2P - C B3T (WX Exbxcb - Pazb B - TRD (PCX ) : Dzuyf/Vvad4' - X Da'E S'Z) Z - XW'C Af - (RSDR/V
2P - C B3T (WX Exbxcb - Pazb B - TRD (PCX ) : Dzuyf/Vvad4' - X Da'E S'Z) Z - XW'C Af - (RSDR/V
2P - C B3T (WX Exbxcb - Pazb B - TRD (PCX ) : Dzuyf/Vvad4' - X Da'E S'Z) Z - XW'C Af - (RSDR/V
m m
=4F34;78F43=4B30HB4?C4<14A !(!! *?064B !C"
exposed the Pakistan Army’s
connivance in abetting infil-
tration inside the Indian terri-
tory after it successfully cap-
tured a 19-year old Lashkar-e-
Tayyeba terrorist, trained by
<>=8:0<0;8:Q 270=3860A7 ?=BQ =4F34;78 Pakistan Army personnel
inside one of the terror facto-
fter the lull, the storm! Just
A when the Congress in
Punjab was striving to bring
Sandecurity forces are reviewing
their operational readiness
deployment pattern on
ries across the Line of
Control (LoC).
The young terrorist who
about some stability by bal- party reins, Sidhu wrote, “The the Line of Actual Control hailed from district Okara in
ancing power, caste and region- collapse of man’s character (LAC) in Uttarakhand after the the Indian troops, including the back and things have not Pakistan Punjab during pre-
al equations, “super Chief stems from the compromise ?=BQ =4F34;78 Chinese intruded into the Army and the Indo-Tibetan moved since then. liminary investigation revealed
Minister” Navjot Singh Sidhu corner. I can never compromise Indian territory in last week of Border Police (ITBP). The The incident in how Pakistan Army regulars
on Tuesday triggered political on Punjab’s future and the mid the turmoil in Punjab August. They also reportedly Indian forces rushed to the site Uttarakhand rang alarm bells are imparting training to a
tremors in the State by quitting
as the Punjab Congress presi-
agenda for welfare of Punjab.
Therefore, I hereby resign as
A Congress, former Chief
Minister Captain Amarinder
tried to damage a makeshift
bridge on the Indian side.
after learning about the trans-
gression, sources said, adding
in the Indian security estab-
lishment as the face-offs in
fresh crop of terrorists in the
terror factories and army per-
dent. Another Cabinet Minister president of Punjab Pradesh Singh landed in Delhi on a two- The LAC in Uttarakhand the local commanders were eastern Ladakh persist for the sonnel in the forward posts
Razia Sultana stepped down Congress Committee. Will day visit triggering wild spec- and Himachal Pradesh facing now reassessing their patrolling last one and half years. The two desperately trying to push a
in solidarity. continue to ser ve the ulation about his next move. China is known as central or patterns and deployment. sides have held 12 rounds of large group of infiltrators inside
Within hours of Sidhu’s Congress.” The political grapevines the middle sector while the Barahoti region has seen Corps Commander-level talks the Indian territory.
resignation, PPCC treasurer The tremors, activated by were abuzz with talks of his Ladakh front is known as west- transgressions in the past few since trouble erupted in May According to a senior
Gulzar Inder Chahal and gen- Sidhu’s surprise resignation possible meetings with BJP 5^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTa^U?d]YPQ2P_c ern sector and the LAC in years but no serious incident last year. The talks saw the two Army officer, who supervised
eral secretar y Yoginder announced via Twitter, were chief JP Nadda and Home 0\PaX]STaBX]VWPaaXeTbPc:P_dacWP[P Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim resulting in face-offs took place. armies withdrawing their the entire operation on ground
Dhingra too resigned from felt some 250 kilometres away Minister Amit Shah, not ruling W^dbTX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 is called eastern sector. This area saw the first intrusion troops from Pangong Lake and zero in Baramulla on Tuesday
their posts. The two were in New Delhi also with the out a call on Congress president The transgression in in 1954. The incident in August Gogra. told reporters, “A 19-year-old
recently appointed in the State party high command putting Sonia Gandhi. amid a bitter power tussle with Barahoti district of saw the Chinese coming However, troops are facing Pakistani terrorist, Ali Babar
Congress unit. its head together to resolve the However, Amarinder tried party leader Navjot Singh Uttarakhand took place when through Tun La (pass). each other on three other flash Patra, son of Late Mohd Lateef
Sidhu announced his res- new crisis. It has been learned to set aside the speculation Sidhu paving way for the more than 100 Chinese troops The ITBP and the Army points and the 13th round of R/O Dipalpur, District Okara
ignation minutes after the allo- that Congress senior central while speaking to the media at anointment of Sidhu as head of intruded more than four kms guard the nearly 450 km LAC talks in the next few weeks may Punjab (Pakistan) had decided
cation of portfolios to the leaders, including KC the Delhi airport: “I am here to the party. inside the Indian side on horse- in Uttrakhand. Officials see some forward movement, to surrender before the Indian
Ministers — and this was Venugopal and State party vacate Kapurthala House (the His media adviser Raveen back. They were in the area for claimed transgressions take sources said. Moreover, the Army after one of his close
apparently the last straw! In a affairs in-charge Harish Rawat, official residence of Punjab Thukral too called these more than two hours and place in Barahoti due to dif- Chinese have started preparing associates was eliminated by
cryptic resignation letter to held an emergency meeting to Chief Minister in New Delhi). reports of his political meetings returned after trying to dis- ference of perception about for winter months by erecting the Indian patrol while foiling
party supremo Sonia Gandhi discuss the developments in the I am not going to meet in the national Capital a mantle a bridge, sources said the LAC. The Chinese and shelters at some places near the a major infiltration bid in the
that come in less than three Punjab unit. any politician.” “speculation”. here on Tuesday. Indians have exchanged maps flash points in Eastern Ladakh, Uri sector on September 26.”
months of taking over the Continued on Page 2 Amarinder had resigned Continued on Page 2 There was no face-off with in the central sector some years they said. Detailed report on P5
17010=8?DA1H?>;; ;TUcXbc:P]WPXhPcda]b ER]ZSR_d]Ra
:^[ZPcP) CWT2P[RdccP7XVW
XbR^]cTbcX]VbPhX]VXcS^Tb]^c 4`f_ecjTR_¶e announced he will contest the
next year’s Gujarat Assembly 0?Q :01D;
4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^]³bSTRXbX^] dfcgZgVhZeY`fe polls on the Congress symbol.
Kanhaiya said, “I am join- he Taliban banned barber-
ing the Congress because it’s
not just a party, it’s an idea. It’s
T shops in a southern
Afghanistan province from
B203<8CB14=60;´B the country’s oldest and most shaving or trimming beards,
?;400608=BC218?A>14 ?=BQ =4F34;78 democratic party, and I am claiming their edict is in line
=Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac emphasising on ‘democrat- with Sharia, or Islamic law.
^]CdTbSPhPbZTScWT2T]caT ormer Communist Party of ic’...Not just me, but many The order in Helmand
F India (CPI) leader Kanhaiya
Kumar joined the Congress on
think the country can’t survive
without Congress.”
province was issued on
Monday by the provincial
P__TP[PVPX]bccWT2P[RdccP7XVW Tuesday in the presence of His induction in the party Taliban Government’s vice and
2^dac^aSTaSXaTRcX]VR^dac former party chief Rahul was, however, not appreciated virtue department to barbers in
\^]Xc^aTS218_a^QTX]c^cWT Gandhi, Gujarat Dalit leader by certain quarters in the Lashkar Gah, the provincial
RPbTb^UaP_TP]S\daSTa and Independent MLA Jignesh Congress, as former Union capital.
SdaX]VcWT_^bc_^[[eX^[T]RTX] Mevani, who also was sched- Minister Manish Tewari put “Since I have heard (about
cWTBcPcT uled to be inducted in the out a cryptic tweet saying it the ban on trimming beards) I
grand old party but did not due would be worthwhile to look at am heart broken,” said Bilal
BDB?4=B8>=>58=C´; to technical issues. the history of Communists’ Ahmad, a Lashkar Gah resi-
5;867CB4GC4=343 Mevani extended his sup- presence in the party. dent. “This is the city and
=Tf3T[WX) CWTR^a^]PeXadb port to the Congress and Continued on Page 2 everyone follows a way of liv-
X]SdRTSbdb_T]bX^]^U ing, so they have to be left alone
bRWTSd[TSX]cTa]PcX^]P[ to do whatever they want.”
_PbbT]VTaU[XVWcbWPbQTT] During their previous rule
TgcT]STScX[[>Rc^QTa" 8]SXP³b of Afghanistan, the Taliban
PeXPcX^]aTVd[Pc^a3620bPXS adhered to a harsh interpreta-
tion of Islam. Since overrun-
1H?>;;BC>"0BB4<1;H ning Kabul on August 15 and
";BB40CB>=>2C" again taking control of the
=Tf3T[WX) 1h_^[[bc^cWaTT;^Z country, the world has been
BPQWPbTPcbP]S"0bbT\Q[h watching to see whether they
R^]bcXcdT]RXTbb_aTPSPRa^bb # will re-create their strict gov-
BcPcTbfX[[QTWT[S^]>Rc^QTa 5^a\Ta2?8\T\QTa:P]WPXhP:d\Pab_TPZbc^cWT\TSXPPUcTaY^X]X]VcWT ernance of the late 1990s.
"cWT4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^] 2^]VaTbbPc0822^UUXRTX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa Detailed report on P8
A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78 Defence Production under the
Defence Ministry. The corpo-
he 246-year-old history of ratised entities will function
T the Ordnance Factory
Board (OFB) will come to a
under the Directorate of
Ordnance (Coordination &
halt on Friday when the 41 fac- Services).
tories under it will be sub- According to the latest
sumed into seven Defence order of the Department of
Public Sector Undertakings Defence Production issued on
(DPSUs, wholly owned by the Friday, “...The Government of
Government). India has decided to transfer
The seven new entities will with effect from 1st October,
be styled as Munitions India 2021 (Appointed Date), the
Ltd, Armoured Vehicles Nigam management, control, opera-
Ltd, Advanced Weapons and tions and maintenance of these D]X^]3TUT]RT<X]XbcTaSdaX]VB^RXTch^U8]SXP]3TUT]RT<P]dUPRcdaTabB83<
Equipment India Ltd, Troop 41 production units and iden- 0]]dP[6T]TaP[<TTcX]VX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8
Comforts Ltd, Yantra India tified non-production units to
Ltd., India Optel Ltd, and 7 Government companies with limited liability by shares (Fy.I) dated 09.01.1979 shall
Gliders India Ltd. (wholly owned by the and will be known as DPSUs. cease to exist as a body. Further,
The decision to dissolve Government of India).” “Accordingly, on and with the Board position of Member
and corporatise the OFB was The seven companies effect from the Appointed Date (Finance) OFB shall also cease
taken by the Union Cabinet on incorporated under the (October 1, 2021), OFB which to exist on and with effect from
June 16. The OFB functioned Companies Act, 2013, wholly has been set up vide Ministry the Appointed Date,” it said.
under the Department of owned by the Government of Defence letter no. 1(82/78/D Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!! ]PcX^]!
4G2;DB8>=>578=388=BC055B4;42C8>=4G0< 1RUWK(DVWHUQ6SDFH #$(aTbRdTSX]cf^SPhbX]>b\P]PQPS
RXRZ_de8`geUVTZdZ`_ New Delhi: Union Home water of the river to a lake of
Aurangabad: As many as 459
people were rescued from flood- <PWPAAPX] rescue them. The helicopter
(used by the NDRF) has halted
Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday thousands of hectares before it affected areas in the last 48 hours necessitated opening of eighteen in Latur. It will fly tomorrow
said that the North Eastern floods. He said if a lake can be across Osmanabad district of gates of the dam, an official said. morning to rescue them," he
Space Applications Centre built, the chances of flooding Maharashtra and the National Twenty persons were res- said. The Osmanabad district
Ranchi: The exclusion of Hindi August 5 had okayed a pro- Khortha, Panchpargania, (NESAC), a wing of the ISRO, will be reduced by 40 per cent. Disaster Response Force cued from a house in has received 824.90 mm of aver-
from the list of mandatory posal that candidates desirous Bangla, Urdu, Kurmali, has been helping the govern- "The NESAC is working to (NDRF) even deployed a heli- Wakadwadi village of Kalamb age rainfall this monsoon, 204
languages that candidates of jobs in the state should have Nagpuri, Kurukh, and Odia ment in flood control through find such type of location and copter to reach those stranded tehsil. Some 125 persons were mm higher than the 620.60
appearing for Jharkhand Staff knowledge of local culture, languages for state-level exam- space technology. it has also been successful. So in floodwaters, officials said rescued in Ramwadi, 114 in Irla, mm recorded last year, with
Selection Commission (JSSC) language, and tradition and ination. Addressing an event on far, 19 locations have been on Tuesday 35 each in Ter and Borkheda Bhoom tehsil receiving 961.60
exams have to clear was on they should attain at least 30 The Manch in its petition the Foundation Day of the found, where big lakes will be evening. and 90 in Dautpur, the official mm rain this season so far, an
Tuesday brought under the per cent marks in a regional or said that exclusion of Hindi is National Disaster Management built and energy will not be Water was released from said. Balaji Kamble (30), resident official said.
scanner of the Jharkhand High tribal language which will be a drastic step which will Authority (NDMA), Shah said used to send water there as Manjara dam during the day, of Irla, was washed away and After several years, the dis-
Court. A PIL was filed by Ekta added in the scores while adversely affect the fate of a that a big new experiment has water will reach through topog- causing flooding in downstream search was on for him. At least trict, part of the generally
Vikas Manch during the preparing merit list. large number of candidates. been initiated in the Northeast raphy. This is a new beginning villages and parts of neigh- 20 big and 17 small cattle per- parched Marathwada region,
day. A government spokesper- With Urdu as an option, a where a society has been and we have taken it one step bouring districts, they said. ished in the floods while 80 huts has received such robust rain,
The court is yet to give a son had said as far as English select group of students will be formed to harness space science further," he said. Six persons including two were damaged. Two teams of which stands at 136.78 per cent
date for hearing. The Manch, a and Hindi were concerned, favoured which is against the through the NESAC, which The NESAC helps aug- children were rescued by the NDRF participated in the rescue of the annual average, he added.
non-governmental organisa- these would be qualifying spirit of the Constitution, the was set up by the Department ment the developmental NDRF by deploying a heli- operations.
tion headquartered at Seraikela, papers, and marks obtained in petition said. of Space and the North Eastern process in the Northeast by pro- copter at Dautpur village in The collector of the neigh- "Dams like Sinakolegaon,
filed the PIL claiming that the the subjects would not be It also contended that Urdu Council. viding advanced space tech- Osmanabad tehsil, while ten bouring Latur district, Prithviraj Chandani, Manjara, Terna,
rules formulated by the gov- added while preparing the is not widely taught in the state "We have started using the nology support. persons were similarly rescued B P, told PTI that a family of Lower Terna, Ruibhar, Kurnoor
ernment to conduct the exam- merit list. and is restricted to ‘Madrasas' space technology in disaster The home minister said from Saundane Amba village in three including a child was and Bori are overflowing. Ujani
inations are violative of It was decided that the which cater to the education of management by doing advance after Narendra Modi became Kalamb tehsil. reportedly stranded at Dam, which is the main source
Fundamental Rights. candidates could opt among students belonging to the planning from last year," he the prime minister, the winds of The Osmanabad-Ausa road Pohregaon in Renapur tehsil of of water for Osmanabad city, is
A state Cabinet meeting on Mundari, Kharia, Ho, Santhali, minority community. PTI said. The Home Minister said development have come to the was blocked as water was flow- the district, but rescue teams also overflowing. Heavy rains
in the Northeast, the Northeast and many roads are ing over the Kamegaon- could not reach the spot due to have affected Kharif crops like
Brahmaputra is often flooded, being built, because without Samudrawani bridge. the bad weather and low visi- soybean, moong, urad, tur, cot-
but the topography there is such connectivity the development of The Manjara dam was bility. ton and bajra," he said.
that it is very easy to transfer the the region is not possible. PTI filled to the capacity which "We are trying other ways to PTI
<D:7H0<0=CA82>E83 (?0A8E0A0AC78:B070H0C0H>90=0 2:@]_fY^Wd_`_\QbYcU F>A;3A0184B30H
while the positivity rate stood due to the disease on Monday round 25 inmates lodged
at 0.05 per cent, according to a
health bulletin issued by the
while the positivity rate stood
at 0.06 per cent. The city
A in prison number 11 of the
Delhi’s Mandoli Jail sustained
Gurugram: There is a steep
rise in the number of young
health department of the Delhi reported 29 cases of the infec- minor injuries, which they recovered Covid patients
Government. tion on Sunday, 27 on Saturday inflicted on themselves, after between 17 to 35 who have suf-
With the 35 new cases and 24 on Friday. two of them were not allowed fered from heart problems such
reported on Tuesday, the Covid Delhi battled a brutal sec- to go out of their ward. The as chest pain, blood clots, heart
case tally in Delhi reached ond wave of the pandemic in incident took place on Monday attack, heart rhythm, cardiac
14,38,780 of which over 14.13 April and May that claimed a evening. arrest, heart-swelling, heart
lakh patients have recovered. massive number of lives with All the inmates sustained failure, low pump capacity,
The death toll has risen to the issue of oxygen shortage in minor injuries, which were abnormal heartbeat and also
25,087. hospitals adding to the woes. self-inflicted, the jail officials suffered from obesity, stress
The national Capital has On April 20, Delhi had said, adding that one of them and depression.
recorded five fatalities due to reported 28,395 cases, the high- was sent to the hospital, but he Speaking about the prob-
the viral infection in September est in the city since the begin- is back in the jail after treat- lem, Dr T S Kler, Chairman,
before Tuesday. ning of the pandemic. On ment. Fortis Heart & Vascular
As per the bulletin, the city April 22, the case positivity rate According to Sandeep Institute, Fortis Memorial
has 373 active Covid-19 cases, was 36.2 per cent, the highest Goel, the Director General of Research Institute, Gurugram
up from 366 on Monday. As so far. The highest number of Delhi Prisons, two inmates said, To keep the heart's normal
many as 105 patients are in 448 deaths was reported on wanted to go out of the ward functional post-covid patients
home isolation, down from May 3.Amid apprehension of a without any reason. On not after two months should go for
107 the previous day. The third wave, the Delhi being permitted, they caused a regular heart screening, exer- 2^]VaTbb[TPSTaAPWd[6P]SWXfXcW:P]WPXhP:d\Pa
number of containment zones Government has been ramping injuries to themselves and also cise or yoga for at least half an <;09XV]TbW<TfP]XP]S^cWTabfWX[T_PhX]VcaXQdcTc^
in the city stands at 94, accord- up its health infrastructure to instigated some others to self- hour, walking, stick to a healthy [TVT]SPahUaTTS^\UXVWcTaBWPWTTS1WPVPcBX]VWPc
ing to the bulletin. prevent a repeat of the crisis inflict injuries. All of them sus- diet, stay physically active and BWPWTTSBP\PaPZX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh
At least 65,101 tests were witnessed during the peak of tained minor injuries, he take medication as suggested by AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa?W^c^
conducted a day ago, including the second wave of the pan- added. the doctor.
