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Anaesthetic Management of Patients With Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators For Noncardiac Surgery

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 REVIEW

Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers ARTICLES

& Defibrillators 21

Anaesthetic Management of Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers and

Defibrillators for Noncardiac Surgery
Shivani Rastogi, MD, Sanjay Goel, MD, Deepak K Tempe, MD,
Sanjula Virmani, DA, DNB
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi

Introduction addition, automated implantable cardioverter

defibrillators (AICD) have been designed to treat

P atients with cardiac disease presenting for

noncardiac surgery pose a considerable
challenge to the anesthesiologists. With the
fatal tachyarrhythmias.4 With the availability of
pacing devices to suit many conditions, potential
indications for pacing are expanding. The
availability of better medical facility and American College of Cardiology /American Heart
sophisticated diagnostic methods, many patients Association (ACC/AHA) established indications
especially of the elderly age group, are detected to for permanent pacemaker or antitachycardia
have electrophysiological disorders. Pacemakers devices in 2002, which are depicted in table 1.5
are being used with greater frequency for both
conduction and arrhythmia problems in such Table 1. Indications of permanent pacemaker
patients. Currently more than 5,00,000 patients in lmplantation.5
the United States have pacemakers and nearly 1) Acquired AV block:
1,15,000 new devices are implanted each year.1 A) Third degree AV block
Although, no definite figures are available the Bradycardia with symptoms
After drug treatment that cause symptomatic
number is also increasing in India. These patients bradycardia
may require one or more surgical procedures after Postoperative AV block not expected to resolve
receiving the pacemaker.2 Care of the pacemaker Neuromuscular disease with AV block
during surgery as well as understanding its Escape rhythm <40 bpm or asystole > 3s
B) Second degree AV block
anesthetic implications is crucial in the
Permanent or intermittent symptomatic bradycardia
management of these patients. The perioperative 2) After Myocardial infarction:
management of patients with permanent Persistent second degree or third degree block
pacemaker undergoing noncardiac surgery is Infranodal AV block with LBBB
discussed. Symptomatic second or third degree block
3) Bifascicular or Trifascicular block:
Intermittent complete heart block with symptoms
Cardiac pacing is one of the most reliable Type II second degree AV block
documented treatment for various cardiac Alternating bundle branch block
arrhythmias, especially bradyarrhythmias since 4) Sinus node dysfunction:
Sinus node dysfunction with symptoms as a result of
1950. 3 The initial pacing system consisted of a
long term drug therapy
single lead asynchronous pacemaker, which paced Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence
the heart at a fixed rate. Over the years, the 5) Hypertensive carotid sinus and neurocardiac syndromes:
technological advances have revolutionised the Recurrent syncope associated with carotid sinus
pacemakers and currently more sophisticated stimulation
Asystole of >3s duration in absence of any medication
multiprogrammable devices are available. In
AV: atrioventricular, LBBB: Left bundle branch block,
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Deepak K. Tempe, Director - Professor
and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, GB Pant
Hospital, New Delhi – 110002. Phone: 91-11- 23232877. Technique of Permanent Pacing
Email: [email protected]

Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21-32 In permanent pacing, leads are usually inserted
Key Words:- Equipment, Defibrillator; Equipment, Pacemaker transvenously through the subclavian or cephalic

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22 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32

vein with the leads positioned in the right atrial Mercury–Zinc batteries that were used in the early
appendage for atrial pacing and right ventricular days had a short useful life (2-3 yrs). Currently
apex for ventricular pacing. The leads are then Lithium-iodine batteries are being used which have
attached to the pulse generator, which is inserted longer shelf life (5-10 yrs) and high energy density.
into the subcutaneous pocket below the clavicle.
Epicardial lead placement is used when either Leads
transvenous access cannot be obtained or if the
chest is open during cardiac operations. These are insulated wires connecting the pulse
Generic Codes of Pacemaker
To understand the language of pacing, it is
necessary to comprehend the coding system that It is an exposed metal end of the lead in contact
was developed originally by the international with the endocardium or epicardium.
conference on heart disease and subsequently
modified by the NASPE/BPEG (North American Unipolar Pacing
society of pacing and electrophysiology/British
pacing and electrophysiology group) alliance. The There is one electrode, the cathode (negative
NASPE/BPEG code consists of a five position pole) or active lead. Current flows from the cathode,
system using a letter in each position to describe stimulates the heart and returns to anode (positive
the programmed function of a pacing system (Table pole) on the casing of pulse generator via the
2).3 The first letter indicates the chamber being myocardium and adjacent tissue to complete the
paced, the second letter designates the chamber circuit. Unipolar sensing is more likely to pick up
being sensed, third position designates response extracardiac signals and myopotentials.
to sensing (I and T indicates inhibited or triggered
responses, respectively). The fourth and fifth Bipolar Leads
positions describe programmable and
antitachyarrhythmia functions, but these two are They consist of two separate electrodes, anode
rarely used. An R in fourth position indicates that (positive pole) and cathode (negative pole), both
the pacemaker incorporates a sensor to modulate located within the chamber that is being paced. As
the rate independently of intrinsic cardiac activity the electrodes are very close, the possibility of
such as with activity or respiration. extraneous noise disturbance is less and the signals
are sharp.
Table 2. Generic codes for pacemaker.3
I II III IV V Endocardial Pacing
Pacing Sensing Response Programmability Tachycardia

