Practical Research FINAL Part 2
Practical Research FINAL Part 2
Practical Research FINAL Part 2
Chapter 1
communication isn’t communication without its main tool. Communication’s main tool is
structured form and standard way. Language has different varieties because every country
has their own different way of communicating through different kind of language. In
other way, language represents what group or even a nation does a certain people came
transmission of feelings and thoughts, from one person to another. It is the means of
sounds, such as words (spoken or written), signs, sounds, gesture, posture, etc., that
convey a certain meaning. It is the sole medium of communication between two persons,
through which they can share their views, ideas, opinions and emotions with one another.
It is aimed at making sense of complex and abstract thought and that also without any
most important thing, it is the procedure used for companionship with others. It helps us
to express our feeling, but we need to be careful when we are using various languages
Language and communication is linked with teaching as well as for learning. You
can learn with the different varieties of language that exist in our world just like the
(EMI) is mostly used around the globe. Although the factors for EMI growth vary
depending on the country, in higher education, the move towards teaching in English
comes at grassroots level. Galloway (2017) stated that EMI is growing so fast, according
to his interview that there are practical reasons for this. Most academic research is
publications is in English). So if students want to stay current with their field, it makes
sense for them to learn in English, given that the content is mostly in English. In many
technical fields, much of the content and vocabulary is also in English, as are students'
In our country, even though we are known for being a multilingual country due to
the fact that Philippines has more than 170 languages when it comes to linguistic
situation. Aside to the fact of having those wide varieties of language, we often use our
stated in Section 6 of Article 14 of the 1987 Constitution of the Official Gazette (2019)
stipulates that Filipino is the national language and government “shall take steps to
initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of official communication and as
happened, because of the sudden change of the educational system in our country those
dialects that we have in our country were also use as a medium of instruction but as well
Department of Education (DepEd) that aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce
more competent citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. It
is to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners,
employment, and entrepreneurship. “K” stands for Kindergarten and “12” refers to the
junior high school, and 2 years of senior high school). Due to this new education system,
(ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); General Academic Strand (GAS)
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Every strand has its own specialized
subjects that prioritize specific lessons that can enhance the skills and understandings of
the students to prepare for the college with their own profession. Each strand has subjects
that are using English and Filipino Language but most of the time and subjects are
written and used in English. At present, the Philippines is the last country in Asia and one
President Benigno Simeon Aquino III was the one who signed and implemented this law
in the start of the school year 2016-2017. Regarding this curriculum, implementation also
aims to teach the Kindergarten to Grade three the MTB-MLE or the Mother –Tongue –
that is, schooling which begins in the mother tongue and transitions to additional
languages particularly Filipino and English. It is meant to address the high functional
illiteracy of Filipinos where language plays a significant factor. Since the child’s own
language enables her/ him to express him/herself easily, then, there is no fear of making
they understand what is being discussed and what is being asked of them. They can
immediately use their mother tongue to construct and explain their world, articulate their
Throughout our history, societies have sought to Education its people to produce
goods and services for the sake of their country’s economic and for its people, and to
respond effectively and creatively to our world. It also aims to satisfy everyone’s
curiosity and aesthetic impulses, and to achieve any of these objectives, we all need to
People learn uniquely and differently through the use of language. Other people
learn with English easily, while others learn by the use of Filipino; other teachers can
easily convey their thoughts using English and others by the use of Filipino. It is the main
component in our current generation, without having the skill to understand the language
that is being used, we students and even teachers, will never understand the point of the
other person and leads to misunderstanding and for the students’ side he/she cannot
misconception with the lessons, students as well as for the teachers. The language that is
intended to unite and make everyone understand each other as well as to learn tends to be
a barrier for both teachers and students. In teaching any subject in the content area
teachers must consider the vocabulary skills. It is a great importance for teachers to
evaluate the methods and techniques used in the process of teaching any subject.
In this particular scenario in schools, most often shows that students perform
poorly in the content areas because of language barriers. The students tend to be shy from
reciting and asking questions because of their limited vocabulary skills. Results tend to
support the use of the students’ native language to reinforce concepts and skills and
discuss difficulties as well as exploring the new information being given under each new
lesson. Due to this language barriers, students will not learn easily and hard to adjust
because most of the time, they will not understand what the teachers’ trying to explain to
them. There is a chance that students will be unable to go with the flow to their
designated lessons that will lead into failure or even a poor performance on his/her
academic situation.
