IcoR100 Repl 1
IcoR100 Repl 1
IcoR100 Repl 1
Replacements of Parts
© Siemens AG 2000
The reproduction, transmission or use
of this document or its contents is not
permitted without express written
authority. Offenders will be liable for
damages. All rights, including rights
created by patent grant or registration
of a utility model or design, are
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified
personnel who are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise
authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated
with or authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates are directed to contact one of the
local offices of Siemens or one of its affiliates before attempting installation or service pro-
1 _______ Requirements___________________________________________________ 6
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Aids and Tools Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Product-specific Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Checking Play between the Sprockets and Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Checking Play between the Sprockets and Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Adjustment of the Safety Limit Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Unit Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Replacing the Complete Remote Control Console or Individual Parts . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Tableside Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Replacement of Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Board or Firmware Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
All tools, test equipment and aids, with the exception of the standard service tool kit, are
listed and specified in the Service Tools Catalogue.
• Digital multimeter (e.g. Fluke 8060A) 97 02 101 RE999
• cm ruler
• Slide calipers
• Spring balance, 100 N 44 29 122 MH029
• Longtime PD2 (20 gr.) 34 91 271
• Loctite 221 20 48 874
• Torque wrench up to 100 Nm 44 30 906 RH090
• Allen wrench set for flat-head screws 81 59 980 RE999
Notes 1.1
Safety Information 0
NOTE Use only the paneling screws that secure the cover panels, other-
wise there is a risk of cables being damaged during unit move-
Product-specific Information 0
• The work steps described here must be performed by a trained, qualified specialist.
• These instructions describe the replacement of the main assemblies and are in no way
intended to be a complete guide. If any "technical documentation" is shipped with the
spare parts, it must be observed. Work should be performed only by a trained special-
• Operating instructions supplied with the parts have to be handed over to the customer
and filed in the "Operating Instructions" customer binder.
• Depending on the version, the figures and/or drawings may slightly deviate from the
actual system delivered.
• Damaged or worn parts may be replaced only with original parts.
• These instructions describe comprehensive mechanical work. This requires good
mechanical skills.
• If there is a malfunction, first check the mechanics of the drives.
• Special attention must be paid to easy movement of all movable parts.
• Jamming will cause a switch-off by the safety software.
• For this reason, check the cleanliness and lubrication of rails and guide parts, check the
chain and toothed belt tension for the particular drive, the function of the brakes, and if
needed, clean off any wear residue and adjust the air gap.
Lubrication Locations
Prior to performing the relevant adjustment, all accessible chains and gear drives, glide
and roller bearing guides must be checked, and, if needed, lubricated with Longtime PD2
(unless otherwise indicated).
Securing Screws
All screws that were removed for adjustment purposes must be secured again to their
original condition. The screws are secured with appropriate lock washers, counternuts or
Loctite 221, part no. 20 48 874. Where Loctite is required for securing, this is specified in
the text.
When working with Loctite, make absolutely sure the adhesive does not unintentionally
penetrate into the bearings.
If this causes a bearing to become jammed, it will not be evident until days later.
Loctite can be loosened again by applying heat (hot air gun, etc.).
Please note:
Mech. parts These instructions mainly describe how to access the components
to be replaced. A detailed description (e.g. remove all screws of a
drive) is not provided, because the individual work steps become
obvious and clear as the work is performed.
Concluding function tests, and - in exceptional cases - movements
of drives in certain positions, are described in the SSW. This docu-
ment only refers to the relevant screen.
Mech. adjust- All mechanical adjustments are described.
ments Prerequisites (accessibility) are described only briefly. Detailed
information is provided in Replacement of Parts. Concluding func-
tion tests, and - in exceptional cases - movements of drives in cer-
tain positions, are described in the SSW. This document only refers
to the relevant SSW screen.
Corrective Measures/Adjustments
This document makes several references to the SSW for corrective measures or adjust-
For this, select Adjustments etc. under “Components/ICONOS” in the XCS SSW program.
Air Gap for Magnetic Brakes
Unless otherwise specified, the air gap between the brake and rail should be set between
0.2 and 0.4 mm.
General Information 0
General tolerances for linear dimensions according to ISO 2768
These tolerances apply to all dimensions given in these instructions, unless a different tol-
erance is expressly indicated after the value.
