Verification of Document: Sub: Vetting of Loan Document-Of Mrs Seeta Karansingh Rajpurohit. Resp Sir

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Ref:-O-000/2021-22 Date: 28-July-2021

The Branch Manager,
Bank of Baroda,
Janori Branch,
Tal. Dindori, Dist. Nashik.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Vetting of loan Document- of Mrs Seeta Karansingh Rajpurohit.

Resp Sir,

As per your instruction, I the undersigned visited your branch on dated

07/06/2021 for the vetting of Loan Documents executed by the Borrower and
Guarantor in the terms of Sanction letter dated 29/12/2020 issued to the Borrower
and Guarantor and I am submitting my report as follows-
I.Nature and Amount of Facility/ies:
Term Loan of Rs.28,00,000/- (Twenty-Eight Lakhs Only.) for purpose of Housing
Loan under PMAY having Rate of Interest as mentioned in the Sanction letter dated
29/12/2020 of Loan A/c.No 35160600001632.

Constitution of Borrowers-Individual/joint/proprietorship/company/patnership
etc.: - Individual

Details Of Securities as per Sanction.

a) Primary security: -
Property detail

b) Collateral security: - N.A.

List of Documents Perused:

1. Attestation Memo.
2. Installment letter
3. Declaration -Cum- Undertaking.
4. post dated cheques .
5. Loan Of agreement for Individual.
Observation of the advocate,(if any) on behalf of the documents mentioned
III. On perusal of the above documents ,I further observe/opinion as under :-
1. Whether the branch is holding unconditional acceptance of borrower and
Gurantor and corporate Guarantor , if any, a copy of sanction Letter dated
29/12/2020 addressed to the Borrower - Yes.
2. Whether the legal search Report of Adv Ramrao Gatkal dated 28/12/2020
related to the mortgage properties is based upon the perusal of xerox of title
deed /chain documents -yes.
3. Whether complete description of property/ies has been mentioned and all
the title deeds/chain of Documents etc, have been obtained by the branch as
per the report of the Advocate(LSR) ,while tracing chain of the title deeds and
Whether the Mortgage is in Order-- yes.
4. Whether Mortgagor has obtained permission u/s 281(1) (ii) of Income Tax
Act/certificateof Auditors of Borrowers company/firm regarding No pending
statutory Dues (CA certificate in caseof Individuals /Joint borrowers) before
creation of Motgage- No.
5. Whether all declaration with regard to the Title of property/ties ,power of
Attorney w.r.t book debts etc. have been got Notarized (date of execution and
notarized is same)- No.
6. Whether as per LSR obtained by the branch, the property is mutated in the
name of the Mortgagor in the relevant record or not -No, name of the
mortgager will be mutated in municipal revenue records on payment of
balance amount of consideration and or execution and registration of transfer
of deed in their favour (in case any compliances by the mortgagor/branch is
pending. Please mention specifically) further in case property is within
municipal limits ,whether tax has been paid and TSI form/mutation certificate
has been issued in the name of mortgagor-No.
7. In case of corporate gurantee /mortgage ,whether the MPA/AOA of the
guarantor has been perused by the advocate and the same permits to give such
third party gurantee /mortgage - N.A
7.1 In the case of corporate borrower whether execution of security
documents and creation of mortgage is in term of board resolution and
whether the board resolution is in term of articles of association of the
company- N.A
7.2 Certified copies of general body resolution u/s 291(1)(a) and 291(1)(d)
of the company's act 1956 whenever applicable kept of record- N.A
8. Whether the branch has obtained the complete details of the legal heirs of
borrowers and guarantors as well as details of assets/properties in name of
borrower / guarantors in form no. 135/LDOC-33- Yes .
9. In case of hypophecation of plant and machinery whether the list of
hypophecated items /plant and machinery is attached with the hypophecation
deed - No
10. Any other observation / pending rectification in loan documents/steps to
be taken by the branch (including lien noting in revenue records/lessors
records/ registration of charge with ROC etc. with regard to mortgage
property) please specify- No.
Other observation:
This is to certify that the undersigned has verified all the loan /security
documents is in order. All the stipulated terms and conditions of the sanction
have been complied with.The documents are enforced in the courts/DRT .
21/06/2021. YOGINI WAGH-

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