Municipal Corporation Bhilai Distt-Durg (C.G.) : Main Portal: Https://eproc - - in

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E-Procurement Tender Notice

Main Portal:

System No-- 81771 NIT NO: 02/Garden/Bhilai/2021 Dated : 17-08-2021

Online bids are invited for the following works of Items up to:

Start Date and Time 17-08-2021 (start date & time of bid preparation) at 17.31 hours. (IST) on wards
Last Date and Time Date 08-09-2021 (last date & time of bid preparation) at 17:00 hours.

Name of Work/Description of Item: - वर्ष 2021-2022 में निगम क्षेत्रांतर्गत स्थित उद्यानों का रखरखाव कार्य।

Amount of the Estimate - Rs. 1,01,07,880.00

The details can be viewed and downloaded online directly from the Government of Chhattisgarh e-
Procurement Portal from 17-08-2021 _at 17:31___ Hours. (IST) on wards. physical
submission of EmD Envelope A (by post& Courier) Last date --14-09-2021 at 17:30___ Hours.

For more details on the tender and bidding process you may please visit the above mentioned portal.
1. All eligible/interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on e-Procurement portal
2. Contractors can contact Help Desk for any clarification of their doubts regarding the process of
Electronic Procurement System. from M/s. Mjunction Services Limited, HelpDesk Toll Free
No.18004199140 (From 9.00 AM to 11.00 PM) [email protected]


Endt No. Raipur, Dated: __________

1. .......................................
2. .......................................
3. .......................................
4. Notice Board.

Notice Inviting Tender


for and on behalf MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BHILAI DISTT-DURG (C.G.) for Amendment issues
applicable up to date of issue of NIT and item rate in form ‘B and ABC’ from ……Open…… class . As per
Key Dates mentioned all other conditions for submission of tender and criteria for qualifications etc. have
been mentioned in the tender documents.

Work Details:

Name of work:- वर्ष 2021-2022 में निगम क्षेत्रांतर्गत स्थित उद्यानों का रखरखाव कार्य। as per NIT.
1) Amount of the Estimate:- Rs. 1,01,07,880.00
2) Time allowed for completion 1 year
3) Earnest Money Deposit:- Rs. 76,000.00 (EMD(FDR) in favour of Exucative Engineer Municipal
corporation Bhilai)
4) FDR of EMD & Affidavit will be received through speed post or registered post. (Offline)

General Terms and Conditions : -

1. In order to participate in the tenders floated using the e-Procurement System, all contractors/bidders are
required to get enrolled on the e-Procurement portal (

2. The bids submitted online should be signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to establish the identity of
the bidder bidding online. The registered contractors may obtain information required to issuance of Digital
Certificate from e-Procurement system Help Desk, for any clarification of their doubts regarding the process
of Electronic Procurement System. from M/s. Mjunction Services Limited, HelpDesk Toll Free
No.18004199140 (From9.00AMto11.00PM)[email protected]

3. For submitting the bids online, the contractors/bidders are required to make online payment using the
electronic payments gateway service Bid Hash Submission Fee as mentioned above The different modes of
electronic payments accepted on the e-Procurement System is available and can be viewed online on the E-
Procurement Website (

4. Tender Download, Submit Bid Hash online, Submission of Bids, EMD and other Documents and other
activities will be governed by the time schedules given under “Key Dates”.

5. Physical Submission of EMD(FDR) Earnest Money Deposit Fees Rs 76,000.00(FDR) Municipal

Corporation, Bhilai (C.G.) at Dated 14-09-2021 Time 5.30 PM. address of Zone -03 Office mather
TeresaNagar Graden Department Bhilai, Near Pani Tanki (C.G.)

6. Conditions related to e-Procurement are furnished in “Annexure–O” of tender document and will overrule
other conditions wherever applicable/relevant.

7. The Bidders has to submit (Upload Scan Copies/fill) his offer/credentials online as required in the tender in the
online templates in relevant envelopes.
8. The Municipal Corporation reserves the right to reject any part of/whole tender without assigning any reason
and to restrict the list of pre-qualified tendered to any number deemed fit by it.

9. EMD & Tender Fee Envelop-A and Price Bid Envelop-C .

10. If any pre-qualified tendered withdraws his offer before the validity period or makes/propose any
modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited.

11. Before the deadline for submission of tender the Commissioner Municipal Corporation Bhilai may modify the
tender document by issuing amendment.
12. Any amendment thus issued shall be part of the tender and shall be published on web site.

13. Commissioner Municipal Corporation will open the envelope containing pre qualification document received
(except those received late) in the presence of the tenderer(s) /representatives who choose to attend at the time,
date and place specified in the Notice inviting tender.

