Department of Teacher Education and Languages: Cavite State University Imus Campus
Department of Teacher Education and Languages: Cavite State University Imus Campus
Department of Teacher Education and Languages: Cavite State University Imus Campus
To the student
Welcome to this second module in Teaching English in Elementary Grades! May this module
give you an in depth idea of the English curriculum in the Philippine setting -DWR-
This module will give you an idea about English curriculum in the Philippine setting, and
its issues and challenges in the 21st century. You may email back this module with answers to
your instructor through this e-mail: [email protected]. Just follow the format
Language is the foundation of all human relationships. All human relationships are
established on the ability of people to communicate effectively with each other. Our thoughts,
values and understandings are developed and expressed through language. This process
allows students to understand better the world in which they live and contributes to the
development of their personal perspectives of the global community. People use language to
make sense of and bring order to their world. Therefore, proficiency in the language enables
people to access, process and keep abreast of information, to engage with the wider and more
diverse communities, and to learn about the role of language in their own lives, and in their own
and other cultures.
Guiding Principles
The K-12 Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is anchored on the following language
acquisition, learning, teaching and assessing principles. All languages are interrelated and
Language acquisition and learning is an active process that begins at birth and
continues throughout life. It is continuous and recursive throughout students’ lives. Students
enhance their language abilities by using what they know in new and more complex contexts
and with increasing sophistication (spiral progression). They reflect on and use prior knowledge
to extend and enhance their language and understanding. By learning and incorporating new
language structures into their repertoire and using them in a variety of contexts, students
develop language fluency and proficiency. Positive learning experiences in language-rich
environments enable students to leave school with a desire to continue to extend their
knowledge, skills and interests.
Learning requires meaning. We learn when we use what we know to understand what is new.
Start with what the students know; use that to introduce new concepts. They use language to
examine new experiences and knowledge in relation to their prior knowledge, experiences, and
beliefs. They make connections, anticipate possibilities, reflect upon ideas, and determine
courses of action
Learners learn about language and how to use it effectively through their engagement
with and study of texts. The term ‘text’ refers to any form of written (reading and writing), oral
(listening and speaking) and visual communication involving language. The texts through
which students learn about language are wide-ranging and varied, from brief conversations to
lengthy and complex forms of writing. The study of specific texts is the means by which learners
achieve the desired outcomes of language, rather than an end in itself. Learners learn to create
texts of their own and to engage with texts produced by other people.
Successful language learning involves viewing, listening, speaking, reading and writing
activities. Language learning should include a plethora of strategies and activities that helps
students focus on both MEANING and ACCURACY.
The ultimate goal of the Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is to produce graduates
who apply the language conventions, principles, strategies and skills in (1) interacting with
others, (2) understanding and learning other content areas, and (3) fending for themselves in
whatever field of endeavour they may engage in.
1. Communicative Competence
Communicative Competence is a synthesis of knowledge of basic grammatical principles,
knowledge of how language is used in social settings to perform communicative functions, and
how knowledge of utterances and communicative functions can be combined according to the
principles of discourse.
2. Multiliteracies
Multiliteracies (multi literacy practices) recognize that there are many kinds of literacy at
work within our society. These include traditional literacy practices using texts as well as new
literacy practices using texts of popular culture such as films. Social literacy encompasses how
we communicate and exchange meaning in our society while professional literacy links with the
notion of literacy for school of the workplace.
The curriculum aims to help learners acquire highly-developed literacy skills that enable
them to understand that English language is the most widely used medium of communication in
Trade and the Arts, Sciences, Mathematics, and in world economy. Furthermore, the curriculum
aims to help learners understand that English language is a dynamic social process which
responds to and reflects changing social conditions, and that English is inextricably involved
with values, beliefs and ways of thinking about ourselves and the world we dwell in. Through
multi-literacy skills, learners will be able to appreciate and be sensitive to sociocultural diversity
and understand that the meaning of any form of communication depends on context, purpose
and audience.
Conceptual Framework
The world is now in the “Knowledge age” where the challenge of education is to prepare
learners to deal with the challenges of the changing world. Students in this age must be
prepared to compete in a global economy, understand and operate complex communication and
information systems, and apply higher level thinking skills to make decisions and solve
The Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum (LAMC) addresses these needs. This is
the rationale why Mother Tongue, Filipino and English follow a unified framework which allows
easy transition from acquiring and learning one language to another.
The curriculum has five (5) components. Each component is essential to the learners’ ability to
communicate effectively in a language leading them to achieve communicative competence and
multiliteracies in the Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. The diagram on page 2 shows that
the heart and core of LAMC is making meaning through language and aims to develop
graduates who are communicatively competent and multiliterates.
Component 1 illustrates learning processes that will effect acquisition and learning of the
language. It explains the HOW of language learning and therefore serves as guiding principles
for language teaching. Component 2 describes knowledge and skill areas which are essential
to effective language use (understanding of cultures, understanding language, processes and
strategies) which will be developed through language arts (macro-skills).
Component 3 shows the interdependence and interrelationships of the macro-skills of the
language (listening, speaking and viewing; reading, viewing and responding; writing and
representing) and the development of thinking skills (critical thinking, creative thinking and
metacognition) allowing students to make meaning through language.
Component 4 explains the holistic assessment of the Language Arts and Literacy Curriculum
which serves as feedback of its effectiveness to students, teachers, school administrators, and
curriculum developers
Issues and Challenges in the 21st century
In the Philippines, one of the noticeable concerns being observed was having graduates
from high school who lack maturity and academic competency. This result to change a new
basic education curriculum wherein students will have additional two-year senior high school.
The K to 12 English Curriculum (also known as the Language Arts and Multiliteracies
Curriculum or LAMC) was developed as a response to the poor performance of students in NAT
across subjects. It is founded on the belief that language, thinking, and learning are interrelated
and that language is the foundation of all human relations. Its overarching goal is to develop
communicatively competent and multiliterate learners who are competitive in this global
economy (Barrot 2018 quoted DepEd, 2016).
Moreover, the Philippines has initiated English curriculum reforms to respond effectively
to the demands of 21st century education and the current educational problems of the country
such as low achievement test scores and congested curriculum. Overall, the current curriculum
may need to improve its clarity, specificity, and internal coherence as well as the integration of
some essential principles of 21st century learning and language teaching and learning.
1. teachers may not be able to fully practice principled teaching in their respective
classrooms because of the lack of integration of essential principles of 21st century
language pedagogy.
2. the changing of teachers’ views on their role as a facilitator of learning (not merely as a
knowledge transmitter), on the role of their students, and on the teaching-learning
process including assessment.
3. there is the issue of very limited instructional time (Barrot, 2018).
Instruction: Given the issues and challenges we have in the K12 program, provide some
suggestions you want to imply that you think would best help our educators as well as our
As a student who first experienced the K12 program, I must say that if we really want us
to be literate and to be globally competitive individual, the government should give a lot of
attention in implementing the curriculum that we have, it’s not just about implementing and
doing what it is written in the said curriculum but it also about supporting and providing better
facilities for students and also for teachers. More especially in the remote areas and public
schools not all the teachers from public school can provide gadget/technologies for student and
not all the remote areas has the ability to access in the internet, can’t afford to buy gadgets So
why can’t we and why don’t we allocate more funds for education so that we can provide more
advance technologies that may help the students and also teachers in learning different skills. If
we have enough facilities and if government is more focus on the education system no one is
left behind all of as can be successful in life.
References for this module:
Barrot J., 2018. English Curriculum Reform in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges from a
21st Century Learning Perspective. Research Gate. DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2018.1528547