Adult Content in Social Live Streaming Services: Characterizing Deviant Users and Relationships
Adult Content in Social Live Streaming Services: Characterizing Deviant Users and Relationships
Adult Content in Social Live Streaming Services: Characterizing Deviant Users and Relationships
Abstract—Social Live Stream Services (SLSS) exploit a new successful, especially in young users2 , and LM has been ranked
level of social interaction. One of the main challenges in these as the top grossing social app in the U.S. on Google Play since
services is how to detect and prevent deviant behaviors that August 2016 and one of the top five social apps on Apple App
violate community guidelines. In this work, we focus on adult Store.
content production and consumption in two widely used SLSS,
namely and Loops Live, which have millions of users Both these apps share many similarities regarding com-
producing massive amounts of video content on a daily basis. We munity policies, e.g., they explicitly forbid broadcasters from
use a pre-trained deep learning model to identify broadcasters engaging in, or broadcasting any sex-related content that
of adult content. Our results indicate that moderation systems in
arXiv:1806.10577v1 [cs.SI] 27 Jun 2018
Clearly our methodology has the capacity to collect large Legal and ethical questions about SLSS were raised
bodies of data, including streams, messages and metadata by [14]. Recently, [15] performed an empirical study on law
exchanged between individuals around the world. There are infringements in several SLSS. While the focus was not on
therefore certain privacy considerations that must be taken adult content, the researchers found that around 17.9% of
into account. To anonymize users, we allocated a new unique their sample, consisting of more than 7, 500 streams, somehow
random identifier for every user whose data we collected, violated a law, e.g., copyright, road traffic, insult, etc. Different
obfuscating her platform-wide identity (user ID). We highlight information behaviors of users, focusing on the assessment of
that the terms of both services underlines that all data (and streamers’ behavior with emphasis on produced content and
metadata for LM) and activity are by default public. Despite motivations, as well as demographics, were studied in [3], [4].
their “public” nature, we follow Zimmer’s approach [2]. In The copyright aspect is also studied in [16], but in terms of
this regard, the data remains anonymized during all the steps broadcasting sport events.
of our analysis, and we report only aggregated information.
The collected datasets are publicly available online 3 . B. Adult content in Social Media
In the computer science literature, adult content consump-
II. R ELATED W ORK tion has mostly been studied in the context of adult websites,
several of which incorporate social networking functionality
As the adult content problem on SLSS has not been studied and features. Examples include the work by [17] that provides
in the literature, we loosely categorize prior work into two an overview of behavioral aspects of users in the PornHub
main categories, reflecting the fundamental concepts present social network, a recent paper [18] on the detection of fake
in this study. Finally, we provide a functional overview of the user profiles in the same network, and various studies on the
two platforms that we study. categorization of content, frequency of use, and analysis of
user behavior in such platforms [19], [20]. To the best of our
A. Social Live Streaming Services knowledge, the only other work that studies the production and
consumption of adult content in general-purpose online social
In SLSS users are able to stream their own live shows in networks is a recent article by [21]. The authors perform a
real time as broadcasters, and to join the live shows of other large-scale analysis of the adult content diffusion dynamics in
users as viewers/audience. The audience is able to interact Tumblr and in Flickr, while also examining and comparing
with the streamers through a chat and reward them with the demographics of adult content producers and consumers
virtual rewards, e.g., points, gifts, badges (some of which are across these platforms. A wider corpus of research has been
purchasable), or money. Also, various SLSS give broadcasters produced by social and behavioral scientists, mostly based on
the opportunity to monetize part of the virtual gifts they receive surveys of relatively small numbers of individuals.
from the audience during their brodcasts. Users of SLSS
employ their own mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) or C. & Loops Live functional overview
their PCs and webcams for broadcasting. In contrast to other
social media, SLSS are mostly synchronous [3], [4], but they This study uses data collected from LM and LL platforms,
can also support asynchronous interactions between users, like introduced previously. Most of the features and functionality
direct messages and comments on broadcast video replays. offered by those platforms are mobile-only, in that users
wishing to actively participate in their communities need to
We differentiate between two kinds of SLSS: General own mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets running
live streaming services (without any thematic limitation), on Android or iOS.