O-None O- None O-None O-None O- None It is also called as transvenous pacing which
A-Atrium A-Atrium I-Inhibited C-Communicating P-Pacing implies that the leads/ electrodes system has been
V-Ventricle V-Ventricle T-Triggered P-simple S-Shocks passed through a vein to the right atrium or right
D-Dual D-Dual D-dual M-multi D-Dual
ventricle. It can be unipolar or bipolar.
(A+V) (A+V) (I+T) programmable (P+S)
S-Simple S-Simple R-Rate Epicardial Pacing
(A or V) (A or V) modulation

This type of pacing is accomplished by inserting

Important Definitions the electrode through the epicardium into the
myocardium. This can also be unipolar or bipolar.
Pulse Generator
Pacing Threshold
It includes the energy source (battery) and
electric circuits for pacing and sensory function. This is the minimum amount of energy required

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators 23

to consistently cause depolarization and therefore pacing rate (e.g.72 beats/min). It is particularly
contraction of the heart. Pacing threshold is useful in patients with sick sinus syndrome.
measured in terms of both amplitude and duration
for which it is applied to the myocardium. The Runaway Pacemaker
amplitude is programmed in volts (V) or in
milliampers in some devices, and the duration is It is the acceleration in paced rates due to aging
measured in milliseconds. Factors affecting the of the pacemaker or damage produced by leakage
myocardial pacing threshold are listed in table 3.6 of the tissue fluids into the pulse generator.
However, only those factors important from the Treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs or
anaesthesia point of view will be discussed. cardioversion may be ineffective in such cases. It
is necessary to change the pacemaker to an
Table 3. Factors affecting pacing thresholds.6 asynchronous mode, or reprogram it to lower
Increase Decrease outputs. If the patient is haemodynamically
unstable temporary pacing should be done
1-4 weeks after implantation Increased catecholamines
followed by changing of pulse generator.
Myocardial ischaemia/infaction Stress, anxiety
Hypothermia, hypothyroidism Sympathomimetic drugs
Hyperkalaemia, acidosis/alkalosisAnticholinergics Types of Pacing Modes
Antiarrythmics (class Ic,3) Glucocorticoides
Antiarrythmics ( class IA/B,2)* Hyperthyroidism Asynchronous: (AOO, VOO, and DOO)
Severe hypoxia/hypoglycaemia Hypermetabolic status
Inhalation-local anaesthetics**
It is the simple form of fixed rate pacemaker
*possibly increase threasholds
**conflicting evidence, probably dose-related
which discharges at a preset rate irrespective of the
inherent heart rate. It can be used safely in cases
with no ventricular activity. However, the problems
R Wave Sensitivity associated with asynchronous pacemaker are that
it competes with the patient’s intrinsic rhythm and
It is the measure of minimal voltage of intrinsic results in induction of tachyarrythmias.
R wave, necessary to activate the sensing circuit of Continuous pacing wastes energy and also
the pulse generator and thus inhibit or trigger the decreases the half-life of the battery.7
pacing circuit. The R wave sensitivity of about 3
mV on an external pulse generator will maintain Single Chamber Atrial Pacing (AAI, AAT)
ventricle inhibited pacing.
In this system atrium is paced and the impulse
Resistance passes down the conducting pathways, thus
maintaining atrioventricular synchrony. A single
It can be defined as impedance to the flow of pacing lead with electrode is positioned in the right
current. In the pacemaker system it amounts to a atrial appendage, which senses the intrinsic P wave
combination of resistance in lead, resistance and causes inhibition or triggering of the
through the patient’s tissue and polarization that pacemaker. This is useful in patients with sinus
takes place when voltage and current are delivered arrest and sinus bradycardia provided
into the tissues. Abrupt changes in the impedance atrioventricular conduction is adequate. It is
may indicate problem with the lead system. Very inappropriate for chronic atrial fibrillation and long
high resistance can indicate a conductor fracture ventricular pauses.
or poor connection to the pacemaker. A very low
resistance indicates an insulation failure. Single Chamber Ventricular Pacing (VVI, VVT)

