-
ming is not crisp. When design is complete, a mouse click will create at least part of the
program. Still, a formal design specification is required for review at the end of this stage
Deliverable: The deliverable of the system design stage is usually called a design specifica-
tion or a system specification.
Where you fit in: Users don’t do much during system design. If you participated in systems
analysis, someone may ask you a follow-up question to clarify something you said earlier. You
don’t have to prepare for this or allocate time for it in advance.
Unit test. Programmers provide inputs directly to each module of the new system and
inspect its output to make sure it operates correctly. Some test inputs are correct. For
those, the output should also be correct. Some are deliberately incorrect. The module
should detect these errors and produce an appropriate response. If any inputs do not
produce the proper output, the reason must be found, the program corrected, and the
test repeated. Programmers test their modules themselves before releasing them to
the rest of the project team.
Subsystem test. Tested modules are combined into subsystems. These are then tested
in much the same way. Subsystem testing catches errors in communication among
modules. Suppose one module sends order data as “quantity, product ID” while
another expects “product ID, quantity.” Each module operates correctly, but they
don’t communicate correctly.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 389
System test. When all subsystems appear to operate correctly, programmers test the
system as a whole. They try to use it as a user would. They make mistakes they expect
users to make and correct any problems they find.
User test. Programmers can’t test everything. They test for mistakes they expect.
Users will make different mistakes. The programmers didn’t expect those, so they
didn’t program the system to catch them. Testing by the people who will later use the
system helps find these.
Deliverable: A system that, as far as its developers can tell, works. Anything that is known
not to work cannot interfere with the system’s ability to carry out its mandatory functions.
All such deficiencies must be documented. Work-around procedures (alternative ways to
meet the same need) should be identified, if possible, and should also be documented.
Where you fit in: As with system design, programming and testing are technical activities. You
can let the professionals handle them. You may be called on for user testing, but that’s all.
Stage 5: Implementation
The implementation stage of the SDLC prepares the new system for production use: use in
the regular course of business. Several tasks must be completed for this to occur: training,
change management, and system conversion.
Training: In all likelihood, a new system doesn’t work exactly like the old one. There may
be new business processes. The users of a new system must learn how to use it effectively.
Training is a profession in its own right. It may be easier to teach a professional trainer about
a new information system than to turn a specialist in that system into an effective trainer. In
any case, the trainer must recognize that people who are used to the older system have built up
a mental model of their information world on the basis of how that system works.
Change management: Moving to a new information system is organizational change.
Change is difficult, often threatening. As Machiavelli pointed out 500 years ago,
There is nothing more difficult … or more uncertain in its success than to take the
lead in the introduction of a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in
all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who
would profit by the new order … [This comes] partly from the incredulity of man-
kind, who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual expe-
rience of it. Thus it arises that on every opportunity for attacking the reformer,
his opponents do so with the zeal of partisans, the others only defend him half-
heartedly, so that between them he runs great danger.
Change must be managed. Change management is part of organizational behavior. The
basic theory behind modern change management is by Kurt Lewin. With additions by
Edgar Schein, it is known as the Lewin–Schein change model. This model says that effec-
tive change requires unfreezing people from what they’re used to, moving them to a new
place, and refreezing them in that place. All three must take place if change is to succeed.
390 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
If change is not managed properly, employees will resent the new system. Those who see
their value to the organization in knowing the old system will resist the new—openly,
covertly, or perhaps to the point of sabotage.
Where you fit in: Change cannot be managed by the technical staff. It doesn’t have personal
credibility with users. Only someone from within that community, a manager or a respected
member of the group, can manage this change. That may be you.
System conversion: Installing a new word processor on a personal computer is simple. Pop
in a CD-ROM or download the program, click a few buttons, accept the license terms, and
it’s there. This approach is risky with enterprise-wide information systems. Too much can
go wrong. Other conversion methods reduce this technical risk. These methods, shown in
Figure 11.9, are:
• Direct cutover (how you installed your new word processor). The entire organiza-
tion stops using the old system and starts using the new one at the same time. Direct
cutover has high technical risk: if anything goes wrong, the organization may not be
(a) (b)
NE SE Central West
NE SE Central West
(c) (d)
FIGURE 11.9 Conversion method diagrams: (a) direct cutover, (b) pilot, (c) phased, and (d)
Developing Information Systems ◾ 391
able to function until the problem can be resolved. However, this approach is best
from a human point of view, since change can be managed at one time for the entire
organization as a whole.
• Pilot conversion. Part of the organization switches to a new system, while the rest of it
stays with the old one. Any problems are restricted to the pilot group. The organiza-
tion’s problem-solving resources can be focused on that group, while the rest of the
organization continues to operate normally with the old system.
This approach is excellent for reducing technical risk. However, it requires iso-
lating part of the organization from the others as regards the new system’s tasks.
(A university can’t pilot a new registration system for math but not English, since
many students take both.) It also calls for managing change so that people outside
the pilot group, who will stay with the old system longer, do not become dissatisfied
with it too early.
• Phased conversion. If the new system can be broken down into modules that handle
different functions, it may be possible to introduce them one at a time. After any
problems in the first module have been corrected and it works properly, a second
module is introduced and so on until the entire new system is in use.
This approach also reduces technical risk, though it may require temporary pro-
grams to move data between parts of the new system and parts of the old one. The
change management difficulty is in unfreezing users from the old system, while they
must keep using some of it.
• Pilot–phased conversion. This combination of pilot and phased is used for complex
systems in large organizations. Part of the organization starts to use part of the new
system. Once it works properly there, the rest of the organization adopts it, and the
same or another group starts to pilot another module. This continues until the whole
new system is in general use.
• Parallel conversion. Here, the same data are input into both systems and their outputs
are compared. Any differences are presumably due to an error in the new system.
After that is confirmed (the old system might have had an undetected error all along),
the reason is found and the problem is fixed. Once the new system provides reliable
results, the old one is retired.
Parallel conversion isn’t keeping an old system for backup. When you install a new
word processor, you may keep the old one in case the new one has a problem. That’s
not parallel conversion. You don’t use them both and compare printouts. It’s an intel-
ligent precaution.
Parallel conversion was popular when it involved running a deck of punched cards
through a computer twice. Output consisted of paper that could be easily compared.
Today’s systems are online. A system that makes users enter data twice isn’t acceptable.
Differences in input timing can cause two systems to produce different results even if
both operate correctly. Parallel conversion is used only for a few financial reporting
systems today.
392 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Once users have been trained, the entire system has been converted, and the refreezing
stage of change management is complete, implementation is over.
Deliverable: A system that its user community can use in its work. The stage review that
follows this stage confirms that implementation was successful.
Where you fit in: Technical professionals in charge of conversion may consider only techni-
cal risks. This may lead them to approaches such as pilot and pilot–phased conversion, which
reduce technical risk but increase organizational risk. One must balance both types of risk in
choosing a conversion method. Businesspeople should provide this balance. If a method such
as pilot conversion is used, managers must be aware of its change management implications.
Stage 6: Operation
Once a system is installed, it can be used. Today, most systems large enough for custom
software operate in client/server mode. End users access the system through clients: desk-
top, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. They may use web browsers or client software. The main
part of the system, with its database, runs on the servers. Professional operators make sure
those servers operate properly, keep the database secure and reliably backed up, ensure
that the servers have sufficient capacity as the database grows and the number of users
increases, and guard against network intrusions.
Deliverable: On-going, reliable, and secure access to the new system. This stage isn’t followed by
a stage review because it continues indefinitely. Management may conduct system audits, after
a few weeks of use and periodically later, to make sure everything works as it should.
Where you fit in: The IS department can keep a new system running, but the responsibility for
getting business value from that system lies on the business side (your side) of the fence.
• If the system does what you need, use it. Your work during the development stages, or
your colleagues’ work, has paid off in a useful information system.
• If the system doesn’t do what you need, point out the issues to your management. Be
specific. Don’t blame or point fingers, unless you want to take responsibility for not
having been clear about your needs earlier. Don’t just complain; suggest improvements.
• If the system is basically OK but could be better, read the next section.
Stage 7: Maintenance
A system that meets its users’ needs perfectly on delivery will not meet those needs perfectly
forever. Software reflects its developers’ best efforts to understand what users needed when
they described those needs, and to express those needs in computer programs within the lim-
its of their abilities, resources, and schedule constraints. It is only natural that people will find
things that can be improved. Such maintenance requests come from several sources:
• Programming errors: bugs that were found after testing or documented in the defi-
ciency list.
• Requests for features that were left out of a version due to time and resource constraints.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 393
• Requests for features whose value was recognized only after using the system for a while.
• New requirements. These can come from many sources: legislation, a need to sup-
port users with mobile devices, customer requests for access to inventory data, or a
Where you fit in: Most maintenance requests originate with users. (Exceptions include items
that were previously deferred or were on the deficiency list.) Your job here is to notice oppor-
tunities to improve the system and to submit them via the appropriate channel or procedure.
Where you fit in: The channel for vendor requests probably passes through your company’s MIS
department. If you have an enhancement idea, contact them to find out how to proceed. How
you couch your request, your business reasons for it, and how persuasively you show that all
the vendor’s customers can benefit from it will improve the odds that they’ll do what you need.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 395
Where you fit in: A vendor could approach your employer for this purpose. You could be invited
to participate in the discussion. The business perspective you gain through such a discussion will
help you in the long run. You will also get a chance to influence the development of a product
that may, in the future, benefit your employer. The better you understand where this meeting
fits into their system development process, the better the chances that your opinions will count.
System design: Once a new system has been specified at the functional level, program-
mers create its design specification exactly as they would if a company were develop-
ing the software for its own use.
System development and test: Programming is the same whether a company develops
software for itself or for resale. Testing, however, is different. After developers finish
system test, user testing has two phases:
• Alpha test: Users in the vendor organization try to use the system as an outside
user would. For example, when Microsoft develops a new release of Word, its
employees use it. They document problems they encounter, so the development
team can fix them before anyone outside Microsoft sees this release.
• Beta test: After alpha testing is complete, users outside the organization try the
software. Continuing the example, Microsoft could ask companies that use the
current release of Word if they would like to test the next one. Some will: beta
testing gives users early access to new features, may improve their relationship
with their software supplier, and in some cases may give them extra support or
price concessions. In return, they agree to provide feedback on the new software,
with details of any problems. The vendor can fix these problems, document work-
around procedures, or remove the affected features from the product.