Limit values over 3 mm over 6 mm over 30 over 120 over over 1000 over 2000
for the nomi- to 6 mm to 30 mm mm to 120 mm to 400 400 mm mm to mm to
nal range mm mm to 2000 mm 4000 mm
1000 mm
Admissible tol- ± 0,5 mm ± 1 mm ± 1,5 mm ± 2,5 mm ± 4 mm ± 6 mm ± 8 mm
When checking the tightness, use the corresponding torque values for hardness rating
A tolerance of 10% is permissible for torque values.
Procedure 0
• Move the unit into the -15° position and position the spotfilm device is approx. the mid-
dle of the movement range.
• Exactly mark the position of the drive support plate at the corners at the foot end.
• Move the unit into the 0° position.
1 5
3 2
1 4
• Remove the first two mounting screws on the tilt segment at the foot end on the opera-
tor"s side of the unit support (1/Fig. 2 / p. 12).
• Move the unit into the 80° position.
• Exactly mark the position of the drive support plate at the corners at the head end.
4 2
2 1
• Remove the 3 Allen-head countersunk screws on the switch assembly (3/Fig. 6 / p. 13).
• Mark the position of the potentiometer on the pinion gear and on the unit base
(Fig. 6 / p. 13).
• Remove the mounting screws (1/Fig. 7 / p. 13), secure the potentiometer assembly
along with the switch assembly to the motor with insulation tape.
• Loosen the chain cover strip (3/Fig. 7 / p. 13) at the head end (remove the 2 Allen
screws from the flat piece).
• Pull back the drive slightly and while doing so, turn the the motor fan wheel manually to
the right (clockwise) until the sprockets disengage.
NOTE To make sure the floor plate does not get scratched, make abso-
lutely sure to place the foam packing under the drive support plate.
NOTE Use the jumpers in the motor terminal box from the original.
• Install the return guide for the chain cover strip and tighten the chain cover strip.
• Raise the drive above the strut (5/Fig. 5 / p. 12) (5/Fig. 7 / p. 13) in the base.
• Connect the motor.
• Move the drive to the foot end
¹ the play is reduced
• Move the drive to the head end
¹ the play is increased
• Apply Loctite 221 to the first two head-end, operator"s side mounting screws for the tilt
segment and thread them into the unit support. Torque: 25 Nm.
• Switch the system ON.
• Install the potentiometer assembly.
- To perform a coarse adjustment of the tilt potentiometer using the SSW: StartI-
CONOS SSW/ Adjustment/ Calibration/ Tilt drive/ Tilt drive: Potentiometer adjust-
ment and preset the potentiometer to the "Current value" that was noted.
• Disengage the emergency stop switch.
• Move the unit into the 0° position.
• Perform an adjustment or a check of the tilt drive potentiometer. ICONOS SSW/ Adjust-
ment/ Calibration/ Tilt drive/ Tilt drive: Potentiometer adjustment
• When doing so, observe the following work steps:
- To adjust the potentiometer, loosen the two screws (1/Fig. 7 / p. 13) and move the
potentiometer assembly (2/Fig. 7 / p. 13).
- Turn the pinion gear (1/Fig. 6 / p. 13) accordingly and by doing this, preadjust the
potentiometer using the zero adjustment method.
- Press the potentiometer assembly with slight pressure against the plastic gear
(2/Fig. 6 / p. 13), so that if there is a possible deflection movement of the plastic gear,
both pinion gears remain securely meshed.
• Perform the check and the function check described in Online Help under ICONOS
SSW/ Adjustment/ Calibration/ Tilt drive/ Tilt drive: Potentiometer adjustment.
• Install all cover panels. Ensure that the ground wires provided are connected to the
cover panels.
Fig. 9:
Check the distance (Fig. 9 / p. 17) between the particular limit switch and the switch
strike plate.
• Press the limit switch.
¹ The safety breaker(s) must audibly deenergize.
• Move the longitudinal carriage all the way to the foot end.
• Tilt the unit down all the way.
• Check the distance (Fig. 9 / p. 17) between the particular limit switch and the switch
strike plate.
• Press the limit switch.
¹ The safety breaker(s) must audibly deenergize.
NOTE Both drives sit on a shared support plate and can only be
removed together. To do this, 2 persons will be needed.
• If not yet done, move the tabletop all the way to the operator’s side.
Fig. 12: Column chain bearing block Fig. 13: Column chain tension screw
• Open all 4 master links (1/Fig. 14 / p. 20) and pull out the chain.