2^]bTaePcX^]RP\_PXV]c^QT 5\\U^QRQTRi`_\\gY\\
WT[SPc0b^[P1WPccXbP]RcdPah UaeQdY_^cY^8QbiQ^Q
?0AE4B7B70A<0Q October 1 and the nomination
6DAD6A0< process will start on the same
day. The last date for filing
ith the announcement of nominations is October 8. The
W the schedule for the by-
election in Ellenabad Assembly
nominations will be scruti-
nised on October 11 and the
constituency of Sirsa district, last date for withdrawing them
Abhay Singh Chautala, the is October 16. Polling will be
former MLA from Ellenabad in held on October 30 for the
a press conference held at his Ellenabad constituency.
residence in Gurugram on
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 saplings for this year. 2017-18 - 16 lakh, in 2018-19 Tuesday said that with this elec- Political experts said the
In a meeting with forest and 2019-2020 - 28 lakh, tion, the political equations of bypoll will be a litmus test not
he Delhi Government is all officials, it was also decided to amounting to over a crore Haryana will change. only for the ruling BJP-JJP
T set to launch a week-long
wildlife protection programme
plant more trees to escalate
green cover area. “Of our tar-
saplings," Rai said.
A third-party audit by the
He also said that this elec-
tion will reveal who is against
coalition but also for the INLD
and the Congress.
from October 2 at Asola Bhatti get of 33 lakh saplings, 22 lakh Forest and Research Institute, the three agriculture laws and As per the norms, the by-
Wildlife Sanctuar y. 32 thousand saplings have Dehradun, and Pusa Institute who is in support. election was necessitated after
Environment Minister Gopal already been planted from the will be done to ascertain the The former MLA also INLD leader Abhay Singh
Rai on Tuesday said wildlife week of 'van mahotsav' (forest above-mentioned figure, Rai asserted that who will be the Chautala resigned from the
contributes a lot to the balance festival) kicked-off by the Delhi said: "These audits reports will candidate of Indian National Assembly on January 27 in sup-
of nature and the system cre- government in the month of provide and exact figure of the Lokdal (INLD), will be decid- port of the ongoing farmers’
ated by nature is slowly break- June," he added. success rate of these plantation ed by the people of Ellenabad agitation.
ing down to maintain this bal- "In the last five years, a total drives telling us how many on 3rd October. Chautala alleged that an
ance.” Addressing the media, 1 crore 15 lakh saplings have plants have survived till now According to the schedule effort was made by the ruling
Rai said, “In addition to the been planted in the national and in which area." announced by the EC, a noti- BJP and JJP to postpone the by-
active tree-plantation drive in capital. Our city's greenbelt Officials from the Delhi fication will be issued on election of the Ellenabad seat.
Delhi, the city Government is area today stands at 21.88 per Forest Department, Delhi
now planning to sensitise the cent, which is 1.88pc more than Development Authority,
masses about the importance of the prescribed green limit for Municipal Corporations of
wildlife protection. To spread a plain area like Delhi," he Delhi, Delhi Jal Board, Delhi
awareness about the same, added. Metro Rail Corporation
Delhi government will launch According to the Forest Limited, State Industrial and
a wildlife protection pro- Survey of India, greenbelt area Infrastructural Development
gramme from October 2 that for a mountainous region Corporation, Northern
will last till October 8 at New should be 60 per cent of its total Railways, Cantonment Board,
Delhi's Asola Bhatti Wildlife area and 20 per cent for a plain North Delhi Power Limited,
Sanctuary.” area. Delhi Transport Corporation
Rai also mentioned that the "In the year 2015-16, and Horticulture Department
Delhi Government has also 16,51,000 saplings were plant- attended the review meeting on
set a target of planting 33 lakh ed, in 2016-17 - 24 lakh, in the tree plantation campaign.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!! ]PcX^]#
cVdZ]ZV_e$&Tc`aejaVd &DSLWDO8.DWWDFKHG aPQXTb)6^ec
?=BQ =4F34;78
?=BQ =4F34;78
?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78
rime Minister Narendra nion Minister for
P Modi on Tuesday launched
35 crop varieties with special T he Enforcement
Directorate has provi- T he Centre on Tuesday
launched the “National
U Minority Af fairs
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on
traits — developed by the sionally attached assets worth Action Plan for Dog Mediated Tuesday said that forced reli-
Indian Council of Agricultural C578 crore (GBP 57 million) Rabies Elimination from India gious conversion cannot be a
Research (ICAR) — to address of Wadhawan Global Capital “These illegal investments by 2030” aiming to win the testament of expansion of
the twin challenges of climate (UK) Ltd (WGC-UK), a com- had been received by the fight against rabies by the tar- and trust on any religion in a
change and malnutrition. The pany owned by Kapil DHFL during the period, geted year. country where both, believers
new crop varieties were dedi- Wadhawan and Dheeraj where DHFL was engaged Launching the action plan, and atheists coexist.
cated to the nation through a Wadhawan under the provi- into disbursement of high Union Health Minister Interacting with promi-
video conference organised at sions of the Prevention of value loans to its promoter Mansukh Mandaviya said the nent people of the Christian
all ICAR institutes, state and Money Laundering Act in related companies. All such Indian Council of Medical community from across the
central agricultural universities DHFL-UPPCL fraud case. unsecured loans had been Research (ICMR) is also work- country here, Naqvi said that
and Krishi Vighyan Kendra. ture and science should con- developed. Today, 35 more The attached assets are in sanctioned as per the direc- ing on reducing the cost of both the believers and the
Addressing farmers and tinue as it is important for crop varieties have been ded- the form of investment made tions of the Chairman of rabies vaccines. “We have to atheists have equal constitu-
other stakeholders through India in 21st century,” Modi icated to farmers. These crop by Wadhawans through DHFL, Kapil Wadhawan and win the fight against rabies by tional and social rights and
video conferencing after the said in his address. “Our focus varieties or seeds will address WGC-UK in UK-based com- many of such loans have 2030. It should be a compre- protection in India.
launch, Modi said climate is very high on more nutritious the challenge of climate change panies. turned into NPA (Non- hensive effort of the Health The Union Minister said Diversity”.
change is a big challenge not seeds, adaptable to new con- and malnutrition.” The ED had initiated a Performing Assets),” it said in Ministry and Animal that while on one hand, Naqvi said that it is our
only for the farm sector but also ditions, especially in changing Modi also interacted with money laundering investiga- a statement. Husbandry Ministry, we should Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, collective national responsi-
for the entire ecosystem, and climate,’’ he said, adding that five farmers from different tion on the basis of an FIR Investigation has also also include AYUSH Ministry. Christians, Jains, Buddhists, bility to ensure that India’s
efforts needed to be stepped up 35 new crop varieties will States. In his interaction with registered by Lucknow police revealed that many of these When we talk about “One Parsis, Jews, Baha’is, and culture of tolerance and com-
to address the problem. Modi address the problem of climate Zaitoon Begum of Ganderbal against some officials of Uttar loans have been siphoned off Health”, there is an impact on believers of almost all other mitment of co-existence is not
called for collective efforts and change and help in the (Jammu & Kashmir), Modi Pradesh Power Corporation without utilisation of the same the whole organism and the religions of the world live in allowed to get weaken under
continuous intensive research Government campaign to asked about her journey of Ltd. (UPPCL) under the sec- for the purposes, it was sanc- environment as well,” said the India; on the other hand, any circumstances.
to deal with the climate change, make India malnutrition free. learning innovative agricul- tions of the Indian Penal Code tioned. Part of the proceeds of Health Minister. crores of atheists also exist in “Religious bigotry and
which is adversely impacting Expressing concern over chal- tural practices and how she for illegal investment of GPF crime, amounting to more Mandaviya said, “Today, the country with equal con- intolerance can never hurt
the output of agriculture and lenges of climate change, Modi trained other farmers and how and CPF funds of the employ- than C1,000 crore, generated in as people move from one place stitutional and social rights. India as our country is the
allied sectors, thereby causing said, “Not only agriculture, cli- she is working for the educa- ees of the UPPCL into a pri- this case has been siphoned off to another, the virus also goes Naqvi said that India is world’s largest centre of spir-
huge losses to farmers. mate change is a big challenge tion of girls in the Valley. He vate company namely DHFL to UK by the with them. Many diseases have the only country in the world itual-religious knowledge, and
In the last six-seven years, to the entire ecosystem.” also mentioned that even in in sheer violation of the Wadhawans by way of seven increased, many diseases have where festivals and other joy- also the source of inspiration
science and technology are The 35 crop varieties with sports, girls from J&K are Government Notification and levels of layering and laun- decreased, if only the Ministry ous occasions of all the reli- for “Sarva Dharma Sambhav”
being used on a priority basis special traits like climate doing well. The Prime Minister directives, the agency said. dering through more than 30 of Health will try, the result will gions are celebrated together. and “Vasudhaiva
to solve the challenges related resilience and higher nutrient- stressed that the needs of farm- The ED investigation beneficially owned /controlled not come, we have to make “We need to keep this Kutumbakam”, he said.
to agriculture, he said, adding content were developed by ers with small holdings are the revealed that DHFL in con- Indian companies of efforts together.” shared cultural heritage and Minister of State for
that the joint efforts of farm- ICAR this year. These include Government’s priority and that nivance with UPPCL officials Wadhawans, it said. He further said we are legac y of co-existence Minority Affairs Shri John
ers and scientists will give a drought tolerant variety of they are getting all the benefits had illegally received The ED has already moving forward in ending strengthened. Any attempt to Barla; National Commission
better results. Modi also said chickpea, wilt and sterility directly. In all he spoke to five C4,122.70 crore of GPF and attached properties worth Rs Tuberculosis (TB) because an disturb this fabric of unity for Minorities Chairman
that modern technology and mosaic resistant pigeonpea, farmers one-by-one. CPF funds of UPPCL employ- 1,412 crore of Wadhawans in ecosystem has been created to and harmony will hurt the Sardar Iqbal Singh Lalpura;
new farming tools are at the early maturing variety of soy- Talking to Kulwant Singh, ees in fixed deposit in DHFL, Yes bank DHFL fraud case and end it. Similarly, for rabies, we soul of India”, said Naqvi. Ministry of Minority Affairs
core of future farming and bean, disease resistant varieties a farmer and seed producer it said. has arrested Kapil Wadhawan have to campaign aggressively. He said that followers of Secretary Renuka Kumar;
stressed on use of drones and of rice and biofortified vari- from Bulandshahr (Uttar Out of this total invest- and Dheeraj Wadhawan, who Ministry of State for Health almost all the religions of the Arch Bishop Anil Joseph;
sensors to collect high-quali- eties of wheat, pearl millet, Pradesh), Modi asked him ment of Rs 4,122.70 crore by are still in judicial custody. and Family Welfare Dr Bharati world live in India and con- Bishop Subodh C. Mandal
ty farm data and real-time maize and chickpea, quinoa, how he was able to produce a UPPCL in DHFL, C2267.90 Further, the ED has also Pravin Pawar and Union stitutional and social guaran- and other prominent people
solutions. buckwheat, winged bean and diverse variety of seeds. The crore of principal amounts of seized five high-end vehicles of Minister for Fisheries, Animal tee and safety of their reli- from religious, social, educa-
“Indian agriculture has faba bean. Prime Minister praised Singh provident fund (GPF+CPF) of Wadhawans having approxi- Husbandry and Dairying gious, social, economic, edu- tional, health, art and culture
always remained scientific. Modi said, “More than for processing his crops and UPPCL is still outstanding to mate value of C12.59 crores in Parshottam Rupala were also cational rights is the beauty of fields from across the country
The synergy between agricul- 1,300 seed varieties have been doing value-additions. be paid by DHFL. this case. present during the launch event. our strength of “Unity in were present on the occasion.
he Election Commission
various states on October 30.
The decision was taken after
Haveli of UT of Dadra & Nagar
Haveli and Daman & Diu; ?=BQ =4F34;78 eration and not competition
have warned that more infil-
attempts will be made
T (EC) on Tuesday
announced the bypolls to three
reviewing the situations relat-
ed to the pandemic, floods, fes-
Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh,
and Mandi in Himachal fter establishing the
that the society can move for-
ward to achieve economic
by the terrorists in Jammu and
Kashmir as a large numbers of
tivals, cold conditions in certain
regions and feedback from
The Mandi Lok Sabha seat
A Ministry of Cooperation
for strengthening cooperatives
growth, social solidarity and
sustainability. Guarco, who
them have been hiding at the
launch pads located in Pakistan
local authorities. The counting fell vacant after the death of in the countr y, the was at t he NC D C occupied Kashmir(PoK).
of votes will take place on Ramswaroop Sharma (BJP) at Government is now mulling Headquarters for the second Quoting the latest reports
November 2. his Delhi residence in March creation of a cooperative brand time, on Monday described sent to the government, sources
“The Commission has this year. The by-election to the “Proudly Co-op” which it Amul and IFFCO as “head- said that there has been an
reviewed the situation related to Khandwa parliamentary con- wants not to be restricted just lights” in the world show- exponential rise in the number
a pandemic, flood, festivals, stituency was necessitated fol- to India but present world casing a path for healthy of ultras in these launch pads
cold conditions in certain lowing the death of BJP mem- over. growth of cooperatives. in the last 45 days, and the
regions, feedback from con- ber Nand Kumar Singh Seeking support from Dr. Nayak also sought ICA’s security agencies have also
cerned States/UT and taken Chauhan. Mohan Delkar, an Ariel Guarco, President, cooperation in three areas intercepted the chats of these
into consideration all facts and Independent Lok Sabha mem- International Cooperative including setting up a centre militants in Pashto language.
circumstances and it has decid- ber from Dadra and Nagar Alliance (ICA), in this initia- on global best practices in This also indicates the likely
ed to hold by-elections to fill Haveli, was found dead in a tive, Sundeep Kumar Nayak, cooperatives in India, boost- presence of Afghani merce-
vacancies in three Mumbai hotel in February, Managing Director of the ing cooperative-to-coopera- naries sent by the Pakistan's
Parliamentary Constituencies of necessitating the bypolls. National Cooperatives tive exports for creating new Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI),
UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli The by-polls were deferred Development Corporation opportunities and holding a the sources said.
and Daman & Diu, Madhya in view of the Covid-19 pan- (NCDC), said that such a special session on the new The sources also said that
Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh demic. brand would help to empow- cooperatives at the World around 200 ultras are ready to
and 30 vacancies in Assembly The EC reiterated its orders er poor people, many of whom Cooperative Congress slated infiltrate the Line of Control
constituencies of various states,” regarding COVID-19 safety are part of various cooperatives year-end in Seoul. (LoC) from the launch pads in
the EC said in a statement. norms, including restricting operating across the country. Dr. Chandra Pal Singh, PoK on the behest of the ISI.
The 30 Assembly seats election meetings to 30% of the Guarco was in India recently to President Krishak Bharati The sources in the defence
going to bypolls include one allowed capacity of an indoor accelerate and strengthen the Cooperative Limited (KRIB- forces have also confirmed
each from Andhra Pradesh, venue or 200 people and a com- campaign of Indian coopera- HCO) said, with the forma- that three infiltration attempts
Haryana, Maharashtra, plete ban on roadshows and tives. tion of the new Ministry, the were made during the last 10
Mizoram, Nagaland and bike rallies. Assuring all support, Government is keen to work days in Uri sector itself.
Telangana; two seats each in As per the EC notification, Guarco, who is himself a on “Sahakar se Samriddhi” The officials in the securi-
Bihar, Karnataka and Rajasthan; the gazette notification for the corporator from Argentina and NCDC by providing loan ty forces said that attempts have
three seats each in Himachal by-polls will be released on said resilience shown by is helping in development of been made in Uri, Baramula
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and October 1, and the last date for cooperatives world over dur- the cooperatives and hence to and Poonch sectors too in the
Meghalaya; four seats in West filing nominations will be ing the Covid-19 has demon- the poor people and farmers past few days, raising con-
Bengal; and five in Assam. The October 8. strated that it is with coop- at the last mile. cerns of the security forces.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!!
EVcc`cZdedaZ]]dSVR_d`_AR\eVcc`cWRTe`cj 8]SXP]DBPRPST\XRXP]bQPV!!
