Dokument 51
Dokument 51
Dokument 51
vorgelegt von
Oliver Friedrich
aus Berlin
Berlin 2011
D 83
The Internet is continuously developing in the direction of becoming a platform
for the delivery of video and entertainment services. Internet Protocol Television
(IPTV) services, including Video-on-Demand (VoD), Linear TV and corresponding
interactive TV services are already part of nearly all current Internet service offe-
rings. Due to consumers’ rising demands for Internet video portals like YouTube,
which are not necessarily part of operators’ edge networks, the entire Internet is
currently heading towards an end-to-end media delivery platform.
Current IPTV offerings provide services already known from Digital TV. In ad-
dition to Linear TV and Video on Demand, a certain amount of interactivity using
the IP back-channel is provided. In contrast to those, innovative services like Social
Networking come from the Internet. What has been missing so far is an integrated
approach combining both worlds, including the above-mentioned common streaming
services, interactivity, rich media communications and novel aspects of Over-The-
Top services like Social Networking.
In this thesis, such an extended approach to IPTV is introduced. Herewith the
consumer, as well as third-party service providers will be enabled to create, manipu-
late and enhance services and interact with other consumers and services in the end.
Based on a profound state-of-the-art and requirements analysis, the author propo-
ses a novel session-oriented core system for IPTV. The platform therefore reuses
concepts from session-oriented conversational services specified for Next Generation
Networks (NGNs), incorporating the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
First, different approaches for so-called Interactive Application Environments are
analyzed. Then two Interactive Application Environments are selected for integra-
tion into the proposed system called the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core. Second, the
corresponding architecture will be derived through the specification of functional
entities, interfaces and protocols, which allow for the consumption, creation, mani-
pulation and interaction with other consumers and services.
Furthermore, the described architecture and exemplary interactive services are im-
plemented. Finally, the resulting infrastructure is validated through different case
The work on this thesis was carried out at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open
Communication Systems (FOKUS). The results have been used within the scope of
multiple international research projects either funded by the European Commission
or research partners from industry. Furthermore, they have partly contributed to the
IPTV standardization process within the Open IPTV Forum and ETSI TISPAN.
Das Internet entwickelt sich derzeit zu einer Plattform für multimediale, hochauflö-
sende Video- und Unterhaltungsdienste.
Fernsehen über das Internetprotokoll, sog. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV),
ist bereits heute Bestandteil vieler Internetpakete. Dies beinhaltet sowohl klassische
lineare TV-Inhalte, als auch Video-on-Demand–Angebote, kombiniert mit ersten
interaktiven Diensten.
Die derzeit verfügbaren Angebote für IPTV unterscheiden sich kaum von klassi-
schen Digital-TV-Angeboten, da diese derzeit nur bedingt von dem über das Internet
verfügbaren Rückkanal für interaktive Dienste Gebrauch machen.
Im Gegensatz hierzu entwickeln sich im Internet neue und innovative Dienste,
die vornehmlich unter dem Stichwort Social Media zusammengefasst werden. Eine
Verschmelzung beider Ansätze erfolgt derzeit nur zögerlich, wobei der Kombination
von Bewegtbild, Interaktivität, Kommunikationsdiensten und Sozialen Medien eine
erfolgversprechende Zukunft vorausgesagt wird.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt einen solchen kombinierten Ansatz, mit dem
der Nutzer und der Dienstanbieter in die Lage versetzt werden, kombinierte Medi-
endienste zu nutzen und bereitzustellen, sowie mit Kommunikationsdiensten anzu-
reichern und zu beeinflussen.
Die technische Basis bilden hierbei Konzepte, abgeleitet von sog. Next-Generation-
Networks (NGNs) zur Bereitstellung von multimedialen Diensten über das Internet-
Das sog. Session-Initiation-Protokoll (SIP) stellt die entsprechenden Funktiona-
litäten zur Kontrolle und Signalisierung der Dienste bereit. Das im Rahmen der
Arbeit entwickelte Kernsystem – der sog. Open IPTV Ecosystem Core – besteht
weiterhin aus einer integrierten Laufzeitumgebung für interaktive Dienste, die aus
existierenden Ansätzen abgeleitet und zu einem neuen und innovativen System er-
weitert wird.
Die hierbei entwickelte Architektur spezifiziert funktionale Komponenten, Schnitt-
stellen und Protokolle, die den oben beschriebenen Konsum und die Erstellung von
interaktiven Inhalten, sowie die Interaktion mit anderen Nutzern und Diensten er-
Des Weiteren erfolgt die exemplarische Entwicklung von neuen interaktiven Diens-
ten, sowie deren Validierung durch mehrere Fallstudien.
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen der Tätigkeit des Autors als wissen-
schaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme
(FOKUS) erstellt. Die Ergebnisse wurden hierbei im Rahmen mehrerer interna-
tionaler Forschungsprojekte erarbeitet und publiziert. Die Projekte wurden durch
Partner aus der Industrie bzw. der Europäischen Kommission gefördert.
Des Weiteren flossen Ergebnisse in offene Standards für interaktives IPTV der
ETSI und des Open IPTV Forums (OIPF) ein.
This thesis was written at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Sys-
tem, between April 2007 and February 2011 under the supervision of Professor
Thomas Magedanz.
First of all, I would like to thank Professor Magedanz for his encouragement and
constant feedback during my work on this thesis and his assistance with completing
this work.
Second, I would like to thank my colleagues Dr. Stefan Arbanowski, Robert
Seeliger and Benjamin Zachey, for their feedback on and support in creating the
test bed infrastructure for the concepts described in this thesis.
I also deeply appreciate the contributions of Dr. Adel Al-Hezmi, who shaped my
understanding in this field of research from the beginning,
My special thanks go to Dr. Regina Bernhaupt and Professor Philippe Palanque
for their very helpful early reviews of my work, instant feedback and ongoing support
during writing on this thesis.
I also want to thank Professor Axel Küpper for his intermediate review and sup-
port during finalization of this work.
Finally, I want to thank my family and friends, especially Elisabeth, who always
kept their faith in me during the work on this thesis.
Berlin, Germany, June 2011
Oliver Friedrich
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background & Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Objectives and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3.1. IPTV Role Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.2. Generic Multimedia Service and Delivery Framework . . . . . 8
1.3.3. Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5. Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2. State-of-the-Art 17
2.1. From Digital TV to IPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.1. Digital TV Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.2. Digital Interactive Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.3. Transition from Digital TV to IPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.4. Definition for IP based Television (IPTV) . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.5. IPTV Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2. IPTV Standards Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.1. DVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.2. ETSI TISPAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.3. ITU-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.4. Open IPTV Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.5. HbbTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.6. De-facto Standard: Microsoft Mediaroom . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.7. Comparison of IPTV Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3. IPTV Architectures & Interactive Application Environments . . . . . 35
2.3.1. Classification of Interactive Application Environments . . . . 35
2.3.2. Session-Oriented Application Environments - Enabling inter-
active IPTV on signaling level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.3. Procedural Application Environments - Downloadable Appli-
cations for Interactive IPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.3.4. Declarative Application Environments - Web technology for
Interactive IPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4. Related Works & Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.4.1. Towards a Media Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
viii Contents
6. Implementation 149
6.1. Session Management & Interactive Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.1.1. Runtime Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.1.2. Composite Java Application Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6.1.3. Component Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.1.4. Application Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.2. Interactive Content Enabler Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.2.1. Technology Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.2.2. Content Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.2.3. VideoLAN Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.2.4. Advanced Streaming API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.2.5. Basic Streaming API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A. Annex 223
A.1. The Role of NGNs & IMS in Managed IPTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
A.1.1. NGN Working Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
A.1.2. Development of NGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
A.1.3. NGN Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
A.1.4. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
A.2. Conducted Own R&D Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
A.2.1. Next Generation Television Research Project . . . . . . . . . 229
A.2.2. Next Generation Interactive Television Research Project . . . 230
A.2.3. IMS-IPTV Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
A.2.4. FP 7 Research Project iNEM4U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
List of Figures
search of contents and services provided by broadcasters and media & con-
tent providers.
3. Runtime environments for interactive services do exist but do not reflect the
requirements of a combinatorial approach like the one described above. This
thesis provides one solution for the combination of two different application
environments into one system.
to the session principles and delivery networks. These aspects will be discussed in
another thesis1 created in parallel to this work.
Based on the functional and non-functional requirements stated as vision state-
ments in the introduction, this thesis will describe one specific approach to the
creation of a session-oriented platform for streaming, interactive and rich media
communication services. Furthermore, how content providers, advertisers, telecom
operators, consumer electronics manufacturers and service providers will become
part of this platform is described.
From a technical point of view, the objective of this thesis is to exploit baseline
technologies for the control and delivery of media and telecommunication services
towards new and integrated experiences [55].
In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, this thesis focuses on pointing
out the implications of different technological approaches for the involved parties.
Figure 1.3 helps to identify the main aspects discussed in this thesis, by providing
an overview of the variances of IPTV and highlighting the two main areas discussed
Figure 1.3.: Taxonomy for Interactive IPTV (Scope of this work highlighted)
IPTV is defined as multimedia services such as television, video, audio and the
corresponding data for interactive services delivered over IP-based networks. Fur-
thermore, a certain level of Quality-of-Service (QoS), Quality-of-Experience (QoS),
security, interactivity and reliability will be provided.
Nowadays, both so called Managed Networks, i.e. closed telecom operator’s net-
works, as well as Over-The-Top (OTT) approaches, using the open Internet, are
Please refer to the PhD thesis "Efficient Session-based Multimedia Content Delivery in Next
Generation Networks" by Adel Al-Hezmi. Technische Universität, Berlin 2011.
6 Chapter 1. Introduction
IPTV Service Provider The IPTV Service Provider plays a central role in all
IPTV networks. It is responsible for managing the contractual relationship with
the customer and maintains incoming service requests from the user. Furthermore,
it acts as a gatekeeper for Content Providers and Interactive Service Providers.
Finally, it manages and controls the Content Delivery Network (Provider).
User The user consumes interactive IPTV services on one or multiple End Devices.
This might include TVs, Set-Top-Boxes (STBs), mobile devices, tablets and Personal
Computers. From a technical perspective, the user requests services through his End
Devices at the IPTV Service Provider. These services will originate from a Content
The original definition is maintained by ITU-T’s IPTV Joint Coordination Activity (IPTV-JCA)
1.3. Objectives and Scope 7
Figure 1.4.: Session-Oriented IPTV Role Model and Overall PhD Scope
Content Provider The Content Provider injects Live TV and/or video services
into the IPTV Service Providers’s platform. Furthermore, it provides necessary
metadata. Content Providers could also participate in generating interactive ser-
vices by providing the necessary hooks and trigger points for interactive services
within their contents, i.e. for Red Button services.
IPTV Session Management The IPTV Session Management acts as the central
building block of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core, managing users and their re-
quests for content and interactive services. It therefore provides interfaces for the
Content Provisioning and Interactivity component, allowing for the triggering and
manipulation of service usage. These interfaces for Third Party Access are also used
by the Meta Session functionality, enabling the Social IPTV features.
End Device The End Device building block acts as a placeholder for various devices
acting as endpoints for interactive and Social IPTV services. This might include
TVs, Set-Top-Boxes (STBs), mobile devices, tablets and Personal Computers.
1.3. Objectives and Scope 9
Content Delivery The Content Delivery building block represents different IP-
based delivery networks.
3. How can services for interactive IPTV services be realized based on the inte-
grated Session-Oriented Application Environment and specified signaling prin-
ciples for IPTV ?
Table 1.1.: Targeted Architecture and Core System achievements compared to State-
12 Chapter 1. Introduction
1.4. Methodology
The stated problems, objectives and defined scope addressed in Section 1.2 and 1.3
of this thesis will be discussed using the following methodology.
This methodology has been derived from working methods as conducted by dif-
ferent Standard Developments Organizations (SDOs) and is known as the Staged
Approach 4 , subdivided into requirements collection, architecture design and a de-
tailed specification phase:
• Design of an architecture for the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core, combining mul-
tiple Interactive Application Environments and fulfilling the requirements of
the different players involved. The design hereby reflects State-of-the-Art tech-
nology and requirements analyzed earlier.
• Description of the concepts and methods used for the implementation of the
most relevant building blocks.
1.5. Outline 13
1.5. Outline
This thesis is structured as follows. Figure 1.6 provides a graphical representation:
Chapter 2 describes the basic technologies and concepts from which the main
contributions of this thesis have been created. This includes an overview of how
Digital Television (DTV) evolved towards IP-based media delivery. Based on this
information, the difference between so-called managed and Over-The-Top media
delivery infrastructures will be presented. The role of Content Delivery Networks
(CDNs) will then be discussed.
As current CDN approaches might serve as a reference, even for the Internet, a
migration path is outlined in the next paragraph. In a further step, the various
acronyms and definitions for IPTV used within the scope of this thesis will be
defined. Next, the current standards and state-of-art technology and related works
in research and academia on IPTV and Interactive Application Environments will
be analyzed. This includes an analysis of and decision point for which of these
technologies should become part of the designed platform. Furthermore, an initial
overview of related work within the area of interactive and Social IPTV will be
Chapter 3 analyzes and derives requirements for interactive IPTV. Different as-
pects such as session-oriented signaling principles, corresponding APIs, interactive
service requirements, as well as content provisioning and delivery aspects, are taken
under analysis.
Chapter 5 focuses on the specification of APIs and services for the Open
IPTV Ecosystem Core. First, the so called IPTV Session State API will be
introduced, allowing for the manipulation of IPTV services through third party
application providers.
In another abstraction layer, the so-called IPTV Meta Session introduces
concepts that fulfill the requirements for so-called Shared Experiences and Shared
Content Consumption scenarios. This approach is driven by the idea of combining
multiple contents, multiple users and communication services into one Shared
Experience offered as a sort of channel to a group of potential users. Another
section focuses on how contents like live streams and stored media might be
provisioned, based on the introduced session-oriented approaches. This includes
14 Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 9 summarizes the work conducted in this thesis and provides an outlook
for future work.
1.5. Outline 15
This chapter describes the common technologies and related works involved with
Digital, IP-based and interactive Television.
First of all, the evolution of Digital TV (DTV) and its transition to Internet
Protocol Television (IPTV) will be outlined. This is followed by definitions of the
terms commonly used in the field of IPTV, and an IPTV standards survey.
Furthermore, different architectures and concepts for Interactive Application En-
vironments will be analyzed by describing their overall approach, advantages and
disadvantages, as well as their relevance for this thesis. Finally the different con-
ceptual approaches will be compared.
In parallel to the DVB’s work, which was and is mainly driven by broadcasters
and content providers, Telco-driven forums like the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU)2 and the ETSI group for Telecommunications and Internet converged
Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking 3 (TISPAN) also started to work on
building IPTV standards [89].
In contrast to DVB, Telco-driven forums have, from the beginning, focused and
pushed the idea of converging services and platforms based on IP technology.
With available specifications for all-IP communication services like Next Gener-
ation Networks (ITU-T) and the IP Multimedia Subsystem (ETSI TISPAN, Core
IMS) in addition to the vision for the so-called fixed mobile broadcast convergence
(FMBC) [101], new communication paradigms and ways of media consumption have
been specified. The main paradigm of the before-mentioned approaches is enabling
the use of services across the borders of terminals, offering both personal and ter-
minal mobility.
Altogether this describes concepts like Triple Play, defining Internet, telephony
services and IPTV. Quadruple Play adds the mobile domain to this concept.
Taking the technology one step further, the concept of multi-play characterizes a
new vision for multiple services interaction by also integrating features like mobility,
interactivity, community services, and personalization.
The Content Provider role is composed of different providers like broadcast TV sta-
tions, providers of motion pictures, in addition to advertisers. The Service Provider
is responsible for provisioning IPTV on a service level in addition to providing the
network-situated middleware. The Network Service Provider role consists of an IP
network provider that offers a quality-assured delivery channel. The Multimedia
Broadband Consumer represents the end user and end devices.
Mobile TV Mobile TV describes the delivery of IPTV services over mobile net-
works. Mobile TV services do not differ from services delivered over fixed networks,
but might have other usage patterns and are limited by the capabilities of the used
air interface, e.g. missing multicast capabilities.
• Access Mechanisms: A set-top box is generally used to access and decode well-
defined services and the video content delivered via an IPTV system, whereas
a PC is nearly always used to access the Internet.
Experts’ discussions concerning how future IPTV and streaming services should be
delivered to the consumer has divided the involved parties into two categories:
The first, including Consumer Electronics and Broadcasters, currently prefers a
model that uses the Internet as the delivery channel for streaming content, without
the need for any operator-specific network. Telecom operators prefer a solution in
which the network operator acts as the Service Provider and offers services with
a certain amount of quality. The first approach is called the Managed Network
approach, also referred to as a Triple Play Walled Garden, the other is called Over-
The-Top (OTT) or Portal Side Walled Garden (see Figure 2.2)6 . The next section
outlines how content delivery takes place in managed environments.
the TV/VoD head-end to the last mile or edge network and the user home network.
At present, the last mile is realized either with a fiber connection, xDSL technology
or over a cable network using DOCSIS standards. The backhaul 7 network is realized
using either ATM over SONET/SDH, IP over MPLS or metro ethernet. A high
bandwidth connection alone is not enough to guarantee that the content is delivered
without any kind of degradation, as even a 50 MBit/s VDSL connection is still a
shared medium in which any kind of service might interfere with another. For this
reason, either virtual circuits in ATM, virtual paths in MPLS backbone networks
and in the last mile, Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVN) are used. A VLAN is
defined as a mechanism for the creation of a series of independent logical networks.
Under this approach and as depicted in Figure 2.3, a number of different VLANs
can coexist together within the same network infrastructure, including VLANs for
IPTV, Voice-Over-IP telephony and Web usage. A network management software
that interfaces directly with the various network elements is used for the creation of
VLANs and to support an IPTV implementation.
The main benefit of using VLAN is that different kind of services like voice, plain
Internet IPTV broadcast and on-demand services can be deployed in parallel, using
the same network infrastructure.
In a hierarchical telecommunications network, the backhaul portion of the network comprises
the intermediate links between the core, or backbone, of the network and the small subnetworks
at the "edge" of the entire hierarchical network.
2.2. IPTV Standards Survey 25
Figure 2.3.: Content Delivery Networks with VLANs for different service classes
• HbbTV
• Microsoft Mediaroom
The author has hereby actively contributed to work in ETSI TISPAN from 2006
to 2008 and then in the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF), also becoming active in the
forum’s leadership as the deployment project manager and ambassador.
