Indrani Gupta
Indrani Gupta
Indrani Gupta
Indrani Gupta1
The novel coronavirus has caused a global public health crisis, and impacted coun-
tries irrespective of their development status. The health system preparedness has
varied across countries, necessitating a hard look at how resilient health systems
can be built to withstand the onslaught of sudden pandemics and epidemics. India
has been grappling with the onslaught of COVID-19 since the last 6 months of the
current year, bringing into focus the ability of its health system to withstand the
pressures of dealing with such a pandemic. In this context, the paper analyses India’s
health sector by focusing on infrastructure, personnel, financing and governance, to
enable a better understanding of the extent of resilience in India’s health system.
Using data from the latest household survey on health, the paper also looks at the
disease profile of care seekers to illustrate why COVID transmission is likely to
be rapid in the country, the potential impact of COVID care on non-COVID care,
the groups that are most likely to forego care due to the lockdown and the diver-
sion of resources to COVID care, choice of providers and out-of-pocket expenditure
evidenced from such choice. The paper concludes that a country cannot effectively
deal with a pandemic and reduce its socioeconomic impact by trying to fix its health
system in real time. The lesson from the COVID era would be for India to immedi-
ately start with the much delayed health sector reforms, beginning with a substantial
jump in public health financing, if impact of future epidemics and pandemics are to
be minimised.
* Indrani Gupta
[email protected]
Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave, Delhi 110007, India
I. Gupta
1 Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a renewed interest in the health sector
globally. In developed countries that are most affected, the health sector has been
relatively better prepared due to decades of high investment and strong health
systems. Despite this, death rates have been high in Europe, attributed to timing
of the lockdown, infections invading nursing homes and care homes, and also
health systems caught off-guard by the onslaught of cases (Burn-Murdoch and
Giles 2020). The death rates have been highest among the elderly population in
many of these countries, including the USA, where 80% of total deaths are among
those 65 and older (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2020).
The ability of health systems to cope with the onslaught of high volume of
COVID-19 cases has varied across countries, and the response of countries has
also been disparate, with varying degrees of success. Many of these countries
have also worried about non-COVID care during the pandemic. A study docu-
mented how routine care for chronic diseases has been adversely impacted due
to the pandemic; diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hyperten-
sion and mental health were some of the most impacted areas of concern during
the COVID crisis (Chudasama et al. 2020). Others have documented the negative
impact on cancer care, dental care and also routine care (Harky et al. 2020; Devi
and Milevska-Kostova 2020). The squeezing out of health care for non-COVID
patients has important implications about the overall morbidity and mortality,
health care costs and socioeconomic impact on households. This is, of course, in
addition to the COVID-related impact on all these parameters. The actual impact
of the pandemic on overall health indicators and treatment-seeking behaviour
may spread over a substantial time period, but can only be assessed once the cri-
sis is over.
The extent to which health services will be stretched for the population will
depend to a large extent on the health systems preparedness of a country. In this
paper, we look at available evidence on (a) India’s current situation with COVID
and factors that indicate the possibility of a quicker spread of COVID, (b) health
sector preparedness to tackle high volume of cases including levels of health
financing, (c) the possible impact on non-COVID health care and (d) health
financing situation in the country.
In the absence of databases on treatment-seeking behaviour during COVID,
we use secondary data to analyse these three issues. For global comparisons on
COVID testing and other parameters, the database Our World in Data is used.
The latest round of the National Sample Survey data on health—the 75th round—
is used to assess the disease profile as well as individual treatment-seeking behav-
iour. The data on availability of health facilities and health personnel is obtained
from the latest National Health Profile (NHP) 2019, published by the Central
Bureau of Health Intelligence under the Directorate General of Health Services of
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). We also look at data put
out by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the latest National Health Accounts
for 2016–2017 published by the MOHFW for health financing indicators. There
Relying on serendipity is not enough
are numerous articles, commentaries, blogs and other materials on COVID avail-
able online—published and unpublished, and these are valuable sources of infor-
mation on the pandemic. We use those that seem the most reliable wherever
information is not available from the sources mentioned above.
COVID cases in India have been increasing rapidly, especially after the partial
removal of lockdown and massive movement of migrant populations. On July 30,
total cases in India were 15,77,271 with total deaths of 34,951. Tests have been
ramped up and daily tests have also increased significantly over the last several
weeks. With the lockdown being gradually removed, cases have seen a surge,
with Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh being some of
the most affected states in terms of total confirmed cases.
