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Alvea, Hannah Mae V.
Arejola, Anne Kristine P.
Benavente, Rica Mae A.
Dy, Jannes Gertrude Lei B.
Ladiao, Trisha Mae B.
Ordas, Pia Kristina M.
Ramores, Robelyn J.
Taan, Jhoan Lalaine D.

Universidad de Sta. Isabel

The students have adhered to University policy regarding academic honesty in completing this

Submitted to Ms. Jessica May Reyes, LPT on behalf of the Senior High School Department in
partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 1

Second Semester, A/Y 2019-2020


Objective: Advancement in various fields often lead to better outcomes for the society. Fast
development of countries results to promising futures for its constituents. However, these
improvements are often affiliated with advantages as well as disadvantages. And one of these
incommodities is the further prevalence of trash. The researchers then have focused on the main
solution made, the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Thus, with careful considerations,
the researchers have conducted a study on obtaining the perceptions of people from barangay
Tinago. Methods: Through one – on – one interviews with a few residents; the researchers have
gathered data on how effective and implemented the ordinance was. For about 3 days, the
researchers had carefully chosen their respondents and have eagerly sought well – reliable
information for this study. Results: By analyzing the responses, the researchers acquired these
results: a) The management plan was implemented albeit not properly, b) There has been no
claims that everyone was well – informed with regards to the said ordinance, and c) The lack of
discipline and care of the residents towards the environment has shown some effects in
mismanagement of waste. Conclusions: Barangay Tinago has indeed a waste management
aligned to the city ordinance. However, there are still some things to be attended to in order to
address all the issues regarding waste management as per claimed by the residents.
Keywords: constituents, one – on – one interviews, solid waste management

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
Background of the Study .......................................................................................................... 1
Statement of the Problem ......................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of the Study ................................................................................................................ 2
Significance of the Study ......................................................................................................... 3
Definition of Key Terms .......................................................................................................... 4
Scope and Limitations .............................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................................... 6
Sections/Categories .................................................................................................................. 6
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 17
Research Locale ..................................................................................................................... 17
Research Subject .................................................................................................................... 17
Ethical Consideration ............................................................................................................. 18
Research Design .................................................................................................................... 18
Interview Instrument and Protocol ......................................................................................... 19
Data Analysis Strategy ........................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS .............................................................................. 21
Participants ............................................................................................................................. 21
Data Analysis and Coding ...................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 26
Research Question - and Answer ........................................................................................... 26
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 28
Recommendations and Implications for Theory, Research, and Practices ............................ 29
Summary ............................................................................................................................... 31
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix A: Transcribed Interview ...................................................................................... 33
Appendix B: Interview Questions ......................................................................................... 95

Appendix C: Informed Consent Form ................................................................................... 96
CURRICULUM VITAE .............................................................................................................. 97

List of Tables
Table 1. Data Analysis and Coding .............................................................................................. 21

List of Figures
Figure 1. Qualitative theoretical construct as a map ................................................................... 15
Figure 2. Qualitative conceptual framework as a map ................................................................. 16

Background of the Study
There is a huge threat to the environment when it comes to improper waste disposal. Due
to the rising population world – wide, the use for efficient yet instantly replaceable materials are
highly increasing. And some of these materials are, in fact, harmful to the environment; thus,
environmental issues arise. According to Thomson (2009), ―Trash‖ is a relative concept. The
definition of the term alters relying on the time and on the conditions. Garbage can be seen all
around the world, it is one of the major causes of global warming -temperature will constantly
rise and will heat up the world. With the fast pace of the technologies worldwide, production of
products that can withstand time are easier and one of this are plastics. Based from Chae and An
(2018), improper dumping of disused or abandoned plastic wastes leads to contamination of the
environment. And if not properly segregated and collected it will destroy the ecosystem.
Several countries are facing the same situation where waste management is considered as
their main problems. Philippines are one of the third world developing countries. Aquino, and
Festejo, et al., mentioned in their study that ―Many of the health problems experienced by
residents of the Philippines are traceable to poor sanitation‖. Most experience diarrhea caused
by the contaminated water that they use and drink. The government provided laws that will help
Filipinos to properly dispose their trash to minimize the number of people experiencing different
diseases. One example of it is the Republic Act (RA) 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000. Despite the various laws regarding the protection of environment and
waste management, these futile efforts seem to not work for the lack of discipline of Filipinos.
One of the fast – developing or growing cities here in the Philippines is the Naga City,
found in the Bicol Region. Known for being a chartered city, Naga‘s government practices their
own solid waste management plan. However, this is still lacking since some garbage still reaches
drainages, streams, and rivers, exposing risks to health and the environment.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to know the effectiveness of the implementation of a waste management
and its corresponding positive and negative effects. Here are the following questions that this
study would like to be answered:
1. How do the people in Barangay Tinago see the significance of education and awareness
with regards to proper solid waste disposal?

This question aims to know whether how significant the role of these officials when it
comes to proper dissemination of information regarding solid waste disposal. It aims to
acknowledge the importance of the presence of authorities in the said topic.
2. How convenient does the neighborhood view the location of the segregation sites found
in Barangay Tinago?
This question aims to know if the location of the segregation sites is a factor that affects
the proper or improper waste disposal of the residents in Barangay Tinago. It aims to
know the relation between the location of these sites and the routine of waste disposal of
the people.
3. How do the residents see the need for the implementation of a waste management plan in
Barangay Tinago?
This question aims to know how the people in Barangay Tinago perceives the relevance
of the implementation of solid waste disposal in their everyday life. It aims to know, if
there is a significant change when the residents accomplish or fail to do the said task
asked of them.
4. How do the people consider the need of spreading information with regards to waste
disposal monthly?
This question aims to know if the residents need a constant reminder for this practice or
whether it is deeply rooted already in their daily routine. This query seeks to know if
keeping the residents up to date plays a major role in maintaining the implementation of
the ecological solid waste management plan of the Barangay.
Purpose of the Study
Garbage disposal is a major problem of a fast – growing city. Henceforth, the City of
Naga have regulated the proper collection and segregation of establishments, houses, and other
public and private institutions or places. Since there are a lot of barangays found in Naga, there is
a difference between the problems that arise for each community. The purpose of this study is to
identify and generalize the major problems in one of the barangays in Naga City; specifically,
Barangay Tinago.
The researchers aim to know how the residents of Tinago perceive waste disposal
management. With ecological waste as a global problem, improved plans and new solutions are
given by various researchers for a better environment. Various documentaries, articles, news and

other related literature tackles how wastes, especially plastics, can be dangerous when not
properly thrown or taken care of. Thus, the researchers will conduct a study to determine
whether the waste management plan of the City of Naga is properly implemented and
Significance of the Study
The researchers also aim to know the difficulties of maintaining the proper waste disposal
of the city. Therefore, not only is this significant for those seeking knowledge but to the
community. This study is, henceforth, significant to the following:
The residents of Barangay Tinago of Naga City. Through conducting this study, the
researchers are exposed to the worldly problems the society is currently facing. All throughout
conducting this research, the researchers can understand and convey solutions to the residents of
Barangay Tinago that can be a great help to the community as well as to the participating
students. By actively participating in this activity, the researchers can contribute in any way
possible to improve waste management of Barangay Tinago. Not only that, but this is a
steppingstone for the persons involved, to be able to communicate properly to achieve the set
goal of the community.
The succeeding students who will take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Track for Senior High School. With the study being published, the next batch of
grade 11 students can use this research study as a guide or reference for their own project. This
study will be a starting point or basis for the backbone of their research.
For the Filipino Discipline. As the study focuses on waste disposal, this will also reflect
the culture and traits of the people residing in Naga City. This study will act as a guide for those
knowledgeable to be able to find better solutions with regards to proper waste disposal and
plastic usage.
For the society. This study is significant to the society because it will act as an eye
opener for the people who neglects their responsibilities in terms of solid waste management.
Every citizen must follow the corresponding rules and regulations given by the government of
Naga for an organized waste disposal plan.
For the environment. It is significant for the environment, since, it promotes proper
waste disposal and other rules to follow when handling segregation and collection of garbage. It
also promotes the advocacy of recycling and reusing of materials such as plastics. The

researchers would like to emphasize their advocacy for the betterment of our environment for a
beautiful place to live in the future.
Definition of Key Terms
Contamination: This term was defined in the study as the process that can negatively
affect people due to improper waste management.
Ecological waste: This term was used in the study as the definition of waste products
that are frequently used by the residents on their daily lives that can cause major conflict on the
Improper Waste Disposal: This term was defined in the study as the negative way of
waste management/disposal of the residents in barangay Tinago.
Industrialization: This term was used in the study as the process of the improvement
and development of barangay Tinago in terms of standards compared to other barangays.
Recycling: This term was used in the research that means the behavior of the residents in
separating and reusing by-products to create a new material.
Residents: This term was used in the study representing the people living in the areas of
barangay Tinago.
Sanitation: This term in the study relates to the maintenance of the cleanliness and
hygiene in terms of water and waste disposal of the residents in a long period of time.
Sovereignty: This term was used in this study as the governing body that takes full
responsibility and power in the waste management of the barangay being studied without being
interfered by outside sources.
Threat: This term is defined in the study as a possible damage inflicted to those living in
the chosen barangay in the study
Trash: This term was defined in this study as the materials that are being disposed after
use and are considered as useless.
Waste Management: This term is used in the study as the act of systematic and proper
disposal of garbage in Barangay Tinago.
Scope and Limitations
This study only focuses on the main objective: identifying the major problems with
regards to Ecological Solid Waste Management and how it is perceived by the residents. The

study centers on determining the issues that Barangay Tinago faces when the implementation of
the Solid Waste Management Plan of Naga was put into action.
Through keen observation and thoroughly studying the waste management plan of the
city, the researchers can pinpoint exactly what is wrong and what is needed to be done in order to
address the problem. The students will be conducting a one on one interview with a few
unbiasedly selected families residing in Barangay Tinago to ensure a general but various
perspective regarding waste disposal. The target participants will be interviewed with the same
set of questions to distinguish the factors that affect proper and improper waste disposal. The
results will be dependent on how the participant views the pros and cons of the Solid Waste
Management Plan of the Barangay.
However, the study will only focus on information relevant to the general objective of the
researchers. Unnecessary information that will be transcribed from the interview are viewed as
nuisance information. Should there any be discrepancies within the answers of the participants
will be regarded as one answer. Furthermore, should any natural event occur that may affect the
conduction of the interview, the students will halt any activity as it might be harmful to both the
interviewer and interviewee.

Review of Related Literature
The contents of this chapter focus on the gathered information by the researchers from
studies and literatures in relation to the main topic of this study. The written information in this
part provides a deeper understanding about the problems the researchers seek to know and
answer how the study is generally conducted and serves as a basis of factual evidence on how
and where this study will take place. This chapter introduces the discussions from various related
literatures about waste management and its issues towards environmental harm, issues about
local government waste plans, risk to human health, and issues regarding proper waste recycling
and reducing. More so, this chapter gives an in – depth information on various related studies. It
is discussed in this part how the environment and society are affected by the improper waste
management. Through the inability to cope with better garbage planning and system, the sense
of the stakeholders‘/residents‘ responsibilities towards the effects on environment, and the issue
with regards to the regulation of the laws put up by the government, environmental and socio –
economic crises arise. This chapter specifically delimited this study within the country of
Philippines, narrowed down to Tinago – a barangay in Naga City.
The content of this chapter generalizes the idea of the theoretical construct of this study.
Several theories that gives assumptions on how waste management is affected are stated here. It
is discussed in this chapter that the Waste Management Theory argues about how the
environment and health of humans are entirely affected when there is a proper implementation of
improvising wastes and laws to protect the environment. The researchers also focused on the
different issues that are very rampant in the society today which connects to the idea of the
theories stated in the study. Therefore, to study the different issues and arguments about between
the study and the theory, the researchers will be able to determine this through the areas where
wastes are produced increasingly and are practical and useful to the residents nearby.
The issues regarding solid waste generation remain a growing problem at global, regional
and local levels. With the fast progression made in terms of industrialization, urbanization and
population growth, the solid waste generated every day also advances. It is mentioned in the
article of Let‘s Do It World Organization — about 8 million tons of garbage is added to oceans
every year with 80% coming from mainland waste. Thus, the issue regarding waste and its
management becomes increasingly important and needs more serious attention.

According to (Miller T. G., 2013), on page 468 from the book ―Introduction to
Environmental Science,‖ there are two ways to deal with the solid wastes people create. The first
approach is waste management. It refers to the high waste approach in which activities and
actions are required to monitor waste and decrease its environmental harm. It typically involves
combining wastes together (collection) and then handing it on from one part of the environment
to another (transportation) by means of burying, burning, or shipping them to another place. This
approach is usually practiced when dealing with e-waste. The second approach is called the
waste reduction. Waste reduction (prevention) is a low waste approach in which less material
and energy are practiced decreasing the amount of waste generation and pollution. It includes
some ways to stop the materials from ending up as waste before it reaches the recycling stage. In
addition to that, the author claims that the waste generated is viewed as potential resources that
can be reused, recycled or composed. Lastly, the author also emphasizes on the waste reduction
as based on the 4R‘s which are refuse, reuse, reduce and recycle, which can all contribute to
cutting down solid wastes. Despite these two approaches, there is no solution to the solid waste
problem. Still, according to the author, some scientists and economists think that 75-90% of the
estimated solid waste we produce can be eliminated by ―Integral Waste Management‖; a
combination of strategies both in waste management and waste reduction.
Stated by (Keller & Botin, 2012) in the book entitled ―Environmental Science (eight
edition)‖ on page 487-488 there are two types of waste: first is non-biodegradable waste that
takes a long time to decompose; and second is the biodegradable product that can cause lesser
harm to humankind. Even with the several negative effects of these products, humans consume
different kinds of products every day which are mostly non-biodegradable. People cannot go on
their day without using imperishable products, mostly plastics, that can cause contamination of
water and pollution in the environment, if not properly managed. On another note, human waste
is one of the abundant wastes being collected in several areas within the country. These wastes
are used as ―night soil‖ in ancient times. Some countries use human waste as a fertilizer on their
agriculture lands. However, this disposal method had caused several negative effects on human
health and the surroundings because of the presence of some bacteria. Those bacteria spread
infectious diseases through the crops that were planted on the agriculture fields where human
waste was used as fertilizers. The major problem of this process is that along with human wastes,
viruses and bacteria can cause major outbreak of diseases.

In connection to the major problems regarding Waste Management, it is said in the book
that ―practices that are implemented by the government is ineffective due to the maintenance of
the dumps and the dumps that are illegally put up which can cause to various effects like spoiling
of scenic resources, polluted soil and water, and also becomes a threat to human health.‖ Local
governments of specific places consider outlawed dumping as the prominent issue of their
society. These behaviors of the stakeholders are always seen because it is inexpensive and quick
to do but they do not think of the possible effects on the environment. On the other hand, some
places already practice proper waste management because of education, awareness and
alternatives. It is also said that education should be prioritized in certain practicality based on the
practices that stakeholders are fond of doing. Education programs can be effective by promoting
certain movement that can help the environment and help the stakeholders' lives.
(Miller & Scott, 2015) stated on page 380 of the book entitled Environmental Science
(fourteenth edition), that ―Hazardous waste in United States are buried or dump in other country.
Where labor is cheap and environmental regulations are weak.‖ Philippines have experienced
this incident, wherein wastes from other country were dumped in the other places where health
and environment is being affected. Workers that are cleaning the waste are exposed to toxic
metals and harmful chemicals. Some wastes are dumped in water ways and burned in an open
field that exposes the people to highly toxic chemical that can cause complications to human‘s
immune system.
Recycling these wastes will not totally reduce the fast growth of the hazardous wastes
such as electronic waste. However, illegally sending such materials to other countries needs huge
amount of money. By manufacturing electronic products without toxic materials, it can be a
solution for easy recycling, remanufacturing and repairing since the reduction rate is low.
Recycling these materials is important, for it helps minimize the use of energy and matter
resources. If these solid and hazardous wastes are burned, it will contribute a lot to the
greenhouse gas emission and as well as water pollution. For society to have low rate of waste it
is better to require business corporations and individuals to recycle and reuse not just locally and
nationally but also globally.
To create the most applicable and effective waste management system in Barangay
Tinago, Naga City, several theories were chosen to support the claims of this study. The theories,
The Waste Management Theory, Waste Prevention: Theory and Practice, Theory of Production

with Waste and Recycling, Integrating Planning Theory and The Theory of environmentally
responsible behavior (ERB), will be of a great help to conducting this research with its different
notion. The Waste Management Theory‘s first notion is to avoid waste that affects human health
and the environment and instead, should be protected. Second, it aims to preserve resources on
Earth where people depend on. Third, to identify ways to lessen waste generation. Lastly, to
incorporate its priority of turning waste into non-waste. Moreover, the Waste Management
Theory can be connected to the theories which are Waste Prevention: Theory and Practice,
Theory of Production with Waste and Recycling and Integrating Planning Theory. The Waste
Prevention: Theory and Practice involves the exchange and the limitation of consuming of the
raw materials. While, the Theory of Production with Waste and Recycling, aims to develop
waste under solid residual management by preventing, recycling and disposing it. As to
Integrating Planning Theory, the theory will be used to develop new understandings related to
the research by identifying the ways for good practice of the waste management in Barangay
Tinago. Lastly, the Theory of environmentally responsible behavior is defined by (Hines,
Hungerford, & Tomera, 1986) as the fundamental goal of the discipline of environmental
education. By influencing values, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals in positive ways,
environmental education ultimately seeks to minimize negative environmental impacts (Hines,
Hungerford, & Tomera, 1986).
One of the aspects that affect our environmental equilibrium is the rise of waste
problems. Due to the incessant growth of population, the resulting solid waste is increasing as
well due to growing demand for necessities. In Asian developing countries, the hasty
urbanization and industrialization is the major contribution to solid waste generation (Miller &
Scott, 2015). According to this article, there are several factors that affect waste generation such
as poor organization and coordination, and inadequate financial support for solid waste
Furthermore, according to Urban Solid Waste Management in Low-Income Countries of
Asia: How to Cope with the Garbage Crisis (Keller & Botin, 2012), proficiency and involvement
of the officials are rarely communicated to others. In lieu, many of these officers undergo the
same trial and error periods, repeating the mistakes done by them and others before. ―Research
institutions, NGOs, and International agencies are seen as very important actors for enhancing
and supporting the dissemination of "best practices" (Miller, Scott, & Spoolman, 2014).‖ In this

context, the effective participation of the authorities in implementing the solid waste
management act is seen as a crucial part for the success of the act. Innovations and
improvements are valuable aspects in counter – attacking these problems.
Another factor that affects waste management is the behavioral aspect of a person
towards the environment (Akintunde, 2017). The Model of Responsible Environmental Behavior
shows that the intention to act, personality, sense of personal responsibility and control, and lore
indicates whether a person would embrace a behavior or not. According to the book entitled
Solid waste management challenges for cities in developing countries (Abarca-Guerreo, 2012),
Negative behaviors concerning waste management can be seen in a lot of areas within some
developing countries where the citizens tend to use more nonbiodegradable products, especially
plastics, because of its convenience and availability more than biodegradable materials. People
most likely forget the correct way of throwing their trash. The public often insists about their
concern about the environment, but their actions contradicts to the values they uphold. This
behavior can be the effect of lack of awareness and education in implementing effective waste
management practices. The factor mentioned results to the lack of interest of people in
participating in reducing environmental problems like pollution and global warming. These
factors are then addressed by various solutions, and campaigns and advocacies on the protection
of the environment.
A prominent example of these solutions is the established solid waste management.
According to the study, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act: Environmental Protection
Through Proper Solid Waste Practice, RA 9003 (Aquino, 2013), or known as the Ecological
Solid Waste Management Act, was created in response to the emerging waste problems of the
country. The study states that mismanagement of waste has brought tremendous and hazardous
environmental effect.
Furthermore, it is stated in the study that ―it illustrates the potentials and benefits of
recycling not only in addressing waste management problems but also in alleviating poverty.‖
Therefore, assuming the objective of not only the salvation of environmental crisis but also the
socio – economic crisis. The framework of the act embodies waste characterization and
segregation, source reduction, collection and transport of solid waste, recycling, and composting.
Through these, the proper handling and reduction of waste is beneficial to those in the
marginalized sectors. They are given the opportunity of creating products to a sustainable

manufacturing from wastes. However, according to the study, Efficiency Evaluation of
Philippines Waste Management Sector: A Two Stage Approach (Pagunsan & Shimada, 2012),
inefficiency is not only reflected by mere mismanagement but of the performance of the
government officials tasked to tend to the waste management of their municipality.
In a similar sense to this study, the research study, Application of fuzzy DEMATEL to
develop a cause and effect model of municipal solid waste management in Metro Manila (Tseng
& Lin, 2008), aims to give emphasis on the subjective and qualitative evaluation of the solid
waste management. The DEMATEL is responsible for converting ―the relations between cause
and effect of criteria into a model but also can be used as a way to handle the inner dependences
within a set of criteria.‖ This type of evaluation is rendered an important part for the researchers
as it can help during the evaluation of the gathered data from the interview.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
This research study made use of the Waste Management Theory (WMT) (Eva Pongrácz,
2004). It was introduced to correlate environmental sciences and engineering designs. The
author, Eva Pongrácz, defined WMT as a unified body of knowledge about waste and waste
management. As stated, it is a unified body of knowledge because it is within the Paradigm of
Industrial Ecology where different theories about waste and waste management are included.
This theory is formulated to ensure that the human health and environment are protected from
harm caused by waste and to promote optimization of resources used in the application of waste
management. This state that waste generation will be prevented, if waste minimization and
resource optimization measures are applied. It is also a planned action to organize diverse
variables of waste management system. It is continuously developing based on the facts and
observation over time to update and obtain its purpose. It builds up a principle that is system-
oriented and that industrial design and manufacturing process must consider environment as its
partner. It also tackles about the principle that this WMT will conserve the use of resources.
Waste Prevention. It is a process of source reduction and has a goal of resource
conservation. It is the process or action done to prevent on generating waste materials. This is
one of the factors that may affect the topic of this study, which is the Solid Waste Management
in Tinago, Naga City. It will determine the preventive measures the barangay had done to avoid
waste generation. It will also determine if the barangay has a poor waste prevention scheme that
will result to the lack thereof of goals attained.