e.g. YouNow, Twitters Periscope, Cheetah Mobile’s,
(now-defunct) Meerkat Streams, YouTube live or IBM’s Us- The dynamics of both communities are based mostly on
tream, and Topic-specific live streaming services, e.g. Twitch three possible actions performed by the users: (a) create
(games), or Picarto (art). real-time broadcasts and optionally associate hashtags repre-
senting thematic categories/user interests with them; (b) join
Since SLSS are quite new, the literature in the field is rather broadcasts created by other users and interact with them as
limited. Some of these studies investigate the performance of well as with the other viewers. Those interactions include
such services, e.g., Meerkat and Periscope [5], [6], Periscope exchanging chat messages with other viewers, and rewarding
[7] and Twitch [8]. Human factors and user experience were the broadcasters with “likes” and purchasable virtual gifts; and
studied in [9]. Having access to a large dataset of Inke, a (c) follow other users and receive notifications when they are
Chinese SLSS, [10] identified several patterns in the users, broadcasting.
e.g., fast interest shifts, user dedication to broadcasters as well
as the locality bonds between users. Contrary to other popular SLSS like Periscope [5], all the
broadcasts in LM and LL are public. All active broadcasts are
3 visible on a global public list. In both platforms, the concept of
re-sharing/re-posting broadcasted content across different users 1
links to live shows that can be used for promoting broadcasters 4 Proxy
on other social media.
5 3
LM 2,942,407 37,440,992 142,345 25.4 0.14
LL 273,177 1,193,780 114 8.73 1.59 ×10−5 0.08
LM seeds
LM all
LL seeds
information as well as broadcast video replays from each user, 0.0 LL all
following the friendship links. We follow a Breadth-First (BF) 0.0 0.5 1.0
Adult content production score
traversal limited to two hops away (undirected distance) from
the seed nodes. Thus, our network consists of the union of Fig. 2: Cumulative distribution function of the adult content
the 2-hop ego-networks of all seed nodes. This union resulted score values.
in one single connected component in both platforms. For
computational reasons, we discard those nodes in the boundary
that appear as neighbors of a node with degree higher than users: adult content producers, or simply producers (based on
10K. These nodes correspond to only 718 and 267 profiles their broadcast activity), consumers (based on their relation
for LM and LL, respectively, a very small proportion of the with producers), and normal users that are not included in any
complete 2-hop ego-networks. of the two other categories.
We emphasize that our interest is not in capturing the entire One could argue that these consumers are lurkers. The
network of users, but a tractable subset of tightly connected lurking phenomenon in social networks has been studied in
groups of users in which adult content is predominant. BF great depth [25], [26]. In general, lurkers are passive users
search covers satisfactorily small regions of a graph [23] and who do not contribute to the community. While consumers
has been used in many analyses. in our scenario could also be lurkers, we argue that, despite
the obvious resemblance, they are not. Indeed, their behavior
During the data collection period, which lasted from Jan. seems passive as they do not create content. Nevertheless,
to Nov. of 2017, we repeated this crawling procedure once they have actual interactions by, e.g., providing praise and
per week on average. Based on the number of installations currencies to producers, or by publicly chatting with the
reported by LM on Google Play (20M −50M installations), we producers, that promote specific behaviors and content.
managed to crawl roughly 5.8% − 14.5% and 5.46% − 27.3%
of the entire LM and LL networks, respectively. Given the network, our criterion to establish whether a user
is a producer is exclusively based on the images of the user’s
Table I summarizes the obtained networks for both plat- broadcast activity. This choice disregards indirect sources of
forms. As expected, the LM network is much larger than the information and does not require manual inspection, allowing
LL network, containing approximately 10 times more users us to scale up the method efficiently. Alternative approaches
and 30 times more edges. The LL network is, however, one are based on manual inspection of metadata only [21], which
order of magnitude more dense than the LM one. may not been sufficient for our purposes, or using crowdsourc-
The approach we followed has three main limitations. ing approaches for categorizing broadcasts [4], which would
Firstly, the set of replays that we captured includes only the require a pool of crowd workers to be potentially exposed to
available replays of past broadcasts at crawling time. Replays offensive material.
that were deleted in-between our crawls as well as all live To this end, we use OpenNSFW5 , a deep neural network
broadcasts streamed during our crawls were not included. This model pre-trained to detect pornographic images. Convolu-
is not a fundamental limitation, and can be fixed by using tional Neural Networks are the state of the art in image
more sophisticated approaches [5]. Moreover, while we can classification problems [27], [28]. OpenNSFW takes an image
determine whether an account is banned (suspended) or active, as input and provides a value representing confidence in an
none of the platforms provides metadata to determine the image’s resemblance to pornography. We feed the network
reason behind the account suspension. This means that our with frames sampled from the broadcasts at 1/3 Hz, and keep
dataset includes false positives that were banned because of the highest confidence score for every broadcast replay. This
other unrelated policy violations. This limitation is addressed value represents the maximum probability a replay contains
in the next subsection, in which we consider the replay’ content pornographic content. Then, at the end of our data collection
to determine whether a user is deviant or not. Finally, there period, we can associate every user with the highest value
is a small probability of false negatives, a portion of deviant provided by OpenNSFW over all of their replays in the dataset.