An earlier version of this survey has already been published in 2008 [69].
2.2.1. DVB
The Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standards have been designed to broadcast
digital TV services and have been maintained by the DVB project since 1993. DVB
systems transmit data using a variety of approaches: over satellite (DVB-S), cable
(DVB-C), terrestrial (DVB-T) and hand held (DVB-H).
As DVB-T is mainly targeted at stationary receivers and is not suitable for mobile
devices, the DVB-H standard was proposed, which enhanced the physical and link
layers of DVB-T to reduce power consumption and improve performance in urban
indoor environments.
26 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art
While DVB specifications were initially designed to support only one way broad-
cast transmission, there are several standardized solutions such as DVB-RCS (Re-
turn Channel Satellite), DVB-RCT (Return Channel Terrestrial) or DVB-RCC (Re-
turn Channel Cable) or DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification)
that have been developed to facilitate bidirectional communication channels, thus
supporting interactive applications (e.g. VoIP or VoD).
• DVB-IPTV Profiles
Research & Market Relevance The DVB’s IPTV specifications offer a profound
framework for the development of streaming services over an IP network. They
mainly concentrate on transport and metadata issues, and do not integrate as-
pects relevant for Telco-operated managed IPTV networks using IMS and NGN and
browser-oriented declarative interactive application environments.
The latest discussions within the DVB’s Commercial Module IPTV (CM-IPTV),
responsible for defining the commercial requirements for DVB-IP, try to evaluate
if these gaps must be closed by adapting the work of the Open IPTV Forum or
2.2. IPTV Standards Survey 27
• the NGN Release 1 adopts the 3GPP IMS standard for SIP-based applications,
and adds further functional blocks and subsystems to enable fixed access to
IMS and to handle non-SIP applications, where the
• NGN Release 2 provides a TISPAN and 3GPP agreed approved Common IMS
platform, introducing new IMS enabled services and adds key elements to the
NGN such as:
– IPTV (both IMS and non-IMS based)
– Home Networking
– Corporate networks and the NGN
• the still-active NGN Release 3 will improve several aspects introduced in the
previous releases such as:
28 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art
Research & Market Relevance ETSI TISPAN’s IPTV specifications have reached
a certain level of maturity and are recognized as implementable in an NGN envi-
In 2007, they were adopted by the Open IPTV Forum as part of their Release 1
The lack of specifications for the end device with regards to an Interactive Ap-
plication Environment have stopped the specifications from being adopted by the
market. An alignment or merger with the Open IPTV Forum makes the most sense
at this moment, allowing for a unified specification for managed NGN and IMS-based
IPTV systems.
2.2.3. ITU-T
The International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization
(ITU-T) is a body for international Telecommunication standards.
Regarding IPTV, ITU takes the same approach as ETSI TISPAN. The NGN and
IMS plays a key role when integrating telecommunication services.
2.2. IPTV Standards Survey 29
Specifications A wide range of specifications for IPTV have been published by the
ITU-T10 . These specifications range from architectural specifications to signaling,
home networking and metadata.
Furthermore, three different deployment models, including a non-NGN IPTV, a
NGN without IMS IPTV and a NGN with IMS IPTV have been specified, allowing
for a progressive migration.
Furthermore, a standard suite for a declarative Interactive Application Environ-
ment has been specified.
Research & Market Relevance The work on IPTV specification took place in
parallel to ETSI TISPAN’s standardization process, mostly during 2006 to 2008.
Unfortunately, an alignment between both groups never took place, resulting in two
specifications for IPTV.
In the end of 2008, the so-called ITU-T Focus Group on IPTV 11 (FG-IPTV)
handed over its work to ITU-T’s IPTV Global Specification Initiative (IPTV-GSI),
which resulted in a subdivision of activities and loss of alignment.
Today, the ITU-T’s IPTV specification do not provide a comprehensive framework
allowing for the implementation of a common IPTV system.
via fixed and mobile access networks, remote PVR control, and more improvements
regarding service portability and continuity.
The Open IPTV Forum’s architectural design, as depicted in Fig. 2.2, supports
two service models, namely the Managed Network and Open Internet (OTT).
Although the models are essentially different, a single UNI (User Network Inter-
face) is supposed to ensure services from both networks to the consumer’s electronic
devices. This approach has to be differentiated from the ETSI TISPAN’s approach
of the Dedicated IPTV Subsystem and IMS based IPTV, because the latter requires
an underlying NGN architecture for both approaches. The Managed Network is an
end-to-end network managed by an operator. In a typical model, the operator, for
instance a Telecom Operator, plays the IPTV Service Provider, Service Platform
Provider and Network Provider roles.
As a result, this walled garden approach can guarantee high quality services to the
end user. The Open Internet/Unmanaged Model has the same technical roles as the
managed model, but the roles are typically played by different players. Nevertheless,
the Service Platform Provider and IPTV Provider are the same entity. Open Internet
also refers to the ability to access any Service Provider using any Access Network
Provider without any quality of service guarantees. This boosts the capability to
keep up with the many technical innovations constantly occurring in the World Wide
Similar to the description of ETSI TISPAN’s architecture earlier, this description
will also be done for OIPF’s high-level architecture.
OIPF Release 1 Specifications The OIPF Release 1/2 specification are composed
of seven volumes describing an end-to-end infrastructure for IPTV. The following
specifications are available in detail 12 :
End Devices Infrastructure The Open IPTV Forum’s specifications contain de-
tailed specifications for the home network infrastructure. Key element is the de-
coupling on protocol level of the termination end-point for managed networks and
the TV/STB.
In detail, the so called Open IPTV Terminal Functional Entity (OITF) includes
functionalities for accessing IPTV services for both the unmanaged and the managed
network models through the HNI-INI and HNI-IGI interfaces. Through the HNI-IGI
interface, it connects with the IMS Gateway Functional Entity (IG), which allows
the OITF to connect to the IMS core networks. The OITF has its own direct user
interaction (e.g. remote control, keyboard) and audio/video rendering and integrates
browser technology for the generation of dynamic user interfaces.
The Application Gateway Functional Entity (AG) is an optional component and
offers applications for remote downloading for execution. Examples of these applica-
tions are EPG, generation of a remote UI, insertion of personalized advertisements
in media streams and full, blended person-to-person communication (videoconfer-
encing using a TV).
The Content and Service Protection (CSP) Gateway Functional Entity (CSPG)
is also optional and provides a conversion from a content and service protection
solution in the network to a secure authenticated channel with the OITF.
The WAN Gateway function (WG) supports the physical connection between the
residential LAN and the Access Network WAN.
Research & Market Relevance As with all IPTV standards and specifications, the
OIPF specifications have also suffered from not being adopted by the industry. For
this reason, and in contradiction to other IPTV standardization bodies, the OIPF is
heavily driving different go-to-market activities, like proof-of-concept projects, live-
interoperability-trials and certifications programs. In this context, the OIPF took
part in its first proof-of-concept project in 2010, demonstrating the applicability of
its specifications.
2.2.5. HbbTV
Hybrid Broadband Broadcast TV (HbbTV) is an industry-led forum of broadcasters
and CE manufacturers. In contrast to the IPTV standards bodies, the HbbTV forum
concentrates and limits its activities to a hybrid delivery channel using classical DTV
transmission and an Over-The-Top approach to IP-based services. The HbbTV
ecosystem has been as defined as:
32 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art
Specifications The HbbTV specifications have mostly been derived from the Open
IPTV Forum’s specifications and were published as an ETSI standard [37] in mid
Both share the same Interactive Application Environment based on CE-HTML.
Furthermore, the OIPF’s API specifications for a browser-based TV environment
have been extended by HbbTV to allow for an interaction with the broadcast chan-
on how the STB can obtain configuration data. The latter provides connected
STBs with information about how to recover from an error state.
• Subscriber Management System (SMS) The SMS hosts the central user
database for the Mediaroom ecosystem and is used to check a user’s autho-
rization for specific services.
Research & Market Relevance The Mediaroom platform is on its way to becoming
a de-facto standard for IPTV in certain areas of the world. Nevertheless, propri-
etary software and protocols are used throughout the solution. With respect to this
thesis, scenarios as well as the Web-technology driven approaches for application
deployment are relevant and have directly influenced the author’s work in this con-
text. This is reflected in the availability of a Declarative Application Environment
(DAE) for the execution of Web applications in the proposed architecture.
yes, but yes, but yes, both
both: both:
Supporting no propri- IMS + n/a
Managed NGN/IMS etary NGN
Supporting no no no not yet yes yes
session- declarative
Application yes no proprietary + proce-
Environ- dural
During the period of working on this thesis, the SAE approach has already become
relevant in the very early stages when shaping the overall architecture. Based on the
existing work on the Next Generation Network and the IP Multimedia Subsystem,
the author and his team have created an initial approach to a session-oriented mid-
dleware and ecosystem for IPTV. This has been achieved through a combination of
the SAE approach with a DAE approach and scenarios for Social IPTV. Background
Models and protocols for sessions and related services have a long history in the
Internet and telecommunication domain. Taking the OSI model as a reference,
sessions can be implemented that begin upwards from layer five in the Session,
Presentation or Application layer and are described as a semi-permanent interactive
information interchange, also known as a dialogue, conversation or meeting between
two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and user.
From a technological point of view, session models can be used in several con-
texts and different technology domains, and help keep a persistent and identifiable
connection between two or more endpoints. A Session-ID is used in most implemen-
tations in order to allow for a matching state between the sender and the endpoint.
The most common session types and protocols are:
• HTTP sessions (originally stateless but made stateful throughout session-IDs,
server side cookies and database),
• TCP sessions (transport layer), RTSP sessions for the control of media delivery
and a full protocol relying on the session idea:
VoIP and Video Telephony In the telecommunication domain, the session model
fits perfectly to the idea of stateful connections between users that represent a
voice, video or even a combined multimedia conferencing session. With Voice over
IP (VoIP) telephony becoming more and more popular, the basic SIP session model
is used for any call initiated between two or more parties. Proprietary solutions
like Skype or Microsoft Messenger also use basically the same concepts. Figure 2.6
depicts a simple Voice-Over-IP session setup dialogue between two users, two proxies
in the middle and the resulting media session, i.e. a voice call.
2.3. IPTV Architectures & Interactive Application Environments 39
However, a series of related instant messages between two or more parties can
be viewed as part of a messaging session: a conversational exchange of messages
with a definite beginning and end. This is in contrast to individual messages sent
independently. Specifications for session-oriented instant messaging have been added
to the corresponding RFCs. More specifications for event mechanisms and protocols
can be found in [113, 16]. The Jabber or XMPP is another session-related instant
messaging protocol that will be used in the context of this thesis to create a multi-
protocol environment. This protocol is also defined by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) as Request for Comments (RFCs) 3920 - 3923 [116, 117, 118,
115]. XMPP protocol is currently gaining more and more acceptance due to its
simplicity and implementation in some semi-commercial systems and might soon
become available in different versions from the consumer electronics industry.
40 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art
• The User requests content through a SIP request directed at the network
infrastructure, including the so-called CRID 13 as the content identifier.
A CRID or a Content Reference Identifier is a concept from the standardization work done by
the TV-Anytime forum. It mirrors, or closely matches, the concept of the Uniform Resource
Locator, or URL, as used on the World-Wide Web
2.3. IPTV Architectures & Interactive Application Environments 41
• The IPTV Session Management Enabler inside the infrastructure resolves the
user’s request, creating a (dynamic) URL.
• The URL is sent back to the user embedded in a 200 OK response message.
• The User initiates a RTSP session setup directed at the network infrastructure,
including the obtained content URL.
• After the establishment of the RTSP session, the content is streamed to the
These simple procedures are necessary for the maintenance of an IPTV session. Nev-
ertheless, some additional actors are involved in this process and will be described
in the following.
Figure 2.9.: Session-Oriented IPTV Role Model: Roles within an IPTV Session
End Device The End Device is the location in which services are consumed. An
End-Device may be a single terminal used directly for service consumption, or a com-
plex network of terminals and related devices, including consumer-operated mobile
devices. Additionally End-Devices may be connected via two or more networks to
a number of service providers that obtain content from multiple content providers.
IPTV Service Provider The IPTV Service Provider provides a service to the End-
Device and the corresponding users behind it. The service provider acts as the
gatekeeper between the End-Device and potential Content Providers. In this con-
text, the Service Provider acquires or licenses content from one or more Content
Providers and makes these services available. In this model, the Service Provider
also maintains the Session Manager.
of complexity of the created applications. Nevertheless, this is enough for the most
successful interactive application scenarios like user votings, polls, and quizzes.
Content Provider The Content Provider is an entity that creates, owns or is li-
censed to sell content. In the presented model, the Content Necessary metadata is
also provided.
Content Delivery Network Provider The Content Delivery Network Provider pro-
vides a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and is responsible for the efficient delivery
of contents from the Content Provider to the different End Devices.
As described, the MHP platform defines a complete framework for the delivery of
Interactive TV. Nevertheless, MHP is not widely available on the market nor it is
present in any current IPTV deployments. The following points have been gathered
from various sources [64, 105] and attempt to uncover the reasons why MHP is not
widely deployed.
• Absence of high DSL broadband penetrations during the time MHP was avail-
able and currently not competitive with evolved Web technologies.
In the field of interactive TV, declarative environments have garnered more and
more attention, as Web browsers become a mandatory feature in TV sets and Set-
top-Boxes. This review describes the most relevant technologies available in this
context and relevant for IPTV. This includes, the Mediaroom Presentation Founda-
tion (MPF), CE-HTML and HTML5. Old standards as DVB-HTML or ACAP-X
have been left out in this overview but have been added to the comparison of DAEs
in Table 2.4.
Personal Server environment is available, which basically simulates the whole net-
work side infrastructure. In combination with developer STBs, a whole Telco IPTV
ecosystem can be set up using one server computer.
Without a doubt, the available tool kit including the Personal Server and IDE
integration offers a unique combination at the point this thesis was written.
• JavaScript / ECMAScript
• DOM2
• CSS is supported in CE-HTML using the CSS 1.0 TV Profile. This profile
is based on CSS 2, with some extension of CSS 3. This extension allows for
2.3. IPTV Architectures & Interactive Application Environments 47
• CE-HTML defines two kinds of notifications that allow a Web server to com-
municate directly with the browser without the need for continuous polling
through the client. The first realization is called In-session notifications and
based on the so-called NotifSocket object. NotifSocket allows for a permanent
TCP connection to the browser on an arbitrary port. This connection can be
used to initiate a call back to the browser. The originating connection has to
be set up by the client.
• The CE-HTML Media Object is used to render audio or video contents inside
the browser environment and to be controlled via JavaScript. Looking at
the standard, no specific audio or video codec is defined, and which codec is
supported is just an implementation issue. Using the Profile Matching feature
described above, a browser can negotiate its codec capabilities with a Web
48 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art HTML5
HTML5 [66] is the result of the fifth major revision of the core language of the World
Wide Web, the Hyper Text Markup Language.
In contrast to technologies specifically created for TV and IPTV like CE-HTML
or MHP, HTML5 cannot be considered to be part of a – in this case Declarative
Application Environment – per se. Nevertheless, due to the current direction of the
WWW as focusing increasingly on rich media contents and streaming audio and
video, HTML5 contains various new features that help fulfill the requirements for a
Declarative Application Environment, and therefore will become part of future mid-
dleware systems for IPTV. The following section describes the relevance of HTML5
for IPTV by describing new elements and features of the HTML5 standard that
might have a relevance for this work and are limited therefore to aspects like rich
media and streaming media.
The information provided here has mostly been extracted from a document pub-
lished by the W3C entitled "HTML5 differences from HTML4" 15 This document
describes the differences between HTML4 and HTML5 and provides some of the ra-
tionale for the changes. Since HTML4 became the defacto standard for the WWW
in 1997, the Web has developed towards a platform where users can do more than
just consume text and pictures or download files.
Streaming media, like audio and video contents, are also becoming increasingly
popular. First, these requirements were met by the introduction of technologies for
Rich Internet Applications (RIA) like Adobe’s Flash, Microsoft’s Silverlight or Sun’s
JavaFX. The main drawback to these technologies is that they require a plug-in for
implementation in each browser and do not comply with open Web standards. To
overcome these drawbacks, new elements have been added to the HTML language
defined as the <audio> and <video>tag, allowing for a native representation of
corresponding contents. Both provide an API enabling application authors to script
their own user interface. By also implementing the newly-introduced <source>
element in combination with the above-mentioned <audio> and <video>tags allows
for the definition of multiple streams of different types, i.e. using another video codec
or bit rate.
Listing 2.1 provides an example of a HTML5 video element containing two sources
for a video file. The first one is encoded in MP4, the other one uses the Ogg codec.
2.3. IPTV Architectures & Interactive Application Environments 49 Discussion
This section has introduced different technological approaches to the generation of
Declarative Application Environments for IPTV, including DVB-HTML, ACAP-X,
CE-HTML as well as HTML5.
Besides some major problems in reaching the mass market, as in the example
of DVB-HTML, which is tightly linked with DVB-J and MHP and therefore suf-
fers from limited deployments, Declarative Application Environments do represent
the actual State-Of-The-Art in Interactive IPTV development. Their main advan-
tage, in comparison to the Procedural Application Environments is mostly that they
originate from the ongoing developments inside the Internet, and CE-HTML and
HTML5 already support the features required to render rich media contents.
Due to this feature, one cannot create State-Of-The-Art environments for IPTV
without integrating a declarative approach. In the scope of this thesis, CE-HTML
and HTML5 are of particular relevance and became part of the architecture and
middleware created during work on this thesis.
• Phase 1: IPTV introduced by the Telcos for the commercial delivery of enter-
tainment grade video over managed walled garden networks end edge devices
The missing piece of these anticipations is the inclusion of additional services and
corresponding platforms that would make the switch from Digital TV to an IP-based
system worth it.
In addition to the plain video services, blended interactive communication and
Social Networking will play a particularly key role in the decision-making process
of the consumer.
This combination of technological approaches on the one hand, and the concen-
tration on user needs on the other, opens up a needed field of research touched by
this thesis. To identify the key drivers in research and academia, the next sections
will provide an overview of the most relevant projects in this direction.
was added for the creation of a community scenario, in which multiple users can
create a virtual private area for content consumption. In [94] Nathan et al. from
the AT&T labs present their work on a Social TV system called CollabraTV. Un-
like some other systems, like the below-discussed AmigoTV or STV, CollabraTV is
focused on supporting asynchronous communication. Results were gained through
extensive lab studies that tested various features of the platform.