The theory that has been used in this factor is, The Waste Prevention: Theory and
Practice (Weenen, 1990) , to provide a framework for analyzing the prevention of waste
generation. It follows seven stages which are extraction or cultivation, refining, processing,
manufacturing, consumption, aggregation and dispersion. This process will define the practice
of the people and a tool to practice good solid waste management.
Waste Minimization. It is a set of practice and process planned to reduce the amount of
waste generated. Waste minimization reduces or eliminates the generation of harmful and
persistent wastes; it supports efforts to promote a more sustainable society. This factor will
determine the effort of the government, municipality or barangay to control waste generated by
firms or establishment in their area using the waste management and the sense of responsibility
of the producer of waste in minimizing and participating in the waste management.
The theory used in analyzing this factor is the Theory of Production with waste and
Recycling by Klaus Conrad. This theory is originated in Theory of the Firm, but this theory only
tackles about waste and recycling, while the Theory of the Firm is a much broader theory about
business aspects. According to Conrad, producers must observe product responsibility in
practicing prevention, recycling and disposal of waste. This implies that the producer should be
responsible in the waste generated by the products they produced or created. This process is part
of the theory of the firm which are develop under solid residual management. This theory
assumes that when the government encourages firms, companies or establishment to improve
recycling of resources and materials by a fee on waste or what we called tax; it will show an
impact to waste prevention, on the stricter sense of the production process on recycling, on input
demand, material saving effort, and on the amount of waste disposal.
Waste Treatment and Proper disposal. These are the planned collection, processes or
any activities done to ensure waste materials, especially solid waste, to have lower possible
impact on environment after it had been collected from the society. This factor is an important
aspect in waste management due to its relevance in achieving the set goals of reducing harmful
effect of waste. And if not properly regulated, none of these objectives will be met.
This factor is supported by the Integrating Planning Theory and Waste Management
(Hostovsky, 2000). It came from the analysis of the different reference journal that connects into
the waste management planning to derive a theory. According to the theory, waste management
planners may have shown general ignorance or intellectual neglect on the fundamental principle

of planning models and theories. There are three type of reference journal examine, stated as
planning journals that used to assess waste management, waste management dedicated reference
journals that is used to know what are the area covered by engineering and other disciplines have
in terms of assessing and planning theory in the management of waste, and environmental
management journals that is used to examine what extent multidisciplinary environmental
managers have in direct waste planning as a subset of their discipline. These articles are
screened, examine and analyze using six planning model and it concludes that the planners have
continuously repeating the same mistakes from the past. It also emphasizes that ‗Historical
Analysis‘ must be done in the planning to avoid the same mistakes. And social and public
participation in the planning is a must.
Human Environmental Behavior. In this concept, human behavior is defined as the
response, action, or attitude of humans towards the environment. It refers to their behavior that
they consciously done and chose, that can bring a positive and negative impact on the
environment. It is one of the major factors that can affect waste management due to people not
being aware, lack of obedience to environmental laws and etiquettes, and neglecting their
responsibilities towards their environment and community.
The theory for the basis of this factor is the Theory of Responsible Behavior (ERB)
(Hines). In which, the model of Responsible Environmental Behavior gives emphasis that the
intention of acting is the major influence on Environmentally Responsible Behavior.
The theory further discusses that there are variables that suggest an individual to adopt a
specific behavior or not. Knowledge, sense of responsibility, intention to act, locus of control and
their attitude are the variables presenting the interactions that are probable to develop ERB
adaptation. The model explains that the control center has a direct impact to the individual‘s
intention to act. Moreover, it also shows that the control center of an individual affects their
attitude and perspective of personal responsibility. Awareness and lore also affect an individual‘s
initiative when it comes to environmental agendas. However, some people may exhibit internal
or external factors that may affect their control center as analogous to a strong influence of others
to their beliefs.
In addition, no single variable is the determinant for the current behavior or that is
enough to initiate behavioral change in waste management (e.g. people dumping their trash in
prohibited areas despite passed regulations). People tend to bend rules and regulations since most

are doing the said acts. They often neglect their environmental responsibilities as well as their
responsibilities in their respective communities, Thus, loopholes in the waste management
process must not be the only one to blame. Assessment of the psychological and behavioral
factors may enlighten researchers in determining possible ways to ensure a fool proof waste
management. Knowledge is not enough to stop the fast growth of waste generation, nevertheless,
it is a fundamental aspect for an individual to possess enough information for personal growth
and behavior.

Solid Waste Management in

Theory of
Waste Management Theory
behavior (ERB)
Waste Prevention: Theory of Production Integrating
Theory and with Waste and Planning Theory
Practice Recycling

Human Behavior
Waste Treatment
Waste Waste and Disposal
Prevention Minimization

Figure 1. Qualitative theoretical construct as a map.

Solid Waste Management in

Theory of
Waste Management Theory
behavior (ERB)
Waste Prevention: Theory of Production
Theory and with Waste and
Practice Planning Theory

Human Behavior
Waste Waste Waste Treatment
Prevention Minimization and Disposal

Perception in the Waste Management Plan of Issues in implementing the Waste

Tinago Management Plan in Tinago

Effective Waste Management

Figure 2. Qualitative conceptual framework as a map.

Research Locale
All written information in this chapter was ascertained through an absolute background
research. The goal of this study is to acquire information with regards to solid waste management
and its issues; therefore, one consideration is mismanagement. The location was chosen through
extensive comparison of which barangay in Naga City has the highest vulnerability rate when it
comes to health – related diseases. This was due to a factor that it is most likely to be caused by
an unhealthy environment. Articles and journals catering this information were compared to get
the most accurate result to give basis for determining the location.
After careful considerations, Barangay Tinago was chosen among 27 barangays found in
the city. Its emplacement near the Bicol River serves as a major role for deeming the final
location. Furthermore, Tinago serves as a perfect spot to conduct the interview for the
researchers because it is near the vicinity of the university; henceforth, easy access to the
Research Subject
This study has done a one – on – one interview with some residents in Tinago, Naga City.
The researchers have sought these respondents through purposive sampling technique in order to
specify and minimize the number of participants. These persons were chosen through a set of
criteria which include a family composed of 3 to 5 members, a household members that has a
background knowledge on waste management, a family which has no more than one member
that is an official, and those who own businesses that generate a lot of waste are not encouraged
to participate in the activity.
These participants were asked on the spot and had answered an 8 – question interview
that have taken, at most, 5 minutes to execute. Irrelevant and personal questions were prohibited
to be asked for the interviewee to speak their thoughts freely. The researchers were affiliated
with a 25 estimated number of respondents. The total interviewee for the entire session was 21
persons, representing 21 households in the entire area. This amounts to 3% of the total number of
households in Tinago, with a population of 2,805. These 21 respondents were taken from each
zone, with 3 respondents for each zone present.

Ethical Considerations
The protection of human subjects through the application of appropriate ethical principles
is important in any research study. In a qualitative study, ethical considerations have a resonance
due to the in-depth nature of the study process. The concern of ethical issues becomes more
salient when conducting face to face interview with the vulnerable group of participants. They
may become stressed while expressing their own opinions during the interview session. The
process of obtaining consent consists of the following: consent should be given freely, subjects
should understand what is being asked of them, and involved persons must be competent to
consent. This means, to participate in a research study, participants need to be adequately
informed about the research, comprehend the information and have a power of freedom of choice
to allow them to decide whether to participate or decline.
The potential participants were approached individually and explained the purpose of the
study and data collection process. They were given time to ask question and address any
concerns. It was explained that as their participation was voluntary, refusing to participate or
withdraw from the study while it was on progress would not affect their own personality. To
those participants who don‘t want to reveal their names and personal information they have a
freedom to refuse. They were also asked if it‘s okay to take a photo with them and record their
voices as our documentation. The benefits of this to them is to help them distinguish the main
problem in their barangay and to help them to be organized and to implement well their waste
management plans. All the residents in Barangay Tinago shall be informed and aware of waste
management plans and their responsibilities as residents.
Research Design
The research design was used in this study is case study. Case study is a qualitative
strategy in which the researcher identifies in depth program, event, activities, process, or one or
more individuals. The cases are bounded by time and activity, and researchers collect detailed
information using a variety of data collection procedures over a sustained period (Creswell,
2009). This research used case study instead of phenomenological research because the
researchers gathered data to delve deeper on a recurring event in Tinago, Naga City, which is
waste management and its issues. The focus of this, is the activity of waste management,
therefore, creating a thin line of difference with phenomenological; research which focuses on
the respondents‘ experiences. Furthermore, the researchers investigated and collected

information that aimed to know how waste management is implemented, how the information
was disseminated, and the practices of these people to follow the waste management plan of the
Case study was used in order to know on how the residents perceive the waste
management of their barangay and the issues regarding the matter. The instrumentation used in
this study was a one – on – one interview with the chosen respondent. In the collection of data,
the researchers took in consideration the number of zones to have a specified number of samples
for each. Three persons were chosen from each zone and were told of the purpose of the
interview. They were shortly briefed about the general details of the research before they were
asked to answer the questions. Utmost confidentiality was given to their identities for them not to
be held liable for any mishaps the researchers make with the study. The respondents were held
accountable for the information they shared through a voice record of the interview with their
permission. These records are then transcribed to prove transparency within the results of this
study. A maximum of five (5) days was allotted for the session in order to practice time pressure
as the time was limited.
Interview Instrument and Protocol
The questions under interpretative are the following: How do you manage wastes
generated in your home? What are the types of waste you most often dispose of?, Do you know
any ordinance from the city mayor's office relating to waste management?, What does it contain?
and how did they inform you of the waste management plan? These questions are classified as
interpretative because these questions are asking an elaborated answer regarding the waste
management in their barangay. The following questions which are 'What are your opinion or
what are the things you notice regarding the regulations of waste management in your
barangay?', ' What are the problems that you are facing regarding waste management?', 'Do you
think that there should be a sufficient information and awareness regarding to waste management
in your barangay?' are classified as ideal questions because they are asking for the solutions and
opinions of the respondents regarding the waste management plan in their barangay.
Data Analysis Strategy
This study will use inductive reasoning to clearly define and generalize the results of the
interviews. The data gathered will serve as an observation and is specified for each respondent,
therefore, the researchers will create a generalized answer for the questions used in the interview.

These generalizations will serve as a concrete evidence for this research; since, the results are
based from the studied interviews conducted. The focus of this study is to know the perception
of the residents of Tinago on the waste management in their barangay and the issues regarding it.
The inductive reasoning will be used to address this goal by providing a conclusion based on the
specific information analyzed and observed from the chosen respondence or residence. Their
responses will be used to generalize the perception of all the residence, and this be assuming as
truth. Other factors that furthers this study to use inductive reasoning are previous statements or
theories that are based on observations. These observations are used as evidences instead of
proving a statement.
Through Inductive Reasoning, the researchers could give a validated and legit answers
based on the information provided by the respondents. These answers will be the determinant
whether the goals of this study were attained, therefore validating the efficiency of the study of
being attainable. And thus, might provide answers to further problems addressing the issues itself
of the barangay.

Discussion of Findings
During the interview session, the researchers had encountered the main attitude of people
towards interviewers, either the respondents were willing to answer or otherwise. And it was a
slight complication for the focus of this interview was to obtain the perceptions of residents on
the solid waste management of Tinago. There were twenty – one (21) residents that were
interviewed for 3 days. And all these interviewees were welcoming and considerate. The
researchers were able to record the voices of all respondents during the lengths of each interview
session. However, mostly preferred to be behind the camera so, the researcher opted to voice
record the interview for its whole length.
Those interviewed were mostly running a small – scale business or mere residents of the
community; typically, breadwinners of the family. The interviewee varies on ages 18 – 60 years
old. Most interviewees chose Tagalog and Bicol as the medium of language in communicating
with researchers. The respondents answered each question profoundly and explained clearly their
answers based on their ideas and opinions with regards to the said event. However, the
researchers experienced several instances where the researchers got denied from conducting the
interview. Nevertheless, the researchers were still able to meet the quota of respondents the
researchers will be interviewing.
Data Analysis and Coding


 ―Yung schedule, so usually uhh
nung binigay samin yung, tawag The researchers arrived to a
nun, yung pamphlet for waste conclusion that the barangay officials
segregation yung collection dito disseminate information to the
uh in terms dito sa barangay.‖ residents about waste management
Information  ―Ay wala. Baka tung ano… yung, through seminars or barangay
dissemination barangay assembly.‖ assembly and giving of written
 ―Nag-star, nag-start sila last year materials such as pamplets, module,
pa pero di na… ahh di na nila ano or brochure. However, several areas
di di diniseminate yung ano yung in the barangay are not totally
locations na galing sa city hall informed due to the inconsistent
probably probably wala na silang dissemination of information.
ginawang actions.‖

 ―Well absolutely kasi pag na pag-
pagproperly disseminated ang The researchers concluded that the
informations uhhmm yung mga respondents perceive educational
procedures yung mga, mga needs in terms of solid waste
ordinansa na inano ng city hall edi management as a major factor that
mas ano informed ang mga will help discipline the residents and
nakatira dito, I mean well di be mindful of their responsibilities.
naman hundred percent nasusunod Howbeit, some of the residents
sila but at least some control.‖ believe that the lack of discipline in
 ―Kailangan pa po kasi parang managing waste is due to the lack of
wala pong disiplina ang iba dito, information and awareness when it
hindi sila nakikinig at hindi din comes to waste management.
nila sinusunod ang batas na yun.

From the information gathered, the

researchers concluded that the most
 ―Aahh yan, as you can see may
common source of waste that is being
tindahan kami so yah plastics then
Waste Source collected in the area is mostly plastics
food waste‖
and leftover foods which are
commonly used everyday.

―Hindi nila prinapractice na to

properly segregate waste‖
 ―Yung ano nila sa barangay ang Based from the answers, the
kanilang pagkuha ng basura dito sa researchers infered that few of the
Waste barangay namin, yung nalalapa respondents are segregating their
Management saka hindi nalalapa, may schedule waste to help minimize the burden of
Implementation din yun yung monday to ayy the workers while others are not
Sunday, Sunday and Thursday exercising proper waste segregation.
nalalapa, yung Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Saturday hindi
 ―Para sako mahalaga siya,
mapaphiling mo ang disiplina mo
Based from the answers of the
tsaka pag-aalaga mo sa kalikasan,
interviewees the researchers
sa pag-aalaga mo sa health nindo.‖
concluded that the residents would
 ―Uhm, mas pag-igtingin? Ah, mas
want to improve the segregation area
i-enforce nila yung mga
Residence‘s in the barangay and as for the
inimplement nilang para sa solid
Perceptions officials to be stricter when it comes
waste management and uhm i-well,
to waste segregtion. Some of the
i-optimize kung baga yung process
residents also observed that theres no
ng pagcollection and processing ng
changes occured in the area after the
 ―Garo mayo man pagbabago, halo
balo man nanggad ang asurang

inaarapon. Garo dae man
sinusunod, garo mayo lang
The researchers inferred from the
information gathered that the majority
Household  ―Hiwalay ang… nabubulok sa of the residents manage their trash
Practice hindi nabubulok.‖ inside their houses by segregating
biodegradable wastes from non-
 ―Meron, meron po, opo sinusunod
po naming…Pag first offense ₱500
yun lang ang natatandaan ko yung
Through the information gathered,
second offense di ko na alam kung
the researchers concluded that
majority of the residents only knew
Ordinance  ―Yung nalalapa saka hindi basic knowledge about the ordinances
nalalapa, may schedule din yun in their barangay. However, some
yung monday to ayy Sunday, mentioned the offenses and the
Sunday and Thursday nalalapa, schedule in disposing specific waste
yung Monday, Tuesday, in the area.
Wednesday, Saturday hindi

The researchers inferred that the major

 ―Igwa man pong mga aldaw na
issues on implementing proper waste
dae nag aano ang basura. Dae man
management in the barangay are
po minsan na segregate nang
generally because of the delayed
maayos ang basura tsaka yan po,
collection of garbages. It is revealed
Implementation kulang po sinda sa announcement.‖
that most of the time, the garbage
Issues  ―Hindi nagtatapon ng maayos. truck that are scheduled to arrive are
Hindi nasusunod yung nabubulok
not arriving on some specific dates.
sa hindi nabubulok… Hindi
Another factor is the behavior of some
napaproper segregate.‖
residents who are not following the
proper disposal of waste.

Table1. Data Analysis and Coding

Written in the table above are citations on the answers given by the residents from
Barangay Tinago regarding the concept of this study. The table shows the analysis of each
corresponding notion in alignment to the responses that corroborates the main objective of this
study. Furthermore, the table above shows the varying perception of the respondents in waste
management and its issues in their barangay. In addition, these answers helped the researchers to
achieve the goals of this study which is to provide a concrete perspective from the residents of
Tinago in the implementation of the solid waste management plan.