396 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Following successful beta test and the correction of any problems that were found, the
software goes to general release. It is now available to any interested party.
Where you fit in: Moving to a new version of software is a business decision. An organization
must weigh the benefits of new features and ongoing support versus the cost of the move.
There may be a cost to license the new software. New software may require a newer operat-
ing system, hardware upgrades, and repeating customization work. As a businessperson, you
must ensure that all these factors are considered and a software upgrade is not done solely on
technical grounds.
* When software development firms say implementation, they don’t mean what user organizations mean. To software ven-
dors, implementation is getting software ready for customers: writing programs, testing them, and packaging them for sale.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 397
The SDLC does not handle dynamic needs well. It is difficult or impossible to change
anything without reverting to an earlier stage of development. In fast-moving fields, a
six-month-old functional specification can mean a useless system. If a user goes to the
developers midway through programming and says “That isn’t what we need now,” the
programmers will reply “Too bad. We have to program what the spec says.”
Formal specifications are a poor communication vehicle. Those who must approve spec-
ifications seldom have time to study them and might not understand them anyhow. They
may approve a spec, assuming that its writers knew what they were doing, and be surprised
later to find that the system they approved is far from what’s needed.
Problems are often discovered late. Winston Royce (1970), one of the originators of the
SDLC concept in 1970, wrote at the time
The basic framework described in the waterfall model is risky, and invites failure.
The testing phase … at the end of the development cycle is the first event for which
timing, storage, input/output transfers, etc., are experienced as distinguished from
analyzed. … The resulting design changes are likely to be so disruptive that the
software requirements upon which the design is based and which provide the
rationale for everything are violated. Either the requirements must be modified, or
a substantial design change is warranted.
This may be overly pessimistic. Successful SDLC use in thousands of projects proves
that this outcome is far from necessary. Still, his basic point—that experience with the
software comes only well after design is complete and cannot influence that design—
is valid.
Stage reviews, which ought to be a vehicle for open exchange of information, can put
developers on the defensive and lead to confrontation instead. Development teams may
hide problems to make a project look as good as possible.
Where you fit in: The first approach creates a more efficient system. The second yields a
useful system sooner. The tradeoff—sooner or faster?—is a business decision. It cannot be
made on technical grounds. Transaction processing systems must be efficient. Some delay in
getting them is acceptable. Strategic systems, intended to give a company a competitive edge,
are needed as quickly as possible. Loss of performance, which can often be offset by buying
more or faster hardware, is usually a small price to pay for the business benefits of getting
them sooner.
FIGURE 11.11 Why the visible part of an iceberg, and of a prototype, can be misleading.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 399
Where you fit in: The shape of the curve in Figure 11.8 changes in these development methods.
The middle doesn’t dip as far. Users stay involved as a new system is developed and tested.
You may have little say in your employer’s choice of a system development method.
Whether it uses SDLC, one of the methods outlined in the text below, a method not dis-
cussed here (no book can cover them all!), or a mix of several methods, users will have parts
to play. From time to time, you will be selected to play one. When that happens, find out
what is expected of you and when. You may have to prepare before you’re ready to take on
your task.
Agile Development
Agile development methods break information systems into pieces that can be developed
one after another. The result is a useful new version, with new capabilities, every few weeks.
The new version might not be released to its users (or to the market, if it is for a software
product), but after several such iterations, the system will have changed significantly.
Agile development methods involve user stories, sprints, and scrums.
A user story is a description of something a user needs to be able to do with a system. In a
student registration system, a user story might be “As a student, I want to be stopped if I try
to register for a course for which I don’t have the prerequisites.” The INVEST principles
apply to user stories: they must be Independent, Negotiable (their priority can be negoti-
ated), Valuable, Estimable (the effort of programming them can be estimated), Small, and
A sprint is the basic unit of development. At the beginning of a sprint, user stories are
chosen from the requirements backlog.* The development team determines a schedule,
from a week to a month, to work on those elements. At the end, a new version of the system
is released with them.
A scrum, a term borrowed from the sport of rugby, is a daily status meeting that lasts
no more than 15 minutes. Scrum meetings are often held standing up to keep them short
(Figure 11.12). They can result in changes to the requirements backlog. Thus, the functions
of the information system (other than what is being worked on in the current sprint or
sprints) are flexible during Agile development.
* In most contexts, a backlog is a bad thing: something you should do but can’t because of resource or other constraints.
In Agile software development, it’s a prioritized list of tasks to work on.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 401
Agile methods prioritize collaboration with a system’s prospective users, getting soft-
ware to work, and flexibility to change. Other items—written specifications, documenta-
tion of how it works, efficient use of computer resources—take a back seat. Is this the right
set of priorities for a specific system? That is a business decision. It must be made before
development starts.
Agile development has implications beyond methods. The concept of creating function-
ality increments in sprints is different from developing a large release with many changes.
This has implications in moving new versions of applications from development to use. The
operations team must accept a new version every few weeks rather than a few times per
year. Some firms put a DevOps group in place to manage this transition as a regular activ-
ity. Alternatively, the operations team can roll out selected development releases to users,
skipping intermediate ones until enough changes have been made to justify moving users
to a new version.
Where you fit in: Frequent rollout of new system versions with Agile development impacts all
users of that system. In some ways, it is easier to keep up with an application that evolves than
with one that changes drastically less often, but users may need to be trained to work this way.
Agile development methods may make this part of your job.
In Summary
Whatever approach is used to develop information systems, they always follow a life cycle
such as Figure 11.2. That is their nature.
Project Management
The project manager (PM) is a key contributor to information systems development. The
PM supervises the development team. He or she works with users in gathering require-
ments, testing, and implementation, communicates project status to the IS steering com-
mittee, and is ultimately responsible for the value that the organization receives—or doesn’t
receive—from the system.
PMs trade off resources (people and money), time, and system capability—which
includes its functions, efficiency, security, and any other measures:
• If fewer people are used, it will take more time to develop the same capability.
• If fewer people are used for the same time, the system will have less capability.
• If the same number of people are used for less time, the system will also have less
402 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
PMs develop plans that lead to the desired result, at the scheduled time, using the planned
resources. To do this, they break projects into steps as called for by the development method
to be used, estimate the time each step will take, and analyze the order in which steps must
be carried out. Once the plan is accepted by the IS steering committee, the PM moni-
tors progress against it, reports project status to the steering committee, takes corrective
actions if the project deviates from its plan, and alerts the steering committee if the needed
corrective actions exceed the PM’s authority or if no corrective action seems feasible.
The earliest project management tools were charts. A Gantt chart (first used by Henry Gantt
in 1910) shows tasks vertically and time on the horizontal axis. Figure 11.13 shows a Gantt
chart for a public relations project. This chart was done in a spreadsheet program. Project man-
agement software packages can place tasks automatically on the basis of dates and durations.
Network charts show task relationships. A network chart for building a house (Figure 11.14)
shows that the foundation must be completed first, then the framing, then the roof. These
can’t be done in parallel. If each takes a week, the house cannot be ready for exterior paint-
ing in less than three weeks. Wiring and internal wall construction can be done in parallel
with roofing, so if these take no longer than a week each, they do not add time.
The critical path method (CPM) formalizes network chart concepts. A CPM chart shows
which tasks are on the critical path: if any of them take longer, project completion is delayed.
Tasks not on the critical path have slack: they can take longer, up to the amount of slack, without
delaying completion of the project overall. In the house project, if exterior painting will take a
week but interior painting will take only three days, the interior painting task has two days’ slack.
Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Reality check
Enlisting support
Database setup
Initial database entry
Newsletter plan, write
Newletter appears
Seminars, events
Visits to analysts
Foun- Int.
Start Frame
dation walls
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) evolved from CPM. Where CPM uses a
fixed duration for each task, PERT uses three: optimistic, normal (most likely), and pessimis-
tic. This permits statistical calculation of expected project duration. For example, if a proj-
ect has six parallel tasks, each with an expected duration of two weeks, CPM will show the
completion time of the entire project as two weeks from its start. PERT lets task duration vary
around the estimate. Some of the six tasks will probably take more than two weeks, some will
take less. PERT will predict a later date for completing all six tasks and finishing the project.
The biggest drawback of CPM and PERT is that they do not integrate task dependencies
and resource constraints. A network chart may show that two tasks can be completed in
parallel for fastest project completion, but won’t show that they both use the same resource.
In the house building project, if the same crew paints both inside and out, the house can’t
be done in less than five weeks even though neither painting task depends on the other.
Critical chain project management (CCPM) integrates resource and task dependencies.
CCPM also makes other changes to traditional project scheduling, such as reducing task
time estimates and putting half the time taken from them into an overall project buffer. It
is difficult to use part of CCPM without using all of it, and it can be difficult to use CCPM
for one project unless it is used for all projects it shares resources with, so a firm must con-
sider CCPM carefully before adopting it.
Project management software helps track activities, people, and other resources.
Such software can produce a variety of charts and reports. Figure 11.15 shows project
management software in action. This screen shows a project as a Gantt chart, but clicking
any of the icons along the upper part of the left side of the window will display the same
tasks in a different form.
Where you fit in: The project manager is normally the person with whom to discuss software
that is under development. If you need to do that, find out who the PM is and start there.
• Modules are reallocated from three people to five. This takes time. During this time,
nobody knows what to work on, so nothing gets done.
• Everything that was done before is explained to the new participants. This takes time.
During this time, the old team members are busy explaining, so they can’t do any-
thing else.
• New team members have new ideas. Their ideas are discussed. That takes time. Some
of their ideas are good and are adopted. That means scrapping some of what was done
• While new team members are coming up to speed their contributions are limited. During
this time, they also make demands on other team members for explanations and help.
• Instead of communicating with two team members, each member must now com-
municate with four. Team communication takes twice as long, leaving less time for
The net effect of these and similar problems is that the project will be completed later than
it would have been, not earlier—and at greater expense.
Brooks’s Law is not absolute. If the original schedule was overly optimistic, correcting it
can help. And if staff is added early in a project, before much work has been done or much
of the schedule has been used up, the negative effects can be minimized.
Where you fit in: When you see a software project fall behind schedule, it can be tempting to
add staff to bring it back on track. Be aware that this will usually not achieve the desired effect.
* Despite a title that comes across as sexist today, this book contains a great deal of timeless wisdom.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 405
NPM updates his résumé, e-mails it to his LinkedIn connections, and submits it to three
job openings on monster.com. He has a new job in two months. His replacement tells the
senior vice-president that the project will take a total of six months, two of which have gone
by, and that NPM couldn’t have been serious when he promised it in three. The SVP can’t
do a thing about it.