The ConnecTV project was carried out within the so called B@Home project
and is described in detail in [12]. ConnecTV is unique in the field of Social Tele-
vision research because the prototype was implemented for a field test in about 50
households in the city of Enschede.
With regard to features, ConnecTV uses the XMPP protocol, like in the Amigo
TV project, for communication purposes between users. This includes features like
a buddy list, rich presence that shows other users’ TV channels and a feature that
allows for switching to channels other users are currently watching.
Additionally, TV program recommendations, follow and invite a friend scenarios
have been implemented. A most popular channel service community feature was
also available during the field test.
In the results, the follow a friend scenario in combination with the available buddy
list was used by most of participants, showing the acceptance of communication
features. The idea of the virtual couch is the best description of the research on the
different iterations in the Social Television System (STV) project [60, 127, 67].
During the development of this project, throughout various prototypes and case
studies, the design goal was to enable a small group of relatives or friends to share
with each other while watching TV. The key elements each evolved during different
phases of the project (STV1-3). The key elements of the current version are:
• Two different communication channels, including text chat and group voice
• The integration of a user’s viewing habits into the EPG of other buddies
When examining the results so far, it turns out that, in Shared Viewing scenarios,
some communications channels are better suited than others. Especially in that
voice chats are more accepted than text chat.
Additionally, most of the participants did not even want the video chat feature, a
result that the author can also underline as a result of his own experiences. Several
other aspects also seem to be unresolved like how multiple users in one household
can be supported and CE equipment allowing for an easy integration of community
features can be developed.
2.4. Related Works & Projects 53
2. The second level is reached when the user is given access to external informa-
tion not necessarily related to the program. This includes Teletext or portal
pages. The user can obtain news and other information, but the type of inter-
activity is limited to pointing and clicking. This level of interactivity has also
been implemented through different kinds of technologies (e.g. as Teletext in
the mid-seventies of the last century or by other means, e.g. using MHP).
Nevertheless, a breakthrough in portal driven approaches is taking place as
this thesis is being written, through the integration of a Web browser into the
TV sets. This approach is reflected in the section on Declarative Application
Environments (DAE) presented later in this thesis. The main advantage of
browser-driven environments is their ability to present contents (e.g. news
pages, program guides, games) generated dynamically by corresponding Web
servers on the content provider’s side.
3. The third level consists of services that prompt the user to react to events
embedded in and related to the content. In this case, the user is able to
Whenever the medium changes during a work process, a media break takes place. In most cases,
the result is a higher amount of work and a disruption of the work routine.
54 Chapter 2. State-of-the-Art
influence the program through the use of voting and betting services. In order
to realize these kinds of scenarios, different technological approaches can be
As we will see later, session-oriented approaches play an especially key role
in the realization of these services. The key advantage of the session-oriented
for the means of personalization and direct reach ability. The session allows
service providers to identify each individual user, as well as the current status
(e.g. which channel the user is currently watching to).
and show that the concepts developed within iNEM4U meet real world require-
ments. Gonzalo Camarillo was one of the reviewers of the iNEM4U project in April
media control, while incorporating a design suitable for deployment in the context of
an IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architectural framework. The main features of
the architecture include flexible delivery of personalized multimedia streams, adapt-
ability to the characteristics of the networking infrastructures and channels used for
transmission, and a modular design to facilitate implementation of new functionali-
ties and services. The developed solution is specifically designed for live multimedia
streaming, such as broadcasted events, independent of the cast mode (unicast or
multicast). Private Video Recorder (PVR) functions and Video On Demand (VoD)
services are supported, their control is ensured by standard SIP messages.
Menai et al. describe in [83] their work on standard SIP/RTSP based Content
Delivery Networks (CDN). The system includes a central server (Content Delivery
Network Controller) that analyzes all received content delivery requests. The Con-
tent Delivery Network Controller (CDNC) chooses the cluster of servers to which
a request should be redirected. The choice is made depending on client location,
content availability, location and servers’ global load. Each cluster is controlled by
a Cluster Controller (CC) that would choose the final VoD server to deliver the
content based on a fine grained analysis of the load on the VoD servers it manages.
The system proves the feasibility and flexibility of SIP interfaces when coupled with
RTSP to organize redirections within a CDN.
Finally, Daher describes in his diploma thesis [25] an infrastructure which com-
bines the benefits of a session-oriented approach for the dynamic provisioning of
multimedia streaming services, with a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It pro-
vides a generic API, allowing third party services to make use of the provided infras-
tructure. Daher’s work represents research activity parallel to the author’s work,
performed at the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS.
2.5. Summary 57
2.5. Summary
This chapter has introduced the State-of-The-Art of IPTV and Interactive Appli-
cation Environments relevant for this thesis. Beginning with an overview of the
basics of IPTV, acronyms and technological background, Interactive Applications
Environments and related technologies have been discussed. Beginning with Proce-
dural Application Environments (PAEs) and Declarative Application Environments
(DAEs), both Social TV Environments and Session-Oriented Application Environ-
ments were presented. Furthermore, an analysis of the advantages and drawbacks,
and their role in future developments within this thesis have been provided.
Finally, related works and a set of reference projects have been presented.
In the following, the results of this chapter will be used to discuss requirements for
interactive IPTV, design an overall architecture, specify interfaces, APIs and services
and finally implement a novel IPTV system named the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core.
3. Interactive IPTV Requirements
In the previous chapter, the relevant standards and technologies allowing for the
construction of interactive IPTV systems were introduced.
This chapter derives the corresponding functional and non-functional require-
ments, allowing for the fulfillment of the vision in the first chapter. The defined
requirements will be then used to design and specify the Open IPTV Ecosystems
Core later in the course of this thesis.
The requirements defined in this chapter have been derived from the work on and
the author’s active contributions to the requirements phase for the ETSI TISPAN
Release 2 [38] as well as the Open IPTV Forums Release 2 1 specifications. Further-
more, requirements going beyond the scope of the above-mentioned standards have
been published in [4] and [62] and selected from the European Commission’s vision
statements on a Future Media Internet [78, 9].
By using the defined requirements, it is furthermore described how these require-
ments might help to evaluate the different components of the Open IPTV Ecosystem
The requirement analysis has been conducted according to the five main categories
identified in the Generic Multimedia Service and Delivery Framework from Chapter
1. This includes:
Figure 3.1 depicts the five categories for which functional and non-functional
requirements will be described in this chapter based on the Generic Multimedia
Service and Delivery Framework from Chapter 1.
Furthermore, and combined with the session-oriented IPTV Role Model from
Chapter 2, these requirements will allow for the derivation of the Open IPTV Ecosys-
tem Core (OIEC) functional architecture in the next chapter.
In this section, an emphasis has been put on the requirements necessary for inter-
active streaming services and how these services might be created using the IPTV
Session Management.
Interoperability One of the main goals of, and directly linked to the requirement
for standards compliance, is interoperability with other systems. This might in-
clude systems being part of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core or systems from other
research groups. Interoperability is assured by implementation according to speci-
fications from (draft) standards or by defining and publishing descriptions of new
interfaces and reference points. Furthermore, interoperability must be assured by
conducting interoperability tests.
Scalability The Open IPTV Ecosystems Core, and therefore also the IPTV Ses-
sion Management represents an academic and non-commercial implementation of a
session-oriented IPTV system, party fulfilling open standards where available. In
this context, the scalability of the designed components is also an important re-
quirement when comparing the solutions with other approaches or analyzing the
feasibility of the approach chosen. Scalability can be ensured by fulfilling different
sub-requirements including:
• Fast and reliable hardware, including fast CPUs and adequate availability of
local memory.
Quality-of-Experience Usability and ease of use were the most limiting factors in
early interactive TV services. Even nowadays, interactive services suffer from slow
hardware in Set-Top-Boxes and TVs. Furthermore, controlling interactive services
on the TV is still a partly unsolved problem.
64 Chapter 3. Interactive IPTV Requirements Analysis
Technical Applicability Various concepts for interactive television have been de-
veloped in the past. As of today, interactive services have only partly reached mass
markets. This is mainly due to concepts not being relevant or applicable to the
current State-of-the-Art technology. The most limiting factors were missing back
channel connections and still comparatively slow hardware and limited memory on
consumer electronics devices.
Market Reach Sufficient market reach is a very basic requirement whenever the
technology that might be chosen for interactive services must be decided upon.
In the past, various approaches including the presented Multimedia Home Plat-
form(MHP) have been brought to the market, but have not been successful due to
the different reasons already discussed in Chapter 2.
Cross Platform Deployability So-called multi-screen scenarios gain more and more
attention. In this context, interactive scenarios must also be executable on combina-
tion across multiple devices. From a technical perspective, two different paradigms
can be implemented:
2. Thin client approaches, using e.g. Web technologies to run applications from
an Application Server and to render applications in a Web browser on the
End Device. The Declarative Application Environments (DAE) are examples
of such an approach.
environments using a Web browser, with some modifications for the TV environ-
ment and an adapted declarative description language like CE-HTML or HTML5.
Furthermore, protocol stacks for HTTP, SIP, RTP and RTSP should be available.
3.5.2. Metadata
Metadata and corresponding formats are one of the largest fields for research and
development on IPTV. For each service and process, beginning with bootstrapping
mechanisms up to service consumption metadata is required. Different standard-
ization bodies have specified metadata formats for standard processes. In the scope
of this thesis, different metadata formats especially for information exchange in
interactive service consumption have been defined.
• Service Provider Discovery (SPD) describes processes where the STB obtains
an IP address, e.g. through DHCP mechanisms and discovers available IPTV
service providers. These mechanisms require corresponding network protocols
and network entities providing necessary information.
3.6. Summary 67
• Service Discovery (SD) takes place after a STB has obtained necessary Ser-
vice Provider Information during the SPD process. During the SD process,
metadata on available contents and services is downloaded from the Service
Provider. Service Discovery therefore requires corresponding network proto-
cols for downloading metadata as well as a parser on the STB for the display
of downloaded metadata.
3.6. Summary
This chapter discussed the requirements for composing an end-to-end system for
interactive IPTV, the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core. Beginning with the requirements
for IPTV Session Management, requirements for Interactivity, Content Provisioning,
Content Delivery and other Support Functions have been analyzed.
The focus of this analysis has been on the IPTV Sessions Management and In-
teractivity, as they do represent the main areas of research discussed in the scope of
this thesis.
In the following, State-of-the-Art technologies from Chapter 2 and the require-
ments from this section will be combined and mapped onto a functional architecture
defining the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core.
4. Design of the Open IPTV
Ecosystem Core
Chapter 4:
Design of the Open IPTV Ecosystem
net. A mapping of these concepts with the session-oriented IPTV Role Model, Inter-
active Application Environments (Chapter 2) and functional requirements (Chapter
3) onto a new functional architecture will be provided afterwards.
Section 4.2 describes the detailed functional architecture for the OIEC, introduc-
ing the functional building blocks and corresponding interfaces between them.
For this reason, the use of an extended baseline NGN architecture for the compo-
sition of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core functional architecture was decided upon.
A missing key paradigm, namely a certain flexibility in and overlap between the the
roles in the NGN model and as described for the IPTV Role Model in Chapter 2,
has been derived from work on approaches for the Future Media Internet 5 .
Here the term tussle describes the clash of interests between Internet stakeholders
and especially the need for allowing users to choose Service and Content Providers
in an instant manner [19]. In [78] Laso-Ballesteros et al. are stating that "...NGNs
do not seem to have been designed with tussle in mind. The roles of the network
operators, content providers, and end users in NGNs are considered to be fairly
Taking this into account, the designed Open IPTV Ecosystem Core explicitly
allows for the integration and connection of multiple Content and Service Providers,
managed and Over-The-Top (OTT) approaches and the interaction between users
across the boundaries of a certain service provider silos. This has been reached
through the introduction of open APIs and a multi-protocol approach allowing for
managed and Over-The-Top service creation and usage.
72 Chapter 4. Design of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
Telecommunication services play a key role in the future environments for IPTV.
Both the PAE and the DAE approach are still limited when integrating telephony,
Instant Messaging or buddy list functionality. DAEs are currently making a huge
step forward, but native protocol stacks and applications, as used for SAE imple-
mentations, are still more mature and reliable. Rich user interfaces are a key driver
for a successful application. PAEs as MHP have suffered from their very limited
graphical capabilities, whereas the Web including DAE is developing in the direc-
tion of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) allowing for animated 3D user interfaces
and the integration of streaming media. SAEs are not directly affected, nor do they
present any limitations, as user interfaces are mostly created as native applications
or even in combination with Web and RIA technology. Finally, when looking at
state-of-the-art Web technologies, it is again the DAE approach and the SAE that
are part of current developments.
Based on the description and analysis above and the requirements from Chapter
3, Declarative as well as Session-Oriented Application Environments have some ad-
vantages when directly compared to the procedural approach.
The combination of the DAE and SAE approaches together with scenarios from
Social IPTV research helps fulfill the user’s functional and non-functional require-
ments for interactivity as well and are able to keep up with the development of the
Web. For this reason, this section briefly describes an initial architectural sketch
that incorporates SAE, DAE and Social IPTV approaches.
In more detail, and as depicted in Figure 4.2, the author has decided to compose a
combination of Social IPTV with a session-oriented signaling layer that incorporates
SIP communication services.
Besides that, the declarative approach has been chosen for the creation of user
interfaces and also interactive applications, in part. This initial sketch will be used
in the following sections for integration into the detailed architecture specifications
allowing for the creation and execution of interactive services.
74 Chapter 4. Design of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
Table 4.2.: Composition of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core Functional Architecture
4.2. Open IPTV Ecosystem Core - Functional Architecture
Composition 77
Core Functionalities
• The IPTV Session Management Enabler maintaining all service requests and
exposing them to other applications, if necessary. Furthermore, the IPTV
Meta Session Enabler, providing Social IPTV functionality is also located
Other Functions
• The End Device serves the user by displaying and executing services.
• The Content Providers and Broadcaster ingest content and/or trigger services
through the IPTV Session Management Enabler
Based on these high level descriptions, the following paragraphs will describe and
analyze their detailed functionality and mutual interactions.
Table 4.3 again lists all components, and provides a short textual and interface
Support Functions The Support Functions building block abstracts from certain
baseline functionalities, which must be available in any kind of IPTV system:
Beginning with Service Discovery mechanisms, referred to as Content Guide En-
abler in the architecture, a bootstrapping mechanism is provided. By making this
information available, the STB or the user in front of it, respectively, are able
to request information concerning available service offerings like Linear, Video-on-
Demand or interactive services. Besides the Content Guide, a manageable User
Profile, containing detailed subscription information for each user is part of this
functional entity. The Content Management Enabler provides mechanisms allow-
ing for content and metadata processing by Content Providers and Broadcasters
through a dedicated interface.
End Device The End Device functional building block represents a user’s terminal
in the form of a Set-Top-Box (STB) or TV. The End Device integrates the necessary
protocol stacks for IP connectivity, as well as specific stacks for communication with
the other building blocks of the system.
As depicted in Figure 4.4, this includes a HTTP and SIP stack, allowing for com-
munication with Support Functions (Content Guide, User Profile, DAE). The IPTV
Session Management Enabler and Communication Service Enabler are accessible
via an interface using the SIP protocol, while the Interactive Content Enabler can
be accessed using the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) for signaling and the
Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) for media transport.
IPTV Session Management Enabler Managing user requests for content and services, SIP, HTTP
Exposition of session data to third party
IPTV Meta Session Management Enabler Enabling Social IPTV scenarios SIP, HTTP
Session-Oriented Application Environ- Runtime for session-oriented, interactive services SIP
ment Enabler
Declarative Application Environment En- Runtime for browser-based interactive services HTTP
Interactive Content Enabler (ICE) Entity with Interactive Content Provisioning capa- HTTP/SIP/
bilities. RTP/ RTSP
Support Functions Collection of functionalities to bootstrap IPTV ser- SIP/HTTP
Content Guide Enabler Entity providing service description and metadata HTTP
Content Management Enabler Managing available content assets HTTP
User Profiles IPTV specific user data SIP/HTTP
Content Providers Placeholder for content providers and broadcasters UDP, RTP,
Communication Services Enabler Providing capabilities of a Rich Communication SIP
4.2. Open IPTV Ecosystem Core - Functional Architecture
Table 4.3.: Enablers & Entities of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
82 Chapter 4. Design of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
4.3. Summary
This chapter has introduced the high level architecture for the Open IPTV Ecosys-
tem Core (OIEC).
General architectural concepts for Next Generation Networks (NGNs), a Future
Media Internet and Interactive Applications Environments have been described and
mapped onto a new architecture fulfilling identified requirements from Chapter 3.
Furthermore, the main purpose and task of each functional building block has
been analyzed.
In the following chapter, first the core functionality, namely the IPTV Session
Management Enabler will be analyzed in more depth, describing its role and mutual
interaction with other components enabling interactive services.
Furthermore, two different enablers for interactive and Social IPTV services will
be specified, namely IPTV Meta Session Management and Dynamic Content Pro-
visioning. Having this already available, three simple session-oriented interactive
services will be specified.
5. Specification of the Open IPTV
Ecosystem Core
Chapter 5:
Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosys-
tem Core
In the last chapter, the basic functional architecture for the Open IPTV Ecosystem
Core was described. This chapter extends this description and specifies components
developed in the course of this thesis or integrated as part of existing work. Figure
5.1 highlights the components that have been specified and will be described in
Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4, respectively:
Section 5.1 describes the design of the IPTV Session Management Enabler, spec-
ifies how session-oriented streaming services can be executed on the ecosystem, and
how these services are signaled using the SIP protocol. Furthermore, Third Party
Openness describes the concept of allowing third party access through a Session
State API that has been designed to allow interactive applications to be integrated
into the architecture.
These core functionalities are then used to specify mechanisms for Social IPTV
called IPTV Meta Session in Section 5.2. This will be combined with the concepts
for Interactive Content Provisioning in Section 5.3, representing the extensions for
interactive functionality to the Open Source project VideoLAN. Finally, these spec-
ifications will be used to design interactive services in Section 5.4.
to an ongoing IPTV Session are stored in the so-called Session Repository and
are exposed through XML metadata and a well-defined API.
