Monkeys Paw

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CLASSwith Drama
a story appeal
t mele

You have three wishes.
What could possibly go wrong?
Circle the character you will play.
*Starred characters are major roles.

Scene Setter, reads the scene

number and description
*Stage Directors 1, 2, 3, and 4
(SD1, SD2, SD3, SD4), describe the
lighting, sets, and sound effects as
Based on the classic story by W.W. Jacobs
sl_photo/ (paper); iStockPhoto/Getty Images (monkey paw)

well as characters’ actions

Adaptation by Jennifer Dignan *Mr. White
Illustrations by Gary Hanna Sergeant Major Morris,
an old friend of Mr. White
*Mrs. White
Herbert , the Whites’ son
Messengers 1 and 2

Turn the page

to read this creepy tale.


As You Read Would you use the monkey’s paw? Morris: Well, all right. It’s just a bit of what you
might call magic, perhaps.
Scene 1 SD3: Morris fumbles in his pocket and pulls out a
An October evening, 1901—a stone cottage shriveled monkey’s paw.
in the English countryside Mrs. White (recoiling): Oof  !
SD1: The sounds of howling wind and pelting rain rise Morris: To look at it, it’s just an ordinary little paw.
from the darkness, punctuated by claps of thunder. Mr. White: What’s special about it?
SD2: After a minute, the sounds of the storm fade. Morris: A holy man put a spell on it.
SD3: The stage lights come up to reveal a cozy living SD4: Morris leans forward as if to confess a secret.
room where Mr. and Mrs. White, their son, Herbert, Morris: He wanted to show that fate rules our lives,
and Sergeant Major Morris are gathered before a and that those who interfere with fate do so to their
crackling fire. sorrow. He put a spell on it so that three men could
Mr. White: Twenty-one years it’s been since you left, each be granted three wishes.
Morris! You were a young man then. Herbert: Well then, why don’t you have three
Morris: Indeed—just about Herbert’s age, I suppose. wishes, sir?
This play is adapted from a short story by
Mrs. White: I couldn’t bear the thought of Herbert SD1: Morris slowly sets the paw on the small table W.W. Jacobs that was first published in
packing off to distant lands. before him. England in 1902 and is still widely read today.
It includes many classic elements of the
Morris: How have you been keeping busy, Herbert? Morris (gravely): I have.
horror genre that create suspense—startling
Herbert: I’ve got a job at Maw and Meggins. It’s a bit Mrs. White: And were they granted? noises, a storm, and supernatural events.
tedious working the machinery, but my boss has been Morris: They were. What else makes this story suspenseful?

