Report On IFIC Bank in Bangladesh: Bidita Rahman Business & Economy
Report On IFIC Bank in Bangladesh: Bidita Rahman Business & Economy
Report On IFIC Bank in Bangladesh: Bidita Rahman Business & Economy
This report “Banking Activities and asset- liabilities of IFIC Bank Ltd” is prepared to fulfill
the partial requirement of Principles of Banking of Business Administration Program of
Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. The topic of dissertation was selected upon
consultation with course instructor of respective department.
The main aim of this report is to find out the operational activities and the financial trend of
IFIC bank Ltd. From this analysis we find out the financial situation and this analysis from
the annual report issued by IFIC Bank Ltd. from the year 2005 to 2009, which was the main
source of information.
A study in banking activities and asset and liabilities of Prime Bank Limited to find out its
activities and performance in terms of anticipated customer’s requirements and provide them
with the service, which meet their market, quality and service need.
The study is based on secondary data methodology of this final report is given below:
Data regarding the organization profile collected in the following ways:
• From the organization’s Annual report.
• Online information.
• By interviewing the organization’s officials.
• Observational method will also be used in this study.
Any assignment paper needs high degree of involvement regarding collection of information,
creation of database, literature review and analysis of data. In this study, we have tried our
level best to collect the related information within the time constraint.
Bank’s Mission
? Our Mission is to provide service to our clients with the help of a skilled and dedicated
workforce whose creative talents, innovative actions and competitive edge make our position
unique in giving quality service to all institutions and individuals that we care for.
? We are committed to the welfare and economic prosperity of the people and the
community, for we drive from them our inspiration and drive for onward progress to
? We want to be the leader among banks in Bangladesh and make our indelible mark as an
active partner in regional banking operating beyond the national boundary.
Operation Abroad:
Joint Venture
? Bank of Maldives – In 1983, IFIC Bank set up a joint venture bank names Bank of
Maldives Limited (BML). It is the first bank of Maldives. In 1992, as per contract, IFIC Bank
handed over the management of BML to Maldives.
? b. Oman-Bangladesh Exchange – To facilitate remittance by Bangladeshi in Oman, IFIC
bank set up a money exchange company as a joint venture, named Oman-Bangladesh
Branch abroad
? Pakistan Branch – IFIC Bank opened its first overseas branch in Karachi, Pakistan. It
opened its second branch at Lahore in Pakistan.
? Nepal Bangladesh Limited – In December 1993, the Bank got permission to establish a
joint venture bank with 50% equity capital in Nepal. The Bank known as, Nepal Bangladesh
Ltd. came into operation in June 1994.
Human Resource Development
The Bank has a Human Resource Development & Research Department to develop human
resources internally. The Academy is equipped with professional library, modern training
aids professional faculty and other facility. It is now under Personnel & Human Resource
Development & Research Division. The Academy conducts regularly foundation courses,
specialized courses and seminars on different areas of banking to take care of the professional
Total manpower stood at 2237 as on September, 2010
? Cash Credit
? Secured Overdraft
? Bank Guarantee
? Long Term and Short Term Financing
? House Building Loan
? Car Loan
Retail Banking
Retail Banking is mass-banking facility for individual customers to avail banking services
directly from their wide branch net work all over the country. IFIC provide one stop financial
services to all individual customers thorough their innovative products and services to cater
their need. With a view to provide faster and more convenient centralized online banking
services, most of IFIC branches have been brought under the real time online banking system.
IFIC Bank offers a wide variety of deposit products, loan product and value added services to
suit consumer banking requirements. Products and services for individual customer include.
Consumer finance, deposit product, card, NRB account, student File, SMS banking.
Deposit Product
IFIC bank offers a wide variety of deposit products to meet consumer financial needs from
current and savings account to fixed deposits and pension schemes each account is designed
to give Consumers the best value for their money.
Saving account
IFIC are offering the most attractive interest rate of 5% on consumer savings account.
Initial Deposit: Tk. 500.00 at rural branches & Tk. 1000/- for urban branches which should be
considered as minimum balance.