Hystersesis VVI is the most widely used form of pacing in

which ventricle is sensed and paced. It senses the
It is the difference between intrinsic heart rate at intrinsic R wave and thus inhibits the pacemaker
which pacing begins (about 60 beats/min) and function. This type of pacemaker is indicated in a

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24 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32

patient with complete heart block with chronic cardiomyopathy are not able to effectively increase
atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation and long ventricular cardiac output by increase in contractility. They
pauses. Single chamber ventricular pacing is not depend entirely on their heart rate. Similarly,
recommended for patients with sinus node disease, patients on pacemaker need to change the paced
as these patients are more likely to develop the rate in proportion to the metabolic demand so as
pacemaker syndrome. to normalize the haemodynamic status. Patients
with “chronotropic incompetence” (atrial
Dual Chamber AV Sequential Pacing (DDD, DVI, fibrillation, complete heart block) are unable to
DDI, and VDD) change the heart rate according to their metabolic
demands. DDD, VVI, and AAI modes also cannot
Two leads that can be unipolar or bipolar are increase heart rate according to the metabolic
used, one for the right atrial appendage and the demands in these patients. In such cases, rate
other for right ventricular apex. The atrium is responsive pacemakers (i.e. pacemakers, which not
stimulated first to contract, then after an adjustable only sense the atrial or ventricular activity but also
PR interval ventricle is stimulated to contract. These sense various other stimuli and thus, increase the
pacemakers preserve the normal atrioventricular pacemaker rate) are helpful. Various types of
contraction sequence, and are indicated in patients sensors have been designed which respond to the
with AV block, carotid sinus syncope, and sinus parameters such as vibration, acceleration, minute
node disease. In DDD system, both the atrium and ventilation, respiratory rate, central venous
ventricle can be sensed and paced. The advantages pressure, central venous pH, QT interval, pre-
of dual chamber pacemaker are that they are similar ejection period, right ventricular stroke volume,
to sinus rhythm and are beneficial in patients, mixed venous oxygen saturation, and right atrial
where atrial contraction is important for ventricular pressure.8 Out of these, sensors capable of detecting
filling (e.g. aortic stenosis). The disadvantage of body movements (vibrations), changes in
dual chamber pacing is the development of a ventricular repolarisation, central venous
pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT) due to temperature, central venous oxygen saturation,
ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction in which respiratory rate and depth, and right ventricular
ventricular conduction is conducted back to the contractility are commonly used in clinical practice.
atrium and sensed by the atrial circuit, which
triggers a ventricular depolarization leading to Pacemaker Syndrome
PMT. This problem can be overcome by careful
programming of the pacemaker. Most individuals can compensate for the
reduction in cardiac output due to loss of atrial
Programmable Pacemaker systole by activation of baroreceptor reflexes that
increase peripheral resistance and maintain
This is being used since 1980. It provides systemic blood pressure. Some individuals,
flexibility to correct abnormal device behavior and particularly those with intact retrograde VA
adapt the device to patient’s specific and changing conduction, may not tolerate ventricular pacing
needs. The various factors, which can be and may develop a variety of clinical signs and
programmed are pacing rate, pulse duration, symptoms resulting from deleterious
voltage output, R wave sensitivity, refractory haemodynamics induced by ventricular pacing
periods, PR interval, mode of pacing, hysteresis, termed as pacemaker syndrome. These include
and atrial tracking rate. hypotension, syncope, vertigo, light-headedness,
fatigue, exercise intolerance, malaise, weakness,
In patients with normal cardiac contractility, the lethargy, dyspnoea, and induction of congestive
stroke volume increases to its maximal point when heart failure. Cough, awareness of beat-to-beat
only 40% of maximal activity is performed. Thus variation of cardiac response from spontaneous to
an increase in heart rate is important during paced beats, neck pulsation or pressure sensation
exercise to achieve the peak cardiac output. Patients in the chest, neck, or head, headache, and chest pain
with fixed stroke volume such as those with dilated are the other symptoms.9 Symptoms may vary