Where you fit in: At some point in your career, you will be a senior vice president. Don’t be
that senior vice president.
Agile development: System development approach in which an information system is
divided into small parts that provide new capabilities and can be developed quickly.
Alpha test: Preliminary user testing of a new software product, by people who work for the
firm that developed it.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 407
Beta test: Final user testing of a new software product, by people who don’t work for the
firm that developed it.
Brooks’s Law: “Adding staff to a late project makes it later.”
Bug: Informal term for a programming error that causes a program to behave incorrectly.
Change management: The process of motivating users to want to use a new system.
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE): Software tools designed to help with
development. See lower CASE and upper CASE.
Critical chain project management (CCPM) chart: Project management approach that
integrates task and resource dependencies.
Critical path: The sequence of activities which, if delayed, will delay project completion.
Critical path method (CPM) chart: Network chart in which the critical path is identified.
Deliverable: Tangible item that proves completion of an SDLC stage.
Design specification: Deliverable of the system design SDLC stage.
Direct cutover: System conversion method in which an older system is replaced in its
entirety by a new one for an entire organization at the same time. Compare pilot
conversion, phased conversion, pilot–phased conversion, and parallel conversion.
Economic feasibility: Of a project, providing economic benefits that exceed its costs.
Compare operational feasibility and technical feasibility.
Evolutionary prototyping: See rapid application development.
Feasibility study: Deliverable of the preliminary investigation SDLC stage.
Functional specification: Deliverable of the systems analysis SDLC stage.
Gantt chart: Project control chart in which time is shown on the horizontal axis and
resources or activities along the vertical axis.
General release: Decision by a firm that develops and sells a software product that testing
is complete and the product should be available for anyone to purchase.
Implementation: Fifth SDLC stage, in which the system is delivered to its users.
Interviews: System analysis method, consisting of speaking to users of an existing system
prior to writing functional specifications of a new one. Compare observation, ques-
tionnaires, and reading.
Joint application design (JAD): System development method in which users collaborate
with technical staff in developing system specifications.
Joint application development (JAD): System development method in which users col-
laborate with technical staff in developing system specifications and in extending
them to a finished system.
Lower CASE: Software tools designed to help with the later stages of system development,
including software/database design, programming, and testing. Contrast with
upper CASE.
Maintenance: Seventh SDLC stage, in which a system is modified to meet new
Modeler: Participant in JAD workshops who is experienced in the use of CASE in JAD.
Moving: Stage of change management in which users are taken from an existing system
or manual procedure to a new information system. Compare unfreezing and
408 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Network chart: Project control chart in which activities form a network that shows their
precedence relationships.
Observation: System analysis method, consisting of watching people use an existing sys-
tem prior to writing functional specifications of a new one. Compare interviews,
questionnaires, and reading.
Operation: Sixth SDLC stage, in which a new system is used on a regular basis.
Operational feasibility: Of a project, able to work with an organization’s culture and pro-
cesses. Compare economic feasibility and technical feasibility.
Parallel conversion: System conversion method in which both old and new systems pro-
cess the same inputs, and their outputs are compared, until the new system is seen
to operate correctly. Compare direct cutover, pilot conversion, phased conversion,
and pilot–phased conversion.
Phased conversion: System conversion method in which an organization as a whole uses
part of a new system, along with the rest of the existing one, until that part is seen
to operate correctly. Compare direct cutover, pilot conversion, pilot–phased conver-
sion, and parallel conversion.
Pilot conversion: System conversion method in which part of an organization uses a new
system while the rest continues to use the existing one until the new system is seen
to operate correctly. Compare direct cutover, phased conversion, pilot–phased con-
version, and parallel conversion.
Pilot–phased conversion: System conversion method in which part of an organization
uses part of a new system while the rest continues to use the existing one, until that
part of the new system is seen to operate correctly. Compare direct cutover, pilot
conversion, phased conversion, and parallel conversion.
Preliminary investigation: First SDLC stage, in which the feasibility of a proposed system
is determined.
Production use: Regular use of an information system in the normal course of business.
Program: A group of computer instructions that is intended to carry out a specific task.
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart: Variation of CPM chart in
which project durations are described statistically rather than being fixed.
Project manager: Person responsible for all activities related to a development project.
Prototyping: Any system development method that uses one or more prototypes.
Prototype: Preliminary version of an information system that demonstrates some of its
features but is not ready for use.
Questionnaires: System analysis method, consisting of submitting written questions to
users of an existing system prior to writing functional specifications of a new one.
Compare interviews, observation, and reading.
Rapid application development (RAD): System development approach in which features
are added to a prototype until it has become the desired system.
Reading: System analysis method, consisting of examining written material about an
existing system prior to writing functional specifications of a new one. Compare
interviews, observation, and questionnaires.
Developing Information Systems ◾ 409
Refreezing: Stage of change management in which users are motivated to want to continue
using a new information system. Compare unfreezing and moving.
Scrum: Short status and planning meeting in Agile development.
Software: A collective term for computer programs.
Source code control system: Computer program that keeps track of modules that com-
prise an information system, their versions, and the status of those versions.
Sprint: Unit of activity in Agile development, in which software to support one or more
user stories is developed.
Stage review: Formal project review in the SDLC method.
Subsystem test: Testing a subsystem to confirm that it operates correctly with artificial
inputs designed to test it under a variety of conditions. Compare unit test, system
test, and user test.
System conversion: The process of replacing an existing information system or manual
procedure with a new information system.
System design: Third SDLC stage, in which the way a new system will work is
System development and test: Fourth SDLC stage, in which a new system is put into tech-
nical form and determined to operate correctly.
System development life cycle (SDLC): A formal method for software development proj-
ects, based on milestones with deliverables and review of each deliverable before
System specification: See design specification.
System test: Testing a complete system to confirm that it operates correctly with realistic
inputs designed to test it under a variety of conditions. Compare unit test, subsys-
tem test, user test.
Systems analysis: Second SDLC stage, in which detailed functional requirements of a new
system are determined.
Systems analyst: Person who specializes in the systems analysis stage of the SDLC.
Technical feasibility: Of a project, able to work with an organization’s existing technol-
ogy or with technology it can obtain. Compare economic feasibility and opera-
tional feasibility.
Training: The process of teaching users what they must know to use a new system.
Unfreezing: Stage of change management in which users are motivated to want to stop
using an existing system or manual procedure. Compare moving and refreezing.
Unit test: Testing a complete system to confirm that it operates correctly with inputs pro-
duced by those who will eventually use it. Compare unit test, subsystem test, and
system test.
User test: Testing an individual module of a system to confirm that it operates correctly
with artificial inputs designed to test it under a variety of conditions. Compare
subsystem test, system test, user test.
Upper CASE: Software tools designed to help with the earlier stages of system develop-
ment, including systems analysis and specification. Contrast with lower CASE.
410 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
User story: In Agile development, a description of an activity that a user should be able to
perform with a new information system.
Waterfall method: Alternate, informal term for the SDLC method.
Work-around procedure: An alternate way to accomplish an objective that cannot be
achieved as planned because of a flaw in an information system.
Workshop: Unit of JAD activity leading to a previously defined goal.
1. What are the stages of the SDLC approach?
2. What happens after each stage in the SDLC approach?
3. List the deliverables of each stage in the SDLC approach.
4. What can happen as the result of an SDLC stage review?
5. What are the three types of feasibility that are evaluated in a preliminary investigation?
6. List the four information gathering methods that systems analysts use.
7. During what SDLC stages might CASE tools be used?
8. What are the four levels of testing for custom software development?
9. What three types of activities are carried out in system implementation?
10. What situations give rise to maintenance requests?
11. During what parts of the SDLC are users most involved? Least involved?
12. How does maintenance of purchased packages differ from maintenance of custom
13. What types of testing do software vendors perform on new software?
14. List the strengths and weaknesses of the SDLC method.
15. What is a prototype?
16. Describe, in general terms, two fundamentally different approaches to using prototypes.
17. What types of resources does a PM have to trade off among?
18. What is the difference between a CPM chart and a PERT chart?
19. What is Brooks’s Law?
1. Your company’s IS department asks you to represent your department on a team that
will plan a new information system your department will use next year, to provide
input on its needs. This would require about 8–10 hour a week over the next several
weeks or months. Your boss turned down their request, saying “I don’t pay you to do
Developing Information Systems ◾ 411
that, your work here is important.” Write a memo to your boss explaining why he
should support your participation.
2. The “factoid” at the beginning of the section “The System Development Life Cycle
Approach” gives the size of today’s SAP software. SAP software is about 40 years old.
A lot of code was scrapped and replaced over that time, so assume twice that many
lines were written in total. Assume, also, the widely used figure of a programmer
producing 10 lines of tested code per day. (This figure is flawed, but will do for this
question.) How many people, on the average, worked on this program over that time?
If the project team was quite small in 1973, how big do you think it is now? What
conclusions can you draw from this as regards the software, working at SAP, the cost
of enterprise information systems, the likelihood of errors in them, or anything else?
3. Write a two-page feasibility study for a new information system for your school. It
will take in information about applicants and follow them through the rest of their
association with the school, including academic records, through their participation
in alumni activities. Make and state any necessary assumptions.
4. Consider the conversation between a user and a systems analyst in Box 11.3, where
the user opens by stating a need for drainage channels in a keyboard.
a. What do you think is the real problem here?
b. Come up with five solutions for keeping this user’s coffee from damaging the key-
board. (Be creative. Don’t just pick obvious ones.) Then, write down four criteria,
one of them cost, for evaluating solutions. Assign a weight to each so that the
weights total 100%. Rate each solution from 1 to 10 on each criterion and calculate
a total weighted score for each. Would you recommend the highest-scoring solu-
tion? Why or why not?
5. Are system design and maintenance related? If so, how?
6. You and three other students are working on a term project that counts for half your
grade in a senior course. It will use calculations and graphs from spreadsheets in a
written report and a presentation. The spreadsheets must be done first so their data
can be used in the other parts. Your team assigned parts of the report to each team
member. After each member completes his or her part, the team will review that part
as a group and agree on changes. That member will make those changes. The entire
report will then be assembled. At the end of the term, you will submit the report to
your instructor and present your project to the class.
a. Compare this process to the SDLC.
b. Draw a network chart for this project.
c. Find out more about source code control systems. Do you think one could be use-
ful on this project? If so, how would you use it? If not, what would have to change
for it to be useful?