Competitive Interest Rate
No extra hidden charge
Debit Card facility
SMS Banking Facility
ATM facility
Online banking facility
Utility payment service
Transfer of fund from one branch to another
Opportunity for availing locker facility
Current Account:
Fixed deposit gives you higher interest than other forms of deposits. IFIC Bank is offering
competitive interest rate in FDR:
Tk. 1.00 crore and above but less than Tk. 5.00 crore. 8.50%
Tk. 1.00 crore and above but less than Tk. 5.00 crore. 8.50%
FDR (1 Year)
Tk. 1.00 crore and above but less than Tk. 5.00 crore. 8.25%
IFIC Bank is pleased to offer 3(three) / 5(five) Years Monthly Savings plan with higher
return and monthly pension option at maturity. Monthly Installment option and Payment after
maturity, now being offered under the scheme, are as under:
Monthly Instalment 3 years Terms 5 years Terms
Amount payable After maturity Amount payable After maturity
Tk. 500 Tk. 20,781 Tk. 38,134
Tk. 1,000 Tk. 41,562 Tk. 76,268
Tk. 2,000 Tk. 83,125 Tk. 1,52,536
Tk. 3,000 Tk. 1,24,687 Tk. 2,28,804
Tk. 5,000 Tk. 2,07,812 Tk. 3,81,340
Tk.10,000 Tk. 4,15,624 Tk. 7,62,680
Tk.15,000 Tk. 6,23,435 Tk. 11,44,020
Tk.20,000 Tk. 8,31,247 Tk. 15,25,360
Tk.25,000 Tk. 10,39,059 Tk. 19,06,699
Tk.50,000 Tk. 20,78,118 Tk. 38,13,399
Consumer can receive full payment at maturity or option for a pension on monthly basis to
meet their needs.
The scheme entitles consumer to have Income Tax Rebate to make their savings even more
Income Tax Rebate: Monthly installments of IFIC PSS will qualify as allowable investment
in Yearly Income Tax Return. The account under this scheme will also be exempted from
deduction of tax on interest payable at source. However, If any tax or other Govt. Levy is
payable under this Scheme in future the same shall be deducted from the account.
Credit Facility: The A/c holder can avail loan / Secured Overdraft (maximum 80% of the
deposited principal amount but not less than Tk.20, 000/-) against lien of the PSS account to
meet the personal need, educational expenses of his/her children or for medical treatment.
Double Return Deposit Scheme (DSS)
Enjoy higher return on your valuable Investment
IFIC Bank is pleased to offer 8 ½ Years – Double Return Deposit Scheme (DRDS) with
special feature:
Minimum Deposit Term Benefit
Tk. 25,000 8 ½ Yrs. Double return after 8 ½Years.
(subject to deduction of Tax & Excise duty)
Special Feature: If consumer require to have their money back after completion of 1(one)
year, IFIC will not deprive consumer from interest for pre-encashment. For each completed
years and subsequent completed years you will get interest @8.50% p.a.
Credit Facility: You can avail Credit facility up to max. 90% of the deposited amount against
registering Lien on Instrument with the issuing Branch.
Consumers will require opening / having a CD/SB Account with the Branch.
Consumers can open more than one account in your name in any branch
Credit Facility: Consumers can avail loan/overdraft facility against registering lien on the
MIS account as per the Bank’s prescribed rates and rules.
Monthly Income will be paid after deduction of Tax/Excise duty or any other levy as may be
decided by the Government of Bangladesh from time to time.
Special notice deposit (SND) Account
Special Notice deposit (SND) Account is opened for any individual form financial
Initial Deposit for opening account Tk. 25,000/- (Min.)