The data analysis shows the situation of barangay Tinago in terms of proper solid waste
management. The chosen respondents have answered questions focusing on the steps of
segregating and collecting waste. Some residents practice waste segregation in their homes
before throwing it at some bins provided by the barangay. Moreover, some residents usually
segregate their waste before putting it out their homes for collectors to pile. Given this, the
respondents emphasized that there should be a proper location for the residents to throw their
segregated trash which will be convenient for them as well as the collectors. At that, it was also
highlighted that these collectors should strictly follow their schedule of collection to avoid
animals from scattering these litters. By this, the residents stress that the municipal waste
management ordinance can be more effective if it is properly implemented through the
participation of both the barangay officials and residents. They perceive that if there is a strict
mandatory on waste management and segregation, those who are not following the said
ordinances can be more responsible in observing the said policies. This support the result of the
past research, Urban Solid Waste Management in Low-Income Countries of Asia: How to Cope
with the Garbage Crisis (Keller & Botin, 2012) saying ―In this context, the effective participation
of the authorities in implementing the solid waste management act is seen as a crucial part for the
success of the act. Innovations and improvements are seen as valuable aspects in counter –
attacking these problems.‖
Moreover, the table shows that the major sources of waste in Tinago are plastics and
leftover foods. Since it is consumable and easily replaceable, it deems it to be harder to put an
end to. On a day to day basis, these materials are commonly used; therefore, its usage is
unavoidable. This is supported by the book entitled Solid waste management challenges for cities
in developing countries (Abarca-Guerreo, 2012), state that the negative behaviors concerning
waste management can be seen in a lot of areas within some developing countries where the
citizens tend to use more non-biodegradable products, especially plastics, because of its
convenience and availability more than biodegradable materials.
In addition, another issue identified was the poor discipline and cooperation of some
residents. They often neglect their responsibilities which contribute to the fast accumulation of
unsegregated and improperly disposed trash. Some residents also disregard signages that says
throwing garbage is prohibited, however, no actions were taken against these irresponsible
residents as per told by the respondents. This lack of discipline is one of the major problem or

issues regarding waste management in the barangay. This support the past research of Model of
Responsible Environmental Behavior (Akintunde, 2017) revealing the other factor that affects
waste management which is the behavioral aspect of a person towards the environment. It was
also emphasized that upon this juncture, appropriate charges should be given.

Conclusions and Recommendations
Research Question – and Answer
The researchers sought to understand the solid waste management in barangay Tinago,
Naga City. This study was conducted through a one-on-one interview with the residents of
barangay Tinago to acquire credible information and utilizing the data gathered to answer the
research questions.
This study answered the following questions:
Research Question One (RQ 1): How do the people in Barangay Tinago see the
significance of education and awareness with regards to proper solid waste disposal?
Proponent One (P1):
Based from the conducted interview of the researchers in Barangay Tinago, the
respondents emphasized that there is indeed significance in educating the constituents
with regards to solid waste disposal. According to them, it can be helpful in terms of
proper segregation and disposal of waste. In addition, it could also help in lessening the
percentage of collected waste daily. Some garbage may even be recycled and reused
which could contribute to a cleaner environment for them. The biowaste could also be
used as a fertilizer for plants and crops. Another significance given was pointed at health
risks. By proper education and dissemination of information, the residents could impact
on reducing the health risks of them and their neighbors. It could lessen the accumulation
of trash that results to foul smell that exposes the residents to several bacteria present
airborne. Furthermore, they could also lessen the chances of flood if there are no trash
that can clog canals and drainages.
These are several responses of the residents in the interview: ―Para sako, mahalaga
siya, mapaphiling mo ang disiplina mo tsaka pag-aalaga mo sa kalikasan, sa pag-
aalaga mo sa tsk sa health nindo syempre makakasama yan jan‖ ‖Inot na inot ning ano
malinig hilingon. Ta dahil jan iwas sa hilang ang mga tao.‖.
Research Question two (RQ 2): How convenient does the neighborhood view the
location of the segregation sites found in Barangay Tinago?
Proponent two (P2):
Based from the conducted interview of the researchers in Barangay Tinago, the
participants strengthened their opinion that one of the factors that affect the maintenance

of proper waste disposal is the location of waste bins in the barangay. They pointed out
that the convenient location of these bins could help lessen the accumulated trash found in
front of each household. They stated that if there are proper trash bins in each street, the
people could properly put their segregated trash there instead of displaying it outside their
homes. Furthermore, the lack of these bins causes litters to be spread by scavengers such
as dogs and cats looking for food in these waste bags. The residents also regarded this
matter as an important thing for their surroundings to be pleasing to the eyes. All in all,
their responses differ according to which they are located: farther or nearer from these
waste bins.
Here are the responses gathered by the researchers: ―Sa nailing ko sa atubangan mi
mayo na si saro, *cellphone ring* dati igwa na may nakasurat. Garaba. Nagkagaraba.
Ahmm kaya ang mga tao ribong na, ahh ribong na kung sain na lang maapon‖. ―Diyan
lang o!‖, ―Medyo malapit din diyan sa labasan‖, ―Ay diyan sa kanto. Diyan.‖ Basing on
their responses, the researchers came up to the conclusion that albeit there are waste bins
placed in each zone, some residents still find it as inconvenient.
Research Question three (RQ 3): How do the residents see the need for the
implementation of a waste management plan in Barangay Tinago?
Proponent three (P3):
Based from the conducted interview of the researchers in Barangay Tinago, most of
the residents have responded that educating the people on waste management could make
a great impact on the proper implementation of a waste management plan. Through this,
the officials as well as the residents could have an open communication with regards as to
how the waste management plan will be implemented and what it is all about. They
pressed on the fact that the implementation of this waste management plan could help
them have a cleaner place. And that gained knowledge on this is enough reason to
motivate the residents to partake in this specific action. Moreover, the residents see this
plan as a practice that could challenge the discipline of each constituent in Tinago. As
well as, harboring their own compassion for the environment.
In connection, here is a response got from the interview: ―not only na mas… mas
madaling madispose ang mga *wind blows* mga ano solid waste pwede ring *laughter*
gawing source of income ng ibang tao since di ba inaano nga siya sini-segregate and then

it can also… *wind blows* prevent diseases na mostly nakukuha dahil sa ahh improper
dispose of waste.‖ Not only that it could help them make a habitable environment for
themselves, it could help them earn money from creating products from these scraps.
Research Question four (RQ 4): How do the people consider the need of spreading
information with regards to waste disposal monthly?
Proponent four (P4):
Based from the conducted interview of the researchers in Barangay Tinago, the
researchers still deemed that the residents should be given constant reminder on
practicing waste disposal. The researchers believe that as they are not properly educated
on this matter, they should be often prompted on the consequences of not maintaining a
clean environment. Albeit the effort of these officials on spreading awareness thru
handing out pamphlets and modules, the need for seminars and demos for the sole
purpose of giving knowledge should be considered. According to some residents, there
were not enough announcements made afterwards the information dissemination. And
this likely affects the disorientation and mismanagement of waste by the people. Adding
up, the proper punishments for those who violated the said ordinance are not to be seen
based on the observations of the researchers. Those who attempt on violating these rules
are not given their rightful penalties based from what the researchers have gathered. And
this will go back to the lack of proper communication and dissemination of information.
Among the respondents, here is a response made: ―Dae man po minsan na segregate
nang maayos ang basura tsaka yan po, kulang po sinda sa announcement.‖ Given this,
apprising the residents on the proper waste bins for segregation is indeed needed. As well
as, announcements if there are any changes made by the barangay or city on the waste
management plan.
The waste management plan of Brgy. Tinago is implemented for the purpose of reducing,
handling, and disposing of the wastes generated. It is designed to reduce the unfavorable impacts
on the health of the residents and their environment. Moreover, the residents think of it as
something significant, for some wastes can be turned into products. However, despite having the
waste management plan implemented, the results obtained by the researchers opposes the

purpose of the Ecological Solid Waste Management. During the course of this study, here are the
following generalizations made by the researchers:
a) The City of Naga has implemented and managed the disposal of trash competently.
All the 27 barangays in Naga City have their own solid waste management plan
aligned to the main waste management given by the government.
b) Dissemination of information are not well practiced in the barangay as per claimed by
the residents. And this has affected how the residents react to the said event. They
perceive that with enough knowledge and awareness, they could keep barangay
Tinago a safe and healthy place. Suggestions of regular orientations for any updates
on the waste management plan were also given.
c) Constant monitoring of garbage segregation and collection are not done regularly by
city collectors resulting to a slightly unhealthy environment and an eye – sore garbage
area. Albeit convenient for the residents, proper trash bins and areas to be added were
suggested by some interviewees for the betterment and feasibility of waste
segregation and collection.
d) Discipline is not found on every resident of barangay Tinago, however, other factors
claiming their lack of care were stated such as busy breadwinners of family. The
residents pointed out that there is a need for the implementation of the waste
management plan to sustain the healthy environment of Tinago. With its placement,
near the Bicol River, health – concerns arise when the surrounding areas are not well
– maintained. Therefore, the need for a proper waste disposal plan is perceived as
significantly important.
These conclusions were made possible by the researchers with inclination towards the
problems stated earlier in this paper.
Recommendations and Implications for Theory, Research, and Practice
This study has been done for the purpose of acquiring information with regards to the
perceptions of the residents of Tinago in waste management and its issues. However, there are
still some inconsistencies with regards to the data gathered. Based on the following conclusions
made from the conducted study, there are some insinuations rendered by the researchers. These
corresponding overtones would partake in studies as a guide for the betterment and improvement
of analysis of data. With this said, here are the following commendation and implications the

researchers would like to give with alignment to theories, research, and practice mentioned
a) The efficiency of the government of Naga City in implementing the Ecological Solid
Waste Management act is commendable. It was found out based on the responses of the
participants, that there is indeed an existing waste management in barangay Tinago.
However, the lack of participants should be given more considerations by future
researchers. By acquiring a higher percentage of samples, it could give a stronger basis in
the claims of this research. Focusing on the questions asked, a common answer of the
respondents is that the lack of discipline and awareness affects the viability of the said
plan. In correlation to this, the theory of Human Environmental Behavior supports this
claim. According to the theory, a person‘s choice can bring a positive as well as a
negative impact on the environment. Proving that awareness could also be a medium to
lessen this lack of care towards the environment. This awareness could strengthen human
response to the environment more on the positive side. By practicing self – discipline
with the right information, could help in the improvements of the Barangay itself. Via
constant reminders and coordination with the constituents of the barangay, there would
be a cleaner environment for them.
b) Obtaining more related studies and literature to strengthen basis for the problems stated
in this research are highly recommended by the researchers. Extensive comparison of
data and information are hereby suggested to explore in – depth the day to day recurring
problems with regards to waste management. With this, time and effort are regarded by
the researchers as the most important in doing this study. In the essence of being
qualitative in nature, perseverance of acquiring information is needed to create a more
accurate generalized conclusion. By dedicating more time, this research paper could be a
lot more detailed and informative. It could help a lot to future researchers and studies to
be a reference for related studies in the future.
c) Improvement of the waste management plan given by the city is highly encouraged by
the researchers. In doing so, actively partaking in this research is highly commended for
the purpose of self – improvement in critical thinking and communication skills needed
for achieving the goals of this study. As well as, being active on field works could help
both the researchers and respondents in exchange of information. This could result to a

better solution for the existing problems as to every issue is addressed. Continuing, by
improving the waste management plan, self – improvement in discipline is also
recommended for the furtherance of the development of the barangay.
The researchers are in deep satisfaction after acquiring the information needed for this
study. The responses gathered from the participants had done such a great impact for the success
of this research; hence, the researchers have provided conclusions and recommendation with
enough references to back it all up. Through it all, the researchers held accountability for
everything stated in this research paper.
As mentioned, the replies from the participants implied a lot on the event of managing
waste on a day to day basis. According to some residents, the entire process of waste segregation
and collection had some major loop – holes to begin with. Starting from notifying residents until
the action is done; there are a lot of negligence seen from both the residents and the officials.
Most people tend to tattle about how the officials fail to inform every resident in their barangay.
There may be some instances that they have reached out to the public for awareness, but based
on the responses, there is proof that they may have failed to inform everybody on this ordinance.
Given this, proper waste segregation is not seen from each household. However, some factors,
such as work hindrance, have been one of the reasons as to why it is not practiced by some.
Nevertheless, the residents still believe that the lack of discipline and care for the environment
are reasons enough why there is little to no improvement on the act. Moreover, the lack of proper
waste bins provided by the barangay as well as collection schedule not followed contributes to
accumulation of waste and may pose risks.
On this stance, the researchers found out that although the ordinance was implemented,
there are still some revisions to be made. It is rather important for this order to be implemented
but should always be monitored by officials. Constant reminder, dissemination of information,
and communication between residents and officials are a must. Therefore, would result to waste
reduction, prevention of illnesses, cleaner environment, and well-maintained drainage system as
Tinago is by the Bicol River. All in all, the researchers are ecstatic to know that the residents
have been able to participate in this study. And hereafter, could partake in actions to go against
the issues of waste management.


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Weenen, J. C. (1990). Waste Prevention: Theory and Practice.


Transcribed Interview
Interview #1
Duration: 8:58 minutes

Interviewer #1: What is your name?

Respondent #1: Christian.
Interviewer #1: Christiaann?
Respondent #1: Uhh, Christian Velasquez, *clears throat*
Interviewer #1: How old are you?
Respondent #1: Uhh, 24 years old.
Interviewer #1: What is your complete address?
Respondent #1: Is this necessary?
Interviewer #2: Uhh you cannot, can.
Interviewer #1: Optional.
Interviewer #2: Opo.
Respondent #1: Okay, so I refuse.
Interviewer #2: Okay.
Interviewer #1: What is your occupation?
Respondent #1: Occupation...uhh unemployed.
Interviewer #1: How many members are in your family?
Respondent #1: Uhhh, 5.
Interviewer #1: Are you the only one living in your house or do you have any other relative that
lives in your house?
Respondent #1: I live with my parents.
Interviewer #1: Can you describe the waste manage management in your own house?
Interviewer #2: *clears throat*
Respondent #1: Uh what do you mean?
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung— ano po halimbawa po pag sesegregate ng basura po sa bahay
niyo, ganun po.

Respondent #1: Ah yes, sometimes we practice segregation, waste segregation.
Interviewer #1: How do you discard unused materials, what are these common waste materials?
Respondent #1: Common waste materials mostly plastic andd uhh plastic and paper naman.
Interviewer #1: Do you have enough knowledge with regards to waste management?
Respondent #1: Uhh, ah sorry.
Respondent #1: Waste waste management, ahh medyo.
Interviewer #1: Have you— may anak ka na po?
Respondent #1: Uhh none.
Interviewer #1: Wala po?
Respondent #1: Wal— aanong what do you mean, meron na?
Interviewer #1: Anak po, kasi, children they have children po.
Respondent #1: Uhhm, a-again like I said I live with my parents and I have my br— my
brothers and sisters here, sa bahay. *clears throat*
Interviewer #1: What are the major sources of your waste at house?
Respondent #1: Aahh yan, as you can see may tindahan kami so yah plastics dun sa chichirya
then food waste like halimbawa leftovers na di inubos then, uhh, yung syempre yung household
items like yung powder, uhh shampoo, conditioner, mga ganon. Household items.
Interviewer #1: Do you have a proper garbage bin? Does it have labels on materials can be
thrown there?
Respondent #1: Nope.
Interviewer #1: Is there any waste management plan given to you by your baranggay officials to
Respondent #1: Yup, *clears throat*
Interviewer #1: What is the implement schedule of collection po? Schedule po.
Respondent #1: Yung schedule, so usually uhh nung binigay samin yung, tawag nun, yung
pamphlet for waste segregation yung collection dito uh in terms dito sa baranggay is, uh ano
Tuesday and Thurs-uh, Thursday and, sorry. Tuesday and Sunday yan yung collection ng non-
biodegradable waste and the rest, puro na yan ano biodegradable waste.
Interviewer #1: Do you know any ordinance that was handed by the city mayor with regards to
waste management?
Respondent #1: Yup.

Interviewer #2: Ano po yun?
Respondent #1: Uhh yan na yung nakasulat dun sa pamphlet na binigay, na dinistribute samin
nun. I really can‘t remember kung ano yung uhh, exact word pero it says about ano uhh
enforcing everyone in the household to segregate their waste.
Interviewer #2: Meron man pong mga penalty if ever na nag brea— po di nag follow ng ganon?
Respondent #1: Oo, so from what I‘mm from what I can remember 1st offense, siguro 500
pesos yung multa, 2nd is one thousand, 3rd two thousand and then 4th offense if you have a
business mag f-force ng for closure ng business.
Interviewer #1: What are your views on waste management implemented in the baranggay?
Respondent #1: So, from what I can see, not everyone is following the proper waste segregation
uhm stuff so, uhh from I can see yung nga. Hindi nila prinapractice na to properly segregate
waste and that‘s a huge problem kasi uhh dun sa pamphlet na binigay samin uhh dapat we should
practice proper waste segregation kasi if we don‘t segregate our waste hindi nila ic-collect yung
garbage pero parang rin yung sa observation ko kahit hindi naman sinegregate ng waste
kinocollect pa rin nila so, Im guessing na sila na mismo yung yung ano yung nag t-trabaho dun
sa waste management ng Naga, sila yung nag aasikaso pa rin ng pag segregate ng waste kahit
hindi namin sinegregate yung aming basura.
Interviewer #1: In your baranggay where is the location of your garbage collection and
segregation site?
Respondent #1: Wala, wala dito.
Interviewer #2: Ano po yun per house po nag c-collect or may specific lang na place?
Respondent #1: Well nag lilibot man ang mga, yung mga, tawag nun, yung mga, garbage ano
yung mga nag ccollect ng garbage ng garbage van. So, nag llibot naman sila dito sa buong
baranggay and then uh they‘re just asking each household kung meron silang mga uh mga basura
na gusto nilang itapon, so yan. W—we can also uhh dispose our garbage dun sa ibang sulok ng
street na meron parang yung hooks.
Interviewer #2: Hm.
Respondent #1: So that uhh we can hang our garbage there, so those are the two ways.
Interviewer #1: Do you casually throw your garbage there or do you have to go through some
Respondent #1: Uhhm, I just casually throw my garbage.

Interviewer #1: Is there any personnel that collect garbage from your house?
Respondent #1: Uhmm oo.
Interviewer #1: What is your opinion on the implementation of the solid waste management
plan by the government?
Respondent #1: For me it‘s really a good thing kasi uhh, uhh waste segregation is a very
important thing especially na, uh when it comes to handling waste kasi ano there are some
wastes na pwedeng ano i-recycle may iba na pwedeng ano gawin into other ano yung gawin ng
ibang like products, like let‘s say like for example yung biodegradables pwedeng uhh posibleng
pwede ring gawin fertilizer and the likes, so yah its really important.
Interviewer #1: Have you ever encountered problems with the waste management in your
baranggay? Can you cite these issues?
Respondent #1: Uhhh, oo like uh like I‘ve said before uhh, almost all of this ano, halos lahat
dito sa baranggay from what I can observe they don‘t practice proper waste segregation pero as
much as possible uhh in case dito sa house namin uhh we always uh try ano we always do
everything we can to properly segregate our waste.
Interviewer #1: Have you experienced complication due due to improper waste management
like flooding?
Respondent #1: Uhmm oo, yes actually.
Interviewer #1: What is the importance of solid waste management plan?
Respondent #1: So the importance of this is uhmm, well parang in relation naman dun yung sa
sinabi ko before na uhh the importance of segregating waste is because uhh, uhh we have to ah
handle our garbage properly so that uh other stuff other materials or waste can be properly
disposed or properly recycled.
Interviewer #1: Do you think there is a need for proper education in the baranggay about
throwing waste?
Respondent #1: Yes.
Interviewer #1: How can you educate, uhm sorry. How can you educate and raise awareness to
others with regards to proper waste disposal?
Respondent #1: Okay then, so uh for that one uhh what I can do is that uhm siguro I can show
them how to properly segregate waste. Like say for example na instead of uh throwing any kind
of garbage in one ano ehh in one container why not uh create another set of containers para dun

sa specific na type of waste like isang bin for, for biodegradables isa for recyclables and one for
ano yan yung—
Interviewer #1: How can you lessen the usage of these materials that you mostly use and throw
after a single
Respondent #1: *clears throat*
Interviewer #1: or two use—usage?
Respondent #1: Hmm let‘s see, so for that one it‘s really kind of difficult na, well especially
kasi kami usually we always buy uh sachets of shampoo whenever we use it for yan, pag naliligo
kami every time so ahh I guess I can say is uh find alternatives in order to reduce waste.
Interviewer #1: In your opinion what is the future of your baranggay in handling the waste
managment plan?
Respondent #1: Soo, for the future I think uhmm, pakiulit. So for that one uh I think na ano, uh
for the future sana lahat na household dito sa baranggay they can properly pra— uh they can
properly uh segregate their waste so that uhh they can uhm you know it‘s, it‘s some sort of a
contribution para to lessen the waste or perhaps uh properly dispose of it as well as it also helps
in tsk uhh, ano making the world greener kung baga.
Interviewer #1: Do you think your baranggay officials have done their jobs properly?
Respondent #1: Nope.
Interviewer #1: Last question po, do you think your residence have been obeying the ordinance
Respondent #1: Maybe, *laughs*.
Interviewer #1: Thank you po.
Respondent #1: Okay sige.
All: Thank you po.
Respondent #1: Sure, no problem, have a good day.