hinting that I’ll soon be promoted. Mr. White: Has anyone else wished?
SD4: Mrs. White places a hand on her son’s knee. Morris: The first man made his three wishes. I don’t
Mrs. White: We’re very proud of our boy. know what the first two were, but the third wish was for Morris: Hold it up in your right hand and state your SD3: Morris leaves. Herbert closes the door and turns
Herbert: Father says you’ve been in India, Sergeant death. That’s how I got the paw. wish out loud. But I caution you: It’s a curse, not a to his parents.
Major. SD2: The room falls silent. All eyes rest on the blessing. Herbert: Father, your friend is quite the storyteller. If his
Morris (vaguely) : Hmmmm. monkey’s paw. SD3: Mrs. White moves toward the kitchen. story about the monkey’s paw is not more truthful than
Mr. White: I’d rather like to visit India myself. Mrs. White: How awful—to wish for death. Mrs. White: How about wishing me four pairs of hands the rest of what he’s told us tonight, I’m afraid the paw
Morris: Trust me, you would not. Nothing but war and Mr. White: If you’ve already had your three wishes, with which to serve dinner? will be of little use.
plagues there. Morris, why do you keep the monkey’s paw? SD4: The Whites burst into laughter, but Morris grabs Mr. White: That may be. Though before he left, he
Mr. White: But what about the lively markets and Morris: To be honest, I’m not sure. I had some idea of Mr. White by the arm. pressed me again to throw the thing away.
enchanting old temples? selling it, but I don’t think I will. Morris: If you must make a wish, at least wish for Mrs. White: Such nonsense !
In the U.S.,
Morris: Nevertheless . . . SD3: Morris picks up the paw and studies it. something sensible. Mr. White: I’m sure you are right—but I might as
money is
Mr. White: What was it you started telling me the other Morris: It has caused enough mischief already. Mr. White: Very well. You’ve convinced me. Now in dollars. well make a wish, don’t you think? Although I
In England,
day, Morris? Something about a monkey’s paw? SD4: Suddenly, Morris tosses the paw into the fire. let’s eat before the food gets cold. don’t know what to wish for. I’ve got everything
money is in
Morris (quickly): Nothing. At least, nothing worth Morris: Better to let it burn. SD1: The lights fade as the group makes its way pounds. I want.
hearing. SD1: Mr. White lunges forward and snatches the paw to the dinner table. Herbert: Ah, but you would be happier if the house were
Mrs. White: What’s all this? A monkey’s paw? from the flames. paid for, wouldn’t you, Father? Go ahead, wish for 200
SD1: Morris stares into the fire for a long moment. Mr. White: If you don’t want it, Morris, give it to me! Scene 2 pounds and see what comes of it.
Morris: No . . . no, it’s best we leave that alone. Morris: No, sir, I won’t ! I wash my hands of it. Later that night SD4: Herbert catches his mother’s eye and winks. Mrs.
Herbert: But now we’re intrigued, Sergeant Major. SD2: But Mr. White is already examining his new SD2: Morris is leaving the Whites’ house. White rolls her eyes, shaking her head.
Mrs. White: Do tell! possession. Morris: Wonderful to meet you, Mrs. White. Best of SD1: With his right hand, Mr. White holds the
SD2: Morris looks at the Whites’ curious faces. A muscle Morris: If you keep it, don’t blame me for what happens. luck, Herbert. White, old man, pleasure to see you monkey’s paw high.
in his jaw twitches. Mr. White: How do you make a wish? again. But now I must be going or I’ll miss my train. Mr. White: I wish for 200 pounds! 