SND interest Rate
Tk. 1.00 crore and above but less than Tk.25.00 crore 2.50%
Tk. 25.00 crore and above but less than Tk. 50.00 crore 4.00%
Tk. 50.00 crore and above but less than Tk. 100.00 crore 2.00%
The growth of Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) in terms of size and number has
multiple effects on the national economy, specifically on employment generation, GDP
growth, and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. At present, Small & Medium Enterprise
sector is playing a vital role in creation of new generation entrepreneurs and ‘Entrepreneurs
Culture’ in the country. Experience shows that borrowers of small enterprise sector prefers
collateral free loan since normally they cannot offer high value security to cover the
To facilitate SME sector of the country, IFIC Bank provides collateral free credit facilities to
the small & medium entrepreneurs across the country whose access to traditional credit
facilities are very limited. IFIC are offering 15 different products for selected target groups,
such as – Easy Commercial Loan, Retailers Loan, Muldhan Loan, Women Entrepreneur’s
Loan (Protyasha), Transport Loan, Working Capital Loan, Project Loan, letter of
Contractor’s Loan, Bidder’s Loan, Working Capital Loan, Project Loan, Letter of Guarantee,
Letter of Credit Loan against Imported Merchandize (LIM), Loan against Trust Receipt etc.
Interest Rate: 15.00% p.a. with quarterly rest or as revised from time to time.
5. Duly signed and crossed post dated cheques in favour of Bank branch for each instalment
and one undated cheque for full loan value including full interest supported by memorandum
of deposit of cheques.
6. Financial statement.
Transport Loan
To purchase of Road/Water transport for commercial use individual, business enterprises
(other than public limited company) engaged in transport business at least two years
experience are eligible for transport loan.
Interest Rate: 14.75% to 15.50% p.a. with quarterly rest or as revised from time to time
Loan processing fees: 1.00% on loan amount maximum tk. 10000
Service Charge: .50% on loan amount
Penal Interest: Additional 2.00% p.a. on the overdue amount, if any
Required Requirement
1. One copy passport size photograph of intending borrower(s) as well as guarantor(s)
8. Bia Deed
16. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm) registered with RJSC & Firm along with
letter of partnership on Bank’s prescribed format
17. Memorandum & Articles of Association along with certificate of incorporation duly
certified by RJSC and resolution from the Board of Directors (in case of private limited
18. Copy of upto date list of directors (Form XII) certified by RJSC
Retailers Loan
To meet working capital finance for any small and retail entrepreneur with successful
business record, having a valid trade license are eligible for retailer’s loan.
Eligibility: Successful Business Record and Valid trade license
Nature of the loan: Term Loan
Repayment: Monthly Repayment facility
Security: No collateral security
Loan size: Maximum Tk 2 Lac.
Loan period: 12 To 36 Months
Interest Rate: 16%p.a with quarterly rest or as revised from time to time
Loan Processing Fees: Tk 500 up to Tk 1000 abouve 1 lac.
Service Charge: 1% on Loan Amount
Penal Interest: Additional 2% p.a on the overdue amount If any
Required Requirement
1. One copy passport size photograph.
4. Duly signed & crossed post dated cheque in favour of bank branch for each instalment &
one undated cheque for full loan value including full interest.
Bidder’s Loan:
Individuals, business enterprises (other than public limited company) engaged in construction
and supply business can avail Bidder’s loan for issuing Payment Order/Demand Draft etc. to
participating in tenders.
Interest Rate: 15.50% p.a with quarterly rest or as revised from time to time
Loan processing fees: Tk 2000
Service Charge: 0.25% on loan amount minimum Tk 5000
Panal Interest: Additional 2.00%p.a on the overdue amount.
Required Documents
Required Requirement
1. One copy passport size photograph of Proprietor/Partners/ Managing Director of the
company as well as guarantors(s).
3. TIN certificate
5. Financial statement.
6. An under taking from the borrower to the effect that all PO/SDR/DD (except the successful
one) issued under the limit shall be deposited to the branch for credit to the relevant loan
General Account
8. Bia deed
14. NOC from concerned authority for creation mortgage where applicable
15. CIB report of the borrower
16. Partnership deed along with Letter of Partnership on Ban’s prescribed format
17. Memorandum & Articles of Association with certificate of incorporation duly certified by
3. TIN certificate
5. Financial statement
6. Original Deed
7. Bia deed
18. Memorandum & Articles of Association along with certificate of incorporation duly
certified by RJSC
Contractor Loan:
Individual, business enterprises (other than public limited company) engaged in construction
and supply business are eligible for secured over draft to execute work order awarded by
Govt./Semi Govt. & Autonomous Bodies.