Figure 5.3 depicts their mutual interaction mapped onto the proposed architecture
upon session creation:
The End Device initiates a request for content (Step #1), which is then processed
by the IPTV Session Management Enabler (Step #2). Following that, the Interac-
tive Content Enabler prepares the content (Step #3). In a last step, the requested
content will be streamed to the End Device.
86 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
1. The user, in front of the End Device, selects a TV channel e.g. through the
EPG and his remote control.
2. The session initiation request is then routed by the SIP proxy up to the IPTV
Session Management Enabler.
5.1. IPTV Session Management 87
3. The IPTV Session Management Enabler resolves the Content Resource Iden-
tifier (CRID) carried inside the request into an IP multicast address.
5. The End Device joins the corresponding multicast address and receives the
TV channel as traffic either using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or the
Real Time Protocol (RTP).
1. The user selects a content item from his listing on the End Device.
88 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
2. A session instantiation request is sent out by the End Device to the infras-
3. The request is routed by a SIP proxy and the corresponding trigger point to
the IPTV Session Management Enabler.
4. The IPTV Session Management Enabler analyzes the request. A direct res-
olution is impossible because VoD Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) have
to be generated dynamically by the Interactive Content Enabler.
5. The Interactive Content Enabler resolves the CRID to a current file in his
repository or database, and then generates a URI accessible through the Real
Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).
6. The RTSP URI is sent back within a 200 OK message as so-called Session
Description Protocol information (SDP) to the End Device
7. The End Device initiates a RTSP session through a RTSP DESCRIBE (ca-
pability negotiation), RTSP SETUP (session initiation) and finally a RTSP
PLAY that starts the streaming process on the server.
From this point on, trick functions (e.g. STOP, PAUSE, FAST FORWARD, FOR-
WARD REWIND) are available through corresponding RTSP commands. The
session will then be terminated by sending TEARDOWN messages to an RTSP,
followed by a session initiation in reverse order.
Processes During VoD Session Setup A process-oriented view of the same pro-
cedure as above is depicted in Figure 5.6.:
A user selects content on the End Device, which results in a request being for-
warded to the IPTV Session Management Enabler. Within this functional compo-
nent, the incoming request is analyzed and, through reading the Content Resource
Identifier (CRID), is mapped to a corresponding Interactive Content Enabler (ICE).
While resolving the request, an IPTV Session is created in the Session Repository.
The resolved request is then forwarded to an ICE, identified during the resolution
phase. The ICE responds with a message containing a content URI. If necessary, the
IPTV Session Management adds further information (e.g. additional information
about interactive services) and finally forwards the message to the End Device.
At this point, the IPTV Session is established on the signaling level. In a last step,
the End Device requests the contents directly from the ICE using the URI provided
in the last message. The content is then streamed to the End Device. Alongside the
setup of IPTV Sessions, the modification and termination is also possible through
the End Device. A detailed description is not provided here as it is analogous to the
process described above, just in a reverse order.
5.1. IPTV Session Management 89
This section provides a detailed view of the underlying infrastructure of the IPTV
Session Management functional building block and outlines how and where IPTV
Sessions are instantiated and how the application logic executes requests for content.
A detailed architectural overview is depicted in Figure 5.7.
The IPTV Session Management Enabler consists of the Media Request Logic,
which implements abstract functions that allow for the processing of incoming ser-
vice requests. For example, these abstract functions allow for the creation, modi-
fication and termination of IPTV Sessions as described in Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3,
These abstract functions will be used again in Section 5.1.4 when describing third
party access mechanisms allowing for the manipulation of ongoing sessions. An ad-
ditional functionality that resides on top of the IPTV Session Management Enabler
allows access to the Content Management and User Profiles functional components
as part of the Support Functions.
These functionalities allow for both synchronization with the content currently
available, and the authorization upon service request. In addition to the service
logic for controlling IPTV Sessions, a Session Repository also maintains sessions
inside a database. Below the Core IPTV Session Management Enabler, the so-
5.1. IPTV Session Management 91
called Media Signaling Protocol Layer abstracts various protocols that can be used
for session setup.
At the current point in time, this includes SIP, and for further consideration,
skeletons for HTTP, Web services and JSON. On top of the core IPTV Session
Management, a Configuration & Management interface allows browser-based access
to the main functionalities, allowing for maintenance and setup. The Third Party
Access functionality will be described in the next section.
Method CreateIPTVSession
Generates a SessionID and creates a session according to the
Describes delivered data. Forwards the request to the ICE (Video on
Demand) or resolves the Multicast address for a Live TV channel.
Session Description, CRID or Service URI: ID to identify the
Returns the RTSP URI or Multicast address of a streaming
Method ModifyIPTVSession
Allows for the modification of session parameters. This includes
adaptations to the required bandwidth or used codec.
Argument updated Session Description (SDP)
Returns Acknowledgement
Method TerminateIPTVSession
Terminates a session on the IPTV Session Management Enabler,
Description forwards the termination requests towards the ICE and initiates a
notification towards the TV
Argument Session ID
Returns Acknowledgement
In particular, this enables scenarios, currently well known as so-called Red But-
ton services, allowing a broadcaster or service provider to enrich the current plain
consumption of TV or streaming video with supplementary services. This might in-
clude program-related information, voting or user polls or other interactive scenarios
linked to the content.
This section describes how the IPTV Session Management Enabler exposes avail-
able IPTV Session information on a technical level.
Two key concepts presented here are the novel approaches to the integration of
IPTV Meta Sessions (Chapter 5.2), as well as the specification of interactive appli-
cations, executed on the Session Oriented Application Environment (SAE) (Chapter
5.4). Both concepts require the IPTV Session Management Enabler for the exposure
of information about active sessions through a dedicated API.
During the work on this thesis, different mechanisms for the exposure of session
related information have been taken under analysis. Two of them will be described
within this section:
IPTV Sessions are maintained inside the IPTV Session Management Enabler and
can be exposed to third parties through IPTV Session State (ISS) information. The
ISS is dynamically composed and updated through current IPTV Sessions main-
tained by the IPTV Session Management Enabler. In the current implementation,
the IPTV Session State is written into an XML schema and made available through
a dedicated URL. The following data model is used to expose session information:
As depicted in Figure 5.8 the IPTV Session State allows for the listing of the
registered users. This includes:
• The start time of the users subscription (i.e. IPTV Session instantiation),
containing the time stamp for when the user turned on his End Device and
subscribed to a service.
The relatively straight-forward concept offered in the IPTV Session State through an
XML document, has some disadvantages, especially when building a scalable service
and managing a growing number of subscribers. Moreover, new requirements arise
when client or server side functions should be allowed to modify session-related data
or create new sessions on the IPTV Session Management Enabler. For this reason,
it has been decided to define an API that can be made accessible to any kind of
third party service through different protocols. At the time this thesis was written,
the current implementation of this API was carried out in a diploma thesis that
contributes to the author’s work. Due to this parallel activity, only the abstract
functions will be presented here.
5.1. IPTV Session Management 95
Abstract ISS API Functions Tables 5.4 and 5.5 describe the currently available
API calls for network-oriented components, namely:
• GetSessionData()
• ModifySessionData()
The API allows for the reading out and manipulation of active IPTV Sessions.
Method GetSessionData
Function that returns session related information. This function is
Description synchronized with the IPTV Session State and can be used to
provide subsets of information from the IPTV Session State
Argument UserID, GroupID, ChannelID
Returns Active session metadata
Method ModifySessionData
Allows third-party access to active sessions. Results in modifying
a session with respect to codec and bitrate
Argument UserID, GroupID
Returns Acknowledgement upon session modification
5.1.5. Summary
This section has introduced details of a session-oriented IPTV architecture, namely
Open IPTV Ecosystem Core.
An outline for how IPTV Sessions can be executed on the proposed architecture
was delineated. Detailed signaling flows for Linear TV as well as Video-on-Demand
sessions were then presented. Finally, two novel mechanisms for access to IPTV
Session information through third parties were discussed. The author hereby con-
tributes to the idea of open APIs for IPTV systems, as described in the State-of-the-
Art section of this thesis. These mechanisms will be used in the following chapters
to create multi-user and multi-content scenarios enabling Social IPTV, as well as
different session-oriented interactive services.
96 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
5.2.1. Introduction
The goal of the IPTV Meta Session and the corresponding functional building block,
namely the IPTV Meta Session Management Enabler serving as the manager of
these kind of sessions, is the delivery of shared user experiences. This shared user-
experience involves providing a variety of multimedia services to end users that are
connected from different locations, devices and networks.
These experiences may be comprised of several types of multimedia contents, e.g.
broadcast, IPTV, Video on Demand, video conferencing, chatting or voice calls and
also interactive multimedia services.
Users expect to consume all these services and combinations of them together
and to share the impression of being at the same location even though they may be
miles apart.
The proposed IPTV Meta Session concept is an environment where several net-
work domains are connected, and where users want to consume services and share
content from any of these domains. The domains include home networks, DTV
broadcaster networks, broadband access networks, telecom service provider net-
works, 3G / mobile networks, managed IPTV networks and the Internet.
The IPTV Meta Session concept provides a logical representation of interactive
multimedia sessions that span multiple domains. An IPTV Meta Session contains
all the information that is required by a client to connect to a cross-domain session or
to replay an archived session. It includes information about the services and content
items that are consumed, as well as information about the users who participate in
the session. For example, if a session between two users consists of a Video on
Demand and a Voice over IP session, the IPTV Meta Session would describe the
5.2. Social IPTV: Meta Sessions 97
two media-level sessions (VoD session and VoIP session) and the involved users.
An IPTV Meta Session can furthermore contain additional metadata information
that may be required for synchronization of media streams across domains and
additional layout information to create a similar experience across domains. The
IPTV Meta Session description itself is independent of any given domain. The
actual delivery of the content is achieved within each domain by IPTV Meta Session
enabled End Devices using domain-specific technology (e.g. SIP/IMS, CE-HTML or
Webservices) to establish connections to the content sources described in the IPTV
Meta Session description.
In the IPTV Meta Session model, a so-called IPTV Meta Session Service Provider
entity is responsible for hosting and administrating Meta Session information. The
system that administers IPTV Meta Session information will typically be hosted like
a network service, the only constraint being that the IPTV Meta Session Service
Provider is accessible from all network domains. It is likely that it is hosted by an
IPTV Service Provider in addition to his common IPTV services, but it can also be
provided by an independent Over-The-Top (OTT) service provider hosting services
and enriching existing IPTV services provided by others. IPTV Meta Sessions as Part of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
As stated previously, the work on the IPTV Meta Session model has been accompa-
nied by different international research activities. Work on the Meta Session model
has mainly been contributed to the project European Research Project iNEM4U,
where the session-oriented IPTV Role Model has been used to connect the different
partners’ developments into a unified infrastructure.
As depicted in Figure 5.9, the realized infrastructure fits perfectly into the de-
signed architecture for the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core :
Users sitting on top of their formerly siloed entertainment and communication
infrastructures incapable interacting with each other are enabled to interact through
a so-called Shared Experience. This means that they are able to share, consume,
interact and communicate with each other without an awareness of the technology
The composed iNEM4U Platform (Figure 5.10) integrates the IPTV Meta Session
Model (called iSession in the context of the project) and defines various use-cases
and scenarios on top.
Figure 5.9.: Meta Session Management Enabler as part of the session-oriented IPTV
step earlier at the IPTV Session level as described earlier in this chapter. On the
IPTV Meta Session level, content (e.g. personal or public content) is only given by a
unique Content Reference Identifier (CRID) based on the TVAnytime specification
[32] or URL which allows the client to retrieve more detailed information from the
Content Guide Enabler.
Contents can be accessible over the Internet (e.g. Web TV, YouTube) or locally
accessible, e.g. as managed content from an operator network (managed IPTV
or Digital TV Video Broadcast). Contents can furthermore be User Generated
Content (UGC) like live Web cam or in-home media servers. An IPTV Meta Session
is managed by a so-called IPTV Meta Session Service Provider. A IPTV Meta
Session Service Provider has to be located on the Internet to be accessible for
participants but may also, in parallel, be part of a managed network e.g. acting like
an Application Server in IMS environments.
not contain media specific information like media format or media delivery type.
This information is negotiated between the client creating or receiving a IMSD and
the content sources providing the actual content of the IPTV Meta Session.
The IMSD description contains the following elements as visualized in Figure 5.12:
• A unique IPTV Meta Session ID
• List of content items in the IPTV Meta Session given by unique Content IDs.
Content IDs can be TV-Anytime CRIDs, URLs of public resources, URLs for
User Generated Content or an IPTV Meta Session ID (for hierarchical IPTV
Meta Sessions )
• Mapping of Content IDs to Users (e.g. which user consumes which contents)
• Media type like audio, video, picture, Web page, etc. live-streamed, streamed,
• Access control list for session modification, i.e. a list of users which are allowed
to modify a session
5.2. Social IPTV: Meta Sessions 101
Hierarchical IPTV Meta Sessions An IPTV Meta Session may contain a reference
to an embedded IPTV Meta Session in its content list. This allows for the creation
of hierarchical IPTV Sessions. Thus, for example a IPTV Meta Session can describe
a channel containing multiple media resources defined and published by a Service
Provider. If two users decide to consume this IPTV Meta Session together privately
adding other media sources, other users of the channels should not be included
anymore. In that case, the two users can create a private IPTV Meta Session
containing the public IPTV Meta Session plus the private content sources.
IPTV Meta Session Documents The IPTV Session Description document is used
to set up an IPTV Session at an corresponding client. The IMSD can be split over
multiple documents linked together using document URLs. The following logical
sub-documents can be identified:
• User document: contains the list of user IDs, a link to the session description
document and the mapping of user ID and content. Additionally, it may
contain access control information
102 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
• Layout document
• Timing document
By making available the concepts and necessary metadata specifications for the
creation of a IPTV Meta Session, the next section will describe the life-cycle of a
IPTV Meta Session.
often not be feasible. A simple solution to the problem of storing an IPTV Meta
Session is to store the IMSD only.
In this case, media resources are just stored by reference and, if they disappear
(e.g. their URI changes or the source is offline), the session cannot be played back.
This is especially problematic for live content. The extreme opposite of this approach
is a complete recording of the session and all its involved media resources in order
to replay the whole session later.
This involves the storage of all content which was shown during a session (also
live broadcast and video chat), as well as timed relationships if the session was been
modified during runtime (e.g. a content item has been added at a given time after
the start of the session).
Method CreateIPTVMetaSession
Describes Generates a SessionID and creates a session according to the deliv-
ered data.
Argument UserID: The User ID of the session owner. tva: URI to the asso-
ciated media of the session. Description: A name or description of
the session.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the new session.
Method AddUser
Describes Adds the user to the session and notifies all other user in the session.
Argument Session: Session ID of the session the user needs to be added.
UserID: The User ID of the user to add.
NotificationType: Additional Information for the Notification.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the new session.
Method RemoveUser
Describes Removes the User from the session and notifies all other User in
the Session. This also involves deleting the content that the user
Argument Session: Session ID of the session the user needs to be removed.
UserID: The User ID of the user to be removed.
Returns Returns the iSession Description XML of the modified session.
Method ChangeState
Describes Changes the state of the Session.
Argument Session: Session ID of the session the state needs to be changed.
State: The new state of the Session. (can be: CREATED, RUN-
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the modified session.
Method AddContent
Describes Creates and adds the content into the session. Also notifies all
users in the session (or excluding the given User of the UserID).
Additionally, it is possible to add content with a UserID (of the
content owner) and a description.
Argument Session: SessionID of the session the content needs to be added.
URI: Link to the content.
MediaType: Type of the media (e.g. audio, video, image).
UserID: The User ID of the content owner.
Description: A name or description of the content.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the modified session.
Method AddUserContent
Describes Adds the content to the user, showing that the user is consuming
that content.
Argument Session: Session ID of the session to which the content needs to be
added. UserID: The User ID of the content consumer.
ContentID: Content ID of the content to add.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the modified session.
Method RemoveUserContent
Describes Removes the content from the user, showing that the user is not
consuming that content anymore.
Argument Session: Session ID of the session the content needs to be removed.
UserID: The User ID of the content consumer. iContentID: Content
ID of the content to remove.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the modified session.
Method AddLayout
Describes Creates and adds the layout to the session according to the given
arguments. Also notifies all users within the session.
Argument SessionID: Session ID of the session the layout needs to be added.
Type: Type of the layout document (CE-HTML or a SMIL). iURI:
Link to the layout properties document. iResolution: Resolution
for the layout (in HxW, height to width in pixel). iResolutionFor-
mat: Format of the resolution (e.g. PAL, NTSC, 720P, VGA).
Returns Returns the iSession Description XML of the modified session.
Method RemoveLayout
Describes Removes the layout from the session and notifies all users in the
Argument String SessionID: Session ID of the session from which the layout
needs to be removed. String type: Type of layout to remove.
Returns Returns the Session Description XML of the modified session.
Method PollForSession
Describes Gives back all information about the Session with the given iSession
Argument Session: Session ID of the session to pool for.
Returns Returns the iSession Description XML of the new session.
SIP Interface Via the SIP interface, it is possible for clients to call the different
IPTV Meta Session Manager functions using the Session Initiation Protocol and
corresponding definitions for payload carried using XML data. In this case, the
110 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
5.2.5. Discussion
This section has described IPTV Meta Sessions and finalizes the theoretical as-
sumptions and compositions made for this topic.
For the time being, the defined IPTV Meta Session Model has reached a certain
maturity through practical demonstrators developed in parallel to ongoing speci-
fication work. A focus has been set on the signaling aspects and multi-protocol
support for connecting multiple client technologies. Future work will concentrate on
extending the IPTV Meta Session Model to visualization aspects using CE-HTML
and HTML5. This approach will deliver a platform independent methodology for
the execution of IPTV Meta Sessions.
5.3. Interactive Content Provisioning 111
• The Interactivity Layer allowing for the control of the VideoLAN using an
Open Source SIP stack.
5.3. Interactive Content Provisioning 113
• The VideoLAN Core Functionality providing all functionalities for the adap-
tation and streaming of media.
Interactivity Layer The Interactivity Layer contains application logic for the main-
tenance of incoming interactive session requests, e.g. for targeted advertisements.
The engine receives messages from the requesting End Devices and creates in-
ternal states for all initiated sessions. Information about existing session states are
retrievable through an API accessible with the VideoLAN Core Functionality. Based
on this information, the VideoLAN will process the corresponding service logic. In-
coming requests will be evaluated according to requested bandwidth, codec, content
title or streaming service type.
A modification of an existing session implies the modification of the media stream-
ing parameters of the corresponding media session.
