Activity Ratio Influence On Profitability (At The Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2010-2013)
Activity Ratio Influence On Profitability (At The Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2010-2013)
Activity Ratio Influence On Profitability (At The Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2010-2013)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dirvi Surya Abbas on 16 April 2019.
This study aims to investigate the influence of several factors that affect the
profitability of the company that are based on financial statements. This study is
the causal or studies that the one variable affects the other variable. Variables that
affect the so-called independent variables in this research Receivable Turnover,
Inventory Turnover, Turnover of Working Capital and Total Asset Turnover. The
variable that is affected is called the dependent variable, and in this study, namely
Methods of sampling using purposive sampling and Multiple Linear
regression was used as a research test equipment. Samples digunakanya the mining
company listed on the Stock Exchange. The results of the data selection using
purposive sampling method states that the sample used in this study were 8
companies and due to the use of the study period 4 years, the number of samples
contained 32 samples.
These results indicate that the Accounts Receivable Turnover Positive and
significant impact on profitability, while the Inventory Turnover and Total Assets
Turnover Positive and no significant effect on profitability and working capital
turnover and no significant negative impact on profitability.
Research conducted by
2. Literature
Naibaho and Rahayu (2013),
a. Signal Theory (Signaling
the research on the effect of
inventory turnover on the
Signal theory explaining the
profitability of listed in
reasons for the company to
Indonesia Stock Exchange has
present information to the capital
a significant positive effect on
markets. Theory signals indicate net profit margin and how big
asymmetry of information influence on profitability.
between the management
company and the parties with an Du Pont analysis is important
interest in such information. for managers to know which
Signal theory put forward about factors most strongly influence
how the company should provide the profit margin and total asset
signals to users of financial turnover to profitability. Besides,
statements. According Jama'an using this analysis, cost control
(2008) Signaling Theory argued and efficiency can be measured
about how should a company asset turnover as a result of the
give a signal to users of financial increase in sales can be measured
statements. These signals in the down (Syafarudin, 1993).
form of information about what
has been done by the c. Financial statements
management to realize the wishes According Martono and Agus
of the owner. Signals can be (2010) revealed that the financial
either promotional or other report is an overview of a
information which states that the company's financial situation at a
company is better than any other given moment. The financial
company. statements are accurate and better
able to provide information that
Signal theory can also help is useful in terms of making
the company (agent), the owner investment decisions, lending
(the principal), and outside the decisions, assessment of cash
company reduce information flow and analyze the changes that
asymmetry to produce the quality occur on the source of funds. The
or integrity of financial reporting type of financial statement that is
information. To ensure that the often used is:
interested parties believe the 1) Statement of Financial
reliability of financial Position.
information submitted by the 2) Position reports net income
company, need to get the opinion (loss).
of other parties who freely give 3) Statement of Changes in
an opinion on the financial Capital Position.
statements Jama'an (2008). 4) Cash flow statement.
5) Top Reports Financial
b. Theory Du Pont Statements Notes.
According Syamsudin (2001)
analysis Du Pont System is the d. Financial statement analysis
profitability generated by One financial statement
multiplying the profits from sales analysis tools most widely used
of components as well as the by other research is the analysis
efficient use of total assets in of the ratio. The use of financial
generating profits. While the statement analysis is highly
opinion Sutrisno (2001) is an variable and depends on the
analysis that used to control the proper parties. From the point of
change in the ratio of activity and view of the investor, financial
statement analysis can be used to
total sample
Independe DW value
nt table
DW value Conclusion
1.732 rrelatio
32 4 1,983 2.2677
3 n
unstandardized Coefficients
Test Results Multicollinearity Model T Sig.
