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Yaken Mohammad Akiran Beed Iii Let's Try This

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Let’s Try This:

Activity 1

How well did you learn the critical attributes of 21st century education in your own setting? Let’s see as
you work out this activity. For each critical attribute in Column 1, provide Suggested Teaching and
Learning Activities to Achieve the Attribute in Column 2. In Column 3, write the word YES if you are
currently doing these suggested activities in your school, and NO if you are not. Item 8 has been done
for you as an example.

Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities to Are you currently

Achieve the Attribute doing these
Critical Attributes of 21st
suggested activities in
Century Education
your school?

Integrated and connects the interdependent knowledge and

Interdisciplinary skills from more than one subject area to
examine a central theme, issue, problem, topic, Yes
or experience. It is a holistic approach that
stresses linkages.

Technologies and allow students a strong degree of choice as

Multimedia they pursue learning with multimedia texts. ... Yes
When used as active learning tools,

Global Classrooms Allow students with exposure to international

and multicultural experience that enhances
their academic performance. It helps in
creating awareness regarding a lot of subjects
and nourishes the overall personality of the

Creating/Adapting to Allow the learner's adopt and participate

Constant Personal and during classes and motivate them improve Yes
Social Change, and their full confidence.
Lifelong Learning

Student-Centered Helping students learn how to set and achieve Yes

their personal, educational goals. Giving
students enough room to fail and learn from
their missteps. Helping students develop their
critical-thinking and self-reflection skills. Giving
students the space to act as their advocates in
the learning process.

21st Century Skills Let the students to apply this:

Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,

analysis, interpretation, synthesizing
information. Research skills and practices, Yes
interrogative questioning. Creativity, artistry,
curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal
expression. Perseverance, self-direction,
planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative.

Project-based and allows a child to demonstrate his or her

Research-driven capabilities while working independently. It
shows the child's ability to apply desired skills
such as doing research. It develops the child's
ability to work with his or her peers, building
teamwork and group skills.

Relevant, Rigorous, and Engage learners in collaborative projects that Yes

Real-world will challenge them to find ways in solving real-
world problems, such as pollution, global
warming, drug addiction, and the like.

Activity 2: Reflection Paper

Take a good look at your output table and think about the teaching and learning practices in your
school. Did you have many Yes answers? If this is the case, congratulations! Your school is ready for the
21st century. If not, do not despair. What does your output table tell about your school? Does your
school manifest the critical attributes of 21st century education? Give your reflection on this.

- Actually my all answer is yes because it is the one who I see in our school and I can say that our school
is ready for 21srt century. My output tells about how our school adopt the way of reaching the 21rst
century when interms of teaching.

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