users that are not retrieved by our method. This can happen The aforementioned value can be considered as a user’s adult
because moderators can only identify a limited number of users content production score. For the users we were unable to
engaging in inappropriate behavior [24] and those may lie collect any broadcast data, we set this value to zero.
isolated (more than two hops away) from the seed nodes.
Figure 2 shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
B. Labeling the users of the adult content production score for both LM and LL
networks differentiating between seed users and all the users
Having described our procedure to identify an adult content
related network, we now describe how we label the users 5
within this network. We differentiate between three types of learning-solution-for.
TABLE II: Distribution of users according to their class. users are distributed in each class. In the case of LM, we
Class Loops Live observe that only 43.5% of the labeled producers have been
Producers 7,135 (228 seeds) 92 (33 seeds) banned. Since it is unlikely that the frames extracted from the
Consumers 30,872 (0 seeds) 1,243 (0 seeds) broadcasts contained adversarial perturbations [29] against the
Normal 2,904,400 (162 seeds) 271,842 (14 seeds)
OpenNSFW model, we can safely assume that moderation is
highly ineffective in detecting such cases.
in our sample. We observe that a very small proportion of all On the contrary, moderation of LL is consistent with
users (only around 0.4%) scored above 0.5, indicating that the our labeling outcome, with 96.7% of users placed in the
vast majority of users do not broadcast adult related material. producers class being banned. This consistency provides fur-
On the other hand, the seed users have been assigned high ther confirmation of our decision to use a pre-trained deep
scores (all starting at 0.5 for LM and around 0.8 for LL). This learning classifier for detecting adult content. Finally, the high
confirms that our choice of seed nodes and the outcome of the number of banned users placed in the normal class suggest the
classifier agree to a large extent. existence of a significant proportion of policy violators outside
the context of our study.
We establish whether a user is a producer using a thresh-
olding approach. In particular, we consider the probability
distribution of the scores for both banned and non-banned IV. P ROFILING DEVIANT USERS
users and choose as a threshold the Bayesian decision rule that
In this section, we present our efforts to characterize adult
separates the two classes. This results in a threshold of 0.82
content producers, consumers and their relationships in the
and 0.93 for LM and LL, respectively. Although the described
sampled networks. We first consider a set of features directly
approach does not require any human supervision, in order to
accessible from each user and analyze their relevance for
further evaluate the “goodness” of the threshold, we manually
distinguishing between classes: normal users, producers, and
inspected the frames for 100 LM and 50 LL random producers.
consumers. We then look at the network structure to gain
All of them contained either nudity or semi-nudity, suggesting
understanding about the relations between consumers and
the validity of our thresholding method.
We establish whether a user is a consumer based on the set
of producers and the network structure. In particular, we label a A. Features
user as a consumer if the user follows at least two adult content
producers. While following a single user (producer or not) can Based on the available profile information we collected
be expected by random chance, following two users of the from the two platforms, we define a set of features that can
producer class (given they only make up for a minor fraction be grouped as follows:
of the total users), is much less likely to be by chance. Our
definition of consumer is stricter than the one of [21], which • Network features: , Number of followers. , number of
defines as a passive consumer a user that follows at least one followings. , number of bidirectional friends.
single producer. In our analysis, for those users that fall in both • User-based features
categories, i.e., producers that also followed at least two other ◦ Pornographic username (binary): whether the username
producers, the producer label is considered more relevant. In contains a pornographic term.
practice, only 9 users of LM and 2 users of LL should have ◦ Suspended/Banned (binary): whether the account has
been labeled as both producers and consumers. Finally, users been suspended by platform moderators.
who do not fall into the above classes are labeled as normal ◦ Replay count: Number of past broadcasts available for
users. replaying.
