Bsi MD Ivdr Readiness Review en GB
Bsi MD Ivdr Readiness Review en GB
Bsi MD Ivdr Readiness Review en GB
Readiness Review
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Manufacturers have the duration of the transition period to update Regulations are the most direct form of EU
their technical documentation and processes to meet the new law - as soon as they are passed, they have
requirements. BSI is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for binding legal force throughout every Member
all clients wishing to certify to the IVDR. State, on a par with national laws. National
governments do not have to take action
This document allows you to detail how you intend to meet the
themselves to implement EU regulations.
additional requirements of the new Regulation, please use in
conjunction with Regulation (EU) 2017/746. It is NOT an exhaustive
checklist but contains summary statements of the significant changes.
Completion of this form is not mandatory and does not need to form part of the transition process, but can help
with your internal preparation and be a useful tool for planning your transition strategy. Use the boxes below to
list procedures, records and examples that address the additional requirements. This can be used as a gap
analysis tool or as an aide memoire during your transition assessments.
Your BSI Team is here to support you on your journey, so please talk to us about your plans early on in your
preparation. Further information can be found BSI IVDR revision page
IVDR Readiness Review – Revision 1, March 2019 Page 2 of 13
The scope of the Regulation is more specifically defined compared to the Directive, and you
will need to check if you are affected by any of the following scope changes or clarifications.
Products newly or specifically defined under Article 2:
‘Prediction’ and ‘Prognosis’ of disease have been added to the definition of a medical device (MDR Article 2),
which will apply to some In vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs)
An IVD may be a device that is software or system, either integrated or standalone, which is used in vitro for
the examination of specimens
IVD assays that are being used to provide diagnostic results either via the internet or as a ‘distant service’
(Article 6), where the result is being provided to an EU citizen.
You will need to provide information on any products that fall within the new Regulation, which were previously
not covered by the Directive:
The IVDR brings on line a new network of EU Reference Laboratories’ (EURLs). A EURL will be involved in
IVDR Readiness Review – Revision 1, March 2019 Page 3 of 13
verifying the performance claims of Class D devices during the conformity assessment under the IVDR.
EU reference laboratories will verify by laboratory testing the performance claimed by the manufacturer and the
compliance of devices presenting the highest risk with the applicable CS, when such CS are available, or with
other solutions chosen by the manufacturer to ensure a level of safety and performance that is at least
If your device will be class D but does not currently have a CS (or CTS under the IVDD), the first device placed
on the market under the IVDR of its type will be required to go for an additional expert panel review.
‘If your device will be Class D but does not currently have a Common Specification (or Common Technical
Specification under the IVDD), the first device placed on the market (undergoing conformity assessment) of its
type will go to an expert panel’
‘New’ Class D devices will need to allow for potentially more transition time to the IVDR to allow for expert
panel review.
Details of CTS currently used and how you will transition to the new CS under the Regulation.
Processes to check for publication of and/or changes in Common Specifications, Implementing Acts and
Delegated Acts
The classification of IVDs has been radically transformed from a list-based approach in the Directive, to a rule-
based approach in the Regulation. The rule-based approach comprises of four risk categories, from Class A
(lowest risk) to Class D (highest risk).
o (a) for detecting the presence of, or exposure to, a sexually transmitted agent;
o (b) for detecting the presence in cerebrospinal fluid or blood of an infectious agent without a
high or suspected high risk of propagation;
o (c) for detecting the presence of an infectious agent, if there is a significant risk that an
erroneous result would cause death or severe disability to the individual, foetus or embryo being
tested, or to the individual's offspring;
o (d) for pre-natal screening of women in order to determine their immune status towards
transmissible agents;
o (e) for determining infective disease status or immune status, where there is a risk that an
erroneous result would lead to a patient management decision resulting in a life-threatening
situation for the patient or for the patient's offspring;
o (f) to be used as companion diagnostics;
o (g) to be used for disease staging, where there is a risk that an erroneous result would lead to a
patient management decision resulting in a life-threatening situation for the patient or for the
patient's offspring;
o (h) to be used in screening, diagnosis, or staging of cancer;
o (i) for human genetic testing;
o (j) for monitoring of levels of medicinal products, substances or biological components, when
there is a risk that an erroneous result will lead to a patient management decision resulting in a
life-threatening situation for the patient or for the patient's offspring;
o (k) for management of patients suffering from a life-threatening disease or condition;
o (l) for screening for congenital disorders in the embryo or foetus;
o (m) for screening for congenital disorders in new-born babies where failure to detect and treat
such disorders could lead to life-threatening situations or severe disabilities.