<>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D to surrender before the Indian
Army after one of his close
(Pakistan), appealed to sur-
render and was captured alive
dent that it had more nefarious
designs which even the sur-
he Indian Army on associates was eliminated by without causing any harm to rendered terrorist is unaware C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Yidan Council of Luminaries to tions that they have deployed
T Tuesday once again
exposed the Pakistan Army’s
the Indian patrol party while
foiling a major infiltration bid
In a written statement a
Defence Spokesman said, umbai-based Pratham
work collaboratively with dis-
tinguished education leaders.
towards this goal have proven to
be cost-effective and scalable
connivance in abetting infil-
tration inside the Indian terri-
in the Uri sector on September
Srinagar based Defence
Spokesman Col Emron Musavi
"Pakistan Army’s connivance in
abetting infiltration continues,
M Education Foundation's
(PEF) CEO Dr Rukmini Banerji
Dr Banerji has been chosen
for the award in recognition of
with a demonstrated potential to
impact globally—disruptive
tory after it successfully cap- The Army officer said in claimed, "the Pakistani terror- as it is difficult to attempt and Stanford University’s Prof her work in improving learning education innovation with trans-
tured a 19-year-old Lashkar-e- the last week, a total of seven ist was misguided and lured crossing the Line of Control Eric A Hanushek have won the outcomes. The Annual Status of formative results”, said Dorothy
Taiba terrorist, trained by the terrorists have been neutralised into joining LeT due to pover- without active support of local prestigious ‘2021 Yidan Prize for Education Report (ASER) K. Gordon, head of Yidan Prize
Pakistan Army personnel and one terrorist apprehended, ty, having lost his father early. Pakistan military comman- Education Research’, the world’s assessment approach, pioneered for Education Development
inside one of the terror facto- including five along the LC. To escape poverty, the indi- ders. As per the surrendered highest education accolade that by Dr Banerji and her team in judging panel, and Board
ries across the Line of Control. During interrogation the ran back towards the POK vidual left schooling from Govt Pakistan national, the group of carries a cash prize of $ 3.90 mil- India, revealed literacy and Member of the UNESCO
The young terrorist who young terrorist also revealed side of LC while remaining two School after class seven. He six terrorists crossed the LC lion, or almost C28-crore, for numeracy gaps among children Institute for Information
hailed from district Okara in that the route taken by the ter- terrorists managed to sneak in". underwent three weeks of fence in the shadow of forward each laureate. who had already spent several Technologies in Education.
Punjab (Pakistan) during pre- rorists to infiltrate was from The Army officer said, preliminary training at the Pakistani post Jabri". Dr Banerji and Prof years at school. With the support of the
liminary investigation revealed Sawai Nala Terrorist Camp to "Additional forces were induct- Garhi Habibullah Camp (KPK) According to a Defence Hanushek have been bestowed To close these gaps, her Yidan Prize, Dr Banerji plans to
how the Pakistan Army regu- Hallan Shumali Launch pad to ed and multiple patrols were in 2019 followed by refresher Spokesman, other infiltrators with the prestigious award in team’s “Teaching at the Right strengthen and expand
lars are imparting training to a Jabri, leading into Salamabad launched in the suspected areas training in 2021. Most of the have been identified as Atiq-ur- recognition of their ground- Level” (TaRL) program works Pratham’s work with young chil-
fresh crop of terrorists in the Nala. In 2016, the terrorists and the getaway routes were instructors being employed for Rehman @ Qari Anas, age - 33, breaking work addressing a cru- with schools and local commu- dren so that strong foundations
terror factories and army per- who had carried out a suicide blocked. On the night of 25 Sep physical and weapons training Village - Pindikep,Dist - cial piece of the education puz- nities to provide basic reading could be built early in a child’s
sonnel deployed in the forward attack on Uri Garrison had 2021, contact was again estab- were Pakistan Army person- Attock,Punjab (Pakistan), zle: improving quality of edu- and arithmetic skills, ensuring life. She said she believed this
posts desperately trying to used the the same route via lished by one such patrol with nel". Tayyab, age - 24 Samundri cation and outcomes for learn- no children are left behind. would contribute significantly
push a large group of infiltra- Salamabad Nala before sneak- the terrorists approximately As per the surrendered City, Dist - Faisalabad Punjab ers at scale. This systematic, replicable towards the goal of seeing “every
tors inside the Indian territo- ing inside the Indian territory. 800 meters inside the LC. terrorist, Atiq ur Rehman @ (Pakistan), Abu Bakkar Salfi, With this announcement, model reaches millions of chil- child in school and learning
ry. Sharing details of the oper- Eventually by afternoon of 26 Qari Anas r/o Vill - Pindi, age - 22 the two academicians will now dren annually across the coun- well”.
According to a senior ation a senior army officer in Sep 2021, one Pakistani ter- Distt- Attock, Punjab Satiana Town,Tehsil - join nine laureates who have try and is spreading around the Prof Hanushek, Paul and
Army officer, who supervised Baramulla told reporters, "dur- rorist Atiq ur Rehman @ Qari (Pakistan) had given him Jaranwala, District - Faislabad, been awarded the Yidan Prize globe. Jean Hanna Senior Fellow,
the entire operation on ground ing the infiltration attempt on Anas, belonging to Distt Attock C20,000/- for his mother’s treat- Punjab ( Pakistan), Abu Khitab, since its inception in 2016, “Dr Rukmini Banerji and Hoover Institution of Stanford
zero in Baramulla on Tuesday September 18-19, while two in Punjab (Pakistan) aged 33 ment and had promised to age - 35 Tehsil - Kasur, District established by the Yidan Prize the Pratham team have a clear University, has been recognised
told reporters, "a 19-year-old terrorists were crossing the years was eliminated. The sec- give him additional C30,000/- - Lahore, Punjab ( Pakistan), Foundation --- a global philan- mission: ‘Every child in school for his work that focuses on edu-
Pakistani terrorist Ali Babar LoC, own patrolling party ond Pakistani terrorist, named on safe return from Pattan Usman @ Abu Slaria, age - 27 thropic education foundation and learning well’. It is a cation outcomes and the impor-
Patra, son of Late Mohd Lateef established contact with them. Ali Babar Patra, son of Late near Baramulla, where the Village - Shahdra, District that inspires progress and reminder that we need to focus tance of teaching quality and has
R/O Dipalpur, District Okara Taking advantage of the thick Mohd Lateef r/o Dipalpur, group was to deliver the war –Lahore Punjab (Pakistan) (BA change in education. All Yidan on education quality and not just transformed both research and
Punjab (Pakistan) had decided undergrowth, four terrorists Distt - Okara Punjab like stores. However, it is evi- - Teacher in govt School). Prize laureates will join the school enrolments. The solu- policy internationally.
Jammu: Union Minister construction of new An alert local security guard called up the
Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday highways, tunnels and aving completed the investigations into the Mumbai Police Main Control Room around 3 am
reviewed the construction
work of strategically impor-
bridges which will
bring transformative
H much-discussed Sakinaka rape-and-murder
within just 18 days of the incident, the Mumbai
that morning and a Sakinaka Police Station team
rushed there and immediately shifted her to
Lucknow: Alleged police bru- checked into in a hotel on tant Zojila and Z-Morh changes in the lives of Police on Tuesday filed a comprehensive Rajawadi Hospital, where she succumbed after over
tality in Gorakhpur led to the Taramandal Road in tunnels on the Srinagar-Leh people and will create chargesheet against the prime accused for alleged- 30 hours.
death of a 36-year-old trader Ramgarhtal area of Gorakhpur. highway. huge employment ly raping and murdering a 32-year-old woman in After serious cognisance of the shocking inci-
from Gorakhpur. The victim Their close friend Chandan The Union Minister opportunities for the the small hours of September 10. dent, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav
was allegedly thrashed by the Saini also lives in Sikriganj area also said all the projects local people. Confirming the development, Mumbai Police Thackeray had ordered the city police to complete
police after he questioned the of the district. undertaken by the BJP-led He assured that Spokesperson and DCP Chaitanya S said: “We have the investigations within a month and file a charge-
cops for checking his hotel Reports said that around Central Government should be completed work on the Zojila Tunnel is in full capacity filed a 346-page chargesheet before the Dindoshi sheet in the case immediately afterwards.
room late on Monday. The midnight on Monday, a police before the 2024 general elections. and NHIDCL is geared up to continue the Court, within 18 days of the crime”. On their part, the Mumbai police completed
cops, however, claimed that team led by local SHO reached The 13.5-km long tunnel, being con- work in winter months. He stressed for Among other things, the police have invoked the investigations in a record 18 days and filed its
they used no force and that the the hotel and barged into the structed at a cost of 4,300 crores, will be Asia’s putting in every effort in place to complete Sections pertaining to rape and murder and rel- charge-sheet in the court within 18 days.
youth was drunk and he died room of these traders and longest bi-directional tunnel and will allow the project well before the scheduled date. evant provisions under the SC/ST atrocities act The charge-sheet contains the statement of the
after he fell on the floor. asked them to show their iden- all-weather connectivity between Ladakh Pertinent to mention that, once completed against the lone arrested accused Mohan Chauhan watchman, other witnesses who had seen the vic-
Later, after the local resi- tity cards and give the reason and Srinagar. Work on the project is expect- the Zojila tunnel will be India’s longest road (45). tim and the accused together, the medical teams
dents staged a demonstration, for staying in Gorakhpur. The ed to be completed by September 2026. tunnel and Asia’s longest bi-directional tun- It may be recalled that within hours after the which attempted to save her and the relatives of
Senior Superintendent of Police situation took an ugly turn Meanwhile, the Z-Morh tunnel between nel. Several bridges are being constructed horrific incident which had caused a nation-wide the accused.
of Gorakhpur, Vipin Tanda, when Manish questioned the Gagangir and Sonmarg will provide connec- along this route and a connecting tunnel from furore, the accused Chauhan was arrested as he Following the Sakinaka incident, the Mumbai
suspended half-a-dozen police- policemen for disturbing them tivity in all weather conditions between Z-Morh in the National Highway-1 to Zojila was attempting to flee to his native place Jaunpur Police has implemented a series of measures to
men, including the local station in late hours, saying that they Srinagar in Jammu & Kashmir and Kargil in tunnel will be constructed in the Zojila Ghats in Uttar Pradesh. ensure the safety of women and girls, especially
house officer (SHO). Reports were not terrorists. His friends Ladakh. The Zojila tunnel between Baltal and between Sonamarg and Kargil. A jobless driver, Chuahan allegedly raped and at night, strengthening of existing patrolling and
said that Manish Gupta (36), a claimed that on this, the cops Minamarg on the Srinagar-Leh section will The entire work is divided into two divi- killed the victim woman in a fit of rage over some detection methods, etc.
businessman hailing from assaulted Manish. When the provide all-year connectivity between Leh and sions in the 33 km span. Stressing upon the monetary disputes. In a letter written to Maharashtra Governor
Barra locality of Kanpur, cops left, the friends took Srinagar. Addressing media persons on the state of art infrastructure in the tunnel pro- The chargesheet provides the details of the Bhagat Singh Koshyari, the Chief
reached Gorakhpur on Manish to a hospital where he occasion the Union Minister said that exten- jects he said that appropriate security mea- sequence of events, the causes and other aspects Minister had last week had said that the State
Monday along with his two was pronounced dead. Once sive road networks in the Himalayan Region sures have been kept in place leading to the heinous crime. Government had arrested the culprit behind the
friends, Pradeep Singh and the incident came to light the will help boost the tourism sector in the including vertical shafts at three places and The incident took place at an isolated spot in Sakinaka incident within ten minutes of the police
Hariveer Singh, to visit the zoo SHO of Ramgarhtal, Jagat area. adequate security and lighting measures Sakinaka in north Mumbai. Chauhan allegedly arriving at the crime scene. He said that his
and also for darshan at Narain Singh, and four other Gadkari said that the Central with CCTV, fire alarm and heat detection sys- perpetrated sexual assault on her, later brutalized Government had taken various steps to do justice
Gorakhnath Math. They cops were suspended. PNS Government has given a new impetus to the tems at par with international standards. her by thrusting an iron rod into her private parts to the victim girl in the Sakinaka incident.
UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
A Cabinet expansion, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
has introduced a Ministry
of Cooperation. Earlier, on a visit
to Amul Dairy at Anand, he had
Minister probably meant limited
erative institutions, important?
DQWLERGLHVDJDLQVWWKHYLUXV$OVRQRPDUNHGGLI ial activity. Two, the trust of the ben-
ment commands trust even in the
reported only seven per cent of the
VWLFNWKHLUQHFNVRXWWRVD\WKDWWKHQH[WZDYHPD\QRWEHQDWLRQDOEXWZLOOEHPDGH Western banks. In contrast, bank- the 1960s tried different strate- ued at C900 billion per year. many have opted for what is
XSRIORFDOZDYHV7KHLUORJLFLVWKDWWKHPDMRULW\RIWKH,QGLDQSRSXODWLRQPD\E\ ing giants like the Lehmann gies to develop dairying, includ- Milk today reaches more sometimes derisively referred to
Brothers suffered huge meltdowns. ing establishing dairies run by than 750 towns and cities of the as the “Lalu model of manage-
QRZKDYHSURWHFWLRQWKURXJKYDFFLQDWLRQRUQDWXUDOLQIHFWLRQDQGWKDWWKHSUHVHQFH Cooperative banks form 20 per cent their own departments. Cattle country through the National ment”. In other words, family
RIQHZFDVHVLQGLFDWHVVXVWDLQHGWUDQVPLVVLRQDWWKHGLVWULFWRU6WDWHOHYHOVZKLFK of Europe’s banking system. More colonies were set up to enhance Milk Grid Network. The num- members or cronies have been
DUH ZLWQHVVLQJ ORFDO ZDYHV ,I VR WKH FKDOOHQJH EHIRUH WKH 8QLRQ DQG 6WDWH than 60 per cent Americans trust milk production, but were con- ber of women’s cooperatives appointed in the top decision
*RYHUQPHQWVLVWKDWPXFKPRUH7KH\FODLPWRKDYHWKHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHUHDG\WRGHDO the country’s credit union banks, as centrated in urban areas and not has grown significantly. The making posts. But this does not
compared to commercial ones. in the milk sheds or cattle graz- cooperative model has empow- diminish the importance of
ZLWKDQHZZDYH6LPXOWDQHRXVO\WKH\ZLOOKDYHWRSUHSDUHIRUDSRVWSDQGHPLF The Cooperative Society Act ing zones. ered them in ways that were the cooperative movement.
VLWXDWLRQ7KHYDFFLQDWLRQSURFHVVKDVWREHFRPSOHWHG7KHYDFFLQDWLRQRIFKLO was enacted in 1912. The Anand It was Operation Flood inconceivable decades ago. But to come back to the
GUHQKDVWREHJLQ7KHTXHVWLRQRIDERRVWHUGRVHIRUWKHLQILUPDQGSHRSOHZLWK Milk Union Limited, which today implemented by the National Women dairy cooperatives, with third way; namely, the cooper-
FRPRUELGLWLHVKDVWREHVHWWOHG6HURVXUYH\VKDYHWREHFRQGXFWHGDWWLPHGLQWHU is a global Indian brand by the Dairy Development Board further branching out into ani- ative approach can enable a
name of Amul, was started in (NDDB), which revolutionised >?4A0C8>=5;>>3 mal husbandry, are another suc- farmer of even a couple of
1946, under the direction of
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
dairy development in India.
Beginning in 1970, the NDDB
8<?;4<4=C431H cess story of this movement.
The cooperative movement
hectares of land-holding, or his
urban counterpart, to be a
WLILHGLQ&RORPELDKDVWKHSRWHQWLDOWRHYDGHDQWLERGLHV(YHQLIDQHZZDYHGRHV Cooperative societies are working replicated Amul’s successful C74=0C8>=0;308AH has seen one of its great success- partner in entrepreneurship.
the US in the west.
model. Here, individual farmers
are joined in village-level dairy 34E4;>?<4=C es in Maharashtra and
Karnataka, particularly the for-
The apex cooperative and its
management need to be honest
HUDWLRQRIYDFFLQHVWKDWIXOO\EORFNVWUDQVPLVVLRQ7KDWLVWKHRQO\ZD\WRDIIHFWD But it is in India they have a cooperative societies (DCS), 1>0A3=331 mer. In Maharashtra, the coop- as well as imaginative.
FORVXUHWRWKHVDJDRIWKLVYLUXV which in turn are joined in State- erative movement has been Depending on the product, it
seminal role to play. Let us take the
saga of Amul, the country’s best level marketing federations. The A4E>;DC8>=8B43 embraced by the States’ rural can be a manufacturing or a
?82D1<; known and most successful coop- Amul pattern in each state has 308AH and urban folk alike. marketing exercise, while the
erative institution. Under Sardar decentralised milk production It has also spawned across- cooperatives at the field level
Patel’s initiative, dairy farmers of the by small milk producers, milk 34E4;>?<4=C8= the-board success in the pro- would supply the input, like
then Kheda district of Gujarat
organised themselves to form a
procurement by village-level
dairy cooperative societies, cen-
8=3801468==8=6 duction of sugar and in the
banking sector. In rural
milk in the case of Amul. It is
a marvellous idea for a country
dairy cooperative in order to direct- tralized milk production by dis- 8= (&C74=331 Maharashtra, it is cooperative with a large population and
ly undertake sale and processing of
milk collected from member dairy
trict-level unions and marketing
of milk and milk products by the A4?;820C430<D;³B banks that hold the sway and
are the preferred banking insti-
comparatively little land. The
farmers of the district. State federations. BD224BB5D; tutions to deposit money. The model is the second way for the
Amul has made a world of dif- Primary milk producers cooperative movement in this middle rung of entrepreneurs,
ference, to not only India’s dairy govern this entire federal coop- <>34;74A4 State has also morphed into the while the first way is of the lim-
farming, but also the country’s erative structure to ensure that
the higher tier organizations
8=38E83D0; political sphere. The sugar
cooperatives in the State have
ited company model.
(This is part of an ongoing
socioeconomic life. Figures tell this
story like nothing else. During the cater to the lower tiers and the 50A<4AB0A4 become the prima donna of series on India making multi-
two decades between 1950 and
1970, milk production grew by a
gains at all levels flow back to the
milk producers in significant
9>8=438= political influence and power.
One cannot also deny that
dimensional advancement across
States and nations).
bare one per cent annually; per measure. The Anand model E8;;064;4E4; many cooperative banks have (The writer is a well-known
enabled Operation Flood, mak- floundered or are struggling. columnist, an author and a for-
capita availability of milk actually
decided by an equivalent percent- ing India the world’s largest 308AH This is because they have shied mer member of the Rajya
age in the same period. Various producer of milk at more than 2>>?4A0C8E4B away from professionalising Sabha. The views expressed
State Governments in the decade of 100 million tonnes annually, val- their management. Instead, are personal.)
