Are You Where You Want To Be Right Now? Why or Why Not? If Not, What Are You Willing To Do To Get Out of This Situation and Into One That You Prefer?

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Are you where you want to be right now? Why or why not?

If not, what are you willing to do to get out of this situation and into one
that you prefer?

Am I contended to my life right now? Is this what I want to be? I feel that I am not really
in the position I wanted to be. Why? Because I have a feeling that there is more something for
me, I need to achieve my goals in life, and I am not yet satisfied with what I have right now. You
know, even though my life isn't where I would like it to be, but I'm still okay and blessed with
where I am right now because I have my treasure with me, and that is my family.
I must take action in order for me to reach my goals. I am willing to do anything or take
any kind of risk in order to achieve my satisfaction situation in life. I just can't see myself
standing in the corner doing nothing. I believe that, the harder you work for something, the
greater you'll feel when you achieve it.

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