5.4.1. Introduction
As described earlier in this chapter, an IPTV Session contains stateful information
about a user’s service consumption, maintained in the so-called IPTV Session State.
This section will focus on describing how these third party access mechanisms can
be used to create additional services on top of the session-oriented infrastructure.
Beside that, the methodologies for Interactive Content Provisioning, as presented
in Chapter 5.3, will be used to provide and adapt content inside these scenarios.
• Read-only operations for the IPTV Session State are sufficient when no inter-
action or manipulation with the content is required, e.g. for voting scenarios
or user polls.
• Session parameters have to change using the IPTV Session State API, when-
ever the interaction model requires a different content or content format, e.g.
for targeted advertisements.
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 115
• The Virtual Quiz Show Service (Section 5.4.5) represents a so-called user par-
ticipation scenario. The scenario requires that the user’s feedback, like in the
Televoting scenario, as well as User Generated Content (UGC) be inserted
into the other participant’s stream coming from other users.
Table 5.18 summarizes the requirements of the three interactive services towards
the IPTV Session State and IPTV Session State API, respectively.
From a service perspective, the three services make use of three abstract API
functionalities, as depicted in Figure 5.16 and have to be implemented by all of
Current interaction schemes in terms of voting during TV shows rely on the in-
teraction of the user using his mobile device (e.g. via SMS) and the TV. This
circumstance poses a not inconsiderable barrier for a lot of users (e.g. usability and
expensive charging for SMS). However, the bidirectional TV experience allows the
user to interact with the system directly via the remote control.
A key feature is participation in television game shows like e.g. the British quiz
show: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? Here, the Ask the Audience question could
be realized by a real audience of thousands of users. The user could then take part
directly from his TV in a lottery with a customized prize (according to his or her
preferences and usual behavior). Metadata
A well-defined XML metadata schema is used to carry the necessary information like
payload during signaling the Televoting Service. This metadata is used inside the
messages exchanged during the scenario and carries, on the one hand, information to
118 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
be displayed to the user on the screen and, on the other, application level signaling
to trigger the application logic on the End Devices and Application Server.
Listing 5.5 and 5.6 show the defined metadata schemas used for the Televoting
Scenario. Beside the questions posed to the user, the price for participation in this
poll, as well as potential answers are provided using the schema. Each question
and answer is combined with a unique identifier. The user’s response contains the
corresponding identifiers for the current poll as well the identifier of the answer given
by the user.
As described above, the Televoting Scenario has been kept as simple as possible
with regards to the used metadata, as well as on the signaling level. Figure 5.18
depicts the simplified signaling procedures used within this scenario.
First, the Voting Service Enabler, representing an Application Server implement-
ing the service logic for the Televoting Service, issues a session modification request
using the IPTV Session State API (ISS API). This request contains information
about a certain user group (e.g. users on a specific channel) as well as the necessary
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 119
metadata for this poll. A session modification is not mandatory in this scenario
but ensures that the IPTV Session Management Enabler is aware of the ongoing
Second, the IPTV Management Enabler issues a SIP INFO message towards sub-
scribed users, fulfilling the session modification request criteria. This message results
in triggering the application logic on the corresponding End Devices, putting the
question and possible answers onto the screen (see Figure 5.16). In a next step, the
user chooses from the presented pool of answers, resulting in a SIP INFO message
that is returned to the IPTV Session Management Enabler and the corresponding
Application Server. Finally, the poll results can be displayed to the user.
Table 5.19 describes these steps according to Figure 5.16.
With the specification of the Televoting Service, a first interactive service using
the Session Oriented Application Environment (SAE) has been mapped onto the
proposed architecture. Due to its simplicity, the resulting user experience is much
better, because no media break occurs during service usage. Answering a poll only
requires a click on the remote control. The following services will describe more
sophisticated services, resulting in more complex signaling, as well as metadata
120 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
Procedure/Message Operation
1. ModifySession This operation sets the Ad Engine to operational
mode with enabled Ad Points.
2. SIP INFO Representing users on a TV channel.
3. 200 OK A trigger has been activated by the scheduler.
4. SIP INFO Targeted users are being selected.
5. Callback An ad clip is selected and associated with each single
user or user group.
6. 200 OK Generating the XML data to be sent to individual
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 121
• The Advertiser or service and product owner who wants his product to be
advertised, e.g. while a user is consuming content.
The following paragraphs will describe how a targeted advertisement system in-
tegrates and enriches these entities into the proposed Open IPTV Ecosystem Core.
OMA Mob Ad The OMA’s Mob Advertisement specifications have been created
to enable targeted advertisement services in mobile networks. Nevertheless, the
specifications also fit into IPTV environments. For this reason, they also play a
role within IPTV standardization. Figure 5.19 illustrates the general idea of the
122 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
OMA’s approach, which shares some similarities with the author’s work as we will
see starting with Section
• The Ad Server is responsible for ad selection (mapping ads to user profiles),
ad delivery (ads and corresponding metadata), ad metric handling and user
data management (gathering data for contextualization and personalization).
• The Ad Engine is the Ad Server’s counterpart on the device and fulfills the
same functionalities at the endpoint including ad acquisition, ad selection, ad
metrics handling, user data handling.
Cablelabs SCTE-130 In contrast to OMA Mob Ad, the SCTE 130 standard sup-
ports a unified platform for addressable advertising, providing inventory and place-
ment definitions while merging content and subscriber metadata for targeting zones
– or, in a unicast environment, for targeting individuals [125].
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 123
Overlay Advertisements This feature is often used for so-called in show sponsor-
ship, putting a special focus on a specific item that apparent in the content. The
presented banners may be enhanced with links to extended content or advertise-
Of course, a mixture of nearly all the presented scenarios is possible, like placing
a targeted Picture-In-Picture Advertisement, telescoped targeted Ads or mixing
targeted and non-targeted advertisements.
The following section will describe where advertisements will be inserted, either
on the client or inside the network.
A splicer works by watching the river of MPEG-2 video bits blasting in from the satellite. When
it sees a "digital cue tone," it executes the task of splicing in the local ad, housed on the video
server [31].
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 125
• through each single client and a switching between different content items,
The concepts presented in this thesis and beginning in the next section support both
approaches, whereas the prototypical implementation made on the context of this
thesis only supports the client side insertion of advertisements.
• The User in front of his TV watching content and inserted personalized adver-
tisements, looking at product pages in telescoped advertisements and making
transactions by buying products.
TAD Data Model In addition to the basic work flow presented in the last section,
a data model is used to compose the whole application life cycle. The entities of the
data model are the following:
126 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
User Group The User Group Entity is responsible for allowing the personalization
of the different advertisements. In this case, a user group represents more general
user-specific information on which a personalization can take place, like for example:
age groups, hobby-related group or gender specific groups.
Advertisement The Advertisement Entity specifies the core attributes for an ad-
vertising spot. This includes, most importantly, a link to the advt. media file
(URL), but also additional information like a name, the vendor, an icon (URL) and
the duration of the media file.
Product Clip The Product Clip Entity adds a (product and advertisement would
not normally be capitalized) Product into an Advertisement. This means that it
contains a start and an end time for the occurrence of a specific Product within
a specific Advertisement. The Product Entity contains all important information
about a specific product. This includes a name, an icon (URL), the vendor, a price
and, a Product Page (not mandatory).
Product Page The Product Page Entity represents a web page with additional
information about the product. This gives the user the possibility to access fur-
ther information about a product he is interested in directly, while watching the
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 127
Advertisement Point The Advertisement Point is the major Entity for triggering
the personalized advertisement process. Mainly it associates a specific content
(Media CRID) with a number of AdvtToGroup Entities. In addition to some
descriptive attributes, it includes a start time when the advertisement is supposed
to be triggered.
Using the data model and its relations, the so-called Compositions Lifecycle de-
scribes the control of the Advertisement Engine and its corresponding state machine.
128 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
• Time stamps and clip duration to allow the client to insert an ad at the right
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 129
State Operation
1. Ad Engine Started The Ad Engine is started by the adminis-
trator. A web interface allows for switch-
ing to either maintenance mode or oper-
ational mode.
2. Advertisement Point Creation In maintenance mode new Advertisement
Points can be created. These points rep-
resent an add trigger point, including ad-
vertisement schemes, schedules, the tar-
geting and mapping to users and corre-
sponding collections of ad clips.
3. Advertisement Selection The first step after having created an Ad
Point consists of adding a collection of
ads. These clips are provided externally,
e.g. by a Content Provider
4. Add Product Clip Each ad consists of at least a product
clip, i.e. a video file.
5. Add Product Page A product page is used for telescoped ads
and added in the form of a URL.
6. Add User Group Finally user groups representing a tar-
geted audience are added to the ad point.
User groups are provided either manu-
ally or by a targeting engine (beyond the
scope of this thesis).
• A media server hosting the content (e.g. Interactive Content Enabler (ICE)
from Chapter 5.3).
• Two users belonging to different target groups, namely Alice and Bob.
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 131
Procedure Operation
1. setAdData This operation sets the Ad Engine to operational
mode with enabled Ad Points.
2. watchContent Representing the users on a TV channel.
3. triggerAd A trigger has been activated by the scheduler.
4. getUsersOnChannel Targeted users selected.
5. findAdForUser An ad clip is selected and associated with each single
user or user group.
6. generateSendData Generating the XML data to be sent to individual
7. mofifySession Triggering the session modification on the IPTV Ses-
sion Management.
8. sessionUpdate Updating active sessions on the end devices.
9. getContent Representing a client’s request for an ad clip
10. playAd A TV or STB playing a targeted ad .
11. showProductInfo Optional representation of product purchase informa-
In contrast to the signaling flow in Figure 5.25, Figure 5.26 illustrates necessary
signaling on the protocol level using SIP. Table 5.22 contains the necessary descrip-
tion information.2
The scenarios and specifications described in this section integrate a targeted adver-
tisement service into the proposed architecture. The different ideas presented here
have been verified through prototypical implementations, which have shown that
the specifications meet the requirements on a functional level. Current limitations
of the service were identified upon implementation. This includes:
For reasons of simplification: Acknowledgement (ACKs) in SIP signaling are not displayed. Also,
session setup procedures between IPTV SC and IPTV SE are not visualized
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 133
Procedure Operation
1. Linear TV Channel request A SIP INVITE message is used by two users
to request a Linear TV channel.
2. IPTV SC response The IPTV Session Management resolves the
request into a multicast address and sends
back a 200 OK message including the mul-
ticast address.
3. Joining a multicast address The user’s clients join the Linear TV chan-
nel on the obtained multicast address.
4. UDP/RTP streaming After joining a multicast address, channels
are streamed using the UDP or RTP proto-
5. Modify Session Request The Targeted Advertisement Enabler initi-
ates a request to modify the targeted users’
sessions including the necessary metadata.
6. SIP INFO SIP INFO messages are sent as in-session
signaling to modify the two user’s Linear TV
sessions using IP multicast to IP unicast for
the targeted advertisement clips .
7. 200 OK The clients acknowledge the SIP INFO mes-
sage with a 200 OK message.
8. RTSP procedures The clients initiate a unicast stream from
the IPTV Session Management using RTSP
signaling. (In before and not visualized: The
IPTV Session Management has initiated a
session towards the ICE.
9. RTP streaming The advertisement clips are streamed using
RTP unicast.
10. SIP INFO (2) The user’s clients inform the IPTV Session
Management on active unicast streaming us-
ing a SIP INFO message.
11. 200 OK (2) The IPTV Session Management responds
with a 200 OK message.
12. Stream MC UDP/RTP After successful play out of all ads, the client
switches back to IP multicast displaying the
original Linear TV channel-
• The usage of the IPTV Session State upon identification of active user sessions
creates a huge overhead in large deployments, or when only small groups of
users shall receive targeted advertisements. The full integration of the IPTV
session State API will solve this problem.
While this section has analyzed how single users could be addressed by a third
party service from the outside, the next section will introduce a service that involves
multiple users that can also interact with each other.
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 137
• In the first case, user participation relies on a shared video content that all
participating users are watching simultaneously. Two friends could therefore
agree to watch a TV event together while each sitting in his own living room,
i.e. in geographically separated spaces. Both friends would watch the TV
event while also seeing each other on a dedicated part of the TV screen and
interacting with each other. This kind of service can be referred to as Watching
Apart Together.
• The second case does not include any shared video content watched by all
users. Rather the final video consists of Web cam videos from all participating
users with values. This kind of user participation is suitable for gaming services
where users can see and compete with each other on TV and can be referred
to as Gaming Apart Together.
• The user’s End Device could receive all video streams (the professional video
stream from the ICE and the Web cam live streams from IPTV subscribers
STBs), mix them up and display them on the TV. This requires a TV or STB
with the ability to receive and render multiple streams from different sources.
Figure 5.28 describes this concept in the case of user participation with shared
• Alternatively, all streams are first fetched by the ICE (Chapter 5.3) where
they get mixed into a single video stream and sent to the participating users.
138 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
The TV therefore receives a single video stream containing the video from
the different sources. Figure 5.29 illustrates this process in the case of user
participation with shared video.
In both cases, the resulting mixed video appears in a mosaic shape or PiP (Picture
in Picture).
Both options have advantages and disadvantages, but the first option is easier on
an implementation level, as it doesn’t require any media processing on the provider
side. Solely, the signaling part of the service should provide the TVs with the
correct physical links in order to retrieve the different Web cam live video streams
from the other user Web cams. This option is best suited to user participation with
shared video, as it requires little control from the service provider and the number
of participating users is typically low. The direct access to Web cam live video
streams may reduce the delay between the source Web cams and the shared video,
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 139
contributing to a synchronous display of the shared video and the Web cam video.
The main drawback however, is the need for some multi-rendering capabilities on
the client side, to display all incoming streams on the TV.
The second option requires the ICE to mix up the final video stream on the net-
work side. Mixing the final stream on an additional node before forwarding it to
users may cause an additional delay between the live sources and the final destina-
tion. Because of the media processing overhead, this option may best suit scenarios
involving several participating users, with no shared video that would require an
additional synchronization process. However, in contrast to the previous option,
the TV receives a single stream and therefore does not require multi-rendering func-
Within the next sections the User Participation on TV idea will be described on
a technical level, introducing a blueprint for the realization of such a kind of service.
Beginning with related work, the scenario will be described in detail. The follow-
ing sections describe the architectural approach chosen, including the designed work
flow, the composed data model, metadata and service signaling. A corresponding
prototypical implementation will be analyzed in Chapter 7.
User Participation on TV fits the idea of Social IPTV already introduced in Chapter
2 perfectly. Specifically, the idea of integrating User Generated Content is hereby
mapped to a form of video chatting as described in various projects.
Additionally, the concepts are also relevant in IPTV standardization [39]. In this
context, Deventer et al [27] have introduced a concept for studio-controlled upload of
User Generated Content in mixed SIP and RTSP signaling environments. The ideas
presented in this paper have influenced the author’s work on User Participation TV.
However, while Deventer et al assume a heterogeneous infrastructure speaking either
the SIP or RTSP protocol, the author introduces a completely integrated approach
using both protocols on all entities.
The corresponding detailed scenario description is provided in the next section.
First, a new network entity, the so-called Quizshow Application Server is introduced
and implemented within the Session-Oriented Application Environment (SAE). This
entity follows the basic principles for Third Party Access, giving access to user’s
IPTV Sessions. The necessary application logic for the creation of metadata and
specific service signaling is implemented here.
The Application Server resides on top of the IPTV Session Management Enabler,
and is able to read and manipulate current session data. A minimum of two partic-
ipating users is needed to create the scenario.
140 Chapter 5. Specification of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core
The ICE is involved as long as the professional context is mixed and combined
inside the network.
• A Web interface allows for the creation, editing and beginning of a virtual quiz
show scenario
• The application logic is responsible for the execution of the service upon it, as
it has been published and triggered within a specific context.
• The participating users are able to join announced quizzes, receive questions,
publish answers and see the final results.
Metadata The data model presented in the last section, and finally instantiated
on an Application Server, will be used with the corresponding metadata whenever
a new scheme is added to the Virtual Quiz Show enabler. Parts of the metadata
are composed dynamically and sent to users in the service signaling described in the
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 141
next section. Listing 5.8 illustrates the metadata used for the announcement of a
Virtual Quiz Show. This data is carried inside a SIP INFO message. Various other
XML Schemas are also used in this context.
Being a complex service, the Virtual Quiz Show also requires a relatively complex
service signaling compared to that of the target advertisement scenario.
The service signaling process consists of two major steps which include:
Announcement Phase This is the first step in the Virtual Quiz Show scenario. As
in all scenarios built on the SAE, the application selects users with active IPTV Ses-
sions using the IPTV Session State. This happens according to previously created
policies. Creation upon contextualization and personalization will not be discussed
here as they are beyond the scope of this work. For example, both users might have
previously subscribed to a Virtual Quiz Show session, or may belong to the same
community sharing the same interests.
The service provider initiates this process using a simple Web interface.
Table 5.23 and Figure 5.33 describe the following steps in detail, beginning with
the Application Server issuing a so called Quiz Show Announcement message:
After finishing the Announcement Phase, both users are prepared to participate in
the actual scenario. The following procedures within the so called Question-Answer
Phase are repeated until the pre-defined number of questions has been reached.
Figure 5.34 and Table 5.24 illustrate and describe the process in detail. Acknowl-
edgements have been left out for reasons of simplification.
5.4. Session-Oriented Interactive Services 143
Procedure Operation
2./3. Start The AS sends a Quiz-show Announcement Message
(QS announcement) in form of an API call (mod-
ifySession) to the IPTV Session Management En-
abler which forwards this message as an in-session SIP
INFO message to the candidates A and B. The mes-
sage contains XML-data providing quiz-show related
Information. This includes:
Procedure Operation
3. Start After candidate A and B have confirmed their partic-
ipation in the session, the AS issues an modifySession
request towards the IPTV Session Management En-
abler. This results in an SIP INFO message towards
A and B. This message contains metadata in detail as
a countdown duration untill the next question.
4./5. Question The next message coming from the AS starts the
questions-answer loop. A SIP INFO message contain-
ing the first question and possible answers is issued.
In parallel, it internally starts a timer which is set to
a fixed time, in which both candidates are expected to
react to the question. Both End Devices receive the
INFO message synchronously and display them on the
screen, allowing the candidates to read questions and
answers on the TV screen and react to them.