6Xa[bf^aZ^dcc^_aT_PaTU^aY^X]X]VcWTSTUT]RTU^aRTbPc5[h\P]SP[ ?C8
Sir — It is appreciable that Actor Kamal
Hassan has appealed to the State
FQSSY^UVU\\_gcXY`d_bUce]U ^]WXbDBcaX_
Government to recognise Tamil film leg- UXabcR^d]caXTbc^aTRTXeTePRRX]TbPbPVaP]c PbZX]VWX\c^\TTc
end Nagesh by instituting an award in his Qh 8]SXP 1P]V[PSTbW aTRTXeTS cWT \^bc dbU^ab^[^]VQdc
name and installing a bust inside the 2>E83 ( S^bTb d]STa ²EPRRX]T <PXcaX³ WTXb]^cfX[[X]V
MGR Film and Television Institute. There 7^fTeTa8]SXPWPSc^bc^_cWTTg_^acbX]cWT
7KHDJLWDWLRQKDVJURZQPDQLIROGWKH*RYWDQG is no second opinion that the veteran actor
deserves such recognition. At the same
IDUPHUVPXVWUHVXPHWDONVWRHQGWKHVWDOHPDWH time, one is at a loss to understand why
Hassan has been silent all these days to
KH¶%KDUDW%DQGK·RQ0RQGD\OHGWRKXHDQGFU\LQYDULRXVSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\DV seek due recognition for other great PbfT[[Pbc^Tg_^acc^cWT]TTShR^d]caXTb
ceased Nagesh, of course, after leaving an ePRRX]TbXb[XZT[hc^aTbd\TcWTTg_^ac^U _a^VaP\ 0b _Ta cWT aTRT]c bcPcXbcXRb cWT QTWPeTScWP]cWT
Manorama? Can anyone ignore the great- X]9P]dPahcWXbhTPafXcWfWXRW8]SXPa^[[TS^dc TaP[SPhbCWXbXbP\X[Tbc^]TU^a8]SXPPUcTa °DB?aTbXST]c
est comedian of our time, JP Chandra \X[[X^]b^US^bTbPbPXSWPbQTT]P__aTRXPc PW^aaXSbTR^]SfPeT5dacWTa8]SXPfT]cP
WRRZDVFRYHUHGE\LQWHUQDWLRQDOPHGLD,WZRUNHGDV talents of versatile acting, decent and scin- RWTP_Ta _PacXRd[Pa[h U^a [^fX]R^\T P]S 3=0ePRRX]TPVPX]bc2>E83 (cWPcRP]QT 7P__hc^P]]^d]RT
DGHWHUUHQWRQWKH*RYHUQPHQW·VLPDJHEXLOGLQJGULYH tillating comedy, singing, dancing and STeT[^_X]V\PaZTcbP]SPaT\^aTbdXcPQ[TU^a VXeT]c^TeTah^]TPQ^eT !hTPab^UPVT8]SXP cWPc^daUX[\
7LNDLWKDGDOVRWZHHWHGWR863UHVLGHQW-RH%LGHQXUJ even as Director of films that he was truly R^d]caXTbfXcWfTPZR^[SRWPX]bP]SX]UaPbcadR bTT\b c^ QT R^]UXST]c c^ \TTc cWT cPaVTc 7Ta^_P]cX!fX[[
fine arts personified? It would have been cdaTUPRX[XcXTbC^SPcT8]SXPWPbbd__[XTS]TPa aT`dXaT\T]cbU^abdRRTbbUd[R^\_[TcX^]^UcWT QTaT[TPbX]VX]
LQJKLPWR´IRFXVµRQWKHIDUPODZVDKHDGRI300RGL·V better if only Kamal had sought recogni- [h%%\X[[X^]UaTTePRRX]TbPa^d]ScWTf^a[S f^a[S³b[PaVTbcePRRX]PcX^]SaXeT cWTPcaTb]TPah^d
86YLVLW7KHIDUPHUXQLRQVKDGSUHYLRXVO\VWDJHGDKLJK tion for all those thespians of Tamil film c^($R^d]caXTb1WdcP]P]S<P[SXeTbfTaTcWT :aXbW]P:ET_PZ^\\P| 7hSTaPQPS ^]4XS!!!
Tharcius S Fernando | Channai
VDQGVRISURIDUPHUVFKDUJHGWRZDUGV.DUQDO·V0LQL over the ages. However, with politics in sions of noise pollution. The cases of high °0Rc^a
the country having moved along pre- blood pressure and heart diseases in chil-
6HFUHWDULDWWRVWDJHDJKHUDRZKLFKXQVHWWOHGWKH%-3 @?<9D931<D?EB9CDC9>7?1 dictable paths all these years, it will always dren are very common today, children are
*RYHUQPHQW7LNDLWLVVFKHGXOHGWRDGGUHVVDQRWKHU.LVDQ Sir — No other party but the Congress be lamented that the electorate has not often hooked to video games where high
0DKDSDQFKD\DWLQ&KKDWWLVJDUK·V*DULDEDQGGLVWULFWRQ in Goa seems to have the ‘disgruntlement’ been given much to choose from. Will the pitched sounds are common which takes 8S^]cZ]^ffWh
factor playing such a decisive role in the, arrival of the Trinamool Congress in the a toll on their health. b^\TTg?PZXbcP]
7XHVGD\%XWWKHTXHVWLRQUHPDLQVZKHWKHUWKHPRUHDQWDJRQLVWLFDSSURDFKZLWKSURWHVWV by now, regular exodus of its prominent State’s political horizon afford Goans a Parents should take the responsibility _[PhTabPaTRdabX]V
OLNHWKH0DKDSDQFKD\DWDQGQRZWKH¶%KDUDW%DQGK·ZRXOGDFWXDOO\ZRUNLQIDYRXURI members desiring to chart a different chance to redeem their electoral options? to make their children understand the con- cWT8?;8]SXP]
UHSHDOLQJWKHIDUPODZVRUZRXOGWKH\PDNHPDWWHUVZRUVH" course in the State’s politics. Hence the With almost all the major national par- sequences of these high pitched sounds in ?aT\XTa;TPVdT
7KH83*RYHUQPHQWKDGRQ6XQGD\DQQRXQFHGDQLQFUHDVHLQVXJDUFDQH·V6WDWH TMC’s foray into local politics does not ties having a palpable presence in the games and prolonged use of in-ear ear- U^a]^aTPb^]
come as a big surprise. However, with dis- State now, Goans could well look forward phones. Noise pollution is not all about
$GYLVHG3ULFH6$3E\CSHUTXLQWDOIRUDOOWKHWKUHHYDULHWLHVRIWKHFURSWRZRR enchantment within its ranks having to a slew of fresh faces contesting the honking cars and traffic sounds or super ¯?212WPXa\P]
IDUPHUVLQYLHZRIWKH$VVHPEO\SROOVGXHQH[W\HDU+RZHYHU&KLHI0LQLVWHU<RJL splintered the party many times over in coming elections. loud DJs, it can be there in a pair of tiny AP\XiAPYP
$GLW\DQDWK·VELGZDVQRWUHFHLYHGZHOODV7LNDLWFDOOHGWKHKLNHD´ELJMRNHRQIDUP the past few decades, Congress has Pachu Menon | Goa earbuds. The administration in all the cities
HUVµ7KH$VVHPEO\SROOVLQPXOWLSOH6WDWHVDUHVFKHGXOHGIRUDQGWKHIDUPHU apparently not found it worthwhile to should strictly prohibit the use of loud
assess the situation and go into a dam- >?9C5@?<<ED9?>=ECD25851B4 exhaust systems in motorcycles as their
RXWILWVVHHNWREXLOGSUHVVXUHRQWKH&HQWUH7KH%-3*RYHUQPHQWKDVPRUHRQ6WDNH age control mode. Having lost quite a few engines produce about 95 decibels of sound CWT2^]VaTbbX]
Sir — Noise pollution is a danger we often
DQGQRZWKDWWKH3ULPH0LQLVWHUKDVUHWXUQHGIURPWKH86DIWHUDWWHQGLQJVWUDWHJLFDO stalwarts over the years who have gone laugh off. We think that it's not that seri- and sounds above 70 decibels start dam- 6^PXb]^ccWTbP\T
O\LPSRUWDQWPHHWLQJVD´VPDOOµGLDORJXHZLWKIDUPHUVFDQIROORZIRUWKHVDNHRISHDFH on to play distinctive roles in national pol- aging our hearing capacity. These steps _PachU^afWXRWfT
ous of a problem but indeed it's a slow poi-
itics, the Congress today faces the WPSbPRaXUXRTSP]S
son which only grows with each passing should be taken at the earliest or else we
are looking at a disease-ridden future.
day. We believe that the health issues we
Noopur Baruah | Tezpur cX^]X]VR^]caPahc^Xcb_aX]RX_[Tb
suffer such as unstable blood pressure,
OHDVWXQWLOQH[W\HDU·VSROOV7KHQHHGWRDGGUHVVWKHFRQWHQWLRXVIDUPODZVLVVXHLV across the country. stress and depression, heart diseases etc.
DFULWLFDORQHZKLFKKDVJURZQIURPD¶EDQGK·LQ3XQMDELQ6HSWHPEHUODVW\HDUWRD But then that has been the way pol- are all because of poor diet and sedentary BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) °5^a\Ta6^P2WXTU<X]XbcTa
itics has been played out in the country [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ;dXiX]W^5P[TXa^
QHDUWRWDO¶%KDUDW%DQGK·RQ0RQGD\ lifestyle but often undermine the repercus-
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!!
gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
ou must show it is a ministry for
Y environment and not just of
environment”, chastised the
Supreme Court as recently as in
June, 2021, when the Ministry of
Environment, challenged the order of the
Court bemoaned the constant dilution of
Allahabad High Court directing the
demolition of the 40-storey twin towers
constructed by a real state major in Noida
in contravention of the environmental
and other building bye-laws.
The Court has through such judg-
ments expanded the ambit and the scope
of article 21 which declares that “no per-
son shall be deprived of his life or person-
al liberty except according to procedure C748=380= on the citizens to endeavour to Article 21. Public health and ecol- izens are under obligation to pro-
established by law…”. The Court overruled 2>=BC8CDC8>= protect and improve the natural ogy were held to be priorities tect and improve the environ-
its judgment in AK Gopalan vs the State 20BCB0= environment, water bodies and to under Article 21. In TN ment, including forests, lakes,
of Madras (1950) and in Maneka Gandhi >1;860C8>=>= safeguard the forests and the Godavarman Thirumulkpad case rivers, wildlife and to have compas-
vs the Union of India (1978) and held that C74BC0C4C> wildlife. The Parliament has enact- (1995), the Court ruled that no sion for living creatures”. In the
“the procedure” under Article 21 has to ed laws for protection and conser- forests, national park or wildlife Research Foundation for Science
be fair, just and reasonable and would also ?A>C42C0=3 vation of environment, wildlife, sanctuary can be de-reserved with- Technology National Resource
have to be tested with Article 14. In their 8<?A>E4C74 and prevention of water and air out its explicit permission and that Policy vs Union of India and
latest judgement in KS Puttaswamy vs 4=E8A>=<4=C pollution. Despite a wide array of no on-forestry activity will be Another (2005), the Court read
Union of India, a nine-judge bench 0=3C> environmental laws and India’s permitted in a national park or procedural guarantees into Article
unanimously held the right to privacy as B0546D0A3C74 declared commitment to sustain- wildlife sanctuary, among others. 21, that is, the right to information
HOLJLEOHWRDSSO\IRUJRYHUQPHQWMREVZRXOGEHGHSULYHGRISURPR an integral part of fundamental rights. In able development made as early as The Court also imposed complete and community participation for
WLRQLILQVHUYLFHDQGZRXOGQRWJHWWKHEHQHILWVRIVXEVLGLHV the same judgment, it also upheld the 5>A4BCB0=3 1992 at Rio Conference, due to ban on cutting trees and moving protection of environment and
7KLVPRYHVKRXOGKDYHEHHQZHOFRPHGHVSHFLDOO\ZKHQVLQFHV minority view of Justice HR Khanna in F8;3;854A8E4AB wide gaps, omissions, contraven- timber from the north-eastern human health. Almitra H. Patel &
RWKHUVWDWHVKDYHH[SHULPHQWHGZLWKVRPHIRUPRIDWZRFKLOGSRO the ADM Jabalpur case (1976) who had 0=3;0:4B0=3 tions and inadequacies in environ- states and felling of trees in Ors. vs Union of India & Ors. is a
LF\ +RZHYHU &KDWWLVJDUK +LPDFKDO 3UDGHVK 0DGK\D 3UDGHVK DQG held that “right to life is inalienable” and 0;B>C>70E4 mental governance, there have Uttarakhand, Himachal, J&K and case that comprises of a series of
that it existed before “the advent of the 2><?0BB8>= been a large number of public agi- the hilly areas of West Bengal. In a petitions made before the
+DU\DQDKDYHVLQFHUHYRNHGWKHQRUPV7KHVHVWDWHVDOVRKDGVWURQJ Constitution”. tations, movements and protract- MC Mehta vs Kamal Nath (1996), Supreme Court in 1996. In com-
GLVLQFHQWLYHV6RZK\DUHWKHRSSRVLWLRQSDUWLHVPDNLQJVRPXFKQRLVH" The right to life is guaranteed and not 5>A;8E8=6 ed litigations to conserve and pre- the Court held that leased forest pliance of the directions of the
7KHPDLQUHDVRQLVWKHWLPLQJRIWKLVDQQRXQFHPHQWMXVWEHIRUHWKHHOHF granted. The enjoyment of the right to life 2A40CDA4B serve the environment. The apex land was situated on the bank of Court, rules were evolved for the
WLRQVDQGWKHDSSUHKHQVLRQWKDWWKH0XVOLPFRPPXQLW\LVEHLQJWDUJHW is inconceivable without safe and sustain- C744=9>H<4=C Court through a catena of path- river Beas being fragile, cannot be management and handling of haz-
HG7KHDQQRXQFHPHQWKDVRQFHDJDLQEURXJKWWRWKHIRUHVRPHSHU able environment. And the courts ensure >5C74A867C breaking judgments intertwined converted into private ownership. ardous wastes. In yet another case
WLQHQWTXHVWLRQVDERXW,QGLD·VSRSXODWLRQJURZWKDQGLWVSROLFLHV)LUVW this connection between the two. Article C>;8548B the right to life with sustainable The Court quashed the lease and — MC Mehta vs Union of India —
LVSRSXODWLRQH[SORVLRQVXFKDPDMRULVVXH"6HFRQGLVWKHUHDQHHGWR 142 empowers the Court to pass such environment. passed order to pay the compen- the Court passed an order in
decree or order as may be necessary to 8=2>=248E01;4 In MC Mehta vs Union of sation for restitution of environ- December 2015 for diversion of
DGRSWFRHUFLYHPHWKRGVDVSURSRVHGLQWKH83ELOO"7KLUGZRXOGWKH render complete justice. Under this F8C7>DC India (1984), the Court issued a ment and ecology of the area. commercial vehicles coming from
DGRSWLRQRIWKHVXJJHVWHGPHDVXUHVEHDQHIIHFWLYHVWHSLQVROYLQJWKH Article, the Court can “fashion new B0540=3 series of directives, banning coal- In Indian Council for Enviro- the adjoining States so as to bring
SUREOHP")RXUWKLVWKH0XVOLPSRSXODWLRQJURZLQJVRUDSLGO\WKDWLWZLOO tools, forge new methods, innovate new BDBC08=01;4 based and other industries in the legal Action Etc. case (1996), the down pollution level in Delhi and
OHDGWRRYHUWDNLQJRI+LQGXVLQQXPEHUVRYHUDSHULRGRIWLPH"$QGODVW strategies and evolve a new jurisprudence” 4=E8A>=<4=C immediate vicinity of the Taj. Court held that the industries also directed that all manner of
O\ZKDWLVWKHEHVWRSWLRQDYDLODEOHWRFRQWUROWKHSRSXODWLRQ":HQHHG so as to render complete justice. It has Directions were also issued for producing chemicals like Oleum commercial taxies run on CNG.
WRSURYLGHFRQYLQFLQJDQVZHUVWRWKHVHUHOHYDQWTXHVWLRQV8QGRXEWHGO\ done precisely that to respect the link making suitable traffic arrange- and Sludge Phosphate which The judgements of the apex
LQFUHDVHLQSRSXODWLRQLVDVHULRXVLVVXH,QGLD·VSRSXODWLRQZLOOVXUSDVV between environment and right to life. ment and creation of a tree belt to caused damage to nearby villages Court have fostered sound envi-
The objective of environmental laws insulate the Taj from pollution. In were responsible for the damages ronmental jurisprudence, remind-
&KLQD·VE\$ERXWWKHQHHGIRUFRHUFLYHPHWKRGV8QLRQ0LQLVWHU is to conserve, sustain and manage the 1985, the Court directed that the on the principle of “polluter pays”. ing us of the deep veneration and
RI6WDWHIRU+HDOWKDQGIDPLO\:HOIDUH$VKZLQL.XPDU&KRXEH\KDVFDW environment so that life remains sustain- polluting industries/tanneries set In Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum gratitude of the Vedic seers to
HJRULFDOO\GHQLHGWKDWWKHUHLVDSXVKWRLPSRVHDWZRFKLOGQRUP7KLUGO\ able. The Constitution casts an obligation up sewage treatment plants at case (1996), observing that the Mother Earth for sustaining life.