SD2: He cries out, dropping the paw. Messenger 2: But he is not in pain anymore. Quick! Go get the monkey’s paw and wish our boy alive SD2: There is another knock, louder this time. Mrs.
Mr. White: Aah! It moved! As I made my wish, it twisted Mrs. White: Well, thank goodness for that! again. White sits up.
in my hand like a snake! SD4: The messenger pauses, allowing his meaning to Mr. White (horrified  ): You do not know what you are Mrs. White: Herbert !
Mrs. White: You must have imagined it, dear. sink in. A horrified look crosses Mrs. White’s face. saying. SD3: Mrs. White moves toward the bedroom door. Mr.
Herbert: I don’t see any money. Mrs. White: NO! Mrs. White: We had the first wish granted. Why not the White catches her arm.
Mr. White: Nevermind, Messenger 1: I am afraid second? Mrs. White: Let go! It’s my boy!
then. There’s no harm your son was caught in Mr. White: That was . . . a coincidence. Mr. White: For goodness sake, don’t let it in !
The famous Taj Mahal in India has
done. But it gave me dazzled visitors for centuries. the machinery. Mrs. White: Go get it! Mrs. White: Are you really afraid of your own son?
quite a shock. SD1: Mr. White stares Mr. White: He has been dead seven days. Let me go!
SD3: Herbert picks up blankly. Mrs. White Mrs. White: I don’t care ! SD4: There is another knock, even louder.
the paw and examines begins to whimper. Mr. White: How will he appear now? SD1: Then another, louder still.
it. Then he shrugs and Messenger 2: The firm SD1: Mrs. White growls at him through gritted teeth. SD2: Mrs. White runs out the bedroom door.
places it on the mantel. wishes to convey its Mrs. White: Bring . . . him . . . back! Mrs. White: I’m coming, Herbert! I’m coming!
Herbert: Well, sympathy. Maw and SD2: With a pained expression, Mr. White leaves the SD3: The lights come up on the opposite side of the
goodnight. I expect Meggins admits no room. Mrs. White paces anxiously. stage—to show the Whites’ living room—as Mrs. White
you’ll wake to find a big liability, but in SD3: A few moments later, Mr. White returns, rushes to the front door.
bag of cash in the consideration of your holding the paw. SD4: The loud, insistent knocking continues as
middle of your bed— loss, they wish to present Mrs. White: What are you waiting for? Mrs. White tries to open the lock.
and some horrible THE TIME PERIOD you with compensation. Mr. White: It is foolish and wicked. SD1: She calls over her shoulder.
monkey ghost watching When this story was published, India was under the rule of England. To SD2: Mr. White gasps. Mrs. White: Wish! Mrs. White: The bolt is stuck! I can’t open
people in England, India was a fascinating, far-away land. Travelers like
you pocket your ill- Morris came home telling wild, fanciful stories of what they’d seen. Mr. White: How much? Mr. White: What if he does come back the door!
gotten gains. Ha! These stories were often more entertaining than accurate. Messenger 1: Two but he still looks . . . dead? SD2: As Mrs. White wrestles with the
hundred pounds. Mrs. White: WISH! bolt, Mr. White, in the bedroom,
Scene 3 SD4: Mr. White’s hand shakes as he crawls on his hands and knees,
The next evening Scene 4 slowly raises the paw. groping for the monkey’s paw.
SD4: Mr. and Mrs. White are having dinner. A week later in the middle of the night Mr. White (quietly  ): I wish my son Mrs. White: Hold on, Herbert.
Mr. White (smiling ): I expect Herbert will tease his SD3: In a small downstage area off to the side is alive. Hold on!
foolish father some more about the monkey’s paw Mr. and Mrs. White’s tidy bedroom. Moonlight SD1: He cringes and flings the paw to SD3: The knocking has grown to a
when he gets home from work. streams in through a window. the floor. violent pounding.
Mrs. White: You must admit he has the right. SD4: Mr. White is asleep in bed. Mrs. White sits in a SD2: Mrs. White rushes to the window SD4: Mr. White seizes the paw and
SD1: She glances at the grandfather clock in the corner. chair by the window, staring out at the night. and stares out. thrusts his arm into the air.
Mrs. White: I wonder what’s keeping him. SD1: A clock ticks on the dresser. SD3: Minutes pass. Nothing happens. Mr. White: I wish it would GO AWAY !
SD2: There is a knock at the door. SD2: Suddenly, Mrs. White turns to her sleeping Mr. White sighs with relief. SD1: The knocking stops abruptly.
SD3: Mrs. White answers it. She shows two messengers husband. Mr. White: I am going back to bed. SD2: Just then, Mrs. White manages to
into the room. They seem uncomfortable, shifting from Mrs. White: (crying out ): THE PAW! THE PAW! THE SD4: Mrs. White looks out the window for a slide the bolt.
side to side and fidgeting. MONKEY’S PAW ! moment longer and then, without a word, SD3: She flings open the door.
Messenger 1: We were sent by Maw and Meggins. SD3: Mr. White bolts up in bed. His eyes dart wildly goes to bed too. SD4: But . . .
Mrs. White: Has something happened? around the room. SD1: The clock continues to tick. SD1: No one is there.
Mr. White: There, there, now. Don’t jump to Mr. White: What? Where? What’s wrong? Then there is a quiet knock from
THE THEME Mrs. White: No ! No ! No !
The theme “be careful what you wish for” is a
conclusions. Mrs. White: The monkey’s paw ! Do you still have it? offstage. popular one in literature. Characters learn the SD2: Mr. White rushes to her side

Messenger 2: We are very sorry . . . Mr. White: It’s on the mantel. Why? Mrs. White: What was that? hard way that having a wish come true is not and stands at the open door.
a blessing but a curse—and that it’s better to
Mrs. White: Is Herbert hurt? Is my boy hurt? SD4: Mrs. White clasps her hands to her heart. Mr. White: It was—a rat. I saw one SD3: Together, they look out

be content with what you already have.
Messenger 1: Badly hurt. Mrs. White: I’ve just realized: We’ve only had one wish. earlier. In the hallway. How is the monkey’s paw a curse? at the empty street. •


Informational Text

What Do You 2 Find your strengths.