6. Buzzer By pressing a buzzer (e.g. the red button on the re-
mote control) each client is able to initiate an INFO
message towards the IPTV Session Management En-
abler and the AS. The AS identifies the initiator of
the first received INFO message and stops the timer.
7./8. Answer The AS issues a request asking both clients to answer
the question. Client A, as the first candidate to press
the buzzer, is initially given the chance to issue an
answer. The client will send his selection to the AS in
a SIP INFO message.
9. Result Finally, the AS stops the timer and sends the result
back to both candidates in a new SIP INFO message,
setting the end of the current iteration and the proce-
dure restarts for the second and all other questions.
5.4.6. Discussion
How easily successful interactive TV scenarios can be mapped on to the proposed
architecture has been demonstrated. Especially the Televoting and Targeted Ad-
vertisement scenarios have been created by modeling plain signaling schemes.
This is also where the limitations of the presented signaling SIP signaling-oriented
approaches become visible:
The Virtual Quiz Show scenario and the the corresponding signaling reaches a
high complexity with regards to the number of messages to be exchanged and the
payload to be carried. In addition, the necessary implementation of client side
application logic also grows exponentially.
For this reason, Web browser-oriented solutions or a combination might be better
suited for complex interactive scenarios.
5.5. Summary
This chapter provided the specifications for services implemented on the Open IPTV
Ecosystem Core architecture. First, it has been demonstrated how session-oriented
streaming services, including Live TV and Video-on-Demand are executed on the
proposed architecture. Mechanisms exposing IPTV session data through the so-
called IPTV Session State and a corresponding API have been presented.
Based on these principles, the IPTV Meta Session concept has been specified,
enabling Social IPTV services on top of the proposed architecture.
An enabler for the provisioning of dynamically generated and adapted contents
was then discussed and used by the interactive services presented.
In the following chapter, implementation details for certain aspects of the specified
infrastructure will be discussed.
6. Implementation
Chapter 6:
Following the specification of functional building blocks, APIs and services for
the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core, as described in Chapters 4 and 5, in this chapter
details about how the specification has been used to implement distinct prototypical
components for the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core will be presented.
The implemented system consists of two core building blocks, namely a conver-
gent runtime environment using Java technology and based on the concept of SIP
and HTTP Servlets. This modular and composite runtime environment hosts the
IPTV Session Management Enabler, IPTV Meta Session Management and Inter-
active Services. Second, implementations for Interactive Content Provisioning and
therefore the Interactive Content Enabler have been realized by extending the source
code of the Open Source media suite VideoLAN 1 .
Clients for service tests and evaluations have been realized through various meth-
ods, either as native implementation using .NET technology or as Web browser-
based solutions implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript and will not discussed
in detail.
Servlets are server-side objects that process incoming requests and send an appro-
priate response to the client. In the case of an IPTV scenario, this client might be a
Set-Top-Box (STB), TV or even a mobile device. Servlets are deployed in a so-called
Servlet container that manages resources to related or integrated components and
technologies like databases and network stacks.
In the case of convergent SIP/HTTP Servlets, both the SIP and the HTTP pro-
tocol are supported resources. The corresponding JSR specifications contain infor-
mation about the basic requirements to fulfill including:
• Information about how SIP/HTTP Servlets interface with other Servlets and
Java EE components
In the realm of this thesis and related projects, it was decided to use the Composite
Java Application Library (COJAL).
The COJAL framework as visualized in Figure 6.2 supports composite Java ap-
plication development. The library, developed at Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, is
inspired by Microsoft’s Composite Application Library (CAL)6 .
A COJAL instance is being configured in the Modularity and Config container al-
lowing for adjustments to module registration and module dependency management
and other application-related information. Furthermore, COJAL offers a eventing
mechanism that allows events to be spread across all modules. Furthermore, User
Interface (UI) Support synchronizes user interface threads with the rest of the ap-
plication. A bootstrapper is available for application startup, a Log Manager for
application-related logging and a so-called Unity Container able to carry common
services and share these services with other modules.
• The Web Communication Module deals with incoming requests using the
HTTP stack used by OTT clients or Web browser-based service maintenance.
Furthermore, the IPTV Session State API is implemented using this module.
• The Database Module provides common functionality for database access. This
includes wrappers for mapping application data to database schemas as well
as the corresponding standard connectors, e.g. JDO or JDBC.
6.1. Session Management & Interactive Services 153
Each service, e.g. the IPTV Session Management Enabler, has been developed ac-
cording to the guidelines and principles discussed within the last sections. Taking
a deeper look into the application logic itself, this section finally describes the ap-
plication model for the IPTV Session Management. The other services have been
implemented analog to their corresponding specifications.
Figure 6.4 provides an overview of the implemented structures and corresponding
data models. Beside the Common Module, Database Module and the two Commu-
nication Modules for Web and NGN communication, the application logic is subdi-
vided into general, enhanced and so-called repository classes for database access.
The general classes provide functionality for starting the service to maintain and
log IPTV sessions.
The enhanced classes are responsible for implementing the session handling it-
self. According to the corresponding data model, each session, representing a user’s
service request, contains exactly one single Media Item. A Media Item corresponds
to a TV channel or a video stored in the connected content management system.
Furthermore, each session is mapped onto a Service Type object. This service object
describes the service type, e.g. Live TV or Video-on-Demand. Finally, each Media
Item can be mapped onto a Media Container. A Media Container collects multiple
Media Items to a specific Service Type. Media Containers are used to build channel
154 Chapter 6. Implementation
bouquets, which are made available during service discovery processes whenever an
End Device is started and searches for available services.
The repository classes implement all aspects necessary for the storage and retrieval
of session-related data from a connected database or local memory.
Database access is necessary whenever a user requests content in the form of a Live
TV channel, or a video to resolve corresponding usage rights, or the URL pointing
to the media server hosting the content.
Furthermore, data is written to the databases during a session allowing interactive
scenarios implemented using the IPTV Session State to be driven, in order to restore
a session upon system errors or during session handover scenarios to other devices.
After a session is terminated the session data is written to a log file. This data is
used to create statistical data concerning service and application usage.
Figure 6.4.: IPTV Session Management Enabler implementation: Object & Data
6.2. Interactive Content Enabler Prototype 155
to serve a large number of clients concurrently. VLM allows for the composition of
dynamic contents allowing the creation of a chain constructed by:
• An Input Element (video and audio files or and network video/audio streams).
The VLM can either be triggered via multiple protocols like Telnet and a HTTP
interface, or by using a low-level API.
This API was used in the context of the implementation described here, and was
connected with the SIP stack presented above.
Figure 6.6 shows the structure of the designed application, combining both Open
Source projects.
The designed extensions have been added in the form of a plug-in to the VideoLAN
and are named VideoLan Core.
When the plugin is loaded and started, the Interactive Content Enabler (ICE) is
listening for incoming SIP requests. Upon reception of a SIP INVITE message, the
ICE identifies the message and decides, according to the information carried inside
the SDP, which streaming service is actually requested by the End Device.
The ICE then uses the so-called Advanced Streaming API to start the appropriate
streaming function running the corresponding logic. The Advanced Streaming API
6.2. Interactive Content Enabler Prototype 157
in turn makes uses of a second more basic API, the Basic Streaming API that
realizes the stream pipeline towards the requesting clients.
In the following, the realized modules and APIs will be described in more detail.
in case of high load on the ICE, load balancing mechanisms could be implemented
on the IPTV Session Management Enabler connected to multiple independent ICE
instances. Finally, it is worth mentioning that only the signaling part of the ICE
is single threaded. The media delivery part however, reuses the multi-threading
capabilities of VLC to serve multiple stream End Devices simultaneously.
• Create Input, allowing for the selection of a specific input source, e.g. a URL
a video file, a DVB device.
• Create VLM Media Session, allowing for the creation of a managed VLM
This chapter re-addresses the concepts and scenarios discussed and specified in
the last chapters and demonstrates their applicability to laboratory and partial real
world conditions.
The main purpose of this chapter is to show that the ideas fit the requirements
of technical feasibility, as well as user expectations.
First, validation criteria for Interactive IPTV Services will be defined and mapped
onto the different tests and case studies described in this chapter.
Various – at first glance proprietary and incompatible technologies – will be com-
bined and coordinated under the umbrella of the proposed architecture from Chap-
ter 4 and shown in interaction.
The outcome is then used to validate this work against products already on the
market or facing upcoming release.
Feasibility tests represented the most important tool for making decisions on
next steps and future developments. Furthermore, demonstrators and prototypes
developed in this phase have been used to demonstrate concepts and technologies
during academic conferences and corresponding demo sessions. Feasibility tests can
be considered a combination of performance, usability and integration testing.
Performance Testing Where applicable, detailed performance tests have been con-
ducted in order to analyze implemented systems under laboratory and test bed con-
ditions. As described above, the metrics for IPTV performance tests have to be
selected very carefully, to allow for a comparison with other approaches. For this
reason, performance tests have been limited to aspects of:
• Media Server performance when testing the Virtual Quiz Show scenario.
Integration Testing The systems and prototypes developed in the course of this
thesis garnered a high level of interest whenever integration tests with other research
groups have been conducted. In more detail, this was applicable especially to the
research projects funded by the European Commission, and during standardization
activities. This included official interoperability events 1 as well as IPTV proof-of-
concept activities2 conducted with industry partners.
During these interoperability events, implementations according to contributions
made to Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) have been tested against
other equipment, as well as introducing new features.
Usability Testing Usability Testing allows for the evaluation of a system or service
by testing it with users [96]. In the course of this thesis, no systematic usability
tests have been undertaken by the author’s research group itself, nonetheless the
developed features and services had a strong user focus. For this reason, different
activities concerning usability testing have been conducted with external partners,
from the broadcasting and media industry.
In Table 7.1 each System Under Test (SUT), as derived from the specifications
and implementations from Chapters 5 and 6 has been listed. Furthermore, for each
SUT an analysis of how much focus has been put onto a dedicated testing method
has been performed.
7.1. Validation Criteria for Interactive IPTV Services 163
During testing on the IPTV Session Management Enabler it has been concentrated
on measurements of signaling delays, Application Server and database performance.
First, tests were limited to pure feasibility tests, then later extended to performance
testing, checking the applicability of the specifications made. This included the
session-oriented IPTV Role Model as specified in Chapter 2 and the Third Party
Access mechanism introduced in Chapters 4 and 5.
164 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
This evaluation allows for the measurement of delays on media level, i.e. switching
between a Live TV channel received via IP multicast and a sequence of ads received
as unicast streams. All switching took place on the client.
The targeted advertisement scenario is equal to a channel change scenario but
from multicast to unicast and back. Indirectly, it also allows for measurements of
the IP multicast switching performance. SIP session setup delays have not been
analyzed, but the delays during the process of joining a multicast channel and ads
streamed via RTSP/RTP or HTTP have.
This test setup has been used to analyze media server performance. In more detail,
this test case analyzes the content adaptation and mixing capabilities of the Inter-
active Content Enabler. The practicability of server-side content mixing has been
analyzed by measuring the delays for server side User Generated Content insertion.
This scenario can also be used to predict server side ad-insertion performance as an
alternative to the client side ad insertion scenario from the last section.
• IPTV Meta Session & Social TV features in iNEM4U; Integration test of the
Meta Session from the concept, as specified in Chapter 5 with semi-commercial
TV prototypes from Philips in the scope of a European research project.
• Third Party Access API: Integration and feasibility test of the IPTV Session
State API as specified in Chapter 5, using corresponding implementations
from Chapter 6. Client systems and own prototypes from Samsung and a
Microsoft Mediaroom test client have been interconnected, showing a user’s
cross domain IPTV Session State on multiple devices.
7.2. Overall Test Bed 165
• Thick clients and applications running on PCs or STBs that implement proto-
col stacks and required functionality in native code. Mostly used for managed
network approaches requiring a SIP stack.
• Thin clients or, running browser-based applications hosted within the network
and executed inside a Web browser. Mostly used for Over-The-Top (OTT)
166 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Table 7.2.: Components of the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core Test Bed
7.2. Overall Test Bed 167
While the lab’s prototypes implement both approaches, the latter category repre-
sents the more current development. This follows the latest trends in industry and
academia. Currently available implementations have been realized and connected
to the infrastructure described in the last section:
Future work will concentrate on HTML5 and corresponding technologies like Rich
Internet Applications.
• The delivery infrastructure called Interactive Content Enabler (ICE) for pro-
viding static content or dynamic delivery schemes.
Table 7.2 collects all components including End Devices and network side enablers,
including a brief overview of available interfaces.
SIPp3 allowing for the simulation of user requests for IPTV services. Further-
more, an instance of the Open IMS Core and the IPTV Session Management
Enabler. The IPTV Session Management can be subdivided into the Servlet
container managing incoming requests on protocol level, the application logic
managing request on service level and the Session Repository acting as a per-
sistent or non-persistent database for all managed sessions.
2. Testing setup (2) contains the same components as (1) but no instance of the
Open IMS Core. In this setup, SIP messages are sent directly from the test
tool to the IPTV Session Management Enabler.
3. Testing setup (3) is meant for directly testing the interface from the application
logic to the connected database or local memory.
1. A SIP INVITE message is sent from the test tool to the IPTV Session Man-
agement Enabler
2. The IPTV Session Management Enabler evaluates the incoming request and
reads information concerning the requesting user’ access rights , the selected
service and the specific media item from the database (three steps depicted as
a single message in the diagram). In parallel, a 100 TRYING message is sent
back to the test tool, indicating the ongoing evaluation.
3. The connected database responds with information about the user’s access
rights, service information and a media URL, if necessary.
5. A 200 OK message carrying the information from the previous step is sent
back to the test tool.
170 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Figure 7.2.: Options for System under Test; IPTV Session Management Enabler
8. The test tool sends a session termination request in the form of a BYE message
10. A 200 OK message is sent back to the test tool. The IPTV session is termi-
nated. Results
The performance and feasibility analysis conducted on the described environment
has been conducted according to the testing scheme introduced in the last section by
issuing a certain number of IPTV service requests from the test tool to the IPTV Ses-
sion Management Enabler, and the connected persistent or non-persistent database
or memory, respectively. Another variation has been introduced by modifying the
number of service requests per test run.
The SUT is based on a Windows 2008 Server 64 Bit running on a IBM x3650,
Typ 7979 machine. The system consists of 2x Intel Xeon [email protected] Quad-Core
CPU with a total of 16 GB RAM.
Figure 7.5 shows the average results of the conducted system test, i.e. IPTV
service requests issued towards the IPTV Session Management Enabler. Results
7.2. Overall Test Bed 171
Figure 7.3.: Options for System under Test; Switching Session Repositories
Figure 7.4.: SIP and Internal Application Level Signaling During Test Case
172 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Figure 7.5.: Measurement of IPTV Session Setup and Termination Delay Local
Memory, Relational Database and Object-Oriented Database using dif-
ferent Load Levels.
have been collected on a SIP signaling level (TE ) and for internal computation time
(TI ) aggregating the delay for each single message. Furthermore, this data has been
collected for all three storage types separately. The resulting graph, depicted as
Figure 7.5, shows the results for measurements on a signaling level.
Taking this into account, the signaling delay has been proven to be between
around 60 and up to 90ms and therefore fulfills the requirements under laboratory
Even with the number of users increased to a certain limit, the local memory
approach (red line) and the object-oriented database (blue line) show nearly constant
behavior, while the relational database shows some performance limitations.
7.2. Overall Test Bed 173
Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages, and will not be discussed
here again but rather the corresponding prototypical implementation for client-side
Targeted Advertisement as specified in Chapter 5.
T M U = t M U 2 − tM U 1 (7.1)
3. The client’s application logic analyzes the received metadata and starts to
request the targeted advertisements when wall clock time and metadata match.
The first measurement (tM U 1 ) is written to the log file upon request, the second
(tM U 2 ) when the player reports the isPlaying event.
7.2. Overall Test Bed 175
4. When the advertisements clip has reached its end, the client initiates a switch
back to the Live TV signal (tU M 1 ), by joining the corresponding multicast
resource again. tU M 2 is taken when the client reports a isPlaying event for
the multicast channel. Results
The measurements taken in this test case were designed to analyze the feasibility of
the approach chosen for targeted ad insertion.
First, it must be denoted that the measurements are only representative under
ideal conditions: The network load can be assumed as zero without taking the test
user into account. This means that no interference with other services or parallel
service usage has been taken into account.
Furthermore, the simple network infrastructure with just a single switch or hop
allows for fast signaling, e.g. when joining a multicast group.
In Table 7.4, the average values for switching from Live TV to a unicast adver-
tisement, and back from the advertisement to the corresponding Live TV channel
have been denoted. Furthermore, Figure 7.8 depicts the absolute measurements for
thirty test runs.
As denoted in Table 7.4, the switching times are relatively constant for each sub
test case, e.g. around 150ms for switching to multicast and around 550ms when
switching to a unicast signal.
176 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
1. Measurements of CPU load before and during the mixing process on the In-
teractive Content Enabler : Video mixing is a time, memory and especially
computational power consuming process. The CPU load measurements have
been taken on the End Device and the ICE.
3. Measurements of the delay when mixing the different input sources on the
ICE. Corresponding measurement points have been added to the source code
and automatically compute the mixing delay. The mixing delay is computed
by matching the sequence number and wall clock time of the first incoming
packet with its counterpart, represented by the first outgoing packet.
4. An indirect measurement of the down link delay, i.e. measuring the time the
first video packet leaves the the mixing engine and the End Device reports a
isPlaying event. Results
The measurements taken in the context of this scenario have been taken to validate
the approach chosen, namely the server-side content mixing approach for the Virtual
Quiz Show scenario.
7.2. Overall Test Bed 179
The goal of the tests and measurements taken was to verify if such a scenario is
feasible, especially with regards to different delays occurring on the End Device as
well as on the ICE.
From a plain functional point of view, the specified scenarios worked flawlessly.
When analyzing the results from Table 7.5 it becomes obvious that a total delay of
around 2500ms occurs when transporting a user’s Web camera signal to the other
user, where a peer-to-peer scenario with multiple content rendering on the End
Device would create a delay of around 1500ms.
Another issue is client and server performance, as depicted in Figure 7.11. Even
with powerful hardware, the ICE nearly reaches its limit with regards to available
CPU resources. In this specific case, one standard definition TV stream in MPEG2
file format and Web camera streams in Motion JPEG format with a resolution of
640*480 have been used.
