Sae 19TOFHP12
Sae 19TOFHP12
Sae 19TOFHP12
a red Roller Bearings:
Best-t in-Class Precision
Engine Design
Tools for next-gen
December 2019 less complex
30 Original Equipment
24 Removing complexity for 30 Caterpillar launches next-gen mini hydraulic
autonomous trucks AUTONOMOUS excavator, skid steer and compact track
Narrowing the operating domains for driverless commercial loaders | CONEXPO PREVIEW
vehicles reduces the requirements of autonomous technology and
speeds time to market. 32 Product Briefs
SPOTLIGHT: Metals, Sensors & Actuators,
26 Plastics innovations 2019 MATERIALS Connectors
The 49th annual SPE Automotive Awards highlight the ongoing 35 Companies Mentioned, Ad Index
benefits of lightweight polymers and composites.
36 Q&A
Dan Williams shares how ZF will help advance
ON THE COVER ADAS and autonomy in 2020 and beyond
Engine developers at Caterpillar Industrial Power Systems 3D-printed
an entire C3.6 engine in parts from an early prototype to look at how an
engine would fit to test cells while waiting for the actual components to
arrive from suppliers, reducing development time. (Image: Caterpillar)
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CORRECTION: Truck & Off-Highway Engineering™, December 2019, Volume 27, Number 6. Truck & Off-Highway
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ISSN 2475-6148 (print)
30 Audited by
Ryan Gehm
Bob Casey
[email protected]
Lindsay Brooke [email protected]
Senior Editor
Southern CA, AZ, NM,
[email protected]
Rocky Mountain States:
Paul Seredynski Tim Powers
Two years ago at the inaugural North on hydrogen fuel-cell technology across Jennifer Shuttleworth Northern CA, WA, OR,
Western Canada:
Associate Editor
American Commercial Vehicle (NACV) commercial markets in North America, [email protected] Craig Pitcher
Show in Atlanta, a recurring theme from and an investment in Loop Energy, a fuel Lisa Arrigo [email protected]
Custom Electronic
nearly every truck manufacturer and cell electric range-extender provider. At Products Editor
supplier press conference was vehicle the NACV Show, the power solutions [email protected] International
uptime, along with the various telemat- provider unveiled a 6x4 day cab tractor Contributors Europe – Central & Eastern:
Sven Anacker
ics and connectivity solutions that en- with fuel cell and battery electric power. Stuart Birch Britta Steinberg
European Editor +49.202.27169.11
able fleet managers to keep their trucks Designed and integrated by Cummins in [email protected]
Steven Ashley, Sebastian Blanco, [email protected]
on the road. While these certainly were Columbus, Ind., the Class 8 technology Matthew Borst, Kami Buchholz, Europe – Western:
important topics at this year’s NACV demonstrator features a 90-kW PEM fuel Terry Costlow, Dan Gilkes, Chris Shaw
Bruce Morey, Paul Weissler +44.1270.522130
Show, the dominant takeaway from the cell from Hydrogenics and a 100-kWh [email protected]
Georgia World Congress Center was lithium-ion battery capacity. DESIGN China:
that alternative propulsion is top of Perhaps garnering the most attention Lois Erlacher
Alan Ao
mind for many industry players. at the biennial event, however, was the Creative Director [email protected]
Navistar launched a new business debut of Hyundai’s HDC-6 Neptune Ray Carlson Japan:
Shigenori Nagatomo
Associate Art Director
unit, NEXT eMobility Solutions, to de- Concept, a hydrogen-powered Class 8 +81.3.3661.6138
[email protected]
liver customized electrification solutions truck. During its standing room only SALES & South Korea:
in the truck and school bus markets. The press conference, several Hyundai execu-
business unit, which will be based in the tives detailed the company’s plans to [email protected]
Joe Pramberger
Detroit area, took little time to make a build upon its US$6.4 billion investment Publisher
[email protected]
splash, revealing a prototype electric announced in December 2018 to acceler- Integrated Media
Debbie Rothwell
version of the International MV Series ate the development of a hydrogen soci- Marketing Director Consultants
[email protected]
medium-duty vehicle, the eMV. The con- ety. Hyundai expects to build 500,000 Angelo Danza
Martha Tress
cept is powered by an electric motor fuel-cell systems per year for passenger Recruitment Sales Manager [email protected]
with 474 kW peak power and 300 kW and commercial vehicles by 2030. +1.724.772.7155
[email protected]
Christian DeLalla
continuous power and is designed to Targeted range for its hydrogen truck in [email protected]
accommodate battery-capacity options the U.S. is 600 to 800 miles (965 to 1,290 REGIONAL Casey Hanson
ranging from 107 to 321 kWh. Navistar km), similar to a typical diesel-powered SALES [email protected]
says customers operating a truck with a truck. “In Europe, the length regulation Patrick Harvey
North America +1.973.409.4686
321-kWh battery in typical pickup-and- covers the whole combined vehicle, so [email protected]
New England/Eastern Canada:
delivery cycles should expect a range of you want to have the tractor unit as short ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, QC Todd Holtz
Ed Marecki +1.973.545.2566
250 miles (400 km) on a single charge. as possible. In America, you have just the +1.401.351.0274 [email protected]
Several suppliers, notably Dana, trailer limited by length—the tractor can [email protected]
Rick Rosenberg
CT: +1.973.545.2565
Eaton and Meritor, also revealed new be as long as you want. So, this means we Stan Greenfield [email protected]
electric systems that undoubtedly will can install not just one row of [hydrogen] +1.203.938.2418
[email protected] Scott Williams
help expand electric-vehicle application. tanks, we can install two or three rows of Mid-Atlantic/Southeast/TX:
[email protected]
But, in terms of alternative propulsion, tanks behind the cabin,” explained Dr. MD, DC, VA, WV, TN, NC, SC, GA,
hydrogen stole the show. Kenworth had Maik Ziegler, head of the CV R&D Strategy Ray Tompkins
the hydrogen-powered Class 8 truck it Group. Tank pressures can be increased to [email protected]
developed in partnership with Toyota 700 bar, compared to the current 350 bar NY, NJ, OH:
Ryan Beckman
prominently on display in its NACV in Europe, or liquid hydrogen can be used
booth. The Bosch press conference fo- to extend range as well.
