Technical Dossier: Installation - Assembly - Start-Up Use - Maintenance - Repair
Technical Dossier: Installation - Assembly - Start-Up Use - Maintenance - Repair
Technical Dossier: Installation - Assembly - Start-Up Use - Maintenance - Repair
v3.00, SEP. 01
Installation • Assembly • Start-Up
English / 3VFUK
Use • Maintenance • Repair
3VFMAC1 Frequency Changers
Chapter. 3 ENCODER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Low-Cost Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3 Industrial Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The range of 3VFMAC1 frequency changers are specially designed for lift installations. It includes functions and configuration parameters
which add unique features to a frequency changer applied to the lift.
It can operate with conventional scalar control (voltage-frequency) in open loop and with vector control in closed loop. In the last case it
offers a minimum of 200% of the rated torque at a turning speed 0 in a motor of the same power as the frequency changer.
It is equipped with connection for industrial encoder (models 3VFMAC1.10 / 15 / 20 only) whose features are described in the chapter
regarding encoder. There is a SPECIAL operation option including a low-cost encoder suitable for all models. Nevertheless it is not advisable
in models 10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP, since it is quite probable that vibrations occur in the car at approach speed. This option can only be used
when the machine is specially designed for use or in those repairs where it is absolutely impossible to adapt a digital encoder to the machine.
• Contactors.
• Brake.
• Speed limit.
It adds specific functions for the lift, especially by taking comfort (5 S-curves) and levelling into account.
It enables real-time display of the most relevant electric ranges. It offers an easy and very operative technique of parametrization
(equipment configuration).
Models :
3VFMAC1 - 5 / to 5.5 HP
3VFMAC1 - 10 / to 10 HP
3VFMAC1 - 15 / to 15 HP
3VFMAC1 - 20 / to 20 HP
B2 B1 T S R
R387 V1
W C107
C2 U56 C217
C108 F1
C105 C106
+ C131
TLP250 TLP250
P1 P3 P5
- +
P2 P4 P6 C94
+ D22
C3 D20
C4 X1 RV1
CR +
C103 +
(-) (+)
- + F3 F4
C206 - +
C5 F2
1 1 1
V1 V3
V2 R268
C141 C142
3VFMAC1-15/400V - +
C210 C131
R276 PV
34 33
- +
D1 D2 D3 D4
C5 V4
+ - S/N
1.4.1 Leds
Led (RUN) : ......... Green. Off in PROGRAM mode. Active in RUN mode: permanent when the lift is not moving, and intermittent
when the changer provides power (lift in movement). This led indirectly indicates that the equipment is fed.
If it is not energized when power is supplied, check connections R, S and T, as well as fuses F3 and F4
(maximum value allowed, 1 Amp).
Led (High Voltage) : ... Red. It warns of a high voltage level in the intermediate phase of the equipment. In the case where the
equipment, active led (Run), is being supplied with power, and the led HIGH VOLTAGE is off, it is necessary to
replace the entire equipment.
Should you wish to operate the changer, you should disconnect the supply (R - S - T) and then
WAIT FOR THE LED HIGH VOLTAGE TO BE COMPLETELY OFF. Otherwise you run the risk of an
electric discharge that may result in death.
1.4.2 Fuses
Fuse F1 : ........... It protects the power stage of the equipment. The fuse is blown when power is being supplied (active led
(RUN)) and the led HIGH VOLTAGE is off. In that case the whole equipment must be replaced. NEVER REPLACE
Fuse F3 ( 1Amp )
Fuse F4 ( 1Amp ) : . . . . It protects the whole changer control area. If it repeatedly blows, the entire equipment must be replaced.
The described values of Fuses F2, F3 and F4 ARE MAXIMUM VALUES. Do not replace them with
higher values. It could cause the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT.
1.4.3 Relays
KRL1 It switches when the value introduced in parameter 31 is exceeded. In scalar control it will commutate when output electric
frequency surpasses it. In vector control it switches when the actual motor turning speed surpasses it. The relay supplies 1
switched contact (Common terminal 31; 30 NC ; 32 NO).
KRL2 Contactors control relay. It controls (in series, with the control unit safety circuits) the contactors activation and deactivation,
co-ordinating it with the brake control (KRL3); (Common terminal 34; 33 NC ; 35 NO).
KRL3 Brake control relay. It controls (in series, with the contactors) the brake opening and closure, co-ordinating it with the
contactors control ( KRL2 ); (Common terminal 36; 37 NO).
Start-Up : It energizes KRL2 (contactors). The magnetic field is created in the motor. KRL3 (brake) turns on and once the time established
in parameter 22 (brake retardation at start-up) has passed, the motor is made to turn.
Stop : The turning of the motor is electrically blocked. Once the time established in parameter 8 (brake retardation before stopping)
has passed, KRL3 (brake) is disabled. Subsequently KRL2 (contactors) is disabled.
It is constituted of displays D1 - D2 -D3 - D4 and P/R push buttons; they enable carrying out all electric ranges display tasks during the
operation and configuration of the equipment functions.
C1 en 10 HP / 15 HP / 20 HP . Fans Supply ( + ), ( - ).
C5 en 5 HP . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fans Supply ( + ), ( - ).
C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital inputs. Control box signals connection (commands for the operation of the frequency changer)
through external voltage-free contacts :
11 : Common.
12 : EMERGENCY STOP. While in movement, the lift must be closed. Its opening causes the immediate stop.
13 : RUN
14 : Rated Speed / Approach Speed.
15 : Selection 2nd SPEED BENCH.
18 : Motor turning direction. (UP/DOWN)
19 : External ERROR RESET.
C3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnets encoder connection. It enables the connection of an encoder for the operation with vector flux
Encoder supply (max 40 mA)
20 : +10Vdc
21 : 0 Vdc
22 : 1 pulses reading
C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relay outputs.
KRL1 : Speed limit (30 : NC - 31: Common - 32 : NO).
KRL2 : Contactors control (33 : NC - 34 : Common - 35 : NO).
KRL3 : Brake control (36 : Common - 37 : NO).
C6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial encoder connection (MODEL 10 HP, 15 HP AND 20 HP ONLY). It enables the connection of a
MULTIPULSES ENCODER for the operation with vector flux control.
1 : Earth.
2 : C1 ( + ) pulses reading.
3 : C1 ( - ) pulses reading.
4 : C2 ( + ) pulses reading.
5 : C2 ( + ) pulses reading.
R - S - T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three-phase supply :
Model 400 : 400 VAC +/- 10 %
Model 220 : 220 VAC +/- 10 %
C1 - C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External power jumper. It shall be carried out through the laying in series of a power contact of each
+ CE, - CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External condensers connection (in 10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP only). Only connect the electrolytic condensers
provided with the equipment.
• Switching frequency in scalar control is fixed internally at 5.5 kHz, regardless of the value in Parameter 14
“Switching Frequency”. Any other switching frequency requires operation in Vector Mode.
This chapter describes the connections to be made in a general way when the frequency changer is governed by any kind of control unit,
through voltage-free contacts.
Analyse in detail the attached diagram in order to define the control technique from its operation.
• In package C2, lines marked with a (*) must necessarily be included in the control. The other ones are optional.