14. The authorized committee consisting of the Commissioner Bhilai Municipal Corporation , concern Executive
Engineer and the Account officer of the Bhilai &/or the designated officer will prepare minutes of the
prequalification opening and shortlist/approve the qualified tenderers.

15. Envelope containing Earnest money, other required documents of qualified tenderer shall be opened online on
the prescribed date and time as per Notice Inviting Tender. After verification of proper and valid Earnest
money and other required documents financial offers of such qualified bidders shall be opened online by the
Commissioner, Bhilai Municipal Corporation in the presence of the tenderer (s)/ representative who choose to
attend at that time.

16. “Additional performance shall be deposited by the successful bidder at the time of signing of agreement when
the bid amount is seriously unbalance. i.e. less than the estimated cost by more than 10% in such an event the,
successful bidder will deposit the additional performance security to the extent of differential cost of bid
amount and 90% of the estimated cost in shape of FDR of Nationalized Bank, post office saving bank
account/National saving certificate/ Post Office time deposit account in favour of Commissioner Municipal
Corporation Bhilai in Additional to MED failing which the tender in this favour shall be liable for Rejection.”

17. All document and certificates notarized must be submitted in Online. Only EMD will be submitted Physically.

18. Other Details can be seen in the tender documents.

19. Cess @ 1% (One Percent) shall be deducted at source, from every bill of contractor under Building and other
construction for workers welfare, Cess act – 1996

20. Water charges will be charged as per rules of Municipal Corporation, Bhilai

21. The Bidders may refer Help Manual available online to perform there online activities.

The bids of the contractors have to be digitally signed by the Digital Certificate of the Contractor before submitting
the bids online. All the contractors are required to submit Envelope A physically containing the following :
1. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as specified in the Tender-documents.
2. Attested copy of Registration certificates.
3. Attested copy of valid Solvency certificate or registration amendment certificate in respect of submission of
interest bearing instrument as security.
4. Attested copy of valid Commercial Tax Registration certificate in state of Chhattisgarh/valid Commercial
Tax clearance certificate. The contractors shall also upload the scanned copy of EMD instrument along with other
details (Pre-qualification document etc.) during Online Bidding submission Process.
5. P.Q. document (as applicable for the work) in separate sealed cover B.Envelope-A should be submitted only
through Registered Post/Speed Post in the Office of the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Bhilai (C.G.)
Note: - All eligible/interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on the eProcurement portal
(( order to download the tender documents and participate in the subsequent
bidding process.
For any other queries regarding online registration on the above mentioned website and digital certificate,
please contact to:
M/s. Mjunction Services Limited, HelpDesk Toll Free No.1800 4199140 (From 9.00 AM to 11.00
PM) [email protected]

22. In order to participate in the tenders floated using the e-Procurement System, all contractors/bidders
are required to get enrolled on the e-Procurement portal (

3. The bids submitted online should be signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to establish the
identity of the bidder bidding online. The registered contractors may obtain information required to
issuance of Digital Certificate from e-Procurement system Help Desk, for any clarification of their
doubts regarding the process of Electronic Procurement System. from M/s. Junction Services
Limited, HelpDesk Toll Free No.18004199140 (From9.00AMto11.00PM)
[email protected]
23. For submitting the bids online, the contractors/bidders are required to make online payment using the
electronic payments gateway service Bid Hash Submission Fee as mentioned above The different
modes of electronic payments accepted on the e-Procurement System is available and can be viewed
online on the e-Procurement Website (
24. Tender Download, Submit Bid Hash online, Submission of Bids, EMD and other Documents and
other activities will be governed by the time schedules given under “Key Dates”.
25. Conditions related to e-Procurement are furnished in “Annexure–O” of tender document and will
overrule other conditions wherever applicable/relevant.

26. Physical Submission of EMD(FDR) Municipal Corporation, Bhilai (C.G.) at Dated 17/01/2019
Time 5.30 PM. address of Zone -03 Office mother Teresa nagar in Pani Tanki, Garden
department Municipal Corporation Bhilai, (C.G.)
28. The Bidders has to submit (Upload Scan Copies/fill) his offer/credentials online as required in the
tender in the online templates in relevant envelopes.
29. Applicant must have minimum average yearly turn over & minimum experience in
similar completed/ongoing works as per pre-qualification criteria mentioned in tender
30. The Municipal Corporation reserves the right to reject any part of/whole tender
without assigning any reason and to restrict the list of pre-qualified tendered to any
number deemed fit by it.