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators 25

from mild to severe, and onset may be acute to Table 4. British pacing and electrophysiology group
chronic. The pathophysiology of pacemaker recommended pacemaker modes.11
syndrome results from a complex interaction of Sinus node disease
haemodynamic, neurohumoral and vascular Optimal AAIR
changes induced by the loss of AV synchrony. Alternative AAI
Patients with retrograde VA conduction are in a Inappropriate VVI, VDD
state of constant AV dys-synchrony. Retrograde VA Atrioventricular block
Optimal DDD
conduction is present in about 15% of patients with Alternative VDD
complete antegrade AV block and in about 67% of Inappropriate AAI, DDI
patients with intact antegrade AV conduction paced Sinus node disease with atrioventricular block
for sinus node disease. Optimal DDDR, DDIR
Alternative DDD, DDI
Inappropriate AAI, VVI
Pacemaker Failure Chronic atrial fibrillation with atrioventricular block
Optimal VVIR
It may be due to generator failure, lead failure, Alternative VVI
or failure to capture. Failure to capture owing to a Inappropriate AAI, VVI, VDD
Carotid sinus syncope
defect at the level of myocardium (i.e. the generator Optimal DDI
continues to fire but no myocardial depolarization Alternative DDD, VVI (with
takes place) remains the most difficult problem to hysteresis)
treat.10 Inappropriate AAI, VDD
Malignant vasovagal syndrome
Optimal DDI
Haemodynamic Changes During Pacing Alternative DDD
Inappropriate AAI, VVI, VDD.
In single chamber pacemaker, atrial pacing
increases the cardiac output by about 26% in Factors Important from Anaesthesia
comparison to ventricular pacing, as atrial Point of View
contraction contributes 15 to 25% of preload to
ventricles. Also atrial systole increases the coronary Physiological
blood flow and decreases the coronary resistance.
During the first two weeks, there is an initial
The new AV sequential pacing results in 35 % sharp increase in the pacing threshold i.e. up to ten
increase in cardiac output in comparison to the times the acute level because of the tissue reaction
single chamber pacing. This is achieved by the atrial around the electrode tip. Then it decreases to two
systolic boost (atrial kick) to ventricular filling. to three times the acute level because of the scar
While matching pacemaker to a patient, several formation. In chronic state, it reaches the initial level
factors need to be taken into consideration such as in 80% of patients. But this has become far less of a
patient’s age, symptoms, cardiac rhythm, presence problem with the introduction of steroid-eluting
of underlying heart disease, ventricular function, leads and other refinements in the lead technology.1
and response of sinus node to activity (chronotropic
response). BPEG have issued guidelines on the Potassium
recommended pacing modes for all types of
bradyarrhythmias requiring pacing (Table 4).11 Its equilibrium across the cell membrane
In patients with atrioventricular block, the ventricle determines the resting membrane potential (RMP).
must be paced. Ventricular pacing should follow In certain clinical situations, the RMP becomes less
atrial pacing or sensing to maintain atrioventricular negative and approaches the membrane’s threshold
synchrony and cardiac output. If the patient is potential so that less current density at the electrode
physically active and sinus node is chronotropically tissue interface is required to initiate an action
incompetent, a rate responsive system is potential, making capture by the pacemaker easier.
advisable. If the RMP becomes more negative, an increased