Interview #2
Duration: 10:48 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ano po first question po, ano pong pangaran mo?
Respondent #2: Darwin po.
Interviewer #1: Darwin
Respondent #2: *taps table*
Interviewer #2: Ako na masurat
Interviewer #1: Darwin...Darwin ano po?
Respondent #2: Darwin Roblesss.
Interviewer #1: Pirang taon ka na po kuya?
Respondent #2: 18 years old.
BYSTANDER: Ano yan beh?
Respondent #2: Waste management daa. Research ninda yan...Research nindo yan?
Interviewer #1: Iyo po.
Respondent #2: Sabi na...inagihan ko man yan.
BYSTANDER: Akala ko may utang ka na, *laughs*.
Interviewer #1: Kuya ano pong address nindo igdi?
Respondent #2: Ano ngani ni? Nasheet?
BYSTANDER: Number 3 ang Nasheet, ang Nasheet Apartment.
Respondent #2: Nasheet Apartment.
BYSTANDER: Double E an E-N dash N-A-S-H double E-T.
Interviewer #3: Nashik?
Interviewer #1: Nasheet?
Interviewer #2: N-A?
Respondent #2: tsk S-H-E-E-T.
Interviewer #1: E-E-T.
Interviewer #2: Aahh.
Respondent #2: Nasheet Apartment.
Interviewer #1: Opo...Anong trabaho mo po kuya? Ay may trabaho ka na po?

Respondent #2: Student po ako.
Interviewer #3: San ka po nag-aaral?
Respondent #2: Sa BISCAST.
Interviewer #1: Pira po ang miyembro nindo sa pamilya, kuya?
Respondent #2: Seven po.
Interviewer #1: Seven... Kuya, pwede mo pong ilarawan ang waste management po igdi saindo
o pamahalaan ng basura ning baranggay po?
Respondent #2: I?
Interviewer #1: Waste management po, garo po ilalarawan mo lang po.
Interviewer #2: Describe.
Interviewer #1: Describe mo po.
Respondent #2: Describe, *tsk*... Garo ayos man dae man kita... tig aano man po tig
BYSTANDER: sep— segregate
Respondent #2: s-segregate man po ang kada ano
BYSTANDER: Proper segregation of ahh
Respondent #2: Tsaka may schedule kami igdi sa pag apon ning basura.
Interviewer #3: Ano po ang schedule?
Respondent #2: Hmm...*tsk*
BYSTANDER: Sige lang sulpot. *chuckles*
Respondent #2: Iyo, bigla po sinda jan na ano pero igwang aldaw na mayo sinda. Minsan mayo
po talaga ta minsan garo may inaasikaso man sinda sa ibang lugar or ano problem.
Interviewer #1: Pano mo itatapon ang mga hindi ginagamit na materyales? Ano ang mga
karaniwang basurang materyales?
Respondent #2: Sakuya po ta student pa lang ako, si mga papel ko po ginagamit ko po siya sa
project mi. Katulad kang ano, upcoming ming project na scrapbook dae ko po siya tig a-arapon
tulos, ginagamit ko po siyang pang design tsaka pang decorate po.
Interviewer #1: May sapat ka bang kaalaman tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura niyo?
Respondent #2: Uhmm...Ang pagkakaalam ko lang ang pag segregate tsaka kung gaano ito
kaimportante. *taps table*
Interviewer #1: Ano pong mga pangunahing pinagmumulan po ng basura? Igdi lang po sa
harong nindo.

Respondent #2: Hmm, sa pagkain po sa tindahan. Saka may tindahan po kami, kailangan ng
basurahan ta may kumakain po rito, yan sa tinapay. Yan po maraming plastik na nasasayang. Tsk
Interviewer #1: May may basurahan po kamo igdi kuya?
Respondent #2: Meron po...Dalawa po ang basurahan namin.
Interviewer #1: Igwa po?
Respondent #2: Nasa loob po yung isa.
Interviewer #1: May mga label po kuya?
Respondent #2: Depende po pag nasa ano na...pag may basura na po jan meron po kaming mga ano karton, sigarilyo, tsaka sa plastik po. Taps table
Interviewer #1: May plano man po digdi ang...tung schedule po na tinao saindo or naka post
lang po sinda sa?
Respondent #2: Mayo pong ano schedule na malinaw pag nailing mo na po jan ang basura sa
harayo pa lang.
Interviewer #1: Ahh.
Respondent #2: Opo. Nag aayos na po kami kayan.
Interviewer #1: May anunsiyo man kuya?
Respondent #2: Wala pa po.
Respondent #2: Bago lang po kami igdi.
Interviewer #1: Aahh.
Respondent #2: Iyo, baka kang baka kang ano pa lang po, nag anunsiyo ma pa po
kami igdi.
Interviewer #1: Anong ano man po kuya ang pananaw mo sa pamamahala kang basura igdi?
Respondent #2: Sa pag hiling ko po ayos man ta...mismo po sinda tig aano na po ninda tig s-
segregate na po ninda ang basura.
Interviewer #1: Ang collection po kuya kang mga basura igdi sain po napapaduman?
Respondent #2: Tsk Dae ko lang po aram. lugar po?
Interviewer #1: Opo.
Respondent #2: Sa ano po ata yan sa Balatas na po.
Interviewer #1: Ahh, okay.
Respondent #2: Diretcho na po yan duman.

Interviewer #1: Ahmm.
Respondent #2: Taps table
Interviewer #1: Casual ba po kuya ang pagtatapon ng basura or may proseso po yun?
Respondent #2: Ano pong klaseng proseso?
Interviewer #1: Garo po tung tig r-recycle nindo si mga gamit na—
Respondent #2: Depende po kung anong ia-apon mo or itatao saindang basura.
Interviewer #1: Sige po. Sa ano po, nakaranas na kamong problema kuya sa mga basura igdi?
Respondent #2: Iyo na po. Kadto pong ano...*tsk* may sarong aldaw po nagtarambak po jan
ang basura, jan po sa may gilid. Dae po nag agi si truck ning basura igdi. Taps table
Interviewer #3: Nagkaigwa naman pong pagbaha?
Respondent #2: Iyo po. Pag nag uuran po igdi, pero ano lang po hababaw man lang.
Interviewer #1: Ahh.
Interviewer #3: Hm.
Respondent #2: Tsk
Interviewer #1: Ano pong kahalagahan ng solid waste management plan para sayo?
Respondent #2: Para sako?
Interviewer #1: Opo.
Interviewer #3: Yes po.
Respondent #2: Para sako mahalaga siya, mapaphiling mo ang disiplina mo tsaka pag-
aalaga mo sa kalikasan, sa pag-aalaga mo sa tsk sa health nindo syempre makakatama yan jan
tsaka...makaka...*taps table* makakatabang ka man sa iba-iba...iba pang mga, tsk apod igdi,
ibang pang mga tao sa pamamagitan ning pagtao na lang sainda kang mga karton para sa
hanapbuhay ninda. Ta igwa po igding naglilibot na...sarong kariton nagkukua po siyang mga
karton para man po daa sa kang buhayan niya.
Interviewer #1: Sa hiling mo kuya magayon an magayon man po magkaigwa ning waste
management plan iggdi po sa baranggay?
Respondent #2: Tsk Iyo po. Mas malinig pong ilingon, tsaka ano, dae na ma momroblema ang
mga nag c-collect ning basura kung aayuson pa ninda ito. *Taps table*
Interviewer #1: Ano po, pano mo mababawasan ang mga bagay na madalas mong gamitin at
itapon kahit isa o dalawang beses mo pa lang nagagamit?
Respondent #2: Paano. Ano po?

Interviewer #1: Garo pano mo po mababawasan si mga basura mo na sarong beses or duwang
beses mo pa lang nagagamit.
Respondent #2: plastik po tig tatago mi po sa irarom kang kitchen para po magamit ulit.
Yan po ang ano mi, dae mi po tulos tig tatapon or laganan kang basura, plastik...*Tsk*...*Taps
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay po ah...Nagagampanan ba po ng pamahalaan ang pag ano po
ng waste management?
Respondent #2: Sa pag iling ko po, kung i p-percentage po mga 80% lang po
Interviewer #3: Okay.
Respondent #2: Ta igwa man pong mga aldaw na dae nag aano ang basura. Dae man po minsan
na segregate nang maayos ang basura tsaka yan po, kulang po sinda sa announcement.
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay sumusunod ba ng maayos ang iyong mga kapwa residente ng
patakaran? Paano po?
Respondent #2: Tsk Sa palagay ko po opo naman, kahit konti. Kasi po ano nakikita ko sila na,
nag-aayos ng basura pag parating na ang baso— ano, kolekta ng basura.
Interviewer #1: Ang mga baranggay officials po igdi kuya nagagampanan man po ninda ang
tungkulin ninda sa waste management?
Respondent #2: Waste management? Sa paghiling ko, medyo po. Medyo lang po.
Interviewer #3: Ito man lang po kuya. Thank you po!
Interviewer #1: Salamat po.
Respondent #2: Sana po nakatabang.

Interview #3
Duration: 4:53 minutes

Interviewer #1: Start...Paano niyo, paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management sainyong
baranggay...ay bahay po?
Respondent #3: Kala ko sa baranggay ta dae man ko kayan nag aaram.
Interviewer #1: Bahay
Respondent #3: Ano waste management...Paano ba? tumawa
Interviewer #2: Papano po kamo nag s-segregate—
Interviewer #2: ning basura.
Respondent #3: Ay ano, ning kuyan ning, syempre iniipon syem...sinesepara tung kuyan
nalalapa asin dae nalalapa. Pag Huwebes baka dae nalalapa, pag ano...pag saka Dominggo ang
dae nalalapa syempre separate ito.
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung pangunahing basura sainyong tahanan po? Yung—
Respondent #3: Yung mga ano-ano...yung mga kalat kalat gaya ng winalis, oh gaya pag walis
mo sa bahay, oh.
Interviewer #2: Sige po.
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong ordinansa galing sa puno ng lungsod or city mayor
tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #3: Iyo nayan ang ordinansa, ning separated ang kuyan itong dapat i kuyan mo i i-
hiwalay mo yung ano yung nalalapa tsaka dae nalalapa, iyan ang order ninda. Kaya lang ang tao
man, dae man nasasabihan.
Interviewer #2: Iyo po.
Respondent #3: Ang ibang mga kuyan kaya yang ang mga ibang mga residente dae man
nasasabihan, kaya, arog man giraray kayan. Dapat ang sarong residente inutan mag ano, mag
kuyan ta iyo na yan ang ordinansa kang city, dapat ihiwalay ninda hiwa-hiwalay.
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapatupad ng mga opisyal ng baranggay ang waste management
plan sainyong baranggay po? Ano po yung mga hakbang na ginagawa nila po?
Respondent #3: Ay minsan nag rarabos man sinda, hanggang rabos man lang, oh pigsasabihan
man kang baranggay na arog kaini ang pag apon nin basura sa arog kaining kuyan, arog kaining

aldaw, arog kaining oras iluwas na ang basura ta ngaring makua kang ano yan, kang garbage
truck tapos, dae man nag tuturubod, kaya madunong an mga residente, iyo?
Interviewer #1: Paano, papaano po ito sainyo pinaalam yung waste management po?
Respondent #3: Ay naglilibot ang baranggay... official
Interviewer #1: Si—
Respondent #3: Maski may ordinansa ang city, tig tarawan kami itong surat na ano, arog kaini,
arog kayan.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang opinion o napapansin niyo sa paraan ng pag papatupad ng waste
management sainyong—
Respondent #3: Madata! Ta dae nag tutubod ang mga residenteng iba, iyo?
Interviewer #1: May malapit po ba ditong site po ng basurahan?
Respondent #3: Duman sa kanto, pero kami ang basura mi digdi mo man lang lu— bago kaya
maagi ang truck, mga 6:00 o kaya kuyan pigluluwas mi na ang basura mi.
Interviewer #2: Aaah
Respondent #3: Kaya mayo kaming basura, hilingon mo sa tungod mi ta malinig.
Interviewer #1: Sa tungin niyo po ba sapat na po yung mga basurahan po or kailangan pa pong
Respondent #3: Dapat ang idagdag ninda itong talagang basurahan na ano, ta nganing ang dapat
idagdag ninda sabihan ninda ang mga tao, na dae mag apon sa arog kaining lugar arog kaining
Interviewer #1: Regu-regular po bang pagkuha ng basura sainyong barangg—?
Respondent #3: Iyo, iyo.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa po ba nang sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #3: Siguro, kaipuhan ta dae ngani nag tuturubod ang mga residente. Dapat...kuyan
ning ano yan, mag kuyan giraray ning impormasyon sa mga im—. Madunong kaya! Dae mo na
yan maano, madunong, yan ang apod kayan kang residenteng iba, madunong.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang mga problemang nakakaharap niyo sa patungkol sa waste
management po?
Respondent #3: Ay kami neh, dae na kami kaan nag papara intindi, ta bako man kaming opisyal
baya. Aram mo, mag paraintindi ka kaan, papara iwalon ka kang parasigid, mala kami, dae

pigsisigidan. Ako ngani nagsisigid diyan, duman lang sa balyo. Ta sa one-time pigsabihan ko,
―Grabe ka man ang sigid mo dae nagduduot sa tinam— sa daga.‖ Oh ano, ang ginibo niya dae
naman na nag sisigid sa tungod mi, duman sa balyo iyo pero digdi sa tungod mi dae, ako ang nag
sisigid diyan.
Interviewer #2: Sige po, iyo man lang po yan.
Interviewer #1: Salamat po!
Interviewer #1: Salamat pong maray.
Respondent #3: Okay.
Interviewer #2: Thank you po.

Interview #4
Duration: 5:28 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ano po ang pangalan?

Respondent #4: Ahm Charmaine Garido Peñarubia
Interviewer #1: Ilang taon kana po?
Respondent #4: 25 years old
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang complete address?
Respondent #4: 31 Peninsula Street Isarog Avenue Naga City
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang trabaho mo?
Respondent #4: Ahm housewife
Interviewer #1: Ilan po ang miyembro ng iyong pamilya?
Respondent #4: Alin yung sarili ko lang? Ano bale tatlo lang kami
Interviewer #1: Ikaw lang po ang nakatira sa bahay niyo or may iabng relative pa?
Respondent #4: Meron pa po
Interviewer #1: Sige
Interviewer #2: Maaari mo bang ilarawan ang waste management o pamamahala ng basura sa
inyong sariling bahay?
Respondent #4: Ahm sa bahay naming ahm hiwalay ang plastic tapos yung mga nabubulok
Interviewer #1: Paano mo itatapon ang hindi ang mga hindi ginagamit na materyales and ang
karaniwang mga basurang materyales? Ano po ang, paano mo po tinatapon ang mga hindi
ginagamit na materyales?
Respondent #4: Katulad ng?
Interviewer #1: Plastic po, mga basura po
Respondent #4: Ayy basta kami sineseparate lang naming tas may schedule lang siya kung ano
kung anong araw itatapon
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang karaniwang basurang materyales ang tinatapon?
Respondent #4: Plastic bag yun at plastic bottle
Interviewer #1: Ahh sige po
Interviewer #2: Mayroon ka bang sapat na kaalaman tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #4: Ahmm di ko sigurado maedyo lang hmm *tumawa

Interviewer #1: Tinuruan niyo ba ang iyong mga anak kung paano ang maayos na pagtapon ng
Respondent #4: Sa ngayon hindi kasi 1yr old palang baby ko, di ko pa matuturuan
Interviewer #1: Ahh sige po
Interviewer #2: Ano ang mga pangunahing pinagmumulan ng iyong basura sa bahay?
Respondent #4: Ahm bale galing siya sa palengke kasi lagi kaming namamalengke dahil ang
negosyo naming karenderia
Interviewer #1: Mayroon ka bang wastong basurahan? Mayroon ba itong mga labels sa kung
anong materyales ang maaaring itapon dun?
Respondent #4: Wala ano lang plastic bag lang talaga ng naka separate siya
Interviewer #1: May alam ka bang anumang ordinansa na ibinigay ng alkalde ng lungsod
tungkol sa pamamahal ng basura? Kung meron man sinusunod mo ba ito? O alam mo ba kung
ipinatupad ito sa atin ng ating barangay?
Respondent #4: Meron, meron po, opo sinusunod po naming.
Interviewer #1: May mga ano man po, mga penalty or offense?
Respondent #4: Meron
Interviewer #1: Ano po?
Respondent #4: Pag first offense ₱500 yun lang ang natatandaan ko yung second offense di ko
na alm kung magkano
Interviewer #2: Ano ang iyong pananaw sa pamamahala ng basura na ipinatupad sa barangay
Interviewer #1: Pananaw po niyo, panama mop o sa pamamahala ng basura
Respondent #4: Ah ditto sa barangay naming ano medyo mahina yung ano… yung collection ng
basura niya hindi naman nasusunod na every ano... parang medyo hapon na kasi siya kinukuha
yung ano... kaya medyo yung mga basura natatambak sa labas dapat sana every morning para
pagkagising labas na
Interviewer #1: Ano ang iyong opinion sa plano ng gobyerno tungkol sa implementasyon ng
solid waste management?
Respondent #4: Ahm opinion ko, okay ang pamamahala nila, okay yung ordinane na inilabas
nila kaso di naman na aayon yung gawa sa ordinance nila

Interviewer #1: Nakaranas kana ban g paghihirap dahil sa maling pagtapon ng mga basura tulad
ng pagbaha, marumin tubig dahil sa poor waste management? Gumagawa ban g paraan ang
iyong barangay para dito?
Respondent #4: Ahm dito sa barangay naming oo kasi bahain tong barangay naming eh, bahain
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay, ano ang kinabukasan ng iyong barangay sa pag-aasikaso ng
plano sa pag pamamahala ng basura at ang at ang mga kadahilanan na maaaring makaapekto sa
tamang paraan pagtatapon ng basura. Paano ang tungkol sa tamang pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #4: Ahm dito naman sa barangay naming may ano… may araw-araw naman na
hindi man hindi man pala araw-araw pag may nakikita lang yung mga kagawad naming na may
mga tambak na basura na sinisita nila tapos pinipicturan tapos tatanungin nila kung kaninong
basura yon
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay nagagampanan ba ng maayos ang kani-kanilang mga
tungkulin ng iyong mga barangay officials?
Respondent #4: Oo naman po!
Interviewer #1: Ang mga ano po residente?
Respondent #4: Ah sa residente medyo hindi kasi medyo kadalasan kasi yung mga bahay dito
medyo malalaki parang lalabas lang nila tas okay na hindi naman nila naseseparate yung
nabubulok sa hindi nabubulok
Interviewer #1: Yun lang po, Thankyou po!
Respondent #4: Thankyou po! Thankyou po!

