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A320 Doors
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A320 Doors
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A320 DOORS 1.52.00 Pal FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CONTENTS SEQ 001 REV 38 52.00 52.10 52.20 52.40 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION — GENERAL. . PASSENGER — EMERGENCY EXITS —CARGO DOORS... : Ee — AVIONICS COMPARTMENT ACCESS DOORS . COCKPIT DOOR......... as EOGARE SLIDES/RAGD cece ee ee ee Caomaonn— CONTROLS AND INDICATORS —ECAM DOOR PAGE ...... 60 —WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS ..... ELECTRICAL SUPPLY sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1Ren Doors 1.52.10 P41 ruGHT Chew OPERATING MANUAL DESCRIPTION SEQ 100 | REV 23 GENERAL The fuselage of A320 has : — four passenger doors — four emergency exits in the cabin — cockpit emergency exits (two sliding windows) — three cargo compartment doors — four avionic compartment access doors. COCKPIT CABIN EMERGENCY FWD CABIN EMERGENCY AFT CABIN EXIT DOOR EXITS DOOR | oovevecsnvevonefpooceazenases , UDF CABIN COCKPIT AFT CABIN EMERGENCY FWD CABIN EMERGENCY DOOR EXITS DOOR EXIT a pooo000000: 20000000f)] [| oop000000000000 0 1 BULK CARGO AFT CARGO FWD CARGO AVIONICS DOOR DOOR DOOR DOORS NFC5~91-5210-001-A100AA, sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1Go DOORS 15210 P2 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 23 PASSENGER DOORS The aircraft has four plug-type doors that open outward and forward. There are two of these on each side of the fuselage (two forward, two aft). They can be operated from inside or outside the aircraft. Normal operation is manual, with hydraulic damping. Each door has features that tailor it to emergency situations : — an escape slide stowed in a container attached to the inboard lower side of the door. — a damper actuator that limits door travel in normal mode, but in an emergency acts as an actuator for automatic door opening. —a slide arming lever. When the slide arming lever is in the ARMED position, the slide is connected to the floor brackets on both sides of the door. When the door is opened, the slide inflates and deploys automatically. If the inflation bottle fails to discharge automatically, a crew member can open its valve to make it perform its function. Opening the door from the outside disarms the door and the escape slide Each passenger door has : — a mechanical locking indicator that shows whether the door is locked or unlocked. — one warning light to show whether the escape slide is ARMED or DISARMED. — one CABIN PRESSURE warning light that warns of residual pressure in the cabin. SIMU F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1Ren Doors 1.52.10 P3 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 23 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL PASSENGERS DOORS OUTSIDE WINDOW I. TO OPEN PUSH THE FLAP ae TO GRASP HANDLE " ' IL. LIFT HANDLE ee FULLY UP TO "CABIN PRESSURE" HORIZONTAL tela) GREEN LINE Fee Oo Eo WINDOW ee | ee HANDLE POUR OUVRIR : [ese ae FLAP |1- POUSSER LE VOLET = i POUR SAISIR 8 LA POIGNEE 8 |2. SOULEVER g COMPLETEMENT : LA POIGNEE sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1or Doors 1.52.10 P4 Flor Gpew Oecnarnes won| DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 28 PASSENGERS DOORS INSIDE ook LockeD_/ UNLocKED INDICATOR LOCKED DOOR EMERG LIGHT. FRANE_ ASSIST DOOR ASSIST HANDLE: FRAME ASSIST HANDLE—_ I ul ANOLE SLIDE ARMING LEVER DOOR =| ||| SUPPORT“ y+ WINDOW Lowel NFC5-01-5210-004-A0014A, RED LIGHT + — | ontoL HANDLE HI oom roam Lier» 4 DOOR BOTTLE ang mess __yero Pete ‘VIEWER + sune cnvaner TH] ARMING SYSTEM SAFETY PIN PIN STOCKAGE, DOOR CONTROL HANDLE *— vis. INDICATOR HITE LIGHT : ILLUMINATES IF CONTROL HANDLE IS OPERATED WHEN SLIDE IS ARMED. THE "SLIDE ARMED" INDICATION APPEARS IN BLACK. FLASHES WHEN BOTH ENGINES STOPPED AND THE SLIDES ARE DISARMED AND THE CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE IS ABOVE 2.5 Hpa. (VISIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THROUGH THE WINDOW). ‘THE CABIN PRESSURE INDICATION APPEARS IN BLACK. SIMU F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1A320 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 23 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Doors 1.52.10 P5 EMERGENCY EXITS COCKPIT The two sliding windows in the cockpit are emergency exits for the flight crew. A small compartment above each window holds an escape rope that is long enough to reach the ground when lowered through either sliding window. The cockpit windows can be opened from inside only. SLIDING WINDOW GUIDING TRACK Le CONTROL HANDLE GROUND NFC5~01-5210-005-AQ01AA, sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1@ 4320 Doors DESCRIPTION 1.52.10 P6 SEQ 001 REV 32 CABIN In case of an emergency, two inward opening emergency exits are provided on each side of the cabin, in addition to the regular cabin doors. They are also equipped with escape slides. NFC5-01-5210-006-A001AA ‘SLIDE MANUAL INFLATION HANDLE SIMU