The students and teachers in science and mathematics have to be equally prepared
to perform their tasks not only by mastering their own subject area but also by achieving
competence in the use of the medium of instruction. Learning science and language arts
is reciprocal (Casteel & Isom, 1994). Language is an indispensable tool in the promotion
of learning. Designated as a second language here in the Philippines, English takes the
central role of bridging knowledge and skills in mathematics and science to learner
competency in these areas. The teacher’s preparation should not just be in terms of
knowledge and skills in their specialization but also in their attitude towards the tools that
they will use in teaching their subjects. Attitude towards the use of English as a medium
of instruction plays a significant role in determining the success of the science and
students, teachers and parents toward English and Filipino as media of instruction
provided an interesting comparison. Students and teachers prefer the use of English as the
medium of instruction with the teachers finding English as a more comfortable language
for explaining ideas and concepts. Teachers further noted that English is an
the parents preferred Filipino because “it is a language in which they can think and
express themselves” and it is a language that they understand and through which they
themselves are better understood. Research regarding language attitudes has yielded
instruction. It would benefit the teachers and especially the students to identify their
There is a big misconception when it comes to the use of English whether inside
or outside the School Campus; the ability of an individual to use English language
student practices this kind of mind-set, it can greatly affect the self-esteem of the student.
The study of Sagucio (2016) among the different factors affecting level of
subjects in the content area in Philippine schools uses English as a Second Language
understanding more of the subject. It is of great importance for teachers to evaluate the
methods and techniques used in the process of teaching their subjects in order to raise
study on the language learning strategies used by 70 high school students when speaking
in class and they found that intermediate speakers were significantly different from
novice speakers in using metacognitive thoughts, steps, techniques, and tactics, language
In any part of the world, language is the sole medium on how students will
efficiently learn. And by learning the difference on how the students will efficiently learn
through language, we may be able to increase the future generation’s potential and may
be able to increase their knowledge in any field but prior to their academic performance
with English and Filipino as medium of instruction to content areas and its impact to the
The objective of this research is to know which language the students of St.
academics as a medium of instructions. By the end of the research, the question, how
does language affect the learning ability of each student as well as what and why a certain
This study helps the teachers and students to enhance their skills and
understandings in using English and Filipino Language. This study will reflect the school
in public so that the SAAP will be known as one of the best private schools in Pampanga
Conceptual Framework
Areas and Its Impact to the Academic Performance among the Senior High School
learners’ academic success. As a result, nations whose native languages are not the
problems in their school systems. Most multilingual nations have adopted bilingual
education systems that recognize the child’s native language and a second language,
The input includes the language background of the respondents and the medium
of instruction that they encounter. And also, the significant difference and impact to the
The process contains the gathering of data through survey questionnaire and
unstructured interview.
The output will be the program or the actions that can lead to enhance the skills
and understandings of students and teachers in using English and Filipino language as a
This study intent to determine which language is much effective between English
and Filipino as a medium in teaching the wide variety of content areas to the Senior High
3.2 Examinations
5. What are the Programs/actions that will enhance the skills and understanding
of the in using English and Filipino Language that will greatly empower their
academic performance?
H0: There is no notable difference between the students’ perception and significant
H1: There is a notable difference between the students’ perception and significant
The importance of this study is to provide information for the students and
teachers to know what is the most effective language that needs to be prioritized and
accepted. This study also aims to provide solution that can help students and teachers to
be more active and to gain cooperation for the learning of each and every one. And, this
study aims to know the different impact of the medium of instruction to the academic
performance of the students. Thus the following were the beneficiaries of the study.
School. When students gain knowledge and became successful, many people will
support the school and it will become popular and known for its quality of education. It
would make their service more efficient and serve the best quality of education for their
Teachers. They are now able to teach their students easily and efficiently without
any stress, barrier or even compromising the quality of their lesson. The school will see
the good teaching strategy of the teacher can even be credited for the students’ success. It
would enable the educators to devise different teaching techniques in line with the
medium of instruction.
Students. This study would allow the students to identify their capacity of
comprehension between the two languages used as medium of instruction and also
students will learn easily when the language used is suited with his/ her understanding.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for those future researchers
that will conduct a research paper. In that way, they will have an idea on how to solve a
problem without difficulties. They will determine or even formulate new studies with this
one as a reference.