180 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Figure 7.11.: CPU Load of Interactive Content Enabler & End Device during Test
Case (Intel Xeon DP CPU 2,5GHz, Intel Core Duo 1,6GHz)
Table 7.5.: Measurements of Mixing Delay for the Virtual Quiz Show Scenario
7.2. Overall Test Bed 181
7.2.5. Discussion
The last sections were used to validate three different scenarios, as specified in
Chapter 5. First, the implementations for IPTV Session Management Enabler have
been taken under analysis, followed by the Targeted Advertisement scenario and the
Virtual Quiz Show.
It has been demonstrated that all specifications fit the requirements from Chapter
3 to a certain degree, where limitations occur especially for real time aspects, which
are beyond the scope of this thesis. Furthermore, how the services integrate into
the designed architecture from Chapter 4 has been demonstrated.
The next section will present three different case studies conducted during work
on this thesis in the course of different international research projects. These case
studies will also take up the concepts and enablers verified in this section, especially
the IPTV Session Management Enabler. The presented case studies will furthermore
concentrate on interactive services developed on top of the IPTV Session Manage-
ment Enabler. Validation for these case studies is limited to a plain feasibility check.
No measurements have been taken.
182 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
• Creating an iSession
On top of that, the novelty of iSessions is that they support multi-user sessions
across domains. In this context, multi-domain implies that multiple user front ends
incorporating different technological aspects have been integrated, and will be de-
scribed in the next section. Figure 7.13 depicts the three different states of an
iSession, including the main menu screen of two different UIs, the iSession listing in
the middle and an active iSession on the right.
• The Open IPTV Ecosystem Core, i.e. parts of its IMS signaling infrastructure
that use the Open IMS Core.
The Philips NetTV client is a TV with CE-HTML browser in which the client
application is running. It offers personalized home portals to the users. Users can
then browse and play any sessions offered by the iSession manager/repository.
The FOKUS IMS-Based IPTV client is a PC-based native application with a
similar functionality offered to the user. There is no difference between these clients
from a user perspective, except for the HTTP protocol for communication with the
Meta Session Application Serve r, while the IMS client uses SIP. The Meta Session
Manager offers implementations for both interfaces and thereby acts as a mediator
between them and enables cross domain functionality.
The XMPP protocol is used for communication with and synchronization of
clients. Each active iSession has one chat room through which all clients can commu-
nicate. E.g. if one client enters a session, an event is sent to all other clients already
inside the chat room, giving them an opportunity to also pause the playback. All
synchronization messages are exchanged via this chat-room. The following scenario
shows the way in which one user chooses to watch iSession. The system detects that
his friend (member of aggregated buddy list) is already watching the same iSession,
184 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
and offers the user the opportunity to invite the friend to watch the session in a
synchronised manner. If friends decide to do this, sync agents will synchronize that
playback on all clients. Users can also invite other friends to join the same iSession.
• Search Session: The Meta Session Manager acts as a Session Repository and
allows connected clients to search for active sessions and then list them in the
user interface
• Join Sessions: The user can select a session from the UI and join a session, i.e.
starting contents belonging to a session.
• Add Content: Users who have joined an iSession can add content like pictures,
videos or audio content to an iSession.
• Add Users: Each user might add new users to an iSession by inviting them
through a dedicated message. The invited user gets a notification (e.g. a SIP
MESSAGE) and can join the iSession through his user interface.
• Remove Content: Each user might have the right to delete content from a
session. This content then also disappears in the list of available content for
other users.
Figure 7.13 depicts certain aspects of the prototype described in this case study.
The first picture (upper left corner) shows the main menu of both clients, allowing
iSession usage to start. The second (upper right) shows the iSession menu of the
IMS-based implementation. The third picture (lower left) shows the iSession listing
of both clients, including a single listed session. The fourth picture illustrates a
started iSession with a video playing.
7.3.3. Discussion
Today, consumers are able to access multimedia content and services through differ-
ent types of networks: Broadcast TV, internet, home networks and mobile. It is not
currently possible for users and service providers to create media experiences that
make use of all of the different content types and services available in these domains.
The iSession and corresponding Meta Session model bridges that gap. In this case,
it demonstrates the use of the cross-domain Meta Session model, synchronization
algorithm and cross-domain buddy list. The benefits for the user are:
• Creation of live content for others across operators’ and service providers’
• The FOKUS IPTV Media Client, acting as a native IMS-based IPTV client
using managed signaling (SIP) towards the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core.
• An enriched status feature that shows the content currently consumed by each
user (TV channel / VoD asset)
188 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
In addition to the passive consumption of the the information above, two features
that make use of the IPTV Session State API are also available:
• "See What I See" feature that allows participants to invite other users to the
content currently being viewed.
• "Watch The Same" feature that allows a user to tune to the content viewed
by another user.
Figure 7.15 depicts the system’s overall approach with the Open IPTV Ecosystem
Core in the center and the Yahoo! Widget Channel client, the Mediaroom client
and the IMS-based IPTV client connected via the IPTV Session Management API.
• The FOKUS Media Client, as already described in the first study, is a na-
tive IMS-Based IPTV application. This application uses the SIP protocol
to interconnect with the infrastructure provided. It uses the communication
path through the Core IMS in order to trigger content from the IPTV Ses-
sion Management Enabler. An established session inside the Media Session
Request Logic instantiates a new entry inside the Session Repository. This
session also updates the IPTV Session State information.
7.4. Case Study: Cross Domain IPTV Session State 189
• A native implementation for the Microsoft Mediaroom platform that uses the
so called Media Presentation Framework (MPF) and is written in ASP.NET
and JScript, respectively. This implementation follows the same principles as
the Yahoo! Widget Channel client.
Through the extension of the IPTV Session State API in the near future, various
other scenarios will be enabled and thereby enrich the current implementation.
7.4.3. Discussion
The two case studies described in the second part of this chapter were created using
three different commercial and non-commercial frameworks, and therefore run in
three different IPTV ecosystems.
Nevertheless, all implementations can share information with little implementa-
tion effort. Without assuming anything in advance, it has to be concluded, that even
190 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Figure 7.17.: Prototypical widget running on a Sony TV and Intel STB with Yahoo!
TV Widget Channel
though the currently existing IPTV ecosystems use silo-oriented approaches, the in-
terconnection and perhaps even harmonization of interfaces is also possible. The
author will try to advance this idea through the presentation of new and updated
demonstrations in the near future.
The limitations of the current solution rest mainly on the fact that the scenarios
might not fit the business models of solution providers like Microsoft. From a
technical perspective, the ideas described here are also more or less relevant to
different IPTV standardization bodies.
Nevertheless the IPTV Session State, without the use of an appropriate API, does
not make sense for connecting a third party, unless these third party solutions are
used in standardized environments where the interoperability is required. For this
reason, work in this area has to be continued, especially with regard to open APIs
that allow for the control of IPTV scenarios.
7.5. Case Study: Singapore Proof-of-Concept 191
7.5.1. Background
In 2006, the Singaporean government, and on its behalf the InfoComm Development
Authority 7 (IDA), identified the need to develop a Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH)
infrastructure, called the Next Generation National Broadband Network (NGNBN).
The nationwide offer is intended to reach across Singapore with an initial downlink
speed of 100 Mbps and scalable to 1 Gbps. A 60 per cent coverage of all residential
premises and nonresidential buildings by end of 2010, and 95 per cent by 2012 would
be reached. Following a regulated Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach, a
three-tier deployment model has been developed. This includes:
• A NetCo responsible for designing, building and operating the passive infras-
tructure layer of the NGNBN.
With the ongoing deployment of the NGNBN infrastructure, IDA and the Me-
dia Development Authority (MDA) had created the Next Generation Interactive
Multimedia, Applications and Services (NIMS) project by mid-2009.
The goal of this project is to create an ecosystem with a focus on interactive
IPTV. The project has been structured in two phases in which Phase 1 was focused
on understanding the requirement for interactive IPTV, collecting key considerations
and industry trends. Phase 2 targeted creating a dialogue with specific participants
to understand proposed models and key regulatory considerations as well as to
develop functional requirements for NIMS Common Featured (CF) Set Top Box
(STB). As part of Phase 2 in December 2009, the so called NIMS Panel was formed
192 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
by IDA/MDA, consisting of eleven industry players taking part in the dialogue. The
NIMS panel is responsible for recommending the appropriate IPTV standards.
In parallel to the NIMS Industry Dialogue, IDA/MDA initiated the NIMS IPTV
Proof-of-Concept sub-project. Different IPTV Standard Development Organization
(SDOs) including DVB, ETSI TISPAN, ITU-T and OIPF presented their view-
points. OIPF decided to take part in this practical activity by asking the member-
ship for contributions to the requirements and test cases issued by IDA/MDA.
Requirement: IPTV Middleware for a Managed Network The focus of the NIMS
project on a managed fibre network infrastructure requires the integration of corre-
sponding middleware systems. As already described in the beginning of this chapter,
the FOKUS Open IPTV Ecosystem fulfills these requirements and is compliant with
multiple managed network environments.
Figure 7.19 depicts the current setup including HTML5 middleware (second left),
Service Provider selection menu (second right) and interactive applications (right).
7.5.4. Discussion
The Singapore Proof-of-Concept has proven to be a challenge for the participat-
ing companies and research facilities as, for the first time, an end-to-end reference
implementation of the Open IPTV Forum’s Release 1 specifications needed to be
194 Chapter 7. Measurements & Validation
Finally, the selection of the OIPF’s specification by IDA/MDA for further consid-
eration and adoption in Singapore has been recognized as a huge success, especially
for the involved industry partners. For research facilities like Fraunhofer FOKUS
and the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), the success was twofold in helping and
facilitating industry with regard to standards adoption, as well as demonstrating fea-
tures not yet part of the specifications but that go beyond the current requirements
like the demonstrated HTML5 capable middleware and T-Governmental applica-
the Open IPTV Ecosystem Core, other components have mostly been integrated into
the system and not the other way around, i.e. in the case of database systems. This
has been demonstrated in this chapter in the test case on IPTV Session Management
or in the Virtual Quiz Show scenario integrating the VideoLAN project.
Scalability Scalability has not been tested explicitly when evaluating the Open
IPTV Ecosystems Core. The test cases on IPTV Session Management partly tested
the scalability of the system, when doing database performance test.
created during work on this thesis has demonstrated its applicability to the re-
quirements described during different international research projects with industry
partners and partners from academia.
Performance Performance tests allow for the comparison of a system against the
requirement defined beforehand, to verify the applicability to real world or market
conditions. In the course of this thesis, the IPTV Session Management represents
the most critical component of the overall system. Performance tests have shown
that the system fulfills requirements under certain conditions. For a real world ap-
plication, more specific load and parallel usage tests must be conducted. Under
laboratory and test bed conditions, the system fully fulfills the described require-
ments, e.g. derived from ITU-T or ETSI specifications.
Meta Sessions The Meta Session concept acts as an enabler for all Social IPTV
aspects discussed in this thesis. A key element is the availability of interfaces for
multiple platforms. This flexible mechanism allows for the connection of OTT and
Managed IPTV clients as demonstrated for a Philips NetTV and the Open IPTV
Ecosystems Core, including corresponding managed clients.
Social IPTV represents the latest trend for IPTV at the point this thesis was
written. Various market players have announced services in this area, ranging from
CE manufacturers using OTT approaches up to Telco TV providers integrating
already available communication services. The concepts presented in this thesis
therefore have a high relevance for research and academia and might be implemented
into upcoming standards and products.
8. Assessment & Comparison with
Related Works
Chapter 8:
Assessment & Comparison with Related
Evaluation Criteria
Related Works
Interactive IPTV systems and adjunct topics are a wide field of research. Numer-
ous research groups have, and are still actively contributing to the specific areas
described in this section.
With respect to the different areas referenced in this thesis, mostly framework-
oriented approaches, providing end-to-end IPTV systems, have been analyzed. In
more detail, this includes architectural approaches, frameworks for Application Pro-
grammable Interfaces (APIs), allowing for access to these architectures from the
outside, as well as systems for the creation and delivery of contents. Furthermore,
the most important frameworks for shared content consumption and Social TV are
This section analyzes the 25 most relevant contributions to this field by providing
a description and categorization of the work. Afterwards, the analyzed contributions
will be compared to each other and with the author’s work.
Open APIs allow for the extension of the above-mentioned architectural ap-
proaches with interfaces for third party applications or content providers. The
selected contributions either provide theoretical contributions to the field or extend
existing infrastructures and demonstrators.
8.1.2. Criteria
Beside this general categorization and mapping of each contribution into the corre-
sponding category described above, each of them has been analyzed with regards to
the following evaluation criteria, summarized in the following:
System Setup The system setup is analyzed with regards to the technological
approach chosen, its maturity and potential real world applicability.
• Social TV aspects like shared service consumption and shared service experi-
8.2. Architectural Approaches & Services for Session-Oriented IPTV
Systems 201
8.2.1. Bodzinga06
Approach Bodzinga et al. provided in [11] one of the first contributions to the new
field of research concerning the integration of IPTV into NGN/IMS infrastructures.
For this purpose, they analyzed different aspects and advantages relevant to the
integration of entertainment services into a telecommunication infrastructure.
Contributions The key points of the their analysis can be summarized as follows
and are limited to theoretical assumptions and contribution to IPTV standardiza-
• Service Blending allows for the combination of existing services, e.g. Instant
Messaging (IM), voice or video telephony with IPTV.
• Common service signaling, e.g. through re-using the SIP protocol for IPTV
session signaling as well.
8.2.2. Fasbender06
Approach In [123] Fasbender et al. describe an approach towards a personalized,
interactive IPTV solution based on open standards.
They contribute to the field by providing an overview of potential scenarios for
convergent IPTV solutions, a technology mapping onto NGN infrastructures and an
update of IPTV standardization activities.
202 Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
8.2.3. Chatras07
Chatras et al. [8] continue describing the advantages of NGN/IMS-based infrastruc-
tures for IPTV. In the same manner as previous contribution described earlier, ad-
vantages like a common identity, resource and charging management are described.
Furthermore, signaling principles for session-oriented IPTV services are taken under
Contributions Chatras describes in great detail, and in parallel to his work within
standardization in ETSI TISPAN, how IPTV services in NGN infrastructures are
bootstrapped through so-called Service Discovery Mechanisms, how IPTV streaming
and broadcast sessions are established and how services like a network Personal
Video Recorder (nPVR) can be realized.
This information is provided by describing high level signaling flows. Practical
implementations were beyond the scope of the author’s work.
8.2.4. Riede07
Approach The team at Fraunhofer FOKUS started very early with valuable, and
practical analysis and implementations of next generation IPTV infrastructures.
The resulting works concerning mainly infrastructural ideas, session concepts and
implementations are reflected in Riede et al.’s work presented in [111] and [110].
Application Server. The developed component integrated seamlessly into the IPTV
test bed at Fraunhofer FOKUS.
In addition to implementation details, the signaling of session-oriented IPTV ser-
vices is also described in this work. This includes detailed signaling flows for Video-
on-Demand services.
Finally, some measurements of IPTV session setups through fixed Local Area
Networks (LAN) or WiFi networks are presented.
8.2.5. Mas08
Approach In [82], Mas et al. describe AT&T and Ericsson’s approach to an
NGN/IMS-based IPTV ecosystem. They describe session flows for some impor-
tant use-cases, such as for accessing the EPG, Video–on-Demand and fast channel
change. Furthermore, some screens of a prototypical implementation are presented.
• VoD/Broadcast TV
• Remote Authorization
• Interactivity
8.2.6. Mikoczy08
Approach In [90], Mikoczy et al. describe a prototype environment for session-
oriented IPTV services developed in the context of a project called Scalenet 1 .
The developed system reflects standardization efforts within ETSI TISPAN, as
parts of the team were active in the standardization process.
204 Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
The implemented end-to-end IPTV infrastructure has then been used to connect
clients through different access networks and measure the QoS adaption perfor-
8.2.7. Volk08
Approach Volk et al.[134] present a theoretical approach to a policy-based NGN-
IPTV quality assurance model. The described assumptions have been added to
existing specification s coming from ETSI TISPAN.
8.2.8. Menezes09
Approach In [84], the author describes his work on a SIP-based IPTV platform
integrated into an IMS infrastructure. The main focus of his research centers around
signaling aspects for session-oriented IPTV, the prototypical implementation of the
Session Controller and measurements of session setup, channel change and QoS
adaptation scenarios.
8.3.2. Mikoczy09
Approach In [88], Mikoczy et al. describe the concept of combinational or blended
IPTV services and their exposition to third parties in the concept a Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA). Basic service enablers from the NGN domain like presence,
messaging, buddy list and notification are used in combination with IPTV services
creating new service and business models.
8.3.3. Daher09
Approach & Contributions Daher describes in his diploma thesis [25] an infras-
tructure that combines the benefits of a session-oriented approaches for the dynamic
provisioning of multimedia streaming services, with a Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA). It provides a generic API allowing third party services to make use of the
206 Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
8.3.4. Yang09
Approach An open service control platform for IPTV, following the principles of a
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been chosen by Yang et al. for their work
on IPTV platforms [139] [138].
8.3.5. Yoon10
Approach and Contributions Yoon et al. describe in [140] the convergence of
broadcasting and telecommunication through IPTV. They furthermore outline the
relevance of open APIs in these environments, also building the bridge to the Web
8.4.1. Waiting08
Approach & Contributions In [136] Waiting et al describe developments at the
University of Capetown (UCT), South Africa on the UCT IPtv server. This server is
a SIP application server that streams up to three channels to multiple destinations.
The server is built on top of the Open Source SIP library eXosip to support session-
based SIP signalling and the GStreamer Library for media delivery and it is released
free on the Internet under the GPLv3 licence. Its primary goal is to serve a limited
number of packet-based media streams to as many clients as possible, similarly to
regular digital terrestrial and satellite television broadcasts. The server is designed
to fit tightly within IMS architectures, therefore unlike other IPtv solutions, it uses
SIP exclusively for signalling.
8.4. Content Provisioning 207
8.4.2. Kadlic09
Approach & Contributions In [75], Kadlic et al. analyze the concept of a net-
worked Personal Video Recorder (nPVR) as part of the IPTV infrastructures of the
University of Capetown (UCT) and the NGNLab 2 .
Kadlic provides details about the proposed architectural integration of the nPVR
functionality into the test bed infrastructure and some information on how broadcast
assets might be stored into a database.A detailed description of the prototypical
implementation is lacking.
8.4.3. Menai09
Approach Menai et al describe in [83] their work on standard SIP/RTSP-based
Content Delivery Networks (CDN).