412 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
7. An SDLC development project has about six stage reviews. Each review occupies the
development team (if it’s small) or parts of it and the review board, for the duration
of the review. In addition, the development team must prepare review materials, and
the board must study them. The review board then writes up its findings and presents
them to management. The development team responds to those findings. None of
this moves the project forward.
a. A project is estimated to require an average team size of 10 people for a year, 120
staff-months. Estimate the time that people (on both team and review board) will
spend preparing for, in, and following up on stage reviews during this period.
What percentage of the project effort is that? Discuss the implications of your
b. Is this level of review effort justified? Why or why not?
8. Recommend a conversion method for each of the following systems. Justify your
a. A new airline airport passenger operations system to be used by check-in and gate
b. A new release of a serious amateur photographer’s favorite photo-editing program.
c. A new income tax preparation package for a certified public accountant firm with
five accountants.
d. A new student information system for a small liberal arts college.
9. Automobile designers use two types of prototypes: styling prototypes, often made of
clay, to gather feedback on proposed designs, and functional prototypes, drivable but
with body disguised to avoid premature public disclosure of designs, to test engines,
transmissions, and suspensions. How does a software prototype resemble each of
these? How does it differ?
10. Using a web search, identify three project management software packages. Write a
report comparing them and recommending which one your company should purchase.
(Since you don’t really have a company, make and state any necessary assumptions.)
Software vendors’ sites do not provide objective information, so try to find independent
reviews, user case histories, or industry analyst reports to support your evaluations.
Recognizing the tall man from Jared’s area, the two students introduced themselves.
“I’m Shadlee,” the man said. “You’re the reason I’m here. Jared asked me to come by to talk
about the PeopleSoft conversion.”
“That’s very thoughtful of him,” Miguel said as they turned the corner into Jared’s office
area. “And here he is now!”
As soon as the four were seated in the familiar conference area, Jared opened with
“I asked Shad to stop by because he’s in charge of planning the conversion strategy to
PeopleSoft, and I thought you might be interested in that.”
“We certainly are,” agreed Elizabeth. “Our professor said a little bit about it, but just
enough to make us want to hear more.”
“Did he talk about the basic approaches?” Shadlee asked.
“It’s she, actually,” Miguel corrected him gently, “and yes, she did. She talked about four
basic approaches. She also said that most of the time big organizations use a combination
of pilot and phased conversion.”
“I can’t say what most organizations do,” Shadlee said, “but that’s what we’re doing. The
folks from PeopleSoft who came out here to support us said that’s what most of their cus-
tomers do. I also know it’s what we did when I went through this at Springfield University
a few years ago, and it worked well there.”
“Why did you pick that method?” asked Miguel.
“For two reasons,” Shadlee replied. “One, PeopleSoft is too big to bring up all at once. It
has fingers in every part of the pie. There’s one piece that makes sure we follow the correct
procedures when we hire someone and another piece that handles travel expenses when a
doctor goes to a medical conference. They’re all sort of connected through the main data-
base, but you can start with some of the pieces and then add more over time.
“Two, there are going to be problems. We don’t know what problems, but there always
are. Say, we put all Springfield Metro on the time reporting system for hourly employees.
When you put in your time, it goes from Needs Approval to Approved, which means you’ll
get paid, and then Taken by Payroll, which means you’ve been paid. Someone like Jared
had to customize that for our pay periods. If that person did anything wrong—not that
anyone did, but if—it would affect lots of people and be really hard to deal with. If we put
that module into just one department and it has that problem, we can cut half a dozen pay-
checks by hand, while we find the problem.
“There could still be a problem we don’t catch in the pilot department, though. There’s
a screen where someone can see what absences an employee has. What if nobody checks
anyone’s absences during the pilot period? We can’t be sure nothing will surface later on,
but this will improve our odds.”
“Is the SMMA medical practice involved in this?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yes. They’re going to use this system for all their administrative work, everything but medi-
cal care. SMMA will be the pilot department for the human resources hiring modules. They
hire almost every kind of employee the hospital has. They don’t have programmers, of course,
but the procedures for hiring programmers are the same as for hiring medical professionals
who aren’t physicians, and they hire those. The big hole is hourly workers: they don’t have a caf-
eteria, do their own custodial work, or anything else. We’ll have to test that part extra carefully.”
414 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
“When is this going to start? It would be fascinating to see how it goes in.”
“Not for a few weeks, I’m afraid,” Shadlee replied. “Your semester will be over by then.
Still, I suspect they wouldn’t mind if you showed up to watch.”
1. Do you feel that pilot–phased conversion is a good choice for Springfield Metro? (This
means the entire hospital and its affiliates, not just SMMA.) If you do, explain why. If
you don’t, identify a method that you think would be better, and explain why it would
2. Discuss any change management issues you think might arise during this conver-
sion. Include suggestions as to what Springfield Metro should do about them.
3. What implementation issues should Shadlee and other Springfield Metro IS staff
members be concerned with, other than those discussed in the case? What, if any-
thing, should they do about them at this time?
This conversion did not take place all at once. The first users converted over a four-
year period. First, OpenOffice replaced Microsoft Office. Two years later, Firefox and
Thunderbird were phased in. These applications ran under Windows at the time, but they
all have versions for Linux (and Mac OS) as well. After Firefox and Thunderbird had been
in use for two years, and with other applications such as Gimp now installed and running,
an initial 5,000 users moved to Linux without changing any application software. By the
mid-2013, 37,000 of the Gendarmerie’s desktop systems used Linux. The force expected to
have all 72,000 on it by the summer of 2014.
In addition to the direct cost benefits, the Gendarmerie Nationale values its new inde-
pendence from commercial software vendors. “This is priceless,” says Major Dumond
(Hillenius, 2013).
The Gendarmerie Nationale is not the only public organization moving to Linux. The
Italian province of Macerata is moving to LibreOffice, an offshoot of OpenOffice, and to
Linux. The governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom are using more and more open-
source software. Their experience shows that converting a personal system with common
horizontal applications to open-source software is practical, and can bring significant savings.
1. What conversion method did Gendarmerie Nationale use here?
2. Do you consider this an appropriate choice for the Gendarmerie Nationale? Why or
why not?
3. Suppose the Gendarmerie Nationale’s desktop computers also had applications
that required the Windows operating system. How might that have affected this
* Positive mentions of software in this case are not meant as product endorsements.
416 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
its requirements based on parameters such as scope, value, and risk. It also provides man-
agement visibility into the development process. This can be a concern with Agile meth-
ods, since they may not provide the confidence that some managers find in milestones,
deliverables, and project reviews.
John Trainor, Aaron’s CIO, was pleased with VersionOne’s flexibility to match the way
each team wanted to work (VersionOne case study). “VersionOne gently reminds you of
some of the better practices of Agile project management,” said Trainor. “It gives a frame-
work that helps guide you toward best practices. You can choose not to use them if they
aren’t applicable to your team, but it helps guide teams and helps shape the process.”
Moody’s KMV, a subsidiary of Moody’s Corporation, uses financial and statisti-
cal analysis to help businesses decide when and how to extend credit. They don’t just
say “this borrower has X% probability of making its payments.” They also predict how
much a lender can expect to recover if a borrower defaults, using a database of thou-
sands of situations where companies defaulted on debt and lenders recovered a percent-
age of what they were owed. This is but one of the many analytical systems that Moody’s
KMV uses.
Moody’s project management software requirements were different from those of
Aaron’s. Since they used Agile across many development projects, they needed a package
that could support hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of users—not just several dozen.
Their motivation for using Agile was to speed product development, in a competitive mar-
ket where the first with a new capability grabs the lion’s share. They chose Rally software
for several reasons:
Darren Stovel, Senior Director of Program Management at Moody’s KMV, is pleased with
Agile (Rally Software case study). Referring to one project, he says “A project of that scope
would likely have taken 2–3 years using our older waterfall-style process; we released ver-
sion 1.0 of the redesigned product in twelve months.” As for Rally, Stovel likes how “team
members could look at a newly requested feature and see everything related to that fea-
ture—user stories, test cases, tasks, defects, notes, and discussions were all linked to the
feature. We especially liked that you could see a rollup of the story hierarchy, with tasks
and test cases all tied into the dashboard views.”
Lessons we can learn from both these companies include:
• Agile methods can produce useful software, often more quickly than traditional methods.
• Project management tools are just as important with Agile as with the “waterfall”
Developing Information Systems ◾ 417
• For best results, companies that use Agile methods should use a project management
package that is designed from the ground up to work with that approach.
1. Both Aaron’s and Moody’s chose the Agile development approach for their systems.
Do you agree with this choice? Explain why or why not.
2. Other than the number of users, what differences to you see between Aaron’s and
Moody’s Agile software project management needs? How do you think those differ-
ences affected their choice of a software project management solution?
3. One reason Moody’s KMV chose Rally software was that an industry analyst report
from Forrester Research brought it to their attention in a favorable way, moving it
from “never heard of them” onto the short list. Moody’s KMV still wouldn’t have
chosen Rally had it not survived their evaluations and comparisons, but without the
report they probably wouldn’t have looked at it at all. What does this suggest about
marketing software packages?
Bowers, T., Why ignoring the end-user makes you seem incompetent, TechRepublic, November 7,
2013. www.techrepublic.com/blog/career-management/why-ignoring-the-end-user-makes-
Brooks, F. P. Jr., The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1975.
Craig, J., DevOps for the new millennium: A lifecycle approach enabled by automation, Enterprise
Management Associates Analyst’s Corner blog, June 2013. www.enterprisemanagement.com/
web/ema_ac0613.php, accessed June 28, 2013.
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Systems engineering for
intelligent transportation systems, Publication No. FHWA-HOP-07-069. ops.fhwa.dot.gov/
publications/seitsguide/index.htm, accessed September 11, 2013.
Finley, K., French National Police Switch 37,000 Desktop PCs to Linux, Wired, September 30, 2013.
Gendarmerie Nationale Web Site (in French). www.gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr, accessed
October 1, 2013.
Goldratt, E., Critical Chain, North River Press, Great Barrington, MA, 1997.
Hillenius, G., French gendarmerie: Open source desktop lowers TCO by 40%, European Commission
JoinUp, September 30, 2013. joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/french-gendarmerie-
Keogh, L., The real cost of change, January 30, 2012. lizkeogh.com/2012/01/30/the-real-cost-of-change.