Interview #5
Duration: 7:47 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ma
Passerby: Si Lolo
Interviewer #1: Maari- maaari mo po bang *wind blows* ilarawan ang waste management or
pamamahala *wind blows* ng basura sa ano po dito po sa inyong bahay po?
Respondent #5: Disorganized. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Ano p? Gaano po ka-disorganized *wind blows* yung pong di masyado na se-
Respondent #5: It‘s everywhere. *chattering* * wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Ano po, paano niyo po naitatapon yung mga ano po yung mga *wind blows*
basura po na hindi ginagamit? *wind blows*
Respondent #5: Well, usually nilalagay lang naming sa dun sa basurahan na provided ng
barangay and pagdumaan yung *wind blows* ano, yung… solid waste, SWMO pagdumaan saka
nalang pini-pick-up.
Interviewer #1: May ano po ba kayo, yung hiwalay na basurahan po na yung
Respondent #5: Segragation, yeah meron naman.
Interviewer #1: Dito po sa inyong…
Respondent #5: Sa bahay? Wala.
Interviewer #1: Wala po. *wind blows* *chattering*
Interviewer #1: Tapos, meron po ba kayong nalalaman tungkol sa *wind blows* pamamahala
ng basura dito po sa barangay. *wind blows*
Respondent #5: Meron naman ini-implement na mga ano, na mga projects and mga tawag
niyan? Guidelines ang barangay for ano, for waste management.
Interviewer #1: Tapos po *wind blows* tinuturuan niyo po ba yung mga anak niyo po?
Respondent #5: Anak ko. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Baby palang po * laughs* sige po.
Respondent #5: Marunong naman siya magkalat.
*laughs* *wind blows*

Interviewer #1: Ano po yung, yung pangunahing pong ano, yung pangunahing pinagmumulan
ng basura *wind blows* sa inyo, sa inyong bahay po?
Respondent #5: Food, food scraps, packages.
*Baby coughing*
Interviewer #1: mayroon po bang plano sa pamamahala ng basura na ibinigay sa inyo *wind
blows* sa inyo ang opisyal ng inyong *wind blows* barangay upang sundin kung ano po yung
schedule ng collection po?
Respondent #5: Meron naman. *wind blows* *Baby coughing*
Interviewer #1: May alam ka po bang *wind blows* ano…
Interviewer #2: Ordinance.
Interviewer #1: Ordinansa na ibinigay ng Alkalde ng lungsod. *wind blows*
Respondent #5: Meron naman, syempre. Nakapost *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Nasususnod niyo po ba ito?
Respondent #5: No. *baby coughs* I mean, bihira. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Tapos, pinapa, alam niyo po ba kung maayos itong napapatupad po *wind
blows* ng barangay.
Respondent #5: Well… *wind blows* dun sa ano positioning ng mga ano basurahan, ano isa
lang *wind blows* yung nakikita ko ditong basurahan na may segregation, most of the *wind
blows*, almost of the trashcans dun sa mga disposable bins is ano halo-halo *wind blows* na,
wala ng segregation. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Ano po ba yung *motorcycle engine noises* pananaw niyo sa segrega, sa ano
po sa pamamahala po ng basura na ipinapatupad *wind blows* po ng barangay? Maayos po ba
ito or… *wind blows*
Respondent #5: Hindi maayos *laughs**chattering* *baby coughing* *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Yung ano po, yung tapunan po ng basura yung or yung segregation po na
provided na, *wind blows*malapit lang po ba ito sa, sa ano, sa site?
Respondent #5: Next street lang, sa kabilang street pa siya. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po sapat na po ba yung mga *wind blows* basurahan pong
Respondent #5: Kulang, most of the time, especially on weekends *wind blows* ang mga
basura lumalampas dun sa ano, *wind blows* as in overflow.

Interviewer #1: Meron po bang ano, *wind blows* yung ano, yung mga tauhan pong
nangongolekta ng basura mula *wind blows* sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #5: Wala. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang opninyon mo sa plano ng gobyerno tungkol *wind blows* sa
implementasyon ng solid waste management?
Respondent #5: Uhm, mas pag-igtingin? *wind blows* Ah, mas i-enforce nila yung mga *wind
blows* inimplement nilang para sa solid waste management and *wind blows*uhm i-well… i-
optimize kung baga *wind blows* yung process ng pagcollection and processing ng wastes.
*wind blows**uttering*
Interviewer #1: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng paghihi- paghihirap *wind blows* dahil sa maling
pagtapon ng basura tulad ng pagbaha *wind blows* or maruming tubig?
Respondent #5: Hindi naman, kasi okay naman *wind blows*drainage system naming dito sa
street namin although dyan sa Isarog ahh no no ahh no ano mababa talaga yung ano yung kali
kaya *wind blowing* binabaha siya kahit wala namang baha. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Sa tinging niyo po ano po yung kahalagahan ng *wind blows* solid waste
management plan po? * clatters*
Respondent #5: *wind blows* not only na mas… mas madaling madispose ang mga *wind
blows* mga ano solid waste pwede ring *laughter* gawing source of income ng ibang tao since
di ba inaano nga siya sini-segregate and then it can also… *wind blows* prevent diseases na
mostly nakukuha dahil sa ahh improper dispose of waste. *chatterings*
Interviewer #1: Tapos papaano, papaano po kayo inin-form po ng barangay tungkol po sa waste
Respondent #5: Ahh the ano *wind blows* dati akong ano sa SK kaya ano na ako pero may
lumibot dito *plates clatters* ahh hindi mo yan ilalagay dito sa ano ay wala wala palang lumibot
sa Sta. Cruz pala yun.
Interviewer #1: Ahh so hindi pa po lahat po na- * wind blows* ano po
Respondent #5: Yeah, sa tingin ko hindi pa lahat although yung mga active sa ahh sa barangay
activities siguro sila ano na *wind blows followed by plates clattering*
Interviewer #1: Matagal na po yun hindi po nila kinoko ganon po?
Respondent #5: Well... hmmm sa tingin ko ano na *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Or

Respondent #5: *plate clatters and the wind blows* nag-star, nag-start sila last year pa pero di
na *wind blows* ahh di na nila ano di di diniseminate yung ano yung *wind blows* locations na
galling sa city hall probably probably wala na silang ginawang actions. *wind blows*
Interviewer #1: Ano po, sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa po bang magkaroon ng proper *wind
blows* information po yung barangay official po *wind blows* tungkol po sa pagkalat ng-
Interviewee: Well absolutely kasi pag na pag-pagproperly disseminated ang informations uhhmm
yung mga *wind blows* procedures yung mga, mga ordinansa na inano ng city hall *wind
blows* edi mas ano mas *wind blows* informed ang mga nakatira dito, I mean *wind blows*
well di naman hundred percent nasusunod sila but at least some control.
Interviewer #1: Ano po last question na po sa tingin niyo po ba yung mga resident iba pong
resident po dito sumusunod po sila sa *wind blows* yung sa pa-pa patakaran po?
Respondent #5: Hindi lalo na yung ano, nasa harapan namin.
Respondent #5: Oo, iyo talaga lalo na yang sa atubangan mi sana
Respondent #5: Oo, *wind blows* oo
Interviewer #1: Thank you, yan lang naman po thank you po.

Interview #6
Duration: 4:27 minutes

*television noises are heard in the interview from the start up to when it ended*
Interviewer #1: Waste management sa inyong bahay po?
Respondent #6: Ahh…
Interviewer #1: Ano po pa-paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management dito po sa inyong
Respondent #6: Yung basura?
Interviewer #1: Opo kung paano po?
Respondent #6: Sini-separate naming yung iba.
Interviewer #1: Okay po, ano po yung pangunahing basura sa inyong tahanan po?
Respondent #6: Anong?
Interviewer #1: Yung pangunahin pong basura po dito po sa
Respondent #6: Hmm… ano karamihan niyan ahh *motorcycle engine* plastic, ahh mga diaper.
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong na ordinansa na galing sap uno ng lungsod o city
mayor tungkol sa waste management po?
Respondent #6: Meron.
Interviewer #1: Paano po ito pinapatupad ng mga opisyal ng barangay, yung waste management
Respondent #6: Hmm… yung ano nila sa barangay ang kanilang pagpapakuha*motorcycle
engine* ng basura dito sa barangay namin, yung nalalapa saka hindi nalalapa, may schedule din
yun yung monday to ayy Sunday, Sunday and Thursday nalalapa, yung Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Saturday hindi nalalapa.
Interviewer #1: Paano po sa inyo pinaalam ng barangay po yung waste management?
Respondent #6: Padalang sulat.
Interviewer #1: Sinusunod niyo po ba yung waste management po?
Respondent #6: Oo naman.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po yung mga kabarangay po niyo po nasusunod rin po ba ito?

Respondent #6: Meron ding ibang hindi nakasunod ehh kasi yung iba naman dito busy sa
kanilang trabaho, walang bahay sa kanila, walang tao sa bahay nila minsan, kaya minsan hindi
naasikaso nila yung basura nila.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang opinyon niyo o napapansin niyo po sa pagpapatupad ng waste
management dito po sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #6: Dapat yung pagkukuha ng basura sa ciyodad ng naga, kailangan dina yung
barangay hmmm… puno ng barangay, hmm… kapitan saka yung kagawad na opisyal sila ang
mag-ano,sila ang mag,sila ang mag, ano nito mag-mandato kung ano ang dapat gagawin ng
resedensiya ng barangay.
Interviewer #1: May malapit po ba sa inyong site ng basurahan po?
Respondent #6: Medyo malapit din diyan sa labasan.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin mo po sapat na yung mga tig-provide na site po na pwede pong
tapunan ng basura?
Respondent #6: Hindi.
Interviewer #1: Regular po ba ang pagkuha ng mga basura po?
Respondent #6: Regular naman.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa ng sapat na impormasyon o awareness po
tungkol sa waste management po?
Respondent #6: Impormasyon sa?
Interviewer #1: Yung, kailangan pa po bang ano, yung nang impo-, magbigay pa po ng-
Respondent #6: Information para malaman namin ang-
Interviewer #1: Information.
Respondent #6: Gagawin naming, hindi naman dapat. Dapat alam naman ng mga constituent na
ganitong basura dapat, kung ano ang dapat karapat-dapat saan ilalagay doon ilagay.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang mga problema o ay ang problemang nakakaharap niyo patungkol sa
management po ng basura?
Respondent #6: Yung ano, yung kalsada minsan mayroon mga dumi, minsan dumi ng aso, ng
hayop, minsan yung mga ano yung basurahan minsan dahil sa hayop yung aso, nakaka ano
nakakasira ng ano, ng basura. Ahh
Interviewer #1: nakakalat po?
Respondent #6: Oo, kalat ning basura.

Interviewer #1: yan lang naman po
Respondent #6: Okay.
Interviewer #1: thank you po.
Respondent #6: Sige.
Respondent #6: Yun lang ba wala nang iba?

Interview #7
Duration: 14:33 minutes

Interviewer #1: Anong mas prefer mo po? English or tagalog?

Respondent #7: Tagalog.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang pangalan niyo?
Respondent #7: Liezl Martinez
Interviewer #1: Ilang taon ka na po?
Respondent #7: Thirty-four
Interviewer #1: Saan po ang ay… yung kumpletong address po?
Respondent #7: Ahh… ditto, San Juan, Isarog, Tinago, Naga City
Interviewer #1: Ano pong trabaho niyo, ate?
Respondent #7: Ahh… Business owner
Interviewer #1: Ilang miyembro po ang inyong pamilya?
Respondent #7: Tatlo
Interviewer #1: Ikaw lang po ba ang nakatira sa bahay niyo o meron ka pa pong kamag-anak na
nakatira sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #7: Wala, ako lang tapos yung dalawa kong anak. Widow ako.
Interviewer #1: Ahh okay po. Maaari mo po bang ilarawan ang waste management o
pamamahala ng basura sa iyong sariling bahay?
Respondent #7: Ahh… hiwalay ang… nabubulok sa hindi nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po itatapon ang mga hindi ginagamit na materyales?
Respondent #7: Ahh… Anong materyales? Katulad ng mga bulb at yang mga ano… metals,
separate din siya sa ano. Like mga sirang like fluorescent, ganyan. Tas yung mga plastic bottles,
sa bottles din. Yung mga paper, nabubulok din kase yun pag nabasa nabubulok siya. So sa
nabubulok siya.
Interviewer #1: Meron ka po bang sapat na kaalaman tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #7: Uhm… yung tama lang *laughs* yung tama lang. Yung ano lang,
pagsesegregate lang.
Interviewer #1: Tinuturuan mo po ba ang iyong mga anak kung paano magayos ng pagtapon ng

Respondent #7: Oo hm, kase yung panganay ko sa Mind‘s nagaaaral. So… sila may sarili silang
ahh… eco bag. Ang mga… walang-walang trash can sa school nila so, sa school nila, unang
unang tinuturo yung pagano ng… sa mga garbage. So… pag uwi nila, yung inaano-tinatapon.
Interviewer #1: Meron po ba kayong wastong basurahan tas may mga label po bai to?
Respondent #7: Ahh… ano lang, dalawang-dalawang trash can lang siya. Parang trash bin.
Dalawang trash bin. Tapos yun lang. Alam na nung mga anak ko kung saan yung wrapper, yung
Interviewer #1: Meron po ba kayong pamamahala ng basura na ibinigay sainyo ang opisyal ng
iyong mga barangay upang sundin? Kung oo, ano pong iskedule ng collection na ipinapatupad?
At kung hindi po, bakit sa palagay mo po ang iyong barangay ay walang plano sa pamamahala
ng basura?
Respondent #7: Meron ang ano nila… meron ang sa barangay. So, ahh... Friday and Sunday,
yung mga hindi nabubulok. Tapos yung rest days, yun na yung mga baubulok. Oh! Bakit daw
ano, nagaano ang barangay ng pagsesegregate ng basura *laughs*
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong ano mang ordinar-ordinansya na ibinigay ng alkade ng
lungsod tungkol sa pamamahala ng basur--a
Respondent #7: Ahh... ay sige sige
Interviewer #1: Kung mayroon man, sinusunod mo po bai to? O alam mo ba kung ipinapatupag
ito ng barangay?
Respondent #7: Dito sa barangay, kase ang… lola ko ang dating ano, kapitan ditto. Yun… ang
ano lang is, alam naman nila ang pagsesegregate ng basura ang problema yung araw ng pagkuha
minsan delay din nila nakukuha. Halimbawa mga tatlong araw nab ago… bago makuha yung
ano. Di ko alam kung… sa-samin eh sa government din, di nay un sa barangay kase kung sa
barangay naman, parang inaano naman nila palagi na every Sunday may clearing time naman
sila. So… ang ano nalang syempre naiipon yung basura hindi ka naman pwedeng ano, tapos-
Interviewer #1: merong-
Respondent #7: ay sige sige. Tapos yung ano, pagsunog ng basura. Kase minsan, bawal yon
kase sa ano sa ano natin sa… atmosphere kaso, yung iba, pag mga dahoon, dahoon lang naman,
fertilizer naman kase yung iba. So… yun din.
Interviewer #1: Mayroon po bang anunsyo mula sa captain ng barangay na nauuukol sa
ordinansa na ito?

Respondent #7: anong klaseng ordinan—ano-anong yun? Anong klaseng…
Interviewer #1: Kunyare po yung schedule nga po ng time travel—
Respondent #7: Ahh oo. Ahh ano naman nila iyon uhm. Meron naman nakapaskil dyan sa ano,
may isang—may isang lagayan na dun lang talaga nilalagay yung oras ng pagkuha ay paglagay
at pagkuha. Yun nga lang yung pagkuha mismo, yun nagkakakaroon ng problema. So, ang may
problem ana doon yung ukuha ng basura kase minsan dpat yun ngayon dapat ganto dapat kunin
na nila. Nakuha na ba? Ay yun, kakakuha lang ata.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong pananaw sa pamamahala ng basura na ipinapatupad sa
Respondent #7: Okay naman, kase ano, Mabuti yun para iwas yung tambak… halo—dapat
araw-araw sila kumukuha ng basura… tapos, ung mga mapapakinabangan nasasayang din. Yung
hindi mapapakinabangan ang ano…
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong barangaypo, nasaan ang *cough* lokasyon ng inyong koleksyon ng
basura at site ng paghihiwalay? Nahihiwalay bai to o malapit lang sa tirahan para sa
Respondent #7: Ano? Ano beh?
Interviewer #1: Kung ano po, may lokasyon po ang basura or site na pinag—itong pighihiwalay
po? Tapos kung igwa po, harani lang po bai to sa tirahan?
Respondent #7: Igwa, uhm, ako kaya, nagluluwas akong basura pag yaon na ta, minsan kaya
ang ido, ang mga ido dae ta man maaano na, maski mayo man siyang kinakalkal talaga. Maski
sabihon ta na mayo dyan nabubulok. May naaamoy sinda diyan, garo nagkakalat so, messy. Pero
kung arog, kami kaya minsan nadedelay siya sakuya sa harong, maski pangaraaldaw siya o
titimingan ko lang na magluwas ang basura. Gusto ko ngani dati ang basura, tigkukua eleven
ning banggi. Ngunyan kaya tigbago si schedule. Oo... pero igwa kami ning sarong lugar na arog
kani, yaon lang siya diyan, ilalaag mo siya diyan, uhm, kung anong oras. Mga three hours before
magagi ang basura atleast yaon na diyan.
Interviewer #1: ahh okay po. Casual mo po bang itinatapon ang iyong basura or may pro—may
process po ba kayong kailangang pagdaanan?
Respondent #7: Ahh… gaya nga nung sabi ko, ano uhm, may hiwalay na kami. So, hiwalay na
plastic na yung nabubbulok sa hindi nabubulok. So wala na. may mga times na may—may mga

laman din yan na ano. Minsan, dae ta man talaga perfect nag abos malinig. Igwa man giraray,
nalalagan man giraray ng mga nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: Mayroon po bang mga tauhang nangongolekta ng iyong mga basura sa
Respondent #7: Sa barangay hall lang
Interviewer #1: Sa City na po?
Respondent #7: Sa city na siya. Pero si mga ano, si mga nabubulok, ay si mga dae nabubulok,
like bottle ano, mga containers, minsan si mga students kaipuhan sa school. Minsan hinahagad.
Tapos minsan si mga canned goods na may mga ano, hinahagad ninda. Arog kayan—
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong opinion sa plano ng gobyerno tungkol sa implementasyon ng
solid waste management?
Respondent #7: Iyo… okay man tong ano, okay man na tigseseparate si mga ano lalo na sa aki,
mas maray na kung ano aki uhm… aram ninda kung papano sinda magsuway basura lalo nang
arog kain. Igwa akong four years old na aki, aram niya na kung sain niya ilalaag ang nabubulok
sad ae. Saka aram niya kung sain niya ilalaag ang nabubulok sad ae. Saka aram niya kung ining
bagay na ini pwede pang maging recyle o dae, Iyo lang to, dapat ang pagkua lang talaga. Si
pagkua lang talaga.
Interviewer #1: Nakaranas na po ba ng problema patungkol sa waste management ang iyong
Respondent #7: Ahhm… Ang ano lang yang si mga basura yaon lang dman sa kanto, pag
sobrang dakol na siya tapos iyo ngani to ang sabi ko pag itong pirang aldaw nang dae
nahahapitan syempre, matatambak sa matatambak, mangangamoy sa mangangamoy asin may—
may lamok. Pero halos sarong aldaw mayo ka man garong mahihiling na may tambak sa gilid.
Saka ang mga ido, mayo ng ikakalkal.
Interviewer #1: nakaexperience na po kayo ng pagbaha?
Respondent #7: Sa part mi, diyan ako sa second street, sa part mi never man kaming binabaha.
Oo ang ano mi kaya, sa mga kanal mi halos dikit lang lang mga labot dae mo man siya… pag
nagwawalis. Saka may nagaano man, may nag maintenance man kang agihan mi. si main lang…
si main road lang.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang kahalagahan ng solid waste management?