◦ Level: An integer value reflecting the participation level
Table II summarizes the resulting labeling according to our of a user in various SLSS-specific activities.
proposed procedure. As expected, we observe that only a small ◦ Praise (only LM): Total number of likes received in all
proportion of the crawled networks are not labeled as normal user’s broadcasts.
users. We also show in parenthesis how the seed nodes are ◦ Income (only LM): Total virtual currency value of gifts
distributed in the three categories. Recall that seed users are received in all of user’s broadcasts.
banned users with broadcast activity and with a adult-related
username. Although most of them are labeled as producers, We assessed the relative power of these features in discrim-
there is a significant proportion labeled as normal users. This inating the three user classes by using the Mean Decrease
can be explained by the fact that those users may exhibit other Impurity (MDI) metric, where a higher score implies a more
(non adult-related) deviant behaviors and thus not relevant for important feature. Table IV reports the ranking of the top five
our analysis, or because their score did not reach our threshold, most important features in differentiating the three user classes
as reported from the OpenNSFW classifier. Remarkably, none for each platform.
of them are labeled as consumers, which already suggests that
producers are not well connected between them. TABLE III: Proportion (total in parenthesis) of banned ac-
counts in each class.
C. Effectiveness of SLSS moderation systems Class Loops Live
Having identified the aforementioned user classes, we Producers 43.5% (3,109) 96.7% (89)
proceed to examine how our labeling approach compares to Consumers 9.6% (2,970) 0.08% (1)
Normal 4.6% (136,266) 0.008% (24)
the moderation of each platform. Table III shows how banned
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
LM Producers LM Producers LM Producers
LM Consumers LM Consumers LM Consumers
0.2 LM Normal 0.2 LM Normal 0.2 LM Normal 0.2 0.2
LL Producers LL Producers LL Producers LM Producers LM Producers
LL Consumers LL Consumers LL Consumers LM Consumers LM Consumers
0.0 LL Normal 0.0 LL Normal 0.0 LL Normal 0.0 LM Normal 0.0 LM Normal
100 101 102 103 104 105 100 101 102 103 104 105 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Number of followers Number of followings Number of friends Number of likes - praise Value of gifts received - income
(a) # Followers (b) # Followings (c) # Friends (d) Praise (e) Income
Fig. 3: Cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the different user profile attributes.
TABLE IV: Top 5 features for differentiating the three classes. approximately 65% of consumers and the 33% of normal users
LM LL in our dataset fall in this “unpopular” category, see Figure 3d.
Rank Feature MDI Feature MDI
This either means that they have not received any likes during
1 #Followings 0.31 #Followings 0.37 their shows, or they have never broadcasted anything. A similar
2 #Followers 0.25 #Friends 0.26
3 Praise 0.15 #Followers 0.19 trend is observed for the total value of the virtual gifts received,
4 #Friends 0.12 Banned 0.10 represented by the income attribute and illustrated in Figure 3e.
5 Income 0.06 Porn nickname 0.05 Only 21% of producers have not received gifts, while the same
holds for the 88% of consumers and the 65% of normal users.
40 0.4
dense connected than random for LM. This finding comes
in contrast with the behavior of adult content producers in
20 0.2 LL Consumers Tumblr and Flickr, where they are observed to form densely
LL Producers & Normal
LM Consumers interconnected communities [21]. In LL the producers appear
0.0 LM Producers & Normal
[0, 0.2) [0.2, 0.4) [0.4, 0.6) [0.6, 0.8) [0.8, 1] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Hub score
0.8 1.0 to have a density comparable to those of consumers, but given
Authority score intervals
their limited number, this is due to the existence of producers
(a) authority score bins (LM) (b) CDFs of hub scores who also exhibit consumer behavior.
Fig. 4: User relationship insights, provided by HITS.
In summary, we can conclude that the closely knit groups
TABLE V: Comparison in terms of link density D between of consumers act as a “bridge” between the otherwise isolated
the crawled networks of producers, consumers normal users producer nodes. Concretely, from a network perspective, the
and a correspoding random network. most effective way to reach adult content in the studied
networks is by traversing the social links of consumer nodes
Class Crawled graph D Null model D that point to both producers and other consumers, enabling
Producers 1.90 × 10 −5
4.55 × 10−6 the reach of even more deviant nodes belonging in those two
LM Consumers 1.20 × 10−3 4.46 × 10−6
categories. Since adult content producers are isolated in the
network, we speculate that some of the consumers are actively
Normal 2.18 × 10−7 4.32 × 10−6
monitoring the list of active broadcasts (see Subsection II-C),
Producers 1.91 × 10−3 0 and proceed to follow users who broadcast adult content, while
LL Consumers 3.28 × 10−3 1.42 × 10−5 also possibly sharing links to such live streams with other
Normal 1 × 10−5 1.59 × 10−5 consumers. These “consumer leaders” are likely to become
popular among their kin by being followed by many other
consumers, thus serving as a means for diffusion of informa-
tion about producers, effectively compensating for the absence
their authority score and we calculate the fractions of banned of the content reposting functionality in SLSS.