Machiavelli, N., The Prince, 1515; trans. W.K. Marriott, 1908. www.constitution.org/mac/prince06.
htm, accessed May 12, 2015.
Palmquist, M. S., M. A. Lapham, S. Miller, T. Chick, and I. Ozkaya, Parallel worlds: Agile and
waterfall differences and similarities, Carnegie Mellon University, Technical Note CMU/
SEI-2013-TN-021, October 2013. resources.sei.cmu.edu/asset_files/TechnicalNote/2013_
Rally Software case study, Rally provides Moody’s with real-time visibility and metrics to measure suc-
cess. https://www.rallydev.com/sites/default/files/moodys_03.pdf, downloaded December 30, 2014.
418 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Managing Information
• Linking Strategy
• Information Systems Department
• Information Systems Jobs and Careers
• Managing Information Systems Security
420 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
As you read this chapter, focus on these key concepts to use on the job:
1. The best way to manage information systems varies with an organization’s dependence
on its IS, now and in the future. There is no single best answer for all organizations.
2. Information systems can provide interesting, fulfilling, and well-paid work. The
demand for information systems professionals is expected to continue to grow.
3. Keeping information secure and private requires everyone’s attention. The most
important precautions, and those that cost the least, involve people more than
Amazon couldn’t function without its information systems. They are vital to its business
concept. It can’t stay ahead of its competition unless it keeps innovating with them.
A regional heating oil supplier could operate without its information systems. It might
not want to, but if it couldn’t use the computerized oil delivery system in its trucks, its
drivers could record the amount of each delivery on paper. Clerks could figure out the bills
later and mail them. That would be less convenient, but not disabling. Such a firm needs
computers to plan deliveries on the basis of temperature patterns and customers’ histori-
cal usage, but those applications can be down for several hours, even a day or two, without
affecting the business.
The difference between Amazon and a heating oil supplier is not just size. The two com-
panies are in different businesses. Their profitability is determined by different factors.
They have different customers who choose them for different reasons. As a result, their
dependence on information systems is different. Should the way they manage those sys-
tems be different as well?
The answer is “yes, it should.” The approach a business should take to managing its
information resources is influenced by two factors:
Researchers created the grid of Figure 12.1 from these factors. Don’t read too much into
their names for the quadrants. For example, a firm in the Factory quadrant (depends heav-
ily on reliable, well-performing information systems today, doesn’t stand to gain competi-
tive advantage from IS in the future) can be in any industry. The name of the quadrant
doesn’t mean that the firm is a manufacturing company or has a factory.
Managing Information Systems ◾ 421
Low “Factory” “Support”
High Low
Dependence on information
technology for day-to-day operations
Separately, the researchers determined that the way an organization manages informa-
tion systems can be assigned to one of six generic linking strategies. These strategies are
shown across the top of this table:
Centrally Planned Leading Edge Free Market Monopoly Scarce Resource Necessary Evil
Best fits Strategic or Turnaround or Turnaround if
Factory or Support or Support (low
quadrant turnaround strategic users aresupport (more factory (risk of level only)
expensive underspending
support if not
than necessary there)
Requires •U nit with • Resource • Knowledgeable • User • Budget control • Tight IT
responsibility, commitment users if TA acceptance on IT control
authority for • Innovative, • Autonomous • Policies to • Standards, • Meeting
IT/business aggressive IT users enforce monitoring basic needs
strategy management • Removal of IT single source procedures
• Knowledgeable, • I nterface to budget controls • Usage • Policies for
involved senior users • Willingness to forecasting controlling
mgmt. • Strong duplicate effort methods users
technical skills • Excess
Management Central Technology Market makes Information is Information is Information is
logic administration will create best decisions. a corporate a limited not important
makes best business good. resource. for business.
decisions. opportunities.
Internal IT Link to the Push Compete against Sole-source Maintain Manage
role business at technological outside vendors; utility; satisfy systems, conservatively
multiple levels boundaries develop, market, users control costs, within limited
on all fronts and supply maximize scope and
profitable resource usage abilities
Users’ role Identify IT Use the new Identify and Go to internal Identify Very few
opportunities technology execute IT information cost-justified users, cannot
at all levels that’s been opportunities utility when projects, be influence IT
developed at all levels needs are fairly passive
422 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
• The Centrally Planned strategy requires a strong commitment from top management,
in terms of their time and financial support when opportunities are recognized.
• The Leading Edge strategy requires willingness to experiment. The culture must not
penalize failure, though it may penalize not recognizing failure quickly.
• The Free Market strategy requires an information systems department that is ready
and willing to compete with outside vendors.
• In the Monopoly strategy, the IS department controls the organization’s information
systems, has enough funding for good results, and commits to meeting user needs.
• The Scarce Resource strategy focuses on minimizing costs, recognizing that spend-
ing more won’t help the business.
• The Necessary Evil strategy meets basic requirements when more is not needed.
Every organization has a linking strategy, even if its managers aren’t aware of it and couldn’t
describe it. In some, it’s carefully thought out. In others, it evolved without thought. People
in those organizations would say “it’s how we do things.”
How do these two concepts, the grid and the six linking strategies, come together?
Certain linking strategies fit organizations in certain quadrants of the grid better than oth-
ers. Figure 12.2 shows which strategies fit each quadrant. The strategies shown as 1 are
usually best, but those shown as 2 also work if they fit an organization’s culture better.
Using a linking strategy that is a poor match to a firm’s quadrant will result in poor
organizational performance, missed opportunities, or wasted money. This is just as true of
using a strategy that overemphasizes information systems as it is of using one that under-
emphasizes them. A firm that doesn’t stand to gain competitive advantage from innovative
information systems should not use a linking strategy that demands much top management
Potential of information technology
“Strategic” “Turnaround”
to create strategic advantage
“Factory” “Support”
1. Monopoly 1. Scarce Res.
2. Scarce Resource 2. Monopoly,
Necessary Evil
High Low
Dependence on information
technology for day-to-day operations
attention to IS. Every hour a CEO spends on information systems is an hour that he or she
does not spend on sales, product development, finance, or other important issues. Top
management time is finite. It should be used where it will do the most good. That does not
always mean using a lot of it on information systems.
Where you fit in: Any organization you work for will have a linking strategy. If you know
what it is, because it’s clearly stated or because you figured it out by observing how things
are done, you will know what you can expect and what’s expected of you. If you feel it’s
inappropriate to the organization, you may be able to come up with suggestions to improve
this situation.
The head of the information systems department goes by any of several titles, often some-
thing like director or vice president of information systems. One common title is chief
information officer (CIO). This title arose by analogy to chief financial officer (CFO).
An organization’s CFO is responsible for the financial aspects of the organization,
even if they’re in another department. The CFO of a construction company doesn’t know
that a dump truck must be replaced. The CFO has no say in what it will be replaced
with. The CFO will not decide what it will carry, where, or when; or make sure its oil
is changed. Still, the CFO must find funds to pay for it, report its depreciation, and pay
property taxes on its value.
So it is with the CIO. The CIO is responsible for the information resources of the
organization, even if he or she has no direct say in how they are used. A university’s CIO
does not decide how many sections of English 101 to offer next fall, but is responsible for
making sure this number is stored securely and reliably, and is organized so it can be
retrieved and updated.
As another example, the CIO is responsible for establishing security policies. Those
policies, which you’ll read about later in this chapter, can annoy users: why must I enter a
424 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
network password if I just want to check Wikipedia? If security breaches occur, though,
it’s the CIO who will get the blame. At that point, “I didn’t want to annoy people” won’t
do. This is an aspect of being responsible for information system usage without direct
control over it.
Where you fit in: The reporting position of your employer’s CIO is a clue to approaching your
information systems needs. If this position is part of top management, it’s important to work with
the IS department. If it’s way down, working with your own management may be more useful.
IS Department Structure
People in the IS department have the development roles you read about in Chapter 11. This
department also has people who plan the future of the organization’s technology and sys-
tems; troubleshoot, maintain, and expand its internal networks and external connections;
operate its servers and other large systems; maintain and expand its databases; train and
support users to use their desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones; monitor the privacy
and security of information; and carry out all the other behind-the-scenes tasks that it
takes to run today’s systems.
The best way to organize these people varies from company to company. An organiza-
tion is, after all, a way to get work done. Since people are different, the best way for people
to organize for a task will also be different. Information systems departments can be orga-
nized in many ways:
IS Dep’t.
Mfg. IS
Sales IS
More IS
The plusses and minuses of this structure reverse those of a centralized structure. IS
people who report to business unit management tend to prioritize the needs of that busi-
ness unit. They may feel out of touch with their professional peers, though, and it may be
hard for them to take advantage of promotional opportunities in a different part of the
(Intermediate (Intermediate
managers) managers)
Manager, Systems
systems analyst for
analysis sales
develop applications should understand the needs of people who will use those applica-
tions, but databases, security, network management, and anything related to the corporate
infrastructure would be centralized.
Where you fit in: You probably won’t have much say in how your employer’s IS department is
organized until you’re well into your career. However, if you know how it works, you’ll be in a
better position to work with it so it can meet your needs. You’ll save time, by knowing who to
go to with a problem, and you’ll get better results by approaching the right person or group first.
• Programmer: Writes the instructions that tell a computer how to carry out a process.
This job requires the ability to conceptualize how a process can be broken down into
elementary steps and great attention to detail in writing out those steps precisely.
• Systems analyst: Studies business processes to develop information systems that will
carry them out better. This job requires the ability to draw out the people who will
use a new system and to write clearly. When the focus is more on the business process
and less on the information system, this job title may be business analyst.
No. Change, 2010–2020
Job Title(s) 2010 2020 No. Pct. Openings
Computer and information systems managers 307.9 363.7 55.8 18.1 102.8
Computer occupations 3426.0 4184.7 758.8 22.1 1366.2
Computer and information research scientists 28.2 33.5 5.3 18.7 10.6
Computer systems analysts 544.4 664.8 120.4 22.1 222.5
Software developers and programmers 1276.2 1590.8 314.6 24.6 493.9
Database and systems administrators, network architects 458.0 588.5 130.6 28.5 207.9
Computer support specialists 607.1 717.1 110.0 18.1 269.5
Information security analysts, web developers, computer 302.3 367.9 65.7 21.7 110.3
network architects
• User support: Who users turn to when something—anything—doesn’t work. This job
calls for patience: you may have heard a question 50 times, but it’s new to the person
who asks it!