DWZRFKLOGQRUPLWKDVEHHQVHHQKDVUHVXOWHGLQULVHRIVH[VHOHFWLYH on the State to protect and improve the their own cost and discharge treat- river Palar was the main source for The Prithvi Sukta of the Atharva
DQGXQVDIHDERUWLRQV0RUHRYHUWRFRQWHVWORFDOERG\HOHFWLRQVVRPH environment and to safeguard the forests ed water in the river. The Court in drinking and bathing for the peo- Veda, exhorts for keeping the
PHQZHQWWRWKHH[WHQWRIGLYRUFLQJWKHLUZLYHVRUJDYHXSWKHLUFKLOGUHQ and wildlife, rivers and lakes and also to another case ordered relocation of ple nearby, the Court granted the Earth free from human pressure so
IRUDGRSWLRQWRDYRLGGLVTXDOLILFDWLRQ)RXUWKO\DFFRUGLQJWRWKH have compassion for living creatures. The hazardous and noxious industries relief sought by the petitioners. that it is able to nourish us. The
42nd Constitution Amendment removed operating in Delhi and directed The Court directed to main- Court has broadened the horizon
FHQVXVWKHKLJKHVWQXPEHURI0XVOLPVLQWKHFRXQWU\RYHUPLOOLRQ forests and wildlife from the State List of mandatory conversion of conven- tain ecological balance in Narmada of the right to life and conjoined
the Constitution and included them in the Additional Secretary, tional fuel by compressed natural Bachao Andolan vs Union of India it with environment by enunciat-
WKDQSHUFHQWRIWKHVWDWH·VSRSXODWLRQ$VSHURIILFLDOGDWDEHWZHHQ Concurrent List. Article 48A, a Directive Lok Sabha and member gas. In Subhash Kumar vs State of (2000). In KM Chinnappan and T. ing sound principles like, the pol-
DQG+LQGXVJUHZDWWZRSHUFHQWDQQXDOO\ZKLOH0XVOLPV Principle of State Policy, and Article 51A, of Delhi Bar Council. Bihar (1991), the Court held that N. Godavarman Thirmalpad vs luter pays, the precautionary prin-
The views expressed
are personal.)
the Right to get pollution free Union of India (2002), the Court ciple, inter-generational equity,
WKDWZKLOHWKH+LQGXJURZWKUDWHGHFOLQHGE\SHUFHQWDJHSRLQWVLQ cast an obligation on the State as well as water and air is a right under ruled that the “the State and the cit- the public trust principle, etc.
°19?=0C8>=0;E824?A4B834=C °C<2;4034A
ndia has been in quest of Biden has joined the list, also out of the five permanent and suggested that it should new permanent members, its tion. The US Presidents, from
6;>14 4YZ_R?2E@
C^Zh^) 9P_P]³b6^eTa]\T]c
R^a^]PeXadbbcPcT^UT\TaVT]Rh cVXZ`_R]eV_dZ`_d
fX[[T]ScWXbfTTZb^cWT Beijing: China’s top diplomat
TR^]^\hRP]QTaTPRcXePcTSPb 0?Q :01D; ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= Afghanistan to fight the Soviet has held a virtual meeting with
X]UTRcX^]bb[^f army and was designated as an NATO’s chief to discuss the sit-
he Taliban banned barber- akistan is home to at least FTO in 2010. After 1989, it uation in Afghanistan, amid
T shops in a southern
Afghanistan province from
P 12 groups designated as
‘foreign terrorist organisations’
redirected its efforts toward
India, although it did supply
longstanding disagreements
between Beijing and the US-led
<XP\X) 7daaXRP]TBP\ shaving or trimming beards, by the US, including five of fighters to the Afghan Taliban. alliance over regional policies.
bcaT]VcWT]TSPVPX]c^P_^fTaUd[ claiming their edict is in line them being India-centric like “With an unknown The Chinese Foreign Ministry
2PcTV^ah#bc^a\^]CdTbSPh with Shariah, or Islamic, law. the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and strength, HuJI today operates said Tuesday that the discus-
RT]cTaTSfT[[^UUbW^aTX]cWT The order in Helmand Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), in Afghanistan, Pakistan, sions had been “positive and
0c[P]cXR>RTP]QdcbcX[[RP_PQ[T^U province was issued Monday by according to the latest Bangladesh and India, and constructive”. Foreign Minister
bT]SX]VSP]VTa^dbbfT[[bP]S the provincial Taliban govern- Congressional report on ter- seeks annexation of Kashmir Wang Yi and NATO Secretary
aX_RdaaT]cb[PcTacWXbfTTZc^cWT ment’s vice and virtue depart- rorism. into Pakistan,” the report said, General Jens Stoltenberg had
1PWP\Pb1Ta\dSPP]S ment to barbers in Lashkar US officials have identified adding that HUM was desig- spoken the previous day,
TeT]cdP[[hcWTDB2^Pbc Gah, the provincial capital. Pakistan as a base of operations nated as an FTO in 1997 and according to the statement,
“Since I have heard (about or target for numerous armed operates mainly from Pak- focusing on “issues of common
'01DB420B4BC843C> the ban on trimming beards) I and non-state militant groups, Occupied Kashmir and from concern.”
F7>´B2>=6>F>A: am heart broken,” said Bilal some of which have existed some Pakistani cities. Chinese officials gave no
1T]X2^]V^) 0_P]T[ Ahmad, a Lashkar Gah resi- since the 1980s, the indepen- Finally, Hizb-ul further details of the talks.
R^\\XbbX^]TSQhcWTF7>WPb dent. “This is the city and (they) will be punished and no demands. dent Congressional Research foreign terrorist organisation Mujahideen (HM) was formed Beijing long opposed the
XST]cXUXTS\^aTcWP]'P[[TVTS everyone follows a way of liv- one has a right to complain,” “I request our Taliban Ser vice (CRS) said in (FTO) in 2001. in 1989— reportedly as the presence of U.S. And NATO
RPbTb^UbTgPQdbTSdaX]VcWT ing, so they have to be left alone said the order issued to the bar- brothers to give freedom to the report. “LET was responsible for militant wing of Pakistan’s forces in Afghanistan — with
D=WTP[cWPVT]Rh³baTb_^]bTc^ to do whatever they want.” bers. It wasn’t immediately people to live the way they The report, ‘Terrorist and major 2008 attacks in Mumbai, largest Islamist political party— which it shares a narrow bor-
P]4Q^[P^dcQaTPZX]2^]V^ During their previous rule clear what penalties the barbers want, if they want to trim their Other Militant Groups in India, as well as numerous and designated as an FTO in der — while benefiting from
X]R[dSX]VP[[TVPcX^]bX\_[XRPcX]V of Afghanistan, the Taliban could face if they don’t adhere beard or hair,” he said. “Now we Pakistan’, released by the bipar- other high-profile attacks,” the 2017. It is one of the largest and the relative stability that pres-
!F7>bcPUU\T\QTab adhered to a harsh interpreta- to the no shaving or trimming have few clients coming to us, tisan research wing of US CRS said. oldest militant groups operat- ence provided. It has been
tion of Islam. Since overrun- rule. they are scared, they don’t Congress on the eve of the his- Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) ing in Jammu & Kashmir. strongly critical of the sham-
2;0B74B>E4AH4<4=8 ning Kabul on Aug. 15 and During the Taliban’s previ- want to trim their hair or toric Quad summit hosted by was founded in 2000 by Among other terrorist bolic US withdrawal that paved
28CH:8;; "5867C4AB again taking control of the ous rule, the conservative beards, so I request them let US President Joe Biden at the Kashmiri terrorist leader groups operating from Pakistan the way for the Taliban sweep-
BP]PP) Cf^SPhb^UUXTaRT country, the world has been Islamists demanded that men people free, so we have our White House last week, said Masood Azhar and was desig- are Al Qaeda, CRS said, adding ing to power, calling it hasty
R[PbWTbQTcfTT]HT\T]X watching to see whether they grow beards. Since being oust- business and people can freely that these groups operating in nated as an FTO in 2001. that it has operated primarily and irresponsible.
V^eTa]\T]cU^aRTbP]ScWT will re-create their strict gov- ed from power following the come to us.” Pakistan can be broadly cate- Along with LET, it was respon- from the former Federally Beijing said the two offi-
R^d]cah³b7^dcWXaTQT[b^eTaP ernance of the late 1990s. US-led invasion in 2001, many Another barbershop gorised into five types — glob- sible for the 2001 attack on the Administered Tribal Areas and cials speaking Monday agreed
RadRXP[RT]caP[RXchWPeTZX[[TS Some indication came on men have opted for no or owner, Sher Afzal, also said the ally-oriented, Afghanistan ori- Indian Parliament, among in the megacity of Karachi, as to “raise the standard of dia-
\^aTcWP] "UXVWcTab\^bc[h Saturday, when Taliban fight- cleanly trimmed beards. decree hurts the bottom line. “If ented, India and Kashmir-ori- other attacks, it said. well as in Afghanistan. It has logue to advance practical
aTQT[b^UUXRXP[bbPXS^]CdTbSPh ers killed four alleged kidnap- Barbershop owner someone comes for a haircut, ented, domestically oriented, JeM also has openly since 2011 been led by Ayman cooperation” between China
CWTTbRP[PcX^]^UUXVWcX]V^eTa pers and later hung their bod- Jalaluddin, who like many they will come back to us after and Sectarian (anti-Shia). declared war on the United al-Zawahiri and reportedly and NATO on issues including
cWTT]TaVhaXRWRXch^U<PaXQ ies in the public squares of the Afghans goes by only one 40 to 45 days, so it is affecting The Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) States, it noted. maintains supportive ties with counterterrorism, anti-piracy,
R^\TbPb?aTbXST]c9^T1XST]³b western city of Herat. name, said he hoped the our business like any other was formed in the late 1980s in Harakat-ul Jihad Islami many of the groups inside the cyber security and interna-
]PcX^]P[bTRdaXchPSeXbTa9PZT “If anyone violates the rule Taliban would reconsider their businesses,” he said. Pakistan and designated as a (HuJI) was formed in 1980 in country. tional peacekeeping. AP
es our will to increase and 6aTTZ?aX\T<X]XbcTa:haXPZ^b<Xcb^cPZXb[TUcP]S5aT]RW?aTbXST]c4\\P]dT[
intensify our cooperation in the <PRa^]bWPZTWP]SbPUcTacWTbXV]X]V^UP]TfSTUT]bTSTP[PcCWT4[hbTT?P[PRT
defense and security sector ^]CdTbSPhX]?PaXb 0?
based on our mutual interests,”
Macron said. defense contractor Naval Mitsotakis said it comes
It will “help protect the sov- Group in Lorient, in western “out of national motivation to
ereignty, independence, terri- France. shield our country,” but also has
torial integrity of both states.” The deal includes an “a European motive as it
Greece will purchase three option for the acquisition of a strengthens our common
French frigates to be built by fourth frigate. defense industry.”
?C8Q F0B78=6C>= Delhi on October 6 for a series
of bilateral meetings, civil soci-
FWXcT7^dbTSTUT]Sb?aTi1XST]³baT\PaZb A top American diplomat
will visit India next month
ety events, and the India Ideas
Summit. On October 7, she will
to hold talks with her Indian travel to Mumbai for her
counterpart on bilateral and engagements with business and
regional issues, the US State civil society,” it said.
Department has said, days after From Mumbai, she will fly
Washington: The White House has tried to pacify an upset White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Islamabad to meet with
American media over Joe Biden’s off the cuff remarks that faced a number of questions on Biden’s comments from held a successful bilateral sum- senior officials in Pakistan, the
the Indian press is “better behaved” than their US coun- American journalists but defended the President’s remarks. mit here with President department said.
terparts, with a senior official saying the President’s com- “I think what he said is that they’re not always “on Joe Biden. Before arriving in Delhi,
ments were not meant as a “hard cut” on them. point.” Now, I know that isn’t something that anyone Deputy Secretary of State Sherman will also visit
President Biden during his first in-person bilater- wants to hear here. But what I think he was conveying Wendy R Sherman will travel Switzerland and Uzbekistan,
al meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the is, you know, today, he might want to talk about Covid to New Delhi on October 6 and beginning September 29.
White House on Friday praised the Indian press, call- vaccines; some of the questions were about that. He to Mumbai on the next day, the India and the US are
ing it “better behaved” than the US media, criticising might want to talk about — and some of the questions State Department said on scheduled to hold their first
American reporters for asking questions that are not “on are not always about the topic he’s talking about that day,” Monday. 2+2 summit under the Biden
point” in front of a foreign head of government state. Psaki said. PTI “Sherman will be in New administration in November.
0?Q <8;0= Nakata collapsed in tears after 3Z]]e`\VVa
her emotional speech, getting com-
outh climate activists Vanessa fort from Thunberg, who followed
Y Nakate and Greta Thunberg
chastised global leaders on Tuesday
her to the podium that was too tall
for her small stature. 0?Q F0B78=6C>=
for failing to meet funding pledges Thunberg, who coalesced the
and for delivering too much “blah global protest movement Fridays epublican senators blocked
blah blah’’ as climate change wreaks
havoc around the world. They
for Future, optimistically said it
wasn’t too late to reverse climate
R a Bill to keep the
Government operating and
even cast doubt on the intentions trends. But she has clearly heard allow federal borrowing, but
behind a youth climate gathering enough from leaders, whom she Democrats aiming to avert a
where they were speaking in Milan. said have been talking for 30 years shutdown pledged to try again
Four hundred climate activists while half of all carbon emissions — at the same time pressing
from 180 countries were invited to have occurred since 1990, one- ahead on President Joe Biden’s
Italy’s financial capital for a three- third since 2005. big plans to reshape
day Youth4Climate summit that DVP]SP]R[X\PcTPRcXeXbcEP]TbbP=PZPcTaXVWcXbR^\U^acTSQhBfTSXbWPRcXeXbc6aTcP “This is all we hear from our Government.
will send its recommendations to CWd]QTaVPbbWTXb^eTaR^\TQhT\^cX^]PUcTab_TPZX]VPccWT^_T]X]V^U P cWaTTSPh H^dcW so-called leaders: Words. Words The efforts are not neces-
a major United Nations climate U^a2[X\PcT bd\\XcX]<X[P]8cP[h^]CdTbSPh 0? that sound great but so far have led sarily linked, but the fiscal
summit in Glasgow, Scotland, that to no action. Our hopes and yearend deadline to fund the
begins October 31. But participants from Uganda, said pledges of 100 Nakata dramatically under- dreams drown in their empty government past Thursday is
are demanding more accountabil- billion euros ($117 billion) a year lined how climate change is affect- words and promises. Of course we bumping up against the
ity from leaders and a bigger offi- to help countries particularly vul- ing the African continent, “which need constructive dialogue, but Democrats’ desire to make
cial role for young people. nerable to the impact of climate is ironic given that Africa is the they have now had 30 years of blah, progress on Biden’s expansive
“They invite cherry-picked change has not materialized, even lowest emitter of CO2 emissions of blah blah. And where has this led $3.5 trillion federal overhaul.
young people to pretend they are as wildfires in California and any continent except Antartica.” us?” she said. It’s all making for a tumul-
listening to us,’’ Thunberg said. “But Greece and floods in Germany and Just last week, she said she saw The three-day Youth4Climate tuous moment for Biden and
they are not. They are clearly not Belgium show that “loss and dam- police taking away a body that had Summit will be followed by a two- his party, with consequences
listening to us. Just look at the age is now possible everywhere.” been washed away by violent day pre-COP meeting before certain to shape his presiden-
numbers. Emissions are still rising. “In fact, funds were promised storms in the Ugandan capital of Glasgow aimed at finding common cy and the lawmakers’ own
The science doesn’t lie. by 2020, and we are still waiting,’’ Kampala, while others searched for ground on sticking points among political futures.
“Leaders like to say, We can do she said. “No more empty confer- more victims. Her mother told her countries, which range from the “You know me, I’m a born
it.’ They obviously don’t mean it. ences. It’s time to show us the that one man dragged off by the world’s big carbon emitters to optimist,” Biden told reporters
But we do,” the Swedish money. It’s time, it’s time, it’s time. water had been trying to save the developing nations that are lagging Monday, as he rolled up his
activist said. And don’t forget to listen to the goods he was selling from being both economically and techno- sleeve for a Covid-19 booster
Nakate, a 24-year-old activist most affected people and areas.” washed away. logically. shot. “We’re gonna get it done.”
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!! \^]Th(
8`ge]``\de`R__`f_TV 3PcP_aXePRhbW^d[S]^cQTR^\_a^\XbTSX]dbX]VUX]cTRW)5<
things which is very important
³1P]ZbQXVcTRW 5X]cTRWUXa\bRP] and it is an issue on which there
can be a lot of contentious
80=BQ =4F34;78
to have submitted financial RWTRZSXVXcP[UaPdSb)
The Tatas bid was much-
views. However, basic respect
for privacy...As the guiding
bids for Air India. anticipated as its name had principle is well appreciated. R^[[PQ^aPcTc^UdacWTa
T he Central Government Sources indicated while been doing the rounds for "Safeguard of client data, A183h6deBP]ZPa
proposes to wrap up the
divestment of Air India by the
Tatas are front runners to get
hold of the carrier, all bids
some ti The Government has of
late taken several steps to fast- ?C8Q =4F34;78
is something which I think is
the backbone to bringing trust.
UX]P]RXP[bTaeXRTb´ ?C8Q <D<108 Sankar also underlined the
middle of next month with the would be evaluated on various track the much-delayed pri- Unless my data is safeguarded need for effectively dealing
announcement of winning bid parameters and the winning vatisation of the national car- ?C8Q =4F34;78 echnology-driven fintech with "threats of online frauds,
for the national carrier.
Sources indicated that ten-
bidder would be announced
after approval of the group of
rier.Recently, the government
decided to waive taxes on the
F inance Minister Nirmala
Sitharaman on Tuesday said
well I wouldn’t want to get into
a scheme of things. So that is
anks, big technology
T firms can play multiple
roles in areas such as digital
compromise of customer cre-
dentials and data privacy and
tatively October 15 has been
kept the date for announcing
ministers (GoM) headed by the
home minister.Taking to
transfer of assets from the
national carrier to Air India
there should be no compromise
on data privacy and safeguard
of client data with an increas-
the guiding principle,"
Sitharaman said at the ‘Global
FinTech Fest 2021’.