Low testing was initially mainly out of compulsion because of shortages of
testing kits and low capacities of government laboratories—both in numbers
and ability to analyse the samples. However, domestic capacity has been vastly
increased over the past few months and India can now test more than 3,00,000
samples a day and plans to increase testing further. The government has also
enlisted private laboratories for testing. Currently, 907 government and 414
(ICMR 2020) private laboratories have been enlisted for COVID-19 testing,
resulting in a very rapid improvement in the testing situation.
To compare India’s test figures with other countries with high burden, we use
information on tests per 1000 from Our World in Data, one of the few sources of
global data on COVID parameters.
The test units are somewhat disparate, making comparisons a bit problematic.
For Chile, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Iran, the num-
bers pertain to total tests performed. For Peru, South Korea and UK, the numbers
pertain to people tested. For India, the information is on samples tested. For USA
the units are unclear, according to the source. Nevertheless, one can get some
insights into the scale of testing done in these countries.
India’s testing numbers remain very low despite significant increases in daily
tests (Fig. 1). The actual number of people tested per 1000—instead of samples—
would actually be much lower. India’s testing number seems closer to Brazil’s
and Peru’s, but it must be recalled that India had its first corona case in January,
whereas Brazil and Peru had it about 2 months later. Also for Peru the number
pertains to people tested.
The correlation between total cases and total tests performed is very high, as
can be seen from Fig. 2a, indicating that higher testing is bringing out higher cases.
However, in the recent past, the linear relationship is weaker, and there seems to be
a faster increase in cases compared to tests, indicating the possibility of community
transmission. Plotting new cases against new tests (Fig. 2b), this trend is clearer and
seems to have started somewhat earlier, around the beginning of June.
I. Gupta
210 189
180 163
150 134
120 111
96 93
30 29
30 13 12 11
Source: hps://
a 1200
Total cases per million
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Total tests per 1,000
b 45
New cases per million
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
New tests per 1,000
Fig. 2 a New cases per million and new tests per thousand, 29 March–29 July, 2020. b Total cases per
million and total tests per thousand, 29 March–29 July, 2020
Relying on serendipity is not enough
Injuries, 1 Others, 1
Urinary, 2 Obstetric, 0 Others, 3
Skin, 2
Gastro- Musculo- Injuries, 11
Skeletal, 9 Obestric, 3
Intestinal, 4
Infections, Urinary, 6 Infection, 31
Respiratory, Musculo-
10 Skeletal, 4
Skin, 1 Gastro-
Intestinal, 10
Cardio- Cancers, 0 Cancers, 3
Vascular, 17 Endocrine,
Metabolic, Blood
Nutritional, Blood Cardio- Diseases, 2
15 Diseases, 1 Vascular, 9 Endocrine,
Respiratory, 4
Ear, 0 Metabolic,
& Ear, 0 Eye, 4 Psychiatric & Nutritional, 3
Eye, 1 Neurologica Neurological, 6
l, 4
Fig. 3 a and b Share of disease groups in OPD and IPD care (%), NSS 75th round
As for doubling time, India’s average on June 30 was 19 days, which is an
improvement over the May figure of about 15 days. However, the world average on
the same day was 56 days, indicating that India is still in the rapid spread phase.
With the lockdown being removed mostly, is it fair to expect that infections will
increase rapidly? Even as late as in the second week of June, the government main-
tained that there was no community transmission in India, and the Home Minister
has stated that Delhi—which has seen an explosion of cases—is not in community
transmission mode (NDTV 2020). Experts have debated and even outright rejected
this position of the government, and pointed out many instances of cases where it
was not possible to track down the source of infection (Times of India 2020). If tests
are ramped up significantly, as has been suggested by experts repeatedly, one can
only hope that the cases do not overwhelm the already stretched health services in
the country. That can happen if community transmission, has, in fact, not taken hold
in the country, as the government has repeatedly been assuring the country.
While there are debates and discussions around community transmission and what
defines it, one important pointer towards the possibility of rapid transmission is the
presence of infectious diseases in the communities. While household self-reported
data may not be the right source to estimate susceptibility precisely, it is, neverthe-
less, very helpful for understanding how prone India will be to rapid community
Figure 3a, b give the share of infectious diseases in the population that sought
care—with a reference period of preceding 15 days from the day of the interview,
which we label as out-patient care (OPD) and hospitalisation or in-patient care (IPD)
based in the NSS 75th round, which pertains to 2017–2018.