[email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS
cused largely on the supplier’s fuel cell Hyundai announced its intention to PA/DE:
Desiree Stygar
[email protected]
expertise and engineering partnership start exploring opportunities in the U.S. +1.908.300.2539
[email protected]
with Nikola Motor. The start-up’s CEO commercial vehicle market, and its will-
Trevor Milton was on hand, and the ingness to work with other partners to
Jill Kaletha
Nikola Two fuel-cell truck was a popular pave the way to establishing a hydro- [email protected]
sight on the show floor. gen ecosystem for CVs.
Cummins has made several recent By the look of it, they won’t have any
announcements around fuel cells, includ- problems finding partners willing and
ing the acquisition of Hydrogenics, an able to help with the cause.
MoU with Hyundai Motor to collaborate Ryan Gehm, Editor-in-Chief
Todd Zarfos
2020 President Elect
Pascal Joly
Vice President – Aerospace
Landon Sproull
Vice President –
Commercial Vehicle
Inficon believes a changeover to more environmentally friendly HFO refrigerants for heavy-duty trucks and off-highway
vehicles is inevitable and will require the adoption of more stringent AC-system quality-control checks. Shown are wheel Pierre Alegre
loaders ready to rent at AIS Lansing, Mich., and the AC control system on a new Komatsu wheel loader. Treasurer
Passenger car and light-truck makers in the U.S. receive thorough leak-detection tests on their David L. Schutt, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
already have switched to more environmentally AC systems before they leave the factory,” said
friendly hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerants Parker. Without government requirements and Gregory L. Bradley, Esq.
from hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) to meet EPA with less-flammable, less-expensive HFCs still Secretary
requirements prompted by global-warming con- in use, there’s less pressure on OEMs to adopt
cerns. Though similar standards are not yet in leak-detection testing for cost, quality-control Donald Nilson
place for commercial vehicles, heavy-duty truck and safety reasons.
and off-highway equipment manufacturers need “That will have to change in the near future,” Jeff Varick
to prepare for an “inevitable” switch to the more he added. “Newer, more environmentally Rhonda Walthall
expensive and flammable air-conditioning re- friendly refrigerants are not only more flam-
frigerants, according to Thomas Parker, North mable, but they also can form dangerous acids
American sales manager for Inficon. if placed in contact with water vapor.” SAE International Sections
SAE International Sections are local
“As the use of HFCs in cars and in other mar- Although nearly 10 times more expensive, an units comprised of 100 or more SAE
kets outside the U.S. is phased out, market sup- HFO’s life cycle in the atmosphere is only about International Members in a defined
technical or geographic area. The purpose
ply-and-demand undoubtedly will push OEMs 11 days compared to up to 200 years for HFCs, of local Sections is to meet the technical,
to eventually make a switch to HFOs,” even according to Inficon. The newer automotive developmental, and personal needs of the
SAE Members in a given area. For more
without government mandates, Parker told HFOs also have a rating of 4 on the Global information, please visit
or contact SAE Member Relations Specialist
Truck & Off-Highway Engineering. Though, regu- Warming Potential (GWP) scale, while HFCs Abby Hartman at [email protected].
lations for HD trucks and off-highway equip- are rated at more than 1,300.
ment could come within the next two to three HFO refrigerants like R-1234yf used for auto-
years, Parker speculated, with on-highway com- motive cannot be directly applied to heavy- SAE International
Collegiate Chapters
mercial vehicles likely being affected first. duty trucks and off-highway vehicles. For ex- Collegiate Chapters are a way for SAE
Most heavy-duty trucks are equipped with ample, various changes need to be made to International Student Members to get
together on their campus and develop
air-conditioning, and Parker estimates that the engine cooling system. skills in a student-run and -elected
more than 80% of all farm combines and trac- “As a refrigerant, HFO is 10-12% less effective environment. Student Members are vital
to the continued success and future of
tors, as well as construction, mining and other than HFC,” Parker explained. “To compensate for SAE. While your course work teaches
you the engineering knowledge you
off-highway vehicles come equipped with AC the loss in efficiency, an additional heat exchang- need, participation in your SAE Collegiate
systems. Inficon, a global supplier of leak-de- er might be required that can be built in the suc-
managed helium-based leak tests for the final-assembly line to ensure that
every AC system component, including engine-run tests haven’t created addi-
heat exchangers, AC hoses, connectors, tional leaks,” he said. “This offers an op-
compressors and O-ring connectors. portunity to test for fuel and hydraulic
“In addition, manufacturers should leaks, as well.”
perform a refrigerant-only ‘sniff’ test on Ryan Gehm
American plant is being constructed Schulde noted the desire for higher mercial vehicles. Akasol plans to bring the
primarily to build battery packs for energy density is coming from custom- solution to serial production in 2021 and
buses constructed by European-brand er feedback. Fully electric buses cur- already has customers starting sample
customers doing business in the U.S. rently are fitted with anywhere from operation by the end of this year.”