B beta
collinearity Statistics
Model (Constant) , 027 , 032 , 848 , 404
tolerance VIF
PERPIU , 006 .002 , 521 3.247 , 003
1 (Constant)
1 PERSED -, 003 .001 -, 418 -2.492 .019
PERPIU , 641 1,560
PERMOD -, 002 , 007 -, 061 -, 353 , 727
PERSED , 586 1,708
Agric , 043 , 036 , 188 1.171 , 252
PERMOD , 556 1.798
Source: SPSS Data Output
Agric , 643 1,555
Source: SPSS Data Output The regression equation that is
derived from this study are as
Multikoliniearitas test results
showed that the receivable
SPSS version 22, shown in the 1 PERSED -,003 ,001 -,418 -2,492 ,019
Proven at. Ratu Prabu Energi Proven at. Ratu Prabu Energi
Tbk 2014 net income declined by Tbk assets in 2014 increased by
55%, profit decline was due to the 12% from the 5% increase in current
decrease in net income and an assets and an increase in non-current
increase in the cost of goods from assets 7%.This is because of a loan
operating expenses. Additional from Clipan Finance, any alteration
working capital for the company / conversion loans from Bank Mega
mining company may be a good IDR to USD, resulting in a surge in
thing, but if it is not followed by an the exchange rate. time the addition
increase in production capacity and of assets derived from debt, so the
an increase in sales will be a burden company has the obligation to pay
for the company. Among them is the interest, which is interest expense
interest payback in the form of loan will reduce the profitability of the
capital. company.
The results are consistent with The results are consistent with
research Verawati et al (2014), the research Sari (2014), the results of
results of this study do not this study do not correspond
correspond conducted by Yuliati conducted by Mercy et al (2012)
(2012) and Mulatsih (2014) which which memyatakan that the total
states that the turnover of working asset turnover significant positive
capital positive effect on effect on profitability. When
profitability. Which states that it is analyzing the ratio TATO over the
known if the working capital plays a period showed a matter that is likely
very important to the efficiency of to increase, it can give you an idea
the company. The higher the that the efisisen use of assets that
turnover rate of working capital increase. TATO influenced by the
means that companies are able to size of income and total assets, both
optimize the consumption levels of current assets and fixed assets. Thus
working capital in its operations in it is possible that the relationship
order to gain profit between TATO by Return on Assets
(ROA) is positive.
2) for Issuers
2) for Companies The author expects that the
To pay more attention to turnover of accounts
the smallest things that can receivable, inventory
reduce the profits of the turnover, working capital
enterprise so as to minimize turnover and total turnover
losses that are unexpected so Akiva on profitability as a
that it can quickly make a reference in management
decision. decision-making process in
the use of working capital.
3) for Academic
This study is expected to
be a reference that can
Ahsanti, Eva "Effect Analysis
provide theoretical
Working Capital
information to the parties
Management, Liquidity,
who will conduct further
Leverage, Activities and
research on this study as
Measures Against Level
well as adding existing
Profitability Company
literature sources.
Company (S1 Thesis Faculty
of Economics and Business,
4) For Researchers Other
State Islamic University
For further research should
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,
be used plus the study period
as well as samples that are
used can be added or
Alfredo et al., "Effect of Financial
expanded in sectors other
Performance Against
Company Value Market
Manufacturing Company in
Further research is
Indonesia Stock Exchange".
expected to add another
Journal of Management,
activity ratio and the ratio of
other measurements of other
Business Strategy and
ratios to retest the variables
Entrepreneurship Vol.6, No.2,
in future studies, especially
August 2012.
to have this level of
operating profit relationship.
Alivia, Natasha Rizky, "Analysis of
Factors That Affect Firm
b. Practical advice
Value With Profitability As an
1) for Companies intervening variable (S1
As one of the Thesis Faculty of Economics
considerations before buying and Business, University of
shares of the company to see Diponegoro, 2013)
how the company's funding
sources are more inclined to Ambarwati et al., "Effect of Working
use debt or equity. Capital, Liquidity, Activity
and Company Size To
Profitability". ". E-Journal of
Accounting, Ganesha
(Thesis S1 Faculty of
Economics and Business, Wulandari, Cici "Analysis of Effect
University of Return On Assets, Earnings
Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Per Share, Debt to Equity
2014). Ratio Against Price to Book
Value At Manufacturing
Tampubolon, Manahan, Financial Company (S1 Thesis Faculty
Management (Finance of Economics and Business,
Management), (Issue 1, University of
Jakarta: Partners Media Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
Discourse, 2013). 2015)