I. Gupta
Communicable OPD
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 4 Share of age categories in communicable and non-communicable diseases, NSS 75th round
For both OPD and IPD, the major share in diseases was that of infections. This
is just a confirmation of the fact that India has yet to complete the epidemiological
transition and is dealing with the dual burden of communicable and non-commu-
nicable diseases. Other studies have confirmed that there is wide variation across
Indian states with communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases still
being a significant presence in many states (Dandona et al. 2017).
It is important to note that for OPD cases, respiratory illnesses is a sizeable
share of 10%, separate from infections. These could be asthma, chronic obstructive
pulmonary diseases (COPD), emphysema and other such disorders, the presence
of which has been seen as aggravating conditions for COVID patients, especially
COPD (Zhao et al. 2020). In India, COPD is at the second place in the top 10 causes
of deaths in 2017 (IHME 2018).
In the context of COVID, the implication is clear: while the entry of COVID into
the country can be traced to international travel, once in, there was always a fairly
non-negligible probability that the infection would have spread to others through
community transmission. This is because the modes of transmission are going to
be fairly similar for COVID and other infectious diseases: lack of social distancing,
lack of hygiene and sanitation, congested habitat and lack of awareness. Who are
most likely to spread the infection?
Figure 4 gives the shares for the two broad disease categories—communicable
and non-communicable diseases—by three age categories (0–14, 15–59 and 60 and
above), and shows that in communicable diseases, the share is the highest for the
adults between the ages of 15 and 59, closely followed by children.
Given this pattern, it stands to reason that community transmission is going to
be happening mostly through the adults. The susceptibility of children to general
infections is also high, and while there has not been much evidence of children fall-
ing sick due to COVID, it has probably been one of the best aspects of the COVID
response in India that schools have been shut down, and children kept relatively safe
at home. Some reports of multisystem inflammatory conditions in children have
been documented in Europe and North America, and while more data would be
Relying on serendipity is not enough
required to link these with COVID (World Health Organization Newsroom 2020),
the best approach is to keep them out of harm’s way, especially in settings like India,
where infections do spread rapidly among children due to a variety of factors.
A quick note about co-morbidities. While adults are supposedly the most robust
group in terms of resilience to disease, COVID is also a deadlier infection than
many the world has encountered hitherto. Also, there is increasing evidence that co-
morbidities in adults like hypertension, diabetes, COPD, CVD comprise major risk
factors for patients with COVID (Wang et al. 2020; Singh et al. 2020).
The NSS data allows us to understand the occurrence of these diseases in the
population. Table 1 presents data on the important co-morbidities in the context of
COVID for adults and the elderly.
The data indicates that adults with hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases and
asthma seek OPD and IPD care in non-negligible proportions. In fact, a relatively
higher proportion of the elderly with any of these conditions seek OPD care com-
pared to the adults. The same is the case for IPD. The data also reveals how prevalent
these conditions are: for example, 59% of the elderly visiting a provider for OPD had
at least one of these conditions. The high prevalence of non-communicable diseases
are evident from the fact that of all the adults who sought OPD and IPD care, 65%
and 32% respectively had at least one NCD. Thus, NCDs are well-entrenched in our
population, and it is likely that a rapid spread of COVID infection among those with
any of these co-morbidities might result in higher number of cases requiring proper
and intensive care, especially for the elderly.
While the above table gives the breakup of diseases by age, we turn to look more
closely at treatment-seeking behaviour of adults and the elderly in the next section.
The demand for care can be looked at across different categories: gender, residence,
age categories and consumption quintiles. In Table 2 below, we present treatment-
seeking behaviour for OPD and IPD across age categories, for rural and urban India.
I. Gupta
The gender differentials were narrow, so we do not present the results by gender
First of all, in rural and urban India, about 6.8% and 9% respectively had
sought care in the last 15 days previous to the day of the interview, indicating a
slightly higher occurrence of ill health and care-seeking in urban India.
However, the most striking result is that the occurrence increases rapidly with
increases in age. For example, for rural India, 5.6% sought OPD care from the age
category 15–59, but this jumped to 22% for those between 60 and 69 years of age. It
increased further to 31% and 42% respectively for rural and urban India for the old-
est group, 80 and above.