Removing the Drives
• Remove the 9 Allen screws (1/Fig. 15 / p. 20).
• Pull off the support bearing (2/Fig. 15 / p. 20).
• Prepare a place to place down the drive unit.
• Remove the cable clamps under the unit so that the cables can be lead out.
• Carefully pull out the drive unit; when doing this, guide out the cable bundle after it.
• The defective part (drive, belt) will now be accessible (Fig. 16 / p. 20).
Installing the Drives and Chains
• The electrical connection can vary according to the system. With older drives, the
cables are plugged in. The connectors must be disconnected and plugged into the ter-
minal strip as designated.
• If the tomo option is not configured, guide the chains through the toothed belts
(1/Fig. 16 / p. 20); when doing so, the chains may not be crossed over one another.
• Carefully insert the drive unit (2/Fig. 16 / p. 20) when doing so, guide in the cable bun-
dle (3/Fig. 16 / p. 20).
• Move the spotfilm device to the foot end per the position (Fig. 14 / p. 20).
• Lead the chains out through the openings and close them with the master links.
NOTE Make sure the chain safety springs are securely seated!
• Move the spotfilm device all the way to the head end.
• Install the support bearing (2/Fig. 15 / p. 20) (three M8 x 25mm screws), first only lightly
tighten them, as well as the remaining 5 screws (M8 x 20mm) for the drive.
Adjusting the Chain Tension
The following sequence must be maintained:
• Tension the chains for the spotfilm device accordingly at the foot end with the tension
screw (Fig. 11 / p. 18) and (2/Fig. 14 / p. 20) (Fig. 17 / p. 21).
• Then tighten all the screws for the drives.
• Tighten the 4 Allen screws (1/Fig. 12 / p. 19) for the bearing block.
NOTE Make sure that the drives are installed at a right angle to the
If potentiometer settings were changed or they were replaced, the
position of the column and spotfilm device must be readjusted in
the SSW.
- 1 label on the unit support next to the model plate (2/Fig. 20 / p. 23).
• Remove all Allen screws (1/Fig. 22 / p. 24) from the linear guide. To do this, move the
tabletop transversely as needed.
• Switch off the system.
• Disconnect all cables to both motors as well as to the potentiometer (if needed, label the
• Using 3 persons, lightly pull the tabletop towards the foot end and then take it out
towards the top.
NOTE Transfer the jumpers in the motor terminal box from the original.
Distance X Distance Y
1. Move the spotfilm device all the way to the min. 4.5 mm min. 4.5 mm
head end.
Tabletop must be flush with the frame
2. Move the spotfilm device all the way to the min. 4.5 mm min. 4.5 mm
foot end
Tabletop must be flush with the frame
3. Move the spotfilm device the middle of the min. 4.5 mm min. 4.5 mm
movement range
Move the tabletop all the way to the head
4. Move the spotfilm device the middle of the min. 4.5 mm min. 4.5 mm
movement range
Move the tabletop all the way to the foot end
If the difference between spaces 3 and 4 is more than 1 mm, the table frame is bent
(moved into the floor or an object). Replace the table frame.
Distance 1 is too little.
5 7
Adjustments 4.2
• Adjust the limit switch strike plate (7/Fig. 26 / p. 28) so that a movement range of
35, +1 cm results.
• Install the cover panels in the reverse sequence.
Adjustment of Speed 0
3 2
• Cut through the sealer seam (1/Fig. 27 / p. 31) (silicon rubber) with a knife and remove
the residual adhesive material.
• Remove the stoppers (4/Fig. 28 / p. 31) on the head and foot ends.
• Remove the cover panels (2 und 3/Fig. 27 / p. 31) above and below the tabletop at the
head end and foot end.
• Completely remove the 12 Allen-head countersunk screws (5/Fig. 28 / p. 31) at both
the head and foot ends.
• Move the tabletop out to the head end.
NOTE If the tabletop is still fixed, the adhesive locations were not suffi-
ciently cut through.
Take note of the installation location of the tabletop.
NOTE Place a thin adhesive strip to the right and left of the gap.
• Fill in the gap between the tabletop and the aluminum profile rail with “Silicon rubber”.
Use a rounded object, or use your finger dipped in wet soapy water to make the caulking
seam smooth and flat.