• Web developer: Writes the instructions that tell a computer how to display Web con-
tent. The skills resemble those of a programmer, especially for complex sites that use
databases, but a flair for design helps too.
• Database administrator: Designs databases, sets them up, and keeps them running
efficiently and securely. The work resembles that of a programmer, but may have more
breadth and less detailed depth.
• Network administrator: Plans local area networks, Internet connections, intranets,
and extranets for the organization; selects the equipment they need, supervises their
installation, and keeps them running securely.
People who are intrigued by technology or want to work at the leading edge should con-
sider careers on the vendor side of the information systems world. Vendors need people in
all the previously mentioned categories. They also have all the jobs that any large company
has: accounting, sales, human resources, business planning, and so on. Some positions on
the vendor side, such as computer design engineers, require specialized technical training,
but vendors have jobs for business school graduates as well.
Where you fit in: If you’re using this book, you’re probably in business school. Most business
schools offer majors with titles such as Computer Information Systems that can prepare you for
a career in IS, especially as a systems or business analyst.
If your interests run more to building information systems than using them, a computer sci-
ence program may be for you. Graduates of such programs are better able to “hit the ground
running” in programming or database jobs, but may not have the business background to see
how their work fits into the overall picture.
* Often attributed to the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, but probably not original with him.
Managing Information Systems ◾ 429
Types of Security
The usual image that comes to mind when one hears “computer security” is criminals try-
ing to steal credit card information from databases or penetrate a bank system to move
funds into their own accounts. Breaches like that make headlines.
Most security breaches are not of this type, though. Security failures fall into these
• Uncontrollable external causes, such as natural disasters and power grid failures
• Human error
• Internal malicious attacks (by employees, contractors, etc.)
• External malicious attacks (Box 12.1)
The first two types of security breaches do not send data directly to criminals, but can make
it unavailable for its intended uses and can result in its destruction or inadvertent exposure.
Attacks on enterprise systems differ from those aimed at personal computers. Personal
computer attacks may try to trick users into visiting malicious Web sites or providing dam-
aging personal information in reply to an e-mail, log keystrokes that may disclose user
names and passwords, or retrieve contact information of other targets from e-mail address
books. These are not useful attacks on enterprise systems. Businesses must still guard
against such threats, since businesses are full of personal computers, but attacks on enter-
prise systems are different. Those attacks may attempt to penetrate a database to retrieve
valuable information, or to obtain login information to access such databases under the
guise of a legitimate user.
Also, attacks on personal computers are usually directed toward thousands, if not mil-
lions, at the same time. Criminals often do this by creating programs that spread from
computer to computer. The odds of obtaining useful information from one attacked com-
puter may be small, but the large numbers of such computers makes the effort worthwhile
(to the criminal). Attacks on enterprise systems tend to be targeted at a specific enterprise,
probing it from every possible angle.
Categories of Security
Security must be provided at several levels. Two of these, database and network security,
were discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. Application security must also be considered. Since
most database access is via an application, failure to protect application access opens a
door to the database. As John Pescatore points out (Pescatore, 2013), Web applications are
prime targets for several reasons:
1. Web-based applications are exposed to the Internet. Attackers can easily discover
them and look for vulnerabilities.
2. Web sites are refreshed frequently to attract and retain users. This leads to shortcut-
ting software test and control procedures.
3. Web applications often include off-the-shelf software, business- or contractor-
developed applications and open-source components. The variety and complexity of
these components, and the unfamiliarity of system developers with their insides, can
hinder software testing.
It is essential to test applications for security, not just for correct functioning, before
deploying them to users.
Where you fit in: As a manager, you must be aware of your applications’ potential vulnerability
and make sure this testing is done.
The expected cost of a breach is the cost if a breach occurs times the probability that it
will occur:
Costs of a breach include all costs of recovering; indemnifying customers, clients, and
employees from resulting damage; lost business during an outage; and lost future business
from those who are affected or hear about it and then do business elsewhere. The prob-
ability of a breach can only be estimated, but historical data may help for some types such
as power failures.
Suppose it would cost $5000 to protect a server room against flooding. The cost of deal-
ing with a flood is estimated to be $100,000, including indirect costs such as lost business
while servers are down. If the probability of a flood is estimated at less than 5% over the
useful life of this server room, it is statistically best to accept that cost if a flood occurs.
Some security measures have little cost but great benefit. (Businesspeople call these low-
hanging fruit.) A backup power supply to permit orderly system shutdown if utility power
fails is such a measure. Its cost is low, and the likelihood of needing it someday is high.
Other low-cost, high-value measures include physical control over access to servers and
databases, and training employees in the need to protect information and to verify the
identity of anyone who requests access to it.
After those come measures that cost more and have less expected benefit because the harm
they prevent is smaller, less likely, or both. Figure 12.8 shows increasing protection cost and
decreasing protection value. The upper curve is their sum: the total, at any spending level, of
the cost of security and the remaining exposure. The ideal spending level is at the minimum
of this upper curve. To its left, an additional dollar spent on security is expected to return
more than a dollar in benefits. To its right, the organization spends more to prevent a breach
than the expected cost of letting the breach happen. (In a real situation, the curve will be
bumpy, with jumps in the curve at each additional security measure or vulnerability.)
Cost of fixing
Cost of accepting
Total cost
Financial calculations may not reflect the true impact of a security breach on a busi-
ness. The cost of a rare event can be crippling, but insurance premiums to guard against
that cost are affordable. We know insurance companies make money, but we accept that
for protection against unlikely disasters. So it is with computer security. Many organiza-
tions overspend, according to probability calculations, on security. They do this because
probability calculations understate the true damage of a breach. In the server room flood
example from a few paragraphs back, the organization may decide to purchase insur-
ance. (If the probability of a flood is low, insurance premiums may be much less than
$5000 per year.) Utility theory, covered in economics courses, offers one way to quantify
the true risk.
Another reason for overspending on security is that security decisions are often made
by technical professionals. If there is a breach and they are found not to have taken proper
precautions, they face professional criticism. If they spend on precautions and there is no
breach, they can say “we may have prevented one.” This motivates them to err on the side
of caution.
Countering these is the fact that security has no visible benefit. The best outcome is that
nothing happens. However, it uses funds that could otherwise yield tangible benefits, such
as by running an ad campaign. This can make it difficult to fund security measures.
Where you fit in: The important security decisions are business decisions, not technical ones.
As a manager, you’ll have to ensure adequate funding for security measures. Security failures
can be damaging, even though security success has no obvious benefit, so you must allocate
funds accordingly. You must budget for security before something happens. Waiting for an
incident may lead to funding to prevent another, but by then the first will have done its damage.
transaction logs to restore database changes since the most recent incremental backup.
Some maintain database copies at multiple locations, but that can require expensive
communication links. Cloud-based backup services are increasingly popular, especially
for smaller businesses.
As organizations move data to Software-as-a-Service providers and to the cloud, the
need to deal with backups is reduced. Backups for such services are the responsibility of
the service provider. In 2015, few organizations have moved all their data to such places.
Almost all still need backup.
Where you fit in: As a businessperson, you can safely leave the details of data backup at work
to qualified professionals. It is important for you to make sure that this area isn’t overlooked.
of business during the months that can take. Companies should plan alternate processing
locations for use if their main site becomes unavailable.
Database backup is part of this picture, but only part of it. Backup ensures that a data-
base can be restored—but where? Facilities must be planned for, to be ready when needed.
Backup sites include hot sites and cold sites.
Hot sites are fully equipped data centers that require only an up-to-date copy of an orga-
nization’s database in order to take over its information processing. They can be online in
seconds to hours. An organization normally plans its backup strategy to support the hot
site if need be, so switchover time is usually near the short end of this range.
Cold sites are prewired for high-capacity electrical power and communications services,
equipped with air conditioning to remove computer-generated heat, but are otherwise
empty or nearly so. In case a company’s main data center becomes unusable, it moves
similar equipment into the cold site, installs its software, restores its databases, and begins
to operate. A cold site is less expensive than a hot site, but time to restart operations is mea-
sured at least in hours, often in days.
Third-party backup site operators assume their customers won’t all have data center fail-
ures at the same time, so they can spread the cost of a backup site over many customers.
This usually works, but area-wide disasters, such as the flooding after Louisiana’s Hurricane
Katrina in 2005, can strain commercial cold sites in an affected region past the breaking point.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is befriending an authorized employee in order to gain unauthorized
access to an information system. According to a survey by TechRepublic, this was the top
information concern of businesses in 2013, though it dropped to second place (behind
BYOD; see the section “BYOD: Complicating the Picture”) in 2014.
Social engineers employ many tricks. One example is tailgating or piggybacking. A crim-
inal starts up a conversation with someone in the line to enter a secure area, perhaps shows
a box of donuts and says “I’m bringing these to my project team—want one?” and follows
the authorized employee through a secure door without using a separate ID card.
Much social engineering involves the telephone. Social engineers excel at explaining
why they need a network access code, database password, or administrator access to a
server—right now!
Managing Information Systems ◾ 435
All employees should be aware of the dangers of social engineering. No matter how
trustworthy someone sounds on the telephone, no matter how well a person (who may
have been briefed by a disgruntled ex-employee) knows company jargon and procedures,
no confidential information should be given out and no requests should be honored until
the caller is positively identified. A good response to an urgent-sounding phone call is
“Spell your name, please. I’ll call you back at the number in the employee directory. If you
really are who you say you are, you know that’s the only way you’ll get this information.” A
caller who hangs up at that point was a social engineer.
Where you fit in: As a manager, you will be responsible for making sure the people who work
for you are aware of the dangers of social engineering and don’t fall for such schemes.
* You may hear that Mac OS and Linux “don’t get viruses.” While their UNIX base may be more secure than Windows,
malware for Mac OS and Linux is rare primarily because their market share makes them less attractive targets.
Some malware creators, knowing that these systems are often unprotected, target them.
436 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
A wide range of devices, programs, and services is available to keep networks and systems
secure. All organizations should use them: not because technology-based security breaches
are frequent, but because precautions keep them from becoming frequent. An organization
that doesn’t take them will quickly find itself the target of mischief makers, from the green-
est script bunnies up to more experienced criminals. It will have nobody but itself to blame.
Where you fit in: As with data backup, you can leave the details of technology-based security
precautions to the pros. Your role will be to ensure that they have the necessary management
support and resources for the job they are asked to do.