For IPD the occurrence numbers are lower, but the same pattern is observed—
increase in demand with age, with the oldest age category showing highest demand.
Also, for IPD there is a noticeable difference between male and females, with
demand being higher for males.
We also look at the demand for care by quintiles, but due to the potential prob-
lem of endogeneity of the wealth variable in treatment seeking behaviour, we do not
attempt to interpret this result, which does show a positive income gradient.
The main result in this section is that although infection will spread through
mostly the adults, any disruption to the health care system is likely to impact on
elderly treatment-seeking behaviour by squeezing out care for this group in the
absence of adequate hospital and other services.
We now present some evidence that indicates the reason for the potential squeez-
ing out of health care in the context of COVID.
This section is based largely on a recent paper by the author. Relying on serendipity is not enough: fix-
ing the health system in India for future pandemics. IEG Insights Gupta (2020).
Relying on serendipity is not enough
I. Gupta
The JEE mission reports are a good starting point to understand the gaps and
priorities of various countries. Unfortunately, India’s mission report is not avail-
able on the WHO website; it is possible that the exercise was not undertaken or
completed by India. This, despite the fact that the ministerial meeting held in
Delhi on Emergency Preparedness—named the Delhi Declaration of Emergency
Preparedness—was adopted in September 2019 at the 72nd session of the WHO
Regional Committee for South-East Asia (Ofrin et al. 2020) and presided over
by the India’s Health Minister, Dr Harsh Vardhan. India also pledged $200,000
towards implementation of the preparedness stream (Press Information Bureau
It does seem, however, that India has been doing better at managing natu-
ral disasters than public health crises. Cyclone Fani, and more recently cyclone
Amphan, are good examples of this. Early warning systems through surveillance
and containment of outbreaks of epidemics in disaster zones have been very
encouraging signals that India is now better able to manage natural disasters.
While a number of studies exist on the JEE and similar topics, a recent exer-
cise to develop an Epidemic Preparedness Index (EPI) to assess national-level
preparedness for pandemics for 188 countries was carried out (Oppenheim et al.
2019). The methodology included constructing five sub-indices for each coun-
try: public health infrastructure, physical infrastructure, institutional capacity,
economic resources and public health communications. The results indicated
that countries with low EPI scores are concentrated in West and Central Africa,
Southwest Asia and areas within Southeast Asia. India gets a score of 3 in the
EPI scores, with 1 denoting the category most prepared.
That India scores low on pandemic preparedness is hardly surprising: a look at some
basic statistics on public health infrastructure (Table 3), including health personnel,
shows how inadequate India’s health system is—not only for pandemics and epi-
demics—but in general for providing health care even during normal times.
The table presents three indicators of basic infrastructure and personnel for
countries that have been impacted the most with COVID-19, and also reports gov-
ernment health spending out of GDP in the last column, which will be discussed
India’s physicians per 1000 and nurses per 1000 figures are lowest in this group.
As for hospital beds per 1000—a critical parameter at all times, but especially dur-
ing the COVID crisis—India does extremely poorly. It is struggling to meet even the
WHO norm of physicians which is 1 per 1000 population.
Some important indicators of low prioritisation of health can be directly seen
from the status of health infrastructure and personnel in the country, obtained from
the latest Rural Health Statistics. Figure 5 presents the shortfall in health person-
nel as a percentage of required manpower for doctors, various specialists, radiogra-
phers, health assistants, pharmacists and laboratory technicians for Primary Health
Centres (PHC) and Community Health Centres (CHC) for rural and urban areas
Relying on serendipity is not enough
Table 3 Key health systems indicators for countries most impacted by COVID-19. Source: World Bank
Data Bank
Country Physicians/1000 Nurses and mid- Hospital Govt health
wives/1000 beds/1000 spending as % of
100 82
87 86
59 60
60 48 51 51 48
40 25 29
17 16
20 10 7 11 13
Rural Urban
Fig. 5 Shortfall in health personnel (%). Source: Rural Health Statistics 2018-19 (Govt. of India, Minis-
try of Health & Family Welfare)
in 2019. For the urban areas, some of the comparable parameters are not availanble
and, therefore, not shown in the chart.
The striking result is that there are significant shortfalls in personnel in both rural
and urban areas, sometimes to the tune of 80–85% in some category of specialists.