• The EMERGENCY STOP signal (connection 12) must be constituted of a series connection of auxiliary contacts of contactors K1 and K2.
• See chapter “Control” of the frequency changer for details of the control signals activation sequence.
• If the encoder is connected (C3 or C6) the equipment can operate with vector flux control, thus offering better features and less power
consumption. Read carefully chapter “ ENCODER ”.
• Connector C4 :
KRL1 : It enables informing the control unit when the output electric frequency (scalar control) or the actual machine speed (vector
control) surpasses the limit established in configuration parameter number 31. Use this relay when there is approach to a floor
with advanced door opening. The changer will inform when the car speed is below a pre-determined value (established by
KRL2 : It controls, together with CM operation control and the network of CS safety contacts, the contactors (K1 and K2) activation
and deactivation. Always control the contactors, as shown in the attached diagram.
KRL3 : It controls the activation and deactivation of the brake. Use the output (terminal 36 and 37) to energize a relay or external
brake contactor. The most normal, reliable and economical control of the brake is a contact of the external brake contactor,
laid in series with contacts of the contactors K1 and K2. Sea MACPUARSA board application.
• Three-phase connections of supply R, S and T provide energy for power and control. Dimension the thermomagnetics and differentials
of the general supply board, according to the equipment consumption (see chapter “Electric features”).
• Connections B1, B2 are those of external resistance for dynamic braking. Only use resistances whose features are mentioned in point
• Connections C1, C2 and U, V, W must be wired up, just as shown in the attached diagram. There are 2 contactors, K1 and K2. Two
power contacts of each of them are used for the motor supply. Their third power contact, laid in series, connects to points C1 and C2,
when K1 and K2 are active.
• Connections +CE, -CE only exist in the equipment 3VFMAC1 of 10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP. Connect the set of condensers supplied with
it, according to the labelling on the cables.
Any change in the wiring you may wish to make with regard to that stipulated as obligatory must be previously
consulted and confirmed by Mp
11 C2 3VFMAC - 1 R
K1 Stop K2 Emerg.
Run 400 V = In
* 13 220 V = In T
Rated Speed
* 14 10 HP
400 V = In Resistance / Brake 5 HP
2nd SPEEDS 220 V = In 400 V. : 60 Ohms, 520 W
15 B1 220 V. : 20 Ohms, 600 W
Inspection Speed 15 HP
* 16 400 V = In B2 10 HP
2nd Accel / Decel 400 V. : 40 Ohms, 1040 W
17 20 HP 220 V. : 14 Ohms, 1040 W
400 V = In
Up / Down Imax = 2 x In 15 HP
18 + 400 V. : 30 Ohms, 1400 W
Reset Error Red
19 + CE - 20HP
(*) Necessary Connections 400 V. : 30 Ohms, 4000 W
- CE +
( + ) 10 V (-)
Low-priced L - )∅ V 20
C3 Black -
Reading Only in 10 HP, 15 HP
22 and 20 HP PROVIDED
NC 23
C4 C1
(Parameter 31) 31 RL 1
CM 33
K2 M
C5 K1 V
34 RL 2
Control 3
K2 U
2 35
+ RFR 36
RL 3 Brake
- 37 Control
In 10HP,
RS - 485 Series Communication
15 HP
T1 and 20
HP Only P/R
Mesh C6
C1 ( + )
5 Vdc C1 ( - )
ENCODER C2 ( + )
C2 ( - ) 3 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP Only
The actual distribution of the terminals does not physically coincide with the position shown in the diagram
v3.00, SEP. 01
Deceleration start
Parameter No 27
Brake retardation
Deceleration time.
2.4 General Control Diagram
RUN ( 13 )
Pag . 12 / 44
RL 1 ( speed limit )
RL 2 ( contactors )
3VFMAC1 Frequency Changers
RL 3 ( brake )
If inspection speed signal is live ( terminal No 16 ), the rated speed will be that of parameter No 5.
If the 2nd speed bench signal is live ( terminal No 15 ), the rated speed will be that of parameter No 3 and approach speed will be that of parameter No 4.
If the 2nd acceleration / deceleration bench signal is live ( terminal No 17 ), acceleration time will be that of parameter No 11 and deceleration time will be
that of parameter No 12.
The motor turning direction signal, UP / DOWN ( terminal 19 ), shall remain stable during the whole execution of a service.
3VFMAC1 Frequency Changers
The following diagrams show the interconnection of the frequency changer 3VFMAC1 with MacPuarsa control unit, series MicroBasic.
See 3VFMB diagram (page 14) where the general operation of MicroBasic control unit with 3VFMAC1 Frequency Changer is shown. The
interface elements which have been added with regard to a standard MicroBasic control unit are shown below :
Relay KRNS : . . . . . . . . . . . active in rated speed. In comparison with a two-speed lift, the KRNS relay will be active in rapid speed.
Relay KRSE : . . . . . . . . . . . active in ascent. It informs the changer about the direction in which the motor must be made to turn. The
non-activation of the KRSE relay is interpreted by the changer as descent.
Relay KRREV : . . . . . . . . . . active when the inspection control unit starts. It informs the frequency changer, making the motor turn at
a specific frequency.
Terminals A - C (MicroBasic) : these points correspond with the normally open contact of relay KRET (inside MicroBasic plate). They supply
the RUN command for the changer. It is active during the whole execution of an operation.
Relay KRFR : . . . . . . . . . . . . controlled directly by the changer (outputs 36-37). A contact of this relay controls the machine brake supply.
Notice that it is necessary to include auxiliary contacts of contactors K1 and K2 as brake control.
In order to operate with a frequency changer, MicroBasic control unit must be configured
in its parameter number 9, with value C for change 1C; for change 2C, the value shall be D
v3.00, SEP. 01
R S T 0 Vp 106 XSCC 105 XSCE 104 XSP 103 SFI SFS
+ CE B1 0 Vs
3VFMAC - 1 14
- CE B2 3 17
U V W C1 C2 KRMT 2 5 6
00 220 Vp 0 Vp
IN 10 HP / 15 HP 27 48 Vs
L1 L2 L3 1 8
20 HP ONLY 60 Vp 0 Vs
4 8 1 110 Vs GRF
K1 KRNS G2R - 2 A K1 K2
0 Vdc KRMT 1 110 Vac
A2 1 (+) 206 ( SM )
13 14 13 14
3 A1 A1 A
ς ς
11 2 (-) 204 ( SM )
A K1 K2 A 8 6
L1 L2 L3 2
5 A2 A2 KRPA
KRMR 220 Vp 0 Vp
K2 2 A1
T1 T2 T3 QIG 34 6 48 Vs
2 A2 60 Vp 0 Vs
KRZS MY 4 110 Vs GRL Red
3VFMAC - 1
110 Vac LE ( - )
3 4 2 9 1 (+) LE -
LE +
ς ς
FS B2 B1 2 (-)
U V W 3 4 11 14 LE ( + )
5 7 KRS KRLE Black
KRM KRSE 21 24
4 2 3
9 25 26
RF 3
KRB + 24 Vdc 0 Vdc
M 23
3 2
KRFR MK2P 24 Vdc
A2 ( KRLE )
Pag . 14 / 44
(only with cam)
BYT11 - 1000
22 ( MB ) 3 ( MB ) terminal 11 A 24 12 12 KRSE
61 62 61 62 KRL3
20 21 22 23 KRNS KRREV
SM (+) (-) ( IN1 ) ( IN2 ) KRNS KRFR 21 11 11
4 ( MB )
11 14 1 4 53 K1 KRET 3VFMAC1 - 5
1 C
C1 + 54
Puesta K2 19 ( MB )
2 C1 + a
C1 + 53 Of terminal
3 C1 - 11 1 - RVAR*
C2 +
3VFMAC - 1
4 C2 +
C2 -
C6 5 C2 - KRREV G2R2 24 Vdc
BYT11 - 1000
SM IN 10 HP / 15 HP
20 HP ONLY 208
+ 5 Vdc
+ 24 Vdc
3VFMAC1 Frequency Changers
2.7 Control
This chapter describes in detail the changer signals intervening in the control of the said changer. See GENERAL CONNECTIONS DIAGRAM
for details of the signals timing.