The company already claims Europe’s 600 kWh battery packs up to 1,000 Bill Visnic
ture the cylinder head with the pre- result, fleet owners and OEMs now con- e-truck adoption is the cost of the bat-
chamber built into it rather than as a sider e-trucks much more seriously. tery pack, which typically is the most
separate, bolt-on part. Within the EV technology landscape, expensive system in the vehicle and
“We are getting closer to production lithium-ion battery packs stand out as may represent over 50% of a vehicle’s
feasibility,” Bunce said. The partners’ the most critical piece of the puzzle and value. Many factors contribute to the
target is to bring a product to market represent the biggest hurdle before cost of a battery pack, three of the
within five years, he added. mass adoption can take place. Here I most critical being cell cost, pack cost,
Dan Carney share a brief overview of the challenges and if/when the pack needs replacing.
durability and reliability of the pack, but
equally, the cost and complexity of in- Platinum nanoparticles for fuel-cell catalysts
cluding such technology can greatly
increase cost. Innovations utilizing
may cut cost
evaporative cooling in conjunction with possible volume solution for the intro-
a unique siphoning effect can achieve duction of fuel-cell electric vehicles
the necessary thermal properties while (FCEVs), the auto industry con-
limiting cost and complexity. tinues to struggle with certain
realities—the difficulties of
Through-life TCO establishing a hydrogen in-
The lifetime of the battery pack is a key frastructure and unit price
contributor to the total cost of owner- for the end-user. Only very
ship (TCO) a vehicle operator may ex- limited numbers of hydro-
perience. The capacity, or amount of gen-powered fuel cell ve-
energy a battery can store, diminishes hicles have been manufac-
over time based on how intensely the tured, and the hopes for
pack is used and the conditions in their volume economic
which it operates. It’s typically accepted application use in large
that a battery pack has reached the end trucks is also frustratingly
of its useful life once the capacity out of reach.
reaches 80% of its initial value. Even so, several truck and bus
In a vehicle with relatively light op- manufacturers and suppliers have
eration, this capacity level may never be ramped up their efforts in recent
reached, and the vehicle will only ever years, such as startup Nikola Motor
need one pack. However, in more de- Platinum nanoparticle with 40 atoms. The (
manding applications there may need Technical University of Munich research team asked displays-range-of-fuel-cell-electric-
the question: How small can a cluster of atoms be
to be a new pack installed after seven products, or June 2019 issue), Toyota
and still have the required catalytic effect?
years of operation, as an example, Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
greatly increasing the TCO of the ve- (
hicle. This means that understanding Fuel-cell technology is a big subject fuel-cell-semi-truck, or June 2019 is-
and planning on how the vehicle will be with some very small but vital aspects, sue), and Hyundai Truck & Bus, which
operated, and properly specifying the one of which is the size of platinum at- recently revealed its extensive plans
battery pack size is critical to control- oms. Reduce these and the cost of plat- for hydrogen commercial-vehicle de-
ling the through-life TCO. Technologies inum—one of the major drawbacks of ployment, including exploring the U.S.
to increase battery pack flexibility and current fuel-cell systems—would also market (see Editorial, page 2).
modularity to allow operators to specify fall. So, establishing and creating the In August 2019, fuel-cell provider
packs of different energy capacity to optimum size for platinum fuel-cell ca- Nuvera Fuel Cells announced the com-
overcome this issue is a prime area of talysis for cars and heavy-duty trucks is
development within the industry. one of the ongoing research areas for
pletion of alpha testing for its 45-kW catalytic activity may be achieved via derlines the combination of computa-
fuel cell engine, which includes a fully more complex configurations. tional and experimental studies needed
integrated compressor and patented “Nevertheless, more complex shapes to help achieve a zero-emission trans-
controls. Nuvera recently shipped mul- require more complex synthesis meth- portation solution that eclipses the lith-
tiple engines to partners in Europe and ods,” he said. ium-ion battery. But at the right cost.
China for integration into commercial In the emerging EV world, all this un- Stuart Birch
medium- and heavy-duty vehicle appli-
cations such as material handling equip-
ment, trucks and buses.
Yet, platinum cost remains a major
In Munich, the nanoparticles’ research
team, led by Roland Fischer, professor
of inforganic and organometallic chem-
istry; Aliaksandr Bandarenka, professor
of physics of energy conversion and
storage; and Alessio Gagliardi, profes-
sor of simulation of nanosystems for
energy conversion, reported its break-
through. Prof. Fischer explained: “In fuel
cells, hydrogen reacts with oxygen to
create water, generating electricity in
the process. Sophisticated catalysts at
the electrodes are required in order to
optimize this conversion, and [expen-
sive] platinum plays a central role in the
oxygen reduction reaction.”
Optimum size?
The team members were looking for the
answer to a key question: How small
can a cluster of platinum atoms be and
still have a highly active catalytic ef-
fect? Fischer said it has transpired that
there are specific optimum sizes for
platinum stacks: particles measuring
about 1 nanometer containing some 40
platinum atoms are ideal. His colleague
Prof. Bandarenka added: “Platinum cat-
alysts of this order of size have a small Our rings provide the same fit Electrical Coupler Gear Assembly
volume but a large number of active and function as stamped rings,
but are easier to assemble and
spots, resulting in high mass activity.”
remove with no special tools.
The team worked with the Catalysis Standard parts available in stainless
Research Center at TUM to refine its (302 & 316) and carbon steel.
results, combining theoretical capabili-
Standard or custom, we’ll provide
ties in modeling, physics and chemistry,
you with the right ring, in the right
and the specialist capability available to material, for your application.
create and experimentally test the cal-
culated platinum nanocatalyst.
For commercial requirements, how-
ever, the 50% reduction of the amount Call (866) 483-9410, or visit
of platinum required based on the
team’s findings would have to increase
to 80%. But Bandarenka said beyond
nanoparticles’ spherical shape, higher
ngine developers face numerous challenges in their work. When “Those that used to be owner-operator might go
building the new clean-sheet design C3.6 engine, Caterpillar more rental. Larger fleets might also go rental. That’s
Industrial Power Systems considered several factors including getting quite big right now,” Eden told Truck & Off-
customer feedback and lower owning and operating costs. The Highway Engineering. “But then what will happen after
result of this development process is a compact 134-hp (100-kW) en- rental…How are people going to buy machines? Are
gine that provides a 5% increase in power density and 12% increase in they going to lease them? How does that interaction
torque compared to its predecessor engine, the C3.4B. work between Caterpillar dealers selling the engines to
Introduced at a Caterpillar press event in late October in Clayton, third-party OEM customers, and then the OEM selling
North Carolina, the new diesel engine is dual-certified to EU Stage the machine to the end customer? That’s kind of a
V/U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final nonroad emission standards and generates ‘who knows’ at the moment.”