B companies and fintech
can collaborate for better
fraud prevention, financial
inclusion and cross-border
safety for the spring of hope
not to turn into the winter of
the winning bid for Air India Twitter, DIPAM Secretary, Assets Holding Ltd, a special ing number of Indians now During the event, a report customer acquisition and use payments, said RBI Deputy despair."
while the financial bids Tuhin Kanta Pandey had ear- purpose vehicle (SPV).During using digital mode of pay- on ‘UN principles for respon- analytics for an informed Governor T Rabi Sankar. He was speaking at
received for the carrier may be lier said that the disinvest- the Budget speech for FY22, ment. Addressing the fintech sible digital payments’ was credit decision, Standard The technological inno- Global FinTech Fest 2021
opened anytime this week. ment process has moved to the Finance Minister Nirmala industry, the minister said the launched which outlines guid- Chartered Bank MD Zarin vation in finance, he said, (GFF 2021), hosted by the
Centre on September 15 concluding stage. "Financial Sitharaman had said that all the value of digital transactions ing principles for the govern- Daruwala said on Tuesday. also raises hopes of substan- Fintech Convergence Council
received multiple financial bids bids for Air India disinvestment proposed privatisation process jumped to Rs 6 lakh crore in ment, users and for industry "It is about co-existence tial efficiency gains, better (FCC), Payments Council of
for divestment of Air India. received by Transaction would be completed by the end January-August 2021 from Rs and businesses. The report that to my mind, will evolve customer experience and India (PCI), National
Accordingly, Tata Sons and Adviser. Process now moves to of the fiscal, including the 4 lakh crore and Rs 2 lakh crore also emphasises on including in the next few years," greater social welfare. Payments Corporation of
industrialist Ajay Singh in his the concluding stage," he had much-delayed strategic disin- in 2020 and 2019, respective- women and their participation Daruwala said while speak- While talking about the India (NPCI) along with
personal capacity are believed posted earlier this month. vestment of Air India. ly. "Data privacy is one of the in fintech. ing at a fintech webinar. potential of the fintech firms, IAMAI.
@A64+@Z]hZ]] BTQXR^]UXa\b
SVh`c]U¶d?`" QP]^]$_Tab^]b
0?Q 5A0=:5DAC New Delhi: Sebi on Monday
confirmed its earlier directive
s the world’s nations pre- passed against five persons
A pare to gather for another
climate summit next month in
wherein they were barred from
the securities market for
Glasgow, the OPEC oil cartel is indulging in insider trading in
reminding that, in their view, the scrip of Zee Entertainment
crude will continue to be the Enterprises Ltd. "Bijal Shah,
leading source of energy for Gopal Ritolia, Jatin Chawla,
decades, especially as the Gomti Devi Ritolia and Daljit
world’s less-wealthy countries Chawla are restrained from
seek higher growth and stan- buying, selling or dealing in
dards of living. securities, either directly or
OPEC says that more elec- indirectly, in any manner what-
tric vehicles on the road and soever until further orders,"
the push for alternative and Sebi said in its 43-page confir-
renewable energy will indeed matory order.However, they
usher in an era of declining have been allowed to buy and
demand for oil in rich coun- sell units of mutual funds.
tries. But the energy needs of The regulator said a
expanding economies in other detailed investigation in the
parts of world will still leave oil matter is in progress which may
as the world’s No. 1 source of bring out additional roles of
energy through 2045, OPEC omission or commission, of
said Tuesday in its annual these five persons, if any, in
World Oil Outlook. detail.
?C8Q =4F34;78 students of a university.
The Minister also lauded
griculture Minister the unparalleled contribution
A Narendra Singh Tomar
on Tuesday stressed on mak-
of farmers, agri-scientist and
Government schemes in mak-
ing the agriculture education ing the country self-sufficient
system multi-disciplinary, in the production of essential
multi-dimensional and job- crops.
oriented. He mentioned that ICAR
Addressing an annual con- has developed 5,885 crop vari-
ference of vice-chancellors of eties from 1950 to 2021. In the
state agri-varsities organised by last seven years, the institute
the Indian Council of has developed a total of 1,656
Agricultural Research (ICAR), crop varieties out of which
Tomar said education is key for 1,359 varieties are climate-
the success of every field and resilient.
sector of society. Ministers of State for
He also stressed on "mak- Agriculture Kailash
ing the education system multi- Choudhar y and Shobha
disciplinary, multi-dimension- Karandlaje were also present
al and job-oriented," an official on the occasion.
statement said. In his address, ICAR
Stating that a university’s Director General Trilochan
progress and success lies on the Mohapatra underlined the
Vice-Chancellor’s (VC) shoul- major achievements made by
ders, the Minister said the the various ICAR institutes in
learning and experience of the varied areas of agricultur-
VCs is a key to the success of al sciences.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!! PeT]dTb
o you wish to be gin a career AE?D5?6D8541I
D that will always be in
demand? Then you should
consider becoming a pattern maker,
as the pattern maker plays a vital
role in the fashion and apparel man- h^daR^\\d]XchP]Sf^a[S
ufacturing industry, and every QTccTacWP]h^dU^d]SXc
apparel house hires several people
for this job role. °<PaXP]FaXVWc4ST[\P]
In some companies, the job
title for a pattern maker might be
apparel pattern maker or fabric pat-
tern maker. It is the job of the pat-
tern maker to create a pattern 8=C46A0C8E4=DCA8C8>=
either free-hand or with a comput- 0=3384C4C82B
er-aided drafting software. Pattern 24AC85820C8>=2>DAB4
making is the fundamental step
towards designing a beautiful and
perfect piece of garment. L ifeness Science Institute
has conceptualised and
curated UG and PG pro-
A pattern is a template from
which part of a garment is traced grammes in Integrative
onto the fabric before being cut out Nutrition and Dietetics, under
and assembled; patterns are usual- the mentorship of Globally engineering
ly made of paper. Pattern Making Renowned Holistic Lifestyle to generate applications and
is a blueprint for the garment, on Coach Luke Coutinho. The solutions to clinically rele-
the basis of which the fabric is cut. Under-Graduate Program vant problems.
It is the technical drawing or draft- blends modern science with As part of the course,
ing of a garment. Standard size holistic health and wellness you’ll go on visits to local clin-
charts, dress forms or figures are principles and is the first step ical centres and attend lectures
measured, these measurements are to a fulfilling career in nutri- from industrialists and visit-
then converted into patterns and tional health and wellness ing experts from the UK and
then garments are made from whereas the Post Graduate overseas. You’ll also have the
them. programme allows students to opportunity to meet our many
Apparel pattern maker plays an take on leadership positions industrial and clinical partners
important role in the clothing in the health and wellness to help advise and further
industry. Individuals in this position industry. your career.
are responsible for taking fashion Career scope: Eligibility: Normally a
designers ideas and creating a Going far beyond the first-class or second-class hon-
workable pattern that will ulti- average nutrition course, a ours degree (or international
mately become an article of cloth- degree in Integrative Nutrition equivalent) in engineering,
ing. Pattern makers often are and Dietetics thoroughly pre- physical science, life science,
required to more accurately define pares students for a wide medicine, or a profession
initial fashion designs and work range of career opportuni- allied to medicine.
closely with designers to achieve the ties. They can choose to work Fee: £22,500 for interna-
tional students .
desired look. at various positions such as
Patternmakers use their knowl- clinical dietician, nutrition Scholarships: There are a
edge of fabrics, sewing skills and therapist, sports and fitness number of scholarships avail-
ability to alter garments to draft a
pattern that replicates a design
X\_^acP]RTP]ScWTbZX[[baT`dXaTS nutritionist, health coach,
food safety auditor, and even
able for the January 2022 pro-
gramme. To apply for schol-
concept. If things go wrong at pat- food researcher, among other arships, go to
tern making stage the fit will be hence the ability to execute even or certificate programs in pattern AMHSSC has curated a variety pattern maker opening, once you positions. https://www.strath.ac.uk/engi-
spoiled and you will not achieve small order quantities. making. In addition, the Apparel of job-oriented industry-led QPs. are ready. Top employment areas Candidates can visit neering/studywithus/scholar-
what is required, but with the R Rising per capita income, high- Made-Ups and Home Furnishing According to the need of the hour, would be. https://lsiworld.in/ to apply. ships/internationalscholarships
effective knowledge of pattern mak- er disposable incomes and prefer- Sector Skill Council (AMHSSC), these programs are designed to gen- R Apparel production house
ing, you can always reduce errors ences for brands. which is an apex body for skill erate employment for the youth and (export houses) 0??;H5>A<B2 38?;><0D60=3
which saves time and cost to the R Organized retail landscape & e- development and certification in in addition retail segment is also R Buying house 18><43820; ?62>DAB4B
company, and is required to succeed Commerce. the apparel domain, under the bringing in new opportunities R Retail 4=68=44A8=6
in today’s competitive environ- R Increased focus on technical aegis of Ministr y of Skill wherein these courses have great R Design house anskriti University,
Growth driver
textiles due to growth of end-user
industries such as automotive,
Development and Entrepreneur,
has developed ‘Qualification Packs’
Key skills and interests
R Textile mills
R Overseas jobs on above areas T he University
Strathclyde, Glasgow is
of Sapplications
Mathura is inviting online
for Admission to
R Apparel demand at $ 78 Bn, healthcare, infrastructure and oil (QPs) aligning to International R A good knowledge of various R Starting own business inviting applications for the Diploma, Under Graduate,
dominating the domestic market and petroleum standards for pattern making job types and properties of fabrics Remuneration MSc Biomedical Engineering and Post Graduate
with a share close to 4 per cent of R Production-Linked Incentive role. The council has aligned its R To be able to interpret a design At this stage, a skilled person course an additional entry Programmes in Engineering,
the total textile and apparel market (PLI) Scheme in Man-made fiber skilling competencies with the concept and put it on paper can earn around C15,000 monthly. point in January 2022. Management & Commerce,
in India. and technical textiles with financial industry requirements and is mak- R Excellent sewing skills With the experience and expertise, The postgraduate taught Education, Special Education,
R Garments have continued to be outlay of INR 10,683 cr under ing an all-out effort in meeting the R Ability to draw freehand one’s income can potentially Masters degree is a modular Humanities & Social Sciences,
the largest commodity exported out Atmanirbhar Bharat package. industry requirements for skilled R Awareness of current fashion increase. With formal education conversion course which pro- Pharmac y, Agriculture,
of India to EU with a share of 63 per Today, the textile and apparel and certified pattern makers with trends and experience, patternmakers can vides broad training in bio- Fashion Designing, Law and
cent of India’s total exports. Some industry in India is marked by rad- relevant technical capabilities, thus Prospects pursue careers as fashion designers, medical engineering to help Legal Studies, Yoga and
of the leading apparel brands are ical innovation, shifting markets, giving a boost to the growth of the A good way to begin your pat- manufacturing managers and fit you progress with a career in Naturopathy, Tourism & Hotel
sourcing from India making India evolving supply chains and distri- sector along with creating employ- tern-making career is to acquire a designers. Pattern makers are research, industry or in the Management, Medical &
a promising sourcing destination. bution channels and is gradually ment opportunities for the youth of position that is just below that of a employed by apparel industry, fash- National Health Service. It Allied Sciences, Basic &
R India has core strengths in cot- drifting towards responsible and the country. pattern maker. For instance, include ion designer, and fashion consul- brings together engineering, Applied Sciences, Ayurveda,
ton t-shirts, dresses, baby gar- sustainable manufacturing. With The Qualification Packs devel- grader or fabric cutter. These posi- tant. It is an extremely rewarding, medicine and the life and Unani, and Nursing courses.
ments, underpants and briefs, syn- the expanding of the industry, a lot oped by the AMHSSC for Pattern tions will provide work experience and challenging career that teach- physical sciences to enable the Apply online:
thetic dresses and tops for women of opportunity will be available for maker job role are as follows: and knowledge that is applicable for es great life as well as technical skills, development of relevant clin- onwww.sanskriti.edu.in
which can be leveraged further. the skilled person. R Pattern Master (NSQF Level - 5) the pattern maker position. In and provides comfortable means of ical and industrial research. Submit online
R India has presence of complete There are technical and voca- R Advance Pattern Maker (CAD – addition, you will be in a position living. The programme explores :https://www.sanskriti.edu.in/r
value chain from fibre to fabric and tional institutions that offer degree CAM) (NSQF Level -5) to move directly into an available CWTfaXcTaXb24>360<7BB2 advances in technology and egister
3_^TeSYfUU^fYb_^]U^dV_bcdQbde`c $FH\RXU&LYLO
owadays, global investors are increas-
ingly interested in Indian startups.
According to Global Data, a leading
data and analytics company, India is second
only to China in terms of capital investment
these companies have gained massive ROI
after the launch of IPOs.Motivated by the suc-
cess of Zomato, many companies like Paytm,
Policybazaar, and LIC are also queuing up for
releasing their IPO listing. In India's open
AJIRAM & RAVI, as a helps them to persist with their
in Asia-Pacific countries so far in 2021. By the
end of July this year, Indian startups will have
invested more than USD 16.5 billion. July was
economy, startups get a suitable environment
to grow and flourish. That is why many
famous investors like Tiger Global and
V coaching institute for the
IAS Examination, started
its journey in February 1976.
yearlong hard work. Many of our
students have acknowledged that
by joining Vajiram & Ravi, not
good in terms of investment as more than $8 SoftBank are keen on the Indian startup Over the years Vajiram & Ravi only they gained knowledge of
billion was invested in the single month, with ecosystem. has grown to be the most popu- various subjects but also a com-
Flipkart leading with $3.6 billion. Following the Our country has a plethora of global tal- lar and the largest centre for the plete personality transformation.
same pattern, more than $10 billion was invest- ent readily available compared to their USA candidates preparing for the For the upcoming
ed in the first three weeks of August.Apparently, & Europe equivalents. Most successful start- Civil Services Examination(CSE). Preliminary Test 2021, the stu-
investors are bullish on the Indian Startup up founders have excellent experience in their Apart from the regular classroom dents need to develop a thorough
Ecosystem. With significant investment, the domain.For example, Zomato founder coaching, Vajiram & Ravi has knowledge of the current devel-
number of new startup unicorns is also Deepinder Goel worked for the famous man- also been imparting Online opments along with the text
increasing day by day. In the language of ven- agement consulting company Bain & Co. Coaching to candidates who book knowledge of subjects pare
ture capital, startup Unicorn are companies before establishing Zomato.Meesho founder may not be able to make use of of General Studies.
whose market valuation exceeds $1 billion. ViditAatreya worked for successful organi- our regular coaching pro- Current developments in
Business almost came to a standstill all sations like ITC and InMobi before grammes and also as a support various areas may dominate upto
over the world during the Corona period. But foundingMeesho. Working experience in programme for those who have 75% of the General Studies paper.
vaccination drives and global efforts have put of humans. Whether it is Swiggy,Delhivery, top-class global organizations increases the completed their classroom Beware of the negative marks.
the industry back on track. However, our stock
market was initially showing signs of slow-
PharmEasy or Meesho, every popular start-
up has used innovative technologies. Our star- CWTX]RaTPbX]V ability to find alternative solutions in risk
management, apart from knowing the glob-
coaching with us.
The core of any learning
Thoughtless guess work may
push up the negative score and
down, it gradually strengthened, and our tups are trying to solve global problems using ]d\QTa^UX]cTa]Tc al scenario. Moreover, there is an increase centre, which a coaching institute undo the otherwise good work
economy remained more potent than other
countries. During the epidemic, entrepreneurs
innovative technologies such as Artificial
Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Blockchain,
bdQbRaXQTabX]^da incoordination which is highly beneficial for
the new entrepreneurs. Many successful star-
is, is imparting quality education.
The 40- strong teaching faculty is
done by a candidate. One should
aim to answer about 75 questions
from many new sectors like e-commerce, Robotics process automation, etc. R^d]cahXbP[b^P tups support new entrepreneurs with capital highly trained and qualified, as it may not be possible to
logistics, food technology, etc., emerged The increasing number of internet sub- bXV]XUXRP]caTPb^]U^a and experience, which increases the produc- enjoying the reputation of stu- answer all the questions. It is bet-
strongly.Startups in these sectors received
good profits and investments and also offered
scribers in our country is also a significant rea-
son for the interest of investors in Indian star- cWTX]cTaTbc^U tivity of the entire startup ecosystem.
With the Government of India's Digital
dents from all over the country.;In
the past 20 years, almost all the
ter to give 4 to 5 revisions to a set
of two well selected study mate-
different avenues of investment for interest- tups. According to the first-quarter report, our X]eTbc^abX]8]SXP] India initiative, availability of the internet at years, the All India first ranking rials, rather than going through
ed investors. As a result, global investors have
started considering our economy as a mature
country has surpassed the US to No. 2 in terms
of internet usage with 560 million con-
bcPacd_b0RR^aSX]V a competitive price, innovative thinking, and
the potential of Indian entrepreneurs, Indian
candidates have come from
Vajiram& Ravi. In the past more
a large number of study materi-
als. Take as many mock tests as
and robust economy. sumers.The easy availability of the internet has c^cWTUXabc`dPacTa startup companies are touching new dimen- than 40 years of its existence, it possible for practice.
Our tech companies have also con- also created new business avenues.Can we aT_^ac^daR^d]cah sions of success today. Investment in Indian has helped over 10,000 candidates Don’t neglect the CSAT
tributed immensely to the favorable startup
environment.Everyone is aware of the world-
think of enjoying the services of Zomato,
Amazon, Netflix, or Flipkart without the inter- WPbbda_PbbTScWT startups is likely to increase steadily in the
future. Investing in startups will create diverse
join India’s top Civil Services.
Since, about 50% of the suc-
paper. If you have been regular
with your preparation over the
class capabilities of our tech companies. The net? As a result, now, technology-enabled star- DBc^=^!X]cTa\b opportunities for enterprise and employment cessful students every year in the past 10 months or so, you have
use and adoption of technology during the
Corona period became inevitable, promoting
tups get a huge market and consumer base
even if they are operating in India alone.
^UX]cTa]TcdbPVT in our country and strengthen the economy.