2.7.1 Control Signals (Those Marked With * Must Necessarily Be Included; The Other Ones Are Optional)
It informs the frequency changer of the active state of contactors K1 and K2. The frequency changer analyses the signal when
energizing relay KRL2 (thus energizing the contactors). In the case the EMERGENCY STOP signal disappears when initiating the
operation or during its execution, the changer will immediately switch off the power supply, will disable contactors relays KRL2,
brake KRL3 and will display the FE/ fault (contactors fault).
This situation usually occurs when a safety contact of the installation breaks during the execution of an operation (for example: fault
in lock contact).
When FE error occurs, it is displayed for approximately 1 second, time after which the changer is inhibited (it does not accept any
kind of control signal). After this period of time, it starts operating normally again.
The activation of this signal results in the execution of an operation, thus causing the start-up sequence shown in the general control
1 . The contactors relay KRL2 is energized. The EMERGENCY STOP signal must disappear (otherwise FE error will be displayed).
3 . Relay KRL3 (brake) is energized. A waiting time is established (parameter No 22) for the total mechanical opening of the brake.
4 . The acceleration ramp is initiated, increasing the frequency until the selected speed is reached.
When the RUN signal disappears, frequency decreases (deceleration ramp) until frequency 0 is reached, executing the stopping
sequence :
1 . Once the frequency (0) is reached, the motor electrically blocks, establishing a waiting time parameter No 8, acting as a brake
retardation before stopping.
3 . The power supply is interrupted and subsequently relay KRL2 is disabled - contactors get disconnected. The operation ends.
The RUN signal is received from the control unit, which turns it off (thus causing the stopping sequence) when reaching
the level. The control unit must not make contactors turn off at that moment. It will have to wait until the changer turns
off the contactors. Their disconnection informs the control unit that the operation can already come to an end. The control
of the contactors takes place both from the control unit and the changer.
The safety chain is closed The control unit detects the coming to a level and turns off the RUN signal
This signal shows the changer the frequency at which the motor must turn.
Terminal 14 :
When this signal changes, frequency will be gradually modified (according to acceleration deceleration times and S-curves), until
the frequency command is reached.
If the signal 2nd SPEED bench is active, rated speed shall be that of parameter No 3 and approach speed shall be that of parameter
No 4.(c) RATED SPEED / APPROACH SPEED * ( terminal No 14 )
The activation of this signal enables using a second set of RATED and APPROACH speeds :
ACTIVE 11 12
Its activation selects the turning frequency of the motor during inspection. Connect a direct contact of the checking changer or a
contact of a relay energized by this changer to terminal No 16. The contact should usually be closed (open when inspection is
During inspection it is advisable to turn off contactors from the control unit without any delay (thus breaking CM, so that the lift
will immediately stop when no longer pressing ascent or descent, thus improving in speed and accuracy in maintenance tasks).
This is usually done in the installations supplied by MacPuarsa and therefore every time ascent or descent are no longer pressed
(during inspection), FE error will occur, when disabling contactors from the control unit immediately.
The 2nd ACCELERATION / DECELERATION bench signal enables using two different sets of temporary parameters to execute
acceleration and deceleration in the motor :
2nd Acceleration / Deceleration BENCH (Terminal No 17) RATED SPEED APPROACH SPEED
If you do not need this function, leave terminal No 17 free and insert acceleration and deceleration times in parameters 9 and 10
Acceleration and deceleration times establish the time the frequency changer takes in going from frequency (0) to the
frequency established in parameter No 1 (acceleration) and vice versa (deceleration). When S-curves parameters (No
25-29) increase, effective acceleration and deceleration times will also increase.
It enables selecting the motor turning direction, thus avoiding the use of an additional contactor to execute the ascent or descent
operation of the lift.
If you notice during the start-up of the lift that the direction of the movement is the opposite one, interchange 2
phases of the power output to the motor (do not modify the wiring of the UP / DOWN signal, nor the frequency changer
supply phases). The use of the frequency changer avoids including a phases monitor in the control panel.
The frequency changer can detect different error situations which cause the stopping of the lift. When an error occurs it is necessary
to apply a RESET to the changer, so that it can subsequently continue operating. There are four possible ways of applying a RESET:
The activation of the ERROR RESET signal does not have any effect when the changer is supplying power. When the equipment does
not supply power and terminal No 19 is not energized :
The activation of the ERROR RESET signal does not prevent the AUTORESET function from counting one more unit (in the counter
of a maximum number of RESET in the period of 3 minutes of time), when an error occurs.
Do not usually use the external ERROR RESET signal. The AUTORESET function guarantees that sporadic errors do not cause the
permanent stop of the lift; nevertheless due to the repetitive errors situations (which could lead the lift to critical situations) the
equipment stops operating.
The equipment has 3 relays supplying outputs through voltage-free contacts. The connection terminals are installed on connector
C4. The function and sequence of these relays cannot be altered through configuration.
If a value 0 is introduced in the parameter, it will never switch the contacts logic relay (number of the connection terminals).
This output can be used to inform of the actual speed of the car for example when in the installation there is approach to a floor
with advanced door opening.
Example :
In a 1.2 m/sec lift it is intended to initiate the door opening when the speed is below 0.15 m/sec.
1 m/sec corresponds to 50.00 Hz.
For 0.15 m/sec. f = (50.00*0.15) / 1.2 = 6.25 Hz
It would be introduced in parameter No 31, with value 6.25 Hz
With vector control only (where it is necessary to include an encoder) the actual turning speed of the motor (that is
to say, in an indirect way, the linear speed of the car) is compared with the value in parameter 31.
The CONTACTORS CONTROL relay enables the changer to execute the optimal start-up and stop sequence (for comfort), acting on
the contactors. As far as this relay is concerned, three groups of contacts will appear, which laid in series, govern the contactors:
Diagram in page 12 shows the control of contactors K1 and K2. This wiring is necessary to get a correct operation.
During the start-up sequence, relay KRL2 must be During the stop sequence, relay KRL2 must be the
the last one to close. It will close after the first one to break. It will break after the
activation of the RUN signal (received from the disappearance of the RUN signal (received from
control unit) : the control unit) :
Closed safety contacts The level is reached. The RUN signal is disabled Maniobra
It is necessary that the control unit, after disabling the RUN signal, waits for the changer to turn off KRL2. The
disconnection of the contactors informs the control unit that changer finished the stop sequence.