The researcher’s respondents and focused of the study will be the Senior High
School students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga. To know the effectiveness and
importance of this study that aims to determine which medium is more effective and if
the used medium in teaching different subject area matters as well as if it has a notable
Definitions of Terms
To make the research more knowledgeable and easy to understand, the following
definitions of important terms or variables were used by the study had been defined:
to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational
( In this study it is defined as how well a student meets standards set out
group to another. These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to
meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood
Content Area. Content areas is a challenge for many students. The content areas
typically included in this definition are science, social studies/history and math, but any
academic program.
the official language of the country or territory. If the first language of students is
different from the official language, it may be used as the medium of instruction for part
ability to reflect upon the tasks or processes you undertake and to select and utilize the
HE - Home Economics
Chapter 2
This chapter discussed the research design, respondents, and development of the
Research Design
There are two research design that will be used by the researchers. First was the
descriptive research design that will be used to describe how the different medium of
instruction specifically the English and Filipino language affect and improve the
academic performance of the respondents. Lastly, the correlational research design will
be used to determine the relationship between the two variables of medium of instruction
More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the
study. It is also gathering information that will describes the different variable according
to its status on the existing phenomenon. It can provide a rich data set that often brings to
light new knowledge or awareness that may have otherwise gone unnoticed or
The idea behind the descriptive research is to study frequencies, averages, and other
statistical calculation. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the
causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to
gain a better understanding of a topic. It is quantitative and uses surveys and panel and
And a Correlational research design “tries to look or define the relationship of two or
which a researcher measures two variables, understands and assess the statistical
relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable (Bhat, n,d).
With the use of this research design the researchers will be able to determine the
Within correlational research Baht (n, d) stated that essentially there are three types
of correlational research that have been identified first, the positive correlation between
two variables is when an increase in one variable leads to an increase in the other variable
and a decrease in one variable will see a decrease in the other variable. Second, negative
correlation is quite literally the opposite of positive correlation. This means, if there is an
increase in one variable, the second variable will show a decrease and vice versa. And
lastly, no correlation: In this third type, two variables are not correlated. This means a
change in one variable may not necessarily see a change in the other variable. For
However, the most important characteristic of correlational research is that the two
variables treated are measured (without being manipulated) and the results are
Chiang, 2017).
The respondents of this study will be the Senior High School Students of St.
Communication Technology (ICT) and selective members of the Faculty of the Senior
The researchers will randomly select total number of 100 respondents for the
students in the Senior High School Department of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
Table 1
Section Sample
A 34
B 10
C 10
D 28
E 18
Total 100
In gathering the data needed in the study, the researcher distributes the survey
form of survey that design to determine the effects of the English and Filipino language
confidence of the respondents. The type of survey that will be use is a rating scale base
on what the respondents experience in terms of abilities and impacts on the said topic.
The survey questionnaire will be personally drafted and served as the main instrument in
researchers to understand and assess the statistical relationship between two variables
which is the English and the Filipino language and it will determine the capabilities and
The questionnaire consists of four parts: the first part of the questionnaire is about
the language of the respondents that is mostly use in a certain place because sometimes it
depends on the places on what kind of language they will be using. The second part is
about what kind of medium instruction the teachers are using in each subjects. The third
part is about how the language affects the academic performance of the respondents and
the comparison of English and Filipino language which is more being compatible to use
and more prefer of respondents. The last part is about the affectivity of language to
respondents on how well they understand a certain language and a comparison of both
Data Collection
The researchers will ask permission to the Directress of the Institution, Principal
of Senior High School of St. Augustine Academy to administer the questionnaire to the
respondents. Upon the approval of the request, the researchers will personally distribute
the copies of the questionnaire and give a brief background about our study to the
respondents and retrieve them on the same day. The data that will be gathered will be
In the construction and validation of questionnaire, the researchers surf the internet,
e- journals and unpublished thesis that were useful to the study. From the reading and
surfing they jotted down important ideas necessary for the questionnaire.
Upon completion of the items for the official questionnaire, it will be presented to
their research adviser for correction and suggestions as well as for validation.