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26 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32

current density would be required to raise the RMP permanent pacemaker undergoing noncardiac
to the membrane threshold potential, making it surgery. It includes evaluation of the patient and
more difficult for the pacemaker to initiate the pacemaker. It should include not only detailed
myocardial contraction. An acute increase in evaluation of the underlying cardiovascular disease
extracellular potassium concentration as in patients responsible for the insertion of pacemaker, but also
with myocardial ischaemia, rapid potassium other associated medical problems. Since
replacement in chronic hypokalaemic patients or substantial number of these patients suffers from
use of depolarising muscle relaxants in patients coronary artery disease (50%), hypertension (20%)
with burns, trauma or neuromuscular disease may and diabetis (10%),7 one should know the severity
increase the RMP to less negative value, thus of the cardiac disease, the current functional status,
making the capture easier. Similarly, decrease in and medication of the patient. The patient should
extracellular potassium (in patients on diuretic also be questioned about the initial indication for
therapy or those undergoing hyperventilation such the pacemaker and preimplantation symptoms
as neurosurgical patients) leads to more negative such as lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting. If
RMP making the pacemaker capture difficult.7,9,12 these symptoms occur even after the pacemaker
insertion, cardiology consultation should be
Myocardial Infarction obtained. 9 The general physical examination
should be done to rule out the presence of any
Its scar tissue is unresponsive to electrical bruits, and signs of congestive heart failure. The
stimulation and may cause loss of pacemaker location of the pulse generator should be noted.
capture.7 Generally, generator for the epicardial electrodes
is kept in the abdomen and over one of the pectoris
Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy muscles for the endocardial electrodes.7 Routine
biochemical and haematological investigations
Class Ia (quinidine, procainamide), Ib (lidocaine, should be performed as indicated on an individual
diphenylhydrantoine), and Ic (flecainide, basis. A 12 lead electrocardiogram, X–ray chest (for
encainide, propafenone) drugs have been found to visualization of continuity of leads) and
increase the pacing threshold.13,14 measurement of serum electrolytes (especially K+)
should be performed.
Acid Base Status
Pacemaker Evaluation
Alkalosis and acidosis both cause increase in
pacing threshold.14 It is equally important to evaluate the function
of pacemaker in the preoperative period. Assistance
Hypoxia from the cardiologist and the manufacturer’s
representative may be obtained for the purpose.
It causes increase in pacing threshold.12 Most of the information about the pacemaker, such
as type of pacemaker (fixed rate or demand rate),
Anaesthetic Drugs time since implanted, pacemaker rate at the time
of implantation, and half-life of the pacemaker
These drugs are not likely to change the pacing battery can be taken from the manufacture’s book
threshold. It is notable that addition of equipotent kept with the patient.
halothane, enflurane, or isoflurane to opiate based
anaesthesia after cardiopulmonary bypass did not Ten percent decrease in the rate from the time of
increase pacing threshold.14 implantation indicates power source depletion. In
patients with VVI generator, if intrinsic heart rate
Preoperative Evaluation is greater than pacemaker set rate, evaluation of
pacemaker function can be done by slowing down
Preoperative evaluation is an important aspect the heart rate by carotid sinus massage, while
of the anaesthetic management of a patient with the patient’s ECG is continuously monitored.15

