Workbook 80-82
Workbook 80-82
Workbook 80-82
J :111tl ,D
rasal verbs in the box.
mp lete the sen ten ces wit h the correct form of the ph
A. Co be cau gh t up
hang out stic k wit h
up sho w up cut ou t take up
_ b:r nkr up t.
wit h yo ur mo ney , yo u wil l _ _:_:___l..._...:__ _ _ _ _ _ _
mo re (Jr efu l
l. lf you do n 't stJ rt being m where we live.
- - - at the caf é wh ich is jus t aro un d the cor n er fm
·-- -'- -- ""'= - - - - - - -
2. :'\ {y frie nd s .m d I usual!~ ting. It 's da nge rou s for yo ur
\ :-i ) ' the fa tty food yo u've bee n ea
e to
3. :'\ 1r Ro bin son. you 'll haY
hea lth .
-=---'=----- -- -=' --- uni
nvi ted at Fra nk 's wedding?
4. Guess wh o _ __.>a
' •....:......:,
ti'---' -''·J
,_,_ _ __ _ _ _ in a
pro tes t ma rch .
den ly I _ c.:.~.:_ ' ---"r_ r
vn the stre et wh en sud ' '-'
1 ..:..:
5. I ,,·as dO\
ten nis to help her sta y fit.
mo the r has dec ide d to _ _, _ r1_ '\_ - - ~)_,;_· _ _ _ _
6. i\1y __ __ yo ur die t.
wa nt to los e we igh t, you 'd be tte r_-__ __ __ ___::__.::..__
7. I kn ow it 's har d, bu t if you
\ reading.
:. ----''----'-1....,.,_ c:.c._,:~~ - - - - is
uri te _ ....,... :. . .;"-'-
l. On e of m y father's favo thi s film .
" c
"'"--'- _r = _ __
,_t __ _ on an adv ent ure , the n don 't mi ss
r _,'
yo u're ready to __ __
2. If ' , , ,, of yo ur ac tio ns.
face the t , ~ , .- ,
3. You 've bro ken the law
and now it 's tim e for you to
• -''>= - - - - - -
\ _,,._
ide d to joi n a gym in ord er to tone his _ _ _::::n ~ 0~ ":,~ r--'--'
4. Co lín has dec • _ _ __
-: -•_ c>_ c_r_ ,=-
ers wil l go to ext rem es to im press the ir -- -- igh t.
S. Sor ne tee nag
- = - - - - - a me a! - eve
n wh en you wa nt to lose we
er -- -- -- -- -'- -
you should nev
6. Accor din g to hea lth exp ert s, and ope ned up his ow n bus
ine ss.
so he ' · r
7. He was dis app oin ted wit h his wit h ext rem e spo rts .
the re are m any risks '" <.. , 1 c., • t · e
Always keep in mi nd tha t
3· Daniel, can you please take do 1,., ) ('. their phone number in case we need to call them later?
4 · Patrick is st udying really hard for his final exams, but I don't think he'II be able to take ----'--'---ª11 that information
so quickly.
S. Who's going to take C ....;t, the company now that the president has retired?
6. Take 'o o e 1
• what you said or I'll never speak to you again.
7 1
t's not that I don't want to help you, but I'm too busy to take n r'\ more responsibilities now.
Jmplete the sentences with the correct expression. Use each expression only once.
l. I don't want to o r ~ ,., e ¡ , r-.J ·1 • ,, 1 him for what he did to me. It's not worth the fuss.
2. The people she hangs out with are a bad influence; it's no wonder she , <. C\ i-• • • 1 ,~ , "' . ~ti the time.
3. If you don't start showing up to work on time, don't be surprised if you '"' e> - ~ '"'" <,
l. Jf I had been /'werc ymt\ I would go home ancl try to get somc slccp.
2. Jf Adam had;;y kncw you wcre coming, he wouldn 't havc left.
3. Jf thcy could do it alone, they,wouJdn't ask / w9n t have askcd for your hclp.
4. If Tanya has had(/ had had) our phone number, shc will call (would havc_:alle~o invite you.
5. Wcwo~Jdn't havc had /Jwon't havc had that car accidcn! if you wcrc ~ ad bcen mprc carcful.
6. lf I could savc up cnough moncy,(I wouJd buy/ 'VouJd havc bought ª new car.
, e hwc di1111cr al home.
7. 1f Pctcr didn't want( docsn't want 19 go to a restauran,1 we '111 '
- tne senu:~m.c:, u.;,111~ " · - .. - . - -
D. Rewnte . k ts Now we can't go.
1 lt's a pity Fay has lost t e,con~ . - ' ,, \,. , ' t
\ t().,,,
h r:,,qr
1\ t 1c ,~e= -~l____
,.. l
' r
~~~~~~~-~~=~~=====-= /'
,, .,.. t,0(\
, now.
· yo ur tests
3. You have to han d m
1 \ O. O~ ~ -, 1 r e, (! [ .. , ' ,. 1 ,., r
- . g.
. hI.l e I'am studyin
4. I would be grateful if y
. ou didn't\listen ' - w~ " r -: 0
~ musIC
\ ,to ' .,
-\ ', () \.,) '-',o.
- , C·
• C:
' r , d .
7. You used my mobile phone even though I <lid not ~ an,t you to. ' ~ 1
~ .. .),:1 ~
\ \ :<: ~ <? ( '1 s\, \ l0 n C:I " • °' \,••
E. Read the text below and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each
Pi lates is a system of exercises that has become hugely popular in recent years.
It uses various controlled movements (!) Q strength en your body +
and improve your mental well-being. lt is one of the preferre d exercises of ballet
dancers, gymnasts and Hollywood stars because it can bring about a dramati
improvement in your health and fitness. Pilates has body toning exercises which
aim to enhance your flexibility and strength. (2) l,\ •h- ,,. , •~ , it doesn't make
you very muscular like body building; instead, you develop a firmer, more
streamlined body shape. The inventor of Pilates was Joseph H. Pila tes, who as
(3) . , , , of
child was constant!y bullied and suffered from illnesses. In
this, he did not !et his troubles get the (4) •~ r \ of him and he took a ~ ~~
serious interest in physícal fitness. During WWI, if Pilates hadn't
(S) 'e ,. <' C\ taken as a prisoner of war, he might not have
(ó) \, e, d the opportunity to perfect his techniques. It was during his
. .
-·sonmen t th at he develope .
d his methods by training other prisoner s , in
that physical and mental health
• ¡ r bed-bou nd. pnsoners
partJCu ªd• d . . He .beheved .. d thn
are relate an he des1gned his exercises . around. th1s idea. Today, pilates is used by people all aroun
( nd
can .
their minds a their bod,es healthy. A major advanrage of pilares is that anyone h exerCIS
you aren. t hvery fu. .The,e are two methods of (9) d ,, ,05
7) r\ · ( , . · wh 1.
t he·nes
,t matter (B) •
doesn111 bO
e. The second method uses various mac • · restl.
at and your dy uses its own we1g tas res1stanc makes them 1 e , ,
use a . . f -sta nce. The exercise motines are di verse, (10) _w { •, / · h don t \(
pnnc1ple o resi, \ 1 1
'd to yourse If 'If (11) o Y:') '1 I could lose those extra kilos l've gained! ' Well, w Y '
the same you.
you ever sai . 7 The results wíll amaze
(IZ) l , (' pilates.