Ethical Consideration
will be provided for signing specifically in the questionnaire forms. This will give them
the assurance that any information elicited from them will be kept and handled with
utmost care, no sensitive and personal data or information will leak. This will also serve
as their protection from any illegitimate actions not known and accepted to them as
participants in the study. Participants who will refuse to participate in the study is on their
the study. Patience, understanding and sincerity will be combined to acquire lots of
information that will be needed for the analysis. No information from the participants will
The researcher strictly maintained the confidentiality of the gathered data. The
researcher will secure proper dissemination of information and to conform to the ethical
standards in conducting questionnaire that involve the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in
Statistical Treatment
The specific statistical tools will be use in treating the gathered data which were
listed as follows:
1. Frequency count and percentage distribution will be used to describe the personal
medium of instruction.
Likert’s Scale
Chapter 3
The main aim of this research is to identify which language is more effective
between English and Filipino as a medium of instruction and if it has a notable impact
with the academic performance of the Senior High School students. This chapter contains
the findings and interpretation result from gathered data to provide a clear understanding
of the dimension being studied. A statistical analysis of the data collected was presented
in order to provide a better understanding. Moreover the results of the research question
Language Background
This study has taken the background languages or spoken dialect used by the
students at home, mostly spoken language in public, and the language that they adept or
First, the survey revealed that 85% of the respondents uses Filipino and 15% of
Filipino Language
English Language
Second, the language mostly spoken in public by the students, the survey revealed
92% of the respondents uses Filipino and 8% of the respondents uses English.
Filipino Language
English Language
Lastly, the language that most of the students prefer, the survey revealed 77% of
the respondents uses Filipino and 23% of the respondents uses English.
Language Adept/Prefer
Filipino Language
English Language
On the other hand, the succeeding paragraphs and tables contain the gathered data
Table 1 presents the data about the Oral Instruction in English Language. The
item number one, the first statement obtained a mean of 3.29 with 82.25% of the
respondents who strongly agreed that shows, the students can easily follow or cope with
the lesson when it is discussed in English language. For the second item, there are a total
mean of 3.19 with 94.04% of the respondents who agreed that they (students) can
Third, it obtained a mean of 3.32 with 83% of the respondents who strongly agreed that
they (students) are capable of understanding complex English vocabulary used in the
discussion. For the fourth and last item, obtained the mean of 3.21with 93.46% of the
respondents who agreed that the students can orally and diligently express their ideas
upon the lesson using English language. Overall, the table attained a general weighted
Table 1
Oral Instruction (ENGLISH)
Indicators Mean Description
if it is expressed in English.
3.19 Agree
General Weighted Mean 3.25
Table 2 presents the data about the Oral Instruction in Filipino Language. The
item number one, the first statement obtained a mean of 3.56 with 89% of the
respondents who strongly agreed that shows, the students can easily follow or cope with
the lesson when it is discussed in Filipino language. For the second item, there are a total
mean of 3.47 with 86.75% of the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students)
Third, it obtained a mean of 3.49 with 87.25% of the respondents who strongly agreed
that they (students) are capable of understanding complex Filipino vocabulary used in the
discussion. For the fourth and last item, obtained the mean of 3.41with 85.25% of the
respondents who agreed that the students can orally and diligently express their ideas
upon the lesson using Filipino language. Overall, the table attained a general weighted
Table 2
Oral Instruction (FILIPINO)
Indicators Mean Description
1. I can easily follow with the lesson when it is discussed 3.56 Strongly
in Filipino language.
4. I can orally and diligently express my ideas upon the 3.41 Strongly
General Weighted Mean 3.48
Table 3 contains the data about the Written Instruction in English Language. The
item number one obtained a mean of 3.37 with 84.25% of the respondents who strongly
agreed that, the students can confidently and easily answer activity when it is instructed
in English language. For the second item, there are a total mean of 3.41 with 85.25% of
the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can easily understand written
3.28 with 82% of the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can follow the
instruction easily even it is expressed in complex English vocabulary. For the fourth and
last item, obtained the mean of 3.09 with 97.09% of the respondents who agreed that the
students can effortlessly express ideas and suggestions when they use English language.
Overall, the table attained a general weighted mean of 3.29 with the description of
“strongly agree”.
Table 3
Written Instruction (ENGLISH)
Indicators Mean Description
1. I can confidently and easily answer the activity when 3.37 Strongly
General Weighted Mean 3.29
Table 4 contains the data about the Written Instruction in Filipino Language. The
item number one obtained a mean of 3.52 with 88% of the respondents who strongly
agreed that, the students can confidently and easily answer activity when it is instructed
in Filipino language. For the second item, there are a total mean of 3.31 with 82.75% of
the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can easily understand written
3.43 with 85.75% of the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can follow
the instruction easily even it is expressed in complex Filipino vocabulary. For the fourth
and last item, obtained the mean of 3.4 with 85% of the respondents who strongly agreed
that the students can effortlessly express ideas and suggestions when they use Filipino
language. Overall, the table attained a general weighted mean of 3.42 with the description
of “strongly agree”.