Explore your interests
“Many of life’s
8 Visualize yourself.
Spend two minutes a day

Wish For?
and discover your
failures are people imagining yourself working toward
strengths. If you think who did not realize your goal. Include lots of details
you might want to be a professional how close they were to make your vision as realistic as
musician someday, sign up for to success when possible. Picture your environment
Here’s how to get it. (Don’t worry. No monkey’s paw required.) orchestra and see how it goes. and imagine how you will feel.
they gave up.”
By Kristin Lewis and Adee Braun

–Thomas Edison

n the play you just read, the
ability to get anything you wish
3 Start small.
A big goal—whether it’s to play
for the NFL or to be valedictorian—
9 Track your progress.
Measure your
progress by keeping a
Italian for turns out to be a terrible can be overwhelming. Break your goal diary. Professor Lori
curse. This got us thinking. Is into small steps. If your goal is to Desautels of Butler
there really something wrong swim at the Olympics, your first step University says that “focusing on
Go to space
with making a wish—and having that may be to shave a few seconds off the process, not the end goal” is
Make the wish come true? your backstroke time. important when you’re working

soccer We all have things we wish for. Maybe Ask for advice. to achieve something over a long
team you wish you could sing like Zendaya or
have thousands of Instagram followers.
There is nothing inherently bad about
4 Set a time frame.
Set a realistic time
frame for achieving your
Find a few people—teachers,
coaches, family members, friends—
with expertise who can help you
period of time. Look back at your
diary to remind yourself how far
you’ve come—especially when you’re
such wishes—and there is nothing goal, advises psychologist Marcus achieve your goal. Ask them to share overwhelmed or frustrated.
wrong with turning those wishes into Crede, a professor at Iowa State their knowledge with you, help you
goals that you strive to achieve. As The
Monkey’s Paw suggests, the trouble
starts when we take shortcuts to get
University. Rather than saying you will
accomplish your goal someday, pick a
specific day or month.
when you get stuck, answer your
questions, and keep you motivated. 10 Don’t be afraid to fail.
If you don’t reach your goal,
don’t sweat it. “It’s not a matter

Brian Goff/ (strength); Creative Stall/ (calender); Nathan Lazarnick/George Eastman House/
what we want.
7 Stay calm. of succeeding or failing,” Desautels

Getty Images (Thomas Edison); Vadym Nechyporenko/ (yoga); Aha-Soft/ (progress)

So how should we go about fulfilling
our wishes?  We asked the experts. Here
is what we found out.
5 Know yourself.
Be clear on what you need in
order to be at your best as well as
Some studies show
that a little stress
can be a powerful
says. Remember, if you fail today,
you can always try again tomorrow.
In the words of Thomas Edison, who
what gets in your way. If you get motivator. But too much stress can invented the incandescent lightbulb

1 Hill Street Studios/AGE Fotostock (girl); Dronathan/ (thought bubbles)

Figure out what you really want. distracted by Instagram, turn off your stop you from being productive. To after many years of trying and failing:
Before you go after what you phone. If you need eight hours of relieve your stress, take walks, listen “Many of life’s failures are people who
want, make sure you really want it. sleep to be in top form, be strict with to music, breathe deeply, or talk to did not realize how close they were
Achieving a goal takes a lot of time yourself about going to bed on time. someone about your worries. to success when they gave up.” •
and energy, so focus on something
that you care about deeply—whether
Writing Contest
that is helping animals in shelters
find new homes or starting your own Imagine that a friend has just found the monkey’s paw and is seeking your advice about whether
to use it. What would you say? Is there a better way for your friend to achieve his or her goals?
babysitting service. Begin with the
Answer both questions in the form of a letter, play scene, or 1- to 2-minute video. Send it to
things in your life that bring you joy Wishes Contest. Five winners will each get The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier. Get this
and excitement. activity


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