If start-up and stop sequences are not executed as explained before or a safety circuit or CM breaks during the execution of an operation,
FE error will occur and relays KRL2 and KRL3 will turn off. The changer will be inhibited for approximately 1 sec, resetting the error
afterwards, thus being ready for operation again.
FE error is always AUTORESETTABLE; that means that even though it often occurs , it will never cause the permanent stop of the changer.
Use points 34 and 35 of package C4 (NO contact of KRL2).
The changer 3VFMAC1 controls the mechanical brake of the traction machine through relay KRL3.
During the start-up sequence, KRL3 turns on (brake opens) after the contactors have been energized (once KRL2 is turned off).
In order not to initiate the turning of the motor until the brake is completely open, frequency does not start to increase (acceleration
ramp) until a period of time after the action of KRL3 has passed. This period of time is defined in parameter 22.
During the stop sequence KRL3 is turned off (thus acting the mechanical brake), before turning off the contactors. Before turning
off KRL3, the motor must be electrically blocked and a waiting time will be defined by parameter No 8 (brake retardation previous
to the stop).
Through relay KRL3 it is possible to establish a simple control of the brake providing great comfort :
~1 +
3VFMAC - 1
Chapter. 3 ENCODER
Its use is optional; nevertheless the features of the lift improve notably. With VF machine, its use is essential.
• There is a SPECIAL operation option including a low-priced encoder suitable for all models. Nevertheless it is not advisable in models
10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP, since it is quite probable that vibrations occur in the car at approach speed. This option can only be used when
the machine is specially designed for use or in those repairs where it is absolutely impossible to adapt a digital encoder to the machine.
1 . Substantial improvement in the levelling. During the approach speed the vector flux control guarantees that the motor always
turns at the same speed, regardless of the car load. Besides, parameter 13 (which is only operative with vector flux control) enables
adjusting the levelling with absolute accuracy.
As a final result the same levelling point is reached, regardless of the car load.
2 . Overtorque. The main characteristic of vector flux control is the possibility of getting the maximum motor torque possible within
the whole frequency range. Therefore in the case of overload in the car, the lift is much more reliable.
3 . Reduction in the electric consumption. It is commonly known that the use of frequency changers, in comparison with other
solutions (2 speeds, voltage shifter...) entails a reduction in the power consumption. Besides, operating with vector flux control
reduces the consumption even more, compared with the conventional scalar solution, since the equipment considerably reduces
the current consumed, when it is not practically necessary to use torque (for example, half-loaded car). Moreover, this provides
the equipments with greater durability.
4 . General reliability on operation. Vector control tends to make the motor turn very near the speed theoretical curve, due to the
optimal dynamic response of the equipment.
5 . Parametrization facility. When operating with vector flux control, usually it is not necessary to reset any parameter of the changer
(regarding its initial parametrization). In conventional industrial equipments there are complicated parameters of torque adjustment,
which are also very critical in their value.
In the 3VFMAC1 changer only parameter 19 (motor vacuum current, that consumed when the car goes down, with a load of approximately
60%) needs to be adjusted. Even if an error occurs in that value, the equipment will operate almost normally.
If there is any problem in the start-up, in the movement at approach speed, etc., when operating with scalar control, use the encoder and
make the equipment operate with vector control (parameter 15 with value 1) and problems will then disappear.
3.1 Configuration
It is necessary to introduce the appropriate parameters according to the type and characteristics of the encoder. Firstly, it is necessary to
introduce the number of poles of the motor in parameter No 20.
When the low-cost encoder is used (magnets and sensor are not advisable for models 10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP), the number of magnets
must be 8, 10, or 12 (use 12 when possible). In parameter No 21 (encoder) the number of magnets divided by 2 must be introduced (since
each couple of magnets generate one pulse). For 12 magnets, for example, 6 pulses are needed per turn.
When an industrial encoder is used, introduce in parameter 21 the number of pulses per turn shown by the manufacturer.
If the features panel does not show the number of poles of the motor, remember that a motor with an approximate speed of
1375 and 1450 rpm has 4 poles and another one between 900 and 975 rpm has 6 poles.
The 3VFMAC1 frequency changer includes a connection package (C3) enabling the use of a low-cost encoder (it is not advisable in models
10 HP, 15 HP and 20 HP, since it is quite probable that vibrations occur in the car at approach speed. This option can only be used when
the machine is specially designed for use or in those repairs where it is absolutely impossible to adapt a digital encoder to the machine).
It will be installed on the motor and it enables the equipment to know the turning speed in real time.
The maximum consumption of the encoder shall be 40 mA. The encoder must have an output to an open commutator.
The low-priced encoder is constituted of magnets (usually 12) installed on the machine wheel (or equivalent part), placed in an equidistant
way with alternate polarities. A sensor (supplied by the equipment) will be installed in such a way that its active face (marked with a white
point) perfectly faces the magnets. The maximum distance between the white point and the magnets shall be 2 mm.
max. 2 mm. (distance between magnet and sensor)
S S Black Box
Together with the sensor and the magnets, metallic sections and a rope are provided. The rope enables the installation of the magnets in
an easy and rapid way. Install (usually) 12 magnets :
1. Brace the wheel with the rope and make a knot so that the rope keeps the size of the wheel perimeter.
2. Take the rope out, stretch it and mark the end. You would thus have the wheel divided into 2 parts. Bend the end marked on the knot;
the two new ends of the rope appeared when they were marked enabled us to divide the wheel into 4 parts.
3. Brace the wheel again with the rope. The marks on the rope show the first 4 points of division of the wheel.
4. Using the rope, subdivide each quarter of the wheel until all points are obtained.
5. Fix the magnets with a high-adherence glue (Loctite or similar). Make sure they are perfectly fixed.
The installation of the magnets is very important. They must be totally equidistant.
The polarity of the magnets must be alternate. In order to check their correct installation, connect the encoder to the
equipment (taking the numbers into account) and supply power to the frequency changer only (not the control unit). Move
the motor manually. Every time a magnet faces the sensor, the led should change its state.
The 3VFMAC1.10/15/20. frequency changer includes a connection package ( C6 ) enabling the use of an industrial encoder. It will be
installed on the motor, and enables the equipment to know the turning speed in real time. It must be provided together with the machine
and its features are:
• 5Vdc supply.
• Two pulse trains outputs.
• Advisable 2000 pulses per turn ( valid between 1000 and 2048 ).
• Differential output, RS-442 or line driver• 5 Vdc supply.
The diagram shows the connection between the said encoder and 3VFMAC1.10/15/20
24Vdc 15HP
5Vdc 5
+ - C1 + C1 - C2 + C2 - CM
Cable Mesh
• This encoder must be supplied by the machine manufacturer (in case of doubt regarding the model, please consult Mp
Technical Department).
• Its use is advisable in 3VFMAC1.10/15/20 and indispensable when the selected machine is VF.
In the initial movements introduce a value below the rated frequency in P1; therefore in the case there is a problem, the lift does not operate
at maximum speed.
In order to ensure the correct movement of the car and make it coincide in a correct way with the encoder reading sequence, it is necessary
to make the following operations:
1 . Install the equipment for its operation in scalar mode (p15 =0). Make the car move and observe if it goes up when it receives an ascent
command (and vice versa). If the movement of the car is contrary to the command, interchange 2 phases of the output power package
to the motor of the control unit panel (U, V, W terminals package). Observe if the movement does now coincide with the order.