406 lb-ft (550 Nm) of torque at 1500 rpm. The company says the When designing an engine, diesel engine manufac-
new engine’s smaller package features flexible aftertreatment solu- turers like Cat Industrial Power are bound by govern-
tions including engine-mounted options that provide OEMs with sim- ment regulations, which have been fairly stable in re-
plified installation and reduced integration costs. cent years with Stage V and Tier 4 Final in place. “We
“Technology features such as electronically controlled turbocharg- don’t necessarily know how those political forces are
ing have made it possible to create a smaller engine with the response going to change,” said Eden.
that would be expected from a much larger product,” said Alex Eden, New emissions regulations for CO2 reduction and air
Caterpillar product marketing manager. “The torque at low speed, quality improvement will drive technical solutions, as
which is critical for machine drivability, is particularly impressive.” well as the increase of zero-emission zones for urban
When considering significant and potentially disruptive factors that areas, which will boost the development of alternative
will influence engine developers as they move into the future, Eden, propulsion, said Pierpaolo Biffali, VP of product engi-
who is also a chartered engineer, said he considers three main things: neering at FPT Industrial. Despite an eventual shift to
machine ownership patterns, political forces (social pressures and reg- alternative propulsion, he believes that combustion
ulations), and hybridization/electrification across power nodes and and aftertreatment advances can satisfy global pres-
applications. sure for reduced diesel emissions in the coming years.
“Those are the physical things that we’ve done on processes for many years, enabling us to test components to the limit, to
the engine to reduce the noise. And then Caterpillar expose virtual models to extreme missions to see how they react, and to
also did work on the combustion noise. The 3.6 is three benchmark different solutions, even the ones that don’t exist yet.”
decibels quieter than the previous-generation engine, Augmented reality also is being employed at FPT Industrial to en-
in terms of sound power it’s reduced 50%,” he shared. hance engine-development capabilities in a more challenging environ-
FPT’s Biffali also stresses that NVH is “a concern of ment that requires engineers to collect and process multiple real-time
increasing importance” for all engine designs, noting inputs. “So, we started using augmented reality to combine the virtual
partment, for example, simulates the flow from the intake Engine developers actually 3D-printed an entire C3.6 engine in parts
all the way through to the exhaust. They model the entire from an early prototype to look at how an engine would fit to test
process virtually and use that to help its rate, speed up cells to reduce development time while waiting for the actual compo-
the development process, and reduce development costs nents to arrive from the suppliers.
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“We assembled the parts together and then trial-rigged the entire
engine into the test cell so that when we have the real engine ready
to go, everything fitted perfectly and off you go,” Eden said. “We
saved huge amounts of time doing that.”
Looking three to five years down the road, a greater understanding
of advanced materials and their increased use will play a key role in
next-generation engine designs, according to Eden.
“Improvements in materials will lead to improvements in engine
performance, usually power density, and cost of ownership,” he said,
adding that fuel systems also can become more robust with better
filtration. “There’s always improvement that we can get out of air sys-
tems so we can have better response—again, back to power density.”
Software integration and controls offer challenges and opportuni-
ties for improvement as well, similar to what the automotive industry Caterpillar 3D-printed an entire C3.6 engine in parts from an
has experienced with the electronic engine and software controls. early prototype to look at how an engine would fit to test cells to
“The main message for emergent technology trends is that we reduce development time.
want physically smaller engines and physically smaller aftertreat-
ments but with more power,” Eden said. “So, each of those compo- referenced an announcement made at the company’s
nent subsystems have to be better than they were before, lighter Capital Markets Day in September that FPT Industrial
than they were before, and give us more performance. And we’ve got is working on a disruptive technology capable of repo-
to design and integrate them all together with finer tolerances, with sitioning the ICE as the ultimate solution for CO2 re-
less risk to ensure improved reliability and durability every time.” duction for the next decade. More details about this
New combustion concepts and controls also can significantly en- “exciting development” are coming shortly, he added.
hance the efficiency of natural gas engines, noted FPT’s Biffali. He Stay tuned.
ally Advanced
6U 6W NEW 4HV1
170 - 270 kW 250 - 382 kW Natural Gas / Propane
9.8L 15.7L
78.4 HP (58.5 kW) @ 1800 RPM 82.5 HP (61.5 kW) @ 1800 RPM
79.8 HP (59.5 kW) @ 2200 RPM 56.3 HP (41.9 kW) @ 2200 RPM
4.6 L 4.6 L NEW 4HV1 P/U
Natural Gas / Propane
attery-electric vehicle (BEV) range loss from cause windshield fogging (as well as possible interior discomfort
winter use of PTC (positive temperature coef- from a rise in interior humidity, and respiratory issues from carbon-
ficient) heating has become a source of major dioxide buildup).
concern as the industry works to make EVs a
mainstream choice. Addressing this particular problem
area with an economically viable solution was deemed
Ventilation module
a worthwhile effort by the Austrian Institute of The ventilation module system offers several advantages. First, it is
Technology (AIT), which is jointly owned by the an air and heat exchange approach, in which the heated interior air
Austrian government and the Federation of Austrian goes into the module, where it preheats incoming fresh air, prior to
Industries. A fleet test of electric delivery trucks is un- discharging that interior air. So, with an efficient heat exchanger,
derway on European roads. much of the heat is not lost as the interior air is rejected to ambient.