There are significant shortfalls in infrastructure as well: for example, in rural
areas, sub-centres (SC) and Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) are 23% short,
PHCs and HWC-PHC are 28% short and CHCs are 37% short respectively. In urban
areas, there is a shortfall of 44% in PHCs. Many of the facilities are operating with-
out the Indian Public Health Standard (IPHS) norms and are also deficient in ameni-
ties like regular water supply, electricity and all-weather motorable approach.
I. Gupta
The state level picture varies a lot across these and other indicators like health
workers, nursing staff and ASHA workers. While there are no discernible patterns,
the data does show that for indicators like doctors and laboratory technicians at
PHC, some of the hard hit states like Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu actually
show a surplus. In fact, for a few types of health personnel in urban health facilities
too, Delhi, TN, Gujarat and Maharashtra often show surpluses. On some other indi-
cators, however, there continues to be deficits. Thus, a closer look at a wider array
of parameters for states brings out the somewhat erratic and inconsistent variations,
which probably explains why seemingly better-off states like Gujarat and Tamil
Nadu ultimately do not fare that well in times of crisis.
With shortages of infrastructure and staff, it stands to reason that much of the
demand will be met in the private sector. The elaborate public health infrastruc-
ture envisaged with population-based health infrastructure and personnel norms
remained an unfulfilled promise of the Indian health care system, with concomitant
rapid and unregulated expansion of the private sector to fill the void.
Table 4 corroborates this and indicates the huge dependence of the population on
the private sector even for primary care.
Given this scenario, it was to be expected that COVID-care demand would have
overwhelmed the government health care system. Based on the earlier discussion,
it is clear that an equally important point is the impact COVID care would have on
non-COVID care. Some straightforward calculations are helpful to elaborate on this
As per the National Health Profile 2019, there are about 26,000 hospitals and
7,20,000 beds in the government system (National Health Profile 2019); adding
additional availability of hospital beds in railways and Employees’ State Insurance
Corporation or ESIC, there may be a total of 7,50,000 government beds. The NSS
75th round data indicates a rate of hospitalization of 4.2% including child births in
the sample.2
Table 5 gives the approximate estimates for annual demand for beds, with expla-
nations given in the last column on how we arrive at the aggregates.
Based on various parameter values on beds in government hospitals, hospitalisa-
tion rate and duration of stay, there would have been an estimated 26% shortfall in
available bed days in government hospitals, if patients only accessed public hospi-
tals. The fact that only 42% of all patients actually go to public hospitals (Table 4),
Since the beds include beds available at the primary care level, including child births in the rate of
hospitalization is logical.
Relying on serendipity is not enough
indicate that the government system is not saturated and beds might remain vacant.
There are clearly other reasons that make beds in government hospitals either inac-
cessible, potentially unavailable or simply unattractive for patients, many of who
prefer to go to the private sector despite availability.
The relevance of these calculations is important in the context of COVID. With-
out the additional burden of COVID, there is already a shortage of beds in the gov-
ernment system, which is being met in private facilities with concomitant burden
of treatment expenses on the patients. Even if we assume that there will be some
overlap of the population that demands in-patient care with those in the additional-
demand-due to-COVID group, there will be a much larger total pool of hospital-
seekers. With beds being now designated for COVID patients, it can only mean a
squeezing out of in-patient care for non-COVID patients. Hospital stay for COVID-
19 patients can be for an average of 10–15 days, more than twice of the mean dura-
tion of stay during normal times, making turnover lower than usual.
It is possible that demand for non-COVID beds actually did not go up during the
lockdown, which virtually cut off care-seeking behaviour with its concomitant effect
on the most vulnerable, the elderly, but also on others. With the gradual removal of
the lockdown and simultaneous increases in COVID case load, the pent up demand
for care may lead to further squeezing out of care for non-COVID patients.
A recent study estimates the existing hospital capacity of India’s public and pri-
vate health sector in terms of number of hospital beds, Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
beds, and ventilators, across States and Union Territories (Kapoor et al. 2020). The
results indicate that distribution of beds and ventilators in India are uneven and
mostly concentrated in seven States and also corroborate our findings that govern-
ment facilities would not be sufficient to accommodate the influx of COVID-19
patients, and a rapid expansion of current capacity would be required.