F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1Doors 15210 PT a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 23 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL The slides of the overwing emergency exits are always in armed configuration. To open : — Remove HANDLE COVER : The HANDLE LIGHT and SLIDE ARMED indicator illuminate. — Pull CONTROL HANDLE : The EXIT moves inwards. — Lift EXIT from frame by holding the GRIPMOULD. — Throw EXIT out. OPENING INSTRUCTIONS NFC5-01-5210-007-AQ01AA sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1A320 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 38 mora DOORS 1.5210 PB CARGO DOORS The aircraft has two (three <) cargo doors on the right side of the fuselage below the cabin floor. FWD AND AFT CARGO DOORS The yellow hydraulic system opens these doors outward and upward. They lock open or closed mechanically. If the yellow system's electric pump fails, crewmen can use a hand pump to pressurize the ‘system. This hand pump is on the hydraulic maintenance panel. The FWD and AFT cargo doors can be opened from the outside only. Note ; When the electric pump is operating the FWD or AFT cargo doors, the only other yellow system devices that can operate are braking and engine 2 reverse. BULK CARGO DOOR < The bulk cargo door opens inward and upward. It is a plug-type door that is mechanically locked and manually operated. This door can be opened from the outside or from the inside. AVIONICS COMPARTMENT ACCESS DOOR Four inward opening, manually operated, hinged doors give external access to the avionics compartments. These doors are in the lower fuselage, around the nose landing gear bay. COCKPIT DOOR A forward-opening hinged door separates the cockpit from the passenger compartment. In an emergency it can be forced open in either direction. The door has an electric locking latch (<) controlled by the DOOR UNLOCK pushbutton on ‘the pedestal. It also has an eye-level viewing lens. To unlock the door, the pilot must press the pushbutton, and maintain it pressed, while the cabin attendant pushes the cockpit door open. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1Ren Doors 1.52.10 Pg a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 23 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ESCAPE SLIDES/RAFT DOOR SLIDES SLIDE RAIL ASPIRATOR = MANUAL INFLATION ze HANDLE NN ° 7 GIRT EXTENSION “4 ASSIST HANDLES aa VA INFLATION CYLINDER 777 —— SLIDING SURFACE DAISY CHAIN = \4 4 ci ‘SLIDE RAIL ROPE\ ~ | MANUAL INFLATION DISCONNECT HANDLE HANDLE NOTE : THE ROPE MUST BE CUT AFTER DISCONNECTION GIRT EXTENSION 1 rGuts KNIFE NFC5-01-5210-009-A001AA, sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1OQ DOORS 1.52.10 P 10 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 25 WING SLIDES ee 20 ° 8 0, SUE STOWAGE one SLIDE STOWAGE OPEN WING EXIT OPEN [00q a wv ers [ 09 i) ASSIST HANDLES ZX NFe5~01-5210-010-A001A8 sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1A320 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 001 | REV 38 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL DOORS 1.52.10 Pil ESCAPE SLIDE ARRANGEMENT R_ Each passenger door either has a single-lane escape slide, or a single-lane slideraft, and each emergency exit has a dual-lane escape slide. SINGLE-LANE SLIDE SINGLE-LANE SLIDE OR SINGLE-LANE SLIDERAFT OR SINGLE-LANE SLIDERAFT € [ Zo OVERWING EXITS t SINGLE-LANE SLIDE 1 NFC5~01-5210-011-A001A4 sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.18320 DOORS 1.52.20 Pal CONTROLS AND INDICATORS SEQ 100 | REV 23 ECAM DOOR PAGE oii DOOR/OXY oll oll = AVIONIC: @ Door symbol CABIN-—-SLIDE 1B AVIONIC NFC5-01-5220-001-A100AA Green 1] : The door is closed and locked. Amber @: The door is not locked. © Door indication This appears amber when the door is not locked ® SUDE indication This appears white when the slide is armed. @ Stair symbol (<) This appears in green when the stair door is not closed. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1~.. Doors 1.52.20 P2 @ 4320 ee rma unmua CONTROLS AND INDICATORS SEQ 001 | REV 34 WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS 3 a e z i oo & foe a 3 5k ee 2 5 & eee eee ee ee ee sd 2 8B g SY) (X\NB 8 8 oa g 4 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 SD FLT. EMWO : FAILURE TITLE AURAL _| MASTER LOCAL i PAGE PHASE conditions WARNING | LIGHT CALLED. WARNING INHIB T(R) FWD (AFT) AVIONICS: \(R) FWD CABIN UR) AFT CABIN \(R) FWD EMER EXIT UR) AFT EMER EXIT SINGLE | MASTER poor NIL 14,5 FWD CARGO CHIME CAUT 7, 8,10 AFT CARGO BULK CARGO <4 STAIRS <4 Affected door not closed {proximity detectors) sIMU F. for training only STD 13.1Fen DooRS 15240 Pi ocr One SrERATING MANUAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SEQ 001 | REV 23 BUS EQUIPMENT LIST NORM EMER ELEC AC Dc AC oc ESS ESS HOT OC DOORS and SLIDES CTL BAT Gad () oc CARGO DOORS GRND FLT HOT2 AIR STAIRS cz (2) (1) STBY supply (normally supplied by the EMER PWR SUPPLY UNIT) (2) STBY supply SIMU F.P.S.3 UP. STD 13.1 for training only
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