The caulking material can cure overnight. Remove any traces of adhesive.
;;; 2
NOTE Transfer the jumpers in the motor terminal box from the original.
CAUTION Risk of crushing from the outward pressure of the gas spring.
¹ The gas spring or the drive may only be released
between the -20° and +20° unit positions (console display
or on the tableside control) (load compensation).
• To remove or install the column rear cover panel, the unit must be in the 0° position, oth-
erwise the central beam will change.
• Remove the rear column panel (10 Allen screws and countersunk screws)
(1/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
NOTE If there is a defective drive and very little room, the tilt movement
can be blocked. if the SID is moved out slightly, the SID 115 posi-
tion switch can be actuated. When this is done, tilt movement can
be performed carefully. Depending on the space conditions and
the position of the SID, it may be necessary to move the unit into
the - 20° to + 20° unit position using the SSW.
• Move the unit into the -20° to + 20° unit position (display on the console or on the table-
side controller.
• Remove the 2 nuts on the gas spring bracket (2/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• Remove the 2 nuts on the drive bracket (3/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• The must be moved to approx. 40 degrees as shown in the display.
NOTE Stuff cloths or paper (9/Fig. 33 / p. 36) between the gas spring
(10/Fig. 33 / p. 36), the drive (11/Fig. 33 / p. 36) and the column
tube (12/Fig. 33 / p. 36), otherwise the gas spring or the drive will
fall against the tube when the SID is moved out.
• Move the unit to 90° (when this is done, the moves out on its own).
• Pull the SID out manually to the mechanical stop.
Replacing the Gas Spring
• Hold the gas spring in the column tube and remove the 4 Allen-head countersunk
screws (4/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• Take out the gas spring; while doing so, pay attention to the cables in the tube column.
• Remove the old gas spring from the bracket and the attachment point and install the
parts on the new gas spring. While doing so, make absolutely sure to pay attention to
the position of the gas spring bracket (2/Fig. 33 / p. 36) versus the top attachment point
(5/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• Installation is in the reverse order of above; while doing so, pay attention to the cables in
the column tube.
Replacing the Drive
• Loosen the 4 Allen-head countersunk screws (6/Fig. 33 / p. 36). Hold the drive in the
column tube and take out the mounting screws.
• Take out the drive; while doing so, pay attention to the cables in the column tube.
• Remove the old drive from the studs (7/Fig. 33 / p. 36) and slide the new one onto it.
When doing this, make absolutely sure to pay attention to the position of the drive
bracket (3/Fig. 33 / p. 36) versus the top mounting point (8/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• Installation is in the reverse order of above; when doing this, pay attention to the cables
in the column tube.
• Carefully move the SID manually into position and while doing so, align the gas spring
bracket (2/Fig. 33 / p. 36) with the mounting stud.
• Install the gas spring bracket (2/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
• Move the unit carefully to approx. 60°.
• Between 60° and 40°, the SID moves on its own. When this happens, align the drive
bracket (3/Fig. 33 / p. 36) with the mounting stud.
• Install the drive bracket (3/Fig. 33 / p. 36).
Adjust the limit switches so that the following dimensions are obtained with the unit in the 0°
• At SID 115: use the tape measure in the collimator to set a distance of 106.5 mm to
107.5 mm to the tabletop.
• At the max. SID: the tape measure in the collimator must show a distance of141.5 mm
to 142.5 mm to the tabletop.
NOTE Always replace the tomo rod, the clamping ring and the tomo rod
safety catch (catch mechanism for the tomo rod) together.
9 11 5 12 10
X 8
3 6
• Hold the tomo rod profile (1/Fig. 34 / p. 41) and remove the bottom 4 Allen screws
(2/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
If compression is configured: Remove the bracket for the flexible plastic chain on the
tomo rod profile (2 Allen screws), hold the tomo rod profile (1/Fig. 34 / p. 41) including
compression and remove the bottom 4 Allen screws (2/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Remove the tomo rod profile and place it to the side.
If compression is configured: Place the tomo rod profile (1/Fig. 34 / p. 41) including
compression down on a soft surface on the spotfilm device.
• Remove the tomo rod (3/Fig. 34 / p. 41) using an Allen wrench (A/Fig. 34 / p. 41) from
the clamping ring (5/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Remove the clamping screw (6/Fig. 34 / p. 41) on the clamping ring.
• Switch the system ON.