Interest Rate: 15.50%p.a with quarterly rest or as revised from time to time
Loan processing fees: Tk 2000
Service Charge: 0.25% on loan amount
Penal interest: Additioanl 2.00%p.a the overdue amount. If any
Required documents:
1. Onecopy passport size photograph of intending borrower(s) as well as guarantors(s).
5. Financial statement
6. TIN certificate
10. Memorandum & Articles of Association with certificate of incorporation duly certified by
19. NOC from concerned authority for creation mortgage where applicable
1. Trade License
4. Deed of Partnership along with letter of partnership on Bank’s prescribed format (for
partnership firm).
1. Pre-shipment Finance:
The exporter may avail of facilities during pre-shipment stage in the following ways:
i. Back-to-Back Credit.
ii. Packing Credit.
i. Back-to-Back Credit:
Under this arrangement IFIC Bank finances an export by opening a letter of credit on behalf
of the exporter who has received a letter of credit form the overseas buyer but is not the
actual manufactures or producers of the exportable goods. The letter of credit is opened in
favor of the actual producer or supplier within or outside the country. Since the second letter
of credit is opened on the strength of, and backed by, another letter of credit it is called
“Back- to-Back Credit”. The need for a back-to-back credit arises because the beneficiary or
the original letter of credit may have to procure the goods from the actual producer who may
not supply the goods unless its payment is guaranteed by IFIC Bank in the form of a letter of
credit. The supplier is generally paid after negotiation of the documents. Since this type of
financing is somewhat risky, IFIC Bank sometimes asks for collateral security before opening
letter of credit. The back-toback letter of credit must confirm to the terms and conditions of
the original letter of credit.
For Head Office Approval: Proposal made on case to case basis in a detail format for, those
importers during their initial 3 to 6 months period. Satisfactory performance in the account
during the period upgrade them to avail full fledge credit line on 12 months basis.
Remittance is another important sector of the IFICBL from where it earns a lot of foreign
exchange every year. Remittance means to send or transfer money or money worth from one
place to another. In case the bank as the media to transfer or remit the money. Against the
service it charges some commission from the client.
Types of Remittance:
Generally the process of remittance can be divided into major categories:
• Inward Remittance
• Outward Remittance
Inward Remittance
Inward Remittance deals with funds from overseas. The remittance can be performed in two
• Cash remittance through TT (Telegraphic Transfer)/ DD (Demand Draft)
• Remittance due to export.
Functions of Foreign Remittance Section
• Selling of traveler’s cheques to Bangladesh travelers.
• Selling cash foreign currency in the form of draft and ties to Bangladeshi students for
education abroad.
• Selling of foreign currency to Bangladeshi for medical expenses.
• Selling of foreign exchange to non resident stock investor.
• Buying of International currency from foreigner and Bangladeshi.
• Buying cash foreign currency from foreigner and Bangladesh.
• Buying of draft from Bangladeshi.
• Buying of International currency from FC account of Bangladeshis individual as well as
from exporters.
• Buying of International currency from non resident investing in shares and stocks of
Other foreign exchange operation of IFICBL includes FC A/C Such as Non resident foreign
currency Deposits (NFCD), Non Resident Bangladeshi’s in initial Public offer etc. These
schemes are only for the non resident Bangladeshi. These are maintained by the foreign
currency. These schemes are very much profitable both for IFICBL and non Resident
Additional Services
IFIC bank makers and inquiry on the Money Gram computer network to obtain authorization
to pay recipient & recipient receives the fund. At IFICBL they provided the recipients
immediate attention and due care. They have made it a point to pay for the IFICBL branches
at his convenience for payment recipient within minutes. The recipients need not require
having a bank account. We do not levy extra charge. We give a better exchange rate to the
Money Gram Policies & Producers:
• Record keeping Requirements
• Money Transfer Send transaction
• Money Transfer Receive transaction
• Verification of customer’s identity
• Send & Receive form
Assets and Liabilities of IFIC Bank:
Liabilities: claim on the assets of a Bank or individual-excluding ownership equity.