2 . After that connect the encoder (it is necessary to be really careful, since the encoder can get damaged if connections are not correct).
Observe if the number of motor poles (P20) and the number of pulses of the encoder (P21) have the correct values. Introduce the value
of the motor vacuum current in parameter P19. This current is quite similar to that consumed by the motor when operating in scalar
mode (P15=0), to the rated speed, running in vacuum and in ascent. Read this current in the display of the equipment, introduce it
in P19 and operate the equipment with vector control (P15=1).
3 . Make the lift move and see the motor revolutions (information offered by the display of 3VFMAC1). If the lift moves in an anomalous
way, observe :
a . If the motor speed in revolutions is 0, that means that a connection error occurred in the encoder (supply, a channel was not
connected). Check the connections again.
b . There is a turning speed, but the car speed is anomalous. That means that both pulse train channels are connected in an inverse
sequence. In order to correct the sequence, it is necessary to interchange channels. That is to say, interchanging cable C1 + with
C2 + and cable C1 - with C2 -.
The frequency changer can be configured through the use of the following elements :
• 4-digit display.
• Three push buttons.
• Led “RUN”.
The equipment has two operating modes : RUN MODE and PROGRAM MODE. Through the P/R push button it is possible to switch between
both modes.
The led RUN constantly informs of the mode and state of the operation.
With the red P/R push button both operating modes can switch. It the lift is moving (led RUN flickers) RUN mode cannot
switch to PROGRAM mode. Wait until the lift stops (active led RUN, idle), turn off the control unit and press P/R button
(led RUN will be disabled).
In this operating mode (active led RUN, either fixed the lift laying idle, or flickering with the lift in movement) it is possible to show
information in the 4-digit display, that may be useful when the lift is under operation. In order to have access to the different pieces of
information, button (4) will have to be pressed, thus displaying the information in a cyclic way.
If an error occurs and you do not RESET, it will still be represented in the display.
The led RUN must be on ( fixed - lift lays idle / intermittent - lift in movement ). If it is off, pressed P/R button first.
With this operating mode (led RUN off) the frequency changer configuration parameters can be displayed and/or modified. Functions of the
elements taking part :
4-Digit display: It informs of the selected parameter and its value. It saves a new value.
P/R Button : It switches from RUN mode to PROGRAM mode and vice versa.
Button ( ) : It enables selecting the parameter and going to the digit whose value is to be modified.
Button ( ) : It enables displaying the value of the parameter selected and modifying the value of the digit selected.
Output frequency display in RUN mode, LIVE LED RUN (fixed, it does not flicker).
Push P / R
Selection of the parameter value
The present value of parameter 9 is 1.0 sec. The left digit will be flickering.
digit to be modified
We pushed (4) 3 times and therefore, the fourth digit will flicker, since that value is
to be modified.
Push ( ) as many times as necessary until the desired value is obtained in the selected digit.
Modification and saving of the new
Being in phase 4, if you only wish to display the parameter value (and not modify it), press P/R button: it will thus switch to
phase 3. If P/R button is pressed again, it will switch to RUN mode.
4 Hz - 15 Hz (*)
2 Frequency 2 05.00 Hz Approach speed 1
1Hz - 15 Hz (**)
Brake retardation
8 0.01 sec. - 2.5 sec 0.2 sec. Time passed between speed 0 and brake deactivation, at stop
before stopping
9 Acceleration 1 0.8 sec. - 5.0 sec. 001.0 sec Acceleration ramp time 1
10 Deceleration 1 0.8 sec. - 5.0 sec. 001.5 sec Deceleration ramp time 1
11 Acceleration 2 0.8 sec. - 5.0 sec. 003.0 sec Acceleration ramp time 2.
12 Deceleration 2 0.8 sec. - 5.0 sec. 003.0 sec Deceleration ramp time 2.
14 Switching frequency 5.5 - 15.0 KHz 55 Switching frequency for PWM (See section 1.6 table )
3VFMAC1 - 5 :
up to 5.5 HP - scalar
of 6.5 HP - vector
3VFMAC1 - 10 :
0 : Scalar up to 10 HP
15 Type of control -
1 : Vector 3VFMAC1 - 15 :
up to 15 HP
3VFMAC1 - 20 :
up to 20 HP
Vector control requires encoder installation.
18 Reserved 0 - 60 20 -
3VFMAC1 - 5 :
400 V :
2.0 - 12.0 Amp.
220 V :
With vector control :
4.0 to 24.0 Amp
It corresponds to the motor vacuum current. Do not usually
modify the initial value.
3VFMAC1 -10 :
400 V :
With scalar control :
4.0 - 24.0 Amp.
Increase the current gradually until a correct operation of the lift
19 Vacuum current 8.012012000e+22
in all load situations is reached ( the maximum also ). DO NOT
220 V :
8.0 to 48.0 Amp
3VFMAC1 -20 :
400 V :
4.0 - 24.0 Amp.
Brake retardation at Retardation included in the changer between the open brake
22 0.01 sec. - 2.5 sec. 00.20 sec.
start-up command and the starting of motor turning.
Brake retardation after Time passed between the brake deactivation and the power cut
23 0.01 sec. - 2.5 sec. 00.20 sec
stopping in the motor, at stop.
3VFMAC1 - 5 :
0: 400 Vac
1: 220 Vac
3VFMAC1 - 10 :
2: 400 Vac
Network voltage and In model 3VFMAC1-15 and 3VFMAC1-20, 220 Vac model it does
24 3: 220 Vac According to model
model of changer not exist.
3VFMAC1 - 15 :
4: 400 Vac
3VFMAC1 - 20 :
6: 400 Vac
With low-cost ENCODER ( magnets and sensor ).
With industrial ENCODER.
F1 Not used.
F2 Overcurrent.
F5 Fault in Encoder.
F9 Over-temperature.
F11 Overspeed.
F13 Condenser fault ((10/15 /20 HP), or very low network voltage).
FA Not used.
FB Error in parameters.
FC Not used.
The different speeds at which the equipment can make the motor operate are defined in frequency values in parameters 1 to 5. Connection
No 15 of package C2 enables selecting one of the two possible torques of RATED / APPROACH speed. Connection No 14 of package C2
selects RATED or APPROACH SPEED. Connection No 16 of package C2, when it is energized, forces the operation at a specific frequency
(speed at inspection control unit).
x x On 5 (inspection speed)
(x) : Indifferent
Terminal No 16 operates in negative logic ( OFF : closed circuit ), since the contact that must be used is normally closed.
The 3VFMAC1 frequency changer can operate with two possible acceleration / deceleration times torques. Connection No 17 enables using
any of this times torque.
ON 11 ( acceleration 2 ) 12 (deceleration 2 )
Times are introduced in seconds, with even tenths of second. Times introduced in the parameters correspond to the time the changer takes
to increase the frequency from 0 to the value established in parameter 1.
Frequency in
parameter 1
(0) TIME
Acceleration Deceleration
Time Time
Times introduced in the parameters may not coincide with the actual acceleration and deceleration time, due to the
following reasons :
• Introducing S-Curves increases the actual effective acceleration and deceleration time.
