Best Possible Self
Best Possible Self
Best Possible Self
Visualization Exercise
What would your life look like in a perfect future? How would you spend your time? Who
would be by your side? In this exercise, you will imagine your best possible self in a future
where things have gone as well as possible, and you have accomplished all your goals.
1 Write. On the following pages, you will imagine and describe your best
possible self in three domains: personal, professional, and social. Once
completed, continue to step 2.
Visualize. For the next week, spend 5 minutes visualizing your best possible
2 self each day. Focus on one domain per day, cycling through each of the
domains throughout the week. Record your practice in the chart below.
Tip: It’s common to feel distracted during visualization. If you notice your mind
wandering, that’s okay. Simply return your thoughts to the exercise once you
become aware.
Visualization Log
Imagine your best possible self in the personal domain for 1 minute.
Write about your best possible self in the personal domain for 5 minutes. Continue
writing for the entire time, using as much detail as possible.
Professional Domain: job, sense of purpose, education, skills, retirement, income, etc.
Imagine your best possible self in the professional domain for 1 minute.
Write about your best possible self in the professional domain for 5 minutes.
Continue writing for the entire time, using as much detail as possible.
Imagine your best possible self in the social domain for 1 minute.
Write about your best possible self in the social domain for 5 minutes. Continue
writing for the entire time, using as much detail as possible.