The country has also witnessed the acute and distressing shortages of personal
protective equipment (PPE) and other essential medical supplies, in addition to ven-
tilators. Media has reported the increasing number of health workers getting infected
I. Gupta
30000 27347 26475
20000 16676
4290 4837 4452
Rural Urban Rural + Urban
Fig. 6 Out-of-pocket medical expenditure per hospitalisation case by type of hospital (INR) NSS 75th
due to lack of PPE in the early stages of the pandemic. When the pandemic started,
India had almost zero capacity for producing PPE and very limited ventilators. During
these 3–4 months, significant progress was made in procurement and augmentation of
domestic manufacturing capacity in medical supplies (Times of India PTI 2020); (The
Hindu Special Correspondent 2020).
The medical device industry depends on imports to the extent of almost 80% for
its requirements (Department of Pharmaceuticals Annual Report 2019–2020) and there
remains a paucity of Indian players in the manufacture of high-end medical devices,
indicating a major constraint in meeting unanticipated demand. Now that there is evi-
dence of domestic production being increased for some products, it is puzzling why
this could not have been happened earlier by removing any technical or other barriers
that may have impeded expansion of Indian production capabilities.
As for ambulatory care, a similar situation likely exists, though it is harder to pin
down the exact ways in which this will work out. Anecdotally, many services are
already not available (India Today 2020; The New Indian Express 2020) and services
like dental surgeries have been impacted (Hindustan Times 2020a, b). Those who usu-
ally availed government OPD services—mostly those from the lower quintiles—may
be forced to access private providers during COVID times or delay or postpone their
visits with concomitant health consequences. While it is difficult to estimate the actual
magnitude of the extra and displaced demand for COVID, the likely spill over to the
private providers, with concomitant increase in out-of-pocket spending (OOPS), is
going to impact most on the socioeconomically vulnerable classes. The differential
between OOPS at public and private hospitals (Fig. 6) indicates that the difference was
6–8 times, with urban areas being worse off. It remains to be seen how this differential
will be impacted post-COVID.
Relying on serendipity is not enough
While there are many other indicators that can be discussed in the context of
health sector preparedness, one key ingredient remains health financing. Even to
strengthen other components like equipment and medical supplies, finance would
remain a key control knob.
The neglect of the health sector is most evident in the low level of health
financing over the years, indicating a serious lack of prioritisation. The last col-
umn of Table 3 presented earlier shows India’s health expenditure of 1% of GDP
compares poorly with other countries that are dealing with high COVID burden,
like Germany, France and UK. While these countries may be some of the most
developed, Table 6 shows India’s health spending compares poorly even with the
average of lower-middle income countries and with its neighbours in South and
South-East Asia like Thailand and Sri Lanka. Middle income countries—a group
to which India now belongs—spend on an average around 3% of their GDP on
health. India’s value is similar to that of the least developed countries.
While the numbers are slightly different between the World Bank and domestic
sources of data, Fig. 7—sourced directly from government documents—indicates
Table 6 Domestic general
government health expenditure World 5.9
as a % of GDP, 2017. Source: Low income 1.2
World Bank Lower middle income 1.3
Middle income 2.8
Upper middle income 3.3
Thailand 2.9
Sri Lanka 1.6
Least developed countries 1.0
India 1.0
1.8 1.6
1.6 1.5
1.4 1.4 1.4
1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
Fig. 7 Public health expenditure as a % of GDP (Centre and States combined). Source: Economic Sur-
veys (Govt. of India)
I. Gupta
that the level of spending out of GDP has not really changed over the years. The
2000–2001 and 2017–2018 actual were 1.3% and 1.4% of GDP respectively, indi-
cating a static health sector investment.
The result of the continuous low level of investment in the health sector has
resulted in India being dependent on OOPS as a major mode of health financing.
As per the latest National Health Accounts, 63% of current health expenditures
are financed by household out-of-pocket payments in 2016–2017 (National Health
Accounts 2019). Coupled with lack of health coverage for the majority of the pop-
ulation—also indicative of low public investment—India has landed itself in the
unenviable group of countries that finances its health spending through private and
not public funds.
An important point here is that the states bear the major brunt of health spend-
ing. According to the latest NHA, slightly less than 70% of total government health
expenditure is incurred by state governments in 2016–2017. With about 1% of GDP
overall being spent on health between the centre and the states, the states could not
be spending much on health either.