• Carefully move the unit into the + 90° or - 90 position. When this is done, tube unit rota-
tion also turns.
If compression is configured: Hold the tomo rod profile including compression and
carefully move the unit into the + 90° or - 90 position. When this is done, tube unit rota-
tion also turns.
• Support the collimator, e.g. with a cart and place it down on a soft surface. To do this, it
may be necessary to move the column accordingly.
• Remove both cover panels (7/Fig. 34 / p. 41) on the tube unit rotation assembly.
• Switch the system OFF.
• Measure the distance from the tube unit rotation (8/Fig. 34 / p. 41) to the tube unit
(X/Fig. 34 / p. 41) and note the value. This dimension will be used later to adjust the
central beam in the table transverse direction.
• Loosen both Allen-head set screws in the adjustment ring (9/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Pull out the tube unit rotation (8/Fig. 34 / p. 41) with shaft (10/Fig. 34 / p. 41) so that the
clamping ring (5/Fig. 34 / p. 41) can be removed. To do this, it may be necessary to
insert a board between the tube rotation and the tube unit to pry out the shaft.
• Lightly lubricate the new clamping ring (5/Fig. 34 / p. 41), e.g. with Longtime PD2 and
place it on the shaft (10/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Slide the shaft into the tube unit rotation up to the dimension that was noted
(X/Fig. 34 / p. 41) and tighten the two Allen-head set screws in the adjustment ring
(9/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Turn the clamping ring and the tube rotation in opposite directions until the middle hole
(11/Fig. 34 / p. 41) in the clamping ring lines up with the slot (12/Fig. 34 / p. 41) in the
• Insert the clamping screw (6/Fig. 34 / p. 41) and only lightly tighten it.
• Apply Loctite 221 to the thread on the tomo rod, turn the tomo rod (3/Fig. 34 / p. 41) with
an Allen wrench (A/Fig. 34 / p. 41) into the thread (11/Fig. 34 / p. 41) of the clamping
ring (5/Fig. 34 / p. 41) and tighten it to a torque of 50 Nm.
• Bend open the clamp (2/Fig. 35 / p. 43) and slide it onto the tomo rod.
• Under fluoroscopy, perform a quick check of the central beam on the monitor. If
needed, turn the tube unit, and align the tomo rod (3/Fig. 34 / p. 41) parallel to the col-
- Tighten the clamping screw (6/Fig. 34 / p. 41).
• Perform an exact check and adjustment of the central beam per the instructions,
Replacement of Parts, Basic Unit, "Central Beam".
3 4
• Remove the tube unit with mount and place it down in a safe location.
Fig. 38:
• Remove the screw (6/Fig. 38 / p. 46).
• The tube rotation assembly can be pulled off the shaft. When doing this pay attention to
the Woodruff keys; these should be used when the new tube rotation assembly is
• Lightly grease the shaft with Longtime PD 2.
Preparing the New Tube Rotation Assembly
Fig. 39: Tube rotation, R200 E-component Fig. 40: Tube rotation, R200 mechanism
1 2
Fig. 41: Tube rotation, R200 complete Fig. 42: R100 tube unit rotation / MD complete
The tube rotation assembly is comprised of the parts shown in (Fig. 39 / p. 46), all other
parts, cover panels, etc. should be taken from the old assembly.
• All parts shown in (Fig. 40 / p. 46) such as the spring (3/Fig. 40 / p. 46), connection
(2/Fig. 40 / p. 46) of the right to the left mount, as well as the left mount itself
(1/Fig. 40 / p. 46) must be removed without replacing them.
• To install the mounting bracket, the parts listed in (Fig. 40 / p. 46) such as the spring
(1/Fig. 40 / p. 46), connection (1/Fig. 40 / p. 46) of the right to the left mount, as well as
the left mount itself (1/Fig. 40 / p. 46) must be removed without replacing them.
• Slide the mounting bracket on the right onto the studs.
• Then install the parts (Fig. 40 / p. 46) such as the spring (3/Fig. 40 / p. 46), the connec-
tion of the right with the left mount (2/Fig. 40 / p. 46)as well as the left mount
(1/Fig. 40 / p. 46).
• The release lever (ICONOS R100 / MD) or hand grip (ICONOS R200) may6 not be too
• Correction: Adjust the Bowden cable accordingly.
• Install the fan assembly. Solder the leads to the fan.