The AIT project, results of which were presented at Further, because the heat from interior air is used to preheat incom-
the recent SAE Thermal Management Systems ing air, the ventilation system is bringing in a constant stream of fresh
Symposium (TMSS), began by noting a 20% loss in air, which prevents windshield fogging.
range at -15°C (+5°F) from the heating system. AIT set To satisfy the minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE standard
a target of recovering 25% of that loss, primarily with No. 62-2001, the ventilation module system would need an air ex-
the use of a ventilation module. Available reference change rate of just 30 m3/hr/person. The air exchange rate in the AIT
data (at -10°C/+14°F) showed approximately 75% of ventilation project was maintained at approximately 210 m3/hr, well
the cabin heat losses are from ventilation, AIT said, above that minimum.
with the remaining 25% from heated air transmission As a heat recovery unit (HRU), the AIT team used a Recair counter-
through the interior. flow heat exchanger, 300 mm (11.8 in) in height, with an “ideal” rating
The AIT researchers, led by Daniele Basciotti, looked of 95% thermal efficiency, which it built into the HRV (heat recovery
at all the currently considered alternatives, particularly ventilation) module. Recair is a Dutch supplier specializing in this
the heat pump and radiant heating panels, which they area. Ventilation modules have long been used to deliver preheated
eschewed as too expensive. They also rejected maxi- fresh air for tightly-insulated commercial and residential buildings, as
mum use of the HVAC recirculation mode as likely to part of energy-efficiency upgrades.
Layout of the HRV ventilation system, with a Recair heat exchanger. “VLV” refers Graph shows comparison between reference data for
to air flow valves. ventilation heat losses (in watts) with results from the recovery
module, and at bottom, the “ideal” losses if theoretical
efficiencies could be realized.
The entire assembly, called an HRV module, was built by the AIT
researchers in its climate-controlled chamber, with assembly proce-
dures that maximized air-sealing of the joints. An “ideal” system, as-
suming no duct losses and a heat exchange efficiency of 95%, would
reduce heat demand by 64%, the AIT team claimed. But the “real Front view of the air-sealed HVAC box built by the AIT team.
world” design, although it obviously couldn’t perform at that level,
still showed it was capable of reducing the heat load by 37%, which Determining an actual vehicle range increase would
should significantly improve vehicle range in cold weather. require road-testing a specific truck in which the sys-
The AIT group concluded there still were opportunities for measur- tem was installed, of course, and would vary according
able improvements in the thermal efficiency of the HRV module. to the ambient temperatures of operation and amount
of range lost to PTC operation.
In addition to the ventilation module, the AIT group
Opportunities ahead also noted that preconditioning the interior as part of
For the conceptual part of the project, the AIT researchers focused the battery charging mode, and upgrading interior
on a small fleet of MAN eTGN delivery trucks presently in urban eval- insulation to reduce heat loss, were available low-cost
uation, that have a rated range of 200 km (120 mi). The fleet test is technologies to further extend range. But because of
co-sponsored by CNL, an Austrian environmental group focused on the limitations of the AIT project, without a specific
sustainable technologies. vehicle, they also could not be quantified.
Perkins ®
1.7, 2.2, 2.8 and 3.6L
Engineers are
working on
techniques that
improve range and
reliability for electric
power systems.
Design teams are targeting focused markets for their commercial electric-vehicle
programs to combat challenges like range and infrastructure.
by Terry Costlow
overnment regulations are prompting a changeover to elec- “The synergy between electrification, autonomy and
tric powertrains, with early growth coming in commercial interconnectivity technologies will likely revolutionize
vehicle applications where range and recharging are more overall vehicle efficiency,” said Tom Carlill, Caterpillar’s
easily managed. Greater expansion will require revisions in new-product introduction program manager. “A con-
maintenance and broader availability of charging stations as well as nected vehicle that is aware of its surroundings via
improved driving ranges. onboard sensors and real-time GPS position data can
Electric vehicle (EV) introductions are coming at a rapid pace, and anticipate load requirements and continually adjust
major fleet owners like Penske and Amazon are placing significant engine output to maximize overall efficiency. If it’s
orders. ABI Research predicts that commercial-vehicle shipments will electrically powered, the job can be done with a small-
hit 3 million units worldwide by 2024. That’s a strong 28% growth rate er battery. And, if it’s a hybrid, the machine can select
over the next five years. Most of that expansion will come in operations the power source most appropriate to the task in real
with planned routes and home-base charging, according to ABI. time to maximize efficiency.”
While rapid growth is expected, program managers are moving
cautiously. Buyers and drivers are still leery about moving away from
rapidly improving internal-combustion engines. Electric power sys-
Hard charging
tem developers are pushing the limits of technology to make battery Shifting fleets to hybrid and pure EV powertrains re-
power more attractive to buyers. quires many changes in both product and infrastruc-
“Electrification is an investment in the future. You have to invest, ture development. Keeping batteries charged is a ma-
but you need to be realistic about profits,” Shelley Knust, executive jor challenge for commercial vehicles. Engineers are
director, off-highway engineering at Cummins, said during the recent using several strategies to extend operating ranges.
SAE COMVEC Technology Connection in Indianapolis. Regeneration can provide major benefits regardless of
Design teams are looking at a range of technologies that can help the size of the vehicle.
them improve EV driving distances. One is connectivity, which is expect- “In rail, regeneration is already in use; they’re already
ed to become an important element in the push to extend EV ranges. seeing 25% reduction in energy consumption,” said Scott
Coupled with GPS data, it can help drivers determine optimal routes for Woodruff, director of global mining at MTU America Inc.
energy conservation and help systems account for hills and curves. “We want to bring those benefits to commercial trucks.”
can help improve
performance for
electrified vehicles.
even lower when you’re going to electrification components. Volumes ing at Cummins. “We will have first adopters, people who will pay
will be quite low during the transition to electrified powertrains.” more. But for the bulk of the market, cost is a big factor.”