Table 4
Written Instruction (FILIPINO)
Indicators Mean Description
1. I can confidently and easily answer the activity when 3.52 Strongly
General Weighted Mean 3.42
Table 5 contains the data about the Class Participation in English Language. The
item number one obtained a mean of 3.31 with 82.75% of the respondents who strongly
agreed that, the students they use English language in their English based subjects. For
the second item, there are a total mean of 3.18 with 94.34% of the respondents who
agreed that they (students) can recite in class confidently, when allowed to use English
language. Third, it obtained a mean of 3.24 with 92.59% of the respondents who agreed
that they (students) are confident to communicate in English. For the fourth and last item,
obtained the mean of 3.25 with 81.25% of the respondents who strongly agreed that the
students can easily answer activity when instruction is expressed in English. Overall, the
table attained a general weighted mean of 3.25 with the description of “strongly agree”.
Table 5
Class Participation (ENGLISH)
Indicators Mean Description
General Weighted Mean 3.25
Table 6 contains the data about the Class Participation in Filipino Language. The
item number one obtained a mean of 3.49 with 87.25% of the respondents who strongly
agreed that, the students they use Filipino language in their English based subjects. For
the second item, there are a total mean of 3.37 with 84.25% of the respondents who
strongly agreed that they (students) can recite in class confidently, when allowed to use
Filipino language. Third, it obtained a mean of 3.45 with 86.25% of the respondents who
strongly agreed that they (students) are confident to communicate in Filipino. For the
fourth and last item, obtained the mean of 3.36 with 84% of the respondents who strongly
agreed that the students can easily answer activity when instruction is expressed in
Filipino. Overall, the table attained a general weighted mean of 3.42 with the description
of “strongly agree”.
Table 6
Class Participation (FILIPINO)
Indicators Mean Description
General Weighted Mean 3.42
Table 7 contains the data about the Examination in English Language. The item
number one obtained a mean of 3.39 with 84.75% of the respondents who strongly agreed
that, the students can understand the instructions in the exam when it is expressed in
English. For the second item, there are a total mean of 3.29 with 82.25% of the
respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can answer the exam confidently
when they use the English Language. Third, it obtained a mean of 3.24 with 92.59% of
the respondents who agreed that they (students) are confident to answer the exam without
asking help or Filipino translation from their teacher. For the fourth and last item,
obtained the mean of 3.34 with 83.5% of the respondents who strongly agreed that the
students can easily understand the content of the exam when it is expressed in English.
Overall, the table attained a general weighted mean of 3.32 with the description of
“strongly agree”.
Table 7
Examination (ENGLISH)
Indicators Mean Description
is expressed in English.
4. I can easily understand the content of the exam when 3.34 Strongly
General Weighted Mean 3.32
Table 8 contains the data about the Examination in Filipino Language. The item
number one obtained a mean of 3.56 with 89% of the respondents who strongly agreed
that, the students can understand the instructions in the exam when it is expressed in
Filipino. For the second item, there are a total mean of 3.49 with 87.25% of the
respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) can answer the exam confidently
when they use the Filipino Language. Third, it obtained a mean of 3.55 with 88.75% of
the respondents who strongly agreed that they (students) are confident to answer the
exam without asking help or English translation from their teacher. For the fourth and last
item, obtained the mean of 3.53 with 88.25% of the respondents who strongly agreed that
the students can easily understand the content of the exam when it is expressed in
Filipino. Overall, the table attained a general weighted mean of 3.53 with the description
of “strongly agree”.
Table 8
Examination (FILIPINO)
Indicators Mean Description
is expressed in Filipino.