Table 7 presents government health expenditure in Gross State Domestic Product
(GSDP) of Empowered Action Group (EAG),3 non-EAG and north-eastern states,
and also a few selected states for 2015–2016. The non-EAG states are spending
much less than 1% of their GSDP on health; this number is slightly better for EAG
states at 1.2%, though per capita expenditure is very low for this group. North-east-
ern states are doing much better, and spending almost 2.5% of their state incomes
on health and spending substantially more per capita. If we look at the states hardest
hit by COVID like Maharashtra, Delhi and Tamil Nadu—most of them are spending
Eight socioeconomically backward states, namely, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, are referred to as the Empowered Action Group (EAG)
states. These states account for about 46% of India’s population and 61% of those living below the pov-
erty line.
Relying on serendipity is not enough
less than 1% of their GSDP on the health sector. Kerala spends the most in this
group, though still less than 1% of GSDP. Delhi’s per capita expenditure is higher
than that of other states, followed by Kerala.
Apart from the low level of prioritisation of health in states, this discussion also
indicates that higher spending is necessary but may not be sufficient for better out-
comes; Kerala managed to do well during COVID despite a modest level of health
I. Gupta
45 AS
40 ME
IMR 2017
30 JH HR
25 WB KA
20 MH
10 KL GO
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Per capita health expenditure (PCHE) 2017-18 Actual
Fig. 8 Per capita health expenditure and IMR across states. Source: RBI & National Health Profile
(Govt. of India)
in the country—though its rank in the NITI Aayog health index has not been that
high—has been struggling to deal effectively with one of the worst burdens of
COVID in the country. One has been surprised at the vastly different ways the
two states have responded to the COVID situation. TN’s initial response has been
termed tepid, with inadequate testing, and lacking in coordination between the
state government and district administration, despite a good health system (Sci-
ence, The Wire 2020). However, subsequently, the state has been able to improve
testing significantly. Overall, Kerala showed superior management and maturity
in its response, with results that are there for the world to see.
It stands to reason that there ought to be a strong correlation between the other
building blocks and governance: better governed systems are likely to have better
indicators on all the other building blocks generally. Better governed systems would
achieve better health outcomes and a given level of health spending would bring in
better outcomes in a better governed system, ceteris paribus. This can be gleaned to
a certain extent by plotting an outcome like the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) with
per capita health expenditure (PCHE). Figure 8 does this for Indian states for the
year 2017.
First of all, there is only a faint negative relationship between IMR and PCHE,
indicating that merely raising health allocations is unlikely to bring in better health
outcomes. There are two ways to read the figure. Kerala and Goa have similar PCHE
but Kerala is able to achieve superior results in terms of IMR. Similarly, Meghalaya,
Manipur, Tripura spend similar amounts per capita on health as Kerala, but Kerala
manages to achieve the lowest IMR. Tamil Nadu and Delhi achieve similar IMR, but
the former spends much less per capita to do so. The basic point is raising health
spending is necessary but how the resources are spent is important; efficiency of
resource use is a source of fiscal space for health resources as well (Tandon and
Cashin 2010). This efficiency is likely to have a strong and positive relationship with
governance, which admittedly, is difficult to measure. This is possibly an important
explanation for Kerala’s fairly successful response to COVID despite modest levels
of health spending.
Relying on serendipity is not enough
A final point is about the status of India’s fiscal federalism; recent debates and
discussions have centred around the need for a new framework, the growing spatial
inequalities in financial resources and the trust deficit between the Centre and the
states (Chakraborty 2019; Bhanumurthy et al. 2019). The COVID crisis has brought
to our attention another challenge: the extremely fragile relationship between the
centre and the states, and the undeniable role that politics plays in challenging this
fragile equation. The fiscal demands of responding to the crisis have overwhelmed
the states, and of course, impacted on the centre’s finances as well. This was the
time for the centre to adopt a more empathetic approach to help states deal with the
double impact of COVID: economic slowdown with resultant reduction in revenues,
and increase expenditure to strengthen the health sector and initiate social welfare
measures to ward off the serious losses to livelihoods caused by the lockdown and
the halt to economic activities. The Centre has often unilaterally initiated a slew of
measures that directly impact on the states’ finances and ability to spend (Sen 2020;
Ghosh 2020). States have been clamouring for more funds, including their share of
GST, and some have outright questioned the adequacy of the fiscal and cash stimu-
lus (The Telegraph India 2020). The role that the 15th Finance Commission (FFC)
could have played during these times in fiscal empowerment of states has also been
raised (Khan 2020). However, the FFC has recognized the vastly enhanced require-
ments of the health sector and a high level group of experts has been constituted to
advise the FFC on the various aspects of the funding requirements (Press Informa-
tion Bureau 2020).
