Choose Your Love Story

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Choose Your Love Story

God’s beautiful picture of sexuality is for us to refrain from having sex until we are
married and then to only enjoy sex with the person to whom we are married (1
Corinthians 6:18; Exodus 20:14). Sex was designed by God to be a special
pleasure bond shared between a husband and wife. By following God’s
instruction, this act would help husbands and wives grow closer together in an
intimate bond, allowing them to have the most fulfilling sex possible and helping
them avoid potential dissolution of their marriages in divorce. It is a beautiful love
story for two people to grow up as virgins—not having engaged in any kind of
sexual gratification—and then on their wedding night present their bodies to each
other saying, “I loved you so much I saved myself for you and you alone. I
respected you before I ever met you. I respected God and His instructions. Now
I’m ready to give myself completely and exclusively to you.” This is true love! This
is the most beautiful love story of all! And it is the kind of start that can help a
couple live happily ever after in a joyous marriage instead of ending in a
heartbreaking divorce as so many do today.

But how often do modern songs and movies tell us this story of sexuality? Not
often, if at all. Instead, sex today is cheapened and degraded into a casual act for
people to experience prior to marriage— and even during marriage—with
whomever they wish. It’s assumed that to fully enjoy life, people should have sex
with anyone they happen to like at the moment. The modern “love story” of
unrestrained sexual activity has people on their wedding night saying, “I have
loved so many different people before I met you that I know we can have sex
without any problem at all. After all, we’ve been doing it already. So tonight isn’t
really that special. And did I remember to tell you? I have a few STDs I’ll be
sharing with you. They are painful and impossible to cure. They’ll be with us for
life. But Baby, I really love you. At least right now I think I do and I’m willing to
stay with you until someone better comes along.” Which love story would you
rather experience? You aren’t helpless. You do get to choose.

The modern approach of so many is disrespectful of others, disrespectful of self,

disrespectful of sex and disrespectful of God. With all this disrespect surrounding
sex, it’s no surprise that people are getting sexually transmitted diseases,
unplanned pregnancies and marriages that soon dissolve in failure.

Popular Sexual Myths

Given all the confusion that exists today regarding sex, it’s important for us to
understand some of the most common but mistaken ideas about this subject.
Here are a few of today’s myths:
• “People can’t help falling in love.” We may be attracted to someone at first sight
but true biblical love is something that grows with time. It isn’t selfish and is
based on respect and admiration for another person’s character and godly
attributes (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
• “People have to engage in sex.” No one ever died from not having sex. Waiting
to awaken sexual activity at the right time (after marriage) is important (Song of
Solomon 3:5).
• “If you’ve already had sex, your life is ruined.” God always offers us the
opportunity to repent, to admit that we’ve sinned and to then live properly. The
advice we are given under these circumstances is the same Jesus gave the
woman caught in the act of adultery: “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11).
• “Everybody’s doing it.” According to songs and movies, one would think this is
true. But it isn’t. Even in Ghana, more young people graduate from senior high
school today not having had sex than those who have. In addition, the number of
those abstaining is increasing, and you can be a part of that number.

Men’s and Women’s Vulnerabilities

When it comes to temptations to have sex, men and women, in general, face
different challenges. For men, Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker write: “We
have a visual ignition switch when it comes to viewing the female anatomy”
(Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a
Time, 2000, p. 57). The godly answer for men is to control what they view.
Recognizing this male trait, Jesus taught that “whoever looks at a woman to lust
for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
To guard against this vulnerability, Job said, “I made a solemn pact with myself
never to undress a girl with my eyes” (Job 31:1, The Message). Godly men need to
avoid pornography and looking at women with sexual desire.

Writing to women, Shannon Ethridge explains: “While a man’s battle begins with
what he takes in through his eyes, a woman’s begins with her heart and her
thoughts. A man must guard his eyes to maintain sexual integrity, but because
God made women to be emotionally and mentally stimulated, we must closely
guard our hearts and minds as well as our bodies if
we want to experience God’s plan for sexual and emotional fulfillment” (Every
Battle: Discovering God’s Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment, 2003, p. 13).
Continuing, Ethridge says that these differences explain why it’s said that “men
give love to get sex and women give sex to get love.” Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above
all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (NIV). Godly women must
refrain from giving away their hearts until it is appropriate for them to do so in

What If You’ve Made a Mistake?

When it comes to sex, people make mistakes—both premarital and extramarital.
Sometimes after making a sexual mistake, people will reason that since they’ve already
committed the sin, they may as well continue doing so. This is faulty thinking because
continuing to practice premarital sex or adultery perpetuates one’s sin and can lead to a
seared, unresponsive conscience. The biblical way to cleanse
one’s conscience is to repent—that is, stop breaking God’s law. Because sex is enjoyable
and because an emotional bond is created between two people through this act, breaking
off an unlawful sexual relationship can be difficult. Here are a few points to keep in mind if
you need to end or have recently ended a sinful relationship:
• Repent. To repent means to stop what we are doing wrong and to change direction.
It also includes admitting our sin to God and asking for His forgiveness. “If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Repentance is mandatory for being forgiven.
• Have courage to do what is right. God respects people of courage who do what He
says, and He promises us strength when we do. Psalm 31:24 says, “Be of good
courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Ask
God for the courage you need as you cease your wrong conduct. Strive to do what
is right and ask for God’s help at the same time because “whatever we ask we
receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that
are pleasing in His sight” (1 John 3:22).
• Accept God’s forgiveness. When we repent, God not only removes our sin from us
completely, He no longer thinks of us as having committed it (Psalm 103:12;
Hebrews 8:12). While penalties may remain (loss of virginity, an STD, or a
temporarily broken heart), God forgives us completely when we repent. Believe
God—not your unstable emotions!
• “Sin no more.” This is what Christ told both a man and a woman who had
committed sins (John 5:14; 8:11). To follow this instruction, one may need to
change habits and, in some cases, even friends. Being accountable to God through
daily prayer and Bible study as well as attending Sunday and weekday worship
services are excellent means to fulfilling Christ’s command. Hearing God’s Word
regularly at Sunday services will also increase your faith (Romans 10:17). Though it
is always hard to leave sinful conduct because of the temporary pleasure
associated with it (Hebrews 11:25), doing so is well worth the effort. Remember
God’s promise in Proverbs 11:18: “He who sows righteousness will have a sure
( Source - Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension)

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