• When the lift is operating with high load, the actual acceleration and deceleration times can also increase.
It enables getting a correct levelling regardless of the car load. It is only operative when control is vector (parameter 15). By adjusting
parameter 13 appropriately (through testing), it will be possible to make stopping points (levelling) coincide with load 0 and full load in the
Frequency changer 3VFMAC1 enables operation at different switching frequencies on the following conditions:
• Switching frequency in SCALAR mode is fixed internally at 5.5 KHz, regardless of the value in Parameter 14. Any other switching
frequency requires operation in Vector Mode.
• Switching frequency in both 3VFMAC1-5 models is fixed internally at 5.5 KHz, either in Scalar or Vector mode, and regardless of the
value in Parameter 14.
• Switching frequency in Vector Mode for models 3VFMAC1-10 / 15 /20 may be configured from 5.5 KHz to 10 KHz, thus enabling the
changer to offer a Maximum Current up to twice the Rated Current for a maximum of 6 seconds. See section 1.6 table.
• Only for models 3VFMAC1-10 / 15: in Vector Mode it is possible to configure switching frequencies between 10 and 15 KHz, thus
enabling the changer to offer a Maximum Current up to 1.5 times the Rated Current for a maximum of 6 seconds. See section 1.6. table.
In chapter 3 ( ENCODER ) characteristics and features regarding vector flux control are described in detail.
Parameter which is specially important in the final adjustment of the installation. Its function and parametrization are completely different
when operating with scalar or vector control :
In this case, parameter 19 is similar to the parameter of torque adjustment in conventional changers. That is to say, in general terms, if
we increase the parameter value, the torque supplied by the motor increases. Follow these practical steps to get a valid adjustment:
Do not introduce very high values in parameter 19; it may result in unnecessary overheating and F6 error could even occur
(motor blocking state due to maximum current), because of the flux of high currents. If you do not get a correct operation,
install an encoder and operate with vector control.
Working with vector control, the adjustment of parameter 19 is immediate and not critical. Indeed, the initial value is usually valid for most
of the installations. If you wish to get a correct adjustment, follow these steps :
• If rated speed is between 1375 and 1450 rpm ( approximately ) it is a 4-pole motor.
• If rated speed is between 900 and 975 rpm ( approximately ) it is a 6-pole motor.
See chapter 3.
It is possible to include retardation in mechanical brake at start-up and stop operations. The objective of these parameters is optimizing
comfort :
It enables adding smoothness to those speed curve points where there is a change in slope ( see section 2.4. ) :
A useful function is included, which makes the equipment perform a reset in an automatic way, as a response to specific errors, thus
permitting the lift to continue being operative.
A maximum number of errors is established ( parameter 30 ) in which the changer executes the autoreset, within a period of 3 minutes.
Once this time has passed the equipment will get out of service.
The first two possibilities put the autoresest counter at 0 ( that means that the number of errors of parameter 30 will be again permitted
in 3 minutes ). Nevertheless the reset through external contact will have to be executed every time an error occurs if the maximum number
of errors would have already occurred in the 3 minutes time.
An external reset executed simultaneously with an AUTORESET does not stop counting one more error in the AUTORESET counter.
Try not to use an external reset ( terminal 19 ). The AUTORESET function is very safe and simplifies the control.
Parameter 31 may have a value, in hertzs, which once exceeded, makes the equipment energize relay KRL1. The range this value must
• Scalar control : when the output electric frequency exceeds parameter 30, relay KRL1 will be energized.
• Vector control : when the motor turning speed ( expressed in hertzs ) surpasses parameter 30, relay KRL1 will be energized.
If the parameter has a value of 00.00 hertzs, relay KRL1 is never energized. Use this relay if you wish to inform the control unit when the
car speed is below a specific value, for example in those cases where there is approach to a floor with advanced door opening.
6.14.1 Car Maximum Load in Kg “Q” (Parameter 32). Operative in “Weight Control Function”.
Only operative with the “Weight Control Function”, which is optional. Introduce the value of the car maximum load “Q“ in Kilograms. See
Chapter 9 “ Weight Control”.
6.14.2 Torque Percentage in Relation to the Rated Percentage (Parameter 33). Operative in “Weight Control Function”.
Only operative with the “Weight Control Function”, which is optional. In this parameter you should define the Torque Percentage in relation
to the Rated percentage, which should be applied for the Maximum Load. See Chapter 9 “ Weight Control”.
It is highly advisable to use MACPUARSA’s magnetoswitch kit, since there is not dependence between the pulses and levelling signals, nor
inhibition times. In this case it is recommended :
When executing this operation, make sure the motor gets during a sufficient period of time (min.1 sec) the revolutions corresponding to
the approach speed (120 if 4Hz, 150 if 5 Hz), before levelling.
a . Load effect :
Do not consider the possible effect of levelling difference between ascent and descent (which will be later on analysed) and introduce
P2=5Hz P29=20 for 1 m/sec and P2=4Hz P29=25 for 1.6 m/seg. For intermediate speeds use a proportional value of P2 and P29.
The equipment is parametrized so that the levelling is uniform regardless of the car load. Anyhow, depending on the type of motor, this
may not exactly be true. In order to execute that correction, you must use parameter P13 :
• When going down, if the lift gets lower when loaded than empty, increase P13 gradually.
• When going down, if the lift gets higher when loaded than empty, reduce P13 gradually.
• When going up, if the lift gets lower when loaded than empty, increase P13 gradually.
• When going up, if the lift gets higher when loaded than empty, reduce P13 gradually.
The equipment enables adjusting the same levelling in ascent and descent with accuracy:
The final levelling of the car depends on the time passed from the moment the level signal is received (when its upper end is reached
in descent or its lower end in ascent) to the moment when speed 0 is reached from approach hertzs (established in parameter P2). This
time in speed control is appreciable and can be regulated with parameters P2 (approach speed) and P29 (final stopping curve).
If P2 or P29 are lowered this global time is reduced (and vice versa), so :
• If it is lower in descent than in ascent, P2 and/or P29 must be reduced.
• If it is higher in descent than in ascent, P2 and/or P29 must be increased.
These parameters shall not be modified in an aleatory way, due to the fact that approach time (before levelling) will be too long if P2
is extremely reduced and the final stop will be too abrupt if P29 is excessively reduced. A value of P20=20 must be introduced for
1m/sec and P29=25 for 1.6 m/sec and P2 must be reasonably modified (1 m/sec must be near 5 Hz and 1.6 m/sec must be near 4 Hz).
Once done, start to modify P29 slightly, if you still do not get the levelling.
It is always advisable to exceed in deceleration distance rather than reduce it too much. Some general advices are given at the beginning,
but in the case enough comfort is not obtained, try to exhaust that distance to the maximum.
If you are operating in CHANGE 2C, make this adjustment with services where destination and departure floors are NOT consecutive (that
is to say, there must be 2 or more differences of levels).
The global effective deceleration time (from the moment the pulse signal is received until approach speed is reached) is defined by 3
parameters: P10 (deceleration time), P27 (S-curve at the start of deceleration) and P28 (S-curve at the end deceleration). If the value of
any of them is reduced, the effective time is reduced.