In this altered scenario of stretched and reduced resources, it is not clear where
the states are making adjustments and cuts in spending, and how they might be man-
aging their health spending. The cuts in budgets of central ministries as also state
departments would have impacted on all spending, including health. While the Cen-
tre had given some funds initially for health sector strengthening, these would have
been grossly insufficient for the states that have been the most impacted, like Tamil
Nadu, Maharashtra, Kerala and Delhi. With a more generous financial assistance, it
is possible that the states would have responded more effectively. In fact, given that
health is a state subject and that the pandemic is being played out differently in each
state, the core of the response should have been an emphasis on decentralized plan-
ning and management of the pandemic, with centre lending its full support, finan-
cially as well as otherwise, with ideologies thrust aside. Instead, the states have been
struggling to stay afloat in more ways than one, and only time will tell how each of
them fared.
The pandemic has hit India hard; while the health sector was discussed in detail
here, one has to keep in mind the severe shock imparted to the economy and live-
lihoods because of COVID that has shaken up the very foundations on which the
Indian economy and society stood. The end is not yet in sight and it is still hard
to predict when the peak will come. While continued lockdown is not feasible any
more from an economic perspective, to put the pieces back for millions of workers
I. Gupta
and others would take a long time, and the aftermath of the pandemic will be felt for
many months to come.
Finances would remain a major issue—for the health sector and for all other sec-
tors—whether directly impacted or not. In the midst of all this, it is hard to visualize
any amendment to our current health policy and to even move towards the promised
jump to 2.5% of GDP in government health financing envisaged by 2025 or increase
in state sector health spending to more than 8% of their budgets by 2020 (MOHFW
2017). In fact, 2.5% of GDP by 2025 is going to be quite inadequate: India will
need to revise this number and think of at least 4–5% of GDP allocated to health if
the health system has to be strengthened to bear the brunt of future pandemics and
It is just not financing; years’ of neglect of the public health infrastructure and
services has been causing irreparable damage by denying people of quality and
accessible health care. The rapid increase in the private sector to fill the void left
by the public sector has happened in an unregulated environment, and less than half
the states/UTs have actually adopted and implemented the only piece of regulation
that governs health facilities—the Clinical Establishment Act. The major brunt has
been borne by the less privileged who have been forced to go to a variety of private
providers of uneven quality and incur expenditures they can ill afford. Many have
possibly not sought care at all due to access and cost concerns.
A country cannot deal effectively with a pandemic by trying to fix its health
systems in real time. Each life is precious, and to lose lives because of poor and
unavailable products and services is unpardonable. The fixing had to be done much
ahead of time. In addition to finances, the overhaul of the health system in the coun-
try require reforms that are fundamental in a number of areas: medical education,
primary health care, the referral system, infrastructure and personnel, public health
cadre, administration of health services—the list is long. Instead of undertaking a
series of incremental reforms in each of these areas, the country has been initiat-
ing schemes and programmes, with newer schemes thrust on the population without
changing the underlying flawed fundamentals. In any case, finances have not been
forthcoming to match these various new schemes, even in the latest budget. With
ambitious programmes like the Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) and Prime Min-
ister’s Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) under Ayushman Bharat, financially sustain-
ability would remain a key concern (Gupta et al. 2019).
In fact, post-COVID, it is not clear how these schemes will continue in a much-
reduced resource envelope, without cutting down on other essential health invest-
ments. But more than that, the effectiveness of such initiatives can be much
enhanced if implemented in a reformed health system. While Universal Health Cov-
erage (UHC) has been a much discussed concept and schemes like PMJAY have
been positioned as a step towards it, India is still a long way off from achieving
UHC, precisely because the reforms have not taken place. Countries like Thailand
(Tangcharoensathien et al. 2019) have shown how incremental reforms that often
went against entrenched political interests do work if government seriously wants
to implement UHC. Movement towards UHC is a continuous long term one fraught
with political economy challenges (Reich et al. 2016). That could be a reason why
Relying on serendipity is not enough
Acknowledgements The author is grateful to J. V. Meenakshi for her insightful and constructive com-
ments on an earlier draft of the paper. Research help extended by Devmani Upadhyay, Avantika Ranjan
and Arjun Roy is acknowledged with thanks.
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