4. I can easily understand the content of the exam when 3.53 Strongly
General Weighted Mean 3.53
Chapter 4
The following contains the summary of our research that includes the findings,
recommendations and our conclusion according to the data gathered which is measuring
the students’ ability to understand their lessons inside the classroom, under the preferred
medium of instruction and if the medium of instruction has a notable impact to the
Summary of Findings
and first statement of the problem, the respondent’s acquire a relatively high
percentage of 85% in the Filipino language used at home. On the other hand,
2. In respect to the first statement of the problem also, a very high percentage
respondent’s mainly used and prefer Filipino, as their language used in public and
prefer to use. This indicated that Filipino is more widely used in daily basis.
percentage of 81.25% and for the Filipino language it obtained a relatively high
87%. This indicate that Filipino language in oral instruction is evidently somehow
4. About the written instruction concerning also the second statement of the
problem, for the English language in written form, it gathered 82.25% and for the
that a relatively little difference between the two variables but nonetheless,
5. In concerning the third statement of the problem, for the respondents’ academic
performance in terms of Class Participation for both variable, the English and
Filipino language, obtained 81.25% for the English and on the other hand,
little difference between the two variables but nonetheless, Filipino language is
6. In respect of the next variable in the third statement of the problem, the
relatively high difference for both variable of the study, the English and Filipino
7. With all the gathered information, we therefore concluded that somehow there is
1. In terms of the respondents’ profile with regards to the language spoken at home,
preferred language and spoken language in public, most of them use and prefer
Filipino yet, they are able to use both English and Filipino Language. They are
considered as literate which they can use both English and Filipino Language.
2. Using both English and Filipino language relatively affect the students’ academic
performance due to the fact that not all content areas are English based and others
are needed to be elaborated in order for the students’ to properly understand the
class instructions. There are some cases that students cannot clearly and easily
understand the lesson if English language is solely used. However, if the lessons
were expressed in bilingual state, it will be much effective and efficient that the
and oral instruction and academic performance, in terms of class participation and
examinations., Filipino language earned a much higher mean that the mean score
used at home and in public as well the language they preferred is Filipino. Thus,
this indicated that the respondents’ preferred language used at home and public
and prefer to use really affect the respondents’ academic performance in school.
1. Adjustment. There must be an adjustment for both students and teachers in order
to achieve a clear and easier way of understanding the class instruction in various
content areas. Aside from many factors that affect the student comprehension in
regards to different language, teachers are expected to make adjustments for the
2. Providing a virtual lectures to deepen the English and Filipino comprehension and
vocabulary. Strengthening this point of a student can really help enhancing the
language skill of a student and given the fact that it is virtual, it can be access by
systematic programs and techniques that will enhance students’ language skills
content areas to cater the level of understanding and vocabulary needed for the
5. Having a seminar or workshop about the use and understanding of English and
Filipino language correctly. Wherein respondents can attend in order for them to
6. Implementation of allotting time for reading English and Filipino literatures. With
this section, having a time to read and comprehend with various literature can
enhance the students’ skills for them to achieve a much great academic
7. For the future researchers, more variables could be evident as time goes by that
Amamio, A., (2000). “Attitude of Students and Teachers towards the use of English as
Casteel, C.P., & Isom, B.A. (1994). “Attitude of Students and Teachers towards the use
Official Gazette (2019). “Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines Article”. From;
Appendix A
March 2020
School Directress
St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
Floridablanca, Pampanga
Noted by:
Approved by:
School Directress
Appendix B
March 2020
Dear Madam.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the accomplishment of the subject Research
in Daily life 2, we, the students STEM Grade 12 – St. Isidore of Senior High School
Department are presently undertaking a study entitled “English and Filipino: Medium of
Class Instructions and Its Impact to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School
Students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga”.
In view of this, may we humbly ask permission from your good office to validate our
questionnaire. We will appreciate if some items will be deleted and some modifications
will be done to ensure that the instrument will serve its purpose well.
Noted by:
Approved by:
Appendix C
March 2020
Senior High School Principal
St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
Floridablanca, Pampanga
In view of this, may we humbly ask permission from your good office to conduct a study
and administer questionnaire to the Senior High School students of St. Augustine
Academy of Pampanga who are the respondents of the study.
Rest assured that the data will be treated with outmost confidentiality. Any
accommodation that maybe extended will be highly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Noted by:
Approved by:
Appendix D
March 2020
Dear Respondents:
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the accomplishment of the subject Research
in Daily life 2, we, the students STEM Grade 12 – St. Isidore of Senior High School
Department are presently undertaking a study entitled “English and Filipino: Medium of
Class Instructions and Its Impact to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School
Students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga”.