Hardening enclosures is one of the simplest ways to ruggedize Terry Costlow
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Narrowing the operating domains for driverless commercial vehicles reduces the
requirements of autonomous technology and speeds time to market.
by Terry Costlow
evelopers of driverless trucks are eliminating some of the
complexity of automated driving in hope of hastening time
Follow the leader
to market. They are limiting the nearly immeasurable scope Another strategy is to create two-vehicle convoys, let-
of circumstances — the operating design domain (ODD) ting a driver in the lead vehicle make most driving de-
— that face driverless vehicles by deploying a variant of platooning, cisions, reducing the number of challenges faced by
or narrowing the operational parameters for transporting goods. the trailing autonomous vehicle. The trailing truck will
Driver shortages, growth in shipments of online purchases and depend on both its automated systems and the expe-
the never-ending push to trim costs are among the factors that rience of the driver in the lead.
have led many to predict that commercial trucking will be an early “We do autonomous convoying, hiding an autono-
adopter of autonomy. mous truck behind another autonomous truck,” said
Several vehicle-system developers at the SAE COMVEC Technology Cetin Mericli, CEO at Locomation. “That transforms the
Connection conference in Indianapolis detailed strategies that will autonomous problem into something more tractable.
help them get to market more quickly by reducing the requirements The driver in the following truck can leave the driver
of autonomous technology. seat to do other jobs or sleep. After two or three
One strategy is to limit the roles of autonomous vehicles. hours, the trucks can switch roles to give the other
TuSimple plans to have fully-automated trucks on the road fairly soon driver a break. That’s relatively easier than taking the
and its systems will let trucks drive from dock to dock without a driver. driver out of the cab all at once.”
But to minimize operational requirements and validation times, the It’s reasonably straightforward to drive when all envi-
company plans to limit usage: the first vehicles on highways may be ronmental conditions are within common operating
limited to open roads. They won’t be operational in harsh weather con- conditions. It’s the more complex corner cases that can
ditions and in some specific areas — congested streets, for instance. confuse automated systems. An experienced driver in
“By 2021, we plan to do driver-out tests,” said Koabi Brooks, gen- the lead vehicle can easily navigate situations that
eral manager at TuSimple. “At the end of that cycle, around 2023, we might cause an autonomous controller to wait or even
plan to see full production. One of the main factors will be to define sideline the vehicle. Peloton Technology also is relying
the operational design domain. The narrower you define it, the less on humans to make the decisions in unusual conditions.
often you’ll have issues.” “The driver is the most intuitive sensor,” said Matt
When trucks with trailers need to stop quickly, brak- more control.”
ing systems become a critical element — and the close These electronic braking systems also take into account variances
following distances associated with autonomous pla- in road conditions and braking components. That’s important in con-
toons may drive a change in braking technology. Digital voys, for example, when a trailing truck with worn brakes is on a slick
controls and brake-by-wire are being combined into spot while following a vehicle with new brakes on dry pavement.
electronically controlled braking systems that manage “Electronically controlled braking systems are the only technology
brakes on both truck and trailer. that recognizes when trucks are braking on oily roads or when brakes
“The electric braking system’s footbrake module de- are aging,” said Wolfgang Hahn, system integration leader at
tects the stroke and the electronic control unit calculates WABCO, which is being acquired by ZF.
The 49th annual SPE Automotive Awards highlight the ongoing benefits
of lightweight polymers and composites.
by Lindsay Brooke
he Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) annual Automotive BODY EXTERIOR (also Grand Award winner)
Innovation Awards Competition, now in its 49th year, is con- 2020 GMC Sierra LD FST – Composite Pickup Box
sidered the “Oscars” for those developing polymer and com- Tier Supplier & Processor: Continental Structural
posites-intensive components, systems and vehicles. Winners Plastics
of the 2019 competition topped an incredible field of entries that Material Supplier/Toolmaker: Teijin Ltd./Paragon D&E,
continue to show the benefits of lightweight, durable plastics across Model Die & Mold, Inc.; Altron Automation &
the spectrum of vehicle applications. Legacy Industries
While open to medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicle appli- Material/Process: Sereebo A235Y carbon-fiber-rein-
cations, the light-duty segment dominated this year’s awards. The forced PA6 sheet / Compression Molding
nine categories, plus the Grand Award winner, were selected by a This is the industry’s first pickup box in thermoplastic
judging panel of industry experts. Once again SAE International par- composite and carbon composite. It saved 62 lb (28
ticipated in the finalists judging. kg), provided best-in-class impact resistance/durability,
A Vehicle Engineering Team Award (VETA) honored the General the unpainted UV-stable material eliminated the need
Motors team that developed the composites-intensive 2020 Corvette for a bedliner (saving another 40 lb/18 kg), and numer-
Stingray. The VETA award recognizes the technical achievements of ous customer features were molded in, including func-
entire teams—comprised of automotive designers and engineers, tier tional compartment dividers and motorcycle tire pock-
integrators, materials suppliers, toolmakers, and others—whose work ets. The ability to achieve a deeper draw during mold-
in research, design, engineering, and/or manufacturing has led to ing increased cargo capacity. Significant technical chal-
significant integration of polymeric materials on a notable vehicle. lenges were overcome due to use of novel materials,
The all-new C8 Corvette’s industry-first pultruded, curved rear processes, coatings and joining methods. The box is
bumper beam won its category, and other innovations in the car fully recyclable and some scrap is reused on the vehicle.
were nominated for eight other categories.