and non-banned users in each bin, as shown in Figure 4a. We
observe that 99.5% of users in our sample fall into the first
bin, having authority score less than 0.2. We can thus conclude V. D ISCUSSION
that banned users are more densely concentrated towards the
higher end of the authority score spectrum, and the reason With the continuous growth of SLSS, an increase in deviant
behind their suspension was likely the production of adult behaviors on social media is expected. In our work, we
content, since they are followed by the consumers/hubs. A show that current moderation mechanisms may have important
similar phenomenon is observed for LL, but with banned users limitations when addressing the detection of adult content con-
mostly concentrated in the 0.02 − 0.35 authority score range, sumption and production. Our approach overcomes scalability
while the 97.7% of users have authority scores below 0.02. issues that appear when a large number of humans are needed
to categorize the content, at the cost of relying on the ac-
Based on the arguments above, we expect that consumers curacy of automatic image classification. Image classification
will follow multiple producers, a considerable portion of which is the primary application domain for machine learning [36],
will be banned. To quantify the relationship between the reaching human-level performance in many tasks. Our results
fractions of banned users and producers followed by con- could be further improved by replacing or accommodating the
sumers, we calculate their correlation using Spearman’s rank OpenNSWF classifier with more effective models.
correlation coefficient ρ. Indeed, there exists a nearly perfect
correlation for LL with ρ = 0.96, meaning that consumers The inefficiency of moderation can be partially attributed
do not follow almost any banned users outside the producers to a voyeur phenomenon. Many adult content producers are not
class, and a moderately strong correlation in LM (ρ = 0.63). reported to moderators as the consumers like the content, so
their accounts are not suspended, allowing them to continue
Another dimension to examine is the connectivity within broadcasting inappropriate content. Moreover, although con-
each class in the context of the sampled graphs. For this we suming any kind of content, including adult, is not explicitly
measure the edge density, computed as the ratio of edges prohibited by the community guidelines of these platforms,
between the users belonging in each class over the total number suspending the accounts of the users who intentionally seek
of possible edges between them. To account for the differences adult content would be meaningful, due to the law of supply
in sizes of the subnetworks [34], we resort to a comparison of and demand. It is therefore necessary to incorporate effective,
the connectivity of the sampled graphs with a null model that real-time detection mechanisms of deviant behaviors in the
randomly rewires the edges while keeping the degree of each existing moderation systems, in order to maintain the SLSS
node unchanged, as described in [35]. communities safe, especially for the younger audience.
Table V contains the link density comparison between the In future work, we will investigate quantitatively the iden-
subgraphs induced by producers, consumers and normal users tification between consumers and lurkers. Moreover, we plan
in each sampled network and the null model. We observe to develop graph-based features for the detection and classifi-
that consumers, when compared to the null model, are several cation of adult content producers and consumers in SLSS by
exploiting the characteristics of deviant behavior presented in [15] F. Zimmer, K. J. Fietkiewicz, and W. G. Stock, “Law infringements in
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in porn 2.0?” in 9th International Conference on Web and Social Media,
ICWSM. AAAI Press, 2015, pp. 236–444.
We thank Andreas Kaltenbrunner for his helpful comments [18] W. Magdy, Y. El-khatib, G. Tyson, S. Joglekar, and N. R. Sastry, “Fake
and suggestions. This work was supported by the European it till you make it: Fishing for catfishes,” in ASONAM. ACM, 2017,
Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020), as pp. 497–504.
part of the Practicies project (Grant Agreement no. 740072), [19] M. Schuhmacher, C. Zirn, and J. Völker, “Exploring youporn categories,
and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness tags, and nicknames for pleasant recommendations,” in Search and
under the Marı́a de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme Exploration of X-rated Information : WSDM’13 Workshop Proceedings.
ACM, 2013, pp. 27–28.
[20] G. Tyson, Y. Elkhatib, N. Sastry, and S. Uhlig, “Demystifying porn
2.0,” in Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement
R EFERENCES conference. ACM Press, 2013, pp. 417–426.
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