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators 27

Carotid sinus massage should be done cautiously indicates power source depletion and is an
in patients with a history suggestive of indicator of end of life requiring elective
cerebrovascular disease or carotid artery disease, replacement of battery.17
because the atherosclerotic plaque may embolise
to the cerebral circulation. Other methods to slow If no information is available from the patient
the heart rate are Valsalva manoeuvre and use of about the pacemaker, magnet may identify the
edrophonium (tensilone 5-10 mg).6 particular model with the help of magnet rate,
which varies among different manufacturers and
Reprogramming the pacemaker is generally thus provide clue for its identification.
indicated to disable rate responsiveness. The AICD
also needs to be disabled before anaesthesia. ACC/ Despite the previous recommendations to have
AHA guidelines advise that all antitachycardia a magnet available in the operating room, routine
therapy should be disabled before anaesthesia. If use of magnet during surgery is not without risk
the risk of electromagnetic interference (EMI) is and at times may be unjustified. Switching to
high, such as, when the electricity is in close asynchronous pacing may trigger ventricular
proximity to the generator, alternative temporary asynchrony in patients with myocardial ischaemia,
cardiac pacing device should be available. The use hypoxia, and electrolyte imbalance.12 The new
of magnet may also be necessary. generation pacemakers are relatively immune to
magnet application and may not convert
Effect of the Magnet Application on Pacemaker Function pacemaker to asynchronous mode. 10 Constant
magnet application over the pacemaker may alter
Magnet application is an extremely important the programming leading to either inhibited or
function. The magnet is placed over the pulse triggered pacing, or may cause continuous or
generator to trigger the reed switch present in the transient loss of pacing.18 It has also been seen that
pulse generator resulting in a non-sensing if a magnet is placed over a programmable
asynchronous mode with a fixed pacing rate pacemaker, in the presence of EMI, the pulse
(magnet rate). Magnet operated reed switches were generator may become inadvertently and
originally incorporated to produce pacemaker unpredictably reprogrammed. This new ‘surprise’
behaviour that would demonstrate remaining programme may not be evident until after the
battery life and sometimes pacing thresholds.16 magnet is removed. A further problem with
Activation of the reed switch shuts down the magnetic application is the variability of response
demand function so that the pacemaker stimulates between devices, as there is no universal standard.
asynchronous pacing. Thus, magnets can be used Thus, the use of magnet may be safe in non-
to protect the pacemaker dependent patient during programmable pacemaker, however, the most
EMI, such as diathermy or electrocautery. However, current devices should be considered
not all pacemakers switch to asynchronous mode programmable unless known otherwise.9
on the application of magnet. The response varies
with the model and the manufacturer and may be Intraoperative Management
in the form of no apparent change in rate or rhythm,
brief asynchronous pacing, continuous or transient Intraoperative monitoring should be based on
loss of pacing, or asynchronous pacing without rate the patient’s underlying disease and the type of
response. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer surgery. Continuous ECG monitoring is however,
to know the magnet response before use. The essential to monitor pacemaker functioning. In
patient must be connected to an electrocardiograph addition, both electrical and mechanical evidence
recorder before the magnet is applied and, remain of the heart function should be monitored by
connected, until after the magnet is removed. The manual palpation of the pulse, pulse oximetry,
first few paced complexes after magnet application precordial stethoscope and arterial line, if
provide information regarding the integrity of the indicated. 10,19 Presence of pacemaker is not an
pulse generator and its lead system. A 10% decrease indication for insertion of pulmonary artery (PA)
in magnet rate from the time of implantation or central venous catheter.7 If these are indicated,

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28 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32

care should be taken during insertion of the guide nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, surgical
wire or central venous catheter as they are electrocautery23 or dental pulp vitality tester are the
potentially arrhythmogenic.4,12 In a patient in whom most common direct sources of EMI that could
the pacemaker or AICD has been recently interfere with pacemaker.6 The indirect sources of
implanted, while passing the PA catheter, care EMI include radar, orthopaedic saw, telemetric
should be taken as it can easily dislodge the freshly devices, mechanical ventilators, lithotriptors,
placed transvenous endocardial electrode. It is best cellular telephones, and whole body vibrations are
to avoid the insertion of PA catheter or use the potential sources of mechanical interferences
alternative site of insertion in such patients. that could affect pacemaker. Diagnostic radiology
Multipurpose PA catheter with pacing facilities can and computed tomographic (CT) scans do not affect
also be used.20 the function of the pacemaker. Amongst these,
electrocautery is the most important source of EMI.
The anaesthetic technique should be used It involves radiofrequency current of 300-500 KHz.
according to the need of the patient. Both narcotic Fatal arrhythmias and deaths have been reported
and inhalational techniques can be used with the use of electrocautery leading to failure of
successfully. These anaesthetic agents do not alter pacemaker. Between 1984-1997, the US-FDA was
current and voltage thresholds of the pacemaker.14 notified of 456 adverse events with pulse
Skeletal myopotentials, electroconvulsive therapy, generators, 255 from electrocautery and significant
succinylcholine fasciculation, myoclonic number of device failures.10
movements, or direct muscle stimulation can
inappropriately inhibit or trigger stimulation, One should apply the following measures to
depending on the programmed pacing modes.6 The decrease the possibility of adverse effects due to
muscle fasciculation induced by succinylcholine electrocautery.
can be avoided by using nondepolarizing muscle
relaxant or defasiculating with nondepolarizing 1) Bipolar cautery should be used as much as
muscle relaxant before giving succinylcholine. possible as it has less EMI.
Etomidate and ketamine should be avoided as 2) If unipolar cautery is to be used during
these cause myoclonic movements.12 Pacemaker operation, the grounding plate should be
function should be verified, before and after placed close to the operative site and as far
initiating mechanical ventilation, as there may be away as possible from the site of pacemaker,
dislodgement of pacemaker leads by positive usually on the thigh and should have good
pressure ventilation,21 or nitrous oxide entrapment skin contact.
in the pacemaker pocket.22 In patients with rate 3) Electrocautery should not be used within 15
responsive pacemakers, rate responsive mode cm of pacemaker. Frequency of electrocautery
should be deactivated before surgery. If this is not should be limited to 1-second bursts in every
possible for some reason, the mode of rate response 10 seconds to prevent repeated asystolic
must be known so that conditions causing changes periods. Short bursts with long pauses of
in paced heart rate can be avoided. For example, cautery are preferred.4,9,15
shivering and fasciculations should be avoided if 4) Pacemaker may be programmed to
the pacemaker is ‘activity’ rate responsive, asynchronous mode by a magnet or by a
ventilation (respiratory rate and tidal volume) programmer. Before using cautery, the
should be kept controlled and constant in case of programmer must be available in the
‘minute ventilation’ rate responsive, and operation theatre (OT). During the use of
temperature must be kept constant in ‘temperature’ cautery, magnet should not be placed on pulse
rate responsive pacemakers.9 generator as it may cause pacemaker
Electromagnetic Interference 5) Provision of alternative temporary pacing
(transvenous, noninvasive transcutaneous)
Most pacemakers are sensitive to direct or should be ready in the OT.2
indirect EMI. Strong ionizing beams of radiation, 6) Drugs such as isoproterenol and atropine