Characteristics: (1) It represents a transfer of assets or services at a specified or determinable
date. (2) The firm or individual has little or no discretion to avoid the transfer. (3) The event
causing the obligation has already occurred.
Paid up capital: The total amount of shareholder capital that has been paid in full by
shareholders. Paid-up capital is essentially the portion of authorized stock that the company
has issued and received payment for. Paid up capital is the actual amount of capital in money
that bank and other directors have contributed towards the company as opposed to the
authorized capital of the company.
The Paid-up Capital is that the amount of money that going to be contributed to setup a new
company. When Bank increases their paid up capital, capital asset also increase. in this graph
we can see IFIC Bank increase their paid up capital in 2007,2008 and 2009.
Reserve: Bank Companies Act, 1991 requires the bank to transfer from its current year’s
profit before tax to reserve until such reserve together with share premium account equals to
its paid up capital. IFIC Bank transferred 18% of its current year’s Profit before Tax (PBT) to
this reserve.
Deposits Account increases day by day in IFIC Bank they need to reserve more fund
against this type of deposits. In this graph we can see that their reserve constantly increases
2005 to 2009 they need more Reserve fund compared other years.
Borrowed Fund: Borrowed funds include call borrowing, term borrowings and re-finance
from different commercial banks and central bank.
Year Amount In Tk
2005 1197380691
2006 291294330
2007 1105237195
2008 203530016
2009 1250000000
In This Graph we can see that IFIC Bank Borrowed more in 2005, 2007 and 2009 that’s
means IFIC Bank investment opportunities is high in this three years. In this three year also
increase their Financial Leverage.
Deposits and Other Account: Deposits are recognized when the Bank enters into contractual
provisions of the arrangements with the counterparties, which is generally on trade date and
initially measured at the consideration received.
In this graph we can see that the IFIC Bank Deposits increase day by day. That’s means IFIC
Bank increase their Interest rate, so the people Deposits more and more money. From the
political view in our country investment opportunities is not enough. So the people don’t
have more investment opportunities and they deposit their money which bank gives more
Other Liabilities: Exporters F.C account, accrued expenses provision for classified loans and
advance dividend payable, provision for taxation, bonus payable, Loan pool , Oman
international Exchange, Export development fund and many more liabilities for IFIC bank
are include here.
Year Amount In Tk
2005 5137405111
2006 5533186610
2007 6295077124
2008 6237046589
2009 7436447934
the amount of income taxes, interest on nondeposit liabilities and other expenses accrued
through charges to expense during the current or prior periods, but not yet paid, Dividends
declared but not yet payable — Include the amount of cash dividends declared on limited-life
preferred, perpetual preferred, and common stock on or before the report date but not
payable. We can see the IFIC Bank other liabilities are much, so they need this type of
Assets of IFIC Bank LTd: Most of the assets of banks can be grouped into 4 categories: cash,
securities, loans, and other assets, which includes real property, such as equipment, buildings,
land, and repossessed collateral from borrowers who have defaulted. IFIC Bank assets are in
the form of loans with a large portion in securities, since these are the main sources of income
for IFIC bank.
Cash: Cash is obviously an asset to a bank. A bank must maintain a certain level of cash
compared to its liabilities to maintain solvency. A bank must hold some cash as reserves they
have to keep some cash to conduct business which includes being able to meet withdrawal
requests and to meet reserve requirements that are set by the Bangladesh Bank to help
prevent insolvency.
Year Amount in Tk.
2005 2146612028
2006 2646787635
2007 3593513841
2008 3340418678
2009 4633980079
Balance with other bank and financial institution: Balance with other bank is another asset of
a bank.IFIC Bank Ltd includes Balance with other bank in Bangladesh and balance with
other banks outside Bangladesh.
In this graph we can see in 2009 Balance with other bank is more compared with other years.
in 2009 85% Balance with other bank in Bangladesh and rest of the percentage in Balance
with other bank outside Bangladesh.