Respondent #7: Uhmm... ang kahalagahan nya ano uhm, itong napapalagaan ta ang environment
ta graben a baga ang satuyang climate change. Grabe na ang ano, saka ang init iba na ta sobrang
labot na si layers. Mas maray man yan ta para ni sa mga maabot na generation. So, iyo na to ang
ano. So, atleast magkaigwa na ning kaaraman si mga aki habang hubin pa.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po ba kailangan magkaroon ng maayos at sapat na kaalaman sa
isang barangay patungkol sa pagtapon ng mga basura?
Respondent #7: Ano beh?
Interviewer #1: Ito pong kaipuhan po ba ning magkaroon ng sapat na kaalaman?
Respondent #7: Iyo kase, sainda naman yan mabalik. Halimbawa, si mga basura na yaon diyan
sa may saindo, maguran-uran lang yan mahiling mo yaon man nanggad saindo. Ang advantages
niyan garo arog kaiyan,
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po matututunan at mapapalaki ng may kaalaman ang tao patungkol sa
proper waste management?
Respondent #7: Iyo na to. Arog kaiyan [iripirming igwa ning nakasurat ta ang mga tao pag
mayong nakasurat, mayo man diyan masunod. Pag ang tao, nakaplastik lang yan, basura yan
maski anong basura nakalaag basura. Maski ano yan ano… Pero kung may nakalaag man palan
diyan ning laganan talagang duwang separation, magayon yan.
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po mababawasan ang mga bagay na madalas mong gamitin at itapon
agad kahit isa o dalawang beses mo palang itong Nakita?
Respondent #7: Sabi daa kaya kadto, ang bottled water ngani, pwede pang magamit. Pero
sakuya garo dae naan ta mga recycled naman daa yan. Once nalang daa baga yan pwedeng
gamiton. So, tapos ang yan mga diyaryo, karton kang binakalan. Uhm… yang mga plastic talaga
dae maiwasang dae maggamit plastic. Per pigttry, pigaano man git=raray na atleast padikit-dikit.
Kung baga, dae ta man bilging mwawaraon pero diridikit bagohon ta.
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay po, anong kinabukasan ng iyong barangay sa pagaasikaso ng
plano sa pamamahala ng basuraat mga kadahilanang maaaringmakaapekto sa tamang pagtapon
ng basura?
Respondent #7: Arog kato. Oh, kami uhm… si mga pasaway na mga resdente na dae nagaano,
pagbinabagyo, sinda ang binabaha. Ta sa part mi dae kami binabaha kase lang baga su ano ngani,
si basura mi dae nakatambak. Dae kami nagaapon sainsain. So ang ano kayan, mabalik samuya
ang ginigibo mi.

Interviewer #1: sa iyong palagay po, naaagapan ba ng maayos ang kanikanilang mga tungkulin
ng inyong mga barangay officials?
Respondent #7: baka man yan perfect, igwa man diyan ning ano. Alanganin. Igwa man diyan si
mga dae man masyadong natututukan pero siguro man ginigibo man ninda si best ninda. Kase
trabaho ninda yan. Ahm, ginigibo man ninda best ninda para mapamaray ang saindnag barangay.
Interviewer #1: Last question po, sa iyong palagay sumusunod ba ng maayos ang inyong mga
kapwa residente sa mga patakaran? Paano po?
Respondent #7: Dae ta masasabi nag abos ta igwa talagang ning residenteng matagas ang payo.
Igwang ano. Inda, minsan ngani ako nakakalingaw sa sobrang kabusihan, basta maluwas ang
basura okay na.
Interviewer #1: Iyo na po yan, thank you po!
Respondent #7: Thank you man. Sige.

Interview #8
Duration: 3:37 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ilang taon ka na po?

Respondent #8: 37
Interviewer #1: Ano po… kumpletong address po?
Respondent #8: M Castro Street, Barangay Tinago Naga City
(Motor engine sound)
Interviewer #1: Trabaho po?
Respondent #8: Ano. Ining negosyo.
Interviewer #1: Ilang menbers po sa pamilya?
Respondent #8: Ano… five.
Interviewer #1: Ikaw lang po nakatira dito o may iba pa po?
Respondent #8: Ano…ano…mama ko. Tsaka, iyo, tsaka yung mga boys
Interviewer #1: Maaari mo bang ilarawan…ilarawan ang waste management o pamamahala ng
basura dito sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #8: Ahh, samo. Ayy kami pigse-segregate po talaga ang ano, mga non
biodegradable na mga ano, tapos sa itong nalalapa. Pigsusway ko sya, puon kaitong nagistrikto
ang ano igdi, na dapat an may schedule ang paglwas ning basura.
Interviewer #2: Ano man po ang schedule?
Respondent #8: Ang schedule ano ning… Huwebes Domingo si nalalapa ahhy si dae, tapos
Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules, saka Biyernes si ano nalalapa.
Interviewer #2: May mga penalty man po?
Respondent #8: Ang sa…igwa…perooo garo feeling ko dae man… ano, dae man napapatpad.
Iyo, dae man nasunod ini. Garo balik sa dati yan na…sabihon ko lang na dae man
nasusunod…nasusunod kang mga taga digdi.
Interviewer #3: tinuturuan nyo po ba ang inyong mga anak sa pagtapon po ng basura?
Respondent #8: Iyo…
Bystander 1: pina-follow namin!
Bystander 2: Hala Kuya.
Respondent #8: Aki ka?

Bystander 3: Ang hapot!!
Respondent #8: hehehe, hinda ko man sain do heheeheeng
*indistinct chating*
Interviewer #3: Ano po ang pangunahing pinagmmlan ng basura sa inyong bahay?
Bystander 4: Yung mga asong gumagala.
Respondent #8: hindi hehehe. Anong ano? Sa…samuya?
Interviewer #3: Iyo po. Knung anong mga basura po?
*Motor engine sound and bystander talking*
*Indistinct voice*
Respondent #8: anong kalaseng basura? *motor engine sound *Mga hele sa basura mi?
Interviewer #3: Opo
Respondent #8: Ayy igdi, hale samo? Hale sa Tindahan, mga plastic wrapper saka, yan pagluto
araaldaw. Araaldaw igwa talagang nalalapa.
Interviewer #3: Mayroon pa kayong separate ns basurahan at may mga label po?
Respondent #8: Mayo. Nag ano lang ako sako. Sako para sa mga plastic bottle
Interviewer #3: Sige po
Respondent #8: Pero nakatipon ngani ako nin mga tulong sako na mga plastic, ano ohh
Interviewer #3: Meron po bang plano sa pamamahala ng basura na ibinigay saiyo ang opisyal
ng barangay?
Respondent #8: Igwa
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong ano nang ordinansa na ibinigay ng alkalde ng lungsod
tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura?
Interviewer #3: Pigsusunod po ba ito ng barangay?
Respondent #8: Igwang pigtao pero, dae ngani, dae nasusunod. Dae talaga. Mailing man nindo
jan, ohh hehhehe.
*Messenger notification sound*
Interviewer #1: Meron po bang anunsiyo mula sa inyong kapitan ng barangay na nauukol sa
ordinansa na ito?
Respondent #8: Igwa na tinao sindang papel.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang inyong pananaw sa pamamahala ng basura na ipinapatupad sa

Respondent #8: Opo. Agree ako jan, talaga. Ta nakatabang yan sa mga, saaa ano? Anong ano?
Sa hahahhahehhe. Ohh sa… maiiwasan ang air pollution. Saka linigan man yan ehhh.
Interviewer #1: Igwa kayo igding lokasyon ng basura o site ng paghihiwalay.
Respondent #8: Sa naiiling ko sa atubanggan mi mayo na si saro, *cellphone rings* Dati igwa
na may nakasurat. Garaba. Nagkagaraba. Amm, kaya ang mga tao ribong na. ahh naribong na
kung sain ka na lang maapon
Interviewer #2: May mga tauhan man po na nagpupunta ditto, na nangungulekta ditto na nagko-
collect ng basura?
Respondent #8: Tauhan…ma…ano….sa garbage tract
Interviewer #2: ahh igwa man po
Respondent #8: pirmi igwa
Interviewer #2: Ahh... ano man po, nakakaranas man po kayo ng mga problema pag
sa…pagdating sa pagseparate sa mga basura or katulad po ng pagbaha?
Respondent #8: Iyu. Itong nagbaha talagang nagbigla kaming dati dae man nagkusog ang uran,
as in ining kalye mi nagbaha. Saka ian jan talaga yan jan sa drainage grabe ang basurang
nagkairistak jan ta iyang mga gibo pa kang ido na dae pigaanuhan kang may sadiri,
piggagakudan, pigpaparatabag ang mga basura jan.
Interviewer #2: May ginawa man po paraan yung barangay para masolusyunan ito? Sa tingin
nyo po?
Respondent #8: Garu ning nagapod iyan. Garo, sarong beses ngani inanu si inapod na itong
nagpaapod ta inabangan iyan nganing ido na ma ano, saka kinaulay si may sadiri na dae ngani
bubtasan ta iyo man sana ang nag ko-cause kayang minsan mga kalat na basura. Saka garo igwa
sinda, nahihiling ko, hali tao sa barangay igwa na sindamismo, duwa yan, nagkukunyan sa
basurahan. Mga plastic bottles sinda na nagkokurua, pigseseparate na ninda. Pirmi yan jan kaya
malinig, naglilinig na.
Interviewer #2: Sa tingin nyo po ano po ang kahalagahan ng solid waste management?
Respondent #8: Ano…Inot na inot ning ano malinig hilingon. Ta dahil jan iwas sa hilang ang
mga tao.
Interviewer #2: Anong opinion nyo sa gobyerno tungkol dito?
Respondent #8: Ning ano, maray man ngani na tigtatatag yan, sa kahaluyan nang ano, para
mapadali ang pag ano pagaapon.

Interviewer #2: pano po ninyo matuturuan ang iba pagdating po sa proper waste management?
Respondent #8: Siguro…uso na man iyang ano, online online. Through jan pwede mo ipaabot
sa gabos, arog kayan share share sa lahat.
Interviewer #2: pano nyo po mababawasan yung mga bagay na madalas nyong gamitin o itapon
kapag isang gamit o dalawang gamit pa lang?
Respondent #8: Ano ning? Ulitin mo tanong.
Interviewer #2: Pano mo mababawasan yung mga gamit na madalas ninyong nagagamit tulad
ng plastic po?
Respondent #8: Mababawasan?
Interviewer #2: Opo
Respondent #8: Eh ano siguro bawas bawas sa paggamit na lang. Kung kaya man lang dae
magparainom ning plastic bottle hehehehi mga arog kayan, mga delata ohh
Interviewer #1: Sa inyong palaga po nagagampanan po ng maayos ng gobyerno ang tungkulin
nila sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #8: iyo man O-om
Interviewer #1: Tapos last question na po. Sumusunod bap o ng maayos ang mga kapwa
residente sa mga patakaran ng gobyerno po? Paano?
Respondent #8: Ano ning... Iyo man. Ning si inot ning ano ning garo ano maano sinda magapon
kaya iyo na yan may nagpaskil. Garo dae na maray si dati namaski ano nagaapon. Minsan
pigaaram na man si schedule.
Interviewer #2: Thank you po.
Other Researchers: Thank you po!

Interview #9
Duration: 7:41 minutes

Interviewer #1: sige po ma start na po

Respondent #9: Mayonakong komprehensiyon sa watse management na… Nagbebase lang ako
sa tv sagkod sa radyo Motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Ano pong pangaran mo?
Respondent #9: Ako Jess
Interviewer #1: Jess ano po?
Respondent #9: Doron
Interviewer #1: Pirang taon ka na?
Respondent #9: 65
Interviewer #1: Ano ang iyong kompletong address?
Respondent #9: NCastro
Interviewer #1: Po?
Respondent #9: NCastro istreet, grabe recorded ang lalagun ko dae man
Interviewer #1: Ano ang iyong trabaho? motor engine sound
Respondent #9: Ayy mayo na akong trabaho
Interviewer #1: Ilan ang miyembro ng iyong pamilya?
Respondent #9: Miyembroo?? Ako nalang solo, nasa abroad na si iba, ang iba man may family
na iba naman ang saindang harong.
Interviewer #1: Ikaw lang ba ang nakatira sa bahay mo or mayroon ka pang ibang kasamang
Respondent #9: Sako saaa mamainly sa harong mi ako lang.
Interviewer #1: Maari mo po bang ilarawan ang watse management or pamamahala ng basura sa
iyong sariling bahay?
Respondent #9: Anoooo the usual routine ang basura di basura
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po itatapon ang mga hindi na ginagamit na materyales, ano ang mga
karaniwang basura po? car engine sound
Respondent #9: Ayy ako ang talagang tigaapon kooo talagang basura talaga. Basura talagaaa
itong mga biodegradable ito talagang waste talaga

Interviewer #1: Mayroon ka bang sapat na kaalaman tungkol sa mamamahala pamamahala ng
Respondent #9: Ehhh sa family siyempre dog barks
Interviewer #1: Tinuruan mo po ba ang iyong mga anak kung paano ang maayos na pagtapon ng
Respondent #9: Iyoo maman akong anakk, pero samo sa mga immediate family, relative
tigsasabihan, ta ang mga aki ang pigtetrain, pano mag apon basura, pano ang pag segregate
basura. car engine sound
Interviewer #1: Ano ang pangunahing basura sa iyong bahay?
Respondent #9: Plastik sa pagbili ng isda saamm market, from the market
Interviewer #1: Mayroon ka ba pong wastong basurahan or may mga label ba po to? motor
engine sound
Respondent #9: Segregation lang, mayo pong label pero na may plastik para sa biodegradable,
Interviewer #1: Mayroon ka ba pong plano sa pamamahala car and motor engine sound ng
basura sa na ibinigay sa iyo ng opisyal? Halimbawa po itopong schedule po igdi sa barangay
Respondent #9: May ano diyannn may basta tinawan man kaming anoo ree ning ano notice
kung anonng aldaw ang pag apon basura
Interviewer #1: May alam ka bang anumang ordinansa na ibinigay ng alkalde ng lungsod
tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #9: Iidae, itong usual lang na ano motor engine igwa
Interviewer #1: Mayroon ba pong anunsiyo mula sa ibang kapitan ng barangay na nauukol sa
ordinansa na ito?
Respondent #9: Nag lagay lang ng anoo... Sa tapat ng basurahan ng schedule kang basura, kung
anong aldaw ang segregate, ano aldaw ang biodegradable non biodegradable motor engine
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong pananaw sa pamamahala ng basura na ipinatupad ng
Respondent #9: Ng barangayy pareho sa siyodad motor engine sound hihindi lang sa barangay
ang siyodad natin mahina ang ano ng basura. Tingnan mo ang basura nandiyan kahapon, kang

panahon ni Bongat ala siyete paggising ko pagbiling tinapay wala nang basura diyan car engine
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong barangay naasaan ang nasaan ang lokasyon ng koleksiyon ng inyong
Respondent #9: Diyan sa kan sa tapat ng barangay tanod
Interviewer #1: Casual mo po bang itinatapon ang iyong basura or may processo pang kailangan
creepy sound
Respondent #9: May processo? wala na ta ready na ang trashcan ko na biodegradable may non
biodegradable car engine sound
Interviewer #1: Mayroon po bang mga tauhang nangnugulekta ng basura mula sa inyong
Respondent #9: Wala motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Ano ang inyong ipinion sa plano ng gobyernong tungkol sa implementasyon ng
solid waste management?
Respondent #9: madaliin na ta kailangan ng madaliin over delade na yan motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Nakaranas na ba po kayo ng problema patungkol sa waste management ng
inyong barangay katulad ng baha po
Respondent #9: Temporarya ano ano lang naman motor engine sound hindi naman not
necessarily ang problem. Basta ano man paka pagrecieve ng tubig may nagiipon na ng basura
Interviewer #1: Nakaranas ka na ba po ng paghihirap dahil sa maling pagtapon ng basura?
Respondent #9: Hihindi hiihindi hiindi laughing
Interviewer #1: Hindi po, Ano po ang kahalagahan ng solid watse management plan?
*folding paper sound *
Respondent #9: Asu kahalagahan ng susolid watse management plan para motor engine sound
ay yung basura natin motor engine sound mai saayos yung mamapara malinis ang buong siyudad
motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin mo po kailangan ba pong magkaroon ng maayos at sapat na kaalaman
sa isang barangay patungkol sa pagtatapon ng basura? car engine sound
Respondent #9: Kapat dapat

Interviewer #1: Pano mo po matuturuan at magpapalaki ng mga kaalaman ang ibang tao
patungkol sa proper waste management? * car engine sound*
Respondent #9: Pag may nakita kang nagtapon ng mali ng mamali sa hindi nakashoot saa
lalagyan sitahin mo*motor engine sound* tapos ayusin mo tani motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Pano mo po mababawasan ang mga bagay na madalas mong gamitin at itapin
agad kahit isa o dalawang beses mo palang nagagamit?
Respondent #9: Reuse motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay po ano ang kinabukasan ng inyong barangay sa pag aasikaso
ng plano sa pamamahala sa pamamahala ng basura? motor engine sound
Respondent #9: folding paper sound wala paki nindiyan haha motor engine sound walang
definite plano basta iyong routine lang namin nagtapunan nagkukuha
Interviewer #1: Sa ii iyong palagay nagagampanan ba nang maayos ng mga tauhan ang
kanikanilang tungkulin?
Respondent #9: tapping paper in hand sound 95 90 percent wala ang ten percent
Interviewer #1: Last question po motor engine sound Sa iyong palagay po sumusunod ba ng
maayos ang iyong mga kapwa residente sa patakaran?
Respondent #9: motor engine sound Oo naman kami hindi ko alam ang looblooban kasi kami
nasa ganitong sitwasyon yang mga iri interior hindi ko alam nakikita mo naman diyan motor
engine sound ang basura na
Interviewers: Thank you po!

Interview #10
Duration: 3:37 minutes

Interviewer #1: pa paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management sa iyong bahay?
Respondent #10: Pinapractice na papano yan ne?
Interviewer #1: Yung papa pano, nag sesegregate po ba kayo hinihiwalay yung ano air wind
Respondent #10: Ahh yung nalalapa saka itong dae nalalapa. Ay may sadyang ano bugtakan nin
ano nalalapa saka dae nalalapa hmm hmm
Interviewer #1: wind sound Ano po yung pangunahing basura po naa naproproduce po iyong sa
inyong bahay po?
Respondent #10: Pangunahing basura... ay yang mga plastik yang mga ano ning mga ano
pagkain ng mga ano...alam mo mga chicheria yung plastik yang mga ano diyan
Interviewer #1: Sige po... May alam po ba kayo na ordinansa galing sa puno ng lungsod o city
mayor tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #10: Mayor? Hmm may mga pinadala rito nung mga unang mga sulat sa pag
segregate ng mga ano mga nalalapa saka dae nalalapa
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapatupad ng mga opisyal ng barangay motor engine sound ang
waste management plan sa inyong barangay po?
Respondent #10: Ahh... pinapatupad?
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung mga hakbang po naa ginagawa po nila para sa waste management?
Respondent #10: Ehh... Ginagawa nila yan sa kalinisan mag tatapos yan...yung maglinis nga
lang ng mga yung mga basura ilagay sa tamang ano apunan hmmhmm
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinaalam sainyo yung waste management plan po dito po sa
Respondent #10: Mmm dinaalam haha
Interviewer #1: Ano po gaya po ng seminars or
Interviewer #2: Tigsabihan man po kamo?
Respondent #10: Ayy yan pigsabihan man hmmhmm pig sabihan man mayo man seminar
pigsabihan man
Interviewer #1: Sinusunod niyo po ba ito?

Respondent #10: Oo
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po sumusunod rin po ba yung mga kabarangay niyo?
Respondent #10: Siyempre hmm parehas man ta para sa kalinisan man baga
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang opinion niyo sa o napapansin niyo sa paraan ng pagpapatupad ng
waste management sa iyong barangay?
Respondent #10: Ha ano sinabi mo bhe? Anong ano?
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung opinion or napapansin niyo sa pagpapatupad ng waste
Respondent #10: Para sa para sa anu yan man yan ni ay ito man lang baga yan ano ano. Haha
basta ang alam ko man lang yung sa amin na ano dae man yan na ano ang iba
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa po ba ng sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol sa waste management po?
Respondent #10: Ay pwede tong saiba kung hindi nalalaman ng iba paminsan hindi naaalaman
wind sound
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung mga problemang nakakaharap ninyo patungkol sa management ng
Respondent #10: wind sound Ay minsan mmm yung minsan yung ng pag aapon ng basura baga
minsan hindi man kinukuha dapat kinikuha nila yung mga inaano nila yung nalalapa minsan
yung plastik dapat isegregate pag yung iba minsan hindi man nila kinukuha, ata may sadya man
na ibang basura diba ano na yung pag ano plastik pag itong nalalapa pag itong nalalapa doon na
naman sa iba nalalapa
Interviewer #1: May regular po ba na kayong na yung, regular po ba yung pag kuha ng basura
sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #10: Ay hindi man parang paktang paktang oo minsan friday o minsan wednesday
Interviewer #1: Hindi po na susunod yung schedule
Respondent #10: Hindi man daily hindi man sadya man talaga, hindi man daily
Interviewers: Sige po salamat po

Interview #11
Duration: 5:55 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ano po pangalan mo?