Growing investment in startups will help real-
CSE come from Vajiram & Ravi,
it also offers a platform for the
every reason to hold on to your
self confidence and you should
our country's startup ecosystem.All the The recent Zomato and Nazara IPO are fXcW$%\X[[X^] izing the dream of a self-reliant India. potential students to come do well.
recently funded companies have used tech- prominent examples of the maturity of the R^]bd\Tab CWTfaXcTaXb?aPQWPcBX]WP8C4g_Tac0\Pi^] together, interact and develop a CWTfaXcTaXb0aYd]APeX]SaP]
nology at an optimum level to enrich the lives Indian startup ecosystem.Early investors of 1TbcbT[[Ta0dcW^a^U8]]^ePcTBTXiTH^daBdRRTbb healthy competitive spirit that 3XaTRc^aEPYXaP\P]SAPeX
T after-school learn-
ing platform, is part-
nering with Google
Google's voice command
feature and provide easy
access to Toppr Answr’s 1.6
feature has already been
rolled out across 1 Billion+
Google Assistant compati-
Toppr Answr is already
accessible across 1 Billion+
Google Assistant compati-
class of 2021 on September 23,
2021. Dr M Stanley Whittingham,
Noel Laureate, Binghamton
Chancellor, Dr C L V Sivakumar,
Registrar, faculty and staff were
also present. Out of 460 students,
Assistant to resolve stu- million verified question ble devices in India. ble devices globally. University (SUNY), USA, Nobel the University presented 10 gold
dents' doubts instantly and answers to students. Students can now instant- Rahul Shetty, VP prize winner for the development medallists, Two Ph.D. 's and rank
learn subjects’ concepts Toppr Answr, India’s ly initiate a voice search Product Toppr says, of lithium-ion batteries was the holders from Bachelor, Master, and
through voice search. best doubt solving plat- with a simple “OK google” “Asking doubts is more chief guest for the ceremony and Ph.D. Degrees in Engineering
This launch, pio- form, also comprises topic- command followed by natural than typing them delivered the convocation address block and Rock plaza (Student the convocation ceremony along and BBA. (BBA-27, M.Tech
neered by Toppr, is a first- wise videos, stories, con- “Talk to Toppr Answr/ Ask out or taking pictures and and inaugurated Mahatma Activity Center). with Dr Sekar Viswanathan, Dr VLSI-6 , B.Tech (Mechanical)-67,
of-its-kind in the Indian cept cards, short 5-minute Toppr Answr/ Speak with uploading (them).” Gandhi block, Neelam Sanjeeva Dr G Viswanathan, Founder Sankar Viswanathan, G V Selvam B.Tech (ECE)-120, B.Tech (CSE)-
Reddy block, Savitribai Phule & Chancellor of VIT, presided over Vice Presidents of VIT , Dr 238 Ph.D-2 )
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!! PeT]dTb
3_]`Q^YUc^UUTd_bUdXY^[QTfUbdYcY^WQ^T 4Yc`\Qii_eb
dXU`bUcU^ddY]Uc4B=E;5C8;G1DB1 c[Y\\cQ^TdQ\U^d
he fashion industry is expand-
strong brand identity. It is a rapidly
emerging sector and there are good
career prospects in this field.
Visual Merchandising (VM) is
the art of creating visually appealing
displays that attract customers to the
store and promote sales. The sector
encompasses all activities that help
increase sales of products in retail
What is VM Bd\XcBBPdaPQW
It is the art or activity of dis- 3XaTRc^a3TbXV]2XaR[T
playing and promoting the products
in such a manner that it appeals to Attributes
the eyes of the customer. It’s consid- It is very important to have the
ered an important support for fash- quality of designing and creativity
ion retail operations. It includes among the students looking for a
window displays, signs, and interior career in this field. A visual mer-
ommunication plays a vital With increased competition, tions, crisis management, brand er belief and positively impact displays. A good combination of chandiser must have excellent orga-
motional materials, emails, notes, leaders. Many private institutions cWTaTPaTV^^S require expert professionals who regularly update the communica- taught under the fashion designing Remunetation
press releases, speeches, confer-
ences, interviews and videos.
provide short term courses for pub-
lic relations managers, business and
^__^acd]XcXTb have effective communication
tion chain. They need to be moti-
vated to get over the anxiety of
or fashion technology course.
Students are trained on various
A fresher can easily earn C10,000-
C15,000 per month. After gaining
Corporate communication tech- workplace communication and U^acWT\ Q A company’s reputation is uncertainty. Communication with aspects related to visual merchan- some experience you can work in a
niques and management func- writing skills. Students may choose intangible but it is a powerful customers should focus on empa- dising such as store display, presen- retail outlet of a big brand and get an
tions are intertwined to bring to specialise in various fields like asset that attracts sizable talent, thy rather than trying to sell them tation of products, and attracting cus- attractive package. Salary package
benefits to the organisation and advertising, public relations, inter- builds consumer loyalty, allows products or services. tomers through the use of various increases as one gains skill and expe-
achieve desired goals. nal communications, investor rela- businesses to influence stakehold- CWTfaXcTaXbU^d]STaB\X[X]VCaTT communication tools. rience.
WTCTP\;TPbT4SCTRWaT[TPbTScWTXa PaT8]U^a\PcX^]CTRW]^[^Vh" >]cWT^cWTaWP]ST\_[^hTabP[b^]TTS SXeX]VX]c^cWTaT_^acWXaX]VcaT]Sbeb
<8=38C c^aT[^^ZPccWTXaWXaX]VP]ScaPX]X]VbcaPcTVh
9d[hc^3TRT\QTa!! PRa^bb 'bTRc^ab ?WPa\PRTdcXRP[b!";^VXbcXRb!"P]S ZTT]^]WXaX]VUaTbWTabcWTbT]cX\T]cbTT\b PRR^aSP]RTfXcWX]SdbcahaT`dXaT\T]cbU^a 7C3c^^]Q^PaSP]ScaPX]UaTbWTabCWXbXb PaTZTT]Tac^WXaTRP]SXSPcTbfW^WPeTX]
P]S #RXcXTbX]SXRPcTbcWPc &T\_[^hTab <P]dUPRcdaX]V! 5a^\P[^RPcX^] c^QT]^c^][hX]cPRcQdcWPbRT\T]cTS Y^Qa^[Tbc^T]bdaTRP]SXSPcTbPaT T]PQ[X]VcWT\c^RaTPcTPbca^]VTaf^aZU^aRT ST_cWbZX[[bP]SZ]^f[TSVT^U3PcP0]P[hcXRb
PaTZTT]c^WXaTUaTbWTabX]7!!! _Tab_TRcXeTcWT[TPSX]VRXcXTbU^aUaTbWTab UdacWTaX]cWTRdaaT]cWP[UhTPa2[^bTc^ & T\_[^hPQ[T± U^acWTUdcdaT6aTPcTaPRRT_cP]RT^U7C3 BP[Tb2dbc^\TaBTaeXRTb3PcP4]VX]TTaX]V
8]cTaTbcX]V[h8]SXP[TPSbX]cWTUaTbWTab WXaX]VPaT1P]VP[^aT#"<d\QPX" T\_[^hTabPaTX]R[X]TSc^WXaTUaTbWTab 8]8]SXPT\_[^hPQX[XchXbPWXVWTa P]SbX\X[Pa\^ST[bfX[[T`dX_^dah^d]VbcTab ?hcW^]?a^VaP\\X]V?a^YTRc<P]PVT\T]c
WXaX]VbT]cX\T]cP\^]Vbc^cWTa]PcX^]b P]S3T[WX!&2WT]]PX!"P]S?d]T FWX[TcWTWXaX]VbT]cX\T]cXbX\_a^eX]VfT R^]RTa]cWP]T\_[^h\T]cFWX[T^]^]T c^cPZTPSeP]cPVT^UcWTVa^fX]V 0acXUXRXP[8]cT[[XVT]RT3XVXcP[<PaZTcX]V
FWX[TcWTV[^QP[PeTaPVTW^eTabPa^d]S% ! ]TTSc^QTR^V]XiP]c^UcWTT\_[^hPQX[Xch^U bXST748b7XVWTa4SdRPcX^]8]bcXcdcX^]b ^__^acd]XcXTb P\^]Vbc^cWTabZX[[bCWTaT_^acP[b^
X]8]SXPcWTbT]cX\T]cXb\dRWbca^]VTa BWPaX]VWXbeXTfb^]cWTTR^bhbcT\ cWTUaTbWTabPbfT[[4\_[^hTabPaT\^aT ]TTSc^[^^ZPcPQ[T]STS[TPa]X]V 0RR^aSX]Vc^cWTaT_^acUX]SX]Vbb^\T WXVW[XVWcbcWTR^dabTbcWPcUaTbWTabRP]cPZT
& BWP]cP]dA^^YU^d]STa24>CTP\;TPbT X]R[X]TSc^WXaTRP]SXSPcTbfXcWb_TRXP[XiTS TR^bhbcT\CWThbW^d[STg_[^aTP[TPa]X]V ^UcWTZTha^[TbPRa^bbbTRc^abU^afWXRW c^X\_a^eTcWTXaT\_[^hPQX[XchB^\T^UcWT
5a^\PbTRc^a_Tab_TRcXeTcWTT\TaVX]V 4ScTRWbPXS)°8cXbV^^Sc^bTTcWTQd^hP]Rh bZX[[bP]ScWdbXcXbRadRXP[U^aUaTbWTabc^QT \^ST[fWTaTX]cWTaTXbPR^]eTaVT]RT^U UaTbWTabWXaX]VWPbQTT]WXVWPaT7TP[cW \^bcX]ST\P]SR^dabTbPRR^aSX]VcWT
bTRc^abfWXRWWPeTQTT]PQ[Tc^fXcWbcP]S X]UaTbWTabWXaX]VbT]cX\T]cSTb_XcTcWT UPXa[hT`dX__TS7TaTXbfWTaTcWTa^[T^U ^UUbXcTP]S^]bXcT[TPa]X]VPbfT[[Pb 2PaT0bbXbcP]cbBP[TbcaPX]TT0bb^RXPcTb bcdShPaT)?a^VaP\\X]V<^QX[T0__
cWTX\_PRc^UcWT_P]ST\XRP]SfXc]TbbTSP _P]ST\XR3daX]VcWT5TQadPahc^0_aX[ 748b7XVWTa4SdRPcX^]8]bcXcdcX^]bR^\Tb X]SdbcahcaPX]X]VcWPcPa\bcWTRP]SXSPcTb 5d[[BcPRZ3TeT[^_TabCT[T\PaZTcX]VP]S 3TeT[^_\T]c08P]S3PcPBRXT]RT2hQTa
bca^]VTaWXaX]VbT]cX\T]c _TaX^SR[^bTc^ $^UcWTT\_[^hTabfTaT X]748b\dbcbcadRcdaTcWTXa_a^VaP\bX] fXcWcWTaXVWcbZX[[bTcb 3XVXcP[<PaZTcX]VB_TRXP[Xbcb5dacWTaSTT_ BTRdaXchATbTPaRWP]S<P]PVT\T]c
8=C4A=0C8>=0;=4CF>A: 8=1A845
BcX_T]S)C $_Ta\^]cW
64=4A0C4?>F4A5A><F0BC4F0C4A C2B?0AC=4ABF8C7=4F64=
3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa%!! WT=TfVT]B^UcfPaT T]SQP]ZX]Vb^[dcX^]b Bd\P]cPA^hE?C2B
[email protected]
with subject line Research 2A<2DBC><4AA4;0C8>=B78?
A 4]eXa^]\T]cP[
Fellowship Query. [TSQh3a<TT]d2WWPQaP \TcW^SbcWPcPaTT]TaVhTUUXRXT]c T]cTa_aXbTfXSTR^]cT]c =TfVT]³bSXVXcP[ PWXVW[hbRP[PQ[TP]S
Application deadline: The ;^RPcX^])F^aZ5a^\7^\T aT_^bXc^ahP]SP\d[cX caP]bU^a\PcX^]_a^SdRcb bTRdaT_[PcU^a\X]aTR^aS
BcX_T]S)C$C&_Ta\^]cW 0bb^RXPcT?a^UTbb^a3T_Pac\T]c P]SbRP[PQ[T>aVP]XRfPbcT
last date to submit applications ^U1X^bRXT]RT1X^T]VX]TTaX]V \PcTaXP[bWPeTP[^c^U[PcT]c RWP]]T[\d[cX[X]VdP[ X]R[dSX]VR^]cTgcdP[ cX\TST[XeTaX]VPcad[h
he Centre for Social is September 30, 2021. ;X]Z)X]cTa]bWP[PR^\X$$'&&
T Impact
Philanthropy at Ashoka
University invites applica-
The Simmons University
invites application for first-
tions for its research fellow- year scholarships in the US. 0BB4BB<4=C0CCA8E8D< fPbcTfPcTa c^VT]TaPcTT]TaVhUa^\fPbcT 8baPT[³bRT]caP[QP]Zc^ U^aPdc^\PcX]VR^]cT]cP]S 8baPT[ST[XeTaPUPbcTa\^aT
ship aimed at building knowl- Simmons University is a caP]bU^a\cWTR^d]cah³b R^\\d]XRPcX^]bX]cTVaPcTS R^]]TRcTSP]SUaXRcX^][Tbb
43D20C8>=B4AE824 R^\_PaTSc^ °0\XRa^QXP[UdT[RT[[XbP
edge of philanthropy. nationally recognized private P[VPTQPbTS STeXRTcWPcdbTb\XRa^QTbc^ QP]ZX]VbTRc^aQhQdX[SX]V fXcWcWTR[^dSQPbTSC2B QP]ZX]VTg_TaXT]RTc^cWTXa
This fellowship will be university, particularly focused ;^RPcX^])F^aZ5a^\7^\T
bhbcT\b R^]eTac^aVP]XR\PccTaX] PR[^dSW^bcTSRT]caP[XbTS 1P=2BC<1B1RP]QdX[SP Rdbc^\Tab±bPXS3XfPZPa
conducted digitally. Some of on women. BcX_T]S)C!C!' _[PcU^a\c^_a^eXSTT]Sc^ a^QdbcbRP[PQ[TaT_^bXc^ah =XVP\<3=TfVT]
_Ta\^]cW CWTaTbd[cb fPbcTfPcTac^T[TRcaXRP[T]TaVh±
the areas that the fellowship Award: $27,000 ^UcWTXaf^aZWPb Tg_[PX]TS3a2WWPQaPCWTXSTP
will focus on include different Nationality: Domestic and ;X]Z) QTT]aTRT]c[h ^UdbX]V\XRa^QTbc^_a^SdRT
kinds of philanthropy in India International X]cTa]bWP[PR^\XRUPU"T _dQ[XbWTSX]cWT T[TRcaXRXchfPb_a^_^bTSX] ( 18610=64364C4BC8=>=;8=4<>348=>2C>14A
— philanthropy fund move- Eligibility: To be eligible, 3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa$!! Y^da]P[1X^aTb^daRT Qh<XRWPT[?^ccTaP_a^UTbb^a^U
ments, individual giving, the applicants must meet all the WT588C944b1XV1P]V4SVTCTbcfX[[QT =PcX^]P[P]S8]cTa]PcX^]P[;TeT[
CTRW]^[^Vh Q^cP]hPccWTD]XeTabXch^U
impact of COVID-19 on the following/given criteria: C40<5028;8C0C8>=0C( B>280; FPbcTfPcTacaTPc\T]cXbP] 3daWP\XcbdbTX]UdT[RT[[bXbP R^]SdRcTSPRa^bbcWTR^d]cahX] 2^\_TcXcXeTPbfT[[PbBRW^[PbcXRTgP\b
philanthropy ecosystem in The applicants must have ;^RPcX^])F^aZ5a^\7^\T X\_^acP]cPRcXeXchP]ScWT aTRT]cSTeT[^_\T]c _a^Rc^aTS^][X]T\^ST^]>Rc^QTa FXcWcWTcTbcbcdST]cbfX[[WPeTP]
India and diversification of an incredible merit standing. BcX_T]S)C _Ta\^]cW ! # % &!! BcdST]cbRP]P__TPa ^__^acd]Xchc^PRRT[TaPcTcWTXa_aT_PaPcX^]
philanthropy out of tradition- Supporting documents: X]cWTcTbc^][h^]RT^]P]hSPcT U^a944<PX]9440SeP]RTS18CB0C
al sectors. The students are required to
3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa$!! C74=>AC720?<0BC4A2;0BB R^]eT]XT]cc^cWT\8cXbPd]X`dT_[PcU^a\ >[h\_XPSb:E?HGP]SG881^PaSb=CB4
The nine month long fel- present the following docu- U^abcdST]cbPb_XaX]VP[[a^d]STgRT[[T]RT P]S9a>[h\_XPSbfXcW^dcP]hQaTPZ
lowship is open to individuals ments to the university: WT=^acW2P_ _a^UTbbX^]P[bP]S Y^QbP]ScWT PbXcfX[[WT[_bcdST]cbaTP[XbTP]S X\_TSX\T]cbP]SWdaS[TbTeT]P\XSbc
who are based in India full-
time and possess several years
of relevant professional
High school transcripts
Letter of recommendation
College transcript
C D]XeTabXchWPb
\PgX\XiTcWTXaRdaaT]c_^cT]cXP[U^a 2>E83_P]ST\XR
research experience. It will College essay ;X]Z)X]cTa]bWP[PR^\X#TQ(T" 2[PbbPbTaXTb^U b^RXP[TR^]^\XR CWTbTbbX^]b 20A44A;01B0=3C427<078=3A08=:<>D
commence in January 2022. Admission requirements: 3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa%!! TgR[dbXeTcP[Zb P]ScTRW]^[^Vh Tg_^bTbbcdST]cbc^
Ten fellows will be selected and Official SAT or ACT scores are fWTaTX]Sdbcah caT]SbcWTUdcdaT^U SXeTabT_Tab_TRcXeTb
shall be expected to undertake expected to be submitted. CTRW<PWX]SaPWPeT UX]ScWT^__^acd]Xchc^QT [hbZX[[TSf^aZU^aRTfWXRW
>=;8=4B0;4B0C;D:D? bXV]TSP]<>Dc^ \T]c^aTSQhaT]^f]TS XbSaXeX]VcWTSXbad_cX^]X]
primary research, attend Language requirement: If
monthly calls, and participate English is not your native lan- ;^RPcX^]);dRZ]^f ;42CDA4>=4<>C8>=0;8=C4;;864=24 caP]bU^a\^eTa"VaPS X]SdbcahTg_TacbD_^]bdR TSdRPcX^]P]SbZX[[X]V
in online workshops to devel- guage, then you have to submit BcX_T]S)C!$$_Ta\^]cW dPcTbX]c^bZX[[TS_a^UTb RTbbUd[R^\_[TcX^]^UcWT =dacdaX]VcWTh^dcWfXcW
;X]Z)X]cTa]bWP[PR^\XTT&P( WTBRW^^[^U8C8<B=^XSP 3aBdaXVPeTPQaXTUX]ca^SdRcX^] bX^]P[bPa\TSfXcWX]Sdb caPX]X]VbcdST]cbVTcP] aT[TeP]ccTRW]XRP[P]S[TPS
op their skills in research, data TOEFL.