Rule 4 Self-testing and near-patient testing
o (a) Devices intended for self-testing are classified as class C, except for devices for the detection
of pregnancy, for fertility testing and for determining cholesterol level, and devices for the
detection of glucose, erythrocytes, leucocytes and bacteria in urine, which are classified as class
o (b) Devices intended for near-patient testing are classified in their own right.
Rule 5 The following devices are classified as class A:
o (a) products for general laboratory use, accessories which possess no critical characteristics,
buffer solutions, washing solutions, and general culture media and histological stains, intended
by the manufacturer to make them suitable for in vitro diagnostic procedures relating to a
specific examination;
o (b) instruments intended by the manufacturer specifically to be used for in vitro diagnostic
o (c) specimen receptacles.
Rule 6 Devices not covered by the above-mentioned classification rules are classified as class B.
Rule 7 Devices which are controls without a quantitative or qualitative assigned value are classified as
class B.
IVDR Readiness Review – Revision 1, March 2019 Page 5 of 13
Manufacturers are recommended to evaluate Annex VIII fully prior to completing the section
You will need to provide information on the new classification of your devices:
IVDs that were ‘self-certified’ under Annex III of the IVD Directive will most likely need to change conformity
route, unless your device is Class A (non-sterile) under the IVDR.
Class D or C devices will need to apply for either Quality Management System (QMS) Insurance Annex IX
(Article 48, clause 7 for Class D, clause 7 and 8 for Class C) or Type examination Annex X and production
quality assurance Annex XI (Article 48, clause 4 for Class D, clause 8 for Class C) under the IVDR.
Class B devices will need to apply for a Quality Management System assurance Annex IX certificate (Article
48, Clause 9).
For specific devices there will also need to be an application for assessment of technical documentation, in
particular Class D devices, self-tests (class B, C or D), near patient tests (class B, C or D) and companion
For other devices, there will be an assessment of technical documentation on a sampling basis as part of the
QMS or Type/QA conformity routes, per generic device group (Class C) or subcategory of devices (Class B).
All Class D devices will require verification of performance by an EU Reference Laboratory, in addition to
batch testing following certificate issue.
Class D devices may undergo additional scrutiny (article 50) or expert panel review (article 48.6).
Companion diagnostic devices under rule 3(f) require consultation with a national Competent Authority or
EMA (article 48.8).
Class A devices may undergo conformity assessment via self-certification, however, if the Class A device is
provided sterile it will need to submit an application for Notified Body assessment with respect to the sterility
aspects (Annex IX or Annex XI).
Please note that the Regulation does not have an equivalent to the Directive’s EC verification
conformity route (98/79/EC Annex VI)
Devices shall be divided into classes A, B, C and D, taking into account the intended purpose of the
devices and their inherent risks. Conformity assessment shall be carried out in accordance with
Annex IX or Annex X + ANNEX XI.
Self-test: means any device intended by the
Although the Regulation indicates there are four manufacturer to be used by lay persons,
classes of device, the routes of conformity also including devices used for testing services
reference some specific types of devices that will have offered to lay persons by means of information
additional requirements as part of the conformity society services.