• Using only the employer’s standard personal computing platform for company busi-
ness. (There must be a procedure for obtaining exceptions, but those should be rare.)
• Regular remote “cleansing” of all personal computers by the MIS department.
• Prohibiting applications that are not installed by that department, since software
obtained from unknown sources can contain malware. (An exception procedure is
needed here too.)
• Requiring all databases to enforce access control on a “need to know” basis.
• Requiring annual, or more frequent, review of access permissions, so that employees
who change jobs don’t keep their old permissions in addition to acquiring those of
their new job.
• Prohibiting downloading business data to a removable storage device.
• Requiring a clean screen: a computer screen may not show any sensitive information
when an employee is away from his or her desk, even briefly.
• Requiring the use of encryption to access any organizational information system remotely.
• Requiring all employees to complete information security awareness training annually.
Managing Information Systems ◾ 437
These are examples, not a complete list. Figure 12.9 shows the opening of an IS security policy.
An organization may have other policies that focus on specific information security
areas within the overall policy guidelines. For example, an organization may have a policy
that describes how to define the sensitivity of information and thus the need to control
access, a policy on acceptable use of the Internet, or a policy on disposal of equipment that
once stored sensitive information.
Implementation of an organizational information security policy is not part of the pol-
icy itself. Implementation must be left to professionals in technology, in training, and in
other fields. The information security policy guides those professionals’ actions, too.
Where you fit in: As a manager, you will be involved in setting security policies. You will also
have to set an example for those who work for you. If you disrespect information security, your
subordinates will conclude that information security doesn’t matter. If you care visibly about
information security, so will those who watch you.
Organizations know that people will have smartphones and tablets no matter what an
employer says, and integrating these devices into its computing infrastructure is easier
than fighting this reality. The result, however, is that company data are now on a wide vari-
ety of individually owned and controlled devices. Data on those devices are vulnerable to
anyone who steals, finds, or penetrates one. Organizations must adopt policies to prevent
problems in this area. Such policies can include staff training, requiring secure login to
corporate networks, encrypting business data on the device, or using cloud-based applica-
tions so no organizational data are stored on the device itself.
Backup: Copy of data that can be used to restore a file or database in case the main copy is
damaged or becomes unavailable. See full backup, incremental backup.
Backup site: Alternate processing site to use in case the main location of an organization’s
computers becomes unusable. See hot site, cold site.
Bring your own devices (BYOD): Organizational information systems environment that
integrates personally owned devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Centralized IS department structure: Organizational structure in which IS-related
human resources work in the same department.
Centrally planned: Linking strategy in which top management supports and coordinates
an organization’s information systems.
Chief information officer (CIO): Senior manager responsible for all information systems
and information technology in an organization.
Clean screen policy: Requirement that a computer screen not show any sensitive informa-
tion when an employee is away from his or her desk.
Managing Information Systems ◾ 439
Cold site: Backup site ready for computers to be installed but without the computers
Cracker: See hacker, sense (b). Not widely used.
Decentralized IS department structure: Organizational structure in which all IS-related
human resources work in the departments whose activities they support.
Expected cost: The cost of something (such as a breach) multiplied by the probability of
its occurrence.
Free market: Linking strategy in which departments are free to choose the information
systems they will use.
Full backup: Backup of a complete file or database. Compare incremental backup.
Hacker: (a) Originally, a clever programmer who can solve tough problems in ingenious
ways. (b) Today, a person who attempts to penetrate information systems without
Hot site: Backup site complete with computers and other equipment, ready for use.
Hybrid IS department structure: Organizational structure in which some IS-related
human resources work in a central department, while others work in the depart-
ments whose activities they support.
Incremental backup: Backup of those parts of a file or database that have changed since
the previous backup. Compare full backup.
Leading edge: Linking strategy in which an organization tries to pioneer with new
Linking strategy: The overall management approach an organization takes to information
systems and technology.
Malware: Software sent to a computer in an attempt to penetrate it without authorization.
Matrix organization: Organizational structure in which each employee has two manag-
ers, one in his or her profession and another in the department whose activities
the employee supports.
Monopoly: Linking strategy in which an internal information systems department is
expected to provide efficient systems to support business operations.
Necessary evil: Linking strategy in which information systems are tolerated as a necessity.
Piggybacking: See tailgating.
Privacy: Keeping personal or confidential information away from unauthorized users.
Recovery point objective: Maximum time that can elapse between backups.
Recovery time objective: Maximum time it can take to restore a database from its
Scarce resource: Linking strategy in which information systems are expected to operate at
minimum cost to the organization.
Script bunny: Inexperienced malware creator who can only modify programs (scripts)
created by others. Often used as an insult even when not literally correct.
Security: Protection of information against unauthorized access, modification, or
Social engineering: Persuading an employee to grant access to protected information
440 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. What are two key factors that should influence a firm’s approach to managing its
information systems?
2. What are the four quadrants in the grid that is based on these two factors?
3. Identify, and describe briefly, the six basic linking strategies.
4. How are the position of an organization in this grid and its linking strategy related?
5. What is a CIO, and for what is this person responsible?
6. Why is the information systems function often directly under the CEO today even
though it wasn’t always in the past?
7. What are some of the functions that the information systems department performs?
8. Describe three different approaches to organizing a firm’s information systems staff.
9. What is the difference between security and privacy? Which cannot exist without the
10. What are the four main categories of security breaches?
11. Why can it be difficult to obtain adequate funding for security measures?
12. Define and explain RPO and RTO.
13. What are two types of sites at which a company can resume data center operations
after a natural disaster?
14. Define social engineering.
15. What is malware?
16. Why is an information security policy necessary?
Managing Information Systems ◾ 441
1. Consider the two example firms at the beginning of this chapter, Amazon and a
regional heating oil supplier, and the school at which you are studying.
a. Put each of these three in the correct quadrant of the linking strategy grid.
b. Select an appropriate linking strategy for each of them. Justify your choice.
2. You work for a car dealer. Customers choose this dealership because it is the only one
for a popular make in its area, it has a good reputation for service, and its prices are
competitive. Its owner and CEO is a computer hobbyist who spends a great deal of
his time testing its website, recommending changes to the user interface of its sales
support system, and otherwise getting involved with its information systems. What
Linking Strategy does this reflect? Is it a good one for this dealership? What would
you say to this CEO about this, if you were asked? (Assume he is competent, his test-
ing is useful, and his suggestions are usually good.)
3. You work for a stock brokerage firm. Customers choose this firm because it pro-
vides good investment advice, it has a good online system for managing invest-
ments, and its fees are competitive. Its owner and CEO is a computer hobbyist
who spends a great deal of his time testing its Web site, recommending changes
to the user interface of its sales support system, and otherwise getting involved
with its information systems. What Linking Strategy does this reflect? Is it a
good one for this firm? What would you say to this CEO about this, if you were
asked? (Assume he is competent, his testing is useful, and his suggestions are
usually good.)
4. Your university probably has a centralized IS department structure. (Most do.) Would
you recommend keeping it or changing to a decentralized, matrix, or hybrid struc-
ture? Justify your recommendation.
5. You are a junior programmer who wants to become a database administrator. You
have a choice of three jobs: one each in an organization with a centralized, a decen-
tralized, and a matrix IS department structure. The offers are equally attractive in
every other way. Which do you choose, and why?
6. As a market analyst in a consumer goods company, you have an idea for using infor-
mation in your company’s CRM database to predict demand for new products. You
would like to propose this idea to someone. You start with your boss, who thinks
your idea makes sense and tells you to move it forward but does not say how. For each
of the four general information systems department organizational structures, how
do you proceed?
7. Search the Internet, using popular job search sites, for entry-level positions for
business graduates with a focus or concentration in information systems. Create
a table comparing five jobs that you found, including salary information if it was
442 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
available. Do you think you would be good at this work? Do you think you would
enjoy it? Explain your answers.
8. Consider the four privacy requirements in the section “Security versus Privacy.” List
one item of information in some business database that should be available to the
general public and one that should not be. For this second item, state two categories
of people who should be allowed to access it.
9. Search the Internet for systems that control physical access to areas inside a building.
Create a chart comparing three such systems that use three different technologies.
10. Carry out a class survey: How many of your classmates use antivirus software on
their own computers? Of these, how many update it regularly, whenever they receive
a notice of new malware it can guard against? Do the answers depend on the plat-
form: Windows, Macintosh, or Linux (if any)? Discuss the findings.
11. Find the information security policy for your school, or do a web search to find the
one of another organization. (Don’t use a general policy or template that must be
adapted to a specific organization.) Discuss both its general principles and its specific
“Third, when we started this trial, we thought we’d pick one tablet and standardize on
it. The idea was to make it easier to share them and to have a few spares on hand in case
something breaks. Our experience was though, that sharing didn’t happen, and the hard-
ware didn’t break enough to worry about.
“So, Dr. Trimble and I put our heads together and decided there’s no reason to force
everyone to use the same tablet. As we make tablets available, which we expect will happen
over the next few months, we’ll give everyone a choice of iPad or Android. We’ll standard-
ize on one Android tablet, though. That will let us get some quantity discounts. Not huge
ones, because we’re talking about low two-digit quantities, but we’ll also get a relationship
with the local dealer that could come in handy for support.
“The one thing we think is important is that all our tablets will have at least nine-inch
screens. The extra size makes a difference in our application, and the larger keyboard helps too.
Still,” she laughed, “we’ll keep a supply of pens with those rubber stylus tips in the supply cabi-
net.” Turning to the students, Dr. Wolff then asked “How does that sound to the two of you?”
“Pretty good, actually,” Elizabeth responded. “Miguel will never talk me out of my iPad,
and I know I’ll never pry his figures off his Google Nexus. We’ve just agreed to disagree on
that. It’s never been a problem, with sharing data or anything else.”
“Now that that’s settled,” Dr. Wolff said, “there’s one other item I wanted to cover today.”
With that, she reached under the table and pulled out a large white box.
“Surprise!” called out the SMMA staff members as Dr. Wolff opened the box. It held a
white-frosted cake, with a college graduation cap and diploma in dark blue icing under an
excellent rendition of the Standish College seal.
“We know it’s a few weeks early, but we’re not really worried about you two making it,” she
explained. “Besides, with your project report due next week, you might not be coming back.”
“How can you say that? How could we not come back?” asked Elizabeth, astonished.