1. It is absolutely indispensable that the motor reaches the revolutions corresponding to the approach Hz (P2) in a stabilised way, before
getting the level signal. 150 rpm for 5Hz and 120 rpm (min 1 sec) for 4Hz . This must be guaranteed in the worst operating situation
(going up empty until the penultimate floor, from a considerably lower level. It is not necessary to test in the last level, since the
terminal stopping switch, which is energized slightly before its pulse, will give an approach section that is a bit higher). The motor
revolutions can be observed in the equipment display.
2. If you wish to reduce the global deceleration time, it is quite more helpful to start reducing parameters P27 and P28 gradually; if they
are so much reduced that there is an absence of comfort, start reducing P10.
3. If you wish to increase the global deceleration time, first increase P10 and keep the initial values for P27 and P28.
Altering P10 too much may affect the levelling. If necessary, (see point 7.2).
The equipment can detect different error situations. In order to get a normal operating situation again, it is necessary to execute a RESET
of the error. Otherwise the equipment will get out of service.
It is only possible to apply a RESET to an error, if the cause does no longer exist.
8.1.1 Autoreset
Function which makes a maximum number of error RESET within a period of 3 minutes, in an automatic way. If in that time there are as
many errors as this number (figure introduced in parameter 30), the equipment will get out of service until the error RESET is executed
through another means.
Every time the equipment is switched off and then on or PROGRAM mode is turned on and then off, the internal counter of number of errors
in 3 minutes will show 0. Thus, as many errors as shown in parameter 30 will be again permitted in the next 3 minutes.
The AUTORESET function waits until the cause of the error disappears in order to generate (and count) the RESET.
It is possible to execute an error RESET in terminal No 19, through external voltage-free contact .
If this RESET is jointly applied to the AUTORESET function the internal AUTORESET counter does not stop increasing.
If the AUTORESET function exceeded the maximum number of errors allowed, the application of the external reset does not set the
AUTORESET counter to 0.
When an external reset is executed, it will be shown in display RST, while it is being applied, thus being the equipment inhibited. This type
of RESET is only accepted when power is not being supplied.
Try not to use the external ERROR RESET usually. Its possible continuous use may damage the installation if it is a serious error and it
occurs constantly. The AUTORESET function is safe and reliable.
If the cause of the error disappears, any RESET method can restore the operation of the equipment again. A RESET will not be accepted
until the cause disappears.
The last error detected by the changer can be displayed a posteriori (see chapter 4, INFORMATION DISPLAY).
The following errors are exceptions to what has been described before :
F _ B : Error in parameters. When it occurs for the first time, the equipment will get out of service, not accepting any kind of RESET.
Introduce the parameters again.
F _ E : Contactors opening not controlled by the changer. This error does not have a limit in AUTORESET. It does never cause the
equipment to get out of service.
F1 : Not used.
F2 : Overcurrent.
An operating situation where the motor instantly consumes a current higher to the maximum offered by the equipment was
detected. This fact always results from third causes which are usually serious problems : wrongly connected power cables, faulty
contactor, encoder with specific reading faults.
Solution :
Locate the fault. The repetitive appearing of this error may result in the destruction of the equipment. If you cannot solve the
problem, contact MacPuarsa and describe the error situation in detail.
Solution :
Check the supply which is being applied to the equipment. AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH VOLTAGE CAUSES THE DESTRUCTION OF THE
Solution :
Check the supply which is being applied to the equipment. An excessively low voltage may cause the equipment not to start up.
A provisional supply, heavy machinery near the installation, etc.... are possible causes of an instantaneous low network voltage.
F5 : Fault in Encoder
Solution :
Generally, check if connections are correct. Make sure you have introduced the correct information in parameter 21. Make sure you
have operated as explained in chapter 3.
F6 : Motor Blocked
Solution :
The most common causes are :
• operating in scalar control. It may be due to the fact that parameter 19 is excessively low, and when introducing a considerable
load in the car, the lift does not start up.
• operating in vector control. It may have been configured for vector control and the encoder has not been installed. The
equipment will consider speed 0 and will apply the maximum current.
If the car is overloaded and the lift cannot start up ( both in scalar and vector ) this error will occur.
Terminals C1 and C2 must be bridged ( with power cable ) while power is being supplied. If it instantly disappears, the error will
Solution :
See section 2.3 for details of how C1 - C2 bridge must be made with contactors K1 and K2. Check connections. It is also probable
that a contactor has the power contact damaged.
F8 : Short Circuit
This error will occur when a short circuit takes place at the output of the equipment.
F9 : Over-Temperature
Solution :
OVER-TEMPERATURE is due to a high-rate operating situation, with long approach speed sections and a high ambient temperature.
Try to reduce the approach speed section and operate with vector flux control (consumption is lower).
There is a possibility (even though it is not quite probable) that the equipment fans could get damaged. Observe if they lay idle
when the changer supplies power (lift in movement) . If that is the case, replace the equipment.
F10 : Non-connected Motor. There is no load connected to the output of the frequency changer.
F11 : Overspeed
Solution :
It may occur in faulty motors, when the car is overloaded... If the equipment is incorrectly parametrized, the error may also occur.
If there is a provisional fault in any phase of the motor, or a strong consumption mismatch takes place in the phases, the error will
Solution :
Check the power wiring from the changer output ( U - V - W ) to the motor terminals. Check the correct state of the motor
(measuring resistance between phases).
Solution :
Check that the network voltage is not excessively low. If the problem persists, replace the Electrolytic Condensers.
Before replacing the Electrolytic Condensers, make sure that the led HIGH VOLTAGE is completely OFF. Otherwise an electric
discharge could occur, that might result in death.
FA : Not Used
FB : Error in Parameters
A serious error has been detected in the equipment configuration data. This error cannot be reset.
Solution :
Introduce all parameters again.
FC : Not Used
During the execution of a service, the EMERGENCY STOP signal ( terminal No 12 ) disappeared; that is to say, contactors K1 and
K2 turned off unpredictably.
Solution :
This error usually occurs when a safety chain contact breaks in an unpredictable way during the execution of a service.
This error does never cause the equipment to get out of service. It is indefinitely autoreset. In MACPUARSA control
units, during inspection control unit, series abruptly break when a movement is interrupted. This results in the
appearance of FE error, after each inspection movement.
9.1 Description
Make sure that the equipment has the WEIGHT CONTROL function. This system enables the 3VFMAC1 to adjust the necessary motor torque,
through a load weighing device (VK2P), to carry out a service regardless of the load.
The user should indicate the car maximum load “Q” (parameter 32), as well as the maximum torque to be applied by the system in order
to correct the load inside the car (parameter 33).
This function is only operative when the equipment operates in vector control with industrial encoder.
9.2 Requirements
4. Load weighing device : VK2P with frame/car load cells (model TCE)
5. Frequency changers : 3VFMAC1, Series F
6. Communication between both systems.
7. Operating mode: VECTOR mode with industrial encoder.
9.3.1 Display
9.3.2 Parametrization
New Parameters :
P33 : Torque Percentage in relation to the rated percentage to be applied for the maximum load.
Range from 0 to 50 [factory value, 0]
• Install the load weighing device and introduce the load cells parameter. Reset. Then make sure that known loads introduced in the car
are represented in the load weighing device display with a correct numerical value; this guarantees that the weight measure is correct.