In view of this, may we, the researchers humbly ask your outmost cooperation by
answering the attached questionnaires. If possible, do not leave any item unanswered.
Your participation will be a great value for the realization of this study.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Noted by:
Appendix E
Name: (Optional)
Research Title: English and Filipino: Medium of Class Instructions and Its Impact to
the Academic Performance of the Senior High School
Students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
Objective: The main goal of the researchers in this study is to determine the
effectiveness and if it has a notable impact to the students’ academic performance in
using English and Filipino Language as a Medium of Instruction to the Content Areas of
the Senior High School Students at St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga.
General Instruction: Put a check (✔) on the blank space provided in each item that corresponds your
I. Language background Language/ Dialect mostly spoken in public:
_______ English _______ Filipino
Language/ Dialect spoken at home:
Language you adept/ prefer:
_______ English _______ Filipino _______ English _______ Filipino
Oral Instructions
Statement SA A D SD
1. I can easily follow with the lesson when it is
discussed in English language.
2. I can participate confidently during the class recitation
if it is expressed in English.
3. I am capable of understanding the complex English
vocabulary used in the discussion.
4. I can orally and diligently express my ideas upon the
lesson when I use English language.
Statement SA A D SD
1. I can easily follow with the lesson when it is discussed
in Filipino language.
2. I can participate confidently during the class recitation
if it is expressed in Filipino.
3. I am capable of understanding the complex Filipino
vocabulary used in the discussion.
4. I can orally and diligently express my ideas upon the
lesson when I use Filipino language.
Written Instructions
Statement SA A D SD
1. I can confidently and easily answer the activity
when it is instructed in English language.
2. I can easily understand the written instruction
expressed in English language in the activity.
3. I can follow the instructions easily even it is
expressed in complex English vocabulary.
4. I can effortlessly express my ideas and
suggestions when I use English language.
Statement SA A D SD
I can confidently and easily answer the activity when it
is instructed in Filipino language.
I can easily understand the written instruction
expressed in Filipino in the activity.
I can follow the instructions easily even it is expressed
in complex Filipino vocabulary.
I can effortlessly express my ideas and suggestions
when I use Filipino language.
III. Academic Performance
Class Participation
Statement SA A D SD
1. I use English language in our English based
2. I can recite in class confidently, when I am
allowed to use English language.
3. I am confident to communicate in English.
4. I can easily answer activity when instruction
is expressed in English.
Statement SA A D SD
1. I use Filipino language in our Filipino based
2. I can recite confidently in class when I am
allowed to use Filipino language.
Statement SA A D SD
1. I can understand the instructions in the exam
when it is expressed in English.
2. I can answer the exam confidently when I use
the English Language.
3. I am confident to answer my exam without
asking help or Filipino translation from my teacher.
4. I can easily understand the content of the
exam when it is expressed in English.
Statement SA A D SD
1. I can understand the instructions in the exam
when it is expressed in Filipino.
2. I can answer the exam confidently when I use
the Filipino Language.
3. I am confident to answer my exam without
asking help or Filipino translation from my teacher.
4. I can easily understand the content of the exam
when it is expressed in Filipino.
Signature of the Respondent
Appendix F
This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis entitled " English and
Filipino: Medium of Class Instructions and Its Impact to the Academic " for the
completion of the original and scholarly work carried out by the undersigned. This
research work does not contain words or ideas from published sources or written works
by other persons which has been accepted as basis for the award of any completion from
other basic education institution, except where proper referencing and acknowledgement
were made.
March 2020
Appendix G
Programs that aim to let the students expand their initial knowledge regarding the
English and Filipino language.
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Mae S. Ramos
Informational Background
Sex : Female
Height : 5’6’’
Weight : 140 lbs
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father’s Name : Delmar E. Ramos
Mother’s Name : Lilian S. Ramos
Language Spoken : Filipino, Kapampangan and English
Educational Background
Secondary : St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
Poblacion, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Year Graduated: April 2020
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Izabella M. Roman
Informational Background
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Jaymie D. Santos
Purok 6 Old Paguiruan, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Email Address: [email protected]
Informational Background
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Ed Joshua Silva
Purok 4, Mabical, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Email Address : [email protected]
Informational Background
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Justine C. Tan
Mabical Floridablanca, Pampanga
Email Address: [email protected]
Informational Background
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Informational Background
Gender : Male
Nationality : Filipino
Bamban, Tarlac
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae
Informational Background