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators 29

should be available. since little current flows within the heart because
7) If defibrillation is required in a patient with of the high impedance of body tissue, but the
pacemaker, paddles should be positioned as seizure may generate myopotentials which may
far away as possible from the pacemaker inhibit the pacemaker. Thus ECG monitoring is
generator. If possible, anterior to posterior essential and pacemakers should be changed to
positioning of paddles should be used. nonsensing asynchronous mode (fixed mode).10
Although permanent pacemakers have
protective circuits to guard against externally Radiation
applied high voltage, pulse generator
malfunction has been reported.15 In elective Cases where radiation therapy is planned for
cardioversion, the lowest voltage necessary deep seated tumors, therapeutic radiation can
should be utilized. However, even with these damage the complementary metal oxide
precautions, defibrillation may result in acute semiconductors (CMOS) that are the parts of most
increase in the stimulation threshold, with modern pacemakers. Generally, doses in excess of
resultant loss of capture. If this occurs, 5000 rads are required to cause pacemaker
immediate reprogramming or temporary malfunction but as little as 1000 rads may induce
pacing should be done with increased pacemaker failure or cause runaway pacemaker. If
generator output.4,23 pacemaker cannot be shielded from the field of
8) Careful monitoring of pulse, pulse oximetry radiation, consideration should be given to
and arterial pressure is necessary during reimplanting the pacemaker at a distant site.26
electrocautery, as ECG monitoring can also be Temporary damage to pacemaker may recover after
affected by interference. reprogramming but there may be permanent
9) The device should always be rechecked after damage to the pacemaker as well.27 This effect
operation. could be attributed to charge accumulation inside
CMOS after radiation therapy leading to failure of
Specific Perioperative Considerations various components in the circuitry and therefore,
cause pacemaker failure.28
Some procedures pose a greater risk of
pacemaker malfunction. Nerve Stimulator Testing or Transcutaneous Electronic
Nerve Stimulator Unit (TENS)
Transuretheral Resection of Prostate (TURP) and
Uterine Hysteroscopy TENS is now a widely used method for pain
relief. TENS unit consists of several electrodes
Coagulation current used during TURP placed on the skin and connected to a pulse
procedure has no effect, but the cutting current at generator that applies 20 µsec rectangular pulses
high frequencies (up to 2500 kc/sec) can suppress of 1 to 200 V and 0 to 60 mA at a frequency of 20 to
the output of a bipolar demand ventricular 110 Hz. This repeated frequency is similar to the
pacemaker. Dresener et al reported a case in which normal range of heart rates, so it can create a far
electrosurgical unit (ESU) used during operation field potential that may inhibit a cardiac pacemaker.
caused pacemaker malfunction. 25 During Adverse interaction between these devices has been
application of cutting current there was a loss of frequently reported, so these patients should be
pulsatile arterial flow, which returned with monitored during initial application of TENS.
interruption of ESU. Thus when ESU use is Pacemaker mediated tachycardia has been induced
anticipated reprogramming of pacemaker by intraoperative somatosensory evoked potential
preoperatively to the asynchronous (fixed rate) stimulation.29
mode should be performed.10
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Anaesthesia may be required in patients
ECT appears safe for patients with pacemakers, undergoing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