• Mechanical adjustment (not including installation of the cover panels!) is performed per:
Center the central beam to the image receptor system.
Final Work Steps
• The position switches (7/Fig. 38 / p. 46) should actuate symmetrically from the stop
S198 for 0°
S199 for 180°
The test can be performed acoustically as well as with the SSW:
Monitoring/Monitoring: Unit positions
• Install the cover panels in the reverse order of the instructions above.
3 4
The zipper hoses are delivered as a complete set. Refer to the following figures for their
Fig. 46: Zipper hose at column Fig. 47: Zipper hose at unit support
Pos. 1 Zipper hose 50 / 1.2 m Pos. 1 Zipper hose 50 / 2.7 m
Pos. 2 Zipper hose 50 / 3.9 m Pos. 2 Zipper hose 80 / 3.0 m
General Information 0
The exact alignment of the central beam to the image receptor in the unit depends on differ-
ent factors.
1. The column must be perpendicular to the table longitudinal direction.
It is not possible to influence this; an eccentric bearing that is not properly adjusted is
the only factor that may cause more play in the column.
2. The tomo rod must be perpendicular to the table longitudinal direction. It is possible to
adjust this with the SSW:
- Adjustment/ Calibration/ Spotfilm Device and column longitudinal drive/ Spotfilm
Device longitudinal drive: Potentiometer adjustment
- Adjustment/ Calibration/ Spotfilm Device and column longitudinal drive/ Column lon-
gitudinal drive: Potentiometer adjustment
3. The image receptor (cassette or I.I.) must be horizontal.
It is not possible to adjust this; an eccentric bearing that is not properly adjusted is the
only factor that may cause more play in the image receptor.
4. The X-ray tube unit must be vertical and centered to the image receptor. It can be
adjusted by a mechanical adjustment (described in this chapter).
5. If the rear column cover panel cannot be installed with the unit in the 0 degree position,
the central beam can be very much out of toleranfe and an adjustment using the meth-
ods described here is not possible!
Helpful hint: Install the cover panel again at 0 degrees.
Fig. 48:
With the ICONOS unit, for the first time the tube unit can be moved in the table longitudi-
nal direction (A/Fig. 48 / p. 54), rotated (B/Fig. 48 / p. 54) and moved in the table trans-
verse direction (C/Fig. 48 / p. 54) and rotated (D/Fig. 48 / p. 54) to assure optimum central
beam centering in all cases.
The following checks and adjustments are relevant for a well-functioning unit in which the
centering of the tube unit, replacement of the collimator or which no longer is okay
because of mechanical wear. Replacement of the column or of the image receptor is not
considered here.
If the column or the image receptor has to be replaced in a unit, contact with CS HSC is
Preparations 0
• Center the column using the centering key on the unit console.
• Unit position = 0°, SID = 115 cm.
• Depending on the centering template that is included in the shipment, place it in posi-
tion as shown in (Fig. 49 / p. 55).
Zentrierschablone (C)
Center matrix (C)
Zentrierschablone (B)
Center matrix (B)
Zentrierschablone (A)
Center matrix (A)
Zentrierschablone (D)
Center matrix (D)
Service cover
Function Check 0
The following function check describes the check and an adjustment using fluoro.
The check is performed using a small radiation field. Only the radiation field centered on
the centering template is evaluated. In this instance, the absolute position of the I.I., cen-
tering of the TV system to the I.i. and even the image position on the monitor are not rele-
The check should be performed at the smallest zoom level, because a difference can best
be seen by magnifying the radiation field on the monitor. In a situation in which the center
marker on the centering template under fluoro differs greatly from the other zoom steps,
another zoom step can be used as an alternative. The tolerances listed must then be
reduced accordingly.
• Select the smallest zoom format.
• Move the unit into the 35° position (for units with lift base, into the 0° position).
• Set the min. SID.
• Set the collimation at the collimator to 10 x 10 cm.
X • Using fluoro or a DR exposure, measure the dimensions shown in (Fig. 50 / p. 56) (on
the monitor) and make a note of them.
• Set the max. SID.
• Set the collimation at the collimator to 10 x 10 cm.
X • Using fluoro or a DR exposure, measure the dimensions shown in (Fig. 50 / p. 56) (on
the monitor) and make a note of them.