Money at call on short notice: One of the assets that appears in the balance sheet of a bank. It
includes funds lent to discount houses, money brokers, the stock exchange, bullion brokers,
corporate customers, and increasingly to other banks. ‘At call’ money is repayable on
demand, whereas ‘short notice’ money implies that notice of repayment of up to 14 days will
be given. After cash,
Year Amount in Tk
2005 990000000
2006 1150000000
2007 0
2008 70000000
2009 200000000
Money at call and short notice are the banks’ most liquid assets. They are usually interest-
earning secured loans IFIC Bank provided more in 2005 and 2006 but their importance lies in
providing the banks with an opportunity to use their surplus funds and to adjust their cash and
liquidity requirements IFIC not provided Money at call and short notice in 2008 and
2009 they provided very small amount Money at call on short notice.
Year Amount in Tk
2005 2971466388
2006 3545155700
2007 3855691124
2008 5229884252
2009 9082951144
Banks don’t like putting their assets into fixed-income securities, because the yield isn’t that
great. IFIC Bank invests more in 2009 compare in other years. In 2009 IFIC Bank Ltd
investment 86.40% in Government securities which is more than compare in other years.
However, investment-grade securities are liquid, and they have higher yields than cash, so it’s
always prudent for a bank to keep securities on hand in case they need to free up some
Loans and Advances: Loans represent the majority of a bank’s assets. A bank can typically
earn a higher interest rate on loans than on securities, roughly 6%-8%.
Year Amount
2005 21694895612
2006 25490660668
2007 28361456225
2008 33018385382
2009 37793886723
IFIC Bank Ltd gives correspondingly more Loans and advances. So they earn more interest
in constantly. This is very good for IFIC bank. Loans, however, come with risk. If the bank
makes bad loans to consumers or businesses, the bank will take a hit when those loans aren’t
Fixed Assets: A long-term, tangible asset held for business use and not expected to be
converted to cash in the current or upcoming fiscal year, such as manufacturing equipment,
real estate, and furniture. Also called plant.
year Amount
2005 192758868
2006 317439052
2007 383075972
2008 511452828
2009 616262074
IFIC Bank fixed assets comparatively increase. In 2009 they buy more fixed assets compared
in other years. Percentage change in fixed cost sometimes percentage change for EBIT. If
useful lives of assets do not differ significantly as it was previously estimated, bank
management does not consider revaluing its assets by the meantime.
Other Assets: Other assets, including property and equipment, represent only a small fraction
of assets. A bank can generate large revenues with very few hard assets. Compare this to
some other companies, where plant, property, and equipment (PP&E) is a major asset.
Year Amount
2005 1194269731
2006 986779144
2007 1361334367
2008 1640263398
2009 2419136205
Other assets include stationery and stamps, suspense account, Revaluation A/C FDBP,
Revaluation A/C IDBP and Accounts receivable others. We can see that in this graph 2009
and 2008 other assets are very good for IFIC Bank Ltd.
The overall scene says that The IFIC bank has the strong efficient management in loan
management. Although there a chance to default loan and some non performing loan the bank
always prefer to utilize their deposit fund in the loan sector than in investment sector. The
IFIC bank always takes necessary steps by analyzing the credit approaches thus the bank does
not need to face the loan default problem. But the efficiency also affected by economic
condition of the country beside the political situation. The IFIC Bank is always promising
satisfied its customer.
Today’s business is very competitive and complex. To survive in the related sector the
organization need competitive people and has to take some effective policy. Every country
must given a plan for important role in economic activities Bangladesh is no exception of
that. Commercial Bank’s financial development and economic development are closely
related. That’s why the private commercial banks are playing significant role in this regard.
The Bank should have to up a new standard in financing in the industrial, Trade and foreign
exchange business. Its various deposit and credit products should have also attracted the
clients- both corporate and individuals who feel comfort in doing business with the Bank.
The bank should take initiative effort to accelerate the non interest income performance for
avoiding negative non net interest income.
Annual Report 2006
Annual Report 2008
Annual Report 2009