Move the car several times with and without load and check to see whether the ZERO is maintained. If not (if there is NO load inside
the car some kilograms are displayed), reset again.
• Introduce the motor vacuum current indicated by the manufacturer in parameter P19. If unknown, run the lift with half load in scalar
mode, and then introduce the current value at rated speed in parameter P19.
• The first adjustment operation should counterbalance the lift perfectly. Otherwise, it will be necessary to know at least the half load
(balance situation when opening the brake manually). Then introduce the correct rated load in parameter P32 (twice the half load, if
balancing was not correct). E.g. : a 450 kg lift may not be correctly counterbalanced (more weights are necessary); introduce some
load to find the equilibrium point (half load); the load weighing device now reads 210 Kgs. Introduce 420 Kgs in P32.
Reset P33.
• Find the optimal value of P16, where the maximum rpms at rated speed in descent and in vacuum are reached.
NOTE : The maximum rpms obtained may be lower than the motor rated rpms (according to specifications plate), due to vector
• Parameter P33 adjustment (load compensation), which will cause all services to be identical, regardless of the load inside the car :
Set parameter P22 = 02.00; these two seconds enable checking whether the rotor does not move when opening the brake, when
starting a service. Checking this is only useful in high-performance machines (eg, planetariums, >15HP,1.6 m/sec crown wheel - worm
or equivalent).
• For each P33 value, observe the rpm at rated speed, both in descent and in ascent, with no load inside the car. Start with P33 at value
0 and then increase by 10 units. Find the P33 value where the rpms at rated speed both in ascent and in descent are IDENTICAL. This
value should make the rotor not to turn when opening the brake, during the first two seconds. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
1 . Current consumed when opening the brake (with turning speed 0) should be very similar in value to that obtained at approach speed
in descent without load inside the car.
2 . If distances between pulses and level are uniform and correct, check that the approach times for any load, in any level and both in
ascent and descent are VERY SIMILAR. This test should be carried out by executing services between two or more floors. This is the
final objective of this application.
• Finish the installation adjustment. Increase parameter P10 properly, so that the start of the approach speed and the start of the
advanced door opening (in the case this function is installed with circuit 538) coincide. Check by carrying out services to all landings
and in both directions.
• 1 FLOOR SERVICES (change 2C) : Modifying parameter 9 slightly, it is possible to alter, only in this type of services, the approach
section previous to the stop, so that it coincides with the services of 2 or more floors. Increasing parameter 9, increases the approach
section (and vice versa).
9.5.1 Communication Wiring Scheme between the 3VFMAC1 and the VK-2P equipment
The following scheme ( C12002, VI.0 ) indicates the elements of the communication wiring between the 3VFMAC1 and the VK2P.
2 5 - +
+ IN
- IN
ConF = 1 T1 T2
T2 T1
T1 T2
Car Control
T1 T2
Control Panel
Control Station
T2 T2
T1 T1 Control Unit Rope
Violet M2 H2
T1 T2
T1 T2
C12002 Scheme
Notes :
Speed variation installations, due to their constitution, are a source of electromagnetic noise. In order to respect the other installations
existing or that may exist in the building, the installation instructions indicated below should be strictly followed. Otherwise, the lift
installation may cause many interference problems, thus being impossible for the electronic devices existing in the building (PC, radio, radio
amateur, TV, medical equipments, etc.) to operate correctly and therefore not fulfilling the legislation in force.
Clasps, washers and self-tapping screws
set for fixing the mesh to the earth of
communication ropes (if any) and
Traction machine supply connection, as specified in the previous section, should be carried out with screened cable. The earth wire should
be fixed to the panel plate through neck stock rope socket and self-tapping screw.
In the panel, depending on the rope section, connection should be executed according to the following schemes:
Control Panel Plate U U
Self-Tapping Screw
Control Panel Plate
Self-Tapping Screw
Mesh Mesh
This rope mesh should be earth connected in both ends. Contact between mesh and plate should be as good as possible, so that a great
surface of both of them is in contact.
The end of the machine should be fixed in different ways, depending on the type of machine:
Terminal Cover
Terminal Cover
< Non MACPUARSA Machines: From the previous systems select the one that best suits the machine in question. For any other mesh
connection systems, please consult.
Supply from the network to the panel should be carried out in such a way that the supply ropes do not get mixed with control ropes, or with
output ropes to the traction machine. Parallel paths at a distance lower than 30 cm should not exist. Installation should be performed
according to the instructions in the figure.
D 3
D 2
D 300 mm
2 2
D 2 D
3 2
2 3
4 4
1 1
D 300 mm
Once all ropes are out of the panel lower gap and they have been placed inside the channels, according to the instructions in the previous
figures, place the bent cover supplied together with the cabinet, so that the cabinet cable output is completely protected. See figure.
Ropes should be protected with channels and the rope sections going to the motor and being exposed to the air should be protected with
a corrugated tube which is supplied together with the connection. Control ropes will go through one tube and power ropes through another.
Panel earthing should always be carried out by connecting the earth rope to the plate directly, through neck stock rope socket and self-
tapping screw (which should be supplied), using the drill hole located next to terminals R,S,T.
Self-tapping screw
• Lighting supply from the mains to the panel should be carried out in the way indicated in the first paragraph of the previous section.
Should this not be possible, use two 2x1,5 mm” screened ropes (one for the shaft and the other for the car), securing both meshes to
the plate by means of a self-tapping screw.
• In the event there is a series communication and/or encoder, meshes of these ropes should be fixed to the plate with clasps and self-
tapping screws in a similar way to the motor supply wire mesh.
• The braking resistance should be fixed on the right side of the cabinet through the drill holes in it, so that the electric contact between
the resistance casing and the cabinet is guaranteed.
Braking Resistance
MACPUARSA does not guarantee compliance with the EMC Guideline in any of the
following cases:
< When installation is not carried out according to the previous points.
< When products not stipulated by MACPUARSA are included in the installation.
Contact : Sr. Rowan Lebbink Contact : Sr. Eric Tanguy
e - mail : [email protected] e - mail : [email protected]
Tel. : + 31 227 600 400 Tel. : + 66 2 6530805 - 6
Fax : + 31 227 600 090 Fax : + 66 2 6530807
Address : De Stek 8b Address : Suite 1912, level 19, 140 One
1771 SP WIERINGERWERF Pacific Place Bldg., Sukhumvit
Holanda Road . Klongtoey 10110
Bangkok - Tailandia
Contact : Sr. Wieslaw Mielcarski Contact : Sr. Patricio Mora
e - mail : [email protected] e - mail : [email protected]
Tel. : + 48 61 8475611 Tel. : + 56 2 3611982 / 83
Fax : + 48 61 8478249 Fax : + 56 2 3611984
Address : 60 - 536 Poznan ul. Address : Edificio Puerto 1 Local 3
Koscielna 19 San Francisco 251
Polonia Santiago (Centro) - Chile
Contact : Sr. Mark Barter
e - mail : [email protected]
Tel. : + 612 99600016
Fax : + 612 99393247
Address : Going up lifts.Pty Limited 17,
level 1 Bridgepoint, Brady Street
Mosman, 2088 Sidney - New
South Wales, Australia