The Political Ideologies (Week 2-3) Most Essential Learning Competency
The Political Ideologies (Week 2-3) Most Essential Learning Competency
The Political Ideologies (Week 2-3) Most Essential Learning Competency
Instruction: Find and circle 10 key words that are related to Political ideologies. The words may be hidden in any
Direction: Complete the chart below to compare and contrast the different major political ideologies.
Activity 3: KataQuote!
Directions: Read the statement carefully and briefly explain your understanding of the quotation below.
“A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed.”
-Rene Descartes
There are good laws and bad laws. Most jurisdictions have some of each. You can indeed
make things better by repealing the bad laws, but you make them worse by repealing the
good ones.