You will need to review and group your devices based on: Near-patient test: means any device that is not
Class D devices (including self-tests and near patient tests) intended for self-testing but is intended to
perform testing outside a laboratory
Self-test devices
environment, generally near to, or at the side of,
o Class C the patient by a health professional;
o Class B
Companion Diagnostic: means a device which
Near-patient test devices
is essential for the safe and effective use of a
o Class C
corresponding medicinal product to: (a) identify,
o Class B before and/or during treatment, patients who
Companion diagnostic devices are most likely to benefit from the corresponding
medicinal product; or (b) identify, before and/or
Other Class C devices
during treatment, patients likely to be at
Other Class B devices increased risk of serious adverse reactions as a
Class A devices that are provided sterile. result of treatment with the corresponding
Other Class A devices medicinal product.
IVDR Readiness Review – Revision 1, March 2019 Page 7 of 13
QMS Requirements to be assessed for ALL IVDR EC Certifications from 26 May 2022
This includes:
New requirements for performance evaluation, clinical evidence and post market performance follow-up
(Article 56)
Process/Procedure for communication with Commission/Member States to obtain SRN (Article 28)
Registration of Economic Operators including Single Registration Number (Article 28)
Systems for Market Surveillance (activities described in Article 88)
Systems for Serious Incident, Field Safety Corrective Action (Article 84) and Trend Reports (Article 83)
New requirements for vigilance reporting i.e. maximum duration to report 15 days (Article 82)
Systems for PMS Plan and Report (Article 79, Article 80)
Systems for Periodic Safety Update Report (Article 81)
Technical Documentation
Your application to a Notified Body will require submission of Technical Documentation, either
under Annex IX or Annex X.
The submission of Technical Documentation should show the evidence of conformity to the GSPRs. it is advised
that a summary is provided which covers all relevant points of Annex II and Performance evaluation and clinical
evidence, refer to XIII.
For existing CE marked devices (either via a Notified Body or those devices which have been ‘self-declared) a
new full application will be needed to include all technical documentation as outlined by the new regulation.
Clinical Evidence
IVDR Readiness Review – Revision 1, March 2019 Page 10 of 13
The term ‘performance evaluation’ has been redefined by the IVDR. There is a new requirement to
demonstrate how a manufacturer plans to evaluate the performance of the device (‘performance
evaluation’), and the output of the performance evaluation as a collation of clinical evidence in the
form of a ‘Performance Evaluation Report’ (Article
56, Annex II, Annex XIII).
You will need to provide to the notified body:
Performance Evaluation
A Performance Evaluation Plan (Annex XIII Part A ‘performance evaluation’ means an assessment
(1.1)) and analysis of data to establish or verify the
operators shall be applicable to ALL devices placed on the market or put into service from the date
of application, 26th May 2022.
This includes:
PMS Plan (Article 79). A PMS Plan shall be provided at the time of initial application.
PMS Report (Article 80)
Periodic Safety Update Report (Article 81)
Serious Incident, Field Safety Corrective Action (Article 82)
Trend Report (Article 83)
Market Surveillance (activities described in Article 88)
Registration of Economic Operators including Single Registration Number (Article 27, 28)
How to meet the new IVDR requirement i.e. maximum duration to reporting 15 days
Meet the new IVDR requirement on post market performance follow-up
Process/Procedure for communication with Commission/Member States to obtain SRN
Process/Procedure to provide PSUR at frequency described by Article 81
EU Authorized Representative i.e. written mandate (Article 11), SRN (Article 28), PRRC (Article 15),
Importers i.e. SRN (Article 28), QMS (Article 13)
Other Changes
New requirements
You will need to provide information on:
Declaration of Conformity (Article 17 & Annex IV)
Unique Device Identification –Based on the classification of the device (transition provision 113) UDI
obligations will come into act from:
Class D: 26 May 2023
Class C and B: 26 May 2025
Class A: 26 May 2027.
EUDAMED – obligations start from the date of application (Article 30). There are transition arrangements
for the implementation of EUDAMED under Article 110.
When responses are complete please share with your Scheme Manager as “readiness review”; this will help plan
the transition described by Article 110.
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