Respondent #11: Celeste
Interviewer #1: Anong taon ka na po?
Respondent #11: 21
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang kumpletong address niyo?
Respondent #11: Uhmm number 15 barangay Tinago, Naga City
Interviewer #1: Ano ang trabaho mo po?
Respondent #11: Bale, nagnenegosyo kami ngunyan
Interviewer #1: Ilan po ang members ng family niyo?
Respondent #11: Tatlo?
Interviewer #1: Tas, ikaw lang po ang nakatira sa bahay or may iba pang kamaag-anak pang
nakatira sa bahay?
Interviewer #1: May kamag-anak po.
Respondent #11: Sige. Maaari mo po bang ilarawan ang waste management o pamamahala ng
basura sa iyong sariling bahay?
Respondent #11: Ano, nakahiwalay yung mga plastic tapos papers tas yung mga leftovers na
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po itatapon ang hindi ginagamit na materyales? Ano ang mga
karaniwang basurang materyales?
Respondent #11: Karaniwang ano?
Interviewer #1: Karaniwang basurang materyales po.
Respondent #11: Yung mga hindi na tinatapon?
Interviewer #1: Ay yung ano kung ano po yung mga tinatapon ninyong gamit.
Respondent #11: Ahh mga tinatapon? Yung mga ano kunware yung mga plastic wrappers tapos
yung sa papers naman yung mga scratch tapos may mga receipt na hindi na kailangan tas yung
mga balot na ginagamit ngayon sa supermarket.
Interviewer #1: Meron ka bang sapat na kaalaman sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #11: Meron naman po ehehehe

Interviewer #1: Tinuruan mo ba ang iyong mga anak kung paano maayos na pagtapon ng
Respondent #11: Wala pa po akong anak. Sige.
Interviewer #1: Ano ang mga pangunahing pinagmumulan ng basura sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #11: Yung everyday na ano purchases yung mga kailangan na araw-araw
Interviewer #1: Mayroon bang plano sa pamamahala ng basura na binigay sainyo ng opisyales
ng iyong barangay upang sundin? Kung oo, ano ang iskedyul na ipinatupad. Kung hindi, bakit sa
palagay mo ang iyong barangay ay walang plano sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #11: Ay yan lang. hindi akong masyadong familiar sa schedule. Pero may schedule
na binigay. Bale hindi kasi ako yung nagtatapon. Pero nakahiwalay naman yung ano.
Nakasegregate naman siya. So kapag dumadadaan na yung mga naka schedule, saka nalang
Interviewer #1: May mga anunsyo man po mula sa iyong kapitan ng barangay tungkol po doon?
Respondent #11: Wala po. hehe
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong pananaw sa pamamahala ng basura na ipinatupad ng
Respondent #11: So far, maayos naman kasi, atleast dae na… hindi tatatambak yung mga basura
kasi everyday naman nag aano roronda according sa schedule yung mga ano sa pagkuha.
Interviewer #1: Meron man po yung barangay ng sariling tao na nangongolekta or galling po sa
Respondent #11: Sa city. Ang alam ko.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong opinion tungkol sa waste management na ipinatupad ng
Respondent #11: Ayun, mas better kaysa nung ano sa dati. Kasi diba halo-halo dati yung ano
pagkuha ng basura. So, yung pag decompose ng mga bagay mahirap talaga kasi halo-halo na
tapos iba na din yung amoy kapag nahalo na yung mga basura. At least ngayon yung mga hindi
nabubulok, hindi sila madadamay sa mga nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: Nakaranas ka na po ng mga problema tungkol sa maling pagtapon ng basura
po? Katulad ng pagbabaha po o iba?
Respondent #11: Oo. Kasi diba kapag ano kapag hindi maayos ang pagtapon ng basura, yung
iba sumisiksik sa mga drainage. So yung water na dapat flowy lang, nababara siya.

Interviewer #1: Sa tingin mo po, kai... kailangang magkaroon ng kala... ay… kailngang
magkaroon ng maayos at sapat kaalaman tungkol po sa waste management?
Respondent #11: Yes po. Para maiwasan na nga din ang mga sakunang pwedeng mangyari
katulad ng pagbaha, tapos yung mga sakit na pwedeng makuha sa ano, sa mga possible na
nagging epekto ng hindi pag... tamang pagtapon ng basura.
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po matuturuan ang iba tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #11: Siyempre magsisimula sa bahay. Kasi, diba ang main talagang pag aano, dito
lang sa loob ng bahay bago ka lumabas. Dapat may disiplina sa loob para madala mo din sa
labas. Like kunware ditto sa bahay, madadala mo siya kahit nasaang lugar ka kunware sa school
o sa city, sa buong ano, everyday use.
Interviewer #1: Last question po, sa iyong palagay po, sumusunod po... sinusunod po ba ng mga
residente ditto yung pagsunod po ng waste management?
Respondent #11: Sa observation ko naman oo, kasi… ano nasusunod din kasi diba kapag hindi
oras ng pagkuha ng basura, hindi naman talaga kinukuha, ang tendency, malalaman mo siya
kung hindi sumusunod kapag may mga naiiwan. Wala naman akong napapansin na naiiwan na
mga basura ngayon.
Interviewer #1: So sa tinggin niyo po, nagagampanan ng pamahaalan ang kanilang trabaho?
Respondent #11: Nagagampanan naman. Thank you po!

Interview #12
Duration: 6:08 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ano po ang name niyo po ate?

Respondent #12: Maria Teresa Edallia
Interviewer #1: Ilang taon na po?
Respondent #12: 32
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang kumpletong address niyo?
Respondent #12: 29, Isarog Avenue, Naga City.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang trabaho niyo?
Respondent #12: Housewife
Interviewer #1: Ilan po ang miyembro niyo sa pamilya?
Respondent #12: Three
Interviewer #1: Ikaw lang po ang nakatira sa bahay ninyo or meron pa pong ibang kamag-anak?
Respondent #12: Kami lang ng anak ko.
Interviewer #1: Maari mo po bang ilarawan ang waste management o pamamahala ng basura sa
inyong sariling bahay?
Respondent #12: Saamin, may sarili kaming basurahan sa loob ng bahay naming. Nakasabit
lang siya jan. tapos, after kapag napuno na siya, saka siya tinatapon doon. Kasi may tapunan
kami jan ng basura. Tapos everyday man siya tigkukua.
Interviewer #1: Paano mo po itatapon ang mga hindi ginagamit na materyales? Ano ang mga
karaniwang basurang materyales po?
Respondent #12: Halimbawa yung mga ano, mga kapirasong mga plywood, ganyan?
Interviewer #1: Opo.
Respondent #12: Tapos yung mga bote. Minsan kasi hindi naman ako nasstockan ng bote dito
eh. Pag nagbibili ako ng bote, babalik ko rin. Ganun ako. Tapos yung mga pwedeng sunugin,
tapos halimbawa may nagsusunog jan yung kapit bahay naming, sinasabay na naming.
Interviewer #1: Meron ka po bang sapat na kaalaman tungkol sa pamamahala ng basura?
Respondent #12: Meron naman. Ahh... yung paghihiwalay ng mga plastics tapos mga karton,
mga ano, iba-iba. Tapos yung, ano yun? Yung biodegradable tapos yung ano, nonbiodegradable.

Interviewer #1: Tinuturuan niyo po ba ang mga anak ninyo kung paano ang maayos na
pagtapon ng basura?
Respondent #12: Yes! Dapat lang. kasi kami din ang mapeperwisyo. Kasi, madalas bahain itong
lugar na ito.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang pangunahing pinagmumulan ng basura sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #12: Siguro yung mga kinakain din. Halimbawa kapag yung may nakabalot pa yung
mga kinakain diba, siyempre after noon, pag… halimbawa yung mga bata lang. hindi nila alam
kung paano nila itatapon. Tinatapon na nila jan. tignan niyo. Puro basura. Ginagawa nila yang
tapunan. Kasi nagging ugali na rin nila yun. Kasi minsan, siguro, nakikita nila din sa mga
nakakatanda sakanila.
Interviewer #1: Mayroon po bang anunsyo mula sainyong kapitan ng barangay na nauukol…
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang iyong pananaw pamamahala ng basura na ipinatupad sa barangay?
Respondent #12: Okay naman. Medyo… medyo ano naman, medyo… nakukuha naman namin
kung paano kasi, nag announce sila ng kung pwede kalian lang maglabas ng basura. Kaya hindi
siya natatambak na as in hindi na bumabaho yung lugar na pinagtatapunan.
*splashing of water*
Interviewer #1: Mayroon po bang mga tauhan na *splashing of water* nangongolekta ng mga
basura sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #12: Meron. May nakikita ako. Hmmm… Minsan, pag halimbawa hindi ata
pumupunta yung magkukuha ng basura, sila kumukuha tapos nilalagay nila sa ano… nilalagay
nila sa plastic. Tapos, ewan ko kung saan nila dinidispose. Ganun yung nangyayari jan.
Interviewer #1: Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng mga problema patungkol sa waste management ng
Respondent #12: Anong klase?
Interviewer #1: Katulad po ng baha.
Respondent #12: Meron. Lagi ditto dati. Ehh... medyo tinaasan na ito kaya naibsan-ibsan siya
ng konti. Pero ganun pa din kasi yung mga basura natatambak jan. hindi naman galling lahat sa
tapon ng mga bata dito. galling pa doon sa loob.
Interviewer #1: Ahhh…
Respondent #12: Kasi kapag bumubuhos tubig, minsan nadadaala na siya papunta dito. Ehh...
ito na ang pinaka dead end niya. Tapos ilalim na siya papasok. Kaya nasstuck yung basura jan.

Interviewer #2: May mga ano man po... penalty? Mga Ganyan po?
Respondent #12: Wala eh. Kasi hindi mo naman alam kung saan... saan galling yung basura jan
kasi medyo ganyan pa yan. Hindi mo man din mahuli-huli sinong nagtatapon.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po, kailangan po magkaroon ng maayos at sapat na kaalaman sa
isang barangay patungkol sa pagtapon ng mga basura?
Respondent #12: Umm... sa tingin ko, oo. Kasi para maiwasan na di natatambak tsaka yung
lamok. Tsaka, sabi nila may project para dito na tatakpan na yung kanal nay an. Sana mangyari
kasi para maprevent din na hindi na siya pasukin ng mga basura. Hindi na kalkal ng kalkal lang
lagi jan yung mga… minsan yung barangay nag ccleaning sila jan eh.
Interviewer #1: Sa iyong palagay po nagagampanan ng maayos ang kanikanilang mga tungkulin
ang iyong barangay officials?
Respondent #12: Medyo. Medyo lang. kasi konti lang naman yung nakikita kong nagagampanan
yung ginagawa nila.
Interviewer #1: Sa ano po, sa mga kapwa residente ninyo po?
Respondent #12: Anong klase?
Interviewer #1: Kung na... sumusunod po ba sila sa mga ito?
Respondent #12: Oo! Kasi kami ditto sa looban namin, malinis kami dito. Lahat kami jan
concerned kami sa basura na nasa tabi namin kaya talaga bihira mo itong Makita na ito sobrang
dumi. Hindi siya makita na…. diyan lang lagi sa kanal yung pinakamadumi.
Interviewer #1: Yun lang po.
Interviewer #1: Thank you po!
Interviewers: Thank you po ate!

Duration: 3:47 minutes

Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayo na ordinansa na galing sa puno ng lungsod or city mayor
tungkol po sa waste management?
Respondent #13: Ahh... sa basura?
Interviewer #1: Kuya, magrrerecord po.
Respondent #13: Diyan mo lang madadanggong naman gayud yan.
Respondent #13: Itong kuyan. itung... apod kaiyan? Non-biodegradable, biodegradable. Kundi
Dae man baga nasususnod yan.
Interviewer #1: Ano po… tapos, paano po pinapatupad ng mga barangay ang waste
management plan sa iyong barangay po?
Respondent #13: Pinapatupad? Pinapatupad pero, dae man nasusunod.
Interviewer #1: Papaano po nila ito… may ginagawa po ba silang hakbang ganun po?
Respondent #13: Ano man. Sa hinling ko mayo man.
Interviewer #1: Wala po kayong napapansin? Wala po?
Respondent #13: *nods*
Interviewer #1: Ah sige.
Interviewer #1: Paano po ba sainyo pinaalam ang iyong pong plano sa waste management?
Respondent #13: Duman sa city, nagtatao sindang module.
Interviewer #1: Module? Yung wala po sainyo, gaya po ng nagpatawag po ng meeting or may
gin... Galing po sa barangay?
Respondent #13: Ay wala. Baka tung ano… yung, barangay assembly. Kaya lang dae man ako
nagduman. Pero may pinanao man sindang brochure.
Interviewer #1: Sige po.
Interviewer #1: Sinusunod niyo po ba ito? Yung… sinusunod niyo po ba yung waste
Respondent #13: Kami sumusunod. Yung iba, sa tingin ko hindi.
Interviewer #1: Sige po.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang opinion niyo o napapansin niyo sa paaran ng papatutupad ng waste
management sainyong barangay po?

Respondent #13: Ahhh… kuwarenta nalang po yan boss.
Respondent #13: Hindi nasusunod ng maayos. Sige. Ano pa?
Interviewer #1: May malapit po ba sainyong site ng basurahan?
Respondent #13: Diyan, diyan sa may ano, sa may globe.
Interviewer #1: Malayo pa po yun?
Respondent #13: Diyan lang o!
Interviewer #1: Sa tinggin niyo po ba sapat na po yung lalagyan ng basurahan sa site? O hindi
pa po?
Respondent #13: *nods*
Interviewer #1: Regular ba ang pagkolekta ng basura sainyong barangay?
Respondent #13: Regular. Tuwing madaling araw…
Interviewer #1: Sa tinggin niyo po, kailangan pa po bang sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol po sa waste management sa inyong barangay?
Respondent #13: Kailangan.
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang mga problemang nakakaharap niyo patungkol sa management ng
Respondent #13: Hindi nagtatapon ng maayos. Hindi nasusunod yung nabubulok sa hindi
nabubulok. Hahaha
Interviewer #1: Hindi po na… napaproper segregate?
Respondent #13: Ahhhh. Hindi napaproper segregate.
Interviewer #1: Yung ano po. Yung waste management niyo sa bahay ninyo, paano niyo po ito
Respondent #13: Hinihiwalay na sa plastic and nabubulok sa hindi nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung pangunahing basura na nakukuha ninyo sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #13: Ay yung plastic.
Interviewer #1: Yun lang naman po. Thank you po.
Respondent #13: Sige.

Duration: 3:15 minutes

Interviewer #1: Yung question po.

Interviewer #1: Paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management sainyong bahay po?
Respondent #14: I do it properly. Yung…yung… twan… yung matu… yung mabubulok tsaka
yung hindi ma…pero dito yung mga kasamahan ko sa barangay, walang disiplina sila. Wala,
tigan niyo kwan yung basura. Mabuti nga ngayon nag… kinukuwan nila yung mga tao na
binabalot pero marami kasi ditong kalat na aso eh. Yun ang nag kakalat ng mga candy,
Interviewer #1: May nahihiwalay po ba kayong basurahan sa nabubulok at hindi nabubulok?
Respondent #14: Oo pero in our house, yung caregiver ko, siya na nag-aayos ng yung
mabubulok sa hindi. Pero yung kwan naman, yung kumukuha, ng basurero, ginagawa naman
nilang negosyo hindi naman trabaho yung mga basurero… kaya nireport nila sa Mayor‘s office
eh. Kinakalakal nila eh, nakita mo, kinakalakal yung basura. Hindi naman nakkwan yung
nabubulok sa hindi nabubulok kaya ireport ninyo yung common tracking ng city governments sa
city engineer‘s office. Hindi naman ginagawa yung trabaho nila. Nagkakalakal sila being as
waste matter not kwan, ng… ano pa?
Interviewer #1: Ano po ang pangunahing basura sa inyo pong tahanan?
Respondent #14: Ano?
Interviewer #1: Pangunahing basura po na nakukuha niyo sa inyong tahanan.
Respondent #14: Ay very light ang basura namin….
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung?...
Respondent #14: …Kasi maliit lang bahay ko eh. hehehe
Interviewer #1: Most common po? Plastic po ba o…
Respondent #14: Oo. Gusto ko maalis yung plastic. In other places in Marikina and Metro
Manila they now only using the plastics…
Interviewer #1: Yes.
Respondent #14: Onti nalang ginagamit nila sa manila.
Interviewer #1: Yes po… opo…
Respondent #14: Ngayon, yung Albay sup… diyan sa pater,
Interviewer #1: Yes…

Respondent #14: Gumagamit na din sila.
Interviewer #1: Opo…
Respondent #14: Sana masunod nila. Ito yung nakaka kwan sa drainage natin eh.
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong ordinansa galing sa pino ng lungsod o city mayor
tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #14: Meron. Meron nakasulat diyan sa basura. Meron meron.
Interviewer #1: Ahh
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapatupad ng…
Respondent #14: Hindi pinapatupad! Kasi ang mga tao manhid. Hahaha
Interviewer #1: Paano po….
Respondent #14: Hindi pinapatupad!
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapaalam sainyo ang waste management…
Respondent #14: Ay peron diyan oh, pagdaan ninyo, meron jan karatula. Meron jan regulation
tungkol sa basura.
Interviewer #1: May malapit po ba sainyong site ng basurahan?
Respondent #14: Ay diyan sa kanto. Diyan.
Interviewer #1: Ahh…
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po sapat na po ba ito?
Respondent #14: Yeah. Yeah. Pero ireport nalang ninyo kamong barangay official hindi
masayadong nagaacting about cleanliness of the barangay. Yan ang sabihin ninyo. Sabi kamo ni
Mr. Picsio. Sabihin ninyo sa mayor pupunta kamo ako diyan. Hehehe
Interviewer #1: Regular po ba ang pagkuha ng basura?
Respondent #14: Oo. Oo. Okay sila.
Interviewer #1: Sa tinggin niyo po, kailangan pa po ban g sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #14: Yes. To the people. To the people in the barangay. Walang disiplina sila eh.
Tignan mo nalang ang paligid ohh... tignan mo. Tignan mo mga bahay nila. Sabi nga sa english,
there are many homes but not the house because there is no love in the home. Hahaha
Respondent #14: Pagnakikita ko kayo, naalala ko yung mga apo ko eh…
Interviewer #1: Salamat po!
Respondent #14: Yung mga apo ko nasa America they are very beautiful! Ahaha

Duration: 1:49 minutes

Interviewer #1: Paano nyo pina-practice ang waste management sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #15: Sa pag-orient samin ni mama hahahaha. Pinapasuway samo ni mama ang
bulok sa di nabubulok ganyan hahaha
Interviewer #1: Anong uri ng basura ang mas madalas ninyong tinatapon?
Respondent#15: Mga di po nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: May alam ka bang ordinansa tungkol sa waste management na galling sa city
mayor‘s office? Ano ang nakapaloob dito?
Respondent #15: Opo, about po dun sa naka assign na daoat itapon sa day na yun.
Interviewer #1: Paano sa inyo ipinaalam ang waste management plan?
Respondent #15: Nag-orient po samin si mama hahaha pero I dunno kung sino nag sabi kay
kama about dun
Interviewer #1: Paano ipinapatupad ang waste management plan ng mga opisyal sa inyong
Respondent #15: Sa totoo lang po ay di ko alam hahahah
Interviewer #1: Ano ang opinion o napapansin mo sa paraan ng pamamalakad ng waste
management plan sa inong barangay?
Respondent #15: Hmmm, garo mayo man pagbabago, halo balo man nanggad ang asurang
inaarapon. Garo dae man sinusunod, garo mayo lang hahaha.
Interviewer #1: Ano ang mga kinahaharap ninyong problema sa management ng basura sa
inyong barangay?
Respondent #15: Ayta nagbabaha kaya po igdi, nababara po kaya ang kanaaal.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin mo ay kailangan pa ba ng sapat na impormasyon at awareness tungkol
sa waste management dito sa inyong barangay? Bakit?
Respondent #15: Kailangan pa po kasi parang wala pong disiplina ang iba dito, hindi sila
nakikinig at hindi din nila sinusunod ang batas na yun. Hahaaha

Duration: 3:19 minutes

Interviewer #1: paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management sa inyong barangay... Ay sa
bahay po?
Respondent #16: Ay... Saakin, nilalagay ko sila sa... Plastic. Pag puno na, saka ko ilalabas
Interviewer #1: may hiwalay po ba kayong basurahan yun ano... Sa nabubulok at di nabubulok?
Respondent #16: Ay... Wala saakin, lahat nabubulok.
Interviewer #1: ahh sige po. Ano po yung pangunahing basura po ng mga nabubulok?
Respondent #16: yung ano, sa gulay, syemore babalatin mo. Oh yung balat ng sibuyas, bawang
Interviewer #1: May alam po va kaying ordinansa galing sa barangay o puno ngungsod
parungkol sa Waste Management?
Respondent #16: wala... Wala akong alam din
Interviewer #1: paano po nagbibigay impormasyon sainyo ang barangay po tungkol sa waste
management plan?
Interviewer #1: ay yun lang..
Respondent #16:Nabubulom at di nabubulok hiwalay. Yung mga lata, sa lata lang. Yung mga
plastic, plastic.
Interviewer #1: ano po yung mga iba pang ginagwa nila aside po sa ganun?
Respondent #16: wlaang lalagyan ng basurahan, tinatanggal sa kanto. Tignan mo ang daming
basura oh. Ang pangit pa tignna.
Interviewer #1: ano po yung... Sinusunod ninto po ba sa schedule po yung waste management?-
Respondent #16:yung mga basura truck, araw araw dapat eh di naman nangyayari.
Interviewer #1: sa tingin mo po, nasusunod po ba ng mga kabarangay mo ang waste mangement
plan? Ano pong opinion niyo o napapansin sa paraan ng pagpapapatupad ng waste mangement sa
iyong barangay?
Respondent #16: Merong nakasulat dun na bawal magtapon ng basura dito, pero tambak ang
basura *laughs* may multa pa *laughs*
Interviewer #1: may na parusahan na po ba?
Respondent #16: wala, walabg aksyon.