FFA 115
FFA 150 cm
SID 150 cm
SID 115 cm
d C d C
Seitenmarkierung Seitenmarkierung
Side mark Side mark
Fig. 50:
In the example, (Fig. 50 / p. 56) the following can be seen:
• The difference between "a" and "b" is totally different at the different SID’s. In this
instance, the central beam is not perpendicular in the table transverse direction.
Correction: turn the tube unit in the table transverse direction.
¹ Difference to monitor ± 5 mm.
Adjustment of the Central Beam Vertically to the Image Receptor in the Table
Transverse Direction 0
Fig. 51:
Adjustment of the Central Beam Vertically to the Image Receptor in the Table
Longitudinal Direction 0
• The difference between "c" and "d" (Fig. 50 / p. 56) should be the same for both SID‘s.
Difference on the monitor: ± 5 mm.
Correction: tube unit rotation must be adjusted.
100% adjustment is scarcely possible, thus average out the tolerance between the two
2 3 1
Adjustment of the Central Beam Centered to the Image Receptor and in the Table
Transverse Direction 0
Adjustment of the Central Beam Centered to the Image Receptor in the Table
Longitudinal Direction 0
Fig. 54:
Fig. 55: I.I. cover panel Fig. 56: I.I. adjustment screws
Fig. 59:
• Insert a 24 x 30 cm or 10 x 12 inch cassette sideways.
• Select direct technique, full format and semi-automatic mode, longitudinal and trans-
• Set the max. SID.
• Move the unit into the 35° position (with units with the lifting base, into 0°).
• Manually set a format of approx.18 x 24 (display on collimator).
• Place a side marker on the tabletop.
X • Trigger exposure.
• Develop the film and label it (exposure data, date).
• Marke the center of the radiation field and the center of the film as shown in the sketch.
• Measure the difference between the center of the radiation field and the center of the
¹ Max. admissible difference ≤8 mm
• Check centering of the tube unit/collimator to the center of the spotfilm device.
Function test:
• Move the unit into the 0° position.
• Center the column.
• Set the max. SID
• Attach a sheet of transparent film on the monitor (a sheet of unexposed film can also be
• Set the collimator exactly to 10 x 5 cm.
X • Switch fluoro ON
• Draw in the outline of the radiation field on the monitor on the film (felt tip pen).
• Set the min. SID.
• Raise the unit all the way up.
• Set the max. SID.
• Set the collimator to exactly 10 x 5 cm.
X • Switch fluoro ON
• Draw in the outline of the radiation field on the monitor on the film (felt tip pen).
• Set the min. SID.
• Move the unit into the max. Trendelenburg position.
• Set the max. SID.
• Set the collimator to exactly 10 x 5 cm.
X • Switch fluoro ON
• Draw in the outline of the radiation field on the monitor on the sheet of film (felt tip pen).
• Set the min. SID.
• Move the unit into the 0° position.
• Evaluation of the drawn in fields on the film sheet.
Required: The fields must coincide with one another.
Tolerance: There may be a difference of one third of the width in the longitudinal and
transverse directions.
By using the 3 drawn-in fields, the central beam drift can be determined; a direct toler-
ance dimension in mm on the film is not possible because the field size on the monitor
depends on the monitor size, etc.
Fig. 60:
If the drift for one unit is not within specifications, there can be too much play in the system
(twisting of the column, etc. is normal).
Fig. 61:
Fig. 62:
The following causes are possible:
• Tube unit rotation assembly:
The centering stud or the stop plate (Fig. 1 / p. 11) is not jammed or worn.
• Tomo rod:
Top attachment point (1/Fig. 61 / p. 65) not fixed to the tube!
Tomo rod (2/Fig. 61 / p. 65) not correctly threaded in!
Suspension point on the I.I. carriage or the ball bearing in the spotfilm device
(3/Fig. 61 / p. 65) not jammed!
• Eccentric bearings for the support arm of the column not adjusted!
• Eccentric bearings (1/Fig. 62 / p. 66) for the column carriage are not adjusted!
• The chain tension for the spotfilm device longitudinal and column longitudinal are too
• If the rear column cover panel was not installed with the unit in the 0 degree position,
the central beam can be far out of tolerance and an adjustment using the methods
described here is not possible!
Helpful tip: Reinstall the cover panel in the 0 degree position.
