Predictive Maintenance: What Is It, Tools, and Applications (Complete Guide 2021) - Infraspeak Blog
Predictive Maintenance: What Is It, Tools, and Applications (Complete Guide 2021) - Infraspeak Blog
Predictive Maintenance: What Is It, Tools, and Applications (Complete Guide 2021) - Infraspeak Blog
Predictive Maintenance: what is it, tools, and applications [Complete Guide 2021] • Infraspeak Blog
Data collection
Data mining
Oil analysis
Vibration analysis
Acoustic analysis
Does predictive maintenance solve all ills?
occur. But how? The IoT lends a hand. Using sensors and new technologies
alarming levels.
gathers data about your assets and, from that, extracts information that allows
Data Collection
As we have already seen, the idea is to predict when a breakdown will occur.
As this depends on obtaining quality data, the first step is to install sensors
The data that these sensors need to measure and collect depends on the
techniques you intend to use to monitor the equipment. You can control
Data mining
Accumulating data about your assets is of no use if you don’t know how to
Calculations and Machine Learning
Some people may believe that predictive maintenance stops here. But if you
are only acting when the sensors detect anomalies, you are just performing
offer a prognosis.
statistics (your CMMS reports are extremely useful in this step). However, as
Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly sophisticated, it is possible to
while it’s running, just like routine check-ups for humans. Blood tests,
ultrasound scans, or eye exams: we do them every year, and none of them
hurt us.
Thermographic analysis and infrared analysis
applications: electrical connections and systems, heating systems,
fluid analysis, discharge patterns, roof maintenance
Thermographic analysis can also be applied to several types of equipment to
even from a distance. This technique is used, for example, in the maintenance
insulation, and even the condition of solar panels. The major disadvantage is
In the future, CPU temperature analysis will be one of the main ways to
Motor circuit analysis
applications: assess engine degradation, shaft and rotor alignment,
insulation, gears, scan for short-circuits
circuit and its components, it evaluates the voltage and current entering the
motor. Not least important: it works on both AC and DC motors and can be
The purpose of oil analysis is to test the viscosity, the amount of water and
the equipment.
Let’s take into consideration a hydraulic system that consists of two essential
components – the rotating parts and their lubricant. As equipment ages, the
example, the presence of silicone above 15 ppm can indicate that the
insulation is wearing out, while sodium can reveal contamination with salt
Vibration analysis
applications: test component alignment, detect imbalances,
clearances, resonances, gear failures
Vibration analysis is perfect for rotating equipment and machines, such as
Acoustic analysis
applications: pipes and plumbing, condensers, vacuum systems,
fans, air compressors
We’ve already established that sound waves are our allies. Acoustic analysis
Every working machine makes some sort of noise, but its frequency and
range change whenever there are leaks or pressure changes, for example.
under any illusions. There will always be random failures that are impossible
Advantages of predictive maintenance
The main advantage of predictive maintenance is to act in a timely
manner, which reduces downtime and increases asset availability.
As maintenance is scheduled according to needs, it avoids wasting
stock and labor in unnecessary maintenance.
By reducing the emergency repairs and the wastes we mentioned
above, it helps to better control your maintenance budget.
Downtime is planned in advance, which allows for better
maintenance and normal company activity.
Optimal use of the equipment throughout its life cycle.
just-in-time production.
Disadvantages of predictive maintenance
The need to invest in specific monitoring equipment, as well as to
train personnel to use and interpret the data collected.
For assets with low criticality, predictive maintenance may not offer
great savings over the alternatives.
It is not suitable for assets with random failure modes or without
initial data to predict malfunctions (in these cases, it is preferable to
start with condition-based maintenance and gradually make the
when installing sensors was even more expensive than now, points to 25-
Deloitte, in a 2017 study, is less optimistic. Still, predictive maintenance is
very promising. This study suggests that uptime will increase by 10-20%,
companies with high operating expenses and a lot of invested capital;
companies where downtime implies great losses;
companies with assets whose breakdowns are a security risk.
losses. In the coming years, it is likely that it will also gain greater expression
How to plan predictive maintenance in 4
If you have already decided to invest in predictive maintenance in your
Identify critical assets.
The first step is to identify the priority assets to include in the predictive
maintenance strategy. Prioritise critical assets for your operations and assets
Gather information about asset history and failure modes.
The second step is to gather the necessary information to be able to transform
the data you collected into actions. If you already have a CMMS, it is easier
to organise the history and develop the first algorithms. At the same time, it
Implement sensors to monitor the condition.
Now that you have defined priorities and failure modes, you can start
manufacturer the best way to integrate old models with new technologies.
Test and try predictive maintenance.
Test the operation of the sensors and the accuracy of the algorithms only on
some machines, following a PDCA cycle. When you are able to schedule
maintenance and meet your goals, expand this strategy to other machines!
returns for many companies. In the future, as the IoT and digital