“And just drop everything? We have to see how some of those projects come out!”
“Well, we were hoping you’d say something like that,” said Dr. Wolff. “Actually”—she
paused briefly here—“the folks in the hospital’s business planning department were hoping
for a bit more. Do you two have jobs yet?”
“Sorry, but I do,” answered Elizabeth with evident regret. “I interviewed with several
companies that came to campus last semester, before this project started, and I accepted a
job early this term. I’m supposed to start their training program in about six weeks.”
“Well, Miguel, how about you?” she followed up.
“You know, I had been planning to go to graduate school and get my MBA. I’ve been
accepted at Springfield U. I think I need more general business education to go with the
technical stuff I’ve been focusing on. As soon as I got into Professor Potter’s business strat-
egy course, I realized that a few more electives in marketing and human behavior might
have been at least as useful as the extra programming courses I took. If I get an MBA I’ll
have the best of both worlds.”
“Have you considered working for a while and then going back for your MBA?” she persisted.
“Now that you mention it, the MBA program people said that most of their new students
have three or four years of work experience, and that it helps them in the classroom. It
might not be a bad idea. Maybe I’ll talk to those folks next week!”
444 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
1. Do you agree that SMMA doesn’t need to standardize its tablets? Explain why or why
not. Whichever way you feel, describe a type of organization for which you would
give the other answer, and explain what difference(s) between them make you feel
differently in this regard.
2. You work for an organization that uses an application that runs on both iOS and
Android tablets. Your company has decided to standardize on Android tablets.
However, you have an iPhone and would prefer not to have to switch back and forth
between iOS and Android. You own an iPad and are willing to use it for work. Write
a memo to your manager asking for an exception.
3. You are a department manager in an organization that uses an application that runs
on both iOS and Android tablets. Your company has decided to standardize on
Android tablets. One of your employees has an iPhone and would prefer not to have
to switch back and forth between iOS and Android. That employee owns an iPad,
is willing to use it for work, and wrote you a memo asking for an exception. Write
a reply explaining why an exception will not be granted. Do not use “it’s corporate
policy” as a reason; if you mention policy at all, explain the reasons for it.
* Colocation is housing servers and related devices in a data center managed by a third party to obtain economies of scale,
high-speed communication links, specialized services, and other capabilities that a small company could not justify on
its own. It is a form of outsourcing.
Managing Information Systems ◾ 445
one just across the Mississippi River in Gretna, La. It was not hard to imagine a single
natural disaster affecting both of them.
By 2010, Entergy had completed a brand-new $30 million data center in Jackson, Miss.,
150 miles (240 km) inland. The company load-balances several systems between the two
centers, says CIO Jill Israel (Emmett, 2013). “Moving applications from New Orleans
involved quite a choreography plan. Subsequent to Katrina we’ve had [major] storm events,
including ice storms in Little Rock, but I no longer have to hold my breath,” she says.
The company holds hurricane and storm drills every year “to get better and better at
responding,” Israel says (Emmett, 2013). “One of the things we quickly recognized was
how effective a dispersed workforce can be. Our employees can do a lot more things from
remote locations and that has served us very, very well.”
Heroic efforts may save the day. Power cuts due to Superstorm Sandy prevented Peer 1
Hosting’s rooftop emergency generator, which was unharmed, from accessing the 20,000
gal fuel tank in the building’s flooded basement. Its “day tank” on the roof had limited
capacity. Fuel trucks could reach the entrance to the building, but without power, how to
get the fuel to the roof? The answer was a “bucket brigade” of Peer 1 employees, customer
employees, and a few hired day laborers who passed fuel from hand to hand up the stairs.
“Over the next night into the morning, we were able to successfully continue to coordinate
fuel trucks coming and manually move hundreds of gallons of diesel to the roof and keep
the thing online,” says Anthony Casalena, founder and CEO of Squarespace, one of Peer
1’s customers (Thibodeau, 2012).
Some things can’t be moved. Communication cables must go to where their users are.
Verizon is replacing 150 tons of Sandy-damaged copper cable, most of it under New York
City streets, with fiber optic cable. “If you take a fiber optic cable and lay it in your bathtub
it probably will still work; fiber is submersible,” says Chris Kimm, vice president of global
customer assurance for Verizon Enterprise Solutions (Emmett, 2013).
And some companies are doing nothing. “Until we have a major data outage most cli-
ents are not calculating for risk or change; they’re turning a blind eye to it,” says Rakesh
Kumar, a Gartner vice president who specializes in data center and infrastructure issues
(Emmett, 2013). He feels this is the wrong approach: “What was perceived as a safe area
before may not be now.” And it’s not just flooding: “In London and Germany, the winters
seem to be getting slightly worse; we’ve had cases of component failure—small bits of elec-
trical equipment freezing up.”
1. As an entry-level new hire, you note that your employer’s servers are all at its head-
quarters: the ground floor of a historic building in Charleston, S. C., on E. Battery St.
near Atlantic and Water Streets. (If you infer from the street names that this building
is near the water, you’re right.) It has no protection against flooding or other natural
disasters. Write a memo to your company president pointing out the risks and sug-
gesting at least one course of action. Remember your position in the company as you
write your memo.
446 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
2. Most water damage to computers is not due to flooding, but to plumbing failures on
higher floors. (Water may travel a long distance within an enclosed ceiling before it
finds an opening.) Given that fact, do articles such as those used as sources for this
case contribute to misplaced corporate priorities? Why or why not?
3. A data center operator can’t count on customers helping out in a disaster. People like
Casalena wouldn’t have helped Peer 1 Hosting if that firm hadn’t sent an e-mail to its
customers about its situation. What does this suggest to you about handling a natural
disaster, should one occur?
• Conduct a security risk analysis. This step shows “due diligence” in protecting confi-
dential patient data, and is required by HIPAA.
• Communicate your no-snooping policy clearly to all employees. Give all new hires
both a written and a verbal orientation to a zero-tolerance policy on snooping. This
policy should also extend to business associates including accountants, lawyers, and
IT professionals.
• Give employees only minimum necessary access to protected health information. A
receptionist doesn’t need access to clinical data.
• Password-protect medical files depending on need to know. Remind employees fre-
quently that sharing passwords and user IDs is prohibited.
• Document a formal process for initiating and terminating access. Shutdown access
immediately when an employee leaves.
• Communicate and enforce disciplinary actions for snooping. Inform employees up front
what the consequences will be, such as suspension or termination of employment.
• Conduct background checks before new employees start. Running checks shows rea-
sonable due diligence and may prevent costly fines and a tarnished reputation.
Not in healthcare? That doesn’t mean you can ignore the threat of insider security breaches
or the need to be proactive about security. The details differ in different businesses, but the
principles don’t.
1. What sort of confidential information might unauthorized employees be motivated
to snoop into, and why, in:
a. An automobile dealership.
b. A university.
c. A city government.
d. A clothing store.
2. You are the head of a hospital that discovered a situation such as those of Norfolk
General and University Hospitals. You terminate the offending employee and apolo-
gize, in writing, to patients whose records were improperly accessed. A reporter for
local TV calls with “That’s fine for this time, but what are you doing to make sure
it doesn’t happen again?” and says that she would like to play your answer, not over
30 seconds long, on the local news, and will call back in fifteen minutes to record it.
448 ◾ Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know
Draft your answer. Confirm that you can read it aloud, without rushing, in no more
than 30 seconds. (That probably means under 100 words or so.) If you can’t, shorten
it until you can.
3. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, because of its location and reputation, has many
patients from the entertainment field. Like Ms. Kardashian, they are of greater inter-
est to the press than members of the general public. That puts their employees under
greater temptation to access medical records than at most other hospitals, because of
curiosity about celebrities and potential financial gain from selling this information.
Should they do anything differently than Ms. Chaput’s general recommendations?
Chaput, M., Don’t let your practice get stung by ‘snooping,’ Medical Practice Insider, July 22, 2014.
accessed May 11, 2015.
Emmett, A., Data centers under water: What, me worry? Computerworld, May 2, 2013. www.
accessed May 11, 2015.
ESET Press Center, ESET Uncovers ACAD/Medre.A Worm: Tens Of Thousands Of AutoCAD
Design Files Leaked in Suspected Industrial Espionage, June 21, 2012. www.eset.com/us/
autocad-design-files/, accessed May 11, 2015.
Internap Web site, www.internap.com, accessed May 10, 2015.
Kumar, M., A Virus Specialized for AutoCAD, a perfect cyber espionage tool, The Hacker News,
June 23, 2012. thehackernews.com/2012/06/virus-specialized-for-autocad-perfect.html,
accessed May 11, 2015.
Matteson, S., Survey: Top Security Issues for 2015, TechRepublic, January 5, 2015. www.techrepublic.
com/article/survey-top-security-issues-for-2015, accessed May 11, 2015.
McCann, E., Six fired for keeping up with Kardashian, Healthcare IT News, July 15, 2014. www.
healthcareitnews.com/news/kardashian-hipaa-breach-catastrophe, accessed May 11, 2015.
McCann, E., Nurse sacked for snooping patient files, Healthcare IT News, August 14, 2013. www.
healthcareitnews.com/news/nurse-sacked-snooping-patient-files, accessed May 11, 2015.
McCann, E., Employee sacked after snooping patient EMR records, Healthcare IT News,
December 2, 2014. www.healthcareitnews.com/news/employee-sacked-after-snooping-
patient-emr-records, accessed May 11, 2015.
McFarlan, W. and J. L. McKenney, The Information Archipelago—Governing the New World,
Harvard Business Review 61(9), July–August 1983, 91.
Millard, M., Healthcare to be ‘plagued’ by data breaches in 2015, Healthcare IT News, December 12,
2014. www.healthcareitnews.com/news/healthcare-plagued-breaches-2015, accessed May 11,
Pescatore, J., Application Security: Tools for Getting Management Support and Funding (A SANS
Whitepaper), September 2013. www.sans.org/reading-room/analysts-program/ whitehat-
appsec-2013, accessed May 11, 2015.
Thibodeau, P., Huge customer effort keeps flooded NYC data center running, Computerworld,
November 1, 2012. www.computerworld.com/s/article/9233136/Huge_customer_effort_
keeps_flooded_NYC_data_center_running_, accessed May 11, 2015.
U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review Online, 135(1) January 2012; tables
downloaded January 7, 2013. www.bls.gov/emp/ep_table_104.htm, accessed May 11, 2015.
Business Information Systems
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