“It is an incredible honor for our team to win the VETA award,” said BODY INTERIOR
Tadge Juechter, the Corvette’s executive chief engineer. “It is a won- 2020 Ford Explorer & Lincoln Aviator and Corsair
derful recognition of 67 years of composites advancement” on the Integrated Button Carrier Modular Strategy
sports car that has become a hallmark of mixed-material construc- Tier Supplier & Processor: Methode Electronics, Inc.
tion, he said. Material Supplier/Toolmaker: The Materials Group /
Details of the 2019 SPE Automotive category winners: RGM Tooling Consultants, Inc.
Material/Process: Opticarb 8085SE PC/ABS / machined lifters to mold an injection-molded sunglass stowage bin.
Injection Molding That enabled design changes to produce a deeper pocket with a
To reduce overhead console complexity, a new design heavier undercut that still could be molded without hotspots, warp-
was developed that integrated mechanical, lighting, age, or demolding issues and without needing to switch to a more
electrical, and safety functions into a single modular costly resin. The new deeper bin design also better meets customer
button carrier injection molded from MIC PC/ABS. requirements while reducing cycle time, molding scrap, tooling main-
With all program variants, this reduced part count tenance, and improving dimensional stability in the final part.
from 70 to 17/vehicle, achieved a US$7.00 cost sav-
ings/vehicle and $1.42M program savings for tooling CHASSIS/HARDWARE
and testing. No button binding issues have been seen, 2020 Jeep Cherokee Rear Differential Front Bracket
buzz/squeak/rattle was improved, and the headliner fit Tier Supplier & Processor: Boge Rubber & Plastics
better. To date, two patents have been filed and one Material Supplier: BASF Corp.
has been granted on this technology. Material/Process: Ultramid A3WG10CR 50% GR-PA 6/6 /
Injection Molding
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING A critical diecast and machined aluminum bracket was replaced by
2020 Ford Explorer Sunglass Bin an injection-molded bracket in 50% GR-PA 6/6 in this demanding
Tier Supplier & Processor: Methode Electronics, Inc. rear differential module. The composite material was not only 30%
Material Supplier/Toolmaker: Celanese Corp. / RGM lighter and saved US$1.00/car direct costs vs. the benchmark alumi-
Tooling Consultants, Inc. num, but its matrix provided 10x higher damping, improving NVH
Material/Process: Celstran PP-GF20-02 LFT-PP / performance, and it fit current packaging space for this running
Injection Molding; 3D Printed H13 Steel change. The part passed all performance and durability requirements,
Additive manufacturing was used to produce a single eliminated corrosion issues, and will significantly reduce tooling costs
tooling insert (lifter) that replaced two conventionally over the life of the program.
2017 Hyundai Elantra Glass Wool-Reinforced Composites for Improved Tier Supplier/Processor: Delphi Technologies PLC /
Scratch Resistance MGS Mfg. Group
Tier Supplier & Processor: Seoyon E-Wha Material Supplier/Toolmaker: Wellman Advanced
Material Supplier/Toolmaker: Daehacom Co., Ltd. / Seoyon E-Wha Materials / MGS Mfg. Group
Material/Process: EcoLene PP8004- will be limited to 300 cars. Both devel- parts print at one time in a kit, and mul-
BK1 20% GR-PP / Melt Compounding & opment and production parts were pro- tiple kits can be produced at the same
Injection Molding duced on the same printer platform, time. Additionally, parts offer better
The PP backing from PCR carpeting is which eliminated significant tooling in- bonding adhesion than conventionally
given another use life by being recycled vestment (est. US$123,000), as well as produced parts and passed paint adhe-
back into the injection-molded carbon storage and maintenance costs. All 19 sion tests.
canister housing for passenger cars. This TOHE Eberspacher Ad 0819.qxp_1/2 Page Island 7/25/19 3:16 PM Page 1
is the first 100% PCR PP-based carbon
canister. By replacing virgin PP, the re-
cycled resin reduces cost by 25% with no
sacrifice to processing or molded-part
performance, but increases sustainability.
It is currently being rolled out on more
than 20 Ford programs globally.
2017 Ford F-150 Transmission Gear
Tier Supplier/Processor: Stackpole
International / MacLean-Fogg Co.,
Engineered Plastics Components Inc.
Material Supplier/Toolmaker: DuPont
de Nemours, Inc. / Gibson Automation
Material/Process: Hytrel 8238 TPC-ET /
Injection Molding
A new transmission gear shroud cover
and base protect the drive gear so it ro-
tates freely without needing to push
through transmission fluid, lowering effort,
improving pump efficiency, and increasing
vehicle mpg and the effective life of the
transmission fluid. Injection-molded TPC-
ET replaced earlier steel covers with rub-
ber seals that were heavier, more complex
and costly, and suffered from more varia-
tion. Very aggressive snap fits perma-
nently join cover to base once the assem-
bly is completed. The same material
molded very thin provides a ductile seal.
Costs were reduced 22%, weight lowered
65%, and NVH was improved.
means I’m going to be able to tailor Land Management is designed for de-
those controls to now become backhoe manding vegetation-management appli-
controls if I’m a backhoe-control guy or cations, such as mulching, brush cutting,
they can be excavator-style controls if vegetation control and mowing. For pow-
Cat’s Kevin Coleman I’m an excavator guy,” he said. “I can ering high-production hydromechanical
explained that the D3 easily switch between that attachment attachments like mulching heads, this
Series models support control mode where I’m controlling the machine offers a turbocharged 110 gross
a line of new Smart boom, stick, bucket, all of those things. hp (82 kW) Cat C3.8 engine that com-
Attachments that With a click of a button, I can pop out of bines with a 40 gal/min (150 L/min) high-
enable recognition, that and now I’m back into machine con- flow/high-pressure auxiliary hydraulic
tailored controls and trol mode. I can reposition, carry the at- system, producing a hydraulic horsepow-
informational screens
tachment across the job site, switch out er rating of 94 hp (70 kW).