Interviewer #1: sige po. Sa tingin niyo po ba kailangan pang sapat na impormasyon patungkol
sa waste management?
Respondent #16: di na, alam naman na ng mga kabarangay.
Interviewer #1:ani po ang problemang naranasan niyo patungkol sa basura?
Respondent #16: tinanggal sa kanto yung basurahan ng ano... Edi ngauon saan maglalagay?
Babalik lan naman sa dati.
Interviewer #1: wla din naman po ano? Opo.
Respondent #16: Wal talaga babalik lang yun
Interviewer #1: sige po. Yun lang naman po. Salamat po!

Interview #17
Duration: 2:00 minutes

Interviewer #1: Practice ang waste management po dito sa inyong bahay?

Respondent #17: Ano sinesegregate namin yung motor engine sound iba‘t ibang basura
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung pangunahing basura na ano po dito po sa inyong bahay?
Respondent #17: Yung nabubulok
Interviewer #1: Ano ano po yung mga problemang nakaharap niyo sa patunkol sa management
po ng basura po
Respondent #17: Gaya niyang ohh... hindi kinukuha ng ano yan ang kinakalat ng mga aso
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayo g ordinansa galing sa puno ng lungsod o city mayor
tungkol po sa waste management?
Respondent #17: Meron
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapatupad ng opisyal ng barangay po yung waste management plan?
Respondent #17: Nag lalagay sila ng ano yun bawal mag lagay ng ay bawal mag tapon ng
basura Interviewer #2: mga signage
Respondent #17: hmm mga signages
Interviewer #1: Paano po pina alam po sainyo po ang waste management plan po?
Respondent #17: Ahh... na namimigay sila ng flyers
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po sinusunod ng mga, rin po ng mga kabarangay niyo wind
blows Respondent #17: Hindi, gaya niyan ohh, nag kalat ang basura dito
Interviewer #1: car engine sound Ano po yung opinion niyo or napapansin niyo po sa paraan ng
pag tupad ng waste management sa inyong baragay?
Respondent #17: Ano hindi nila inaayos yung ano, yung pa mamaraan ng pag yung segregation
hindi nila inaayos motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po masapat na po yung mga tapunan ng basura po
Respondent #17: Hindi motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Regular po ba yung pagkuha ng basura po?
Respondent #17: Minsan regular minsan ano minsan hindi
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa po ba nag sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol sa waste management?

Respondent #17: Hmm hmm
Interviewer #1: Yan man lang po, thank you po

Duration: 2:07 minutes

Interviewer #1: Paano niyo po pinapractice ang waste management po dito po sainyong bahay?
Respondent #18: Ano, sinesegregate namin yung iba‘t-ibang ano...basura
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung pangunahing basura nga po na dito sainyong bahay?
Respondent #18: Yungg nabubulok
Interviewer #1: Ano...ano po yung mga problema nakakaharap niyo sa patungkol sa
management po ng basura?
Respondent #18: Gaya niyan oh, hindi kinukuha ng ano...yan ang kinakalat ng mga aso.
Interviewer #1: May alam po ba kayong ordinansa galing sa puno ng lungsod o city mayor
tungkol po sa waste management?
Respondent #18: Meron
Interviewer #1: Paano po pinapatupad ng opisyal ng barangay po yung waste management?
motor engine sound
Respondent #18: Naglalagay sila motor engine sound ng ano baw- bawal mag lagay ng bat- ay
bawal mag tapon ng basura, ayun.
Interviewer #2: Mga signage?
Respondent #18: Mm mga signages motor engine sound
Interviewer #1: Hm, paano po pinaalam sainyo po yung waste management plan?
Respondent #18: Ah namimigay sila ng flyers.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo...po sinusunod po ng mga rin mga ka barangay—
Respondent #18: Hindi, gaya niyan oh nagkalat ang basura dito.
Interviewer #1: Ano po yung opinyon niyo o napapansin niyo sa paraan ng pagpapatupad ng
waste management po sainyong barangay?
Respondent #18: Ano, hindi nila inaayos yung yung ano yung...pamamaraan ng pag yungg
segregation, hindi nila inaayos.
Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po ba sapat na po yung mga tapunan ng mga basura po?
Respondent #18: Hindi
Interviewer #1: Regular po ba yung pagkuha ng basura?
Respondent #18: Minsan regular minsan ano...minsan hindi

Interviewer #1: Sa tingin niyo po kailangan pa po ba ng sapat na impormasyon o awareness
tungkol sa waste management?
Respondent #18: Mm
Interviewer #3: Yan man lang po
Interviewer #2: Yan man lang po, thank you po.

Duration: 4:35 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ano po sa ano po personal background lang po. Ano po name mo?
Respondent #19: *machine sound* Estelita N. Nimba
Interviewer #1: Yung fixing phone sound sa ano po. Can you describe the waste management in
your own house?
Interviewer #2: Sa bahay po ninyo kumusta po yung sa solid waste management?
Respondent #19: Sa ano sa amin su sa hmm sariling bahay ano doon palang nag sesegregate na
kami ng basura so... Nilalainlain na namin yung basura yung nalalapa at yung hindi nalalapa saka
yung mga machine sound
Interviewer #1: Do you have enough knowledge with regards to waste management?
Respondent #19: Yes
Interviewer #1: Have you taught your children on how to properly dispose their waste?
Respondent #19: Yes
Interviewer #1: Ano po si mga major sources kang waste po nindo na naggegeneraye sa paligid
Respondent #19: Ang sa harong man kadalasan si mga plastic.
Interviewer #1: Plastic po
Respondent #19: Yan si mga nalalapa na hali sa luwas closing door ano machine sound
Interviewer #1: Sa pag aano po nindo. Digdiyo naman po sa barangay nindo kansuarin po nindo
na implement ang waste management? Kasabay po kadtong pagtao ni Mayor Robredo po ning
Respondent #19: Kadto haloy na... kaya lang talagang may kadipisilan ang pag ahh
paimimplement ning ano ahh pag ahh tapping paper on hand segregate ning basura. Medyo ang
tao dae mo mabigla bigla dapat kayan luway luway lang
Interviewer #1: Papano po nindo siya na implement digdiyo po sa Tinago?
Respondent #19: Nag ahh na nag house to house kami nagtao kami ng mga pamplets baga
regarding sa solid waste management na pag na dakop sinda pag nag apon ning basura sa salang
ano yan may ano kami may penalty
Interviewer #1: Tas nag seminar man po kamo?
Respondent #19: Oo nag seminar man

Interviewer #1: Tapos po igwa po kamo kadtong segregation site po sa kada zone?
Respondent #19: Iyo... igwa actually natapos palang kami pag laag kadtong mga sign board may
mga sign board kaming tiglaag sa kada zone. Then nag kua kami ning duwang tao na nag lilibot
sa kada zona para lang mag hiling kadtong mga basura kung segregated sinda o dae. Ang apod
duman barangay ahh barangay environmental tapping paper on hand environment hmm machine
sound monitoring team barangay environment monitoring team igwa na kami kayan sa barangay
Interviewer #1: Tapos po after po ninda ning pag momonitor po nabalik po sinda saindo?
Respondent #19: After na mag agi si basura na nag kokolekta babalikan ninda ito taa minsan
baga nawawalat may basura man giraray aano machine sound so binabalikan nida yan
Interviewer #1: Ano man po si mga kadipisilan po nindo na na ano nindo?
Respondent #19: Kadakol ang kadipisilan mi nene inot na inot ang taeo dae mo tulos ma tapping
paper on hand ma mag kasaraway minsan ang basura ninda winawagwag duman sa basurahan
subago baga sabi ko ilaag nalang sa plastik bugkuson bako ang gibo ninda bako ta may
basurahan winawagwag duman ang basura so ang nangyayari ngunyan ahh may nag lilibot ngani
kami kung madakop sinda ma report lang kami kayan sinda na ang matao kan ano kan penalty.
Interviewer #1: Iyo man lang po to. Thank you po
Researchers: Salamat po

Duration: 4: 17 minutes

Interviewer #1: What‘s your name? Optional naman po

Respondent #20: Well, I refuse na lang siguro *laughs*
Interviewer #1: Okay po. How many members are you in your family?
Respondent #20: Soo... sa pamilya namin meron kaming anim na miyembro, Apat kaming
magkakapatid at pangalawa ako dun
Interviewer #1: Are there any distant relatives that resides in your home?
Respondent #20: Uhmm, we are, ano, we‘re close to our distant relatives, ano… however they
do not reside in our home. May bahay naman sila eh, *laughs* diba?
Interviewer #1: *laughs and nods* Does your family practice waste management?
Respondent #20: Yes, we do practice waste management ano, but yung hindi maayos
*interviewee laughs*
Interviewer #1: If so, what kind of waste do you usually have? Like, ano... a – ano po yung
madalas niyong itapon?
Respondent #20: The practice, *interviewee chuckles* however not in the proper way, ano…
wherein we have separate trash cans for non-biodegradable and biodegradable. We throw our,
ano, ahhh - our trash in one garbage can and wait for the garbage truck to get it, mmhmm…
*motorcycle engine*
Interviewer #1: If that‘s the case, do you know any ordinance or act given by the LGU with
regards to waste management?
Respondent #20: Yes, ano, I actually knew this, from… from school, you know? I‘m a Senior
High School student rin naman just like you. *interviewee laughs*
Interviewer #1: *laughs* oo nga
Interviewer #1: How were you informed with this kind of knowledge?
Respondent #20: I was informed by this knowledge for it was taught in school almost every
Interviewer #1: How do you perceive the system of waste management in your barangay? Do
you have enough waste bins and is the collection regular?

Respondent #20: The collection of garbage is not always according to the schedule, minsan after
a week pa nila kukunin, edi nakatambak lang yung trash. There‘s this one-time nga, nagkalat na
sa street,
Interviewee #1: Dahil sa mga aso, ganyan po ba?
Respondent #20: Yes, oo, dun… dun sa may basurahan, dahil sa mga galang aso at pusa yung
basura nagkalat, because they didn‘t collect.
Interviewee #1: Ahh, okay po… Dun po sa waste bins, convenient po ba yung location niya?
Respondent #20: *interviewee shrugs* We provide our own waste bins, medyo, *laughs*
depende, uhhmm, depende sa location niyo., kung malapit,
Interviewer #1: Kung malapit or… or, or malayo po sa tinitirahan niyo?
Respondent #20: Mhhm… yeah
Interviewer #1: What are the issues that you think arise since the implementation of this waste
management plan?
Respondent #20: Uhmm, ano ba… I don‘t usually comment kasi sa mga ganito eh
Interviewer #1: Same po, *laughs* pero, ano, ning… do you hear issues naman po regarding the
Respondent #20: Well, hmm, sure… Di naman yan mawawala eh. Like, katulad ng sa ano, s- sa,
sa waste bins. Since, depende nga diba sa location, some don‘t usually throw sa proper places,
like meron jan isang tambakan ng basura.
Interviewer #1: Malapit po ba sainyo, I mean ditto? *awkwardly laugh*
Respondent #20: Di naman, pero kulang sa discipline yung iba. There‘s already a signage there,
but ano, since madami gumagawa di naman nasisita. Some are really not knowledgeable on how
to properly manage their waste, no?
Interviewer #1: Yes po…
Respondent #20: Tapos, yung amoy… Ghaaad… the smell of the trash that hasn't yet been
collected, mmmhhmm, it would affect our health, you know?
Interviewer 1#: Yes po, super. So, *laughs lightly* last question po, what is your opinion on
implementing this said ordinance? Is it for the better? Or do you think there are still some
improvements to be made?

Respondent #20: My opinion, ano… on the said implementation is that it should have a concrete
plan pa. Kailangan pa nilang pag – isipan yan. Para if there‘s a problem, madali nilang masolve
diba. Yun lang naman kasi yan. Plus, for the better surrounding naman.
Interviewer #1: Yun lang naman po. Thank you so much!
Respondent #20: Wala akong token?
Interviewers: *laughs*
Respondent #20: Just kidding, iringat kamo.
Interviewer #1: Sige po, bye poo. Thank you, uliiit.

Duration: 1:39 minutes

Interviewer #1: Ma start na po... Does your family practice waste management?
Respondent #21: Dito sa bahay? …uhh yes
Interviewer #1: What kind of waste do you usually have?
Respondent #21: Plastic wrappers, food waste o leftover food, mga ganon.
Interviewer #1: Do you know any ordinance or act given by the LGU with regards to waste
Respondent #21: Oo yungg pag ssegregate ng basura coughs
Interviewer #1: How were you informed with this kind of knowledge?
Respondent #21: uhm namimigay sila nung flyers tapos sa orientation din
Interviewer #1: D— do you have enough waste bins and is the schedule of collection
Respondent #21: kulang pa ang basurahan nakikita naman siguro niyo sa labas... tapos sa
collection of waste, minsan regular minsan naman hindi
Interviewer #1: Have you encountered any issues po with regards to waste management
plan? *dog barks*
Respondent #21: ahhh oo na... siguro yung time na tumambak na talaga yung basura jan...
wala talagang nagkolekta
Interviewer #1: What is your opinion on the implementation of the solid waste management
plan by the barangay?
Respondent #21: Anoo… I think its really good its just na babalewala na ng mga tao kaya
hindi talaga totally nasusunod yung waste manangement plan
Interviewer #1: Ano last question po, do you think your residence have been obeying the
ordinance properly?
Respondent #21: In my opinion, not everyone is following... yan
Interviewer #2: Salamat po
Interviewer #1: Thank you po!
Respondent #21: Sige welcomee.

Interview Questions

1. What‘s your name? Ano po pangalan mo?

2. How many members are you in your family? Ilan po kayo sa pamilya?
3. Are there any distant relatives that resides in your home? May ibang kamag-anak po ba
kayong kasama sa inyong bahay?
4. Does your family practice waste management? Sinusunod po ba ng iyong pamilya ang
waste management?
5. What kind of waste do you usually have? Ano ano po ang kadalasang basura ang
mayroon sa loob ng iyong bahay?
6. What are the issues that you think arise since the implementation of this waste
management plan? Ano po sa tingin niyo ang mga isyu tungkol sa implementasyon ng
basura sa inyong lugar?
7. Do you know any ordinance or act given by the LGU with regards to waste management?
May alam po ba kayong ordinansa na binigay ng LGU tungkol sa solid waste
8. How were you informed with this kind of knowledge? Paano po kayo nabigyang
kaalaman tungkol dito?
9. What is your opinion on implementing this said ordinance? Is it for the better? Or do you
think there are still some improvements to be made? Para sainyo po, ano po ang inyong
opinyon tungkol sa mga nasabing ordinansa? Para po ba ito sa ikabubuti ng barangay?
O dapat ipabuti pa ito?
10. How do you perceive the system of waste management in your barangay? Do you have
enough waste bins and is the collection regular? Para sainyo po, ano po ang masasabi
ninyo sa waste management sa inyong barangay? Meron po ba kayong sapat na
basurahan at regular po ba ang pagkolekta ng basura?

Informed Consent Form

Curriculum Vitae


[email protected]


Birthday: May 24, 2002

Address: 2nd St. Villa Sorabella Subd., Concepcion Grande, Naga City
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City
Junior High School
2009-2015 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

―Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.‖ – Zora Neale Hurston

[email protected]


Birthday: October 19, 2002

Address: Blk 4 Lot 6, Almeda Village II, Concepcion Grande N.C.
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City
Junior High School
2009-2015 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

―If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.‖ – Pearl Buck

[email protected]


Birthday: May 11, 2001

Address: 089 San Lukas Camaligan Camarines Sur
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City
Junior High School
2009-2015 Camaligan Central School
―Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore the codes of
enemy signals.‖ –

[email protected]


Birthday: June 24, 2002

Address: #379 Brgy. Del Rosario, Milaor, Cam. Sur
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Camarines Sur National High School, Penafrancia Avenue, Naga City
Junior High School
2011-2015 Naga Central School I, Jacob Street, Naga City
2009-2011 Naga City Montessori School, Inc, Mayon Avenue, Naga City

―It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. – J.R.R. Tolkien‖
―Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens. – J.R.R. Tolkien‖

[email protected]


Birthday: August 03, 2003

Address: Blk 8 Lot 58, Lessandra, Camella Del Rosario, Naga City
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Gregorio Ocampo Bercasio Memorial High, Cagliliog, Tinambac
Junior High School
2009-2015 Cagliliog Elementary School, Cagliliog Tinambac

―In any project, the important factor is your belief. Without belief, there can be no successful
outcome.‖ – William James

[email protected]


Birthday: August 21, 2002

Address: Zone 3 Salvacion Baybay Calabanga Camarines Sur
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Dominican school of Calabanga San Francisco Calabanga Cam. Sur
Junior High School
2009-2015 Dominican school of Calabanga San Francisco Calabanga Cam. Sur

―Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.‖ –
Albert Szent - Gyorgyi

[email protected]


Birthday: January 07, 2002

Address: Pook Mangga Zone 3 Sta. Cruz Proper, Naga City
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City
Junior High School
2009-2015 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

―It‘s okay to fail but learn how to stand up and be better.‖ – Robelyn J. Ramores
―It always seems impossible until it‘s done.‖ – Nelson Mandela

[email protected]


Birthday: February 25, 2002

Address: San Roque Bombon, Camarines Sur
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


2019-2020 Universidad de Sta. Isabel, Elias Angeles St., Naga City

Senior High School
2015-2019 Dominican School of Calabanga, San Francisco Calabanga Camarines Sur
Junior High School
2009-2015 Dominican School of Calabanga, San Francisco Calabanga Camarines Sur

―Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you
experience.‖ – Unknown


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