8.4.4. Arnaud10
Approach Arnaud et al. [6] propose new functionalities for IMS-based IPTV ar-
chitectures enhancing the level of user satisfaction, as well as limiting the resource
utilization of the operator’s network.
Contributions This was reached through a new context-sensitive user profile model
for the delivery of adapted streams to the user’s environment. Furthermore, a
Multimedia Content Management System (MCMS) is proposed for the performance
of cross-layer adaption of the provided contents.
8.4.5. Cruz10
Approach Cruz et al. describe an approach for the development, implementation
and evaluation of a SIP-based IPTV architecture with a new dynamic QoS adapta-
tion method and signaling structure [24].
208 Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
8.5.2. Wilson09
Approach According to Wilson et al. in [137], session-oriented IPTV systems are
qualified to deliver personalized advertisement services.
The advertisement system has been implemented as an additional component in
the end-to-end IPTV test bed of the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.
Media. Altogether, Social IPTV scenarios provide a fruitful baseline for the system
described in the scope of this thesis, when combined with technologies for user
front ends (e.g. Declarative Application Environments ) and the Session-Oriented
Application and IPTV environments presented in the next section.
Social IPTV is used to refer to a variety of experimental systems that claim to
support social experiences for television viewers, and research such experiences [14].
In more detail, Montpetit et al [92] define Social IPTV as follows :
"video services that integrate other communication services like voice, chat,
context awareness, and peer ratings to support a shared TV experience interactivity
with peer groups (shared viewing) and peer recommendations are driven by the
recent rise of social networks"
8.6.2. Nathan08
Approach In [94] the authors from the AT&T labs present their work on a Social
TV system called CollabraTV. Unlike some other systems, like the previously dis-
cussed AmigoTV or STV below, CollabraTV is focused on supporting asynchronous
210 Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
Contributions Results were gained through extensive lab studies that tested the
various features of the platform, including:
8.6.3. Boertjes08
Approach The ConnecTV project was carried out within the so called B@Home
project and is described in detail in [12]. ConnecTV is unique in the field of Social
Television research because the prototype was implemented for a field test in about
50 households in the city of Enschede.
Contribution With regard to features, ConnecTV uses the XMPP protocol, like
in the Amigo TV project, for communication purposes between users. This includes
features like a buddy list, rich presence that shows other users’ TV channels and a
feature that allows for switching to channels other users are currently watching.
Additionally, TV program recommendations, follow and invite a friend scenarios
have been implemented. A most popular channel service community feature was
also available during the field test.
In the results, the follow a friend scenario in combination with the available buddy
list was used by most of participants, showing that the communication features were
• Two different communication channels, including text chat and group voice
• The integration of a user’s viewing habits into the EPG of other buddies
When examining the results so far, it turns out that in Shared Viewing scenarios
some communications channels are better suited than others. Especially in that
voice chats are more accepted than text chat.
Additionally, most of the participants did not want the video chat feature, a result
that the author can also underline as a result of his own experiences. Several other
aspects also seem to be unresolved like how multiple users in one household can be
supported and CE equipment allowing for an easy integration of community features
can be developed.
8.6.5. Zhang10
Approach The work presented by Zhang et al [145] describes the vision of a so-
called IPTV 2.0 system developed within the ITEA2 project CAM4Home 3 . The
system combines both: TV-enriched communication through standardized platforms
and services provided by NGN/IMS environments, as well as sociability-enhanced
TV, i.e. Social TV aspects.
Combining these two aspects in a convergent system is in-line with the approach
chosen by the author of this thesis.
Contributions The presented framework and developed architecture for IPTV 2.0
relies on open standards including ETSI TISPAN, DVB and the Open IPTV Forum.
A key aspect of the project was the specification of a new, open metadata framework
with the ability to encapsulate existing metadata technologies for multiple types of
content and also able to reference to content related services. With respect to the
Social TV aspects, it includes a so-called social tag allowing for user comments and
A second target was the integration of NGN-based telecommunication services
using two enablers for presence and instant messaging (IM). This feature is called TV
Buddy. Two scenarios have been added to the traditional instant message service:
• A resource sharing feature, allowing other users to request the content dis-
played as rich presence in the buddy list.
Another feature of the described system is the so-called Social EPG. Social EPG
represents an extended version of the traditional EPG which allows the user to share,
save, organize and search TV resources based on the concept of tags, user ratings
and comments.
As visualized in Table 8.1, most early contributions do not provide system tests
nor a real world test bed. It must be stated that this overview of related works
presents major contributions to the field by having selected only relevant material.
Tables 8.2-8.4 again provide a detailed analysis for each contribution presented in
this chapter.
implementa- implementa- prototype prototype with IPTV CDN test frastructure allowing dy-
tion and test tion integration bed namic QoS
bed adaptation
Third Party SOA, Web- SOA, Web- SOA, Web- SOA Web- n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
API services services services services
Content n/a device n/a n/a SDP storage; SDP yes, limited yes, limited
Adaptation agnostic nPVR func- on signaling on signaling
through tionality
Communications yes, but out yes, but out n/a n/a n/a yes, but out yes, but out n/a n/a
Features of scope of scope of scope of scope
IM n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Presence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Buddy List n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Interacticity n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a nPVR n/a n/a n/a
Social IPTV n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Shared Expe- n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Content Shar- n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Pelt04 Tul-
Approach Services for UCT IPTV Social IPTV Social IPTV Social IPTV Social IPTV IMS-IPTV End-to-end IPTV systems
the TNO test bed w/ system, system; Col- system; Con- system, and Social with session-oriented
IMS-based targeted ad AmigoTV labraTV necTV STV1-3 TV system (NGN) and declarative
IPTV test system application environment.
System Setup IMS-IPTV integration proprietary proprietary proprietary proprietary IMS infras- Test bed and proof-of-
partial into UCT with XMPP system with XMPP with XMPP tructure concept infrastructure
implementa- test bed server server server
Third Party n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SIP/Webservices/JSON-
Content prot. trans- ad-insertion n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Dynamic content provi-
Adaptation lation SIP- sioning through Content
to-RTSP Streaming Enabler (CSE)
Communications in-game out of scope yes, Social yes, Social yes, Social yes, Social yes, Social NGN-based Rich commu-
IM n/a n/a no no no yes (STV3) yes Yes
Presence n/a n/a yes yes yes yes yes Rich Presence
Buddy List n/a n/a yes yes yes yes yes Yes
Interacticity Quiz show Ad-enabler n/a no no no no Targeted Advertisement,
Enabler Voting, Quiz
Social IPTV related to no yes yes yes yes yes Content sharing and syn-
chronized shared experi-
Shared Expe- yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes, see above
Content Shar- yes no no no no yes, recom- yes yes, see above
ing mendation
Chapter 8. Assessment & Comparison with Related Works
8.7. Discussion
Together with the author’s work, 25 contributions to the field have been presented
in this chapter. Tables 8.2-8.4 allow for a detailed mutual comparison with the
author’s work.
During analysis of both Social as well as Session-oriented IPTV systems, a strong
overlap with regards to discussed scenarios and use-case becomes clear.
Both approaches focus on different research areas, either on the user perspective
or technology, respectively.
As described in the contribution of Zhang et al. and finally also through the au-
thor’s work provided in this thesis, a combination of approaches to and technologies
for session-oriented IPTV systems, Social IPTV and open third party APIs allows
for the generation of a new TV experience.
9. Summary & Outlook
In the course of this thesis, a session-oriented end-to-end system for IPTV has been
The proposed Open IPTV Ecosystem Core (OIEC), describes a session-oriented
signaling approach to Linear TV and Video-On-Demand services that incorporates
the session principles of the SIP protocol, two different Interactive Application En-
vironments and integrated telecommunication services.
First, the fundamentals of IPTV and the transition from the current Internet to a
delivery platform for rich media have been discussed. A detailed requirement anal-
ysis allowed for the derivation of functional as well as non-functional requirements
for the OIEC. This was followed by the design of the OIEC system. Starting with
a comparison of three different Interactive Application Environments, two of them,
namely the Session-Oriented-Application Environment (SAE) and the Declarative
Application Environments (DAE) were then selected for integration into the IPTV
system. Through the specification of an architecture, the baseline infrastructure
was defined. This allowed for the specification of additional services like the IPTV
Meta Session concept enabling Social IPTV features and three exemplary interactive
applications using the Session-Oriented Application Environment (SAE).
Finally, the specifications have been grounded by providing an implementation
and evaluation of the proposed concepts through multiple case studies, implementing
different aspects as discussed in the course of this thesis.
9.1. Contributions
Results of the work conducted during the process of writing this thesis have been
published in the proceedings of over 20 international academic conferences, three
journals, one book chapter and over ten tutorials on IPTV and related topics.
From the author’s perspective, the most significant achievements of this work are
the definition of the end-to-end architecture for IPTV, allowing for session-oriented
streaming services, enriched by corresponding interactive services incorporating SAE
as well as DAE approaches. Additionally, the introduction of a novel IPTV Meta
Session concept that enables multi-user, multi-content sessions and Social IPTV
has also been recognized as a valid contribution throughout academia.
Finally, the practical implementation of most of the aspects presented in this
thesis created a certain visibility in this field of research for the author’s and his
team’s work. These contributions are summarized in this section.
9.1. Contributions 219
Project Website:
Project Website:
220 Chapter 9. Summary & Outlook
What are the limitations of current, first-generation, streaming and IPTV plat-
forms and what kind of modifications are necessary to overcome these limita-
• Unified platforms for Digital TV services do exist but their reach is often
limited to a certain area of the world. Bearing this in mind, it becomes obvious
that a single standard or platform for IPTV might not fulfill the different local
requirement for such a service. For all that, Internet standards as specified by
the IETF or W3C are used worldwide, and might also provide the technologies
relevant for IPTV.
For this reason, the author believes that the approach chosen in this thesis
might be correct: Using well established signaling and transport protocols
as used in the Internet and declarative languages like CE-HTML and later
HTML5 for all visual aspects.
This approach should provide enough flexibility to allow adoptions in various
markets but still keep a baseline technology for all services.
How can services for interactive IPTV services be realized based on the inte-
grated Session-Oriented Application Environment and specified signaling prin-
ciples for IPTV ?
fact, the exposure of IPTV Session information through the specified IPTV
Service State and the corresponding IPTV Service State API provides an
elegant mechanism for building interactive services on top.
An IPTV Session allows for the identification and tracking of a user’s be-
haviour during service usage. Furthermore, the Session Context can be ana-
lyzed and modified by interactive services. This allows for service personal-
ization, e.g. through targeted services, including advertisement, user polls or
games. Finally, a complete Service Oriented Architecture allows for the inte-
gration of access mechanisms for IPTV services into frameworks for telecom-
munication services. This might result in open APIs allowing third parties to
build their telecommunications services enriched with content-related services.
Furthermore, Social Media services could also take part in this opportunity to
create integrated shared user-experiences.
• According to the MIT’s Technology Review 3 , Social Media and in 2010 also
Social TV have been recognized as the key drivers for innovation in the IPTV
domain, and as one the most emerging technologies in the near future. Social
TV is bringing together groups of users and content through rich communi-
During work on this thesis, Social TV concepts have been developed on concep-
tual and technical levels, providing the necessary infrastructure and enablers
to connect users and contents. The developed Meta Session model enables
the spanning of a virtual network on top of a single user’s IPTV Sessions and
connecting them with other users. An important requirement in this context is
the ability to enable Meta Sessions independently of the user’s access network
or End Device. This requirement has been fulfilled by implementing connec-
tors using various state-of-the-art protocols and the application logic for Meta
Session Management loosely coupling these connectors.
Adding IPTV to the idea of NGN Going one step beyond and starting in 2006,
work on ITU-T and ETSI specifications has been extended to also support multi-
media streaming services and IPTV. For this reason, both forums created specific
working groups on this topic:
• ETSI TISPAN work on Release 2 with special tracks throughout all eight
working groups to add IPTV functionality to the R1 specifications.
Having the capability to describe the work needed to add IPTV functionality, the
next section will outline the basic architectural approach chosen to build an NGN in-
frastructure. To simplify this overview from this point forward, only ETSI TISPAN
references will be used.
• The Core IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), also called Core IMS, described
in the next section.
• So-called Applications making use of the subsystems, the User Profile and the
underlying Transport Layer
A.1. The Role of NGNs & IMS in Managed IPTV 225
This subsystem-oriented architecture allows for the easy addition of new subsys-
tems. IP-connectivity is provided to NGN user equipment by the transport layer,
under the control of the network attachment subsystem (NASS) and the resource and
admission control subsystem (RACS). These subsystems hide the transport technol-
ogy used in access and core networks below the IP layer [33]. The most important
subsystem inside the NGN specifications is the so-called IP Multimedia Subsystem
(IMS) and will be presented in the next section.
• The so-called IMS Core consisting of a set of so-called Call Session Control
Functions (CSCFs) is responsible for forwarding user requests for a specific
service to the correct entity, namely the correct Application Server.
• An Application Server model based on the idea that each service will be routed
to them. The decision-making process takes place within the CSCFs, acting as
a trigger point based on a so-called Initial Filter Criteria or a specific service
identifier, the so-called Public Service Identifier (PSI). The Application Server
Model will be discussed in the next section.
• Instant Messaging allowing for the exchange of text messages between users
and acting as the predecessor of the well-known Short Message Service (SMS).
Sessions and the corresponding Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [114] play a key
role in any NGN and are described extensively in [15]. SIP defines different methods
that allow for the setup of durable states for communication. In the context of
this thesis, two methods are especially relevant because they can be used to set up
multimedia content sessions and create user to user communication, respectively:
• SIP INVITE sent within the protocol headers and hereby enables session es-
tablishments between two endpoints implementing this method. During a
simple session setup, only information on IP address and (incoming) ports
will be exchanged. Additionally, various other information might be negoti-
ated which might be part of the SIP INVITE messages’ bodies and carried
either as so-called Session Description (SDP) or as XML.
A.1. The Role of NGNs & IMS in Managed IPTV 227
• SIP SUBSCRIBE / NOTIFY extends the plain session principles from the
SIP INVITE scenario. As sessions might become long-lasting and have a
state, updates during an established session might become necessary. For
this reason, the so-called SUBSCRIPTION-NOTIFICATION mechanism has
been added to the protocol. By subscribing to a certain event, corresponding
notification messages will be send out upon session change.
A SIP Application Server can host and execute services, and additionally also
trigger other (Application) servers.
Remembering what was already said in the last sections when talking about Trig-
ger Points , the concepts used to forward incoming SIP requests towards the right
Application Server is quiet similar: A so-called Initial Filter Criteria (IFC) is speci-
fied inside the Core IMS for service routing, while a Communication Service Identi-
fier (CSID) is carried inside the SIP traffic to identify a service. For IPTV, no such
CSID was available at the point this thesis was written.
A.1.4. Summary
The last sections have introduced the basic ideas behind Next Generation Networks
and the IMS. Admittedly, just a very brief overview could be provided on this
complex topic. What should be kept in mind are especially the basic principles of the
SIP session concept, the overall NGN architecture and the Application Server model.
These three concepts will be reflected within the next chapters, when building IPTV
services on top.
A.2. Conducted Own R&D Projects 229
• Linear TV
• Video on Demand
• Incoming call on TV
analyzed. Furthermore, different IPTV enablers were designed as well. These en-
ablers handle the establishment of the Electronic Program Guide, Content Delivery,
and IPTV Session.
Additionally, the impact on existing IMS standards and potential new functional
entities has been analyzed.
creation of a revised architecture. The project outcome was composed of these two
phases and a third phase that provided detailed service flows for service signaling.
NextGen iTV Stage 1: Scenarios & Requirements Phase 1 was driven by the
analysis of existing technological approaches to interactive television. In this con-
text, it was decided to not concentrate on existing middleware solutions like MHP.
The main goal was the derivation of requirements for services that do not require
a specific middleware on the end-device or inside the network, but rather use an
abstract signaling path with SIP signaling. Defined service scenarios are listed in
Table A.1. The main purpose of these scenarios was to create new or revised business
models that lower the so-called media break 1 during service usage.
NextGen iTV Stage 2: Architecture The NextGen iTV architecture has been
composed as an evolution from NextGen TV (Figure A.4) and has been extended
with regard to functional components. This includes additional application logic on
the end devices, as well as new components inside the network.
A high level view is depicted in Figure A.5. The main extensions are represented
through the introduction of mechanisms for interactive application signaling from a
third-party provider, throughout the network in the direction of the user.
NextGen iTV Stage 3: Service Definition The service definition stage included
the specification of various interactive services on a protocol level. These have later
been used as input for corresponding processes in the IPTV standardization process
"Connecting the Fraunhofer FOKUS IPTV Media Client with a commercial IMS
core network and a legacy IPTV infrastructure."
In order to meet the project requirements, the project started with the identifica-
tion of necessary network entities and the relationship between them. A high-level
architecture is presented in Figure A.6. The main building blocks touched on during
work for this architecture have been identified as:
Whenever the medium changes during a work process, a media break takes place. In most cases,
the result is a higher amount of work and a disruption of the work routine. E.g. switch from a
mobile device to the TV’s RC.
232 Appendix A. Annex
The FOKUS Media Client acting as an IMS IPTV User Agent (UA) combining
IPTV related features for the consumption of streaming media while enabling IMS
communication features.
small groups of users, such as friends or families. To accomplish this, the platform
allows for the management of multi-user sessions across networks. In addition, the
platform supports various other innovative enabling services, such as context-aware
recommendations and cross-network identity management.
The author’s main contribution to the project was in the reference model and im-
plementations for the so-called Meta Session Manager that acts as the core enabler
for the above-mentioned Shared Experience. iNEM4U scenarios and, in parallel, the
high level architecture has also been visualized in Figure A.7. Beside the iNEM4U
platform in the center of the picture, a variety of different so-called iNEM4U clients
are connected to the iNEM4U network through their dedicated and platform-specific
protocols. This includes an NGN-IPTV-Client using NGN/IMS signaling, a CE-
HTML TV-set and a mobile client making use of various Webservices offered by
the infrastructure. In summary, these clients have later been used to drive different
scenarios like:
• VoD E-Shop
A.2. Conducted Own R&D Projects 235
The iNEM4U results, including the author’s contributions to the iNEM4U iSession
and the NGN-driven IPTV Client, have been published in various papers.
CA Conditional Access
IM Instant Message
IP Internet Protocol
UA User Agent
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