on the monitor.
the attendant—whatever I need to do to Jennifer Shuttleworth
Additive manufacturing powders Aluminum sheet battery enclosure
6K (North Andover, Mass.) has Novelis Inc., (Atlanta, Ga.)
developed a process technol- has developed the first
ogy that today can produce aluminum sheet battery
premium additive manufactur- enclosure to address cus-
ing (AM) powders from certi- tomers’ needs in the rap-
fied machining turnings and idly growing electric ve-
previously used powders, and hicle and battery markets.
in the future extend its capability to feedstock created from Built with Novelis Advanz
AM support structures, non-conforming AM parts post-print, aluminum products and part of the Novelis Alumineering
and other unique inputs. The goal is to use 100% of the ma- Solution portfolio, the company claims the enclosure is up
terials that enter the supply chain, providing AM end-users a to 50% lighter than an equivalent steel design. As a result,
new way to manage project costs and control supply chain, Novelis says the enclosure matches the best energy density
while also advancing progress toward a circular economy in in the industry by enabling more than 160-watt-hours per
AM. 6K’s powder products are the combination of two 6K kilogram. It also can accommodate all battery cell types and
core technologies: Alloy Reclaimation Technology and is designed particularly for battery electric vehicles with
UniMelt Plasma System. Due to the high uniformity of the larger power packs such as pick-up trucks, sport utility ve-
microwave plasma, 6K can produce quality powders that hicles and crossovers. By using Novelis’ highly-formable al-
exceed competitive technologies, providing high sphericity, loys, the battery enclosure provides automakers the ability
zero porosity, elimination of satellites, and high flowability to achieve deep drawn, complex shapes tailored to specific
and tap density. Through its metals reclaimation strategy, 6K vehicle design requirements. The lightweight, high-strength
can specifically target the powder size distribution to the AM material can help extend range, allowing vehicles to go
process of need. 6-10% further on a single charge.
For more information, visit For more information, visit
Coin cell style EDLC capacitors Light-cure epoxy Airless tire solution
The new EDC EpoxySet’s The Michelin
and EDS series (Woonsocket, (Greenville,
of coin cell style R.I.) light- S.C.) X TWEEL
EDLC capacitors cure chemis- SSL 2 airless
from Cornell try allows fast tire solution for
Dubilier (Liberty, processing and fixturing of parts even if skid steers fea-
S.C.) can replace or extend battery life both parts are opaque. UV-5608DC is tures a completely new wheel developed
in on-board memory backup. With one of a series of epoxy adhesives that and manufactured by GKN Wheels and
quick-response and recharge times, can be activated by 405 nm light with an Structures (Telford, U.K.). The TWEEL is
these devices offer higher power than intensity of about 150mW/cm2 for 5-10 a single, fully-integrated unit that re-
batteries and greater energy than typi- seconds. Parts are mated and aligned places the traditional tire/wheel/valve
cal aluminum electrolytic capacitors within 45-60 seconds of activation. The assembly. This means there is no need
without degradation over millions of adhesive will yield green strength after for costly and time-consuming wheel
charge-discharge cycles. Both series 30 minutes for handling. Full cure will and tire mounting to be carried out.
offer values from 0.047 to 1.5 Farad ca- occur over the next 16 hours at room Additionally, once the unit is bolted to
pacity, at voltages up to 6.3 WVDC for temperature. If desired, cure also can be the vehicle, there is no air pressure to
the EDC series; and 5.5 WVDC for the accomplished with UV energy or higher- maintain. Featuring spider disc tines and
EDS series. Operating temperature for intensity blue light for a full cure in under an eight-hole, high-grade steel hub, the
the EDS series is from -25°C to +85°C 10 seconds. Variations with alternative TWEEL is stiffer than a traditional wheel,
(-13°F to 185°F), with the EDC series dwell and cure times and/or viscosities enabling it to cope with different stresses
offering -25°C to +70°C (-13°F to 158°F). are available. imposed on a completely integrated unit.
For more information, For more information, For more information,
visit visit visit
Gyro-compensating inclinometer
The new J1939 gyro-com-
pensating inclinometer Up Run Flow
from Trombetta Down Run Flow
Snap-cap electrical connectors Micro power distribution box
In its quest to enhance reliability in Molex’s (Lisle, IL) micro power distribu-
harsh environments and extend the tion box (µPDB) sealed module has two
trust and dependability of complex ve- versions: standard and customizable.
hicle electrical systems, TE Connectivity These are compact automotive power
(Berwyn, Pa.) is helping to solve this distribution boxes that provide a junction
problem with its next generation 2-pin point for both power switching and also
and 3-pin connector series innovation: the rear latching snap- circuit protection for vehicles or subsys-
cap DEUTSCH DT connector with wire seal covers. An extension tems within wiring architectures. These
of its existing DEUTSCH DT 2/3 Connector Series, TE’s new new µPDBs feature a connectorized system that eliminates
snap-cap DT Connector provides improved seal performance, hand-wiring, a full seal with an IP6K7 NEMA rating, a small foot-
interface compatibility with predecessor parts, and a secure seal print and lightweight, standard connector configurations, and a
that is fully serviceable should replacement be needed. It is suit- modular customizable design. With these boxes, customers can
able for inline wire-to-wire, wire-to-device, and wire-to-board add more electronics to vehicles while drastically cutting down
connectivity. The snap-in-place rear caps provide wire seal pro- on the length of wire runs in the design. Compared to other
tection in standard and shrink tube adapted configurations for products on the market, Molex claims the µPDB sealed modules
historical DT connector requirements as well as IP67 and IP68 provide cost reductions to existing solutions, a smaller and
ratings, offering a seamless design transition from legacy solu- lighter package, a modular design making implementation easi-
tions as well as for new applications. er, a simpler attachment method and a complete seal.
For more information, visit For more information, visit