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30 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32

(ESWL) for immobilisation and to avoid pain in has a frequency of 21-64 MHz depending on the
flank at entry site of waves. There may be electrical strength of magnetic field. The radiofrequency
interference from hydraulic shock waves and can signals can cause interference with pacemaker
cause mechanical damage. High-energy vibrations output circuits resulting in rapid pacing at multiple
produced by lithotripsy machine can cause closure of frequency between 60-300 bpm causing rapid
of reed switch causing asynchronous pacing. pacing rate. It may cause pacemaker
‘Activity’ rate responsive pacemaker can be reprogramming and destruction of electronic
affected due to the damage caused to the components. 34 It may also cause heating at the
piezoelectric crystals by ESWL. The shock waves electrode-tissue boundary, which may cause
can produce ventricular extrasystoles, if not thermal injury to endocardium and myocardium.35
synchronized with R wave. 9 Thus, pacemaker
malfunction can occur in patients undergoing Gradient Magnetic Field: used for spatial localization
ESWL, requiring adequate preparation prior to changes its strength along different orientations
procedure. One should have cardiologist’s opinion, and operates at frequencies in order of 1 kHz.
perioperative ECG monitoring, device programmer Gradient magnetic field may also interact with
and a standby cardiologist to deal with any device reed - switch in pacemaker. Inappropriate sensing
malfunction. Rate responsive pacemaker should and triggering because of the induced voltages can
have their activity mode deactivated. Focal point occur. It may induce negligible heating effect.14,36
of the lithotriptor should be kept at least six inches
(15 cm) away from the pacemaker.30,31 Patient with The results of various studies done to evaluate
abdominally placed pacemaker generators should the safety and feasibility suggest that in the absence
not be treated with ESWL. Low shock waves (<16 of other alternative for getting diagnostic
kilovolts) should be used initially followed by a information, MRI can be done in the presence of a
gradual increase in the level of energy.32 Dual cardiologist. However, appropriate patient
chamber demand pacemaker is especially sensitive selection should be done and equipment for
to shock waves and should be reprogrammed to a resuscitation and temporary pacing should be
simpler mode (VOO, VVI ) preoperatively. available. Also patients should be closely
monitored with ECG and oxygen saturation. 35
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Further studies are necessary to refine the
appropriate strategies for performing MRI safely
MRI is an important diagnostic tool. But its use in a patient with implanted pacemaker. The risk-
in patients with pacemaker is contraindicated due benefit ratio must be individually evaluated in
to lethal consequences and mortality. Three types every patient with a pacemaker. Patients, who
of powerful forces exist in the MRI suite.33 require head MRI scanning without alternative
diagnostic possibilities, may be best served in a
Static Magnetic Field: An intense static field is always carefully monitored setting. Thus patients with
present even if the scanner is not imaging. Most of pacemakers should not routinely undergo MRI
the pacemakers contain ferromagnetic material, scanning.35,37
which gets attracted to the static magnetic field in
the MRI and may exert a torque effect leading to Conclusion
discomfort at the pacemaker pocket. The reed
switches used in the pacemaker are known to close Patients with implanted pacemakers can be
at very low magnetic field of 0.5-2 mT, thus reed managed safely for surgery and other non-surgical
switch activation by high static field of 0.5-1.5 T procedures. It requires thorough understanding
can result in switching of pacemaker to a non- about indication of pacemaker insertion, various
sensing asynchronous pacing. modes of pacing, and programming of pacemaker.
A cardiologist should also be consulted for device
Radiofrequency Field (RF): This field is switched on evaluation regarding its proper function and life of
and off during magnetic resonance imaging and the batteries. Anaesthetic management should be

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2005; 8: 21–32 Rastogi et al. Patients with Pacemakers & Defibrillators 31

planned preoperatively according to patient’s electocautery. Rate responsive pacemakers should

medical status. Careful monitoring of ECG, pulse have rate responsive mode disabled before surgery.
oximetry and arterial blood pressure should be done. Provision of temporary pacing should be available
While using electocautery, precaution for minimal in the OT to deal with emergency situation of
EMI should be taken. Magnet should not be placed pacemaker malfunction. Pacemaker should be
over pacemaker in the OT in presence of rechecked after the procedure.


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