collection methods, analysis How to apply: Students 3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa$!! ^aVP]XbTSP[TRcdaT^] PQ^dcc^_XR¯cWPcXcXbPQX[Xchc^ cahaT[TeP]cbZX[[bP]ScWT ^__^acd]Xchc^QT_[PRTSPc TabWX_bZX[[bXb^]T^UcWT
and writing. can apply to Simmons through 4\^cX^]P[8]cT[[XVT]RT d]STabcP]SdbTP]S\P]PVT cTRW]XRP[Z]^fW^fc^bdR cWTR^\_P]h ZThU^RdbPaTPbU^aPRPST
Remuneration of C9 lakh its own application portal or B>280;<4380<0=064<4=C0CC74?8=: 8\_^acP]RT^]^da;XUTU^acWT T\^cX^]bX]_^bXcXeTfPhbc^ RTTSX]cWTWXVW[hR^\_TcX EPXbWP[X?WPcPZWTPS \XPP]SX]Sdbcah
will be provided to the fellows, through the Common 0;<8A07 bcdST]cb^U120CWTZTh]^cT aT[XTeTbcaTbbR^\\d]XRPcT cXeTf^a[S^UcTRW]^[^Vh CTRW]XRP[;TPa]X]VBTaeXRTb CWa^dVWcWXbR^[[PQ^aP
which includes stipend and Application First-year appli- b_TPZTafPbAPYTTe1X]Y^[P TUUTRcXeT[hT\_PcWXiTfXcW CWTbcdST]cbfX[[ 6[^QP[7TPS^U3XeTabXch cX^]cWTPX\Xbc^T\_^fTa
research expenses. cants are automatically con- 0bbXbcP]c?a^UTbb^aB>8CP]S3a ^cWTab^eTaR^\TRWP[[T]VTbP]S d]STaV^X]cT]bXeT P]S8]R[dbX^]CTRW bcdST]cbfXcWX]SdbcahaT[T
BcX_T]S)C$C _Ta\^]cW :d[]TTcBdaXBT]X^a3XaTRc^a8<B STUdbTR^]U[XRc3XbRdbbX^]b d_bZX[[X]VR^dabTb^]b_T <PWX]SaPbPXS)°FXcW\Pb eP]cbZX[[bP]ScTRW]^[^Vh
To access application visit sidered for the opportunity ;X]Z)X]cTa]bWP[PR^\X(#!TP
http://csip.ashoka.edu.in/RF22. Application deadline: It is =^XSP fTaTP[b^S^]T^]cWTch_Tb^U RXUXRbZX[[caPRZb_aTbRaXQTS bXeTSXVXcP[caP]bU^a\PcX^] Z]^fW^fcWa^dVWX]cT]
For queries, kindly email December 1, 2021. 3TPS[X]T)>Rc^QTa$!! FWX[TPSSaTbbX]VcWT[TRcdaT T\^cX^]P[X]cT[[XVT]RT QhCTRW<PWX]SaP[XZTUd[[ PRa^bbP[[cWTbTRc^abcWTaT bXeTd_bZX[[X]VR^dabTb
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!(!!
b_^acb !
>:SVReAf_[RSSj'h\ed =PaX]TAP]PWT[_::A_aTePX[^eTa3T[WX
80=BQ B70A907
= @ >BB Mithali dethroned from top spot, Goswami rises /DVWWZR,3/ INZAMAM DISCHARGED FROM HOSPITAL
% %(
% $%! to number two position: ICC ODI rankings c^d]STaV^P]T\TaVT]RhP]VX^_[PbchPcP_aXePcTW^b_XcP[WTaTPUcTa
A21 ! "$( ?C8Q 3D108 Others making waves in the bowler’s rank-
ings were the England duo of Anya Shrubsole cWPc8]iP\P\WPbQTT]SXbRWPaVTSUa^\cWTW^b_XcP[PUcTabdRRTbbUd[[h
::A "%" ndia captain Mithali Raj on Tuesday lost her and Kate Cross, both of whom jumped into the d]STaV^X]VcWT_a^RTSdaT
<8 #$" I top spot in the ICC Women’s ODI Rankings
for batters as she slid to the third place while vet-
top ten, occupying the 9th and 10th spots respec-
?1:B ' !'' eran pacer Jhulan Goswami climbed two places Shrubsole gained four places after picking ?PaXbBPX]c6Ta\PX]WTPSR^PRW<PdaXRX^?^RWTccX]^WPbPS\XccTScWPc
AA ' "%( to second in the bowlers’ list. three wickets in the final two ODIs against New
The 38-year-old Raj, who scored just 87 runs Zealand, while Cross’ spell of 3/44 in the fifth
BA7 # $ at an average of 29 in the just-concluded three- ODI helped her move up five slots. aT\PX]TSTePbXeTPQ^dcfW^Xb?PaXbBPX]c6Ta\PX]³bUXabcRW^XRT
match series against Australia, now has 738 The spotlight among the batters was on V^P[ZTT_TaP]SfWTcWTa:Th[^a=PePb^a]TfbXV]X]V6XP][dXVX
points in her kitty. Beth Mooney. She rocketed up eight places to 3^]]Pad\\PfX[[bcPacPVPX]bc2XchD_Ua^]c?^RWTccX]^W^_Tbc^WPeT
South African Lizelle Lee (761) grabbed the break into the top ten, sitting at No. 8, just below ;X^]T[<TbbXQPRZX]PccPRZPbcWT0aVT]cX]TbWPZTb^UUP\X]^aZ]TT
top spot after gaining one place while Australia’s compatriot Meg Lanning by nine rating points. X]YdahcWPcbXST[X]TSWX\U^acf^VP\Tb
Alyssa Healy, who scored 112 runs in the three- Mooney’s marvellous performance against
match series against India, is at second spot with India included a stunning century as well as a AT TIMES ALI HAS BEEN UNDER-APPRECIATED: ROOT
750 points. half-century as she amassed 177 runs at a strike ?C8Q 3D108 Royal Challengers Bangalore
Another Indian, Smriti Mandhana climbed rate of 89.84. and Delhi Capitals in the other.
one place to be at number six with 710 points. In the all-rounder’s rank- he IPL Governing Council “On the last day of the
The 38-year-old Goswami’s stellar show dur-
ing ODI series against Australia also took her
ings, Ashleigh Gardner scaled
four places to reach the sixth
T on Tuesday decided that
the two final league stage games
league stage (08.10.2021) of the
ongoing season, instead of hav-
to second spot. position while Ellyse Perry’s will start concurrently at 7:30 ing one afternoon match and XcbT[UP]SfWPcWTWPbPRWXTeTS±A^^cfPb`d^cTSPbbPhX]VQh
Goswami took four wickets in the series poor form led to her drop- PM IST instead of the usual one evening match, two match- 4B?=RaXRX]U^2^\
which India lost 1-2, including the three-wick- ping two positions, pushing double header with one game es (SRH v MI and RCB
et haul for 37 runs in the final match which South Africa’s Marizanne starting in the afternoon. The v DC) will be played simulta- ‘FOREIGN COACHES DECISION AFTER N’TL C’SHIP’
India won to break Australia’s astonishing win- Kapp to the top of the all- norm till date has been one neously at 7.30 PM IST (6.00 CWTFaTbc[X]V5TSTaPcX^]^U8]SXPF58^]CdTbSPhbPXSXcfX[[STRXST^]
ning streak of 26 ODIs. rounders’ rankings. game at 3:30 PM IST followed PM GST).” cWTTgcT]bX^]^UTgXbcX]VU^aTXV]R^PRWTbPccPRWTSfXcW_a^\X]T]c
She had an average of 28.75 in the India’s Deepti by evening match at 7:30 pm but faTbc[TabP]S^cWTaR^PRWTbU^acWT]Tgc>[h\_XRRhR[T^][hPUcTacWT
three matches. S h a r m a the games will start at same time NEW IPL TEAMS TO BE =PcX^]P[2WP\_X^]bWX_X]=^eT\QTa6T^aVXP]BWPZ^1T]cX]XSXbXb
Goswami also gained three places dropped in order to avoid giving any ANNOUNCED ON OCT 25 PccPRWTSfXcWC^Zh^Qa^]iTfX]]Ta1PYaP]V?d]XPfWX[TAdbbXP]:P\P[
to be at 10th spot among all- one place unfair advantage to any team in The IPL Media Rights ten- <P[XZ^ecaPX]bAPeX3PWXhPfW^QTRP\TcWT]Tfbd_TabcPa^U8]SXP]
rounders with 251 points. to be at case the last match has an out- der for the cycle 2023-2027 will faTbc[X]VPUcTafX]]X]VPbX[eTaX]cWT9P_P]TbTRP_XcP[F58P[b^WPbc^
Australia’s fifth. fit which has mathematical be released immediately after STRXSTXUPU^aTXV]R^PRWXbaT`dXaTSPccWT]PcX^]P[RP\_U^af^\T]
Jess Jonassen chance of qualification. the appointment of two new faTbc[TabPbcWTUTSTaPcX^]WPb]^chTcP__a^PRWTSP]hcaPX]TaUa^\
continued to “In a first for the IPL, the IPL teams which is scheduled ^eTabTPbbX]RT0\TaXRP]0]SaTf2^^ZfPbbPRZTS
lead the last two league matches before to be announced on 25th
bowling the VIVO IPL 2021 Playoffs October 2021. SUPER LEAGUE CASE: UEFA TO REMOVE SPANISH JUDGE
chart with 760 will be played concurrently,” It is understood that the D450^]CdTbSPhc^^Z[TVP[PRcX^]c^aT\^eTcWTYdSVTUa^\PB_P]XbW
points as against BCCI secretary Jay Shah said in Sony and Zee which has recent- R^dacRPbTcWfPacX]VcWTPccT\_cc^_d]XbW1PaRT[^]PATP[<PSaXSP]S
727 of Goswami. a release. ly gone into a merger is expect- 9deT]cdbU^acWTXaX]e^[eT\T]cX]cWTX[[UPcTSBd_Ta;TPVdTQaTPZPfPh
A n o t h e r The last two games will fea- ed to put up a handsome bid CWT\^eTR^d[STeT]cdP[[h[TPSc^SXbRX_[X]PahPRcX^]aTbcPacX]VPVPX]bc
Australian Meghan Scutt occupies third spot ture SunRisers Hyderabad and along with current rights hold- cWTaTQT[R[dQbPUcTaXcfPbPQP]S^]TS^]<^]SPh]XVWc°D450WPbUX[TS
with 717 points after losing one place. Mumbai Indians in one and ers Star Sports. P\^cX^]U^acWTaTRdbP[^UcWTYdSVT_aTbXSX]V^eTacWTRdaaT]c
retirement from interna- cy, India won the inaugural However, due to the Covid-19 hTPaWT[_X]VcWTXaV^eTa]X]VQ^SXTbD450P]S2>=<41>;QdX[SR[^bTa
tional cricket from all formats World Twenty20, the 2010 and pandemic, it was suspended. cXTbP\XS_^fTabcadVV[TbfXcW5850^eTacWTUdcdaT^Ub^RRTaD450
of the game, MS Dhoni will 2016 Asia Cups, the 2011 And instead of India, it will R^]UXa\TS_[P]b^]CdTbSPhc^bcPVTcWTUXabc^UcWaTT_[P]]TSTSXcX^]b^U
once again be seen wearing the World Cup and the 2013 take place in UAE and Oman cWTX]cTaR^]cX]T]cP[VP\TX]9d]TPcPeT]dTc^QTR^]UXa\TS=P_[TbWPb
?C8Q B8C64BB?08= Indian blue jersey next month. Champions Trophy. Records in a total of four venues, QTT]bdVVTbcTSPbP_^bbXQ[TeT]dTX]cWTbcPSXd\]^f]P\TSU^a
However, with a different role. are amazing. It is really great to Muscat, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, 0aVT]cX]PVaTPc3XTV^<PaPS^]P<PaPS^]PQTRP\TP]XR^]X]cWTRXch
he Indian team posted a The two-time World Cup- have him as a mentor of the and Sharjah. Further asked if U^aWT[_X]V=P_^[XfX]Xcb^][hcf^BTaXT0cXc[TbX] ('&P]S ((°CWT
T second straight win in Pool
A of the FIDE World Women’s
winning skipper was named as
the mentor for team India for
team (for the ICC World Cup).
“He has a good reputa-
Virat Kohli’s decision to step
down from T20 Captaincy was
Team Chess Championship by the T20 World Cup, on the tion and respect in the of his own or the BCCI bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]cPSSX]VcWTSTP[X]R[dSTb°^_T]X]V^UPY^X]c^UUXRTX]
beating Armenia 2.5-1.5 in the heels of the team announce- team, and also bringing forced him, Dhumal said, ;^]S^]±D450P]S2>=<41>;PaTSTUT]SX]VcWTcaPSXcX^]P[U^dahTPa[h
third round here on Tuesday. ment by the BCCI. him doesn’t mean to “The board didn’t ask him bRWTSd[T^UcWTXaR^]cX]T]cP[RWP\_X^]bWX_bP]ScWTF^a[S2d_Ua^\P
The Indians had defeated BCCI treasurer Arun undermine anybody. to step down. It was 5850SaXeT]_[P]c^_[PhcWTF^a[S2d_TeTahcf^hTPab
Spain 2.5-1.5 in the second Dhumal on Tuesday spoke on They have also done a absolutely his own deci-
round late on Monday to notch Dhoni’s inclusion, stating that phenomenal job,” sion. Why would we ask FIVE COUNTRIES QUALIFY FOR WOMEN’S ASIAN CUP
up the first win after being held India will definitely benefit Dhumal told India him to step down? He was 8]S^]TbXPY^X]TSU^da^cWTaR^d]caXTbX]R[dSX]VUXabccX\Tab8aP]X]
to a 2-2 draw in the opener from the presence of the legend Ahead. doing a great job.” `dP[XUhX]VU^acWT052F^\T]³b0bXP]2d_c^QTW^bcTSQh8]SXPX]
against Azerbaijan. 9P]dPah5TQadPah]TgchTPa8]S^]TbXPc^__TS6a^d_2X]cWT`dP[XUXRPcX^]
With the win in round c^da]P\T]cX]3dbWP]QTCPYXZXbcP]^]<^]SPhc^T]bdaTcWTXaUXUcW
three, India moved up to the
second spot on 7 board points
and 5 match points behind the
player, got the better of Anna
M Sargsyan in 40 moves in a
Goglidze Attack game.
4]V[P]SF^a[S2d_fX]]TaA^VTa7d]cSXTbPc'" P__TPaP]RTX]cWTc^da]P\T]cfWX[T8aP]T\TaVTS6a^d_6fX]]TabU^a
?WX[X__X]TbP[b^`dP[XUXTSU^acWT !cTP\R^]cX]T]cP[f^\T]³bbW^f_XTRT
formidable Russia (11 board Kulkarni contributed a vital 0?Q ;8E4A?>>; Liverpool’s second-highest c^QTWT[SX]8]SXPU^acWTbTR^]ScX\TPUcTa (&(CWTc^da]P\T]cfWXRW
points, 6 match points). point by taming Susanna goalscorer of all time. He won the fX[[P[b^bTaeTPbUX]P[bcPVT^U0bXP]`dP[XUXRPcX^]U^acWT!!"5850
In the match against Gaboyan in a 30-move affair. oger Hunt, a striker in the league with Liverpool in 1964 F^\T]³bF^a[S2d_X]0dbcaP[XPP]S=TfITP[P]SfX[[QTWT[SX]
Armenia, Tania Sachdev and
Bhakti Kulkarni notched up the
Vaishali, who had won her
matches in the first two rounds,
R only England team to win
the World Cup and one of
and 1966 — the same year he
won the World Cup.
important wins to set up the suffered a reverse at the hands Liverpool’s most prolific scorers, Hunt scored three goals in \PZX]VcWTXa "cWP__TPaP]RTPUcTac^__X]V6a^d_4fWX[T?WX[X__X]Tb
victory. D Harika had settled of Mkrtchian in a 30-move has died. He was 83. Liverpool, six appearances at the tourna- f^]6a^d_5U^acWTXa cW_PacXRX_PcX^]CWPX[P]SfW^f^]cWT ('"
for a draw against Elina English Variation game. where Hunt spent most of his ment. He played in the 4-2 vic- TSXcX^]c^__TS6a^d_7U^acWTXa &cWP__TPaP]RTX]cWTc^da]P\T]c
Danielian while the talented, In other third round match- playing career, said he died on tory over West Germany in the CWaTT^cWTacTP\bfX]]Tab^U6a^d_01P]S3aT\PX]c^`dP[XUhU^a
young R Vaishali went down to es, Russia outclassed Azerbaijan Monday after a long illness. final at Wembley Stadium for cWTc^da]P\T]cX]fWXRW8]SXPXbcWTPdc^\PcXR`dP[XUXTaPbW^bcbXSTCWT
Lilit Mkrtchian. 3.5-0.5 and host Spain edged Hunt scored 285 goals in 492 England’s only major football R^d]cahfX[[QT\PZX]VXcb]X]cWP__TPaP]RTX]cWTc^da]P\T]c
Sachdev, an experienced past France 2.5-1.5. appearances, making him title. 064=284B