Central Beam to the Bucky Wall Stand and for Bed Exposures 10.1
Tableside Controller 0
Fig. 63: Collimator, removal of the control panel Fig. 64: Collimator boards
D2 Replacement
• Make a note of the designations of all 4 single leads on the D2 (2/Fig. 64 / p. 69) to X2
and X4.
• Disconnect all connectors and leads (4 single leads to X2 and X4) on the D2 board.
• Before installing it, take the software from the old board and transfer the positions of all
DIP switches and programming jumpers.
D1 Replacement
• Disconnect all plug-in and screw connections on the D1 board (1/Fig. 64 / p. 69).
• Before installing it, take the software from the old board, and the transfer the positions
of all DIP switches and programming jumpers.
Fig. 65: Bottom switch strike plate Fig. 66: Replacing the compression motor
Function Check 0
- Check the contact force between the friction wheel and the tomo rod profile. To do
this, move the compression down and while it is moving, block compression with your
hand. The friction wheel must not continue to turn.
Correction: Adjust the friction wheel with the adjustment screw (5/Fig. 66 / p. 70) by
turning it counterclockwise.
• Secure the adjustment screw with the safety plate (5/Fig. 66 / p. 70).
• Check the potentiometer adjustment in the SSW.
• Perform an adjustment of the speed in the SSW.
• Install the cover panels and stop studs.
50 N Switch 0
= =
150 N Switch 0
• Compress to the max.; force step 15 should be displayed on the control console.
- Adjust the switch so that it is positively actuated after a cone deflection of 3 to 5 mm.
Exception: Japan
Procedure 0
• Move the unit into approx. 90° position.
• Move the spotfilm device all the way to the foot end.
• Switch the system OFF
• Remove the cover panel on the spotfilm device electronics box.
• Disconnect all plug-in connectors on the D2 board.
Are the labels readable? If necessary, label the cables.
• Copy the programming jumpers and DIP switch settings from the old board, or set them
per the Wiring Diagram.
• Install the new board D2 analogously.
• Plug all connectors back in.
• If cable clamps were removed, reinstall them; when doing so, pay attention to good
contact of the shielding to the cable clamp and plate.
• Press the EMERGENCY STOP switch.
• Switch the system ON
• Make a test exposure as prompted by the SSW.
- SSW: Adjustment/ Calibration/ Spotfilm Device / Diaphragm plates:Basic Setting
In addition, check grid ”movement in” and “movement out”.
• Install the cover panels in the reverse order.
• Evaluate errors in the error log. Compare the time of the reported errors (from the physi-
cian) with the errors stored at the same time.
• Take note of the sequence of the error messages. Often, frequency converter errors
(Error 501.......) appear as follow-up errors.
If, for example, Errors 250-254, 255, 257, 259 or 261 are displayed in combination with
Errors 501...., the error should first be looked for in the potentiometers and not in the
frequency converters.
In particular, Errors 255, 257, 259, 261 open the safety circuit and switch off power to
the converters. If any converter is now controlled, the converter does not respond
(because there is no power) and Error 501.... is written into the error log.
Depending on the unit movement, the LEDs B33, B34, B35, B36 must light up on the D31
¹ If the corresponding LED does not light up, it is possible that release is missing.
The frequency converter is not defective.
In the Iconos SSW, it is possible to manually test the function of the drives / frequency
converter with the service buttons under “Diagnstic/ Tests/ Movements with the service
buttons”(1/Fig. 70 / p. 77). See the Help file.
• Select “Diagnstic/ Tests/ Movements with the service buttons/ Basic unit”.
• Select “Unlimited end position” (2/Fig. 70 / p. 77).
NOTE In this mode, the limit swiches are disabled; however movement
can be made to the mechanical end stop!
LED Description
Yellow LED: Network Off There is no CAN communication with the
status function module. There is no voltage to the
(1/Fig. 71 / p. 78) function module.
Blinking yellow. CAN communication has been established via
the function module.
Green LED: Func- Off There is no voltage to the function module.
tion module operat- External power supply is switched off.
ing status
(2/Fig. 71 / p. 78) Blinking green. Function module is supplied with voltage, but
is not connected to the drive regulator.
• Drive regulator is switched off.
• Drive regulator is in the initialization
• Drive regulator not present.
Constant Function module is supplied with voltage and
green. is connected to the drive regulator.
Performing a Download 0
Depending on the system, there are different frequency converters. See the Spare Parts
Procedure: 0