31. EMD & Tender Fee Envelop-A and Price Bid Envelop-C in online/Offiline Medium.
32. If any pre-qualified tendered withdraws his offer before the validity period or
makes/propose any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender, the said
earnest money shall stand forfeited.

33. Before the deadline for submission of tender the Commissioner Municipal Corporation Bhilai may
modify the tender document by issuing amendment.
34. Any amendment thus issued shall be part of the tender and shall be published on web
35. Commissioner Municipal Corporation will open the envelope containing pre
qualification document received online (except those received late) in the presence of the
tenderer(s) /representatives who choose to attend at the time, date and place specified
in the Notice inviting tender.
36. The authorized committee consisting of the Commissioner Bhilai Municipal
Corporation , concern Executive Engineer and the Account officer of the Bhilai
&/or the designated officer will prepare minutes of the prequalification opening and
shortlist/approve the qualified tenderers.
37. Envelope containing Earnest money, other required documents of qualified tenderer
shall be opened online on the prescribed date and time as per Notice Inviting Tender.
After online verification of proper and valid Earnest money and other required documents
financial offers of such qualified bidders shall be opened online by the Commissioner,
Bhilai Municipal Corporation in the presence of the tenderer (s)/ representative
who choose to attend at that time.
38. “Additional performance shall be deposited by the successful bidder at the time of
signing of agreement when the bid amount is seriously unbalance. i.e. less than the
estimated cost by more than 10% in such an event the, successful bidder will deposit
the additional performance security to the extent of differential cost of bid amount and
90% of the estimated cost in shape of FDR of Nationalized Bank, post office saving
bank account/National saving certificate/ Post Office time deposit account in favour of
Commissioner Municipal Corporation Bhilai in Additional to MED failing
which the tender in this favour shall be liable for Rejection.”

39. All document and certificates notarized must be submitted in Online/offline.

40. Other Details can be seen in the tender documents.
41. Cess @ 1% (One Percent) shall be deducted at source, from every bill of contractor under Building
and other construction for workers welfare, Cess act – 1996
42. Water charges will be charged as per rules of Municipal Corporation, Bhilai
43. The Bidders may refer Help Manual available online to perform there online activities.

The bids of the contractors have to be digitally signed by the Digital Certificate of the Contractor before
submitting the bids online. All the contractors are required to submit Envelope A online containing the
following :

1. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as specified in the Tender-documents.

2. Attested copy of Registration certificates.
3. Attested copy of valid Solvency certificate or registration amendment certificate in respect of
submission of interest bearing instrument as security.
4. Attested copy of valid Commercial Tax Registration certificate in state of Chhattisgarh/valid
Commercial Tax clearance certificate. The contractors shall also upload the scanned copy of EMD
instrument along with other details (Pre-qualification document etc.) during Online Bidding submission

P.Q. document (as applicable for the work) in separate sealed cover B.Envelope-A should be submitted
only through online/OfflineMedium.
Note: - All eligible/interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on the eProcurement portal
(( order to download the tender documents and participate in the
subsequent bidding process.
For any other queries regarding online registration on the above mentioned website and digital certificate,
please contact to:
M/s. Mjunction Services Limited, HelpDesk Toll Free No.1800 4199140 (From 9.00 AM to 11.00 PM)
[email protected]

Any query please Contact: - Rajendra shigh Rajput (Ass. Eng.) Mo. No. 9827373068
NIT Details

dk;Z dk uke %& o’kZ 2021&2022 esa fuxe {ks=kUrxZr fLFkr mn~;kuksa
dk j[kj[kko dk;ZA

Ø Jfedksa dk Jfedksa dh fnol U;wure izfrekg

- oxZ la[;k ikfjJfed nj
1 ¼vdq'ky ½ 54 19710
54 x 365 =
19710 day

Cheak List

SL.NO. Proof to be attached Online Yes/No

1 GST Registration Yes
2 Labor licenses Yes
3 PF Licenses Yes
4 ESI Yes
5 Income Tax Clearance Yes
6 Valid Bank Solvency Yes
7 Pan card Yes
8 EMD Fees offline
9 Affidavit Offline
10 Other required No

Key Dates :-
S. No Description Date & Time
1 Tender Release:- 17-08-2021 (5.30 PM)
2 Bid Due Date:- 17-08-2021 (05:31 PM) to 08-09-2021 (05:30PM)
3 Physical Submission EMD End :- 17-08-2021 (05:31 PM) to 14-09-2021 (05:30PM)
4 Bid Open Date Schedule:- From 15-09-2021(10:30 AM) to till now completion

Vhi%& offline esa nh tkus okyh leLr nLrkost dks scane dj online nLrkost
ds lkFk fn;k tkos A

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